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Suggest why there is an urgent need to improve residential slums such as Dharavi.


Suggest why there is an urgent need to improve residential slums such as Dharavi 10 Mark. Over 375 million people live in urban slums or in poor isolated regions, amongst them are some of the worlds poorest people. The gap between rich and poor has widened and so the poor are forced to live in slums as they cannot have a proper home. Thus improving residential slums is important since many people are impacted. Residential slums such as the haravi lac! basic sanitation such as having access to lavatories. There is only " lavatory for every ",5## of its residents, and so disease can be passed on from another very easily. Therefore it is import to improve slums thousands of people become ill. $lso due to lac! of social services people are finding difficult in accessing ade%uate treatment such as healthcare. There is not a sing public around the haravi region and so many die on the streets as they cannot get treated. &urthermore many of the buildings are constructed illegally on 'overnment land. This means that many people living in slum area will be forced to move out. (onflict will arise between the residents of the slum and the government, because the slum is their only home. $s a result it is important to prevent from conflict happening it is necessary to improve haravi slums. )n addition to there is huge amount of industrial waste in the slums which contain to*ics chemicals that can be harmful. (hildren are the most at ris! from these chemicals and so a lot of the young children living in slums die before their fifth birthday. Thus it is important to clear out the industrial waste from the slums and urgent action need to be ta!en to reduce the number of children dying at a very young age. +oreover taps run dry most of the time and so people do not have access to ade%uate drin!ing water. $lso when the water runs out from the tan!, residents have to wait for another fortnight for the tan! to be refilled again. Therefore the only other water source is to get water from nearby river or stream which may be contaminated and unsafe to drin!. haravi has a high rate of unemployment. ,eople who are unemployed may commit crime, as this is one source of earning money such as stealing. -ustees are another form of slum in )ndia that is located along riverside. ,eople living in -ustees also e*perience from overcrowding, spread of diseases such as cholera and typhoid from drains. $lso flood is prone in -ustees it is situated near riverside locations. The -ustees also lac! provisions of basic amenities such as water and electricity. .umming up it is essential to improve residential slums as residents are impacted negatively due to unemployment, health and social issues such as water supply and sanitation.

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