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Information is the basis for every decision taken in an organization.

The efficiency of management depends upon the availability of regular and relevant information. Thus it is essential that an effective and efficient reporting system be developed as part of accounting system. The main object of management information is to obtain the required about the operating results of an organization regularly in order to use them for future planning and control. The old techniques like intuition, rule of thumb, personal whim and prestige, etc. are now considered useless in the process of decision taking. Modern management is constantly on look out for such quantitative and such information, which can help in analyzing the proposed alternative actions and choosing one as its decision. Thus, modern management functions are informationoriented more popularly known as management by information. And the system through which information is communicated to the management is known as management information system (MIS). The management needs full information before taking any decision. good decisions can minimize costs and optimize results. Management information system can be helpful to the management in undertaking management decisions smoothly and effectively. Management information system can be analyzed thus: Management: management covers the planning, control, and administration of the operations of a concern. The top management handles planning; the middle management concentrates on controlling; and the lower management is concerned with actual administration. Information: information, in MIS, means the processed data that helps the management in planning, controlling and operations. Data means all the facts arising out of the operations of the concern. Data is processed i.e. recorded, summarized, compared and finally presented to the management in the form of MIS report. System: data is processed into information with the help of a system. a system is made up of inputs, processing, output and feedback or control.

MIS = system for processing data in order to give proper information to the management for performing its functions.

The concept of management gives high regard to the individual and his ability to use the information. MIS gives information through data analysis. While analyzing the information, it relies on many academic disciplines like management science, OR, organization behavior, psychology, etc. The foundation of MIS is the principles of management and its practices. MIS uses the concept of management control in its design and relies heavily on the fact that the decision maker is a human being and is a human processor of information. A MIS can be evolved for a specific objective it is evolved after systematic planning and design. It calls for an analysis of business, management views and policies, organization culture and the management style.

The MIS,therefore relies heavily on systems theory. The systems theory offers solutions to handle complex situations of the input and output flows. it uses theory of communication which helps to evolve a system design capable of handling data inputs, process, the outputs with the least possible noise or distortion in transmitting the information from a source to destination.
Dari data transaction processing systems DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from raw data, documents, personal knowledge, and/or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.

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