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Claflin University School of Education

Reflective Lesson Plan Model

Name: Elanna Worthy

Date: 7 April 2014

PART I: PLANNING Polygons Title of Lesson

Is this lesson original idea? If not, from what source did I borrow this lesson? This is an original lesson, but I did ask my mentor teacher for some activities that I could use within my lesson.

Source Subject Area (s)

Mathematics 4th Grade Grade Level 4.G.2: Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right triangles as a category, and identify right triangles. 4.G.3: Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify linesymmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry.
Describe the lessons activities and content to provide a clear overview of the lesson.

Curriculum Standards

Description and Background Information

The teacher will begin the lesson by sharing the Curriculum Standards and Objectives with the students. The teacher will then display a multiple choice problem on the Smart Board. The students will answer the question in their head, and go to the corresponding corner in the classroom. The teacher will then ask one student from each corner to explain their reasoning for their answer. The teacher will announce the correct answer and explain why. There will be polygons on the board, and the teacher will ask the class if they know these shapes or any of their characteristics. The teacher will allow a few students to respond. Then the teacher will play a Polygons video on the Smart Board for the class to watch. Afterwards, each student will make a Polygon Booklet. This Polygon Booklet will contain various pages with the definition and picture of all polygons. The students will trace the polygon block into their booklet and then define that polygon. Once the booklets are complete. There will be a worksheet, where the students will cut out different polygons. The students will have to count the sides and decipher which polygon it is. Then they will glue it on the correct page. The students will complete a Polygon worksheet by themselves at their desks. They can share/compare their answers once all students at their table are finished. The teacher will wrap the lesson up by doing a quick review of the different polygons. For homework, The students will demonstrate what they have learned by taking pictures of different polygons on their iPads. What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson? Make sure that your objective(s) are measurable. Students will be able to identify polygons. The purpose of this lesson is for students to sort and classify polygons by their sides and angles. How will I vary these objectives for students who do not understand the material?

Lesson Objectives

Varying Objectives for Individuals Needs

For students who do not understand the material, the teacher will break each polygon down and give the students little tricks to remember the different polygons. Since there a lot of polygons to remember, these students can make flashcards with the different polygons on one side and the characteristics on the other side. How will I vary these objectives for students who have already mastered the concept? For students who have already mastered the concept, the teacher will allow them assist the students who are not understanding the material because some students learn better when a peer is explaining it rather than a teacher. This strategy will allow the teacher to reach more students. How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently learning English? For students who are presently learning English, the teacher will work with them primarily with visuals and numbers (via fingers or the #). The teacher can point out how many sides each shape has and count with the student to teach and explain how many sides each shape has. This will be an easy to differ the shapes from one another, even though English is not his/her primary language. Why is it important for the students to learn this content? Geometric shapes and polygons are essential in life. To be able to understand the wonder of the worlds shape and appreciate it, students need to be able to understand and have knowledge of spatial use. When they know how to apply and understand the relationship between shapes and sizes, they will be better prepared to use and identify them in our everyday lives. What materials and supplies are needed to help your students achieve the stated objectives? What will the teacher need? What will the students need? What other resources are needed? Will you use resource speakers?

Statement of Purpose

Materials and Resources

The teacher and students will need a Smart Board, construction paper for the Polygon Booklets, crayons/colored pencils/markers, glue sticks, scissors, the different worksheets, and a computer to complete this math lesson. What will you do to motivate the students and get their attention? What is the hook that will serve as a focus for the lessons activities? The teacher will display a multiple choice question on the Smart Board. There will be four different answer choices. The students will answer the question in their head, and then walk to the corner that correlates with their answer. (One corner will correlate with A; another corner will correlate with B; the other two corners will correlate with corner C and D.) The teacher will have one person from each corner tell why they chose the answer. Then the teacher will announce and explain the correct answer to the class.

Anticipatory Set


How will I find out what students already know about this topic?


There will be a display of polygons on the board. The teacher will briefly ask the class to identify what they know about these shapes, if they have anything in common, or any of their characteristics. The teacher will allow a few students to answer and input what they know; then the teacher will begin the lesson by addressing whether they were right or wrong. What will I do to show students what is expected?

Teacher Modeling or Demonstration

The teacher will model how to classify the different polygons. The teacher will play a video on Polygons on the Smart Board to give the students more understanding of the different polygons. On the Smart Board, the students will also review the different vocabulary for this section. What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new task?

Guided Practice

Each student will make a Polygon Booklet. This Polygon Booklet will contain various pages with the definition and picture of all polygons. The students will trace the polygon block into their booklet and then define that polygon. The teacher will lead this activity with them on the Smart Board and work alongside them. Once the booklets are complete. There will be a worksheet, where the students will cut out different polygons. The students will have to count the sides and decipher which polygon it is. Then they will glue it on the correct page. This activity will teach them that each individual polygon do not have the exact same shape.

Checking for Understanding

What questions will you ask to determine if students understand so far? What techniques or strategies will be used to determine if students understand so far? While the students are completing the Polygon Booklet, the teacher will walk around to different tables checking to make sure they have the correct shapes on the right page. The teacher will suggest sorting the polygons before gluing them down on the page because it is easier to fix a mistake before it is glued down. The teacher will discuss the shapes with the students as he/she walks around to each table clarifying which polygons belong on which page. This is a informal technique to see if the students are comprehending the different polygons. What will students do by themselves to show that they have internalized the knowledge? The students will complete a Polygon worksheet by themselves at their desks. Once all the students at their table are finished, they may discuss the answers with each other. After the class is complete, the teacher will have different students answer the problems on the Smart Board. This interactive activity will get the students excited about polygons and will give them a chance to showcase what they learned throughout this lesson. How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences? How will you wrap up the lesson to reinforce concepts taught during the lesson? The teacher will wrap the lesson up by doing a quick review of the different polygons. The teacher will name a polygon and ask a student to explain the characteristics of that polygon aloud for the class. Then, the teacher will ask another student to draw that same polygon on the board. The teacher will follow this pattern for a few polygons just as a review/closure activity. This will reinforce the concepts that were taught during the lesson. What will students do to demonstrate what they have learned?

Independent Practice


Assessment (attach to lesson plan)

The students will demonstrate what they have learned by taking pictures of different polygons on their iPads for homework. Taking the iPads home will allow them to take pictures of actual items in the real world that are polygons. The students will use the iBook application on the iPad to write which polygon the shape is. The students will turn their iBooks into the teacher the next day to demonstrate what they learned the previous day in class. The teacher will grade their assignment on the iPads, but as long as they took a few pictures, they should receive full credit. What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the knowledge or skills? How could you use your colleagues or community agencies to improve student performance? Students can work on AND/OR as an extra activity to practice the polygons. The students have ample access to these websites resources. The games, review lessons, and activities on these websites will apply their knowledge and skills that they learned in class during this lesson. How will you use technology to assist students with learning the concepts? What technology will you use to enhance the delivery and comprehension of your content?

Extension Activities


Throughout this math lesson, the teacher will incorporate technology in various different ways. The teacher will play a Polygon interactive video on the Smart Board that will help the students learn the different polygons. Allowing the students to participate on different problems on the Smart Board will enhance their comprehension of the content. How will you connect this lesson with other content areas across the curriculum? This 4th grade mathematical lesson will connect with many other content areas across the curriculum.

Connection Across the Curriculum

In the Arts? The Polygon Booklets will allow the students to get crafty and artistic. The students will be able to draw different polygons in their booklets and color them using different color utensils. In Health? N/A In Physical Education? The teacher can suggest, while the students are out running or on the playground to look for different polygons. The students will want to run more to find more polygons. That could be a great way to incorporate physical education in this math lesson.


Describe the strengths of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management. Describe the strengths of student engagement.

Describe the weaknesses of your instructional techniques, strategies and classroom management. Describe the weaknesses of student engagement.

What would you change when teaching this lesson again?

Suggestions for Improvement

Revised 6-2013

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