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Write a program to implement user defined menu based methods:




a) Leap year. b) * pattern c) Factorial d) Print week days using switch case. 2. Write a program to implement K ! format "uestion # answers using different methods. Write a program to calculate the $olume of cuboids using default constructor in the class. Write a program to implement o$erloading of constructors in the class. Write a program to implement %ethod o$erloading& where the o$erloaded method& area& is used for calculating area of circle& rectangle& $olume of cuboids. Write a program to implement simple inheritance using ' functions sum() * sum( in different classes. Write a program to implement +nheritance using constructors for initiali,ing the $ariables in which super class has method calculating area of rectangle and sub class -s method will calculate $olume of rectangle. Write a program to implement %ethod o$erriding in which o$er.ridded method& sum& is calculating sum of ' numbers in base class and sum of / numbers in deri$ed class. Write a program to achie$e multile$el inheritance. Write a program to implement 012)%+! %34560 0+7P)4!5 8o$erriding of methods where). Write a program to implement 39plicit and +mplicit !asting.


4. 5.




9. 10. 11. 12.

Write a program to implements ) 74:)!4 classes. 8+ncludes the concept of runtime polymorphism&

o$erriding of methods of abstract class.)

13. Write a program to find out the factorial of a gi$en number with the use of packages. 8package ) .; class ) !.; fact8) and package .; class ) .; main8).; calling of fact8) ). Write a program to print a star design to the gi$en number in gi$en pattern. 7tar pattern is: * ** *** **** <<.n where n is a gi$en number for star design. Write a program to achie$e the use of static keyword with $ariables and methods. Write a program to create an interface in which methods namely& show8) * area8) & are declared and class implements the interface.8 defines both methods in class). Write a program to achie$e the multiple inheritance using +nterfaces where two or more interfaces are implemented by a single class. Write a program to implement 2ested interface. Write a program to !reate =ser 0efined 39ception. Write a program to implement multithreading using synchroni,ed methods& synchroni,ed blocks. Write a program to implement !ollection using list. Write a program to implement File 5andling 8create a file) using F+L3 class. Write a program to implement >0 ! !onnecti$ity in ?a$a.


15. 16.


18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23.

24. 25. 26.

Write a program to implement the handle e$ents generated by Frame. Write a program to design a !alculator. Write a program to implement concept of 2etworking in ?a$a.

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