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In the name of All°h, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

Questions asked by the people and Answers given by
Im°m Ja`far ibn Mu¶ammad as-as-Æ°diq (prayers be upon him)
[ Installment 7 ]
Compiled by Øujjatul Isl°m wal Muslim¢n A¶mad Q°§h¢ Z°hid¢
Published by Sayyidah Ma`•£mah Publications [Qum, Iran]
Translated by Saleem Bhimji – –

Topic: Which Supplication Should we Read During
the Period of the Occultation (of the 12th Imam)

It has been narrated in a Øad¢th found in Bi¶°r al-Anw°r1 that the following question was asked to Im°m Ja`far
ibn Mu¶ammad as-Æ°diq (prayers be upon him) from Zur°rah:

:73 &2) :& 4 !5 ( "! #$ ) 01 !23 &' ( ) *+&, -. / ) ( "! #$ )

H&GF E D BCA) < @#? > !, 73+ = 3<;) :: ) 73 98
It has been narrated from Kh¡lid ibn Naj¢h from Zur¡rah in a discussion in relation to the occultation of Al-Q¡im
(prayers be upon him) from Ab¢ `Abdill°h (prayers be upon him) in which Zur¡rah said to the Im°m, “May I be
sacrificed for you! So then if I am to witness that time period (of the Occultation) what act should I perform?”

.NE B KLM ?3A) < @#? > !, 73+ = 3<J ! . :4 !5

He (Im°m Ja`far ibn Mu¶ammad as-Æ°diq, prayers be upon him) replied, “O’ Zur¡rah! If you are alive during that
time period then be sure to recite this supplication:

0 > VW S3)P*9T 0 3<J >#;) > VW S3)P* #0U .>P Q* 0 >$3R S3)P*9T 0 3<J >#;) >$3R S3)P* #0U
. S.= 73 Y >X# / S3)P*9T 0 3<J >#;) >X# / S3)P* #0U .>X# / Q*
O’ All°h! Grant me a cognizance of Yourself since if I do not have a cognizance of You, then I will not be able to
have a cognizance of Your Prophet.
O’ All°h! Grant me a cognizance of Your Messenger since if I do not have a cognizance of Your Messenger then I
will not be able to have a cognizance of Your Øujjah.
O’ All°h! Grant me a cognizance of °ujjah since if I do not have a cognizance of Your °ujjah, then I will have
gone astray in my religion.

…and all praise belongs to All°h, Lord of the Worlds, only the mistakes are mine. (Tr.)

1 Bi¶°r al-Anw°r, Volume 92, Page 326


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