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Ministry o Ro!" Tr!ns#ort $ %i&h'!



(Fourth Revision)

Published by the Indian Roads Congress on behalf of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways Copies can be had from the Secretary, Indian Roads Congress, Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi !!" "!! !" #!$HI %&&' Pri(e Rs.)&&*+ Plus pa(,ing & postage (harges

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(The Rights of Publication and Translation are reserved)

Printed at #ee =ay Printers, ew #elhi + ''& &'5 9'&&& (opies:

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PREFACE TO T%E FO(RT% RE)ISION This edition of Specifications for Road # $ridge %or&s 4ar,s the fourth revision. In the past few years signifi(ant develop4ents have ta,en pla(e in the road se(tor. 0 large s(ale highway 4odernisation progra44e has been underta,en whi(h opens up i44ense opportunities to introdu(e innovative 4aterials and new te(hni>ues in highway (onstru(tion and 4aintenan(e. The 4a?or e4phasis is on pave4ent durability and (ost effe(tive solutions with environ4ental preservation and road user safety in fo(us. In ,eeping with these needs 'ddendum to (hird Re)ision of Specifications was issued in ove4ber, %&&&, whi(h in(luded revised spe(ifi(ations for bitu4inous wor, (overed under 6e(tions 5&&, 1&& & 3&&& on the basis of indigenous resear(h results, feed ba(, and international pra(ti(es. The fourth revision in(orporates the 'ddendum and other a4end4ents and (hanges that have been effe(ted till date. The 4ost i4portant additions to the range of spe(ifi(ations are bitu4inous (old 4i@es, 4odified binders, (ra(, prevention (ourses, and sand asphalt base (ourse. It is hoped that the new spe(ifi(ations introdu(ed for the first ti4e will find wide appli(ation in pra(ti(e, and feed ba(, on their perfor4an(e will be 4ade available by field engineers and users of this do(u4ent for further i4prove4ent in its future editions. The fourth revision of Specifications for Road # $ridge %or&s has been possible with (on(erted efforts of the offi(ers of the Roads "ing, the (onsultants and several other individuals who (ontributed to this do(u4ent. I wish to e@press 4y gratitude to the4 all.

ew #elhi 0ugust, %&&'

96.C. 6H0RM0: #ire(tor General 9Road #evelop4ent: & 0dditional 6e(retary to the Govt. of India

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SECTION C+A(SE C+A(SE TIT+E TIT+E NO* WEARING %2&' #!6CRIPTI7 COAT AND %2&% "!0RI G C70T APP(RT %2&3 R0I$I G6 ENANCES %2&B 0PPR70CH 6$0E %2&5 #R0I 0G! 6P7AT6 %2&) "!!P H7$! %2&2 T!6T6 0 # 6T0 #0R#6 7. 0CC!PT0 C! %2&- M!06AR!M! T6 .7R P0FM! T %2&1 R0T! REPAIROF %-&' #!6CRIPTI7 STR(CT(RES %-&% G! !R0$ %-&3 6!0$I G 7. CR0C=6 EF I 8!CTI7 7. !P7GF R!6I %-&B !P7GF M7RT0R .7R R!P$0C!M! T 7. 6P0$$!# C7 CR!T! %-&5 !P7GF E7 #I G 7. !" C7 CR!T! T7 7$# C7 CR!T! %-&) C!M! T GR7ATI G %-&2 GA ITI G*6H7TCR!T! %-&- R!P$0C!M! T*R!CTI.IC0TI7 7. E!0RI G6 %-&1 #I6M0 T$I G 7. C7 CR!T! "!0RI G C70T %-'& !GT!R 0$ PR!6TR!66I G %-'' T!6T6 0 # 6T0 #0R#6 7. 0CC!PT0 C! %-'% M!06AR!M! T6 .7R P0FM! T %-'3 R0T! PIPE %1&' 6C7P! C(+)ERTS %1&% M0T!RI0$6 %1&3 !GC0C0TI7 .7R PIP! %1&B E!##I G .7R PIP! %1&5 $0FI G 7. PIP! %1&) 87I TI G %1&2 E0C=.I$$I G %1&- H!0#"0$$6 0 # 7TH!R 0 CI$$0RF "7R=6

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C+A(SE C+A(SE TIT+E NO* %1&1 7P! I G T7 TR0..IC %1'& M!06AR!M! T6 .7R P0FM! T %1'' R0T! M0I T! 0 C 3&&' G! !R0$ ! 7. R70# 3&&% R!6T7R0TI7 7. R0I +CAT6 3&&3 M0I T! 0 C! 7. !0RTH! 6H7A$#!R6 3&&B EITAMI 7A6 "7R= I C7 !CTI7 "ITH M0I T! 0 C! 0 # R!P0IR6 3&&5 M0I T! 0 C! 7. C!M! T C7 CR!T! R70# REINFORCED 3'&' 6C7P! EART% 3'&% R!I .7RCI G !$!M! T 3'&3 !0RTH .I$$ 3'&B .0CI0 M0T!RI0$ 3'&5 C7 6TRACTI7 #!T0I$6 3'&) M!06AR!M! T6 .7R P0FM! T 3'&2 R0T!


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SECTION NO* SECTION TIT+E APPENDICES 0PP! #IG '. 0PP! #IG %. 0PP! #IG 3. 0PP! #IG B. 0PP! #IG 5. 0PP! #IG '&&&+'



0PP! #IG

0PP! #IG 0PP! #IG

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0PP! #IG

$I6T 7. I.R.C. PAE$IC0TI7 6 R!.!RR!# T7 I TH! 6P!CI.IC0TI7 6, C7#!6 & 6T0 #0R#6 $I6T 7. I #I0 0 # .7R!IG 6T0 #0R#6 R!.!RR!# T7 I TH! 6P!CI.IC0TI7 6 M!TH7# 7. 6I!CI G .7R "!T 67I$6 T7 #!T!RMI ! TH! #!GR!! 7. PA$C!RI60TI7 GAI#!$I !6 7 6!$!CTI7 7. TH! GR0#! 7. EITAM! 0 TI+6TRIPPI G 0G! T6 A6!# .7R EITAMI 7A6 M0T!RI0$6 0 # MIG!6 #R0.T #7CAM! T 7 I6C 1&22+'121 C7#! 7. PR0CTIC! .7R C7RR76I7 PR7T!CTI7 7. 6T!!$ R!I .7RC!M! T I RE 0 # RCC C7 6TRACTI7 9R!CI6!#: HI6T7RF 7. 6I =I G 7. "!$$ P$0 7. "!$$ 76. TI$T 0 # 6HI.T I "!$$ 76. I .7RM0TI7 T7 E! 6APP$I!# T7 TH! M0 A.0CTAR!R6 7. PR7PRI!T0RF 6F6T!M6 6P!CI.IC0TI7 .7R C7 6TRACTI7 87I T6 P!RM!0EI$ITF T!6T T!6T6 7 6H!0THI G #ACT6 PR!6TR!66I G R!P7RT 6P!CI.IC0TI7 6 .7R GR7ATI G 7. P76T+ T! 6I7 !# C0E$!6 I PR!6TR!66!# C7 CR!T! GR7ATI G R!C7R#

)-2 )1& )1)11 2&' 2&)

2'' 2'% 2'3 2'5 2'2 2'1 2%& 2%2 2%1 235

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Se;tion ,-Gener!:

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,-,* INTROD(CTION These 6pe(ifi(ations shall apply to all su(h road and bridge wor,s as are re>uired to be e@e(uted under the Contra(t or otherwise dire(ted by the !ngineer+in+Charge 9hereinafter referred to as the !ngineer:. In every (ase, the wor, shall be (arried out to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer and (onfor4 to the lo(ation, lines, di4ensions, grades and (ross+se(tions shown on the drawings or as indi(ated by the !ngineer. The >uality of 4aterials, pro(essing of 4aterials as 4ay be needed at the site, salient features of the (onstru(tion wor, and >uality of finished wor, shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents set forth in su((eeding se(tions. "here the drawings and 6pe(ifi(ations des(ribe a portion of the wor, in only general ter4s, and not in (o4plete detail, it shall be understood that only the best general pra(ti(e is to prevail, 4aterials and wor,4anship of the best >uality are to be e4ployed and instru(tions of die !ngineer are to be fully (o4plied with. 0 list of Indian Roads Congress 6pe(ifi(ations and Re(o44ended Codes of Pra(ti(e whi(h have been 4ade use of in the preparation of these 6pe(ifi(ations is given at Appendix-1. The latest edition of all 6pe(ifi(ations*6tandards till 3& 9thirty: days before the final date of sub4ission of the tender, shall be adopted. ,-5* DEFINITIONS The words li,e Contra(t, Contra(tor, !ngineer 9synony4ous with !ngineer+in+ (harge:, #rawings, !4ployer, Govern4ent, "or,s and "or, 6ite used in these 6pe(ifi(ations shall be (onsidered to have the 4eaning as understood fro4 the definitions of these ter4s given in the General Conditions of Contra(t. The following abbreviations shall have the 4eaning as set forth below/
006HT7 06TM E6 CER IRC I6 / / / / / / 04eri(an 0sso(iation of 6late Highway and Transportation 7ffi(ials 04eri(an 6o(iety for Testing and Materials Eritish 6tandard published by the Eritish 6tandards Institution California Eearing Ratio Indian Roads Congress Indian 6tandard published by the Eureau of Indian 6tandards

The various ele4ents in the (ross+se(tion of a road referred to in these 6pe(ifi(ations are shown in the (ross+se(tions in .igs. '&&+' and '&&+%.

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Treated shoulders shown in the (ross+se(tion shall be of two types/+ 9i: ;Hard< shoulders whi(h have sele(t gravel*4ooru4, any other (o4pa(ted granular layer or bri(,s. 9ii: ;Paved< shoulders whi(h have a bitu4inous surfa(ing over granular layers. ,-.* MATERIA+S AND TEST STANDARDS The relevant standards for 4aterials, as well as the testing pro(edures, have been indi(ated at appropriate pla(es in the 6pe(ifi(ations. 0 list of these standards with their full title and the year of publi(ation appli(able is in(luded at Appendix-2. ,-/* SIE)E DESIGNATIONS The sieve designations referred to in the 6pe(ifi(ations (orrespond to those spe(ified by Eureau of Indian 6tandards in I6/ B)&. Table '&&+' gives the list of the (o44only used I6 sieves. TAB+E ,--7,* DESIGNATION OF TEST SIE)ES IS Desi&n!tion ;on or<in& to IS= /19in 44: I'%5 '&) I 1& 25 I )3 53 I B5 32.5 I 3'.5 %).5 I %%.B '1.& I ').& '3.% I ''.% 1.5& I -.&& ).2& I 5.)& B.25 I B.&& 9in 4i(ron: -5& I 2'& )&& I5&& B%5 355 3&& I %5& %'% I '-& '5& I '%5 '&) I 1& 25 I )3 53 I B5

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3.35 I %.-& %.3) I %.&& '.2& I '.B& '.'ote/ '. JIK are the prin(ipal siLes stated in I67+5)5 and are preferred. %. 6ieve siLes given in E6.B'& & 06TM +! '' are sa4e as in I6/B)& 3. 7nly sieves with s>uare openings shall be used. ,-0* SCOPE OP WORK ,-0*,* The wor, to be (arried out under the Contra(t shall (onsist of the various ite4s as generally des(ribed in the Tender #o(u4ents as well as in the Eill of Duantities furnished in the Tender #o(u4ents. ,-0*5* The wor,s to be perfor4ed shall also in(lude all general wor,s preparatory to the (onstru(tion of roads, bridges, (anal (rossings, drainage and all other related wor,s. The wor,s shall in(lude wor, of any ,ind ne(essary for the due and satisfa(tory (onstru(tion, (o4pletion and 4aintenan(e of the wor,s to the intent and 4eaning of the drawings and these 6pe(ifi(ations and further drawing and orders that 4ay be issued by the !ngineer fro4 ti4e to ti4e. The s(ope of wor, shall in(lude (o4plian(e by the Contra(tor with all General Conditions of Contra(t, whether spe(ifi(ally 4entioned or not in the various (lauses of these 6pe(ifi(ations, all 4aterials, apparatus, plant, e>uip4ent, tools, fuel, water, strutting, ti4bering, transport, offi(es, stores, wor,shop, staff, labour and the provision of proper and suffi(ient prote(tive wor,s, diversions, te4porary fen(ing and lighting. It shall also in(lude/ safety of wor,ers, first+aid e>uip4ent, suitable a((o44odation for the staff and wor,4en with ade>uate sanitary arrange4ents, the effe(ting and 4aintenan(e of all insuran(es, the pay4ent of all wages, salaries, fees, royalties, duties or other (harges arising out of the ere(tion of wor,s and the regular (learan(e of rubbish, reinstate4ent and (learing+up of the site as 4ay be re>uired on (o4pletion of wor,s, safety of the publi( and prote(tion of the wor,s and ad?oining land. ,-0*.* The Contra(tor shall ensure that all a(tions are ta,en to build in >uality assuran(e in the planning and e@e(ution of wor,s. The >uality assuran(e shall (over all stages of wor, su(h as setting out, sele(tion of 4aterials, sele(tion of (onstru(tion 4ethods, sele(tion of e>uip4ent and plant, deploy4ent of personnel and supervisory staff, >uality (ontrol testing et(. The wor, of building in >uality assuran(e shall be dee4ed to be (overed in the s(ope of the wor,. ,-0*/* The Contra(tor shall furnish, at least '5 days in advan(e, his progra44e of (o44en(e4ent of ite4 of wor,, the 4ethod of wor,ing he intends to adopt for various ite4s of wor, su(h as site (learan(e, (onstru(tion for e4ban,4ent, sub+base, base, surfa(ing, (ulverts, bridges, retaining walls, well+sin,ing, (ast+in+situ piling, (onstru(tion of (ast+in+situ prestressed (on(rete si4ply supported girders, (antilever (onstru(tion of prestressed (on(rete superstru(ture, and su(h other ite4s for whi(h the

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!ngineer de4ands the sub4ission of the 4ethod of wor,ing. He shall provide infor4ation regarding the details of the 4ethod of wor,ing and e>uip4ent he proposes to e4ploy and satisfy the !ngineer about the ade>ua(y and safety of the sa4e. The sole responsibility for the safety and ade>ua(y of the 4ethods adopted by the Contra(tor will, however, rest on the Contra(tor, irrespe(tive of .any approval given by the !ngineer. ,-1* CONSTR(CTION E>(IPMENT

In addition to the general (onditions indi(ated in the Contra(t #o(u4ents, the following (onditions regarding use of e>uip4ent in wor,s shall be satisfied/ 9a: The Contra(tor shall be re>uired lo give a trial run of the e>uip4ent for establishing their (apability to a(hieve the laid down 6pe(ifi(ations and toleran(es to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer before (o44en(e4ent of the wor,M 9b: 0ll e>uip4ent provided shall be of proven effi(ien(y and shall be operated and 4aintained at all li4es in a 4anner a((eptable to the !ngineerM 9(: 0ll the plant*e>uip4ent to be deployed on the wor,s shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer for ensuring their fitness and effi(ien(y before (o44en(e4ent of wor,M 9d: 0ny 4aterial or e>uip4ent not 4eeting the approval of the !ngineer shall be re4oved fro4 the site forthwithM 9e: o e>uip4ent will be re4oved fro4 site without per4ission of the !ngineerM and 9f: The Contra(tor shall also 4a,e available the e>uip4ent for site >uality (ontrol wor, as dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,-2* CONTRACT DRAWINGS ,-2*,* The Contra(t #rawings provided for tendering purposes shall be as (ontained in the Tender #o(u4ents and shall be used as a referen(e only. The Contra(tor should visualise the nature and type of wor, (onte4plated and to ensure that the rates and pri(es >uoted by hi4 in the Eill of Duantities have due (onsideration of the >ualitative and >uantitative variations, as 4ay be found at the site and (o4ple@ities of wor, involved during a(tual e@e(ution*(onstru(tion. ,-2*5* The tendered rates*pri(es for the wor, shall be dee4ed to in(lude the (ost of preparation, supply and delivery of all ne(essary drawings, prints, tra(ings and negatives whi(h the Contra(tor is re>uired to provide in a((ordan(e with the Contra(t. ,-2*.* Two (opies of drawings, on the basis of whi(h a(tual e@e(ution of the wor, is to pro(eed, shall be furnished free of (ost to the Contra(tor by the !ngineer progressively a((ording to the wor, progra44e sub4itted by the Contra(tor and a((epted by the !ngineer. #rawings for any parti(ular a(tivity shall be issued to the Contra(tor at least 3& days in advan(e of the s(heduled date of the start of the a(tivity. ,-2*/* !@a4ination and *or approval by the !ngineer of any drawings or other do(u4ents sub4itted by the Contra(tor shall not relieve the Contra(tor of his responsibilities or liabilities under the Contra(t.

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,-3* SITE INFORMATION ,-3*,* The infor4ation about the site of wor, and site (onditions in the Tender #o(u4ents is given in good faith for guidan(e only but the Contra(tor shall satisfy hi4self regarding all aspe(ts of site (onditions. ,-3*5* The lo(ation of the wor,s and the general site parti(ulars are as generally shown on the 6ite plan*Inde@ plan en(losed with the Tender #o(u4ents. ,-3*.* "hereas the right+of+way to the bridge sites*road wor,s shall be provided to the Contra(tor by the !ngineer, the Contra(tor shall have to 4a,e his own arrange4ent for the land re>uired by hi4 for site offi(es, labour (a4ps, stores, et(. ,-3*/* The >uarry (harts en(losed with the Tender #o(u4ents indi(ate the lo(ation of >uarries and other sour(es fro4 whi(h naturally o((urring 4aterials are available, for guidan(e of the Contra(tor. The leads indi(ated in the said (harts are only appro@i4ate. It is assu4ed that the Contra(tor has inspe(ted the >uarries, borrow+areas et(., before >uoting his rates for the wor, to assess the availability of (onstru(tion 4aterials in re>uired >uantity and >uality. ,-4* SETTING O(T ,-4*,* The Contra(tor shall establish wor,ing Een(h Mar,s tied with the Referen(e Een(h Mar, in the area soon after ta,ing possession of the site. The Referen(e Een(h Mar, for the area shall be as indi(ated in the Contra(t #o(u4ents and the values of the sa4e shall be obtained by the Contra(tor fro4 the !ngineer. The wor,ing Een(h Mar,s shall be at the rate of four per ,4 and also at or near all drainage stru(tures, over+ bridges and underpasses. The wor,ing Een(h Mar,s*levels should be got approved fro4 the !ngineer. Che(,s 4ust be 4ade on these Een(h Mar,s on(e every 4onth and ad?ust4ents, if any, got agreed with the !ngineer and re(orded. 0n up+to+date re(ord of all Een(h Mar,s in(luding approved ad?ust4ents, if any, shall be 4aintained by the Contra(tor and also a (opy supplied to the !ngineer for his re(ord. ,-4*5* The lines and levels of for4ation, side slopes, drainage wor,s, (arriageways and shoulders shall be (arefully set out and fre>uently (he(,ed, (are being ta,en to ensure that (orre(t gradients and (ross+se(tions are obtained everywhere. ,-4*.* In order to fa(ilitate the setting out of the wor,s, the (entre line of the (arriageway or highway 4ust be a((urately established by the Contra(tor and approved by the !ngineer. It 4ust then be a((urately referen(ed in a 4anner satisfa(tory to the !ngineer, every 5& 4 intervals in plain and rolling terrains and %& 4 intervals in hilly terrain and in all (urve points as dire(ted by the !ngineer, with 4ar,er pegs and (hainage boards set in or near the fen(e line, and a s(hedule of referen(e di4ensions shall be prepared and supplied by the Contra(tor to the !ngineer. These 4ar,ers shall be 4aintained until the wor,s rea(h finished for4ation level and are a((epted by the !ngineer. ,-4*/* 7n (onstru(tion rea(hing the for4ation level stage, the (entre line shall again be set out by the Contra(tor and when approved by the !ngineer, shall be a((urately referen(ed in a 4anner satisfa(tory to the !ngineer by 4ar,er pegs set at the

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outer li4its of the for4ation. ,-4*0* o referen(e peg or 4ar,er shall be 4oved or withdrawn without the approval of the !ngineer and no earthwor, or stru(tural wor, shall be (o44en(ed until the (entre line has been referen(ed. ,-4*1* The Contra(tor will Ee the sole responsible party for safe+guarding all survey 4onu4ents, ben(h 4ar,s, bea(ons, et(. The !ngineer will provide the Contra(tor with the data ne(essary for setting out of the (entre line. 0ll di4ensions and levels shown on the drawings or 4entioned in do(u4ents for4ing part of or issued under the Contra(t shall be verified by the Contra(tor on the site and he shall i44ediately infor4 the !ngineer of any apparent errors or dis(repan(ies in su(h di4ensions or levels. The Contra(tor shall in (onne(tion with the sta,ing out of the (entre line, survey the terrain along the road and shall sub4it to the !ngineer for his approval, a profile along the road (entre line and (ross+se(tions at intervals as re>uired by the !ngineer. ,-4*2* 0fter obtaining approval of the !ngineer, wor, on earthwor, (an (o44en(e and the profile and (ross+se(tions shall for4 the basis for 4easure4ents and pay4ent. The Contra(tor shall be responsible for ensuring that all the basi( traverse points are in pla(e at the (o44en(e4ent of the (ontra(t and if any are 4issing, or appear to have been disturbed, the Contra(tor shall 4a,e arrange4ents to re+establish these points. 0 ;6urvey .ile< (ontaining the ne(essary data will be 4ade available for this purpose. If in the opinion of the !ngineer, design 4odifi(ations of the (entre line or grade are advisable, the !ngineer will issue detailed instru(tions to the Contra(tor and the Contra(tor shall perfor4 the 4odifi(ations in the field, as re>uired, and 4odify the ground levels on the (ross+se(tions a((ordingly as 4any ti4es as re>uired. There will be no separate pay4ent for any survey wor, perfor4ed by the Contra(tor. The (ost of these servi(es shall, be (onsidered as being in(luded in the (ost of the ite4s of wor, in the Eill of Duantities. ,-4*3* The wor, of setting out shall be dee4ed to be a part of general wor,s preparatory to the e@e(ution of wor, and no separate pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. ,-4*4* Pre(ision auto4ati( levels, having a standard deviation of N% 44 per ,4, and fitted with 4i(ro4eter atta(h4ent shall be used for all double run levelling wor,. 6etting out of the road align4ent and 4easure4ent of angles shall be done by using theodolite with traversing target, having an a((ura(y of one se(ond. Measure4ent of distan(es shall be done preferably using pre(ision instru4ents li,e #isto4at. ,,-* P(B+IC (TI+ITIES ,,-*,* #rawings s(heduling the affe(ted servi(es li,e water pipes, sewers, oil pipelines, (ables, gas du(ts et(. owned by various authorities in(luding Publi( Anderta,ings and $o(al 0uthorities in(luded in the Contra(t #o(u4ents shall be verified by the Contra(tor for the a((ura(y of the infor4ation prior to the (o44en(e4ent of any wor,. ,,-*5* otwithstanding the fa(t that the infor4ation on affe(ted servi(es 4ay not be e@haustive, the final position of these servi(es within the wor,s shall be supposed to

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have been indi(ated based on the infor4ation furnished by different bodies and to the e@tent the bodies are fa4iliar with the final proposals. The inter4ediate stages of the wor,s are, however, un,nown at the design stage, these being di(tated by the Contra(torKs 4ethods of wor,ing. 0((ordingly, the Contra(torKs progra44e 4ust ta,e into a((ount the period of noti(e and duration of diversionary wor,s of ea(h body as given on the #rawings and the Contra(tor 4ust also allow for any effe(t of these servi(es and alterations upon the "or,s and for arranging regular 4eetings with the various bodies at the (o44en(e4ent of the Contra(t and throughout the period of the "or,s in order to 4aintain the re>uired (o+ordination. #uring .the period of the "or,s, the Contra(tor shall have no ob?e(tion if the publi( utility bodies vary their de(isions in the e@e(ution of their proposals in ter4s of progra44e and (onstru(tion, provided that, in the opinion of the !ngineer, the Contra(tor has re(eived reasonable noti(e thereof before the relevant alterations are put in hand. ,,-*.* o (learan(e or alterations to the utility shall be (arried out unless spe(ially ordered by the !ngineer. ,,-*/* 0ny servi(es affe(ted by the "or,s 4ust be te4porarily supported by the Contra(tor who 4ust also ta,e all 4easures reasonably re>uired by the various bodies to prote(t their servi(es and property during the progress of the "or,s. ,,-*0* The Contra(tor 4ay be re>uired to (arry out (ertain wor,s for and on behalf of the various bodies and he shall also provide, with the prior approval of the !ngineer, su(h assistan(e to the various bodies as 4ay be authorised by the !ngineer. ,,-*1* The wor, of te4porarily supporting and prote(ting the publi( utility servi(es during e@e(ution of the "or,s shall be dee4ed to be part of the Contra(t and no e@tra pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. ,,-*2* The Contra(tor 4ay be re>uired to (arry out the re4oval or shifting of (ertain servi(es*utilities on spe(ifi( orders fro4 the !ngineer for whi(h pay4ent shall be 4ade to hi4. 6u(h wor,s shall be ta,en up by the Contra(tor only after obtaining (learan(e fro4 the !ngineer and ensuring ade>uate safety 4easures. ,,,* PRECA(TIONS FOR SAFEG(ARDING T%E EN)IRONMENT ,,,*,* Gener!: The Contra(tor shall ta,e all pre(autions for safeguarding the environ4ent during the (ourse of the (onstru(tion of the wor,s. He shall abide by all laws, rules and regulations in for(e governing pollution and environ4ental prote(tion that are appli(able in the area where the wor,s are situated. ,,,*5* Borro'#its or E<?!n@<ent Constru;tion Eorrowpits shall not be dug in the right+of+way of the road. The stipulations in Clause 3&5.%.%. shall govern.

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,,,*.* >u!rry O#er!tions The Contra(tor shall obtain 4aterials fro4 >uarries only after the (onsent of the .orest #epart4ent or other (on(erned authorities is obtained. The >uarry operations shall be underta,en within the purview of the rules and regulations in for(e. ,,,*/* Contro: o Soi: ErosionA Se"i<ent!tion !n" W!ter Po::ution The Contra(tor shall (arry out the wor,s in su(h a 4anner that soil erosion is fully (ontrolled, and sedi4entation and pollution of natural water (ourses, ponds, tan,s and reservoirs is avoided. The stipulations in Clause 3&) shall govern. ,,,*0* Po::ution ro< %ot7MiB P:!nts !n" B!t;hin& P:!nts Eitu4inous hot+4i@ plants and (on(rete bat(hing plants shall be lo(ated suffi(iently away fro4 habitation, agri(ultural operations or industrial establish4ents. The Contra(tor shall ta,e every pre(aution to redu(e the levels of noise, vibration, dust and e4issions fro4 his plant and shall be fully responsible for any (lai4s for da4ages (aused to the owners of property, fields and residen(es in the vi(inity. ,,,*1* Su?st!n;es %!C!r"ous to %e!:th

The Contra(tor shall not use or generate any 4aterials in the wor,s whi(h are haLardous to the health of persons, ani4als or vegetation. "here it is ne(essary to use so4e substan(es whi(h (an (ause in?ury to the health of wor,ers, the Contra(tor shall provide prote(tive (lothing or applian(es to his wor,ers. ,,,*2* (se o Nu;:e!r G!u&es u(lear gauges shall be used only where per4itted by the !ngineer. The Contra(tor shall provide the !ngineer with a (opy of the regulations governing the safe use of nu(lear gauges he intends to e4ploy and shall abide by su(h regulations. ,,,*3* The Contra(tor 4ust ta,e all reasonable steps to 4ini4ise dust nuisan(e during the (onstru(tion of the wor,s. ,,,*4* 0ll e@isting highways and roads used by vehi(le of the Contra(tor or any of his sub+(ontra(tors or suppliers of 4aterials or plant, and si4ilarly any new roads whi(h are part of the wor,s and whi(h are being used by traffi(, shall be ,ept (lean and (lear of all dust*4ud or other e@traneous 4aterials dropped by the said vehi(les or their tyres. 6i4ilarly, all dust*4ud or other e@traneous 4aterials fro4 the wor,s spreading on these highways shall be i44ediately (leared by the Contra(tor. ,,,*,-* Clearan(e shall be effe(ted i44ediately by 4anual sweeping and re4oval of debris, or, if so dire(ted by the !ngineer, by 4e(hani(al sweeping and (learing e>uip4ent, and all dust, 4ud and other debris shall be re4oved entirely fro4 the road surfa(e. 0dditionally, if so dire(ted by the !ngineer, the road surfa(e shall be hosed or watered using suitable e>uip4ent.

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,,,*,,* 0ny stru(tural da4age (aused to the e@isting roads by the Contra(torKs (onstru(tion e>uip4ent shall be 4ade good without any e@tra (ost. ,,,*,5* Co4plian(e with the foregoing will not relieve the Contra(tor of any responsibility for (o4plying with the re>uire4ents of any Highway 0uthority in respe(t of the roads used by hi4. ,,5* ARRANGEMENT FOR TRAFFIC D(RING CONSTR(CTION ,,5*,* Gener!: The Contra(tor shall at all li4es (arry out wor, on the highway in a 4anner (reating least interferen(e to the flow of traffi( while (onsistent with the satisfa(tory e@e(ution of the sa4e. .or all wor,s involving i4prove4ents to the e@isting highway, the Contra(tor shall, in a((ordan(e with the dire(tives of the !ngineer, provide and 4aintain, during e@e(ution of the wor,, a passage for traffi( either along a part of the e@isting (arriageway under i4prove4ent, or along a te4porary diversion (onstru(ted (lose to the highway. The Contra(tor shall ta,e prior approval of the !ngineer regarding traffi( arrange4ents during (onstru(tion. ,,5*5* P!ss!&e o Tr! i; !:on& ! #!rt o the EBistin& C!rri!&e'!y un"er I<#rove<ent .or widening*strengthening e@isting (arriageway where part width of the e@isting (arriageway is proposed to be used for passage of traffi(, treated shoulders shall be provided on the side on whi(h wor, is not in progress. The treat4ent to the shoulder shall (onsist of providing atleast I67 44 thi(, granular base (ourse (overed with bitu4inous surfa(e dressing in a width of atleast '.5 4 and the surfa(e shall be 4aintained throughout the period during whi(h traffi( uses the sa4e to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. The (ontinuous length in whi(h su(h wor, shall be (arried out, would be li4ited nor4ally to 5&& 4 at a pla(e. However, where wor, is allowed by the !ngineer in longer stret(hes passing pla(es atleast %& 4 long with additional paved width of %.5 4 shall be provided at every &.5 ,4 interval. In (ase of widening e@isting two+lane to four+lane, the additional two lanes would be (onstru(ted first and the traffi( diverted to it and only thereafter the re>uired treat4ent to the e@isting (arriageway would be (arried out. However, in (ase where on the re>uest of the Contra(tor, wor, on e@isting two+lane (arriageway is allowed by the !ngineer with traffi( using part of the e@isting (arriageway, stipulations as in para above shall apply. 0fter obtaining per4ission of the !ngineer, the treated shoulder shall be dis4antled, the debris disposed of and the area (leared as per the dire(tion of the !ngineer. ,,5*.* P!ss!&e o Tr! i; !:on& ! Te<#or!ry Diversion In stret(hes where it is not possible to pass the traffi( on part width of the (arriageway, a te4porary diversion shall be (onstru(ted with 2 4 (arriageway and %.5 4 earthen shoulders on ea(h side 9total width of roadway '% 4: with the following provision for road (rust in the 2 4 width/ 9i: %&& 44 9(o4pa(ted: granular subbaseM 9ii: %%5 44 9(o4pa(ted: granular base (ourseM and 9iii: Pre4i@ (arpet with 6eal Coal*Mi@ 6eal 6urfa(ing.

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The align4ent and longitudinal se(tion of diversion in(luding ?un(tions and te4porary (ross drainage provision shall be as approved by the !ngineer. ,,5*/* Tr! i; S! ety !n" Contro: The Contra(tor shall ta,e all ne(essary 4easures for the safety of traffi( during (onstru(tion and provide, ere(t and 4aintain su(h barri(ades, in(luding signs, 4ar,ings, flags, lights and flag4en as 4ay be re>uired by the !ngineer for the infor4ation and prote(tion of. traffi( approa(hing or passing through the se(tion of the highway under i4prove4ent. Eefore ta,ing up any (onstru(tion, an agreed phased progra44e for the diversion of traffi( on the highway shall be drawn up in (onsultation with the !ngineer. The barri(ades ere(ted on either side of the (arriageway*portion .of the (arriageway (losed to traffi(, shall be of strong design to resist violation, and painted with alternate bla(, and white stripes. Red lanterns or warning lights of si4ilar type shall be 4ounted on the barri(ades at night and ,ept lit throughout fro4 sunset to sunrise. 0t the points where traffi( is to deviate fro4 its nor4al path 9whether on te4porary diversion or part width of the (arriageway: the (hannel for traffi( shall be (learly 4ar,ed with the aid of pave4ent 4ar,ings, painted dru4s or a si4ilar devi(e to the dire(tions of the !ngineer. 0t night, the passage shall be delineated with lanterns or other suitable light sour(e. 7ne+way traffi( operation shall be established whenever the traffi( is to be passed over part of the (arriageway inade>uate for two+lane traffi(. This shall be done with the help of te4porary traffi( signals or flag4en ,ept positioned on opposite sides during all hours. .or regulation of traffi(, the flag4en shall be e>uipped with red and green flags and lanterns*lights. 7n both sides, suitable regulatory*warning signs as approved by the !ngineer shall be installed for the guidan(e of road users. 7n ea(h approa(h, at least two signs shall be put up, one (lose to the point where transition of (arriageway begins and the other '%&4 away. The signs shall be of approved design and of refle(tory type, if so dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,,5*0* M!inten!n;e o Diversions !n" Tr! i; Contro: Devi;es

6igns, lights, barriers and other traffi( (ontrol devi(es, as well as the riding surfa(e of diversions shall be 4aintained in a satisfa(tory (ondition till su(h li4e they are re>uired as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The te4porary travelled way shall be ,ept free of dust by fre>uent appli(ations of water, if ne(essary. ,,5*1* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent !n" R!te 0ll arrange4ents for traffi( during (onstru(tion in(luding provision of te4porary (ross drainage stru(tures, if re>uired, and treated shoulder as des(ribed in Clause ''%.% in(luding their 4aintenan(e, dis4antling and (learing debris, where ne(essary, shall be (onsidered as in(idental to the wor,s and shall be the Contra(torKs responsibility. The (onstru(tion of te4porary diversion in(luding te4porary (ross drainage stru(tures as des(ribed in Clause ''%.3, shall be 4easured in linear 4etre and the unit (ontra(t rate shall be in(lusive of full (o4pensation for (onstru(tion 9in(luding supply of 4aterial, labour, tools et(.:, 4aintenan(e, final dis4antling, and disposal.

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0ll 4easure4ents shall be 4ade in the 4etri( syste4. #ifferent ite4s of wor, shall be 4easured in a((ordan(e with the pro(edures set forth in the relevant se(tions read in (on?un(tion with the General Conditions of Contra(t. The sa4e shall not, however, apply in the (ase of lu4psu4 (ontra(ts. 0ll 4easure4ents and (o4putations, unless otherwise indi(ated, shall be (arried nearest to the following li4its/ 9i: length and breadth '& 44 9ii: height, depth or thi(,ness of earthwor,, subgrade, sub+bases, bases, surfa(ing and stru(tural 4e4bers 5 44 9iii: area &.&' s>. 4. 9iv: (ubi( (ontents &.&' (u. 4. In re(ording di4ensions of wor,, the se>uen(e of length, width and height or depth or thi(,ness shall be followed. ,,.*5* Me!sure<ent o +e!" or M!teri!:s "here lead is spe(ified in the Contra(t for (onstru(tion+4aterials, the sa4e shall be 4easured as des(ribed hereunder/ $ead shall be 4easured over the shortest pra(ti(able route and rOn the one a(tually ta,en and the de(ision of the !ngineer in this regard shall be ta,en as final. #istan(es upto and in(luding '&& 4 shall be 4easured in units of 5& 4, e@(eeding '&& 4 but not e@(eeding ' ,4 in units of '&& 4 and e@(eeding ' ,4 in units of 5&& 4, the half and greater than half of the unit shall be re(,oned as one and less than half of the unit ignored. In this regard, the sour(e of the 4aterial shall be divided to suitable blo(,s and for ea(h blo(,, the distan(e fro4 the (entre of the blo(, to the (entre of pla(ing pertaining to that blo(, shall be ta,en as the lead distan(e. ,,.*.* Me!sure<ent o P!ve<ent Thi;@ness or P!y<ent on )o:u<e B!sis The finished thi(,ness of sub+base, base and bitu4inous (ourses to be paid on volu4e basis shall be (o4puted in the following 4anner/ $evels shall be ta,en before and after (onstru(tion, at grid of points '& 4 (entre to (entre longitudinally in straight rea(hes but 5 4 at (urves. or4ally, on two+lane roads, the levels shall be ta,en at four positions transversely, at &.25. and %.25 4 fro4 either edge of the (arriagewayM and on single lane roads, these shall be ta,en at two positions transversely, being at '.%5 4 fro4 either edge of the (arriageway. .or 4ulti+ lane roads, levels shall be ta,en at two positions transversely for ea(h lane at lo(ations spe(ified by the !ngineer. 6uitable referen(es for the transverse grid lines should be left in the for4 of e4bedded bri(,s on either ends or by other 4eans so that it is possible to lo(ate the grid points for level 4easure4ents after ea(h su((essive (ourse is laid. .or pave4ent (ourses laid only over widening portions, atleast one line of levels shall be ta,en on ea(h 6(rip of widening., or 4ore depending on the width of widening as

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de(ided by the !ngineer. otwithstanding the above, the 4easure4ents 4ay be ta,en at (loser intervals also, if so desired by the !ngineer, the need for whi(h 4ay arise parti(ularly in the (ase of esti4ation of the volu4e of the 4aterial for profile (orre(tive (ourse 9levelling (ourse:. The average thi(,ness of the pave4ent (ourse in any area shall be the arith4eti( 4ean of the differen(e of levels before and after (onstru(tion at all the grid points falling in that area, provided that the thi(,ness of finished wor, shall be li4ited to those shown on die drawings or approved by the !ngineer in writing. 0s supple4ent to level 4easure4ents, the !ngineer shall have the option to ta,e (otes*4a,e holes to (he(, the depth of (onstru(tion. The holes 4ade and the portions (ut for ta,ing (ores shall be 4ade good by the Contra(tor by laying fresh 4i@*4aterial in(luding (o4pa(ting as re>uired at no e@tra (ost i44ediately after the 4easure4ents are re(orded. ,,.*/* Che;@in& o P!ve<ent Thi;@ness or P!y<ent on Are! B!sis

"here pay4ent for any bitu4inous (ourse in 6e(tion 5&& is allowed to be 4ade on area basis, the !ngineer 4ay have its thi(,ness (he(,ed with the help of a suitable penetration gauge at regular intervals or other 4eans as he 4ay de(ide. ,,.*0* Me!sure<ent o Bitu<inous Courses or P!y<ent on Wei&ht B!sis

Plant+4i@ed bitu4inous 4aterials for pave4ent (ourses where designated to be paid on weight basis shall be weighed on a((urate s(ales approved by the !ngineer. 0pproved s(ales shall 4ean s(ales that are of siLe, (apa(ity, ,ind and type suitable for the weighing to be done, and these shall be properly and ade>uately installed and 4aintained. Prior to the use of the s(ales and as fre>uently thereafter as the !ngineer 4ay dee4 ne(essary to ensure a((ura(y, the s(ales shall be (he(,ed and approved by the !ngineer, or the !ngineer 4ay dire(t the Contra(tor to have the s(ales (he(,ed by other (o4petent agen(y at the (ost of the Contra(tor. $o(ation of the s(ales shall be as designated by the !ngineer. Tru(,s used for hauling the 4aterial to be weighed shall be weighed e4pty daily at su(h ti4es as the !ngineer dire(ts, and ea(h tru(, shall bear a plainly legible identifi(ation 4ar,. .or 4aterials spe(ified to be 4easured by weight, the !ngineer will have the option to 4a,e 4easure4ents of the finished wor, by volu4e in a((ordan(e with Clause ''3.3 and su(h volu4es shall be (onverted into weight for pay4ent purposes. The fa(tor for (onversion fro4 volu4e 4easure4ent to weight 4easure4ent shall be (o4puted fro4 representative density of the (o4pa(ted 4aterial at site deter4ined at lo(ations approved by the !ngineer. ,,/* SCOPE OF RATES FOR DIFFERENT ITEMS OF WORK ,,/*,* .or ite4 rate (ontra(ts, the (ontra(t unit rates for different ite4s of wor, shall be pay4ent in full for (o4pleting the wor, to the re>uire4ents of the 6pe(ifi(ations in(luding full (o4pensation for all the operations detailed in the relevant se(tions of these 6pe(ifi(ations under ;Rates<. In the absen(e of any dire(tions to the (ontrary, the rates are to be (onsidered as the full in(lusive rate for finished wor, (overing all labour, 4aterials, wastage, te4porary wor,, plant, e>uip4ent, over+head (harges and profit as well as the general liabilities, obligations, insuran(e and ris,s arising out of General Conditions of Contra(t.

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,,/*5* The ite4 rates >uoted by the Contra(tor shall, unless otherwise spe(ified, also in(lude (o4plian(e with*supply of the following / 9i: General wor,s su(h u setting out, (learan(e of site before setting out and (learan(e of wor,s after (o4pletionM 9ii: 0 detailed progra44e for the (onstru(tion and (o4pletion of the wor,9using CPM* P!RT te(hni>ues: giving, in addition to (onstru(tion a(tivities, detailed networ, a(tivities for the sub4ission and approval of 4aterials, pro(ure4ent of (riti(al 4aterials and e>uip4ent, fabri(ation of spe(ial produ(ts*e>uip4ent and their installation and testing, and for all a(tivities of the !4ployer that are li,ely to affe(t the progress of wor, et(, in(luding updating of all su(h a(tivities on the basis of the de(isions ta,en at the periodi( site review 4eetings or as dire(ted by the !ngineerM 9iii: 6a4ples of various 4aterials proposed to be used on the "or, for (ondu(ting tests thereon as re>uired as per the provisions of the Contra(tM 9iv: #esign of 4i@es as per the relevant Clauses of the 6pe(ifi(ations giving proportions of ingredients, sour(es of aggregates and binder along with a((o4panying trial 4i@es as per the relevant Clauses of these 6pe(ifi(ations to be sub4itted to the !ngineer for his approval before use on the "or,sM 9v: #etailed design (al(ulations and drawings for all Te4porary "or,s 9su(h as for4+wor,, staging, (enteringM spe(ialised (onstru(tional handling and laun(hing e>uip4ent and the li,e:M 9vi: #etailed drawings for te4plates, support and end an(horage, details for prestressing (able profiles, bar bending and (utting s(hedules for reinfor(e4ent, 4aterial lists for fabri(ation of stru(tural steel, et(M 9vii: Mill test reports for all 4ild and high tensile steel and (ast steel as per the relevant provisions of the 6pe(ifi(ationsM 9viii: Testing of various finished ite4s and 4aterials in(luding bitu4en, (e4ent, (on(rete, bearings as re>uired under these 6pe(ifi(ations and furnishing test reports*(ertifi(atesM 9i@: Inspe(tion Reports in respe(t of for4wor,, staging, reinfor(e4ent and other ite4s of wor, as per the relevant 6pe(ifi(ationsM 9@: 0ny other data whi(h 4ay be re>uired as per these. 6pe(ifi(ations or the Conditions of Contra(t or any other anne@ures*s(hedules for4ing part of the Contra(tM 9@i: 0ny other ite4 of wor, whi(h is not spe(ifi(ally provided in the Eill of Duantities but whi(h is ne(essary for (o4plying with the provisions of the Contra(tM 9@ii: 0ll te4porary wor,s, for4wor, and false wor,M 9@iii: !stablishing and running a laboratory with fa(ilities for testing for various ite4s of wor,s as spe(ified in 6e(tion 1&& and other relevant Clauses, where there is no separate ite4 in the Eill of Duantities for establishing and running a laboratoryM 9@iv: Cost of in+built provisions for Duality 0ssuran(eM 9@v: Cost of safeguarding the environ4entM and 9@vi: Cost of providing ;as+built drawings< in original and two sets of prints. ,,/*.* Portions of road wor,s beyond the li4its and*or any other wor, 4ay be got (onstru(ted by the !4ployer dire(tly through other agen(ies. 0((ordingly, other agen(ies e4ployed by the !4ployer 4ay be wor,ing in the vi(inity of the "or,s being e@e(uted by the Contra(tor. The Contra(tor shall liaise with su(h agen(ies and ad?ust his

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(onstru(tion progra44e for the (o4pletion of wor, a((ordingly and no (lai4 or (o4pensation due to any reason whatsoever will be entertained on this a((ount. The !4ployer will be inde4nified by the Contra(tor for any (lai4s fro4 other agen(ies on this a((ount. ,,0* MET%ODO+OG6 AND SE>(ENCE OF WORK Prior to start of the (onstru(tion a(tivities at site, the Contra(tor shall, within 3& days after the date of the $etter of 0((eptan(e, sub4it to the !ngineer for approval, the detailed (onstru(tion 4ethodology in(luding 4e(hani(al e>uip4ent proposed to be used, se>uen(e of various a(tivities and s(hedule fro4 start lo end of the pro?e(t. Progra44e relating to pave4ent and shoulder (onstru(tion shall be ari integrated a(tivity to be done si4ultaneously in a (oordinated 4anner. The 4ethodology and the se>uen(e shall be so planned as to provide proper safety, drainage and free flow of traffi(. ,,1* CR(S%ED STONE AGGREGATES "here the ter4s (rushed gravel*shingle, (rushed stone, bro,en stone or stone aggregate appear in any part of the Tender #o(u4ents or #rawings issued for wor,, they refer to (rushed gravel*(rushed shingle*(rushed stone aggregate obtained fro4 integrated (rushing plant having appropriate pri4ary (rusher, se(ondary (rusher and vibratory s(reen. ,,2* APPRO)A+ OF MATERIA+S 0pproval of all sour(es of 4aterial for wor, shall be obtained in writing fro4 the !ngineer before their use on the pro?e(t. ,,3* S(PP+6 OF >(ARR6 SAMP+ES Raw and pro(essed sa4ples of the 4ineral aggregates fro4 the approved >uarry shall be sub4itted by the Contra(tor at no e@tra (ost. ,,4* (SE OF S(RFACES B6 CONSTR(CTION TRAFFIC ,,4*,* 7rdinarily, no (onstru(tion traffi( shall be allowed on pave4ent under (onstru(tion unless authorised by the !ngineer. !ven in that (ase the load and intensity of (onstru(tion traffi( should be so regulated that no da4age is (aused to the subgrade or pave4ent layers already (onstru(ted. "here ne(essary, servi(e roads shall be (onstru(ted for this purpose and the sa4e shall be (onsidered as in(idental to the wor,. ,,4*5* The wheels or tra(,s of plant 4oving over the various pave4ent (ourses shall be ,ept free of deleterious 4aterials. ,,4*.* Eitu4inous base (ourse shall be ,ept (lean and un(onta4inated as long as the sa4e re4ains un(overed by a wearing (ourse or surfa(e treat4ent. The only traffi( per4itted a((ess to the base (ourse shall be that engaged in laying and (o4pa(ting the wearing (ourse or that engaged on su(h surfa(e treat4ent where the base+(ourse is to be blinded and *or surfa(e dressed. 6hould the base (ourse or ta(, (oat on the base (ourse be(o4e (onta4inated, the Contra(tor shall 4a,e good by (learing it to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer, and if this is i4pra(ti(able, by re4oving the layer and

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repla(ing it to 6pe(ifi(ation without any e@tra (ost. ,5-* SITE OFFICE FOR ENGINEER AND OT%ER S(PER)ISOR6 STAFF ,5-*,* S;o#e The wor, (overs the (onstru(tion and provision of furnished site offi(e a((o44odation for the supervisory staff of !ngineer and 4aintaining the sa4e. ,5-*5* Des;ri#tion The Contra(tor shall arrange to provide fully furnished offi(e a((o44odation (onstru(ted as shown in drawings. "or, in(ludes providing ele(tri( supply, all ele(tri(al ite4s li,e lights, fans and (o4plete wiring, providing water supply in(luding all pipes, fittings, tan,s, tube well, pu4ps, valves et(. (o4plete, septi( tan,, sewer lines, drains, fen(ing, internal surfa(ed roads et(. (o4plete as shown on the drawings. The Contra(tor shall provide the offi(e a((o44odation within B 4onths fro4 the date of the (o44en(e4ent of wor, or 3 4onths fro4 the date of providing the land and the wor,ing drawings for the (onstru(tion of offi(e a((o44odation, whi(hever is later. $ist of furniture to be provided and 4aintained for !ngineerKs site offi(e shall be as in Table '&&+%. T!?:e ,--75* +IST OF F(RNIT(RE TO BE PRO)IDED AND MAINTAINED FOR ENGINEERDS SITE OFFICE 6. o. Ite4 &'. !@e(utive table 9for the !ngineer: &%. !@e(utive (hair 9for the !ngineer: &3. Table 9for 6ite !ngineer, 0((ountant and Head Cler,: &B. 7rdinary (hair Type I 9.or the !ngineer, 0((ountant, Head Cler, and visitors: &5. Table 9for all other staff: 6pe(ifi(ation Ma,e + Godre? Model o. T+'&- or e>uivalent Ma,e+Godre? Model o. PCH+2&' or e>uivalent Ma,e+Godre? Model o. T+'&B or e>uivalent. Ma,e+Godre? Model o. CHR+) or e>uivalent. os. Re>d.I

Ma,e+Godre? Model o. T+'&' or e>uivalent

&). 7rdinary (hair+Type II 9for all Ma,e+Godre? Model other staff and visitors: o. CHR+) or e>uivalent &2. 6tool Ma,a+Godre? Model o. 6T+% or e>uivalent

Page 3B of )'-

6. o. Ite4 &-. 6teel 0i4irah '1-&44 @ 1'544 @ B-544

6pe(ifi(ation Ma,e+Godre? Model o.l 6torewel plain or e>uivalent

os. Re>d.I

&1. 6teel 0i4irah '%2&44 @ 2)5 Ma,e+Godre? Model Minor 44 @ BB& 44 plain or e>uivalent '&. Ra(,s + 5 Tier '-&& 44 @ 1&& 44 @ 325 44 ''. Typewriter Made of slotted angles and M.6. 6heets of Godre? 4a,e !le(troni(+Eilingual 9!nglish & Hindi: etwor, 4a,e or e>uivalent. Ma,e+Godre? 6torewel or e>uivalent

'%. 6teel Cash Chest of siLe '.5 @ '.5 9B5& 44 @ B5& 44: 9appro@.: '3. 0ir Coolers

The (oolers shall have %B< 9)&(4: siLe fan with suitable pu4p and shall be of either G!C. =haitan or Cool Ho4e 4a,e or e>uivalent The heaters shall be of %&&& " (apa(ity + Ea?a? 4a,e or e>uivalent Ceiling fans shall be of approved 4a,e and (olour PC B-) with hard dis( (apa(ity %3& ME, Maths (opro(essor. Two dis( drives of 5.%5< 9'3% 44: and 3.5< 9-- 44:, 'B< 935& 44: siLe (olour CG0 4onitor letter+>uality dot4atri@ printer of '3% (olu4ns and '&' =ey board Ma,e RIC7H Model .T B&)5 or e>uivalent

'B. Roo4 Healers

'5. Ceiling .ans 'B&& 44 siLe '). Co4puter with printer

'2. Photo(opier

I u4bers to be de(ided by the !ngineer as per. re>uire4ents of the Pro?e(t.

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,5-*.* O'nershi# The site offi(e with all servi(es, furniture and fittings shall be the property of the !4ployer. The land for the sites offi(e shall be provided by +the !ngineer and the lo(ation shall be as indi(ated in the #rawings. ,5-*/* M!inten!n;e

The Contra(tor shall arrange to 4aintain the site offi(e until the issue of Ta,ing over Certifi(ate for the (o4plete wor,. Maintenan(e in(ludes the day to day up,eep of the building and the surroundings, attending to repairs to various parts of the building, furniture, fittings, offi(e e>uip4ent and the (onne(ted servi(es as and when ne(essary, in(luding the periodi( white*(olour washing of building and painting of wood wor,, steel wor,, repla(ing the bro,en window*door*ventilator glasses, furniture and other hardware and 4aintaining ne(essary wat(h and ward during day and night The Contra(tor shall arrange to provide uninterrupted supply of ele(tri(ity and water for the offi(e building. In (ase of failure of 4ain power*water supply, alternate sour(e shall be available for providing uninterrupted supply. 0ll sour(es, tappings and (onne(ted e>uip4ent and fittings, piping, tan,s, wiring and all a((essories of the 4ain alternate power*water supply, for the site offi(e a((o44odation shall be the property of the !4ployer. ,5-*0* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

The 4easure4ent for (onstru(tion and provision of site offi(e shall be in s>uare 4etres of the plinth area of the offi(e a((o44odation and the pay4ent shall be 4ade after the (o4pletion and handing over of the buildings with (onne(ted servi(es fully furnished in(luding offi(e e>uip4ent for o((upation. If the Contra(tor fails to hand over the furnished offi(e a((o44odation within the period stipulated under Clause '%&.%, an a4ount of Rs.'5,&&& per 4onth or part thereof shall be debited to the Contra(torKs a((ount for the period of delay. The 4easure4ent for 4aintenan(e of !ngineerKs site offi(e a((o44odation shall be on 4aintenan(e 4onths and shall be 4ade on (o4pletion of satisfa(tory 4aintenan(e every 4onth. If at any stage, the Contra(tor fails to (arry out the re>uired 4aintenan(e satisfa(torily, an a4ount of Rs.5&&& per 4onth or part thereof shall be debited to the Contra(torKs a((ount. In addition, the 4onth*4onths during whi(h the Contra(tor fails to (arry out the re>uired 4aintenan(e satisfa(torily shall not be 4easured for pay4ent. If the Contra(t wor,s are not (o4pleted within the stipulated period or within the granted e@tended ti4e of (o4pletion, 4aintenan(e of site offi(e a((o44odation in a((ordan(e with Clause '%&.B shall be (arried out by the Contra(tor at his own (ost and as su(h no pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. In (ase of any failure by the Contra(tor to do so, an a4ount of Rs.'5,&&& per 4onth or part thereof shall be debited to the Contra(torKs a((ount. ,5-*1* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for (onstru(ting and providing the site offi(e a((o44odation shall in(lude the e@penses of all the operations involved in (onstru(tion

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of the building in(luding all servi(es, fittings, fi@tures, furniture, fen(ing, internal surfa(ed roads, as 4entioned under Clause '%&.%. The Contra(t unit rate for 4aintenan(e shall in(lude e@penses towards all ite4s of wor,s detailed in Clause '%&.B in(luding power and water (harges for supply fro4 the 4ains and for providing uninterrupted supply of power and water fro4 alternate sour(es in (ase of failure of 4ain supply. ,5,* FIE+D +ABORATOR6 ,5,*,* S;o#e

The wor, (overs the provision and 4aintenan(e of an ade>uately e>uipped field laboratory as re>uired for site (ontrol on the >uality of 4aterials and the wor,s. ,5,*5* Des;ri#tion

The Contra(tor shall arrange to provide fully furnished and ade>uately e>uipped field laboratory (onstru(ted as shown in drawings. The field laboratory shall preferably be lo(ated ad?a(ent to the site offi(e of the !ngineer and provided with a4enities li,e water supply, ele(tri( supply et(. as for the site offi(e of the !ngineer in Clause '%&.%. The floor spa(e re>uire4ent for the field laboratory shall be as indi(ated in the drawing. It shall in(lude offi(e spa(e for the Materials !ngineers, one fro4 the Contra(torKs side and another fro4 the !ngineerKs side and a store for the storage of sa4ples. The re4aining spa(e shall be provided for the installation of e>uip4ent, laboratory tables and (upboards, wor,ing spa(e for (arrying out various laboratory tests, besides a wash basin, toilet fa(ility and a (uring tan, for the (uring of sa4ples, around B4 @ %4 @ '4 in siLe and a fu4e (ha4ber. The furnishing in ea(h of two offi(es of the Materials !ngineers shall be as provided for the 6ite !ngineer in Table '&&+%. "ooden*(on(rete wor,ing table with a wor,ing platfor4 area of about '4 @ '&4 shall be provided against the walls, also providing wooden (upboards above and below the wor,ing tables to store a((essories su(h as sa4ple 4oulds et(. 0tleast B ra(,s of slotted angles and M.6. sheets as at 6r. o. '& of Table '&&+% and atleast ) stools for laboratory test operators as at 6r. o 2 of Table '&&+% shall also be provided, ,5,*.* +!?or!tory EEui#<ent

The following ite4s of laboratory e>uip4ent shall be provided in the field laboratory. ,5,*.*,* Gener!: 9i: 7ven + !le(tri(ally operated, ther4ostati(ally (ontrolled, range upto %&&PC sensitivity 'PC 9ii: Platfor4 balan(e 3&& ,g (apa(ity 9iii: Ealan(e %& ,g (apa(ity+self indi(ating type 9iv: !le(troni( Ealan(e 5 ,g (apa(ity a((ura(y &.5 g4 ' o.

' o. ' o. % os.

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9v: "ater bath+ele(tri(ally operated and ther4ostati(ally (ontrolled with ad?ustable shelves, sensitivity 'PC 9vi: Ther4o4eters/ Mer(ury+in+glass ther4o4eter range && to %5&PC Mer(ury+in+steel ther4o4eter with 3& (4 ste4, range upto 3&&PC 9vii: =erosene or gas stove or ele(tri( hot plate 9viii: Glasswares, spatulas, wire gauLes, steel s(ales, 4easuring tape, (asseroles, ,arahis, ena4elled trays of assorted siLes, pestle+4ortar, por(elain dishes, gunny bags, plasti( bags, (he4i(als, digging tools li,e pi(,a@es, shovels et(. 9i@: 6et of I6 sieves with lid and pan/ B5& 44 dia4eter/ )3 44, 53 44, 32.5 44, %).5 44. '3.% 44, 1.5 44, ).2 44 and B.25 44 siLe %&& 44 dia4eter/ %.3) 44, %.& 44, '.'- 44. )&& 4i(ron, B%5 4i(ron, 3&& 4i(ron, '5& 4i(ron, and 25 4i(ron 9@: "ater testing ,it 9@i: .irst aid bo@ ,5,*.*5* For soi:s !n" !&&re&!tes 9i: Riffle Eo@ 9ii: 0tterberg $i4its 9li>uid and plasti( li4its: deter4ination apparatus.

' o.

B os.

' o. 0s re>uired

' set

% sets

' set ' set

' o. ' set

The Contra(t lu4psu4 rate for the supply, ere(tion, 4aintenan(e and running of testing e>uip4ent shall in(lude (ost of supply, installation and running in(luding all (onsu4ables li,e (he4i(als and reagents. ,55* SITE RESIDENTIA+ ACCOMMODATION FOR ENGINEER AND OT%ER S(PER)ISOR6 STAFF

,55*,* S;o#e The wor, (overs the provision and 4aintenan(e of unfurnished site residential a((o44odation for the !ngineer and other supervisory staff. The Contra(tor shall arrange to provide residential a((o44odation (onstru(ted as shown in the drawings.

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"or, in(ludes providing ele(tri( supply, all ele(tri(al ite4s li,e wiring, swit(hes, all fittings, lights, fans, et(. (o4pleteM providing water supply and sanitation in(luding all pipes, fittings, tan,s, tube well, pu4ps, valves et(. (o4pleteM septi( tan,, sewer lines, drains, fen(ing, internal roads et(., (o4plete as shown in the drawings. ,55*5* O'nershi#

The site residential a((o44odation with all servi(es and fittings et(., shall be the property of the !4ployer. The land for the residential a((o44odation shall be provided by the !ngineer and the lo(ation shall be as indi(ated by the !ngineer. The Contra(tor shall provide the residential a((o44odation within B 4onths fro4 the date of (o44en(e4ent of the wor, or 3 4onths fro4 the date of providing land and the. wor,ing drawings for the (onstru(tion of residential a((o44odation, whi(hever is later. ,55*.* M!inten!n;e The Contra(tor shall arrange to 4aintain the supervisory staff residential a((o44odation until the issue of Ta,ing 7ver Certifi(ate for the (o4plete wor,. Maintenan(e in(ludes attending to repairs to various parts of the building, fittings et(. and the (onne(ted servi(es as and when ne(essary, in(luding the annual white*(olour washing of the building and periodi( painting of wood and steel wor,M repla(ing the bro,en window*door, ventilator glasses and other hardwareM and 4aintenan(e of internal roads. The Contra(tor shall arrange to provide uninterrupted supply of ele(tri(ity and water for the buildings. In (ase of failure of 4ain water or power supply, suitable alternate arrange4ent shall be 4ade for providing uninterrupted supply. 0ll sour(es*tappings and (onne(ted e>uip4ent and fittings, piping, tan,s, wiring and all other a((essories of the 4ain and alternate power*water supply for the residential a((o44odation shall be the property of the !4ployer. ,55*/* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent

The 4easure4ent for (onstru(tion of the residential a((o44odation shall be on s>uare 4etres of plinth area of the a((o44odation. The pay4ent shall be 4ade after the residential a((o44odation, (o4plete with all servi(es, fen(ing et(., is (onstru(ted and handed over for o((upation. If the Contra(tor fails to (o4plete and hand over the (o4plete residential a((o44odation within the period stipulated under Clause '%%.%. an a4ount of Rs.5&,&&& per 4onth or part thereof shall be debited to the Contra(torKs a((ount for the period of delay. The 4easure4ent for 4aintenan(e of supervisory staff residential a((o44odation shall be in 4aintenan(e 4onths and shall be 4ade on (o4pletion of satisfa(tory 4aintenan(e every 4onth. If at any stage the Contra(tor fails to (arry out the re>uired 4aintenan(e satisfa(torily, an a4ount of Rs.%5,&&& per 4onth or part thereof shall be debited to the Contra(torKs a((ount In addition, the 4onth*4onths during whi(h the Contra(tor fails to (arryout the re>uired 4aintenan(e satisfa(torily shall not be 4easured for pay4ent. If the Contra(t wor,s are not (o4pleted within the stipulated period or within the granted e@tended ti4e of (o4pletion, 4aintenan(e of residential a((o44odation in a((ordan(e with Clause '%%.3 shall be (arried out by the Contra(tor at his own (ost and as su(h no pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. In (ase of any failure by the Contra(tor

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to do so, an a4ount of Rs.)&,&&& per 4onth or part thereof shall be debited to the Contra(torKs a((ount. ,55*0* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for (onstru(ting and providing residential a((o44odation for the !ngineer and other supervisory staff shall in(lude (ost of all the operations involved in (onstru(tion of buildings and (onne(ted servi(es and fittings, fen(ing et(. (o4plete. The Contra(t unit rate for 4aintenan(e shall in(lude the e@penses for +all ite4s of wor, detailed in Clause '%%.3 in(luding provision pf uninterrupted supply of power and water. ,5.* PRO)IDING AND MAINTAINING WIRE+ESS COMM(NICATION S6STEM

,5.*,* S;o#e The wor, (overs the provision and 4aintenan(e of wireless (o44uni(ation syste4s with ne(essary 4obile*base trans+re(eivers and other a((essories. ,5.*5* Su##:y The Contra(tor shall arrange to supply, install and (o44ission the (o4plete wireless syste4 of approved >uality suitable for a range of upto )5 ,4. The syste4 shall (onsist of the following/ 9a: Mobile Trans+re(eiver suitable for 4ounting on B wheeKers with Mi(rophone asse4bly. Mobile 0ntenna with Cable and !@ternal 6pea,er asse4bly 93 " audio output: with all ne(essary fittings and a((essories + '& sets. 9b: Ease Trans+re(eivers with Mi(rophone asse4bly, suitable 0ntenna, e@ternal spea,er unit 93 " audio output: with all ne(essary fittings and a((essories + 3 sets. 9(: Hand held radio sets + '& os. The Contra(tor shall provide the (o4plete wireless syste4 within '% 4onths fro4 the date of (o44en(e4ent of wor, or - 4onths fro4 the date on whi(h fre>uen(y is allotted to hi4 by the Govt. #epart4ent, whi(hever is later. He shall sub4it a guarantee for repla(e4ent of any defe(tive trans+re(eiver*trans+re(eivers during the (urren(y of the (ontra(t. ,5.*.* A##rov!:

The Contra(tor shall arrange to obtain all ne(essary statutory approvals fro4 various Govern4ent bodies for operating the syste4. He shall also fulfil the re>uire4ents laid down by various Govern4ent #epart4ents and obtain the fre>uen(y to operate the wireless syste4

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The Contra(tor shall arrange to 4aintain the entire wireless syste4 in(luding the 4obile and base trans+re(eivers and all a((essories until the issue of the Ta,ing 7ver Certifi(ate for the (o4plete wor,. HM/ shall repla(e any Trans+re(eiver or a((essory whi(h goes out of order, at his own (ost and provide all ne(essary spares and attend to all repairs ne(essary for ,eeping the (o4plete syste4 in satisfa(tory wor,ing (ondition. 7n issue of the Ta,ing 7ver Certifi(ate after obtaining (learan(e fro4 the !ngineer, the Contra(tor shall dis4antle the (o4plete wireless syste4 and hand over to the !ngineer. ,5.*0* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

The 4easure4ent for supply and installation of wireless syste4, shall be on lu4psu4 basis for the (o4plete syste4 as des(ribed in the pre(eding paras. If the Contra(tor fails to (o44ission and hand over the (o4plete wireless syste4 in the stipulated ti4e, an a4ount of Rs.'&,&&& per 4onth or part thereof shall be debited to the Contra(torKs a((ount The 4easure4ent for 4aintenan(e of the wireless syste4 shall be on 4aintenan(e 4onths and shall be 4ade on (o4pletion of satisfa(tory 4aintenan(e every 4onth. If the Contra(tor fails to (arry out the re>uired 4aintenan(e as dire(ted by the !ngineer at any stage of wor,, an a4ount of Rs.5&&& per 4onth or pan thereof shall be debited to the Contra(tor. IE addition, the 4onth*4onths during whi(h the Contra(tor fails to (arry out the re>uired 4aintenan(e shall not be 4easured for pay4ent. If die Contra(t "or,s are not (o4pleted within the stipulated period or within granted e@tended ti4e of (o4pletion, the 4aintenan(e of wireless syste4 in a((ordan(e with Clause '%3.B shall be (arried out by the Contra(tor at his own (ost and as su(h, no pay4ent shall be+4ade for the sa4e. In (ase of any failure by the Contra(tor to do so, an a4ount of Rs.-&&& per 4onth or part thereof shall be debited '& the Contra(torKs a((ount. ,5.*1* R!tes The Contra(t unit rate for the supply and installation of wireless syste4 shall (over all the e@penses towards the supply of all ne(essary ite4s and e@penses towards obtaining statutory approvals and operating fre>uen(y, ere(tion, (o44issioning and handing over, guarantee for repla(e4ent of the trans+re(eiver*trans+re(eivers 9whi(h are found defe(tive: during the (urren(y of the Contra(t and all other in(identals. The Contra(t unit rate for the 4aintenan(e of wireless syste4 shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out periodi( servi(ing and (he(,ing of the syste4, repla(e4ent of (o4ponents, attending to all ne(essary repair, pay4ent of ta@es, if any, and other in(identals to ,eep the (o4plete syste4 in satisfa(tory wor,ing (ondition. ,5/* PRO)IDING AND MAINTAINING )E%IC+ES FOR T%E ENGINEER ,5/*,* S;o#e The wor, (overs providing and 4aintaining of hard top passenger (ars and *or hard top ?eeps for use by the !ngineer as des(ribed under the Eill of Duantities.

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,5/*5* Des;ri#tion The passenger (ars shall be petrol or diesel driven and 4ay be 04bassador or e>uivalent having (ylinder (apa(ity of 4ini4u4 'B&& ((. The hard top ?eeps shall be B " #rive either petrol or diesel driven and 4ay be Maruti Gypsy Model MG + B'&, Mahindra & Mahindra 8eep Model MM+5B&*MM+BB& or e>uivalent. The nu4ber of vehi(les to be provided by the Contra(tor shall be de(ided by the !ngineer at various ti4es, out of the total provision in the Eill of Duantities and indi(ated in writing. The Contra(tor shall provide within one 4onth fro4 the date of order by the !ngineer, vehi(les as indi(ated above. The vehi(les shall be provided and 4aintained until issue of the Ta,ing 7ver Certifi(ate for the (o4plete "or,, initially, new vehi(les shall be provided. In (ase of vehi(les of Indian 4a,e, a vehi(le shall be repla(ed with a new vehi(le after a 4a@i4u4 run of 25,&&& ,4 or two years whi(hever is earlier. In (ase of vehi(les of foreign 4a,e approved by the !ngineer, the vehi(le shall be repla(ed with a new vehi(le after a 4a@i4u4 run of ',&&,&&& ,4 or three years whi(hever is earlier. 0il ne(essary ta@es for operating the vehi(les shall be fully paid and all ne(essary papers shall be provided as re>uired by prevailing Motor Cehi(les 0(t with (o4prehensive insuran(e (over for the vehi(les. The vehi(les shall be provided day and night as re>uired by the !ngineer. The Contra(tor shall also 4a,e available drivers having valid li(en(e at su(h ti4es and for su(h duration as instru(ted by the !ngineer. ,5/*.* M!inten!n;e The vehi(les shall be 4aintained in a s4ooth running (ondition. 0ll e@penses re>uired for ,eeping the vehi(les in s4ooth running (ondition su(h as fuel, lubri(ation oil and other (onsu4ables, ne(essary servi(e and 4aintenan(e, drivers, repairs and repla(e4ent et(. are to be 4et by the Contra(tor. In the event of any vehi(le being off the road for 4aintenan(e or on a((ount of brea,down, the Contra(tor shall provide substitute vehi(le9s: i44ediately. If the Contra(tor at any ti4e fails to provide vehi(les: or substitute vehi(le9s: as spe(ified above, an a4ount of Rs.5&& per day or part thereof for ea(h vehi(le 9that the Contra(tor failed to provide: shall be debited to the Contra(torKs a((ount. 0lso the nu4ber of days for whi(h the vehi(le9s: were not provided shall not be in(luded for pay4ent. If the Contra(t "or,s are not (o4pleted within the stipulated period or within the granted e@tended ti4e of (o4pletion, provision and 4aintenan(e of vehi(les in a((ordan(e with Clause '%B.' through '%B.B shall be (arried out by the Contra(tor at his own (ost and no pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. In (ase of any failure by the Contra(tor to do so, an a4ount of Rs.2&& per day or part thereof per vehi(le shall be debited to the Contra(torKs a((ount ,5/*/* With"r!'!: o )ehi;:es

The Contra(tor shall withdraw parti(ular vehi(le*vehi(les for the non+use by the !ngineer if so dire(ted by the !ngineer. In su(h (ases+the instru(tions for non+use of vehi(le shall be given in writing '5 days in advan(e and the withdrawal of vehi(les shall not be for a period of less than '5 days (ontinuously at a tune. ,5/*0* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

The pay4ent for providing and 4aintaining vehi(les shall be on vehi(le day basis

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for a(tual nu4ber of days the vehi(les were provided in satisfa(tory wor,ing order. o pay4ent shall be 4ade for the period of withdrawal as per Clause '%B.B irrespe(tive of the fa(t whether vehi(le was available or not. ,5/*1* R!tes The Contra(t unit rate for providing and 4aintaining vehi(les for !ngineer shall in(lude all e@penses towards providing and ,eeping the vehi(les in s4ooth running (ondition in(luding ta@es et(., 4entioned in the pre(eding paras. ,50* S(PP+6 OF CO+O(R RECORD P%OTOGRAP%S AND A+B(MS ,50*,* S;o#e The wor, (overs the supply of photographs, negatives and albu4s to serve as a per4anent re(ord of various stages*fa(ets of the wor, needed for an authenti( do(u4entation as approved by the !ngineer. ,50*5* Des;ri#tion The Contra(tor shall arrange to ta,e (olour photographs at various stages*fa(ets of the wor, in(luding interesting and novel features of the wor, as desired by the !ngineer. The photographs shall be of a((eptable >uality and they shall be ta,en by a professionally (o4petent photographer with (a4era having the fa(ility to re(ord the date of photographs ta,en in the prints and negative. The Contra(tor shall supply two (olour prints of ea(h of the photographs ta,en to the standard post(ard siLe 4ounted in albu4s of a((eptable >uality. 0lso the negative in 35 44 siLe shall be supplied for ea(h photograph. !a(h photograph in the albu4 shall be suitably (aptioned. ,50*.* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent 6upply of two (opies of (olour re(ord photographs 4ounted in the albu4s and the negative thereof shall be 4easured in nu4ber of re(ord photographs supplied. 6upply of additional prints of (olour re(ord photographs shall be 4easured in nu4ber of additional prints supplied. ,50*/* R!te The rate for the supply of re(ord photographs shall in(lude the (ost of ta,ing the photographs, developing and obtaining (olour prints, (ost of albu4, 4ounting of photographs and (aptioning the sa4e et(. The rate for additional (olour prints shall si4ilarly in(lude all (osts in(urred. The photographs and 4aterials in(luding negatives shall for4 a pan of the re(ords of the #epart4ent and the prints of the sa4e (annot be supplied to anybody else or published without the written per4ission of the #epart4ent.

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,51* S(PP+6 OF )IDEO CASSETTES ,51*,* Des;ri#tion The wor, (onsists of ta,ing video fil4s of i4portant a(tivities of the wor, as dire(ted by the !ngineer during the (urren(y of the pro?e(t and editing the4 to a video fil4 of playing ti4e not less than )& 4inutes and upto '-& 4inutes as dire(ted by the !ngineer. It shall (ontain narration of the a(tivities in !nglish by a (o4petent narrator. The edition of the video fil4 and the s(ript for narration shall be as approved by the !ngineer. The video (assettes shall be of a((eptable >uality and the fil4 shall be (apable of produ(ing (olour pi(tures. ,51*5* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The 4easure4ent shall be by nu4ber of sets of edited 4aster (assettes ea(h with four (opies thereof. ,51*.* R!tes

The (ontra(t unit rate shall in(lude all e@penses for 4a,ing video fil4s with the help of a professionally (o4petent photographer, editing, narration and supplying the final edited 4aster (assette alongwith four (opies thereof.

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Site C:e!r!n;e

5-Site C:e!r!n;e

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5-,* C+EARING AND GR(BBING 5-,*,* S;o#e

This wor, shall (onsist of (utting, re4oving and disposing of all 4aterials su(h as trees, bushes, shrubs, stu4ps, roots, grass, weeds, top organi( soil not e@(eeding '5& 44 in thi(,ness, rubbish et(., whi(h in the opinion of the !ngineer ar( unsuitable for in(orporation in the wor,s, fro4, the area of road land (ontaining road e4ban,4ent, drains, (ross+drainage stru(tures and su(h other areas as 4ay+be spe(ified on the drawings or by the !ngineer. It shall in(lude ne(essary e@(avation, ba(,filling of pits resulting fro4 uprooting of trees and stu4ps to re>uired (o4pa(tion, handling, salvaging, and disposal of (leared 4aterials. Clearing and grubbing shall be perfor4ed in advan(e of earthwor, operations and in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 5-,*5* Preserv!tion o Pro#ertyFA<enities

Roadside trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole lines, fen(es, signs, 4onu4ents, buildings, pipelines, sewers and all highway fa(ilities within or ad?a(ent to the highway whi(h are not to be disturbed shall be prote(ted fro4 in?ury or da4age. The Contra(tor shall, provide and install at his own e@pense, suitable safeguards approved by the !ngineer for this purpose. #uring (learing and grubbing, the Contra(tor shall ta,e all ade>uate pre(autions against soil erosion, water pollution, et(., and where re>uired, underta,e additional wor,s to that effe(t vide Clause 3&). Eefore start of operations, the Contra(tor shall sub4it to the !ngineer for approval, his wor, plan in(luding the pro(edure to be followed for disposal of waste 4aterials, et(., and the s(hedules for (arrying out te4porary and per4anent erosion (ontrol wor,s as stipulated in Clause 3&).3. 5-,7.* Metho"sA Too:s !n" EEui#<ents 7nly su(h 4ethods, tools and e>uip4ent as are approved by the !ngineer and whi(h will not affe(t the property to be preserved shall be adopted for the "or,. If the area has thi(, vegetation*roots*trees, a (rawler or pneu4ati( tyred doLer of ade>uate (apa(ity 4ay be used for (learan(e purposes. The doLer shall have ripper atta(h4ents for re4oval of tree stu4ps. 0ll trees, stu4ps, et(., falling within e@(avation and fill lines shall be (ot to su(h depth below ground level that in no (ase foil within 5&& 44 of the subgrade. 0lso, all vegetation su(h as roots, under+growth, grass and other deleterious 4atter unsuitable for in(orporation in the e4ban,4ent*subgrade shall be re4oved between fill lines to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 7n areas beyond these li4its, trees and stu4ps re>uired to be re4oved as dire(ted by the !ngineer shall be (ut down to ' 4 below ground level so that these do not present an unsightly appearan(e. 0ll bran(hes of trees e@tending above the tri44ed as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0ll e@(avations below the general ground level arising out of the re4oval of trees, stu4ps, et(., shall be filled with suitable 4aterial and (o4pa(ted thoroughly so as to 4a,e the surfa(e at these points (onfor4 to the surrounding area. 0nt+hills both above and below the ground, as are liable to (ollapse and obstru(t free subsoil water flow shall be re4oved and their wor,ings, whi(h 4ay e@tend to several 4etres, shall be suitably treated.

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5-,*/* Dis#os!: o M!teri!:s 0ll 4aterials arising fro4 (learing and grubbing operations shall be the property of Govern4ent and shall be disposed of by the Contra(tor as hereinafter provided or dire(ted by the !ngineer. Trun,s, bran(hes and stu4ps of trees shall be (leaned of li4bs and roots and sta(,ed. 0lso boulders, stones and other 4aterials usable in road (onstru(tion shall be neatly sta(,ed as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 6ta(,ing of stu4ps, boulders, stones et(., shall be done at spe(ified spots with all lifts and upto a lead of '&&& 4. 0ll produ(ts of (learing and grubbing whi(h, in the opinion of the !ngineer, (annot be used or au(tioned shall be (leared away fro4 the roadside in a 4anner as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Care shall be ta,en to see that unsuitable waste 4aterials are disposed of in su(h a 4anner that there is no li,elihood of these getting 4i@ed up with the 4aterials 4eant for e4ban,4ent, subgrade and road (onstru(tion. 5-,*0* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent Clearing and grubbing for road e4ban,4ent, drains and (ross+drainage stru(tures shall be 4easured on area basis in ter4s of he(tares. Clearing and grubbing of borrow areas shall be dee4ed to be a part of wor,s preparatory to e4ban,4ent (onstru(tion and shall be dee4ed to have been in(luded in the rates >uoted for the e4ban,4ent (onstru(tion ite4 and no separate pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. Cutting of trees upto 3&& 44 in girth in(luding re4oval of stu4ps and roots, and tri44ing of bran(hes of trees e@tending above the roadway shall be (onsidered in(idental to the (leanng and grubbing operations. Re4oval of stu4ps left over after trees have been (ut by any other agen(y shall also be (onsidered in(idental to the (learing and grubbing operations. Cutting, in(luding re4oval of stu4ps and roots of trees of girth above 3&& 44 and ba(,filling to re>uired (o4pa(tion shall be 4easured in ter4s of nu4ber a((ording to the siLes given below/+ i: 0bove 3&& 44 to )&& 44 ii: 0bove )&& 44 to 1&& 44 iii: 0bove 1&& 44 to '-&& 44 iv: 0bove '-&& 44 .or this purpose, the girth shall be 4easured at a height of ' 4etre above ground or at the top of the stu4p if the height of the stu4p is less than one 4etre fro4 the ground. 5-,*1* R!tes 5-,*1*,* The Contra(t unit rates for the various ite4s of (learing and grubbing shall be pay4ent in full+for (arrying out, the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals ne(essary to (o4plete the wor,. These will also in(lude re4oval of stu4ps of trees less than 3&& 44 in girth as well as stu4ps left over after (utting of trees (arried out by another agen(y, e@(avation and ba(,+filling to re>uired density, where ne(essary, and handling, salvaging, piling and disposing of the (leared 4aterials with all lifts and upto a lead of '&&& 4.

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5-,*1*5* The Contra(t unit rate for (utting 9in(luding re4oval of stu4ps and roots: of trees of girth above 3&& 44 shall in(lude e@(avation and ba(,filling to re>uired (o4pa(tion, handling, salvaging, piling and disposing of the (leared 4aterials with all lifts and upto a lead of '&&& 4. 5-,*1*.* "here a Contra(t does not in(lude separate ite4s of (learing and grubbing, the sa4e shall be (onsidered in(idental to the earthwor, ite4s and the Contra(t unit pri(es for the sa4e shall be (onsidered as in(luding (learing and grubbing operations. 5-5* DISMANT+ING C(+)ERTSA BRIDGES 'ND OT%ER STR(CT(RESFPA)EMENTS

5-5*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of re4oving, as hereinafter set forth, e@isting (ulverts, bridges, pave4ents, ,erbs and other stru(tures li,e guard+rails, fen(es, utility servi(es, 4anholes, (at(h basins, inlets, et(., whi(h are in pla(e but interfere with the new (onstru(tion or are not suitable to re4ain in pla(e, and of salvaging and disposing of the resulting 4aterials and ba(, filling the resulting tren(hes and pits. !@isting (ulverts, bridges, pave4ents and other stru(tures whi(h are within the highway and whi(h are designated for re4oval, shall be re4oved upto the li4its and e@tent spe(ified in the drawings or as indi(ated by the. !ngineer. #is4antling and re4oval operations shall be (arried out with su(h e>uip4ent and in su(h a 4anner as to leave undisturbed, ad?a(ent pave4ent, stru(tures and any other wor, to be left in pla(e. 0ll operations ne(essary for the re4oval of any e@isting stru(ture whi(h 4ight endanger new (onstru(tion shall be (o4pleted prior to the start of new wor,. 5-5*5* Dis<!nt:in& Cu:verts !n" Bri"&es

The stru(tures shall be dis4antled (arefully and the resulting 4aterials so re4oved as not to (ause any da4age to the servi(eable 4aterials to be salvaged, the part of the stru(ture '& be retained and any other properties or stru(tures nearby. Anless otherwise spe(ified, the superstru(ture portion of (ulverts* bridges shall be entirely re4oved and other parts re4oved below the. ground level or as ne(essary depending upon the interferen(e they (ause to the new (onstru(tion. Re4oval of overlying or ad?a(ent 4aterial, if re>uired in (onne(tion with the dis4antling of the stru(tures, shall be in(idental to this ite4. "here e@isting (ulverts*bridges ar( to be e@tended or otherwise in(orporated in the new wor,, only su(h part or parts of the e@isting stru(ture shall be re4oved as are ne(essary and dire(ted by the !ngineer to provide a proper (onne(tion to the new wor,. The (onne(ting edges shall be (ut, (hipped and tri44ed to the re>uired lines and grades without wea,ening or da4aging any part of the stru(ture to be retained. #ue (are should be ta,en to ensure that reinfor(ing bars whi(h are to be left in pla(e so as to pro?e(t into the new wor, as dowels or ties ar( not in?ured during re4oval of (on(rete. Pipe (ulverts shall be (arefully re4oved in su(h a 4anner as to avoid da4age to the pipes. 6teel stru(tures shall, unless otherwise provided, be (arefully dis4antled in su(h a 4anner as to avoid da4age to 4e4bers thereof. If spe(ified in the drawings or dire(ted

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by the !ngineer that the stru(ture is to be re4oved in a (ondition suitable for re+ere(tion, all 4e4bers shall be 4at(h+4ar,ed by the Contra(tor with white lead paint before dis4antlingM end pins, nuts, loose plates, et(., shall be si4ilarly 4ar,ed to indi(ate their proper lo(ationM all pins, pin holes and 4a(hined surfa(es shall be painted with a 4i@ture of white lead and tallow and all loose parts shall be se(urely wired to ad?a(ent 4e4bers or pa(,ed in bo@es. Ti4ber stru(tures shall be re4oved in su(h a 4anner as to avoid da4age to su(h ti4ber or lu4ber as is designated by the !ngineer to be salvaged. 5-5*.* Dis<!nt:in& P!ve<ents !n" Other Stru;tures

In re4oving pave4ents, ,erbs, gutters, and other stru(tures li,e guard+rails, fen(es, 4anholes, (at(h basins, inlets, et(., where portions of the e@isting (onstru(tion are to be left in the finished wor,, the sa4e shall be re4oved to an e@isting ?oint or (ut and (hipped to a true line with a fa(e perpendi(ular to the surfa(e of the e@isting stru(ture. 6uffi(ient re4oval shall be 4ade to provide for proper grades and (onne(tions with the new wor, as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0ll (on(rete pave4ents, base (ourses in (arriageway and shoulders et(., designated for re4oval shall be bro,en to pie(es whose volu4e shall not e@(eed &.&% (u. 4. and sto(,piled at designated lo(ations if the 4aterial is to be used later or otherwise arranged for disposal as dire(ted 9see Clause %&%.5:. 5-5*/* B!;@7 i::in&

Holes and depressions (aused by dis4antling operations shall be ba(,filled with e@(avated or other approved 4aterials and (o4pa(ted to re>uired density as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 5-5*0* Dis#os!: o M!teri!:s

0ll 4aterials obtained by dis4antling shall be the property of Govern4ent Anless otherwise spe(ified, 4aterials having any salvage value shall be pla(ed in neat sta(,s of li,e 4aterials within the right+of+way, as dire(ted by the !ngineer with all lifts and upto a lead of '&&& 4. Pipe (ulverts that are re4oved shall be (leaned and neatly piled on the right+of+ way at points designated by the !ngineer with all lifts and lead upto '&&& 4. 6tru(tural steel re4oved fro4 old stru(tures shall, unless otherwise spe(ified or dire(ted, be stored in a neat and presentable 4anner on blo(,s in lo(ations suitable for loading. 6tru(tures or portions thereof whi(h are spe(ified in the Contra(t for re+ere(tion shall be stored in separate piles. Ti4ber or lu4ber fro4 old stru(tures whi(h is designated by the !ngineer as 4aterials to be salvaged shall have all nails and bolts re4oved therefro4 and shall be stored in neat piles in lo(ations suitable for loading. 0ll 4aterials obtained fro4 dis4antling operations whi(h, in the opinion of the !ngineer, (annot be used or au(tioned shall be disposed of as dire(ted by the !ngineer with all lifts and upto a lead of '&&& 4.

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Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

The wor, of dis4antling stru(tures shall be paid for in units indi(ated below by ta,ing 4easure4ents before and after, as appli(able/ 9i: #is4antling bri(,*stone 4asonry* (on(rete 9plain and reinfor(ed: (u. 4. 9ii: #is4antling fle@ible and (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent (u. 4. 9iii: #is4antling steel stru(tures tonne 9iv: #is4antling ti4ber stru(tures (u. 4. 9v: #is4antling pipes, guard rails, ,erbs, gutters and fen(ing linear 4. 9vi: Atility servi(es os. 5-5*2* R!tes The Contra(t unit rates for the various ite4s of dis4antling shall be paid in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent, safeguards and in(identals ne(essary to (o4plete the wor,. These will also in(lude e@(avation and ba(,filling where ne(essary to the re>uired (o4pa(tion and for handling, salvaging, piling and disposing of the dis4antled 4aterials within all lifts and upto a lead of '&&& 4.

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E!rth'or@A Erosion Contro: !n" Dr!in!&e

.-E!rth'or@A Erosion Contro: !n" Dr!in!&e

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This wor, shall (onsist of e@(avation, re4oval and satisfa(tory disposal of all 4aterials ne(essary for the (onstru(tion of roadway, side dra4s and waterways in a((ordan(e with re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and the lines, grades and (ross+ se(tions shown in the drawings or -- indi(ated by the !ngineer. It shall in(lude the hauling and sta(,ing of or hauling to sites of e4ban,4ent and subgrade (onstru(tion, suitable (at 4aterials as re>uired, as also the disposal of unsuitable (ut 4aterials in spe(ified 4anner, tri44ing and finishing of the road to spe(ifi( di4ensions or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. .-,*5* C:!ssi i;!tion o EB;!v!te" M!teri!:

.-,*5*,* C:!ssi i;!tion = 0ll 4aterials involved in e@(avation shall be (lassified by the !ngineer in the following 4anner/ 9a: 6oil This shall (o4prise topsoil, turf, sand, silt, loa4, (lay, 4ud, peat, bla(, (otton soil, soft shale or loose 4ooru4, a 4i@ture of these and si4ilar 4aterial whi(h yields '& the ordinary appli(ation of pi(,, spade and*or shovel, ra,e or other ordinary digging i4ple4ent. Re4oval of gravel or any other nodular 4aterial having di4ension in any one dire(tion not e@(eeding 25 44 o((urring in su(h strata shall be dee4ed to be (overed under this (ategory. 7rdinary Ro(, 9not re>uiring blasting:This shall in(lude/ 9i: ro(, types su(h as laterites, shales and (onglo4erates, varieties of li4estone and sandstone et(., whi(h 4ay be >uarried or split with (row bars, also in(luding any ro(, whi(h in dry state 4ay be hard, re>uiring blasting but whi(h, when wet, be(o4es soft and 4anageable by 4eans other than blastingM 9ii: 4a(ada4 surfa(es su(h as water bound and bitu4en*tar boundM toting of roads, paths et(. and hard (oreM (o4pa(t 4ooru4 or stabilised soil re>uiring grafting tool or pi(, or both and shovel, (losely appliedM gravel and (obble stone having 4a@i4u4 di4ension in any one dire(tion between 25 and 3&& 44M 9iii: li4e (on(rete, stone 4asonry in li4e 4ortar and bri(, wor, in li4e*(e4ent 4ortar below ground level, reinfor(ed (e4ent (on(rete whi(h 4ay be bro,en up with (row bars or pi(,s and stone 4asonry in (e4ent 4ortar below ground levelM and 9iv: boulders whi(h do not re>uire blasting having 4a@i4u4 di4ension in any dire(tion of 4ore than 3&& 44, found lying loose on the surfa(e or e4bedded in river bed, soil, talus, slope wash and terra(e 4aterial of dissi4ilar origin. Hard Ro(, 9re>uiring blasting: This shall (o4prise/ 9i: any ro(, or (e4ent (on(rete for the e@(avation of whi(h the use of 4e(hani(al plant and*or blasting is re>uiredM



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9ii: 9d:


reinfor(ed (e4ent (on(rete 9reinfor(e4ent (ut through but not tenanted fro4 the (on(rete: below ground levelM and 9iii: boulders re>uiring blasting. Hard Ro(, 9blasting prohibited: Hard ro(, re>uiring blasting as des(ribed under 9(: but where blasting is prohibited for any reason and e@(avation has to be (arried out by (hiselling, wedging or any other agreed 4ethod. Marshy 6oil This shall in(lude soils li,e soft (lays and peats e@(avated below the original ground level of 4arshes and swa4ps and soils e@(avated fro4 other areas re>uiring (ontinuous pu4ping or bailing out of water.

.-,*5*5* Authority or ;:!ssi i;!tion = The (lassifi(ation of e@(avation shall be de(ided by the !ngineer and his de(ision shall be final and binding on the Contra(tor. Merely the use of e@plosives in e@(avation will not be (onsidered as a reason for higher (lassifi(ation unless blasting is (learly ne(essary in the opinion of the !ngineer. .-,*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions .-,*.*,* Settin& out = 0fter the site has been (leared as per Clause %&', the li4its of e@(avation shall be set out true to lines, (urves, slopes, grades and se(tions as shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The Contra(tor shall provide all labour, survey instru4ents and 4aterials su(h as strings, pegs, nails, ba4boos, stones, li4e, 4ortar, (on(rete, et(., re>uired in (onne(tion with the setting out of wor,s and the establish4ent of ben(h 4ar,s. The Contra(tor shall be responsible for the 4aintenan(e of ben(h 4ar,s and other 4ar,s and sta,es as long as in the opinion of the !ngineer, they are re>uired for the wor,. .-,*.*5* Stri##in& !n" storin& to#soi: = "hen so dire(ted by the !ngineer, the topsoil e@isting over the sites of e@(avation shall be stripped to spe(ified depths (onstituting HoriLon ;0< and sto(,piled at designated lo(ations for re+use in (overing e4ban,4ent slopes, (ut slopes, ber4s and other disturbed areas where re+vegetation is desired. Prior to stripping the topsoil, all trees, shrubs et(. shall be re4oved along with their roots, with approval of the !ngineer. .-,*.*.* EB;!v!tion 7 Gener!: = 0ll e@(avations shall be (arried out in (onfor4ity with the dire(tions laid here+in+under and in a 4anner approved by the !ngineer. The wor, shall be so done that the suitable 4aterials available fro4 e@(avation are satisfa(torily utiliLed as de(ided upon beforehand. "hile planning or e@e(uting e@(avations, the Contra(tor shall ta,e all ade>uate pre(autions against soil erosion, water pollution et(. as per Clause 3&), and ta,e appropriate drainage 4easures to ,eep the site free of water in a((ordan(e with Clause 3''. The e@(avations shall (onfor4 to the lines, grades, side slopes and levels shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The Contra(tor shall not e@(avate outside the li4its of e@(avation. 6ub?e(t to the per4itted toleran(es, any e@(ess depth* width e@(avated beyond the spe(ified levels*di4ensions on the drawings shall be 4ade good at the (ost of the Contra(tor with suitable 4aterial of (hara(teristi(s si4ilar to that re4oved and (o4pa(ted to the re>uire4ents of Clause 3&5. 0ll debris and loose 4aterial on the slopes of (uttings shall be re4oved. o ba(,filling shall be allowed to obtain re>uired slopes e@(epting that when boulders or

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soft 4aterials are en(ountered in (ut slopes, these shall be e@(avated to approved depth or instru(tions of the !ngineer and the resulting (avities filled with suitable 4aterial and thoroughly (o4pa(ted in an approved 4anner. 0fter e@(avation, the sides of e@(avated area shall be tri44ed and the area (ontoured '& 4ini4ise erosion and ponding, allowing for natural drainage to ta,e pla(e. If trees were re4oved, new trees shall be planted, as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The (ost of planting new trees shall he dee4ed to be in(idental to die wor,. .-,*.*/* Metho"sA too:s !n" eEui#<ent= 7nly su(h 4ethods, tools and e>uip4ent as approved by the !ngineer shall be adopted*used in the wor,. If so desired by the !ngineer, the Contra(tor shall de4onstrate the effi(a(y of the type of e>uip4ent to be used before the (o44en(e4ent of wor,. .-,*.*0* Ro;@ eB;!v!tion = Ro(,, when en(ountered in road e@(avation, shall be re4oved upto the for4ation level or as otherwise on the drawings. "here, however, unstable shales or other un+4aterials are en(ountered at the for4ation level, these shall be to the e@tent of 5&& 44 below the for4ation level or as spe(ified. In all (ases, the e@(avation operations shall be so out that at no point on (ut for4ation the ro(, protrudes above levels. Ro(,s and large boulders whi(h are li,ely to (ause differential settle4ent and also lo(al drainage proble4s should be re4oved to the e@tent of 5&& 44 below the for4ation level in full for4ation width in(luding drains and (ut through the side drains. "here e@(avation is done to levels lower than those spe(ified, the e@(ess e@(avation shall be 4ade good as per Clauses 3&'.3.3 and 3&' ) to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 6lopes in ro(, (utting shall be finished to unifor4 lines (orresponding to slope lines shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. otwithstanding the foregoing, all loose pie(es of ro(, on e@(avated slope surfa(e whi(h 4ove when pier(ed by a (rowbar shall be re4oved. "here blasting is to be resorted to, the sa4e shall be (arried out to Clause 3&% and all pre(autions indi(ated therein observed. "here presplitting is pres(ribed to be done for the establish4ent of a spe(ified slope in ro(, e@(avation, the sa4e shall be (arried out to Clause 3&3. .-,*.*1* M!rsh eB;!v!tion = The e@(avation of soils fro4 4arshes* swa4ps shall be (arried out as per the progra44e approved by the !ngineer. !@(avation of 4arshes shall begin at one end and pro(eed in one dire(tion a(ross the entire 4arsh i44ediately ahead of ba(,filling. The 4ethod and se>uen(e of e@(avating and ba(,filling shall be su(h as to ensure, to the e@tent pra(ti(able, the (o4plete re4oval or displa(e4ent of all 4u(, fro4 within the lateral li4its (alled for on the drawings or as sta,ed by the !ngineer, and to the botto4 of the 4arsh, fir4 support or levels indi(ated. .-,*.*2* !@(avation of road shoulders*verge*4edian for widening of pave4ent or providing treated shoulders/ In wor,s involving widening of e@isting pave4ents or providing treated shoulders, unless otherwise spe(ified, the shoulder*verge*4edian shall be re4oved to their full width and to levels shown on drawings or as indi(ated by the !ngineer. "hile doing so, (are shall be ta,en to see that no portion of the e@isting pave4ent designated for retention is loosened or disturbed. If the e@isting pave4ent gets disturbed or loosened, it shall be dis4antled and (ut to a regular shape with sides verti(al and the disturbed*loosened portion re4oved (o4pletely and relaid as dire(ted by the

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!ngineer, at the (ost of the Contra(tor. .-,*.*3* EB;!v!tion or sur !;eFsu?7sur !;e "r!ins = "here the Contra(t provides for (onstru(tion of surfa(e*sub+surfa(e drains to Clause 3&1, e@(avation for these shall be (arried out in proper se>uen(e with other wor,s as approved by the !ngineer. .-,*.*4* S:i"es = If slips, slides, over+brea,s or subsiden(e o((ur in (uttings during the pro(ess of (onstru(tion, they shall be re4oved at the (ost of the Contra(tor as ordered by the !ngineer. 0de>uate pre(autions shall be ta,en to ensure that during (onstru(tion, the slopes are not rendered unstable or give rise to re(urrent slides after (onstru(tion. If finished slopes slide into the roadway subse>uently, su(h slides shall be re4oved and paid for at the Contra(t rate for the (lass of e@(avation involved, provided the slides are not due to any negligen(e on the pan of the Contra(tor. The (lassifi(ation of the debris 4aterial fro4 the slips, slides et(. shall (onfor4 to its (ondition at the ti4e of re4oval and pay4ent 4ade a((ordingly regardless of its (ondition earlier. .-,*.*,-* De'!terin& = If water is 4et with in the e@(avations due to springs, seepage, rain or other (auses, it shall be re4oved by suitable diversions, pu4ping or bailing out and the e@(avation ,ept dry whenever so re>uired or dire(ted by the !ngineer. Care shall be ta,en to dis(harge the drained water into suitable outlets as not to (ause da4age to the wor,s, (rops or any other property. #ue to any negligen(e on the part of the Contra(tor, if any su(h da4age is (aused, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Contra(tor to repair*restore to the original (ondition at his own (ost or (o4pensate for the da4age. .-,*.*,,* Dis#os!: o eB;!v!te" <!teri!:s = 0ll the e@(avated 4aterials shall be the property of the !4ployer. The 4aterial obtained fro4 the e@(avation of roadway, shoulders, verges, drains, (ross+drainage wor,s et(., shall be used for filling up of 9i: roadway e4ban,4ent, 9ii: the e@isting pits in the right+of+way and 9iii: for lands(aping of the road as dire(ted by the !ngineer, in(luding levelling and spreading with all lifts and lead upto '&&& 4 and no e@tra pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. 0ll hard 4aterials, su(h as, hard 4ooru4, rubble, et(., not intended for use as above shall be sta(,ed neatly on spe(ified land as dire(ted by the !ngineer with all lifts and lead upto '&&& 4. Ansuitable and surplus 4aterial not intended for use within the lead spe(ified above shall also, if ne(essary, be transported with all lifts and lead beyond initial '&&& 4. disposed of or used as dire(ted by the !ngineer. .-,*.*,5* B!;@ i::in& = Ea(,filling of 4asonry *(on(rete*hu4e pipe drain e@(avation shall be done with approved 4aterial after (on(rete* 4asonry*hu4e pipe is fully set and (arried out in su(h a way as not to (ause undue thrust on any pan of the stru(ture and*or not to (ause differential settle4ent 0ll spa(e between the drain walls and the side of the e@(avation shall be refilled to the original surfa(e 4a,ing due allowan(e for settle4ent, in layers generally not e@(eeding '5& 44 (o4pa(ted thi(,ness to the re>uired density, using suitable (o4pa(tion e>uip4ent su(h as 4e(hani(al ta4per, ra44er or plate (o4pa(tor as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

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P:yin& o Constru;tion Tr! i;

Constru(tion traffi( shall not use the (ut for4ation and finished subgrade without the prior per4ission of the !ngineer. 0ny da4age arising out of su(h use shall be 4ade good by the Contra(tor at his own e@pense. .-,*0* Preserv!tion o Pro#erty

The Contra(tor shall underta,e all reasonable pre(autions for the prote(tion and preservation of any or all e@isting roadside trees, drains, sewers or other sub+surfa(e drains, pipes, (onduits and any other stru(tures under or above ground, whi(h 4ay be affe(ted by (onstru(tion operations and whi(h, in the opinion of the !ngineer, shall be (ontinued in use without any (hange. 6afety 4easures ta,en by the Contra(tor in this respe(t, shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer. However, if any of these ob?e(ts is da4aged by reason .of the Contra(torKs negligen(e, it shall be repla(ed or restored to the original (ondition at his e@pense. If the Contra(tor fails to do so, within the re>uired ti4e as dire(ted by the !ngineer or if, in the opinion of the !ngineer, the a(tions initiated by the Contra(tor to repla(e*restore the da4aged ob?e(ts are not satisfa(tory, the !ngineer shall arrange the repla(e4ent* restoration dire(tly through any other agen(y at the ris, and (ost of the Contra(tor after issuing a prior noti(e to the effe(t. .-,*1* Pre#!r!tion o Cut For<!tion The (ut for4ation, whi(h serves as a subgrade, shall be prepared to re(eive the sub+base*base (ourse as dire(ted by the !ngineer. "here the 4aterial in the subgrade 9that is within 5&& 44 fro4 the lowest level of the pave4ent: has a density less than spe(ified in Table 3&&+%, the sa4e shall be loosened to a depth of 5&& 44 and (o4pa(ted in layers in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of Clause 3&5. 0ny unsuitable 4aterial en(ountered in the subgrade level shall be re4oved as dire(ted by the !ngineer and repla(ed with suitable 4aterial (o4pa(ted in a((ordan(e with Clause 3&5. In ro(,y for4ations, the surfa(e irregularities shall be (orre(ted and the levels brought up to the spe(ified elevation with granular base 4aterial as dire(ted by the !ngineer, laid and (o4pa(ted in a((ordan(e with the respe(tive 6pe(ifi(ations for these 4aterials. The unsuitable 4aterial shall be disposed of in a((ordan(e with Clause 3&'.3.''. 0fter satisfying the density re>uire4ents, the (ut for4ation shall be prepared to re(eive the subbase*base (ourse in a((ordan(e with Clauses 3'& and 3'' to re(eive the sub+base*base (ourse. .-,*2* Finishin& O#er!tions

.inishing operations shall in(lude the wor, of properly shaping and dressing all e@(avated surfa(es. "hen (o4pleted, no point on the slopes shall vary fro4 the designated slopes by 4ore than '5& 44 4easured at right angles to the e@(ept where e@(avation is in ro(, 9hard or soft: where no shall vary 4ore than 3&& 44 fro4 the designated slope. In no (ase shall any portion of the slope en(roa(h on the loadway. The finished (ut for4ation shall satisfy the surfa(e toleran(es #es(ribed in Clause 1&%.

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"here dire(ted, the topsoil re4oved earlier and (onserved 9Clauses 3&'.3.% and 3&5.3.3: shall be spread over (ut slopes, where feasible, ber4s and other disturbed areas. 6lopes 4ay be roughened and 4oistened slightly, prior to the appli(ation of topsoil, in order to provide satisfa(tory bond. The depth of topsoil shall be suffi(ient to sustain plant growth, the usual thi(,ness being fro4 25 44 to '&& 44. .-,*3* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent !@(avation for roadway shall be 4easured by ta,ing (ross+se(tions at suitable intervals in the original position before the wor, starts and after its (o4pletion and (o4puting the volu4es in (u. 4. the 4ethod of average end areas for ea(h (lass of 4aterial en(ountered. "here it is not feasible to (o4pute volu4es by this 4ethod of errati( lo(ation of isolated deposits, the volu4es shall be by other a((epted 4ethods. 0t the option of the !ngineer, the Contra(tor shall leave depth during e@(avations of su(h shape and siLe and in su(h positions as dire(ted so as to indi(ate the original ground level as a((urately as possible. The Contra(tor shall see that these re4ain inta(t till the final 4easure4ents are ta,en. .or ro(, e@(avation, the overburden shall be re4oved first so that ne(essary (ross+se(tions (ould be ta,en for 4easure4ent "here (ross se(tional 4easure4ents (ould not be ta,en due to irregular (onfiguration or where the ro(, is ad4i@ed with other (lasses of 4aterials, the volu4es shall be (o4puted on the basis of sta(,s of e@(avated nibble after 4a,ing 35 per (ent dedu(tion therefro4. "hen volu4es are 6lated in this 4anner for e@(avated 4aterial other than ro(,. 6u(tion 4ade will be to the e@tent of ') per (ent of sta(,ed volu4es. "or,s involved in the preparation of (ut for4ation shall be 4easured in units indi(ated below / 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: $oosening and re(o4pa(ting the loosened 4aterial at subgrade $oosening and re4oval of unsuitable 4aterial and repla(ing with a suitable 4aterial and (o4pa(ting to+ re>uired density Preparing ro(,y subgrade 6tripping in(luding storing and appli(ation of topsoil #isposal of surplus 4aterial beyond initial '&&& 4 lead ... (u. 4. ... (u. 4. ... s>. 4. ... (u. 4. ... (u. 4.

.-,*4* R!tes .-,*4*,* The Contra(t unit rates for the ite4s of roadway and drain e@(avation shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the operations re>uired for the individual ite4s in(luding full (o4pensation for / 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: setting outM transporting the e@(avated 4aterials and depositing the sa4e on sites of e4ban,4ents, spoil ban,s or sta(,ing as dire(ted within all lifts and lead upto '&&& 4 or as otherwise spe(ifiedM tri44ing botto4s and slopes of e@(avationM dewateringM ,eeping the wor, free of water as per Clause 3''M and

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9vi: all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent, safety 4easures, testing and in(identals ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to 6pe(ifi(ations. Provided, however, where presplitting is pres(ribed to a(hieve a spe(ified slope in ro(, e@(avation, the sa4e shall be paid for vide Clause 3&3.5. .-,*4*5* The Contra(t unit rate for loosening and re(o4pa(ting the loosened 4aterials at subgrade shall in(lude full (o4pensation for loosening to the spe(ified depth, in(luding brea,ing (lods, spreading in layers, watering where ne(essary and (o4pa(ting to the re>uire4ents. .-,*4*.* Clauses 3&'.1.' and 3&5.- shall apply as regards Contra(t unit rate for ite4 of re4oval of unsuitable 4aterial and repla(e4ent with suitable 4aterial respe(tively. .-,*4*/* The Contra(t unit rate for ite4 of preparing ro(,y subgrade as per Clause 3&'.) shall be full (o4pensation for providing, laying and (o4pa(ting granular base 4aterial for (orre(ting surfa(e irregularities in(luding all 4aterials, labour and in(identals ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, and all leads and lifts. .-,*4*0* The Contra(t unit rate for the ite4s of stripping and storing topsoil and of reappli(ation of topsoil shall in(lude full (o4pensation for all the ne(essary operations in(luding all lifts, but leads upto '&&& 4. .-,*4*1* The Contra(t unit rate for disposal of surplus ear fro4 roadway and drain e@(avation shall be full (o4pensation for all labour, e>uip4ent, tools and in(identals ne(essary on a((ount of the additional haul or transportation involved beyond the initial lead of '&&& 4. .-5* B+ASTING OPERATIONS .-5*,* Gener!: Elasting shall be (arried (ut in a. 4anner that (o4pletes the e@(avation to the lines indi(ated in drawings, with the least disturban(e to ad?a(ent 4aterial. It shall be done only with the written per4ission of the !ngineer. 0ll the statutory laws, regulations, rules, et(., pertaining to the a(>uisition, transport, storage, handling and use of e@plosives shall be stri(tly followed. The Contra(tor 4ay adopt any 4ethod or 4ethods of blasting (onsistent with the safety and ?ob re>uire4ents. Prior to starting any phase of the operation the Contra(tor shall provide infor4ation des(ribing pertinent blasting pro(edures, di4ensions and notes. The 4agaLine for the storage of e@plosives shall be built to the designs and spe(ifi(ations of the !@plosives #epart4ent (on(erned and lo(ated at the approved site. o unauthoriLed person shall be ad4itted into the 4agaLine whi(h when not in use shall be ,ept se(urely lo(,ed. o 4at(hes or infla44able 4aterial shall be allowed in the 4agaLine. The 4agaLine shall have an effe(tive lightning (ondu(tor. The following shall be hung in the lobby of the 4agaLine/ 9a: 0 (opy of the relevant rules regarding safe storage both in !nglish and in the language with whi(h the wor,ers (on(erned are fa4iliar. 9b: 0 state4ent of up+to+date sto(, in the 4agaLine. 9(: 0 (ertifi(ate showing the last date of testing of the lightning (ondu(tor.

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0 noti(e that s4o,ing is stri(tly prohibited.

0ll e@plosives shall be stored in a se(ure 4anner in (o4plian(e with all laws and ordinan(es, and all su(h storage pla(es shall be (learly 4ar,ed. "here no lo(al laws or ordinan(es apply, storage shall be provided to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer and in general not (loser than 3&& 4 fro4 the road or fro4 any building or (a4ping area or pla(e of hu4an o((upan(y. In addition to these, the Contra(tor shall also observe the following instru(tions and any further additional instru(tions whi(h 4ay be given by the !ngineer and shall be responsible for da4age to property and any a((ident whi(h 4ay o((ur to wor,4en or the publi( on a((ount of any operations (onne(ted with the storage, handling or use of e@plosives and blasting. The !ngineer shall fre>uently (he(, the Contra(torKs (o4plian(e with these pre(autions. 3&%.%. Materials, Tools and !>uip4ent 0ll the 4aterials, tools and e>uip4ent used for blasting operations shall be of approved type. The !ngineer 4ay spe(ify the type of e@plosives to be allowed in spe(ial (ases. The fuse to be used in wet lo(ations shall be suffi(iently water+resistant as to be unaffe(ted when i44ersed in water for 3& 4inutes. The rate of burning of the fuse shall be unifor4 and definitely ,nown to per4it su(h a length being (ut as will per4it suffi(ient ti4e to the firer to rea(h safety before e@plosion ta,es pla(e. #etonators shall be (apable, of giving effe(tive blasting of the e@plosives. The blasting powder, e@plosives, detonators, fuses, et(., shall be fresh and not da4aged due to da4pness, 4oisture or any other (ause. They shall be inspe(ted before use and da4aged arti(les shall be dis(arded totally and re4oved fro4 the site i44ediately. .-5*.* Personne:

The blasting operation shall re4ain in the (harge of (o4petent and e@perien(ed supervisor and wor,4en who are thoroughly a(>uainted with the details of handling e@plosives and blasting operations. .-5*/* B:!stin& O#er!tions

The blasting shall be (arried out during fi@ed hours of the day preferably during the 4id+day lun(heon hour or at the (lose of the wor, as ordered in writing by the !ngineer. The hours shall be 4ade ,nown to the people in the vi(inity. 0ll the (harges shall be prepared by the 4an in (harge only. The Contra(tor shall notify ea(h publi( utility (o4pany having stru(tures in pro@i4ity to the site of the wor, of his intention to use e@plosives. 6u(h noti(e shall be given suffi(iently in advan(e to enable the (o4panies to ta,e su(h steps as they 4ay dee4 ne(essary to prote(t their property fro4 in?ury. In advan(e of any blasting wor, within 5& 4 of any railway tra(, or stru(tures, the Contra(tor shall notify the (on(erned Railway 0uthority of the lo(ation, date, ti4e and appro@i4ate duration of su(h blasting operations. Red danger flags shall be displayed pro4inently in all dire(tions during the blasting operations. The flags shall be planted %&& 4 fro4 the blasting site in all dire(tions. People, e@(ept those who a(tually light the fuse, shall be prohibited fro4 entering this area, and all persons in(luding wor,4en shall be e@(luded fro4 the flagged area at least '& 4inutes before the firing, a warning siren being sounded for the purpose. The (harge holes shall be drilled to re>uired depths and at suitable pla(es. Elasting should be as light as possible (onsistent with thorough lea,age of the 4aterial ne(essary for e(ono4i( loading and hauling. 0ny 4ethod of blasting whi(h leads to

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overshooting shall be dis(ontinued. "hen blasting is done with powder, the fuse (ut to the re>uired length shall be inserted into the hole and the powder dropped in. The powder shall be gently ta4ped with (opper rods with rounded ends. The e@plosive powder shall then be (overed with ta4ping 4aterial whi(h shall be ta4ped lightly but fir4ly. "hen blasting is done with dyna4ite and other high e@plosives, dyna4ite (artridges shall be prepared by inserting the s>uare (ut end of a fuse into the detonator and finishing it with nippers at the open end, the detonator gently pushed into the pri4er leaving l*3rd of the (opper tube e@posed outside. The paper of the (artridge shall then be (losed up and se(urely bound with wire or twine. The pri4er shall be housed into die e@plosive. Eoreholes shall be of su(h siLe that the (artridge (an easily go down. The holes shall be (leared of all debris and e@plosive inserted. The spa(e of about %&& 44 above the (harge shall then be gently filled with dry (lay, pressed ho4e and the rest of the ta4ping for4ed of any (onvenient 4aterial gently pa(,ed with a wooden ra44er. 0t a ti4e, not 4ore than '& su(h (harges will be prepared and fired. The 4an in (harge shall blow a siren in a re(ognised 4anner for (autioning the people. 0ll the people shall then be re>uired to 4ove to safe distan(es. The (harges shall be lighted by the 4an+ in+(harge only. The 4an+in+(harge shall (ount the nu4ber of e@plosions. He shall satisfy hi4self that all the (harges have been e@ploded before allowing the wor,4en to go ba(, to the wor, site. 0fter blasting operations, the Contra(tor shall (o4pa(t the loose residual 4aterial below subgrade and repla(e the 4aterial re4oved below subgrade with suitable 4aterial .-5*0* Mis ire

In (ase of 4isfire, the following pro(edure shall be observed/ 9i: 6uffi(ient ti4e shall be allowed to a((ount for the delayed blast The 4an+ in+(harge shall inspe(t all the (harges and deter4ine the 4issed (harge. 9ii: If it is the blasting powder (harge, it shall be (o4pletely flooded with water. 0 new hole shall be drilled at about B5& 44 fro4 the old hole and fired. This should blast the old (harge. 6hould it not blast the old (harge, the pro(edure shall be repeated till the old (harge is blasted. 9iii: In (ase of (harges of gelignite, dyna4ite, et(. the 4an+in+(harge shall gently re4ove the la4ping and the pri4er with the detonator. 0 fresh detonator and pri4er shall then be used to blast the (harge. 0lternatively, the hole 4ay be (leared of 3&& 44 of ta4ping and the dire(tion then as(ertained by pla(ing a sli(, in the hole. 0nother hole 4ay then be drilled '5& 44 away and parallel to it. This hole shall then be (harged and fired when the 4isfired hole should e@plode at the sa4e li4e. The 4an+in+ (harge shall at on(e report to the Contra(torKs offi(e and the !ngineer all (ases of 4isfire, the (ause of the sa4e and what steps were ta,en in (onne(tion therewith. If a 4isfire has been found to be due to defe(tive detonator or dyna4ite, the whole >uantity in the bo@ fro4 whi(h defe(tive arti(le was ta,en 4ust be sent to the authority dire(ted by the !ngineer for inspe(tion to as(ertain whether all the re4aining 4aterials in the bo@ are also defe(tive.

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.-5*1* A;;ount 0 (areful and day to day a((ount of the e@plosive shall be 4aintained by the Contra(tor in an approved register and 4anner whi(h shall be open to inspe(tion by the !ngineer at all ti4es. .-.* PRESP+ITTING ROCK E8CA)ATION S+OPES .-.*,* Gener!:

Presplitting is defined as the establish4ent of a spe(ified e@(avation slope in ro(, by the (ontrolled use of e@plosives and blasting a((essories in properly aligned and spa(ed drill holes. The presplitting te(hni>ue shall be used for for4ing ro(, e@(avation slopes at lo(ations shown on the plans or as otherwise de(ided by the !ngineer. .-.*5* Constru;tion O#er!tions

Prior to starting drilling operations for presplitting, the Contra(tor shall furnish the !ngineer a plan outlining the position of ail drill holes, depth of drilling, type of e@plosives to be used, loading pattern and se>uen(e of firing. The drilling and blasting plan is for re(ord purposes only and will not absolve the Contra(tor of his responsibility for using proper drilling and blasting pro(edures. Controlled blasting shall begin with a short test se(tion of a length approved by the !ngineer. The test se(tion shall be presplit, produ(tion drilled and blasted and suffi(ient 4aterial e@(avated whereby the !ngineer (an deter4ine if the Contra(torKs 4ethods have produ(ed an a((eptable slope. 0ll overburden soil and weathered ro(, along the top of the e@(avation for a distan(e of about 5 to '5 4 beyond the drilling li4its, or to the end of the e@(avation, as de(ided by !ngineer shall be re4oved before drilling the presplitting holes. Parti(ular (are and attention shall be dire(ted to the beginning and end of e@(avations to ensure (o4plete re4oval of all overburden soil and weathered ro(, and to e@pose fresh ro(, to an elevation e>ual to the botto4 of the ad?a(ent lift of the presplitting holes being drilled. 6lope holes for presplitting shall be drilled along the line of the planned, slope within the spe(ified toleran(es. The drill holes shall be not less than )& 44 nor 4ore than 25 44 in dia4eter. #rilling operations shall be (ontrolled by the use of proper e>uip4ent and te(hni>ue to ensure that no hole shall deviate fro4 the plane of the planned slope by 4ore than 3&& 44 nor shall any hole deviate fro4 being parallel to an ad?a(ent hole by 4ore than two+third of the planned horiLontal spa(ing between holes. The length of presplit holes for any individual lift shall not e@(eed 1 4. The spa(ing of presplit holes shall not e@(eed 1&& 44 on (entres and shall be ad?usted to result in a unifor4 shear fa(e between holes. 0u@iliary drill holes along the presplit line, not loaded or ste44ed, 4ay be ordered by the !ngineer. !@(ept for spa(ing, au@iliary drill holes shall (onfor4 to the provisions for presplit holes. The line of produ(tion holes shall be pla(ed inside the presplit lines in su(h a 4anner as to avoid da4age to the presplit fa(e. If ne(essary, to redu(e shatter and overbrea, of the presplit surfa(e, the first line of the produ(tion holes shall be drilled parallel to the slope line at the top of the (ut and at ea(h ben(h level thereafter.

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0ny blasting te(hni>ue, whi(h results in da4age to the presplit surfa(e, shall be i44ediately dis(ontinued. o portion of any produ(tion hole shall be drilled within %.5 4 of a presplit plane e@(ept as approved by the !ngineer. The botto4 of the produ(tion holes shall not be lower than the botto4 of the presplit holes. 0 4a@i4u4 offset of )&& 44 will be per4itted for a (onstru(tion wor,ing ben(h at the botto4 of ea(h lift for use in drilling the ne@t lower presplitting pattern. The drilling operations shall be ad?usted to (o4pensate for drift of previous levels and for the offset at the start of new levels to 4aintain the spe(ified slope plane. The 4a@i4u4 dia4eter of e@plosives used in presplit holes shall not be greater than one+half the dia4eter of the presplit hole. 7nly standard (artridge e@plosives prepared and pa(,aged by e@plosive 4anufa(turing fir4s shall be used in presplit holes. These shall be fired as re(o44ended by the 4anufa(turer. 044oniu4 nitrate (o4position blasting agents will not be per4itted in presplitting operations. 6te44ing 4ay be re>uired to a(hieve a satisfa(tory presplit fa(e. 6te44ing 4aterial shall be dry free+running 4aterial all of whi(h passes ''.% 44 sieve and 1& per (ent of whi(h is retained on %.-& 44 sieve. 6te44ed presplit holes shall be (o4pletely filled to the (ollar. 0ll (harges in ea(h presplitting pattern shall be detonated si4ultaneously. .-.*.* To:er!n;es The presplit fa(e shall not deviate 4ore than 3&& 44 fro4 the plane passing through ad?a(ent drill holes, e@(ept where the (hara(ter of the lo(, is su(h that, as deter4ined by the !ngineer, irregularities are unavoidable. "hen (o4pleted, the average plane of the slopes shall (onfor4 to the slopes indi(ated on the plans and no point on the (o4pleted slopes shall vary fro4 the designated slopes by 4ore than 3&& 44. These toleran(es shah be 4easured perpendi(ular to the plane of the slope. In no (ase shall any portion of the slope en(roa(h on the side drains. 0s long as e>ually satisfa(tory presplit slopes are obtained, then either the slope fa(e 4aybe presplit before drilling for produ(tion blasting or presplitting the slope fa(e and produ(tion blasting 4ay be done at the sa4e ti4e, provided that the presplitting drill holes are fired with Lero delay and the produ(tion holes are delayed starting at the row of holes farthest fro4 the slope and progressing in steps to the row of holes nearest the presplit line, whi(h row shall be delayed at least 5& 4illise(onds. In either (ase the presplitting holes shall e@tend either to the end of the e@(avation or for a distan(e of not less than '5 4 beyond the li4its of the produ(tion holes to be detonated. .-.*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

The area of presplitting to be paid for will be 4easured as s>uare 4etres of a((eptable presplit slope surfa(e. .-.*0* R!tes

The Contra(t unit rate for presplitting wor, shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations for obtaining a((eptable presplit slope surfa(es. The >uantity of ro(, e@(avated through the produ(tion*presplit holes shall be paid for as per Clause 3&'.1.'.

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.-/* E8CA)ATION FOR STR(CT(RES .-/*,* S;o#e !@(avation for stru(tures shall (onsist of the re4oval of 4aterial for the (onstru(tion of foundations for bridges, (ulverts, retaining walls, headwalls, (utoff walls, pipe (ulverts and other si4ilar stru(tures, in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and the lines and di4ensions shown on the drawings or as indi(ated by the !ngineer, wor, shall in(lude (onstru(tion of the ne(essary (offerda4s and (ribs their subse>uent re4ovalM all ne(essary sheeting, shoring, bra(ing, and pu4pingM the re4oval of all logs, stu4ps, grubs and other 4atter and obstru(tions, ne(essary for pla(ing the foundationsM tri44ing botto4s of e@(avationsM ba(,filling and (learing up the site the disposal of all surplus 4aterial. .-/*5* C:!ssi i;!tion o EB;!v!tion 0ll 4aterials involved in e@(avation shall be (lassified in a((ordan(e with Clause 3&'.%. .-/*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions .-/*.*,* Settin& out = 0fter the site has been (leared a((ording to Clause %&', the li4its of e@(avation shall be set out true to lines, (urves and slopes to Clause 3&'.3.'. .-/*.*5* EB;!v!tion = !@(avation shall be ta,en to the width of die lowest step of the footing and the sides shall be left plu4b where the nature of soil allows it. "here the nature of soil or the depth of the tren(h and season of the year do not per4it verti(al sides, the Contra(tor at his own e@pense shall put up ne(essary shoring, strutting and plan,ing or (ut slopes to a safer angle or both with due regard to the safety of personnel and wor,s and to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. The depth to whi(h the e@(avation is to be (arried out shall be as shown on the drawings, unless the type of 4aterial en(ountered is su(h as to re>uire (hanges, in whi(h (ase the depth shall be as ordered by the !ngineer. Propping shall be underta,en when any foundation or stressed Lone fro4 an ad?oining stru(ture is within a line of ' verti(al to % horiLontal fro4 the botto4 of the e@(avation. "here blasting is to be resorted to, the sa4e shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e with Clause 3&% and all pre(autions indi(ated therein observed. "here blasting is li,ely to endanger ad?oining foundations or other stru(tures, ne(essary pre(autions su(h as (ontrolled blasting, providing rubber 4at (over to prevent flying of debris et(. shall be ta,en to prevent any da4age. .-/*.*.* De'!terin& !n" #rote;tion = or4ally, open foundations shall be laid dry. "here water is 4et with in e@(avation due to strea4 flow, seepage, springs, rain or other reasons, the Contra(tor shall ta,e ade>uate 4easures su(h as bailing, pu4ping, (onstru(ting diversion (hannels, drainage (hannels, bunds, depression of water level by well+point syste4, (offerda4s and other ne(essary wor,s to ,eep the foundation tren(hes dry when so re>uired and to prote(t the green (on(rete*4asonry against da4age by erosion or sudden rising of water level. The 4ethods to be adopted in this regard and other details thereof shall be left to the (hoi(e of the Contra(tor but sub?e(t to approval of the !ngineer. 0pproval of the !ngineer shall, however, not relieve the Contra(tor of the responsibility for the ade>ua(y of dewatering and prote(tion

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arrange4ents and for the >uality and safety of the wor,s. "here (offerda4s are re>uired, these shall be (arried to ade>uate depths and heights, be safely designed and (onstru(ted and be 4ade as watertight as is ne(essary for fa(ilitating (onstru(tion to be (arried out inside the4. The interior di4ensions of the (offerda4s shall be su(h as to give suffi(ient (learan(e for the (onstru(tion and inspe(tion and to per4it installation of pu4ping e>uip4ents, et(., inside the en(losed area. If it is deter4ined beforehand that the foundations (annot be laid dry or the situation is found that the per(olation is too heavy for ,eeping the foundation dry, the foundation (on(rete shall be laid under water by tre4ie pipe only. In (ase of flowing water or artesian springs, the flow shall be stopped or redu(ed as far as possible at the ti4e of pla(ing the (on(rete. Pu4ping fro4 the interior of any foundation en(losure shall be done in su(h a 4anner as to pre(lude the possibility of the 4ove4ent of water through any fresh (on(rete. o pu4ping shall be per4itted during the pla(ing of (on(rete or for any period of at least %B hours thereafter, unless it is done fro4 a suitable su4p separated fro4 the (on(rete wor, by a watertight wall or other si4ilar 4eans. 0t the dis(retion of the Contra(tor, (e4ent grouting or other approved 4ethods 4ay be used to prevent or redu(e seepage and to prote(t the e@(avation area. The Contra(tor shall ta,e all pre(autions in diverting (hannels and in dis(harging the drained water as not to (ause da4age to the wor,s, Crops or any other property. .-/*.*/* Pre#!r!tion o oun"!tion = The botto4 of the foundation shall be levelled both longitudinally and transversely or stepped as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Eefore footing is laid, the surfa(e shall be slightly watered and ra44ed. In the event of e@(avation having been deeper than that shown on the drawings or as otherwise ordered tie !ngineer, the e@tra depth shall be 4ade up with (on(rete 4asonry of the foundation at the (ost of the Contra(tor as per Clause %'&B.'. 7rdinary filling shall not be used for the purpose to bring the foundation to level. "hen ro(, or other hard strata is en(ountered, it shall be freed of all soft and loose 4aterial, (leaned and (ut to a fir4 surfa(e either level and stepped as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0ll sea4s shall be denied out and filled with (e4ent 4ortar or grout to the satisfa(tion of die !ngineer. In the (ase of e@(avation in ro(,, annular spa(e around footing shall be filled with lean (on(rete 9'/3/) no4inal 4i@: upto the top level of ro(,. If the depth of fill re>uired is 4ore than '.54 above the top of the footing, filling upto '.54 above top of footing shall be done with lean (on(rete 9'/3/) no4inal 4i@: followed by boulders grouted with (e4ent. "hen foundation piles are used, the e@(avation of ea(h pit shall be substantially (o4pleted before beginning pile+driving operations therein. 0fter pile driving operations in a given pit are (o4pleted, all loose and displa(ed 4aterials therein shall be re4oved to the elevation of the botto4 of the footings. .-/*.*0* S:i#s !n" s:i#7outs = If there are any slips or slip+outs in the e@(avation, these shall be re4oved by the Contra(tor at his own (ost. .-/*.*1* Pu?:i; s! ety = ear towns, villages arid all fre>uented pla(es, tren(hes and foundation pits shall be se(urely fen(ed, provided with proper (aution signs and 4ar,ed with red lights at night to avoid a((idents. The Contra(tor shall ta,e ade>uate prote(tive 4easures to see that the e@(avation operations do not affe(t or da4age ad?oining stru(tures. .or safety pre(autions, guidan(e 4ay be ta,en fro4 I6/ 32)B.

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.-/*.*2* B!;@ i::in& = Ea(,filling shall be done with approved 4aterial after (on(rete or 4asonry is fully set and (arried out in su(h a way as not to (ause undue thrust on any part of the stru(ture. 0ll spa(e between foundation 4asonry or (on(rete and the sides of e@(avation shall be refilled to the original surfa(e in layers not e@(eeding '5& 44 (o4pa(ted thi(,ness. The (o4pa(tion shall be done with the help of suitable e>uip4ent su(h as 4e(hani(al ta4per, ra44er, plate vibrator et(., after ne(essary watering, so as to a(hieve a density not less than the field density before e@(avation. .-/*.*3* Dis#os!: o sur#:us eB;!v!te" <!teri!:s = Clause 3&'.3.'' shall apply. .-/*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent !@(avation for stru(tures shall be 4easured in (u. 4. for ea(h (lass of 4aterial en(ountered, li4ited to the di4ensions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. !@(avation over in(reased width, (utting of slopes, shoring, shuttering and plan,ing shall be dee4ed as (onvenien(e for the Contra(tor in e@e(uting the wor, and shall not be 4easured and paid for separately. Preparation of ro(, foundation shall be 4easured in s>uare 4etres. .oundation sealing, dewatering, in(luding pu4ping shall be dee4ed to be in(idental to the wor, unless separate provision is 4ade for in the Contra(t In the latter (ase, pay4ent shall be on lu4psu4 basis as provided in the Eill of Duantities. .-/*0* R!tes .-/*0*,* The Contra(t unit rate for the ite4s of e@(avation for stru(tures shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for / 9i: setting outM 9ii: (onstru(tion of ne(essary (offerda4s, (ribs, sheeting, shoring and bra(ing and their subse>uent re4ovalM 9iii: re4oval of all logs, stu4ps, grubs and other deleterious 4atter and obstru(tions, for pla(ing the foundations in(luding tri44ing of botto4s of e@(avationsM 9iv: foundation sealing, dewatering in(luding pu4ping when no separate provision for it is 4ade in the Contra(tM 9v: ba(,filling, (learing up the site and disposal of all surplus 4aterial within all liftQ and leads upto &&& 4 or as otherwise spe(ifiedM and 9vi: all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent, safety 4easures, diversion of traffi( and in(identals ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to 6pe(ifi(ation. .-/*0*5* The Contra(t unit rate for preparation of ro(, foundation shall be full (o4pensation for (utting, tri44ing and (leaning the foundation surfa(e and filling*sealing of all sea4s with (e4ent grout or 4ortar in(luding all 4aterials, labour and in(identals re>uired for (o4pleting the wor,. .-/*0*.* The Contra(t unit rate for transporting 4aterial fro4 the e@(avation for stru(tures shall be full (o4pensation for all labour, e>uip4ent, tools and in(identals ne(essary on a((ount of the additional haul or transportation involved beyond the initial lead of '&&& 4.

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.-0* .-0*,* Gener!:


.-0*,*,* Des;ri#tion = These 6pe(ifi(ations shall apply to the (onstru(tion of e4ban,4ents in(luding subgrades, earthen shoulders and 4is(ellaneous ba(,fills with approved 4aterial obtained fro4 roadway and drain e@(avation, borrow pits or other sour(es. 0ll e4ban,4ents, subgrades, earthen shoulders and 4is(ellaneous ba(,fills shall be (onstru(ted in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades, and (ross+se(tions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. .-0*5* M!teri!:s !n" Gener!: ReEuire<ents .-0*5*,* Physi;!: reEuire<ents= .-0*5*,*,* The 4aterials used in e4ban,4ents, subgrades, earthen shoulders and 4is(ellaneous ba(,fills shall be soil, 4ooru4, gravel, a 4i@ture of these or any other 4aterial approved by the !ngineer. 6u(h 4aterials shall be free of logs, stu4ps, roots, rubbish or any other ingredient li,ely to deteriorate or affe(t the stability of the e4ban,4ent* subgrade. The following types of 4aterial shall be (onsidered unsuitable for e4ban,4ent/ 9a: Materials fro4 swa4ps, 4arshes and bogsM 9b: Peat, tog, stu4p and perishable 4aterialM any soil that (lassifies as 7$, 7I, 7H or Pt in a((ordan(e with I6 / 'B1-M 9(: Materials sus(eptible to spontaneous (o4bustionM 9d: Materials in a froLen (onditionM 9e: Clay having li>uid li4it e@(eeding 2& and plasti(ity inde@ e@(eeding B5/ and 9f: Materials with salts resulting in lea(hing in the e4ban,4ent. .-0*5*,*5* !@pansive (lay e@hibiting 4ar,ed swell and shrin,age properties 9;free swelling inde@< e@(eeding 5& per (ent when tested as per I6/ %2%& + Part B&: shall not be used as a fill 4aterial. "here an e@pansive (lay with a((eptable ;free swelling inde@< value is used as a fill 4aterial, subgrade and top 5&& 44 portion of the e4ban,4ent ?ust below subgrade shall be non+e@pansive in nature. .-0*5*,*.* 0ny fill 4aterial with a soluble sulphate (ontent e@(eeding '.1 gra4s of sulphate 9e@pressed as 673: per litre when tested in a((ordan(e with E6 / '322 Test '&, but using a %/' water+soil ratio shall net be deposited within 5&& 44 or other distan(e des(ribed in the Contra(t, of (on(rete, (e4ent bound 4aterials or other (e4entitious 4aterials for4ing part of the Per4anent "or,s. Materials with a total sulphate (ontent 9e@pressed as 67 3: e@(eeding &.5 per (ent by 4ass, when tested in a((ordan(e with E6 / '322 Test 1 shall not be deposited within 5&& 44, or other distan(es des(ribed in toe Contra(t, of 4etalli( ite4s for4ing part of the Per4anent "or,s. .-0*5*,*/* The siLe of the (oarse 4aterial in the 4i@ture of earth shall ordinarily not e@(eed 25 44 when being pla(ed in the e4ban,4ent and 5& 44 when pla(ed in .the subgrade. However, the !ngineer 4ay at his dis(retion per4it the use of 4aterial (oarser

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than this also if he is satisfied that the sa4e will not present any diffi(ulty as regards the pla(e4ent of fill 4aterial and its (o4pa(tion to the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. The 4a@i4u4 parti(le siLe shall not be 4ore than two+thirds pf the (o4pa(ted layer thi(,ness. .-0*5*,*0* 7rdinarily, only the 4aterials satisfying the density re>uire4ents given in Table 3&&+' shall be e4ployed for the (onstru(tion of the e4ban,4ent and the subgrade. TAB+E .--7,* DENSIT6 RE>(IREMENTS OF EMBANKMENT AND S(BGRADE MATERIA+S S* No* Ty#e o Wor@ M!Bi<u< :!?or!tory "ry unit 'ei&ht 'hen teste" !s #er IS= 525- (P!rt 3) '. !4ban,4ents up to 3 4etres ot less than '5.% , *(u.4. height, not sub?e(ted to e@tensive flooding. %. !4ban,4ents e@(eeding 3 4etres height or e4ban,4ents of any height sub?e(t to long periods of inundation 6ubgrade and earthen shoulders*verges*ba(,fill ot less than ').& , *(u.4.


ot less than '2.5 , *(u.4.

otes/ 9': 9%: 93:

This Table is not appli(able for lightweight fill 4aterial e.g. (inder, fly ash et(. The !ngineer 4ay rela@ these re>uire4ents at his dis(retion ta,ing into a((ount the availability of 4aterials for (onstru(tion and other relevant fa(tors. The 4aterial to be used in subgrade should also satisfy design CER at the dry unit weight appli(able as per Table 3&&+%.

.-0*5*5* Gener!: reEuire<ents = .-0*5*5*,* The 4aterials for e4ban,4ent shall be obtained fro4 approved sour(es with preferen(e given to 4aterials be(o4ing available fro4 nearby roadway e@(avation or any other e@(avation under the sa4e. The wor, shall be so planned and e@e(uted that the best available 4aterials are saved for the subgrade and the e4ban,4ent portion ?ust below the subgrade. .-0*5*5*5* Borro' <!teri!:s = "here the 4aterials are to be obtained fro4 designated borrow areas, the lo(ation, siLe and shape of these areas shall be as indi(ated by the !ngineer and the sa4e shall not be opened without his written per4ission. "here spe(ifi( borrow areas are not designated by the !4ployer*the !ngineer, arrange4ent for lo(ating the sour(e of supply of 4aterial for e4ban,4ent and subgrade as well as (o4plian(e to environ4ental re>uire4ents in respe(t of e@(avation and borrow areas as stipulated, fro4 ti4e to ti4e by the Ministry of !nviron4ent and .orests, Govern4ent of India and the lo(al bodies, as appli(able, shall be the sole responsibility of the Contra(tor.
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Eorrowpits along the road shall be dis(ouraged. If per4itted by the !ngineer, these shall not be dug (ontinuously. Ridges of not less than - 4 width should be left at intervals not e@(eeding 3&& 4. 64all drains shall be (ut through the ridges to fa(ilitate drainage. The depth of the pits shall be so regulated that their botto4 do(s not (ut an i4aginary line having a slope of ' verti(al to B horiLontal pro?e(ted fro4 the edge of the final se(tion of the ban,, the 4a@i4u4 depth in any (ase being li4ited to '.5 4. 0lso, no pit shall be dug within the offset width fro4 the toe of the e4ban,4ent re>uired as per the (onsideration of stability with a 4ini4u4 width of '& 4. Haulage of 4aterial to e4ban,4ents or other areas of fill shall pro(eed only when suffi(ient spreading and (o4pa(tion plant is operating at the pla(e of deposition. o e@(avated a((eptable 4aterial other than surplus to re>uire4ents of the Contra(t shall be re4oved fro4 the site. 6hould the Contra(tor be per4itted to re4ove a((eptable 4aterial fro4 the site to suit his operational pro(edure, then he shall 4a,e good any (onse>uent defi(it of 4aterial arising therefro4. "here the e@(avation reveals a (o4bination of a((eptable and una((eptable 4aterials, the Contra(tor shall, unless otherwise agreed by the !ngineer, (arry out the e@(avation in su(h a 4anner that the a((eptable 4aterials are e@(avated separately for use in the per4anent wor,s without (onta4ination by the una((eptable 4aterials. The a((eptable 4aterials shall be sto(,piled separately. The Contra(tor shall ensure that he does not adversely affe(t the 6tability of e@(avation or fills by the 4ethods of sto(,piling 4aterials, IEC of plants or siting of te4porary buildings or stru(tures. The Contra(tor shall obtain representative sa4ples fro4 ea(h of the identified borrow areas and have these tested at the site laboratory following a testing progra44e approved by the !ngineer. It shall be ensured that the subgrade 4aterial when (o4pa(ted to the density re>uire4ents as in Table 3&&+% shall yield the design CER value of the subgrade. TAB+E .--75* COMPACTION RE>(IREMENTS FOR EMBANKMENT AND S(BGRADE Ty#e o 'or@F <!teri!: Re:!tive ;o<#!;tion !s #er;ent!&e o <!B* :!?or!tory "ry "ensity !s #er IS= 525- (P!rt 3) ot less than 12 ot less than 15 ot allowed ot less than 1&

'. 6ubgnde and earthen shoulders %. !4ban,4ent 3. !@pansive Clays a: 6ubgrade and 5&& 44 portion ?ust below the subgrade b: Re4aining portion of e4ban,4ent

The Contra(tor shall at least 2 wor,ing days before (o44en(e4ent of (o4pa(tion sub4it the following to the !ngineer for approval/ 9i: The valueQ of 4a@i4u4 dry density and opti4u4 4oisture (ontent obtained in a((ordan(e with I6/ %2%& 9Part 2: or 9Part -:, as the (ase 4ay be, appropriate for ea(h of the fill 4aterials he intends to use. 9ii: 0 graph of density plotted against 4oisture (ontent fro4 whi(h ea(h of the values in 9i: above of 4a@i4u4 dry density and opti4u4 4oisture

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(ontent were deter4ined. The #ry density+4oisture (ontent +CER relationships for light, inter4ediate and heavy (o4pa(tive efforts 9light (orresponding to I6/ %2%& 9Part 2:. heavy (orresponding to I6/ %2%& 9Part -: and inter4ediate in+between the two: for ea(h of the fill 4aterials he intends to use in the subgrade. 7n(e the above infor4ation has been approved by the !ngineer, it shall for4 the basis for (o4pa(tion. 9iii: .-0*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions .-0*.*,* Settin& out = 0fter the site has been (leared to Clause %&', the wor, shall be set out to Clause 3&'.3.'. The li4its of e4ban,4ent*subgrade shall be 4ar,ed by fi@ing batter pegs on both at regular intervals as guides before (o44en(ing the earthwor,, e4ban,4ent*subgrade shall be built suffi(iently wider than the design di4ension so that surplus 4aterial 4ay be tri44ed, ensuring that the re4aining 4aterial is to the desired density and in position spe(ified and (onfor4s to the spe(ified side slopes. .-0*.*5* De'!terin& = If the foundation of the e4ban,4ent is in an area with stagnant water, and in the opinion of the !ngineer it is feasible to re4ove it, the sa4e shall be re4oved by bailing out or pu4ping, as dire(ted by the !ngineer and the area of the e4ban,4ent foundation shall be ,ept dry. Care shall be ta,en to dis(harge the drained water so as not to (ause da4age to the wor,s, (rops or any other property. #ue to any negligen(e on the part of the Contra(tor, if any su(h da4age is (aused, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Contra(tor to repair*restore it to original (ondition or (o4pensate the da4age at his own (ost. If the e4ban,4ent is to be (onstru(ted under water, Clause 3&5.B.) shall apply. .-0*.*.* Stri##in& !n" storin& to#soi: = In lo(alities where 4ost of the available e4ban,4ent 4aterials are not (ondu(ive to plant growth, or when so dire(ted by the !ngineer, the topsoil fro4 all areas of (utting and fro4 all areas to be (overed by e4ban,4ent foundation shall be stripped to spe(ified depths not e@(eeding '5& 44 and stored in sto(,piles of height not e@(eeding % 4 for (overing e4ban,4ent slopes, (ut slopes and other disturbed areas where re+vegetation is desired. Topsoil shall not be unne(essarily traffi(,ed either before stripping or when in a sto(,pile. 6to(,piles shall not be sur(harged or otherwise loaded and 4ultiple handling shall be ,ept to a 4ini4u4. .-0*.*/* Co4pa(ting ground supporting e4ban,4ent*subgrade/ "here ne(essary, the original ground shall be levelled to fa(ilitate pla(e4ent of first layer of e4ban,4ent, s(arified, 4i@ed with water and then (o4pa(ted by rolling so as to a(hieve 4ini4u4 dry density as given in Table 3&&+%. In (ase where the differen(e between the subgrade level 9top of the subgrade on whi(h pave4ent rests: and ground level is less than &.5 4 and the ground does not have 12 per (ent relative (o4pa(tion with respe(t to the dry density as given in Table 3&&+%, the ground shall be loosened upto a level &.5 4 below the subgrade level, watered and (o4pa(ted in layers in a((ordan(e with Clauses 3&5.3.5 and 3&5.3.) to not less than 12 per (ent of dry density as given in Table 3&&+%.

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"here so dire(ted by the !ngineer, any unsuitable 4aterial o((urring in the e4ban,4ent foundation shall be re4oved and repla(ed by approved 4aterials laid in layers to the re>uired degree of (o4pa(tion. !4ban,4ent or subgrade wor, shall not pro(eed until the foundations for e4ban,4ent*subgrade have been inspe(ted by the !ngineer for satisfa(tory (ondition and approved. 0ny foundation treat4ent spe(ified for e4ban,4ents espe(ially high e4ban,4ents, resting on suspe(t foundations as revealed by borehole logs shall be (arried out in a 4anner and to the depth as desired by the !ngineer. "here the ground on whi(h an e4ban,4ent is to be built has any of the 4aterial types 9a: to 9f: in Clause 3&5.%.', at least 5&& 44 of su(h 4aterial 4ust be re4oved and repla(ed by a((eptable fill 4aterial before e4ban,4ent (onstru(tion (o44en(es. .-0*.*0* S#re!"in& <!teri!: in :!yers !n" ?rin&in& to !##ro#ri!te <oisture ;ontent

.-0*.*0*,* The e4ban,4ent and subgrade 4aterial shall be spread in layers of unifor4 thi(,ness not e@(eeding %&& 44 (o4pa(ted thi(,ness over the entire width of e4ban,4ent by 4e(hani(al 4eans, finished by a 4otor grader and (o4pa(ted as per Clause 3&5.3.). The 4otor grader blade shall have hydrauli( (ontrol suitable for initial ad?ust4ent and 4aintain the sa4e so as to a(hieve the spe(ifi( slope and grade. 6u((essive layers shall not be pla(ed until the layer under (onstru(tion has been thoroughly (o4pa(ted to the spe(ified re>uire4ents as in Table 3&&+% and got approved by the !ngineer. !a(h (o4pa(ted layer shall be finished parallel to the final (ross+ se(tion of the e4ban,4ent. .-0*.*0*5* Moisture (ontent of the 4aterial shall be (he(,ed at the site of pla(e4ent prior to (o44en(e4ent of (o4pa(tionM if found to be out of agreed li4its, the sa4e shall be 4ade good. "here water is re>uired to be added in su(h (onstru(tions, water shall be sprin,led fro4 a water tan,er fitted with sprin,ler (apable of applying water unifor4ly with a (ontrollable rate of flow to variable widths of surfa(e but without any flooding. The water shall be added unifor4ly and thoroughly 4i@ed in soil by blading, dis(ing or harrowing until a unifor4 4oisture (ontent is obtained throughout the depth of the layer. If the 4aterial delivered to the roadbed is too wet, it shall be dried, by aeration and e@posure to the sun, till the 4oisture (ontent is a((eptable far (o4pa(tion. 6hould (ir(u4stan(es arise, where owing to wet weather, the 4oisture (ontent (annot be redu(ed to the re>uired a4ount by the above pro(edure, (o4pa(tion wor, shall be suspended. Moisture (ontent of ea(h layer of soil shall be (he(,ed in a((ordan(e with I6/ %2%& 9Part %:, and unless otherwise 4entioned, shall be so ad?usted, 4a,ing due allowan(e for evaporation losses, that at the ti4e of (o4pa(tion it is in the range of ' per (ent above to % per (ent below the opti4u4 4oisture (ontent deter4ined in a((ordan(e with I6/%2%& 9Part 2: or I6/%2%& 9Part -: as the (ase 4ay be. !@pansive (lays shall however, be (o4pa(ted at 4oisture (ontent (orresponding to the spe(ified dry density, but on the wet side of the opti4u4 4oisture (ontent obtained fro4 the laboratory (o4pa(tion (urve. 0fter adding the re>uired a4ount of water, the soil shall be pro(essed by 4eans of graders, harrows, rotary 4i@ers or as otherwise approved by the !ngineer until the layer is unifor4ly wet.

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Clods or hard lu4ps of earth shall be bro,en to have a 4a@i4u4 siLe of 25 44 when being pla(ed in the e4ban,4ent and a 4a@i4u4 siLe of 5& 44 when being pla(ed in the subgrade. .-0*.*0*.* !4ban,4ent and other areas of fill shall, unless otherwise re>uired in the Contra(t or per4itted by the !ngineer, be (onstru(ted evenly over their full width and their fullest possible e@tent and the Contra(tor shall (ontrol and dire(t (onstru(tion plant and other vehi(ular traffi( unifor4ly over the4. #a4age by (onstru(tion plant and other vehi(ular traffi( shall be 4ade good by the Contra(tor with 4aterial having the sa4e (hara(teristi(s and strength as the 4aterial had before it was da4aged. !4ban,4ents and other areas of unsupported fills shall not be (onstru(ted with steeper side slopes, or to greater widths than those shown in the Contra(t, e@(ept to per4it ade>uate (o4pa(tion at the edges before tri44ing ba(,, or to obtain the final profile following any settle4ent of the fill and the underlying 4aterial. "henever fill is to be deposited against the fa(e of a natural slope, or sloping earthwor,s fa(e in(luding e4ban,4ents, (uttings, other fills and e@(avations steeper than ' verti(al on B horiLontal, su(h fa(es shall be ben(hed as per Clause 3&5.B.' i44ediately before pla(ing the subse>uent fill. 0ll per4anent fa(es of side slopes of e4ban,4ents and other areas of fill for4ed shall, subse>uent to any tri44ing operations, be rewor,ed and sealed to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer by tra(,ing a tra(,ed vehi(le, (onsidered suitable by the !ngineer, on the slope or any other 4ethod approved by the !ngineer. .-0*.*1* Co<#!;tion = 7nly the (o4pa(tion e>uip4ent approved by the !ngineer shall be e4ployed to (o4pa(t the different 4aterial types en(ountered during (onstru(tion. 64ooth wheeled, vibratory, pneu4ati( tyred, sheepsfoot or pad foot rollers, et(. of suitable siLe and (apa(ity as approved by the !ngineer shall be used for the different types and grades of 4aterials re>uired to be (o4pa(ted either individually or in suitable (o4binations. The (o4pa(tion shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of -& to '&& , stati( weight with plain or pad foot dru4 or heavy pneu4ati( tyred roller of ade>uate (apa(ity (apable of a(hieving re>uired (o4pa(tion. The Contra(tor shall de4onstrate the effi(a(y of the e>uip4ent he intends to use by (arrying out (o4pa(tion trials. The pro(edure to be adopted for these site trials shall first be sub4itted to the !ngineer for approval. !arth4oving plant shall not be a((epted as (o4pa(tion e>uip4ent nor shall the use of a lighter (ategory of plant to provide any preli4inary (o4pa(tion to assist the use of heavier plant be ta,en into a((ount. !a(h layer of the 4aterial shall be thoroughly (o4pa(ted to the densities spe(ified in Table 3&&+%. 6ubse>uent layers shall be pla(ed only after the finished layer has been tested a((ording to Clause 1&3.%.% and a((epted by the !ngineer. The !ngineer 4ay per4it 4easure4ent of field dry density by a nu(lear 4oisture*density gauge used in a((ordan(e with agreed pro(edure and the gauge is (alibrated to provide results identi(al to that obtained fro4 tests in a((ordan(e with I6/ %2%& 9Part %-:. 0 re(ord of the sa4e shall be 4aintained by the Contra(tor. "hen density 4easure4ents reveal any soft areas in the e4ban,4ent*subgrade*earthen shoulders, further (o4pa(tion shall be (arried out as dire(ted by the !ngineer. If inspite of that the spe(ified (o4pa(tion is not a(hieved, the 4aterial in the soft areas shall be re4oved and repla(ed by approved 4aterial, (o4pa(ted to the density re>uire4ents and satisfa(tion of the !ngineer.

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.-0*.*2* Dr!in!&e = The surfa(e of the e4ban,4ent*subgrade at all ti4es during (onstru(tion shall be 4aintained at su(h a (ross fall 9not flatter than that re>uired for effe(tive drainage of an earthen surfa(e: as will shed water and prevent ponding. .-0*.*3* Repairing of da4ages (aused by rain*spillage of water/ The soil in the affe(ted portion shall be re4oved in su(h areas as dire(ted by the !ngineer before ne@t layer is laid and refilled in layers and (o4pa(ted using appropriate 4e(hani(al 4eans su(h as s4all vibratory roller, plate (o4pa(tor or power ra44er to a(hieve the re>uired density in a((ordan(e with Clause 3&5.3.). If the (ut is not suffi(iently wide for use of re>uired 4e(hani(al 4eans for (o4pa(tion the sa4e shall be widened suitably to per4it their use for proper (o4pa(tion. Tests shall be (arried out as dire(ted by the !ngineer to as(ertain the density re>uire4ents of the repaired area. The wor, of repairing the da4ages in(luding widening of the (ut, if any, shall be (arried out by the Contra(tor at his own (ost, in(luding the arranging of 4a(hinery*e>uip4ent for the purpose. .-0*.*4* Finishin& o#er!tions = .inishing operations shall in(lude the wor, of shaping and dressing the shoulders*verge*roadbed and side slopes to (onfor4 to the align4ent, levels, (ross+se(tions and di4ensions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer sub?e(t to the surfa(e toleran(e des(ribed in Clause 1&%. Eoth the upper and lower ends of the side slopes shall be rounded off to i4prove appearan(e and to 4erge the e4ban,4ent with the ad?a(ent terrain. The topsoil, re4oved and (onserved (arrier 9Clause 3&'.3.% and 3&5.3.3: shall be spread over the fill slopes as per dire(tions of the !ngineer to fa(ilitate the growth of vegetation. 6lopes shall be roughened and 4oistened slightly prior '& the appli(ation of the topsoil in order to provide satisfa(tory bond. The depth of the topsoil shall be suffi(ient to sustain plant growth, the usual thi(,ness being fro4 25 44 to '5& 44. "here dire(ted, .the slopes shall be turfed with sods in a((ordan(e with Clause 3&2. If seeding and 4ul(hing of slopes is pres(ribed, this shall be done to the re>uire4ent of Clause 3&-. "hen earthwor, operations have been substantially (o4pleted, the road area shall be (leared of all debris, and ugly s(ars in the (onstru(tion area responsible for ob?e(tionable appearan(e eli4inated. .-0*/* Constru;tion o E<?!n@<ent !n" Su?&r!"e un"er S#e;i!: Con"itions

.-0*/*,* E!rth'or@ or 'i"enin& eBistin& ro!" e<?!n@<ent= "hen an e@isting e4ban,4ent and*or subgrade is to be widened and its slopes are steeper than ' verti(al on B horiLontal, (ontinuous horiLontal ben(hes, ea(h at least 3&& 44 wide, shall be (ut into the old slope for ensuring ade>uate bond with the fresh e4ban,4ent*subgrade 4aterial to be added. The 4aterial obtained fro4 (utting of ben(hes (ould be utiliLed in the widening of the e4ban,4ent*subgrade. However, when the e@isting slope against whi(h the fresh 4aterial is to be pla(ed it flatter than ' verti(al on B horiLontal, the slope surfa(e 4ay only be ploughed or s(arified instead of resorting to ben(hing. "here the width of the widened portions is insuffi(ient to per4it the use of (onventional rollers, (o4pa(tion shall be (arried out with the help of s4all vibratory rollers*plate (o4pa(tors*power ra44ers or any other appropriate e>uip4ent approved by the !ngineer. !nd du4ping of 4aterial fro4 tru(,s for widening operations shall be avoided e@(ept in diffi(ult (ir(u4stan(es when the e@tra width is too narrow to per4it the 4ove4ent of any other types of hauling e>uip4ent.

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.-0*/*5* E!rth'or@ or e<?!n@<ent !n" su?&r!"e to ?e #:!;e" !&!inst s:o#in& &roun" = "here an e4ban,4ent*subgrade is to be pla(ed against sloping ground, the latter shall be appropriately ben(hed or ploughed*s(arified as re>uired in Clause 3&5.B.' before pla(ing the e4ban,4ent*subgrade 4aterial. !@tra earthwor, involved in ben(hing or due to ploughing*s(arifying et(. shall be (onsidered in(idental to the wor,. .or wet (onditions, ben(hes with slightly inward fall and subsoil drains at the lowest point shall be provided as per the drawings, before the fill is pla(ed against sloping ground. "here the Contra(t re>uires (onstru(tion of transverse subsurfa(e drain at the (ut+ fill interfa(e, wor, on the sa4e shall be (arried out to s 3&1 in proper se>uen(e with the e4ban,4ent and subgrade wor,M approved by the !ngineer. .-0*/*.* E!rth'or@ over eBistin& ro!" sur !;e = "here the e4ban,4ent is to be pla(ed over an e@isting road surfa(e, the wor, shall (arried out as indi(ated below / 9i: If the e@isting road surfa(e is of granular or bitu4inous type and lies within ' 4 of the new subgrade level, the sa4e shall be s(arified to a depth of 5& 44 or 4ore if spe(ified, so as to provide a4ple bond between the old and new 4aterial ensuring that at least 5&& 44 portion below the top of new subgrade level is (o4pa(ted to the desired density. 9ii: If the e@isting road surfa(e is of (e4ent (on(rete type and lies within '4 of the new subgrade level the sa4e shall be re4oved (o4pletely. 9iii: If the level differen(e between the e@isting road surfa(e and the new for4ation level is 4ore than '4, the e@isting surfa(e shall be per4itted to stay in pla(e without any 4odifi(ation. .-0*/*/* E<?!n@<ent !n" su?&r!"e !roun" stru;tures = To avoid interferen(e with the (onstru(tion of abut4ents, wing wails or return walls of (ulvert*bridge stru(tures, the Contra(tor shall, at points to be deter4ined by the !ngineer suspend wor, on e4ban,4ent for4ing approa(hes to su(h stru(tures, until su(h ti4e as the (onstru(tion of the latter is suffi(iently advan(ed to per4it the (o4pletion of approa(hes without the ris, of da4age to the stru(ture. Anless dire(ted otherwise, the filling around (ulverts, bridges and other stru(tures upto a distan(e of twi(e the height of the road fro4 the ba(, of the abut4ent shall be (arried out independent of the wor, on the 4ain e4ban,4ent. The fill 4aterial shall not be pla(ed against any abut4ent or wing wall, unless per4ission has been given by the !ngineer but in any (ase not until the (on(rete or 4asonry has been in position for 'B days. The e4ban,4ent and subgrade shall be brought up si4ultaneously in e>ual layers on ea(h side of the stru(ture to avoid displa(e4ent and une>ual pressure. The se>uen(e of wor, in this regard shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer. The 4aterial used for ba(,fill shall not be an organi( soil or highly plasti( (lay having plasti(ity inde@ and li>uid li4it 4ore than %& and B& respe(tively when tested a((ording to I6 / %2%& 9Pan 5:. .illing behind abut4ents and wing walls for all stru(tures shall (onfor4 to the general guidelines given in 0ppendi@ ) of IRC/2- 96tandard 6pe(ifi(ations and Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges+6e(tion CII: in respe(t of the type of 4aterial, the e@tent of ba(,fill, its laying and (o4pa(tion et(. The fill 4aterial shall be deposited in horiLontal layers in loose thi(,ness and (o4pa(ted thoroughly to the re>uire4ents of Table 3&&+%. "here the provision of any filter 4ediu4 is spe(ified behind the abut4ent, the sa4e shall be laid in layers si4ultaneously with the laying of fill 4aterial. The 4aterial

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used for filter shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents for filter 4ediu4 spelt out in Clause %5&%*3&1.3.% 9E: unless otherwise spe(ified in the Contra(t. "here it 4ay be i4pra(ti(able to use (onventional rollers, the (o4pa(tion shall be (arried out by appropriate 4e(hani(al 4eans su(h as s4all vibratory roller, plate (o4pa(tor or power ra44er. Care shall be ta,en to see that the (o4pa(tion e>uip4ent does not hit or (o4e too (lose to any stru(tural 4e4ber so as to (ause any da4age to the4 or e@(essive pressure against the stru(ture. .-0*/*0* Constru;tion o e<?!n@<ent over &roun" in;!#!?:e o su##ortin& ;onstru;tion eEui#<ent = "here e4ban,4ent is to be (onstru(ted a(ross ground whi(h will not support the weight of repeated heavy loads of (onstru(tion e>uip4ent the first layer of the fill 4ay be (onstru(ted by pla(ing su((essive loads of 4aterial in a unifor4ly distributed layer of a 4ini4u4 thi(,ness re>uired to support the (onstru(tion e>uip4ent as per4itted by the !ngineer. The Contra(tor, if so desired by hi4, 4ay also use suitable geosyntheti( 4aterial to in(rease the bearing (apa(ity of the foundation. This e@(eption to nor4al pro(edure will not be per4itted where, in the opinion of the !ngineer, the e4ban,4ents (ould be (onstru(ted in the approved 4anner over su(h ground by the use+ of lighter or 4odified e>uip4ent after proper dit(hing and drainage have been provided. "here this e@(eption is per4itted, the sele(tion of the 4aterial and the (onstru(tion pro(edure to obtain an a((eptable layer shall be the responsibility of the Contra(tor. The (ost of providing suitable traffi( (onditions for (onstru(tion e>uip4ent over any area of the Contra(t will be the responsibility of the Contra(tor and no e@tra pay4ent will be 4ade to hi4. The re4ainder of the e4ban,4ent shall be (onstru(ted as spe(ified in Clause 3&5.3. .-0*/*1* E<?!n@<ent ;onstru;tion un"er'!ter = "here filling / or ba(,filling is to be pla(ed under water, only a((eptable granular 4aterial or ro(, shall be used unless otherwise approved by the !ngineer. 0((eptable granular 4aterial shall (onsist of graded, hard durable parti(les with 4a@i4u4 parti(le siLe not e@(eeding 25 44. The 4aterial should be non+plasti( having unifor4ity (oeffi(ient of not less than '&. The 4aterial pla(ed in open water shall be deposited by end tipping without (o4pa(tion. .-0*/*2* E!rth'or@ or hi&h e<?!n@<ent = In the (ase of high e4ban,4ents, the Contra(tor shall nor4ally use the 4aterial the spe(ified borrow area. In (ase he desires to use different for his own (onvenien(e, he shall have to (arry out ne(essary investigations and redesign the high e4ban,4ent at his own (ost. Contra(tor shall then furnish the soil test data and design of high e4ban,4ent for approval of the !ngineer, who reserves the right to a((ept or re?e(t it. If ne(essary, stage (onstru(tion of fills and any (ontrolled ratesM shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e with the Contra(t in(luding of instru4ents and its 4onitoring. "here re>uired, the Contra(tor shall sur(harge e4ban,4ents or other of fill with approved 4aterial for the periods spe(ified in the (t If settle4ent of sur(harged fill results in any sur(harging 4aterial, whi(h is una((eptable for use in the fill being sur(harged, lying below for4ation level, the Contra(tor shall re4ove the una((eptable 4aterial and dispose it as per dire(tion of the !ngineer. He shall then bring the resultant level up to for4ation level with a((eptable 4aterial. .-0*/*3* Sett:e<ent #erio" = "here settle4ent period is spe(ified in the Contra(t, the e4ban,4ent shall re4ain in pla(e for the re>uired settle4ent period before

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e@(avating for abut4ent, wingwall, retaining wall, footings, et(., or driving foundation piles. The duration of the re>uired settle4ent period at ea(h lo(ation shall be as provided for in the Contra(t or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. .-0*0* P:yin& o Tr! i; Constru(tion and other vehi(ular traffi( shall not use the prepared surfa(e of the e4ban,4ent and*or subgrade without the prior per4ission of the !ngineer. 0ny da4age arising out of su(h use shall, however, be 4ade good by the Contra(tor at his own e@pense as dire(ted by the !ngineer. .-0*1* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion of subgrade shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. Control on the >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised in a((ordan(e with Clause 1&3. .-0*2* Su?&r!"e Stren&th

.-0*2*,* It shall be ensured prior to a(tual e@e(ution that the borrow area 4aterial to be used in the subgrade satisfies the re>uire4ents of design CER. .-0*2*5* 6ubgrade shall be (o4pa(ted and finished to the design strength (onsistent with other physi(al re>uire4ents. The a(tual laboratory CER values of (onstru(ted subgrade shall be deter4ined on undisturbed sa4ples (ut out fro4 the (o4pa(ted subgrade in CER 4ould fitted with (utting shoe or on re4oulded sa4ples, (o4pa(ted to the field density at the field 4oisture (ontent. .-0*3* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent !arth e4ban,4ent*subgrade (onstru(tion shall be 4easured separately by ta,ing (ross se(tions at intervals in the original position before the wor, starts and after its (o4pletion and (o4puting the volu4es of earthwor, in (ubi( 4etres by the 4ethod of average end areas. The 4easure4ent of fill 4aterial fro4 borrow areas shall be the differen(e between the net >uantities of (o4pa(ted fill and the net of suitable 4aterial brought fro4 roadway and drainage e@(avation. .or this purpose, it shall be assu4ed that one (u.4. of suitable 4aterial brought to site fro4 road and drainage e@(avation for4s one (u.4. of (o4pa(ted fill and all bul,ing or shrin,age shall be ignored. Constru(tion of e4ban,4ent under water shall be 4easured in (u.4. Constru(tion of high e4ban,4ent with spe(ified 4aterial and in spe(ified 4anner shall be 4easured in (u.4. 6tripping in(luding storing and reappli(ation of topsoil shall be 4easure (u.4. "or, involving loosening and re(o4pa(ting of ground supporting e4ban,4ent*subgrade shall be 4easured in (u. 4. Re4oval of unsuitable 4aterial at e4ban,4ent*subgrade foundation and repla(e4ent with suitable 4aterial shall be 4easured in (u.4. 6(arifying e@isting granular*bitu4inous road surfa(e shall be 4easured in s>uare 4etres.

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#is4antling and re4oval of e@isting (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent shall be 4easured vide Clause %&%.). .ilter 4ediu4 and ba(,fill 4aterial behind abut4ents, wing walls 7ther retaining stru(tures shall be 4easured as finished wor, in position in (u.4. .-0*4* R!tes .-0*4*,* The Contra(t unit rates for the ite4s of e4ban,4ent and (onstru(tion shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the operations in(luding full (o4pensation for/ 9i: Cost of arrange4ent of land as a sour(e of supply of 4aterial of re>uired >uantity for (onstru(tion unless provided otherwise in the Contra(tM 9ii: 6elling outM 9iii: Co4pa(ting ground supporting e4ban,4ent*subgrade e@(ept where re4oval and repla(e4ent of unsuitable 4aterial or loosening and re(o4pa(ting is involvedM 9iv: 6(arifying or (utting (ontinuous horiLontal ben(hes 3&& 44 wide on side slopes of e@isting e4ban,4ent and subgrade as appli(ableM 9v: Cost of watering or drying of 4aterial in borrow areas and*or e4ban,4ent and subgrade during (onstru(tion as re>uiredM 9vi: 9vii: 9viii: 9i@: 9@: 6preading in layers, bringing to appropriate 4oisture (ontent and (o4pa(ting to 6pe(ifi(ation re>uire4ents/ 6haping and dressing top and slopes of the Je4ban,4ent and sabgrade in(luding rounding of (o4ersM Restri(ted wor,ing at sites of stru(turesM "or,ing on narrow width of e4ban,4ent and subgradeM !@(avation in all soils fro4 borrow pits*designated borrow areas in(luding (learing and grubbing and transporting the 4aterial to e4ban,4ent and subgrade site with all lifts and leads unless otherwise provided for in the Contra(tM 0ll labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to the 6pe(ifi(ationsM #ewateringM and =eeping the e4ban,4ent*(o4pleted for4ation free of water as per Clause 3''.

9@i: 9@ii: 9@iii:

.-0*4*5* In (ase the Contra(t unit rate spe(ified is not in(lusive of all leads, the unit rate for transporting 4aterial beyond the initial lead, as spe(ified in the Contra(t for (onstru(tion of e4ban,4ent and subgrade shall be in(lusive of full (o4pensation for all labour, e>uip4ent, tools and in(identals ne(essary on a((ount of the additional haul or transportation involved beyond the spe(ified initial lead. .-0*4*.* Clause 3&'.1.5 shall apply as regards Contra(t unit rates for ite4s of stripping and storing top soil and of reappli(ation of topsoil. .-0*4*/* Clause 3&'.1.% shall apply as regards Contra(t unit rate for the ite4 of loosening and re(o4pa(ting the e4ban,4ent*subgrade foundation.

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.-0*4*0* Clauses 3&'.1.' and 3&5.- shall apply as regards Contra(t rates for ite4s of re4oval of unsuitable 4aterial and repla(e4ent with suitable 4aterial respe(tively. .-0*4*1* The Contra(t unit rate for s(arifying e@isting granular*bitu4inous road surfa(e shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying outK the re>uired operauons in(luding full (o4pensation for all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals ne(essary to (o4plete the wor,. This will also (o4prise of handling, salvaging, sta(,ing and disposing of the dis4antled 4aterials within all lifts and upto a lead of '&&& 4 or as otherwise spe(ified. .-0*4*2* Clause %&%.2 shall apply as regards Contra(t unit rate for dis4antling and re4oval of e@isting (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent. .-0*4*3* The Contra(t unit rate for providing and laying filter 4aterial behind abut4ents shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding all 4aterials, labour, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, to 6pe(ifi(ations. .-0*4*4* Clause 3&5.B,) shall apply as regards Contra(t unit rate for (onstru(tion of e4ban,4ent under water. .-0*4*,-* Clause 3&5.B.2 shall apply as regards Contra(t unit rate for (onstru(tion of high e4ban,4ent. It shall in(lude (ost of instru4entation, its 4onitoring and settle4ent period, where spe(ified in the Contra(t or dire(ted by the !ngineer. .-1* SOI+ EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTRO+

.-1*,* Des;ri#tion This wor, shall (onsist of 4easures as shown on plans or as dire(ted by the !ngineer to (ontrol soil erosion, sedi4entation and water pollution, through use of ber4s, di,es, sedi4ent basins, fibre 4at, 4ul(hes, grasses, slope drains, and other devi(es. .-1*5* M!teri!:s 0ll 4aterials shall 4eet (o44er(ial grade standards and shall be approved by the !ngineer before being used in the wor,. .-1*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions Prior to the start of the relevant (onstru(tion, the Contra(tor shall sub4it to the !ngineer for approval his s(hedules for (arrying out te4porary and per4anent erosion*sedi4entation (ontrol wor,s as are appli(able for the ite4s of (learing and grubbing, roadway and drainage e@(avation, e4ban,4ent*subgrade (onstru(tion, bridges and other stru(tures a(ross water (ourses, pave4ent (ourses and shoulders. He shall also sub4it for approval his proposed 4ethod of erosion*sedi4entation (ontrol on servi(e road and borrowpits and his plan for disposal of waste 4aterials. "or, shall not be started until the erosion*sedi4entation (ontrol s(hedules and 4ethods of operations for the appli(able (onstru(tion have been approved by the !ngineer.

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The surfa(e area of (redible earth +4aterial e@posed by (learing and grubbing, e@(avation, borrow and fill operations shall be li4ited to the e@tent pra(ti(able. The Contra(tor 4ay be dire(ted to provide i44ediate per4anent or te4porary erosion and sedi4entation (ontrol 4easures to prevent soil erosion and sedi4entation that will adversely affe(t (onstru(tion operations, da4age ad?a(ent properties, or (ause, (onta4ination of nearby strea4s or other water (ourses, la,es, reservoirs et(. 6u(h wor, 4ay involve the (onstru(tion of te4porary ber4s, di,es, sedi4ent basins, slope drains and use of te4porary 4ul(hes, fabri(s, 4ats, seeding, or other (ontrol devi(es or 4ethods as ne(essary to (ontrol erosion and sedi4entation. Cut and fill slopes shall be seeded and turfed as re>uired on the plans. The Contra(tor shall be re>uired to in(orporate all per4anent erosion and sedi4entation (ontrol features into the pro?e(t at .the earliest pra(ti(able ti4e as outlined in his a((epted s(hedule to 4ini4iLe the need for te4porary erosion and sedi4entation (ontrol 4easures. Te4porary erosion*sedi4entation and pollution (ontrol 4easures will be used to (ontrol the pheno4enon of erosion, sedi4entation and pollution that 4ay develop during nor4al (onstru(tion pra(ti(es, but 4ay neither be foreseen during design stage nor asso(iated with per4anent (ontrol features on the Pro?e(t. "here erosion or sedi4entation is li,ely to be a proble4, (learing and grubbing operations should be so s(heduled and perfor4ed that grading operations and per4anent erosion or sedi4entation (ontrol features (an follow i44ediately thereafter if the pro?e(t (onditions per4itM otherwise te4porary erosion or sedi4entation (ontrol 4easures 4ay be re>uired between su((essive (onstru(tion stages. Ander no (onditions shall a large surfa(e area of (redible earth 4aterial be e@posed at one ti4e by (learing and grubbing or e@(avation without prior approval of the !ngineer. The !ngineer 4ay li4it the area of e@(avation, borrow and e4ban,4ent operations in progress, (o44ensurate with the Contra(torKs (apability and progress in ,eeping the finish grading, 4ul(hing, seeding and other su(h per4anent erosion, sedi4entation and pollution (ontrol 4easures, in a((ordan(e with the a((epted s(hedule. 6hould seasonal li4itations 4a,e su(h (oordination unrealisti(M te4porary erosion*sedi+ 4entation (ontrol 4easures shall be ta,en i44ediately to the e@tent feasible and ?ustified. In the event te4porary erosion, sedi4entation and pollution (ontrol 4easures be(o4e ne(essary+due to the Contra(torKs negligen(e, (arelessness or failure to install per4anent (ontrols as a part of the wor, as s(heduled or ordered by the !ngineer, these shall be (arried out at the Contra(torKs own e@pense. Te4porary erosion, sedi4entation and pollution (ontrol wor, re>uired, whi(h is not attributed to the Contra(torKs negligen(e, (arelessness or failure to install per4anent (ontrols, will be perfor4ed as ordered by the !ngineer. Te4porary erosion, sedi4entation and pollution (ontrol 4ay in(lude (onstru(tion wor, outside the right+of+way where su(h wor, is ne(essary as a result of road (onstru(tion su(h as borrow pit operations, servi(e roads and e>uip4ent storage sites. The te4porary erosion, sedi4entation and pollution (ontrol features installed by the Contra(tor shall be a((eptably 4aintained by hi4 till these are needed, unless otherwise agreed by the !ngineer. .-1*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

The soil erosion, sedi4entation and pollution (ontrol wor,s will be 4easured in ter4s of units spe(ified in the Eill of Duantities for the respe(tive ite4s.

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The Contra(t unit rate for different ite4s of soil erosion, sedi4entation and pollution (ontrol wor,s shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out all re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all labour, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals to (o4plete the wor,s to the 6pe(ifi(ations. .-2* T(RFING WIT% SODS .-2*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of furnishing and laying of the live sod of perennial turf for4ing grass on e4ban,4ent slopes, verges 9earthen shoulders: or other lo(ations shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by thee !ngineer. Anless otherwise spe(ified, the wor, shall be ta,en up as soon as possible following (onstru(tion of the e4ban,4ent, provided the season is favourable for establish4ent of the sod. .-2*5* M!teri!:s The sod shall (onsist of dense, well+rooted growth of per4anent and desirable grasses, indigenous to the lo(ality where it is to be used, and 6hall be pra(ti(ally free fro4 weeds or other undesirable 4atter. 0t the ti4e the sod is (ut, the grass on the sod shall have a length of appro@i4ately 5& 44 and the sod shall have been freed of debris. Thi(,ness of the sod shall be as unifor4 as possible, with so4e 5&+-& 44 or so of soil (overing the grass roots depending on the nature of the sod, so that pra(ti(ally all the dense root syste4 of the is retained in the sod strip. The sods shall be (ut in re(tangular of unifor4 width, not less than about %5& 44 @ 3&& 44 in siLe not so large that it is in(onvenient to handle and transport these without da4age. #uring wet weather, the sod shall be allowed to dry suffi(iently to prevent rearing during handling and during dry weather shall be watered before lifting to ensure its vitality and prevent the dropping of the soil in handling. .-2*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions .-2*.*,* Pre#!r!tion o the e!rth ?e" = The area to be sodded shall have been previously (onstru(ted to the re>uired slope and (ross se(tion. 6oil on the area shall be loosened, freed of all stones larger than 5& 44 siLe, su(,s, stu4ps and any undesirable foreign 4atter, and brought to a reasonably fine granular te@ture to a depth of not less 4an %5 44 for re(eiving the sod. "here re>uired, topsoil shall be spread over the slopes. Prior to pla(ing the topsoil, the slopes shall be s(arified to a depth whi(h, after settle4ent, will provide the re>uired no4inal depth shown on the plans. 6preading shall not be done when the ground is e@(essively wet. .ollowing soil preparation and top soiling, where re>uired, fertiliLer and ground li4estone when spe(ified shall be spread unifor4ly at the rate indi(ated on the plans. 0fter spreading, the 4aterials are in(orporated in the soil by dis(ing or other 4eans to the depths shown on the plans. .-2*.*5* P:!;in& the so"s = The prepared sod bed shall be 4oistened to the loosened depth, if not already suffi(iently 4oist, and the sod shall be pla(ed thereon

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within appro@i4ately %B hours after the sa4e had been (ut. !a(h sod strip shall be laid edge to edge and su(h that the ?oints (aused by abutting ends are staggered. !very strip, after it is snugly pla(ed against the strips already in position, shall be lightly la4ped with suitable wooden or 4etal ta4pers so as to eli4inate air po(,ets and to press it into the underlying soil. 7n side slopes steeper than % 9horiLontal: to ' 9verti(al:, the laying of sods shall be started fro4 botto4 upwards. 0t points where water 4ay flow over a sodded area, the upper edges of the sod strips shall be turned into the soil below the ad?a(ent area and a layer of earth pla(ed over this followed by its thorough (o4pa(tion. .-2*.*.* St!@in& the so"s = "here the side slope is % 9horiLontal: to ' 9verti(al: or steeper and the distan(e along the slope is 4ore than % 4, the sods shall be sta,ed with pegs or nails spa(ed appro@i4ately 5&& to '&&& 44 along the longitudinal a@is of the sod strips. 6ta,es shall be driven appro@i4ately plu4b through the sods to be al4ost flush with the4. .12*.*/* To# "ressin& = 0fter the sods have been laid in position. the surfa(e shall be (leaned of loose sod, e@(ess soil and other foreign 4aterial. Thereafter, a thin layer of topsoil shall be s(attered over the surfa(e of top dressing and the area thoroughly 4oistened by sprin,ling with water. .-2.*0* W!terin& !n" <!inten!n;e = The sods shall be watered by the Contra(tor for a period of at least four wee,s after laying. "atering shall be so done as to avoid erosion and prevent da4age to sodded areas by wheels of water tan,s. The Contra(tor shall ere(t ne(essary warning signs and barriers, repair or repla(e sodded areas failing to show unifor4 growth of grass or da4aged by his operations and shall otherwise 4aintain the sod at his (ost until final a((eptan(e. .-2*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent Turfing with sods shall be 4easured as finished wor, in s>uare 4etres. .-2*0* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for turfing with sods shall 4ean pay4ent in full for (arrying out all the re>uired operations e@plained above in(luding Co4pensation for 9i: furnishing all the 4aterials to be in(orporated in the "or,s with all leads and liftsM and 9ii: all labour, tools, e>uip4ents and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations. The Contra(t unit rate for appli(ation of topsoil shall be as per Clause 3&'.1.5. .-3* .-3*,* S;o#e This shall (onsist of preparing slopes, pla(ing topsoil, furnishing all seeds, (o44er(ial or organi( fertiliLers and 4ul(hing 4aterials, ?ute netting and pla(ing and in(orporating the sa4e on it slopes or other lo(ations designated by the !ngineer shown in the Contra(t do(u4ents. SEEDING AND M(+C%ING

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.-3*5* M!teri!:s 0. 6eeds/ The seeds shall be of approved >uality and type suitable for the soil on whi(h these are to be applied, and shall have a((eptable purity and ger4ination to re>uire4ents set down by the !ngineer. .ertiliLer shall (onsist of standard (o44er(ial 4aterials and (onfor4 to the trade spe(ified 7rgani( 4anure shall be fully putrefied organi( 4iner su(h u (ow dung. Mul(hing 4aterials shall (onsist of straw, hay. wood shavings or sawdust, and shall be delivered dry. They shall be reasonably free of weed seed and su(h foreign 4aterials as 4ay detra(t fro4 their effe(tiveness as a 4ul(h or be in?urious to the plant growth. Topsoil/ Topsoil shall not be obtained fro4 an area ,nown to have no@ious weeds growing in it. If treated with herbi(ides or sterilents, it shall be got tested by appropriate agri(ultural authority to deter4ine the residual in the soil. Topsoil shall not (ontain less than % per (ent and 4ore than '% per (ent organi( 4atter. Eitu4inous !4ulsion/ 0 suitable grade of bitu4inous (utba(, or e4ulsion used as a tie down for 4ul(h shall be as des(ribed in the Contra(t do(u4ent or as desired by the !ngineer. !4ulsified bitu4en shall not (ontain any solvent or diluting agent to@i( to plant life. etting/ 8ute netting shall be undyed ?ute ya4 woven into a unifor4 open weave with appro@i4ate %.5 (4 s>uare openings. Geonetting shall be 4ade of unifor4ly e@truded re(tangular 4esh having 4esh opening of % (4 @ % (4. The (olour 4ay be bla(, or green. It shall weigh not less than 3.- ,g per '&&& s>. 4.




.-3*.* See"in& O#er!tions .-3*.*,* See"7?e" #re#!r!tion = The area to be seeded shall be brought to the re>uired slope and (ross+se(tion by filling, reshaping eroded areas and refinishing slopes, 4edians et(. Topsoil shall be evenly spread over the spe(ified areas to the depth shown on the plans, unless otherwise approved by the !ngineer. The seed+bed preparation shall (onsist of eli4inating all live plants by suitable 4eans using agri(ultural i4ple4ents. 0ll stones '5& 44 in s4allest di4ension and larger shall be re4oved. The soil shall be e@(avated on the (ontour to a depth of '&& 44. 0ll (lods larger than %5 44 in dia4eter shall be (rushed and pa(,ed. "here ne(essary, water shall then be applied. 0ll topsoil shall be (o4pa(ted unless otherwise spe(ified or approved by the !ngineer. Co4pa(tion shall be by slope (o4pa(tor, (leated tra(tor or si4ilar e>uip4ent approved by the !ngineer. !>uip4ent shall be so designed and (onstru(ted as to produ(e a unifor4 rough te@tured surfa(e ready for seeding and 4ul(hing and whi(h will bond the topsoil to the underlying 4aterial. The entire area shall be (overed by a 4ini4u4 of B passes or % round trips of the roller or approved e>uip4ent. .-3*.*5* Ferti:iCer !##:i;!tion = .ertiliLer to the re>uired >uantities shall be spread and thoroughly in(orporated into the soil surfa(e as a part of the seed+bed preparation. .-3*.*.* P:!ntin& o see"s = 0ll seeds shall be planted unifor4ly at the approved rate. I44ediately after sowing, the area shall be ra,ed, dragged or otherwise treated so as

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to (over the seeds to a depth of ) 44. The operation of seed sowing shall not be perfor4ed when the ground is 4uddy or when the soil or weather (onditions would otherwise prevent proper soil preparation and subse>uent operations. .-3*.*/* 6oil 4oisture and watering re>uire4ents/ 6oil+4oisture shall e@ist throughout the Lone fro4 %5 44 to at least '%5 44 below the surfa(e at the ti4e of planting. "atering of the seeded areas shall be (arried out as deter4ined by the !ngineer. .-3*/* Mu:;hin&A A##:yin& Bitu<inous E<u:sion !n" 9ute Nettin&F Geonettin& "ithin %B hours of seeding, 4ul(hing 4aterial 4i@ed with organi( 4anure shall be pla(ed so as to for4 a (ontinuous, unbro,en (over of appro@i4ate unifor4 thi(,ness of %5 44 using an a((eptable 4e(hani(al blower. Mul(hing 4aterial shall be held in pla(e and 4ade resistant to being Jblown away by suitable 4eans approved by the !ngineer. "hen (alled for in the Contra(t do(u4ents, 4ul(h 4aterial shall be an(hored in pla(e with bitu4inous e4ulsion applied at the rate of %3&& litres per he(tare. 0ny 4ul(h disturbed or displa(ed following appli(ation shall be re4oved, reseeded and re4ul(hed as spe(ified. 8ute netting*Geonetting shall be unrolled and pla(ed parallel to the flow of water i44ediately following the bringing, to finished grade, the area spe(ified on the plans or the pla(ing of seed and fertiliLer. "here 4ore than one strip is re>uired to (over the given areas, they shall overlap a 4ini4u4 of '&& 44. 8ute netting* Geonetting shall be held in pla(e by approved wire staples, pins, spi,es or wooden sta,es driven verti(ally into the soil. .-3*0* M!inten!n;e

The Contra(tor shall 4aintain all seeded and 4ul(hed areas until final a((eptan(e. Maintenan(e shall in(lude prote(tion of traffi( by approved warning signs or barri(ades arid repairing any areas da4aged following the seeding and 4ul(hing operations. If 4ul(hed areas be(o4e da4aged, the area shall be reshaped and then seeded and 4ul(hed again as originally spe(ified. .-3*1* Me!sure<ents or #!y<ent

6eeding and 4ul(hing shall be 4easured as finished wor, in s>uare 4etres. .-3*2* R!te

The Contra(t unit rate for seeding and 4ul(hing shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out all the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all 4aterials, labour, tools and in(identals.

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.-4* S(RFACEFS(B7S(RFACE DRAINS .-4*,* S;o#e

This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(ting surfa(e and*or sub+surfa(e drains in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and to the lines, grades, di4ensions and other parti(ulars shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 6(hedule of wor, shall be so arranged that the drains are (o4pleted in proper se>uen(e with road wor,s to ensure that no e@(avation of the (o4pleted road wor,s is ne(essary subse>uently or any da4age is (aused to these wor,s due to la(, of drainage. .-4*5* Sur !;e Dr!ins

6urfa(e drains shall be e@(avated to the spe(ified lines, grades, levels and di4ensions to the re>uire4ents of Clause 3&'. The e@(avated 4aterial shall be re4oved fro4 the area ad?oining the drains and if found suitable, utilised in e4ban,4ent*subgrade (onstru(tion. 0ll unsuitable 4aterial shall be disposed of as dire(ted. The e@(avated bed and sides of the drains shall be dressed to bring these in (lose (onfor4ity with the spe(ified di4ensions, levels and slopes. "here so indi(ated, drains shall, be lined or turfed with suitable 4aterials in a((ordan(e with details shown on the drawings. 0ll wor,s on drain (onstru(tion shall be planned and e@e(uted in proper se>uen(e with other wor,s as approved by the !ngineer, with a view to ensuring ade>uate drainage for the area and 4ini4ising erosion* sedi4entation. .-4*.* Su?7sur !;e Dr!ins .-4*.*,* S;o#e = 6ub+surfa(e drains shall be of (lose+?ointed perforated pipes, open+?ointed unperforated pipes, surrounded by granular 4aterial laid in a tren(h or aggregate drains to drain the pave4ent (ourses. 6ub+surfa(e drains designed using Geosyntheti(s and approved by the !ngineer (an also be used. .-4*.*5* M!teri!:s 0. Pipe / Perforated pipe for the drains 4ay be of 4etal*asbestos (e4ent* (e4ent (on(rete*PCC, and unperforated pipes of vitrified (lay*(e4ent (on(rete* asbestos (e4ent The type, siLe and grade of the pipe to be used shall be as spe(ified in the Contra(t. In no (ase, however, shall the internal dia4eter of the pipe be less than '&& 44. Holes for perforated pipes shall be on one half of the (ir(u4feren(e only and (onfor4 to the spa(ing indi(ated on the drawings. 6iLe of die holes shall not ordinarily be greater than half of #-5 siLe of the 4aterial surrounding the pipe, sub?e(t to being 4ini4u4 3 44 and 4a@i4u4 ) 44. # -5 stands for the siLe of die sieve that allows -5 per (ent of die 4aterial to pass through it Ea(,fill 4aterial / Ea(,fill 4aterial shall (onsist of sound, tough, hard, durable pani(les of free draining sand+gravel 4aterial or (rashed stone and shall be free of organi( 4aterial, (lay balls or other deleterious 4atter. Anless die Contra(t spe(ifies any parti(ular gradings for die ba(,fill 4aterial or re>uires these to be designed on inverted filter (riteria for filtration and per4eability to die approval of die !ngineer, die ba(,fill


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4aterial shall be provided on the following lines/ 9i: "here die soil 4et with in die tren(h is of fine grained type 9e.g.. silt,(lay or a 4i@ture thereof:, the ba(,fill 4aterial shall (onfor4 to Class I grading set out in+Table 3&&+3. 9ii: "here the soil 4et with in die tren(h is of (oarse silt to 4ediu4 sand or sandy type, the ba(,fill 4aterial shall (orrespond to Class II grading of Table 3&&+3 9iii: "here soil 4et with in die tren(h is gravelly sand, the ba(,fill 4aterial shall (orrespond '& Class III grading of Table 3&&+3. Thi(,ness of ba(,fill 4aterial around the pipe shall be as shown on die drawings sub?e(t to being at least I67 44 alround in all (ases. Geosyntheti(s for use with subsurfa(e drain shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents as per 6e(tion 2&&. T!?:e .--7.* GRADING RE>(IREMENTS FOR FI+TER MATERIA+ Sieve Desi&n!tion 53 44 B5 44 %).5 44 %%.B 44 ''.% 44 5.) 44 %.- 44 '.B 44 2'& 4i(ron 355 4i(ron '-& 4i(ron 1& 4i(ron C:!ss I ++ ++ ++ ++ '&& 1%+'&& -3+'&& 51+1) 35+-& 'B+B& 3+'5 &+5 Per ;ent #!ssin& ?y 'ei&ht C:!ss II C:!ss III ++ '&& ++ 12+'&& '&& ++ 15+'&& 5-+'&& B-+'&& %&+)& %-+5B B+3% %&+35 &+'& ++ &+5 )+'++ %+1 ++ ++ ++ &+B &+3

.-4*.*.* Tren;h eB;!v!tion= Tren(h for sub+surfa(e drain shall be e@(avated to the spe(ified lines, grades and di4ensions shown in the drawings provided that width of tren(h at pipe level shall not be less than B5& 44. The e@(avation shall begin at the outlet end of the drain and pro(eed towards the upper end. "here unsuitable 4aterial is 4et with at the tren(h bed, the sa4e shall be re4oved to su(h depth as dire(ted by the !ngineer and ba(,filled with approved 4aterial whi(h shall be thoroughly (o4pa(ted to the spe(ified degree. .-4*.*/* +!yin& o #i#e !n" ?!;@ i::in& = $aying of pipe in the tren(h shall be started at the outlet end and pro(eed towards the upper end, true to the lines and grades spe(ified. Anless otherwise provided, longitudinal gradient of the pipe shall not be less than ' in '&&. Eefore pla(ing the pipe, ba(,fill 4aterial of the re>uired grading9s: shall be laid for full width of the tren(h bed and (o4pa(ted to a 4ini4u4 thi(,ness of I67 44 or as shown on the drawings. The pipe shall then be e4bedded fir4ly on the bed. Perforated pipes, unless otherwise spe(ified, shall be pla(ed with their perforations down to 4ini4ise (logging. The pipe se(tions shall be ?oined se(urely with appropriate (oupling fittings or bands.

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on+perforated pipes shall be laid with ?oints as (lose as possible with the open ?oints wrapped with suitable pervious 4aterial 9li,e double layer of hessian, suitable Geosyntheti(s or so4e other 4aterial of not less than '5& 44 width: to per4it entry of water but prevent fines entering the pipes. In the (ase of non+perforated pipes with bell end, the bell shall fa(e upgrade. Apgrade end se(tions of the pipe installation shall be tightly (losed by 4eans of (on(rete plugs or plugs fabri(ated fro4 the sa4e 4aterial as the pipe and se(urely held in pla(e to prevent entry of soil 4aterials. 0fter the pipe installation has been (o4pleted and approved, ba(,fill 4aterial of the re>uired grading9s: 9see Clause 3&1.3.%E: shall be pla(ed over the pipe to the re>uired level in horiLontal layers not e@(eeding '5& 44 in thi(,ness and thoroughly (o4pa(ted. The 4ini4u4 thi(,ness of 4aterial above the top of the pipe shall be 3&& 44. Anless otherwise provided, sub+surfa(e drains not lo(ated below the road pave4ent shall be sealed at the top by 4eans of '5& 44 thi(, layer of (o4pa(ted (lay so as to prevent per(olation of surfa(e water. .-4.*0* (se o &eosyntheti; in :!yin& o #i#e !n" ?!;@ i::in& = 0fter e@(avating the tren(h for subsurfa(e drain, the filter fabri( shall be pla(ed, the pipe installed and the tren(h ba(,filled with per4eable 4aterial a((ording to di4ensions and details shown on the plans. 6urfa(es to re(eive filter fabri( prior to pla(ing shall be free of loose or e@traneous 4aterial and sharp ob?e(ts that 4ay da4age the filter fabri( during installation. 0d?a(ent rolls of the fabri( shall be overlapped 4ini4u4 of B5& 44. The pre(eding roll shall overlap the following toll in the dire(tion the 4aterial is being spread. #a4age to the fabri( resulting fro4 Contra(torKs vehi(les, e>uip4ent or operations shall be repla(ed or repaired by the Contra(tor at his e@pense. .-4*.*1* Dr!in out:et= The outlet for a sub+drain shall not be under water or plugged with debris but should be a free outlet dis(harging into a strea4, (ulvert or open dit(h. The botto4 of the pipe shall be ,ept above high water in the dit(h and the end prote(ted with a grate or s(reen. .or a length of 5&& 44 fro4 the outlet end, the tren(h for pipe shall not be provided with granular 4aterial but ba(,filled with e@(avated soil and thoroughly (o4pa(ted so as to stop water dire(tly per(olating+ fro4 the ba(,fill 4aterial around the pipe. The pipe in this se(tion shall not have any perforations. .-4*.*2* A&&re&!te "r!ins = 0ggregate drains shall be pla(ed within the verge*shoulders after (o4pletion of the pave4ent #epth, thi(,ness and spa(ing of the aggregate drains shall be as shown on the plan. Tren(hes for aggregate drains shall be e@(avated to a 4ini4u4 width of 3&& 44 and to the depth shown on the plans or ordered by the !ngineer. The botto4 of the tren(h shall be sloped to drain and shall be free fro4 loose parti(les of soil. The tren(h shall be e@(avated so as to e@pose (learly the granular pave4ent (ourses to be drained. 0ggregate for the drains shall be durable gravel, stone or slag and shall be free fro4 vegetable 4atter and other deleterious substan(es. The grading re>uire4ents are given at Table 3&&+B. Type E grading 4ay be used only where the drain is designed to inter(ept surfa(e water flowing to the pipe and is li,ely to get slowly blo(,ed. Type 0 grading allows a 4u(h wider range.

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TAB+E .--7/* GRADING RE>(IREMENTS FOR AGGREGATE DRAINS Sieve SiCe )3 44 32.5 44 '1 44 1.5 44 3.35 44 )&& 4i(ron '5& 4i(ron 25 4i(ron .-4*/* Ty#e A ++ '&& ++ B5+'&& %5+-& -+B5 &+'& &+5 Per ;ent #!ssin& ?y 'ei&ht Ty#e A '&& -5+'&& &+%& &.5 ++ ++ ++ ++

Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

Measure4ent for surfa(e and sub+surfa(e drains shall be per running 4etre length of the drain. #isposal of surplus 4aterial beyond '&&& 4 shall be 4easured in (u. 4. .-4*0* R!tes

The Contra(t unit rates for surfa(e and subsurfa(e drains shall be pay4ent in full for all ite4s su(h as e@(avation, dressing the sides and botto4M providing lining, turfing, pit(hing, 4asonry, (on(rete and plasteringM providing, laying and ?ointing pipesM providing, laying and (o4pa(ting ba(,fill and bed of granular 4aterialM providing, fi@ing and painting of (over et(. in(luding full (o4pensation for all 4aterials, labour, tools, e>uip4ent and other in(identals to (o4plete the wor, as shown on drawings with all leads and lifts e@(ept for re4oval of unsuitable 4aterial for whi(h the lead shall be '&&& 4. Provision of inlets, gratings, su4ps, outlet pipes, bedding, disbursers et(. wherever re>uired shall be in(idental lo (onstru(tion of drain. The Contra(t unit rate for disposal of surplus and unsuitable 4aterial beyond the initial '&&& 4 lead shall be in a((ordan(e with Clause 3&B.5.3. .,-* PREPARATION AND S(RFACE TREATMENT OF FORMATION Preparation and surfa(e treat4ent of 9he for4ation, that is top of the subgrade, shall be (arried out only after (o4pletion of any spe(ified subgrade drainage and unless otherwise agreed by the !ngineer, i44ediately prior to laying the sub+base or the road base where no sub+base is re>uired. The se>uen(e of operations shall be as follows/ 9a: 0ll surfa(es below (arriageway, laybyes, footways and hard shoulders shall, after reinstate4ent of any soft areas to the re>uired 6pe(ifi(ationM be well (leaned and freed of 4ud and slurry. 9b: The surfa(e shall be (o4pa(ted by B passes of a s4ooth wheeled roller of -& to '&& , weight after spraying re>uisite a4ount of water, if re>uired, before the (o44en(e4ent of rolling. 9(: The for4ation shall, wherever ne(essary, be regulated and tri44ed to the re>uire4ents of Clause 3&5.3.1 with 4otor grader. 9d: The tri44ed for4ation shall be rolled by one pass of s4ooth wheeled roller of -& to '&& , weight after spraying re>uisite a4ount of water, if re>uired, before the (o44en(e4ent of rolling.
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"here the (o4pleted for4ation is not i44ediately (overed with sub+base or road base 4aterial, its 4oisture (ontent shall be 4aintained to prevent (ra(,ing in the for4ation by suitable 4easures as approved by the !ngineer. The entire wor, of surfa(e treat4ent of for4ation shall be dee4ed as in(idental to the wor, of sub+base*base (ourse to be provided on the subgrade and as su(h no e@tra pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. .,,* WORKS TO BE KEPT FREE OF WATER

.,,*,* The Contra(tor shall arrange for the rapid dispersal of water (olle(ted*a((u4ulated on the earthwor, or (o4pleted for4ation during (onstru(tion or on the e@isting roadway or whi(h enters the earthwor, or any other ite4 of wor, fro4 any sour(e, and where pra(ti(able, the water shall be dis(harged into the per4anent outfall of the drainage syste4. The arrange4ents shall be 4ade in respe(t of all earthwor, in(luding e@(avation for pipe tren(hes, foundations or (uttings. .,,*5* The Contra(tor shall provide, where ne(essary, te4porary water (ourses, dit(hes, drains, pu4ping or other 4eans for 4aintaining the earthwor, free fro4 water. 6u(h provisions shall in(lude (arrying out the wor, of for4ing the (ut se(tions and e4ban,4ents in su(h 4anner that their surfa(es have at all ti4es a suffi(ient 4ini4u4 (rossfall and, where pra(ti(able, a suffi(ient longitudinal gradient to enable the4 to shed water and prevent ponding. The wor,s involved in ,eeping the earthwor, or any other ite4 of wor,s free of water shall be dee4ed as in(idental to the respe(tive ite4 of wor, and as su(h no separate pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. .,5* WATER CO(RSES AT C(+)ERTS .,5*,* !@(avation (arried out in the diversion, enlarge4ent, deepening or straightening water (ourses at (ulverts, where ne(essary, shall in(lude the operations su(h as (learing, grubbing, re4oval of vegetation, tri44ing of slopes, grading of beds, disposal of e@(avated 4aterials, pu4ping, ti4bering et(. ne(essary for dealing with the flow of water. .,5*5* The beds and sloping sides of water (ourses shall, where shown on the #rawings, be prote(ted against the a(tion of water by rubble paving to for4 a flat or (urved surfa(e as indi(ated. The prote(tion shall (onsist of large s4ooth fa(ed stones or of blo(,s of pre(ast (on(rete. 6tones for nibble paving shall be roughly dressed s>uare. o stone shall be less than %55 44 in depth nor less than &.&% (u. 4. in volu4e and no rounded boulders shall be used. 0fter (o4pletion of (onstru(tion of (ulverts, te4porary diversion of water(ourse, if any, shall be (losed and water (ourse restored for flow through the (ulvert as per the dire(tion of the !ngineer. .,5*.* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

The wor, for water (ourses at (ulverts as stated above shall be 4easured in ter4s of units spe(ified in the Eill of Duantities for respe(tive ite4s. The te4porary diversion of (hannel to fa(ilitate (onstru(tion of Culverts, its (losure and restoration to original water (ourse shall be (onsidered in(idental to the wor, of (onstru(tion of (ulverts and no e@tra pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e.

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The Contra(t unit rates for different ite4s for water (ourses at (ulverts shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out all re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (ost of 4aterials, labour, tools, e>uip4ent and other in(identals to (o4plete the wor, to the 6pe(ifi(ation. .,.* .,.*,* S;o#e CONSTR(CTION OF ROCKFI++ EMBANKMENT

In nor4al (ir(u4stan(es, the e4ban,4ent should not be (onstru(ted with ro(,fill 4aterial. However, where spe(ifi(ally per4itted by the !ngineer be(ause of i4perative e(ono4i( or te(hni(al reasons, (onstru(tion of ro(,fill e4ban,4ents shall be in a((ordan(e with the lines, grades and (ross+se(tions as shown in drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Ro(,fill shall not be used at least for a depth of 5&& 44 below the for4ation level. There should be a 4ini4u4 of 5&& 44 thi(, earthen (ushion over the ro(,fill. .,.*5* M!teri!: The siLe of ro(, pie(es used in ro(,fill e4ban,4ents shall be su(h that they (an be deposited in layers so as to suit the (onditions evaluated in the field (o4pa(tion trials or as dire(ted by the !ngineer, ro(,fill shall (onsist of hard, durable and inert 4aterial, preferably 4a@i4u4 siLe not e@(eeding 3&& 44 and per (ent finer than '%5 44 e@(eeding '& per (ent. 0rgilla(eous ro(,s 9(lay, shales et(.:, unburnt (olliery sto(, and (hal, shall not be used in ro(,fill. The ro(, frag4ents and blinding 4aterial re>uired for filling the voids shall also satisfy the above re>uire4ents. .,.*.* S#re!"in& !n" Co<#!;tion The 4aterial shall be tipped, spread and levelled in layers e@tending '& the full width of e4ban,4ent by a suitable doLer. .rag4ents of ro(, shall then be spread on the top of layer to the re>uired e@tent and layer (o4pa(ted by 4ini4u4 of 5 passes of vibratory roller having stati( weight -+'& tonnes. The (o4pa(ted thi(,ness of ea(h layer shall not e@(eed 5&& 44. 0fter (o4pa(tion of ea(h layer, the surfa(e voids shall be filled with bro,en frag4ents. e@t layer, where re>uired, shall be pla(ed in the sa4e 4anner, above the earlier (o4pa(ted layer. The top layer of ro(,fill, on whi(h nor4al earth fill will rest shall be thoroughly blinded with suitable granular 4aterial to seal its surfa(e. .,.*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

Measure4ent shall be 4ade by ta,ing (ross+se(tions at intervals in the original position before the wor, starts and after its (o4pletion and (o4puting+ the volu4e in (u.4. by the 4ethod of average end areas.

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.,.*0* R!te The Contra(t unit rate shall be paid in full for (arrying out all the above operations in(luding (ost of ro(,fill, bro,en frag4ents and 4aterial and shall provide full (o4pensation for all ite4s as Clause 3&5.1.' and 3&5.1.%.

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Su?7B!sesA B!ses (Non7Bitu<inous) !n" Shou:"ers

/-Su?7B!sesA B!ses (Non7Bitu<inous) !n" Shou:"ers

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/-,* GRAN(+AR S(B7BASE /-,*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of laying and (o4pa(ting well+graded 4aterial on prepared subgrade in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. The 4aterial shall be laid in one or 4ore layers as sub+base or lower sub+base and upper sub+ base 9ter4ed as sub+base hereinafter: as ne(essary a((ording to lines, grades and (ross+ se(tions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. /-,*5* M!teri!:s /-,*5*,* The 4aterial to be used for the wor, shall be natural sand, 4ooru4, gravel, (rushed stone, or (o4bination thereof depending upon the grading re>uired. Materials li,e (rushed slag, (rushed (on(rete, bri(, 4etal and ,an,ar 4ay be allowed only with the spe(ifi( approval of the !ngineer. The 4aterial shall be free fro4 organi( or other deleterious (onstituents and (onfor4 to one of the three gradings given in Table B&&+'. "hile the gradings in Table B&&+' are in respe(t of (lose+graded granular sub+ base 4aterials, one ea(h for 4a@i4u4 parti(le siLe of 25 44, 53 44 and %).5 44, the (orresponding gradings for the (oarse+graded 4aterials for ea(h of the three 4a@i4u4 parti(le siLes are given at Table B&&+%. The grading to be adopted for a pro?e(t shall be as spe(ified in the Contra(t. /-,*5*5* Physi;!: reEuire<ents= The 4aterial shall have, a '& per (ent fines value of 5& , or 4ore 9for sa4ple in soa,ed (ondition: when tested in (o4plian(e with E6/-'% 9Part ''':. The water absorption value of the (oarse aggregate shall be deter4ined as per I6 / %3-) 9Pan 3:M if this value is greater than % per (ent, the soundness test shall be (arried out on the 4aterial delivered to site as per I6 / 3-3. .or Grading II and III 4aterials, the CER shall be deter4ined at the density and 4oisture (ontent li,ely to be developed in e>uilibriu4 (onditions whi(h shall be ta,en as being the density relating to a unifor4 air voids (ontent of 5 per (ent. TAB+E /--7,* GRADING FOR C+OSE7GRADED GRAN(+AR S(B7BASE MATERIA+ Sieve Desi&n!tion Per ;ent #!ssin& ?y IS sieve Gr!"in& I Gr!"in& II Gr!"in& III 25.& 44 '&& ++ ++ 53.& 44 -&+'&& '&& ++ %).5 44 55+1& 2&+'&& '&& 1.5& 44 35+)5 5&+-& )5+15 B.25 44 %5+55 B&+)5 5&+-& %.3) 44 %&+B& 3&+5& B&+)5 &.B%5 44 '&+%5 '5+%5 %&+35 &.&25 44 3+'& 3+'& 3+'& CER Calue 9Mini4u4: 3& %5 %&

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TAB+E /--75* GRADING FOR COARSE GRADED GRAN(+AR S(B7BASE MATERIA+ Sieve Desi&n!tion 25.& 44 53.& 44 %).5 44 1.5& 44 B.25 44 %.3) 44 &.B%5 44 &.&25 44 CER Calue 9Mini4u4: Per ;ent #!ssin& ?y IS sieve Gr!"in& I Gr!"in& II Gr!"in& III '&& ++ ++ ++ '&& ++ 55+25 5&+-& '&& ++ ++ ++ '&+3& '5.35 %5+B5 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ R'& R'& R'& 3& %5 %&

ote / The 4aterial passing B%5 4i(ron 9&.B%5 44: sieve fur all the three grading when tested a((ording to I6 / %2%& 9Part 5: shall have li>uid li4it and plasti(ity inde@ not 4ore than %5 and ) per (ent respe(tively. /-,*.* Stren&th o su?7?!se It shall be ensured prior to a(tual e@e(ution that the 4aterial to be used in the sub+ base satisfies the re>uire4ents of CER and other physi(al re>uire4ents when (o4pa(ted and finished. "hen dire(ted by the !ngineer, this shall be verified by perfor4ing CER tests in the laboratory as re>uired on spe(i4ens re4oulded at field dry density and 4oisture (ontent and any other tests for the ;>uality< of 4aterials, as 4ay be ne(essary. /-,*/* Constru;tion O#er!tions /-,*/*,* Pre#!r!tion o su?&r!"e = I44ediately prior to the laying of sub+base, the subgrade already finished to Clause 3&' or 3&5 as appli(able shall be prepared by re4oving all vegetation and other e@traneous 4ailer, lightly sprin,led with water if ne(essary and rolled with two passes of -& +'&& , s4ooth wheeled roller. /-,*/*5* S#re!"in& !n" ;o<#!;tin& = The sub+base 4aterial of grading spe(ified in the. Contra(t shall be spread on the prepared subgrade with the help of a 4otor grader of ade>uate (apa(ity, its blade having hydrauli( (ontrols suitable for initial ad?ust4ent and for 4aintaining the re>uired slope and grade during the operation or other 4eans as approved by the !ngineer. "hen the sub+base 4aterial (onsists of (o4bination of 4aterials 4entioned in Clause B&'.%.', 4i@ing shall be done 4e(hani(ally by the 4i@+in+pla(e 4ethod. Manual 4i@ing shall be per4itted only where the width of laying is not ade>uate for 4e(hani(al operations, as in s4all+siLed ?obs. The e>uip4ent used for 4i@+in+pla(e (onstru(tion shall be a rotavator or si4ilar approved e>uip4ent (apable of 4i@ing the 4aterial to the desired degree. If so desired by the !ngineer, trial runs with the e>uip4ent shall be (arried out to establish its suitability for the wor,. Moisture (ontent of the loose 4aterial shall be (he(,ed in a((ordan(e with I6/%2%& 9Part %: and suitably ad?usted by sprin,ling additional water fro4 a tru(, 4ounted or trailer 4ounted water tan, and suitable for applying water unifor4ly and at

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ontrolled >uantities to variable widths of surfa(e or other 4eans approved by the !ngineer so that, at the ti4e of (o4pa(tion, it is fro4 ' per (ent above to % per (ent below the opti4u4 4oisture (ontent (orresponding to I6/%2%& 9Pan -:. "hile adding water, due allowan(e shall be 4ade for evaporation losses. 0fter water has been added, the 4aterial shall be pro(essed by 4e(hani(al & other approved 4eans li,e dis( harrows, rotavators until the layer is unifor4ly wet. I44ediately thereafter, rolling shall start. If the thi(,ness of the (o4pa(ted layer does not e@(eed' '&& 44, a s4ooth wheeled roller of -& '&& , weight 4ay be used. .or a (o4pa(ted single layer upto %'5 44 the (o4pa(tion shall be done with the help of a vibratory roller 4ini4u4 -& to '&& , stati( weight with plain dru4 or pad foot+dru4 or heavy pneu4ati( tyred roller of 4ini4u4 %&& to 3&& , weight a 4ini4u4 tyre pressure of &.2 M *4% or e>uivalent (apa(ity (apable of a(hieving the re>uired (o4pa(tion. Rolling shall (o44en(e at the lower edge and pro(eed towards the upper edge longitudinally for portions having unidire(tional (rossfall and super+elevation and shall (o44en(e at the edges and progress towards the (entre for portions having (rossfall on both sides. !a(h pass of the roller shall unifor4ly overlap not less than one+third of the tra(, 4ade in the pre(eding pass. #uring rolling, the grade and (rossfall 9(a4ber: shall be (he(,ed and any high spots or depressions whi(h be(o4e apparent, (orre(ted by re4oving or adding fresh 4aterial. The speed of the roller shall not e@(eed 5 ,4 per hour. Rolling shall be (ontinued till the density a(hieved is at least 1- per (ent of the 4a@i4u4 dry density for the 4aterial deter4ined as per I6/%2%& 9Part -:. The surfa(e of any layer of 4aterial on (o4pletion of (o4pa(tion shall be well (losed, free fro4 4ove4ent under (o4pa(tion e>uip4ent and fro4 (o4pa(tion planes, ridges, (ra(,s or loose 4aterial. 0ll loose, segregated or otherwise defe(tive areas shall be 4ade good to the full thi(,ness of layer and re+(o4pa(ted. /-,*0* 1&%. Control on the >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. /-,*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ent of traffi( shall be 4aintained in a((ordan(e with Clause ''%. /-,*2* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent Granular sub+base shall be 4easured as finished wor, in position in (ubi( 4etres. The prote(tion of edges of granular sub+base e@tended over the full for4ation as shown in the drawing shall be (onsidered in(idental to the wor, of providing granular sub+base and as su(h no e@tra pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@

The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause

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/-,*3* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for granular sub+base shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for / 9i: 4alting arrange4ents for traffi( to Clause ''% e@(ept for initial treat4ent to verges, shoulders and (onstru(tion of diversionsM 9ii: furnishing all 4aterials to be in(orporated in the wor, in(luding all royalties, fees, rents where ne(essary and all leads and liftsM 9iii: all labour, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, to the 6pe(ifi(ationsM 9iv: (arrying out the wor, in part widths of road where dire(tedM and 9v: (arrying out the re>uired test for >uality (ontrol. /-5* +IME TREATED SOI+ FOR IMPRO)ED S(B7GRADEFS(B7BASE /-5*,* S;o#e

This wor, shall (onsist of laying and (o4pa(ting an i4proved sub+grade*lower sub+base of soil treated with li4e on prepared sub+grade in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades and (ross+ se(tions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. $i4e treat4ent is generally effe(tive for soils whi(h (ontain a relatively high per(entage of (lay and silty (lay. /-5*5* M!teri!:s /-5*5*,* Soi: = !@(ept when otherwise spe(ified, the soil used for stabilisation shall be the lo(al (layey soil having a plasti(ity inde@ greater than -. /-5*5*5* +i<e = $i4e for li4e+soil stabilisation wor, shall be (o44er(ial dry li4e sla,ed at site or pre+sla,ed li4e delivered to the site in suitable pa(,ing. Anless otherwise per4itted by the !ngineer, the li4e shall have purity of net less than 2& per (ent by weight of Dui(,li4e 9Ca7: when tested in a((ordan(e with I6 /'5'B. $i4e shall be properly stored to avoid prolonged e@posure to the at4osphere and (onse>uent (arbonation whi(h would redu(e its binding properties. /-5*5*.* >u!ntity o :i<e in st!?i:ise" <iB = Duantity of li4e to be added as per(entage by weight of the dry soil shall be as spe(ified in the Contra(t. The >uantity of li4e used shall be related to its (al(iu4 o@ide (ontent whi(h shall be spe(ified. "here the li4e of different (al(iu4 o@ide (ontent is to be used, its >uantity shall be suitably ad?usted to the approval of the !ngineer so that e>uivalent (al(iu4 o@ide is in(orporated in the wor,. The 4i@ design shall be done to arrive at the appropriate >uantity of li4e to be added, having due regard to the purity of li4e, the type of soil, the 4oisture+density relationship, and the design CER*An(onfined Co4pressive 6trength 9AC6: value spe(ified in the Contra(t. The laboratory CER*AC6 value shall be at least '.5 ti4es the 4ini4u4 field value of CER.08C6 stipulated in the Contra(t. /-5*5*/* W!ter = The water to be used for li4e stabilisation shall be (lean and free fro4 in?urious substan(es. Potable water shall be preferred.

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/-5*.* Constru;tion


/-5*.*,* We!ther :i<it!tions = $i4e+soil stabilisation shall not be one when the air te4perature in the shade is less than '&P C. /-5*.*5* De&ree o #u:veris!tion= .or li4e stabilisation, the soil before addition of stabiliser, shall be pulverised using agri(ultural i4ple4ents li,e dis( harrows and rotavators to the e@tent that it passes the re>uire4ents set out in Table B&&+3 when tested in a((ordan(e vith the 4ethod des(ribed in Appendix 3. TAB+E /--7.* SOI+ P(+)ERISATION RE>(IREMENTS FOR +IME STABI+ISATION IS Sieve "esi&n!tion Mini<u< #er ;ent ?y 'ei&ht #!ssin& the IS Sieve %).5 44 '&& 5.) 44 -& /-5*.*.* EEui#<ent or ;onstru;tion= 6tabilised soil sub+bases shall be (onstru(ted by 4i@+in+pla(e 4ethod of (onstru(tion &' as otherwise approved by the !ngineer. Manual 4i@ing shall be per4itted only where the width of laying is not ade>uate for 4e(hani(al operations, as in s4all+siLed ?obs. The e>uip4ent used for 4i@+in+pla(e (onstru(tion shall be a rotavator or si4ilar approved e>uip4ent (apable of pulverising and 4i@ing the soil with additive and water to spe(ified degree to the full thi(,ness of the layer being pro(essed, and of a(hieving the desired degree of 4i@ing and unifor4ity of the stabilised 4aterial. If so desired by the !ngineer, trial runs with the e>uip4ent shall be (arried out to establish its suitability for wor,. The thi(,ness of any layer to be stabilised shall be not less than '&& 44 when (o4pa(ted. The 4a@i4u4 thi(,ness shall be %&& 44, provided the plant used is a((epted by the !ngineer. /-5*.*/* MiB7in7#:!;e <etho" o ;onstru;tion= Eefore deploying the e>uip4ent, the soil after it is 4ade free of undesirable vegetation or other deleterious 4atter shall be spread unifor4ly on the prepared subgrade in a >uantity suffi(ient to a(hieve the desired (o4pa(ted thi(,ness of the stabilised layer. "here single+pass e>uip4ent is to be e4ployed, the soil shall be lightly rolled at the dis(retion of the !ngineer. The e>uip4ent used shall either be of single+pass or 4ultiple pass The 4i@ers shall be e>uipped with an appropriate devi(e for (ontrolling the depth of pro(essing and the 4i@ing blades shall be 4aintained or reset periodi(ally so that the (orre(t depth of 4i@ing is obtained at all ti4es. "ith single+pass e>uip4ent the forward speed of the 4a(hine shall be so sele(ted in relation to the rotor speed that the re>uired degree of 4i@ing, pulverisation and depth of pro(essing is obtained. In 4ultiple+pass pro(essing, the prepared subgrade shall be pulverised to the re>uired depth with su((essive passes of the e>uip4ent and the 4oisture (ontent ad?usted to be within pres(ribed li4its 4entioned hereinafter. The blending or stabilising 4aterial shall then be spread unifor4ly and 4i@ing (ontinued, with su((essive passes until the re>uired depth and unifor4ity of pro(essing have been obtained. The 4i@ing e>uip4ent shall be so set that it (uts slightly into the edge of the ad?oining lane pro(essed previously so as to ensure that all the 4aterial for4ing a layer has been properly pro(essed for the full width.

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/-5*.*0* Constru;tion 'ith <!nu!: <e!ns= "here 4anual 4i@ing is per4itted, the soil fro4 borrow areas shall first be freed of all vegetation and other deleterious 4atter and pla(ed on the prepared 6ubgrade. The soil shall then be pulverised by 4eans of (row+bars, pi(, a@es or other 4eans approved by the !ngineer. "ater in re>uisite >uantities 4ay be sprin,led on the soil for aiding pulverisation. 7n the pulverised soil, the blending 4aterial9s: in re>uisite >uantities shall be spread unifor4ly and 4i@ed thoroughly by wor,ing with spades or other si4ilar i4ple4ents till the whole 4ass is unifor4. 0fter ad?usting the 4oisture (ontent to be within the li4its 4entioned later, the 4i@ed 4aterial shall be levelled up to the re>uired thi(,ness so that it is ready to be rolled. /-5*.*1* A""ition o :i<e= $i4e 4ay be 4i@ed with the prepared 4aterial either in slurry for4 or dry state at the option of the Contra(tor with the approval of the !ngineer. #ry li4e shall be prevented fro4 blowing by adding water to the or other suitable 4eans sele(ted by the Contra(tor, with the approval of the !ngineer. The tops of windrowed 4aterial 4ay be flattened or slightly tren(hed to re(eive the li4e. The distan(e to whi(h li4e 4ay be spread upon the prepared 4aterial ahead of the 4i@ing operation shall be deter4ined by the !ngineer. o traffi( other than the 4i@ing e>uip4ent shall be allowed to pass over the spread li4e until after (o4pletion of 4i@ing. Mi@ing or re4i@ing operations, regardless of e>uip4ent used, shall (ontinue until the 4aterial is free of any white strea,s or po(,ets of li4e and the 4i@ture is unifor4. on+unifor4ity of (olour rea(tion, when the treated 4aterial is tested with the standard phenolphthalein al(ohol indi(ator, will be (onsidered eviden(e of inade>uate 4i@ing. /-5*.*2* Moisture ;ontent or ;o<#!;tion= The 4oisture (ontent at (o4pa(tion (he(,ed vide I6 /%2%& 9Part %: shall neither be less than the opti4u4 4oisture (ontent (orresponding to I6/ %2%& 9Part -: nor 4ore than % per (ent above it. /-5*.*3* Ro::in&= I44ediately after spreading, grading and levelling of the 4i@ed 4aterial, (o4pa(tion shall be (arried out with approved e>uip4ent pre(eded by a few passes of lighter rollers if ne(essary. Rolling shall (o44en(e at edges and progress towards the (entre, e@(ept at superelevated portions where it shall (o44en(e at the inner edge and progress towards outer edge. #uring rolling the surfa(e shall be fre>uently (he(,ed for grade and (rossfall 9(a4ber: and any irregularities (orre(ted by loosening the 4aterial and re4oving* adding fresh 4aterial. Co4pa(tion shall (ontinue until the density a(hieved is at least 1- per (ent of the 4a@i4u4 dry density for the 4aterial deter4ined in a((ordan(e with I6/ %2%& 9Part -:. Care shall be ta,en to see that the (o4pa(tion of li4e stabilised 4aterial is (o4pleted within three hours of its 4i@ing or su(h shorter period as 4ay be found ne(essary in dry weather. #uring rolling it shall be ensured that roller does not bear dire(tly on hardened or partially hardened treated 4aterial previously bid other than what 4ay be ne(essary for a(hieving the spe(ified (o4pa(tion at the ?oint. The final surfa(e shall be well (losed, free fro4 4ove4ent under (o4pa(tion planes, ridges, (ra(,s or loose 4aterial. 0ll loose or segregated or otherwise defe(tive areas shall be 4ade good to the full thi(,ness of the layer and re(o4pa(ted.

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/-5*.*4* Curin&= The sub+base (ourse shall be suitably (ured for a 4ini4u4 period of 2 days after whi(h subse>uent pave4ent (ourses shall be laid to+ prevent the surfa(e fro4 drying out and be(o4ing friable. o traffi( of any ,ind shall ply over the (o4pleted sub+base unless per4itted by the !ngineer. /-5*/* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. Control on the >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. /-5*0* Stren&th "hen li4e is used for i4proving the subgrade, the soil+li4e 4i@ shall be tested for its CER value. "hen li4e stabilised soil is used in a sub+base, it shall be tested for un(onfined (o4pressive strength 9AC6: at 2 days. In (ase of variation fro4 the design CER*AC6, in situ value being lower, the pave4ent design shall be reviewed based on the a(tual CER*AC6 values. The e@tra pave4ent thi(,ness needed on a((ount of lower CER*AC6 value shall be (onstru(ted by the Contra(tor at his own (ost. /-5*1* Arr!n&e<ents o Tr! i;

#uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ent of traffi( shall be 4aintained in a((ordan(e with Clause ''%. /-5*2* 4etres. /-5*3* R!tes The Contra(t unit rate for li4e stabilised soil sub+base shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause B&'.- 9i: to 9v:. /-.* /-.*,* S;o#e CEMENT TREATED SOI+ S(B7BASEFBASE Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

6tabilised soil sub+base shall be 4easured as finished wor, in position in (ubi(

This wor, shall (onsist of laying and (o4pa(ting a sub+base*base (ourse of soil treated with (e4ent on prepared subgrade*sub+base, in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades and (ross+se(tions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

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/-.*5*,* M!teri!: to ?e st!?i:ise"= The 4aterial used for (e4ent treat4ent shall be soil in(luding sand and gravel, laterite, ,an,ar, bri(, aggregate, (rushed ro(, or slag or any (o4bination of these. .or use in a sub+base (ourse, the 4aterial shall have a grading shown in Table B&&+BM it shall have a unifor4ity (oeffi(ient not less than 5, (apable of produ(ing a well (losed surfa(e finish. .or use in a base (ourse, the 4aterial shall be suffi(iently well graded to ensure a well+(loset surfa(e finish and have a grading within the range given in Table B&&+B. If the 4aterial passing B%5 4i(ron sieve is plasti(, it shall have a li>uid li4it not greater than B5 per (ent and a plasti(ity inde@ not grater than %& per (ent deter4ined in a((ordan(e with '6/%2%& 9Part 5:. The physi(al re>uire4ents for the 4aterial to be treated with (e4ent for use in a base (ourse shall be sa4e as for Grading I Granular 6ub+base, Clause B&'.%.%. /-.*5*5* Ce<ent= Ce4ent for (e4ent stabilisation shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of I6/ %)1, B55 or 'B-1. T!?:e /--7/* GRADING +IMITS OF MATERIA+ I OK STABI+ISATION WIT% CEMENT I6 6ieve siLe Per(entage by 4ass passing 6ub+base Ease .iner than "ithin the range 53.& 44 '&& '&& 32.5 44 15 15+ '&& '1.& 44 B5 B5+'&& 1.5 44 35 35+'&& B.25 44 %5 %5+ '&& )&& 4i(ron -+)5 3&& 4i(ron 5 5+B& 25 4i(ron & &+'& /-.*5*.* +i<e= If needed for pre+treat4ent of highly (layey soils, Clause B&%.%.%. shall apply. /-.*5*/* >u!ntity o ;e<ent in st!?i:ise" <iB= The >uantity of (e4ent to be added as per (ent by weight of the dry soil shall be spe(ified in the Contra(t. 0lso if li4e is used as pretreat4ent for highly (layey soils, the >uantity as per (ent by weight of dry soil shall be spe(ified in the Contra(t. The 4i@ design shall be done on the basis of 2+day un(onfined (o4pressive strength 9AC6: and*or durability lest under '% (y(les of wet+dry (onditions. The laboratory strength values shall be at least '.5 ti4es the 4ini4u4 field AC6 value stipulated in the Contra(t. /-.*5*0* W!ter= The water to be used for (e4ent stabilisation shall be (lean and free fro4 in?urious substan(es. Potable water shall be preferred. /-.*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions /-.*.*,*We!ther :i<it!tions = 6tabilisation shall not be done when the air te4perature in the shade is less than '&PC.

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/-.*.*5* De&ree o #u:veris!tion = .or stabilisation, the soil before addition of stabiliLer, shall be pulverised, where ne(essary, to the e@tent that it passes the re>uire4ents as set out in Table B&&+5 when tested in a((ordan(e with the 4ethod des(ribed in Appendix . TAB+E /--70* SOI+ P(+)ERISATION RE>(IREMENTS FOR CEMENT STABI+ISATION I6 6ieve designation Mini4u4 per (ent by weight passing the I6 sieve %).5 44 '&& 5.) 44 -& /-.*.*.* Clauses B&%.3.3 to B&%.3.5 shall apply as regards spreading and 4i@ing the stabiliser e@(ept that (e4ent or li4e plus (e4ent as the (ase 4ay be shall be used as the stabilising 4aterial. /-.*.*/* Moisture ;ontent or ;o<#!;tion= The 4oisture (ontent at (o4pa(tion (he(,ed vide I6/ %2%& 9Part %: shall not be less than the opti4u4 4oisture (ontent (orresponding to I6/ %2%& 9Part -: nor 4ore than % per (ent above it. /-.*.*0* Roi:in& = Clause B&%.3.- shall apply e@(ept that (are shall be ta,en to see that the (o4pa(tion of (e4ent stabilised 4aterial is (o4pleted within two hours of its 4i@ing or su(h shorter period as 4ay be found ne(essary in dry weather. /-.*.*1* Curin& = The sub+base*base (ourse shall be suitably (ured for 2 days. 6ubse>uent pave4ent (ourse shall be laid soon after to prevent the surfa(e fro4 drying out and be(o4ing friable. o traffi( of any ,ind shall ply over the (o4pleted sub+ base unless per4itted by the !ngineer. /-.*/* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@s The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. /-.*0* Stren&th

Control on the >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. Ce4ent treated soil sub+base *base shall be tested for the un(onfined (o4pressive strength 9AC6: value at 2 days, a(tually obtained in situ. In (ase of variation fro4 the design AC6, in situ value being on lower side, prior to pro(eeding with laying of base*surfa(e (ourse on it, the pave4ent design shall be reviewed for a(tual AC6 value. The e@tra pave4ent thi(,ness needed on a((ount of lower AC6 shall be (onstru(ted by the Contra(tor at his own (ost. /-.*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ent of traffi( shall be 4aintained in a((ordan(e with Clause ''%.

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/-.*2* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent 6tabilised soil sub+base* base shall be 4easured as finished wor, in position in (ubi( 4etres. /-.*3* R!tes The Contra(t unit rate for (e4ent treated soil sub+base*base with pretreat4ent with li4e if re>uired shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause B&'.- 9i: to 9v:. /-/* WATER BO(ND MACADAM S(B7BASEFBASE /-/*,* S;o#e

/-/*,*,* This wor, shall (onsist of (lean, (rushed aggregates 4e(hani(ally interlo(,ed by rolling and bonding together with s(reening, binding 4aterial where ne(essary and water laid on a properly prepared subgrade* sub+base* base or e@isting pave4ent, as the (ase 4ay be and finished in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and in (lose (onfor4ity with the lines, grades, (ross+se(tions and thi(,ness as per approved plans or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. /-/*,*5* It is, however, not desirable to lay water bound 4a(ada4 on an e@isting thin bla(, topped surfa(e without providing ade>uate drainage fa(ility for water that would get a((u4ulated at the interfa(e of e@isting bitu4inous surfa(e and water bound 4a(ada4. /-/*5* M!teri!:s

/-/*5*,* Co!rse !&&re&!tes = Coarse aggregates shall be either (rushed or bro,en stone, (rushed slag, overburnt 98ha4a: bri(, aggregates or any other naturally o((urring aggregates su(h as ,an,ar and laterite of suitable >uality. Materials other than (rushed or bro,en stone and (rushed slag shall be used in sub+base (ourses only. If (rushed gravel* shingle is used, not less than 1& per (ent by weight of the gravel* shingle pie(es retained on B.25 44 sieve shall have at least two fra(tured fa(es. The aggregates shall (onfor4 to the physi(al re>uire4ents set forth in Table B&&+). The type and siLe range of the aggregate shall be spe(ified in the Contra(t or shall be as spe(ified by the !ngineer. If the water absorption value of the (oarse aggregate is greater than % per (ent, the soundness test shall be (arried out on the 4aterial delivered to site as per I6 / %3-) 9Part 5:. /-/*5*5* Crushe" or ?ro@en stone= The (rushed or bro,en stone shall be hard, durable and free fro4 e@(ess flat, elongated, soft and disintegrated parti(les, dirt and other deleterious 4aterial.

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TAB+E /--71*

P%6SICA+ RE>(IREMENTS OF COARSE AGGREGATES FOR WATER BO(ND MACADAM FOR S(B7BASEFBASE CO(RSES Test Method I6/%3-) 9Part+B: I6/%3-) 9Part+B: or I6/5)B&II Re>uire4ents B& per (ent 9Ma@: 3& per (ent 9Ma@:

Test ' I $os 0ngeles 0brasion value 7r I 0ggregate I4pa(t value

% Co4bined .la,iness and I6/%3-) 3& per (ent 9Ma@: !longation 9Part+': Indi(es 9Total: III I 0ggregate 4ay satisfy re>uire4ents of either of the two tests. II 0ggregates li,e bri(, 4etal, ,an,ar, laterite et(. whi(h get softened in presen(e of water shall be tested for I4pa(t value under wet (onditions in a((ordan(e with I6/ 5)B&. III The re>uire4ent of fla,iness inde@ and elongation inde@ shall be enfor(ed only in the (ase of (rushed bro,en stone and (rushed slag. /-/*5*.* Crushe" s:!& = Crushed slag shall be 4ade fro4 air+(ooled blast furna(e slag. It shall be of angular shape, reasonably unifor4 in >uality and density and generally free fro4 thin, elongated and soft pie(es, dirt or other deleterious 4aterials. The weight of (rushed slag shall not be less than ''.% , per 43 and the per(entage of glossy 4aterial shall not be 4ore than %&. It should also (o4ply with the following re>uire4ents/ 9i: Che4i(al stability / To (o4ply with re>uire4ent of appendi@ of E6 / '&B2 9ii: 6ulphur (ontent / Ma@i4u4 % per (ent 9iii: "ater absorption / Ma@i4u4 '& per (ent /-/*5*/* Over?urnt (9h!<!) ?ri;@ !&&re&!tes = 8ha4a bri(, aggregates shall be 4ade fro4 overburnt bri(,s or bri(, bats and be free fro4 dust and other ob?e(tionable and deleterious 4aterials. /-/*5*0* Gr!"in& reEuire<ent o ;o!rse !&&re&!tes = The (oarse aggregates shall (onfor4 to one of the Gradings given in Table B&&+2 as spe(ified, provided, however, the use of Grading o.' shall be restri(ted to sub+base (ourses only.

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TAB+E /--72* GRADING RE>(IRMENTS OF COARSE AGGREGATES Gr!"in& SiCe R!n&e No* '. 1& 44 to B5 44 IS Sieve Desi&n!tion '%5 44 1& 44 )3 44 B5 44 %%.B 44 1& 44 )3 44 53 44 B5 44 %%.B 44 )3 44 53 44 B5 44 %%.B 44 ''.% 44 Per ;ent ?y 'ei&ht #!ssin& '&& 1&+'&& %5+)& &+'5 &+5 '&& 1&+'&& %5+25 &+'5 &+5 '&& 15+'&& )5+1& &+'& &+5


)3 44 to B5 44


53 44 lo %%.B 44

ote / The (o4pa(ted thi(,ness for a layer with Grading ' shall be'&& 44 while for layer with other Gradings i.e. % & 3, it shall be 25 44. /-/*5*1* S;reenin&s= 6(reenings to fill voids in the (oarse aggregate shall generally (onsist of the sa4e 4aterial as the (oarse aggregate. However, where per4itted, predo4inantly non+plasti( 4aterial su(h as 4ooru4 or gravel 9other than rounded river borne 4aterial: 4ay be used for this purpose provided li>uid li4it and plasti(ity inde@ of su(h 4aterial are below %& and ) respe(tively and fra(tion passing 25 4i(ron sieve does not e@(eed '& per (ent. 6(reenings shall (onfor4 to the grading set forth in Table B&&+-. The (onsolidated details of >uantity of s(reenings re>uired for various grades of stone aggregates are given in Table B&&+1. The table also gives the >uantities of 4aterials 9loose: re>uired for '& 4% for sub+base*base (o4pa(ted thi(,ness of '&&*25 44. The use of s(reenings shall be o4itted in the (ase of soft aggregates su(h as bri(, 4etal, ,an,ar, laterites, et(. as they ar( li,ely to get (rushed to a (ertain e@tent under rollers. TAB+E /--73* GRADING FOR SCREENINGS Gr!"in& SiCe o C:!ssi i;!tion S;reenin&s 0 '3.% 44 IS Sieve Desi&n!tion '3.% 44 ''.% 44 5.) 44 '-& 4i(ron ''.% 44 5.) 44 '-& 4i(ron Per ;ent ?y 'ei&ht #!ssin& the IS Sieve '&& 15+'&& '5+35 &+'& '&& 1&+'&& '5+35

''.% 44

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TAB+E /--74*


Classifi(a 6iLe tion Range

Grading ' 1& 44 to '&& 44 B5 44 Grading % )3 44 to 25 44 B544 +do+ +do+ +do+ Grading 3 5344 to 25 44 %%.B44

Crushable type su(h as Mooru4 or Gravel Grading .or. "HM Grading $oose Classifi(a 6ub+base* Classifi(a Dty. tion base (ourse tion & 6iLe 9$oose & 6iLe >uantity: '.%' to Type 0 &.%2 to ot &.3& to '.B343 '3.%44 &.3& 43 unifor4 &.3& 43 &.1' to Type 0 &.'% to +do &.%% to 3 3 '.&2 4 '3.%44 &.'5 4 &.%B 43 +do+ Type E &.%& to +do+ +do+ 3 ''.%44 &.%% 4 +do+ +do+ &.'- to +do+ +do+ &.%' 43

/-/*5*2* Bin"in& <!teri!: = Einding 4aterial to be used for water bound 4a(ada4 as a filler 4aterial 4eant for preventing ravelling, shall (o4prise of a suitable 4aterial approved by the !ngineer having a Plasti(ity Inde@9PI: value of less than ) as deter4ined in a((ordan(e with I6/ %2%& 9Part+5:. The >uantity of binding 4aterial where it is to be used, will depend on the type of s(reenings. Generally, the >uantity re>uired for 25 44 (o4pa(ted thi(,ness of water bound 4a(ada4 will be &.&)+&&1 43*'&4% and &.&-+&.'&43*'&4% for '&& 44 (o4pa(ted thi(,ness. The above 4entioned >uantities should be ta,en as a guide only, for esti4ation of >uantities for (onstru(tion et(. 0ppli(ation of binding 4aterials 4ay not be ne(essary when the s(reenings used are of (rushable type su(h as 4ooru4 or gravel. /-/*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions /-/*.*,* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se= The surfa(e of the subgrade* sub+base*base to re(eive the water bound 4a(ada4 (ourse shall be prepared to the spe(ified lines and (rossfall 9(a4ber: and 4ade free of dust and other e@traneous 4aterial. 0ny ruts or soft yielding pla(es shall be (orre(ted in an approved 4anner and rolled until fir4 surfa(e is obtained if ne(essary by sprin,ling water. 0ny sub+base*base*surfa(e irregularities, where predo4inant, shall be 4ade good by providing appropriate type of profile (orre(tive (ourse 9levelling (ourse: to Clause 5&' of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 0s far as possible, laying water bound 4a(ada4 (ourse over an e@isting thi(, bitu4inous layer 4ay be avoided sin(e it will (ause proble4s of internal drainage of the pave4ent at the interfa(e of two (ourses. It is desirable to (o4pletely pi(, out the
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e@isting thin bitu4inous wearing (ourse where water bound 4a(ada4 is proposed to be laid over it. However, where the intensity of rain is low and the interfa(e drainage fa(ility is effi(ient, water bound 4a(ada4 (an be laid over the e@isting thin bitu4inous surfa(e by (utting 5& 44 @ 5& 44 furrows at an angle of B5 degrees to the (entre line of the pave4ent at one 4etre intervals in the e@isting road. The dire(tions and depth of furrows shall be su(h that they provide ade>uate bondage and also serve to drain water to the e@isting granular base (ourse beneath the e@isting thin bitu4inous surfa(e. /-/*.*5* Inverte" ;ho@e = If water bound 4a(ada4 is to be laid dire(tly over the subgrade, without any other intervening pave4ent (ourse, a %5 44 (ourse of s(reenings 9Grading E: or (oarse sand shall be spread on the prepared subgrade before appli(ation of the aggregates .is ta,en up. In (ase of a fine sand or silty or (layey subgrade, it is advisable to lay '&& 44 insulating layer of s(reening or (oarse sand on top of .ine grained soil, the gradation of whi(h will depend upon whether it is intended to a(t as a drainage layer as well. 0s a preferred alternative to inverted (ho,e, appropriate geosyntheti(s perfor4ing fun(tions of separation and drainage 4ay be used over the prepared subgrade as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 6e(tion 2&& shall be appli(able for use of geosyntheti(s. /-/*.*.* S#re!"in& ;o!rse !&&re&!tes = The (oarse aggregates shall be spread unifor4ly and evenly upon the prepared subgrade*sub+base* base to proper profile by using te4plates pla(ed a(ross the road about ) 4 apart, in su(h >uantities that the thi(,ness of ea(h (o4pa(ted layer is not 4ore than '&& 44 for Grading ' and 25 44 for Grading ' and 3, as spe(ified in Clause B&B.%.5. "herever possible, approved 4e(hani(al devi(es su(h as aggregate spreader shall be used to spread the aggregates unifor4ly so as to 4ini4ise the need for 4anual re(tifi(ation afterwards. 0ggregates pla(ed at lo(ations whi(h are ina((essible to the spreading e>uip4ent, 4ay be spread in one or 4ore layers by any approved 4eans so as to a(hieve the spe(ified results. The spreading shall be done fro4 sto(,piles along the side of the roadway or dire(tly fro4 vehi(les. o segregation of large or fine aggregates shall be allowed and the (oarse aggregate as spread shall be of unifor4 gradation with no po(,ets of fine 4aterial. The surfa(e of the aggregates spread shall be (arefully (he(,ed with te4plates and all high or low spots re4edied by re4oving or adding aggregates as 4ay be re>uired. The surfa(e shall be (he(,ed fre>uently with a straight edge while spreading and rolling so as to ensure a finished surfa(e as per approved drawings. The (oarse aggregates shall not nor4ally be spread 4ore than 3 days in advan(e of the subse>uent (onstru(tion operations. /-/*.*/* Ro::in&= I44ediately following the spreading of the (oarse aggregate, rolling shall be started with three wheeled power rollers of -& to '&& , (apa(ity or tande4 or vibratory rollers of -& to '&& , stati( weight. The type of roller to be used shall be approved by the !ngineer based on trial run. !@(ept on superelevated portions where the rolling shall pro(eed fro4 inner edge to the outer, rolling shall begin fro4 the edges gradually progressing towards the (entre. .irst the edge*edges shall be (o4pa(ted with roller running forward and ba(,ward. The roller shall then 4ove inward parallel to the (entre line of the road, in su((essive passes unifor4ly lapping pre(eding tra(,s by at least one half width.

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Rolling shall be dis(ontinued when the aggregates ar( partially (o4pa(ted with suffi(ient void spa(e in the4 to per4it appli(ation of s(reenings. However, where s(reenings are not to be applied, as in the (ase of (rushed aggregates li,e bri(, 4etal, laterite and ,an,ar, (o4pa(tion shall be (ontinued until the aggregates are thoroughly ,eyed. #uring rolling, slight sprin,ling of water 4ay be done, if ne(essary. Rolling shall not be done when the subgrade is soft or yielding or when it (auses a wave+li,e 4otion in the subgrade or sub+base (ourse. The rolled surfa(e shall be (he(,ed transversely and longitudinally, with te4plates and any irregularities (orre(ted by loosening the surfa(e, adding or re4oving ne(essary a4ount of aggregates and re+rolling until the entire surfa(e (onfor4s to desired (rossfall 9(a4ber: and grade. In no (ase shall the use of s(reenings the per4itted to 4a,e up depressions. Material whi(h gets (rushed e@(essively during (o4pa(tion or be(o4es segregated shall be re4oved and repla(ed with suitable aggregates. It shall be ensured that shoulders are built up si4ultaneously along with water bound 4a(ada4 (ourses as per Clause B&2.B.'. /-/*.*0* A##:i;!tion o s;reenin&s= 0fter the (oarse aggregate has been rolled to Clause B&B.3.B, s(reenings to (o4pletely fill the intersti(es shall be applied gradually over the surfa(e. These shall not be da4p or wet at the ti4e of appli(ation. #ry rolling shall be done while the s(reenings are being spread so that vibrations of the roller (ause the4 to settle into the voids of the (oarse aggregate. The s(reenings shall not be du4ped in piles but be spread unifor4ly in su((essive thin layers either by the spreading 4otions of hand shovels or by 4e(hani(al spreaders, or dire(tly fro4 tipper with suitable grit spreading arrange4ent. Tipper operating for spreading the s(reenings shall be so driven as not to disturb die (oarse aggregate. The s(reenings shall be applied at a slow and unifor4 rate 9in three or 4ore appli(ations: so as to ensure filling of all voids. This shall be a((o4panied by dry rolling and broo4ing with 4e(hani(al broo4s, hand+broo4s or both. In no (ase shall the s(reenings be applied so fast and thi(, as to for4 (a,es or ridges on the surfa(e in su(h a 4anner as would prevent filling of voids or prevent the dire(t bearing of the roller on the (oarse aggregate. These operations shall (ontinue until no 4ore s(reenings (an be for(ed into the voids of the (oarse aggregate. The spreading, rolling, and broo4ing of s(reenings shall be (arried out in only su(h lengths of 9he road whi(h (ould be (o4pleted within one dayKs operation. /-/*.*1* S#rin@:in& o '!ter !n" &routin& = 0fter the s(reenings have been applied, the surfa(e shall be (opiously sprin,led with water, swept and rolled. Hand broo4s shall be used to sweep the wet s(reenings into voids and to distribute the4 evenly. The sprin,ling, sweeping and rolling operation shall be (ontinued, with additional s(reenings applied as ne(essary until the (oarse aggregate has beer thoroughly ,eyed, well+bonded and fir4ly set in its full depth and a grout has been for4ed of s(reenings. Care shall be ta,en to se( that the base or subgrade does not get da4aged due to the addition of e@(essive >uantities of water during (onstru(tion. In (ase of li4e treated soil sub+base, (onstru(tion of water bound 4a(ada4 on top of it (an (ause e@(essive water to flow down to the li4e treated sub+base before it has pi(,ed up enough strength 9is still ;green<: and thus (ause da4age to the sub+base layer. The laying of water bound 4a(ada4 layer in su(h (ases shall be done after the sub+base attains ade>uate strength, as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

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/-/*.*2* A##:i;!tion o ?in"in& <!teri!:= 0fter the appli(ation of s(reenings in a((ordan(e with Clauses B&B.3.5 and B&B.3.). the binding 4aterial where it is re>uired to be used 9Clause B&B.%.2: shall be applied su((essively in two or 4ore thin layers at a slow and unifor4 rate. 0fter ea(h appli(ation, the surfa(e shall be (opiously sprin,led with water, the resulting slurry swept in with hand broo4s, or 4e(hani(al broo4s to fill the voids properly, and rolled during whi(h water shall be applied to the wheels of the rollers if ne(essary to wash down the binding 4aterial sti(,ing to the4. These operations shall (ontinue until the resulting slurry after filling of voids, for4 a wave ahead of the wheels of the 4oving roller. /-/*.*3* Settin& !n" "ryin&= 0fter the final (o4pa(tion of water bound 4a(ada4 (ourse, the pave4ent shall be allowed to dry overnight. e@t 4orning hungry spots shall be filled with s(reenings or binding 4aterial as dire(ted, lightly sprin,led with water if ne(essary and rolled. o traffi( shall be allowed on the road until the 4a(ada4 has set. The !ngineer shall have the dis(retion to stop hauling traffi( fro4 using the (o4pleted water bound 4a(ada4 (ourse, if in his opinion it would (ause e@(essive da4age to the surfa(e. The (o4pa(ted water bound 4a(ada4 (ourse should be allowed to (o4pletely dry and set before the ne@t pave4ent (ourse is laid over it. /-/*/* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ /-/*/*,* The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. /-/*/*5* Control on the >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. /-/*/*.* The water bound 4a(ada4 wor, shall not be (arried out when the at4ospheri( te4perature is less than &PC in the shade. /-/*/*/* Re(onstru(tion of defe(tive 4a(ada4/ The finished surfa(e of water bound. 4a(ada4 shall (onfor4 to the toleran(e of surfa(e regularity as pres(ribed in Clause 1&%. However, where the surfa(e irregularity of the (ourse e@(eeds the toleran(es or where the (ourse is otherwise defe(tive due to subgrade soil 4i@ing with the aggregates, the (ourse to its full thi(,ness shall be s(arified over the affe(ted area, reshaped with added 4aterial or re4oved and repla(ed with fresh 4aterial as appli(able and re(o4pa(ted. In no (ase shall depressions be filled up with s(reenings or binding 4aterial. /-/*0* Arr!n&e<ent or Tr! i;

#uring the period of (onstru(tion, the arrange4ent of traffi( shall be done as per Clause ''%. /-/*1* Me!sure<ents or #!y<ent "ater bound 4a(ada4 shall be 4easured as finished wor, in position in (ubi( 4etres.

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/-/*2* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for water bound 4a(ada4 sub+base*base (ourse shall be payable in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause B&'.- 9i: to 9v: in(luding arrange4ent of water used in the wor, as approved by the !ngineer. /-0* CR(S%ED CEMENT CONCRETE S(B7BASEFBASE

/-0*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of brea,ing and (rushing the da4aged (e4ent (on(rete slabs and re(o4pa(ting the sa4e as sub+base*base (ourse in one or 4ore layers. "here spe(ified, it shall also in(lude treating the surfa(e of the top layer with a penetration (oat of bitu4en. The wor, shall be perfor4ed on su(h widths and lengths as 4ay be spe(ified, in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades and (ross+se(tions shown on the drawings or as otherwise dire(ted by the !ngineer. /-0*5* M!teri!:s /-0*5*,* Co!rse !&&re&!te = Coarse aggregate for this wor, shall be bro,en (e4ent (on(rete slabs (rushed to a siLe not e@(eeding 25 44 and as far as possible, (onfor4ing to one of the grading given in Table B&&+2. /-0*5*5* Key !&&re&!te = =ey aggregate for the penetration (oal shall (onsist of (rushed stone, (rushed gravel, shingle or other stones. It shall be (lean, strong, durable, of fairly (ubi(al shape and free of disintegrated pie(es, organi( or other deleterious 4atter and adherent (oatings. The aggregate shall be hydrophobi( and of low porosity. The aggregate shall be of ''.% 44 siLe defined as '&& per (ent passing through '3.% 44 sieve and retained on 5.) 44 sieve and shall satisfy the physi(al re>uire4ents set forth in Table 5&&+3. /-0*5*.* Bin"er= Einder for the penetration (oal for the top layer shall be bitu4en of a suitable grade, as dire(ted by the !ngineer and satisfying the re>uire4ents of I6/ 23,%'2 or B5B, as appli(able or any approved (utba(, or e4ulsion, satisfying the re>uire4ents of I6/---2. /-0*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions

/-0*.*,* Gener!:= Crushed (e4ent (on(rete sub+base*base (ourse 4ay be (onstru(ted in one or two layers, depending upon the thi(,ness of the (on(rete slabs dis4antled and (rushed. The thi(,ness of ea(h layer shall, however, not e@(eed '&& 44 4 (ase of sub+base and 25 44 in (ase of base (ourse. The (ourse shall be (onstru(ted as water bound 4a(ada4 to Clause B&B, using (rushed (e4ent (on(rete as (oarse aggregate e@(ept that no s(reenings or binding 4aterial need be applied. "here spe(ified, the top layer shall be treated with a penetration (oat of binder des(ribed in Clause B&5.3.%.

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/-0*.*5* A##:i;!tion o #enetr!tion ;o!t over the to# :!yer= Eefore the appli(ation of the penetration (oat, the surfa(e shall be (leaned of dust, dirt and other foreign 4atter, using 4e(hani(al broo4 or any other e>uip4ent spe(ified by the !ngineer. #ust re4oved in the pro(ess shall be blown off with the help of (o4pressed air. The binder shall be heated to the te4perature appropriate to the grade of bitu4en used and sprayed on the dry surfa(e in a unifor4 4anner at the rate of %5 ,g per '& 4 / area in ter4s of the residual bitu4en with the help of (ither self+propelled or towed bitu4en pressure sprayer with self+healing arrange4ent and spray noLLle (apable of spraying bitu4en at spe(ified rates and te4peratures so as to provide a unifor4, unbro,en spread of bitu4en. !@(essive deposits of binder (aused by stopping or starting of the sprayer or through lea,age or any other reason shall be suitably (orre(ted. I44ediately after the appli(ation of binder, the ,ey aggregates, in a (lean and dry state shall be spread unifor4ly on the surfa(e at the rate of &.'3 4 3 per '& 4% area, preferably by 4eans of a 4e(hani(al gritter, (apable of spreading aggregate unifor4ly at spe(ified rates or otherwise 4anually with the approval of the !ngineer, so as to (over the surfa(e (o4pletely. I44ediately after the appli(ation of the ,ey aggregates, the entire surfa(e shall be roiled to Clause 5&).3.-. /-0*/* 1&%. Control on the >uality of 4aterial and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. /-0*0* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@s

The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause

#uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ent of traffi( shall be done as per Clause ''%. /-0*1* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent

Erea,ing the e@isting (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent slabs, (rushing and re(o4pa(ting the slab 4aterial as sub+base*base (ourse shall be 4easured as a single ite4 in ter4s of the volu4e of sub+base*base laid in position in (ubi( 4etres. Penetration (oat shall be 4easured as finished wor, in s>uare 4etres. /-0*2* R!tes /-0*2*,* The Contra(t unit rate for (rushed (e4ent (on(rete sub+base*base (ourse shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for/ 9i: 4a,ing arrange4ents for traffi( to Clause ''% e@(ept for initial treat4ent to verges*shoulders and (onstru(tion of diversionsM 9ii: brea,ing the (e4ent (on(rete slabs, (rushing, sieving and re(o4pa(ting the slab 4aterial as sub+base*base (ourseM 9iii: all labour, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, to the 6pe(ifi(ationsM and 9iv: (arrying out the wor, in part widths of road where dire(ted.

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/-0*2*5* The Contra(t unit rate for penetration (oat shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&B.-. /-1* /-1*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of laying and (o4pa(ting (lean, (rushed, graded aggregate and granular 4aterial, pre4i@ed with water, to a dense 4ass on a prepared subgrade*sub+base*base or e@isting pave4ent as the (ase 4ay be in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. The 4aterial shall be laid in one or 4ore layers as ne(essary to lines, grades and (ross+se(tions shown on the approved drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The thi(,ness of a single (o4pa(ted "et Mi@ Ma(ada4 layer shall not be less than 25 44. "hen vibrating or other approved types of (o4pa(ting e>uip4ent ar(, used, the (o4pa(ted depth of a single layer of the sub+base (ourse 4ay be in(reased to %&& 44 upon approval of the !ngineer. /-1*5* M!teri!:s /-1*5*,* A&&re&!tes WET MI8 MACADAM S(B7BASEFBASE

/-1*5*,*,* Physi;!: reEuire<ents= Coarse aggregates shall be (rushed stone. If (rushed gravel*shingle is used, not less than 1& per (ent by weight of the gravel*shingle pie(es retained on B.25 44 sieve shall have at least two fra(tured fa(es. The aggregates shall (onfor4 to the physi(al re>uire4ents set forth in Table B&&+'& below. TAB+E /--7,-* Test ' I $os 0ngeles 0brasion value 7r I 0ggregate I4pa(t value P%6SICA+ RE>(IRMENTS OF COARSE AGGREGATES FOR WET MI8 MACADAM FOR S(B7BASEFBASE CO(RSES Test Method Re>uire4ents I6/%3-) 9Part+B: I6/%3-) 9Part+B: or I6/5)B& B& per (ent 9Ma@: 3& per (ent 9Ma@:

% Co4bined .la,iness and I6/%3-) 3& per (ent 9Ma@:II !longation 9Part+': Indi(es 9Total: I 0ggregate 4ay satisfy re>uire4ents of either of the two tests. II To deter4ine this (o4bined proportion, the fla,y stone fro4 a representative sa4ple should first be separated out. .la,iness inde@ is weight of fla,y stone 4etal divided by weight of stone sa4ple. 7nly the elongated parti(les be separated out fro4 the re4aining 9non+fla,y: stone 4etal. !longation inde@ is weight of elongated parti(les divided by total non+fla,y parti(les. The value of fla,iness inde@ and elongation inde@ so found are added up.

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If the water absorption value of the (oarse aggregate is greater than % per (ent, the soundness test shall be (arried out on the 4aterial delivered to site as per I6/%3-)9Part+5:. /-1*5*,*5* Gr!"in& reEuire<ents / The aggregates shall (onfor4 to the grading given in Table B&&+''. TAB+E /--7,,* GRADING RE>(IREMENTS OF AGGREGATES FOR WET MI8 MACADAM I6 6ieve #esignation Per (ent by weight passing the I6 sieve 53.&& 44 '&& B5.&& 44 15+'&& %).5& 44 ++ %%.'& 44 )&+-& ''.%& 44 B&+)& B.25 44 %5+B& %.3) 44 '5+3& )&&.&& 4i(ron -+%% 25.&& 4i(ron &+Materials finer than B%5 4i(ron shall have Plasti(ity Inde@ 9PI: not e@(eeding ). The final gradation approved within these li4its shall be well graded fro4 (oarse to fine and shall not vary fro4 the low li4it on one sieve to the high li4it on the ad?a(ent sieve or vi(e versa. /-1*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions /-1*.*,* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se = Clause B&B.3.'. shall apply. /-1*.*5* Provision o :!ter!: ;on ine<ent o !&&re&!tes= "hile (onstru(ting wet 4i@ 4a(ada4, arrange4ent shall be 4ade for the lateral (onfine4ent of wet 4i@. This shall be done by laying 4aterials in ad?oining shoulders along with that of wet 4i@ 4a(ada4 layer and following the se>uen(e of operations des(ribed in Clause B&2.B.'. /-1*.*.* Pre#!r!tion o <iB= "et Mi@ Ma(ada4 shall be prepared in an approved 4i@ing plant of suitable (apa(ity having provision for (ontrolled, addition of water and for(ed*positive 4i@ing arrange4ent li,e pug4ill or pan type 4i@er of (on(rete bat(hing plant. .or s4all >uantity of wet 4i@ wor,, the !ngineer 4ay per4it the 4i@ing to be done in (on(rete 4i@ers. 7pti4u4 4oisture for 4i@ing shall be deter4ined in a((ordan(e with I6/%2%& 9Part+-: after repla(ing the aggregate fra(tion retained on %%.B 44 sieve with 4aterial of B.25 44 to %%.B 44 siLe. "hile adding water, due allowan(e should be 4ade for evaporation losses. However, at the ti4e of (o4pa(tion, water in the wet 4i@ should not vary fro4 the opti4u4 value by 4ore than agreed li4its. The 4i@ed 4aterial should be unifor4ly wet and no segregation should be per4itted. /-1*.*/* S#re!"in& o <iB = I44ediately after 4i@ing, the aggregates shall be spread unifor4ly and evenly upon the prepared subgrade*sub+ base*bass in re>uired >uantities. In no (ase should these be du4ped in heaps dire(tly on the area where these are to be laid nor shall their hauling over a partly (o4pleted stret(h be per4itted. The 4i@ 4ay be spread either by a paver finisher or 4otor grader. .or portions where 4e(hani(al 4eans (annot be used, 4anual 4eans as approved by the !ngineer

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shall be used. The 4otor grader, shall be (apable of spreading the 4aterial unifor4ly all over the surfa(e. Its blade shall have hydrauli( (ontrol suitable for initial ad?ust4ents and 4aintaining the sa4e so as to a(hieve the spe(ified slope and grade. The paver finisher shall be self+propelled, having the following features/ 9i: $oading hoppers and suitable distribution 4e(hanis4 9ii: The s(reed shall have ta4ping and vibrating arrange4ent for initial (o4pa(tion to the layer as it is spread without rutting or otherwise 4arring the surfa(e profile. 9iii: The paver shall be e>uipped with ne(essary (ontrol 4e(hanis4 so as to ensure that the finished surfa(e is free fro4 surfa(e ble4ishes. The surfa(e of the aggregate shall be (arefully (he(,ed with te4plates and all high or low spots re4edied by re4oving or adding aggregate 4ay be re>uired. The layer 4ay be tested by depth blo(,s during (onstru(tion. o segregation of larger and fine pani(les should be allowed. The aggregates as spread should be of unifor4 gradation with no po(,ets of fine 4aterials. /-1*.*0* Co<#!;tion= 0fter the 4i@ has seen laid to the re>uired thi(,ness, grade and (rossfall*(a4ber the sa4e shall be unifor4ly (o4pa(ted, to the full depth with suitable roller. If the thi(,ness of single (o4pa(ted layer does not e@(eed '&& 44, a s4ooth wheel roller of -& to '&& , weight 4ay be used. .or a (o4pa(ted single layer upto %&& 44, the (o4pa(tion shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of 4ini4u4 stati( weight of -& to '&& , or e>uivalent (apa(ity roller. The speed of the roller shall not e@(eed 5 ,4*h. In portions having unidire(tional (ross fall*superelevation, rolling shall (o44en(e fro4 the lower edge and progress gradually towards the upper edge. Thereafter, roller should progress parallel to the (entre line of the road, unifor4ly over+ lapping ea(h pre(eding tra(, by at least one+third width until the entire surfa(e has been rolled. 0lternate trips of the roller shall be ter4inated in stops at least ' 4 away fro4 any pre(eding stop. In portions in (a4ber, rolling should begin at the edge with the roller running forward and ba(,ward until the edges have been fir4ly (o4pa(ted. The roller shall then progress gradually towards the (entre parallel to the (entre line of the road unifor4ly overlapping ea(h of the pre(eding tra(, by at least one+third width until the entire surfa(e has been rolled. 0ny displa(e4ent o((urring as a result of reversing of the dire(tion of a roller or fro4 any other (ause shall be (orre(ted at on(e as spe(ified and*or re4oved and 4ade good. 0long for4s, ,erbs, walls or other pla(es not a((essible to the roller, the 4i@ture shall be thoroughly (o4pa(ted with 4e(hani(al ta4pers or a plate (o4pa(tor. 6,in pat(hing of an area without s(arifying the surfa(e to per4it proper bonding of the added 4aterial shall not be per4itted. Rolling should not be done when the subgrade is soft or yielding or when it (auses a wave+li,e 4otion in the sub+base*base (ourse or subgrade. If irregularities develop during rolling whi(h e@(eed '% 44 when tested with a 3 4etre straight edge, the surfa(e should be loosened and pre4i@ed 4aterial added or re4oved as re>uired before rolling again so as to a(hieve a unifor4 surfa(e (onfor4ing to the desired grade and (rossfall. In no (ase should the use of un4i@ed 4aterial be per4itted to 4a,e up the depressions.

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Rolling shall be (ontinued till the density a(hieved is at least 1- per (ent of the 4a@i4u4 dry density for the 4aterial as deter4ined by the 4ethod outlined in I6/ %2%& 9Part+-: 0fter (o4pletion, the surfa(e of any finished layer shall be well+(losed, free fro4 4ove4ent under (o4pa(tion e>uip4ent or any (o4pa(tion planes, ridges, (ra(,s and loose 4aterial. 0ll loose, segregated or otherwise defe(tive areas shall be 4ade good to the full thi(,ness of the layer and re(o4pa(ted. /-1*.*1* Settin& !n" "ryin&= 0fter final (o4pa(tion of wet 4i@ 4a(ada4 (ourse, the road shall be allowed to dry for %B hours. /-1*/* O#enin& to Tr! i; Preferably no vehi(ular traffi( of any ,ind should be allowed on the finished wet 4i@ 4a(ada4 surfa(e till it has dried and the wearing (ourse laid. /-1*0* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ /-1*0*,* Sur !;e evenness = The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. /-1*0*5* >u!:ity ;ontro: = Control or, the >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. /-1*1* Re;ti i;!tion o Sur !;e Irre&u:!rity "here the surfa(e irregularity of the wet 4i@ 4a(ada4 (ourse e@(eeds the per4issible toleran(es or where the (ourse is otherwise defe(tive due to subgrade soil getting 4i@ed with the aggregates, the full thi(,ness of the layer shall be s(arified over the affe(ted area, reshaped with added pre4i@ed 4aterial or re4oved and repla(ed with fresh pre4i@ed 4aterial as appli(able and re(o4pa(ted in a((ordan(e with Clause B&).3. The area treated in the aforesaid 4anner shall not be less than 5 4 long and % 4 wide. In no (ase shall depressions be filled up with un4i@ed and ungraded 4aterial or fines. /-1*2* Arr!n&e<ent or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ent of traffi( shall be done as per Clause ''%. /-1*3* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent "et 4i@ 4a(ada4 shall be 4easured as finished wor, in position in (ubi( 4etres. /-1*4* R!tes The Contra(t unit rate for wet 4i@ 4a(ada4 shall be .pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause B&'.-.

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/-2*,* S;o#e The wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(ting shoulder 9hard*paved*earthen with bri(, or stone blo(, edging: on either side of the pave4ent, 4edian in the road dividing the (arriageway into separate lanes and islands for (hannelising the traffi( at ?un(tions in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades and (ross+se(tions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. /-2*5* M!teri!:s 6houlder on either side of the road 4ay be of sele(ted earth* granular 4aterial* paved (onfor4ing to the re>uire4ents of Clause 3&5*B&' and the 4edian 4ay be of sele(ted earth (onfor4ing to the re>uire4ents of Clause 3&5. Median*Traffi( islands shall be raised and ,erbed at the peri4eter and the en(losed area filled with earth and suitably (overed with grass turf*shrubs as per Clause 3&2 and*or paved as per Clause B&1.3.B or B&1.3.5. Paved shoulders shall (onsist of sub+base, base and surfa(ing (ourses, as shown in the drawings and 4aterials for the sa4e shall (onfor4 to relevant 6pe(ifi(ations of the (orresponding ite4s. "here paved or hard shoulders ar( not provided, the pave4ent shall be provided with bri(,*stone blo(, edgings as shown in the drawings. The bri(,s shall (onfor4 to Clause '&&3 of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 6tone blo(,s shall (onfor4 to Clause '&&B of these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall be of siLe %%5 44 @ ''& 44 @ 25 44. /-2*.* SiCe o Shou:"ersFMe"i!nFIs:!n"s

6houlder 9earthen*hard*paved:*4edian*traffi( island di4ensions shall be as shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. /-2*/* Constru;tion O#er!tions /-2*/*,* Shou:"er= The se>uen(e of operations shall be su(h that e (onstru(tion of paved shoulder is done in layers ea(h 4at(hing the thi(,ness of ad?oining pave4ent layer. 7nly after a layer of pave4ent and (orresponding layers in paved and earth shoulder portion have been laid and (o4pa(ted, the (onstru(tion of ne@t layer of pave4ent and shoulder shall be ta,en up. "here the 4aterials in ad?a(ent layers are different, these shall be laid together and the pave4ent layer shall be (o4pa(ted first. The (orresponding layer in paved shoulder portion shall be (o4pa(ted thereafter, whi(h shall be followed by (o4pa(tion of earth shoulder layer. The ad?a(ent layers having sa4e 4aterial shall be laid and (o4pa(ted together. In all (ases where paved shoulders have to be provided along 6ide of e@isting (arriageway, the e@isting shoulders shall be e@(avated in full width and to the re>uired depth as per Clause 3&'.3.2. Ander no (ir(u4stan(es, bo@ (utting shall be done for (onstru(tion of shoulders. Co4pa(tion re>uire4ent of earthen shoulder shall be as per Table 3&&+%. In the (ase of bitu4inous (ourses, wor, on shoulder 9earthen* hard*paved:, shall start only after the pave4ent (ourse has been laid and (o4pa(ted.

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#uring all stages of shoulder 9earthen*hard*paved: (onstru(tion, the re>uired (rossfall shall be 4aintained to drain off surfa(e water. Regardless of the 4ethod of laying, all shoulder (onstru(tion 4aterial shall be pla(ed dire(tly on the shoulder. 0ny spilled 4aterial dragged on to the pave4ent surfa(e shall be i44ediately re4oved, without da4age to the+pave4ent, and the area so affe(ted thoroughly (leaned. /-2*/*5* Me"i!n !n" Is:!n"s = Median and Islands shall be (onstru(ted in a 4anner si4ilar to shoulder up to the road level. Thereafter the 4edian and islands, if raised, shall be raised at least 3&& 44 by using ,erb stones of approved 4aterial and di4ensions and suitably finished and painted as dire(ted by the !ngineer. If not raised, the 4edian and islands shall be differentiated fro4 the shoulder* pave4ent as the (ase 4ay be, as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The (onfined area of the 4edian and islands shall be filled with lo(al earth or granular 4aterial or any other approved 4aterial and (o4pa(ted by plate (o4pa(tor*power ra44er. The (onfined area after filling with earth shall be turfed with grass or planted with shrubs and in (ase of granular fill it (an be finished with tiles*slabs as dire(ted by the !ngineer. /-2*/*.* Bri;@Fstone ?:o;@ e"&in&= The bri(,s*stone blo(,s shall be laid on edge, with the length parallel to the transverse dire(tion of the road. They shall be laid on a bed of %5 44 sand, set (arefully rolled into position by a light roller and 4ade flush with the finished level of the pave4ent. /-2*0* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@s The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. Control on the >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. /-2*1* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent 6houlder 9earthen*hard*paved:, island and 4edian (onstru(tion shall be 4easured as finished wor, in position as below/ 9i: .or e@(avation in (u. 4. 9ii: .or earthwor,*granular fill in (u. 4. 9iii: .or sub+base, base, surfa(ing (ourses in units as for respe(tive ite4s. 9iv: .or ,erb in running 4etres. 9v: .or turfing and tile*slab finish in s>.4. 9vi: .or bri(,*stone blo(, edging in s> 4. /-2*2* R!te

The Contra(t unit rate for shoulder 9hard*paved*earthen with bri(, or stone blo(, edging:, island and 4edian (onstru(tion shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause B&'.9i: to 9v: as appli(able. The rate for bri(,*stone blo(, edging shall in(lude the (ost of sand (ushion.

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/-3* CEMENT CONCRETE KERB AND KERB WIT% C%ANNE+ /-3*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(ting (e4ent (on(rete ,erbs and ,erbs with (hannel in the (entral 4edian and*or along the footpaths or separators in (onfor4ity with the lines, levels and di4ensions as spe(ified in the drawings. /-3*5* M!teri!:s =erbs and ,erb with (hannel shall be provided in (e4ent (on(rete of Grade M%& in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion '2&& of these 6pe(ifi(ations. /-3*.* Ty#e o Constru;tion These shall be (ast+in+situ (onstru(tion with suitable ,erb (asting 4a(hine in all situations e@(ept at lo(ations where (ontinuous (asting with e>uip4ent is not pra(ti(able. In those situations, pre(ast (on(rete blo(,s shall be used. /-3*/* EEui#<ent 0 (ontinuous ,erb (asting e>uip4ent of ade>uate (apa(ity and (ontrols, (apable of laying the ,erbs in re>uired (ross+se(tions and produ(ing a well+(o4pa(ted 4ass of (on(rete free of voids and honey(o4bs, shall be used. /-3*0* Constru;tion O#er!tions /-3*0*,* =erb shall be laid on fir4 foundation of 4ini4u4 '5& 44 thi(,ness of (e4ent (on(rete of M '& grade (ast in+situ or on e@tended width of pave4ent. The foundation shall have a pro?e(tion of 5& 44 beyond the ,erb stone. Eefore laying the foundation of lean (on(rete, the base shall be levelled and slightly watered to 4a,e it da4p. /-3*0*5* In the 4edian portions in the straight rea(hes, the ,erb shall be (ast in (ontinuous lengths. In the portions where footpath is provided and*or the slope of the (arriageway is towards 4edian 9as in (ase of superelevated portions:, there shall be suffi(ient gap*re(ess left in the ,erb to fa(ilitate drainage openings. /-3*0*.* 0fter laying the ,erbs and ?ust prior to hardening of the (on(rete, saw (ut grooves shall be provided at 5 4 intervals or as spe(ified by the !ngineer. /-3*0*/* =erbs on the drainage ends su(h as along the footpath or the 4edian in superelevated portions, shall be (ast with 4onolithi( (on(rete (hannels as indi(ated in drawings. The slope of the (hannel towards drainage pipes shall be ensured for effi(ient drainage of the road surfa(e. /-3*0*0* Certi(al and horiLontal toleran(es with respe(t to true line and level shall be N ) 44.

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/-3*1* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent Ce4ent (on(rete ,erb*,erb with (hannel shall be 4easured in linear 4etre for the (o4plete ite4 of wor,. .oundation of ,erb, where separately provided shall be 4easured in linear 4etre for (o4plete ite4 of wor,. /-3*2* R!tes The Contra(t unit rates for (e4ent (on(rete ,erb*,erb with ena4el and foundation for ,erb shall be pay4ent in full (o4pensation for furnishing all 4aterials, labour, tools, e>uip4ent for (onstru(tion and other in(idental (ost ne(essary to (o4plete the wor,. /-4* FOOTPAT%S AND SEPARATORS /-4*,* S;o#e The wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(ting footpaths and*or separators at lo(ations as spe(ified in the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. . The lines, levels and di4ensions shall be as per the drawings. The s(ope of the wor, shall in(lude provision of all drainage arrange4ents as shown in the drawings or as dire(ted. /-4*5* M!teri!:s The footpaths and separators shall be (onstru(ted with any of the following types/ 9a: Cast+in+situ (e4ent (on(rete of Grade M%& as per 6e(tion '2&& of the 6pe(ifi(ations. 9b: Pre(ast (e4ent (on(rete blo(,*tiles of Grade M%& as per 6e(tion '2&& of the 6pe(ifi(ations The 4ini4u4 thi(,ness of the (e4ent (on(rete blo(,*tile shall be %3 44 and 4ini4u4 siLe shall be 3&& 44 @ 3&& 44. 9(: atural stone slab (ut and dressed fro4 stone of good and sound >uality, unifor4 in te@ture, free fro4 defe(ts and at least e>ual to a sa4ple sub4itted by the Contra(tor and approved by the !ngineer. The 4ini4u4 thi(,ness of the natural stone dab shall be %5 44 and 4ini4u4 siLe shall be 3&& 44 @ 3&& 44. /-4*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions

/-4*.*,* #rainage pipes below the footpath originating fro4 the ,erbs shall be first laid in the re>uired slope and (onne(ted to the drains*su4ps*stor4 water drain*drainage (hutes as per provisions of the drawings, or as spe(ified. /-4*.*5* Portion on ba(, side of ,erbs shall be filled and (o4pa(ted with granular, sub+base 4aterial as per Clause B&' of the 6pe(ifi(ations in spe(ified thi(,ness.

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/-4*.*.* The base shall be prepared and finished to the re>uired lines, levels and di4ensions as indi(ated in the drawings with the following /+ Mini4u4 '5& 44 thi(,, (o4pa(ted granular sub+base 4aterial as per Clause B&' of the 6pe(ifi(ations. 9b: Mini4u4 %5 44 thi(, (e4ent (on(rete of Grade M '5. 7ver the prepared base, pre(ast (on(rete blo(,s*tiles*natural stone slabs and*or (ast+in+situ slab shall be set*laid as des(ribed in Clauses B&1.3.B and B&1.3.5. /-4*.*/* Pre;!st ;e<ent ;on;rete ?:o;@sFti:esFn!tur!: stone s:!?= The blo(,s*tiles*slabs shall be set on a layer of average '% 44 thi(, (e4ent+sand 4ortar 9'/3: laid on prepared base in su(h a way that there is no ro(,ing. The gaps between the blo(,s*tiles*slabs shall not be 4ore than '% 44 and I be filled with (e4ent+sand 4ortar 9'/3:. /-4*.*0* C!st7in7situ ;e<ent ;on;rete= The 4ini4u4 thi(,ness of the (e4ent (on(rete shall be %5 44 and it shall be (ast on the prepared base in panels of spe(ified siLe in a staggered 4anner. Constru(tion ?oints shall be provided as per 6e(tion '2&& of the 6pe(ifi(ations. /-4*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent .ootpaths and separators shall be 4easured, in s>.4etre between inside /-4*0* R!tes Contra(t unit rates shall be in(lusive of full (o4pensation of all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals to (onstru(tion of footpaths. Cost providing pipes and arrange4ent for their dis(harge into appropriate drainage (hannels shall be in(idental to the (onstru(tion of footpaths. /,-* CR(S%ER7R(N MACADAM BASE /,-*,* S;o#e 9a:

This wor, shall (onsist of furnishing, pla(ing and (o4pa(ting (rushed 5 aggregate sub+base and base (ourses (onstru(ted in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents set forth in this 6pe(ifi(ation and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades, thi(,nesses and (ross+ se(tions shown on the plans or as dire(ted by !ngineer. /,-*5* M!teri!:s

The 4aterial to be used for the wor, shall be (rushed ro(,. If (rashed gravel*shingle is used, not less than 1& per (ent by weight of the gravel*shingle retained on B.25 44 sieve shall have at least two fra(tured fa(es. It shall be free fro4 any organi( 4atter and other deleterious substan(es and shall be of su(h nature that it (an be (o4pa(ted readily under watering and rolling to for4 a fir4, stable base. The aggregate shall (onfor4 to the grading and >uality re>uire4ents shown in Tables B&&+'% and B&&+ '3.

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0t the option of the Contra(tor, the grading for (ither 53 44 4a@i4u4 siLe or 32.5 44 4a@i4u4 siLe shall be used, e@(ept that on(e a grading is sele(ted, it shall not be (hanged without the !ngineerKs approval. TAB+E /--*,5* AGGREGATE GRADING RE>(IREMENTS Sieve SiCe )3 44 B5 44 %%.B 44 5.) 44 2'& 4i(ron 1& 4i(ron Per ;ent #!ssin& ?y 'ei&ht 0. << <!B* siCe .2*0 << <!B* siCe '&& ++ -2+'&& '&& 5&+-5 1&+'&& %5+B5 35+55 '&+%5 '&+3& %+1 %+1

TAB+E /--7,.* P%6SICA+ RE>(IREMENTS OF COARSE AGGREGATES FOR CR(S%ER7R(N MACADAM BASE Test '. I$os 0ngeles 0brasion value or I0ggregate I4pa(t value %. Co4bined .la,iness and !longation Indi(es 9Total: 3. II"ater absorption Test Method I6 / %3-) 9Part+B: I6 / %3-) 9Part+B: or I6 / 5)B& I6 / %3-) 9Part+': Re>uire4ents B& 4a@i4u4 3& 4a@i4u4

3& 4a@i4u4II

I6 / %3-) 9Part+3: I6 / %2%& 9Part+5: I6 / %2%& 9Part+5:

% per (ent Ma@i4u4 ot 4ore than %5 ot 4ore than )

B. $i>uid $i4it of 4aterial passing B%5 4i(ron 5. Plasti(ity Inde@ of 4aterial passing B%5 4i(ron I II III

0ggregate 4ay satisfy re>uire4ents of either of the two tests. If the water absorption is 4ore than % per (ent, soundness test shall be (arried out as per I6/%3-) 9Part+5:. To deter4ine this (o4bined proportion, the fla,y stone fro4 a representative sa4ple should first be separated out. .la,iness inde@ is weight of fla,y stone 4etal divided by weight of stone sa4ple 7nly the elongated parti(les be separated out fro4 the re4aining 9non+fla,y: stone 4etal. !longation inde@ is weight of elongated parti(les divided by total non+fla,y parti(les. The value of fla,iness inde@ and elongation inde@ so found are added up.

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/,-*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions /,-*.*,* Pre#!r!tion o su?&r!"e= 0ny ruts, defor4ations or soft yielding pla(es whi(h o((ur in the sub+base or subgrade shall be Corre(ted and (o4pa(ted to the re>uired density before the aggregate base (ourse is pla(ed thereon. /,-*.*5* S#re!"in&A '!terin&A <iBin& !n" ;o<#!;tion= The aggregate shall be unifor4ly deposited on the approved subgrade by 4eans of the hauling vehi(le with or without spreading devi(es. 0ggregate will be distributed over the surfa(e to the depth spe(ified on the plans or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0fter the base (ourse 4aterial has been deposited, it shall be thoroughly blade+ 4i@ed to full depth of the layer by alternately blading die entire layer to the (entre and ba(, to the edges of the road. It shall then be spread and finished to the re>uired (ross+ se(tion by 4eans of a 4otor grader. "ater shall be applied prior to and during all blading and pro(essing operations to 4oisten the 4aterial suffi(iently to prevent segregation of the fine and (oarse parti(les. "ater shall be applied in suffi(ient a4ounts during (onstru(tion to assist in (o4pa(tion. 0lternatively, 4i@ing of the (rusher run 4aterial and water 4ay be done in a 4i@ing plant as per Clause B&).3.3. Co4pa(tion shall (o44en(e i44ediately after the spreading operation. If the thi(,ness of single (o4pa(ted layer does not e@(eed '&& 44, a s4ooth wheel roller of -& to '&& , weight 4ay be used. .or a (o4pa(ted single layer upto %&& 44 the (o4pa(tion shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of 4ini4u4 stati( weight of -& to '&& , or e>uivalent (apa(ity roller. The speed of the roller shall not e@(eed 5 ,4*h. !a(h layer of 4aterial shall be (o4pa(ted to not less ton 1- per (ent of the 4a@i4u4 density as deter4ined by I6/ %2%& 9Part+-:. /,-*/* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. Control on the >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. /,-*0* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ent of traffi( shall be 4aintained in a((ordan(e with Clause ''%. /,-*1* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent Crusher+run 4a(ada4 base shall be 4easured as finished wor, in position in (ubi( 4etres. /,-*2* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for (rusher run 4a(ada4 base shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for ite4s as in Clause B&'.- 9i: to 9v:.

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B!se !n" Sur !;e Courses (Bitu<inous)

0-B!se !n" Sur !;e Courses (Bitu<inous)

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0-,*,* Gener!: Eitu4inous pave4ent (ourses shall be 4ade using the 4aterials des(ribed in the following 6pe(ifi(ations. The use of 4a(hinery and e>uip4ent 4entioned in various Clauses of these 6pe(ifi(ations is 4andatory. #etails of the 4a(hinery and e>uip4ent are available in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. !>uip4ent 4andatory for any parti(ular pro?e(t shall be in a((ordan(e with the Contra(t 6pe(ifi(ation for that pro?e(t. 0-,*5* M!teri!:s

0-,*5*,* Bin"er= The binder shall be an appropriate type of bitu4inous 4aterial (o4plying with the relevant Indian 6tandard 9I6:, as defined in the appropriate Clauses of these 6pe(ifi(ations, or as otherwise spe(ified herein. The (hoi(e of binder shall be stipulated in the Contra(t or by the !ngineer. "here penetration grades of bitu4en are spe(ified, they are referred to by a single+figure designation in a((ordan(e with I6/23. Thus bitu4en grade 35 tefers to a bitu4en in the penetration range 3& to B&. "here Modified Einder is spe(ified, the Clause 5%' of these 6pe(ifi(ations shall apply. 0-,*5*5* Co!rse A&&re&!tes= The (oarse aggregates shall (onsist of (rushed ro(,, (rushed gravel or other hard 4aterial retained on the %.3) 44 sieve. They shall be (lean, hard, durable, of (ubi(al shape, free fro4 dust and soft or friable 4atter, organi( or other deleterious 4atter. "here the Contra(torKs sele(ted sour(e of aggregates have poor affinity for bitu4en, as a (ondition for the approval of that sour(e, the bitu4en shall be treated with approved anti+stripping agents, as per the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endations, without additional pay4ent. Eefore approval of the sour(e the aggregates shall be tested for stripping. The aggregates shall satisfy the physi(al re>uire4ents set forth in the individual relevant (lause for the 4aterial in >uestion. "here (rushed gravel is proposed for use as aggregate, not less than 1&S by weight of the (rushed 4aterial retained on the B.25 44 sieve shall have at least two fra(tured fa(es. 0-,*5*.* Fine A&&re&!tes= Fine !&&re&!tes sh!:: ;onsist o ;r!she" or naturally o((urring 4aterial, or a (o4bination of the two, passi4/ %.3)44 sieve and retained on the 25 4i(ron sieve. They shall be (lean hard, durable, dry and free fro4 dust, and soft or friable 4atter, organi( or other deleterious 4atter. 0-,*5*/* Sour;e o <!teri!:= The sour(e of all 4aterials to be used on the pro?e(t 4ust be tested to the satisfa(tion of and be e@pressly approved by the !ngineer. The !ngineer 4ay fro4 ti4e to ti4e withdraw approval of a spe(ifi( sour(e, or atta(h (onditions to the e@isting approval. 0ny (hange in aggregate sour(e for bitu4inous 4i@es, will re>uire a new 4i@ design, and laying trials, where the 4i@ is based on a ?ob 4i@ design. 6to(,piles fro4 different sour(es, approved or otherwise, shall be ,ept separate, su(h that there is no (onta4ination between one 4aterial and another. !a(h

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sour(e sub4itted for approval shall (ontain suffi(ient 4aterial for at least 5 days wor,. 0-,*.* MiBin& Pre+4i@ed bitu4inous 4aterials, in(luding bitu4inous 4a(ada4, dense bitu4inous 4a(ada4, se4i+dense bitu4inous (on(rete and bitu4inous (on(rete, shall be prepared in a hot 4i@ plant of ade>uate (apa(ity and (apable of yielding a 4i@ of proper and unifor4 >uality with thoroughly (oated aggregates. 0ppropriate 4i@ing te4peratures (an be found in Table 5&&+5 of these 6pe(ifi(ationsM the differen(e in te4perature between the binder and aggregate should at no ti4e e@(eed 'BPC. In order to ensure unifor4 >uality of the 4i@ and better (oating of aggregates, the hot 4i@ plant shall be (alibrated fro4 ti4e to ti4e. If a (ontinuous 4i@ing plant is to be used for 4i@ing the bitu4inous bound 4a(ada4, the Contra(tor 4ust de4onstrate by laboratory analysis that the (old feed (o4bined grading is within the grading li4its spe(ified for that bitu4inous bound 4aterial. In the (ase of a designed ?ob 4i@, the bitu4en and filler (ontent shall be derived using this (o4bined grading. .urther details are available in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. 0-,*/* Tr!ns#ortin& Eitu4inous 4aterials shall be transported in (lean insulated vehi(les, and unless otherwise agreed by the !ngineer, shall be (overed while in transit or awaiting tipping. 6ub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer, a thin (oating of diesel or lubri(ating oil 4ay be applied to the interior of the vehi(le to prevent sti(,ing and to fa(ilitate dis(harge of the 4aterial. 0-,*0* +!yin& 0-,*0*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= $aying shall be suspended while free+standing water is present on the surfa(e to be (overed, or during rain, fog and dust stor4s. 0fter rain, the bitu4inous surfa(e, pri4e or ta(, (oat, shall be blown off with a high pressure air ?et to re4ove e@(ess 4oisture, or the surfa(e left to dry before laying shall start. $aying of bitu4inous 4i@tures shall not be (arried out when the air te4perature at the surfa(e on whi(h it is to be laid is below '&PC or when die wind speed at any te4perature e@(eeds B& ,4*h at %4 height unless spe(ifi(ally approved by the !ngineer. 0-,*0*5* C:e!nin& o sur !;e= The surfa(e on whi(h the bitu4inous wor, is to be laid shall be (leaned of all loose and e@traneous 4atter by 4eans of a 4e(hani(al broo4 or any other approved e>uip4ent * 4ethod as spe(ified in the (ontra(t. The use of a high pressure air ?et fro4 a (o4pressor to re4ove dust or loose 4atter shall be available full ti4e on the site, unless otherwise spe(ified in the Contra(t. 0-,*0*.* S#re!"in&= !@(ept in areas where a 4e(hani(al paver (annot a((ess, bitu4inous 4aterials shall be spread, levelled and ta4ped by an approved self+propelled paving 4a(hine. 0s soon as possible after arrival at site, the 4aterials shall be supplied (ontinuously to the paver and laid without delay. The rate of delivery of 4aterial to the paver shall be regulated to enable the paver

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to operate (ontinuously. The travel rate of the paver, and its 4ethod of operations, shall

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be ad?usted to ensure an even and unifor4 flow of bitu4inous 4aterial a(ross the s(reed, free fro4 dragging, tearing and segregation of the 4aterial. In areas with restri(ted spa(e where a 4e(hani(al paver (annot be used, the 4aterial shall be spread, ra,ed and levelled with suitable hand tools by e@perien(ed staff, and (o4pa(ted to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. The 4ini4u4 thi(,ness of 4aterial laid in ea(h paver pass shall be in a((ordan(e with the 4ini4u4 values given in the relevant parts of these 6pe(ifi(ations. "hen laying binder (ourse or wearing (ourse approa(hing an e@pansion ?oint of a stru(ture, 4a(hine laying shall stop 3&&44 short of the ?oint. The re4ainder of the pave4ent up to the ?oint, and the (orresponding area beyond it, shall be laid by hand, and the ?oint or ?oint (avity shall be ,ept (lear of surfa(ing 4aterial. Eitu4inous 4aterial, with a te4perature greater than 'B5PC, shall not be laid or deposited on bridge de(, waterproofing syste4s, unless pre(autions against heat da4age have been approved by the !ngineer Hand pla(ing of pre+4i@ed bitu4inous 4aterials shall only be per4itted in the following (ir(u4stan(es/ 9i: .or laying regulating (ourses of irregular shape and varying thi(,ness. 9ii: In (onfined spa(es where it is i4pra(ti(able for a paver to operate. 9iii: .or footways. 9iv: 0t the approa(hes to e@pansion ?oints at bridges, viadu(ts or other stru(tures. 9v: .or laying 4asti( asphalt in a((ordan(e with Clause 5'5. 9vi: .or filling of potholes. 9vii: "here dire(ted by the !ngineer. Manual spreading of pre+4i@ed wearing (ourse 4aterial or the addition of su(h 4aterial by hand+spreading to the paved area, for ad?ust4ent of level, shall only be per4itted in the following (ir(u4stan(es/ 9i: 0t the edges of the layers of 4aterial and at gullies and 4anholes. 9ii: 0t the approa(hes to e@pansion ?oints at bridges, viadu(ts or other stru(tures. 9iii: 0s dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-,*0*/* C:e!n:iness !n" over:!yin&= Eitu4inous 4aterial shall be ,ept (lean and un(onta4inated. The only traffi( per4itted to run on bitu4inous 4aterial to be overlaid shall be that engaged in laying and (o4pa(ting the ne@t (ourse or, where a binder (ourse is to be sealed or surfa(e dressed, that engaged on su(h surfa(e treat4ent. 6hould any bitu4inous 4aterial be(o4e (onta4inated the Contra(tor shall 4a,e it good to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer, in (o4plian(e with Clause 5&'.-. Einder (ourse 4aterial shall not re4ain un(overed by either the wearing (ourse or surfa(e treat4ent, whi(hever is spe(ified in the Contra(t, for 4ore than three (onse(utive days after being laid. The !ngineer 4ay e@tend this period, by the 4ini4u4 a4ount of ti4e ne(essary, be(ause of weather (onditions or for any other reason. If the surfa(e of the base (ourse is sub?e(ted to traffi(, or not (overed within three days, a ta(, (oat shall be applied, as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-,*1* Co<#!;tion Eitu4inous 4aterials shall be laid and (o4pa(ted in layers whi(h enable the spe(ified thi(,ness, surfa(e level regularity re>uire4ents and (o4pa(tion to be a(hieved.

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Co4pa(tion of bitu4inous 4aterials shall (o44en(e as soon as possible after laying. Co4pa(tion shall be substantially (o4pleted before the te4perature falls below the 4ini4u4 rolling te4peratures stated in the relevant part of these 6pe(ifi(ations. Rolling of the longitudinal ?oints shall be done i44ediately behind the paving operation. 0fter this, rolling shall (o44en(e at the edges and progress towards the (entre longitudinally e@(ept that on super elevated and unidire(tional (a4bered portions, it shall progress fro4 the lower to the upper edge parallel to the (entre line of the pave4ent. Rolling shall (ontinue until all roller 4ar,s have been re4oved fro4 the surfa(e. 0ll defi(ien(ies in the surfa(e after laying shall be 4ade good by the attendants behind the paver, before initial rolling is (o44en(ed. The initial or brea,down rolling shall be done with -+'& tonnes dead weight s4ooth+wheeled rollers. The inter4ediate rolling shall be done with -+'& tonnes dead weight or vibratory roller or with a pneu4ati( tyred roller of '% to '5 tonnes weight having nine wheels, with a tyre pressure of at least 5.) ,g*s>.(4. The finish rolling shall be done with ) to - tonnes s4ooth wheeled tande4 rollers. "here (o4pa(tion is to be deter4ined by density of (ores the re>uire4ents to prove the perfor4an(e of rollers shall apply in order to de4onstrate that the spe(ified density (an be a(hieved. In su(h (ases the Contra(tor shall no4inate the plant, and the 4ethod by whi(h he intends to a(hieve the spe(ified level of (o4pa(tion and finish at te4peratures above the 4ini4u4 spe(ified rolling te4perature. $aying trials shall then de4onstrate the a((eptability of the plant and 4ethod used. Eitu4inous 4aterials shall be rolled in a longitudinal dire(tion, with the driven rolls nearest the paver. The roller shall first (o4pa(t 4aterial ad?a(ent to ?oints and then wor, fro4 the lower to the upper side of the layer, overlapping on su((essive passes by at least one+third of the width of the real roll or, in the (ase of a pneu4ati(+tyred roller, at least the no4inal width of 3&&44 In portions with super+elevated and uni+dire(tional (a4ber, after the edge has been rolled, the roller shall progress fro4 the lower to the upper edge. Rollers should 4ove at a speed of not 4ore than 5 ,4 per hour. The roller shall not be per4itted to stand on pave4ent whi(h has not been fully (o4pa(ted, and ne(essary pre(autions shall be ta,en to prevent dropping of oil, grease, petrol or other foreign 4atter on the pave4ent either when the rollers are operating or standing. The wheels of rollers shall be ,ept 4oist with water, and the spray syste4 provided with the 4a(hine shall be in good wor,ing order, to prevent the 4i@ture fro4 adhering to the wheels. 7nly suffi(ient 4oisture to prevent adhesion between the wheels of rollers and the 4i@ture should be used. 6urplus water shall not be allowed to stand on the partially (o4pa(ted pave4ent 0-,*2* 9oints

"here longitudinal ?oints are 4ade in pre+4i@ed bitu4inous 4aterials, the 4aterials shall be fully (o4pa(ted and the ?oint 4ade flush in one of the following waysM only 4ethod 9iii: shall be used for transverse ?oints/ 9i: by beating the ?oints with an approved ?oint heater when the ad?a(ent width is being laid, but without (utting ba(, or (oating with binder. The heater shall raise the te4perature of the full depth of 4aterial, to within the spe(ified range of 4ini4u4 rolling te4perature and 4a@i4u4 te4perature at any stage for the 4aterial, for a width not less than 25 44. The Contra(tor shall have e>uip4ent available, for use in the event of a heater brea,down, to for4 ?oints by 4ethod 9iii:M

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by using two or 4ore pavers operating in e(helon, where this is pra(ti(able, and in suffi(ient pro@i4ity for ad?a(ent widths to be fully (o4pa(ted by (ontinuous rollingM 9iii: by (utting ba(, the e@posed ?oint, for a distan(e e>ual to the spe(ified layer thi(,ness, to a verti(al fa(e, dis(arding all loosened 4aterial and (oating the verti(al fa(e (o4pletely with -&*'&& penetration grade hot bitu4en, or (old+applied bitu4en, or poly4er 4odified adhesive bitu4en tape with a 4ini4u4 thi(,ness of % 44, before the ad?a(ent width is laid. 0ll ?oints shall be offset at least 3&& 44 fro4 parallel ?oints in the layer beneath or as dire(ted, and in a layout approved by the !ngineer. 8oints in the wearing (ourse shall (oin(ide with either the lane edge or the lane 4ar,ing, whi(h ever is appropriate. $ongitudinal ?oints shall not be situated in wheel tra(, Lones. 0-,*3* Pre#!r!tion o Sur !;e 0-,*3*,* S;o#e / This wor, shall (onsist of preparing an e@isting granular or bla(,+topped surfa(e bitu4inous (ourse. The wor, shall be perfor4ed on su(h widths and lengths as shown on the drawings or as instru(ted by the !ngineer. The e@isting surfa(e shall be fir4 and (lean, and treated with Pri4e or Ta(, (oat as shown on the drawings as otherwise stated in the Contra(t. 0-,*3*5* M!teri!:s 0-,*3*5*,* For s;!ri yin& !n" re7:!yin& the &r!nu:!r sur !;e= The 4aterial used shall be (oarse aggregate salvaged fro4 the s(arifi(ation of the e@isting granular base (ourse supple4ented by fresh (oarse aggregate and s(reenings so that aggregates and s(reenings thus supple4ented (orrespond to Clause B&B/ "ater Eound Ma(ada4 or Clause B&)/ "et Mi@ Ma(ada4 0-,*3*5*5* For #!t;hin& #otho:es !n" se!:in& ;r!;@s= "here the e@isting surfa(e to be overlaid is bitu4inous, any e@isting potholes and (ra(,s shall be repaired and sealed in a((ordan(e with Clauses 3&&B.% and 3&&B.3, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-,*3*5*.* For #ro i:e ;orre;tive ;ourse= 0 profile (orre(tive (ourse for (orre(ting the e@isting pave4ent profile shall be laid to varying thi(,ness as shown on the #rawings, or as indi(ated in the Contra(t #o(u4ents. The profile (orre(tive (ourse shall be laid to toleran(es and densities as spe(ified for wearing (ourse if a single layer, or base (ourse, if it is to be (overed with a wearing (ourse layer. 0-,*3*5*/* Pro i:e ;orre;tive ;ourse !n" its !##:i;!tion= The type of 4aterial for use as profile (orre(tive (ourse shall be as shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. "here it is to be laid as part of the overlay*strengthening (ourse, the profile (orre(tive (ourse 4aterial shall be of the sa4e spe(ifi(ation as that of the overlay* strengthening (ourse. However, if provided as a separate layer, it shall be of the spe(ifi(ation and details given in the (ontra(t drawings. 9i: 0ny high spots in the e@isting surfa(e shall be re4oved by a 4illing 4a(hine or other approved 4ethod, and all loose 4aterial shall be re4oved to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 9ii: "here the 4a@i4u4 thi(,ness of profile (orre(tive (ourse will be not 4ore than B& 44, the profile (orre(tive (ourse shall be (onstru(ted as an


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integral part of the overlay (ourse. In other (ases, the profile (orre(tive (ourse shall be (onstru(ted as a separate layer, adopting su(h (onstru(tion pro(edures and using su(h e>uip4ent as approved by the !ngineer, to lay the spe(ified type of 4aterial, to thi(,ness and toleran(e as spe(ified, for the (oarse, to be provided. 0-,*3*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0-,*3*.*,* Pre#!rin& eBistin& &r!nu:!r sur !;e= "here the e@isting surfa(e is granular, all loose 4aterials shall be re4oved, and the surfa(e lightly watered where the profile (orre(tive (ourse to be provided as a separate layer is also granular. "here the profile (orre(tive (ourse of bitu4inous 4aterial is to be laid over the e@isting granular surfa(e, the latter shall, after re4oval of all loose 4aterial, be pri4ed in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&%. The surfa(e finish of all granular layers on whi(h bitu4inous wor,s are to be pla(ed, shall, unless otherwise spe(ifi(ally instru(ted by the !ngineer, be free fro4 dust. 0ll su(h layers 4ust be (apable of being swept, after the re4oval of any non+integral loose 4aterial, by 4eans of a 4e(hani(al broo4, without shedding signifi(ant >uantities of 4aterial and dust re4oved by air ?et, washing, or other 4eans approved by the !ngineer. 0fter (leaning the surfa(e shall be (orre(t to line and level, within the toleran(es spe(ified for base (ourse. 0-,*3*.*5* S;!ri yin& eBistin& ?itu<inous sur !;e= "here spe(ified or shown on the drawings, the e@isting bitu4inous layer in the spe(ified width shall be re4oved with (are and without (ausing undue disturban(e to the underlying layer, by a suitable 4ethod approved by the !ngineer. 0fter re4oval, all loose and disintegrated 4aterial, the underlying layers whi(h 4ight have been disturbed should be suitably rewor,ed and (o4pa(ted to line and level. 0fter supple4enting the base 4aterial as ne(essary with suitable fresh stone, the (o4pa(ted finished surfa(e shall be pri4ed in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&%. Reusable 4aterials shall be sta(,ed as dire(ted by the !ngineer within '&&& 4 of their origin. 0-,*3.*.* P!t;hin& o #otho:es !n" se!:in& o ;r!;@s= "here the e@isting surfa(e to be overlaid is bitu4inous, any e@isting potholes and (ra(,s shall be repaired and sealed in a((ordan(e with (lauses 3&&B.% and 3&&B.3, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-,*3*.*/* +!yin& the #ro i:e ;orre;tive ;ourse 0-,*3*.*/*,* +!yin& on &r!nu:!r ?!se= 0fter preparing the granular surfa(e in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&'.-.3.' and 5&'.-.3.%, the profile (orre(tive (ourse shall be laid using 4aterial as des(ribed in Clauses 5&'.-.%.3 and 5&'.-.%.B, or as otherwise des(ribed in the Contra(t, and (o4pa(ted to the re>uire4ents of the parti(ular 6pe(ifi(ation. 0-,*3*.*/*5* +!yin& on eBistin& ?itu<inous sur !;e= The e@isting bitu4inous surfa(e shall be prepared in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&'.-.3.3, and after applying a ta(, (oat (onfor4ing to Clause 5&3, the bitu4inous profile (orre(tive (ourse shall be laid and (o4pa(ted to the re>uire4ents of the parti(ular 6pe(ifi(ation.

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0-,*3*.*/*.* Corre;tion o :o;!: "e#ressions= "here lo(al sags or depressions o((ur in the e@isting pave4ent, a spe(ifi( filling operation shall be instru(ted by the !ngineer, whi(h should be laid in a((ordan(e with .igure 5&&+'. or4ally, the 4a@i4u4 layer thi(,ness at any point should not e@(eed '&& 44. In pla(ing 4ultiple lifts, they should be arranged a((ording to the (orre(t 4ethod as illustrated. .or (orre(tion of (a4ber or super+elevation of the e@isting (arriageway, the 4ethod shown in .igure. 5&&+% shall be adopted, depending on the profile of the e@isting (arriageway. 0-,*3*.*0* Coverin& the #ro i:e ;orre;tive ;ourses= Profile (orre(tive (ourse parti(ularly shall be so planned that the layer shall be (overed by the designed base*wearing (ourse at the earliest opportunity, before opening to regular traffi(. 0-,*3*/* Sur !;e inish !n" Eu!:ity ;ontro: o 'or@= The relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0-,*3*0* Arr!n&e<ents or tr! i;= #uring (onstru(tion operations, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0-,*3*1* Environ<ent!: #rote;tion= The provisions of Clause ''' and the provision of Annexure A to !lause "#1 shall apply. 0-,*3*2* Me!sure<ent or #!y<ent 0-,*3*2*,* Potho:es !n" ;r!;@s= The wor, of filling potholes shall be 4easured separately and be paid for in s>uare 4etres. The wor, of filling (ra(,s by applying fog spray or e4ulsion slurry seal shall be 4easured in s>uare 4etres, for the area (overed by the spray.

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ote/ Profile (orre(tive (ourse 4aterial to be in a((ordan(e with the lift thi(,ness .igure. 5&&+'. Methods for providing (orre(tive (ourse for short sags and depressions

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The wor, in filling (ra(,s larger than 344 in width shall be 4easured and paid for on a linear 4etre basis. 0-,*3*2*5* S;!ri yin&= 6(arifying the e@isting bitu4inous surfa(e shall be 4easured on a s>uare 4etre basis. 0-,*3*2*.* Pro i:e ;orre;tive ;ourse= Profile (orre(tive (ourse shall be 4easured as the volu4e instru(ted and (o4pa(ted in position and 4easured in (ubi( 4etres, or in tonnage, as stipulated in the Contra(t. The volu4e shall be (al(ulated by plotting the e@a(t profile of profile (orre(tive (ourse as re>uired, and laid, superi4posed on the e@isting pave4ent profile. Cross+se(tional areas of the profile (orre(tive (ourse shall be 4easured at intervals as used in the design, or as deter4ined by the !ngineer, and the volu4e shall be (al(ulated using the 4ethod of end areas. 0-,*3*2*/ Pri<e ;o!t= Pri4e (oat is to be 4easured and paid for on a per s>uare 4etre basis. 0-,*3*2*0 T!;@ ;o!t= This is to be a PR7CI6I7 0$ ite4, whi(h 4ay be used in+ part or not at all, at the !ngineers dire(tion, and is to be 4easured and paid for, if used, en a s>uare 4etre basis. 0-,*3*3* R!tes 0-,*3*3*,* R!te or s;!ri yin&= The (ontra(t unit rate for s(arifying e@isting bitu4inous surfa(es, in(luding repairing * rewor,ing disturbed underlying layers and re4oving and sta(,ing reusable * unusable 4aterials, shall in(lude for but not ne(essarily be li4ited to, the (ost of all labour, supply of 4aterials needed for repair * rewor,ing, hire (harges of tools and plant, and transportation of s(arified 4aterials within '&&& 4 of their origin. 0-,*3*3*5* R!te or #re<iBe" ?itu<inous <!teri!:= The (ontra(t unit rate for pre4i@ed bitu4inous 4aterial shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for, but not ne(essarily li4ited to/ 9i: Ma,ing arrange4ents for traffi( to Clause ''% e@(ept for initial treat4ent to verge, shoulders and (onstru(tion of diversionsM 9ii: Preparation of the surfa(e to re(eive the 4aterial. 9iii: Providing all 4aterials to be in(orporated in the wor, in(luding arrange4ent for sto(, yards, all royalties, fees, rents where ne(essary and all leads and liftsM 9iv: Mi@ing, transporting, laying and (o4pa(ting the 4i@, as spe(ified. 9v: 0ll labour, tools, e>uip4ent, plant in(luding installation of hot 4i@ plant, power supply units and all 4a(hinery, in(idental to (o4plete the wor, to these 6pe(ifi(ationsM 9vi: Carrying out the wor, in part widths of the road where dire(tedM 9vii: Carrying out all tests for (ontrol of >ualityM and 9viii: The rate shall (over the provision of bitu4en at the rate spe(ified in the (ontra(t, with the provision that the variation in a(tual per(entage of bitu4en used will be assessed and the pay4ent ad?usted a((ordingly.

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9i@: 9@:


The rates for pre4i@ed 4aterial are to in(lude for all wastage in (utting of ?oints et(. The rates are to in(lude for all ne(essary testing, 4i@ design, transporting and testing of sa4ples, and (ores. If there is not a pro?e(t spe(ifi( laboratory, the Contra(tor 4ust arrange to (arry out all ne(essary testing at an outside $aboratory, approved b the !ngineer, and all (osts in(urred are dee4ed to be in(luded in the rate >uoted the 4aterial. The (ost of all plant and laying trials as spe(ified to prove the 4i@ing and lays, 4ethods is dee4ed to be in(luded in the Contra(torKs rates for the 4aterial.

0-,*3*3*.* R!te or #otho:es !n" ;r!;@ se!:in&= The rate for pat(hing potholes shall in(lude for brea,ing out, tri44ing edges, (leaning out painting edges and botto4 with bitu4en, and filling and (o4pa(ting the e@(avation with the spe(ified 4aterial. The rate should be in(lusive of all plant, tools, labour and 4aterials, transport, and disposal of surplus 4aterial, The (ontra(t unit rate for sealing (ra(,s by applying fog spray shall be in(lusive of providing all 4aterials, tools, labour and plant and (arrying out the wor,. The (ontra(t unit rate for sealing (ra(,s by providing e4ulsion slurry seal shall be as set forth in Clause 5').1. The (ontra(t unit rate for (ra(, sealing 344 to )44 (ra(,s with 6traight run or other spe(ified bitu4en, shall be based on either a s>uare 4etre basis, or linear 4etre of (ra(,s as 4easured, as stipulated by the Contra(t. The (ontra(t unit rate for (ra(,s between )44 and '544 is to be 4easured on a linear 4etre basis, and the rate is to in(lude for all 4aterials, tools, plant, labour, and transport.

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'nne*ure +', to Clause -"! AnneBure GA PROTECTION OF T%E EN)IRONMENT ,* Gener!: '.'. This se(tion of the 6pe(ifi(ation sets out li4itations on the Contra(torKs a(tivities spe(ifi(ally intended to prote(t the environ4ent. '.%. The Contra(tor shall ta,e all ne(essary 4easures and pre(autions and otherwise ensure that the e@e(ution of the wor,s and all asso(iated operations on site or off+ site are (arried out in (onfor4ity with statutory and regulatory environ4ental re>uire4ents in(luding those pres(ribed elsewhere in this do(u4ent. '.3. The Contra(tor shall ta,e all 4easures and pre(autions to avoid any nuisan(e or disturban(e arising fro4 the e@e(ution of the "or,s. This shall wherever possible be a(hieved by suppression of the nuisan(e at sour(e rather than abate4ent of the nuisan(e on(e generated. '.B. In the event of any spoil, debris, waste or any deleterious substan(e fro4 the 6ite being deposited on any ad?a(ent land, the Contra(tor shall i44ediately re4ove all su(h 4aterial and restore the affe(ted area to its original state to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 5* W!ter >u!:ity %.'. %.%. The Contra(tor shall prevent any interferen(e with the supply to or abstra(tion fro4, and prevent any pollution of, water resour(es 9in(luding underground per(olating water: as a result of the e@e(ution of the "or,s. 0reas where water is regularly or repetitively used for dust suppression purposes shall be laid to fall to spe(ially+(onstru(ted settle4ent tan,s to per4it sedi4entation of parti(ulate 4atter. 0fter settle4ent, the water 4ay be re+used for dust suppression and rinsing. 0ll water and other li>uid waste produ(ts arising on the 6ite shall be (olle(ted and disposed of at a lo(ation on or off the 6ite and in a 4anner that shall not (ause either nuisan(e or pollution. The Contra(tor shall not dis(harge or deposit any 4atter arising fro4 the e@e(ution of the "or,s into any waters e@(ept with the per4ission of the !ngineer and the regulatory authorities (on(erned. The Contra(tor shall at all ti4es ensure that all e@isting strea4 (ourses and drains within, and ad?a(ent to, the 6ite are ,ept safe and free fro4 any debris and any 4aterials arising fro4 the "or,s. The Contra(tor shall prote(t all water(ourses, waterways, dit(hes, (anals, drains, la,es and the li,e fro4 pollution as a result of the e@e(ution of the "or,s.

%.3. %.B. %.5. %.).

.* Air >u!:ity 3.'. The Contra(tor shall devise and arrange 4ethods of wor,ing to 4ini4ise dust, gaseous or other air+borne e4issions and (arry out the "or,s in su(h a 4anner as to 4ini4ise adverse i4pa(ts on air >uality. 3.%. The Contra(tor shall utilise effe(tive water sprays during delivery 4anufa(ture, pro(essing and handling of 4aterials when dust is li,ely to be (reated, and to da4pen stored 4aterials during dry and windy weather. 6to(,piles of friable 4aterials shall be (overed with (lean tarpaulins, with appli(ation of sprayed

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water during dry and windy weather. 6to(,piles of 4aterial or debris shall be da4pened prior to their 4ove4ent, e@(ept where this is (ontrary to the 6pe(ifi(ation. 0ny vehi(le with an open load+(arrying area used for transporting potentially dust produ(ing 4aterial shall have properly fitting side and tail boards. Materials having the potential to produ(e dust shall not be loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards, and shall be (overed with a (lean tarpaulin in good (ondition. The tarpaulin shall be properly se(ured and e@tend at least 3&& 44 over the edges of the side and tail boards. In the event that the Contra(tor is per4itted to use gravel or earth roads for haulage, he shall provide suitable 4easures for dust palliation, if these are, in the opinion of the !ngineer, ne(essary. 6u(h 4easures 4ay in(lude spraying the road surfa(e with water at regular intervals.

/* Noise B.'. The Contra(tor shall (onsider noise as an environ4ental (onstraint in his planning and e@e(ution of the "or,s. B.%. The Contra(tor shall ta,e all ne(essary 4easures so that the operation of all 4e(hani(al e>uip4ent and (onstru(tion pro(esses on and off the 6ite shall not (ause any unne(essary or e@(essive noise, ta,ing into a((ount appli(able environ4ent re>uire4ents. The Contra(tor shall use all ne(essary 4easures and shall 4aintain all plant and silen(ing e>uip4ent in good (ondition so as to 4ini4ise the noise e4ission during (onstru(tion wor,s. 0* Contro: o W!stes 5.'. The Contra(tor shall (ontrol the disposal of all for4s of waste generated by the (onstru(tion operations and in all asso(iated a(tivities. o un(ontrolled deposition or du4ping shall be per4itted. "astes to be so (ontrolled shall in(lude, but shall not be li4ited to, all for4s of fuel and engine oils, all types of bitu4en, (e4ent, surplus aggregates, gravels, bitu4inous 4i@tures et(. The Contra(tor shall 4a,e spe(ifi( provision for the proper disposal of these and any other waste produ(ts, (onfor4ing to lo(al regulations and a((eptable to the !ngineer. 1* E<er&en;y Res#onse ).'. The Contra(tor shall plan and provide for re4edial 4easures to be i4ple4ented in the event of o((urren(e of e4ergen(ies su(h as spillages of oil or bitu4en or (he4i(als. ).%. The Contra(tor shall provide the !ngineer with a state4ent of the 4easures he intends to i4ple4ent in the event of su(h an e4ergen(y whi(h shall in(lude a state4ent of how he intends to provide personnel ade>uately trained to i4ple4ent su(h 4easures. 2* Me!sure<ent 2.'. o separate 4easure4ent shall be 4ade in respe(t of (o4plian(e by the Contra(tor with the provisions of this 6e(tion of the 6pe(ifi(ation. The Contra(tor shall be dee4ed to have 4ade allowan(e for su(h (o4plian(e with these provisions in the preparation of his pri(es for ite4s of wor, in(luded in the Eills of Duantities and full (o4pensation for su(h (o4plian(e will be dee4ed to be (overed by the4.

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0-5* PRIME COAT O)ER GRAN(+AR BASE 0-5*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of the appli(ation of a single (oat of low vis(osity li>uid bitu4inous 4aterial to a porous granular surfa(e preparatory to the superi4position of bitu4inous treat4ent 7E. 4i@. 0-5*5* M!teri!:s 0-5*5*,* Pri<er= The (hoi(e of a bitu4inous pri4er shall depend upon the porosity (hara(teristi(s of the surfa(e to be pri4ed as (lassified in IRC/ '). These are/ 9i: 6urfa(es of low porosityM su(h as wet 4i@ 4a(ada4 and water bound 4a(ada4, 9ii: 6urfa(es of 4ediu4 porosityM su(h as (e4ent stabilised soil base, 9iii: 6urfa(es of high porosityM su(h as a gravel base. 0-5*5*5* Pri<er vis;osity= The type and vis(osity of the pri4er shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of I6 ---2, as sa4pled and tested for bitu4inous pri4er in a((ordan(e with these standards. Guidan(e on vis(osity and rate of spray is given in Table 5&&+'. TAB+E 0--7,* )ISCOSIT6 RE>(IREMENT AND >(ANTIT6 OF +I>(ID BIT(MINO(S PRIMER Type of surfa(e =ine4ati( Cis(osity of Duantity of $i>uid Eitu4inous Pri4er at )&PC Material per '& 6>.4. $ow porosity Mediu4 porosity High porosity 9Centisto,es: 3&+)& 2&+ 'B& %5& + 5&& 9,g: ) to 1 1 to '% '% to '5

0-5*5*.* Choi;e o #ri<er= The pri4er shall be bitu4en e4ulsion, (o4plying with I6 ---2 of a type and grade as spe(ified in the Contra(t or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The use of 4ediu4 (uring (utba(, as per I6 %'2 shall be restri(ted only for sites at sub+Lero te4peratures or for e4ergen(y appli(ations as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-5*.* We!ther !n" Se!son!: +i<it!tions Eitu4inous pri4er shall not be applied to a wet surfa(e 9see 5&%.B.%: or during a dust stor4 or when the weather is foggy, rainy or windy or when the te4peiature in the shade is less than '&PC. 6urfa(es whi(h are to re(eive e4ulsion pri4er should be da4p, but no free or standing water shall be present. 0-5*/* Constru;tion 0-5*/*,* EEui#<ent= The pri4er distributor shall be a self+propelled or towed bitu4en pressure sprayer e>uipped for spraying the 4aterial unifor4ly at spe(ified rates and te4peratures. Hand spraying of s4all areas, ina((essible to the distributor, or in

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narrow strips shall be sprayed with a pressure hand sprayer, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-5*/*5* Pre#!r!tion o ro!" sur !;e= The surfa(e to be pri4ed shall be prepared in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&'.-. and 1&% as appropriate. I44ediately prior to applying the pri4er the surfa(e shall be (arefully swept (lean of dust and loose parti(les, (are being ta,en not to disturb the interlo(,ed aggregate. This is best a(hieved when the surfa(e layer is slightly 4oist 9lightly sprayed with water and the surfa(e allowed to dry: and the surfa(e should be ,ept 4oist until the pri4er is applied. 0-5*/*.* A##:i;!tion o ?itu<inous #ri<er= The vis(osity and rate of appli(ation of the pri4er shall be as spe(ified in the Contra(t, or as deter4ined by site trials (arried out as dire(ted by the !ngineer. "here a geosyntheti( is proposed for use, the re>uire4ents of Clauses 2&3.3.% and 2&3.B shall apply. The bitu4inous pri4er shall be sprayed unifor4ly in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&' The 4ethod for appli(ation of the pri4er will depend on the type of e>uip4ent to be used, siLe of noLLles, pressure at the spray bar and speed of forward 4ove4ent. The Contra(tor shall de4onstrate at a spraying trial, that the e>uip4ent and 4ethod to be used is (apable of produ(ing a unifor4 spray, within the toleran(es spe(ified. 0-5*/*/* Curin& o #ri<er !n" o#enin& to tr! i;= 0 pri4ed surfa(e shall be allowed to (ure for at least %B hours or su(h other period as is found to be ne(essary to allow all the volatiles to evaporate before any subse>uent surfa(e treat4ent or 4i@ is laid. 0ny unabsorbed pri4er shall first be blotted with an appli(ation of sand, using the 4ini4u4 >uantity possible. 0 pri4ed surfa(e shall not be opened to traffi( other than that ne(essary to lay the ne@t (ourse. 0 very thin layer of (lean sand 4ay be applied to the surfa(e of the pri4er, to prevent the pri4er pi(,ing up under the wheels of the paver and the tru(,s delivering bitu4inous 4aterial to the paver. 0-5*/*0* T!;@ ;o!t= 7ver the pri4ed surfa(e, a ta(, (oat should be applied in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&3. 0-5*0*>u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0-5*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring (onstru(tion operations, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0-5*2* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent Pri4e (oat shall be 4easured in ter4s of surfa(e area of appli(ation in s>uare 4etres.

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0-5*3* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for pri4e (oat with ad?ust4ents as des(ribed in Clause 5&%.2 shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause B&'.- 9i: to 9v: and as appli(able to the wor, spe(ified in these 6pe(ifi(ations. Pay4ent shall be 4ade on the basis of the provision of pri4e (oat at an appli(ation rate of &.5 ,g per s>uare 4etre, with ad?ust4ent, plus or 4inus, for the variation between this a4ount and the a(tual a4ount approved by the !ngineer after the preli4inary trials referred to in Clause 5&%.B.3. 0-.* TACK COAT 0-.*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of the appli(ation of a single (oat of low vis(osity li>uid bitu4inous 4aterial to an e@isting bitu4inous road surfa(e preparatory to the superi4position of a bitu4inous 4i@, when spe(ified in the Contra(t or instru(ted by the !ngineer. 0-.*5* M!teri!:s 0-.*5*,* Bin"er= The binder used for ta(, (oat shall be bitu4en e4ulsion (o4plying with I6 ---2 of a type and grade as spe(ified in the Contra(t or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The use of (utba(, bitu4en, as per I6 %'2 shall be restri(ted only for sites at sub+Lero for e4ergen(y appli(ations as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-.*.* We!ther !n" Se!son!: +i<it!tions Eitu4inous 4aterial shall not be applied to a wet surfa(e or during a dust stor4 or when the weather is foggy, rainy or windy or when the te4perature in the shade is less than '&PC. "here the ta(, (oat (onsists of e4ulsion, the surfa(e shall be slightly da4p, but not wet. "here the ta(, (oat is of (utba(, bitu4en, the surfa(e shall be dry. 0-.*/* Constru;tion 0-.*/*,* EEui#<ent= The ta(, (oat distributor shall be a self+propelled or towed bitu4en pressure sprayer, e>uipped for spraying the 4aterial unifor4ly at a spe(ified rate. Hand spraying of s4all areas, ina((essible to the distributor, or in narrow strips, shall be sprayed with a pressure hand sprayer, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-.*/*5* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se= The surfa(e on whi(h the ta(, (oat is to #e applied shall be (lean and free fro4 dust, dirt, and any e@traneous 4aterial, and be otherwise prepared in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of Clauses 5&'.- and 1&% as appropriate. I44ediately before the appli(ation of the ta(, (oat, the surfa(e shall be swept (lean with a 4e(hani(al broo4, and high pressure air ?et, or by other 4eans as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-.*/*.* A##:i;!tion o t!;@ ;o!t= The appli(ation of ta(, (oat shall be at the rate spe(ified in the Contra(t, and shall be applied unifor4ly. If rate of appli(ation of Ta(, Coat is not spe(ified in the (ontra(t then it shall be at the rate spe(ified in Table 5&&+%.

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The nor4al range of spraying TAB+E 0--75* RATE OF APP+ICATION OF TACK COAT >u!ntity o :iEui" ?itu<inous <!teri!: in K& #er sE* <* !re! &.%& to &.%5 &.%5 to &.3& &.%5 to &.3& &.35 to &.B& &.3& to &.35

Ty#e o Sur !;e i: ii: iii: iv: or4al bitu4inous surfa(es #ry and hungry bitu4inous surfa(es Granular surfa(es treated with pri4er on bitu4inous surfa(es a: Granular base 9not pri4ed: b: Ce4ent (on(rete pave4ent

te4perature for a bitu4inous e4ulsion shall be %&PC to 2&PC and for a (utba(,, 5&PC to -&PC if RC+2&*MC+2& is used. "here a geosyntheti( is proposed for use, the provisions of Clauses 2&3.3.% and 2&3.B.B shall apply. The 4ethod of appli(ation of the ta(, (oat will depend on the type of e>uip4ent to be used, siLe of noLLles, pressure at the spray bar, and speed of forward 4ove4ent. The Contra(tor shall de4onstrate at a spraying trial, that the e>uip4ent and 4ethod to be used is (apable of produ(ing a unifor4 spray, within the toleran(es spe(ified. "here the 4aterial to re(eive an overlay is a freshly laid bitu4inous layer, that has not been sub?e(ted to traffi(, or (onta4inated by dust, a ta(, (oat is not 4andatory where the overlay is (o4pleted within two days. 0-.*/*/* Curin& o t!;@ ;o!t= The ta(, (oat shall be left to (ure until all the volatiles have evaporated before any subse>uent (onstru(tion is started. o plant or vehi(les shall be allowed on the ta(, (oat other than those essential for the (onstru(tion. 0-.*0* >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0-.*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0-.*2* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent Ta(, (oat shall be 4easured in ter4s of surfa(e area of appli(ation in s>uare 4etres.

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0-.*3* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for ta(, (oat shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding for all (o4ponents listed in Clause B&'.- 9i: to 9v: and as appli(able to the wor, spe(ified in these 6pe(ifi(ations. The rate shall (over the provision of ta(, (oat at &.% ,g per s>uare 4etre, with the provision that the varian(e in a(tual >uantity of bitu4en used will be assessed and the pay4ent ad?usted a((ordingly. 0-/* BIT(MINO(S MACADAM 0-/*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion in a single (ourse having 5&44 to '&&44 thi(,ness or in 4ultiple (ourses of (o4pa(ted (rushed aggregates pre4i@ed with a bitu4inous binder on a previously prepared base to the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. Eitu4inous 4a(ada4 is 4ore open graded than the dense graded bitu4inous 4aterials des(ribed in Clauses 5&2, 5&- and 5&1. 0-/*5* M!teri!:s 0-/*5*,* Bitu<en= The bitu4en shall be paving bitu4en of Penetration Grade (o4plying with Indian 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations for ;Paving Eitu4en< I6/23, and of the penetration indi(ated in Table 5&&+B. 0-/*5*5* Co!rse !&&re&!tes= The (oarse aggregates shall (onsist of (rushed ro(,, (rushed gravel or other hard 4aterial retained on the %.3) 44 sieve. They shall be (lean, hard, durable, of (ubi(al shape, free fro4 dust and soft or friable 4atter, organi( or other deleterious 4atter. "here the Contra(torKs sele(ted sour(e of aggregates have poor affinity for bitu4en, as a (ondition for the approval of that sour(e, the bitu4en shall be treated with approved anti+stripping agents, as per the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endations, without additional pay4ent. Eefore approval of the sour(e, the aggregates shall be tested for stripping. The aggregates shall satisfy the physi(al re>uire4ents set forth in Table 5&&+3. "here (rushed gravel is proposed for use as aggregate, not less than 1&S by weight of the (rushed 4aterial retained on the B.25 44 sieve shall have at least two fra(tured fa(es. 0-/*5*.* Fine !&&re&!tes= .ine aggregates shall (onsist of (rushed or naturally o((urring 4aterial, or a (o4bination of the two, passing %.3) 44 sieve and retained on 25 4i(ron sieve. They shall be (lean, hard, durable, dry and free fro4 dust, and soft or friable 4atter, organi( or other deleterious 4atter.

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TAB+E 0--7.* Property Cleanliness Parti(le shape

P%6SICA+ RE>IREMENTS FOR COARSE AGGREGATES FOR BIT(MINO(S MACADAM Test Grain siLe analysis' 6pe(ifi(ation Ma@ 5S passing &.&2544 sieve Ma@ 3&S

.la,iness and !longation Inde@ 9Co4bined:% 6trengthI $os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue3 Ma@ B&S 3 0ggregate I4pa(t Calue Ma@ 3&S #urability 6oundness/B 6odiu4 6ulphate Ma@ '%S Magnesiu4 6ulphate Ma@ '-S 5 "ater 0bsorption "ater absorption Ma@ %S 6tripping Coaling and 6tripping of Eitu4en Mini4u4 retained (oating 0ggregate Mi@tures) 15S 2 "ater 6ensitivity Retained Tensile 6trength Min-&S otes / '. I6 / %3-) Part ' B. I6 / %3-) Part 5 %. I6 / %3-) Part ' 5. I6 / %3-) Part 3 9the elongation test to be done only on non+fla,y aggregates in the sa4ple: 3. I6/ %3-) Part BI ). I6/ )%B' 2. The water sensitivity test is only re>uired if the 4ini4u4 retained (oating in the stripping test is less than 15S. I 0ggregate 4ay satisfy re>uire4ents of either of these two tests. 0-/*5*/* A&&re&!te &r!"in& !n" ?in"er ;ontent= "hen tested in a((ordan(e with I6/ %3-) Part ' 9wet sieving 4ethod:, the (o4bined aggregate grading for the parti(ular 4i@ture shall fall within the li4its shown in Table 5&&+B for the grading spe(ified in the Contra(t. The type and >uantity of bitu4en, and appropriate thi(,ness, are also indi(ated for ea(h 4i@ture type. 0-/*5*0* Pro#ortionin& o <!teri!:= The aggregates shall be proportioned and blended to produ(e a unifor4 4i@ture (o4plying with the re>uire4ents of Table 5&&+B. The binder (ontent shall be within a toleran(e of N &.3 per (ent by weight of total 4i@ture when individual spe(i4ens are ta,en for >uality (ontrol tests in a((ordan(e with the provisions of 6e(tion 1&&. 0-/*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0-/*.*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= The provisions of Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply.

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TAB+E 04-7/* COMPOSITION OF BIT(MINO(S MACADAM Mi@ designation Grading ' Grading % o4inal aggregate B&44 '144 siLe $ayer thi(,ness -&+'&&44 5&+25 44 I6 6ieve 944: Cu4ulative S by weight of total aggregate passing B5 '&& 32.5 1&+'&& %).5 25+'&& '&& '1 + 1&+'&& '3.% 35+)' 5)+-B.25 '3+%% ')+3) %.3) B+'1 B+'1 &.3 %+'& %+'& &.&25 &+&+Eitu4en (ontent, S 3.'+3.B 3.3+3.5 by weight of total 4i@ture' Eitu4en grade 35 to 1& 35 to 1& otes/ '. 0ppropriate bitu4en (ontents for (onditions in (ooler areas of India 4ay be up to &.5S higher sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. 0-/*.*5* Pre#!r!tion o the ?!se= The base on whi(h bitu4inous 4a(ada4 is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and (o4pa(ted to the re>uired profile in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&'.- and 1&%.3 as appropriate, and a pri4e (oat, shall be applied in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&% where spe(ified, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-/*.*.* T!;@ ;o!t / 0 ta(, (oat in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&3 shall be applied as re>uired by the Contra(t do(u4ents, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-/*.*/* Pre#!r!tion !n" tr!ns#ort!tion o the <iBture= The provisions of Clauses 5&'.3 and 5&'.B shall apply. 0-/*.*0* S#re!"in&= The provisions of Clauses 5&'.5.3 shall apply. TAB+E 0--70* MAN(FACT(RING AND RO++ING TEMPERAT(RES Eitu4en Eitu4en 0ggregate Mi@ed Material Rolling 9&C: '&& Mini4u4 1& Mini4u4 -& Mini4u4 $aying 9&C: '3& Mini4u4 '%5 Mini4u4 ''5 Mini4u4

Penetration Mi@ing 9&C: Mi@ing 9&C: 9&C: 35 ')&+'2& ')&+'25 '2& Ma@i4u4 )5 '5&+')5 '5&+'2& ')5 Ma@i4u4 1& 'B&+')& 'B&+')5 '55 Ma@i4u4

0-/*.*1* Ro::in&= Co4pa(tion shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clauses 5&'.) and 5&'.2. Rolling shall be (ontinued until the spe(ified density is a(hieved, or where no density is spe(ified, until there is no further 4ove4ent under the roller. The re>uired fre>uen(y of testing is defined in Clause 1&3. 0-/*/* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@
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The surfa(e finish of the (o4pleted (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0-/*0* Prote;tion o the +!yer The bitu4inous 4a(ada4 shall be (overed with either the ne@t pave4ent (ourse or wearing (ourse, as the (ase 4ay be, within a 4a@i4u4 of forty+eight hours. If there is to be any delay, the (ourse shall be (overed by a seal (oat to the re>uire4ent of Clause 5'3 before opening to any traffi(. The seal (oat in su(h (ases shall be (onsidered in(idental to the wor, and shall not be paid for separately. 0-/*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0-/*2* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent Eitu4inous 4a(ada4 shall be 4easured as finished wor, in (ubi( 4etres or by weight in 4etri( tonnes, where used as regulating (ourse, or s>uare 4etres at the spe(ified thi(,ness as indi(ated in the Contra(t or shown on the drawings, or as otherwise dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-/*3* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for bitu4inous 4a(ada4 shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations as spe(ified. The rate shall in(lude for, all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i:. 0-0* BIT(MINO(S PENETRATION MACADAM 0-0*,* S;o#e The wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion of one or 4ore layers of (o4pa(ted (rushed (oarse aggregates with alternate appli(ations of bitu4inous binder and ,ey aggregates in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations to be used as a base (ourse on roads, sub?e(t to the re>uire4ents of the overall pave4ent design, in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades and (ross+se(tions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Thi(,ness of an individual (ourse shall be 5& 44 or 25 44, or other as spe(ified. 0-0*5* M!teri!:s 0-0*5*,* Bitu<en= The binder shall be paving bitu4en of suitable penetration grade within the range of 6+35 to 6+1& or 0+35 to 0+1& 93&* B& to -&*'&&: as per Indian 6tandards 6pe(ifi(ations for ;Paving Eitu4en< I6 /23, or approved (utba(, satisfying the

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re>uire4ents of I6 / %'2 or B5B. The a(tual grade of bitu4en or (utba(, to be used shall be as spe(ified or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-0*5*5* A&&re&!tes= The aggregates shall satisfy the physi(al re>uire4ents set out in Clause 5&B.%.%. and Table 5&&+3. The (oarse and ,ey aggregates shall (onfor4 to the grading given in Table 5&&+). 0-0*5*.* >u!ntities o <!teri!:s= The >uantities of 4aterials used for this wor, shall be as spe(ified in Table 5&&+). 0-0*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0-0*.*,* We!ther !n" Se!son!: +i<it!tions= The provisions of Clause 5&'.5.'. shall apply. 0-0*.*5* EEui#<ent = 0 4e(hani(al broo4, (o4pressor, self propelled or trailed bitu4en heater*distributor, 4e(hani(al aggregate spreader and - to '& tonne s4ooth steel wheel roller or vibrating roller are re>uired for the preparation of Penetration Ma(ada4. 0-0*.*.* Pre#!r!tion o the ?!se= The base on whi(h the Penetration Ma(ada4 Course is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and (o4pa(ted to the spe(ified lines, grades and se(tions to Clauses 5&' and 1&% as appropriate, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0 pri4e (oat, where spe(ified, shall be applied over the base in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&% or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0 ta(, (oat as per Clause 5&3 shall be applied. 0-0*.*/* S#re!"in& ;o!rse !&&re&!tes= The (oarse aggregate shall be dry and (lean and free fro4 dust, and shall be spread unifor4ly and evenly at the rate spe(ified in Table 5&&+). It shall be spread by a self+propelled or tipper tail 4ounted aggregate spreader (apable of spreading aggregate unifor4ly at the spe(ified rates over the re>uired widths. The surfa(e of the layer shall be (arefully (he(,ed with (a4ber te4plates to ensure (orre(t line and level and (ross fall. The spreading shall be (arried out su(h that the rolling and penetrating operations (an be (o4pleted on the sa4e day. 6egregated aggregates or aggregates (onta4inated with foreign 4aterial shall be re4oved and repla(ed.

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TAB+E 0--71* COMPOSITION OF PENETRATION MACADAM Cu4ulative per (ent by weight of total aggregate passing .or 5& 44 (o4pa(ted .or 25 44 (o4pa(ted Thi(,ness Thi(,ness Coarse =ey Coarse =ey 0ggregate 0ggregate 0ggregate 0ggregate T T '&& T '&& UU 5-+-% T 32+2% T ++ '&& T '&& 5+%2 5&+25 %+%& 5& + 25 T T T T T 5+%5 T 5+%5 T T &+5 &+5 &+5 &+5 &.&) 5 &.&'5 &.&1 ).&.&'-

I6 6ieve #esignation 944: )3 B5 %).5 %%.B '3.% ''.% 5.) %.0ppro@. $oose aggregate >uantities (u.4*4% Einder >uantity 9penetration grade:9': 9,g*4%: ote/ 9':

If (utba(, bitu4en is used, ad?ust binder >uantity su(h that the residual bitu4en is e>ual to the values in this table.

0-0*.*0* Co<#!;tion= 0fter the spreading of (oarse aggregates, dry rolling shall be (arried out with an - + '& tonne s4ooth steel wheel roller. The re>uire4ents given in Clause 5&'.) and 5&'.2 shall apply. 0fter initial dry rolling, the surfa(e shall be (he(,ed with a (rown te4plate and a 3 4etre straight+edge. The surfa(e shall not vary 4ore than '& 44 fro4 the te4plate or straight+edge. 0ll surfa(e irregularities e@(eeding the above li4it shall be (orre(ted by re4oving or adding aggregates as re>uired. The rolling shall (ontinue until the (o4pa(ted (oarse aggregate has a fir4 surfa(e true to the (ross se(tion shown on the plans and has a te@ture that will allow free and unifor4 penetration of the bitu4inous 4aterial. 0-0*.*1* A##:i;!tion o ?itu<inous <!teri!:= 0fter the (oarse aggregate has been rolled and (he(,ed, the bitu4inous binder shall be applied, at the rate given in Table 5&&+), in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&', and at a te4perature dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0t the ti4e of applying the binder, the aggregates shall be surfa(e dry for the full depth of the layer. In (ertain (ir(u4stan(es, depending on the type and siLe of aggregate used, the !ngineer 4ay dire(t the pla(ing of a bed of (lean sand or >uarry fines, not e@(eeding '&44 in thi(,ness, on the prepared foundation before pla(ing the (oarse aggregate. The sand or fine 4aterial shall be slightly wetted, ?ust suffi(ient for it to slurry up during the (o4pa(tion pro(ess. "here (ut ba(, is used, if flooding of the binder o((urs it should be applied in two operations, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

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0-0*.*2* A##:i;!tion o @ey !&&re&!tes= I44ediately after the first appli(ation of bitu4en, the ,ey aggregates, whi(h shall be (lean, dry, and free fro4 dust shall be spread unifor4ly over the surfa(e by 4eans of an approved 4e(hani(al spreader or by approved 4anual 4ethods at the rate spe(ified in Table 5&&+). "here dire(ted by the !ngineer, the surfa(e shall be swept and the >uantity of ,ey aggregate ad?usted to ensure unifor4 appli(ation, with all the surfa(e voids in the (oarse aggregate being filled without e@(ess. The entire surfa(e shall then be rolled with a - + '& tonnes s4ooth steel wheel roller 9or vibrating roller operating in non+vibratory 4ode: in a((ordan(e with the pro(edure spe(ified in Clause 5&5.3.5. 0-0*/* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: The surfa(e finish of the (o4pleted (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0-0*0* Sur !;in& The Penetration Ma(ada4 shall be provided with a surfa(ing 9binder* wearing (ourse: within a 4a@i4u4 of forty+eight hours. If there is to be any delay, the penetration 4a(ada4 shall be (overed by a seal (oat to the re>uire4ents of Clause 5'3 before opening to traffi(. The seal (oat in su(h (ases shall be (onsidered in(idental to the wor, and shall not be paid for separately. 0-0*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0-0*2* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent Penetration Ma(ada4 base (ourse shall be 4easured as finished wor, in s>uare 4etres. 0-0*3* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for Penetration Ma(ada4 (ourse shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding, but not ne(essarily li4ited to, all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.%.9i: to 9@i:. 0-1* B(I+T7(P SPRA6 GRO(T 0-1*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of a two+layer (o4posite (onstru(tion of (o4pa(ted (rushed (oarse aggregates with appli(ation of bitu4inous binder after ea(h layer, and with ,ey aggregates pla(ed on top of the se(ond layer, in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations, to serve as a base (ourse and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades and (ross+se(tions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The thi(,ness of the (ourse shall be 25 44.

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Euilt+up spray grout shall be used in a single (ourse in a pave4ent stru(ture. 0-1*5* M!teri!:s 0-1*5*,* Bitu<en= Clause 5&B.%.'. shall apply. "here per4itted by the !ngineer, an appropriate grade of e4ulsion (o4plying with I6 ---2 4ay be used. 0-1*5*5* A&&re&!tes= The (oarse aggregate shall (onfor4 to Clause 5&B.%.%. The aggregate shall satisfy the physi(al re>uire4ents set out in Table 5&&+3. The (oarse and ,ey aggregates for built+up spray grout shall (onfor4 to the grading given in Table 5&&+2. TAB+E 0--72* GRADING RE>(IREMENTS FOR COARSE AND KE6 AGGREGATES FOR B(I+T7(P SPRA6 GRO(T I6 6ieve #esignation 944: 53.& %).5 %%.B '3.% 5.) %.Cu4ulative per (ent by weight of total aggregate passing Coarse 0ggregate '&& B&+25 ++ &+%& ++ &+5 =ey 0ggregate ++ ++ '&& B&+25 &+%& &+5

041*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0-1*.*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= The provisions of Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply. 0-1*.*5* EEui#<ent= The provisions of Clause 5&5.3.% shall apply. 0-1*..* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se= The base on whi(h the built+up spray grout (ourse is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and (o4pa(ted to the spe(ified lines, grades and (ross+se(tions in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&' and 1&% as appropriate. 0 pri4e (oat shall be applied in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&% with approved pri4er as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-1*.*/* T!;@ ;o!t= 0 ta(, (oat shall be applied in a((ordan(e with the pro(edure des(ribed in Clause 5&3, as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-1.*0* S#re!"in& !n" ro::in& ;o!rse !&&re&!tes or the irst :!yer= I44ediately after the appli(ation of pri4e or ta(, (oat, the (lean, dry and dust free (oarse aggregates shall be spread unifor4ly and evenly, by 4e(hani(al 4eans, at the rate of &.5 (u.4. per '& s>.4. area.

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I44ediately after spreading of the aggregates, the entire surfa(e shall be rolled with an - + '& tonnes s4ooth wheel steel roller. Rolling shall (o44en(e at the edges and progress towards the (entre e@(ept in super+elevated and uni+dire(tional (a4bered portions where it shall pro(eed fro4 the lower edge to the higher edge. !a(h pass of the roller shall unifor4ly overlap not less than one+third of the tra(, 4ade in the pre(eding pass. The surfa(e of the layer shall be (arefully (he(,ed, after rolling, with a te4plate and straight edge and shall be within the toleran(es spe(ified, and any defi(ien(ies (orre(ted by rewor,ing and re(o4pa(ting the layer. Care shall be ta,en not to over+(o4pa(t the layer. 0-1*.*1* A##:i;!tion o ?in"er 7 irst s#r!y= The binder shall be heated to the te4perature appropriate to the grade of bitu4en approved by the !ngineer and sprayed on the aggregate at the rate of '5 ,g*'& s>.4. 94easured in ter4s of residual bitu4en (ontent: at a unifor4 rate of spray by 4e(hani(al sprayers (apable of spraying bitu4en unifor4ly at the spe(ified rates and te4peratures. !@(essive deposits of binder (aused by stopping or starting of the sprayers or through lea,age or for any other reason shall be re4oved and 4ade good. 0-1*.*2* S#re!"in& !n" ro::in& o ;o!rse !&&re&!te or the se;on" :!yer= I44ediately after the first appli(ation of the binder, the se(ond layer of (oarse aggregates shall be spread and rolled in a((ordan(e with the pro(edure detailed in Clause 5&).3.5. 0-1*.*3* A##:i;!tion o ?in"er 7 se;on" s#r!y= The se(ond aggregate layer shall then be sprayed with binder at the rate of '5 ,g*'& s>. 4. 94easured in ter4s of residual bitu4en (ontent: in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&).3.). 0-1*.*4* A##:i;!tion o @ey !&&re&!te= I44ediately after the se(ond appli(ation of binder, ,ey aggregates shall be spread unifor4ly and evenly, preferably by 4e(hani(al 4eans, at the rate of &.'3 (u.4.*'& s>.4. so as to (over the surfa(e (o4pletely. The ,ey aggregate shall be (lean, dry and free fro4 dust and deleterious 4atter. If ne(essary, the surfa(e shall be swept to ensure unifor4 appli(ation of the ,ey aggregates. The entire surfa(e shall then be rolled with an -+'& tonnes s4ooth wheel steel roller in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&).3.5. "hile+rolling is in progress, additional ,ey aggregates, where re>uired, shall be spread by hand. Rolling shall (ontinue until the entire (ourse is thoroughly (o4pa(ted and the ,ey aggregates are fir4ly in position. 0-1*/* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. 0ll 4aterials shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of the relevant provisions in 6e(tion 1&& of the 6pe(ifi(ations. 0-1*0* Fin!: Sur !;in& The built+up+spray+grout shall be provided with final surfa(ing within a 4a@i4u4 of forty+eight hours. If there is to be any delay, the (ourse shall be (overed by a seal (oat to the re>uire4ent of Clause 5'3 before it is open to traffi(. "here the seal (oat is re>uired as a result of the sele(ted 4ethod of perfor4ing this operation, then it shall be (onsidered in(idental to the wor, and shall not be paid for separately.

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Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i;

#uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0-1*2* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent

Euilt+up spray grout shall be 4easured as finished wor, in s>uare 4etres. 0-1*3* R!te

The (ontra(t unit rate for built+up spray grout shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations as spe(ified. The rate shall in(lude for, but not ne(essarily be li4ited to the (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i:. 0-2* DENSE GRADED BIT(MINO(S MACADAM 0-2*,* S;o#e This (lause spe(ifies the (onstru(tion of #ense Graded Eitu4inous Ma(ada4, 9#EM:, for use 4ainly, but not e@(lusively, in base*binder and profile (orre(tive (ourses. #EM is also intended for use as road base 4aterial. This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion in a single or 4ultiple layers of #EM on a previously prepared base or sub+ base. The thi(,ness of a single layer shall be 5&44 to '&&44. 0-2*5* M!teri!:s 0-2*5*,* Bitu<en= The bitu4en shall be paving bitu4en of Penetration Grade (o4plying with Indian 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations for ;Paving Eitu4en< I6/ 23, and of the penetration indi(ated in Table 5&&+'& for dense bitu4en 4a(ada4, or this bitu4en as 4odified by one of the 4ethods spe(ified in Clause 5%', or as otherwise spe(ified in the Contra(t. Guidan(e on the sele(tion of an appropriate grade of bitu4en is given in The Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. 0-2*5*5* Co!rse !&&re&!tes= The (oarse aggregates shall (onsist of (rushed ro(,, (rushed gravel or other hard 4aterial retained on the %.3) 44 sieve. They shall be (lean, hard, durable, of (ubi(al shape, free fro4 dust and soft or friable 4atter, organi( or other deleterious substan(es. "here the Contra(torKs sele(ted sour(e of aggregates have poor affinity for bitu4en, as a (ondition for the approval of that sour(e, the bitu4en shall be treated+ with an approved anti+stripping agent, as per the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endations, without additional pay4ent. Eefore approval of the sour(e, the aggregates shall be tested for stripping. The aggregates shall satisfy the physi(al re>uire4ents spe(ified in Table 5&&+-, for dense bitu4inous 4a(ada4. "here (rushed gravel is proposed for use as aggregate, not less than 1&S by weight of the (rushed 4aterial retained on the B.25 44 sieve shall have at least two fra(tured fa(es. 0-2*5*.* Fine !&&re&!tes= .ine aggregates shall (onsist of (rushed or naturally o((urring 4ineral 4aterial, or a (o4bination of the two, passing the %.3)44 sieve and

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retained on the 25 4i(ron sieve. They shall be (lean, hard, durable, dry and free fro4 dust, and soft or friable 4atter, organi( or other deleterious 4atter. The fine aggregate shall have a sand e>uivalent value of not less than 5& when tested in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ent of '-/%2%& 9Part 32:. The plasti(ity inde@ of the fra(tion passing the &.B%5 44 sieve shall not e@(eed B. when tested in a((ordan(e with I6/ %2%& 9Part 5: TAB+E 0--73* P%6SICA+ RE>(IREMENTS FOR COARSE AGGREGATE FOB DENSE GRADED BIT(MINO(S MACADAM Property Test Cleanliness9dust: Grain siLe analysis' Parti(le shape 6trengthI #urability "ater 0bsorption 6tripping "ater 6ensitivityII .la,iness and !longation Inde@ 9Co4bined:% $os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue3 0ggregate I4pa(t CalueB 6oundness/5 6odiu4 6ulphate Magnesiu4 6ulphate "ater absorption) Coaling and 6tripping of Eitu4en 0ggregate Mi@tures2 Retained Tensile 6trength6pe(ifi(ation Ma@ 5S passing &.&2544 sieve Ma@ 3&S Ma@ 35S Ma@ %2S Ma@ '%S Ma@ '-S Ma@ %S Mini4u4 retained (oating 15S Min-&S

otes / '. I6 / %3-) Part ' 5. I6 / %3-) Part 5 %. I6 / %3-) Part ' ). I6 / %3-) Part 3 9the elongation lest to be done only on non+fla,y aggregates in the sa4ple: 3. I6/ %3-) Part BI 2. I6/ )%B' B. I6/ %3-) Part BI -. 006HT7T%-3II I 0ggregate 4ay satisfy re>uire4ents of either of these two tests. II The water sensitivity test is only re>uired if the 4ini4u4 retained (oating in the stripping test is less than 15S. 0-2*5*/* Fi::er = .iller shall (onsist of finely divided 4ineral 4atter su(h as ro(, dust, hydrated li4e or (e4ent approved by the !ngineer. The filler shall be graded within the li4its indi(ated in Table 5&&+1. TAB+E 0--74* GRADING RE>(IREMENTS FOR MINERA+ FI++ER I6 6ieve 944: &.) &.3 &.&25 Cu4ulative per (ent passing by weight of total aggregate '&& 15+'&& -5+'&&

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The filler shall be free fro4 organi( i4purities and have a Plasti(ity Inde@ not greater than B. The Plasti(ity Inde@ re>uire4ent shall not apply if filler is (e4ent or li4e. "hen the (oarse aggregate is gravel, % per (ent by weight of total aggregate, shall be Portland (e4ent or hydrated li4e and the per(entage of fine aggregate redu(ed a((ordingly. Ce4ent or hydrated li4e is not re>uired when the li4estone aggregate is used. "here the aggregates fail to 4eet the re>uire4ents of the water sensitivity test in Table 5&&+-, then % per (ent by total weight of aggregate, of hydrated li4e shall be added without additional (ost. 0-2*5*0* A&&re&!te &r!"in& !n" ?in"er ;ontent= "hen tested in a((ordan(e with I6/%3-) Part ' 9wet sieving 4ethod:, the (o4bined grading of the (oarse and fine aggregates and added filler for the parti(ular 4i@ture shall fall within the li4its shown in Table 5&&+'&, for dense bitu4inous 4a(ada4 grading ' or % as spe(ified in the Contra(t. The type and >uantity of bitu4en, and appropriate thi(,ness, are also indi(ated for ea(h 4i@ture type. TAB+E 0--7,-* COMPOSITION OF DENSE GRADED BIT(MINO(S MACADAM PA)EMENT +A6ERS Grading o4inal aggregate siLe $ayer Thi(,ness IS Sieve, (<<) B5 32.5 %).5 '1 '3.% 1.5 B.25 %.3) '.'&.) &.3 &.'5 ' % B&44 %544 -&+'&& 44 5&+25 44 Cu<u:!tive H ?y 'ei&ht o tot!: !&&re&!te #!ssin& '&& 15+'&& '&& )3+13 1&+'&& ++ 2'+15 55+25 5)+-& ++ ++ 3-+5B 3-+5B %-+B% %-+B% ++ ++ ++ ++ 2+%' 2+%' ++ ++

&.&25 %+%+Eitu4en (ontent S by 4ass of total 4i@% MinB.& MinB.5 Eitu4en grade 9pen: )5 or 1& )5 or 1& otes/ '. The (o4bined aggregate grading dull not vary fro4 the low li4it on one sieve to the high li4it on the ad?a(ent sieve. %. #eter4ined by the Marshall 4ethod. 0-2.* MiBture Desi&n 0-2.*,* ReEuire<ent or the <iBture= 0part fro4 (onfor4ity with the grading and >uality re>uire4ents for individual ingredient the 4i@ture shall 4eet the re>uire4ents set out in Table 5&&+''.

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TAB+E 0--7,,*

RE>(IREMENTS FOR DENSE GRADED BIT(MINO(S MACADAM 1.& % B 25 blows on ea(h of the two fa(es of the spe(i4en 3+) 6ee Table 5&&+'% below. )5+25

Mini4u4 stability 9, at )&PC: Mini4u4 flow 944: Ma@i4u4 flow 944: Co4pa(tion level 9 u4ber of blows: Per (ent air voids Per(ent voids in 4ineral aggregate 9CM0: Per (ent voids filled with bitu4en 9C.E:

The re>uire4ents for 4ini4u4 per (ent voids in 4ineral aggregate 9CM0: are set out in Table 5&&+'%. TAB+E 0--7,5* o4inal Ma@i4u4 Parti(le 6iLe' 944: 1.5 '%5 '1.& %5.& 32.5 otes/ '. %. 3.& 'B.& '3.& '%.& ''.& '&.& MINIM(M PER CENT )OIDS IN MINERA+ AGGREGATE ()MA) Mini4u4 CM0, Per (ent Related to #esign 0ir Coids, Per (ent% B.& '5.& 'B.& '3.& '%.& ''.&

5.& ').& '5.& 'B.& '3.& '%.&

The no4inal 4a@i4u4 parti(le siLe is one siLe larger than the first sieve to retain 4ore than '& per (ent. Interpolate 4ini4u4 voids in the 4ineral aggregate 9CM0: for design air voids values between those listed.

0-2*.*5* Bin"er ;ontent= The binder (ontent shall be opti4ised to a(hieve the re>uire4ents of the 4i@ture set out in Table 5&&+'' and the traffi( volu4e spe(ified in the Contra(t. The Marshall 4ethod for deter4ining the opti4u4 binder (ontent shall be adopted as des(ribed in The 0sphalt Institute Manual M6+%, repla(ing the aggregates retained on the %).5 44 sieve by the aggregates passing the %).5 44 sieve and retained on the %%.B 44 sieve, where approved by the !ngineer. "here B& 44 dense bitu4inous 4a(ada4 4i@ture is spe(ified, the 4odified Marshall 4ethod des(ribed in M6+% shall be used. This 4ethod re>uires 4odified e>uip4ent and pro(eduresM parti(ularly the 4ini4u4 stability values in Table 5&&+'' shall be 4ultiplied by %.%5, and the 4ini4u4 flow shall be 3 44. 0-2*.*.* 9o? <iB or<u:!= The Contra(tor shall infor4 the !ngineer in writing, at least %& days before the start of the wor,, of the ?ob 4i@ for4ula proposed for use in the wor,s, and shall give the following details/ 9i: 6our(e and lo(ation of all 4aterials/ 9ii: Proportions of all 4aterials e@pressed as follows where ea(h is appli(able/

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9a: 9b: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: 9vii: 9viii:

Einder type, and per(entage by weight of total 4i@tureM Coarse aggregate*.ine aggregate*Mineral filler as per(entage by weight of total aggregate in(luding 4ineral fillerM 0 single definite per(entage passing ea(h sieve for the 4i@ed aggregate/ The individual gradings of the individual aggregate fra(tions, and the proportion of ea(h in the (o4bined grading. The results of tests enu4erated in Table 5&&+'' as obtained by the Contra(torM "here the 4i@er is a bat(h 4i@er, the individual weights of ea(h type of aggregate, and binder per bat(h. Test results of physi(al (hara(teristi(s of aggregates to be usedM Mi@ing te4perature and (o4pa(ting te4perature.

"hile establishing the ?ob 4i@ for4ula, the Contra(tor shall ensure that it is based on a (orre(t and truly representative sa4ple of the 4aterials that will a(tually be used in the wor, and that the 4i@ture and its different ingredients satisfy the physi(al and strength re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 0pproval of the ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall be based on independent testing by the !ngineer for whi(h sa4ples of all ingredients of the 4i@ shall be furnished by the Contra(tor as re>uired by the !ngineer. The approved ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall re4ain effe(tive unless and until a revised 8ob Mi@ .or4ula is approved. 6hould a (hange in the sour(e of 4aterials be proposed, a new ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall be forwarded to the !ngineer for approval before the pla(ing of the 4aterial. 0-2*.*/* P:!nt tri!:s 7 #er<issi?:e v!ri!tion in Io? <iB or<u:!= 7n(e the laboratory ?ob 4i@ for4ula is approved, the Contra(tor shall (arry out plant trials at the 4i@er to establish that the plant (an be set up to produ(e a unifor4 4i@ (onfor4ing to the approved ?ob 4i@ for4ula. The per4issible variations of the individual per(entages of the various ingredients in the a(tual 4i@ fro4 the ?ob 4i@ for4ula to be used shall be within the li4its as spe(ified in Table 5&&+'3. These variations are intended to apply to individual spe(i4ens ta,en for >uality (ontrol tests in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. TAB+E 0--7,.* FORM(+A PERMISSIB+E )ARIATIONS FROM T%E 9OB MI8

Des;ri#tion 0ggregate passing '1nun sieve or larger 0ggregate passing '3.%44, 1.544 0ggregate passing B.2544 0ggregate passing %.3)44, '.'-44, &.)44 0ggregate passing &.344, &. '544 0ggregate passing &.&2544 Einder (ontent Mi@ing te4perature

Per<issi?:e v!ri!tion B!seF?in"er ;ourse We!rin& ;o!rse N-S N2S N2S N)S N)S N 5S N5S NBS NBS N3S N%S N '.5S N&.3S N&.3S N'&PC N'&PC

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7n(e the plant trials have de4onstrated the (apability of the plant, and the trials are approved, the laying operation 4ay (o44en(e. 7ver the period of the first 4onth of produ(tion for laying on the wor,s, the !ngineer shall re>uire additional testing of the produ(t to establish the reliability and (onsisten(y of the plant. 0-2*.*0* +!yin& Tri!:s= 7n(e the plant trials have been su((essfully (o4pleted and approved, the Contra(tor shall (arry out laying trials, to de4onstrate that the proposed 4i@ (an be su((essfully laid, and (o4pa(ted all in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&'. The laying trial shall be (arried out on a suitable area whi(h is not to for4 part of the wor,s, unless spe(ifi(ally approved in writing, by the !ngineer. The area of the laying trials shall be a 4ini4u4 of '&& s>.4. of (onstru(tion si4ilar to that of the pro?e(t road, and it shall be in all respe(ts, parti(ularly (o4pa(tion, the sa4e as the pro?e(t (onstru(tion, on whi(h the bitu4inous 4aterial is to be laid. The Contra(tor shall previously infor4 the !ngineer of the proposed 4ethod for laying and (o4pa(ting the 4aterial. The plant trials shall then establish if the proposed laying plant, (o4pa(tion plant, and 4ethodology is (apable of produ(ing satisfa(tory results. The density of the finished paving layer shall be deter4ined by ta,ing (ores, no sooner than %B hours after laying, or by other approved 4ethod. 7n(e the laying trials have been approved, the sa4e plant and 4ethodology shall be applied to the laying of the 4aterial on the pro?e(t, and no variation of either shall be a((eptable, unless approved in writing by the !ngineer, who 4ay at his dis(retion re>uire further laying trials. 0-2*/* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0-2*/*,= We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= The provisions of Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply. 0-2*/*5* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se= The base on whi(h #ense Graded Eitu4inous Material is to be laid shall be prepared in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&' and 1&% as appropriate, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The surfa(e shall be thoroughly swept (lean by a 4e(hani(al broo4, and the dust re4oved by (o4pressed air. In lo(ations where+ 4e(hani(al broo4 (annot a((ess, other approved 4ethods shall be used as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-2*/*.* Geosyntheti;s= "here Geosyntheti(s are spe(ified in the Contra(t this shall be in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents stated in Clause 2&3. 0-2*/*/* Stress !?sor?in& :!yer= "here a stress absorbing layer is spe(ified in the Contra(t, this shall be applied in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5%%. 0-2*/*0* Pri<e ;o!t= "here the 4aterial on whi(h the dense bitu4inous 4a(ada4 is to be laid is other than a bitu4en bound layer, a pri4e (oat shall be applied, as spe(ified, in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause 5&%, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-2*/*1* T!;@ ;o!t= "here the 4aterial on whi(h the dense bitu4inous 4a(ada4 is to be pla(ed is a bitu4en bound surfa(e, a ta(, (oat shall be applied as spe(ified, in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause 5&3, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

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0-2*/*2* MiBin& !n" tr!ns#ort!tion o the <iBture= The provisions as spe(ified in Clauses 5&'.3 and 5&'.B shall apply. 0-2*/*3* S#re!"in&= The provisions of Clauses 5&'.5.3 and 5&'.5 B shall apply. 0-2*/*4* Ro::in&= The general provisions of Clauses 67 '.) and 5&' 2 shall apply, as 4odified by the approved laying trials. The (o4pa(tion pro(ess shall be (arried out by the sa4e plant, and using the sa4e 4ethod, as approved in the laying trials, whi(h 4ay be varied only with the e@press approval of the !ngineer in writing. 0-2*0* O#enin& to Tr! i; The newly laid surfa(e shall not be open to traffi( for at least %B hrs after laying and (o4pletion of (o4pa(tion, without the e@press approval of the !ngineer in writing. 0-2*1* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ The surfa(e finish of the (o4pleted (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. 0ll 4aterials and wor,4anship shall (o4ply with the provisions set out in 6e(tion 1&& of this 6pe(ifi(ation. 0-2*2* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0-2*3* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent #ense Graded Eitu4inous Materials shall be 4easured as finished wor, either in (ubi( 4etres, tons or by the s>uare 4etre at a spe(ified thi(,ness as detailed on the Contra(t drawings, or do(u4ents, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-2*4* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for #ense Graded Eitu4inous Ma(ada4 shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the all re>uired operations as spe(ified, and shall in(lude, but not ne(essarily li4ited to all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.% 9i: to 9@i:. The rate shall in(lude the provision of bitu4en, at B.%5 per (ent by weight of the total 4i@ture. The varian(e in a(tual per(entage of bitu4en used will be assessed and the pay4ent ad?usted, up or down, a((ordingly. 0-3* SEMI7DENSE BIT(MINO(S CONCRETE 0-3*,* S;o#e This (lause spe(ifies the (onstru(tion of 6e4i #ense Eitu4inous Con(rete, for use in wearing*binder and profile (orre(tive (ourses. This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion in a single or 4ultiple layers of se4i dense bitu4inous (on(rete on a previously prepared bitu4inous bound surfa(e. 0 single layer shall be %544 to '&&44 in thi(,ness.

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0-3*5* M!teri!:s 0-3*5*,* Bitu<en= The bitu4en shall be paving bitu4en of Penetration grade (o4plying with Indian 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ation for Paving Eitu4en, I6/ 23 and of the penetration indi(ated in Table 5&&+'5, for se4i dense bitu4inous (on(rete, or this bitu4en as 4odified by one of the 4ethods spe(ified in Clause 5%', or as otherwise spe(ified in the Contra(t. Guidan(e on the sele(tion of an appropriate grade of bitu4en is given in The Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. 0-3*5*5* Co!rse !&&re&!tes= The (oarse aggregates shall be generally as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.%.%, e@(ept that the aggregates shall satisfy the physi(al re>uire4ents of Table 5&&+'B. 0-3*5*.* Fine !&&re&!tes= The fine aggregates shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.%.3. 0-3*5*/* Fi::er= .iller shall be generally as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.%.B. "here the aggregates fail to 4eet the re>uire4ents of the water sensitivity test in Table 5&&+'B then % per (ent by total weight of aggregate, of hydrated li4e shall be added without additional (ost. 0-3*5*0* A&&re&!te &r!"in& !n" ?in"er ;ontent= "hen tested in a((ordan(e with I6/%3-) Part ' 9"et sieving 4ethod:, the (o4bined grading of the (oarse and fine aggregates and added filler shall fall, within the li4its shown in table 5&&+'5 for gradings ' or % as spe(ified in the Contra(t. 0-3*.* MiBture Desi&n 0-3*.*,* ReEuire<ents or the <iBture= 0part fro4 (onfor4ity with the grading and >uality re>uire4ents for individual ingredients the 4i@ture shall 4eet the re>uire4ents set out in Table 5&&+').

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TAB+E 0--7,/*

P%6SICA+ RE>(IREMENTS FOR COARSE AGGREGATE FOR SEMI DENSE BIT(MINO(S CONCRETE PA)EMENT +A6ERS Test Grain siLe analysis' .la,iness and !longation Inde@ 6pe(ifi(ation Ma@5Spassing &.&2544 sieve Ma@ 3&S Ma@ 35S Ma@ %2S Min 55 Ma@ '%S Ma@ '-S Ma@ %S Mini4u4 Retained Coating 15S Min-&S

Property Cleanliness 9dust: Pani(le shape 6trengthI Polishing #urability "ater 0bsorption 6tripping

9Co4bined:% $os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue3 0ggregate I4pa(t CalueB Polished 6tone Calue5 6oundness/) 6odiu4 6ulphate Magnesiu4 6ulphate "ater absorption2 Coating and 6tripping of Eitu4en

0ggregate Mi@tures1 "ater 6ensitivityII Retained Tensile 6trength-

otes/ '. I6/ %3-) Part ' ). I6/ %3-) Part 5 %. I6/ %3-) Part ' 2. I6/ %3-) Part 3 9the elongation test 4ay be done only on non+fla,y aggregates in the sa4ple: 3. I6/ %3-) Part BI -. 006HT7T%-3II B. I6/ %3-) Part BI 1. I6/ )%B' 5. E6/ -'% Part ''B I 0ggregate 4ay satisfy re>uire4ents of (ither of these two tests. II The water sensitivity test is only re>uired if the 4ini4u4 retained (oating in the stripping test is less than 15S. The re>uire4ents for 4ini4u4 per (ent voids in 4ineral aggregate 9CM0: are set out in Table 5&&+'%. 0-3*.*5* Bin"er ;ontent= The binder (ontent shall be opti4ised to a(hieve the re>uire4ents of the 4i@ture set put in Table 5&&+') and the traffi( volu4e as spe(ified in the Contra(t. The Marshall 4ethod for deter4ining the opti4u4 binder (ontent shall be adopted as des(ribed in the 0sphalt Institute Manual M6+%, repla(ing the aggregates retained on the %).544 sieve and retained on the %%.B44 sieve, where approved by the !ngineer.

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TAB+E 0--7/0* COMPOSITION OF SEMI DENSE BIT(MINO(S CONCRETE PA)EMENT +A6ERS Grading ' % o4inal aggregate siLe '344 '&44 $ayer Thi(,ness 35+B& 44 %5+3& 44 ' I6 6ieve 944: Cu4ulative S by weight of total aggregate passing B5 32.5 %).5 '1 '&& '3.% 1&+'&& '&& 1.5 2&+1& 1&+'&& B.25 35+5' 35+5' %.3) %B+31 %B+31 '.''5+3& '5+3& &.) ++ ++ &.3 1+'1 1+'1 &.'5 ++ ++ &.&25 3+3+Eitu4en (ontent S by 4ass of total 4i@3 Min B.5 Min 5.& Eitu4en grade 9pen: )5I )5I Notes= '. The (o4bined aggregate grading shall not vary fro4 the low li4it on one sieve to the high li4it on the ad?a(ent sieve. %. #eter4ined by the Marshall 4ethod. I 7nly in e@(eptional (ir(u4stan(es, -&*'&& penetration grade 4ay be used, as approved by the !ngineer. TAB+E 0--7,1* RE>(IREMENTS FOR SEMI DENSE BIT(MINO(S PA)EMENT +A6ERS -.% % B 25 blows on ea(h of the two fa(es of the spe(i4en 3+5 6ee Table 5&&+'% )5+2-

Mini4u4 stability 9, at )&PC: Mini4u4 flow 944: Ma@i4u4 flow 944: Co4pa(tion level 9 u4ber of blows: Per (ent air voids Per (ent voids in 4ineral aggregate 9CM0: Per (ent voids filled with bitu4en 9C.E:

0-3*.*.* 9o? <iB or<u:!= The pro(edure for for4ulating the ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall be generally as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.3.3 and the results of tests enu4erated in Table 5&&+') as obtained by the Contra(tors.

Page '5- of )'-

0-3.*/* P:!nt tri!:s 7 #er<issi?:e v!ri!tion in Io? <iB or<u:!= The re>uire4ents for plant trials shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.3.B. and per4issible li4its for variation as shown in Table 5&&+'3. 0-3*.*0* +!yin& tri!:s= The re>uire4ents for laying trials shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.3.5. 0-3*/* Constru;tion O#er!tions 5&-.B.'. "eather and seasonal li4itations/ The provisions of Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply. 0-3*/*5* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se= The surfa(e on whi(h the 6e4i #ense Eitu4inous 4aterial is to be laid shall be prepared in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&' and 1&% as appropriate, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The surfa(e shall be thoroughly swept (lean by 4e(hani(al broo4 and dust re4oved by (o4pressed air. In lo(ations where a 4e(hani(al broo4 (annot a((ess, other approved 4ethods shall be used as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-3*/*.* Geosyntheti;s= "here Geosyntheti(s are spe(ified in the Contra(t this shall be in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents stated in Clause 2&3. 0-3*/*/* Stress !?sor?in& :!yer= "here a stress absorbing layer is spe(ified in the Contra(t, this shall be applied in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5%%. 0-3*/*0* T!;@ ;o!t= "here spe(ified in the Contra(t, or otherwise re>uired by the !ngineer, a ta(, (oat shall he applied in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5&3. 0-3*/*1* MiBin& !n" tr!ns#ort!tion o the <iBture= The provisions as spe(ified in Clauses 5&'.3.and 5&'.B shall apply. 0-3*/*2* S#re!"in&= The general provisions of Clauses 5&'.5.3 and 5&'.5.B shall apply. 0-3*/*3* Ro::in&= The general provisions of Clauses 5&'.) and 5&'.2 shall apply as 4odified by the approved laying trials. The (o4pa(tion pro(ess shall be (arried out by the sa4e plant, and using the sa4e 4ethod, as approved in the laying trials, whi(h 4ay be varied only with the e@press approval of the !ngineer in writing. 0-3*0* O#enin& to Tr! i; The newly laid surfa(e shall not be open to traffi( for at least %B hours after laying and the (o4pletion of (o4pa(tion, without the e@press approval of the !ngineer in writing. 0-3*1* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: The surfa(e finish of the (o4pleted (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. 0ll 4aterials and wor,4anship shall (o4ply with the provisions set out in 6e(tion 1&& of this 6pe(ifi(ation.

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0-3*2* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0-3*3* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent The 4easure4ent shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.-. 0-3*4* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.1. e@(ept that the rate shall in(lude the provision of bitu4en at B.25 per (ent, by weight of total 4i@ture. The varian(e in a(tual per(entage of bitu4en used will be assessed and the pay4ent ad?usted up or down, a((ordingly. 0-4* BIT(MINO(S CONCRETE 0-4*,* S;o#e This (lause spe(ifies the (onstru(tion of Eitu4inous Con(rete, for use in wearing and profile (orre(tive (ourses. This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion in a single or 4ultiple layers of bitu4inous (on(rete on a previously prepared bitu4inous bound surfa(e. 0 single layers shall be %544 to '&&44 in thi(,ness. 0-4*5* M!teri!:s 0-4*5*,* Bitu<en= The bitu4en shall be paving bitu4en of Penetration grade (o4plying with Indian 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ation for Paving Eitu4en, I6/ 23 and of the penetration indi(ated in Table 5&&+'-. for bitu4inous (on(rete, or this bitu4en as 4odified by one of the 4ethods spe(ified in Clause 5%', or as otherwise spe(ified in the Contra(t. Guidan(e on the sele(tion of an appropriate grade of bitu4en is given in The Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. 0-4*5*5* Co!rse !&&re&!tes= The (oarse aggregates shall be generally as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.%.%, e@(ept that the aggregates shall satisfy the physi(al re>uire4ents of Table 5&&+'2. 0-4*5*.* Fine !&&re&!tes= The fine aggregates shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.%.3. 0-4*5*/* Fi::er= .iller shall be generally as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.%.B. "here the aggregates fail to 4eet the re>uire4ents of the water sensitivity test in Table 5&&+'2 then % per (ent by total weight of aggregate, of hydrated li4e shall be added without additional (ost. 0-4*5*0* A&&re&!te &r!"in& !n" ?in"er ;ontent= "hen tested in a((ordan(e with I6/%3-) Part ' 9"et grading 4ethod:, the (o4bined grading of the (oarse and fine aggregates and added filler shall fall within the li4its shown in Table 5&&+'- for gradings ' or % as spe(ified in the Contra(t.

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0-4*.* MiBture Desi&n 0-4*.*,* ReEuire<ents or the <iBture= 0part fro4 (onfor4ity with the grading and >uality re>uire4ents for individual ingredients, the 4i@ture shall 4eet the re>uire4ents set out in Table 5&&+'1. The re>uire4ents for 4ini4u4 per (ent voids in 4ineral aggregate 9CM0: are set out in Table 5&&+'%. 0-4*.*5* Bin"er ;ontent= The binder (ontent shall be opti4ised to a(hieve the re>uire4ents of the 4i@ture set out in Table 5&&+'1 and the traffi( volu4e as spe(ified in the Contra(t. The Marshall 4ethod for deter4ining the opti4u4 binder (ontent shall be adopted as des(ribed in the 0sphalt Institute Manual M6+%, repla(ing the aggregates retained on the %).54rn sieve and retained on the %%.B44 sieve, where approved by the !ngineer. 0-4*.*.* 9o? <iB or<u:!= The pro(edure for for4ulating the ?ob TAB+E 0--7,2* P%6SICA+ RE>(IREMENTS FOR COARSE AGGREGATE FOR BIT(MINO(S CONCRETE PA)EMENT +A6ERS Property Test 6pe(ifi(ation ' Cleanliness 9dust: Grain siLe analysis Ma@5Spassing Pani(le shape 6trengthI Polishing #urability "ater 0bsorption 6tripping .la,iness and !longation Inde@ $os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue 0ggregate I4pa(t CalueB Polished 6tone Calue5 6oundness/) 6odiu4 6ulphate Magnesiu4 6ulphate "ater absorption2 Coating and 6tripping of Eitu4en

&.&2544 sieve Ma@ 3&S 9Co4bined:% Ma@ 3&S Ma@ %BS Min 55 Ma@ '%S Ma@ '-S Ma@ %S Mini4u4 Retained Coating 15S Min-&S

0ggregate Mi@tures1 "ater 6ensitivityII Retained Tensile 6trength-

otes/ '. I6/ %3-) Part ' ). I6/ %3-) Part 5 %. I6/ %3-) Part ' 2. I6/ %3-) Part 3 9the elongation test 4ay be done only on non+fla,y aggregates in the sa4ple: 3. I6/ %3-) Part BI -. 006HT7T%-3II B. I6/ %3-) Part BI 1. I6/ )%B' 5. E6/ -'% Part ''B I 0ggregate 4ay satisfy re>uire4ents of (ither of these two tests. II The water sensitivity test is only re>uired if the 4ini4u4 retained (oating in the stripping test is less than 15S. 4i@ for4ula shall be generally as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.3.3 and the results of tests enu4erated in Table 5&&+'1 as obtained by the Contra(tors.

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0-4*.*/* P:!nt tri!:s 7 #er<issi?:e v!ri!tion in Io? <iB or<u:!= The re>uire4ents for plant trials shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.3.B, and per4issible li4its for variation as shown in Table 5&&+'3. 0-4*.*0* +!yin& tri!:s= The re>uire4ents for laying trials shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.3.5. 0-4*/* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0-4*/*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= The provisions of Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply. TAB+E 0--7,3* COMPOSITION OF BIT(MINO(S CONCRETE PA)EMENT +A6ERS Grading ' % o4inal aggregate siLe '144 '344 $ayer Thi(,ness 5&+)5 44 3&+B5 44 ' I6 6ieve 944: Cu4ulative S by weight of total aggregate passing B5 32.5 %).5 '&& '1 21+'&& '&& '3.% 51+21 21+'&& 1.5 5%+2% 2&+-B.25 35+55 53+2' %.3) %-+BB B%+5'.'%&+3B 3B+B&.) '5+%2 %)+3&.3 '&+%& '-+%&.'5 5+'3 '%.%& &.&25 %+B.'& Eitu4en (ontent S by 4ass of 5.&+).& 5.&+2.& total 4i@% Eitu4en grade 9pen: )5 )5 Notes= '. %. The (o4bined aggregate grading shall not vary fro4 the low li4it on one sieve to the high li4it on the ad?a(ent sieve. #eter4ined by the Marshall 4ethod.

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TAB+E 0--7,4* RE>(IREMENTS FOR BIT(MINO(S PA)EMENT +A6ERS Mini4u4 stability 9, at )&PC: Mini4u4 flow 944: Ma@i4u4 flow 944: Co4pa(tion level 9 u4ber of blows: Per (ent air voids Per (ent voids in 4ineral aggregate 9CM0: Per (ent voids filled with bitu4en 9C.E: $oss of stability on i44ersion in water at )&PC 906TM # '&25: 1.& % B 25 blows on ea(h of the two fa(es of the spe(i4en 3+) 6ee Table 5&&+'% )5+25 Min. 25 per (ent retained strength

0-4*/*5* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se= The surfa(e on whi(h the bitu4inous (on(rete is to be laid shall be prepared in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&' and 1&% as appropriate, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The surfa(e shall be thoroughly swept (lean by 4e(hani(al broo4 and dust re4oved by (o4pressed air. In lo(ations where a 4e(hani(al broo4 (annot a((ess, other approved 4ethods shall be used as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0-4*/*.* Geosyntheti;s= "here Geosyntheti(s are spe(ified in the Contra(t this shall be in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents stated in Clause 2&3. 0-4*/*/* Stress !?sor?in& :!yer = "here a stress absorbing layer is spe(ified in the Contra(t, this shall be applied in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5%%. 0-4*/*0* T!;@ ;o!t= "here spe(ified in the Contra(t, or otherwise re>uired by the !ngineer, a ta(, (oat shall be applied in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5&3. 0-4*/*1* MiBin& !n" tr!ns#ort!tion o the <iBture= The provisions as spe(ified in Clauses 5&'.3 and 5&'.B shall apply. 0-4*/*2* S#re!"in&= The general provisions of (lauses 5&'.5.3 and 5&'.5.B shall apply. 0-4*/*3* Ro::in&= The general provisions of (lauses 5&'.) and 5&'.2 shall apply, as 4odified by the approved laying trials. 0-4*0* O#enin& to Tr! i; The newly laid surfa(e shall not be open to traffi( for at least %B hours after laying and the (o4pletion of (o4pa(tion, without the e@press approval of the !ngineer in writing.

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0-4*1* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: The surfa(e finish of the (o4pleted (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. 0ll 4aterials and wor,4anship shall (o4ply with the provisions set out in 6e(tion 1&& of this 6pe(ifi(ation. 0-4*2* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''% 0-4*3* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent The 4easure4ent shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.-. 0-4*4* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate shall be all as spe(ified in Clause 5&2.1, e@(ept that the rate shall in(lude the provision of bitu4en at 5.& per (ent, by weight of total 4i@ture. The varian(e in a(tual per(entage of bitu4en used will be assessed and the pay4ent ad?usted up or down, a((ordingly. 0,-* S(RFACE DRESSING 0,-*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of the appli(ation of one (oat or two (oats of surfa(e dressing, ea(h (oat (onsisting of a layer of bitu4inous binder sprayed on a previously prepared base, followed by a (over of stone (hips rolled in to for4 a wearing (ourse to the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. .or infor4ation on the #esign of 6urfa(e #ressing refer to the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s 0,-*5* M!teri!:s 0,-*5*,* Bin"er= The binder shall have a ,ine4ati( vis(osity lying in the range '@'&B to 2@'&s (entisto,es at the e@pe(ted range of road surfa(e te4peratures at the (onstru(tion site during the period of laying. The type of binder to be used will be stated in the Contra(t do(u4ents and shall (o4ply with one of the following/ Paving Eitu4en Eitu4en !4ulsion I6/23 I6/---2

0,-*5*5* A&&re&!tes= The (hips shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 5&B.%.%. e@(ept that their water absorption shall be restri(ted to a 4a@i4u4 of ' per (ent and they shall have a Polished 6tone value, as 4easured by the 4ethod given in E6-'% 9Part ''B:, of not less than )&. The (hips shall be single siLed, (lean, hard, durable, of (ubi(al shape, free fro4 dust and soft or friable 4atter, organi( or other deleterious 4atter and (onfor4ing to one of the gradings given in Table 5&&+%'.

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0,-*5*.* R!tes o s#re!" o ?in"er !n" ;hi#s= .or the purpose of pri(ing the Eill of Duantities the rates of spread given in Table 5&&+%& shall be pri(ed. TAB+E 0--75-* NOMINA+ RATES OF SPREAD FOR BINDER AND C%IPPINGS (,) Einder 9penetration grade Chips

o4inal Chipping

6iLe 44 bitu4en : ,g*4% Cu4*4% '1 '.% &.&'5 '3 '.& &.&'& '& &.1 &.&&) &.25 &.&&B Note= 9': These rates of spread are for pri(ing purposes + see Clause 5'&.%.3 and Clause 5'&.9%: .or e4ulsion, these rates of spread are for the residual bitu4en and appropriate ad?ust4ent 4ust be 4ade to deter4ine the total >uantity. 93: Refer to Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s for the pro(edure of deter4ining the rates of spread of hinder and (hips. 0,-*5*/* Anti7stri##in& !&ent= "here the proposed aggregate fails to pass the stripping test then an approved adhesion agent 90ppendi@ 5 for details: 4ay be added to the binder in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs instru(tions. The effe(tiveness of the proposed anti+stripping agent 4ust be de4onstrated by the Contra(tor, before approval by the !ngineer. 0,-*5*0* Pre7;o!te" ;hi#s= 0s an alternative to the use of an adhesion agent the (hips 4ay be pre+(oated before they are spread e@(ept when the sprayed binder fil4 is a bitu4en e4ulsion. Pre+(oating the (hips 4ay be (arried out in any one of the two 4ethods/ 9a: Mi@ing the4 with &.25 to '.& per (ent of paving bitu4en by weight of (hips in a suitable 4i@er, the (hips being heated to ')&PC and the bitu4en to its appli(ation te4perature. The pre+(oated (hips shall be allowed to (ure for at least one wee, or until they be(o4e non sti(,y and (an be spread easily. 9b: 6praying the (hips with a light appli(ation of (reosote, diesel oil or ,erosene at a4bient te4perature. This spraying (an be done in a (on(rete 4i@er or on a belt (onveying the (hips fro4 sto(,pile to gritting lorries. 0,-*.* Constru;tion o#er!tions 0,-*.*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions = Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply.

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TAB+E 0--75,* GRADING RE>(IREMENTS FOR C%,FS FOR S(RFACE DRESSING I6 6ieve #esignation 44 %).5 '1.& '3.% 1.5 ).3 B.25 3.35 %.3) &.)& &.&25 Mini4u4 )5S by weight of aggregate Cu4ulative per (ent by weight of total aggregate passing for the following no4inal siLes 944: '1 '3 '& )

'&& ++ ++ ++ -5+'&& '&& ++ ++ &+B& -5+'&& '&& ++ &+2 &+B& -5+'&& '&& ++ &+2 &+35 -5+'&& ++ ++ &+'& ++ ++ ++ ++ &+35 &+% &+% &+% &+'& ++ ++ ++ &+% &+'.5 &+'.5 &+'.5 &+'.5 Passing '1 44, Passing '3.% 44, Passing 1.5 44, Passing ).3 44. retained '3.% 44 retained 1.5 44 retained ).3 44 retained 3.35 44

0,-*.*5* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se/ The base on whi(h the surfa(e dressing is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and (onditioned to the spe(ified lines, grade and (ross se(tion in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&' or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Pri4e (oat, where needed, shall be provided as per Clause 5&% or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. "here the e@isting surfa(e shows signs of fatting up, the e@(ess bitu4en shall be re4oved by burning off, or 4anually, as spe(ified in the Contra(t or dire(ted by the !ngineer. The bitu4inous surfa(e to be dressed shall be thoroughly (leaned either by using a 4e(hani(al broo4 and*or (o4pressed air, or any other approved e>uip4ent 4ethod as spe(ified in the Contra(t or by the !ngineer. The prepared surfa(e shall be dust free, (lean and dry, 9e@(ept in the (ase of (ationi( e4ulsion where the surfa(e shall be da4p:. 0,-*.*.* A##:i;!tion o ?in"er / The e>uip4ent and general pro(edures shall all be in a((ordan(e with the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. The appli(ation te4perature for the grade of binder used shall be as given in Table 5&&+%% and the rate of spray as given in 5'&.%.3. 0,-.*/* A##:i;!tion o stone ;hi#s = The e>uip4ent and general

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TAB+E 0--755* SPRA6ING TEMPERAT(RES FOR BINDERS Einder grades "hirling spray ?ets MinPC Penetration Grades B&&*5&& %-&*3%& '-&*%&& -&*'&& ')& ')5 '2& '-& Ma@PC '2& '25 '1& %&& 6lot ?ets MinPC 'B& '5& '55 ')5 Ma@PC '5& ')& ')5 '25

pro(edure shall all be in a((ordan(e with the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. .or relatively s4all areas of surfa(e dressing, (areful appli(ation of (hips by hand 4ay be a((eptable if approved by the !ngineer. The rate of appli(ation of (hips shall be as deter4ined by the pro(edure given in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. I44ediately after appli(ation of the binder, (lean, dry (hips 9in the (ase of e4ulsion binder the (hippings 4ay be da4p: shall be spread unifor4ly on the surfa(e so as to (over the surfa(e (o4pletely with a single layer of (hips. 0,-*.*0* Ro::in&= Rolling of the (hips should preferably be (arried out by a pneu4ati( tyred roller in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&'.) and Clause 5&'.2. Traditional steel wheeled rollers tend to (rush the aggregates and if their use (annot be avoided their weight should be li4ited to - tonnes. Rolling shall (o44en(e at the edges and progress towards the (entre e@(ept in superelevated and uni+dire(tional (a4bered portions where it shall pro(eed fro4 the lower edge to the higher edge. !a(h pass of the roller shall unifor4ly overlap not less than one+third of the tra(, 4ade in the pre(eding pass. "hile rolling is in progress additional (hips shall be spread by hand in ne(essary >uantities re>uired to 4a,e up irregularities. Rolling shall (ontinue until all aggregate parti(les are fir4ly e4bedded in the binder and present a unifor4 (losed surfa(e. 0,-.*1* A##:i;!tion o se;on" ;o!t o sur !;e "ressin& = "here surfa(e dressing in two (oats is spe(ified, the se(ond (oat should not be applied until the first (oat has been open to traffi( for % or 3 wee,s. The surfa(e on whi(h the se(ond (oat is laid 4ust be (lean and free of dust. The (onstru(tion operations for the se(ond (oat shall be the sa4e as des(ribed in Clauses 5'&.3.3 to 5'&.3.5. 0,-*/* O#enin& to Tr! i;

Traffi( shall not be per4itted to run on any newly surfa(e dressed area until the following day. In spe(ial (ir(u4stan(es, however, the !ngineer 4ay allow the road to be opened to traffi( i44ediately after rolling, but in su(h (ases traffi( speed shall be li4ited to %& ,4 per hour until the following day.

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0,-*0* 1&%.

Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@

The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause .or (ontrol on the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0,-*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i;

#uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,-*2* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent

!a(h (oat of surfa(e dressing shall be 4easured as finished wor,, for the area instru(ted to be (overed, in s>uare 4etres. 0,-*3* R!te

The Contra(t unit rate for surfa(e dressing, based on the notional rates of spread for binder and ea(h siLe of (hippings given in Clause 5 '&.%.3, whi(h shall be ad?usted, plus or 4inus, for the differen(e between the notional rates of spread and the rates of spread deter4ined as des(ribed in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s, and approved by the !ngineer, 4ultiplied by the rates entered in the Eill of Duantities for binder and ea(h siLe of (hipping. The ad?usted rate shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i:. 0,,* OPEN7GRADED PREMI8 S(RFACING 0,,*,* 7pen+graded Pre4i@ 6urfa(ing using Penetration Eitu4en or Cutba(,. 0,,*,*,* S;o#e / This wor, shall (onsist of the preparation, laying and (o4pa(tion of an open+graded pre4i@ surfa(ing 4aterial of %& 44 thi(,ness (o4posed of s4all+siLed aggregate pre4i@ed with a bitu4inous binder on a previously prepared base, in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations, to serve as a wearing (ourse. 0,,*,*5* M!teri!:s 0,,*,*5*,* Bin"er= The binder shall be a penetration bitu4en of a suitable grade as spe(ified in the Contra(t, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer, and satisfying the re>uire4ents of I6/ 23. 0,,*,*5*5* A&&re&!te / The aggregate shall (onfor4 to Clause 5&B.%.% e@(ept that the water absorption shall be li4ited to a 4a@i4u4 of ' per (ent. The Polished 6tone Calue, as 4easured by the test in E6 -'%+ 9Part ''B:, shall not be less than 55. 0,,*,*5*.* Pro#ortionin& o <!teri!:s= The 4aterials shall be proportioned in a((ordan(e with Table 5&&+%3.

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0,,*,*.* Constru;tion o#er!tions 0,,*,*.*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions = Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply. 0,,*,*.*5* Pre#!r!tion o sur !;e/ The underlying surfa(e on whi(h the bitu4inous surfa(ing is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and (onditioned to the spe(ified lines, grade and (ross+se(tion in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&'. 0 pri4e (oat where needed shall be applied in TAB+E 0--75.* >(ANTITIES OF MATERIA+S RE>(IRED FOR ,-< 5 OF ROAD S(RFACE FOR 5-<< T%ICK OPEN7GRADED PREMI8 S(RFACING (SING PENETRATION BIT(MEN OR C(TBACK &.'-43 &.&143 &.%243 1.5 ,g 5.',g 'B.),g

A&&re&!tes 9a: o4inal 6tone siLe '3.%44 9passing %%.B 44 sieve and retained on ''.% 44 sieve : 9b: o4inal 6tone siLe ''.%44 9passing '3.% 44 sieve and retained on 5.) 44 sieve :. Total Bin"er 9>uantities in ter4s of straight run bitu4en: 9a: 9b: .or &.'- 43 of '3.% 44 no4inal siLe stone at 5% ,g bitu4en per 43 .or 1.&14Kof ''.% 44 no4inal siLe stone at 5) ,g bitu4en per 43 Total a((ordan(e with Clause 5&% as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

0,,*,*.*.* T!;@ ;o!t/ 0 ta(, (oat (o4plying with Clause 5&3, shall be applied over the base preparatory to laying of the surfa(ing. 0,,*,*.*/* Pre#!r!tion o #re<iB = Hot 4i@ plant of appropriate (apa(ity and type shall be used for the preparation of the 4i@ 4aterial. The hot 4i@ plant shall have separate dryer arrange4ent for heating aggregate. The te4perature of the binder at the ti4e of 4i@ing shall be in the range of '5& &C to ')3PC and that of the aggregate in the range of '55&C to ')3&C provided that the differen(e in te4perature between the binder and aggregate at no ti4e e@(eeds 'B &C. Mi@ing shall be thorough to ensure that a ho4ogeneous 4i@ture is obtained in whi(h all parti(les of the aggregates are (oated unifor4ly and the dis(harge te4perature of 4i@ shall be between '3&PC and ')&PC. The 4i@ shall be i44ediately transported fro4 the 4i@er to the point of use in suitable vehi(les or hand barrows. The vehi(les e4ployed for transport shall be (lean and the 4i@ being transported (overed in transit if so dire(ted by the !ngineer,

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0,,*,*.*0* S#re!"in& !n" ro::in& / The pre 4i@ed 4aterial shall be spread by suitable 4eans to the desired thi(,ness, grades and (ross+full 9(a4ber: 4a,ing due allowan(e for any e@tra >uantity re>uired to fill up depressions, if any. The (ross+fall should be (he(,ed by 4eans of (a4ber boards and irregularities levelled out. !@(essive use of blades or ra,es should be avoided. 0s soon as suffi(ient length of bitu4inous 4aterial has been laid, rolling shall (o44en(e with - V '& tonne rollers, + s4ooth wheel tande4 type, or other approved e>uip4ent. Rolling shall begin at the edge and progress toward the (enter longitudinally, e@(ept that on superelevated and uni+dire(tional (a4bered portions, it shall progress fro4 the lower to upper edge parallel to the (entre line of the pave4ent. "hen the roller has passed over the whole area on(e, any high spots or depressions, whi(h be(o4e apparent, shall be (orre(ted by re4oving or adding pre4i@ed 4aterials. Rolling shall then be (ontinued until the entire surfa(e has been rolled and all the roller 4ar,s eli4inated. In ea(h pass of the roller the pre(eding tra(, shall be overlapped unifor4ly by at least '*3 width. The roller wheels shall be ,ept da4p to prevent the pre4i@ fro4 adhering to the wheels. In no (ase shall fuel*lubri(ating oil be used for this purpose. !@(ess use of water for this purpose shall also be avoided. Rollers shall not stand on newly laid 4aterial. Rolling operations shall be (o4pleted in every respe(t before the te4perature of the 4i@ falls below '&&P C. 8oints along and transverse to the surfa(ing laid and (o4pa(ted earlier shall be (ut verti(ally to their full depth so as to e@pose fresh surfa(e whi(h shall be painted with a thin (oat of appropriate.' hinder before the new 4i@ is pla(ed against it. 0,,*,*.*1* Se!: ;o!t = 0 seal (oat (onfor4ing to Clause 5'3 of the type spe(ified in the Contra(t shall be applied to the surfa(e i44ediately after laying the surfa(ing. 0,,*,*/* O#enin& to tr! i; = o traffi( shall be allowed on the road until the seal (oat has been laid. 0fter the seal (oat is laid, the road 4ay be opened to traffi( a((ording to Clause 5'3.B. 0,,*,*0* Sur !;e inish !n" Eu!:ity ;ontro: o 'or@ = The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0,,*,*1* Arr!n&e<ents or tr! i; = #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ent of traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,,*,*2* Me!sure<ent or #!y<ent/ 7pen graded pre4i@ surfa(ing shall be 4easured as finished wor,, for the area instru(ted to be (overed, in s>uare 4etres. The area will be the net area (overed, and all allowan(e for wastage and (utting of ?oints shall be dee4ed to be in(luded in the rate. 0,,*,*3* R!te / The (ontra(t unit rate for open+graded pre4i@ surfa(ing shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i:to9@i:. 0,,*5* O#en &r!"e" #re<iB sur !;in& usin& ;!tioni; ?itu<en e<u:sion 0,,*5*,* S;o#e / This wor, shall (onsist of the preparation, laying and

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of an open graded pre4i@ surfa(ing of %& 44 thi(,ness (o4posed of s4all+siLed aggregate pre4i@ed with a (ationi( bitu4en e4ulsion on a previously prepared surfa(e, in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations, to serve as a wearing (ourse. 0,,*5*5* M!teri!:s 0,,*5*5*,* Bin"er = The binder for Pre4i@ wearing (ourse shall be (ationi( bitu4en e4ulsion of Mediu4 6etting 9M6: grade (o4plying with I.6. ---2 and having a bitu4en (ontent )5 per (ent 4ini4u4 by weight. .or li>uid seal (oat R6 grade of Cationi( bitu4en e4ulsion shall be used. "here e@pressly spe(ified in the Contra(t M6 grade e4ulsion shall be used or otherwise dire(ted by the !ngineer. 6low 6etting 966: grade Cationi( bitu4en !4ulsion shall be used for pre4i@ seal (oat. 0,,*5*5*5* A&&re&!te = The re>uire4ents of Clause 5' '.'.%.%. shall apply. 0,,*5*.* Pro#ortionin& o <!teri!:s= The 4aterials shall be proportioned as >uantities given in Tables 5&&+%B and 5&&+%5. TAB+E 0--75/* >(ANTITIES OF AGGREGATE FOR ,- M5 AREA (A) 9a: 9b: (B) Pre<iB C!r#et Coarse aggregate no4inal '3.% 44 siLeM passing I6 %%.B 44 sieve and retained on I6 ''.% 44 sieve Coarse aggregate no4inal ''.% 44 siLeM passing I.6 '3.% 44 sieve and retained on I6 5.) 44 sieve For Se!: Co!t= Refer to Clause 5 '3. &.&143 &.'-43

TAB+E 0--750* >(ANTITIES OF EM(+SION BINDER For ,-<5 !re! (A) (B) For Pre<iB C!r#et= For Se!: Co!t= 9a: 9b: for li>uid seal (oat for pre4i@ seal (oat '% to 'B ,g. '& to '% ,g. %& to %3 ,g.

0,,*5*/* Constru;tion o#er!tions 0,,*5=/*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply e@(ept that the 4ini4u4 air te4perature for laying shall be '&PC. Cationi( bitu4en e4ulsions shall not nor4ally be stored below &PC. 0,,*5*/*5* Pre#!r!tion o sur !;e= The underlying surfa(e on whi(h the pre4i@ surfa(ing is to be laid shall be prepared, in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5&B.3.% for a newly pri4ed surfa(e, and in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&2.B.% where an

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e@isting bitu4inous surfa(e is to be overlaid. 0,,*5*/*.* Pre#!r!tion o ?in"er = Eefore opening, the (ationi( bitu4en e4ulsion dru4s shall be rolled at slow speed, to and fro, at least 5 ti4es, for a distan(e of about '& 4etres, to distribute any storage sedi4entation. 0,,*5*/*/* T!;@ ;o!t/ 0 ta(, (oat (o4plying with Clause 5&3, shall be applied over the surfa(e preparatory to laying of the surfa(ing where spe(ified in the Contra(t, or dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0,,*5*/*0* Pre#!r!tion o #re<iB = Pre4i@ing of (ationi( bitu4en e4ulsion and aggregates (an be (arried out in a suitable 4i@er su(h as (old 4i@ing plant as per I6/ 5B35 9Revised: or (on(rete 4i@er or by pay loaders in e@(eptional (ases where approved by the !ngineer. "here spe(ified in the Contra(t (ontinuous 4i@ing operation shall be done either in bat(h or (ontinuous hot 4i@ plant suitable for e4ulsion 4i@es. "hen using (on(rete 4i@er for preparing the pre4i@, &.'35 (u.4. 9&.&1 (u.4. of '3.% 44 siLe and &.&B5 (u.4. of ''.% 44 siLe: of aggregates per bat(h shall be used whi(h >uantity will (over 5 s>.4. of road surfa(e with %& 44 average thi(,ness. The aggregates re>uired for one bat(h shall be prepared ad?a(ent to the 4i@er. .irst the (oarse aggregate of '3.% 44 siLe shall be pla(ed into the 4i@er followed by 5 to ).5 ,g of Cationi( bitu4en e4ulsion and then the ''.% 44 siLe aggregate shall be added, followed by 5 to ).5 ,g of Cationi( bitu4en e4ulsion. 0fter the 4aterials have been 4i@ed thoroughly, the 4i@ shall be i44ediately transported to the laying site in suitable vehi(les. Too 4u(h 4i@ing shall be avoided. "hen 4i@ed 4anually by shovels, with the approval of the !ngineer, &.&) (u.4. of aggregates (an be (onveniently 4i@ed in one heap, with appropriate >uantity of e4ulsion. It is preferable to 4a,e the aggregates da4p before 4i@ing as it redu(es the effort re>uired for 4i@ing and also helps to get better (oating of aggregates. The '3.% nun siLe aggregates and e4ulsion are 4i@ed first and then the ''.% 44 siLe aggregates and re4aining >uantity of e4ulsion are added and 4i@ed. Too 4u(h 4i@ing shall be avoided. 0,,*5*/*1* S#re!"in& !n" ro::in&= The pre4i@ed (ationi( bitu4en e4ulsion and aggregates shall be spread within '& 4inutes of applying the ta(, (oat. 0ll levelling, ra,ing, et(. should be (o4pleted within %& 4inutes of the ti4e of 4i@ing. The 4i@ should be spread unifor4ly to the desired thi(,ness, grades and (rossfall 9(a4ber: 4a,ing due allowan(e for any e@tra >uantity re>uired to fill up depressions, if any. The (rossfall should be (he(,ed by 4eans of (a4ber boards and irregularities leveled out. Too 4u(h ra,ing is to be avoided. The rolling shall start i44ediately after laying the pre4i@. 0 s4ooth wheeled tande4 roller of -+'& tonnes shall be used, unless other (o4pa(tion 4ethods are approved by the !ngineer, based on the results of laying trials, if ne(essary. "hile rolling, wheels of roller should be (lean and ,ept 4oist to prevent the pre4i@ fro4 adhering to the wheels. In no (ase shall fuel * lubri(ating oil be used for this purpose. Ase of water for this purpose shall be stri(tly li4ited to an absolute 4ini4u4. Rolling shall (o44en(e at the edges and progress towards the (entre longitudinally e@(ept in the (ase of supereievated and uni+dire(tional (a4bered se(tions where rolling shall be (arried out fro4 the lower edge towards the higher edge parallel to the (entre line of the road. 0fter one pass of roller over the whole area, depressions or un(overed spots should be (orre(ted by adding pre4i@ 4aterial. Rolling shall be (ontinued until the entire

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surfa(e has been rolled to 4a@i4u4 (o4pa(tion and all the roller 4ar,s eli4inated. In ea(h pass of the roller the pre(eding tra(, shall be overlapped unifor4ly by at least '*3 width. Roller9s: shall not stand on newly laid 4aterial. 8oints both longitudinal and transverse to the road se(tions laid and (o4pa(ted earlier, shall be (ut verti(ally to their full depth so as to e@pose fresh surfa(e whi(h shall be painted with a thin surfa(e (oat of binder before the new 4i@ is pla(ed against it. 0,,*5*/*2* Se!: ;o!t= 0 seal (oat, (onfor4ing to Clause 5'& or Clause 5'3, as spe(ified in the Contra(t, shall be applied B to ) hours after laying the pre4i@ (arpet. 0,,*5*0* O#enin& to tr! i; = Traffi( should not be allowed over the pre4i@ surfa(e with or without seal (oat, for ) to - hours after rolling, in (ase of single lane roads, traffi( shall be allowed onto the surfa(e on(e it has rea(hed a4bient te4perature, but speed 4ust be rigorously restri(ted to not 4ore than ') ,4 per hour. If any pre4i@ 4aterial is pi(,ed up by vehi(le tyres, the spot shall be filled up by new 4i@. If traffi( (onditions per4it, the road shall not be opened until a full %B hours after laying. 0,,*5*1* Sur !;e inish !n" Eu!:ity ;ontro: = The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0,,*5*2* Arr!n&e<ents or tr! i; = #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,,*5*3* Me!sure<ent or #!y<ent = 7pen graded pre4i@ (arpet shall be 4easured as finished wor,, for the area spe(ified to be (overed, in s>uare 4etres at the spe(ified thi(,ness, in (ubi( 4etres, or in tonnes weight as spe(ified in the Contra(t. The area will be the net area (overed, and all allowan(es for wastage and (utting of ?oints shall be dee4ed to be in(luded in the rate. 0,,*5*4* R!te / The (ontra(t unit rate for pre4i@ (arpet and seal (oat shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luuing full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i:. Eitu4en >uantities are to be as stated in Table 5&&+%3 for pre4i@, 3.& =g per '& s>.4., for ta(, (oat, '3=g per '& s>.4. for li>uid seal (oat and. '' =g per '& s>.4. for pre4i@ seal (oat. The rate will be ad?usted a((ording to a(tual 4aterial used. 0,5* C+OSE7GRADED PREMI8 S(RFACINGF MI8ED SEA+ S(RFACING 0,5*,* S;o#e 0,5*,*,* This wor, shall (onsist of the preparation, laying and (o4pa(tion of a (lose+graded pre4i@ surfa(ing 4aterial of %& 44 thi(,ness (o4posed of graded aggregates pre4i@ed with a bitu4inous binder on a previously prepared surfa(e, in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations, to serve as a wearing (ourse. 0,5*,*5* Close graded pre4i@ surfa(ing shall be of Type 0 or Type E as spe(ified in the Contra(t do(u4ents.

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0,5*5* M!teri!:s 0,5*5*,* Bin"er = The provisions of Clause 5''.'.%.' shall apply 0,5*5*5* Co!rse !&&re&!tes = The provisions of Clause 5''.'.%.% shall apply. 0,5*5*.* Fine !&&re&!tes = The fine aggregates shall (onsist of (rushed ro(, >uarry sands, natural gravel * sand or a 4i@ture of both. These shall be (lean, hard, durable, un+(oated, 4ineral parti(les, dry and free fro4 in?urious, soft or fla,y parti(les and organi( or deleterious substan(es. 0,5*5*/* A&&re&!te &r!"!tion= The (oarse and fine aggregates shall be so graded or (o4bined as to (onfor4 to one or the other gradings shown in Table 5&&+%), as spe(ified in the (ontra(t. TAB+E 0--751* AGGREGATE GRADATION I6 6ieve #esignation Cu4ulative per total weight of 944: '3.%44 ''.%44 5.)44 %.-44 &.&1& 44 Type 0 ++ '&& 5%+-'B+3&+5 total aggregate passing Type E '&& --+'&& 3'+5% 5+%5 &+5

0,5*5*0* Pro#ortionin& o <!teri!:s= The total >uantity of aggregates used for Type 0 or E (lose+graded pre4i@ surfa(ing shall be &.%2 (ubi( 4etre per '& s>uare 4etre area. The >uantity of binder used for pre4i@ing in ter4s of straight+run bitu4en shall be %%.& ,g and '1.& ,g per '& s>uare 4etre area for Type 0 and Type E surfa(ing respe(tively. 0,5*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions The provisions of Clause 5''.'.3.' through 5''.'.3.5 shall apply. 0,5*/* O#enin& to Tr! i; Traffi( 4ay be allowed after (o4pletion of the final rolling when the 4i@ has (ooled down to the surrounding te4perature. !@(essive traffi( speeds should not be per4itted. 0,5*0* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol on the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply.

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0,5*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,5*2* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent Close+graded pre4i@ surfa(ing, Type 0 or E shall be 4easured as finished wor,, for the area spe(ified to be (overed, in s>uare 4etres at a spe(ified thi(,ness. The area will be the net area (overed, and all allowan(es for wastage and (utting of ?oints shall be dee4ed to be in(luded in the rate. 0,5*3* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for (lose+graded pre4i@ surfa(ing, Type 0 or E shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i:. 0,.* SEA+ COAT 0,.*,* S;o#e 0,.*,*,* This wor, shall (onsist of the appli(ation of a seal (oat for sealing the voids in a bitu4inous surfa(e laid to the spe(ified levelsW grade and (ross fall 9(a4ber:. 0,.*,*5* 6eal (oat shall be of either of the two types spe(ified below/ 90: 9E: $i>uid seal (oal (o4prising of an appli(ation of a layer of bitu4inous binder followed by a (over of stone (hips. Pre4i@ed seal (oat (o4prising of a thin appli(ation of fine aggregate pre4i@ed with bitu4inous binder.

0,.*5* M!teri!:s 0,.*5*,* Bin"er/ The re>uire4ents of Clauses 5''.'.%.' and 5''.%.%.'. shall apply. The >uantity of bitu4en per '& s>uare 4etres, shall be 1.- ,g for Type 0, and ).,g for Type E seal (oat. "here bitu4inous e4ulsion is used as a binder the >uantities for Type 0 and Type E seal (oats shall be '5 =g and '&.5 =g respe(tively. 0,.*5*5* Stone ;hi#s or Ty#e A se!: ;o!t = The stone (hips shall (onsist of angular frag4ents of (lean, hard, tough and durable ro(, of unifor4 >uality throughout. They should be free of soft or disintegrated stone, organi( or other deleterious 4atter. 6tone (hips shall be of ).244 siLe defined as '&& per (ent passing through ''.% 44 sieve and retained on %.3) 44 sieve. The >uantity used for spreading shall be &.&1 (ubi( 4etre per '& s>uare 4etre area. The (hips shall satisfy the >uality re>uire4ents in Table 5&&+3 e@(ept that the upper li4it for water absorption value shall be ' per (ent. 0,.*5*.* A&&re&!te or Ty#e B se!: ;o!t = The aggregate shall be sand or grit and shall (onsist of (lean, hard, durable, un(oated dry parti(les and shall be free fro4 dust, soft or fla,y * elongated 4aterial, organi( 4atter or other deleterious substan(es.

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aggregate shall pass %.3)44 sieve and be retained on '-& 4i(ron sieve. The >uantity used for pre4i@ing shall be &.&) (ubi( 4etres per '& s>uare 4etres area. 0,.*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0,.*.*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= The re>uire4ents of Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply. 0,.*.*5* Pre#!r!tion o sur !;e = The seal (oat shall be applied i44ediately after laying the bitu4inous (ourse whi(h is re>uired to be sealed. Eefore appli(ation of seal (oat 4aterials, the surfa(e shall be (leaned free of any dust or other e@traneous 4atter. 0,.*.*.* Constru;tion o Ty#e A se!: ;o!t= Eitu4en shall be heated to '5&PC+ ')3PC and sprayed at the rate spe(ified on the dry surfa(e in a unifor4 4anner with a self+propelled 4e(hani(al sprayer as des(ribed in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. I44ediately after the appli(ation of binder, stone (hips, whi(h shall be (lean and dry, shall be spread unifor4ly at the rate spe(ified on the surfa(e preferably by 4eans of a self+propelled or towed 4e(hani(al grit spreader so as to (over the surfa(e (o4pletely. If ne(essary, the surfa(e shall be brushed to ensure unifor4 spread of (hips. I44ediately after the appli(ation of the (over 4aterial, the entire surfa(e shall be rolled with a - + '& tonne s4ooth wheeled steel roller, - + '& tonne stati( weight vibratory roller, or other e>uip4ent approved by the !ngineer after laying trials if re>uired. Rolling shall (o44en(e at the edges and progress towards the (entre e@(ept in superelevated and unidire(tional (a4bered portions where it shall pro(eed fro4 the lower edge to the higher edge. !a(h pass of the roller shall unifor4ly overlap not less than one+third of the tra(, 4ade in the pre(eding pass. "hile rolling is in progress, additional (hips shall be spread by hand in ne(essary >uantities re>uired to 4a,e up irregularities. Rolling shall (ontinue until all aggregate parti(les are fir4ly e4bedded in the binder and present a unifor4 (losed surfa(e. 0,.*.*/* Constru;tion o Ty#e B se!: ;o!t= 0 4i@er of appropriate (apa(ity and type approved by the !ngineer shall be used for preparation of the 4i@ed 4aterial. The plant shall have separate dryer arrange4ents for heating aggregate. The binder shall be heated in boilers of suitable design, approved by the !ngineer to the te4perature appropriate to the grade of bitu4en or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The aggregates shall be dry and suitably heated to a te4perature between '5&PC and ')5PC or as dire(ted by the !ngineer before these (o4ponents are pla(ed in the 4i@er. Mi@ing of binder with aggregates to the spe(ified proportions shall be (ontinued untill the latter are thoroughly (oated with the for4er. The 4i@ shall be i44ediately transported fro4 the 4i@ing plant to the point of use and spread unifor4ly on the bitu4inous surfa(e to be sealed. 0s soon as a suffi(ient length has been (overed with the pre4i@ed 4aterial, the surfa(e shall be rolled with an -+'& tonne s4ooth+wheeled roller. Rolling shall be (ontinued until the pre4i@ed 4aterial (o4pletely seals the voids in the bitu4inous (ourse and a s4ooth unifor4 surfa(e is obtained.

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0,.*/* O#enin& to Tr! i; In the (ase of Type E seal (oat, traffi( 4ay be allowed soon after final rolling when the pre4i@ed 4aterial has (ooled down to the surrounding te4perature. In the (ase of Type 0 seal (oat, traffi( shall not be per4itted to run on any newly sealed area until the following day. In spe(ial (ir(u4stan(es, however, the !ngineer 4ay open the road to traffi( i44ediately after rolling, but in su(h (ases traffi( speed shall be rigorously li4ited to ') ,4 per hour until the following day. 0,.*0* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ The surfa(e finisX of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol on the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0,.*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,.*2* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent 6eal (oat, Type 0 or E shall be 4easured as finished wor,, over the area spe(ified to be (overed, in s>uare 4etres at the thi(,ness spe(ified in the Contra(t. 0,.*3* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for seal (oat Type 0 or E shall be pay4ent in fail for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i:. 0,/* S(PP+6 OF STONE AGGREGATES FOR PA)EMENT CO(RSES 0,/*,* S;o#e This 6pe(ifi(ation Clause shall apply to the supply of stone aggregates only. The wor, shall (onsist only of (olle(tion, transportation and sta(,ing the stone aggregates and stone filler for subse>uent use in pave4ent (ourses. The a(tual wor, of laying the pave4ent (ourses shall, however, be governed by the individual 6pe(ifi(ation Clause for the a(tual wor,, given elsewhere in this 6pe(ifi(ation. The siLe and >uantities of the aggregates to be supplied shall be so sele(ted by the !ngineer that the grading re>uire4ents set forth in the individual 6pe(ifi(ation Clauses for the pave4ent (ourses, for whi(h the supply is intended, are satisfied. 0ll the 4aterials shall be pro(ured fro4 approved sour(es and shall (onfor4 to the physi(al re>uire4ents, spe(ified in the respe(tive 6pe(ifi(ation Clauses for the individual ite4s given elsewhere in this 6pe(ifi(ation.

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0,/*5* SiCes o Stone A&&re&!tes The stone aggregates shall be designated by their standard siLes in the Contra(t and shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents shown in Table 5&&+%2. TAB+E 0--752* SIJE RE>(IREMENTS FOR COARSE STONE AGGREGATES S*No* No<in!: siCe o !&&re&!te 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: 9vii: 9viii: 25 44 )3 44 B5 44 %).5 44 %%.B 44 '3. % 44 ''.% 44 ).2 44 0,/*.* St!;@in& ,* Co!rse A&&re&!tes= 7nly the aggregates satisfying the 6pe(ifi(ation re>uire4ents shall be (onveyed to the roadside and sta(,ed. !a(h siLe of aggregate shall be sta(,ed separately. $i,ewise, 4aterials obtained fro4 different >uarry sour(es shall be sta(,ed separately and in su(h a 4anner that there is no (onta4ination of one sour(e with another. 5* Fine A&&re&!te= 0s stated in the individual relevant 6pe(ifi(ation Clauses. The aggregates shall be sta(,ed entirely (lear of the roadway on even (lear hard ground, or on a platfor4 prepared in advan(e for the purpose by the Contra(tor at his own (ost and in a 4anner that allows (orre(t and ready 4easure4ent. If the sto(,pile is pla(ed on ground where the s(raping a(tion of the loader (an (onta4inate the 4aterial with underlying soil, then the sto(,pile shall be re?e(ted by the !ngineer. Materials shall not be sta(,ed in lo(ations liable to inundation or flooding. The di4ensions of the sto(,piles and their lo(ation shall be approved by the !ngineer. "here the 4aterial is i4properly sta(,ed, the !ngineer shall dire(t (o4plete re+sta(,ing of the 4aterials in an approved 4anner at the Contra(torKs (ost. 6tone filler shall be supplied in a dry state in bags or other suitable (ontainers approved by the !ngineer and shall be prote(ted fro4 the environ4ent, so as to prevent deterioration in >uality. Desi&n!tion o sieve throu&h 'hi;h the !&&re&!tes sh!:: 'ho::y #!ss '&) 44 1& 44 53 44 B5 44 %).5 44 %%.B 44 '3.% 44 ''.% 44 Desi&n!tion o sieve on 'hi;h the !&&re&!tes sh!:: ?e 'ho::y ret!ine" )3 44 53 44 %).5 44 %%.B 44 '3.% 44 ''.% 44 ).2 44 %.- 44

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0,/*/* >u!:ity Contro: o M!teri!:s The !ngineer shall e@er(ise (ontrol over the >uality of the 4aterials so as to as(ertain their (onfor4ity with the 6pe(ifi(ation re>uire4ents, by (arrying out tests for the spe(ified properties. Testing shall be to the following fre>uen(ies and the !ngineer 4ay, at his dis(retion, dire(t these to be 4odified a((ording to re>uire4ents/ Coarse and fine/ 7ne test for ea(h spe(ified property per 5& 43 of stone aggregates. 6tone filler/ 7ne test for ea(h spe(ified property for every five tonnes, sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of one test for ea(h (onsign4ent. Materials shall only be brought to site fro4 a previously tested and approved sour(e, and any 4aterials not (onfor4ing to the re>uire4ents of the 6pe(ifi(ation shall be re?e(ted by the !ngineer and re4oved fro4 the wor, site. 0,/*0* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent

Coarse and fine aggregates supplied to the site shall be paid for in (ubi( 4etres. The a(tual volu4e of the aggregates to be paid for shall be (o4puted after dedu(ting the spe(ified per(entages in Table 5&&+%-, fro4 the volu4e (o4puted by sta(, 4easure4ents, to allow for bul,ing. Anless otherwise dire(ted by the !ngineer, 4easure4ents shall not be ta,en until suffi(ient 4aterials for use on the road have been (olle(ted and sta(,ed. I44ediately after 4easure4ent, the sta(,s shall be 4ar,ed by white wash or other 4eans as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 6tone filler as delivered to the site shall be 4easured in tonnes. TAB+E 0--753* PER CENT RED(CTION IN )O+(ME OF AGGREGATES S*No* St!n"!r" siCe o !&&re&!tes Per;ent!&e re"u;tion in vo:u<e ;o<#ute" ?y st!;@ <e!sure<ents to !rrive !t the '. %. 3. B. 25 44 and )3 44 B5 44 and %).5 44 %%.B 44, '3.% 44, ''.% 44 and ).2 44 .ine aggregate vo:u<e to ?e #!i" or '%.5 '&.& 5.& 5.&

0,/*1* R!tes The (ontra(t unit rates for different siLes of (oarse aggregate, fine aggregate and stone filler shall be pay4ent in full for (olle(ting, (onveying and sta(,ing or storing at the site in(luding full (o4pensation for / 9i: all royalties, fees, rents where ne(essaryM

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9ii: 9iii: 9iv:

all leads and liftsM and all labour, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, to the 6pe(ifi(ations. all ne(essary testing of 4aterial, both initial, to approve the sour(e, and regular (ontrol testing thereafter. 0,0* MASTIC ASP%A+T

0,0*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(ting a single layer of 4asti( asphalt wearing (ourse for road pave4ents and bridge de(,s. Masti( asphalt is an inti4ate ho4ogeneous 4i@ture of sele(ted well+graded aggregates, filler and bitu4en in su(h proportions as to yield a plasti( and voidless 4ass, whi(h when applied hot (an be trowelled and floated to for4 a very dense i4per4eable surfa(ing. 0,0*5* M!teri!:s 0,0*5*,* Bin"er= 6ub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer, the binder shall be a paving grade bitu4en 4eeting the re>uire4ents given in Table 5&&+%1. 0,0*5*5* Co!rse !&&re&!te = The (oarse aggregate shall (onsist of (rushed stone, (rushed gravel*shingle or other stones. They shall be (lean, hard, durable, of fairly (ubi(al shape, un(oated and free fro4 soft, organi( or other deleterious substan(es. They shall satisfy the physi(al TAB+E 0--754* RE>(IREMENTS FOR P%6SICA+ PROPERTIES OF BINDER Property Test 4ethod Re>uire4ent Penetration at %5PC I6 '%&3 '5N5I 6oftening point, PC I6 '%&5 )5 N'& $oss on heating for 5h at ')3PC, S by 4ass Ma@. I6 '%'% %.& 6olubility in tri(hloroethylen(, S by 4ass Min. I6 '%') 15 0sh 94ineral 4atter:, S by 4ass Ma@. I6 '%'2 '.& I In (old (li4ati( regions 9te4perature '&PC:, a softer penetration grade of 3&*B& 4ay be used. re>uire4ents given in Table 5&&+3. The per(entage and grading of the (oarse aggregate to be in(orporated in the 4asti( asphalt depending upon the thi(,ness of the finished (ourse shall be as spe(ified in Table 5&&+3&.

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TAB+E 0--7.-* GRADE AND T%ICKNESS OF MASTIC ASP%A+T PA)INGA AND GRADING OF COARSE AGGREGATE 0ppli(ation Thi(,ness range 944: o4inal siLe of (oarse aggregate 944: Roads and (arriageways Heavily stressed areas i.e. ?un(tions and toll plaLas o4inal siLe of (oarse aggregate I6 6ieve 944: '1 '3.% %.3) %5+5& B&+5& '3 '3 '3 44 Cu4ulative S passing by weight '&& --+1) &+5 Coarse aggregate (ontent, S by 4ass of total 4i@ B& N '& B5 N '&

Fine !&&re&!te/ The fine aggregate shall be the fra(tion passing the %.3) 44 and retained on the &.&25 44 sieve (onsisting of (rusher run s(reening, natural sand or a 4i@ture of both. These shall be (lean, hard, durable, un(oated, dry and free fro4 soft or fla,y pie(es and organi( or other deleterious substan(es. Fi::er / The filler shall be li4estone powder passing the &.&25 44 sieve and shall have a (al(iu4 (arbonate (ontent of not less than -& per(ent by weight when deter4ined in a((ordan(e with I6/ '5'B. The grading of the fine aggregate in(lusive of filler shall be as given in Table 5&&+3'. TAB+E 0--7.,* GRADING OF FINE AGGREGATE (INC+(SI)E OF FI++ER) I*S* Sieve Passing %.3) 44 but retained on &.)&& 44 Passing &.)&& 44 but retained on &.%'% 44 Passing &.%'% 44 but retained on &.&25 44 Passing &.&25 0,0*.* MiB Desi&n 0,0*.*,* %!r"ness nu<?er= The 4asti( asphalt shall have a hardness nu4ber at the ti4e of 4anufa(ture of )& to -& at %5PC prior to the addition of (oarse aggregate and '& to %& at %5PC at the ti4e of laying after the addition of (oarse aggregate. Per;ent!&e ?y 'ei&ht o !&&re&!te &+%5 '&+3& '&+3& 3&+55

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The hardness nu4ber shall be deter4ined in a((ordan(e with the 4ethod spe(ified in '5/''15+'12-. 0,0*.*5* Bin"er ;ontent= The binder (ontent shall be so fi@ed as to a(hieve the re>uire4ents of the 4i@ture spe(ified in Clause 5'5.3.'. and shall be in the range of 'B to '2 per (ent by weight of total 4i@ture as indi(ated in Table 5&&+3%. TAB+E 0--7.5* COMPOSITION OF MASTIC ASP%A+T B+OCKS WIT%O(T COARSE AGGREGATE I6 6ieve Per(entage by weight of 4asti( asphalt Mini4u4 Ma@i4u4 Passing %.3) 44 but retained on &.)&& 44 & %% Passing &.)&& 44 but retained on &.%'% 44 B 3& Passing &.%'% 44 but retained on &.&25 44 'Passing &.&25 44 %5 B5 Eitu4en Content 'B '2 0,0.*.* 9o? <iB or<u:!= The Contra(tor shall infor4 the !ngineer in writing at least ' 4onth before the start of the wor, of the ?ob 4i@ for4ula proposed to be used by hi4 for the wor,, indi(ating the sour(e and lo(ation of all 4aterials, proportions of all 4aterials su(h as binder and aggregates, single definite per(entage passing ea(h sieve for die 4i@ed aggregate and results of the tests re(o44ended in the various Tables and Clauses of this 6pe(ifi(ation. 0,0*/* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0,0*/*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= The provisions of Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply, e@(ept that laying shall not be (arried out when the air te4perature at the surfa(e on whi(h the Masti( 0sphalt is to be laid is below '&PC. 0,0*/*5* Pre#!r!tion o the ?!se= The base on whi(h 4asti( asphalt is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and (onditioned to the profile re>uired, in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&' or 1&% as appropriate or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. In the (ase of a (e4ent (on(rete base, the surfa(e shall be thoroughly power brushed (lean and free of dust and other deleterious 4atter. Ander no (ir(u4stan(es shall 4asti( asphalt be spread on a base (ontaining a binder whi(h 4ight soften under high appli(ation te4peratures. If su(h 4aterial e@ists, the sa4e shall be (ut out and repaired before the 4asti( asphalt is laid. 0,0*/*.* T!;@ ;o!t= 0 ta(, (oat in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&3 shall be applied on the base or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0,0*/*/* Pre#!r!tion o <!sti; !s#h!:t= Penetration of 4asti( asphalt (onsists of two stages. The first stage shall be 4i@ing of filler and fine aggregates and then heating the 4i@ture to a te4perature of '2&PC to %'&PC. Re>uired >uantity of bitu4en shall be heated to '2&PC to '-&PC and added to the heated aggregated. They shall be 4i@ed and (oo,ed in an approved type of 4e(hani(ally agitated 4asti( (oo,er for so4e ti4e till the

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4aterials are thoroughly 4i@ed. Initially the filler alone is to be heated in the (oo,er for an hour and then half the >uantity of binder is added. 0fter heating and 4i@ing for so4e ti4e, the fine aggregates and the balan(e of binder are to be added and further (oo,ed for about one hour. The se(ond stage is in(orporation of (oarse aggregates and (oo,ing the 4i@ture for a total period of 3 hours. #uring (oo,ing and 4i@ing, (are shall be ta,en to ensure that the (ontents in the (oo,er are at no ti4e heated to a te4perature e@(eeding %'&PC. "here the 4aterial is not re>uired for i44ediate use it shall be (ast into blo(,s (onsisting of filler, fine aggregates and binder, but without the addition of (oarse aggregate, weighing about %5 =gs ea(h. Eefore use, these blo(,s shall be reheated to a te4perature of not less than '25PC and not 4ore than %'&PC, thoroughly in(orporated with the re>uisite >uantity of (oarse aggregates and 4i@ed (ontinuously. Mi@ing shall be (ontinued until laying operations are (o4pleted so as to 4aintain the (oarse aggregates in suspension. 0t no stage during the pro(ess of 4i@ing shall the te4perature e@(eed %'&PC. The 4asti( asphalt blo(,s 9without (oarse aggregate: shall show on analysis a (o4position within the li4its as given in Table 5&&+3%. The 4i@ture shall be transported to the laying site in a towed 4i@er transporter having arrange4ent for stirring and ,eeping the 4i@ture hot during transportation. 0,0*/*0* S#re!"in& = The 4asti( asphalt shall be laid, nor4ally in one (oat, at a te4perature between '25PC and %'&PC and spread unifor4ly by hand using wooden floats or by 4a(hine on the prepared and regulated surfa(e. The thi(,ness of the 4asti( asphalt and the per(entage of added (oarse aggregate shall be in a((ordan(e with Table 5&&+3& or as spe(ified by the !ngineer. "here ne(essary, battens of the re>uisite di4ensions should be e4ployed. 0ny blow holes that appear in the surfa(e shall be pun(tured while the 4aterial is hot, and the surfa(e 4ade good by further floating. 0,0*/*1* 9oints = 0ll (onstru(tion ?oints shall be properly and truly 4ade. These ?oints shall be 4ade by war4ing e@isting 4asti( asphalt by the appli(ation of an e@(ess >uantity of the hot 4asti( asphalt 4i@ture whi(h afterwards shall be tri44ed to leave it flush with the surfa(es on either side. 0,0*/*2* Sur !;e inish = The 4asti( asphalt surfa(e (an have poor s,id resistan(e after floatingM in order to provide resistan(e to s,idding, the 4asti( asphalt after spreading, while still hot and in a plasti( (ondition, shall be (overed with a layer of stone aggregate. This aggregate shall be '3.% 44 siLe 9passing the '1.& 44 sieve and retained on the 1.5 44 sieve: or 1.544 siLe 9passing the '3.% 44 sieve and retained on the ).2 44 sieve: sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. Hard stone (hips, (o4plying with the >uality re>uire4ents of Table 5&&+'2, shall be pre(oated with bitu4en at the rate of %N&.BS of 6+)5 penetration grade. The addition of %S of filler (o4plying with Table 5&&+1 4ay be re>uired to enable this >uantity of binder to be held without draining. The (hips shall then be applied at the rate of &.&&5 (u. 4. per '& s>.4. and rolled or otherwise pressed into the surfa(e of the 4asti( layer when the te4perature of the 4asti( asphalt is not less than '&&PC. 0,0*0* O#enin& to Tr! i;

Traffi( 4ay be allowed after (o4pletion of the wor, when the 4asti( asphalt te4perature at the 4id+depth of the (o4pleted layer has (ooled to the dayti4e 4a@i4u4 a4bient te4perature.

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Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@

The surfa(e finish of the (o4pleted (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. The surfa(e of the 4asti( asphalt, tested with a straight edge 3.&4 long, pla(ed parallel to the (entre line of the (arriageway, shall have no depression greater than 244. The sa4e li4it shall also apply to the transverse profile when tested with a (a4ber te4plate. 0,0*2* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,0*3* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent Masti( asphalt shall be 4easured as finished wor, in s>uare 4etres at a spe(ified thi(,ness, or by weight in tonnes as stated in the Contra(t. 0,0*4* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for 4asti( asphalt shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed under Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9i@:. 0,1* S+(RR6 SEA+ 0,1*,* S;o#e 6lurry seals are 4i@tures of fine aggregate, portland (e4ent filler, bitu4en e4ulsion and additional water. "hen freshly 4i@ed, they have a thi(, (onsisten(y and (an be spread to a thi(,ness of '.5+5 44. They 4ay be used to seal (ra(,s, arrest fretting and fill voids and 4inor depressions, to provide a 4ore even riding surfa(e or a base for further treat4entM they 4ay also be used on top of a single (oat surfa(e dressing. 0,1*5* M!teri!:s The 4aterials for slurry seal i44ediately prior to 4i@ing shall (onfor4 to the following re>uire4ents/ 0,1*5*,* E<u:si ie" ?itu<en= The e4ulsified bitu4en shall be a (ationi( rapid setting type as approved by the !ngineer, (onfor4ing to the re>uire4ents of I6/ ---2. "here spe(ial 4obile 4i@ing 4a(hines are available, Class 0B I rapid setting or Class =.3I road e4ulsions to E6 B3B/ Part ' should be used to obtain very early resistan(e to The (orresponding grades in I6/---2 are only broadly (lassified as R6, M6 and 66 and further sub+(lassifi(ation is not available at present.

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traffi( and rain. Generally, e4ulsion for slurry seal should be (apable of produ(ing a slurry that will develop early resistan(e to traffi( and rain and is suffi(iently stable to per4it 4i@ing with the spe(ified aggregate, without brea,ing during the 4i@ing and laying pro(esses. If approved by the !ngineer, a slow setting e4ulsion 4ay be used. Guidan(e on sele(tion of an appropriate grade of e4ulsion is given in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. 0,1*5*5* W!ter = "ater shall be of su(h >uality that the bitu4en will not separate fro4 the e4ulsion before the slurry seal is in pla(e. The pH of the water 4ust lie in the range B to 2, and if the total dissolved solids in the water a4ount to 4ore than 5&&pp4, the !ngineer 4ay re?e(t it, or order the Contra(tor to (ondu(t a trial e4ulsion 4i@ to de4onstrate that it does not (ause early separation. 0,1*5*.* A&&re&!te = The aggregate shall be (rushed ro(,, or slag and 4ay be blended, if re>uired, with (lean, sharp, naturally o((urring sand free fro4 soft pie(es and organi( and other deleterious substan(es to produ(e a grading as given in Table 5&&+33. The aggregates shall 4eet the re>uire4ents of the fil4 stripping test 9I6/ )%B':, and a suitable a4ount and type of anti+stripping agent added, as 4ay be needed 9details given in 0ppendi@ 5:. 0,1*5*/* A""itives= It is usual to use ordinary Portland (e4ent, hydrated li4e or other additives to (ontrol (onsisten(y, 4i@ segregation and setting rate. The proportion of the additive should not nor4ally e@(eed % per (ent by weight of dry aggregates. 0,1*.* MiBture Desi&n 0 range of residual binder (ontents for ea(h aggregate given in Table 5&&+33. The opti4u4 4i@ture design for the aggregate, additive, water and bitu4en e4ulsion 4i@ture should be deter4ined in a((ordan(e with 06TM # 31'&. 0,1*/* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0,1*/*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply.

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TAB+E 0--7..* AGGREGATE GRADINGA BINDER CONTENT AND APPRO8IMATE CO)ERAGE RATE 6ieve 6iLe 944: 1.5 B.25 3.35 %.3) '.'&.)&& &.3&& &.'5& &.&25 Duantity of residual binder, per(entage by 4ass of aggregate 0ppro@i4ate (overage rate9,g*4%: Per(entage by 4ass passing finished thi(,ness of sealing 5 44 '&& 1&+'&& ++ )5+1& B5+2& 3&+5& '-+3& '&+%' 5+'5 2.5+'3.5 -+'5 344 ++ '&& -&+'&& 25+'&& 55+1& 35+2& %&+B5 '&+%5 5+'5 '&+ ') B+) '.544 ++ ++ '&& 15+'&& 2&+15 55+25 3&+5& '&+3& 5+'5 '%+%& %+B

0,1*/*5* Sur !;e #re#!r!tion= 0ny ne(essary re4edial wor, to the road surfa(e and stru(ture shall be (o4pleted either prior to or as part of the Contra(t and agreed as a((eptable by the !ngineer, a((ording to the provisions of Clause 5&'. Eefore slurry seal is applied, street furniture and, where dire(ted by the !ngineer, road 4ar,ings, shall be 4as,ed using self+adhesive 4as,ing 4aterial or other 4aterial fir4ly se(ured against the passage of the spreader bo@ or the tools used for hand laying. 0ny pa(,ed 4ud or other deposits on the surfa(e shall be re4oved, all organi( growth shall be re4oved by suitable 4eans, and the surfa(e shall be swept free of all loose 4aterial. 0,1*/*.* T!;@ ;o!t= If re>uired by the !ngineer, a ta(, (oat 4ay be applied prior to the slurry seal, with or without grit or (hips, in order to seal the e@isting substrata and enhan(e the bond to the e@isting road surfa(e. Anless otherwise agreed by the !ngineer, the rate of spread of ta(, (oat shall be &.'5 to &.3& litres*4 % for bitu4inous surfa(es and &.B to &.) litres*4% for (on(rete surfa(es 0,1*/*/* MiBin& !n" tr!ns#ort!tion o <iBture= Mi@ing 9and laying: te(hni>ues vary a((ording to the type of e4ulsion used. .or (lass 0B rapid setting and =3 e4ulsions, only spe(ial 4obile 4i@ing 4a(hines should be used. These (arry supplies of aggregate, e4ulsion, water arid filler 9e.g. ordinary Portland (e4ent or hydrated li4e: and are fitted with 4etering devi(es to feed the ingredients in their (orre(t proportions to a 4i@er fitted to the rear of the 4a(hine. .ro4 the 4i@er the slurry is fed into the s(reed bo@ towed by the 4a(hine. .or all other e4ulsions, 4i@ing 4ay be by hand, (on(rete 4i@er or other 4i@er whi(h effe(tively (oats the aggregate unifor4ly and produ(es a slurry seal of suitable (onsisten(y for satisfa(tory laying. .or large areas, a bul, transit (on(rete 4i@er 4ay be used into whi(h the ingredients 9in(luding water: are 4easured and 4i@ed as the 4i@er travels to the area to be treated. 0 s(reed bo@ fitted with an ad?ustable rubber s(reed should be towed by the 4i@er whi(h feeds it during laying.

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The spe(ial 4obile 4i@ing 4a(hine, when used, shall be (apable of unifor4 appli(ation to provide a (ontinuous surfa(e without ridges or segregation. Eefore laying begins, the Contra(tor shall provide the !ngineer with a test (ertifi(ate showing test results for rate of appli(ation (arried out under the supervision of a (o4petent authority, de4onstrating that the 4a(hine has been tested, using the syste4 to be used in the Contra(t, not 4ore than si@ wee,s before the (o44en(e4ent of the wor,. "here the 4aterial is to be hand laid, the slurry 4ay be supplied to site pre+4i@ed in suitable (ontainers and steps shall be ta,en to ensure that the 4aterial in ea(h (ontainer is of an even (onsisten(y throughout the (ontainer i44ediately prior to use. 0,1*/*0* A##:i;!tion= Transverse ?oints for 4a(hine laid areas shall be for4ed with spreading, starting and finishing on a prote(tive strip not less than '&& 44 wide at ea(h end of the lane length being treated Transverse ?oints shall be for4ed su(h that there shall be no ridges or bare strips. Anless otherwise approved by the !ngineer, longitudinal ?oints shall (oin(ide with lane 4ar,ings. $ongitudinal ?oints shall be for4ed su(h that there shall be no ridges or bare strips. Hand wor, around street furniture and other obstru(tions should 4eet the sa4e perfor4an(e re>uire4ents and for4 a ho4ogeneous surfa(e with the rest of the treated (arriageway. .ootways and other (onfined areas 4ay be spread by hand using s>ueegees and broo4s. Transverse ?oints shall be for4ed with spreading, starting and finishing on a prote(tive strip not less than '&& 44 wide at ea(h end of the lane length being treated. Transverse ?oints shall be for4ed su(h that there shall be no ridges or bare strips. =erb edges and other areas not being treated shall be suitably 4as,ed with self adhesive 4as,ing 4aterial. .ootways shall be finished by dragging a da4pened broo4 transversely over the footway under its own weight. 0ll voids, (ra(,s and surfa(e irregularities shall be (o4pletely filled. In war4 dry weather the surfa(e, i44ediately ahead of the spreading, shall be slightly da4ped by 4ist water spray applied 4e(hani(ally, or for hand laying by a hand operated pressure sprayer, unless otherwise approved by the !ngineer. 0,1*/*1* Ro::in&= The need for rolling shall be as instru(ted by the !ngineer. "here rolling is re>uired, a pneu4ati(+tyred roller having an individual wheel load between &.25 and '.5 tonnes shall be used, or as 4ay be dire(ted by the !ngineer. Rolling shall (o44en(e as soon as the slurry has set suffi(iently to ensure that rutting or e@(essive 4ove4ent will not o((ur. 0,1*0* O#enin& to Tr! i; Mas,ing shall be re4oved after the slurry seal has been applied, without da4age to the edge of the surfa(ing, and before opening the road or footway to traffi(. The Contra(tor shall re4ove surplus aggregate fro4 the treated areas using a 4ethod agreed by the !ngineer. The Contra(tor shall 4onitor the slurry seal (losely for a 4ini4u4 period of % hours and if ne(essary the lane shall be swept again. The 4onitoring shall (ontinue until the slurry seal has rea(hed suffi(ient stability to (arry unrestri(ted traffi(. If there are signs of distress, the !ngineer shall re>uire the Contra(tor to reinstate traffi( safety and 4anage4ent pro(edures or other su(h re4edial a(tion where ne(essary in order to prevent further da4age.

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.urther operations to re4ove subse>uently loosened aggregate shall be (arried out over the ne@t B- hours. The areas treated and ad?a(ent side roads, footways and paved areas shall be ,ept substantially free of loose aggregate for a period of 3& days after (o4pletion of the wor,. 0,1*1* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ Generally, the surfa(e finish of the (o4pleted (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. In addition, the finished slurry shall have a unifor4 surfa(e te@ture throughout the wor,, without variations of te@ture within the lane width, or fro4 lane to lane, due to segregation of aggregates, or due to variations in the e4ulsion*water (ontent of the 4i@ture. The finished surfa(e shall be free fro4 blow holes and surfa(e irregularities in e@(ess of 3 44 beneath a ' 4etre straight edge due to s(raping, s(abbing, dragging, droppings, e@(ess overlapping or badly aligned longitudinal or transverse ?oints, da4age by rain or frost, or other defe(ts whi(h re4ain %B hours after laying. 0,1*2* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,1*3* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent 6lurry seal shall be 4easured as finished wor, as spe(ified, in s>uare 4etres. 0,1*4* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for slurry seal shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i:. 0,2* REC6C+ING OF BIT(MINO(S PA)EMENT 0,2*,* S;o#e This Clause of the 6pe(ifi(ations (overs the re(y(ling of e@isting bitu4inous pave4ent 4aterials to upgrade an e@isting bitu4inous pave4ent whi(h has served its first+intended purpose. The wor, shall be perfor4ed on su(h widths and lengths as 4ay be dire(ted by the !ngineer and 4ay (onsist of pave4ent re4oval, sto(,piling of 4aterials fro4 the old pave4ent, addition of new bitu4en and untreated aggregate in the re>uisite proportions, 4i@ing, spreading and (o4pa(tion of the blended 4aterials. Re(y(ling pro(esses (an be (ategorised into in+situ re(y(ling 9where pro(essing ta,es pla(e on site:, and (entral plant re(y(ling 9where re(lai4ed 4aterial is pro(essed off site:. The pro(esses (an be further sub+divided into hot and (old pro(esses. This 6pe(ifi(ation (overs the hot pro(ess only. However, re(lai4ed aggregate fro4 (old insitu re(y(ling (an be used in the Eitu4inous Cold Mi@ pro(ess spe(ified in Clause 5'1, sub?e(t to the resultant 4i@es a(hieving the spe(ified standards.

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0,2*5* Re;:!i<e" Bitu<inous M!teri!:s or Centr!: P:!nt Re;y;:in& 0,2*5*,* Pro#ortion o re;:!i<e" <!teri!:s :ess th!n ,- #er ;ent= If not 4ore than '&S of re(lai4ed bitu4inous 4aterial is to be used in the. produ(tion of bitu4inous 4a(ada4 or dense graded bitu4inous base or binder (ourse 4aterial, then Clauses 5'2.%.% to 5'2.%.1 do not apply. However/ a: all re(lai4ed bitu4inous 4aterial shall be pre+treat(d before use su(h that the 4aterial is ho4ogeneously 4i@ed and the 4a@i4u4 pani(le siLe of re(lai4ed 4aterial do(s not e@(eed B& 44. b: the 4i@ed 4aterial shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of Clauses 5&B or 5&2 as appropriate. 0,2*5*5* Pro#ortions o re;:!i<e" <!teri!:s &re!ter th!n ,- #er ;ent= Re(lai4ed bitu4inous 4aterial of an a4ount greater than '& per (ent, 4ay be used in the produ(tion of bitu4inous 4a(ada4 and dense graded bitu4inous base and binder (ourse 4aterial, sub?e(t to the re>uire4ents of Clauses 5'2.%.3 to 5'2.%.1 and sub?e(t to the satisfa(tory (o4pletion of full trial investigations in respe(t of all related 4aterials, layer thi(,ness, 4a(hine operations and finished wor,s on a (ase+by+(ase basis entirely at the (ontra(tors (ost and sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. .or esti4ating purposes, a 4a@i4u4 a4ount not greater than 3& per (ent re(lai4ed bitu4inous 4aterial should be assu4ed. 0,2*5*.* M!teri!:s or re;y;:e" #!ve<ent= The re(y(led 4aterials shall be a blend of re(lai4ed and new 4aterials proportioned to a(hieve a paving 4i@ture with the spe(ified engineering properties. The re(lai4ed 4aterials shall be tested and evaluated to find the opti4u4 blend 4eeting the 4i@ture re>uire4ents. 6u(h testing and evaluation shall be (arried out on representative sa4ples, either (ores sa4pled fro4 the (arriageway or sa4ples ta,en fro4 sto(,piles in a((ordan(e with (urrent pra(ti(e. The sa4pling fre>uen(y should be suffi(ient to deter4ine how (onsistent the re(lai4ed 4aterial is and to provide representative sa4ples for (o4position analysis and 4easure4ent of properties of re(overed binder. 0s an absolute 4ini4u4, one sa4ple to represent 5&&4 of lane (arriageway shall be ta,en. 0,2*5*/* Bitu<en eBtr!;tion = The pro(edure des(ribed in 06TM #+%'2% shall be used to >uantitatively separate aggregate and bitu4en fro4 any representative sa4ple of re(lai4ed bitu4inous pave4ent. 0,2*5*0* A&&re&!te ev!:u!tion= Me(hani(al sieve analysis 9I6/ %3-), Part I, wet sieving 4ethod: shall be perfor4ed on the aggregate portion of the re(lai4ed bitu4inous pave4ent sa4ple to deter4ine the grading. It is essential that the re(lai4ed 4aterials to be re(y(led are (onsistent, as variable 4aterials will (ause proble4s with the (ontrol of >uality and i4pede the effi(ien(y of the re(y(ling operation. 6uitable sour(es of (onsistent 4aterial of suffi(ient >uantity for the s(he4e being (onsidered need to be identified either in e@isting pave4ents, fro4 sto(,piled planings of ,nown origin or fro4 another suitable sour(e, before a de(ision (an be 4ade on the opti4u4 per(entage of re(lai4ed 4aterial. 0fter sele(ting the proportion of re(lai4ed 4aterials to be re(y(led, the grading of the 4i@ture 4ay need ad?ust4ent, to 4eet 6pe(ifi(ation re>uire4ents, by the addition of sele(ted aggregate siLes. 0,2*5*1* Ev!:u!tion o ?itu<en = "hen the a4ount of re(lai4ed bitu4inous

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4aterials to be used in the 4i@ture e@(eeds '&S, the penetration value of the re(overed binder fro4 the re(lai4ed bitu4inous 4aterial, before 4i@ing, shall e@(eed '5 pen, after re(overy of binder in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of E6 %&&& / Part 312, when tested in a((ordan(e with I6 / '%&3. Provided the above re>uire4ent is 4et hardening of the old binder, during the original 4i@ing pro(essor through ageing, (an be (o4pensated for by adding a softer bitu4en, to obtain the appropriate final grade of binder. The deter4ination of the type and a4ount of binder re>uired to be added in the final 4i@ is essentially a trial and error pro(edure. 0fter 4i@ing with re(y(led 4aterials, the binder re(overed fro4 the 4i@ture shall have a re(overed penetration value not less than the value spe(ified in Table 5&&+3B. TAB+E 0--7./* MINIM(M RECO)ERFD BINDER PENETRATION OF REC6C+ED MI8T(RE 6pe(ified Grade of Einder Mini4u4 Re(overed Penetration Calue 9Penetration: of Einder after Mi@ing B5 %2 )5 31 1& 5B 0,2*5*2* ReIuven!tors= The use of re?uvenators, and a test to 4easure their effe(tiveness, is des(ribed in Clause 5'2.).3. 0,2*5*3* (ntre!te" !&&re&!te = if ne(essary, fresh untreated aggregate shall be added to the re(lai4ed bitu4inous pave4ent to produ(e a 4i@ with the desired grading The aggregate shall be (he(,ed for >uality re>uire4ents in a((ordan(e with Table 5&&+3 or Table 5&&+- as appropriate. Re(lai4ed aggregate, if any, or any aggregate nor4ally used for the desired bitu4inous 4i@ture, or both, 4ay be used for this purpose. 0,2*5*4* Co<?ine" !&&re&!te &r!"in& = The blend of re(lai4ed and new aggregate shall 4eet the grading (riteria spe(ified in the relevant parts of Clause 5&B or 5&2, as appropriate and as approved by the !ngineer. The blend of aggregates shall be (he(,ed for resistan(e to stripping as spe(ified in Tables 5&&+3 or 5&&+- as appropriate. 0,2*.* MiBture Desi&n The (o4bined aggregate grading and binder (ontent shall (o4ply with the relevant tables in Clauses 5&B or 5&2. .or dense graded bitu4inous 4i@tures the 4i@ture design shall also (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of Table 5&&+''. 0,2*/* Re;:!i<in& O:" P!ve<ent M!teri!:s

The re4oval of pave4ent 4aterials to the re>uired depth shall be a((o4plished either at a4bient te4perature 9(old pro(ess: or at an elevated te4perature 9hot pro(ess:, as approved by the !ngineer. 0,2*/*,* Co:" re<ov!: #ro;ess= In the (old pro(ess, the ripping and (rushing operations shall be (arried out using s(arifiers, grid rollers, or rippers or by any other 4eans as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The re4oved 4aterials shall be loaded and hauled for (rushing to the re>uired siLe as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0lternatively, (old 4illing or planing 4a(hines (an be used to re(lai4 bitu4inous pave4ent to (ontrolled depths. 0fter
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the bitu4inous layers are re4oved, any re4aining aggregate 4aterials that are to be in(orporated in the re(y(led hot 4i@ture shall be s(arified and re4oved. "hen the pave4ent 4aterial re4oval is (o4pleted, any drainage defi(ien(ies shall be (orre(ted. 0fter that, the base*sub+base as the (ase 4ay be shall be (ut, graded and (o4pa(ted to the re>uired profile and density. 0,2*/*5* %ot re<ov!: #ro;ess= In this pro(ess, the road surfa(e shall be heated, by any suitable 4eans approved by the !ngineer, before s(arifi(ation. 0 self propelled plant shall be used, and a 4illing dru4 that follows the planer re4oves the heated soft bitu4inous layer. The depth, width and speed of travel shall be ad?usted to suit spe(ifi( re>uire4ents as dire(ted by the !ngineer. #uring the heating pro(ess, the surfa(e te4perature of the road shall not e@(eed %&&PC for 4ore than 5 4inutes. 0,2*/*.* Sto;@#i:in&= In the (old pro(ess, the re(lai4ed bitu4inous pave4ent 4aterial shall be sto(,piled with the height of sto(,piles not e@(eeding 3 4. The re(lai4ed untreated aggregate base*sub+base 4aterial shall be sto(,piled in the sa4e 4anner as new aggregate. The nu4ber and lo(ation of sto(,piles shall be (arefully planned for effi(ient operation of the hot+4i@ plant. 0,2*0* MiBin& !n" +!yin& Generally, the re>uire4ents of Clauses 5&B.3 or 5&2.B, as appropriate, shall apply. 0,2*1* In Situ Re;y;:in& 7 The Re<iB !n" Re#!ve Pro;esses These pro(esses are suitable for the produ(tion of bitu4inous (on(rete wearing (ourse in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause 5&1. 0,2*1*,* S;o#e= In the pro(ess of repaying, the e@isting surfa(e is preheated and s(arified but the s(arified 4aterial is not re4oved. 0 laver of fresh bitu4inous 4i@ 4aterial prepared in the integrated 4i@ing unit of the plant is then spread evenly on the s(arified surfa(e to give a unifor4 profile. The spread 4aterial should be (o4pa(ted as soon as possible after laying. In the pro(ess the total thi(,ness of the pave4ent is in(reased by up to 5&44. In the re4i@ pro(ess, the s(arified 4aterial should be ta,en fro4 the 4i@ing unit of the plant where it is re(y(led with fresh binder, aggregate and re(y(ling agent. Then the re(y(led 4i@ture is spread on the preheated surfa(e and ta4ped and (o4pa(ted to the re>uired profile. 0,2*1*5* %e!tin& !n" s;!ri yin&= 6urfa(es to be treated shall be heated by plant with surfa(es insulated and fully en(losed. The heated width of surfa(ing shall e@(eed the s(arified width by at least 25 44 on ea(h side, e@(ept against the edge of the (arriageway or ,erb fa(e. "hen new surfa(ing 4aterial is spilled onto the road surfa(e it shall be re4oved before the e@isting surfa(e is heated and s(arified. 0reas of uns(arified 4aterial shall not e@(eed 5& 44 @ 5& 44. The depth of s(arifi(ation shall be su(h that the botto4 of the s(arified layer is parallel to and below the finished road surfa(e level by the thi(,ness of wearing (ourse 4aterial spe(ified. 0 toleran(e of N ) 44 is per4issible. "here street furniture and other obstru(tions o((ur, these shall be suitably prote(ted or re4oved and the void (overed. 6urfa(e dressing and large areas of road

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4ar,ings shall be re4oved by 4illing, planing, s(arifying or by si4ilar approved pro(esses. The heated surfa(e shall be evenly s(arified to (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of this Clause. "hen street furniture is left in pla(e or raised, the ad?a(ent areas shall be s(arified by other 4eans, with the 4aterial either left in pla(e or re4oved, prior to passage of the 4a(hine. If furniture needs to be repositioned on (o4pletion of wor,, the new wearing (ourse 4aterial shall be used to 4a,e good the road surfa(e for a 4a@i4u4 width of %&& 44 around the obstru(tion. #aring the reheating pro(ess the surfa(e te4perature of the road shall not e@(eed %&&PC for 4ore than 5 4inutes. 0,2*1*.* ReIuven!tor= .or Re4i@, when re>uired, re?uvenator shall be unifor4ly sprayed a(ross the full+width of the pro(essed 4aterial. The 4a(hine shall in(orporate a 4eter for (ontinuous verifi(ation of >uantities whi(h shall be within N5S of the spe(ified rate. The volu4e of re?uvenator shall vary in relation to the operating speed of the 4a(hine, whi(h shall be related to the volu4e of 4aterial 4i@ed or s(arified. The re?uvenator shall be a non+e4ulsified aro4ati( e@tra(t. As properties shall be verified using the Rolling Thin .il4 7ven Test. Re?uvenation of the e@isting pave4ent 4ay also be perfor4ed by adding new hot+ 4i@ bitu4inous 4aterial (ontaining a soft binder of suitable penetration for restoring the binder in the e@isting pave4ent to the re>uired penetration. 0,2*1*/* MiBin&= "hen re>uired, new hot+4i@ 4aterial shall be 4i@ed with the heated and s(arified road pave4ent 4aterial in a pug4ill within the Re4i@ 4a(hine, observing the 4i@ing te4peratures spe(ified in Table 5&&+5. 0fter 4i@ing, the re(y(led bitu4inous 4aterials shall be auto4ati(ally fed to a finishing unit, whi(h spreads and levels the 4i@ture to the spe(ified thi(,ness and (ross+ se(tion. The new bitu4inous (on(rete wearing (ourse shall be 4aterial (o4plying with Clause 5&1. 0,2*1*0* A""ition!: <!teri!: (&ener!:)= The proportion of new hot+4i@ bitu4inous 4aterial, and the proportion of e@isting bitu4inous pave4ent 4aterial shall be as dire(ted by the !ngineer, together with the a4ount 4e road surfa(e level is to be raised 9if any:. The type and >uantity of the new hot+4i@ 4aterial shall be deter4ined by using the Marshall Mi@ #esign pro(edure spe(ified in The 0sphalt Institute Manual M6+%, before wor, (o44en(es. Re4i@ designs shall in(orporate the stated proportion of 4aterial sa4pled fro4 the e@isting road surfa(e. "hen additional (oarse or fine aggregate or filler are re>uired to be added, they shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5&1.%. The a4ount of additional (oarse or fine aggregate or filler to be added to the e@isting bitu4inous pave4ent 4aterial shall be notified to the !ngineer. 0,2*1*1* A""ition!: !&&re&!te (re<iB #ro;ess)= The (oarse aggregate, fine aggregate and filler added to the Re4i@ed 4aterial shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5&1.%. 0,2*1*2* ew sur !;in& (re#!ve !n" re<iBFre#!ve #ro;esses)= ew surfa(ing 4aterial shall be bitu4inous (on(rete wearing (ourse (o4plying with Clause 5&1, or other wearing (ourse 4aterial approved by the !ngineer.

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The new surfa(ing 4aterial shall be laid on, and (o4pa(ted with, the reprofiled surfa(ing, whi(h shall be at a te4perature within the range of '&&PC to l5&PC. 0,2*1*3* Bin"er= The binder shall be re(overed fro4 sa4ples ta,en fro4 ea(h layer of 4aterial laid. The 4ethod of re(overy shall be in a((ordan(e with E6 %&&& / Part 312 or an e>uivalent test. The penetration of the binder shall be in the range 35+2& pen. 0,2*1*4* MiBture "esi&n= The surfa(ing 4aterial shall be sa4pled fro4 the paver hopper or augers. Care shall be ta,en that only the 4aterial for4ing the new surfa(e layer is sa4pled. The sa4ple shall be redu(ed on site by rifling or >uartering to appro@i4ately 5 ,g and pla(ed loose in an air+tight (ontainer. The sa4ple shall only be reheated on(e whilst within the (ontainer. 0s soon as the sa4ple rea(hes the re>uired te4perature, the reheated 4aterial shall be re4i@ed and three Marshall test spe(i4ens prepared in a((ordan(e with the pro(edures spe(ified in M6+%. The bul, density of ea(h spe(i4en shall be 4easured before Marshall 6tability testing. The 4ean stability and flow of the three spe(i4ens, 4easured in a((ordan(e with the pro(edures spe(ified in M6+%, shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of Table 5&&+'1. .inally the 3 Marshall spe(i4ens shall be (o4bined and the 4a@i4u4 theoreti(al spe(ifi( gravity 9G44: of the 4i@ture is deter4ined in a((ordan(e with 06TM # %&B'. This 4a@i4u4 theoreti(al spe(ifi( gravity 9G 44: (orresponds to &S air voids in the 4i@ture. The a(tual bul, spe(ifi( gravity of a Marshall spe(i4en deter4ined in the $aboratory. 9G4b : will naturally be less than G44. The per(ent air voids 9P: in the spe(i4en of the (o4pa(ted 4i@ture given by Pa Y G44 V G4b @ '&& should G44 4eet the re>uire4ents of air voids laid down in Table 5&&+'1. 0,2*2* O#enin& to Tr! i; .or re(y(led 4aterial for4ing the base or binder (ourse layer, Clause '.5 or 5&2.5 shall apply as appropriate. .or re(y(led 4aterial for4ing / wearing (ourse layer, Clause 5&1.5 shall apply. 0,2*3* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: The surfa(e finish of the (o4pleted (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0,2*4* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,2*,-* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent The re(y(led pave4ent wor, shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres or of finished wor, as stated in the Contra(t.

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0,2*,,* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for re(y(led pave4ent shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all ite4s as Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i: 0,3* FOG SPRA6 0,3*,* S;o#e .og spray is a very light appli(ation of low vis(osity bitu4en e4ulsion ' for purposes of sealing (ra(,s less than 344 wide or in(ipient fretting or disintegration in an e@isting bitu4inous surfa(ing, and to help redu(e loosening of (hips by traffi( on newly finished surfa(e dressing. 0,3*5* M!teri!: The bitu4en e4ulsion shall be as spe(ified in the Contra(t or as instru(ted by the !ngineer. The e4ulsion shall be 66+'hI 966+' (an be used if the for4er is not available: (o4plying with the re>uire4ents of 06TM #+122. orM C66+'hI 9C66+' (an be used if the for4er is not available: (o4plying with the re>uire4ents of 06TM #+%312. Eefore use these e4ulsions shall be diluted, ' pan e4ulsion to ' part water. 0lternatively, Class 0'+B&I or ='+B&I e4ulsions (o4plying with the re>uire4ents of E6B3B / Part '/'1-B 4ay be used. These e4ulsions have a lower vis(osity than the above 06TM grades, they are rapid setting and they do not re>uire to be diluted. Ee(ause of their low vis(osity they should be used as soon as possible after delivery. If this is not possible, the dru4s should be very thoroughly rolled before use. 0,3*.* We!ther !n" Se!son!: +i<it!tions 6praying shall not ta,e pla(e when the te4perature is below '&PC, nor in windy or dusty (onditions, nor when it is raining or the surfa(e to be sprayed is wet 9a da4p surfa(e is a((eptable but refer to Clause 5'-.B.%.:. 0,3*/* Constru;tion O#er!tions 0,3*/*,* EEui#<ent= The fog spray shall be applied by 4eans of a self+propelled or towed bitu4en pressure sprayer (o4plying with the re>uire4ents of the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. The spray bar should be prote(ted fro4 gusts of wind by 4eans of a hood. 0,3*/*5* Pre#!r!tion o sur !;e= The surfa(e on whi(h the fog spray is to be applied shall be thoroughly (leaned with (o4pressed air, s(rubbers et(. The (ra(,s shall be (leaned with a pressure air ?et to re4ove all dirt, dust et(.

The grades in I6/---2 are only broadly (lassified as R6, M6 and 66 and further sub+ (lassifi(ation is not available at present.

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0,3*/*.* A##:i;!tion= The fog seal shall be applied at a rate of &.5+'.& litres*4 %, using e>uip4ent su(h as pressure tan,, fle@ible hose and spray bar or lan(e. 0,3*0* B:in"in& If spe(ified in the Contra(t or ordered by the !ngineer, the fog spray shall be blinded with graded grit of 344 siLe and under, (oated with about % per (ent of the e4ulsion by weight. The pre (oated grit shall be allowed to he (ured for at least one wee, or until they be(o4e non+sti(,y and (an be spread easily. 0,3*1* >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0,3*2* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the spraying operations, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. The surfa(e should not be opened to traffi( for %B hours after spraying. If pi(,+up does o((ur a light blinding of (rusher dust or sand should be applied. 0,3*3* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent .og spray and blinding 9if used: shall be 4easured in ter4s of surfa(e area of appli(ation, for the area (overed, in s>uare 4etres. 0,3*4* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for fog spray and blinding 9if used: shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i: as appli(able to the wor, spe(ified in these 6pe(ifi(ations. 0,4* BIT(MINO(S CO+D MI8 (INC+(DING GRA)E+ EM(+SION), 0,4*,* The Desi&n MiB Eitu4inous Cold Mi@ (onsists of a 4i@ture of unheated 4ineral aggregate and e4ulsified or (utba(, bitu4en. This 6pe(ifi(ation deals only with plant 4i@ 9as opposed to 4i@ed+in+pla(e:. Two types of 4i@ are (onsidered, na4ely #esigned Cold Mi@ and Re(ipe Cold Mi@. The #esign Mi@ pro(edure shall be used unless the Re(ipe Mi@ pro(edure is spe(ifi(ally approved by the !ngineer.

This 6pe(ifi(ation Clause has been introdu(ed for the first ti4e. #iffi(ulties in using this Clause and suggestions for i4prove4ent 4ay be forwarded to #G9R#:. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Transport Ehavan. Parlia4ent 6treet, ew #elhi+''& &&'. .a@ Z 32'&%3)

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0,4*5* Desi&ne" Co:" MiB This 6pe(ifi(ation is based on The 0sphalt Institute Manual M6+'B whi(h (ontains additional infor4ation for guidan(e. These 4i@es tan (onsidered suitable for use as base (ourse, appropriate to their stability, in new wor, or 4a?or repair wor,. 0,4*5*,* M!teri!:s 0,4*5*,*,* Bin"er= The binder shall be a bitu4inous e4ulsion as spe(ified in 006HT7 M 'B& 906TM #122:I or 006HT7 M %&- 906TM #%312: I, na4ely M6+%, M6+%h, H.M6+%, H.M6+%h, H.M6+%s, 66+', 66+'h, CM6+%, CM6+%h, C66+' and C66+ 'h. 0lternatively, a (utba(, bitu4en as spe(ified in 006HT7 M -% 906TM #%&%2: or 06TM # %&%), na4ely MC 2&, %5&, -&& & 3&&& and 6C %5&, -&& and 3&&& 4ay be used, or, if approved by the !ngineer, an e>uivalent 4aterial whi(h (onfor4s with I6/---2 and I6/%'2. 0 general guide for the use of these binders is given in Table 5&&+35 and in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. However the final sele(tion shall be 4ade only after laboratory evaluation with the aggregates to be used. The binder with the highest residual vis(osity at a4bient te4peratures that (an reasonably be handled, by the 4i@ing and laying e>uip4ent proposed shall be used. TAB+E 0--7.0* (SES OF BIT(MEN IN CO+D MI8 Type of Constru(tion !4ulsified Eitu4en 0nioni( Cationi( Cutba(, Eitu4en Mediu4 Curing 9MC: 6low Curing 96C:

The (orresponding grades in I6/---2 are only broadly (lassified as R6, M6 and 66 and further sub+(lassifi(ation is not available at present.

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66+'h66+'H.M6+%s M6+%h, H.M6+%hM6+%, H.M6+%



!old-$aid Plant %ix Pave4ent Ease and 6urfa(es

7pen+Graded 0ggregate "ell+Graded 0ggregate Pat(hing, I44ediate Ase Pat(hing, 6to(,pile



0,4*5*,*5* A&&re&!tes= The aggregates shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5&B.%.%. and 5&B.%.3. If the aggregates are not properly (oated with anioni( e4ulsion or (utba(, bitu4en, a s4all a4ount of hydrated li4e, an approved antistripping agent 9see 0ppendi@ 5: or a (hange to (ationi( e4ulsion shall be proposed by the Contra(tor, for the approval of the !ngineer.

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0,4*5*,*.* A&&re&!te &r!"in& !n" ?in"er ;ontent= The (o4bined aggregate grading for the parti(ular 4i@ture, when tested in a((ordan(e with I6/%3-) Part ', 9wet sieving 4ethod:, shall fall within the li4its shown in Table 5&&+3). 0,4*5*5* MiBture Desi&n 0,4*5*5*,* ReEuire<ents or the <iBture= 0part fro4 (onfor4ity with the grading and >uality re>uire4ents for individual ingredients, the 4i@ture shall 4eet the re>uire4ents set out in Table 5&&+32. 0,4*5*5*5* Bin"er ;ontent= The binder (ontent shall be opti4ised to a(hieve the re>uire4ents of the 4i@ture set out in Table 5&&+B'. The 4ethod adopted shall be that des(ribed in 0ppendi@ . and H of 0sphalt InstituteKs Manual, M6+'B. 0,4*5*5*.* 9o? MiB For<u:!= The Contra(tor shall infor4 the !ngineer in writing, at least one 4onth before the start of the wor,, the ?ob 4i@ for4ula proposed for use in the wor,s and shall give the following details/ 9i: 6our(e and lo(ation of all 4aterialsM 9ii: Proportions of all 4aterials e@pressed as follows where, ea(h is appli(able/ 9a: Einder, as per(entage by weight of total 4i@tureM 9b: Coarse aggregate*fine aggregate as per(entage by weight of total aggregateM 9iii: 0 single definite per(entage passing ea(h sieve for the 4i@ed aggregateM 9iv: The results of tests enu4erated in Table 5&&+31 as obtained by the Contra(tor, 9v: Test results of the physi(al (hara(teristi(s of the aggregates to be used/ 9vi: 6praying te4perature of binder if appropriate. "hile wor,ing out the ?ob 4i@ for4ula, the Contra(tor shall ensure that it is based on a (orre(t and truly representative sa4ple of the 4aterials that will a(tually be used in the wor, and that the 4i@ture and its different TAB+E 0--7.1* AGGREGATE GRADING AND BIT(MEN CONTENT No<in!: <!Bi<u< siCe (<<) A::o'!?:e thi;@ness (<<) IS Sieve (<<) %).5 '1.& '3.% 1.5 B.25 %.3) &.3& &.&25 4*0 507.0 ,.*5 .170,4*0,720 51*0 217,--

Cu<u:!tive H ?y 'ei&ht o tot!: !&&re&!te #!ssin& + + '&& 1&+'&& )&+-& 35+)5 )+%5 %+'1 + '&& 1&+'&& + B5+2& %5+55 5+%& %+1 '&& 1&+'&& + )&+-& 35+)5 %&+5& 3+%& %+1&+'&& + 5)+-& + %1+51 '1W5 5+'2 '+2

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Cutba(, !4ulsion

Guide to binder (ontent. S by weight of total 4i@ture Min B to Ma@ ) Min 2 to Ma@ '&

To be deter4ined by the 4odified Marshall Test.

TAB+E 0--7.2* MI8T(RE RE>(IREMENTS FOR DESIGNED CO+D MI8 Para4eter Mini4u4 6tability 9, at %%.%PC: !4ulsion 9, at %5&C: Cutba(, Per(ent 4a@i4u4 stability loss on soa,ing Mini4u4 flow 944: Co4pa(tion level 9nu4ber of blows: Per (ent air voids Per (ent voids in 4ineral aggregate 9CM0: Per (ent 4ini4u4 (oating) !4ulsion' %.% for paving 5&3 % 5& 3+55 5& Cutba(,% %.% for 4aintenan(e 3.3 for paving

%5B % 25 3+5 6ee Table 5&&+3-

Notes 'Asing ;Marshall 4ethod for e4ulsified asphalt+aggregate (old 4i@ture design<. 0ppendi@ .. M6+'B. % Asing ;Marshall 4ethod for (ut+ba(, asphalt+aggregate (old 4i@ture design<. 0ppendi@ H. M6+'B. 3 "ith va(uu4 saturation and i44ersion. B .our days soa, at %5PC. 5 Refers to total voids in the 4i@ o((upied by air and water. ) CoatingTest. 0ppendi@ . M6+'B. TAB+E 0--7.3* MINIM(M PER CENT )OIDS IN MINERA+ AGGREGATE ()MA) No<in!: M!Bi<u< P!rti;:e SiCe Mini<u< )MA (#er ;ent) IS Sieve (<<) 1.5 ').& '%.5 '5.& '1.& 'B.& %5.& '3.& 32.5 '%.& ingredients satisfy the physi(al and strength re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 0pproval of the ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall be based on independent testing by the !ngineer for whi(h sa4ples sele(ted ?ointly with the !ngineer of all ingredients of the 4i@ shall be furnished by the Contra(tor as re>uired by the for4er. The approved ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall re4ain effe(tive unless and until 4odified by the !ngineer. 6hould a (hange in the sour(e of 4aterials be proposed, a new ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall be established and approved by the !ngineer before a(tually using the 4aterials. 0,4*5*5*/* Per<issi?:e v!ri!tion ro< the Io? <iB or<u:!= It shall be the responsibility of the Contra(tor to produ(e a unifor4 4i@ (onfor4ing to the approved ?ob 4i@ for4ula, sub?e(t to the per4issible variations of the individual per(entages of the various ingredients in the a(tual 4i@ fro4 the ?ob 4i@ for4ula to be used, within the
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li4its as spe(ified in Table 5&&+31. These variations are intended to apply to individual spe(i4ens ta,en for >uality (ontrol tests in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. 0,4*5*.* Constru;tion o#er!tions 0,4*5*.*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= Constru(tion with (old 4i@ 4ust not be underta,en when a4bient te4peratures below '&PC are e@pe(ted, during rain, in standing water, or generally when poor weather is predi(ted. Eitu4en e4ulsions and (utba(,s depend on the evaporation of water and*or solvent for the develop4ent of their (uring and adhesion (hara(teristi(s Cold weather, rain and high hu4idity slow down the rate of (uring. !@tra 4anipulation 4ay be re>uired to re4ove volatiles in (ool and hu4id (onditions. "ind in(reases the rate of evaporation. TAB+E 0--7.4* PERMISSIB+E )ARIATIONS FROM T%E 9OB MI8 FORM(+A Des;ri#tion Per<issi?:e v!ri!tion B!seF?in"er ;ourse We!rin& ;ountK 0ggregate passing '144 sieve or larger N-S N2S 0ggregate passing '3.%44. 1.544 N2S N)S 0ggregate passing B.2544 N)S N5S 0ggregate passing %.3)44. '.'-44. &.)44 N5S NBS 0ggregate passing &.344, &. ' 544 NBS N3S 0ggregate passing &.&2544 N%S N '.5S Einder (ontent N&.3S N&.3S 0,4*5*.*5* Pre#!r!tion o the base/ The base on whi(h (old 4i@ is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and levelled to the re>uired profile in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&' and 1&% as appropriate, and a pri4e (oat, where spe(ified, shall be applied in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&% or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0,4*5*.*.* T!;@ ;o!t= 0 ta(, (oat in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&3 shall be applied over the base on whi(h the (old 4i@ is to be laid where spe(ified in the Contra(t. 0,4*5*.*/* Pre#!r!tion !n" tr!ns#ort!tion o the <iBture= Mi@ing (an be (arried out using one of the following types of 4i@er, whi(h is provided with e>uip4ent for spraying the binder at a (ontrolled rate and, if ne(essary, for heating the binder to a te4perature at whi(h it (an be applied unifor4ly to the aggregate/ 9a: rotary dru4 type (on(rete 4i@er/ 9b: single or twin shaft (on(rete or 4a(ada4 4i@erM 9(: bat(h or (ontinuous type 4i@er without dryer or s(reens other than a s(alping s(reen. 0 suffi(ient nu4ber of haul tru(,s with s4ooth, (lean beds should be available to ensure (ontinuous operation of the 4i@ing plant. The type of tru(, used for transporting the 4i@ture fro4 the 4i@er to the road site 4ust be suited to the Contra(torKs no4inated laying pro(edure 4ethodology. 0,4*5*.*0* S#re!"in&= #esigned (old 4i@ shall be pla(ed only when the spe(ified density (an be obtained. The 4i@ture shall not be pla(ed on any wet surfa(e or when weather (onditions will otherwise prevent its proper handling or finishing.

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If spreading by 4otor grader, the grader 4ust have a blade that is straight and sharp and long enough to ensure finishing to (lose, straight, transverse toleran(es and all ?oints and lin,ages 4ust be in good (ondition. The grader 4ust be heavy enough to hold the blade fir4ly and unifor4ly on the surfa(e while spreading the 4i@ture. If (li4ati( (onditions and aggregate grading per4it evaporation of 4oisture or volatiles without aeration by 4anipulation, a (onventional self+propelled asphalt paver shall be used to pla(e designed (old 4i@. 7ther 4ethods of spreading 4ay be used as approved by the !ngineer. 0,4*5*.*1* Co<#!;tion= Initial (o4pa(tion of the laid 4aterial shall be (arried out using a pneu4ati(+tyred roller of a weight appropriate to the layer thi(,ness to be (o4pa(ted with single layer thi(,nesses being %5+'&&44 and all (o4pa(tion being in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&'.) and Clause 5&'.2. 64ooth tyres shall be used. .inal rolling and s4oothing of the surfa(e should be (o4pleted using steel wheel rollers. The Contra(tor shall de4onstrate at laying trials that his proposed laying and (o4pa(tion 4ethods (an a(hieve a satisfa(tory result. 0,4*5*/* O#enin& to tr! i;= Traffi( shall not be allowed to run on new wor, until all the water or volatiles in the 4i@ture have evaporated, as deter4ined by the !ngineer. The rate of evaporation will be influen(ed by the te4perature, hu4idity and wind (onditions. 0,4*5*0* Sur !;e inish !n" Eu!:ity ;ontro: o 'or@= The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of supplied 4aterials and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0,4*5*1* Arr!n&e<ents or tr! i;= #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,4*5*2* Me!sure<ent or #!y<ent= #esigned Cold Mi@ shall be 4easured as finished wor,, for the area (overed, in (ubi( 4etres, by weight in n.etri( tonnes, or by s>uare 4etres at a spe(ified thi(,ness as spe(ified in the Contra(t. 0,4*5*3* R!te = The (ontra(t unit rate for #esigned Cold Mi@ shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.- - % 9i: to 9@i: The rate shall (over the provision of the spe(ified grade of (utba(, in the 4i@ at 5 per (ent of the weight of the total 4i@ or e4ulsion at - per (ent of the weight of the total 4i@, with the provision that the variation of >uantity of binde will be assessed on the basis of the a4ount agreed by the !ngineer and the pay4ent ad?usted as per the rate for (utba(, or e4ulsion >uoted in the Eill of Duantities. Re;i#e Co:" MiB 0,4*.* Re;i#e Co:" MiB This 6pe(ifi(ation is based on E6B3B/Part %/'1-B whi(h (ontains additional infor4ation. These are pre4i@es 4ade with e4ulsion binder whi(h are laid i44ediately after 4i@ing and while the e4ulsion is still substantially in an unbro,en state. These

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4i@es are (onsidered suitable for use only for e4ergen(y and 4inor repair wor, and te4porary road surfa(e i4prove4ent. 0,4*.*,* M!teri!:s 0,4*.*,*,* Bin"er= !4ulsions of suffi(ient stability for 4i@ing with the parti(ular graded aggregate should be used. Grades of e4ulsion >uoted are in a((ordan(e with E6B3B/ .art '/'1-B but (o4parable grades to I6 or 006HT7 spe(ifi(ations 4ay be used. Guidan(e on sele(tion of an appropriate grade of e4ulsion is given in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. The (orresponding grades in I6/---2 are only broadly (lassified as R6, M6 and 66 and further sub+(lassifi(ation is not available at present. 0,4*.*,*5* A&&re&!tes= 0ny nor4al, (lean, but not ne(essarily dry, aggregate (an be used, provided that it has a suffi(iently high (rushing strength with regard to the traffi( to be (arried. Typi(al gradings are given in Table 5&&+B&. 0,4*.*,*. A&&re&!te &r!"in& !n" ?in"er ;ontent= "hen tested in a((ordan(e with I6/%3-) Part' 9wet sieving 4ethod: the (o4bined aggregate grading for the parti(ular 4i@ture shall fall within the li4its shown in Table 5&&+B&. The grade and range of >uantity of e4ulsion ar( also indi(ated in this table. The a(tual >uantity of e4ulsion to be used shall be approved by the !ngineer after seeing the results of trial 4i@es 4ade in the laboratory.

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TAB+E 0--7/-* COMPOSITION OF RECIPE MI8ES o4inal 6iLe 944: and type of Ma(ada4 0llowable Thi(,ness 944: I6 6ieve 6iLe 44 B5 32.5 %).5 '1 '3.% 1.5 ).3 3.35 %.3) '.'&.)& &.3& &.'5 &.&25 Generally Ander so4e (ir(u4stan(es Duantity9': litres *tonne Note= 9': 9%: B& 6ingle (ourse B& 7pen te@tured base (ourse 'B 7pen te@tured wearing (ourse ) ++ Mediu4 .ine te@tured wearing (oated (ourse


25+'&& 3'+5& %'+3& '5+%& Cu4ulative S by weight of total %ggregate passing '&& ++ ++ 1&+'&& ++ ++ 55+-5 ++ ++ ++ '&& ++ '5+35 1&+'&& ++ ++ 55+25 '&& ++ %5+B5 1&+'&& &+'& '5+%5 B5+)5 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ '&+3& ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ %+) %+!4ulsion grade and >uantity or 0% V 5&9B: ++ B5 to )5 ++ 2& to 1& 03 -5 to '&& ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ '&& ++ 25+'&& ++ 3&+55 ++ '&+%5 5+'5

'&& 1&+'&& 55+1& ++ 35+55 ++ %&+3& '&+%& ++ ++ ++ %+'& ++ ++ 0%+529B: ++ 55 to 2&


'&& to 9%:93: '%& .or pri(ing purposes the lower >uantity in these ranges should he assu4ed "ith (oarser grading >uantity 4ay so4eti4es be redu(ed to -& litres*tonne and with finer grading it 4ay so4eti4es be in(reased upto '35 litres*tonne. 93: Ase &+2& litres*tonne of water as ne(essary. 9B: 0%+5& and 0%+52 are Eritish grades of e4ulsion and their grading syste4 is e@plained in the Manual. 0,4*.*5* Constru;tion o#er!tions

0,4*.*5*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= Constru(tion with (old 4i@ 4ust not underta,en when a4bient te4peratures below '&PC are e@pe(ted of generally when poor weather is predi(ted. Eitu4en e4ulsion and (utba(,s depend on the evaporation of water and*or solvent for the develop4ent of their (uring and adhesive (hara(teristi(s. Cold weather, rain, and high hu4idity slow down the rate of (uring. !@tra 4anipulation 4ay be re>uired to re4ove volitiles in (ool or hu4id (onditions. "ind in(reases the rate of evaporation.

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0,4*.*5*5* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se= The base on whi(h the (old 4i@ is to be laid shall be prepared shaped and graded to the re>uired profile in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&' and 1&% as appropriate, and a pri4e (oat if spe(ified in the (ontra(t, or re>uired by the !ngineer, shall be applied in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&%, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0,4*.*5*.* T!;@ ;o!t= 0 ta(, (oat in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&3 shall be applied over the base on whi(h the (old 4i@ is to be laid if spe(ified in the Contra(t or re>uired by the !ngineer. 0,4*.*5*/* Pre#!r!tion !n" tr!ns#ort!tion o the <iBture= Mi@ing shall be (arried out using one of the following types of 4i@er, whi(h is provided with e>uip4ent for spraying the binder at a (ontrolled rate, and, if ne(essary, for heating the binder to a te4perature at whi(h it (an be applied unifor4ly to the aggregate/ 9a: rotary dra4 type (on(rete 4i@erM 9b: single or twin shaft (on(rete or 4a(ada4 4i@er, 9(: bat(h or (ontinuous type 4i@er without dryer or s(reens other than a s(alping s(reen. 0 suffi(ient nu4ber of haul tru(,s with s4ooth, (lean beds should be available to ensure (ontinuous operation of the 4i@ing plant. The type of tru(, used for transporting the 4i@ture fro4 the 4i@er to the road site 4ust be suited to the (hosen laying pro(edure. 0,4*.*5*0* S#re!"in&= The 4i@ed 4aterial should be spread i44ediately after preparation. The 4i@ture shall be pla(ed only when the spe(ified density (an be obtained. The 4i@ture shall not be pla(ed on any wet surfa(e or when weather (onditions will otherwise prevent its proper handling or finishing. If spreading by 4otor grader, the grader 4ust have a blade that is straight and sharp and long enough to ensure finishing to (lose straight transverse toleran(es and all ?oints and lin,ages 4ust be in good (ondition. The grader 4ust be heavy enough to hold the blade fir4ly and unifor4lyK on the surfa(e while spreading the 4i@ture. 7n surfa(e (ourses, the tyres 4ust be s4ooth. The 4ethodology for spreading shall be approved by the !ngineer prior to laying, and if re>uired a laying trial (ondu(ted to prove the laying 4ethod satisfa(tory before approval. 0,4*.*5*1* Co<#!;tion= Initial (o4pa(tion of the laid 4aterial shall be (arried out using a pneu4ati(+tyred roller of a weight appropriate to the layer thi(,ness to be (o4pa(ted with single layer thi(,nesses being %5+l&&44 and all (o4pa(tion being in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&'.) and 5&'.2. 64ooth tyres shall be used. .inal rolling and s4oothing of the surfa(e should be (o4pleted using steel wheel rollers. The Contra(tor shall de4onstrate at laying trials that his proposed laying and (o4pa(tion 4ethods (an a(hieve a satisfa(tory result. 0,4*.*.* O#enin& to tr! i;= Traffi( shall not be allowed to run on new wor, until all the water or volatiles in the 4i@ture have evaporated. The rate of evaporation will be influen(ed by the te4perature, hu4idity and wind (onditions. 0,4*.*/* Sur !;e inish !n" Eu!:ity ;ontro: o 'or@= The surfa(e finish of (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&&

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shall apply. 0,4*.*0* Arr!n&e<ents or tr! i;= #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 0,4*.*1* Me!sure<ent or #!y<ent= Re(ipe Cold Mi@ shall be 4easured as finished wor,, for the area instru(ted to be (overed, in (ubi( 4etres, by weight in 4etri( tonnes, or in s>uare 4etres at a spe(ified thi(,ness, as spe(ified in the Contra(t. 0,4*.*2* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for Re(ipe Cold Mi@ shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i:. The rate shall (over the provision of the spe(ified grade of e4ulsion at the lower >uantity in the range for ea(h type of 4i@ indi(ated in Table 5&&+ BB with the provision that the variation of >uantity of e4ulsion will be assessed on the basis of the a4ount agreed by the !ngineer and the pay4ent ad?usted as per the rate for e4ulsion >uoted in the Eill of Duantities. 05-* SAND ASP%A+T BASE CO(RSE, 05-*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of a base (ourse (o4posed of a 4i@ture of sand, 4ineral filler where re>uired and bitu4inous binder, pla(ed and (o4pa(ted upon a prepared and a((epted subgrade in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and the lines, levels, grades di4ensions and (ross se(tions shown on the #rawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Note= 6and 0sphalt Ease (ourse is used in spe(ial situations li,e >uality (oarse aggregates not being available within e(ono4i(al leads and*or water needed for (onventional base (ourse not being readily available, as in desert areas. 05-*5* M!teri!:s 05-*5*,* Bitu<en= The bitu4en shall be paving bitu4en of Penetration Grade 6)5 9)&*2&: or 61& 9-&*'&&:, as spe(ified in the Contra(t, both as per Indian 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations for ;Paving Eitu4en< I6/23. 05-*5*5* S!n"= The sand shall be (lean, naturally o((urring or blended 4aterial free fro4 any deleterious substan(es, dry and well graded within the li4its given in Table 5&&+B' and with other physi(al properties (onfor4ing to the re>uire4ents of this table 05-*5*.* Fi::er= "hen re>uired, fillet shall (onsist of finely divided 4ineral 4atter su(h as ro(, dust, hydrated li4e &' (e4ent as approved by the !ngineer. The filler shall This 6pe(ifi(ation Clause has been introdu(ed for the first ti4e #iffi(ulties in using this Clause and suggestions for i4prove4ent 4ay be forwarded to #G9R#:. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Transport Ehavan, Parlia4ent 6treet, ew #elhi - ''& &&'. .a@ o. Z 32'&%3).

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(onfor4 to Clause 5&2.%.B. 05-*.* MiB Desi&n 05-*.*,* ReEuire<ents or the <iBture= 0part fro4 (onfor4ity with the grading and >uality re>uire4ents for individual ingredients, the 4i@ture shall 4eet the re>uire4ents set out in Table 5&&+B%. TAB+E 0--7/,* SAND GRADING AND P%6SICA+ RE>(IREMENTS Cu4ulative per(entage by weight of total aggregate passing 1.5 '&& B.25 -5+ '&& %.3) -&+ '&& '.'2& + 1&.)& 55+ 15 &.3& 3&+25 &.'5 '& +B& &.&25 B+ '& Plasti(ity Inde@ 9S: ) 4a@. 6and e>uivalent 9I6/%2%&, Part 32: 3&4in. $os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue 9I6/%3-), part B: B& 4a@. ote / Ma@i4u4 thi(,ness for sand asphalt is -& 44. TAB+E 0--7/5* RE>(IREMENTS FOR SAND ASP%A+T BASE CO(RSE P!r!<eter ReEuire<ent Mini4u4 stability 9, at )&PC: %.& Mini4u4 flow 944: % Co4pa(tion level 9 u4ber of blows: % @ 25 Per (ent air voids 3V5 Per(ent voids in 4ineral aggregate 9CM0: [') Per(ent voids filled with bitu4en 9C.E: )5 V 25 05-*.*5* Bin"er ;ontent= The binder (ontent shall be opti4ised to a(hieve the re>uire4ents of the 4i@ture set out in Table 5&&+B). The Marshall 4ethod for deter4ining the opti4u4 binder (ontent shall be adopted as des(ribed in The 0sphalt Institute Manual M6+%. 05-*.*.* 9o? <iB or<u:! = The Contra(tor shall develop the ?ob 4i@ for4ula proposed for use in the wor,s and shall give the following details/ 9i: 6our(e and lo(ation of all 4aterialsM 9ii: Proportions of all 4aterials e@pressed as follows where ea(h is appli(able/ 9a: Einder as per(entage by weight of total 4i@tureM 9b: 6and*Mineral filler as per(entage by weight of total aggregate in(luding 4ineral fillerM 6ieve 6iLe 944:

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9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi:

0 single definite per(entage passing ea(h sieve for the 4i@ed aggregateM The results of tests enu4erated in Table 5&&+B) as obtained by the Contra(torM Test results of physi(al (hara(teristi(s of aggregates to be usedM Mi@ing te4perature and (o4pa(ting te4perature.

"hile wor,ing out the ?ob 4i@ for4ula, the Contra(tor shall ensure that it is based on a (orre(t and truly representative sa4ple of the 4aterials that will a(tually be used in the wor, and that the 4i@ture and its different ingredients satisfy the physi(al and strength re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 0pproval of the ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall be based on independent testing by the !ngineer for whi(h ?oint sa4ples of all ingredients of the 4i@ shall be furnished by the Contra(tor as re>uired by the for4er. The approved ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall re4ain effe(tive unless and until 4odified by the !ngineer. 6hould a (hange in the sour(e of 4aterials be proposed, a new ?ob 4i@ for4ula shall be established and approved by the !ngineer before a(tually using the 4aterials. 05-*.*/* Per<issi?:e v!ri!tion ro< Io? <iB or<u:! = The Contra(tor shall produ(e a unifor4 4i@ (onfor4ing to the approved ?ob 4i@ for4ula, sub?e(t to the per4issible variations of the individual per(entages of the various ingredients in the a(tual 4i@ fro4 the ?ob 4i@ for4ula to be used, within the li4its as spe(ified in Table 5&&+B3. These variations are intended to apply to individual spe(i4ens ta,en for >uality (ontrol tests as des(ribed in 6e(tion 1&&. 05-*/* Constru;tion O#er!tions 05-*/*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions = Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply. 05-*/*5* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se / The surfa(e on whi(h 6and 0sphalt Ease(ourse Material is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and graded to the profile re>uired for the parti(ular layer in a((ordan(e with Clauses 5&' and 1&% as appropriate or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The surfa(e shall be thoroughly swept (lean free fro4 dust and foreign 4atter using a 4e(hani(al brush, and the dust blown off by (o4pressed air. In (onfined lo(ations where 4e(hani(al plant (annot a((ess, other 4ethods shall be used as approved by the+!ngineer. 0 pri4e (oat, where spe(ified, shall be applied in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&% or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. TAB+E 0--7/.* PERMISSIB+E )AR(*TIONS FROM T%E 9OB MI8 FORM(+A Des;ri#tion 0ggregate passing B.2544 0ggregate passing %.3)44. '.'-44. &.)44 0ggregate passing &.344, &.'544 0ggregate passing &.&2544 Einder (ontent Mi@ing te4perature Per<issi?:e v!ri!tion N)S N5S NBS N%S N&.3S N'&&C

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05-*/*.* T!;@ ;o!t / 0 ta(, (oat over the base shall be applied in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&3, or otherwise as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 05-*/*/* Pre#!r!tion !n" tr!ns#ort!tion o the <iBture= The provisions of Clauses 5&'.3 and 5&'.B shall apply. 05-*/*0* S#re!"in&= The provisions of Clauses 5&'.5.% to 5&'.5.B. shall apply. Mi@ing 4ust be a((o4plished at the lowest te4perature and in the shortest ti4e that will produ(e a 4i@ture with (o4plete (oating of the aggregate and at a suitable te4perature to ensure proper (o4pa(tion. The ideal 4i@ing and (o4pa(tion te4peratures for the parti(ular bitu4en in use shall be obtained fro4 the Eitu4en Test #ata Chart given in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s and shall (orrespond to a vis(osity of % Poise 9&.% Pa.s: and 3 Poise 9&.3 Pa.s: respe(tively, based on the original 9unaged: bitu4en properties. .or guidan(e, the ranges of a((eptable 4i@ing and rolling te4peratures for so4e typi(al penetration grade bitu4en are shown in Table 5&&+5. 05-*/*1* Ro::in&= Clause 5&'.) shall apply. Generally the initial or brea,down rolling shall be done with -+'& tonne deadweight s4ooth+wheeled rollers. The inter4ediate rolling shall be done with -+'& tonne deadweight or vibratory rollers or with a pneu4ati( tyred roller of '%+'5 tonne weight having a tyre pressure of at least 5.) ,g * s>.(4.. The finish rolling shall be done with -+'& tonne deadweight s4ooth wheeled tande4 rollers. The e@a(t pattern of rolling shall be established at the laying trials. 05-*0* O#enin& to Tr! i; Traffi( 4ay be allowed after (o4pletion of the final rolling when the te4perature of the 4i@ture at the 4id+depth of the (o4pleted layer has (ooled to the dayti4e 4a@i4u4 a4bient te4perature. "hen dayti4e 4a@i4u4 a4bient te4peratures are in e@(ess of 35PC, great (are is needed to ensure that this (riterion is 4et, parti(ularly where slow 4oving heavy traffi( is involved. 05-*1* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ The surfa(e finish of the (o4pleted (onstru(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol of the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 05-*2* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 05-*3* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent 6and 0sphalt Ease(ourse 4aterials shall be 4easured as finished wor,, for the area (overed, in (ubi( 4etres, 4etri( tonnes, or in s>uare 4etres at a spe(ified thi(,ness, as stated in the Contra(t.

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05-*4* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for 6and 0sphalt Ease(ourse 4aterials shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.% 9i: to 9@i:. The rate shall (over the provision of 5 per (ent of bitu4en by weight of the total 4i@ture. The variation fro4 the a(tual per(entage of bitu4en approved by the !ngineer and used will be assessed and the rate ad?usted, plus or 4inus, using the rate for bitu4en in the Eill of Duantities. 05,* MODIFIED BINDER, 05,*,* S;o#e Modified binders (o4prise a base binder, to whi(h is added either natural rubber, (ru4b rubber or a poly4er su(h as 6tyrene+Eutadiene+styrene 96E6:, !thylene+Cinyl+ 0(etate 9!C0: or $ow #ensity Polyethylene 9$#P!:. The purpose is to a(hieve a high perfor4an(e binder with i4proved properties, parti(ularly at e@tre4es of te4perature. 05,*5* M!teri!:s

05,*5*,* B!se Bin"er = The base binder into whi(h the 4odifier is in(orporated shall (onfor4 to I6/23. The (hoi(e of grade shall be su(h that it is (o4patible with the 4odifier and, when 4i@ed shall have the properties des(ribed in Clause 5%'.3. 05,*5*5* Mo"i ier = The 4odifier shall be a natural rubber, (ru4b rubber or any other poly4er whi(h is (o4patible with the base binder and whi(h allows the properties given in Clause 5%'.3 to be a(hieved. .or further details. IRC/6P/53+'111 4ay be referred to. The 4odifier, in the re>uired >uantity shall be blended at the refinery or at the site plant (apable of produ(ing 4odified binder. 05,*.* Mo"i ier Pro#ortions The >uantity of 4odifier to be added shall be deter4ined by tests on the base binder and the 4odified binder and the properties desired. 0 referen(e 4ay be 4ade to the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s for indi(ative dosage of different types of 4odifiers. The properties of the 4odified binder shall be as given in Table 5&&+BB, 5&&+B5 or 5&&+B) a((ording to the re>uire4ents of the Contra(t. 05,*/* MiBin& The 4odifier shall be blended with the base binder so that it disperses thoroughly prior to use. The type of 4i@ing e>uip4ent used shall be suited to the 4odifier type. .urther guidan(e is given in the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. This 6pe(ifi(ation Clause has been introdu(ed for the first ti4e. #iffi(ulties in using this Clause and suggestions for i4prove4ent 4ay be forwarded to #G9R#:, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Transport Ehavan. Parlia4ent 6treet, ew #elhi + ''& &&'. .a@ o. Z 32'&%3).

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05,*0* >u!:ity Contro: o M!teri!:s 05,*0*,* Bin"er Pro#erties = .or (ontrol of the >uality of the base binder, the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 0dditionally, the 4odified binder shall be tested for all the properties listed in Table 5&&+BB, 5&&+B5 or 5&&+B) as appropriate and (ertifi(ates produ(ed prior to use. #uring use, the re>uire4ents for softening point, penetration and elasti( re(overy shall be tested regularly. If the 4odified binder is produ(ed on site then tests shall be (arried out daily. If pre+blended 4odified binder is used tests shall be (arried out wee,ly. TAB+E 0--7//* RE>(IREMENTS OF PO+6MER MODIFIED BINDERS (E+ASTOMERIC T%ERMOP+ASTICS AND R(BBER +ATE8) Gr!"e !n" ReEuire<ents Metho" o Test PMB ,5- PMB 2- PMB/Penetration at %5PC, &.'44, '&&g, 1& to '5& 5& to -1 3& to B1 I6/'%&3+'125 se(. Penetration at BPC, &.'44. %&&g. 35 %% 'I6/ '%&5+ '12)&+se(., Mini4u4I 6oftening Point. 9R&E:. PC. 3B51 I6/'%&5+'12Mini4u4 .raass Erea,ing Point, PC, +%B +') +'% I6/13-'+'12Ma@i4u4I #u(tility at %2PC, (4. Mini4u4 25 5& 5& I6/'%&-+'12.lash Point, C7C. PC, Mini4u4 %%& %%& %%& I6/'%&1+'12!lasti( Re(overy of Half Thread 2& )& 5& 06TM in #u(tilo4eter at '5PC, S, 95&:II 9B&:II 93&:II #512)+'11) Mini4u4 6eparation, #ifferen(e in B B B 06TM 6oftening Point, R&E. PC, Ma@i4u4 #512)+'11) Cis(osity at '5&PC, Poise '+3 %+) B+I6/'%&)+'12Test an Thin &il' (ven Test Residue) T&(T(*+,- .2-1-/-) Desi&n!tion Gr!"e !n" ReEuire<ents Metho" o Test PMB,5- PMB 2- PMB/Penetration at BPC, &.' 44, %&&g, ''5 '% I6/'%&3+'12)& se(. Mini4u4I $oss in "eight. S, Ma@i4u4 '.& '.& '.& I6/13-%+'121 & In(rease in 6oftening Point. C, 2 ) 5 I6/'%&5+'12Ma@i4u4 Redu(tion in Penetration at %5PC, 35 35 35 I6/'%&3+'12S, Ma@i4u4 !lasti( Re(overy of Half Thread )& B& 35 06TM in #u(tilo4eter at '5PC, S, 935:II 93&:II 9%5:II #512)+'11) Mini4u4 I Relevant to snow bound (old (li4ate areas II atural Rubber Modified Eitu4en Desi&n!tion

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05,*0*5* Stor!&e St!?i:ity/ Pre+blended 4odified binders whi(h ar( to be stored without (ir(ulation or agitation fa(ility shall be tested for storage stability prior to use, in a((ordan(e with 0ppendi@' of IRC/6P/53+'111. The 4ean of the differen(es in softening point, top to botto4, of not less than three pairs of sa4ples shall not e@(eed 5PC. TAB+E 0--7/0* RE>(IREMENTS OF PO+6MER MODIFIED BINDERS (P+ASTOMERIC T%ERMOP+ASTICS ) Gr!"e !n" ReEuire<ents Metho" o Test PMB ,5- PMB 2- PMB/Penetration at %5PC, &.'44, '&&g, 1& to '5& 5& to -1 3& to B1 I6/'%&3+'125 se(. Penetration at BPC, &.'44. %&&g. 35 %% 'I6/ '%&5+ '12)&+se(., Mini4u4I 6oftening Point. 9R&E:. PC. 3B51 I6/'%&5+'12Mini4u4 .raass Erea,ing Point, PC, +%& +'5 +'& I6/13-'+'12Ma@i4u4I #u(tility at %2PC, (4. Mini4u4 5& B& 3& I6/'%&-+'12.lash Point, C7C. PC, Mini4u4 %%& %%& %%& I6/'%&1+'12!lasti(Re(overy of Half Thread in )& 5& B& 06TM #u(tilo4eter at '5PC, S, #512)+'11) Mini4u4 6eparation, #ifferen(e in 3 3 3 06TM 6oftening Point, R&E. PC, #512)+'11) Ma@i4u4 Cis(osity at '5&PC, Poise '+% %+B B+I6/'%&)+'12Test an Thin &il' (ven Test Residue) T&(T(*+,- .2-1-/-) Desi&n!tion Gr!"e !n" ReEuire<ents Metho" o Test PMB,5- PMB 2- PMB/''5 '% I6/'%&3+'12'.& 5 35 3& I6/13-%+'121 I6/'%&5+'12I6/'%&3+'1206TM #512)+'11) Desi&n!tion

Penetration at BPC, &.' 44, %&&g, )& se(. Mini4u4I $oss in "eight. S, Ma@i4u4 '.& '.& & In(rease in 6oftening Point. C, 2 ) Ma@i4u4 Redu(tion in Penetration at %5PC, 35 35 S, Ma@i4u4 !lasti( Re(overy of Half Thread B5 35 in #u(tilo4eter at '5PC, S, Mini4u4 I Relevant to snow bound (old (li4ate areas

7ther pre+blended 4odified binders shall be stored with appropriate (ir(ulation or agitation fa(ility, a((ording to the 4anufa(turerKs instru(tions. 05,*1* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent Modified binder supplied for the Contra(t shall be paid for in Tonnes.

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CRMB CRMB 10Penetration at %5PC, &.'44, '&&g, 5& + 2& B& + )& 5 se(. 6oftening Point. 9R&E:. PC. 5& 55 )& Mini4u4 !lasti(Re(overy of Half Thread in B& 35 3& #u(tilo4eter at '5PC, S, Mini4u4 Test an Thin &il' (ven Test Residue) T&(T(*+,- .2-1-/-) Redu(tion in Penetration at %5PC, )& S, Ma@i4u4 In(rease in 6oftening Point. &C, 5 Ma@i4u4 !lasti( Re(overy of Half Thread %5 in #u(tilo4eter at '5PC, S, Mini4u4 CRME+Cru4b Rubber Modified Eitu4en 05,*2 R!te )& 5 %& )& 5 '5

I6/'%&3+'12I6/'%&5+'1206TM #512)+'11)

I6/'%&3+'12I6/'%&5+'1206TM #512)+'11)

The (ontra(t rate for 4odified binder shall be as per (ontra(t agree4ent. 055* CRACK PRE)ENTION CO(RSES, 055*,* S;o#e This (lause (overs the provision of 6tress 0bsorbing Me4brane 960M: and 6tress 0bsorbing Me4brane Interlayer 960MI: as 4easures to inhibit the propagation of (ra(,s. 0 60M is an elasto4eri( bitu4en rubber 4e4brane, whi(h is laid over a (ra(,ed road surfa(e, together with a (overing of aggregate (hips, in order to e@tend the life of the pave4ent before 4a?or treat4ent is (arried out. 60M (an be laid as a single (oat or a double (oat. 0 60MI is a layer whi(h is applied to a (ra(,ed pave4ent surfa(e but whi(h is followed 9within '% 4onths: by the appli(ation of an overlay (ourse. 0 60MI 4ay be a 4aterial si4ilar to that used for a 60M. It 4ay alternatively (onsist of a bitu4en i4pregnated geote@tile. 055*5* M!teri!:s

This 6pe(ifi(ation Clause has been introdu(ed for the first ti4e. #iffi(ulties in using this Clause and suggestions for i4prove4ent 4ay be forwarded to #G9R#:, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Transport Ehavan, Parlia4ent 6treet, ew #elhi + ''& &&'. .a@ o. Z 32'&%3).

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055*5*,* Bin"er= Einder shall be a 4odified binder (o4plying with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5%3, a((ording to the re>uire4ents of the Contra(t, e@(ept that paving grade bitu4en of -&+'&& penetration (o4plying with the re>uire4ents of I6/23 shall be used in the (ase of a bitu4en i4pregnated geote@tile. 055*5*5* A&&re&!te= The re>uire4ents of Clause 5'&.%.% apply e@(ept that the Polished 6tone Calue re>uire4ent does not apply in the (ase of a 60MI. "here re>uired by the (ontra(t, aggregate shall be pre+(oated using either of the te(hni>ues per4itted by Clause 5'&.%.5. 055*5*.* R!tes o s#re!" o ?in"er !n" !&&re&!te= The rates of spread of binder and aggregate shall be a((ording to one of the siLe alternatives in Table 5&&+B2, as re>uired by the Contra(t. 055*5*/* GeoteBti:e= The use of geote@tile as pres(ribed for 6I. 5&&+B2 shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 2&3.3. 055*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions o. 2 in Table

055*.*,* We!ther !n" se!son!: :i<it!tions= Clause 5&'.5.' shall apply. 055*.*5* Pre#!r!tion o ?!se= The base on whi(h the 60M, 60MI or bitu4en i4pregnated geote@tile is to be laid shall be prepared, in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&' and as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The surfa(e shall be thoroughly (leaned either by using a 4e(hani(al brush or any other e>uip4ent * 4ethod approved by the !ngineer. #ust re4oved in the pro(ess shall be blown off with (o4pressed air. 055*.*.* A##:i;!tion o ?in"er= The e>uip4ent and general pro(edures shall all be in a((ordan(e with the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. The appli(ation te4perature for 4odified binder shall be ')&+'2&PC. Einder for bitu4en i4pregnated TAB+E 0--7/2* >(ANTIT6 OF MATERIA+S RE>(IRED FOR ,- SO M OF ROAD S(RFACE FOR STRESS ABSORBING MKMBRANF SI No '. %. 3. B. Ty#e !n" 'i"th o Cr!;@ Hair (ra(,s and 4ap (ra(,s upto 344 width Map (ra(,s or alligator (ra(,s 344 lo )44 width Map (ra(,s or alligator (ra(,s )44 to 144 width Cra(,s above 144 width and (ra(,ed area above 5&S S#e;i i;!tion o >u!ntity >u!ntity o ;hi##in& SAM to ?e o ?in"er !##:ie" K&F,-<5 6ingle (oal 60M - V '& &.'&43 of 5.)44 (hips nd or % (oat of two (oat 60M 6ingle (oat 60M '& V '% &.''43 of 5.)44 (hips Two (oat 60M 'st (oat %nd (oat Two (oat 60M 'st (oat %nd (oat '% V 'B - V '& 'B + ') - + '& &.'%43 of 5.)44 and ''.%44 (hips in '/' ratio &.'&3 of 5.)44 (hips &.'%43 of ''.%44 (hips &.'&3 of 5.)44 (hips

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0ll types of (ra(,s with 6ingle (oat 60M - V '& &.'&43 of 5. )44 (hips. Cra(, width below )44 as interlayer ). 0ll types of (ra(,s with 6ingle (oat 60M '& V '% &.'&43 of ''.%44 (hips. Cra(, width below )44 as interlayer 2. Eitu4en I4pregnated Geote@tile Note='. Einder >uantities for bitu4en i4pregnated geote@tile shall be in the range &.1 to '.% litres*nr. Einder >uantities outside this range art per4itied a((ording to the geote@tile 4anufa(turerKs instru(tions and sub?e(t to the agree4ent of the !ngineer. 5. geote@tile shall be applied a((ording to Clause 5&%.B. The surfa(e on whi(h the binder is to be applied shall be dry. 055*.*/* A##:i;!tion o !&&re&!tes = The e>uip4ent and general pro(edures shall all be in a((ordan(e with the Manual for Constru(tion and 6upervision of Eitu4inous "or,s. I44ediately after appli(ation of the 4odified binder, (lean, dry aggregate shall be spread unifor4ly on the surfa(e. 055*.*0* S'ee#in& = The surfa(e of 60Ms and 60MIs shall be swept to ensure unifor4 spread of aggregate and that there are no loose (hips on the surfa(e. 055*.*1* T'o ;o!t SAM or SAMI= "here a two (oat 60M or 60MI is re>uired by the Contra(t, the se(ond (oat shall be applied within 1& days of the first. 055*.*2* GeoteBti:e #:!;e<ent= .or bitu4en i4pregnated geote@tile, the re>uire4ents of Clause 2&3.B.5 055*/* O#enin& to Tr! i; Traffi( 4ay be per4itted over a 60M or 60MI % hours after rolling, but the speed shall be li4ited to %& ,4*h, until the following day. 6peed (ontrol 4easures are to be approved by the !ngineer, prior to laying. 055*0* Sur !;e Finish !n" >u!:ity Contro: o Wor@ The surfa(e finish shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%. .or (ontrol on the >uality of 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out. the relevant provisions of 6e(tion 1&& shall apply. 055*1* Arr!n&e<ents or Tr! i; #uring the period of (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for traffi( shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause ''%. 055*2* Me!sure<ent or P!y<ent !a(h appli(ation of 60M, 60MI or bitu4en i4pregnated geote@tile shall be 4easured as finished wor,, for the area spe(ified, in s>uare 4etres.

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055*3* R!te The (ontra(t unit rate for 60M, 60MI or bitu4en i4pregnated geote@tile shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all (o4ponents listed in Clause 5&'.-.-.%. 9i: to 9@i:.

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Con;rete P!ve<ent

1-Con;rete P!ve<ent

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1-,* DR6 +EAN CEMENT CONCRETE S(B7BASE 1-,*,* S;o#e 1-,*,*,* The wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion of dry lean (on(rete subbase for (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades and (ross+se(tions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The wor, shall in(lude furnishing of all plant and e>uip4ent, 4aterials and labour and perfor4ing all operations, in (onne(tion with the wor,, as approved by the !ngineer. 1-,*,*5* The design para4eters of dry lean (on(rete sub+base, viL., width, thi(,ness, grade of (on(rete, details of ?oints, if any, et(. shall be as stipulated in the Contra(t drawings. 1-,*5* M!teri!:s 1-,*5*,* Sour;e o M!teri!:s= The Contra(tor shall indi(ate to the !ngineer the sour(e of all 4aterials with relevant test data to be used in the lean (on(rete wor, suffi(iently in advan(e and the approval of the !ngineer for the sa4e shall be obtained at least B5 days before the s(heduled (o44en(e4ent of the wor,. If the Contra(tor later proposes to obtain the 4aterials fro4 a different sour(e, he shall notify the !ngineer for his approval at least B5 days before su(h 4aterials are to be used. 1-,*5*5* Ce<ent= 0ny of the following types of (e4ent 4ay be used with prior approval of the !ngineer/ 9i: 7rdinary Portland Ce4ent I6 / %)1 9ii: Portland 6lag Ce4ent I6 / B55 9iii: Portland PoLLolana Ce4ent I6 / 'B-1 If the subgrade is found to (onsist of soluble sulphates in a (on(entration 4ore than &.5 per (ent, (e4ent used shall be sulphate resistant and shall (onfor4 to I6/ )1&1. Ce4ent to be used 4ay preferably be obtained in bul, for4. It shall be stored in a((ordan(e with stipulations (ontained in Clause '&'B and shall be sub?e(ted to a((eptan(e test prior to its i44ediate use. 1-,*5*.* A&&re&!tes= 1-,*5*.*,* 0ggregates for lean (on(rete shall be natural 4aterial (o4plying with I6/ 3-3. The aggregates shall not be al,ali rea(tive. The li4its of deleterious 4aterials shall not e@(eed the re>uire4ents set out in I6 / 3-3. In (ase the !ngineer (onsiders that the aggregates are not free fro4 din, the sa4e 4ay be washed and drained for at least 2% hours before bat(hing, as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 1-,*5*.*5* Co!rse !&&re&!te= Coarse aggregate shall (onsist of (lean, hard, strong, dense, non+porous and durable pie(es of (rushed stone or (rushed gravel and shall be devoid of pie(es of disintegrated stone, soft, fla,y, elongated, very angular or splintery pie(es. The 4a@i4u4 siLe of the (oarse aggregate shall be %5 44. The (oarse aggregate shall (o4ply with Clause )&%.%.B.%.

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1-,*5*.*.* Fine !&&re&!te= The fine aggregate shall (onsist of (lean, natural sand or (rushed stone sand or a (o4bination of the two and shall (onfor4 to I6 / 3-3. .ine aggregate shall be free fro4 soft parti(les, (lay, shale, loa4, (e4ented parti(les, 4i(a, organi( and other foreign 4atter. The fine aggregate shall (o4ply with Clause )&%.%.B.3. 1-,*5*.*/* The (oarse and fine aggregates 4ay be obtained in either of the following 4anner/ 9i: In separate no4inal siLes of (oarse and fine aggregates and 4i@ed together inti4ately before use. 9ii: 6eparately as %5 44 no4inal single siLe, '%.5 44 no4inal siLe graded aggregates and fine aggregate of (rushed stone dust or sand or a (o4bination of these two. The 4aterial after blending shall (onfor4 to the grading as indi(ated in Table )&&+'. TAB+E 1--7,* AGGREGATE GRADATION FOR DR6 +EAN CONCRETE 6ieve #esignation %).5&44 '1.&&44 1.5&44 B.2544 )&&.&& 4i(ron 25.&& 4i(ron Per(entage passing the sieve by weight '&& -&+'&& 55+25 35+)& '&+35 &+-

1-,*5*/* W!ter= "ater used for 4i@ing and (uring of (on(rete shall be (lean and free fro4 in?urious a4ounts of oil, salt, a(id, vegetable 4atter or other substan(es har4ful to the finished (on(rete. It shall 4eet the re>uire4ents stipulated in I6 / B5). 1-,*5*0* Stor!&e o <!teri!:s= 0ll 4aterials shall be stored in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause '&'B of these 6pe(ifi(ations and other relevant I6 6pe(ifi(ations. 0ll efforts 4ust be 4ade to store the 4aterials in proper pla(es so as to prevent their deterioration or (onta4ination by foreign 4atter and to ensure their satisfa(tory >uality and fitness for use in the wor,. The storage pla(e 4ust also per4it easy inspe(tion, re4oval and storage of 4aterials. 0ll su(h 4aterials even though stored in approved godowns 4ust be sub?e(ted to a((eptan(e test i44ediately prior to their use. The re>uire4ent of storage yard spe(ified in Clause )&%.%.1 shall also be appli(able. 1-,*.* Pro#ortionin& o M!teri!:s or the MiB 1-,*.*,* The 4i@ shall be proportioned with a 4a@i4u4 aggregate (e4ent ratio of '5/'. The water (ontent shall be ad?usted to the opti4u4 as per Clause )&'.3.% for fa(ilitating (o4pa(tion by rolling. The strength and density re>uire4ents of (on(rete shall be deter4ined in a((ordan(e with Clause )&'.) by 4a,ing trial 4i@es. 1-,*.*5* Moisture ;ontent= The right a4ount of water for the lean (on(rete in the 4ain wor, shall be de(ided so as to ensure full (o4pa(tion under rolling and shall be assessed at the ti4e of rolling the trial length. Too 4u(h water will (ause the lean

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(on(rete to be heaving up before the wheels and pi(,ed up on the wheels of the roller and too little will lead to inade>uate (o4pa(tion, a low in+situ strength and an open+ te@tured surfa(e. The opti4u4 water (ontent shall be deter4ined and de4onstrated by rolling during trial length (onstru(tion and the opti4u4 4oisture (ontent and degree of (o4pa(tion shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer. "hile laying in the 4ain wor,, the lean (on(rete shall have a 4oisture (ontent between the opti4u4 and opti4u4 \% per (ent, ,eeping in view the effe(tiveness of (o4pa(tion a(hieved and to (o4pensate for evaporation losses. 1-,*.*.* Ce<ent ;ontent= The 4ini4u4 (e4ent (ontent in the lean (on(rete shall not be less than '5& ,g*(u.4. of (on(rete. If this 4ini4u4 (e4ent (ontent is not suffi(ient to produ(e (on(rete of the spe(ified strength, it shall be in(reased as ne(essary without additional (ost (o4pensation to the Contra(tor. 1-,*.*/* Con;rete stren&th= The average (o4pressive strength of ea(h (onse(utive group of 5 (ubes 4ade in a((ordan(e with Clause 1&3.5.'.' shall not be less than '& MPa at 2 days. In addition, the 4ini4u4 (o4pressive strength of any individual (ube shall not be less than 2.5 MPa at 2 days. The design 4i@ (o4plying with the above Clauses shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer and de4onstrated in the trial length (onstru(tion. 1-,*/* Su?&r!"e The subgrade shall (onfor4 to the grades and (ross se(tions shown on the drawings and shall be unifor4ly (o4pa(ted to the design strength in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and 6pe(ifi(ation stipulated in the Contra(t. The lean (on(rete subbase shall not be laid on a subgrade softened by rain after its final preparationM surfa(e tren(hes and soft spots, if any, 4ust be properly ba(,+filled and (o4pa(ted to avoid any wea, or soft spot. 0s far as possible, the (onstru(tion traffi( shall be avoided on the prepared subgrade. 0 day before pla(ing of the sub+base, the subgrade surfa(e shall be given a fine spray of water and rolled with one or two passes of a s4ooth wheeled roller after a lapse of %+3 hours in order to stabilise loose surfa(e. If !ngineer feels it ne(essary, another fine spray of water 4ay be applied ?ust before pla(ing sub+base. 1-,*0* Constru;tion 1-,*0*,* Gener!:= The pa(e and progra44e of the lean (on(rete sub+base (onstru(tion shall be 4at(hing suitably with the progra44e of (onstru(tion of the (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent over it. The sub+base shall be overlaid with (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent only after 2 days after sub+base (onstru(tion. 1-,*0*5* B!t;hin& !n" <iBin&= The bat(hing plant shall be (apable of proportioning the 4aterials by weight, ea(h type of 4aterial being weighed separately in a((ordan(e with Clause )&%.1.3.%. The (e4ent fro4 the bul, sto(, shall be weighed separately fro4 the aggregates. The (apa(ity of bat(hing and 4i@ing plant shall be at least %5 per (ent higher than the proposed (apa(ity for the laying arrange4ents. The bat(hing and 4i@ing shall be (arried out preferably in a for(ed a(tion (entral bat(hing and 4i@ing plant having ne(essary auto4ati( (ontrols to ensure a((urate proportioning and 4i@ing. 7ther types of 4i@ers shall be per4itted sub?e(t to de4onstration of their

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satisfa(tory perfor4an(e during the trial length. The type and (apa(ity of the plant shall be got approved by the !ngineer before (o44en(e4ent of the trial length. The weighing balan(es shall be (alibrated by weighing the aggregates, (e4ent, water and ad4i@tures physi(ally either by weighing with large weighing 4a(hine or in a weigh bridge. The a((ura(y of weighing s(ales of the bat(hing plant shall be within N % per (ent in the (ase of aggregates and N' per(ent in the (ase of (e4ent and water. The design features of Eat(hing Plant should be su(h that the shifting operations of the plant will not ta,e very long ti4e when they are to be shifted fro4 pla(e to pla(e with the progress of the wor,. 1-,*0*.* Tr!ns#ortin&= Plant 4i@ lean (on(rete shall be dis(harged i44ediately fro4 the 4i@er, transported dire(tly to the point where it is to be laid and prote(ted fro4 the weather by (overing the tippers* du4pers with tarpaulin during transit. The (on(rete shall be transported by tipping tru(,s, suffi(ient in nu4ber to ensure a (ontinuous supply of 4aterial to feed the laying e>uip4ent to wor, at a unifor4 speed and in an uninterrupted 4anner. The lead of the bat(hing plant to paving site shall be su(h that the travel ti4e available fro4 4i@ing to paving as spe(ified in Clause )&'.5.5.% will be adhered to. 1-,*0*/* P:!;in&= $ean (on(rete shall be laid*pla(ed by a paver with ele(troni( sensor. The e>uip4ent shall be (apable of laying the 4aterial in one layer in an even 4anner without segregation, so that after (o4pa(tion the total thi(,ness is as spe(ified. The paving 4a(hine shall have high a4plitude ta4ping bars to give good initial (o4pa(tion to the sub+base. The laying of the two+lane road subbase 4ay be done either in full width or lane by lane. Preferably the lean (on(rete shall be pla(ed and (o4pa(ted a(ross the full width of the road, by (onstru(ting it in one go or in two lanes running forward si4ultaneously. Transverse and longitudinal (onstru(tion ?oints shall be staggered by 5&&+'&&& 44 and %&&+B&& 44 respe(tively fro4 the (orresponding ?oints in the overlaying (on(rete slabs. 1-,*0*0* Co<#!;tion 1-,*0*0*,* The (o4pa(tion shall be (arried out i44ediately after the 4aterial is laid and levelled. In order to ensure thorough (o4pa(tion whi(h is essential, rolling shall be (ontinued on the full width till there is no further visible 4ove4ent under the roller and the surfa(e is (losed. The 4ini4u4 dry density obtained shall be 12 per (ent of that a(hieved during the trial length (onstru(tion vide Clause )&'.2. The densities a(hieved at the edges i.e &.54 fro4 the edge shall not be less than 15 per (ent of that a(hieved during the trial (onstru(tion vide Clause )&'.2. 1-,*0*0*5* The spreading, (o4pa(ting and finishing of the lean (on(rete shall be (arried out as rapidly as possible and the operation shall be so arranged as to ensure that the ti4e between the 4i@ing of the first bat(h of (on(rete in any transverse se(tion of the layer and the final finishing of the sa4e shall not e@(eed 1& 4inutes when the (on(rete te4perature is above %5 and below 3& degree Celsius and '%& 4inutes if less than %5 degree Celsius. This period 4ay be reviewed by the !ngineer in the light of the results of the trial run but in no (ase shall it e@(eed % hours. "or, shall not pro(eed when the te4perature of the (on(rete e@(eeds 3& degree Celsius. If ne(essary, (hilled water or addition of i(e 4ay be resorted to for bringing down the te4perature. It is desirable to stop (on(reting when the a4bient te4perature is above 35PC. 0fter (o4pa(tion has been

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(o4pleted, roller shall not stand on the (o4pa(ted surfa(e for the duration of the (uring period e@(ept during (o44en(e4ent of ne@t dayKs wor, near the lo(ation where wor, was ter4inated the previous day. 1-,*0*0*.* #ouble dru4 s4ooth+wheeled vibratory rollers of 4ini4u4 -& to '&& , stati( weight are (onsidered to be suitable for rolling dry lean (on(rete. In (ase any other roller is proposed, the sa4e shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer, after de4onstrating its perfor4an(e. The nu4ber of passes re>uired to obtain 4a@i4u4 (o4pa(tion depends on the thi(,ness of the lean (on(rete, the (o4pa(tibility of the 4i@, and the weight and type of the roller et(., and the sa4e as well as the total re>uire4ent of rollers for the ?ob shall be deter4ined during trial run by 4easuring the in+situ density and the s(ale of the wor, to be underta,en. 1-,*0*0*/* In addition to the nu4ber of passes re>uired for (o4pa(tion there shall be a preli4inary pass without vibration to bed the lean (on(rete down and again a final pass without vibration to re4ove roller 4ar,s and to s4oothen the surfa(e. 6pe(ial (are and attention shall be e@er(ised during (o4pa(tion near ?oints, ,erbs, (hannels, side for4s and around gullies and 4anholes. In (ase ade>uate (o4pa(tion is not a(hieved by the roller at these points, use of plate vibrator shall be 4ade, if so dire(ted by the !ngineer. 1-,*0*0*0* The final lean (on(rete surfa(e on (o4pletion of (o4pa(tion and i44ediately before overlaying, shall be well (losed, free fro4 4ove4ent under roller and free fro4 ridges, low spots, (ra(,s, loose 4aterial, pot holes, ruts or other defe(ts. The final surfa(e shall be inspe(ted i44ediately on (o4pletion and all loose, segregated or defe(tive areas shall be (orre(ted by using fresh lean (on(rete 4aterial laid and (o4pa(ted as per 6pe(ifi(ation. .or repairing honey(o4bed surfa(e, (on(rete with aggregates of siLe '& 44 and below shall be spread and (o4pa(ted. It is ne(essary to (he(, the level of the rolled surfa(e for (o4plian(e. 0ny level*thi(,ness defi(ien(y should be (orre(ted after applying (on(rete with aggregates of siLe '& 44 and below after roughening the surfa(e. 6i4ilarly the surfa(e regularity also should be (he(,ed with 34 straight edge. The defi(ien(y should be 4ade up with (on(rete with aggregates of siLe '& 44 and below. 1-,*0*0*1* 6egregation of (on(rete in the du4pers shall be (ontrolled by pre4i@ing ea(h fra(tion of the aggregates before loading in the bin of the bat(hing plant, by 4oving the du4per ba(, and forth while dis(harging the 4i@ on it and other 4eans. !ven paving operation shall su(h that the 4i@ does not segregate. 1-,*0*1* 9oints= Contra(tion and longitudinal ?oints shall be provided as per the drawing. 0t longitudinal or transverse (onstru(tion ?oints, unless verti(al for4s are used, the edge of (o4pa(ted 4aterial shall be (ut ba(, to a verti(al fa(e where the (orre(t thi(,ness of the properly (o4pa(ted 4aterial has obtained. 1-,*0*2* Curin&= 0s soon as the lean (on(rete surfa(e is (o4pa(ted, (uring shall (o44en(e. 7ne of the following two 4ethods shall be adopted/ 9a: The initial (uring shall be done by spraying with li>uid (uring (o4pound. The (uring (o4pound shall be while pig4ented or transparent type with water retention inde@ of 1& per (ent when tested in a((ordan(e with E6

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25B%. Curing (o4pound shall be sprayed i44ediately after rolling is (o4plete. 0s soon as the (uring (o4pound has lost its ta(,iness, the surfa(e shall be (overed with wet hessian for three days. Curing shall be done by (overing the surfa(e by gunny bags*hessian. whi(h shall be ,ept (ontinuously 4oist for 2 days by sprin,ling water.

1-,*1* Tri!: MiBes The Contra(tor shall 4a,e trial 4i@es of dry lean (on(rete with 4oisture (ontents li,e 5.&, 5.5, ).&, ).5 and 2.& per (ent using (e4ent (ontent spe(ified and the spe(ified aggregate grading but without violating the re>uire4ent of aggregate+ (e4ent ratio spe(ified in Clause )&'.3.'. 7pti4u4 4oisture and density shall be established by preparing (ubes with varying 4oisture (ontents. Co4pa(tion of the 4i@ shall be done in three layers with vibratory ha44er fitted with a s>uare or re(tangular foot as des(ribed in Clause 1&3.5.'.'. 0fter establishing the opti4u4 4oisture, a set of si@ (ubes shall be (ast at that 4oisture for the deter4ination of (o4pressive strength on the 3rd and the seventh day. Trial 4i@es shall be repeated if the strength is not satisfa(tory either by in(reasing (e4ent (ontent or using higher grade of (e4ent. 0fter the 4i@ design is approved, the Contra(tor shall (onstru(t a trial se(tion in a((ordan(e with Clause )&'.2. If during the (onstru(tion of the trial length, the opti4u4 4oisture (ontent deter4ined as above is found to be unsatisfa(tory, the Contra(tor 4ay 4a,e suitable (hanges in the 4oisture (ontent to a(hieve a satisfa(tory 4i@. The (ube spe(i4ens prepared with the (hanged 4oisture (ontent should satisfy the strength re>uire4ent. Eefore produ(tion of the 4i@, natural 4oisture (ontent of the aggregate should be deter4ined on a day+to+day basis so that the 4oisture (ontent (ould be ad?usted. The 4i@ finally designed should neither sti(, to the rollers, nor be(o4e too dry resulting in ravelling of surfa(e. 1-,*2* Tri!: +en&th 1-,*2*,* The trial length shall be (onstru(ted at least 'B days in advan(e of the proposed date of (o44en(e4ent of wor,. 0t least 3& days prior to the (onstru(tion of the trial length, the Contra(tor shall sub4it for the !ngineerKs approval a ;Method 6tate4ent< giving detailed des(ription of the proposed 4aterials, plant, e>uip4ent, 4i@ proportion, and pro(edure for bat(hing, 4i@ing, laying, (o4pa(tion and other (onstru(+ tion pro(edures. The !ngineer shall also approve the lo(ation and length of trial (onstru(tion whi(h shall be a 4ini4u4 of )& 4 length and for full width of the pave4ent. The trial length shall (ontain the (onstru(tion of at least one transverse (onstru(tion ?oint involving hardened (on(rete and freshly laid sub+base. The (onstru(tion of trial length will be repeated till the Contra(tor proves his ability to satisfa(torily (onstru(t the subbase. 1-,*2*5* In order to deter4ine and de4onstrate the opti4u4 4oisture (ontent whi(h results in the 4a@i4u4 dry density of the 4i@ (o4pa(ted by the rolling e>uip4ent and the 4ini4u4 (e4ent (ontent that is ne(essary to a(hieve the strength stipulated in the drawing, trial 4i@es shall be prepared as per Clause )&'.). 1-,*2*.* 0fter the (onstru(tion of the trial length, the in+silu density of the freshly laid 4aterial shall be deter4ined by sand repla(e4ent 4ethod with %& (4 dia

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density (one. Three density holes shall be 4ade at lo(ations e>ually spa(ed along a diagonal that bise(ts the trial lengthM average of these densities shall be deter4ined. These 4ain density holes shall not be 4ade in the strip 5& (4 fro4 the edges. The average density obtained fro4 the three sa4ples (olle(ted shall be the referen(e density and is (onsidered as '&& per (ent. The field density of regular wor, will be (o4pared with this referen(e density in a((ordan(e with Clause )&'.5.5.' and 1&3.5.'.%. 0 few (ores 4ay be (ut as per the instru(tions of the !ngineer to (he(, segregation or any other defi(ien(y. 1-,*2*/* The hardened (on(rete shall be (ut over 3 4 width and reversed to inspe(t the botto4 surfa(e for any segregation ta,ing pla(e. The trial length shall be (onstru(ted after 4a,ing ne(essary (hanges in the gradation of the 4i@ to eli4inate segregation of the 4i@. The lower surfa(e shall not nave honey+(o4bing and the aggregates shall not be held loosely at the edges. 1-,*2*0* The trial length shall be outside the 4ain wor,s. The 4ain wor, shall not start until the trial length has been approved by the !ngineer. 0fter approval has been given, the 4aterials, 4i@ proportions, 4oisture (ontent, 4i@ing, laying, (o4pa(tion plant and (onstru(tion pro(edures shall not be (hanged without the approval of the !ngineer. 1-,*3* To:er!n;es or Sur !;e Re&u:!rityA +eve:A Thi;@nessA Density !n" Stren&th The toleran(es for surfa(e regularity, level, thi(,ness, density and strength shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents given in Clause 1&3.5. Control of >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in nee with 6e(tion 1&&. 1-,*4* Tr! i; o heavy (o44er(ial vehi(les li,e tru(,s and buses shall be per4itted on the lean (on(rete sub+base after its (onstru(tion. $ight vehi(les if unavoidable 4ay, however, be allowed after 2 days of its (onstru(tion with prior approval of the !ngineer. 1-,*,-* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The unit of 4easure4ent for dry lean (on(rete pave4ent shall be the (ubi( 4etre of (on(rete pla(ed, based on the net plan areas for the 6pe(ified thi(,ness shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 1-,*,,* R!te The Contra(t unit rate payable for dry lean (on(rete sub+base shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation forall labour, 4aterials and e>uip4ent, 4i@ing, transport pla(ing, (o4pa(ting, finishing, (uring, testing and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, as per 6pe(ifi(ations, all royalties, fees, storage and rents where ne(essary and all leads and lifts.

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1-5* CEMENT CONCRETE PA)EMENT 1-5*,* S;o#e 1-5*,*,* The wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion of unreinfor(ed, dowel ?ointed, plain (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and in (onfor4ity with the lines grades and (ross se(tions shown on the drawings. The wor, shall in(lude furnishing of all plant and e>uip4ent, 4aterials and labour and perfor4ing all operations in (onne(tion with the wor,, as approved by the !ngineer. 1-5*,*5* The design para4eters, viL., thi(,ness of pave4ent slab, grade of (on(rete, ?oint details et(. shall be as stipulated in the drawings. 1-5*5* M!teri!:s 1-5*5*,* Sour;e o <!teri!:s= The Contra(tor shall indi(ate to the !ngineer the sour(e of all 4aterials to be used in the (on(rete wor, with relevant test data suffi(iently in advan(e, and the approval of the !ngineer for the sa4e shall be obtained at least B5 days before the s(heduled (o44en(e4ent of the wor,. If the Contra(tor later proposes to obtain 4aterials fro4 a different sour(e, he shall notify the !ngineer for his approval, at least B5 days before su(h 4aterials are to be used with relevant test data. 1-5*5*5* Ce<ent = 0ny of the following types of (e4ent (apable of a(hieving the design strength 4ay be used with prior approval of the !ngineer, but the preferen(e should be to use at least the B3 Grade or higher. 9i: 7rdinary Portland Ce4ent, 33 Grade, I6 / %)1. 9ii: 7rdinary Portland Ce4ent, B3 Grade I6 / -''%. 9iii: 7rdinary Portland Ce4ent, 53 Grade, I6 / '%%)1. If the soil around has soluble salts li,e sulphates in e@(ess of &.5 per (ent, the (e4ent used shall be sulphate resistant and shall (onfor4 to I6/ '%33&. Guidan(e 4ay be ta,en fro4 I6/ 6P/ %3, Handboo, for Con(rete Mi@es for as(ertaining the 4ini4u4 2 days strength of (e4ent re>uired .to 4at(h with the design (on(rete strength. Ce4ent to be used 4ay preferably be obtained in bul, for4. If (e4ent in paper bags are proposed to be used, there shall be bag+splitters with the fa(ility to separate pie(es of paper bags and dispose the4 of suitably. o paper pie(es shall enter the (on(rete 4i@. Eul, (e4ent shall be stored in a((ordan(e with Clause '&'B. The (e4ent shall be sub?e(ted to a((eptan(e test ?ust prior to its use. 1-5*5*.* A"<iBtures= 0d4i@tures (onfor4ing to I6/)1%5 and I6/ 1'&3 shall be per4itted to i4prove wor,ability of the (on(rete or e@tension of setting ti4e, on satisfa(tory eviden(e that they will not have any adverse effe(t on the properties of (on(rete with .respe(t to strength, volu4e (hange, durability and have no deleterious effe(t on steel bars. The parti(ulars of the ad4i@ture and the >uantity to be used, 4ust be furnished to the !ngineer in advan(e to obtain his approval before use. 6atisfa(tory perfor4an(e of the ad4i@tures should be proved both on the laboratory (on(rete trial 4i@es and in trial paving wor,s. If air entraining ad4i@ture is used, the total >uantity of air in air+entrained (on(rete as a per(entage of the volu4e of the 4i@ shall be 5 N '.5 per (ent for %5 44 no4inal siLe aggregate.

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1-5*5*/* A&&re&!tes 1-5*5*/*,* 0ggregates for pave4ent (on(rete shall be natural 4aterial (o4plying with I6 / 3-3 but with a $os 0ngeles 0brasion Test result not 4ore than 35 per (ent The li4its of deleterious 4aterials shall not e@(eed the re>uire4ents set out in I6 / 3-3. The aggregates shall be free fro4 (hert, flint, (hal(edony or other sili(a in a for4 that (an rea(t with the al,alies in the (e4ent. In addition, the total (hlorides (ontent e@pressed as (hloride ion (ontent shall not e@(eed &.&) per (ent by weight and the total sulphate (ontent e@pressed as sulphuri( anhydride 967 3: shall not e@(eed &.%5 per (ent by weight. 1-5*5*/*5* Coarse aggregate/ Coarse aggregate shall (onsist of (lean, hard, strong, dense, non+porous and durable pie(es of (rushed stone or (rushed gravel and shall be devoid of pie(es of disintegrated stone, soft, fla,y, elongated, very angular or splintery pie(es. The 4a@i4u4 siLe of (oarse aggregate shall not e@(eed %5 44 for pave4ent (on(rete. Continuously graded or gap graded aggregates 4ay be used, depending on the grading of the fine aggregate. o aggregate whi(h has water absorption 4ore than % per (ent shall be used in the (on(rete 4i@. The aggregates shall be tested for soundness in a((ordan(e with I6 / %3-) 9Part+5:. 0fter 5 (y(les of testing the loss shall not be 4ore than '% per (ent if sodiu4 sulphate solution is used or '- per (ent if 4agnesiu4 sulphate solution is used. #u4ping and sta(,ing of aggregates shall be done in an approved 4anner. In (ase the !ngineer (onsiders that the aggregates are not tree fro4 dirt, the sa4e 4ay be washed and drained for at least 2% hours before bat(hing as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 1-5*5*/*.* Fine !&&re&!te= The fine aggregate shall (onsist of (lean natural sand or (rushed stone sand or a (o4bination of the two and shall (onfor4 to I6 / 3-3. .ine aggregate shall be free fro4 soft parti(les, (lay, shale, loa4, (e4ented parti(les, 4i(a and organi( and other foreign 4atter. The fine aggregate shall not (ontain deleterious substan(es 4ore than the following / Clay lu4ps B.& per (ent Coal and lignite '.& per (ent Material passing I6 6ieve o. 25 4i(ron B.& per (ent 1-5*5*0* W!ter= "ater used for 4i@ing and (uring of (on(rete shall be (lean and free fro4 in?urious a4ount of oil, salt, a(id, vegetable 4atter or other substan(es har4ful to the finished (on(rete. It shall 4eet the re>uire4ents stipulated in I6/ B5). 1-5*5*1* Mi:" stee: ?!rs or "o'e:s !n" tie ?!rs = These shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of I6 / B3%, I6 / ''31 and I6 / '2-) as relevant. The dowel bars shall (onfor4 to Grade 6 %B& and tie bars to Grade 6 B'5 of I.6. 1-5*5*2* Pre<ou:"e" Ioint i::er= 8oint filler board for e@pansion ?oints whi(h are proposed for use only at so4e abutting stru(tures li,e bridges and (ulverts shall be of %&+ %5 44 thi(,ness within a toleran(e of N '.5 44 and of a fir4 (o4pressible 4aterial and (o4plying "ith the re>uire4ents of I6/ '-3-, or E6 6pe(ifi(ation Clause o.%)3& or 6pe(ifi(ation for Highway "or,s, Col.' Clause '&'5. It shall be %5 44 less in depth than the thi(,ness of the slab within a toleran(e of 0 3 44 and provided to the full width between the side for4s. It shall be in suitable lengths whi(h shall not be less than one lane width. Holes to a((o44odate dowel bars shall be a((urately bored or pun(hed out to

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give a sliding fit on the dowel bars. 1-5*5*3* 9oint se!:in& ;o<#oun"= The ?oint sealing (o4pound shall be of hot poured, elasto4eri( type or (old polysulphide type having fle@ibility, resistan(e to age hardening and durability. If the sealant is of hot poured type it shall (onfor4 to 006HT7 M%-% and (old applied sealant shall be in a((ordan(e with E6 5%'% 9Part %:. 1-5*5*4* Stor!&e o <!teri!:s= 0ll 4aterials shall be stored in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause '&'B of the 6pe(ifi(ations and other relevant I6 6pe(ifi(ations. 0ll efforts 4ust be 4ade to store the 4aterials in proper pla(es so as to prevent their deterioration or (onta4ination by foreign 4atter and to ensure their satisfa(tory >uality and fitness for the wor,. The platfor4 where aggregates are sto(, piled shall be levelled with '5 (4 of watered, 4i@ed and (o4pa(ted granular sub+base 4aterial. The area shall have slope and drain to drain off rain water. The storage spa(e 4ust also per4it easy inspe(tion, re4oval and storage of the 4aterials. 0ggregates of different siLes shall be stored in partitioned sta(,+yards. 0ll su(h 4aterials even though stored in approved godowns 4ust be sub?e(ted to a((eptan(e test as per Clause 1&3 of these 6pe(ifi(ations i44ediately prior to their use. 1-5*.* Pro#ortionin& o Con;rete 1-5*.*,* 0fter approval by the !ngineer of all the 4aterials to be used in the (on(rete, the Contra(tor shall sub4it the 4i@ design based on weighed proportions of all ingredients for the approval of the !ngineer. The 4i@ design shall be sub4itted at least 3& days prior to the paving of trial length and the design shall be based on laboratory trial 4i@es using the approved 4aterials and 4ethods as per '-/'&%)% 9Re(o44ended Guidelines for Mi@ #esign: or on the basis of any other rational 4ethod agreed to by the !ngineer. Guidan(e in this regard (an also be obtained fro4 I6/6P/%3 Handboo, on Con(rete Mi@es. The target 4ean strength for the design 4i@ shall be deter4ined as indi(ated in Clause 1&3.5.%. The 4i@ design shall be based on the fle@ural strength of (on(rete. 1-5*.*5* Ce<ent ;ontent= The (e4ent (ontent shall not be less than 35& ,g per (u.4. of (on(rete. If this 4ini4u4 (e4ent (ontent is not suffi(ient to produ(e in the field, (on(rete of the strength spe(ified in the drawings*design, it shall be in(reased as ne(essary without additional (o4pensation under the Contra(t. The (e4ent (ontent shall, however, not e@(eed B%5 ,g per (u.4. of (on(rete. 1-5*..* Con;rete stren&th 1-5*.*.*,* "hile designing the 4i@ in the laboratory, (orrelation between fle@ural and (o4pressive strengths of (on(rete shall be established on the basis of at least thirty tests on sa4ples. However, >uality (ontrol in the field shall be e@er(ised on the basis of fle@ural strength. It 4ay, however, be ensured that the 4aterials and 4i@ proportions re4ain substantially unaltered during the daily (on(rete produ(tion. The water (ontent shall be the 4ini4u4 re>uired to provide the agreed wor,ability for full (o4pa(tion of the (on(rete to the re>uired density as deter4ined by the trial 4i@es or other 4eans approved by the !ngineer and the 4a@i4u4 free water (e4ent ratio shall be &.5&.

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1-5*.*.*5* The ratio between the 2 and %- day strengths shall be established for the 4i@ to be used in the slab in advan(e, by testing pairs of bea4s and (ubes at ea(h stage on at least si@ bat(hes of trial 4i@. The average strength of the 2 day (ured spe(i4ens shall be divided by the average strength of the %- day spe(i4ens for ea(h bat(h, and the ratio JRK shall be deter4ined. The ratio JRK shall be e@pressed to three de(i4al pla(es. If during the (onstru(tion of the trial length or during nor4al wor,ing, the average value of any four (onse(utive 2 day test results falls below the re>uired 2 day strength as derived fro4 the value of JRK, then the (e4ent (ontent of the (on(rete shall without e@tra pay4ent, be in(reased by 5 per (ent by weight or by an a4ount agreed by the !ngineer. The in(reased (e4ent (ontent shall be 4aintained at least until the four (orresponding %- day strengths have been assessed for its (onfor4ity with the re>uire4ents as per Clause )&%.3.'. "henever the (e4ent (ontent is in(reased, the (on(rete 4i@ shall be ad?usted to 4aintain the re>uired wor,ability. 1-5*.*/* Wor@!?i:ity 1-5*.*/*,* The wor,ability of the (on(rete at the point of pla(ing shall be ade>uate for the (on(rete to be fully (o4pa(ted and finished without undue flow. The opti4u4 wor,ability for the 4i@ to suit the paving plant being used shall be deter4ined by the Contra(tor and by the !ngineer. The (ontrol of wor,ability in the field shall be e@er(ised by the slu4p test as per I6 / ''11. 1-5*.*/*5* The wor,ability re>uire4ent at the Eat(hing Plant, and paving site shall be established by slu4p tests (arried during trial paving. These re>uire4ents shall be established fro4 season to season and also the lead fro4 Eat(hing plant site to the paving site (hanges. The wor,ability shall be established for the type of paving e>uip4ent avail+slu4p value in the range of 3& N '5 44 is reasonable for paving wor,s but this 4ay be 4odified depending upon the site re>uire4ent and got approved by the !ngineer. These tests shall be (arried out on every Tru(,*du4per at Plant site and paving site initially when the wor, (o44en(es but subse>uently the fre>uen(y (an be redu(ed to alternate tru(, or as per the instru(tions of the !ngineer. 1-5*.*0* Desi&n <iB 1-5*.*0*,* The Contra(tor shall (arry out laboratory trials of design 4i@es with the 4aterials fro4 the approved sour(es to be used. Trial 4i@es shall be 4ade in presen(e of the !ngineer or his representative and the design 4i@ shall be sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. They shall be repeated if ne(essary until the proportions that will produ(e a (on(rete whi(h (o4plies in all respe(ts with this 6pe(ifi(ation, and (onfor4s to the re>uire4ent of the design*drawings have been deter4ined. 1-5*.*0*5* The proportions deter4ined as a result of the laboratory trial 4i@es 4ay be ad?usted if ne(essary during the (onstru(tion of the trial length. Thereafter, neither the 4aterials nor the 4i@ proportions shall be varied in any way e@(ept with the written approval of the !ngineer. 1-5*.*0*.* 0ny (hange in the sour(e of 4aterials or 4i@ proportions proposed by the Contra(tor during the (ourse of wor, shall be assessed by 4a,ing laboratory trial 4i@es and the (onstru(tion of a further trial length unless approval is given by the

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!ngineer for 4inor ad?ust4ents li,e (o4pensation for 4oisture (ontent in aggregates or 4inor flu(tuations in the grading of aggregate. 1-5*/* Su?7?!se The (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent shall be laid over the sub+base (onstru(ted in a((ordan(e with the relevant drawings and 6pe(ifi(ations (ontained in Clause )&'. If the sub+base is found da4aged at so4e pla(es or it has (ra(,s wider than '& 44, it shall be repaired with fine (e4ent (on(rete or bitu4inous (on(rete before laying separation layer. Prior to laying of (on(rete it shall be ensured that the separation 4e4brane as per Clause )&%.5 is pla(ed in position and the sa4e is (lean of dirt or other e@traneous 4aterials and free fro4 any da4age. 1-5*0* Se#!r!tion Me<?r!ne 0 separation 4e4brane shall be used between the (on(rete slab and the subbase. 6eparation 4e4brane shall be i4per4eable plasti( sheeting '%5 4i(rons thi(, laid flat without (reases. Eefore pla(ing the separation 4e4brane, the sub+base shall be swept (lean of all the e@traneous 4aterials using air (o4pressor. "herever overlap of plasti( sheets is ne(essary, the sa4e shall be at least 3&& 44 and any da4aged sheeting shall be repla(ed at the Contra(torKs e@pense. The separation 4e4brane 4ay be nailed to the lower layer with (on(rete nails. 1-5*1* 9oints 1-5*1*,* The lo(ation and type of ?oints shall be as shown in the drawing. 8oints shall be (onstru(ted depending upon their fun(tional re>uire4ent as detailed in the following paragraphs. The lo(ation of the ?oints should be transferred a((urately at the site and 4e(hani(al saw (utting of ?oints done as per stipulated di4ensions. It should be ensured that the full re>uired depth of (ut is 4ade fro4 edge to edge of the pave4ent. Transverse and longitudinal ?oints in the pave4ent and sub+base shall be staggered so that they are not (oin(ident verti(ally and are at least '4 and &.34 apart respe(tively. 6awing of ?oints shall be (arried out with dia4ond studded blades soon after the (on(rete has hardened to ta,e the load of the sawing 4a(hine and personnel without, da4aging the te@ture of the pave4ent. 6awing operation (ould start as early as )+- hours depending upon the season. 1-5*1*5* Tr!nsverse Ioints 1-5*1*5*,* Transverse ?oints shall be (ontra(tion and e@pansion ?oints (onstru(ted at the spa(ing des(ribed in the #rawings. Transverse ?oints shall be straight within the following toleran(es along the intended line of ?oints whi(h is the straight line transverse to the longitudinal a@is of the (arriageway at the position proposed by the Contra(tor and agreed to by the !ngineer, e@(ept at road ?un(tions or roundabouts where the position shall be as des(ribed in the drawings/ 9i: #eviations of the filler board in the (ase of e@pansion ?oints fro4 the intenaed line of the ?oint shall not be greater than N'& 44. 9ii: The best fit straight line through the ?oint grooves as (onstru(ted shall be not 4ore than %5 44 fro4 the intended line of the ?oint.

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#eviations of the ?oint groove fro4 the best fit straight line of the ?oint shall not be greater than '& 44. 9iv: Transverse ?oints on ea(h side of the longitudinal ?oint shall be in line with ea(h other and of the sa4e type and width. Transverse ?oints shall have a sealing groove whi(h shall be sealed in (o4plian(e with Clause )&%.''. 1-5*1*5*5* Contr!;tion Ioints = Contra(tion ?oints shall (onsist of a 4e(hani(al sawn ?oint groove, 3 to 5 44 wide and '*B to '*3 depth of the slab N 5 44 or as stipulated in the drawings and dowel bars (o4plying with Clause )&%.).5 and as detailed in the drawings. The (ontra(tion ?oints shall be (ut as soon as the (on(rete has undergone initial hardening and is hard enough to ta,e the load of ?oint sawing 4a(hine without (ausing da4age to the slab. 1-5*1*5*.* EB#!nsion Ioints= The e@pansion ?oints shall (onsist of a ?oint filler board (o4plying with Clause )&%.%.2 and dowel bars (o4plying with Clause )&%.).5 and as detailed in the drawings. The filler board shall be positioned verti(ally with the prefabri(ated ?oint asse4blies along the line of the ?oint within the toleran(es given in Clause )&%.).%.'. and at su(h depth below the surfa(e as will not i4pede the passage of the finishing straight edges or os(illating bea4s of the paving 4a(hines. The ad?a(ent slabs shall be (o4pletely separated fro4 ea(h other by providing ?oint filler board. 6pa(e around the dowel bars, between the sub+base and the filler board shall be pa(,ed with a suitable (o4pressible 4aterial to blo(, the flow of (e4ent slurry. 1-5*1*.* Tr!nsverse ;onstru;tion Ioint= Transverse (onstru(tion ?oints shall be pla(ed whenever (on(reting is (o4pleted after a dayKs wor, or is suspended for 4ore than 3& 4inutes. These ?oints shall be provided at the regular lo(ation of (ontra(tion ?oints using dowel bars. The ?oint shall be 4ade butt type. 0t all (onstru(tion ?oints, steel bul, heads shall be used to retain the (on(rete while the surfa(e is finished. The surfa(e of the (on(rete laid subse>uently shall (onfor4 to the grade and (ross se(tions of the previously laid pave4ent. "hen positioning of bul, head* stop+end is not possible, (on(reting to an additional ' or % 4 length 4ay be (arried out to enable the 4ove4ent of ?oint (utting 4a(hine so that ?oint grooves 4ay be for4ed and the e@tra ' or % 4 length is (ut out and re4oved subse>uently after (on(rete has hardened. 1-5*1*/* +on&itu"in!: Ioint 1-5*1*/*,* The longitudinal ?oints shall be saw (ut as per details of the ?oints shown in the drawing. The groove 4ay be (ut after the final set of the (on(rete. 8oints should be sawn to at least '*3 the depth of the slab N 5 44 as indi(ated in the drawing. 1-5*1*/*5* Tie bars shall be provided at the longitudinal ?oints as per di4ensions and spa(ing shown in the drawing and in a((ordan(e with Clause )&%.).). 1-5*1*0* Do'e: ?!rs 1-5*1*0*,* #owel bars shall be 4ild steel rounds in a((ordan(e with Clause )&%.%.) with details*di4ensions as indi(ated in the drawing and free fro4 oil, dirt, loose rust or s(ale. They shall be straight, free of irregularities and burring restri(ting slippage in the (on(rete. The sliding ends shall be sawn or (ropped (leanly with no protrusions


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outside the nor4al dia4eter of the bar. The dowel bar shall be supported on (radles*dowel (hairs in pre+fabri(ated ?oint asse4blies positioned prior to the (onstru(tion of the slabs or 4e(hani(ally inserted with vibration into the plasti( (on(rete by a 4ethod whi(h ensures (orre(t pla(e4ent of the bars besides full re+(o4pa(tion of the (on(rete around the dowel bars. 1-5*1*0*5* Anless shown otherwise on the drawings, dowel bars shall be positioned at 4id depth of the slab within a toleran(e of N %& 44, and (entered e>ually about intended lines of the ?oint within a toleran(e of N %5 44. They shall be aligned parallel to the finished surfa(e of the slab and to the (entre line of the (arriagev ay and to ea(h other within toleran(es given hereunder, the (o4plian(e of whi(h shall be (he(,ed as per Clause )&%.'&.2. 9i: .or bars supported on (radles prior to the laying of the slab/ 9a: 0ll bars in a ?oint shall be within N 3 44 per 3&& 44 length of bar 9b: %*3rd of the bars shall be within N% 44 per 3&& 44 length of bar 9(: o bar shall differ in align4ent fro4 an ad?oining bar by 4ore than 344 per 3&& 44 length of bar in either the horiLontal or verti(al plane 9d: Cradles supporting dowel bar shall not e@tend a(ross the line of ?oint i.e. no steel bar of the (radle asse4bly shall be (ontinuous a(ross the ?oint. 9ii: .or all bars inserted after laying of the slab/ 9a: Twi(e the toleran(e for align4ent as indi(ated in 9i: above 1-5*1*0*.* #owel bars, supported on (radles in asse4blies, when sub?e(t to a load of ''& applied at either end and in either the verti(al or horiLontal dire(tion 9upwards and downwards and both dire(tions horiLontally: shall (onfor4 to be within the following li4its/ 9i: Two+thirds of the nu4ber of bars of any asse4bly tested shall not defle(t 4ore than % 44 per 3&& 44 length of bar 9ii: The re4ainder of the bars in that asse4bly per 3&& 44 length of bar. shall not defle(t 4ore than 3 44 1-5*1*0*/* The asse4bly of dowel bars and supporting (radles, in(luding the ?oint filler board in the (ase of e@pansion ?oints, shall Jhave the following degree of rigidity when fi@ed in position/+ 9i: .or e@pansion ?oints, the defle(tion of the top edge of the filler board shall be not greater than '3 44, when a load of '.3 , is applied perpendi(ular to the verti(al fa(e of the ?oint filler board and distributed over a length of )&& 44 by 4eans of a bar or ti4ber pa(,ing, at 4id depth and 4idway between individual fi@ings, or 3&& 44 fro4 either end of any length of filler board, if a (ontinuous fi@ing is used. The residual defle(tion after re4oval of the load shall be not 4ore than 3 44. 9ii: The ?oint asse4bly fi@ings to sub+base shall not fail under the '.3, load applied for testing the rigidity of the asse4bly but shall fail before the load rea(hes %.) , . 9iii: The fi@ings for (ontra(tion ?oint shall not fail under '.3 , load and shall fail before the load rea(hes %.) , when applied over a length of )&& 44 by 4eans of a bar or ti4ber pa(,ing pla(ed as near to the level of the line of fi@ings as pra(ti(able.

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.i@ings shall be dee4ed to fail when there is displa(e4ent of the asse4blies by 4ore than 3 44 with any for4 of fi@ing, under the test load. The displa(e4ent shall be 4easured at the nearest pan of the asse4bly to the (entre of the bar or ti4ber pa(,ing.

1-5*1*0*0. #owel bars shall be (overed by a thin plasti( sheath for at least two+ thirds of the length fro4 one end for dowel bars in (ontra(tion ?oints or half the length plus 5& 44 for e@pansion ?oints. The sheath shall be tough, durable and of an average thi(,ness not greater than '.%5 44. The sheathed bar shall (o4ply with the following pull+out tests/ 9i: .our bars shall be ta,en at rando4 fro4 sto(, and without any spe(ial preparation shall be (overed by sheaths as re>uired in this Clause. The ends of the dowel bars whi(h have been sheathed shall be (ast (entrally into (on(rete spe(i4ens '5& @ '5& @ )&& 44, 4ade of the sa4e 4i@ proportions to be used in the pave4ent, but with a 4a@i4u4 no4inal aggregate siLe of %& 44 and (ured in a((ordan(e with I6/ 5'). 0t 2 days a tensile load shall be applied to a(hieve a 4ove4ent of the bar of at least &.%6 44. The average bond stress to a(hieve this 4ove4ent shall not be greater than &.'B MPa. 1-5*1*0*1* .or e@pansion ?oints, a (losely fitting (ap '&&44 long (onsisting of waterproofed (ardboard or an approved syntheti( 4aterial li,e PCC or GI pipe shall be pla(ed over the sheathed end of ea(h dowel bar. 0n e@pansion spa(e at least e>ual in length to the thi(,ness of the ?oint filler board shall be for4ed between the end of the (ap and the end of the dowel bar by using (o4pressible sponge. To blo(, the entry of (e4ent slurry between dowel and (ap it 4ay be taped. 1-5*1*1* Tie ?!rs 1-5*1*1*,* Tie bars in longitudinal ?oints shall be defor4ed steel bars of strength B'5 MPa (o4plying with I6/ '2-) and in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents given below. The bars shall be free fro4 oil, dirt, loose rust and s(ale. 1-5*1*1*5* Tie bars pro?e(ting a(ross the longitudinal ?oint shall be prote(ted fro4 (orrosion for 2544 on ea(h side of the ?oint by a prote(tive (oating of bitu4inous paint with the approval of the !ngineer. The (oating shall be dry when the tie bars are used. 1-5*1*1*.* Tie bars in longitudinal ?oints shall be 4ade up into rigid asse4blies with ade>uate supports and fi@ings to re4ain fir4ly in position during the (onstru(tion of the slab. 0lternatively, tie bars at longitudinal ?oints 4ay be 4e(hani(ally or 4anually inserted into the plasti( (on(rete fro4 above by vibration using a 4ethod whi(h ensures (orre(t pla(e4ent of the bars and re(o4pa(tion of the (on(rete around the tie bars. 1-5*1*1*/* Tie bars shall be positioned to re4ain within the 4iddle third of the slab depth as indi(ated in the drawings and appro@i4ately parallel to the surfa(e and appro@i4ately perpendi(ular to the line of the ?oint, with the (entre of ea(h baron the intended line of the ?oints within a toleran(e of N 5&44, and with a 4ini4u4 (over of

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3&44 below the pint groove. 1-5*2* We!ther !n" Se!son!: +i<it!tions 1-5*2*,* Con(reting during 4onsoon 4onths/ "hen (on(rete is being pla(ed during 4onsoon 4onths and when it 4ay be e@pe(ted to rain, suffi(ient supply of tarpaulin or other water proof (loth shall be provided along the line of the wor,. 0ny ti4e when it rains, all freshly laid (on(rete whi(h had not been (overed for (uring purposes shall be ade>uately prote(ted. 0ny (on(rete da4aged by rain shall be re4oved and repla(ed. If the da4age is li4ited to te@ture, it shall be rete@tured in a((ordan(e with the dire(tives of the !ngineer. 1-5*2*5* Con;retin& in hot 'e!ther= o (on(reting shall be done when the (on(rete te4perature is above 3& degree Centigrade. Eesides, in adverse (onditions li,e high te4perature, low relative hu4idity, e@(essive wind velo(ity, i44inen(e of rains et(., if so desired by the !ngineer, tents on 4obile trusses 4ay be provided over the freshly laid (on(rete for a 4ini4u4 period of 3 hours as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The te4perature of the (on(rete 4i@ on rea(hing the paving site shall not be 4ore than 3&P C. To bring down the te4perature, if ne(essary, (hilled water or i(e fla,es should be 4ade use of. o (on(reting shall be done when the (on(rete te4perature is below 5 degree Centigrade and the te4perature is des(ending. 1-5*3* Si"e For<sA R!i:s !n" Gui"e 'ires 1-5*3*,* 6ide for4s and rails/ 0ll side for4s shall be of 4ild steel of depth e>ual to the thi(,ness of pave4ent or slightly less to a((o44odate the surfa(e regularity of the sub+base. The for4s (an be pla(ed on series of steel pa(,ing plates or shi4s to ta,e (are of irregularity of sub+base. They shall be suffi(iently robust and rigid to support the weight and pressure (aused by a paving e>uip4ent. 6idefor4s for use with wheeled paving 4a(hines shall in(orporate 4etal rails fir4ly fi@ed at a (onstant height below the top of the for4s. The for4s and rails shall be fir4ly se(ured in position by not less than 3 sta,es*pins per ea(h 3 4 length so as to prevent 4ove4ent in any dire(tion. .or4s and rails shall be straight within a toleran(e of 3 44 in 3 4 and when in pla(e shall not settle in e@(ess of '.5 44 in 3 4 while paving is being done. .or4 shall be (leaned and oiled i44ediately before ea(h use. The for4s shall be bedded on a (ontinuous bed of low 4oisture (ontent lean (e4ent 4ortar or (on(rete and set to the line and levels shown on the drawings within toleran(es N '& 44 and 0 3 44 respe(tively. The bedding shall not e@tend under the slab and there shall be no verti(al step between ad?a(ent for4s of 4ore than 3 44. The for4s shall be got inspe(ted fro4 the !ngineer for his approval before '% hours on the day before the (onstru(tion of the slab and shall not be re4oved until least '% hours afterwards. 1-5*3*5* 0t all ti4es suffi(ient for4s shall be used and set to the re>uired align4ent for at least %&& 4 length of pave4ent i44ediately in adva(e of the paving operations, or the anti(ipated length of pave4ent to be laid within the ne@t %B hrs whi(hever is 4ore.

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1-5*3*.* (se o &ui"e'ires 1-5*3*.*,* "here slip for4 paving is proposed, a guidewire shall be avided along both sides of the slab. !a(h guidewire shall be at a (onstant height above and parallel to the re>uired edges of the slab as des(ribed in the (ontra(t*drawing within a verti(al toleran(e of 0 344. 0dditionally, one of the wires shall be ,ept at a (onstant horiLontal distan(e fro4 the re>uired edge of the pave4ent as indi(ated in the (ontra(t*drawing within a lateral toleran(e of 0 '& 44. 1-5*3*.*5* The guidewires shall be supported on sta,es net 4ore than -4 apart by (onne(tors (apable of fine horiLontal and verti(al ad?ust4ent. The guidewire shall be tensioned on the sta,es so that a 5&& gra4 shall produ(e a defle(tion of not 4ore than %&44 when suspended at the 4id point between any pair of sta,es. The ends of the guidewres shall be an(hored to fi@ing point or win(h and not on the sta,es. 1-5*3*.*.* The sta,es shall be positioned and the (onne(tors 4aintained at their (orre(t height and align4ent fro4 '% hours on the day before (on(reting ta,es pla(e until '% hours after finishing of the (on(rete. The guidewire shall be ere(ted and tensioned on the Conne(tors at any se(tion for at least % hours before (on(reting that se(tion. 1-5*3*.*/* The Contra(tor shall sub4it to the !ngineer for his approval of line and level, the sta,es and (onne(tors whi(h are ready for use in the length of road to be (onstru(ted by '% hours on the wor,ing day before the day of (onstru(tion of slab. 0ny defi(ien(ies noted by the !ngineer shall be re(tified by the Contra(tor who shall then re+ apply for approval of the affe(ted sta,es. "or, shall not pro(eed until the !ngineer has given his approval. It shall be ensured that the sta,es and guidewires are not affe(ted by the (onstru(tion e>uip4ent when (on(reting is in progress. 1-5*4* Constru;tion 1-5*4*,* Gener!:= 0 syste4s approa(h 4ay be adopted for (onstru(tion of the pave4ent, and the Method 6tate4ent for (arrying out the wor,, detailing all the a(tivities in(luding indi(ation of ti4e+(y(le, e>uip4ent, personnel et(., shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer before the (o44en(e4ent of the wor,. The above shall in(lude the type, (apa(ity and 4a,e of the bat(hing and 4i@ing plant besides the hauling arrange4ent and paving e>uip4ent. The (apa(ity of paving e>uip4ent, bat(hing plant as well as all the an(illary e>uip4ent shall be ade>uate for a paving rate of atleast 3&& 4 in one day. 1-5*4*5* B!t;hin& !n" <iBin&= Eat(hing and 4i@ing of the (on(rete shall be done at a (entral bat(hing and 4i@ing plant with auto4ati( (ontrols, lo(ated at a suitable pla(e whi(h ta,es into a((ount suffi(ient spa(e for sto(,piling of (e4ent, aggregates and stationary water tan,s. This shall be, however, situtated at an approved distan(e, duly (onsidering the properties of the 4i@ and the transporting arrange4ents available with the Contra(tor. 1-5*4*.* EEui#<ent or #ro#ortionin& o <!teri!:s !n" #!vin& 1-5*4*.*,* Proportioning of 4aterials shall be done in the bat(hing plant by weight, ea(h type of 4aterial being weighed separately. The (e4ent fro4 the bul, sto(,

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4ay be weighed separately fro4 the aggregates and water shall be 4easured by volu4e. "herever properly graded aggregate of unifor4 >uality (annot be 4aintained as envisaged in the 4i@ design, the grading of aggregates shall be (ontrolled by appropriate blending te(hni>ues. The (apa(ity of bat(hing and 4i@ing plant shall be at least %5 per (ent higher than the proposed (apa(ity of the laying*paving e>uip4ent. 1-5*4*.*5* B!t;hin& #:!nt !n" eEui#<ent= (,) Gener!:7 The bat(hing plant shall in(lude 4ini4u4 four bins, weighing hoppers, and s(ales for the fine aggregate and for ea(h siLe of (oarse aggregate. If (e4ent is used in bul,, a separate s(ale for (e4ent shall be in(luded. The weighing hoppers shall be properly sealed and vented to pre(lude dust during operation. 0pproved safety devi(es shall be provided and 4aintained for the prote(tion of all personnel engaged in plant operation, inspe(tion and testing. The bat(h plant shall be e>uipped with a suitable non+resettable bat(h (ounter whi(h will (orre(tly indi+ (ate the nu4ber of bat(hes proportioned. Bins !n" ho##ers7 Eins with 4ini4u4 nu4ber of four ade>uate separate (o4part4ents shall be provided in the bat(hing plant. Auto<!ti; 'ei&hin& "evi;es7 Eat(hing plant shall be e>uipped to proportion aggregates and bul, (e4ent by 4eans of auto4ati( weighing devi(es using load (ells. MiBers7 Mi@ers shall be pan type, reversible type or any other 4i@er (apable of (o4bining the aggregates, (e4ent, and water into a thoroughly 4i@ed and unifor4 4ass within the spe(ifi( 4i@ing period, and of dis(harging the 4i@ture, without segregation. !a(h stationary 4i@er shall be e>uipped with an approved ti4ing devi(e whi(h will auto4ati(ally lo(, the dis(harge lever when the dru4 has been (harged and release it at the end of the 4i@ing period. The devi(e shall be e>uipped with a bell or other suitable warning devi(e ad?usted to give a (learly audible signal ea(h ti4e the lo(, is released. In (ase of failure of the ti4ing devi(e, the 4i@er 4ay be used for the balan(e of the day while it is being repaired, provided that ea(h bat(h is 4i@ed 1& se(onds or as per the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endation. The 4i@er shall be e>uipped with a suitable non+resettable bat(h (ounter whi(h shall (orre(tly indi(ate the nu4ber of bat(hes 4i@ed. The 4i@ers shall be (leaned at suitable intervals. The pi(,up and throw+over blades in the dru4 or dru4s shall be repaired or repla(ed when they are worn down %& 44 or 4ore. The Contra(tor shall 9': have available at the ?ob site a (opy of the 4anufa(turerKs design, showing di4ensions and arrange4ents of blades in referen(e to original height and depth, or 9%: provide per4anent 4ar,s on blade to show points of %& 44 wear fro4 new (onditions. #rilled holes of 5 44 dia4eter near ea(h end and at 4idpoint of ea(h blade are re(o44ended. Eat(hing Plant shall be (alibrated in the beginning and thereafter at suitable interval not e@(eeding ' 4onth. Contro: ;!?in 7 0n air+(onditioned (entralised (ontrol (abin shall be provided for auto4ati( operation of the e>uip4ent.

(5) (.) (/)


1-5*4*.*.. P!vin& eEui#<ent = The (on(rete shall be pla(ed with an approved fi@ed for4 or slip fro4 paver with independent units designed to 9i: spread.9ii: (onsolidate, s(reed and float+finish, 9iii: te@ture and (ure the freshly pla(ed (on(rete in one (o4plete pass bf the 4a(hine in su(h a 4anner that a 4ini4u4 of hand finishing

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will be ne(essary and so as to provide a dense and ho4ogeneous pave4ent in (onfor4ity with the plans and 6pe(ifi(ations. The paver shall be e>uipped with ele(troni( (ontrols to (ontrol*sensor line and grade fro4 either or both sides of the 4a(hine. Cibrators shall operate at a fre>uen(y of -3&& to 1)&& i4pulses per 4inute under load at a 4a@i4u4 spa(ing of )& (4. The variable vibration setting shall be provided in the 4a(hine. 1-5*4*.*/* Con;rete s!'= The Contra(tor shall provide ade>uate nu4ber of (on(rete saws with suffi(ient nu4ber of dia4ond+edge saw blades. The saw 4a(hine shall be either ele(tri( or petrol*diesel driven type. 0 water tan, with fle@ible hoses and pu4p shall be 4ade available in this a(tivity on priority basis. The Contra(tor shall have at least one standby saw in good wor,ing (ondition. The (on(reting wor, shall not (o44en(e if the saws are not in wor,ing (ondition. 1-5*4*/* %!u:in& !n" #:!;in& o ;on;rete 1-5*4*/*,* .reshly 4i@ed (on(rete fro4 the (entral bat(hing and 4i@ing plant shall be transported to the paver site by 4eans of tru(,s*tippers of suffi(ient (apa(ity and approved design in suffi(ient nu4bers to ensure a (onstant supply of (on(rete. Covers shall be used for prote(tion of (on(rete against the weather. The tru(,s*tippers shall be (apable of 4aintaining the 4i@ed (on(rete in a ho4ogeneous state and dis(harging the sa4e without segregation and loss of (e4ent slurry. The feeding to the paver is to be regulated in su(h a way that the paving is done in an uninterrupted 4anner with a unifor4 speed throughout the days wor,. 1-5*4*/*5* P:!;in& o ;on;rete Con(rete 4i@ed in (entral 4i@ing plant shall be transported to the site without delay and the (on(rete whi(h, in the opinion of the !ngineer, has been 4i@ed too long before laying will be re?e(ted and shall be re4oved fro4 the site. The total ti4e ta,en fro4 the addition of the water to the 4i@, until the (o4pletion of the< surfa(e finishing and te@turing shall not e@(eed '%& 4inutes when (on(rete te4perature is less than %5PC and 1& 4inutes when the (on(rete te4perature is between %5PC to 3&PC. Tru(,*tipper delivering (on(rete shall not run on plasti( sheeting nor shall they run on (o4pleted slabs until after %- days of pla(ing the (on(rete. The Paver shall be (apable of paying the (arriageway as shown in the drawings, in a single pass and lift. 1-5*4*/*.* "here fi@ed for4 pavers are to be used, for4s shall be fi@ed in advan(e as per Clause )&%.-. of the 6pe(ifi(ations. Eefore any paving is done, the site shall be shown to the !ngineer, in order to verify the arrange4ent for paving besides pla(ing of dowels, tie+bars et(., as per the relevant Clauses of this 6pe(ifi(ation. The 4i@ing and pla(ing of s (on(rete shall progress only at su(h a rate as to per4it proper finishing, prote(ting and (uring of the pave4ent. 1-5*4*/*/* In all (ases, the te4perature of the (on(rete shall be 4easured at the point of dis(harge fro4 the delivery vehi(le. 1-5*4*/*0* The addition of water to the surfa(e of the (on(rete to fa(ilitate the finishing operations will not be per4itted e@(ept with the approval of the !ngineer when it shall be applied as a 4ist by 4eans approved e>uip4ent.

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1-5*4*/*1* If (onsidered ne(essary by the !ngineer, the paving 4a(hines shall be provided with approved (overs to prote(t the surfa(e of the slab under (onstru(tion fro4 dire(t sunlight and rain or hot wind. 1-5*4*/*2* "hile the (on(rete is still plasti(, its surfa(e shall be brush te@tured in (o4plian(e with Clause )&%.1.- and the surfa(e and edges of the slab (ured by the appli(ation of a sprayed li>uid (uring 4e4brane in (o4plian(e with Clause )&%.1.1. 0fter the surfa(e te@turing, but before the (uring (o4pound is applied, the (on(rete slab shall be 4ar,ed with (hainage at every '&& 4 interval. 1-5*4*/*3* 0s soon as the side for4s are re4oved, edges of the slabs ill be (orre(ted wherever irregularities have o((urred by using fine (on(rete (o4posed of one part of (e4ent to 3 parts of fine (hips and aggregate under the supervision of the !ngineer. 1-5*4*/*4* If the re>uire4ent of Clause 1&%.B. for surfa(e regularity to be a(hieved on two (onse(utive wor,ing days, then nor4al wor,ing shall (ease until the (ause of the e@(essive irregularity has been identified and re4edied. 1-5*4*0* Constru;tion ?y iBe" or< #!ver 1-5*4*0*,* The fi@ed for4 paving train shall (onsist of separate powered 4a(hines whi(h spread, (o4pa(t and finish the (on(rete in (ontinuous operation. 1-5*4*0*5* The (on(rete shall be dis(harged without segregation into a hopper spreader whi(h is e>uipped with 4eans for (ontrolling its rate of deposition on to the subbase. The spreader shall be operated to stri,e off (on(rete upto a level re>uiring a s4all a4ount of (utting down by the distributor of the spreader. The distributor of spreader shall stri,e off the (on(rete to the sur(harge ade>uate to ensure that the vibratory (o4pa(tor thoroughly (o4pa(ts the layer. If ne(essary, po,er vibrators shall be used ad?a(ent to the side for4s and edges of the previously (onstru(ted slab. The vibratory (o4pa(tor shall be set to stri,e off the surfa(e slightly high so that it is (ut down to the re>uired level by the os(illating bea4. The 4a(hine shall be (apable of being rapidly ad?usted for (hanges in average and differential sur(harge ne(essitated by (hanges in slab thi(,ness or (ross fall. The final finisher shall be able to finish the surfa(e to the re>uired level and s4oothness as spe(ified, (are being ta,en to avoid bringing up of e@(essive 4ortar to the surfa(e by overwor,ing. 1-5*4*1* Constru;tion ?y s:i# or< #!ver 1-5*4*1*,* The slip for4 paving train shall (onsist of power 4a(hine whi(h spreads, (o4pa(ts and finishes the (on(rete in a (ontinuous operation. The slip for4 paving 4a(hine shall (o4pa(t the (on(rete by internal vibration and shape it between the side for4s with either a (onfor4ing plate or by vibrating and os(illating finishing bea4s. The (on(rete shall be deposited without segregation in front of slip for4 paver a(ross the whole width and to a height whi(h at all ti4es is in e@(ess of the re>uired sur(harge. The deposited (on(rete shall be stru(, off to the ne(essary average and differential sur(harge by 4eans of the stri,e off plate or a s(rew auger devi(e e@tending a(ross the whole width of the slab. The e>uip4ent for stri,ing+off the (on(rete shall be (apable of being rapidly ad?usted for (hanges of the average and differential sur(harge ne(essitated by

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(hange in slab thi(,ness or (rossfail. 1-5*4*1*5* The level of the (onfor4ing plate and finishing bea4s shall be (ontrolled auto4ati(ally fro4 the guide wires installed as per Clause )&%.- by sensors atta(hed at the four (orners of the slip for4 paving 4a(hine. The align4ent of the paver shall be (ontrolled auto4ati(ally fro4 the guide wire by at least one set of sensors atta(hed to the paver. The align4ent and level of an(illary 4a(hines for finishing, te@turing and (uring of the (on(rete shall be auto4ati(ally (ontrolled relative to the guide wire or to the surfa(e and edge of the slab. 1-5*4*1*.* 6lip+for4 paving 4a(hines shall have vibrators of variable output, with a 4a@i4u4 energy output of not less than %.5 =" per 4etre width of slab per 3&& 44 depth of slab for a laying speed upto '.5 4 per 4inute or pro+rata for higher speeds. The 4a(hines shall be of suffi(ient 4ass to provide ade>uate rea(tion during spreading and paving operations on the tra(tion units to 4aintain forward 4ove4ents during the pla(ing of (on(rete in all situations. 1-5*4*1*/* If the edges of the slip for4ed slab slu4p to the e@tent that the surfa(e of the lop edge of the slab does not (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of Clause )&%.'B, then spe(ial 4easures approved by the !ngineer shall be ta,en to support the edges to the re>uired levels and wor, shall be stopped until su(h ti4e as the Contra(tor (an de4onstrate his ability to slip for4 the edges .to the re>uired levels. 1-5*4*2* Constru;tion ?y h!n"7&ui"e" <etho"= 0reas in whi(h hand+guided 4ethods of (onstru(tion be(o4e indispensable shall be got approved by the !ngineer in writing in advan(e. 6u(h wor, 4ay be per4itted only in restri(ted areas in s4all lengths. "or, shall be earned (ut by s,illed personnel as per 4ethods approved by the !ngineer. The a((eptan(e (riteria regarding level, thi(,ness, surfa(e regularity, te@ture, finish, strength of (on(rete and all other >uality (ontrol 4easures shall be the sa4e as in the (ase of 4a(hine laid wor,. 1-5*4*3* Sur !;e teBture 1-5*4*3*,* 0fter the final regulation of the slab and before the appli(ation of the (uring 4e4brane, the surfa(e of (on(rete slab shall be brush+te@tured in a dire(tion at right angles to the longitudinal a@is of the (arriageway. 1-5*4*3*5* The brushed surfa(e te@ture shall be applied evenly a(ross the slab in one dire(tion by the use of a wire brush not less than B5& 44 wide but longer brushes are preferred. The brush shall be 4ade of 3% gauge tape wires grouped together in tufts spa(ed at '& 44 (entres. The tufts shall (ontain an average of 'B wires and initially be '&& 44 long. The brush shall have two rows of tufts. The rows shall be %& 44 apart and the tufts in one row shall be opposite the (entre of the gap between tufts in the other row. The brush shall be repla(ed when the shortest tuft wears down to 1& 44 long. 1-5*4*3*.* The te@ture depth shall be deter4ined by the 6and Pat(h Test as des(ribed in Clause )&%.'%. This test shall be perfor4ed at least on(e for ea(h dayKs paving and wherever the !ngineer (onsiders it ne(essary at ti4es after (onstru(tion as under/

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.ive individual 4easure4ents of the te@ture depth shall be ta,en at least % 4 apart anywhere along a diagonal line a(ross a lane width between points 5& 4 apart along the pave4ent o 4easure4ent shall be ta,en within 3&& 44 of the longitudinal edges of a (on(rete slab (onstru(ted in one pass. 1-5*4*3*/* Te@ture depths shall not be less than the 4ini4u4 re>uired when 4easure4ents are ta,en as given in Table )&&+% nor greater than a 4a@i4u4 average of '.%5 44. TAB+E = 1--75* TeBture De#th Ti4e of Test '. Eetween %B hours and 2 days after the (onstn., of the slab or until the stab is first used by vehi(les. %. ot later than ) wee,s before the road is opened '& publi( traffi(. u4ber of Measure4ents 0n average of 5 4easure4ents 0n average of 5 4easure4ents Re>uired Te@ture #epth 94: 6pe(ified Calue Toleran(e '.&& N &.%5


\ B&.%5 + &.35

1-5*4*3*0* 0fter the appli(ation of the brushed te@ture, the surfa(e of the slab shall have a unifor4 appearan(e 1-5*4*3*1* "here the te@ture depth re>uire4ents are found to be defi(ient, the Contra(tor shall 4a,e good the te@ture a(ross the full lane width over length dire(ted by the !ngineer, by rete@turing the hardened (on(rete surfa(e in an approved 4anner. 1-5*4*4* Curin& 1-5*4*4*,* I44ediately after the surfa(e te@turing, the surfa(e and sides of the slab shall be (ured by the appli(ation of approved resin+ based alu4inised refle(tive (uring (o4pound whi(h hardens into an i4pervious fil4 or 4e4brane with the help of a 4e(hani(al sprayer. Curing (o4pounds shall (ontain suffi(ient fla,e alu4iniu4 in finely divided dispersion to produ(e a (o4plete (overage of the sprayed surfa(e with a 4etalli( finish. The (o4pound shall be(o4e stable and i4pervious to evaporation of water fro4 the surfa(e of the (on(rete within )& 4inutes of appli(ation and shall be of approved type. The (uring (o4pounds shall have a water retention effi(ien(y inde@ of 1& per (ent in a(+ (ordan(e with E6 6pe(ifi(ation o. 25B%. 1-5*4*4*5* The (uring (o4pound shall not rea(t (he4i(ally with the (on(rete and the fil4 or 4e4brane shall not (ra(,, peel or disintegrate within three wee,s after appli(ation. I44ediately prior to use, the (uring (o4pound shall be thoroughly agitated in its (ontainers. The rate of spread shall be in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs instru(tions (he(,ed during the (onstru(tion of the trial length and subse>uently whenever re>uired by the !ngineer. The 4e(hani(al sprayer shall in(orporate an effi(ient 4e(hani(al devi(e for (ontinuous agitation and 4i@ing of the (o4pound during spraying.

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1-5*4*4*.* In addition to spraying of (uring (o4pound, the fresh (on(rete surfa(e shall be prote(ted for at least 3 hours by (overing the finished (on(rete pave4ent with tents as des(ribed in Clause )&%.2.%, during adverse weather (onditions as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0fter three hours, the pave4ent shall be (overed by 4oist hessian and the sa4e shall then be ,ept da4p for a 4ini4u4 period of 'B days after whi(h ti4e the hessian 4ay be re4oved. The hessian shall be ,ept (ontinuously 4oist. 0ll da4aged*torn hessian shall be re4oved and repla(ed by new hessian on a regular basis. 1-5*4*4*/* The Contra(tor shall be liable at his e@pense to repla(e any (on(rete da4aged as a result of in(o4plete (uring or (ra(,ed on a it line other than that of a ?oint. 1-5*,-* Tri!: +en&th 1-5*,-*,* The trial length shall be (onstru(ted at least one 4onth in advan(e of the proposed start of (on(rete paving wor,. 0t least one 4onth prior to the (onstru(tion of the trial length, the Contra(tor shall sub4it for the !ngineerKs approval a detailed 4ethod state4ent giving des(ription of the proposed 4aterials, plant, e>uip4ent and (onstru(tion 4ethods. 0ll the 4a?or e>uip4ents li,e paving train, bat(hing plant, tippers et(., proposed in the (onstru(tion are to be approved by the !ngineer before their pro(ure4ent. o trials of new 4aterials, plant, e>uip4ent or (onstru(tion 4ethods, nor any develop4ent 7f the4 shall per4itted either during the (onstru(tion of trial length or in any subse>uent paving wor,, unless they for4 part of further, approved trials. These trial lengths shall be (onstru(ted away fro4 the (arriage+but with at least a subbase layer below it. 1-5*,-*5* The Contra(tor shall de4onstrate the 4aterials, plant, e>uip4ent and 4ethods of (onstru(tion that are proposed for (on(rete paving, by first (onstru(ting a trial length of slab, at least )& 4 but not 4ore than 3&& 4 long for 4e(hanised (onstru(tion and at least 3& 4 long for hand guided 4ethods. If the first trial is unsatisfa(tory, the Contra(tor shall have to de4onstrate his (apability to satisfa(torily (onstru(t the pave4ent in subse>uent trials. 1-5*,-*.* The trial length shall be (onstru(ted in two parts over a period (o4prising at least part of two separate wor,ing days, with a 4ini4u4 of 3& 4 (onstru(ted ea(h day for 4e(hanised (onstru(tion and 4ini4u4 of '5 4 on ea(h day for hand guided (onstru(tion. The trial length shall be (onstru(ted at a si4ilar rate 9speed, around l4*hr: to that whi(h is proposed for the 4ain wor,. 1-5*,-*/* Transverse ?oints and longitudinal ?oints of ea(h type that are proposed for dowel+?ointed unreinfor(ed (on(rete slabs in the 4ain wor, shall be (onstru(ted and assessed in the trial length. If in the trial length the (onstru(tion of e@pansion ?oint and longitudinal ?oint is not re4onstrated, the first % e@pansion ?oints and at least the first '5&4 of longitudinal (onstru(tion ?oint for 4e(hanised paving in the 4ain wor,, shall be (onsidered as the trial length for these ?oints. 1-5*,-*0* The trial length shall (o4ply with the 6pe(ifi(ation in all respe(ts, with the following additions and e@(eptions/

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1-5*,-*0*,* Sur !;e :eve:s !n" re&u:!rity 9i: 9ii: In (he(,ing for (o4plian(e with Clause 1&3.5 the levels shall he ta,en at intervals at the lo(ations spe(ified in this Clause along any line or lines parallel to the longitudinal (entre line of the trial length. The 4a@i4u4 nu4ber of per4itted irregularities of pave4ent surfa(e shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of Clause 1&%.B. 6horter trial lengths shall be assessed prorata based on values for a 3&& 4 length.

1-5*,-*0*5* 9oints 9iii: 0lign4ent of dowel bars shall be inspe(ted as des(ribed in Clause )&%.'&.2 in any two (onse(utive transverse ?oints. If the position or align4ent of the dowel bars at one of these ?oints does not (o4ply with Clause )&%.).5, if that ?oint re4ains the only one that does not (o4ply after the ne@t 3 (onse(utive ?oints of the sa4e type have been inspe(ted, then the 4ethod of pla(ing dowels shall be dee4ed to be satisfa(tory. In order to (he(, suffi(ient ?oints for dowel bar align4ent without e@tending the trial length unduly, the Contra(tor 4ay, by agree4ent with the !ngineer, (onstru(t ?oints at 4ore fre>uent ?oint intervals than the nor4al spa(ing re>uired in the Contra(t. 9iv: If there are defi(ien(ies in the first e@pansion ?oint that is (onstru(ted as a trial, the ne@t e@pansion ?oint shall be a trial ?oint 6hould this also be defi(ient, further trial e@pansion ?oints shall be 4ade as part of the trial length whi(h shall not for4 pan of the per4anent wor,s, unless agreed by the !ngineer. 1-5*,-*0*.* Density 9v: #ensity shall be assessed as des(ribed in Clause drilled fro4 ea(h pan of the trial length.

1-5*,-*0*/* Position o tie ?!rs 9vi: Co4plian(e with Clause )&%.).) for the position and align4ent of tie bars shall be (he(,ed by drilling additional (ores fro4 the slab unless they (an be deter4ined fro4 (ores ta,en for density. 1-5*,-*1* A##rov!: !n" !;;e#t!n;e 1-5*,-*1*, 0pproval of the 4aterials, plant, e>uip4ent and (onstru(tion 4ethods shall be given when a trial length (o4plies with the 6pe(ifi(ation. The Contra(tor shall not pro(eed with nor4al wor,ing until the trial length has been approved and any earlier defe(tive trial lengths have been re4oved, unless that (an be re4edied to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. If the !ngineer does not notify the Contra(tor of any defi(ien(ies in any trial length within '& days after the (o4pletion of that trial length, the Contra(tor 4ay assu4e that the trial length, and the 4aterials, plant, e>uip4ent and (onstru(tion 4ethods adopted are a((eptable. 1-5*,-*1*5* "hen approval has been given, the 4aterials, plant, e>uip4ent and (onstru(tion 4ethods shall not thereafter be (hanged, e@(ept for nor4al ad?ust4ents and 4aintenan(e of plant, without the approval of the !ngineer. 0ny (hanges in 4aterials,

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plant, e>uip4ent, and (onstru(tion 4ethods shall entitle the !ngineer to re>uire the Contra(tor to lay a further trial length as des(ribed in this Clause to de4onstrate that the (hanges will not adversely affe(t the per4anent wor,s. 1-5*,-*1*.* Trial lengths whi(h do not (o4ply with the 6pe(ifi(ation, with the e@(eption of areas whi(h are defi(ient only in surfa(e te@ture and whi(h (an be re4edied in a((ordan(e with Clause )&%.1.-.) shall be re4oved i44ediately upon notifi(ation of defi(ien(ies by the !ngineer and the Contra(tor shall (onstru(t a further trial length. 1-5*,-*2* Ins#e;tion o "o'e: ?!rs 1-5*,-*2*,* Co4plian(e with Clause )&%.).5. for the position and align4ent of dowel bars at (onstru(tion and e@pansion ?oints shall be (he(,ed by 4easure4ents relative to the side for4s or guide wires. 1-5*,-*2*5* "hen the slab has been (onstru(ted, the position and align4ent of dowel bars and any filler board shall be 4easured after (arefully e@posing the4 in the plasti( (on(rete a(ross the whole width of the slab. "hen the ?oint is an e@pansion ?oint, the top of the filler board shall first be e@posed suffi(iently in the plasti( (on(rete to per4it 4easure4ent of any lateral or verti(al displa(e4ent of the board. #uring the (ourse of nor4al wor,ing, these 4easure4ents shall be (arried out the pave4ent se(tion at the end of dayKs wor, by e@tending slab length %4. 0fter sawing the transverse ?oint groove, the e@tended % 4 slab shall be re4oved (arefully soon after (on(rete has set to e@pose over half the length. These dowels (an be tested for toleran(es. 1-5*,-*2*.* If the position and align4ent of the bars in a single (e4ent in the slab is unsatisfa(tory then the ne@t two ?oints shall be respe(ted. If only one ?oint of the three is defe(tive, the rate of (he(,ing shall be in(reased to one ?oint per day until the !ngineer is satisfied that (o4plian(e is being a(hieved. In the event of non+(o4plian(e in two 4ore su((essive ?oints, the Contra(tor shall revert to the (onstru(tion fresh trial lengths and 4a,e any ne(essary alteration to (on(rete 4i@, paving plant or 4ethods until the dowel bar position and align4ent satisfa(tory. 1-5*,-*2*/* 0fter the dowel bars have been e@a4ined, the re4ainder the (on(rete shall be re4oved over a width of 5&& 44 on ea(h side the line of the ?oint and reinstated to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer, the dowels shall be inserted on both sides of the ' 4 wide slab by drilling holes and grouting with epo@y 4ortar. Plasti( sheath as per Clause )&%.5.5. shall be provided on dowels on one of the ?oints. The ?oint above shall be widened and sealed as per Clause )&%.''. 1-5*,,* Pre#!r!tion !n" Se!:in& o 9oint Grooves 1-5*,,*,* Gener!: 0ll transverse ?oints in surfa(e slabs shall be sealed using sealants des(ribed in Clause )&%.%.-. 8oints shall not be sealed before +'B days after (onstru(tion. 1-5*,,*5* Pre#!r!tion o Ioint &rooves or se!:in&

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1-5*,,*5*,* 8oint grooves usually are not (onstru(ted to provide the 4ini4u4 width spe(ified in the drawings when saw (ut ?oints are adopted. They shall be widened subse>uently by sawing before sealing, depth*width gauges shall be used to (ontrol the di4ension of the groove. 1-5*,,*5*5* If rough arrises develop when grooves are 4ade, they shall be ground to provide a (ha4fer appro@i4ately 5 44 wide. If the groove is at an angle upto '& degree fro4 the perpendi(ular to the surfa(e, the overhanging edge of the sealing groove shall be sawn or ground perpendi(ular. If spalling o((urs or the angle of the for4er is greater than '& degrees, the ?oint sealing groove shall be sawn wider and perpendi(ular to the surfa(e to en(o4pass the defe(ts upto a 4a@i4u4 width, in(luding any (ha4fer, of 35 44 for transverse ?oints and %& 44 for longitudinal ?oints. If the spalling (annot be so eli4inated then the arrises shall be repaired by an approved thin bonded arris repair using (e4entitious 4aterials. 1-5*,,*5*.* 0ll grooves shall be (leaned of any dirt or loose 4aterial by air blasting with filtered, oil+free (o4pressed air. If need+arises the !ngineer 4ay instru(t (leaning by pressurised water ?ets. #epending upon the re>uire4ent of the sealant 4anufa(turer, the sides of the grooves 4ay have to be sand blasted to in(rease the bondage between sealant and (on(rete. 1-5*,,*5*/* The groove shall be (leaned and dried at the $i4e of pri4ing and sealing. 1-5*,,*5*0* Eefore sealing the te4porary seal provided for blo(,ing the ingress of dirt, soil et(., shall be re4oved. 0 highly (o4pressible heat resistant paper+ba(,ed debonding strip as per drawing shall be inserted in the groove to serve the purpose of brea,ing the bond between sealant and the botto4 of the groove and to plug the ?oint groove so that the sealant 4ay not lea, through the (ra(,s. The width of debonding strip shall be 4ore than the ?oint groove width so that it is held tightly in the groove. In the (ase of longitudinal ?oints, heat resistant tapes 4ay be inserted to blo(, the lea,age through botto4 of the ?oint. 1-5*,,*.* Se!:in& 'ith se!:!nts 1-5*,,*.*,* "hen sealants are applied, an appropriate pri4er shall also be used if re(o44ended by the 4anufa(turer and it shall be applied in a((ordan(e with their re(o44endation. The sealant shall be applied within the 4ini4u4 and 4a@i4u4 drying ti4es of the pri4er re(o44ended by the 4anufa(turer. Pri4ing and sealing with applied sealants shall not be (arried out when the naturally o((urring te4perature in the ?oint groove to be sealed is below 2P C. 1-5*,,*.*5* If hot applied sealant is used it shall be heated and applied fro4 a ther4ostati(ally (ontrolled, indire(tly heated preferably with oil ?a(,eted 4elter and pourer having re(ir(ulating pu4p and e@truder. .or large road pro?e(ts, sealant shall be applied with e@truder having fle@ible hose and noLLle. The sealant shall not be heated to a te4perature higher than the safe heating te4perature and not for a period longer than the safe heating period, as spe(ified by the 4anufa(turer. The dispenser shall be (leaned out at the end of ea(h day in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endations and reheated 4aterial shall not be used.

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1-5*,,*.*.* Cold applied sealants with (he4i(al for4ulation li,e polysulphide 4ay be used. These shall be 4i@ed and applied within the ti4e li4it spe(ified by the 4anufa(turer. If pri4ers are re(o44ended they shall be applied neatly with an appropriate brush. The Move4ent 0((o44odation .a(tor 9M0P: shall be 4ore than '& per (ent. 1-5*,,*.*/* The sealants applied at (ontra(tion phase of the slabs would result in bulging of the sealant over and above the slab. Therefore, the Contra(tor in (onsultation with the !ngineer, shall establish the right te4perature and ti4e for applying the sealant. Ther4o4eter shall be hung on a pole in the site for fa(ilitating (ontrol during the sealing operation. 1-5*,,*.*0* 6ealant shall be applied, slightly to a lower level than the slab with a toleran(e of 5 N % 44. 1-5*,,*.*1* #uring sealing operation, it shall be seen that no air bubbles are introdu(ed in the sealant either by vapours or by the s(aling pro(ess. 1-5*,,*/* Testin& o !##:ie" se!:!nts= Manufa(turerKs (ertifi(ate shall be produ(ed by the Contra(tor for establishing that the sealant is not 4ore than si@ 4onths old and stating that the sealant (o4plies with the relevant standard as in Clause )&%.%.-. The sa4ples shall 4eet the re>uire4ent of 006HT7 M %-% for hot applied sealant or E6 5%'%/ 9Pan+%: for (old applied sealant. 1-5*,5* Me!sure<ent o TeBture De#th 7 S!n" P!t;h Metho" 1-5*,5*,* The following apparatus shall be used/ 9i: 0 (ylindri(al (ontainer of %5 4l internal (apa(ity 9ii: 0 flat wooden dis( )B 44 dia4eter with a hard rubber dis(, '.544 thi(,, stu(, to one fa(e, the reverse fa(e being provided with a handle 9iii: #ry natural sand with a rounded pani(le shape passing a 3&& 4i(ron I6 sieve and retained on a '5& 4i(ron I6 sieve. 1-5*,5*5* Metho"= The surfa(e to be 4easured shall be dried, any e@traneous 4ortar and loose 4aterial re4oved and the surfa(e swept (lean using a wire brush both at right angles and parallel to the (arriageway. The (ylindri(al (ontainer shall be filled with the sand, tapping the base 3 ti4es on the surfa(e to ensure (o4pa(tion, and stri,ing off the sand level with the top of the (ylinder. The sand shall be poured into a heap on the surfa(e to be treated. The sand shall be spread over the surfa(e, wor,ing the dis( with its fa(e ,ept flat in a (ir(ular 4otion so that the sand is spread into a (ir(ular pat(h with the surfa(e depressions filled with sand to the level of pea,s. 1-5*,5*.* The dia4eter of the pat(h shall be 4easured to the nearest 5 44. The te@ture depth of (on(rete surfa(e shall be (al(ulated fro4 3'&&&*9#@#: 44 where # is the dia4eter of the pat(h in 44. 1-5*,.* O#enin& to Tr! i; o vehi(ular traffi( shall be allowed to run on the finished surfa(e of a (on(rete pave4ent within a period of %- days of its (onstru(tion and until the ?oints are

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per4anently sealed. The road 4ay be opened to regular traffi( after (o4pletion of the (uring period of %- days and after sealing of ?oints is (o4pleted in(luding the (onstru(tion of shoulder, with the written per4ission of the !ngineer. 1-5*,/* To:er!n;es or Sur !;e Re&u:!rityA +eve:A Thi;@ness !n" Stren&th The toleran(es for surfa(e regularity, level, thi(,ness and strength *shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents given in Clause 1&3.5. Control of >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in +a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&& 1-5*,0* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent 1-5*,0*,* Ce4ent Con(rete pave4ent shall be 4easured as a finished wor, in s>uare 4etres with spe(ified thi(,ness. The volu4e to be paid for will be (al(ulated on the basis of thi(,ness and plans shown on pro?e(t drawings and ad?usted for the defi(ien(y in thi(,ness. o additional pay4ent shall be 4ade for e@tra thi(,ness of the slab. The full pay4ent will be 4ade to this ite4 after %- days strength of the (on(rete is found to be satisfa(tory. The unit for 4easure4ent for (on(rete pave4ent shall be the (ubi( of (on(rete pla(ed, based on the net plan areas for the spe(ified thi(,ness shown on the #rawings or dire(ted by the !ngineer. The rate shall in(lude all provisions of this 6pe(ifi(ation and shall in(lude the vision of all 4aterials in(luding polythene fil4, (on(rete, sto(, piling, transport, pla(ing, (o4pa(ting, finishing, (uring together with all for4wor,, and in(luding testing and sub4ission of test (ertifi(ates and o dedu(tion shall be 4ade in 4easure4ent for openings provided that the area of ea(h is less than &.5 s>. 4. The unit rate as entered in the Eill of Duantities shall also in(lude the full (osts of (ontra(tion, e@pansion, (onstru(tion, and longitudinal ?oints. It shall also in(lude ?oint filler, ,eys, (aul,ing rod, deboriding strip, sealant pri4er, ?oint sealant, dowel bar and tie rod. 1-5*,0*5* P!ve<ent thi;@ness 0ll pre(autions and (are shall be ta,en to (onstru(t pave4ent having unifor4 thi(,ness as (alled for on the plans. Thi(,ness of the (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent shall be (al(ulated on the basis of level data of the (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent and the underlying sub+base ta,en on a grid of 5 4 @ 3.5 4 or ).%5 4 @ 3.5 4, the for4er 4easure4ent being in longitudinal dire(tion. 0 dayKs wor, is (onsidered as a JlotK for (al(ulating the average thi(,ness of the slab. In (al(ulating the average thi(,ness, individual 4easure4ents whi(h are in e@(ess of the spe(ified thi(,ness by 4ore than '& 44 shall be (onsidered as the spe(ified thi(,ness plus '& 44. Individual areas defi(ient by 4ore than %5 44 shall be verified by the !ngineer by ordering (ore (utting and if in his opinion the defi(ient areas warrant re4oval, they shall be re4oved and repla(ed with (on(rete of the thi(,ness shown on the plans. "hen the average thi(,ness for the lot is defi(ient by the e@tent shown in Table )&&+3, the Contra(t unit pri(e will be ad?usted as per this Table.

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TAB+E 1--7.* PA6MENT AD9(STMENT FOR DEFICIENC6 IN T%ICKNESS De i;ien;y in the !ver!&e thi;@ness o "!yDs 'or@ Ap to 5 44 )+'& 44 '' + '5 44 ') + %& 44 %' + %5 44 Per ;ent o Contr!;t unit #ri;e #!y!?:e '&& -2 -' 25 2&

In the stret(h where defi(ien(y of average thi(,ness is 4ore than %5 44, the se(tion whose thi(,ness is defi(ient by %) 44 or 4ore is identified with the help of (ores. 6u(h slabs shall be re4oved and re(onstru(ted at the (ost of the Contra(tor. #uring su(h re(tifi(ation wor,, (are shall be ta,en to repla(e full slab and to the full depth. 1-5*,1* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for the (onstru(tion of the (e4ent (on(rete shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the operations re>uired for the different ite4s of the wor, as per these 6pe(ifi(ations in(luding full (o4pensation for all labour, tools, plant, e>uip4ents, testing and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, as per 6pe(ifi(ations, providing all 4aterials to be in(orporated in the wor, in(luding all royalties, fees, storage, rents where ne(essary and all leads and lifts. 1-.* RO++ED CEMENT CONCRETE BASE 1-.*,* S;o#e 1-.*,*,* The wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion of rolled (on(rete base (ourse for (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades and (ross se(tions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The wor, shall in(lude furnishing of all plant and e>uip4ent, 4aterial and labour and perfor4ing all operations in (onne(tion with the wor,, as approved by the !ngineer. 1-.*,*5* The design para4eters of rolled (e4ent (on(rete base (ourse viL., width, thi(,ness, grade of (on(rete, details of ?oints, if any, et(. shall be as stipulated in the (ontra(t drawings. 1-.*5* M!teri!:s 1-.*5*,* Sour;e o <!teri!:s= The Contra(tor shall indi(ate to the !ngineer the sour(e of all 4aterials to be used in the lean (on(rete wor, with relevant test data suffi(iently in advan(e and the approval of the !ngineer for the sa4e shall be obtained at least )& days before the tiled (o44en(e4ent of the wor,. If the Contra(tor later proposes obtain the 4aterials fro4 a different sour(e, he shall notify the peer for his approval at

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least )& days before su(h 4aterials are to be used. 1-.*5*5* Ce<ent= 0ny of the following types of (e4ent 4ay be used prior approval of the !ngineer. 9i: 7rdinary Portland Ce4ent I6 / %)1, -''% or '%%)1 9ii: Portland 6lag Ce4ent I6 / B55 9iii: Portland PoLLolana Ce4ent I6 / 'B-1 If the subgrade is found to (onsist of soluble sulphates in a (on(entration 4ore than &.5 per (ent, (e4ent used shall be sulphate resistant and shall (onfor4 to I6/ '%%3&. Ce4ent to be used 4ay preferably be obtained in bul, for4. It shall be stored in a((ordan(e with stipulations (ontained in Clause '&'B and shall be sub?e(ted to a((eptan(e test prior to its i44ediate use. 1-.*5.* A&&re&!tes = 1-.*5*.*,* 0ggregates for lean (on(rete shall be natural 4aterial (o4plying with I6/ 3-3. The aggregates shall not be al,ali rea(tive. The li4its of deleterious 4aterials shall not e@(eed the re>uire4ents set out in I6/ 3-3. In (ase the !ngineer (onsiders that the aggregates are not free fro4 din, the sa4e 4ay be washed and drained for at least 2% hours before bat(hing as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 1-.*5*.*5* Co!rse !&&re&!te = Coarse aggregates shall (onsist of (lean, hard, strong, dense, non+porous and durable pie(es of (rushed stone or (rushed gravel and shall be devoid of pie(es of disintegrated stone, soft, fla,y, elongated, very angular or splintery pie(es. The 4a@i4u4 siLe of the (oarse aggregate shall be %5 44. The (oarse aggregate shall (o4ply with the Clause )&%.%.B.%. 1-.*5*.*.* Fine !&&re&!te = The fine aggregate shall (onsist of (lean natural sand or (rushed stone sand or a (o4bination of the two and shall (onfor4 to I6/3-3. .ine aggregate shall be free fro4 soft parti(les, (lay, shale, loa4, (e4ented parti(les, 4i(a, organi( and other foreign 4atter. The fine aggregate shall (o4ply with the Clause )&%.%.B.3. 1-.*5*.*/* The (oarse and fine aggregates 4ay be obtained in (ither of the following 4anner/+ 9i: In separate no4inal siLes of (oarse and fine aggregates and 4i@ed together inti4ately before use. 9ii: 6eparately as %5 44 no4inal single siLe, '%.5 44 no4inal siLe graded aggregate and fine aggregate of (rushed stone dust or sand or a (o4bination of these two. The 4aterial after blending shall (onfor4 to the grading as indi(ated in Table )&&+B below/

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TAB+E 1--7/* AGGREGATE GRADATION FOR DR6 +EAN CONCRETE 6ieve #esignation 32.5 44 '1.& 44 1.5 44 B.25 44 )&& 4i(ron 25 4i(ron Per(entage Passing the sieve by weight '&& -&+'&& 55+-& 35+)& '&+35 &+-

1-.*5*/* W!ter= "ater used for 4i@ing and (uring of (on(rete shall be (lean and free fro4 in?urious a4ount of oil, salt, a(id, vegetable 4atter or other substan(es har4ful to the finished (on(rete. It shall 4eet the re>uire4ents stipulated in I6/ B5). 1-.*5*0* Stor!&e o <!teri!:s= 0ll 4aterials shall be stored in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause '&'B of these 6pe(ifi(ations, and other relevant I6 6pe(ifi(ations. 0ll efforts 4ust be 4ade to store the 4aterials in proper pla(es so as to prevent their #eterioration or (onta4ination by foreign 4atter and to ensure their satisfa(tory >uality and fitness for the wor,. The storage pla(e 4ust also per4it easy inspe(tion, re4oval and storage of 4aterials. 0ll su(h 4aterials even though stored in approved godowns 4ust be sub?e(ted to a((eptan(e test i44ediately prior to their use. The re>uire4ent of storage yard spe(ified in Clause )&%.%.1 shall be appli(able. 1-.*.* Pro#ortionin& o M!teri!:s or the MiB 1-.*.*,* The 4i@ shall be proportioned with a 4a@i4u4 aggregate/ (e4ent ratio of '5/'. 0fter the approval of all the 4aterials to be used in the (on(rete, the Contra(tor shall sub4it the 4i@ design based on weighed proportion of all ingredients for the approval of the !ngineer. The 4i@ design shall be sub4itted at least 3& days prior to the paving of trial length and design shall be done based on the laboratory trials using approved 4aterials and 4ethods. The water (ontent shall be ad?usted to the opti4u4 as per Clause )&3.3.%. for fa(ilitating (o4pa(tion by rolling. The target 4ean strength for the design 4i@ as well as a((eptan(e 6pe(ifi(ation of (on(rete shall be in a((ordan(e with Clause 1&3.5.%. The 4i@ design shall be based on the fle@ural strength of (on(rete. 1-.*.*5* Moisture (ontent/ The right a4ount of water for the rolled (on(rete in the 4ain wor, shall be de(ided for ensuring full (o4pa(tion under rolling and shall be assessed at the ti4e of rolling the trial length. Too 4u(h water will (ause the (on(rete to be pi(,ed up on the wheels of the roller and too little will lead to inade>uate (o4pa(tion, a low in+situ strength and an open te@tured surfa(e. The opti4u4 water (ontent shall be deter4ined in a((ordan(e with Clause )&3.2. and, de4onstrated by rolling during trial length (onstru(tion and the opti4u4 4oisture (ontent and degree of (o4pa(tion shall be got approved by the !ngineer. "hile laying, in the 4ain wor,, the rolled (on(rete shall have a 4oisture (ontent between the opti4u4 and opti4u4 \ % per (ent, ,eeping in view the effe(tiveness of (o4pa(tion a(hieved and to (o4pensate for evaporation losses. 1-.*.*.* Ce<ent ;ontent= The 4ini4u4 (e4ent (ontent in the rolled (on(rete shall not be less than '5& ,g*(u.4. of (on(rete. If this 4ini4u4 (e4ent (ontent is not
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suffi(ient to produ(e (on(rete of the spe(ified strength, it shall be in(reased as ne(essary without additional (o4pensation under the Contra(t. 1-.*.*/* Con;rete stren&th= The fle@ural strength as spe(ified shall be the governing (riteria for approval of the 4i@. "hile designing the 4i@ in the laboratory, (orrelation between fle@ural and (o4pressive strengths of (on(rete shall be established on the basis of tests on sa4ples for use at a later date to verify the in situ fle@ural strength of rolled (on(rete through testing of (ores. 0t least a bat(h of two bea4 and (ube spe(i4ens, one ea(h for 3 day and 2 day strength testing shall be (ast for every '&& (u4 or pan thereof of (on(rete pla(ed during (onstru(tion. 7n ea(h dayKs wor, not less than four bea4s and four (ubes shall be 4ade. 0 ratio between the 3 and 2 day strengths shall be established for the 4i@ to be used. This will help in assessing the fall in strength, if any in advan(e so that (orre(tive a(tion (an be ta,en for the future wor,. 1-.*/* Su?&r!"e The subgrade shall (onfor4 to the grades and (ross se(tions shown on the drawings and shall be unifor4ly (o4pa(ted to the design strength in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and the 6pe(ifi(ation stipulated in the Contra(t. The rolled (on(rete base shall not be laid on a subgrade softened by rain after its final preparationM any surfa(e tren(hes, soft spots et(., 4ust be properly ba(,+filled and (o4pa(ted to avoid any wea, or soft spot. 0s far as possible, the (onstru(tion traffi( shall be avoided on the prepared subgrade. 0 day before pla(ing of die sub+base, the subgrade surfa(e shall be given a fine spray of water and rolled with one or two passes of a s4ooth wheeled roller after a lapse of %+3 hours in order to stabilise the loose surfa(e. If the !ngineer feels it ne(essary, another fine spray of water 4ay be applied ?ust before pla(ing the base (ourse. 1-.*0* Constru;tion Clause )&'.5 shall apply. 1-.*1* Tri!: MiB Asing the spe(ified (e4ent (ontent and proportioned aggregates, the Contra(tor shall 4a,e trial 4i@es at water (ontents ranging fro4 5 per (ent to 2 per (ent by weight of dry 4aterials at &.5 per(ent intervals using an aggregate (e4ent ratio of not greater than '5.&. 7pti4u4 4oisture and density shall be established by preparing (ubes with varying Moisture (ontents. The (o4pa(tion of 4ould shall be done in three layers as e@plained in Clause 1&3.5.%.'. The opti4u4 4oisture (ontent deter4ined nor4ally gives an indi(ation about the 4oisture (ontent whi(h after 4inor ad?ust4ent 4ay provide satisfa(tory 4i@ whi(h (ould be rolled. 0fter deter4ining the 4oisture (ontent fro4 the above trial 4i@, a set of si@ bea4s and (ubes shall be prepared for testing the4 on 3rd and 2th day. If the fle@ural strength a(hieved is lower than the desired strength, the above trial shall be repeated after in(reasing the (e4ent (ontent and ad?usting the 4i@ appropriately. #uring the (onstru(tion of trial length as per Clause )&3.2 4inor 4odifi(ations 4ay have to be (arried out to the 4oisture (ontent of the 4i@. Eut su(h 4odified 4i@ shall have to satisfy the fle@ural strength re>uire4ent. .le@ural strength to be a(hieved shall be the governing (riteria for the design of 4i@.

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1-.*2* Tri!: +en&th Clause )&'.2 shall apply. 1-.*3* Tr! i; o heavy (o44er(ial vehi(les li,e tru(,s and buses shall be per4itted on the rolled (on(rete base after its (onstru(tion. $ight vehi(les 4ay be, however, allowed after 2 days of its (onstru(tion with prior approval of the !ngineer. 1-.*4* To:er!n;es or Sur !;e Re&u:!rityA +eve:A Thi;@ness !n" Stren&th The toleran(es for surfa(e regularity, level, thi(,ness and strength shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents given in Clause 1&3.6. Control of >uality of 4aterials and wor,s shall be e@er(ised by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 1&&. 1-.*,-* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The unit of 4easure4ent for (on(rete and rolled (on(rete pave4ent shall be the (ubi( 4etre of (on(rete pla(ed, based on the net plan areas for the spe(ified thi(,ness shown on the drawings as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 1-.*,,* R!te The Contra(t unit rate payable for rolled (e4ent (on(rete for base (ourse shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operations in(luding full (o4pensation for all labour, 4aterials and e>uip4ent, 4i@ing, transport, pla(ing, (o4pa(ting, finishing, (uring, testing and , in(identals to (o4plete the wor, as per 6pe(ifi(ations, all royalties, fees, storage and rents where ne(essary and all leads and lifts.

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2-,* GEOS6NT%ETICS IN ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS 2-,*, S;o#e This spe(ifi(ation (overs the various appli(ations of Geosyntheti( 4aterials in road and bridge wor,s in(luding supplying and laying as per spe(ial provisions. ;Geosyntheti( is a general (lassifi(ation for all syntheti( 4aterials used in geote(hni(al engineering appli(ation. It in(ludes geote@tiles, geogrids, geonets, geo4e4branes and geo(o4posites. 9i: CeoteBti:e = 0ny per4eable te@tile natural or 6yntheti(, used with foundation, soil, ro(,, earth, or any other geote(hni(al engineering related 4aterial. In the present (hapter, it is related to syntheti( 4aterial only. 9ii: Geo&ri" = 0 defor4ed or non+defor4ed grid of poly4eri( 4aterial used pri4arily for reinfor(e4ent purposes with foundation, soil, ro(,, earth, or any other geote(hni(al engineering related 4aterial. 9iii: Geonets = These are net 4ade of poly4eri( 4aterial used for drainage of foundation, soil, ro(,, earth or any other geote(hni(al engineering related 4aterial. 9iv: Geo<e<?r!ne = 0n essentially i4per4eable 4e4brane of poly4eri( 4aterial used with foundation, soil, ro(,, earth or any other geote(hni(al engineering related 4aterial, to (ontrol fluid 4igration.+ 9v: Geo;o<#osite = 0 4anufa(tured 4aterial using geott@tiles. geogrids, geonets and* or geo4e4brane in la4inated or (o4posite for4.< 2-,*5 M!teri!: Testin& !n" A;;e#t!n;e Anless otherwise stated, these Geosyntheti( 4aterials shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents as under / 2-,*5*,* GeoteBti:e = Geote@tile shall be 4ade of polyethylene or polypropylene or polyester or si4ilar fibres, either woven or nonwoven in variety, through 4a(hine 4ade pro(ess of heatbonding or needle pun(hing or weaving te(hni>ues. These fabri(s are re>uired to pass water through but retain the soil parti(les, whi(h re>uire spe(ifi( (ross+plane per4eability or per4ittivity and apparant opening siLe or e>uivalent opening siLe or &15. The above two re>uire4ents alongwith the re>uire4ent of strength and durability denote general (hara(teristi(s of geote@tiles to be used. The type of geote@tile to be used in a parti(ular appli(ation shall be de(ided on the basis of design. 2-,*5*5* Geo&ri" = Geogrid shall be 4ade fro4 integrally ?ointed, 4ono or bi+ dire(tionally orientated or stret(hed 4eshes 4ade fro4 polyethylene or polypropylene or polyester or si4ilar poly4er, with high 4odulus, in s>uare, re(tangular, he@agonal or oval 4esh far4. Their ?un(tion strength shall be high with high (reep resistan(e, and di4ensional stability. Their open stru(ture shall per4it effe(tive interlo(,ing with soil, aggregates, ro(, et(., they shall be used as a tensile 4e4ber are reinfor(e4ent. Chara(teristi(s strength of su(h Geogrids varies fro4 B& , *4 to %&& , *4 pea, strength at a 4a@i4u4 elongation of '5 per (ent of the dire(tion of the length of the roll. 2-,*5*.* Geonet= Geonet shall be 4ade fro4 a single e@truded oriented pro(ess fro4 polyethylene or polypropylene or si4ilar poly4er. It shall have s>uare or

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re(tangular net shape aperture when used for prote(tive wor,s li,e gabions and 4attresses. "hile in polygonal aperture it shall be used as a separator. It shall not be used as soil reinfor(e4ent due to its high (reep (hara(teristi(s, neither as a slope reinfor(e4ent or soil retaining wall or asphalti( reinfor(e4ent. Geonets used in prote(tive wor,s for highway stru(tures shall be atleast )5& g4* fen. in unit weight. It shall be bla(, in (olour, available in roll for4 in suitable width. 2-,*5*/* Geo<e<?r!ne = Geo4e4brane shall be 4ade fro4 PCC or polyethylene sheets of atleast &.- 44 thi(,ness, duly prote(ted fro4 ultraviolet e@posure with %.5 per (ent (arbon bla(,, in bla(, (olour, supplied roll for4 with 3 4 or above width. The ?oints of these sheets shall be eat bonded or sea4ed for effe(tive per4eation (ut off, at site using standard e>uip4ent as pan of the laying pro(ess. "hile fi@ing on to a lope, they shall not be pun(tured or stappled to i4pair their use. 2-,*5*0* Geo;o<#osite = Geo(o4posit(s shall be 4ade fro4 (o4bination of geonets, geogrids or geo4e4branes of above des(ription using eat bonded, sea4ed stit(hed or wrap te(hni>ues. Their prin(ipal use shall be to regulate drainage in (ross+ plane or in+plane dire(tions. Mini4u4 weight of su(h 4aterial shall (onfor4 to the spe(ial provisions or as Contra(t drawing. 21,*5*1* Testin& !n" !;;e#t!n;e = Geosyntheti(s shall be tested in a((ordan(e with tests pres(ribed by EI6. In absen(e of I6 Codes, tests pres(ribed either by 06TM or Eritish 6tandards or International 6tandards 7rganiLation, shall be (ondu(ted. 2-,*. A##:i;!tion Are!s 6o4e of the appli(ation areas for geote@tiias and related 4aterials and fun(tions are given below in table 2&&+'. T!?:e 2--7,* A##:i;!tions !n" Fun;tions o Geosyntheti;s 6.

0ppli(ation 0rea !4ban,4ents on soft soils Retaining walls #rainage and .iltration #rainage+prefab, (o4posite !rosion Control rip rap 6edi4ent (ontrol+silt fen(e 0sphalt overlay ote / GT Y geote@tile GG Y geogrid GC Y geo(o4posite G Y geonet

Geosyntheti(s Involved GT, GG GG, GT GT GC, G GT GT GT, GC 6 Y separation R Y reinfor(e4ent . Y filtration # Y drainage E Y barrier

'. %. 3. B. 5. ). 2.

.un(tions for Perfor4an (e R, 6 R ., 6 #, ., 6. # ., 6 E, R, 6 E, R, 6

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2-5* GEOTE8TI+ES IN S(B7S(RFACE DRAINS 2-5*,* S;o#e The wor, (overs the use of geote@tiles in subsurfa(e drains, su(h as fin drains or narrow, filter drains. The fin drain shall 4ean a planar geo(o4posite stru(ture designed to perfor4 the sa4e fun(tion as a narrow liter drain. The wor, shall be (arried out as per design drawings. 2-5*5* M!teri!:s 2-5*5*,* The geote@tile fabri( shall be a woven or non+woven fabri( (onsisting of long+(hain poly4eri( fila4ents or yarns su(h as polypropylene, polyethylene or polyester or any (o4bination thereof, for4ed into a stable networ, su(h that the fila4ents or ya4s retain their relative position to ea(h other. 2-5*5*5* The geosyntheti( 4aterial of whi(h the drain is 4ade shall be treated with (arbon bla(, so that they are prote(ted fro4 the deleterious effe(ts of short ter4 e@posure to ultraviolet light, and shall be resistant to ion by a(id, al,alis, (o44on (he4i(als, ba(teria, fungi and 4oulds o((urring in soils and highway (onstru(tion 4aterials. In (ase of sure to ultraviolet light, the !ngineer 4ay re>uire eviden(e that the syntheti( 4aterial still (o4plies with the re>uire4ents of this Clause. "here ne(essary, the side intended for entry of water and dire(tion of in+plane flow shall be identified. 2-5*5*.* The &eoteBti:e sh!:: = 9a: 6ustain a load of not less than '& , *4 at brea, and have a 4ini4u4 failure strain of '& per (ent when deter4ined in a((ordan(e with E6/)1&) 9Part I: or stall have grab tensile strength 4ore than &.B , *4 and grab elongation (orresponding to this li4it in a((ordan(e with 06TM # B)3%. The apparent opening siLeI< shall satisfy the following. Anits Re>uire4ents per (ent in+situ soil passing &.&25 44 ['5 '5 to 5& [5& 06TM #B25' 44 &.B3 &.%5 &.%%II

9b: Test Method

I These default filtration property values are based on the predo4inant pani(le siLe of in+situ soil. In addition to the default per4ittivity value, the !ngineer 4ay re>uire geote@tile per4eability and*or perfor4an(e testing based on engineering design for drainage syste4s in proble4ati( soil environ4ents. ] 6ite spe(ifi( geote@tile design should be perfor4ed espe(ially if one or 4ore of the following proble4ati( soil environ4ents are en(ounteredM unstable or highly (redible soils su(h as non+(ohesive siltsM gap graded soilsM alternating sand*sill la4inated (oilsM dispersive (laysM and*or ro(, flour.

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9d: 9(:

II .or (ohesive soils with a plasti(ity inde@ greater than 2, geote@tile 4a@i4u4 average roll values for apparent opening siLe is &.3& 44. allow water to flow through it at right angles to its prin(ipal plane, in either dire(tion at a rate of not less than '& litres*4%*se(. under a (onstant head of water of '&& 44. deter4ined in a((ordan(e with E6/)1&) 9Part 3: or 06TM # BB1' or as stated in the design drawing. The flow rate deter4ined in the test shall be (orre(ted to that appli(able to a te4perature of '5PC using published data on variation in vis(osity of water with te4perature have a 4ini4u4 pun(ture resistan(e of %&& when deter4ined in a((ordan(e with E6.+)1&) 9Part B: or 06TM # B-33. have a 4ini4u4 tear resistan(e of '5& when deter4ined in a((ordan(e with 06TM 6tandard # B533.

2-5*5*/* The (o4posite drain shall have a flow rate through ea(h fa(e of the drain of 4ore than 25 per (ent of the value spe(ified in sub+Clause 2&%.%.3 9(:, deter4ined by dire(t 4easure4ent of the (o4posite drain using E6/)1&) 9Part 3:. The (o4posite drain shall have values of long+ter4 in+plane flow rates as stated in the design drawing. 2-5*.* Inst!::!tion 2-5*.*,* The installation of fin drains shall be as per the design drawings. "here fin drains are asse4bled on site, the asse4bly area shall be (lean and dry and free of any wind+borne pollutants. o geote@tile or (ore 4aterial shall be e@posed to daylight 9or any sour(e of ultraviolet radiation: for a period e@(eeding a (u4ulative total of 5& hours. "here fin drains are laid in tren(h, the botto4 of the tren(h shall be free of irregularities and shall be brought to the re>uired level. Ro(, and other hard protrusions shall be re4oved and any e@(ess (ut in the tren(h botto4 filled and (o4pa(ted ba(, to the re>uired grade with suitable e@(avated or i4ported 4aterial as dire(ted by the !ngineer. .in drains shall be (apable of being ?ointed longitudinally or laterally into pipe syste4s or (ha4bers for inflow and outflow purposes. 8oints parallel to the dire(tion of flow and any e@posed edged shall be prote(ted fro4 the ingress of soil by a geote@tile wrapping with a 4ini4u4 overlap of '5& 44 or other 4easures as agreed by the !ngineer. 2-5*/* arrow filter drains (onsisting of a porous or perforated pipe laid in a narrow tren(h surrounded by a layer of geote@tile filter shall have the sa4e properties of geote@tile as spe(ified in Clause 2&%.%. The spi(ing of lengths of geote@tile and 4ini4u4 overlap shall be as per the design drawing or as approved by the !ngineer. 6u(h drains shall be installed as per the design drawing to Clauses 2&%.3 and 3&1.3.5. 2-5*0* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent Measure4ent for fin drain*narrow filter drains shall be per running 4etre length of the drain. #isposal of surplus 4aterial beyond '&&& 4 shall be 4easured in (u.4. 2-5*1* R!tes The Contra(t unit rates for subsurfa(e drains shall be pay4ent in full for all ite4s su(h as e@(avation, dressing the sides and botto4, providing geote@tile (o4posites,

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laying and ?ointing pipes et(. in(luding full (o4pensation for all 4aterials, labour, tools, e>uip4ent in(idental to (o4plete the wor, as shown on drawings with all leads and lifts e@(ept for re4oval of unsuitable 4aterial for whi(h the lead shall be '&&& 4. Provision of inlets, outlet pipes, bedding, et(., wherever re>uired shall be in(idental to (onstru(tion of drain. The Contra(t unit for disposal of surplus and unsuitable 4aterial beyond the initial '&&& 4 lead shall be in a((ordan(e with Clause 3&'.3.''. 2-.* GEOS6NT%ETICS FOR %IG%WA6 PA)EMENTS 2-.*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of laying geosyntheti( 4aterials over e@isting bitu4inous surfa(e, in(luding preparation of surfa(e and ?oining, stit(hing or overlapping of geosynetheti( fabri( et(., as part of highway pave4ent strengthening in layers as shown on drawings. 2-.*5* P!vin& F!?ri;s 2-.*5*,* Des;ri#tion = This wor, shall (onsist of furnishing and pla(ing as asphalt*bitu4en overlay te@tile 9paving fabri(: beneath pave4ent overlay or between pave4ent layers to provide a water resistant 4e4brane and (ra(, retarding layer. 2-.*.* M!teri!: ReEuire<ents 2-.*.*, P!vin& !?ri;= The paving fabri( will be a nonwoven heat set 4aterial (onsisting of at least -5 per (ent by weight polyolefins, polyesters or polya4ides. The paving fabri( shall be resistant to (he4i(al atta(,, rot and 4ildew and shall have no tears or defe(ts whi(h will adversely, alter its physi(al properties. The fabri( shall be spe(ifi(ally designed for pave4ent appli(ations and be heat bonded only on one side to redu(e bleed+through of ta(, (oat during installation. The fabri( shall 4eet the physi(al re>uire4ents of Table 2&B+%. Heavy duty paving fabri(s should be used in areas e@perien(ing unusally high i4pa(t for(es or heavy loads su(h as airport runways and ta@iways / T!?:e 2-/*5* Physi;!: ReEuire<ents7P!vin& F!?ri;s Property Tensile 6trength !longation 0sphalt Retention Melting Point 6urfa(e Te@ture Anits =g S =g*'&s>.4. PC + 6tandard Re>uire4ents 3).3 5& '& '5& Heat bonded on one side only Test Method 06TM # B)3% 06TM # B)3% Te@as #7T 3&11 06TM#%2) Cisual Inspe(tion

Notes = '. Certifi(ation of (onfor4an(e fro4 paving fabri( 4anufa(turer 4ay be re>uired %. 0ll nu4eri(al values represent 4ini4u4 average roll values 9average of test results fro4 any sa4pled roll in % lot shall 4eet or e@(eed the 4ini4u4 values: in wea,er prin(ipal dire(tion. $ot shall be sa4pled a((ording to 06TM # B35B. ;Pra(ti(e for 6a4pling of Geosyntheti(s for Testing<.

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3. Confor4an(e of paving fabri(s to spe(ifi(ation property re>uire4ents shall he deter4ined as per 06TM # B521. ;Pra(ti(e for #eter4ining the 6pe(ifi(ation Confor4an(e of Geosyntheti(s<. 2-.*.*5* T!;@ ;o!t= The ta(, (oat used to i4pregnate the fabri( and bond the fabri( to the pave4ent shall be a paving grade Eitu4en of -&+'&& penetration. 0 (ationi( or anioni( e4ulsion 4ay be used as approved by the !ngineer. The use of (utba(,s or e4ulsions whi(h (ontain solvents shall not be used. 2-.*/* Constru;tion !n" inst!::!tion ReEuire<ents 2-.*/*,* Shi#<ent !n" stor!&e = The paving fabri( shall be ,ept dry and wrapped su(h that it is prote(ted fro4 the ele4ents during shipping and storage. 0t no ti4e shall the paving fabri( be e@posed to ultraviolet light for a period e@(eeding fourteen days. Paving fabri( rolls shall be stored in a 4anner whi(h prote(ts the4 fro4 the ele4ents. If stored outdoors, they shall be elevated and prote(ted with a waterproof (over. The paving fabri( shall be labeled as per 06TM # B-23, ;Guide for identifi(ation, storage, and handling of geote@tiles<. 2-.*/*5* We!ther :i<it!tions = Mini4u4 air and pave4ent te4perature shall be at least '&PC and rising for pla(e4ent of bitu4en and shall be at least '5PC and rising for pla(e4ent bitu4en e4ulsion. either bitu4en ta(, (oat nor paving fabri( shall be pla(ed when weather (onditions, in the opinion of the !ngineer are not suitable. 2-.*/*.* Sur !;e #re#!r!tion = The pave4ent surfa(e shall be thoroughly (leaned of all dirt, water, and oil to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 9Tra(,s 3 44 wide or greater shall be (leaned and filled with suitable bitu4inous 4aterial or by a 4ethod approved by the !ngineer Cra(, filling 4aterial shall be allowed to (ure prior to paving fabri( pla(e4ent. Potholes and other pave4ent distress shall be repaired. Repairs shall be perfor4ed as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 2-.*/*/* T!;@ ;o!t !##:i;!tion = The ta(, (oat shall be spread by 4eans of a (alibrated distributor spray bar. Hand spraying and brush appli(ation 4ay be used in lo(ations of fabri( overlap. !very effort shall be 4ade to ,eep hand spraying to a 4ini4u4. The ta(, (oat shall be applied, unifor4ly to the prepared dry pave4ent surfa(e at the rate of ' ,g*s>.4. or as re(o44ended by the paving fabri( 4anufa(turer and approved by the !ngineer. "hen using e4ulsions, the appli(ation rate 4ust be in(reased as dire(ted by the !ngineer to offset the water (ontent of the e4ulsion. "ithin street interse(tions, on steep grades, or in other Lones where vehi(le speed (han(es are (o44on pla(e, the nor4al appli(ation rate shall be redu(ed by about %& per (ent as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The ta(, (oat appli(ation rate 4ust be suffi(ient to saturate the fabri( and to bond the fabri( to the e@isting pave4ent surfa(e. The te4perature of the ta(, (oat shall be suffi(iently high to per4it a unifor4 spray pattern. .or bitu4en, tie 4ini4u4 te4perature shall be 'B&PC. To avoid da4age to the fabri(, distributor tan, te4peratures shall not e@(eed ')&PC. .or bitu4en e4ulsions, the distributor tan, te4peratures shall be 4aintained between 55PC and 2&PC. The target width of ta(, (oat appli(ation shall be e>ual to the paving fabri( width plus '5& 44. The ta(, (oat shall be applied only as far in advan(e of paving fabri( installation as is appropriate to ensure a ta(,y surfa(e at the ti4e of paving fabri( pla(e4ent. Traffi( shall not be allowed on the ta(, (oat. !@(ess ta(, (oat shall be (leaned

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fro4 the pave4ent. 2-.*/*0* P!vin& !?ri; #:!;e<ent= The paving fabri( shall be pla(ed onto the ta(, (oat using 4e(hani(al or 4anual laydown e>uip4ent (apable of providing a s4ooth installation with a 4ini4u4 a4ount of wrin,ling or folding. The paving fabri( shall be pla(ed prior to the ta(, (oat (ooling and losing ta(,iness. Paving fabri( shall not be installed in areas where the overlay asphalt tapers to a thi(,ness of less than B& 44. !@(ess paving fabri( whi(h e@tends beyond the edge of e@isting pave4ent or areas of ta(, (oat appli(ation shall be tri44ed and re4oved. "hen bitu4en e4ulsions are used, the e4ulsion shall be allowed to (ure properly su(h that essentially no water 4oisture re4ains prior to pla(ing the paving fabri(. "rin,les or folds in e@(ess of %5 44 shall be slit and laid flat. 0ll transverse ?oints and slit folds or wrin,les shall be shingle+lapped in the dire(tion of the paving operation. Eroo4ing and*or pneu4ati( rolling will be re>uired to 4a@i4iLe paving fabri( (onta(t with the pave4ent surfa(e. 0dditional hand+pla(ed ta(, (oat 4ay be re>uired at laps and repairs as deter4ined by the !ngineer to satisfy bitu4en retention of the lapped paving fabri(. 0ll areas with paving fabri(s pla(ed will be paved the sa4e day. o traffi( e@(ept ne(essary (onstru(tion e>uip4ent will be allowed to drive on the paving fabri(. Turning of the paver and other vehi(les shall be done gradually and ,ept to a 4ini4u4 to avoid 4ove4ent and da4age to the paving fabri(. 0brupt starts and stops shall also be avoided. #a4aged fabri( shall be re4oved and repla(ed with the sa4e type of fabri(. 7verlaps shall be single+lapped in the dire(tion of paving. 0dditional ta(, (oat shall be pla(ed between the overlap to satisfy saturation re>uire4ents of the fabri(. 7verlap shall be suffi(ient to ensure full (losure of the ?oint but not e@(eed '5&4. 2-.*/*1* Over:!y #:!;e<ent/ Eitu4inous overlay (onstru(tion shall (losely follow fabri( pla(e4ent. 0li areas in whi(h paving fabri( has been pla(ed will be paved during the sa4e day. !@(ess ta(, (oat whi(h bleeds through the paving fabri( shall be re4oved. !@(ess ta(, (oat (an be re4oved by broad(asting hot 4i@ or sand on the paving fabri(. 2-/* PROTECTION WORKS WIT% GEOS6NT%ETICS 2-/*,* S;o#e This wor, shall (onsist of laying boulder Gabions*Mattresses in wraps of Geosyntheti(s in the for4 of bolsters, on slopes of e4ban,4ents or in apron. Gabions or Mattresses are also used for stone spurs. Geote@tiles are used for prevention of 4igration of fine soil parti(les. 2-/*5* G!?ionsFM!ttresses 'ith Geo&ri"s !n" Geonets Mattresses (onstru(ted with Geogrids or Geonets shall be used for thi(,ness of 3&& 44 or above as shown in the drawings. "hile adopting a parti(ular siLe for gabions or 4attresses width of the roll of geogrid* geonet 4ay be ,ept in view to 4ini4ise wastage of the geosyntheti( in (utting off pie(es. The 4esh opening 4ay vary depending on fun(tional re>uire4ent but shall have aperture between 35 44 and '&& 44. The 4esh*net shall have following (hara(teristi(s / 0perture / Re(tangular, s>uare or oval shaped 9and not in dia4ond, round or polygonal shape:.

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Colour Me(hani(al Properties 6tands*.abri( of .or4 $ife

/ / /

Ela(, Pea, strength not less than '& , *4 at 4a@i4u4 elongation of '5 per(ent. ot 4ore than 5 per (ent elongation at half pea, load. / Integral ?oints with ?un(tion strength of '&& per (ent plain strands as 4easured by GRI+GG3 standards. Material shall have I67 1&&% (ertifi(ation. 0tleast - years in (ase of (ontinuous e@posure and 5 years for burned appli(ations 9defined as (apable of retaining atleast 25 per (ent of its original strength after the life span stated:.

/ /

2-/*.* Constru;tion 2-/*.*,* Asse<?:y = Gabion and 4attress bo@es shall be asse4bled in situ, on a level surfa(e. 0fter fabri(ation is done in situ they shall be (orre(tly filled in layers in dense pa(,ed state. The botto4, sides and end panels shall be ere(ted after re4oval of all ,in,s, ,ept in an upright position to for4 re(tangular bo@es by ?oining the sides with (onne(tors of B& 44 @ ) 44 siLe, or by ring staples. The top (orners shall be tie tensioned fro4 sides to ,eep it ere(t for filling. .or gabions of )&& 44 or 4ore height, suitable (ross internal ties shall be pla(ed in layers of 3&& 44 (onne(ting opposite sides in lateral bra(es tied with poly4er braids of ultra+violet stabilised variety so as to ensure prote(tion against bulging of the gabions during filling with stones. 2-/*.*5* Constru;tion !n" inst!::!tion = The filling of the gabion* 4attress shall be done by hand in layers so as to 4ini4ise voids and a(hieve spe(ified density. The stones in (onta(t with the surfa(e of the geogrids*geonets shall be pla(ed in su(h a way that their sharp edges are ,ept turned inside so that they do not da4age the 4aterial of the geogrids* geonets. The opposite panels of the bo@es shall be fir4ly se(ured with lateral ties to withstand the design for(es. The botto4 of the gabion 4esh shall be se(ured in a ,ey type e@(avation for preventing slide. The spa(e between the gabion and earthen sides shall be filled with sand and the filling (o4pa(ted. In 4ost of the (ases design shall be supple4ented with a layer of geote@tile under the gabion*4attress to prevent 4igration of fines. 2-/*..* +!yin& ?ou:"er !#ron in ;r!tes = Mattresses of 4ini4u4 height 3&& 44 shall be used. The typi(al siLe of a single (ontinuous unit shall be ' 4 @ 5 4 siLe with baffles at ' 4 (entres. The siLe of boulders shall be at least '&& 44 or double the siLe of the aperture whi(hever is larger. The density of boulder filling shall be as stated in the drawing and the spe(ifi( gravity of stones not less than %.)5. Methodology of laying boulders shall be as per Clause %5&3,3. Gabions if pla(ed in the apron shall be of siLe ' 4 @ 5 4 in plan with height at least )&& 44, with baffles in ' 4 (entres. Gabions or 4attresses 4ade with poly4er geogrids*geonets shall always be laid in situ and shall not he perfor4ed, filled and transported to be dropped in deep waters. "here depth of water is low or dry bed is available, the bo@es shall be filled in situ. In strea4s or water body having running boulders in the bed, the gabions*4attresses shall be

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ar4oured with pla(e4ent of loose large boulders alongside the gabion wall to prote(t

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against i4pa(t hit of stray boulders. 6ta,es or ,eying shall always be provided in the founding re(ess, where the gabion be lo(ated, espe(ially in (ase the ground is assessed to be sloping or yielding type. 2-/.*/* Groynes or s#urs 'ith ;r!tes= Groynes or spurs of gravity retaining variety shall be (onstru(ted using geogrid*geonet gabions pla(ed in stable (onfiguration one over the other to for4 a well. They shall be filled in situ on a shallow depth of water or dry bed with fir4 founding and level strata. The provision of a layer of geote@tile*geo(o4posite shall be 4ade while pla(ing the stru(ture if resting over a bed of fine soil to prevent passage of fines and sin,ing. 2-/*.*0* Me!sure<ents or #!y<ent = The fabri( of geote@tile*geo(o4posite shall be 4easured in s>. 4etres of plan area of a(tual use 9as per drawing:. The (onne(ting rods or poly4er braids shall be 4easured in 4etres. Ring staples shall be 4easured in nu4ber provided per linear 4etre. The boulder fill shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres The e@(avation for ,eying of gabions in the ground tren(hes shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres. The ba(,filling in side tren(hes shall be dee4ed part of the e@(avation wor,. 2-/*.*1* R!te = The (ost of Geosyntheti( 4aterial for fabri(ation of Gabions*Mattresses shall be all in(lusive of supply, transportation and storage. The (ontra(t rate per (ubi( 4etre of (rate fill shall (onsist of (ost of boulders and their transportation. The (ontra(t rate for e@(avation and ba(,filling of tren(hes, seating tren(h upto '5 (4 9in(luded in rate:, shall in(lude (ost of labour, tools and plant for (o4pletion of the wor,. The (ost of 4a,ing a (rate shall in(lude preparation of bo@ of geogrid geonet, tensioning and sta,ing arrange4ents, tying, internal (rossbraids, et(., for for4ing of the (rates in an engineered 4anner and filling the (rate by laying boulders. The (ost shall in(lude transportation of 4aterial fro4 store to site. "herever (o4posite syste4 using Geosyntheti(s with natural 4aterial li,e stone revet4ent et(. shall be used, the provision of 4easure4ent and rate as per Clauses %5&1 and %5'& are appli(able.

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Tr! i; Si&nsA M!r@in&s !n" Other Ro!" A##urten!n;es

3-Tr! i; Si&nsA M!r@in&s !n" Other Ro!" A##urten!n;es

Page %)3 of )'-

3-,* TRAFFIC SIGNS 3-,*,* Gener!: 3-,*,*,* The (olour, (onfiguration, siLe and lo(ation of all traffi( signs for highways other than !@pressways shall be in a((ordan(e with the (ode of Pra(ti(e for Road 6igns, IRC/ )2 or as shown on the drawings. .or !@pressways, the siLe of the signs, letters and their pla(e4ent shall be as spe(ified in the Contra(t drawings and relevant 6pe(ifi(ations. In the absen(e of any details or for any 4issing details, the signs shall be provided as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-,*,*5* The signs shall be either refle(torised or non+refle(torised as shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. "hen they are of refle(torised type, they shall be of retro+refle(torised type and 4ade of en(apsulated lens type refle(tive sheeting vide Clause -&'.3, fi@ed 7ver alu4iniu4 sheeting as per these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-,*,.* In general, (autionary and 4andatory signs shall be fabri(ated through pro(ess of s(reen printing. In regard to infor4atory signs with ins(riptions, either the 4essage (ould be printed over the refle(tive sheeting, or (ut letters of non+refle(tive bla(, sheeting used for the purpose whi(h 4ust be bonded well on the base sheeting as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-,*5* M!teri!:s The various 4aterials and fabri(ation of the traffi( signs shall (onfor4 to the following re>uire4ents/ 3-,*5*,* Con;rete / Con(rete shall be of the grade shown on drawings or otherwise as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-,*5*5* Rein or;in& stee: / Reinfor(ing steel shall re>uire4ent of I6/ '2-) unless otherwise shown on the drawing. the Contra(t to the


3-,*5.* Eolts, nuts, washers/ High strength bolts shall (onfor4 to I6 / '3)2 whereas pre(ision bolts, nuts, et(., shall (onfor4 to I6/ '3)B. 3-,*5*/* P:!tes !n" su##orts / Plates and support se(tions for the signposts shall (onfor4 to I6/ %%) and I6/ %&)%or any other relevant I6 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-,*5*0* A:u<iniu</ 0lu4iniu4 sheets used for sign boards shall be of s4ooth, hard and (orrosion resistant alu4iniu4 alloy (onfor4ing to I6 / 23)+Material designation %B3B5 or '1&&. 3-,*5*1* 6igns with a 4a@i4u4 side di4ension not e@(eeding )&& 44 shall not be less than '.5 44 thi(,. 0ll others shall be at least % 44 thi(,. The thi(,ness of the sheet shall be related to the siLe of the sign and its support and shall be su(h that it does not bend or defor4 under the prevailing wind and other loads. 3-,*5*2* In respe(t of sign siLes not (overed by IRC/)2, the stru(tural details 9thi(,ness, et(.: shall be as per the approved drawings.

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3-,*.* Tr! i; Si&ns %!vin& Retro7re :e;tive Sheetin& 3-,*.*,* Gener!: reEuire<ents/ The retro+refle(tive sheeting used on the sign shall (onsist of the white or (oloured sheeting having a s4ooth outer surfa(e whi(h hasK the property of retro+refle(tion over its entire surfa(e. It shall be weather+resistant and show (olour fastness. It shall be new and unused and shall show no eviden(e of (ra(,ing, s(aling, pitting, blistering, edge lifting or (urling and shall have negligible shrin,age or e@pansion. 0 (ertifi(ate of having tested the sheeting for these properties in an unprote(ted outdoor e@posure fa(ing the sun for two years and its having passed these tests shall be obtained fro4 a reputed laboratory, by the 4anufa(turer of the sheeting. The refle(tive sheeting shall be either of !ngineering Grade 4aterial with en(losed lens or of High Intensity Grade with en(apsulated lens. The type of the sheeting to be used would depend upon the type, fun(tional hierar(hy and i4portan(e of the road. 3-,*.*5* %i&h intensity &r!"e sheetin& / This sheeting shall be of en(apsulated lens type (onsisting of spheri(al glass lens, ele4ents adhered to a syntheti( resin and en(apsulated by a fle@ible, transparent water+proof plasti( having< a s4ooth surfa(e. The retro+refle(tive surfa(e after (leaning with soap and water and in dry (ondition shall have the 4ini4u4 (o+effi(ient of retro+refle(tion 9deter4ined in a((ordan(e with 06TM 6tandard ! / -'&: as indi(ated in Table -&&+'. TAB+E 3--7,* ACCEPTAB+E MINIM(M COEFFICIENT OF RETRO7 REF+ECTION FOR %IG% INTENSIT6 GRADE S%EETING (CANDE+AS PER +(8 PER S>(ARE METRE) 7bservation angle 9In degrees: &.% &.% &.5 &.5 !ntran(e 0ngle 9in degrees: +B \3& +B \3& "hite Fellow 7range Green* Red B5 %5 '5 '& Elue

%5& '5& 15 )5

'2& '&& )% B5

'&& )& 3& %5

%& '' 2.5 5.&

"hen totally wet, the sheeting shall not show less than 1& per (ent of the values of retro+refle(tan(e indi(ated in Table -&&+'. 0t the end of 2 years, the sheeting shall retain at least 25 per (ent of its original retro+refle(tan(e. 3-,*.*.* En&ineerin& &r!"e sheetin& / This sheeting shall be of en(losed lens type (onsisting of 4i(ros(opi( lens ele4ents e4bedded beneath the surfa(e of a s4ooth, fle@ible, transparent, water+proof plasti(, resulting in a non+e@posed lens opti(al refle(ting syste4. The retro+refle(tive surfa(e after (leaning with soap and water and in dry (ondition shall have the 4ini4u4 (oeffi(ient of retro+refle(tion 9deter4ined in a((ordan(e with 06TM 6tandard / !+-'&: as indi(ated in Table -&&+%.

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TAB+E 3--75* ACCEPTAB+E MINIM(M COEFFICIENT OF RETRO7 REF+ECTION FOR ENGINEERING GRADE S%EETING (CANDE+AS PER +(8 PER S>(ARE METRE) 7bservation angle 9In degrees: &.% &.% &.5 &.5 !ntran(e 0ngle 9in degrees: +B \3& +B \3& "hite Fellow 7range Green Red Elue

2& 3& 3& '5

5& %% %5 '3

%5 2.& '3.5 B.&

1.& 3.5 B.5 %.%

'B.5 ).& 2.5 3.&

B.& '.2 %.& &.-

"hen totally wet, the sheeting shall not show less than 1& per (ent of the values, of retro+refle(tion indi(ated in Table -&&+%. 0t the end of 5 years, the sheeting shall retain at least 5& per (ent of its original retro+refle(tan(e. 3-,*.*/* Mess!&esF?or"ers/ The 4essages 9legends, letters, nu4erals et(.: and borders shall either be s(reen+printed or of (ut+outs. 6(reen printing shall be pro(essed and finished with 4aterials and in a 4anner spe(ified by the sheeting 4anufa(turer. Cut+ outs shall be of 4aterials as spe(ified by the sheeting 4anufa(turer and shall be bonded with the sheeting in the 4anner spe(ified by the 4anufa(turer. 3-,*.*0* .or s(reen+printed transparent (oloured areas on while sheeting, the (o+ effi(ient of retro+refle(tion shall not be less than 5& per (ent of the values of (orresponding (olour in Tables -&&+' and -&&+%, as appli(able. 3-,*.*1* Cut+out 4essages and borders, wherever used, shall be 4ade out of retro+refle(tive sheeting 9as per Clause -&'.3.% or -&'.3.3 as appli(able:, e@(ept those in bla(, whi(h shall be of non+refle(tive sheeting. 3-,*.*2* Co:our= Anless otherwise spe(ified, the general (olour s(he4e shall be as stipulated in I6 / 5 ;Colour for Ready Mi@ed Paints< viL. Elue Red Green 7range + + + + I6 I6 I6 I6 Colour Colour Colour Colour o. '))/ .ren(h Elue o. 532/ 6ignal Red o. %-B/ India Green o. 51'/ #eep 7range.

The Colours shall be durable and unifor4 in a((eptable hue when viewed in day light or under nor4al headlights at night. 3-,*.*3* A"hesives / The sheeting shall either have a pressure+sensitive adhesive of the aggressive+ta(, type re>uiring no heat, solvent or other preparation for adhesion to a s4ooth (lean surfa(e, or a ta(, free adhesive a(tivated by heat, applied in a heat+va(uu4 appli(ator, in a 4anner re(o44ended by the sheeting 4anufa(turer. The adhesive shall be prote(ted by an easily re4ovable liner 9re4ovable by peeling without soa,ing in water or other solvent: and shall be suitable for the type of 4aterial of the base plate used for the sign. The adhesive shall for4 a durable bond to s4ooth, (orrosion and weather resistant surfa(e of the base plate su(h that it shall not be possible to re4ove the sheeting fro4 the sign base in one pie(e by use of sharp instru4ent. In (ase of
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pressure+sensitive adhesive sheeting, the sheeting shall be applied in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs 6pe(ifi(ations. 6heeting with adhesives re>uiring use of solvents or other preparation for adhesive shall be applied stri(tly in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs instru(tions. 3-,*.*4* Re ur?ish<ent/ "here e@isting signs are spe(ified for refurbish4ent, the sheeting shall have a se4i+rigid alu4iniu4 ba(,ing pre+(oated with aggressive+ta(, type pressure sensitive adhesive. The adhesive shall be suitable for the type of 4aterial used for the sign and should thoroughly bond with that 4aterial. 3-,.A,-* F!?ri;!tion = 3-,*.*,-*,* 6urfa(e to be refle(torised shall be effe(tively prepared to re(eive the retro+refle(tive sheeting. The alu4iniu4 sheeting shall be de+greased either by a(id or hot al,aline et(hing and all s(ale*dust re4oved to obtain a s4ooth plain surfa(e before the appli(ation of retro+refle(tive sheeting. If the surfa(e is rough, approved surfa(e pri4er 4ay be used. 0fter (leaning, 4etal shall not be handled, e@(ept by suitable devi(e or (lean (anvas gloves, between all (leaning and preparation operation and appli(ation of refle(tive sheeting*pri4er. There shall be no opportunity for 4etal to (o4e in (onta(t with grease, oil or other (onta4inants prior to the appli(ation of retro+refle(tive sheeting. 3-,*.*,-*5* Co4plete sheets of the 4aterial shall be used on the signs e@(ept where it is unavoidableM at spli(es, sheeting with pressure sensitive adhesives shall be overlapped not less than 5 44. 6heeting with heat+a(tivated adhesives 4ay be spli(ed with an overlap not less than 5 44 or butted with a gap not e@(eeding #./" 44. "here s(reen printing with transparent (olours is proposed, only butt ?ointing shall be used. The 4aterial shall (over the sign surfa(e evenly and shall be free fro4 twists, (ra(,s and folds. Cut+outs to produ(e legends and borders shall be bonded with the sheeting in the 4anner spe(ified by the 4anufa(turer. 3-,*.*,,* W!rr!nty !n" "ur!?i:ity = The Contra(tor shall obtain fro4 the 4anufa(turer a seven+year warranty for satisfa(tory field perfor4an(e in(luding stipulated retro+refle(tan(e of the retro+refle(tive sheeting of high intensity grade and a five year warranty for the adhesive sheeting of engineering grade, and sub4it the sa4e to the !ngineer. In addition, a seven year and a five year warranty for satisfa(tory in+field perfor4an(e of the finished sign with retro+refle(tive sheeting of high intensity grade and engineering grade respe(tively, in(lusive of the s(reen printed or (ut out letters*legends and their bonding to the retro+refle(tive sheeting shall be obtained fro4 the Contra(tor*supplier and passed on to the !ngineer. The Contra(tor*supplier shall also furnish a (ertifi(ation that the signs and 4aterials supplied against the assigned wor, 4eets all the stipulated re>uire4ents and (arry the stipulated warranty. Pro(essed and applied in a((ordan(e with re(o44ended pro(edures, the refle(tive 4aterial shall be weather resistant and, following (leaning, shall show no appre(iable dis(olouration, (ra(,ing, blistering or di4ensional (hange and shall not have less than 67 per (ent of the spe(ified 4ini4u4 refle(tive intensity values 9Tables -&&+' and -&&+ %: when sub?e(ted to a((elerated weathering for '&D7 hours, using type ! or !H "eathero4eter 9006HT7 #esignation M %)-:.

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3-,*/* Inst!::!tion -&'.B.'. 6ign posts, their foundations and sign 4ountings shall be so (onstru(ted as to hold these in a proper and per4anent position against the nor4al stor4 wind loads or displa(e4ent by vandalis4. or4ally, signs with an area upto &.1 s>. 4. shall be 4ounted on a single post, and for greater area two or 4ore supports shall be provided. 6ign supports 4ay be of 4ild steel, reinfor(ed (on(rete or galvanised iron 9G.I:. Post end9s: shall be fir4ly fi@ed to the ground by 4eans of property designed foundation. The wor, of foundation shall (onfor4 to relevant 6pe(ifi(ations as spe(ified 3-,*/*5* 0ll (o4ponents of signs and supports, other than the refle(tive portion and G.I. posts shall be thoroughly des(aled, (leaned pri4ed and painted with two (oats of epo@y paint. 0ny pan of 4ild steel 9M.6.: post below ground shall be painted with three (oats of red lead paint. 3-,*/*.* The signs shall be fi@ed to the posts by welding in the (ase of steel posts and by bolts and washers of suitable siLe in the (ase of reinfor(ed (on(rete or G.I. posts. 0fter the nuts have been tightened, the tails of the bolts shall be furred over with a ha44er to prevent re4oval. 3-,*0* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The 4easure4ent of standard (autionary, 4andatory and infor4ation signs shall be in nu4bers of different types of signs supplied and fi@ed, while for dire(tion and pla(e identifi(ation signs, these shall be 4easured by area in s>uare 4etres. 3-,*1* R!te The Contra(t unit rate shall be pay4ent in full for the (ost of 4a,ing the road sign, in(luding all 4aterials, installing ii at the site and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, in a((ordan(e with the 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-5* O)ER%EAD SIGNS 3-5*,* Gener!: 3-5*,*,* 7verhead signs 4ay be used in lieu of, or as an ad?un(t to, ground signs where the situation so warrants for proper infor4ation and guidan(e of the road user. The following (onditions 4ay be (onsidered while de(iding about the provision of overhead signs/ 9': 9%: 93: 9B: 95: 9): 92: 9-: 91: 9'&: Traffi( volu4e at or near (apa(ity Co4ple@ inter(hange design Three or 4ore lanes in ea(h dire(tion Restri(ted light distan(e Closely spa(ed inter(hanges Multi+lane e@its $arge per(entage of (o44er(ial vehi(les High speed traffi( Consisten(y of sign 4essage lo(ation through a series Insuffi(ient spa(e for ground 4ounted signs

of inter(hanges

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9'': Ea(,ground of street lighting 9'%: #istan(es of i4portant pla(es enroute highways at suitable intervals. 3-5*,*5* .ro4 safety and aestheti( standpoints, overhead signs shall be 4ounted on overhead bridge stru(tures wherever possible. "here these are re>uired to be provided at so4e other lo(ations, the support syste4 should be properly designed based on sound engineering prin(iples, to safely sustain the dead load, live load and wind load on the (o4pleted sign syste4. .or this purpose, the overhead signs shall be designed to withstand a wind loading of '5& ,g*4 % nor4al to the fa(e of the sign, and 3& ,g*4 % transverse to the fa(e of the sign. In addition to the dead load of the stru(ture, wal,way loading of %5& ,g (on(entrated live load shall also be (onsidered for the design of the overhead sign stru(ture. 3-5*5* %ei&ht 7verhead signs shall provide a verti(al (learan(e of not less than 5.5 4 over the entire width of the pave4ent and shoulders e@(ept where a lesser verti(al (learan(e is used for the design of other stru(tures. The verti(al (learan(e to overhead sign stru(tures or supports need not be greater than 3&& 44 in e@(ess of the 4ini4u4 design (learan(e of other stru(tures. 3-5*.* +!ter!: C:e!r!n;e 3-5*.*,* The 4ini4u4 (learan(e outside the usable roadway shoulder for e@pressway signs 4ounted at the road side or for overhead sign supports either to the right or left side of the roadway shall be '.-& 4. This 4ini4u4 (learan(e of '.-& 4 shall also apply outside of an un(ountable ,erb. "here pra(ti(able, a sign should not be less than 3 4 fro4 the edge of the nearest traffi( lane. $arge guide signs should be farther re4oved preferably 1 4 or 4ore fro4 the nearest traffi( lane, unless otherwise spe(ified. $esser (learan(es, but not generally less than '.-& 4, 4ay be used on (onne(ting roadways or ra4ps at inter+(hanges. 3-5*.*5* "here a 4edian is 3.) 4 or less in width, (onsideration should be given to spanning over both roadways without a (entral support. "here overhead sign supports (annot be pla(ed at a safe distan(e away fro4 the line of traffi( or in an otherwise prote(ted site, y should either be so designed as to 4ini4ise the i4pa(t for(es or prote(t 4otorists ade>uately by a physi(al barrier or guard rail of suitable design. 3-5*/* Nu<?er o Si&ns !t !n Overhe!" Inst!::!tion In no (ase .should there be 4ore than three signs displayed at any one lo(ation, in(luding regulatory or warning signs, either on the overhead stru(ture or on its support. 3-5*0* M!teri!:s or Overhe!" Si&n !n" Su##ort Stru;tures 3-5*0*,* 0lu4iniu4 alloy or galvaniLed steel to be used as truss design supports shall (onfor4 to relevant I6. These shall be of se(tions and type as per stru(tural design re>uire4ents as shown on the plans.

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3-,0*5* 0fter steel trusses have been fabri(ated and all re>uired holes pun(hed or drilled on both the horiLontal truss units and the verti(al and support units, they shall be galvaniLed in a((ordan(e with I6 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-5*0*.* "here alu4iniu4 sheets are used for road signs, they shall be of s4ooth, hard and (orrosion resistant alu4iniu4 alloy (onfor4ing to I6 23)+ Material #esignation %B3B5 or '1&&. The thi(,ness of sheet shall be related to the siLe of the sign with 4ini4u4 thi(,ness of sheet as '.5 44. 3-5*0*/* High strength bolts shall (onfor4 to I6/ '3)2 whereas pre(ision bolts, nuts et(. shall (onfor4 to I6/ '3)B. 3-5*0*0* Plates and support se(tions for sign posts shall (onfor4 to Q6/ %%) and I6/ %&)%. 3-5*0*1* The overhead signs shall be refle(torised with high intensity retro+ refle(tive sheeting preferably of en(apsulated lens type. 3-5*1* SiCeA +o;!tionsA et;* o Si&ns 3-5*1*,. The siLe of the signs, letters and their pla(e4ent shall be as spe(ified in the Contra(t drawings and 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-5*1*5* In the absen(e of details or for any 4issing details in the Contra(t do(u4ents, the signs shall be provided .as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-5*2* Inst!::!tion 3-5*2*,* The supporting stru(ture and signs shall be fabri(ated and ere(ted as per details given in the plans. 3-5*2*5* 6ign posts, their foundations and sign 4ountings shall be so (onstru(ted as to hold signs in a proper and per4anent position to ade>uately resist swaying in the wind or displa(e4ent by vandalis4. 3-5*2*.* The wor, of (onstru(tion of foundation for sign supports in(luding e@(avation and ba(,fill, for4s, steel reinfor(e4ent, (on(rete and its pla(e4ent, shall (onfor4 to the relevant 6pe(ifi(ations given in these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-5*2*/* The stru(tures shall be ere(ted with the spe(ified (a4ber and in su(h a 4anner as to prevent e@(essive stresses, in?ury and defa(e4ent. 3-5*2*0* Era(,ets shall be provided for 4ounting signs of the type to be supported by the stru(ture. .or better visibility, they shall be ad?ustable to per4it 4ounting the sign fa(es at any angle between a truly verti(al position and three degree fro4 verti(al. This angle shall be obtained by rotating the front lower edge of the sign forward. 0ll bra(,ets shall be of a length e>ual to the heights of the signs being supported.

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3-5*2*1* Eefore ere(ting support stru(tures, the botto4 of ea(h base plate shall be prote(ted with an approved 4aterial whi(h will ade>uately prevent any har4ful rea(tion between the plate and the (on(rete. 3-5*2*2* The end supports shall be plu4bed by the use of levelling nuts and the spa(e between the foundation and base plate shall be (o4pletely filled with an anti+ shrin, grout. 3-5*2*3* 0n(hor bolts for sign supports shall be set to proper lo(ations and elevation with te4plates and (arefully (he(,ed after (onstru(tion of the sign foundation and before the (on(rete has set. 3-5*2*4* 0ll nuts on alu4iniu4 trusses, e@(ept those used on the flanges, shall be tightened only until they are snug. This in(ludes the nuts on the an(hor bolts. 0 thread lubri(ant shall be used with ea(h alu4iniu4 nut. 3-5*2*,-* 0ll nuts on galvaniLed steel trusses, with the e@(eption of high strength bolt (onne(tions, shall be tightened only to a snug (ondition. 3-5*2*,,* .ield welding shall not be per4itted. 3-5*2*,5* 0fter installation of signs is (o4plete, the sign shall be inspe(ted by the !ngineer. If spe(ular refle(tion is apparent on any sign, its positioning shall be ad?usted by the Contra(tor to eli4inate or 4ini4iLe this (ondition. 3-5*3* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent 3-5*3*,* 0lu4iniu4 or steel overhead sign stru(ture will be 4easured for pay4ent by the spe(ifi( unit 9ea(h: (o4plete in pla(e or for ea(h (o4ponent of the overhead sign stru(ture as indi(ated in the Eill of Duantities and the detailed drawing9s:. 3-5*3*5* .lat sheet alu4iniu4 signs with retro+refle(tive sheeting thereon shall be 4easured for pay4ent by the s>uare 4etre for ea(h thi(,ness, (o4plete in pla(e. 3-5*4* R!te 3-5*4*,* The stru(tural steel part of the overhead sign shall be 4easured in tonnes while the sign board shall be 4easured in s>.4. 7ther ite4s li,e e@(avation for foundation and (on(rete in foundation to be 4easured and paid in (u. 4. separately. The Contra(t unit rate for overhead sign stru(ture shall be pay4ent in full (o4pensation for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent, e@(avation, fabri(ation and installation and all other in(idental (osts ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to the 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-5*4*5* The Contra(t unit rate for alu4iniu4 sheet signs shall in(lude the (ost of 4a,ing the sign in(luding all 4aterials and fi@ing the sa4e in position and all other in(idental (osts ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to the 6pe(ifi(ations.

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3-.* ROAD MARKINGS 3-.*,* Gener!: The (olour, width and layout of road 4ar,ings shall be in a((ordan(e with the Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Mar,ings with paints. IRC / 35, and as spe(ified in the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-.*5* M!teri!:s Road 4ar,ings shall be of ordinary road 4ar,ing paint, hot applied ther4oplasti( (o4pound, or refle(torised paint as spe(ified in the ite4 and the 4aterial shall 4eet the re>uire4ents as spe(ified below. 3-.*.* Or"in!ry Ro!" M!r@in& P!int 3-.*.*,* 7rdinary paint used for road 4ar,ing shall (onfor4 to Grade I as per I6/ ')B. 3-.*.*5* The road 4ar,ing shall preferably be laid with appropriate road 4ar,ing 4a(hinery. 3-.*.*.* $aying thi(,ness of road 4ar,ing paint shall be as spe(ified by the !ngineer. 3-.*/* %ot A##:ie" Ther<o#:!sti; Ro!" M!r@in& 3-.*/*,* Gener!: = 9i: The wor, under this se(tion (onsists of 4ar,ing traffi( stripes using a ther4oplasti( (o4pound 4eeting the re>uire4ents spe(ified herein. 9ii: The ther4oplasti( (o4pound shall be s(reeded*e@truded on to the pave4ent surfa(e in a 4olten stale by suitable 4a(hine (apable of (ontrolled preparation and laying with surfa(e appli(ation of glass beads at a spe(ifi( rate. Apon (ooling to a4bient pave4ent te4perature, it shall produ(e an adherent pave4ent 4ar,ing of spe(ified thi(,ness and width and (apable of resisting defor4ation by traffi(I 9iii: The (olour of the .(o4pound shall be white or yellow 9I6 (olour o. 35): as spe(ified in the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 9iv: "here the (o4pound is to be applied to (e4ent (on(rete pave4ent, a sealing pri4er as re(o44ended by the 4anufa(turer, shall be applied to the pave4ent in advan(e of pla(ing of the stripes to ensure proper bonding of the (o4pound. 7n new (on(rete surfa(e any laitan(e and*or (uring (o4pound shall be re4oved before the 4ar,ings are applied. 3-.*/*5* Ther<o#:!sti; M!teri!: 3-.*/*5*,* General / The ther4oplasti( 4aterial shall be ho4ogeneously (o4posed of aggregate, pig4ent, resins and glass refle(toriLing beads.

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3-.*/*5*5* ReEuire<ents = 9i: Co4position / The pig4ent, beads, and aggregate shall be unifor4ly dispersed in the resin. The 4aterial shall be free fro4 all s,ins, din and foreign ob?e(ts and shall (o4ply with re>uire4ents indi(ated in Table -&&+3. 9Per(entage by weight: Co4ponent Einder Glass Eeads Titaniu4 #io@ide Cal(iu4 Carbonate and Inert .illers Fellow Pig4ents "hite '-.& 4in. 3&+B& '&.& 4in. B%.& 4a@. T Fellow '-.& 4in. 3&+B& T 6ee ote


ote / 04ount of yellow pig4ent, (al(iu4 (arbonate and inert fillers shall be at the option of the 4anufa(turer, provided all other re>uire4ents of this 6pe(ifi(ation are 4et.


Pro#erties= The properties of ther4oplasti( 4aterial when tested in a((ordan(e with 06TM #3)*E6+3%)%+9Pan I: shall be as below/ 9a: +u<in!n;e = White = #aylight lu4inan(e at B5 degrees )5 per (ent 4in. as per 006HT7 M %B1 6e::o' = #aylight lu4inan(e at B5 degr(es+B5 per (ent 4in. as per 006HT7 M %B1 Dryin& ti<e = "hen applied at a te4perature spe(ified by the 4anufa(turer and to the re>uired thi(,ness, the 4aterial shall set to bear traffi( in not. 4ore than I6 4inutes. S@i" resist!n;e = not less than B5 as per E6 )&BB. Cra(,ing resistan(e at low te4perature / The 4aterial shall show no (ra(,s on appli(ation to (on(rete blo(,s. So tenin& #oint = '&%.5 t 1.5K C as per 06TM # 3). F:o' resist!n;e = ot 4ore than %5 per (ent as per 006HT7 M %B1. 6e::o'ness in"eB 9for white ther4oplasti( paint:/ not 4ore than &.'% as per 006HT7 M %B1

9b: 9(: 9d: 9e: 9f: 9g: 9iii:

Stor!&e :i e = The 4aterial shall 4eet the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations for a period of one year. The ther4oplasti( 4aterial 4ust also 4elt unifor4ly with no eviden(e of s,ins or un4elled pani(les for the one year storage period. 0ny 4aterial not 4eeting the above re>uire4ents shall be repla(ed by the 4anufa(turer* supplier*Contra(tor. Re :e;toris!tion = 6hall be a(hieved by in(orporation of beads, the grading and other properties of the beads shall be as spe(ified in Clause -&3.B.3. M!r@in& = !a(h (ontainer of the ther4oplasti( 4aterial shall be (learly and indelibly 4ar,ed with the following infor4ation/
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9iv: 9v:

'. %. 3. B. 5. 9vi:

The na4e, trade 4ar, or other 4eans of identifi(ation of 4anufa(turer Eat(h nu4ber #ate of 4anufa(ture Colour 9white or yellow: Ma@i4u4 appli(ation te4perature and 4a@i4u4 safe healing te4perature.

S!<#:in& !n" testin& = The ther4oplasti( 4aterial shall be sa4pled and tested in a((ordan(e with the appropriate 06TM*E6 4ethod. The Contra(tor shall furnish to the !4ployer a (opy of (ertified test reports fro4 the 4anufa(turers of the ther4oplasti( 4aterial showing results of all tests spe(ified herein and shall (ertify that the 4aterial 4eets all re>uire4ents of this 6pe(ifi(ation. 3-.*/*.* Re :e;torisin& &:!ss ?e!"s

3-.*/*.*,* Gener!: / This 6pe(ifi(ation (overs two types of glass beads to be used for the produ(tion of refle(torised pave4ent 4ar,ings. Type ' beads are these whi(h are a (onstituent of the basi( ther4oplasti( (o4pound vide Table -&&+3 and Type 1 beads are those whi(h are to be sprayed on the surfa(e vide Clause -&3.).3. 3-.*/*.*5* The glass beads shall be transparent, (olourless and free fro4 4il,iness, dar, parti(les and e@(essive air in(lusions. These shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents spelt out in Clause -&3.B.3.3. 3-.*/*.*.* S#e;i i; reEuire<ents A* Gr!"!tion= The glass beads shall 4eet the gradation re>uire4ents for the two types as given in Table -&&+B. TAB+E 3--7/* GRADATION RE>(IREMENTS FOR G+ASS BEADS 6ieve siLe '.'- 44 -5& 4i(ron )&& +do+ B%5 +do+ 3&& +do+ '-& +do+ below '-& 4i(ron Per(ent retained Type' & to 3 5 to %& + )5 to 15 + & to '& Type% . & to 5 5 to %& + 3& to 25 '& to 3& & to '5

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B* Roun"ness= The glass beads shall have a 4ini4u4 of 2& per (ent true spheres. C* Re r!;tive in"eB= The glass beads shall have a 4ini4u4 refra(tive inde@ of '.5&. D* Free :o'in& #ro#erties / The glass beads shall be free of hard lu4ps and (lusters and shall dispense readily under any (onditions suitable for paint striping. They shall pass the free flow test. 3-.*/*.*/* Test <etho"s= The spe(ifi( re>uire4ents shall be tested with the following 4ethods/ 9i: .ree+flow test/ 6pread '&& gra4s of beads evenly in a '&& 44 dia4eter glass dish. Pla(e the dish in a %5&44 inside dia4eter desi((ator whi(h is filled within .%5 44 of the top of a desi((ator plate with sulphuri( a(id water solution 9spe(ifi( gravity '.'&:. Cover the desi((ator and let it stand for B hours at %& to %1 degree C. Re4ove sa4ple fro4 desi((ator, transfer beads to a pan and inspe(t for lu4ps or (lusters. Then pour beads into a (lean, dry glass funnel having a '&& 44 ste4 and ) 44 orifi(e. If ne(essary, initiate flow by lightly tapping the funnel. The glass spheres shall be essentially free of lu4ps and (lusters and shall flow freely through the funnel. 9ii: The re>uire4ents of gradation, roundness and refra(tive inde@ of glass beads and the a4ount of glass beads in the (o4pound shall be tested as per E6 )&-- and E6 3%)% 9Part I:. 9iii: The Contra(tor shall furnish to the !4ployer a (opy of (ertified test reports fro4 the 4anufa(turer of glass beads obtained fro4 a reputed laboratory showing results of all tests spe(ified herein and shall (ertify that the 4aterial 4eets all re>uire4ents of this 6pe(ifi(ation. However, if so re>uired, these tests 4ay be (arried out as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-.*/*/* A##:i;!tion #ro#erties o ther<o#:!sti; <!teri!: 3-.*/*/*,* The ther4oplasti( 4aterial shall readily get speeded* e@truded at te4peratures spe(ified by the 4anufa(turers for respe(tive 4ethod of appli(ation to produ(e a line of spe(ified thi(,ness whi(h shall be (ontinuous and unifor4 in shape having (lear and sharp edges. 3-.*/*/*5* The 4aterial upon healing to appli(ation te4peratures, shall not e@ude fu4es, whi(h are to@i(, obno@ious or in?urious to persons or property. 3-.*/*0* Pre#!r!tion= 9i: The 4aterial shall be 4elted in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs instru(tions in a heater fitted with a 4e(hani(al stirrer to give a s4ooth (onsisten(y '& the ther4oplasti( 4aterial to avoid lo(al overheating. The te4perature of the 4ass shall be within the range spe(ified by the 4anufa(turer, and shall on no a((ount be allowed to e@(eed the 4a@i4u4 te4perature stated by the 4anufa(turer. The 4olten 4aterial should be used as e@peditiously as possible and for ther4oplasti( 4aterial whi(h has natural binders or is otherwise sensitive to prolonged heating, the 4aterial shall not

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be 4aintained in a 4olten (ondition for 4ore than B hours. 0fter transfer to the laying e>uip4ent, the 4aterial shall be 4aintained within the te4perature range spe(ified .1a2 the 4anufa(turer for a(hieving the desired (onsisten(y for laying.

3-.*/*1* Pro#erties o inishe" ro!" <!r@in& = 9a: The stripe shall not be slippery when wet. 9b: The 4ar,ing shall not lift fro4 the pave4ent in freeLing weather. 9(: 0fter appli(ation and proper drying, the stripe shall show no appre(iable defor4ation or dis(olouration under traffi( and under road te4peratures upto )&PC. 9d: The 4ar,ing shall not deteriorate by (onta(t with sodiu4 (hloride, (al(iu4 (hloride or oil drippings fro4 traffi(. 9e: The stripe or 4ar,ing shall 4aintain its original di4ensions and position. Cold du(tility of the 4aterial shall be su(h as to per4it nor4al 4ove4ent with the road surfa(e without (hopping or (ra(,ing. 9f: The (olour of yellow 4ar,ing shall (onfor4 to I6 Colour o. 35) as given in I6/')B. 3-.*0* Re :e;torise" P!int Refle(torised paint, if used, shall (onfor4 to the 6pe(ifi(ation by the 4anufa(turers and approved by the !ngineer. Refle(torising glass beads for refle(torising paints where used shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ent of Clause -&3.B.3 3-.*1* A##:i;!tion 3-.*1*,* Mar,ing shall be done by 4a(hine. .or lo(ations where painting (annot be done by 4a(hine, approved 4anual 4ethods shall be used with prior approval of the !ngineer. The Contra(tor shall 4aintain (ontrol over traffi( while painting operations are in progress so as to (ause 4ini4uro in(onvenien(e to traffi( (o4patible with prote(ting the wor,4en. 3-.*1*5* The ther4oplasti( 4aterial shall be applied hot either by s(reeding or e@trusion pro(ess. 0fter transfer to the laying apparatus, the 4aterial shall be laid at a te4perature within the range spe(ified by the 4anufa(turer for the parti(ular 4ethod of laying being used. The paint shall be applied using a s(reed or e@trusion 4a(hine. 3-.*1*.* The pave4ent te4perature shall not be less than '&PC during appli(ation. 0ll surfa(es to be 4ar,ed shall be thoroughly (leaned of all dust, dirt, grease, oil and all other foreign 4atter before appli(ation of the paint. The 4aterial, when for4ed into traffi( stripes, 4ust be readily renewable by pla(ing an overlay of new 4aterial dire(tly over an old line of (o4patible 4aterial. 6u(h new 4aterial shall so bond itself to the old line that no splitting or separation ta,es pla(e. Ther4oplasti( paint shall be applied in inter4ittent or (ontinuous lines of unifor4 thi(,ness of at least %.5 44 unless spe(ified otherwise. "here arrows or letters are to be

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provided, ther4oplasti( (o4pound 4ay be hand+sprayed. In addition '& the beads in(luded in the 4aterial, a further >uantity of glass beads of Type %, (onfor4ing to the above noted 6pe(ifi(ation shall be sprayed unifor4ly into a 4ono+layer on to the hot paint line in >ui(, su((ession of the paint spraying operation. The glass beads shall be applied at the rate of %5& gra4s per s>uare 4etre area. 3-.*1*/* The 4ini4u4 thi(,ness spe(ified is e@(lusive of surfa(e applied glass beads. The 4ethod of thi(,ness 4easure4ent shall be in a((ordan(e with 0ppendi(es E and C of E6 + 3%)% 9Part 3:. 3-.*1*0* The finished lines shall be free fro4 ruggedness on sides and ends and be parallel to the general align4ent of the (arriageway. The upper surfa(e of the lines shall be level, unifor4 and free fro4 strea,s. 3-.*2* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent 3-.*2*,* The painted 4ar,ings shall be 4easured in s>. 4etres of a(tual area 4ar,ed 9e@(luding the gaps, if any:. 3-.*2*5* In respe(t of 4ar,ings li,e dire(tional arrows and lettering, et(., the 4easure4ent shall be by nu4bers. 3-.*3* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for road 4ar,ings shall be pay4ent In full (o4pensation for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent in(luding all in(idental (osts ne(essary for (arrying out the wor, at the site (onfor4ing to these 6pe(ifi(ations (o4plete as per the approved drawing9s: or as dire(ted by the !ngineer and all other in(idental (osts ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-/* %ECTOMETREFKI+OMETRE STONES 3-/*,* Gener!: The wor, (overs the supply, painting, lettering and fi@ing of distan(e 4easure4ent stones and shall in(lude/ 9i: He(to4etre stones 9ii: =ilo4etre stones 9iii: 5th =ilo4etre stones 3-/*5* The di4ensions of the stones and the siLe, (olour, arrange4ent of letters and s(ript shall be as per IRC / %) ;Type #esigns for %&& Metre 6tones< and IRC/ ;Type #esign for Highway =ilo4etre 6tones<. 3-/*.* The he(to4etre*,ilo4etre stones 4ay be 4ade of lo(a ' stones, (on(rete or any other 4aterial available lo(ally and approved by the !ngineer. The stones 6hall be bedded into the ground with ade>uate foundations as indi(ated in the drawings or in the relevant I.R.C. 6pe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The orientation and lo(ation of the stones shall be as indi(ated in the drawings or in the relevant I.R.C. 6pe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

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3-/*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The 4easure4ent will be in nu4bers of %&& 4etre, ,ilo4etre and 5th ,ilo4etre stones fi@ed at site. 3-/*0* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for he(to4eire*,ilo4etre*5th ,ilo4etre stones shall be pay4ent in full (o4pensation for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent and 4a,ing the stones, painting and lettering and fi@ing at site and all other in(idental (osts ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-0* ROAD DE+INEATORS 3-0*,* Gener!: The wor, (overs supplying and fi@ing roadway indi(ators, haLard 4ar,ers and ob?e(t 4ar,ers. 3-0*5* The design, 4aterials to be used and the lo(ation of the road delineators shall (onfor4 to Re(o44ended Pra(ti(e for Road #elineators, IRC/ 21, and to relevant drawings or as otherwise dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-0*.* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The 4easure4ent shall be 4ade in nu4bers of delineators fi@ed at site. 3-0*/* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for Road #elineators shall be pay4ent in full (o4pensation for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent for preparing, supplying and fi@ing at site and all other in(idental (osts ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-1* BO(NDAR6 STONES 3-1*,* Gener!: The wor, (o4prises of supplying and fi@ing boundary stones as per designs and 6pe(ifi(ations given in IRC/ %5.KType #esigns for Eoundary 6tones< and at lo(ations indi(ated in the drawing or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-1*5* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The 4easure4ent shall be 4ade in nu4bers of boundary stones fi@ed at site. 3-1*.* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for boundary stones shall be pay4ent in full (o4pensation for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent for preparing, supplying and fi@ing and all other in(idental (osts ne(essary to (o4plete die wor, to these 6pe(ifi(ations.

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3-2* FENCING 3-2*,* Gener!: The wor, (o4prises of fi@ing Mild 6teel 9M.6.: posts and providing barbed wire fen(ing in(luding ne(essary stays and entry gates as shown in the drawing 9s: and as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Tr! i; Si&ns !n" A##urten!n;es 3-2*5* The M.6. posts shall (onfor4 to I6/%%) and shall be of angle iron of siLe indi(ated in the drawings. The angle iron shall be e4bedded in (on(rete to a suffi(ient depth below ground as indi(ated in the drawings. The steel shall be fabri(ated and painted to (onfor4 to 6e(tion '1&& of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-2*.* The barbed wire shall be of galvanised iron and shall (onfor4 to I6/%2-. 3-2*/* !ntry gate9s: shall be 4ade of M.6. rods or other 4etal as per the design shown in the drawing9s:. 3-2*0* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The 4easure4ent shall be in running 4etre of fen(ing in(luding the entry gates. 3-2*1* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for fen(ing shall be pay4ent in full (o4pensation for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent for fabri(ation and fi@ing at site and all other in(idental (osts ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-3* T(B(+AR STEE+ RAI+ING 3-3*,* Gener!: The wor, shall (onsist of supplying, fi@ing and ere(ting tubular steel railings as shown on the drawings and as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-3*5* The railings shall be of tubular steel in (onfor4an(e to I6/ '%31. The. fabri(ation and painting e@(ept for the final (oat shall be (o4pleted before dispat(h to the site. Prior to the painting, all surfa(es shall be grit blasted to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer and pi(,led. The pri4ing (oat of paint shall be applied as soon as the steel has dried. 3-3*.* The posts shall be verti(al and of the type as shown in the drawing with a toleran(e not e@(eeding ) 44 in a length of 3 4. The railing shall be ere(ted true to line and grade. 3-3*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The railing shall be 4easured in linear 4etre fro4 end to end along the fa(e of the railing, in(luding end and inter4ediate posts, with no dedu(tions for gaps as shown on the drawings.

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3-3*0* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for Tubular 6teel Railing shall be pay4ent in full (o4pensation for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent and plant re>uired for fabri(ation, (onne(tion, oiling, painting, te4porary ere(tion, inspe(tion, test and final ere(tion at site and all other in(idental (osts ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, to these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3-4* CONCRETE CRAS% BARRIER 3-4*,* Gener!: 3-4*,*,* This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion, provision and installation of (on(rete (rash barrier at the edges of the road and 4edian at lo(ations and of di4ensions as shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3-4*,*5* Con(rete barrier shall generally be lo(ated on approa(hes to bridge stru(tures, at lo(ations where the e4ban,4ent height is 4ore than 3 4etres and at horiLontal (urves. 3-4*5* M!teri!:s 3-4*5*,* 0ll 4aterials shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '&&&+Materials for 6tru(tures as appli(able, and relevant Clauses in 6e(tion ')&& shall govern the steel reinfor(e4ent. The (on(rete barriers shall be (onstru(ted either by the ;(ast+in+pla(e with fi@ed for4s< 4ethod or the ;e@trusion or slip for4< 4ethod or a (o4bination thereof at the Contra(torKs option with the approval of the !ngineer. "here ;e@trusion or slip for4< 4ethod is adopted, full details of the 4ethod and literature shall be furnished. 3-4*5*5* Con(rete barriers shall be (onstru(ted with M / %& grade (on(rete and with High Field 6trength defor4ed reinfor(e4ent (onfor4ing to IRC/ %'. 3-4*5*.* 0n e@pansion ?oint with pre+4oulded asphalt filler board shall be provided at the ?un(tion of (rash barrier on stru(ture and (rash barrier on the fill. The (rash barrier on the fill shall be (onstru(ted in pie(es of length not e@(eeding %& 4, with, pre+4oulded asphalt filler board ?oints. 3-4*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions 3-4*.*,* The lo(ation of (rash barrier shall be stri(tly adhered to as shown on the drawing and as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Con(rete (rash barriers shall present a s4ooth, unifor4 appearan(e in their final position, (onfor4ing to the horiLontal and verti(al lines shown on the plans or as ordered by the !ngineer and shall be free of lu4ps, sags or other irregularities. The top and e@posed fa(es of the barriers shall (onfor4 to the spe(ified toleran(es, as defined in Clause -&1.B, when tested with 3 4 straight edge, laid on the surfa(e. 3-4*.*5* "hen (on(rete barriers are to be (onstru(ted on re(ently (o4pleted bridges, the height of the barriers shall be ad?usted to (o4pensate for the (a4ber and dead load defle(tion of the superstru(ture. The a4ount of ad?ust4ent shall be deter4ined by the !ngineer and shall be ordered before the (on(rete is pla(ed. 6u(h barriers shall

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be pla(ed after for4 wor, has been released and as long after the superstru(ture (onstru(tion as possible without ha4pering the progress of the wor,. 3-4*.*.* Ea(,filling to the (on(rete barriers shall be (o4pa(ted in layers to the (o4pa(tion of the surrounding earthwor,. 3-4*/* To:er!n;e The overall horiLontal align4ent of rails shall not depart fro4 the road align4ent by 4ore than N 3& 44, nor deviate in any two su((essive lengths fro4 straight by 4ore than ) 44 and the fa(es shall not vary 4ore than '% 44 fro4 the edge of a 3 4 straight edge. Earriers snail be at the spe(ified height as shown in the plans above the edge of the nearest ad?a(ent (arriageway or shoulder, within a toleran(e of N 3& 44. 3-4*0* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent 0ll barriers will be 4easured by linear 4etres of (o4pleted and a((epted length in pla(e, (orresponding end to end along the fa(e of (on(rete barriers in(luding approa(h and departure ends. 3-4*1* R!te The Contra(t unit rate shall in(lude full (o4pensation for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent and in(idental (osts ne(essary for doing all the wor, involved in (onstru(ting the (on(rete barrier (o4plete in pla(e in all respe(ts as per these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3,-* 3,-*,* Gener!: 3,-*,*,* This wor, shall (onsist of furnishing and ere(tion of 4etal bea4 (rash barrier of di4ensions and at lo(ations as shown on the drawing 9s: or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3,-*,*5* Metal bea4 (rash barrier shall generally be lo(ated on approa(hes to bridge stru(tures, at lo(ations where the e4ban,4ent height is 4ore than 3 4etres and at horiLontal (urves. 3,-*5* M!teri!:s 3,-*5*,* Metal bea4 rail shall be (orrugated sheet steel bea4s of the (lass, type, se(tion and thi(,ness indi(ated on the plans. Railing posts shall be 4ade of steel of the se(tion, weight and length as shown on the plans. 0ll (o4plete steel rail ele4ents, ter4inal se(tions, posts, bolts, nuts, hardware and other steel fittings shall be galvanised. 0ll ele4ents of the railing shall be free fro4 abrasions, rough or sharp edges and shall not be ,in,ed, twisted or bent. 3,-*5*5* 6teel bea4 ele4ents and ter4inal se(tions shall be galvanised 9Lin( (oated, &.55 ,g per s>uare 4etre,K 4ini4u4 single spot: unless otherwise spe(ified. The galvanising on all other steel parts shall (onfor4 to the relevant I6 6pe(ifi(ations. 0ll fittings 9bolts, nuts, washers: shall (onfor4 to the I6 / '3)2 and I6 / META+ BEAM CRAS% BARRIER

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'3)B. 0ll galvaniLing shall be done after fabri(ation. 3,-*5*.* Con(rete for bedding and an(hor asse4bly shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '2&& of. these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3,-*.* Constru(tion 7perations 3,-*.*,* The line and grade of railing shall be true to that shown on the plans. The railing shall be (arefully ad?usted prior to fi@ing in pla(e, to ensure proper 4at(hing at abutting ?oints and (orre(t align4ent and (a4ber throughout their length. Holes for field (onne(tions shall be drilled with the railing in pla(e in the stru(ture at proper grade and align4ent. 3,-*.*5* Anless otherwise spe(ified on the drawing, railing steel posts shall be given one shop (oat of paint 9pri4er: and three (oats of paint on stru(tural steel after ere(tion, if the se(tions are not galvanised. 0ny pan of asse4bly below ground shall be painted with three (oats of red lead paint. 3,-*.*.* 6pli(es and end (onne(tions shall be of the type and designs spe(ified or shown on the plans and shall be of su(h strength as to develop full design strength of the rail ele4ents. 3,-*/* Inst!::!tion o Posts 3,-*/*,* Holes shall be dug or drilled to the depth indi(ated on the plans or posts 4ay be driven by approved 4ethods and e>uip4ent, provided these are ere(ted in proper position and are free fro4 distortion and burring or any other da4age. 3,-*/*5* 0ll post holes that are dug or drilled shall be of su(h siLe as will per4it proper setting of the+posts and allow suffi(ient roo4 for ba(,filling and tapping. 3,-*/*.* Holes shall be ba(,filled with sele(ted earth or stable 4aterials in layers not e@(eeding '&& 44 thi(,ness and ea(h layer shall be thoroughly ta4ped and ra44ed. "hen ba(,filling and ta4ping ar( (o4pleted, the posts or an(hors shall be held se(urely in pla(e. 3,-*/*/* Post holes that are drilled in ro(, and holes for an(hor posts shall be ba(,filled with (on(rete. 3,-*/*0* Posts for 4etal bea4 guardrails on bridges shall be bolted to the stru(ture as detailed on the plans. The an(hor bolts shall be set to proper lo(ation and elevation with te4plates and (arefully (he(,ed. 3,-*0* Ere;tion 3,-*0*,* 0ll guardrail an(hors shall be set and atta(h4ents 4ade and pla(ed as indi(ated on the plans or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3,-*0*5* 0ll bolts or (lips used for fastening the guardrail or fittings to the posts shall be drawn up tightly. !a(h bolt shall have suffi(ient length to e@tend at least ) 44 through and beyond, the full nut, e@(ept where su(h e@tensions 4ight interfere with or

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endanger traffi( in whi(h (ase the bolts shall be (ut off flush with the nut. 3,-*0*.* 0ll railings shall be ere(ted, drawn and ad?usted so that the longitudinal tension will be unifor4 throughout the entire length of the rail. 3,-*1* To:er!n;e The posts shall be verti(al with a toleran(e not e@(eeding ) 44 in a length of 3 4etre. The railing barrier shall be ere(ted true to line and grade. 3,-*2* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent 3,-*2*,* Metal bea4 railing barriers will be 4easured by linear 4etre of (o4pleted length as per plans and a((epted in pla(e. Ter4inals* an(hors of various types shall be paid for by nu4bers. 3,-*2*5* o 4easure4ent for pay4ent shall be 4ade for pro?e(tions or an(hors beyond the end posts e@(ept as noted above. .urnishing and pla(ing an(hor bolts and*or devi(es for guard rail posts on bridges shall be (onsidered in(idental to the (onstru(tion and the (osts thereof shall be in(luded in the pri(e for other ite4s of (onstru(tion. 3,-*2*.* o 4easure4ent for pay4ent will be 4ade for e@(avation or ba(,filling perfor4ed in (onne(tion with this (onstru(tion. 3,-*3* R!te The Contra(t unit rate shall in(lude full (o4pensation for furnishing of labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ents and in(idental (osts ne(essary for doing all the wor, involved in (onstru(ting the 4etal bea4 railing barrier (o4plete in pla(e in all respe(ts as per these 6pe(ifi(ations. 3,,* 3,,*,* Gener!: The traffi( signal, its (onfiguration, siLe and lo(ation shall be in a((ordan(e with IRC/ 13 and I6/ 2532 and as shown in the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Prior to installation of signals, the Contra(tor shall sub4it to the !ngineer, for approval, detailed proposals showing the signal type, siLes, paint and stru(tural details of the signal posts in(luding (ontrol syste4. 3,,*5* The traffi( signals shall have a (o4plete ele(troni( 4e(hanis4 for (ontrolling the operation of traffi( with an au@iliary 4anual (ontroller. The ti4e plan of signals shall be as per drawing and shall be 4odified as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 3,,*.* M!teri!:s The various 4aterials and fabri(ation thereof shall (onfor4 to the following/ ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNA+S

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3,,*.*,* Si&n!: oun"!tion= The signal foundations shall be (onstru(ted as per 6pe(ifi(ations given in Clause '3 of IRC / 13 or as shown in the drawings. 3,,*.*5* Constru;tion!: reEuire<ents= The (onstru(tional re>uire4ents for post, signal head asse4bly, signal head, opti(al syste4, la4p and holder, visor, post, supports for overhead 4ounted signals, e>uip4ent housing, lo(,s, inter+(onne(ting (ables, earthing, 4ains ter4ination, (ontroller ele(tri(al (o4ponents, et(., shall (onfor4 to I6/ 2532 unless otherwise stated in IRC/ 13. The post shall be painted and prote(ted as per Clause 3.2. of I6/ 2532. 3,,*.*.* O#ti;!: reEuire<ents= The shape of all signal lenses shall be (ir(ular and shall be of spe(ified (olour and siLe and as shown in the drawing. Duality of lenses, arrange4ent of lenses, illu4inations, visibility and shielding of signals shall be as per relevant Clauses of IRC / 13 and I6/2532. 3,,*/* Tests Tests shall be (arried out on all (o4ponents of traffi( signal in(luding tests on (o4plete syste4 for its perfor4an(e as per relevant Clauses of IRC / 13 and I6/ 2532. 3,,*0* M!inten!n;e o Tr! i; Si&n!:s It shall be the responsibility of the Contra(tor to provide for 4aintenan(e of the signal se(tion syste4 throughout the warranty period for at least five 95: years after installation and as per Clause '- of IRC / 13. 3,,*1* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The 4easure4ent for traffi( signalisation syste4 shall be by unit for (o4plete wor, as spe(ified and as per drawing for (o4plete road ?un(tion. 3,,*2* R!te The Contra(t unit rate pay4ent in full (o4pensation preparing, supplying, fi@ing at and all other in(idental (osts 6pe(ifi(ations. for the traffi( signalisation syste4 as a whole shall be for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools, e>uip4ent for site, testing and 4aintenan(e throughout warranty period ne(essary to (o4plete and 4aintain the wor, to these

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>u!:ity Contro: or Ro!" Wor@s 4--

>u!:ity Contro: or Ro!" Wor@s

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4-,* GENERA+ 4-,*,* 0ll 4aterials to be used, all 4ethods adopted and all wor,s perfor4ed shall be stri(tly in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these spe(ifi(ations. The Contra(tor shall set up a field laboratory at lo(ations approved by the !ngineer and e>uip the sa4e with ade>uate e>uip4ent and personnel in order to (arry out all re>uired tests and Duality Control wor, piper 6pe(ifi(ations and*or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The internal layout of the laboratory shall be as per Clause '%' and*or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The list of e>uip4ent and the fa(ilities to be provided shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer in advan(e. 4-,*5* The Contra(torKs laboratory should be 4anned by a >ualified Materials !ngineer*Civil !ngineer assisted by e@perien(ed te(hni(ians, and the set+up should be got approved by the !ngineer. 4-,*.* The Contra(tor shall (arry out >uality (ontrol tests on the 4aterials and wor, to the fre>uen(y stipulated in subse>uent paragraphs. In 4e absen(e of (lear indi(ations about 4ethod and or fre>uen(y of tests for any ite4, the instru(tions of the !ngineer shall be followed. 4-,*/* .or satisfying hi4self about the >uality of the 4aterials and wor,, >uality (ontrol tests will also be (ondu(ted by the !ngineer 9by hi4self, by his Duality Control Anits or by any other agen(ies dee4ed fit by hi4:, generally to the fre>uen(y set forth here in under. 0dditional tests 4ay also, fee (ondu(ted where, in the opinion of the !ngineer, need for su(h tests e@ists. 4-,*0* The Contra(tor shall provide ne(essary (o+operation and assistan(e in obtaining the sa4ples for tests and (arrying out the field tests re>uired by the !ngineer fro4 ti4e to ti4e. This 4ay in(lude provision of labour, attendants, assistan(e in pa(,ing and despat(hing and any other assistan(e (onsidered ne(essary in (onne(tion with the tests. 4-,*1* .or the wor, of e4ban,4ent, subgrade and pave4ent, (onstru(tion of subse>uent layer of sa4e or other 4aterial over the finished layer shall lie done after obtaining per4ission fro4 the !ngineer. 6i4ilar per4ission fro4 the !ngineer shall be obtained in respe(t of all other ite4s of wor,s prior to pro(eeding with the ne@t stage of (onstru(tion. 4-,*2* The Contra(tor shall (arry out 4odifi(ations in the pro(edure of wor,, if found ne(essary, as dire(ted by the !ngineer during inspe(tion. "or,s falling short of >uality shall be re(tified*redone by the Contra(tor at "s own (ost, and defe(tive wor, shall also be re4oved fro4 the site of wor,s by the Contra(tor at his own (ost. 4-,*3* The (ost of laboratory building in(luding servi(es, essential supplies li,e water, ele(tri(ity, sanitary servi(es and their 4aintenan(e and (ost of all e>uip4ent, tools, 4aterials, labour and in(identals to perfor4 tests and other operations of >uality (ontrol a((ording to the 6pe(ifi(ation re>uire4ents shall be dee4ed to be in(idental to the wor, and no e@tra pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. If, however, there is a sepM rate ite4 in the Eill of Duantities for setting up of a laboratory and installing testing e>uip4ent, su(h wor, shall be paid for separately.

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4-,*4* .or testing of sa4ples of soils*soil 4i@es, granular 4aterials, and 4i@es, bitu4inous 4aterials and 4i@es, aggregates, (ores et(., sa4ples in the re>uired >uantity and for4 shall be supplied to the !ngineer by the Contra(tor at his own (ost. 4-,*,-* .or (e4ent, bitu4en, 4ild steel, and si4ilar other 4aterials where essential tests are to be (arried out at the 4anufa(turerKs plants or at laboratories other than the site laboratory, the (ost of sa4ples, sa4pling, testing and furnishing of test (ertifi(ates shall be borne by the Contra(tor. He shall also< furnish the test (ertifi(ates to the !ngineer. 4-,*,,* .or testing of (e4ent (on(rete at site during (onstru(tion, arrange4ents for supply of sa4ples, sa4pling, testing and supply of test results shall be 4ade by the Contra(tor as per the fre>uen(y and nu4ber of tests spe(ified in the Handboo, of Duality Control for Constru(tion of Roads and Runways 9IRC /6P '': and relevant I6 Codes or relevant (lauses of these 6pe(ifi(ations, the (ost of whi(h shall be borne by the Contra(tor. 4-,*,5* The 4ethod of sa4pling and testing of 4aterials shall be as re>uired by the ;Handboo, of Duality Control for Constru(tion of Roads and Runways< 9IRC / 6P/ '':, and these M76T 6pe(ifi(ations. "here they are (ontradi(ting, the provision in these 6pe(ifi(ations shall be followed, "here they are silent, sound engineering pra(ti(es shall be adopted. The sa4pling and testing pro(edure to be used shall be as approved by the !ngineer and his de(ision shall be final and binding on the Contra(tor. 4-,*,.* The 4aterials for e4ban,4ent (onstru(tion shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer. The responsibility for arranging and obtaining the land for borrowing or e@ploitation in any other way shall rest with the Contra(tor who shall ensure s4ooth and uninterrupted supply of 4aterials in the re>uired >uantity during the (onstru(tion period. 6i4ilarly, the supply of aggregates for (onstru(tion of road pave4ent shall be fro4 >uarries approved by the !ngineer. Responsibility for arranging uninterrupted supply of 4aterials fro4 the sour(e shall be that of the Contra(tor. 4-,*,/* De e;tive M!teri!:s 0ll 4aterials whi(h the !ngineer*his representative has deter4ined as not (onfor4ing to the re>uire4ents of the Contra(t shall be re?e(ted whether in pla(e or notM they shall be re4oved i44ediately fro4 the site as dire(ted. Materials, whi(h have been subse>uently (orre(ted, shall not be used in the wor, unless approval is a((orded in writing by the !ngineer. Apon failure of the Contra(tor to (o4ply with any order of+Khe !ngineer*his representative, given under this Clause, the !ngineer*his representative shall have authority to (ause the re4oval of re?e(ted 4aterial and to dedu(t the re4oval (ost thereof fro4 any pay4ents due to the Contra(tor. 4-,*,0* I<#orte" M!teri!:s 0t the ti4e of sub4ission of tenders, the Contra(tor shall furnish a list of 4aterials*finished produ(ts 4anufa(tured, produ(ed or fabri(ated outside India whi(h he proposes to use in the wor,. The Contra(tor shall not be entitled to e@tension of ti4e for a(ts or events o((urring outside India and it shall be the Contra(torKs responsibility to 4a,e ti4ely delivery to the ?ob site of all su(h 4aterials obtained fro4 outside India.

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The 4aterials i4ported fro4 outside India shall (onfor4 to the relevant 6pe(ifi(ations of the Contra(t In (ase where 4aterials* finished produ(ts are not (overed by the 6pe(ifi(ations in the Contra(t, the details of 6pe(ifi(ations proposed to be followed and the testing pro(edure as well as laboratories*K establish4ents where tests are to be (arried out shall be spe(ifi(ally brought out and agreed to in the Contra(t. The Contra(tor shall fa4ish to the !ngineer a (ertifi(ate of (o4plian(e of the tests (arried out. In addition, (ertified 4ill test reports (learly identified to the lot of 4aterials shall be furnished at the Contra(torKs (ost. 4-5* CONTRO+ OF A+IGNMENTA +E)E+ AND S(RFACE REG(+ARIT6 4-5*,* Gener!: 0ll wor,s perfor4ed shall (onfor4 to the lines, grades, (ross se(tions and di4ensions shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer, sub?e(t to the per4itted toleran(es des(ribed herein+after/ 4-5*5* %oriCont!: A:i&n<ent HoriLontal align4ents shall be re(,oned with respe(t to the (entre line of the (arriageway as shown on the drawings. The edges of the (arriageway as (onstru(ted shall be (orre(t within a toleran(e ofN '& 44 there fro4. The (orresponding toleran(e for edges of the roadway and lower layers of pave4ent shall be N %5 44. 4-5*.* Sur !;e +eve:s The levels of the subgrade and different pave4ent (ourses as (onstru(ted, shall not vary fro4 those (al(ulated with referen(e to the longitudinal and (ross+profile of the road shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer beyond the toleran(es 4entioned in Table 1&&+'. '. %. TAB+E 4--7T* TO+ERANCES IN S(RFACE +E)E+S 6ubgrade \ %& 44 + %544 6ub+base \ '& 44 9a: .le@ible pave4ent 9b: Con(rete pave4ent ^#ry (lean (on(rete or Rolled (on(rete_ Ease+(ourse for fle@ible pave4ent 9a: Eitu4inous (ourse 9b: 7ther than bitu4inous 9i: Ma(hine laid 9ii: B. Manually laid +%&44 \ ) 44 +'&44 \) 44 +)44 \'&44 +'&44 \ '5 44 +'5 44 \ ) 44


"earing (ourse for fle@ible pave4ent

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9a: Ma(hine laid 9b: Manually ,id 5. I Ce4ent (on(rete pave4ent

+ )44 \ '&44 + '&44 \ 5 44 +)44I

This 4ay not e@(eed + - 44 at & + 3& (4 fro4 the edges. Provided, however, that the negative toleran(e for wearing (ourse shall not be per4itted in (on?un(tion with the positive toleran(e for base (ourse, if the thi(,ness of the for4er is thereby redu(ed by 4ore than )44 for fle@ible pave4ents and 5 44 for (on(rete pave4ents. .or (he(,ing (o4plian(e with the above re>uire4ent for subgrade, sub+base and base (ourses, 4easure4ents of the surfa(e levels shall be ta,en on , a grid of points pla(ed at ).%5 4 longitudinally and 3.5 4 transversely. .or any '& (onse(utive 4easure4ents ta,en longitudinally or transversely, not 4ore than one 4easure4ent shall be per4itted to e@(eed the toleran(e as above, this one 4easure4ent being not in e@(ess of 5 44 above the per4itted toleran(e. .or (he(,ing the. (o4plian(e with the above re>uire4ent for bitu4inous wearing (ourses and (on(rete pave4ents, 4easure4ents of the surfa(e levels shall be ta,en on a grid of points spa(ed at 3.2" 4 along the length and at &.5 4 fro4 the edges and at the (entre of the pave4ent. In any length of pave4ent, (o4plian(e shall be dee4ed to be 4et for the final road surfa(e, only if the toleran(e given above is satisfied for any point on the surfa(e. 4-5*/* Sur !;e Re&u:!rity o P!ve<ent Courses The longitudinal profile shall be (he(,ed with a 3 4etre long straight edge*4oving straight+edge as desired by the !ngineer at the 4iddle of ea(h traffi( lane along a line parallel to the (entre line of the road. The 4a@i4u4 per4itted nu4ber of surfa(e irregularities shall be as per Table 1&&+%.

6urfa(es of (arriageways paved shoulders Irregularity $ength94: 3&& B 44 25 2 44 3&& 25

6urfa(es of laybys, servi(e areas and all bitu4inous base and (ourses B 44 2 44 3&& 25 3&& B ) 25 % 3

ational Highways* !@pressways %& 1 % ' B& 'Roads of lower (ategoryI B& 'B % )& %2 `Category of ea(h se(tion of road as des(ribed in the Contra(t

The 4a@i4u4 allowable differen(e between the road surfa(e and underside of a 3

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4 straight+edge when pla(ed parallel with, or at right angles to the (entre line of the road at points de(ided by the !ngineer shall be/ for pave4ent surfa(e 9bitu4inous and (e4ent (on(rete: for bitu4inous base (ourses for granular sub+base* base (ourses for sub+bases under (on(rete pave4ents Duality Control for Road "or,s 4-5*0* Re;ti i;!tion "here the surfa(e regularity of subgrade and the various pave4ent (ourses fall outside the spe(ified toleran(es, the Contra(tor shall be liable to re(tify these in the 4anner des(ribed below and to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 9': Su?&r!"e= "here the surfa(e is high, it shall be tri44ed and suitably (o4pa(ted. "here the sa4e is low, the defi(ien(y shall be (orre(ted by s(arifying the lower layer and adding fresh 4aterial and re(o4pa(ting to the re>uired density. The degree of (o4pa(tion and the type of 4aterial to be used shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 3&5. 9ii: Gr!nu:!r Su?7?!se= 6a4e as at 9i: above, e@(ept that the degree of (o4pa(tion and the type of 4aterial to be used shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause B&'. 9iii) +i<eFCe<ent St!?i:iCe" Soi: Su?7?!se= .or li4e*(e4ent treated 4aterials where the surfa(e is high, the sa4e shall be suitably tri44ed while ta,ing (are that the 4aterial below is not disturbed due to this operation. However, where the surfa(e is low, the sa4e shall be (orre(ted as des(ribed herein below. .or (e4ent treated 4aterial, when the ti4e elapsed between dete(tion of irregularity and the ti4e of 4i@ing of the 4aterial is less than % hours, the surfa(e shall be s(arified to a depth of 5& 44 supple4ented with freshly 4i@ed 4aterials as ne(essary and re(o4pa(ted to the relevant spe(ifi(ation. "hen this ti4e is 4ore than % hours, the full depth of the layer shall be re4oved fro4 the pave4ent and repla(ed with fresh 4aterial to 6pe(ifi(ation. This shall also apply to li4e treated 4aterial e@(ept that the ti4e (riterion shall be 3 hours instead of % hours. 9iv: W!ter Boun" M!;!"!<FWet MiB M!;!"!< Su?7?!seFB!se= "here the surfa(e is high or low, the top 25 44 shall be s(arified, reshaped with added 4aterial as ne(essary and re(o4pa(ted to Clause B&B. This shall also apply to wet 4i@ 4a(ada4 to Clause B&). 9v: Bitu<inous Constru;tions= .or bitu4inous (onstru(tion oilier than wearing (ourse, where the surfa(e is low, the defi(ien(y shall be (orre(ted by adding fresh 4aterial over a suitable ta(, (oat if needed and re(o4pa(ting to 3 44 ) 44 - 44 '& 44

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spe(ifi(ations. "here the surfa(e is high, the full depth of the layer shall be re4oved and repla(ed with fresh 4aterial and (o4pa(ted to spe(ifi(ations. .or wearing (ourse, where the surfa(e is high or low, the full depth of the layer shall be re4oved and repla(ed with fresh 4aterial and (o4pa(ted to spe(ifi(ations. In all (ases where the re4oval and repla(e4ent of a bitu4inous layer is involved, the area treated shall not be less than 5 4 in length and not less than 3+5 4 in width. 9vi: Dry +e!n Con;rete Su?7?!seFRo::e" Ce<ent Con;rete= The defe(tive length of the (ourse shall be re4oved to full depth and repla(ed with 4aterial (onfor4ing to Clauses )&' or )&3, as appli(able. The area treated shall be at least 3 4 long, not less than ' lane wide and e@tend to the full depth. Eefore relaying the (ourse, the disturbed subgrade or layer below shall be (orre(ted by levelling, watering and (o4pa(ting. 9vii: Ce<ent ;on;rete #!ve<ent= The defe(tive areas having surfa(e irregularity e@(eeding 3 44 but not greater than ) 44 4ay be re(tified by bu4p (utting or s(rabbling or grinding using approved e>uip4ent. "hen re>uired by the !ngineer, areas whi(h have been redu(ed in level by the above operation9s: shall be rete@tured in an approved 4anner either by (utting grooves 9 5 44 deep: or roughening the surfa(e by ha(,ing the surfa(e. If high areas in e@(ess ) 44 or low areas in e@(ess of 3 44 o((ur, e@(eeding the per4itted nu4bers and if the Contra(tor (annot re(tify, the slab shall be de4olished and re(onstru(ted at the Contra(torKs e@pense and in no (ase the area re4oved shall be lest than the full width of the lane in whi(h the irregularity o((urs and full length of the slab. If dee4ed ne(essary by the !ngineer, any se(tion of the slab whi(h deviates fro4 the spe(ified levels and toleran(es shall be de4olished and re(onstru(ted at the Contra(torKs e@pense. 4-.* >(A+IT6 CONTRO+ TESTS D(RING CONSTR(CTION 4-.*,* Gener!: The 4aterials supplied and the wor,s (arried out by the Contra(tor shall (onfor4 to the spe(ifi(ations pres(ribed in the pre(eding Clauses. .or ensuring the re>uisite >uality of (onstru(tion, the 4aterials and wor,s shall be sub?e(ted to >uality (ontrol tests, as des(ribed hereinafter. The testing fre>uen(ies set forth are the desirable 4ini4u4 and the !ngineer shall have the full authority to (arry out additional tests as fre>uently as he 4ay dee4 ne(essary, to satisfy hi4self that the 4aterials and wor,s (o4ply with the appropriate spe(ifi(ations. However, the nu4ber of tests re(o44ended in Tables 1&&+3 and 1&&+B 4ay be redu(ed at the dis(retion of the !ngineer if it is felt that (onsisten(y in the >uality of 4aterials (an still be 4aintained with the redu(ed nu4ber of tests. Test pro(edures for the various >uality (ontrol tests are indi(ated in the respe(tive 6e(tions of these 6pe(ifi(ations or for (ertain tests within this 6e(tion. "here no spe(ifi(

Page %1' of )'-

testing pro(edure is 4entioned, the tests shall be (arried out as per the prevalent a((epted engineering pra(ti(e to the dire(tions of the !ngineer. 4-.*5* Tests on E!rth'or@ or E<?!n@<entA Su?&r!"e Constru;tion !n" Cut For<!tion 4-.*5*,* Borro' <!teri!: = Grid the borrow area at %5 4 (*( 9or (loser, if the variability is high: to full depth of proposed wor,ing. These pits should be logged and plotted for proper identifi(ation of suitable sour(es of 4aterial. The following tests on representative sa4ples shall be (arried out/ 9a: S!n" Content LIS= 525- (P!rt7/)M = % tests per 3&&& (ubi( 4etres of soil. 9b: P:!sti;ity TestLIS=525- (P!rt70)M = !a(h type to be tested, % tests per 3&&& (ub. 4etres of soil. 9(: Density Test LIS=525- (P!rt73)M= !a(h soil type to be tested. % tests per 3&&& (ubi( 4etres of soil. 9d: De:eterious Content Test L,S=525- (P!rt752)M = 0s and when re>uired by the !ngineer. 9e: Moisture Content Test LIS =525- (P!rt75) M= 7ne test for every %5& (ubi( 4etres of soil. 9f: CER Test on 4aterials to be in(orporated in the subgrade on soa,ed*unsoa,ed sa4ples ^I6 / %2%& 9Part+'):_/ 7ne CER test for every 3&&& (u. 4. at least or (loser as and when re>uired by the !ngineer. 4-.*5*5* Co<#!;tion Contro:= Control shall be e@er(ised on ea(h layer by ta,ing at least one 4easure4ent of density for ea(h '&&& s>uare 4etres of (o4pa(ted area, or (loser as re>uired to yield the 4ini4u4 nu4ber of lest results for evaluating a dayKs wor, on statisti(al basis. The deter4ination of density shall be in a((ordan(e with I6/ %2%& 9Part+%-:. Test lo(ations shall be (hosen only through rando4 sa4pling te(hni>ues. Control shall not be based on the result of any one test but on the 4ean value of a set of 5+'& density deter4inations. The nu4ber of tests in one set of 4easure4ents shall be ) 9if non+destru(tive tests are (arried out, the nu4ber of tests shall be doubled: as long as it is felt that suffi(ient (ontrol over borrow 4aterial and the 4ethod of (o4pa(tion is being e@er(ised. If (onsiderable variations are observed between individual density results, the 4ini4u4 nu4ber of tests in one set of 4easure4ent shall be in(reased to '&. The a((eptan(e (riteria shall be sub?e(t to the (ondition that the 4ean density is not less than the spe(ified density plus/
'.)5 ti4es the standard deviation '.)5 &.5 9 4o.of+a'ples :

However, for earthwor, in shoulders 9earthen: and in the subgrade, at least one density 4easure4ent shall be ta,en for every 5&& s>uare 4etres for the (o4pa(ted area provided further that the nu4ber of tests in ea(h set of 4easure4ents shall be at least '&. In other respe(ts, the (ontrol shall be si4ilar to that des(ribed earlier.
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4-.*5*.* Cut or<!tion = Tests for the density re>uire4ents of (ut for4ation shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e with Clause 1&3.%.%. 4-.*.* Tests on Su?7?!ses !n" B!ses (eB;:u"in& ?itu<en ?oun" ?!ses) The tests and their fre>uen(ies for the different types of bases and sub+bases shall be as given in Table 1&&+3. The evaluation of density results and a((eptan(e (riteria for (o4pa(tion (ontrol shall be on lines si4ilar to those set out in Clause 1&3.%.%. 4-.*.*,* A;;e#t!n;e ;riteri!= The a((eptan(e (riteria for tests on the strength of (e4ent*li4e stabilised soil and distribution of stabiliser (ontent shall be sub?e(t to the (ondition that the 4ean value is not less than the spe(ified value plus/
'.)5 ti4es the standard deviation '.)5 &.5 9 4o.of+a'ples :


6$. Type of o. Constru(tion '. Granular

Test 9i: Gradation 9ii: 0tterberg li4its 9iii: Moisture (ontent prior to (o4pa(tion 9iv: #ensity of (o4pa(ted layer 9v: #eleterious (onstituents 9vi: C.E.R. 9i: Duality of li4e* (e4ent

.re>uen(y 94in.: 7ne test per %&& 43 7ne test per %&& 43 7ne lest per %5&4% 7ne test per 5&& 4% 0s re>uired 0s re>uired 7ne test for ea(h (onsign4ent sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of one test per 5 tonnes Regularly, through pro(edural (he(,s Periodi(ally as (onsidered ne(essary 0s re>uired


$i4e*Ce4ent 6tabilised 6oil 6ub+base

9ii: 9iii:

$i4e*Ce4ent (ontent #egree of pulveriLation


CER or An(onfined Co4pressive 6trength test on a set of 3 spe(i4ens Moisture (ontent prior to (o4pa(tion #ensity of (o4pa(ted layer
Page %13 of )'-

9v: 9vi:

7ne test per %5& s>.4. 7ne test per 5&& 4%

9vii: 3 "ater Eound Ma(ada4 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v:

#eleterious (onstituents 0ggregate I4pa(t Calue Grading .la,iness Inde@ and !longation inde@ 0tterberg li4its of binding 4aterial 0tterberg li4its of portion of aggregate passing B%5 4i(ron sieve 0ggregate I4pa(t value Grading .la,iness and !longination Inde@ 0tterberg li4its of portion of aggregate passing B%5 4i(ron sieve #ensity of (o4pa(ted layer

0s re>uired 7ne test per %&& 43 aggregate 7ne test per '&& 43 7ne test per %&& 43 of 0ggregate 7ne lest per %5 43 of binding 4aterial 7ne test per '&& (ubi( 4etre of aggregate 7ne test per %&& 43 of aggregate 7ne test per '&& 43 of aggregate 7ne test per %&& 43 of aggregate 7ne test per '&& 43 of aggregate 7ne test per 5&& 4%


"et Mi@ Ma(ada4

9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v:

4-.*/* Tests on Bitu<inous Constru;tion 4-.*/*,* Tests !n" reEuen;y = The tests and their 4ini4u4 fre>uen(ies for the different types of bitu4inous wor,s shall be as given in Table 1&&+B<. The !ngineer 4ay dire(t additional testing as re>uired. 4-.*/*5* A;;e#t!n;e ;riteri! / The a((eptan(e (riteria for tests on density and Marshall stability shall be sub?e(t to the (ondition that the 4ean value is not less than the spe(ified value plus /
'.)5 ti4es the standard deviation '.)5 &.5 9 4o.of+a'ples:

TAB+E 4--7/* CONTRO+ TESTS FOR BIT(MINO(S WORKS ANS T%EIR MINIM(M FRE>(ENC6 6$. Type of Test .re>uen(y 94in.: o. Constru(tion '. Pri4e 9i: Duality of binder u4ber of sa4ples per Coat*Ta(, Tot and tests as per I6/
Page %1B of )'-

Coat* .og 6pray 9ii: 9iii: Einder te4perature for appli(ation Rate of spread of Einder

23, I6/%'2 and I6/---2 as appli(able. 0t regular (lose intervals 7ne test per 5&&4% and not less than two tests per day 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. ' 7ne test per 5& 43of aggregate +do+ Initially one set of 3 representative spe(i4ens for ea(h sour(e of supply. 6ubse>uently when warranted by (hanges in the >uality of aggregates +do+ Initially one set of 3 representative spe(i4ens for ea(h sour(e of supply. 6ubse>uently when warranted by (hanges in the >uality of aggregates 9if re>uired: 7ne test per %5 43 of aggregate Initially, one deter4ination by ea(h 4ethod for ea(h sour(e of supply, then as warranted by (hange in the >uality of the aggregates.


6eal Coat*6urfa(e #ressing 6tabilised 6oil 6ub+base


Duality of Einder

9ii: 9iii: 9iv:

0ggregate I4pa(t Calue*$os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue .la,iness Inde@ and !longation Inde@ 6tripping value of aggregates 9I44ersion Trey Test:

9v: 9vi:

"ater absorption of aggregates "ater sensitivity of 4i@

9vii: Grading of aggregates 9viii: 6oundness 9Magnesiu4 and 6odiu4 6ulphate:

Page %15 of )'-

9i@: 9@: 9@i:

Polished stone value Te4perature of binder at appli(ation Rate of spread of 4aterials

0s re>uired 0t regular (lose intervals 7ne test per 5&& 4% of wor,, and, not less than two tests per day "hen gravel is used, one test per 5&43 of aggregate

9@ii: Per(entage of fra(tured fa(es


7pen+graded Pre4i@ 6urfa(ing* Close+graded Pre4i@ 6urfa(ing

9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: 9vii:

Duality of binder 0ggregate I4pa(t Calue*$os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue .la,iness Inde@ and !longation Inde@ 6tripping value "ater absorption of aggregates "ater sensitivity of 4i@ Grading of aggregates

6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. ' 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.% +do+ 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.% 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.% 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.% 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.% 0s re>uired 0t regular (lose intervals 7ne test per 5&&43 and not less than two tests per day

9viii: 6oundness 9Magnesiu4 and 6odiu4 6ulphate: 9i@: 9@: 9@i: Polished stone value Te4perature of binder at appli(ation Einder (ontent

Page %1) of )'-


Rate of spread of 4i@ed 4aterial

Regular (ontrol through (he(,s of layer thi(,ness 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.% 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o I 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o % 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o .% 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o .% +do+ Two tests per day per plant both on the individual (onstituents and 4i@ed aggregates fro4 the dryer 6a4e as in 6erial o % 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.% 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.% Periodi(, sub?e(t to 4ini4u4 of two tests per day per plant 0t regular (lose intervals Regular (ontrol through (he(,s of layer thi(,ness 7ne test per %5&4% of area layer

9@iii: Per(entage of fra(tured fa(es


Eitu4inous Ma(ada4

9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi:

Duality of binder 0ggregate I4pa(t Calue*$os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue .la,iness Inde@ and !longation Inde@ 6tripping Calue "ater sensitivity of 4i@ Grading of aggregates


"ater absorption of aggregates

9viii: 6oundness 9Magnesiu4 and 6odiu4 6ulphate: 9i@: Per(entage of fra(tured fa(es


Einder (ontent and aggregate grading Control of te4perature of binder and aggregate for 4i@ing and of the 4i@ at the ti4e of laying and rolling Rate of spread of 4i@ed 4aterial



9@iii: #ensity of (o4pa(ted layer

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Eitu4inous 9i: Penetration Ma(ada4*Euilt+ up 6pray+Grout 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: 9vii:

Duality of binder 0ggregate I4pa(t Calue*$os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue .la,iness Inde@ and !longation Inde@ 6tripping value "ater absorption of aggregates "ater sensitivity of 4i@ 0ggregates grading

6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. ' 7ne test per %5& 43 of aggregate +do+ 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 6a4e as 6erial o. % 6a4e as 6erial o.% 7ne test per '&& 43 of aggregate 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 0t regular (lose intervals 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. ' 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % +do+ 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 0s in 6erial o. %

9viii: 6oundness 9Magnesiu4 and 6odiu4 6ulphate: 9i@: 9@: 9@i: ). #ense 9i: Eitu4inous Ma(ada4* 6e4i #ense 9ii: Eitu4inous Con(rete* Eitu4inous Con(rete 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: Per(entage of fra(tured fa(es Te4perature of binder at appli(ation Rate of spread of binder Duality of binder 0ggregate I4pa(t Calue*$os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue .la,iness Inde@ and !longation Inde@ 6tripping value 6oundness 9Magnesiu4 and 6odiu4 6ulphate: "ater absorption of aggregates

Page %1- of )'-


6and e>uivalent test

0s re>uired 0s re>uired 0s re>uired, for 6e4i #ense Eitu4inous Con(rete* Eitu4inous Con(rete 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 7ne set of tests on individual (onstituents and 4i@ed aggregate fro4 the dryer of ea(h B&& tonnes of 4i@ sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of tests per plant per day. .or ea(h B&& tonnes of 4i@ produ(ed, a set of 3 Marshall spe(i4ens to be prepared and tested for stability, flow value, density, and void (ontent sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of two sets being tested per plant per day. 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 0s re>uired for the Eitu4inous Con(rete 0t regular (lose intervals

9viii: Plasiti(ity Inde@ 9i@: Polished stone value

9@: 9@i:

Per(entage of fra(tured fa(es Mi@ grading


6tability of Mi@

9@iii: "ater sensitivity of 4i@ 9Retained Tensile 6trength: 9@iv: 6well test on the 4i@ 9@v: Control of te4perature of binder in boiler, aggregate in the dryer and 4i@ at the ti4e of laying and rolling

9@vi: Control of binder (ontent and grading of the 4i@

7ne test for ea(h B&& tonnes of 4i@ sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of two tests per day per plant. Regular (ontrol through (he(,s on the weight of

9@vii: Rate of spread of 4i@ed 4aterial

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4i@ed 4aterial and layer thi(,ness 9@viii: #ensity of (o4pa(ted layer 2. Masti( 0sphalt 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: Duality of binder 0ggregate I4pa(t Calue*$os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue .la,iness Inde@ and !longation Inde@ 6tripping Calue "ater sensitivity of 4i@ Grading of aggregates 7ne test per %5& 4% area 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. ' 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % +do+ +do+ +do+ Two tests per day per plant both on the individual (onstituents and 4i@ed aggregates fro4 the dryer 6a4e as in 6erial o. % 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % Periodi(, sub?e(t to 4ini4u4 of two tests per day per plant 0t regular (lose intervals.


"ater absorption of aggregates

9viii: 6oundness 9Magnesiu4 and 6odiu4 6ulphate: 9i@: Per(entage of fra(tured fa(es


Einder (ontent and aggregate grading Control of te4perature, of binder and aggregate for 4i@ing and of the 4i@ at the ti4e of laying and rolling. Rate of spread of 4i@ed 4aterial



Regular (ontrol through (he(,s of layer thi(,ness 7ne test for ea(h B&& tonnes of 4i@ sub?e(ts to a 4ini4u4 of two tests per day

9@iii: Hardness nu4ber

Page 3&& of )'-


6lurry 6eal

9i: 9ii:

Duality of binder .il4 stripping test

6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. '. Initially one set of 3 representative spe(i4ens for ea(h sour(e of supply, then as warranted by (hanges in the >uality of aggregates Mini4u4 of one test per %5 43 of re(y(led 4aterial Mini4u4 of one test per 5&43 of re(y(led 4aterial


Re(y(led Material


Einder (ontent and aggregate grading Re(overed binder penetration



Mi@ stability 9Re4i@* Repave: .or ea(h B&& tonnes of 4i@ re(y(led, a set of 3 Marshall spe(i4ens to be prepared and tested for stability, flow, density and void (ontent, sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of two sets of tests per day 9i: Duality of binder 9ii: 0ggregate I4pa(t Calue*$os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue 9iii: .la,iness Inde@ and !longation Inde@ +do+ 9iv: 6tripping value +do+ 9v: "ater sensitivity of 4i@ 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. ' 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.% +do+


Cold Mi@

9vi: Grading aggregates

Two tests per day per plant both on the individual (onstituents and 4i@ed aggregates

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fro4 the dryer 9vii: Per(entage 4ini4u4 (oating 9viii: "ater absorption of aggregates 9i@: 6oundness 9Magnesiu4 and 6odiu4 6ulphate: Per(entage of fra(tured fa(es "hen gravel is used, one test per 5&43 of aggregate Periodi(, sub?e(t to 4ini4u4 of two tests per day per plant 9@i: Einder (ontent and aggregate grading .or ea(h B&& tonnes of 4i@ produ(ed, one set of 3 Marshall spe(i4ens to be prepared and tested for stability, flow, density and void (ontent, sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of two sets of tests per plant per day 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. ' 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o. % 0s re>uired 0s re>uired 7ne set of tests on individual (onstituents and 4i@ed aggregate fro4 the dryer for ea(h B&& tonnes of 4i@ sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of two tests per plant per day .or ea(h B&& tonnes of 4i@ produ(ed, a set of 3 Two tests per day per plant 6a4e as in 6erial o. % 6a4e as 4entioned under 6erial o.%


9@ii: Mi@ 6tability


6and 0sphalt Ease Course

9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v:

Duality of binder $os 0ngeles 0brasion Calue 6end e>uivalent test Plasiti(ity Inde@ Mi@ grading


6tability of Mi@

Page 3&% of )'-

Marshall spe(i4ens to be prepared and tested for stability, flow value, density and void (ontent sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of two sets being tested per plant per day 9vii: Control of te4perature of binder in boiler, aggregate in the dryer and 4i@ at the ti4e of laying and rolling 0t regular intervals (lose

9viii: Control of binder (ontent and grading of the 4i@

7ne test for ea(h B&& tonnes of 4i@ sub?e(ts to a 4ini4u4 of two tests per day per plant Regular (ontrol and through (he(,s on the weight of 4i@ed 4aterial and layer thi(,ness 7ne test per %5& 4% area Initially on sub4ission thereafter daily if site blended, wee,ly if pre+ blended +do+ +do+ +do+ +do+ Initially on sub4ission +do+ +do+


Rate of spread of 4i@ed 4aterial


Modified Einder

9@: 9i:

#ensity of (o4pa(ted layer 6oftening Point

9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: 9vii:

Penetration at %5oC and BoC !lasti( Re(overy #u(tility .lash Point .raass Erea,ing Cis(osity at '5&oC



9viii: Thin fil4 oven test, penetration, softening point, elasti( re(overy of residue, loss on heating The re>uire4ent of Clause 2&B.3.' of the MinistryKs 6pe(ifi(ation for Road and Eridge "or,s 9third revision: shall apply

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4-.*0* >u!:ity Contro: Tests or Con;rete Ro!" Constru;tion 4-.*0*,* Dry :e!n ;on;rete su?7?!se = 4-.*0*,*,* 6a4pling and testing of (ubes/ 6a4ples of dry lean (on(rete for 4a,ing (ubes shall be ta,en fro4 the un(o4pa(ted 4aterial fro4 different lo(ations i44ediately before (o4pa(tion at the rate of 3 sa4ples for ea(h '&&& s>.4. or part thereof laid ea(h day. The sa4pling of 4i@ shall be done fro4 the paving site. Test (ubes of '5&44 siLe shall be 4ade i44ediately fro4 ea(h 4i@ sa4ple. Cubes shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the 4ethods des(ribed in I6/5') e@(ept that the (ubes shall be (o4pa(ted by 4eans of a vibratory ha44er with the 4oulds pla(ed on a level and rigid base. The vibrating ha44er shall be ele(tri( or pneu4ati( type fitted with a s>uare or re(tangular foot having an area of between 25&& to 'B&&& s>.44. The (o4pa(tion shall be unifor4ly applied for )& N 5 se(onds with a downward for(e of between 3&& and B&& on to ea(h of the three layers of the lean (on(rete 4aterial pla(ed into the 4ould. The surfa(e of ea(h (o4pa(ted layer shall be s(arified before the ne@t layer is added to give ,ey for. the ne@t layer. The final layer shall be finished flush with the top of the (ube 4ould. The dry lean (on(rete (ubes shall be (ured in a((ordan(e with I6/5'). 4-.*0*,*5* In7situ "ensity= The dry density of the laid 4aterial shall be deter4ined fro4 three density holes at lo(ations e>ually spa(ed along a diagonal that bise(ts ea(h %&&& s>uare 4etre or part thereof laid ea(h day and shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents as per Clause )&'.5.5.'. This rate of testing 4ay be in(reased at the dis(retion of the !ngineer in (ase of doubt or to deter4ine the e@tent of defe(tive area in the event of non+(o4plian(e. #ensity holes at rando4 4ay be 4ade to (he(, the density at edges. 4-.*0*,*.* Thi;@ness= The average thi(,ness of the sub base layer as (o4puted by the level data of sub+base and subgrade or lower sub+base shall be as per the thi(,ness spe(ified in the (ontra(t drawings. The thi(,ness at any single lo(ation shall not be '& 44 less than the spe(ified thi(,ness. 6u(h areas shall be (orre(ted as stated in Clause )&'.5.5.5. 0reas whi(h (annot be repaired should be repla(ed over full width. The e@tent of defi(ient area should be de(ided based on (ores. 4-.*0*,*/* .re>uen(y of >uality (ontrol tests/ The fre>uen(y of >uality (ontrol tests for levels, align4ent and 4aterials shall be as in Table 1&&+). 4-.*0*5* P!ve<ent ;on;rete 4-.*0*5*,* S!<#:in& !n" testin& o ?e!< !n" ;u?e s#e;i<ens= 0t least two bea4 and two (ube spe(i4ens, one ea(h for 2 day and %- day strength testing shall be (ast for ever '5& (u.4 9or part thereof: of, (on(rete pla(ed during (onstru(tion. 7n ea(h dayKs wor,, not less than three pairs of bea4s and (ubes shall be 4ade for ea(h type of 4i@ fro4 the (on(rete delivered to the paving plant. !a(h pair shall be fro4 a different delivery of (on(rete and tested at a pla(e to be designated by the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with the testing pro(edure as outlined in Clause )&%.3.3. Groups of four (onse(utive

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results fro4 single spe(i4ens tested at %- days shall be used for assessing the strength for (o4plian(e with the strength re>uire4ents. The spe(i4ens shall be transported in an approved 4anner to prevent sudden i4pa(t (ausing fra(tures or da4age to the spe(i4en. The fle@ural strength test results shall prevail over (o4pressive strength tests for (o4plian(e. 0 >uality (ontrol (hart indi(ating the strength values of individual spe(i4ens shall be 4aintained for (ontinuous >uality assuran(e. "here the. re>uire4ents are not 4et with, or where the >uality of the (on(rete or its (o4pa(tion is suspe(t, the a(tual strength of the (on(rete in the slab shall be as(ertained by (arrying out tests on (ores (ut fro4 the hardened (on(rete at su(h lo(ations. The (ores shall be (ut at the rate of % (ores for every '5& (u. 4. of (on(rete. The results of (rushing strength tests on these (ores shall not be less than &.- ti4es the (orresponding (rushing strength of (ubes, where the height to dia4eter ratio of the (ore is two. "here height to dia4eter ratio is varied, then the ne(essary (orre(tions shall be 4ade in (al(ulating the (rushing strength of (ubes in the following 4anner. The (rushing strengths of (ylinders with height to dia4eter ratios between ' and % 4ay be (orre(ted to (orrespond to a standard (ylinder of height to dia4eter ratio of % by 4ultiplying with the (orre(tion fa(tor obtained fro4 the following e>uation/ f Y &.'' n \&.2where f Y (orre(tion fa(tor and n Y height to dia4eter ratio The (orre(ted test results shall be analysed for (onfor4ity with the spe(ifi(ation re>uire4ents for (ube sa4ples. "here the (ore tests are satisfa(tory, they shall have pre(eden(e for assessing (on(rete >uality over the results of 4oulded spe(i4ens. The. dia4eter of (ores shall not+be less than '5& 44. If, however, the tests on (ores also (onfir4 that the (on(rete is not satisfying the strength re>uire4ents, then the (on(rete (orresponding to the area fro4 whi(h the (ores were (ut should be repla(ed, i.e., at least over an area e@tending between two transverse ?oints where the defe(ts (ould be Isolated or over larger areas, if ne(essary, as assessed by additional (ores and their test results. The e>uivalent fle@ural strength at %- days shall be esti4ated in a((ordan(e with Clause )&%.3.3.%. In order to ensure that the spe(ified 4ini4u4 strength at %- days is attained in 11 per (ent of all test bea4s, the 4i@ shall be proportioned to give an average strength at %days e@(eeding the spe(ified strength by %.33 ti4es the standard deviation (al(ulated first fro4 the fle@ural strengths of test bea4s 4ade fro4 the trial 4i@ and subse>uently fro4 the a((u4ulating result of fle@ural strengths of ?ob (ontrol test bea4s. The standard deviation shall be re+(al(ulated fro4 the test results obtained after any (hange in the sour(e or >uality of 4aterials and the 4i@ shall be ad?usted as ne(essary to (o4ply with the re>uire4ents. 0n individual %- day test strength below the spe(ified strength shall not be eviden(e for (onde4nation of the (on(rete (on(erned if the average %- day strength of

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this bea4 plus the pre(eding 5 and su((eeding B bea4s e@(eeds the spe(ified strength by %.33 ti4es the standard deviation and provided that there is no other eviden(e that the (on(rete 4i@ (on(erned is substandard. Eea4s shall be 4ade ea(h day in pairs at intervals, ea(h pair being fro4 a different bat(h of (on(rete. 0t the start of the wor,, and until su(h li4e as the !ngineer 4ay order a redu(tion in the nu4ber of bea4s re>uired, at least si@ pairs of bea4s and (ubes shall be 4ade ea(h day, one of ea(h pair for testing at %- days for deter4ination of Mhe 4ini4u4 per4issible fle@ural strength and the other for testing at an early age for the !ngineer to assess the >uality of the 4i@. "hen the first thirty nu4ber of %-+day results ar( available, and for so long as the !ngineer is satisfied with the >uality of the 4i@, he 4ay redu(e the nu4ber of bea4s and (ubes re>uired. #uring the (ourse of (onstru(tion, when the sour(e of any 4aterial is to be (hanged, or if there is any variation in the >uality of the 4aterials furnished, additional tests and ne(essary ad?ust4ents in the 4i@ shall be 4ade as re>uired to obtain the spe(ified strength. The fle@ural strengths obtained on bea4s tested before %- days shall be used in (on?un(tion with a (orrelation between the4 and the %- day fle@ural strengths to dete(t any deterioration in the >uality of the (on(rete being produ(ed. 0ny su(h deterioration shall be re4edied without awaiting the %- day strengths but the earlier strengths shall not (onstitute sole eviden(e of non+(o4plian(e of the (on(rete fro4 whi(h they were ta,en. Con(rete shall not (o4ply with the 6pe(ifi(ation when 4ore than one lest bea4 in a bat(h has a %- day strength less than the spe(ified strength and the average %- day fle@ural strength of the bat(h of bea4s is less than the spe(ified strength plus %.33 ti4es the standard deviation of the bat(h. 6hould the (on(rete fail to pass the 6pe(ifi(ation for strength as des(ribed above, the Contra(tor 4ay, all at his own e@pense, ele(t to (ut (ores fro4 the suspe(t (on(rete as the !ngineer shall dire(t. .ro4 the relation between (ube strength and fle@ural strength, the (ore strength shall be (onverted to fle@ural strength. The e>uivalent fle@ural strength at %- days shall be the esti4ated insitu strength 4ultiplied by '&& and divided by the age+strength relation obtained fro4 Table 1&&+5. 0ny (on(rete that fails to 4eet the strength spe(ifi(ation shall be re4oved and repla(ed at Contra(torKs e@pense. TAB+E 4--70* AGE 7 STRENGT% RE+ATION OF CONCRETE (RE+ATED TO ,-- PER CENT AT 53 DA6S) #0F6 & '& %& 3& B& 5& )& & -'.5 1B.& '&'.& '&).5 ''&.5 ''B.& % B'.& -5.& 1).& '&%.& '&2.& '''.& ''B.5 B )&.& -2.5 12.5 '&3.5 '&-.& lQ%.& ''5.& ) 2'.& 1&.& 1-.5 '&B.5 '&1.5 ''%.5 ''5.5 22.5 1%.& '&&.& '&5.5 ''&.& ''3.& '').&

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2& -& 1& '&& ''& '%& '3& 'B& '5& ')& '2& '-& '1& %&& %'& %%& %3& %B& %5& %)& %2& %-& %1& 3&& 3'& 3%& 33& 3B& 35& 3)&

'').5 ''1.& '%'.& '%3.5 '%5.& '%).& '%2.5 '%1.& '3&.5 '3'.5 '3%.5 '33.5 '35.& '35.5 '3).5 '32.& '3-.& '31.& '31.5 'B&.5 'B'.& 'B%.& 'B%.5 'B3.& 'B3.5 'BB.& 'BB.5 'B5.& 'B).& 'B).&

''2.& ''1.5 '%'.5 '%3.5 '%5.& '%).5 '%-.& '%1.5 '3&.5 '3'.5 '3%.5 '3B.& '35.& '35.5 '3).5 '32.5 '3-.5 '31.& 'B&.& 'B&.5 'B'.& 'B%.& 'B%.5 'B3.& 'B3.5 'BB.5 'B5.& 'B5.5 'B).& 'B).&

''2.5 ''1.5 '%%.& '%3.5 '%5.5 '%2.& '%-.5 '%1.5 '3'.& '3%.& '33.& '3B.& '35.& '3).& '32.& '32.5 '3-.5 '31.& 'B&.& 'B&.5 'B'.5 'B%.& 'B%.5 'B3.& 'BB.& 'BB.5 'B5.& 'B5.5 'B).& 'B).5

''-.& '%&.& '%%.& '%B.& '%5.5 '%2.& '%-.5 '3&.& '3'.& '3%.& '33.& '3B.5 '35.5 '3).& '32.& '32.5 '3-.5 '31.5 'B&.& 'B&.5 'B'.5 'B%.& 'B%.5 'B3.& 'BB.& 'BB.5 'B5.& 'B5.5 'B).& 'B).5

''-.5 '%&.5 '%%.5 '%B.5 '%).& '%2.5 '%1.& '3&.& '3'.5 '3%.5 '33.5 '3B.5 '35.5 '3).5 '32.& '3-.& '3-.5 '31.5 'B&.& 'B'.& 'B'.5 'B%.& 'B%.5 'B3.5 'BB.& 'BB.5 'B5.& 'B5.5 'B).& 'B).5

4-.*0*5*5* In7situ "ensity = The density of the (o4pa(ted (on(rete shall be su(h that the total air voids are not 4ore than 3 per (ent. The air voids shall be derived fro4 the differen(e between the theoreti(al 4a@i4u4 dry density of the (on(rete (al(ulated fro4 the spe(ifi( gravities of the (onstituents of the (on(rete 4i@ and the average value of three dire(t density 4easure4ents 4ade on (ores at least '5& 44 dia4eter. Three (ores shall be ta,en fro4 trial lengths and in first two ,4 length of the pave4ent, while the slab is being (onstru(ted during nor4al wor,ing. The proportions of the 4i@ and the vibratory effort i4parted i.e the fre>uen(y and 4agnitude of vibration shall be ad?usted to a(hieve the 4a@i4u4 density. 0ll (ores ta,en for density 4easure4ent in the trial se(tion shall also be (he(,ed for thi(,ness. The sa4e (ores shall be 4ade use of for deter4ining in+situ strength. In (ase of doubt, additional (ores 4ay be ordered by the !ngineer and ta,en at lo(ations de(ided by hi4 to (he(, the density of (on(rete slab or the position of dowel*tie bars without any (o4pensation being paid for the sa4e. In (al(ulating the density, allowan(e shall be 4ade for any steel in (ores. Cores re4oved fro4 the 4ain (arriageway shall be reinstated with (o4pa(ted

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(on(rete with 4i@ proportions of ' pan of portland (e4ent/ % parts of fine aggregate / % parts of '& 44 no4inal siLe single siLed (oarse aggregate by weight. Eefore filling the fine 4i@, the sides shall be ha(,ed and (leaned with water. Thereafter (e4ent+sand slurry shall be applied to the sides ?ust prior to filling the (on(rete 4i@. 4-.*0*5 9* Thi;@ness= Thi(,ness shall be (ontrolled by ta,ing levels as indi(ated in Clause 1&%.3. Thi(,ness of the slab at any point (he(,ed as 4entioned above shall be within a toleran(e of +5 44 to \ %5 44 of the spe(ified thi(,ness as per #rawing. Thi(,ness defi(ien(y 4ore than 5 44 4ay be a((epted and paid for at a redu(ed rate given in Clause )&%.'5.%. In no (ase, however, thi(,ness defi(ien(y shall be 4ore than %5 44. 4-.*0*5*/* Su<<!ry or ;ontro: tests = Table 1&&+) gives a su44ary of fre>uen(y of testing of pave4ent >uality (on(rete. TAB+E 4--71 * FRE>(ENC6 OF >(A+IT6 CONTRO+ TESTS FOR PA)ING >(A+IT6 CONCRETE ,* +eve:sA !:i&n<ent !n" teBture 9i: $evel toleran(e 9ii: "idth of pave4ent and position of paving edges Clause 1&%.3 Clause 1&%.% Clauses 1&%.3 and 1&3.5.%.3 To be (he(,ed ] one 8oint per B&& 4 length or a dayKs wor, whi(hever is 4ore. 7n(e a day or one dayKs wor,, without disturbing the (uring operation. To be (he(,ed in trial length as per Clause )&%.'&5.% and on(e on every % ,4. 9vi: 0lign4ent of dowel bars and their a((ura(y*tie bars Clause )&%.1.-

9iii: Pave4ent thi(,ness 9iv: 0lign4ent of ?oints, widths, depths of dowel grooves 9v: 6urfa(e regularity both transversely and longitudinally


9vii: Te@ture depth >u!:ity o M!teri!:s !n" Con;rete Control tests for 4aterials and (on(rete shall be under ,* Ce<ent Physi(al and (he4i(al tests

. I6/ %)1 I6/ B55 I6 / 'B-1 I6 /-''% I6 / '%%)1 7n(e for ea(h sour(e of supply and o((asionally when (alled for in (ase of long*i4proper storage. Eesides, the Contra(tor also will sub4it daily test data on (e4ent released by the

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Manufa(turer ,* Co!rse !n" ine !&&re&!tes 9i: Gradation I6/ %3-) 7ne lest for every dayKs wor, 9Pt. ': of ea(h fra(tion of (oarse aggregate and fine aggregate, initiallyM 4ay be rela@ed later at the dis(retion of the !ngineer. I6/ %3-) +do+ 9Pt. %: I6/ %3-) Regularly as re>uired sub?e(t 9Pt. 3: to a 4ini4u4 of one ten a day for (oarse aggregate & two tests a day for fine aggregate. Thu data shall be used for (orre(ting the water de4and of the 4ia on daily basis. I6/ %3-) 7n(e for ea(h sour(e of 9Pt. B: supply and subse>uently on 4onthly basis. I6/ %3-) Eefore approving the 9Pt. 5: aggregates and every 4onth subse>uently I6/ %3-) +do+ 9Pt. 2:

9ii: 9iii:

#eleterious Constituents "ater absorption


Co!rse A&&re&!te 9i: $os 0ngeles 0brasion value of 0ggregate I4pa(t test 9ii: 6oundness

9iii: 0l,ali aggregate rea(tivity 9iv: "or,ability of fresh (on(rete+6lu4p Test /* 0* W!ter Che4i(al Test Con;rete 9i: 6trength of (on(rete

I6 / B5)

7n(e for approval of sour(e of supply, subse>uently only in (ase of doubt % (ubes and % bea4s per '5& 43 or part thereof 9one for 2day and other for %- day strength: or 4ini4u4 ) (ubes and ) bea4s per dayKs wor, whi(hever is 4ore. 0s per the re>uire4ent of the !ngineer, only in (ase of doubt.

I6 / 5')


Core strength on hardened (on(rete

I6 / 5')

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9iii: "or,ability of fresh

I6 / ''11

7ne test per ea(h du4per load at both Eat(hing plant site and paving site initially when wor, suns. 6ubse+ >uently sa4pling 4ay be done fro4 alternate du4per. .ro4 the level data of (on+ (rete pave4ent surfa(e and sub+base at grid points of 5* ).%5 4 @ 3.5 4 3 (ores per trial length. 6tring line or steel for4s shall be (he(,ed for level at an interval of 5.&4 or ).%5 4. The level toleran(e allowed shall be N%44. These shall be got approved '+% hours before the (o4+ 4en(e4ent of the (on(reting a(tivity.

9iv: Thi(,ness deter4ination


Thi(,ness 4easure4ent for trial length

9vi: Cerifi(ation of level of string line in the (ase of slip for4 paving and steel for4s in the (ase of fi@ed for4 paving

4-.*0*.* Ro::e" Con;rete B!se 4-.*0*.*,* S!<#:in& !n" testin& o ?e!<s !n" ;u?es= Clause 1&3.5.%.' shall apply 4-.*0*.*5. Thi;@ness = Thi(,ness shall be (ontrolled by ta,ing levels as indi(ated in Clause 1&3.5.'.3. 4-.*0*.*.* In7situ "ensity = The dry density of the laid 4aterial shall be deter4ined fro4 three density holes at lo(ations e>ually spa(ed along a diagonal that bise(ts ea(h %&&& s>uare 4etre or part thereof laid ea(h day and shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents as per Clause )&'.5.5.'. This rate of testing 4ay be in(reased at the dis(retion of the !ngineer in (ase of doubt or B& deter4ine the e@tent of defe(tive area in the event of non (o4plian(e. #ensity holes at rando4 4ay be 4ade to (he(, the density at edges. 4-.*0*.*/* Su<<!ry o ;ontro: tests = Table 1&&+) gives the su44ary of tests for levels, align4ent and 4aterials. 4-.*0*/* Su<<!ry o r!te o s!<#:in& !n" testin&= 9i: 6trength / 3 bea4s and 3 (ubes for ea(h '&& s>. 4. or part thereof laid ea(h day. 9ii: #ensity / 3 density holes for ea(h %&&& s>.4. or part thereof laid ea(h day.

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Cores / 7nly when !ngineer instru(ts. They shall not be (ut on regular basis.

0 relation between fle@ural strength and (o4pressive strength 4ay be developed by regression analysis using the available data. This 4ay be updated fro4 ti4e to ti4e.

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M!teri!:s or Stru;tures ,---

M!teri!:s or Stru;tures

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,--,* GENERA+ .Materials to be used in the wor, shall (onfor4 to the spe(ifi(ations 4entioned on the drawings, the re>uire4ents laid down in this se(tion and spe(ifi(ations for relevant ite4s of wor, (overed under these spe(ifi(ations. If any 4aterial, not (overed in these spe(ifi(ations, is re>uired to be used in the wor,, it shall (onfor4 to relevant Indian 6tandards, if there are any, or to the re>uire4ents spe(ified by the !ngineer. ,--5* SO(RCES OF MATERIA+ The Contra(tor shall notify the !ngineer of his proposed sour(es of 4aterials prior to delivery. If it is found after trial that sour(es of supply previously approved do not produ(e unifor4 and satisfa(tory produ(ts, or if the produ(t fro4 any other sour(e proves una((eptable at any ti4e, the Contra(tor shall furnish a((eptable 4aterial fro4 other sour(es at his own e@pense. ,--.* BRICKS

Eurnt (lay bri(,s shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of I6/ '&22, e@(ept that the 4ini4u4 (o4pressive strength when tested flat shall not be less than -.B MPa for individual bri(,s and '&.5 MPa for average of 5 spe(i4ens. They shall be free fro4 (ra(,s and flaws and nodules of free li4e. The bri(, shall have s4ooth re(tangular fa(es with sharp (orners and e4it a (lear ringing sound when stru(,. The siLe 4ay be a((ording to lo(al pra(ti(e with a toleran(e of \ 5 per (ent. ,--/* STONES

6tones shall be of the type spe(ified. It shall be hard, sound, free fro4 (ra(,s, de(ay and weathering and shall be freshly >uarried fro4 an approved >uarry. 6tone with round surfa(e shall not be used. The stones, when i44ersed in water for %B hours, shall not absorb water by 4ore than 5 per (ent of their dry weight when tested in a((ordan(e with I6/ ''%B. The length of stones shall not e@(eed 3 ti4es its height nor shall they be less than twi(e its height plus one ?oint. o stone shall be less in width than the height and width on the base shall not be greater than three+fourth of the thi(,ness of the wall nor less than '5& 44. ,--0* CAST IRON

Cast iron shall (onfor4 to I6/%'&. The grade nu4ber of the 4aterial shall not be less than 'B. ,--1* CEMENT Ce4ent to be used in the wor,s shall be any of the following types with the prior approval of the !ngineer /

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a: 7rdinary Portland Ce4ent, 33 Grade, (onfor4ing to 86/%)1. b: Rapid Hardening Portland Ce4ent, (onfor4ing to I6/-&B'. (: 7rdinary Portland Ce4ent, B3 Grade, (onfor4ing to I6/-''%. d: 7rdinary Portland Ce4ent, 53 Grade, (onfor4ing to I6/'%%)1. e: 6ulphate Resistant Portland Ce4ent, (onfor4ing to I6/'%33&. Ce4ent (onfor4ing to I6/%)1 shall be used only after ensuring that the 4ini4u4 re>uired design strength (an be a(hieved without e@(eeding the 4a@i4u4 per4issible (e4ent (ontent of 5B& ,g*(u.4. of (on(rete. Ce4ent (onfor4ing to I6/-''% and '5/'%%)1 4ay be used provided the 4ini4u4 (e4ent (ontent 4entioned elsewhere fro4 durability (onsiderations is not redu(ed. .ro4 strength (onsiderations, these (e4ents shall be used with a (ertain (aution as high early strengths of (e4ent in the ' to %-+day range (an be a(hieved by finer grinding and higher (onstituent ratio of C36*C%6, where C36 is Tri(al(iu4 6ili(ate and C%6 is #i(al(iu4 6ili(ate. In su(h (e4ents, the further growth of strength beyond say B wee,s 4ay be 4u(h lower than that traditionally e@pe(ted. Therefore, further strength tests shall be (arried out for 5) and 1& days to fine tune the 4i@ design fro4 strength (onsiderations. Ce4ent (onfor4ing to '5/'%33& shall be used when sodiu4 sulphate and 4agnesiu4 sulphate are present in large enough (on(entration to be aggressive to (on(rete. The re(o44ended threshold values as +per '5/B5) are sulphate (on(entration in e@(ess of &.% per (ent in soil substrata or 3&& pp4 9&.&3per (ent: in ground water. Tests to (onfir4 a(tual values of sulphate (on(entration are essential when the stru(ture is lo(ated near the sea (oast, (he4i(al fa(tories, agri(ultural land using (he4i(al fertiliLers and sites where there are effluent dis(harges or where soluble sulphate bearing ground water level is high. Ce4ent (onfor4ing to '5/'%33& shall be (arefully sele(ted fro4 strength (onsiderations to ensure that the 4ini4u4 re>uired design strength (an be a(hieved without e@(eeding the 4a@i4u4 per4issible (e4ent (ontent of 5B& ,g* (u.4. of (on(rete. Ce4ent (onfor4ing to '5/-&B' shall be used only for pre(ast (on(rete produ(ts after spe(ifi( approval of the !ngineer. Total (hloride (e4ent in (e4ent shall in no (ase e@(eed &.&5 per (ent by 4ass of (e4ent 0lso, total sulphur (ontent (al(ulated as sulphuri( anhydride 967 3: shall in no (ase e@(eed %.5 per (ent and 3.& per (ent when tri+(al(iu4 alu4inate per (ent by 4ass is upto 5 or greater than 5 respe(tively. ,--2* COARSE AGGREGATES .or plain arid reinfor(ed (e4ent (on(rete 9PCC and + RCC: or prestressed (on(rete 9P6C: wor,s, (oarse aggregate shall (onsist of (lean, hard, strong, dense, non+ porous and durable pie(es of (rushed stone, (rushed gravel, natural gravel or a suitable (o4bination thereof or other approved inert 4aterial. They shall not (onsist pie(es of disintegrated stones, soft, fla,y, elongated parti(les, salt, al,ali, vegetable 4atter or other deleterious 4aterials in su(h >uantities as to redu(e the strength and durability of the (on(rete, or to atta(, the steel reinfor(e4ent. Coarse aggregate having positive al,ali+ sili(a rea(tion shall not be used. 0ll (oarse aggregates shall (onfor4 to I6/3-3 and tests

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for (onfor4ity shall be (arried out as per I6/%3-), Parts I to CIII. The (ontra(tor shall sub4it for the approval of the !ngineer, the entire infor4ation indi(ated in 0ppendi@ 0 of I6/3-3. Ma@i4u4 no4inal siLe of (oarse aggregate for various stru(tural (o4ponents in PCC, RCC or P6C, shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '2&&. The 4a@i4u4 value for fla,iness inde@ for (oarse aggregate, shall not e@(eed 35 per (ent. The (oarse aggregate shall satisfy the following re>uire4ents of grading / TAB+E ,---7, RE>(IREMENTS OF COARSE AGGREGATE I6 6ieve 6iLe B&44 )3 44 B& 44 %&44 '%.5 44 '& 44 B.25 44 '&& 15+'&& 3&+2& ++ '&+35 &+5 Per (ent by "eight Passing the 6ieve %&44K ++ '&& 15+'&& ++ %5+55 &+'& '%.544 ++ ++ '&& 1&+'&& B&+-5 &+'&

,--3* SANDFFINE AGGREGATES .or 4asonry wor,, sand shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of I6/%''). .or plain and reinfor(ed (e4ent (on(rete 9PCC and RCC: or prestressed (on(rete 9P6C: wor,s, fine aggregate shall (onsist of (lean, hard, strong and durable pie(es of (rushed stone, (rushed gravel, or a suitable (o4bination of natural sand, (rushed stone or gravel. They shall not (ontain dust, lu4ps, soft or fla,y, 4aterials, 4i(a or other deleterious 4aterials in su(h >uantities as to redu(e the strength and durability of the (on(rete, or to atta(, the e4bedded steel. Motorised sand washing 4a(hines should be used to re4ove i4purities fro4 sand. .ine aggregate having positive al,ali+sili(a rea(tion shall not be used. 0ll fine aggregates shall (onfor4 to I6/3-3 and tests for (onfor4ity shall be (arried out as per I6/%3-), 9Parts I to CIII:. The Contra(tor shall sub4it to the !ngineer the entire infor4ation indi(ated in 0ppendi@ 0 of I6/3-3. The fineness 4odulus of fine aggregate shall neither be less than %.& nor greater than 3.5. 6and*fine aggregate for stru(tural (on(rete shall (onfor4 to the following grading re>uire4ents / TAB+E ,---75 I6 6ieve 6iLe '& 44 B.25 ra4 Per (ent by "eight Passing the 6ieve Hone I '&& 1&+'&& Hone II '&& 1&+'&&
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Hone III '&& 1&+'&&

%3) 44 '.'- 44 )&& 4i(ron 3&& 4i(ron '5& 4i(ron

)&+15 3&+2& '5+3B 5+%& &+'&

25+'&& 55+1& 35+51 -+3& &+'& ,--4* STEE+

-5+'&& 25+'&& )&+21 '%+B& &+'&

,--4*,* C!st Stee: The use of (ast steel shall be li4ited to bearings and other si4ilar parts. 6teel for (astings shall (onfor4 to Grade %-&+5%& of I6/ '&3&. In (ase where subse>uent welding is unavoidable in the relevant (ast steel (o4ponents, the letter at the end of the grade designation of the steel (asting shall be repla(ed by letter ". &.3 per (ent to &.5 per (ent (opper 4ay be added to in(rease the (orrosion resistan(e properties. ,--4*5* Stee: or Prestressin& The prestressing steel shall (onfor4 to either of the following / 9a: Plain hard drawn steel wire (onfor4ing to I6/'2-5 9Part I: and I6/'2-5 9PartII:. 9b: Cold drawn indented wire (onfor4ing to I6/)&&3 9(: High tensile steel bar (onfor4ing to I6/%&1& 9d: An(oated stress relieved strands (onfor4ing to I6/)&&). ,--4*.* Rein or;e<ent F (ntensione" Stee: .or plain and reinfor(ed (e4ent (on(rete 9PCC and RCC: or prestressed (on(rete 9P6C: wor,s, the reinfor(e4ent * untensioned steel as the (ase 4ay be shall (onsist of the following grades of reinfor(ing bars.

,---7. !lasti( Modulus GPa %&& %&&

Grade #esignation 6 %B& 6 B'5

Ear Type (onfor4ing to governing I6 6pe(ifi(ation I6/B3% Part I Mild 6teel Ear I6/ '2-) High Field 6trength #efor4ed Ears 9HF6#:

Chara(teristi(. 6trength fy MPa %B& B'5

7ther grades of bars (onfor4ing to '5/B3% and '3/'2-) shall not be per4itted. 0ll steel shall be pro(ured fro4 original produ(ers, no re+rolled steel b. shall be
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in(orporated in the wor,. 7nly new steel shall be delivered to the site. !very bar shall be inspe(ted before asse4bling on the wor, and defe(tive, brittle or burnt bor shall be dis(arded. Cra(,ed ends of bars shall be dis(arded. .usion+bonded epo@y (oated reinfor(ing bars shall 4eet the re>uire4ents of '-/'3)%&. 0dditional re>uire4ents for the use of su(h reinfor(e+b<"ent bars have been given below / 9a: Pat(h up 4aterials shall be pro(ured in sealed (ontainers with (ertifi(ates fro4 the agen(y who has supplied the fusion bonded epo@y bars. 9b: PCC (oated G.I. binding wires of '-G shall only be used in (on?un(tion with fusion bonded epo@y bars. 9(: Chairs for supporting the reinfor(e4ent shall also be of fusion bonded epo@y (oated bars. 9d: The (ut ends and da4aged portions shall be tou(hed up with repair pat(h up 4aterial. 9e: The bars shall be (ut by saw+(utting rather than fla4e (utting. 9f: "hile bending the bars, the pins of wor, ben(hes shall be provided with PCC or plasti( sleeves. 9g: The (oated steel shall not be dire(tly e@posed to sun rays or rains and shall be prote(ted with opa>ue polyethelene sheets or su(h other approved 4aterials 9h: "hile (on(reting, the wor,4en or trolleys shall not dire(tly 4ove on (oated bars but (an 4ove on wooden plan,s pla(ed on the bars. "hen spe(ified in the (ontra(t, prote(tive (oaling pres(ribed by C!CRI shall be provided in (onfor4an(e to spe(ifi(ations given in Appendix1###5*. The C!CRI (oating pro(ess shall be allowed to be i4ple4ented at the site of wor,s provided a representative of the Institute is present throughout the duration of the (oating pro(ess who shall (ertify that the 4aterials and wor,4anship are in a((ordan(e with pres(ribed spe(ifi(ations developed by the Institute. ,--4*/* Grey Iron C!stin&s Grey Iron (astings to be used for bearings shall have the following 4ini4u4 properties / 9i: Mini4u4 ulti4ate tensile strength 32& MPa 9ii: Modulus of !lasti(ity 'B2&&& MPa 9iii: Erinell Hardness %3& MPa 9iv: 6hear 6trength 32& MPa 9v: Co4pressive 6trength '32& MPa The testing shall be as spe(ified in I6/%'&. ,--4*0* Stee: For&in&s .orged steel pins shall (o4ply with (lause 3, 30 or B of I6/ '-25 and steel forgings shall (o4ply with (lause 3, 30 or B of I6/%&&B. Raw 4aterials of the forging

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will be ta,en as per I6/ '-25 with 4ini4u4 redu(tion ratio of '.-/'. 0lternatively, if forging is 4ade fro4 ingot, a 4ini4u4 redu(tion ratio between the ingot and forging will be B/'. .orging shall be nor4alised. ,--4*1* Stru;tur!: Stee: Anless otherwise per4itted herein, all stru(tural steel shall before fabri(ation (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of the following Indian 6tandards/ I6/%%) I6/1)' I6/%&)% I6.+-5&& I6/''BI6/''B1 I6/'')' I6/B1%3 / / / / / / / / 6tru(tural 6teel 96tandard Duality: 6tru(tural 6teel 9High Tensile: "eldable 6tru(tural 6teel "eldable 6tru(tural 6teel 94ediu4 & high strength >ualities: Hot rolled rivet bars 9upto B&44 dia: for stru(tural purposes High 9ensile rivet ban for stru(tural purposes 6teel tubes for stru(tural purposes Hollow 6teel se(tions for stru(tural use

'5/''5-2 / 6tru(tural weather resistant steel I6/-&I6/'%31 I6/'23& 86/'23' I6/'23% I6/'-5% / / / / 6pe(ifi(ations for Rolled 6teel Eea4, Channel and 0ngle 6e(tions Mild 6teel Tubes #i4ension for 6teel Plate, sheet and strip for stru(tural and general engineering purposes #i4ension for 6teel flats for stru(tural and general engineering purposes

/ #i4ension for round and s>uare steel bars for stru(tural and general engineering purposes / Rolling and (utting toleran(es for hot rolled steel produ(ts

The use of stru(tural steel not (overed by the above standards 4ay be per4itted with the spe(ifi( approval of the authority. Refer to 6e(tion '1&& for further details. ,--4*2* St!in:ess Stee: 6tainless steel shall be austeniti( (hro4iu4+ni(,el steel, possessing rust, a(id and heat resistant properties (onfor4ing to I6/))&3 and I6/)1''. Me(hani(al properties*grade for su(h stainless steel shall be as spe(ified the a((epting authority, but in no (ase be inferior to 4ild steel. Generally, stainless steel is available as per 0I6I grades. 0I6I 3&B

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whi(h ` is e>uivalent to grade &BCrl- i''& of I6/)1'' satisfies the re>uire4ents of 4e(hani(al properties of stru(tural steel. 7ther grades of stainless steel .for spe(ifi( purposes 4ay be provided as per spe(ifi( re>uire4ents. .or appli(ation in adverse* (orrosive environ4ent, stainless steel shall (onfor4 to 0I6I 3')$ or &%G'2 i Mo% of I6/)1''. ,-,-* WATER "ater used for 4i@ing and (uring shall be (lean and free fro4 in?urious a4ounts of oils, a(ids, al,alis, salts, sugar, organi( 4aterials or other substan(es that 4ay be deleterious to (on(rete or steel. Potable "ater is generally (onsidered satisfa(tory for 4i@ing (on(rete. Mi@ing and (uring with sea water shall not be per4itted. 0s a guide, the following ;Con(entrations represent the 4a@i4u4 per4issible values / 9a: To neutralise %&& 4l sa4ple of water, using phenolphthalein as an indi(ator, , should not re>uire 4ore than % 4l of &.' nor4al %7H. 9b: To neutralise %&& 4l sa4ple of water, using 4ethyl orange as an indi(ator, it should not re>uire 4ore than '& 4l of &.' nor4al HC$ 9(: The per4issible li4its for solids shall be as follows when tested in a((ordan(e with '5/3&%5 / 7rgani( Inorgani( 6ulphates 967B: Chlorides 9C$: 6uspended 4atter Per4issible $i4its 94a@: %&& 4g*lit 3&&& 4g*lit 5&& 4g*lit 5&& 4g*lit I %&&& 4g*lit

I In (ase of stru(tures of lengths 3&4 and below, the per4issible li4it of (hlorides 4ay be in(reased upto '&&& 4g*lit. 0ll sa4ples of water 9in(luding potable water: shall be tested and suitable 4easures ta,en where ne(essary to ensure (onfor4ity of the water to the re>uire4ents staled herein. 9d: The pH value shall not be less than ). ,-,,* TIMBER The ti4ber used for stru(tural purposes shall (onfor4 to I6/--3. ,-,5* CONCRETE ADMI8T(RES ,-,5*,* Gener!: 0d4i@tures are 4aterials added to the (on(rete before or during 4i@ing with a view to 4odify one or 4ore of the properties of (on(rete in the plasti( or hardened slate. Con(rete ad4i@tures are proprietary ite4s of 4anufa(ture and shall be obtained only fro4 established 4anufa(turers with proven tra(, re(ord, >uality assuran(e and full fledged laboratory fa(ilities for the 4anufa(ture and testing of (on(rete.

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The (ontra(tor shall provide the following infor4ation (on(erning ea(h ad4i@ture after obtaining the sa4e fro4 the 4anufa(turer / 9a: 9b: 9(: 9d: 9e: 9f: 9g: or4al dosage and detri4ental effe(ts, if any, of under dosage and over dosage. The (he4i(al na4es of the 4ain ingredients in the ad4i@tures. The (hloride (ontent, if any, e@pressed as a per(entage by the weight of the ad4i@ture. Calues of dry 4aterial (ontent, ash (ontent and relative density of the ad4i@ture whi(h (an be used for Anifor4ity Tests. "hether or not the ad4i@ture leads to the entertain4ent of air when used as per the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44ended dosage, and if so to what e@tent. "here two or 4ore ad4i@tures are proposed '& be used in any one 4i@, (onfir4ation as to their (o4patibility. There would be no in(rease in ris, of (orrosion of the reinfor(e4ent or other e4bed4ents as a result of using the ad4i@ture.

,-,5*5* Physi;!: !n" Che<i;!: ReEuire<ents 0d4i@tures shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of I6/1'&3. In addition, the following (onditions shall be satisfied / 9a: 9b: ;Plasti(isers< and ;6uper+Plasti(isers< shall 4eet the re>uire4ents indi(ated for ;"ater redu(ing 0d4i@ture<. !@(ept where resistan(e to freeLing and thawing and to disruptive a(tion of de+i(ing salts is ne(essary, the air (ontent of freshly 4i@ed (on(rete in a((ordan(e with the pressure 4ethod given in I6/ ''11 shall not be 4ore than % per (ent higher than that of the (orresponding (ontrol 4i@ and in any (ase not 4ore than 3 per (ent of the lest 4i@. The (hloride (ontent of the ad4i@ture shall not e@(eed &.% per (ent when tested in a((ordan(e with I6/)1%5. In addition, the 4a@i4u4 per4issible li4it of (hloride (ontent of all the (onstituents as indi(ated in 6e(tion '2&& shall also be observed. Anifor4ity tests on the ad4i@tures are essential to (o4pare >ualitatively the (o4+position of different sa4ples ta,en fro4 bat(h to bat(h or fro4 the sa4e bat(h at different ti4es.



The tests that shall be perfor4ed along with per4issible variations in the sa4e are indi(ated below / Dry M!teri!: Content = to be within 3 per (ent and 5 per (ent of li>uid and solid ad4i@tures respe(tively of the value stated by the 4anufa(turer. Ash ;ontent = to be within ' per (ent of the value staled by the 4anufa(turer. to be within % per ((4 of the value

Relative #ensity 9for li>uid ad4i@tures: / stated by the 4anufa(turer.

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9e: 0ll tests relating to the (on(retes ad4i@tures shall be (ondu(ted periodi(ally at an independent laboratory and (o4pared with the data given by the 4anufa(turer. ,-,.* REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPES Reinfor(ed (on(rete pipes for highway stru(tures shall be of (onfor4ing to the re>uire4ents of I6/B5-. ,-,/* STORAGE OF MATERIA+S ,-,/*,* Gener!: 0ll 4aterials 4ay be stored at proper pla(es so as to prevent their deterioration or intrusion by foreign 4atter and to ensure their satisfa(tory >uality and fitness for the wor,. The storage spa(e 4ust also per4it easy inspe(tion, re4oval and restorage of the 4aterials. 0ll su(h 4aterials even though stored in approved godowns*pla(es, 4ust be sub?e(ted to a((eptan(e test prior to their i44ediate use. ,-,/*5* Bri;@ Eri(,s shall not be du4ped at site. They shall be sta(,ed in regular tiers as they are unloaded, to 4ini4ise brea,age and defa(e4ent The supply of bri(,s shall be available at site at any ti4e. Eri(,s sele(ted for use in different situations shall be sla(,ed separately. ,-,/*.* A&&re&!tes 0ggregate sto(,piles 4ay be 4ade on ground that is denuded of vegetation, is hard and well drained+ If ne(essary, the ground shall be (overed with 5& 44 plan,. Coarse aggregates, unless otherwise agreed by the !ngineer in writing, shall be delivered to the site in separate siLes 9% siLes when no4inal siLe is %5 44 or less and 3 siLes when the no4inal siLe is 3% 44 or 4ore:. 0ggregates pla(ed dire(tly on the ground shall not be re4oved fro4 the sto(,pile within 3& (4 of the ground until the final (leaning up of the wor,, and then only the (lean aggregate will be per4itted to be used. In the (ase of fine aggregates, these shall be deposited at the 4i@ing site not less than - hours before use and shall have been tested and approved by the !ngineer. ,-,/*/* Ce<ent Ce4ent shall be transported, handled and stored on the site in su(h a 4anner as to avoid deterioration or (onta4ination. Ce4ent shall be stored above ground level in perfe(tly dry and water+tight sheds and shall be sta(,ed not 4ore than eight bags high. "herever bul, storage (ontainers are used their (apa(ity should be suffi(ient to (ater to the re>uire4ent at site and should be (leaned at least on(e every 3 to B 4onths. !a(h (onsign4ent shall be stored separately so that it 4ay be readily identified PB type

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and inspe(ted and (e4ent shall be used in the se>uen(e in whi(h it is delivered at site. 0ny (onsign4ent or part of a (onsign4ent of (e4ent whi(h had deteriorated in any way, during storage, shall not be used in the wor,s and shall be re4oved fro4 the site by the Contra(tor without (harge to the !4ployer. The Contra(tor shall prepare and 4aintain proper re(ords on site in respe(t of delivery, handling, storage and use of (e4ent and these re(ords shall be available for inspe(tion by the !ngineer at all ti4es. The Contra(tor shall 4a,e a 4onthly return to the !ngineer on the date (orresponding to the interi4 (ertifi(ate date, showing the >uantities of (e4ent re(eived and issued during the 4onth and in sto(, at the end of the 4onth. ,-,/*0* Rein or;e<ent F(ntensione" Stee: The reinfor(e4ent bars, when delivered on the ?ob, shall be stored 5, above the surfa(e of the ground upon platfor4s, s,ids, or other supports, and shall be prote(ted fro4 4e(hani(al in?ury and fro4 deterioration by e@posure. ,-,/*1* Prestressin& M!teri!:s 0ll prestressing steel, sheathing, an(horages and sleeves or (oupling 4ust be prote(ted during transportation, handling and storage. The prestressing steel, sheathing and other a((essories 4ust be stored under (over fro4 rain or da4p ground and prote(ted fro4 the a4bient at4osphere if it is li,ely, to be aggressive. 6torage at site 4ust be ,ept to the absolute 4ini4u4. 9a: Tendon / "ire, strand and bar fro4 whi(h tendons are to be fabri(ated shall be stored about 3&&44 above the ground in a suitably (overed and (losed spa(e so as to avoid dire(t (li4ati( influen(es and to prote(t the4 fro4 splashes fro4 any other 4aterials and fro4 the (utting operation of an o@y+ a(etylene tor(h or ar( welding pro(ess in the vi(inity. Ander no (ir(u4stan(es, tendon 4aterial shall be sub?e(ted toK any welding operation or on site heat treat4ent or 4etalli( (oaling su(h as galvanising. 6torage fa(ilities and the pro(edures for transporting 4aterial into or out of store, shall be su(h that the 4aterial does not be(o4e ,in,ed or not(hed. "ire or strand shall be stored in large dia4eter (oils whi(h enable the tendons to be laid out straight. 0s a guide, for wires above 544 dia, (oils of about %4 dia without brea,s or ?oints shall be obtained fro4 4anufa(turer and stored. Prote(tive wrapping for tendons shall be (he4i(ally neutral. 0ll prestressing steel 4ust be provided with te4porary prote(tion during storage. 9b: 0n(horage Co4ponents / The handling and storing pro(edures shall 4aintain the an(horage (o4ponents in a (ondition in whi(h they (an subse>uently perfor4 their fun(tion to an ade>uate degree. Co4ponents shall be handled and stored so that 4e(hani(al da4age and detri4ental (orrosion are prevented. The (orrosion of the gripping and se(uring syste4 shall be prevented. The use of (orre(tly for4ulated oils and greases or of other (orrosion preventing 4aterial is re(o44ended where prolonged storage is re>uired. 6u(h prote(tive 4aterial shall be guaranteed by the produ(er to be non+aggressive and non+degrading.

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Prestressing steel shall be stored in a (losed store having single door with double lo(,ing arrange4ents and no windows. 0lso the air inside the store shall be ,ept dry as far as possible by using various 4eans to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 0lso instru4ent 4easuring the air hu4idity shall be installed inside the store. This is with a view to eli4inating the possibility of initial rusting of prestressing steel during storage. The prestressing steel shall be (oated with water solvable grease. The prestressing steel should be absolutely (lean and without any signs of rust. 0ll prestressing steel shall be stored at least 3& (4 above ground level and it shall be invariably wrapped by prote(tive (over of tar paper or polythene or any other approved 4aterial. The Contra(tor should see that prestressing steel shall be used within 3 4onths of its 4anufa(ture. He should (hal, out his progra44e in this respe(t pre(isely, so as to avoid initial (orrosion before pla(ing in position. ,-,/*2* W!ter "ater shall be stored in (ontainers*tan,s (overed at top and (leaned at regular intervals in order to prevent intrusion by foreign 4atter or growth of organi( 4atter. "ater fro4 shallow, 4uddy or 4arshy surfa(e shall not be per4itted. The inta,e pipe shall be en(losed to e@(lude silt, 4ud, grass and other solid 4aterials and there shall be a 4ini4u4 depth of &.)& 4 of water below the inta,e at all ti4es. ,-,0* TESTS AND STANDARD OF ACCEPTANCE 0ll 4aterials, even though stored in an approved 4anner shall be sub?e(ted to an a((eptan(e test prior to their i44ediate use. Independent testing of (e4ent for every (onsign4ent shall be done by the Contra(tor at site in the laboratory approved by the !ngineer before use. 0ny (e4ent with lower >uality than those shown in 4anufa(turerKs (ertifi(ate shall be debarred fro4 use. In (ase of i4ported (e4ent, the sa4e series of tests shall be (arried out before a((eptan(e. ,-,0*,* Testin& !n" A##rov!: o M!teri!: The Contra(tor shall furnish test (ertifi(ates fro4 the 4anufa(turer* supplier of 4aterials along with ea(h bat(h of 4aterial9s: delivered to site. The Contra(tor shall set up a field laboratory with ne(essary e>uip4ent for testing of all 4aterials, finished produ(ts used in the (onstru(tion as per re>uire4ents of (onditions of (ontra(t and the relevant spe(ifi(ations. The testing of all the 4aterials shall be (arried out by the !ngineer or his representative for whi(h the Contra(tor shall 4a,e all the ne(essary arrange4ents and bear the entire (ost. Tests whi(h (annot be (arried out in the field laboratory have to be got done at the Contra(torKs (ost at any re(ognised laboratory * testing establish4ents approved by the !ngineer.

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,-,0*5* S!<#:in& o M!teri!:s 6a4ples provided to the !ngineer or his representative for their retention are to be in labelled bo@es suitable for storage. 6a4ples re>uired for approval and testing 4ust be supplied well in advan(e by at least B- hours or 4ini4u4 period re>uired for (arrying out relevant tests to allow for testing and approval. #elay to wor,s arising fro4 the late sub4ission of sa4ples will not be a((eptable as a reason for delay in the (o4pletion of the wor,s. If 4aterials are brought fro4 abroad, the (ost of sa4pling*testing whether in India or abroad shall be borne by the Contra(tor. ,-,0*.* ReIe;tion o M!teri!:s not Con or<in& to the S#e;i i;!tions 0ny sta(, or bat(h of 4aterial9s: of whi(h sa4ple9s: does not (onfor4 to the pres(ribed tests and >uality shall be re?e(ted by the !ngineer or his representative and su(h 4aterials shall be re4oved fro4 site by the Contra(tor at his own (ost. 6u(h re?e(ted 4aterials shall not be 4ade a((eptable by any 4odifi(ations. ,-,0*/* Testin& !n" A##rov!: o P:!nt !n" EEui#<ent 0ll plants and e>uip4ent used for preparing, testing and produ(tion of 4aterials for in(orporation into the per4anent wor,s shall be in a((ordan(e with 4anufa(turerKs spe(ifi(ations and shall be got approved by the !ngineer before use.

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Pi:e Foun"!tions ,,--

Pi:e Foun"!tions

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,,-,* DESCRIPTION ,,-,*,* This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion of all types of piles for stru(tures in a((ordan(e with the details shown on the drawings and (onfor4ing to the re>uire4ents of these spe(ifi(ations. ,,-,*5* The (onstru(tion of pile foundations re>uires a (areful (hoi(e of the piling syste4 depending upon sub+soil (onditions and loading (hara(teristi(s and type of stru(ture. The per4issible li4its of total and differential settle4ents, unsupported length of pile under s(our, i4pa(t* entangle4ent of floating bodies and any other spe(ial re>uire4ents of pro?e(t are also e>ually i4portant (riteria for sele(tion of the piling syste4. The 4ethod of installing the piles, in(luding details of the e>uip4ent shall be sub4itted by the Contra(tor and got approved fro4 the !ngineer. ,,-,*.* The wor, shall be done as per I6/%1'' e@(ept as 4odified herein. ,,-5* S(B7S(RFACE IN)ESTIGATION ,,-5*,* The (o4plete sub+surfa(e investigation of strata in whi(h pile foundations are proposed shall be (arried out in advan(e and by in+situ pile tests. .or details of geote(hni(al sub+surfa(e e@plorations referen(e 4ay be 4ade to 6e(tion %B&&. 0t least one (ore+hole for every foundation of the bridge shall be e@e(uted. Eorings should be (arried upto suffi(ient depths so as to as(ertain the nature of strata around the pile shaft and below the pile tip. However, depth of boring shall not be less than / i: '.5 li4es esti4ated length of pile in soil but not less than I6 4 beyond the probable length of pile ii: '5 ti4es dia4eter of pile in wea,*?ointed ro(, but 4ini4u4 '5 4 in su(h ro(, iii: B ti4es dia4eter of pile in sound, hard ro(, but 4ini4u4 3 4 in su(h ro(, ,,-5*5* The sub+surfa(e investigation shall define ade>uately stratifi(ation of sub+strata in(luding the nature and type of strata, its variation and e@tent and spe(ifi( properties of the sa4e. The investigation shall be ade>uate for the purpose of sele(tion of appropriate piling syste4 and for esti4ating design (apa(ities for different dia4eters and length of piles. ,,-5*.* Pressure 4eter tests 4ay be used in the (ase of ro(,, gravel or soil for dire(t evaluation of strength and (o4pressibility (hara(teristi(s. Though these tests are of spe(ialised nature they are 4ost appropriate for diffi(ult*un(ertain sub+strata espe(ially for i4portant pro?e(ts. ,,-5*/* .or piles so(,eted into ro(,s, it is ne(essary to deter4ine the unia@ial (o4pressive strength of the ro(, and its >uality. The investigation shall also in(lude lo(ation of ground water table and other para4eters in(luding results of (he4i(al tests showing sulphate and (hloride (ontent and any other deleterious (he4i(al (ontent in soil and*or ground water, li,ely to affe(t durability.

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The piles 4ay be of reinfor(ed (on(rete, prestressed (on(rete, steel or ti4ber. The piles 4ay be of solid or hollow se(tions or steel (ased piles filled with (on(rete. Con(rete piles 4ay be driven J (ast+in+situ or pre(ast or bored (ast+in+situ or pre(ast piles driven into prefor4ed bores. The shape of piles 4ay be (ir(ular, s>uare, he@agonal, o(tagonal, ;H< or ;I< 6e(tion. ,,-/* MATERIA+S

,,-/*,* The basi( 4aterials shall (onfor4 to the spe(ifi(ations for 4aterials given in 6e(tion '&&&. The spe(ifi(ations for steel reinfor(e4ent, stru(tural (on(rete, prestressed (on(rete and stru(tural steel to be used in pile foundations shall be as given in the relevant se(tions. ,,-/*5* Con(rete in Piles Grade of (on(rete to be used in (ast+in+situ piles shall not be less than M %& and the (e4ent (ontent shall not be less than B&& ,g per (ubi( 4eter of (on(rete. Grades of (on(rete for pre(ast reinfor(ed and prestressed (on(rete piles shall not be less than M %5 and M 35 respe(tively. Ma@i4u4 water (e4ent ratio shall be &.5 for (ast+in+situ piles and &.B5 for pre(ast piles. The 4ini4u4 slu4p of (on(rete for driven (ast+in+situ piles shall be '&& 44 to '5& 44 and that of bored (ast+in+silu piles '5& 44 to %&& 44. The slu4p should not e@(eed %&& 44 in any (ase. Con(rete 4i@ should have ho4ogeneous 4i@ture with re>uired wor,ability for the syste4 of piling adopted. 6uitable and approved ad4i@tures 4ay be used in (on(rete 4i@ where ne(essary. "here piles are e@posed to a(tion of har4ful (he4i(als or severe (onditions of e@posure due to presen(e of sulphate, (hloride et(, it 4ay be preferable to opt for higher grades of (on(rete restri(ting water (e4ent ratio to &.B5. 6pe(ial types of (e4ent, su(h as sulphate resistant (e4ent 4ay be used where (onsidered appropriate. ,,-0* TEST PI+ES ,,-0*,* Test piles whi(h are shown on the drawings or spe(ified in the (ontra(t or installed by the Contra(tor on his own to deter4ine the lengths of piles to be furnished shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents for piling as indi(ated in these spe(ifi(ations, if they are to be in(orporated in the (o4pleted stru(ture. Test piles that are to be(o4e a part of the (o4pleted stru(ture shall be installed with the sa4e type of e>uip4ent that is proposed to be used for piling in the a(tual stru(ture. Test piles whi(h are not to be in(orporated in the (o4pleted stru(ture shall be

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re4oved to at least )&& 44 below the proposed soffit level of pile (ap and the re4aining hole shall be ba(,filled with earth or other suitable 4aterial. The piles shall be load tested in a((ordan(e with provisions laid down in this se(tion. ,,-1* PRECASTNCONCRETE PI+ES ,,-1*,* Gener!: Pre(ast (on(rete piles shall be of the siLe and shape as shown in the approved drawings. If a s>uare se(tion is e4ployed, the (orners shall be (ha4fered at least %5 44 unless otherwise spe(ified on the drawings. The length of pile shall not nor4ally e@(eed %5 4etres. However, where spe(ial e>uip4ents for handling and installation are available to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer, longer length (ould be per4itted. Piles shall be (ast with a driving point and for hard driving, shall be shod with a 4etal shoe approved by the !ngineer. ,,-1*5* St!;@in&A Storin& !n" %!n":in& Care shall be ta,en that at all stages of transporting, lifting and handling, piles are not da4aged or (ra(,ed. #uring transport and sta(,ing of piles, they shall be supported at the sa4e points as those provided for lifting purposes. If the piles are put down te4porarily during handling, they shall be pla(ed on trestles or blo(,s lo(ated at the sa4e points. Piles shall be stored at least 3&& 44 above fir4 level ground whi(h is not liable to une>ual subsiden(e or settle4ent under the weight of the sta(, of piles. They shall be pla(ed on ti4ber supports whi(h are level and spa(ed so as to avoid bending. The supports shall be verti(ally one above the other. 6pa(es shall be left round the piles to enable the4 to be lifted without diffi(ulty. The order of sta(,ing shall be su(h that the older piles (an be withdrawn without disturbing newer piles. 6eparate sta(,s shall be provided for different lengths of piles. "here piles are sta(,ed in layers, the nu4ber of layers shall not e@(eed three. "henever (uring is needed during storage, arrange4ents shall be 4ade to enable the piles to be watered. .or detailed pre(autions with regard to (uring operations spe(ifi(ations for stru(tural (on(rete given in 6e(tion '2&& shall apply. Eefore the operation of handling and driving the piles, the 4ini4u4 periods (ounted fro4 the ti4e of (asting shall be allowed for as indi(ated in, Table ''&&+'. Prestressed piles shall not be lifted or handled until fully stressed. TAB+E ,,--7, TIME FOR C(RING PRECAST PI+ES Type of (e4ent used in (asting the pile 6tri,e side+ shutters 9hours: Mini4u4 periods fro4 ti4e of (asting !nd of wet (uring 9days: $ift fro4 (asting bed 9days: #rive 9days:

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7rdinary Portland Rapid hardening Portland

%B '%

2 2

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,,11*.* +en&thenin& o Fi:es "here a pile is to have another length (ast on it during driving, the longitudinal reinfor(e4ent shall preferably be ?oined by full penetration butt welding. The (on(rete at the top of the original pile shall be (ut down to e@pose not less than %&& 44 of the bars to avoid spalling of the (on(rete by heat. The added bars have to be held a((urately and rigidly in position during welding. "here fa(ilities on site are insuffi(ient to 4a,e proper butt welding pra(ti(able, the ?oint 4ay be 4ade by lapping. The reinfor(e4ent at the head of pile will need to be e@posed for full an(horage length or )&& 44 whi(hever is greater and the new bars over+lapped for this distan(e. Anless otherwise spe(ified, the e@tension of the pile shall be for4ed to the sa4e (ross+se(tional profile and with (on(rete of at least the sa4e strength as that spe(ified for the+original pile. The stirrup spa(ing shall in no (ase be greater than '5& 44. ot 4ore than one e@tension shall be per4itted. In (ase 4ore than one e@tension is per4itted by the !ngineer, only approved 4e(hani(al (ouplers shall be used. #riving shall not be resu4ed until / 9i: The strength of the (on(rete in the e@tension is at least e>ual to the spe(ified (hara(teristi( strength of (on(rete in pile, and 9ii: The approval of the !ngineer has been obtained. ,,-1*/* Re<ov!: o Sur#:us +en&th 0ny length of pile surplus to that re>uired for in(orporation in the stru(ture shall be (ut off neatly and re4oved. #uring the pro(ess of (utting off, it shall be ensured that pro?e(ting reinfor(e4ent to be an(hored into the pile (ap and the prestressing strands*wires are not da4aged. "hen stripping prestressed (on(rete piles, sho(, release of tendons shall be avoided. Referen(e 4ay also be 4ade to (lause 2.2.'. of I6/%1'' 9Part I 6e(tion 3: in this (onne(tion. ,,-1*0* Risen Pi:es $evel reading should be ta,en on ea(h pile after driving and again after all the piles are driven. Piles whi(h are found to have risen due to ground heave or as a result of driving ad?a(ent piles, shall be re+driven to the original depth or resistan(e unless re+ driving tests on ad?a(ent piles have shown this to be unne(essary. ,,-1*1* M!nu !;ture The pile should be (ast in one (ontinuous operation fro4 end to end of ea(h pile. Manufa(ture of pre(ast (on(rete piles shall (onfor4 to the guidelines (ontained in (lause os. 2.',2.% and 2.3 of I6/%1'' 9Part I, 6e(tion 3:. Pile shall be provided with suitable shoe for prote(ting the point of the pile during driving in hard ground.

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Piles shall not be 4oved fro4 (asting bed until the (on(rete has hardened suffi(iently. Piles shall not be driven in less than %- days after (asting or unless their strength at the ti4e of driving is at least that spe(ified for %- days. ,,-1*2* Prestresse" Con;rete Pi:es 0dditional spe(ifi(ations for pre(ast prestressed (on(rete piles shall (onfor4 to those (ontained in (lause - of I6/%1ll 9Part I 6e(tion 3:. ,,-2* CAST7IN7SIT( CONCRETE PI+ES Cast+in+situ (on(rete piles 4ay be either installed by 4a,ing a bore into the ground by re4oval of 4aterial or by driving a 4etal (asing with a shoe at the tip and displa(ing the 4aterial laterally. The two types of piles are ter4ed as ;bored piles< arid ;driven piles< respe(tively. Cast+in+situ (on(rete piles 4ay be (ast in 4etal shells whi(h 4ay re4ain per4anently in pla(e. However, other types of (ast+in+situ (on(rete piles, plain or reinfor(ed, (ased or un(ased, 4ay be used if in the opinion of the !ngineer the soil (onditions per4it their use and if their design and the 4ethods of pla(ing are satisfa(tory. The 4etal (asing shall be of suffi(ient thi(,ness and strength to hold its original for4 and show no har4ful distortion after it and ad?a(ent (asings have been driven and the driving (ore, if any, has been withdrawn. Cast+in+situ (on(rete driven piles shall be installed using a properly designed deta(hable shoe at the botto4 of the (asing. Certain spe(ifi( re>uire4ents of (ast+in+situ driven piles shall be as per Clauses '''& and ''''. 0ny liner or bore+hole whi(h is i4properly lo(ated or shows partial (ollapse that would affe(t the load (arrying (apa(ity of the pile, shall be re?e(ted or .repaired as dire(ted by the !ngineer at the (ost of the Contra(tor. "herever pra(ti(able, (on(rete should be pla(ed in a (lean dry+hole. "here (on(rete is pla(ed in dry and there is (asing present, the top 3 4 of the pile shall be (o4pa(ted using internal vibrators. The (on(rete should invariably be poured through a tre4ie with a funnel so that the flow is dire(ted and (on(rete (an be deposited in the hole without segregation. "here the (asing is withdrawn fro4 (ohesive soils for the for4ation of (ast+in+ situ pile, the (on(reting should be done with ne(essary pre(autions to 4ini4ise the softening of the soil by e@(ess water. "here 4ud flow (onditions e@ist, the (asing of (ast+in+situ piles shall not be allowed to be withdrawn. Care shall be ta,en during (on(reting to prevent as far as possible the segregation of the ingredients. The displa(e4ent or distortion of .reinfor(e4ent daring (on(reting and also while e@tra(ting the tube+shall be avoided.

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If the (on(rete is pla(ed inside pre(ast (on(rete tubes or (onsists of pre(ast se(tions, these shall be free fro4 (ra(,s or other da4age before being installed. The (on(rete shall be properly graded, shall be self+(o4pa(ting and shall not get 4i@ed with soil, e@(ess water, or other e@traneous 4atter. 6pe(ial (are shall be ta,en in silty (lays and other soils with the tenden(y to s>ueeLe into the newly deposited (on(rete and (ause ne(,ing. 6uffi(ient head of green (on(rete shall be 4aintained to prevent inflow of soil or water into the (on(rete. The pla(ing of (on(rete shall be a (ontinuous pro(ess fro4 the toe level to the top of the pile. To prevent segregation, a tube or tre4ie pipe as appropriate shall be used to pla(e (on(rete in all piles. To ensure (o4pa(tion by hydrauli( stati( heads, rate of pla(ing (on(rete in the pile shaft shall not be less than ) 4 9length of pile: per hour. Eored (ast+in+situ piles in soils whi(h are stable, 4ay often be installed with only a s4all (asing length at the top. 0 4ini4u4 of %.& 4 length of top of bore shall invariably be provided with (asing to ensure against loose soil falling into the bore. In (ases in whi(h the side soil (an fail into the hole, it is ne(essary to stabilise the side of the bore hole with drilling 4ud, or a suitable steel (asing. The (asing 4ay be left in position per4anently spe(ially in (ases where+ the aggressive a(tion of the ground water is to be avoided, or in the (ases of piles built in water or in (ases where signifi(ant length of piles (ould be e@posed due to s(our. .or bored (ast+in+situ piles, (asing*liner shall be driven open ended with a pile driving ha44er (apable of a(hieving penetration of the liner to the length shown on the drawing or as approved by the !ngineer Materials inside the (asing shall be re4oved progressively by air lift, grab or per(ussion e>uip4ent or other approved 4eans. "here bored (ast+in+situ piles are used in soils liable to flow, the botto4 of the (asing shall be ,ept enough in advan(e of the boring tool to prevent the entry of soil into the (asing, thus preventing the for4ation of (avities and settle4ents in the ad?oining ground. The water level in the (asing should generally be 4aintained at the. natural ground water level for the sa4e reasons. The ?oints of the (asing shall be 4ade as tight as possible to 4ini4ise inflow of water or lea,age of slurry during (on(reting. Eoring shall be (arried out using rotary or per(ussion type e>uip4ent. Anless otherwise approved by the !ngineer, the dia4eter of the bore+holes shall be not 4ore than the inside dia4eter of the liner. Pior to the lowering of the reinfor(e4ent (age into the pile shaft, the shaft shall be (leaned of all loose 4aterials. Cover to reinfor(ing steel shall be 4aintained by suitable spa(ers. The dia4eter of the finished pile shall not be less than that spe(ified and a (ontinuous re(ord shall be ,ept by the !ngineer as to the volu4e of (on(rete pla(ed in relation to the pile length (ast. Eefore (on(reting under water, the botto4 of the hole shall be (leaned of drilling 4ud and all soft or loose 4aterial very (arefully. In (ase a hole is bored with use of

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drilling 4ud, (on(reting should not be ta,en up when the spe(ifi( gravity of botto4 slurry is 4ore than '.%. The drilling 4ud should be 4aintained at '.54 above the ground water level. Con(reting under water for (ast+in+situ (on(rete piles+4ay be done either with the use of tre4ie 4ethod or by the use of an approved 4ethod spe(ially designed to per4it under water pla(e4ent of (on(rete. General re>uire4ents and pre(autions for (on(reting under water are as follows / 9a: The (on(reting of a pile 4ust be (o4pleted in one (ontinuous operation. 0lso, for bored holes, the finishing of the bore, (leaning of the bore, lowering of reinfor(e4ent (age and (on(reting of pile for full height 4ust be a((o4plished in one (ontinuous operation without any stoppage. 9b: The (on(rete should be (oherent, ri(h in (e4ent with high slu4p and restri(ted water (e4ent ratio. 9(: The tre4ie pipe will have to be large enough with due regard to the siLe of aggregate. .or %& 44 aggregate the tre4ie pipe should be of dia4eter not less than '5& 44 and for larger aggregate, larger dia4eter tre4ie pipes 4ay be ne(essary. 9d: The first (harge of (on(rete should be pla(ed with a sliding plug pushed down the tube ahead of it to prevent 4i@ing of water and (on(rete. 9e: The tre4ie pipe should always penetrate well into the (on(rete with an ade>uate 4argin of safety against a((idental withdrawal if the pipe is surged to dis(harge the (on(rete. 9f: The pile should be (on(reted wholly by tre4ie and the 4ethod of deposition should not be (hanged pen way up she pile to prevent the laitan(e fro4 being entrapped within the pile 9g: 0ll tre4ie tubes should be s(rupulously (leaned alter use The 4ini4u4 e4bed4ent of (ast+in+situ (on(rete piles into pile (ap shall be '5& 44. 0ny defe(tive (on(rete at the head of the (o4pleted pile shall be (ut away and 4ade good with new (on(rete. The (lear (over between the botto4 reinfor(e4ent in pile (ap fro4 the top of the pile shall be not less than %5 44. The reinfor(e4ent in the pile shall be e@posed for full an(horage length to per4it it to be ade>uately bonded into the pile (ap. !@posing su(h length shall be done (arefully to avoid da4aging the rest of the pile. In (ases where the pile (ap is to be laid on ground, a levelling (ourse of M '5 no4inal 4i@ (on(rete '&& 44 thi(, shall be provided. #efe(tive piles shall be re4oved or left in pla(e as ?udged (onvenient without affe(ting the perfor4an(e of ad?a(ent piles or pile (ap. 0dditional piles shall be provided to repla(e the defe(tive piles. ,,-3* STEE+ PI+ES 6teel piles shall be ;H< or ;I< se(tions as shown on the drawings and shall be of stru(tural steel (onfor4ing to the spe(ifi(ations given in 6e(tion '&&&. 6teel piles shall be prote(ted by suitable anti+(orrosive painting as spe(ified on the drawing. Piles shall be stored above the ground using prote(tive pa(,ing to 4ini4ise da4age to surfa(e (oating. !a(h pile shall be supplied preferably in one pie(e without spli(es.

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0t the option of the Contra(tor, steel piling (onsisting of stru(tural 6teel plates welded together 4ay be substituted for the rolled se(tions spe(ified, provided that the depth, width and average thi(,nesses are at least e>ual lo those of the rolled se(tions, the steel plates (onfor4 to spe(ifi(ation given in 6e(tion '&&&, the flanges are welded to the web with (ontinuous fillet welds on either side of the web, and the welding (onfor4s to Clause '1&B.- of these spe(ifi(ations. The length of the steel pile 4ay be built up in se(tions either before or during driving operations. The se(tions shall be of identi(al (ross+se(tion. Pile spli(es shall be 4ade with full penetration butt welds over the whole (ross+se(tion. Pile spli(es shall develop at least the yield strength of pile. The (onne(tions shall be 4ade by butt+welding the entire (ross+se(tion in a((ordan(e with the provisions in Clause '1&B.- of these spe(ifi(ations. Care shall be ta,en to properly align the se(tions (onne(ted so that the a@is of the pile will be straight. The nu4ber of welded (onne(tions in the length of pile shall be as few as possible. ,,-4* TIMBER PI+ES

The !ngineer shall sta4p ea(h pile on the butt with a sta4p whi(h shall 4a,e an i4pression that is readily legible. Treated li4ber piles will be inspe(ted by the !ngineer after treat4ent. Antreated ti4ber 4ay be used as test piles. Antreated ti4ber piles and treated ti4ber piles shall be of approved >uality. Treated ti4ber piles shall be driven within ) 4onths after treat4ent. Ti4ber piles shall be furnished with tip prote(tion and shall be prote(ted by the use of steel straps as hereinafter spe(ified. Tip prote(tion shall be suitable for use on ti4ber piling of the siLe to be driven. #etails of tip prote(tion shall be furnished to the !ngineer for review and approval before driving piles. ot less than % separate steel straps shall be pla(ed within )&& 44 of the butt of ea(h pile after the pile is s>uare (ut. ot less than % separate steel straps shall be pla(ed within 3&& 44 of the Ap of ea(h pile. 0dditional inter4ediate steel straps shall be pla(ed at not 4ore than 3 4etres (entre 4easured along the length of the pile. Ti4ber piles whi(h are to be (apped shall be separately (ut off so that true bearing is obtained on every pile. Piles ina((urately (ut off shall be repla(ed. 6pli(ing of ti4ber piles shall not be per4itted e@(ept by written per4ission of the !ngineer. ,,,-* DRI)ING E>(IPMENT

Piles or their (asings 4ay be driven with any type of drop ha44er, diesel ha44er or single+a(ting stea4 or (o4pressed air ha44er, provided they penetrate to the pres(ribed depth or attain the designed resistan(e without being da4aged. The weight or power of the ha44er should be suffi(ient to ensure a penetration of at least 5 44 per blow, unless ro(, has been rea(hed. It is always preferable to e4ploy the heaviest

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ha44er pra(ti(able and to li4it the stro,e, so as not to da4age the pile. The 4ini4u4 weight of the ha44er shall be %.5t. In the (ase of pre(ast (on(rete piles the 4ass of the ha44er shall be not less than 3& ti4es the 4ass of 3&& 44 length of pile. 6tea4 or air ha44ers shall be furnished along with boiler or air (o4pressor of (apa(ity at least e>ual to that spe(ified by the 4anufa(turer of the ha44ers. The boiler or air (o4pressor shall be e>uipped with an a((urate pressure gauge at all ti4es. The valve 4e(hanis4 and other parts of stea4, air or diesel ha44ers shall be 4aintained in first ` (lass (ondition so that the length of stro,e and nu4ber of blows per 4inute for whi(h the ha44er is designed, will be obtained. Ineffi(ient stea4, +air or diesel ha44ers shall be re4oved fro4 the wor,. ,,,,*DRI)ING ,,,,*,* Gener!: Pro;e"ure #etails of the e>uip4ent and the 4ethod proposed for driving the piles shall be sub4itted with the tender for s(rutiny and approval of the !ngineer. Piles shall be installed fro4 fir4 ground or fro4 te4porary supports or fro4 fi@ed platfor4. The arrange4ent shall provide suffi(ient rigidity to ensure a((ura(y of pile driving under all (onditions of tide, strea4 flow or ha44er drop. #uring driving the top of pile shall be prote(ted by a suitable hel4et of substantial steel (onstru(tion. The hel4et shall provide unifor4 bearing a(ross the top of the pile and shall hold the pile (entrally under the ha44er. o pile shall be driven unless inspe(ted and approved by the !ngineer. Piles shall be driven fro4 a fi@ed fra4e of suffi(ient rigidity to ensure a((ura(y of driving within spe(ified toleran(es. .or(es produ(ing undue bending or torsional stresses in piles shall not be applied during driving. The for(e of the ha44er shall be dire(ted (entrally and a@ially during driving. The stro,e of a single a(ting or drop ha44er shall be li4ited to '.% 4 unless otherwise per4itted by the !ngineer. 0 shorter stro,e 4ay be ne(essary when there is danger of da4aging the pile. Piles shall not be bent or sprung into position but shall be effe(tively guided and held on+line during the initial stages of driving. 0tte4pts to (orre(t any tenden(y for the pile to run off+line by the appli(ation of signifi(ant horiLontal restraint will not be per4itted. 6hortly after the Co44en(e4ent of driving and at regular intervals throughout the driving operation, (he(,s shall be 4ade to ensure that the pile fra4e does not e@ert any undue lateral for(e on the pile due to restraint within the hel4et. If the indi(ations are that a pile will finish outside the spe(ified toleran(es, driving operations on that pile will (ease. The pile shall be withdrawn, the hole filled and the pile re+driven at no e@tra (ost. To avoid the possibility of pre4ature ;set+up< pile driving shall be (ontinuous in the later stages, without any deliberate stops. 9#elays of an hour or less 4ay lead to signifi(ant ;set+up< in piles i.e. resistan(e to further driving in(reases after driving is

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stopped:. If any pile is da4aged in any way during driving, ii shall be repaired or repla(ed as dire(ted by the !ngineer, at no e@tra (ost. If during driving, the head of a pile is da4aged to the e@tent that further driving is not possible, the head shall be (ut off and driving (ontinued. The (ost of (utting off shall be borne by the Contra(tor and where, as a result of su(h (utting off the head, the pile is too short, the Contra(tor, shall, at his own (ost, supply and spli(e on suffi(ient length of pile to restore the pile to its (orre(t length. Piles should be driven to the 4ini4u4 a((eptable penetration shown on the drawings. This 4ay re>uire preboring and*or ?etting as indi(ated in these spe(ifi(ations with the full approval of the !ngineer. Piles shall be driven to no4inal refusal or the re>uired ulti4ate dyna4i( (apa(ity no4inated on the drawings or until the top of the pile is at the level re>uired and spe(ified on the drawing whi(hever gives the lowest toe elevation. The !ngineerKs de(ision in these 4atters shall be final. o4inal refusal shall be ta,en as e>uivalent to %5 44 total penetration for the final %& blows using a ha44er of driving energy as spe(ified and shall be used as the (riterion for a((eptan(e for piles founded on ro(,. 6evere driving whi(h results in an average set per blow less than &.5 44 will not be per4itted. "here hard drilling is en(ountered be(ause of dense strata or obstru(tions lo(ated above the predeter4ined pile tip level, no4inal refusal shall not be (onsidered to have been a(hieved unless the !ngineer is satisfied that the total nu4ber of blows, as the average driving resistan(e spe(ified for no4inal refusal, indi(ates that further driving will not advan(e the pile through dense strata or obstru(tions. The pile shall be driven as a((urately as possible to the verti(al or to spe(ified batter. 6training the pile into position (an da4age it and the driving e>uip4ent should be ad?usted as 4u(h as possible to follow the position of the pile. 0ny deviation fro4 the proper align4ent shall be noted and pro4ptly reported to the !ngineer. If the deviation is to su(h an e@tent that the resulting e((entri(ity (annot be ta,en (are of by strengthening the pile (ap or pile ties, su(h a pile shall, at the dis(retion of the !ngineer, be repla(ed or supple4ented by an additional pile. Anless otherwise, spe(ified, the per4issible positional deviation for piles shall be li4ited to those indi(ated in Clause '''). Care shall be ta,en not to da4age the pile by over+driving. 0ny sudden (hange in the rate of penetration whi(h (annot be as(ribed to the nature of the ground shall be noted and its (ause as(ertained, if possible, before driving is (ontinued. "hen e4ploying a tube whi(h is subse>uently withdrawn for the for4ation of (ast+in+situ pile, (onsideration shall be given to the possibility of doing har4 to a pile re(ently for4ed by driving the tube nearby before the (on(rete has suffi(iently set. The danger of doing har4 is greater in (o4pa(t soils than loose soils. o pile shall be bored or driven within 3 4 of a newly (ast pile until at least %B hours after (o4pletion of its installation. #riving piles in loose sand tends to (o4pa(t the sand whi(h in turn in(reases the s,in fri(tion. Therefore, driving a nu4ber of fri(tion piles in a group shall pro(eed outward fro4 the (entre as otherwise it will be diffi(ult to drive the inner piles to the

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sa4e depth as the others. In the (ase of stiff (lay also, the driving for a group of piles shall pro(eed outward fro4 the (entre. However, in (ase of very soft soil, the driving 4ay pro(eed fro4 outside to inside, so that the soil is restrained fro4 flowing out during driving operations. If there is a 4a?or variation between the depth at whi(h ad?a(ent foundation piles in a group 4eet refusal, a boring shall be 4ade nearby to as(ertain the (ause of this differen(e. If the boring shows that the soil (ontains po(,ets of highly (o4pressive 4aterial below the level of the shorter pile, it will be ne(essary to enfor(e penetration of all the piles to a level below the botto4 of the Lone whi(h shows su(h po(,ets. ,,,,*5* Pre?orin& !n" 9ettin& #riving of the piles 4ay be assisted by preboring holes or by the use of ?ets or both sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. These 4ay be used essentially to a(hieve the 4ini4u4 penetration shown on the drawings where su(h penetration is not rea(hed under nor4al (onditions of driving indi(ated in Clause ''''.'. The dia4eter, of the hole shall not be greater than the diagonal di4ension of the pile less '&& 44. The 4a@i4u4 depth of the preboring shall be su(h that the spe(ified set 9or less: is obtained when the toe of the pile is at founding level. Preboring shall be as approved by the !ngineer and shall not e@tend below one 4etre above the founding level and the pile shall be driven to at least one 4etre below the prebored hole. To ensure that the pile is properly support @l laterally in the hole, any spa(e re4aining around the pile at the ground level after driving is finished shall be ba(,filled, with approved granular 4aterial. "hen water ?etting is used, at least two ?ets shall be atta(hed to the pile sy44etri(ally when this type of te(hni>ue is used. The volu4e and pressure of water at the outlet noLLles shall be suffi(ient to freely erode 4aterial ad?a(ent to the toe of the pile. The 4a@i4u4 depth of ?etting shall be su(h that the spe(ified set 9or less: is obtained when the toe of the pile is at founding level. 8etting shall (ease as dire(ted by the !ngineer and shall not pro(eed below one 4etre above the founding level and the pile shall be driven at least one 4etre below the pre+bored hole. To avoid very hard driving and vibration in 4aterials su(h as sand, ?etting of piles by 4eans of water 4ay be (arried out only by e@press per4ission of the !ngineer and in su(h a 4anner as not to i4pair the bearing (apa(ity of piles already in pla(e, the stability of the soil or the safety of any ad?oining buildings. #etails of the arrange4ent for ?etting shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer in advan(e. If, for ?etting, large >uantities of water are used, it 4ay be ne(essary to 4a,e provision for (olle(tion of water when it (o4es to the ground surfa(e, so that the stability of the piling plant is not endangered by the softening of the ground. 8etting shall be stopped before (o4pleting the driving whi(h shall always be finished by ordinary 4ethods. 8etting shall be stopped if there is any tenden(y for the pile

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Jtips to be drawn towards the pile already driven owing to the disturban(e to the ground. ,,,5* RAKER (INC+INED) PI+ES

The 4a@i4u4 ra,e to be per4itted in piles shall not e@(eed the following / i: ' in - for large dia4eter (ast+in+situ piles viL &.25 4 dia4eter and above ii: ' in " for s4aller dia4eter (ast+in+situ piles iii: ' in B for pre(ast driven piles ,,,.* PI+E TESTS ,,,.*,* Gener!: The bearing (apa(ity of a single pile 4ay be deter4ined fro4 test loading a pile. The load test on a (on(rete pile 4ay not be (arried out earlier than %- days fro4 the ti4e of (asting of the pile. There shall be two (ategories of tests on piles, na4ely, initial tests and routine tests. Initial tests should be (arried out on test piles whi(h are not to be in(orporated in the wor,. Routine tests shall be (arried out as a (he(, on+ wor,ing piles. The nu4ber of initial and routine tests on piles shall be as deter4ined by the !ngineer depending upon the nu4ber of foundations, span length, type of superstru(ture and un(ertainties of founding strata. In any (ase, the initial load tests shall not be less than % in nu4ber, while the routine load tests shall not be less than % per (ent of the total nu4ber of piles in the stru(ture nor less than % in nu4ber. The above stipulations hold good for both verti(al as well as lateral load tests on pile foundations. However, both initial and routine tests 4ay be suitably in(reased for i4portant stru(tures or (ases with large variation in the subsurfa(e strata. The 4ethodology of (arrying out load tests and of arriving at safe load on piles shall (onfor4 to I6/%1'' 9Part IC:. In (ase of any doubt of wor,4anship or load (arrying (apa(ity of wor,ing piles not sub?e(ted to routine tests, or when ordered. by the !ngineer, or when provided in the (ontra(t, load tests on wor,ing piles 4ay be supple4ented by non+destru(tive testing. 6u(h tests 4ay in(lude ;Integrity Testing< of (on(rete in the installed pile and utilisation of ;Pile #riving 0nalyser< whi(h gives an indi(ation of pile (apa(ity in end bearing and side fri(tion. ,,,/* PI+E CAP

Pile Caps shall be of reinfor(ed (on(rete. 0 4ini4u4 offset of '5& 44 shall be provided beyond the outer fa(es of the outer 4ost piles in the group. If the pile (ap is in (onta(t with earth at the botto4, a levelling (ourse of 4ini4u4 '&& 44 thi(,ness of M '6 no4inal 4i@ (on(rete shall be provided. The atta(h4ent of the pile head to the (ap shall be ade>uate for the trans4ission

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of loads and for(es. 0 portion of pile top 4ay be stripped of (on(rete and the reinfor(e4ent an(hored into the (ap. Manual (hipping 4ay be per4itted after three days of pile (asting, while pneu4ati( tools for (hipping shall not be used before seven days after pile (asting. The top of pile after stripping shall pro?e(t at least '5& 44 into the pile (ap. 0 layer of surfa(e reinfor(e4ent 4ay be provided with a (over of %5 44 to retain the integrity of (on(rete below the 4ain (ap reinfor(e4ent whi(h is to be laid %5 44 above the pile top. Con(reting of the pile (ap shall be (arried out in dry (onditions. The botto4 of the pile (ap shall be laid preferably as low as possible ta,ing a((ount of the water level prevalent at the ti4e of (asting. The top of (on(rete in a pile shall be brought above (ut+off level to per4it re4oval of all laitan(e and wea, (on(rete before pile (ap is laid. This will ensure good (on(rete at the (ut+off level. ,,,0* IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONSA INSPECTIONFPRECA(TIONS FOR DIFFERENT T6PES OF PI+ES

,,,0*,* Driven C!st7in7Situ Pi:es ,,,0*,*,* 6pe(ialist literature and the guidelines fro4 the pile (onstru(tion industry shall be (onsulted regarding the 4ethod of installation, e>uip4ent and a((essories for pile driving and re(ording of data. ,,,0*,*5* #uring installation of piles the final ;set< of penetration of pile per blow of ha44er shall be (he(,ed ta,ing an average of last '& blows. ,,,0*,*.* The pile shoes whi(h 4ay be of either (ast iron (oni(al type or 4ild steel flat type shall have double rea4s for proper seating of the re4ovable (asing tube inside the spa(e between the rea4s. ,,,0*,*/* Eefore (o44en(e4ent of pouring of (on(rete, it shall be ensured that there is no ingress of water in the (asing tube fro4 the botto4. .urther ade>uate (ontrol during withdrawal of the (asing tube is essential so as to 4aintain suffi(ient head of (on(rete inside the (asing tube at all stages of withdrawal. ,,,0*,*0* Con(rete in piles shall be (ast upto a 4ini4u4 height of )&& 44 above the designed top level of pile, whi(h shall be stripped off at the ti4e of (onstru(tion of pile (ap. ,,,0*5* Bore" C!st7in7Situ Pi:es ,,,0*5*,* "hile (on(reting un(ased piles, voids in (on(rete shall be avoided and suffi(ient head of (on(rete is to be 4aintained to prevent inflow of soil or water into the (on(rete. It is also ne(essary to ta,e pre(autions during (on(reting to 4ini4ise the softening of the soil by e@(ess water. An(ased (ast+in+situ piles shall not be allowed where 4udflow (onditions e@ist.

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,,,0*5*5* The drilling 4ud su(h as bentonite suspension shall be 4aintained at a level suffi(iently above the surrounding ground water level to ensure the stability of the strata whi(h is being penetrated throughout the boring pro(ess until the pile has been (on(reted. ,,,0*5*.* "here bentonite suspension is used to 4aintain the stability of the bore+hole, it is essential that the properties of the 4aterial be (arefully (ontrolled at stages of 4i@ing, supply to the bore+hole and i44ediately before (on(rete is pla(ed. It is usual to li4it / i: ii: iii: iv: v: The density of bentonite suspension to '.&5 g*(( The 4arsh (one vis(osity between 3& and B& The pH value between 1.5 and '% The silt (ontent less than ' per (ent The li>uid li4it of bentonite not less than B&& per (ent

These aspe(ts shall a(t as (ontrolling fa(tors for preventing (onta4ination of bentonite slurry for (lay and silt. ,,,0*5*/* The bores shall be washed by bentonite flushing to ensure (lean botto4 at two stages viL. after (o4pletion of boring and prior to (on(reting after pla(ing of reinfor(e4ent (age. .lushing of bentonite shall be done (ontinuously with fresh bentonite slurry till the (onsisten(y 7f inflowing and out+flowing slurry is si4ilar. ,,,0*5*0* Tre4ie of '5& 44 to %&& 44 dia4eter shall be used for (on(reting. The tre4ie should have unifor4 and s4ooth (ross+se(tion inside, and shall be withdrawn slowly ensuring ade>uate height of (on(rete outside the tre4ie pipe at all stages of withdrawal. 7ther re(o44endations for tre4ie (on(reting are / i: ii: iii: iv: v: The sides of the bore+hole have to be stable throughout. The tre4ie shall be water+tight throughout its length and have a hopper atta(hed at its head by a water+tight (onne(tion The tre4ie pipe shall be large enough in relation to the sue of %& 44 aggregate the tre4ie pipe shall be of dia4eter not test for larger siLe aggregate tre4ie pipe of larger dia4eter is re>uired The tre4ie pipe shall be lowered to the botto4 of the bore+hole, allowing or drilling 4ud to rise inside it before pouring (on(rete. The tre4ie pipe shall always be ,ept full of (on(rete and shall penetrate well into the (on(rete in the bore+hole with ade>uate 4argin of safely against a((idental withdrawal if the pipe is surged to dis(harge the (on(rete.

,,,0*5*1* .or very long or large dia4eter piles, use of retarding plasti(iser in (on(rete is desirable. ,,,0*5*2* .or large dia4eter piles, it 4ay be essential to destru(tive pile integrity tests to evaluate integrity of the pile. (ondu(t non+

,,,0*5*3* "here possible, it 4ay be desirable to grout the base of pile with (e4ent slurry under suitable pressure after (on(rete in the pile attains the desired

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strength. .or this purpose, (onduit pipes with easily re4ovable plugs at the botto4 end should be pla(ed in the bore along with reinfor(e4ent (age before (on(reting. ,,,1* TO+ERANCES ,,,1*,* Per<issi?:e To:er!n;es or Pi:e i: Pre(ast Con(rete Piles / a. Cariation in (ross+se(tional di4ensions b. Cariation in length (. 6urfa(e irregularities 4easured with 3 4 straight edge d. Eow for length in 44 #riven Piles a. Cariation in (ross+se(tional di4ensions b. Cariation fro4 verti(al or spe(ified ra,e (. Cariation in the final position of the head in plan d. Cariation of level of top of piles Eored Piles a. Cariation in (ross+se(tional di4ensions b. Cariation fro4 verti(al or spe(ified ra,e (. Cariation in the final position of the head in plan d. Cariation of level of top of piles ,,,1*5* Per<issi?:e To:er!n;es or Pi:e C!#s 9a: 9b: 9(: 9d: Cariation in di4ension / \5& 44, +'&44 '5 44 5 44 N %5 44 / / / / / / / / / / / / N 5 44 N %5 44 5 44 Pile $ength in 44 '&&& \5& 44, +'& 44 ' in 5& 25 44 N %5 44 \5& 44, +'& 44 ' in 5& 5& 44 N %5 44



Mispla(e4ent fro4 spe(ified position in plan / 6urfa(e irregularities 4easured with 3 4 straight edge/ Cariation of levels at the top /

,,,2* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. ,,,3* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT .or supply of pre(ast (on(rete, ti4ber or steel piles of spe(ified (ross+se(tion, the 4easure4ent shall be in 4etres of the length of piles ordered in writing by the !ngineer 4easured fro4 the head to the butt of the shoe or the tapered point. Reinfor(e4ent in pre(ast (on(rete piles shall not be 4easured for pay4ent. .or (ast+in+situ driven and bored (on(rete piles of spe(ified (ross+se(tion, the

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4easure4ent shall be the length in 4etres of the a((epted pile that re4ains in the finished stru(ture (o4plete in pla(e. Reinfor(e4ent in (ast+in+situ driven and bored (on(rete piles shall be 4easured for pay4ent as per 6e(tion ')&&. Routine and Initial Pile $oad Tests shall not be 4easured for pay4ent. .or installation of the pile, i.e. by driving in the (ase, of pre(ast (on(rete, ti4ber, steel and (ast+in+situ driven piles, and by boring in the (ase of (ast+in+situ bored piles the 4easure4ent shall be the length in 4etres that re4ains in the finished+ stru(ture (o4plete in pla(eI li4ited to that shown on drawings or ordered by the !ngineer. o distin(tion shall be 4ade for penetration through hard strata or ro(, and so(,eting into ro(,. .or steel liners*(asing shown on the drawings to be per4anently left in pla(e, the 4easure4ent shall be by weight in tonnes that re4ains in the finished stru(ture (o4plete in pla(e, li4ited to that shown on drawings or ordered by the !ngineer. .or the pile (ap, the >uantity of (on(rete shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres as per 6e(tion '2&&. "hile reinfor(e4ent in pile (ap ,,,4* RATE The (ontra(t unit rate for supplying pre(ast (on(rete, u4ber or steel piles shall in(lude (ost of all labour, 4aterials, tools and e>uip4ent, and other wor, involved in 4a,ing or fabri(ating the pile (o4plete as shown on the drawing, and where re>uired its loading, transport, delivery to site unloading and sta(,ing it at the pla(e indi(ated by the !ngineer. The (ost of reinfor(e4ent as per 6e(tion ')&& in pre(ast (on(rete piles shall be dee4ed to be in(luded in the >uoted rate for supply of piles. The (ontra(t unit rate for (ast+in+situ driven and. bored piles shall in(lude the (ost of (on(rete and all other ite4s as per 6e(tion '2&&. The (ontra(t unit rate shall also in(lude (osts of all labour, 4aterials, e>uip4ents and all other in(identals involved in (ondu(ting routine and initial pile load tests in(luding installation of piles for initial load tests. . The (ontra(t unit rate for reinfor(e4ent in (ast+in+situ driven and bored piles shall be as per 6e(tion ')&&. The (ontra(t unit rate for installation of piles shall in(lude full (o4pensation for furnishing all labour, 4aterials, tools and e>uip4ent, and in(identals for doing all the wor,s involved in driving li4ber, pre(ast (on(rete and steel piles, driving or 4a,ing bores for (ast+in+situ driven and bored (on(rete piles, (ulling off pile heads, all (o4plete in pla(e to the spe(ified penetration of piles. Providing te4porary liner*(asing and its withdrawal and pla(ing reinfor(e4ent in position shall also be dee4ed '& be in(luded in the rate for installation of piles and no additional pay4ent shall be 4ade for the sa4e. The (ontra(t unit rate for per4anent steel liners shall in(lude (ost of all labour, fabri(ation and pla(ing the steel liner to the re>uired depth as shown on the drawings and as ordered by the !ngineer. The (ontra(t unit rate for (on(rete in pile (ap shall (over all (osts of labour, 4aterials, tools, plant and e>uip4ent, for4wor, and staging in(luding pla(ing in

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position, sa4pling and testing and supervision, all as per 6e(tion '2&& Reinfor(e4ent in the pile (ap shall be paid for separately as per 6e(tion ')&&

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We:: Foun"!tions ,5--

We:: Foun"!tions

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,5-,* DESCRIPTION This wor, (onsists of (onstru(tion of well foundation, ta,ing it down to the founding level through all ,inds of sub+strata, plugging the botto4, filling the inside of the well, plugging the top and providing a well (ap in a((ordan(e with the details shown on the drawing and as per these spe(ifi(ations, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. In (ase of well foundations of siLe larger than '% 4 dia4eter, supple4ental (onstru(tion spe(ifi(ations will be ne(essary. ,5-5* GENERA+ '%&%.'. "ells 4ay have a (ir(ular, re(tangular, or #+shape in plan and 4ay (onsist of one, two or 4ore (o4part4ents in plan. The outer wall of the well is ,nown as well steining whi(h 4ay be (ellular. The pro(ess of ta,ing down the web to the founding level is ,nown as well sin,ing. 0fter rea(hing the founding level, the hollow inside the well, 9;dredge hole<: is plugged at the botto4 by (on(rete , 9;botto4 plug<:. The dredge hole is then .illed with approved filling upto the level indi(ated on the drawings and provided with a (on(rete plug 9;top plug<:. To fa(ilitate sin,ing of well, steel (utting edge is fabri(ated and, (onne(ted to a (on(rete well (urb of re>uired shape. 7n top of the well (urb, ade>uate height of well steining is (ast and the pro(ess of sin,ing is (arried out. 0fter a portion of the well has been sun,, another height of well steining is (ast on top of the previous se(tion, and further sin,ing (arried out. This pro(ess is (ontinued till the botto4 level of the well rea(hes the founding level. 0t the top of the well steining, an ade>uately designed ;well (ap< is laid whi(h trans4its the loads and for(es fro4 the sub+stru(ture 9piers or abut4ents: to the foundations. ,5-5*5* 0t least one bore+hole 4ust be available*(arried out in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations at ea(h well foundation lo(ation, `prior to (o44en(e4ent of wor,. The depth of bore+holes should e@tend upto, a depth e>ual to one and a half ti4es the outer dia4eter*least di4ension of the well below the anti(ipated founding level. The results ,of soil e@ploration should be presented in a((ordan(e with (lause of IRC/2-. In (ase the well foundation is to rest on a ro(,y strata, ,it 4ay be ne(essary to underta,e additional borings *probings prior to (o44en(e4ent of wor, to as(ertain the a(tual profile and the >uality of the ro(,y strata, at the level at whi(h the well has to be seated, et(. ,5-5*.* Elasting 4ay have to be resorted to in order to fa(ilitate sin,ing through diffi(ult strata, su(h as boulders and ro(,s et(. In (ase blasting is anti(ipated, prote(tive*strengthening 4easures spe(ified in (lause 2'&.) 9IC: of IRC/2- shall be ta,en. The grade of (on(rete in botto4 3 4etres of steining shall not be leaner than M %& or as shown on the drawings. ,5-5*/* In (ase the bore hole data shows the presen(e of steeply dipping ro(,,

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(hiselling 4ay have to be resorted to so as to obtain proper seating of the foundation. .or this purpose, the well 4ay re>uire to be dewatered (o4pletely under high air pressure inside the well. This pro(ess is ,nown as pneu4ati( sin,ing. Pneu4ati( sin,ing 4ay also have to be resorted to in (ases where obsta(les su(h as tree trun,s, large siLed boulders or hard strata et(. (annot be re4oved by open dredging. The ne(essity of adopting pneu4ati( sin,ing shall be de(ided by the !ngineer. J The (urb and steining have to be spe(ifi(ally designed for spe(ial loadingI when pneu4ati( sin,ing is adopted. ,5-.* SETTING O(T AND PREPARATIONS FOR SINKING ,5-.*:* e(essary referen(e points shall be fi@ed, away fro4 the Lone of blow+ups or possible settle4ents resulting fro4 well sin,ing , operations. 6u(h referen(e points shall be (onne(ted to the per4anent the odolite stations with the base line on the ban,s. The (entre of the individual wells shall be 4ar,ed with referen(e to these stations. The distan(e, wherever pra(ti(able, shall be (he(,ed with the help of a((urate tapes and pre(ision disto4at. Referen(e points shall also be fi@ed to 4ar, G+G a@is 9usually traffi( dire(tion: and F+F a@is 9nor4al to G+G a@is: a((urately. 0 te4porary ben(h 4ar, shall also be established near the well foundation, away fro4 the Lones+of blow+ups or possible settle4ent. The ben(h 4ar, shall be (he(,ed regularly with respe(t to the per4anent ben(h 4ar, established at the bridge site. ,5-.*5* .or wells whi(h are to be pit(hed in water, an earthen or sand island shall be (onstru(ted. 6and islands are pra(ti(able for water depths of about 5 4etres under stable bed soil (onditions. .or greater depths or in fast flowing rivers or for lo(ations where soil is too wea, to sustain sand island, floating (aissons 4ay have to be adopted. The plan di4ensions of sand islands shall be su(h as to have a wor,ing spa(e of at least % 4etres all around the steining. The di4ension of the sand islands shall however be not less than twi(e the di4ension in plan of the well or (aisson. 6and islands shall be 4aintained to perfor4 their fun(tions, until the well is sun, to a depth below the bed level at least e>ual to the depth of water. 6and island shall be prote(ted against s(our and the top level shall be suffi(iently above the prevailing water level to be de(ided by the !ngineer so that it is safe against wave a(tion. "hile sand islands are (onstru(ted at well lo(ation, floating (aissons are generally fabri(ated at or near the ban,s on dry land or dry do(,s. .loating (aissons are towed into position in floating (ondition. .loating (aissons 4ay be of steel, reinfor(ed (on(rete or a (o4bination of the two. They should have at least '.5 4 free board above water level and in(reased, if (onsidered ne(essary, in (ase there is a possibility of (aissons sin,ing suddenly owing to reasons su(h as s(our li,ely to result fro4 the lowering of (aissons, effe(t of waves, sin,ing in very soft strata et(. 6tability of floating (aissons shall be ensured against overturning and (apsiLing

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while being towed and during sin,ing for the a(tion of water (urrent, wave pressure, wind et(. .or floating (aissons, a detailed 4ethod state4ent for fabri(ation, floating and sin,ing of (aissons shall be prepared and furnished to IKK the !ngineer. 6u(h state4ent shall in(lude the total tonnage of steel involved, fabri(ation and welding spe(ifi(ations, list of 4aterials and plant and a des(ription of operations and 4anpower re>uired for the wor,. The (aisson shall be tested for lea,ages before being towed to site. ,5-.7.* EEui#<ent !>uip4ent shall be deployed for (onstru(tion of well foundation b? as re>uired and as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Generally, the following MK e>uip4ents 4ay be re>uired for the wor, / 9a: 9b: 9(: 9d: 9e: 9f: 9g: Crane with grab bu(,ets + (apa(ity &.5 to %.& (u4. 6ub4ersible pu4ps 0ir (o4pressors, air lee,s and other a((essories where pneu4ati( sin,ing of well is anti(ipated. Chisels of appropriate siLes 0>ua+header for (utting ro(,y strata #iving hel4ets and a((essories !>uip4ent for (on(rete produ(tion, transportation planing and (o4pa(tion ,5-/* C(TTING EDGE ,5-/*,* The 4ild steel (utting edge shall be 4ade fro4 stru(tural steel se(tions. The (utting edge shall weigh not less than B& ,g per 4etre length+and be properly an(hored into the well (urb, as shown in the drawing. "hen there are two or 4ore (o4part4ents in a well, the botto4 end of the (utting edge of the inner walls of su(h wells shall be ,ept at about 3&& 44 above that of outer walls. ,5-/*5* The parts of (utting edge shall be ere(ted on level fir4 ground. Te4porary supports shall be provided to fa(ilitate ere(tion and 4aintaining the asse4bly in true shape. The fabri(ation 4ay be (arried out in the shop or at site. 6teel se(tions shall not be heated and for(ed into shape. However, ;C< (uts 4ay be 4ade in the horiLontal portion, unifor4ly throughout the length, to fa(ilitate (old bending. 0fter bending, su(h ;C< (uts should be (losed by welding. 8oints in the lengths of stru(tural se(tions, unless otherwise spe(ified shall be fillet welded using single (over plate to ensure the re>uisite strength of the original se(tion. ,5-/.* The (utting edge shall be laid about 3&& 44 above .prevalent water level. ,5-0* WE++ C(RB ,5-0*,* The well (urb 4ay be pre(ast or (ast+in+situ. 6teel for4wor, for well (urb shall be fabri(ated stri(tly in (onfor4ity with the drawing. The outer fa(e of the (urb shall be verti(al. 6teel reinfor(e4ents shall be asse4bled as shown on the drawings.

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The botto4 ends of verti(al bond rods of steining shall be fi@ed se(urely to the (utting edge with (he(, nuts or by welds. The for4wor, on outer fa(e of (urb 4ay be re4oved within %B hours after (on(reting. The for4wor, on inner fa(e shall be re4oved after 2% hours. ,5-0*5* operation. 0ll (on(reting in the well (urb shall be done in one (ontinuous ,5-1* WE++ STEINING ,5-1*,* The di4ensions, shape, (on(rete strength and reinfor(e4ents of the well shall stri(tly (onfor4 to those shown on the drawings. The for4 wor, shall preferably be of M.6. sheets shaped and stiffened suitably. In (ase ti4ber for4s are used, they shall be lined with plywood or M.6. sheets. ,5-1*5* 6teining built in the first lift above the well (urb shall not be 4ore than % 4etres and in subse>uent lifts it shall not e@(eed the dia4eter of the well or the depth of well sun, below the ad?oining bed level at any ti4e. .or stability, the first lift of steining shall be (ast only after sin,ing the (urb atK least partially for stability. Con(reting of steining 4ay be (arried out in subse>uent lifts of about % to %.5 4etres. .0tte4pts should be 4ade to 4ini4ise the nu4ber of (onstru(tion ?oints. The (on(reting layers shall be li4ited to about B5&44 restri(ting the free fall of (on(rete to not 4ore than '.5 4. $aitan(e for4ed at the top surfa(e of a lift shall be re4oved to e@pose (oarse aggregates before setting of (on(rete at the proposed (onstru(tion ?oint. 0s far as possible, (onstru(tion ?oints shall not be ,ept at the lo(ation of laps in the verti(al steining bars. ,5-1*.* The steining of the well shall be built in one straight line fro4 botto4 to top su(h that if the well is tilted, the ne@t lift of steining will be aligned in the dire(tion of the tilt. The wor, will be (he(,ed (arefully with the aid of straight edges of lengths approved by the !ngineer. Plu4b bob or spirit level shall not be used for align4ent. 0fter sin,ing of a stage is (o4plete, da4aged portions if any, of steining at top of the previous stage shall be properly repaired before (onstru(ting the ne@t stage. ,5-1*/* The height of steining shall be (alibrated by 4a,ing at least B gauges 9preferably in traffi( dire(tion and in a dire(tion nor4al to traffi( dire(tion: distributed e>ually on the outer periphery of the well ea(h in the for4 of a '&& 44 wide strip painted on the well, with every 4etre 4ar, shown in bla(, paint. The. gauges shall start with Lero at the botto4 of the (utting edge. Mar,ing of the gauges shall be done (arefully with a steel tape. ,5-1*0* 0fter rea(hing the founding level, the well steining shall be inspe(ted to (he(, for any da4age or (ra(,s. The !ngineer will dire(t and the Contra(tor shall e@e(ute the re4edial 4easures before a((eptan(e of the well steining. In (ase the well (annot be a((epted even with any re4edial 4easures, then the well shall stand re?e(ted. 5-2* WE++ SINKING ,5-2*,* Gener!:

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The well shall as far as possible be sun, true and verti(al through all types of strata. 6in,ing or loading of the well with =ent ledge shall be (o44en(ed only after the steining has been (ured for at least B- hours or as spe(ified in the drawings. o well shall be per4itted to be pla(ed in a pre+dredged hole. The well shall be sun, by e@(avating 4aterial unifor4ly fro4 inside the dredge hole. Ase of water ?etting, e@plosives and divers 4ay be adopted for sin,ing of wells through diffi(ult strata with prior approval of the !ngineer. or4ally dewatering of well should not be per4itted as a 4eans for sin,ing the well. It also shall never be resorted to if there is any danger of sand blowing under the well. #ewatering shall however be done when well is to be founded into ro(,. Pneu4ati( sin,ing 4ay have to be resorted to where obsta(les su(h as tree trun,s, large siLe boulders, et(. are 4et at the botto4 or when there is hard strata whi(h (annot be re4oved by open dredging. The ne(essity for pneu4ati( sin,ing shall be de(ided by the !ngineer. 6in,ing history of well shall be 4aintained in the for4at given in Appendix '%&&*'. ,5-2*5* (se o Kent:e"&e !s Sin@in& +o!" =entledge shall be pla(ed in an orderly and safe 4anner on the loading platfor4 and in su(h a way that it does not interfere with the e@(avation of the 4aterial fro4 inside the dredge hole and also does not in any way da4age the steining of the well. "here tilts are present or there is a danger of well developing a tilt, the position of the load shall be regulated in su(h a 4anner as to provide greater sin,ing effort on the higher side of the well.. ,5-2*.* (se o W!ter 9ettin& "ater ?etting 4ay be e4ployed for well sin,ing wherever ne(essary. ,5-2*/* (se o EB#:osives Mild e@plosive (harges 4ay be used as an aid for sin,ing of the well only with prior per4ission of the !ngineer. Elasting of any sort shall only be done in the presen(e of the !ngineer and not before the (on(rete in the steining has hardened suffi(iently and is 4ore than 2 days old. "hen li,elihood of blasting is predi(ted in advan(e, prote(tion of the botto4 portion of the well shall be done as per these spe(ifi(ations. 0fter blasting operations are (o4pleted, the well (urb and steining shot Id be e@a4ined for any (ra(,s and re4edial 4easures ta,en. If blasting has been used after the well has rea(hed the design foundation level, nor4ally %B hours shall be allowed to lapse before the botto4 plug is laid. The (harges shall be e@ploded well below the (utting edge by 4a,ing a su4p so as to avoid (han(es of any da4age to the (urb or to the steining of the well. 0 4ini4u4 su4p of ' 4etre depth should be 4ade before resorting to blasting. Ase of large (harges, &.2 ,g or above, 4ay not be allowed e@(ept under e@pert dire(tion and with the per4ission fro4 the !ngineer. 6uitable pattern of (harges 4ay be arranged with delay

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detonators to redu(e the nu4ber of (harges fired at a ti4e. The burden of the (harge 4ay be li4ited to ' 4etre and the spa(ing of holes 4ay nor4ally be ,ept as &.5 to &.) 4etres. 0ll prevalent laws (on(erning handling, storing and using of e@plosives shall be stri(tly followed. 0ll safety pre(autions shall be ta,en as per I6/B&-' ;6afety Code for Elasting and related #rilling 7perations<, to the e@tent appli(able, whenever blasting is resorted to. There should be no e>uip4ent inside the well nor shall there be any labour in the (lose vi(inity of the well at the ti4e of e@ploding the (harges. If ro(, blasting is to be done for seating of the well, the da4age (aused by flying debris should be 4ini4ised by (overing blasting holes by rubber 4ats before blasting. ,5-2*0* (se o Divers Ase of divers 4ay be 4ade both for sin,ing purpose li,e re4oval of obstru(tions, ro(, blasting and for inspe(tion. 0ll safety pre(autions shall be ta,en as per any a((eptable safety (ode for sin,ing with divers or any statutory regulations in for(e. 7nly persons trained for the diving operation shall be e4ployed and shall be (ertified to be fit for diving by an approved do(tor. They shall wor, under e@pert supervision. The diving and other e>uip4ents shall be of a((eptable standard and (ertified to this effe(t by an approved independent agen(y, It shall be well 4aintained+for safe use. 0rrange4ent for a4ple supply of low pressure (lean (ool air shall be ensured through an ar4oured fle@ible hose pipe. 6tandby (o4pressor plant shall be provided in (ase of brea,down. 6eparate high pressure (onne(tion for use of pneu4ati( tools shall be 4ade. !le(tri( lights where provided shall be at 5& volts 94a@i4u4:. The raising of the diver fro4 the botto4 of wells shall be (ontrolled so that de(o4pression rate (onfor4s to the rate as laid down in appropriate regulations. ,5-2*1* (se o Pneu<!ti; Sin@in& ,5-2*1*,* Gener!: The !ngineer shall fa4iliarise hi4self with parti(ular referen(e to (aisson diseases and wor,ing of the 4edi(al air+lo(,. 0 do(tor (o4petent to deal with (ases of ;Caisson #iseases< or other (o4pli(ations arising as a result of wor,ing under high pressure,I shall be stationed at the (onstru(tion site when pneu4ati( sin,ing is under progress. The (ontra(tor shall provide (o4plete fa(ilities in(luding the issuing of orders to ensure stri(t enfor(e4ent of the re>uire4ents outlined in these spe(ifi(ations.

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6afety provisions as (ontained in I6/B'3- and in these spe(ifi(ations shall be stri(tly followed. Pneu4ati( sin,ing shall be restri(ted to a depth of 3&.& 4. ,5-2*1*5* M!n7+o;@s !n" Sh! ts $o(,s, redu(ers, and shaft used in (onne(tion with (aissons shall be of riveted (onstru(tion throughout. The 4aterial used in their 4anufa(ture shall be steel plate with thi(,ness not less than ) 44. 6hafts shall be sub?e(ted to hydrostati( or air pressure test of at least &.5 MPa, at whi(h pressure they shall be tight. The pressure at whi(h testing has been done shall be (learly and visibly displayed. 6hafts shall be provided, with a safe, proper and suitable stair(ase for its entire length in(luding landing platfor4s whi(h are not 4ore than ) 4etres apart. "here this is i4pra(ti(able due to spa(e (onstraint, suitable ladders along with landing platfor4s shall be installed. These shall be ,ept (lear and in good (ondition at all ti4es and shall be (onstru(ted, inspe(ted and 4aintained to the entire satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 0 '.& 4 wide platfor4 with '.& 4 high railing shall be provided all round the (aisson air lo(,s. "here '5 or 4ore 4en are e4ployed, (aissons shall have two lo(,s, one of whi(h shall be used as a 4an lo(,. $o(,s shall be lo(ated so that the lowest part of the botto4 door shall not be less than ' 4etre above high water level. The supply of fresh air to the wor,ing (ha4ber shall at all ti4es be suffi(ient to per4it wor, to be done without any danger or e@(essive dis(o4fort. 0ll air supply lines shall be supplied with (he(, valves and (arried as near to the fa(e as pra(ti(able. 0 4an+lo(, shall be used solely for the (o4pression or de(o4pression of persons, and not for the passage of plant and 4aterial and shall be 4aintained in a reasonably (lean and suffi(iently war4 state. However, any hand tool or hand instru4ents used for the purpose of the wor, 4ay be (arried into the 4an+lo(,. "here it is not reasonably pra(ti(able to provide a separate 4an+to(, for use by persons only, the lo(, when it is in a(tual use for (o4pression or de(o4pression of a person or persons shall not be put, si4ultaneously, to any other use and shall be in a reasonably (lean and suffi(iently war4 state. ,5-2*1*.* )!:ves !@haust valves shall be provided, having risers e@tending to the upper part of the (ha4ber. These shall be operated, whenever ne(essary spe(ially after a blast. Pre(autions shall be ta,en that 4en are not allowed to resu4e wor, after a blast +until the gas and s4o,e are (leared.

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,5-2*1*/* Me"i;!: su#ervision !n" ;erti i;!tion !very e4ployee absent fro4 wor, for '& or 4ore (onse(utive days due to illness or any other disability shall be re>uired to pass the regular physi(al e@a4ination by the do(tor before being per4itted to return to wor,. 0fter a person has been e4ployed (ontinuously in (o4pressed air for a period of % 4onths, he shall be re+e@a4ined by the do(tor and shall not to be per4itted to wor, until su(h re+e@a4ination has been 4ade and the report is satisfa(tory. o person ,nown to be addi(ted to the e@(essive use of into@i(ants shall be per4itted to wor, in (o4pressed air. The do(tor shall, at alK ti4es, ,eep a (o4plete and full re(ord of e@a4inations 4ade by hi4, whi(h shall (ontain dates of e@a4inations, a (lear and full des(ription of the person e@a4ined, his age and physi(al (ondition at the li4e of e@a4ination and a state4ent as to the period su(h a person has been engaged in su(h e4ploy4ent Re(ords shall be ,ept at the pla(e where the wor, is in progress and shall be sub?e(t to inspe(tion by authorised offi(ers. !very 4an lo(, shall always have a do(tor or a responsible person in attendan(e. In (ase the person in (harge is not a do(tor he 4ust have positive 4eans of pro4ptly (o44uni(ating with and se(uring the servi(es of a (o4petent do(tor in (ase of e4ergen(y. 6u(h arrange4ents shall invariably be sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. If the air pressure e@(eeds &.% MPa gauge or if 5& or 4ore 4en are e4ployed, it is obligatory for the person in (harge of 4edi(al lo(, to be a do(tor e@perien(ed in this type of wor,. 0ll (ases of (o4pressed+air illness shall be reported and (opies of all su(h reports shall be ,ept on file at the pla(e of wor,. ,5-2*1*0* +i&htin& 0ll lighting in (o4pressed air (ha4bers shall be operated only by ele(tri(ity. Two independent ele(tri( lighting syste4s with independent sour(es of supply shall be used. These shall be so arranged that the e4ergen(y sour(e shall be(o4e auto4ati(ally operative in (ase of failure of the regularly used sour(e. The 4ini4u4 intensity of light on any wal,way ladder, stairway, or lower wor,ing level shall be one+>uarter 9'*B: (andlepower. In all wor, pla(es, the lighting shall always be su(h as to enable wor,4en to see their way about (learly. 0ll e@ternal parts of lighting fi@tures and ele(tri(al e>uip4ent lying within %.5 4etres above the floor shall be (onstru(ted of non+(o4bustible, non+absorbing insulating 4aterials. If 4etal is used it 4ust be effe(tively earthed. Portable la4p shall have non+(o4bustible, non+ absorbing insulating so(,ets, approved handles, bas,et guards and approved (ables. The use of worn or defe(tive portable and pendant (ondu(tors, shall be prohibited.

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,5-2*1*1* S! ety !&!inst ire h!C!r" o oil, gasoline, or other (o4bustible 4aterial shall be stored within 3& 4etres of any shaft, (aisson, or tunnel opening. However, oil 4ay be stored in suitable tan,s in isolated fireproof buildings, provided su(h buildings are not less than I6 4etres fro4 any shaft, (aisson, or tunnel opening or any building dire(tly (onne(ted thereto. Positive 4eans shall be ta,en to prevent lea,ing fla44able li>uids fro4 flowing into areas spe(ifi(ally 4entioned in the pre(eding paragraph. "here feasible, a fire hose (onne(ted to a suitable sour(e of water shall be provided at the top of every (aisson. "here fire 4ains are not a((essible, a supply of water shall be stored in tan,s near the top of every (aisson, provided fire pails or suitable pu4ps are ,ept available. 0pproved fire e@tinguishers shall also be provided. ,5-2*1*2* S!nit!tion Properly heated, lighted and ventilated dressing roo4s shall be provided for all e4ployees engaged in (o4pressed air wor,. 6u(h roo4s shall (ontain lo(,ers and ben(hes and be open and a((essible to 4en during inter4ission between shifts. 0de>uate toilet a((o44odation of one for every twenty five e4ployees shall be provided. Care shall be ta,en to ,eep all parts of the (aissons and other wor,ing (o4part4ents, in(luding lo(,er roo4s, dry roo4s, rest roo4s, and other e>uip4ent in a good sanitary (ondition and free fro4 refuse, de(aying, or other ob?e(tionable 4atter. o nuisan(e shall be tolerated in the air (ha4ber. 64o,ing shall be stri(tly prohibited and all 4at(hes and s4o,ing 4aterials shall be left out of the lo(,er roo4s. 0 separate dry+roo4 shall be provided where wor,ing (lothes 4ay be dried within reasonable ti4e. ,5-2*1*3* Prote;tion !&!inst &!ses In all (ases where gas is e@pe(ted in(luding alluviu4 i4pregnated with de(ayed vegetable 4atter the use of #avy 6afety $a4p shall be (o4pulsory. ,5-2*1*4* A""ition!: s! ety #rovisions a: The weight of the pneu4ati( platfor4 and that of steining and ,entledge, if any, shall be suffi(ient to resist the uplift fro4 air inside, s,in fri(tion being negle(ted in this (ase. If, at any se(tion the total weight a(ting downwards is less than the uplift pressure of air inside, additional ,entledge shall be pla(ed on the well. If it is not possible to 4a,e the well heavy enough during e@(avation, ;blowing down< 4ay be used. The 4en should be withdrawn and air pressure ;redu(ed The well should then begin to 4ove with s4all redu(tion in air pressure. ;Elowing down< should only be used when the ground is su(h that it will not heave up inside the (ha4ber when the pressure is redu(ed. "hen the well does not 4ove with the redu(tion in air pressure,

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,entledge should be added. ;Elowing down< should be in short stages and the drop should not e@(eed. &.5 4etre at any stage. To (ontrol sin,ing during blowing down, use of pa(,ings are re(o44ended. The pneu4ati( sin,ing plant and other allied 4a(hinery shall not only be of proper design and 4a,e, but also shall be wor,ed by (o4petent and well trained personnel. !very pan of the 4a(hinery and its fi@tures shall be 4inutely e@a4ined before installation and use. 0vailability of appropriate spares, standbys, safety, of personnel as re(o44ended in I6/B '3- for wor,ing in (o4pressed air 4ust be ensured at site. Codes for safety and for wor,ing in (o4pressed air and other labour laws and pra(ti(es prevalent in the (ountry, as spe(ified to provide safe, effi(ient and e@peditious sin,ing shall be followed. Infla44able 4aterials shall not be ta,en into air lo(,s and s4o,ing shall be prohibited. "herever gases are suspe(ted to be issuing out of dredge hole, the sa4e shall be analysed by trained personnel and ne(essary pre(autions adopted to avoid haLard to life and e>uip4ent. "here blasting is resorted to, it shall be (arefully (ontrolled and all pre(autions regarding blasting shall be observed. "or,ers shall be allowed inside after blasting only when a (o4petent and >ualified person has e@a4ined the (ha4ber and steining thoroughly and found the sa4e to be safe.

,5-2*2* Pre;!utions Durin& Sin@in& a: "hen the wells have to be sun, (lose to et(h other and (lear distan(e between the4 is not greater than the dia4eter of wells, sin,ing shall be sun, up on all wells and they shall he sun, alternately to that sin,ing of wells pro(eeds unifor4ly. 6i4ultaneous and even dredging shall be (arried out in the wells in su(h a 4anner that the differen(e in the levels of the su4p and (utting edge in the ad?a(ent wells does not e@(eed half the (lear gap between the4. Plugging of all the wells shall be done together. #uring sin,ing of du4b+bell or double #+shaped wells, the e@(avation in both the dredge holes should be (arried out si4ultaneously and e>ually. Eore (hart shall be referred to (onstantly during sin,ing for ta,ing ade>uate (are while pier(ing different types of strata. The type of soil as obtained during the well sin,ing should be (o4pared with bore (hin so as to ta,e pro4pt de(isions. Eefore seasonal Hoods all wells on whi(h sin,ing is in progress shall be sun, to suffi(ient depths below the designed s(our level. .urther, they shall be te4porarily filled and plugged so that they do not suffer v62 tilt or shift during the floods. 0ll ne(essary pre(autions shall be ta,en against any possible da4age to the foundations of e@isting stru(tures in the vi(inity of the wells, prior to (o44en(e4entK of dredging fro4 inside the well. The dredged 4aterial shall riot be allowed to a((u4ulate over the well. It

b: (:




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shall be du4ped and spread, as far away as possible, and then (ontinuously and si4ultaneously re4oved, as dire(ted by the !ngineer. In (ase the river strea4 flows along one edge of the well being sun,, the dredged 4aterial shall not be du4ped on the dry side of the ban,I but on the side on whi(h the river (urrent flows. g: Cery deep su4p shall not be 4ade below the well (urb, as it entails ris, of ?u4ping 9sudden sin,ing: of the well. The depth of su4p shall be generally li4ited to one+si@th of the outer dia4eter*least lateral di4ension of the well in plan. or4ally, the depth of su4p shall not e@(eed 3.& 4etres below the level of the (utting edge unless otherwise spe(ifi(ally per4itted by the !ngineer. In (ase a well sin,s suddenly with a ?er,, the steining of the well shall be e@a4ined to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer to see that no da4age has o((urred to it. In pneu4ati( sin,ing, the well shall not, at any ti4e, be dropped to a depth greater than 5&& 44 by the 4ethod of ;blowing down<. #ewatering shall be avoided if sand blows are e@pe(ted. 0ny e>uip4ent and 4en wor,ing inside the well shall be brought out of the well as soon as there are any indi(ations of s sand+blow. 6and blowing in wells (an often be 4ini4ised by ,eeping the level of water inside the well higher than the water table and also by adding heavy ,entledge. In soft strata prone to settle4ent*(reep, the (onstru(tion of the abut4ent wells shall be ta,en up only alter the approa(h e4ban,4ent for a suffi(ient distan(e near the abut4ent has been (o4pleted.


i: ?:



,5-2*3* Ti:ts !n" Shi ts The in(lination of the well fro4 the verti(al is ,nown as tilt and the horiLontal displa(e4ent of the (entre of the well at the founding level fro4 its theoreti(al position is ,nown as shift. Anless otherwise spe(ified, the tilt of any well shall not e@(eed ' 9horiLontal: in -& 9verti(al:, and the shift at the well base shall not be 4ore than '5& 44 in any resultant dire(tion. Tilts and shifts shall be (arefully (he(,ed and re(orded in the for4at vide 0ppendi@ 2%&&*22 regularly during sin,ing operations. .or the purpose of 4easuring the tilts along the two a@es of the bridge, redu(ed level of the 4ar,s painted on the surfa(e of the steining of the well shall be ta,en. .or deter4ination of shift, lo(ations of the ends of the two dia4eters shall be pre(isely 4easured along the two a@es, with referen(e to fi@ed referen(e points. "henever any lilt is noti(ed, ade>uate preventive 4easures li,e pla(ing e((entri(

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,entledge, pulling, strutting, an(horing or dredging unevenly and depositing dredge 4aterial une>ually, putting obsta(les below (utting edge. "ater ?etting et(., shall be adopted before any further sin,ing. 0fter (orre(tion, the dredged 4aterial shall be spread out unifor4ly. 0 pair of wells (lose to ea(h other have a tenden(y to (o4e (loser while sin,ing. Ti4ber struts 4ay be introdu(ed in between the steining of these wells to prevent tilting. Tilts o((urring in a well during sin,ing in dipping ro(,y strata (an be safeguarded by suitably supporting the (urb. In the event of a well developing tilt or shift beyond the spe(ified per4issible values, the Contra(tor shall have to (arry out, /at his own (ost, suitable re4edial 4easures to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer, to bring the till and shift within per4issible values, as far as pra(ti(able. If the resultant till and * or shift of any well e@(eeds the spe(ified per4issible values, generally it should not e@(eed ' in 5& and 3&& 44 respe(tively. The well so sun, shall be regarded as not (onfor4ing to spe(ifi(ations and a sub+standard wor,. The !ngineer in his sole dis(retion, 4ay (onsider a((epting su(h a well, provided / 9i.: Cal(ulations for foundation pressures and steining stresses, a((ounting for the a(tual tilt and shift furnished by the Contra(tor show that the well is safe. 0ny re4edial 4easures re>uired to bring the stresses within per4issible values 9su(h as in(rease in the di4ension of the well (ap, provision of du44y weights on the well (ap et(:, shall be (arried out by the Contra(tor without. (lai4ing for any e@tra (ost. 9ii.: The Contra(tor shall agree to redu(tion in rates in a((ordan(e with Clause '%'59g:. In (ase the !ngineer, in his dis(retion, re?e(ts the well, the Contra(tor shall dis4antle the re?e(ted well to the e@tent dire(ted by the !ngineer and re4ove the debris. .urther, the Contra(tor shall, at his own ris, and e@pense (o4plete the bridge with 4odified span arrange4ent a((eptable to the !ngineer. ,5-2*4* Se!tin& o We::s The well shall be unifor4ly seated at the founding strata. It shall be ensured by test borings that the properties of the soil en(ountered at the founding strata and upto a depth of one and a half ti4es the `well dia4eter is identi(al to that adopted in the design. The pro(edure for lest borings shall satisfy the provisions of these spe(ifi(ations. In (ase the soil en(ountered is inferior to that adopted in design, the well shall be re+designed by the !ngineer adopting the soil properties a(tually en(ountered and the founding level inti4ated to the Contra(tor, who shall (arry out the wor,. In (ase of seating of wells in hard ro(,y strata, where the ro(, profile is steeply sloping, pneu4ati( 4ethods of sin,ing 4ay be adopted to seat the well evenly as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The de(ision of adopting pneu4ati( sin,ing shall be ta,en by the !ngineer. The (utting edge 4ay also be e4bedded for a suitable depth in the ro(,y strata, as de(ided by the !ngineer ,eeping in view the >uality of ro(,. 0s an additional 4easure

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of safety, the well shall be an(hored to the ro(,y strata by an(hor bars provided in the steining of the well, as shown on the drawing irrespe(tive of the fa(t that tension develops or not at the base of the well under design loads. 0fter the well has been evenly seated on good hard ro(,, arrange4ents shall be 4ade to fa(ilitate proper inspe(tion in dry and visible (onditions before the botto4 plug is laid. ,5-3* BOTTOM P+(G

.or botto4 plug, the (on(rete 4i@ shall be designed 9in dry (ondition: to attain the (on(rete strength as 4entioned on the drawing and shall (ontain '& per (ent 4ore (e4ent than .that re>uired for the sa4e 4i@ pla(ed dry, to (ater for underwater (on(reting. However, the total (e4ent (ontent shall not be less than 3)3 ,g*(u.4. of (on(rete with a slu4p in the range of '5& 44 to %&& 44. 0d4i@tures 4ay be added to the (on(rete to i4part the re>uired (hara(teristi(s indi(ated herein. Con(rete for the botto4 plug shall be laid by tre4ie pipe 4ethod. Tre4ie (on(rete when started shall be (ontinued without interruption for full (on(reting in the botto4 plug. The (on(rete produ(tion e>uip4ent and pla(e4ent e>uip4ent should be suffi(ient to enable under water (on(reting within stipulated ti4e. e(essary standby e>uip4ent should be available for e4ergen(y situation. Eefore (o44en(ing plugging, all loose 4aterial fro4 the botto4 of the well shall be re4oved. Con(reting shall be done in one (ontinuous operation till the dredge hole is filled upto the re>uired height and thereafter sounding shall be ta,en upto ensure that the (on(rete has been laid to the re>uired height. $east disturban(e shall be (aused to the water inside the well while laying (on(rete in the botto4 plug. Con(rete shall not be disturbed in any way for at least 'B days. In order to (he(, any rise in the level of the botto4 plug soundings should be ta,en at the (lose of (on(reting and on(e every day for the subse>uent 3 days. The soundness of the botto4 plug 4ay be tested by dewatering the well by 5 4etres below the surrounding water level and (he(,ing the rise of water. The rate of rise shall preferably be less than '& (4s per hour. In (ase the rate is higher, suitable re4edial 4easures as dire(ted by the !ngineer, shall be ta,en by the Contra(tor at his own (ost. ,5-4* SAND FI++ING

6and filling shall (o44en(e after a period of 3 days of laying of botto4 plug. 0lso, the height of the botto4 plug shall be verified before starting sand filling. 6and shall be (lean and free fro4 earth, (lay (lods, roots, boulders, shingles, et(. and shall be (o4pa(ted as dire(ted. 6and filling shall be (arried out upto the level shown on the drawing, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

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0fter filling sand upto the re>uired level a plug of (on(rete shall be provided over it as shown on the drawing, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,5,,* WE++ CAP

0 reinfor(ed (e4ent (on(rete well (ap will be provided over the top of the steining in a((ordan(e with the drawing. .or4wor, will be prepared (onfor4ing to the shape of well (ap. Con(reting shall be (arried out in dry (ondition. 0 properly designed false steining 4ay be provided where possible to ensure that the well (ap is laid in dry (onditions. The botto4 of the well (ap shall be laid preferably as low as possible, ta,ing a((ount the water level prevalent at the ti4e of (asting Eond rods of steining shall be an(hored into the well (ap. ,5,5* TO+ERANCES The per4issible tilt and shift shall not e@(eed ' 9horiLontal: in -& verti(al: and the shift at the well base shall not be 4ore than '5& c 44 in any resultant dire(tion. .or the well steining and well (ap the per4issible toleran(es shall he as follows / 9a: 9b: 9(: 9d: Cariation in di4ension / \5& 44 + '& 44 Mispla(e4ent fro4 spe(ified position in plan / '5 44 6urfa(e irregularities 4easured with 3 4 straight edge/ 5 44 Cariation of levels at the top / N%5 44

,5,.* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. ,5,/* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT

0ll >uantities shall be 4easured fro4 the drawing, or as ordered by the !ngineer, e@(epting those re>uired to be provided by the Contra(tor at his (ost. a: The (utting edge shall be 4easured in tonnes based on the net weight of 4etal used in it, as per 6e(tion '1&&. b: The (on(rete in (urb, well steining and well (ap shall be 4easured in (ubit 4etres in ea(h of the =erns as per 6e(tion '2&&. The reinfor(e4ents shall be 4easured in tonnes separately in ea(h of the ite4s, as per 6e(tion ')&&. (: The 4easure4ent for well sin,ing shall be 4ade in running 4etres for different depths and in different types of strata 9for e@a4ple, predo4inantly sand* (lay soil, soft ro(,, hard ro(,, et(: as spe(ified in the Contra(t The

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depth of sin,ing shall be 4easured fro4 the level spe(ified in the Contra(t. If no level has been spe(ified in the Contra(t, sin,ing shall be 4easured fro4 the low water level or fro4 the level at whi(h the (utting edge was laid, whi(hever is higher. d: The >uantity of (on(rete, in botto4 and top plug shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres as per 6e(tion '2&&. e: The >uantity of sand filling shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres. f: Pneu4ati( sin,ing, where re>uired shall be paid as a separate ite4 and shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres of 4aterial to be e@(avated. ,5,0* RATE

a: The Contra(t unit rates of (utting edge shall (over all (osts of labour, 4aterial, tools, plant and e>uip4ent, in(luding pla(ing in position, sa4pling and testing, and, supervision, ill as per respe(tive 6e(tion of 6tru(tural 6led "or, and as des(ribed in this se(tion. b: The Contra(t unit rates for (on(rete in (urb, steining, botto4 plug, top plug and well (ap. shall (over all (osts of labour, 4aterial, tools, plant and e>uip4ent, for4wor, and staging in(luding pla(ing in position, sa4pling and testing, and, supervision, all as per respe(tive 6e(tion of 6tru(tural Con(rete and as des(ribed in this se(tion. (: The Contra(t unit rates for reinfor(e4ent in (urb, steining, and well (ap, shall (overall (ostd of labour, 4aterial, tools, plant and e>uip4ent, in(luding bending to shape, pla(ing in position, sa4pling, testing and supervision, alQ as per respe(tive 6e(tion of 6teel Reinfor(e4ent and as des(ribed in this se(tion. d: The Contra(t unit rateQ for sand filling shall (over all (osts of labour, 4aterial, tools, plant and e>uip4ent, in(luding pla(ing in position, sa4pling, testing and supervision, all as des(ribed in this se(tion. e: The Con(rete unit rates for sin,ing shall (over, the (ost of labour, tools, and e>uip4ent and plant and for all operations and other in(idental for sin,ing of well in(luding seating e@(epting provisions of pneu4ati( sin,ing as des(ribed in this 6e(tion. The unit rates shall spe(ify the strata su(h as types of soil, ro(,, et(. The rate shall (over all testing and supervision re>uired for the wor,. f: The Contra(t unit rate of 4aterial to be e@(avated by pneu4ati( sin,ing shall (over all (osts of labour, 4aterial, tools, plant and other e>uip4ent and other in(identals and safely provisions and supervision re>uired for pneu4ati( sin,ing as per this 6e(tion. g: Redu(tion in (ontra(t unit rates for sin,ing as a penalty, in pursuan(e of (lause '%&2.-. If any well with tilt arid*or shift e@(eeding beyond per4issible values is a((epted by the !ngineer, the Contra(tor shall give a redu(tion in the rates as follows / 6. o. Per (ent dedu(tion. on the rate9s: for sin,ing of whole well Tilt e@(eeding the spe(ified per4issible value but e>ual 5 per (ent 04ount of tilt and*or shift


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%. 3. B. 5. ).

to or within ' in )& Tilt e@(eeding ' in )& but e>ual to or within ' in 5& Tilt e@(eeding ' in 5& 6hift e@(eeding the spe(ified per4issible value but e>ual to or within %&& 44 6hift e@(eeding %&& 44 but e>ual to or within 3&& 44 6hift e@(eeding 3&& 44

'& per (ent %& per (ent % per (ent 5 per (ent '& per (ent

Penalties for e@(essive tilt and shift shall be dedu(ted separately

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Bri;@ M!sonry ,.--

Bri;@ M!sonry

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,.-,* DESCRIPTION This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion of stru(tures with bri(,s ?ointed together by (e4ent 4ortar in a((ordan(e with the details shown oh the drawings or as approved by the !ngineer. ,.-5* MATERIA+S

0ll 4aterials to be used in the wor, shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents laid down in 6e(tion '&&&. ,.-.* PERSONNE+

7nly trained personnel shall be e4ployed for (onstru(tion and supervision. ,.-/* CEMENT MORTAR

Ce4ent and sand shall be 4i@ed in spe(ified proportions given in the drawings. Ce4ent shall be proportioned by weight, ta,ing the unit weight of (e4ent as '.BB tonne per (ubi( 4etre. 6and shall be proportioned by volu4e ta,ing into a((ount due allowan(e for bul,ing. 0ll 4ortar shall be 4i@ed with a 4ini4u4 >uantity of water to produ(e desired wor,ability (onsistent with 4a@i4u4 density of 4ortar. The 4i@ shall be (lean and free fro4 in?urious type of soil*a(id*al,ali* organi( 4atter or deleterious substan(es. The 4i@ing shall preferably be done in a 4e(hani(al 4i@er operated 4anually or by power. Hand 4i@ing (an be resorted to as long as unifor4 density of the 4i@ and its strength are assured sub?e(t to prior approval of the !ngineer. "here per4itted, spe(ifi( per4ission is to be given by the !ngineer. Hand 4i@ing operation shall be (arried out on a (lean water+tight platfor4, where (e4ent and sand shall be first 4i@ed dry in the re>uired proportion by being turned over and over, ba(,wards and forwards several ti4es till the 4i@ture, is of unifor4 (olour. Thereafter, 4ini4u4 >uantity of water shall be, added to bring the 4ortar to the (onsisten(y of a stiff paste. The 4ortar shall be 4i@ed for at least two 4inutes after addition of water. Mortar shall be 4i@ed only in su(h >uantity as re>uired for I44ediate use. The 4i@ whi(h has developed initial set shall not be used. Initial set of 4ortar with ordinary Portland Ce4ent shall , nor4ally be (onsidered to have ta,en pla(e in 3& 4inutes after 4i@ing. In (ase the 4ortar has stiffened during initial setting ti4e be(ause of evaporation of water, the. sa4e (an be re+te4pered by adding water as fre>uently as needed to restore the re>uisite (onsisten(y, but this re+te4pering shall not be per4itted after 3& 4inutes. Mortar unused for 4ore than 3& 4inutes shall be re?e(ted and re4oved fro4 site of wor,. ,.-0* SOAKING OF BRICKS 0ll bri(,s shall be thoroughly soa,ed in a tan, filled with water for a 4ini4u4 period of one hour prior to being laid. 6oa,ed bri(,s shall be re4oved fro4 the tan, suffi(iently in advan(e so that they are s,in dry at the ti4e of a(tual laying. 6u(h soa,ed bri(,s shall be sta(,ed on a (lean pla(e where they are not (onta4inated with din, earth, et(.

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The thi(,ness of ?oints shall not e@(eed '&44. 0ll ?oints on e@posed fa(es shall be tooled to give (on(ave finish. ,.-2* +A6ING

0ll bri(,wor, shall be laid in an !nglish bond, even and true to line, in a((ordan(e with the drawing or as dire(ted by the !ngineer, plu4b and level and all ?oints a((urately ,ept. Half and (ut bri(,s shall not be used e@(ept when ne(essary to (o4plete the bond. Closer in su(h (ases shall be (ut to the re>uired siLe and used near the ends of the walls. The bri(,s used at the fa(e and also at all angles for4ing the ?un(tion of any two walls shall be sele(ted whole bri(,s of unifor4 siLe, with true and re(tangular fa(es. 0ll bri(,s shall be laid with frogs up on a full bed of 4ortar e@(ept in the (ase of tile bri(,s. !a(h bri(, shall be properly bedded and set in position by slightly pressing while laying, so that the 4ortar gets into all their surfa(e pores to ensure proper adhesion. 0ll head and side ?oints shall be (o4pletely filled by applying suffi(ient 4ortar to bri(, already pla(ed and on bri(, to be pla(ed. 0ll ?oints shall be properly flushed and pa(,ed with 4ortar so that no hollow spa(es ar( left o bats or (ut bri(,s shall be used e@(ept to obtain di4ensions of the different (ourses for spe(ified bonds or wherever a desired shape so re>uires. The bri(, wor, shall be built in unifor4 layers, and for this purpose wooden straight edge with graduations indi(ating thi(,ness of ea(h (ourse in(luding ?oint shall be used. Corners and other advan(ed wor, shall be ra,ed ba(,. Eri(,wor, shall be done true to plu4b or in spe(ified batter. 0ll (ourses shall be laid truly horiLontal and verti(al ?oints shall be truly verti(al. Certi(al ?oints in alternate (ourses shall (o4e dire(tly one over the other. #uring (onstru(tion, no part of wor, shall rise 4ore .than one 4etre above the general (onstru(tion level, to avoid une>ual settle4ent and i4proper ?ointing. "here this is not possible in the opinion of the !ngineer, the wor,s shall be ra,ed ba(, a((ording to the bond 9and not toothed: at an angle not steeper than B5 degrees with prior approval of the !ngineer. Toothing 4ay also be per4itted where future e@tension is (onte4plated. Eefore laying bri(,s in foundation, the foundation slab shall be thoroughly ha(,ed, swept (lean and wetted. 0 layer of 4ortar not less than '% 44 thi(, shall be spread on the surfa(e of the foundation slab and the first (ourse of bri(,s shall be laid. ,.-3* 9OINTING O+D AND NEW WORK "here fresh 4asonry is to ?oin with 4asonry that is partially*entirely set, the e@posed ?ointing surfa(e of the set 4asonry shall be (leaned, roughened and wetted, so as to effe(t the best possible bond with the new wor,. 0ll loose bri(,s and 4ortar or other 4aterial shall be re4oved. In the (ase of verti(al or in(lined ?oints, it shall be further ensured that proper bond between the old and new 4asonry is obtained by interlo(,ing the bri(,s. 0ny

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portion of the bri(,wor, that has been .(o4pleted shall re4ain undisturbed until thoroughly set. In (ase of sharp (orners spe(ially in s,ew bridges, a flat (utba(, of '&& 44 shall be provided so as to have proper and bonded laying of bri(,s. ,.-4* C(RING Green wor, shall be prote(ted fro4 rain by suitable (overing and shall be ,ept (onstantly 4oist on all fa(es for a 4ini4u4 period of seven days. Eri(, wor, (arried out during the day shall be suitably 4ar,ed indi(ating the date on whi(h the wor, is done so as to ,eep a wat(h on the (uring period. The top of the 4asonry wor, shall be left flooded with water at the (lose of the day. "atering 4ay be done (arefully so as not to disturb or wash out the green 4ortar. #uring hot weather, all finished or partly (o4pleted wor, shall be (overed or wetted in su(h a 4anner as will prevent rapid drying of the bri(,wor,. #uring the period of (uring of bri(, wor,, it shall be suitably prote(ted fro4 all da4ages. 0t the (lose of dayKs wor, or for other period of (essation, watering and (uring shall have to be 4aintained. 6hould the 4ortar perish i.e. be(o4e dry, white or powdery through negle(t of (uring, wor, shall be pulled down and rebuilt as dire(ted by the !ngineer. If any stains appear during watering, the sa4e shall be re4oved fro4 the fa(e. ,.,-* SCAFFO+DING The s(affolding shall be sound, strong and safe to withstand all loads li,ely to (o4e upon it. The holes whi(h provide resting spa(e for horiLontal 4e4bers shall not be left in 4asonry under one 4etre in width or i44ediately near the s,ew ba(,s of ar(hes. The holes left in the 4asonry wor, for supporting the s(affolding shall be filled and 4ade good. 6(affolding shall be got approved by the !ngineer. However, the Contra(tor shall be responsible for its safety. ,.,,* E>(IPMENT

0ll tools and e>uip4ent used for 4i@ing, transporting and laying of 4ortar and bri(,s shall be (lean and free fro4 set 4ortar, din or other in?urious foreign substan(es. ,.,5* FINIS%ING OF S(RFACES ,.,5*,* Gener!: 0ll bri(,wor, shall be finished in a wor,4anli,e 4anner with the thi(,ness of ?oints, 4anner of stri,ing or tooling as des(ribed in these above spe(ifi(ations. The surfa(es (an be finished by ;?ointing< or ;pointing< or by ;plastering< as given in the drawings. .or a surfa(e whi(h is to be subse>uently plastered or pointed, the ?oints shall be s>uarely ra,ed out to a depth of I6 44, while the 4ortar is still green. The ra,ed ?oints shall be well brushed to re4ove dust and loose parti(les and the surfa(e shall be thoroughly washed with water, (leaned and wetted.

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The 4ortar for finishing shall be prepared as per Clause '3&B. ,.,5*5* 9ointin& In ?ointing, the fa(e of the 4ortar shall be wor,ed out while still green to give a finished surfa(e flush with the fa(e of the bri(, wor,. The fa(es of bri(, wor, shall be (leaned to re4ove any splashes of 4ortar during the (ourse of raising the bri(, wor,. ,.,5*.* Pointin& Pointing shall be (arried out using 4ortar not leaner than '/3 by volu4e of (e4ent and sand or as shown on the drawing. The 4ortar shall be filled and pressed into the ra,ed ?oints before giving the re>uired finish. The pointing shall be ruled type for whi(h it shall, while still green, be ruled along the (entre with half round tools of su(h width as 4ay be spe(ified by the !ngineer. The super flush 4ortar shall then be ta,en off fro4 the edges of the lines and the surfa(e of the 4asonry shall be (leaned of all 4ortar. The wor, shall (onfor4 to I6/%%'%. ,.,5*/* P:!sterin& Plastering shall be done where shown on the drawing. 6uperfi(ial plastering 4ay be done, if ne(essary, only in stru(tures situated in fast flowing rivers or in severely aggressive environ4ent. Plastering shall be started fro4 top and wor,ed down. 0ll putlog holes shall be properly filled in advan(e of the plastering while the s(affolding is being ta,en down. "ooden s(reeds 25 44 wide and of the thi(,ness of the plaster shall be fi@ed verti(ally %.5 to B 4etres apart, to a(t as gauges and guides in applying the plaster. The 4ortar shall be laid on the wall between the s(reeds using the plasterKs float and pressing the 4ortar so that the ra,ed ?oints are properly filled. The plaster shall then be finished off with a wooden straight edge rea(hing a(ross the s(reeds. The straight edge shall be wor,ed on the s(reeds with a s4all upward and sideways 4otion 5& 44 to 25 44 at a ti4e. .inally, the surfa(e shall be finished off with a plastererKs wooden float. Metal floats shall not be used. "hen re(o44en(ing the plastering beyond the wor, suspended earlier, the edges of the old plaster shall be s(rapped, (leaned and wetted before plaster is applied to the ad?a(ent areas. o portion of the surfa(e shall be left unfinished for pat(hing up at a later period. The plaster shall be finished true to plu4b surfa(e and to the proper degree of s4oothness as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The average thi(,ness of plaster shall not be less than the spe(ified thi(,ness. The 4ini4u4 thi(,ness over any portion of the surfa(e shall not be less than the spe(ified thi(,ness by 4ore than 3 44 0ny (ra(,s whi(h appear in the surfa(e and all portions whi(h sound hollow when tapped, or are found to be soft or otherwise defe(tive, shall be (ut in re(tangular

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shape and re+done as dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,.,5*0* Curin& o Finishes Curing shall be (o44en(ed as soon as the 4ortar used for finishing has hardened suffi(iently not to +be da4aged during (uring. It shall be ,ept wet for a period of at least 2 days. #uring this period, it shall be suitably prote(ted fro4 all da4ages. ,.,5*1* S;! o:"in& or Finishes 6tage s(affolding shall be provided for the wor,. This shall be independent of the stru(ture. ,.,.* WA++ ARC%ITECT(RA+ COPING FOR WINGFRET(RNF PARAPET (onsist of providing an 0r(hite(tural (oping for

This wor, shall wing*return*parapet walls.

The 4aterial used shall be (e4ent 4ortar '/3 or as shown on the drawings prepared in a((ordan(e with Clause '3&B. The (e4ent 4ortar shall be laid evenly to an average thi(,ness of '5 44 to the full width of the top of the wall and in (ontinuation a band of '5 44 thi(,ness and '5& 44 depth shall be 4ade out of the 4ortar along the top outer fa(e of the walls. ,.,/* ACCEPTANCE OF WORK

0ll wor, shall be true '& the lines and levels as indi(ated on the drawing or as dire(ted by the !ngineer, sub?e(t to toleran(es as indi(ated in these spe(ifi(ations. Mortar (ubes shall be tested in a((ordan(e with I6/%%5& for (o4pressive strength, (onsisten(y of 4ortar and its water retentivity. The fre>uen(y of testing shall be one sa4ple for every % (ubi( 4etres of 4ortar, sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 3 sa4ples for a dayKs wor,. In (ase of plaster finish, the 4ini4u4 surfa(e thi(,ness shall not be less than the spe(ified thi(,ness by 4ore than 344. ,.,0* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT 0ll bri(, wor, shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres. 0ny e@tra wor, done by the Contra(tor over the spe(ified di4ensions shall be ignored. In ar(hes, the length of ar(h shall be 4easured as the 4ean length between the e@trados and intrados. The wor, of plastering and pointing shall be 4easured in s>uare 4etres of the surfa(e treated. 0r(hite(tural (oping shall be 4easured in linear 4etres.

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The (ontra(t unit rate for bri(, wor, shall in(lude the (ost of all labour, 4aterials, tools and plant, s(affolding and other e@penses in(idental to the satisfa(tory (o4pletion of the wor,, sa4pling, testing and supervision as des(ribed in these spe(ifi(ations and as shown on the drawings. The (ontra(t unit rate for plastering shall in(lude the (ost of all labour, 4aterials, tools and plant, s(affolding and all in(idental e@penses, sa4pling and testing and supervision as des(ribed in these spe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t unit rate for pointing shall in(lude ere(ting and re4oval of s(affolding, all labour, 4aterials, and e>uip4ent in(idental to (o4plete the pointing, ra,ing out ?oints, (leaning, wetting, filling with 4ortar, trowelling, pointing and watering, sa4pling and testing and supervision as des(ribed in these spe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t unit rate for ar(hite(tural (oping shall in(lude (ost of all labour, 4aterials, tools and plant, sa4pling and testing and supervision as des(ribed in these spe(ifi(ations.

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Stone M!sonry ,/--

Stone M!sonry

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,/-,* DESCRIPTION This wor, shall (onsist of the (onstru(tion of stru(tures with stones ?ointed together by (e4ent 4ortar in a((ordan(e with the details shown on the drawings and these spe(ifi(ations or as approved by the !ngineer. ,/-5* MATERIA+S

0ll 4aterials used in stone 4asonry shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '&&& e@(ept (e4ent 4ortar for stone 4asonry whi(h shall (onfor4 to Clause '3&B. ,/-.* PERSONNE+

7nly trained personnel shall be e4ployed for (onstru(tion and supervision. ,/-/* T6PE OF MASONR6 The type of 4asonry used for stru(tures shall be rando4 4asonry 9(oursed or un(oursed: or (oursed rubble 4asonry 9.irst sort:. However, for bridge wor, generally, (ourse rubble stone 4asonry shall be used. The a(tual type of 4asonry used for different parts of stru(tures shall be spe(ified on the drawings. .or fa(ing wor,, ashlar 4asonry shall be used where indi(ated on the drawings. ,/-0* CONSTR(CTION OPERATIONS ,/-0*,* Gener!: ReEuire<ents The dressing of stone shall be as spe(ified for individual type 4asonry wor, and it shall also (onfor4 to the general re>uire4ents of I6/ '512 and re>uire4ent for dressing of stone (overed in I6/ ''%1. 7ther spe(ifi( re>uire4ents are (overed separately with respe(t to parti(ular types of rubble stone wor,. ,/-0*5* +!yin& ,/-0*5*,* The 4asonry wor, shall be laid to lines, levels, (urves and shapes as 6hown in the plan. The height in ea(h (ourse shall be ,ept sa4e and every stone shall be fine tooled on all beds ?oints and fa(e full and true. The e@posed fa(es shall be gauged out, grooved, regulated and sun, or plain 4oulded as the (ase 4ay be. The fa(es of ea(h stone between the draft be left rough as the stone (o4es fro4 >uarry e@(ept where sa(rifi(ial layer is to be provided or plastering is resorted to due to aggressive environ4ent. ,/-0*5*5* 6tones shall be suffi(iently wetted before laying to prevent absorption of water fro4 4ortar. 6tratified stones 4ust be laid on their natural beds. 0H bed ?oints shall be nor4al to the pressure upon the4. 6tones in the hearting shall be laid on their broadest fa(e that gives a better

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opportunity to fill the spa(es between stones. The (ourses of the 4asonry shall ordinarily be pre+deter4ined. They shall generally be of the sa4e height. "hen there is to be variation in the height of (ourses, the larger (ourses ar( to be pla(ed at lower levels, heights of (ourses de(reasing gradually towards the top of the wall. The+pra(ti(e of pla(ing loose 4ortar on the (ourse and pouring water on it to fill the gaps in stones is not a((eptable. Mortar 4ay be fluid 4i@ed thoroughly and then poured in the ?oints. o dry or hollow spa(e shall be left anywhere in the 4asonry and ea(h stone shall have all the e4bedded fa(es (o4pletely (overed with 4ortar. In tapered walls, the beds of the stones and the planes of (ourse should be at right angles to the batter. In (ase of bridge piers with batter on both sides, the (ourse shall be horiLontal. The bed whi(h is to re(eive the stone shall be (leaned, wetted and (overed with a layer of fresh 4ortar. 0ll stones shall be laid full in 4ortar both in bed and verti(al ?oints and settled (arefully in pla(e with a wooden 4allet i44ediately on pla(e4ent and solidly e4bedded in 4ortar before it has set Clean (hips and spails shall be wedged into the 4ortar ?oints and bed wherever ne(essary to avoid thi(, beds or ?oints of 4ortar. "hen the foundation 4asonry is laid dire(tly on ro(,, the fa(e stones of the first (ourse shall be dressed to fit into ro(, snugly when pressed down in the 4ortar bedding over the ro(,. o dry or hollow spa(e shall be left anywhere in the 4asonry and ea(h stone shall have all the e4bedded fa(es (o4pletely (overed with 4ortar. .or 4asonry wor,s over ro(,, a levelling (ourse of '&& 44 thi(,ness and in (on(rete M '5 shall be laid over ro(, and then stone 4asonry wor, shall be laid without foundation (on(rete blo(,. .a(e wor,s and hearting shall be brought up evenly but the top of ea(h (ourse shall not be levelled up by the use of flat (hips. .or sharp (orners spe(ially in s,ew bridges, through stones shall be used in order to avoid spalling of (orners. In (ase any stone already set in 4ortar is disturbed or the ?oints bro,en, it shall be ta,en out without disturbing the ad?oining stones and ?oints. #ry 4ortar and stones thoroughly (leaned fro4 the ?oints and stones and the stones reset in fresh 4ortar. 0tte4pt 4ust never be 4ade to slide one stone on top of another, freshly laid. 6haping and dressing shall be done before the stone is laid in the wor,. o dressing and ha44ering, whi(h will loosen the 4asonry, will be allowed after it is on(e pla(ed. 0ll ne(essary (hases for ?oggles, dowels and (la4ps should be for4ed before hand. 6uffi(ient transverse bonds shall be provided by the use of bond stone e@tending fro4 the front to the ba(, of the wall and in (ase of thi(, wall fro4 outside to the interior and vi(e versa. In the latter (ase, bond stones shall overlap ea(h other in their arrange4ent. In (ase headers are not available, pre(ast headers of M '5 (on(rete shall be used. Cast+in+situ headers are not per4itted.

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6tones shall brea, ?oint on the fa(e for at least half the height of the (ourse and the bond shall be (arefully 4aintained throughout. In band wor, at all angle ?un(tions of walls, the stones at ea(h alternate (ourse shall be (arried into ea(h of the respe(tive walls so as to unite the wor, thoroughly. The pra(ti(e of building up thin fa(es tied with o((asional through stones and Tilling up the 4iddle with s4all stuff or even dry pa(,ing is not a((eptable. 0ll >uoins and the angles of the opening shall be 4ade fro4 sele(ted stones, (arefully s>uared and bedded and arranged to bond alternately long and short in both dire(tions. 0ll verti(al ?oints shall be truly verti(al. Certi(al ?oints shall be staggered e as far as possible. #istan(e between the nearer verti(al ?oints of upper layer and lower shall not be less than half the height of the (ourse. 7nly re(tangular shaped bond stones or headers shall be used. Eond stones shall overlap ea(h other by '5& 44 or 4ore. 0ll (onne(ted 4asonry in a stru(ture shall be (arried up nearly at one unifor4 level throughout but when brea,s are unavoidable the 4asonry shall be ra,ed in suffi(iently long steps to fa(ilitate ?ointing of old and new wor,. The stepping of ra,ing shall not be 4ore than B5 degrees with the horiLontal. ,/-0*.* R!n"o< M!sonry 9An(oursed and Coursed: ,/-0*.*,* Dressin& = 6tone shall be ha44er dressed on the fa(e, .the sides and beds to enable it to (o4e in pro@i4ity with the neighbouring stoneK. The bushing on the e@posed fa(e shall not be 4ore than B& 44. ,/-0*.*5 Insertion o ;hi#s = Chips and spalls of stone 4ay be used wherever ne(essary to avoid thi(, 4ortar beds or ?oints and it shall be ensured that no hollow spa(es are left anywhere in the 4asonry. The (hips shall not be used below hearting stones to bring these upto the level of fa(e stones. Ase of (hips shall be restri(ted to filling of intersti(es between the ad?a(ent stones in hearting and they shall not e@(eed %& per (ent of the >uantity of stone 4asonry. ,/-0*.*.* %e!rtin& stones = The hearting or interior filling of the wall fa(e shall (onsist of rubble stones not less than '5& 44 in any dire(tion, (arefully laid, ha44ered down with a wooden 4allet into position and solidly bedded in 4ortar. The hearting should be laid nearly level with fa(ing and ba(,ing. ,/-0*.*/* Bon" stones = Through bond stones +shall be provided in 4asonry upto )&& 44 thi(,ness and in (ase of 4asonry above )&& 44 thi(,ness, a set of two or 4ore bond stones overlapping ea(h other at least by '5& 44 shall be provided in a line fro4 fa(e to ba(,. +In (ase of highly absorbent types of stones 9porous li4estone and sandstones, et(.,: the bond stone shall e@tend only about two+third into the wall, as through stones in su(h (ases 4ay give rise to penetration of da4pness and therefore, for

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all thi(,nesses of su(h 4asonry, a set of two or 4ore bond stones overlapping ea(h other by at least '5& 44 shall be provided. 7ne bond stone or a set of bond stones shall be provided for every &.5& s>. 4. of the 4asonry surfa(e. ,/-0*.*0* >uoin stone = Duoin stone i.e. stone spe(ially sele(ted and neatly dressed for for4ing an e@ternal angle in 4asonry wor,, shall not be less than &.&3 (ubi( 4etre in volu4e. ,/-0*.*1* P:u< stone = The plu4 stones are sele(ted long stones e4bedded verti(ally in the interior of the 4asonry to for4 a bond between su((essive (ourses and shall be provided at about 1&& 44 intervals. ,/-0*.*2* +!yin& = The 4asonry shall be laid with or without (ourses as spe(ified. The >uoins shall be laid header and stret(her alternately. !very stone shall be fitted to the ad?a(ent stone so as to for4 neat and (lose ?oint. .a(e stone shall e@tend and bond well in the ba(,. These shall be arranged to brea, ?oints, as 4u(h as possible, p+ and to avoid long verti(al lines of ?oints. ,/-0*.*3* 9oints = The fa(e ?oints shall not be 4ore than %& 44 thi(,, but shall be suffi(iently thi(, to prevent stone+to+stone (onta(t d shall be (o4pletely filled with 4ortar. ,/-0*/* SEu!re Ru??:e 7 Course" Ru??:e (First Sort) ,/-0*/*,* Dressin& = .a(e stones shall be ha44er dressed on all beds and ?oints so as to give the4 re(tangular shape. These shall be s>uare on all ?oints and beds. The bed ?oints shall be (hisel drafted for at least -& 44 ba(, fro4 the fa(e and for at least B& 44 for the side ?oints. o portion of the dressed surfa(e shall show a depth 7f gap 4ore than ) 44 fro4 the straight edge pla(ed on it. The re4aining une@posed portion of the stone shall not pro?e(t beyond the surfa(e of bed and side ?oints. The re>uire4ents regarding bushing shall be the sa4e as for rando4 rubble 4asonry. ,/-0*/*5* %e!rtin& stones = The hearting or interior filling of the wall fa(e shall (onsist of flat bedded stone (arefully laid, on prepared beds in 4ortar. The use of (hips shall be restri(ted to the filling of intersti(es between the ad?a(ent stones in hearting and these shall not e@(eed '+& per (ent of the >uantity of 4asonry. "hile using (hips it shall be ensured that no hollow spa(es are left anywhere in the 4asonry. ,/-0*/*.* Bon" stones = The re>uire4ents regarding through or bond stone shall be the sa4e as for rando4 rubble 4asonry, but these, shall be provided at '.5 4etre to '.- 4etre apart (lear in every (ourse. ,/-0*/*/* >uoin stone = The >uoins shall be of the sa4e height of the (ourse in whi(h these o((ur and shall be for4ed of header stones not less than B5&44 in length. They shall be laid lengthwise alternately along ea(h fa(e, s>uare in their beds whi(h shall be fairly dressed to a depth of at least '&& 44. ,/-0*/*0* F!;e stone = .a(e stones shall tail into the wor, for not less than their heights and at least one+third of the stones shall tail into the wor, for a length not less than twi(e their height. These shall be laid as headers and stret(hers alternately.

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,/-0*/*1* +!yin& = The stones shall be laid on horiLontal (ourses and all verti(al ?oints should be truly verti(al. The >uoin stones should be laid header and stret(her alternately and shall be laid s>uare on their beds, whi(h shall be rough (hisel dressed to a depth of at least '&& 44. ,/-0*/*2* 9oints = The fa(e ?oints shall not be 4ore than '& 44 thi(,, but shall be suffi(iently thi(, to prevent stone+to+stone (onta(t and shall be (o4pletely filled with 4ortar. ,/-0*0* Ash:!r M!sonry (P:!in Ash:!r) ,/-0*0*,* Dressin& = !very stone shall be (ut to the re>uired siLe and shape, (hisel dressed on all beds and ?oints so as to be free fro4 all bushing. #ressed surfa(e shall not show a depth of gap of 4ore than 3 44 fro4 straight edge pla(ed on it. The e@posed fa(es and ?oints, ) 44 fro4 the fa(e shall be fine tooled so that a straight edge (an be laid along the fa(e of the stone in (onta(t with every point. 0ll visible angles and edges shall be true and s>uare and free fro4 (hippings. The (orner stones 9>uoins: shall be dressed s>uare and (o4er shall be straight and verti(al. ,/-0*0*5* Bon" stones = Through bond stones shall be provided in 4asonry upto )&& 44 thi(,ness and in (ase of 4asonry above )&& 44 thi(,ness, a set of two or 4ere bond stones overlapping ea(h other at least by '5& 44 shall be provided in a line fro4 fa(e to ba(,. In (ase of highly absorbent types of stones 9porous li4estone and sandstones, et(.,: the bond stone shall e@tend only about two+third into the wall, as through stones in su(h (ases 4ay give rise to penetration of da4pness and, therefore, for all thi(,nesses of su(h 4asonry a set of two or 4ore bond stones overlapping ea(h, other by at least '5& 44 shall be provided. 7ne bond stone or a set of bond stones shall be '.5 4etres to '.- 4etres apart (lear in every (ourse. ,/-0*0*.* +!yin& = The fa(e stone shall be laid header and stret(her alternately, the header being arranged to (o4e as nearly as possible in the 4iddle of stret(hers above and below. 6tones shall be laid in regular (ourses not less than 3&& 44 in height and all (ourses of the sa4e height unless otherwise spe(ified. o stone shall be less in width than its height or less in length than twi(e its height, unless otherwise spe(ified. ,/-0*0*/* 9oints = 0ll ?oints shall be full of 4ortar. These shall not be less than 3 44 thi(,. .a(e ?oints shall be unifor4 throughout, and a unifor4 re(ess of %& 44 depth fro4 fa(e shall be left with the help of a stone plate during the progress of wor,. ,/-0*1* Pointin& Pointing shall be (arried out using 4ortar not leaner than '/3 by volu4e of (e4ent and sand or .as shown on the drawing. The 4ortar shall be filled and pressed into the ra,ed out ?oints before giving the re>uired finish. The pointing shall (onfor4 to Clause '3'%.3 of the spe(ifi(ation. The wor, shall (onfor4 to . I6/%%'%. The thi(,ness of ?oints shall not be less than 3 44 for 0shlar 4asonry. However, the 4a@i4u4 thi(,ness of ?oints in different wor,s shall be as follows/ Rando4 Rubble / %& 44

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Coursed Ruble 0shlar Masonry ,/-0*2* Curin&

/ '5 44 / 5 44

Curing shall (onfor4 to Clauses '3&1 and '3'%.5 ,/-0*3* S;! o:"in& .or s(affolding Clause '3'& shall apply. ,/-0*4* Wee# %o:es "eep holes shall (onfor4 to Clause %2&). ,/-0*,-* 9ointin& 'ith EBistin& Stru;tures .or 8ointing with e@isting stru(tures, the spe(ifi(ations given under Clause '3&shall apply. ,/-1* WA++S ARC%ITECT(RA+ COPING FOR WINGFRET(RNF PARAPET

0r(hite(tural (oping for wing*return*parapet walls shall (onfor4 to (lause '3'3. ,/-2* TESTS AND STANDARD OF ACCEPTANCE 0ll wor, shall be done to the lines and levels as indi(ated on he drawing or as dire(ted by the !ngineer sub?e(t to toleran(es as spe(ified in these spe(ifi(ations. Mortar (ubes shall be ta,en in a((ordan(e with I6/%%5& for (o4pressive strength, (onsisten(y of 4ortar and its water retentivity. The fre>uen(y of testing shall be one sa4ple for every two (ubi( 4etres of 4ortar sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 3 sa4ples for a dayKs wor,. ,/-3* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT 6tone 4asonry shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres. In ar(hes, the length of ar(h shall be 4easured as the 4ean length between the e@trados and intrados. The wor, of pointing shall be 4easured in s>uare 4etres. 0r(hite(tural (oping shall be 4easured in linear 4etres. ,/-4* RATE The (ontra(t unit rate for stone 4asonry shall in(lude the (ost of all labour, 4aterials, tools and plant, s(affolding, sa4pling and testing, supervision and other e@penses in(idental to the satisfa(tory (o4pletion of the wor, as des(ribed herein above.

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The (ontra(t unit rate for pointing shall in(lude ere(ting and re4oval of s(affolding, all labour, 4aterials and e>uip4ent in(idental to (o4plete pointing, ra,ing out ?oints, (leaning, wetting, filling with 4ortar, trowelling, pointing and watering, sa4pling and testing and supervision as des(ribed in these spe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t rate for ar(hite(tural (oping shall in(lude the (ost of all labour, 4aterials, tools and plant, sa4pling and testing and supervision as des(ribed in these spe(ifi(ations.

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For<'or@ ,0--


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,0-,* DESCRIPTION .or4wor, shall in(lude all te4porary or per4anent for4s re>uired for for4ing the (on(rete of the shape, di4ensions and surfa(e finish as shown on the drawing or as dire(ted by the !ngineer, together with all props, staging, (entering, s(affolding and te4porary (onstru(tion re>uired for their support. The design, ere(tion and re4oval of for4wor, shall (onfor4 to IRC/-2 ;Guidelines for #esign and !re(tion of .alsewor, for Road Eridges< and these spe(ifi(ations. ,0-5* MATERIA+S 0ll 4aterials shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of IRC/-2. Materials and (o4ponents used for for4wor, shall be e@a4ined for da4age or e@(essive deterioration before use * re+use and shall be used only if found suitable after ne(essary repairs. In (ase of ti4ber for4wor,, the inspe(tion shall not only (over physi(al da4ages but also signs of atta(,s by de(ay, rot or inse(t atta(, or the develop4ent of splits. .or4s shall be (onstru(ted with 4etal or ti4ber. The 4etal used for for4s shall be of su(h thi(,ness that the for4s re4ain true to shape. 0ll bolts should be (ountersun,. The use of approved internal steel ties or steel or plasti( spa(ers shall be per4itted. 6tru(tural steel tubes used as support for for4s shall have a 4ini4u4 wall thi(,ness of B 44. 7ther 4aterials (onfor4ing to the re>uire4ents of IRC/-2 4ay also be used if approved by the !ngineer. ,0-.* DESIGN OF FORMWORK ,0-.*,* The Contra(tor shall furnish the design and drawing of (o4plete for4wor, 9i.e. the for4s as well as their supports: for approval of the !ngineer before any ere(tion is ta,en up. If proprietary syste4 of for4wor, is used, the Contra(tor shall furnish detailed infor4ation as per Appendix 1"##11 to the !ngineer for approval. otwithstanding any approval or review of drawing and design by the !ngineer, the Contra(tor shall be entirely responsible for the ade>ua(y and safety for for4wor,. ,0-.*5* The design of the for4wor, shall (onfor4 '& provisions of IRC/-2. It shall ensure that the for4s (an be (onveniently re4oved without disturbing the (on(rete. The design shall fa(ilitate proper and safe a((ess to all parts of for4wor, for inspe(tion. ,0-.*.. In the (ase of prestressed (on(rete superstru(ture, (areful (onsideration shall be given to redistribution of loads on props due to prestressing. ,0-/* WORKMANS%IP ,0-/*,* The for4wor, shall be robust and strong and the ?oints shall be lea,+ proof. Ealli shall not be used as staging. 6taging 4ust have (ross bra(ings and diagonal bra(ings in both dire(tions. 6taging shall be provided with an appropriately designed base plate resting on fir4 strata. ,0-/*5* The nu4ber of ?oints in the for4wor, shall be ,ept to a 4ini4u4 by

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using large siLe panels. The design shall provide for proper ;soldiers< to fa(ilitate align4ent. 0ll ?oints shall be lea, proof and 4ust be properly sealed. Ase of PCC 87I T sealing tapes, foa4 rubber or PCC T+se(tion is essential to prevent lea,age of grout. ,0-/*.* 0s far as pra(ti(able, (la4ps shall be used to hold the for4s together. "here use of nails is unavoidable 4ini4u4 nu4ber of nails shall be used and these shall be left pro?e(ting so that they (an be withdrawn easily. Ase of double headed nails shall be preferred. ,0-/*/* Ase of ties shall be restri(ted, as far as pra(ti(able. "herever ties are used they shall be used with H#P! sheathing so that the ties (an easily be re4oved. o parts prone to (orrosion shall be left pro?e(ting or near the surfa(e. The sheathing shall be grouted with (e4ent 4ortar of the sa4e strength as that of the stru(ture. ,0-/*0* Anless otherwise spe(ified, or dire(ted, (ha4fers or fillets of siLes %5 44 @ %5 44 shall be provided at all angles of the for4wor, to avoid sharp (orners. The (ha4fers, bevelled edges and 4ouldings shall be 4ade in the for4wor, itself. 7pening for fi@tures and other fittings shall be provided in the shuttering as dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,0-/*1* 6huttering for walls, sloping 4e4bers and thin se(tions of (onsiderable height shall be provided with te4porary openings to per4it inspe(tion and (leaning out before pla(ing of (on(rete. ,0-/*2* The for4wor, shall be (onstru(ted with pre(a4ber to the soffit to allow for defle(tion of the for4wor,. Pre+(a4ber '& allow for defle(tion of for4wor, shall be in addition to that indi(ated for the per4anent stru(ture in the drawings. ,0-/*3* "here (entering trusses or laun(hing trusses are adopted for (asting of superstru(ture, the ?oints of the (entering trusses, whether welded, riveted or bolted should be thoroughly (he(,ed periodi(ally. 0lso, various 4e4bers of the (entering trusses should be periodi(ally e@a4ine 8 for proper align4ent and unintended defor4ation before pro(eeding with the (on(reting. They shall also be periodi(ally (he(,ed for any deterioration in >uality due to steel (orrosion. ,0-/*4* The for4wor, shall be so 4ade as to produ(e a finished (on(rete true to shape, line and levels and di4ensions as shown on the drawings, sub?e(t to the toleran(es spe(ified in respe(tive se(tions of these spe(ifi(ations, or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,0-/*,-* "here 4etal for4s are used, all bolts and rivets shall be (ountersun, and well ground to provide a s4ooth, plane surfa(e. "here ti4ber is used it shall be well seasoned, free fro4 loose ,nots, pro?e(ting nails, splits or other defe(ts that 4ay 4ar the surfa(e of (on(rete. ,0-/*,,* .or4s shall be 4ade suffi(iently rigid by the use of ties and bra(ings to prevent any displa(e4ent or sagging between supports. They shall be strong enough to withstand all pressure, ra44ing and vibration during and after pla(ing the (on(rete. 6(rew ?a(,s or hard wood wedges where re>uired shall be provided to 4a,e up any

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settle4ent in the for4wor, either before or during the pla(ing of (on(rete. ,0-/*,5* The for4wor, shall ta,e due a((ount of the (al(ulated a4ount of positive or negative (a4ber so as to ensure the (orre(t final shape of the stru(tures, having regard to the defor4ation of false wor,, s(affolding or propping and the instantaneous or deferred defor4ation due to various (auses affe(ting prestressed stru(tures. ,0-/*,.* 6uitable (a4ber shall be provided to horiLontal 4e4bers of stru(ture, spe(ially in long spans to (ountera(t the effe(ts of defle(tion. The for4wor, shall be so fi@ed as to provide for su(h (a4ber. ,0-/*,/* The for4wor, shall be (oated with an approved release agent that will effe(tively prevent sti(,ing and will not stain the (on(rete surfa(e. $ubri(ating 94a(hine oils: shall be prohibited for use as (oating. ,0-0* FORMED S(RFACE AND FINIS% The for4wor, shall be lined with 4aterial approved by the !ngineer so as to provide a s4ooth finish of unifor4 te@ture and appearan(e. This 4aterial shall leave no stain on the (on(rete and so fi@ed to its ba(,ing as not to i4part any ble4ishes. It shall be of the sa4e type and obtained fro4 only one sour(e throughout for the (onstru(tion of any one stru(ture. The (ontra(tor shall 4a,e good any i4perfe(tions in the resulting finish as re>uired by the !ngineer. Internal ties and +e4bedded 4etal pans shall be (arefully detailed and their use shall be sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. ,0-1* PRECA(TIONS 9i: 6pe(ial 4easures in the design of for4wor, shall be ta,en to ensure that it does not hinder. the shrin,age of (on(rete. The soffit of the for4wor, shall be so designed as to ensure that the for4wor, does not restrain the shortening and*or hogging of bea4s during prestressing. The for4s 4ay be re4oved at the earliest opportunity sub?e(t to the 4ini4u4 ti4e for re4oval of for4s with props retained in position. "here ne(essary, for4wor, shall be so arranged that the soffit for4, properly supported on props only (an be retained in position for su(h period as 4ay be re>uired by 4aturing (onditions 0ny (ut+outs or openings provided in any stru(tural 4e4ber to fa(ilitate ere(tion of for4wor, shall be (losed with the sa4e grade of (on(rete as the ad?oining stru(ture i44ediately after re4oval of for4wor, ensuring watertight ?oints. Provision shall be 4ade for safe a((ess on, to and about the for4wor, at the levels as re>uired. Close wat(h shall be 4aintained to (he(, for settle4ent of for4wor, during (on(reting. 0ny settle4ent of for4wor, during (on(reting shall be pro4ptly re(tified.



9iv: 9v:

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"ater used for (uring should not be allowed to stagnate near the base plates supporting the staging and should be properly drained. ,0-2* PREPARATION OF FORMWORK BEFORE CONCRETING

The inside surfa(es of for4s shall, e@(ept in the (ase of per4anent for4 wor, or where otherwise agreed to by the !ngineer be (oated with a release agent supplied by approved 4anufa(turer or of an approved 4aterial to prevent adhesion of (on(rete to the for4wor,. Release agents shall be applied stri(tly in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs instru(tions and shall not be allowed to (o4e into (onta(t with any reinfor(e4ent or prestressing tendons and an(horages. #ifferent release agents shall not be used in for4wor, for e@posed (on(rete. Eefore re+use of for4s, the following a(tions shall be ta,en / 9i.: The (onta(t surfa(es of the for4s shall be (leaned (arefully and dried before applying a release agent. 9ii.: It should be ensured that the release agent is appropriate to the surfa(e to be (oated. The sa4e type and 4a,e of release agent shall be used throughout on si4ilar for4wor, 4aterials and different types should not be 4i@ed. 9iii.: The for4 surfa(es shall be evenly and thinly (oated with release agent The verti(al surfa(e shall be treated before horiLontal surfa(e and any e@(ess wiped out. 9iv.: The release agent shall not (o4e in (onta(t with reinfor(e4ent or the hardened (on(rete. 0ll for4s shall be thoroughly (leaned i44ediately before (on(reting. The Contra(tor shall give the !ngineer due noti(e before pla(ing any (on(rete in the for4s to per4it hi4 to inspe(t and approve the for4wor,, but su(h inspe(tion shall not relieve the (ontra(tor of his .responsibility for safety of for4wor,, 4en, 4a(hinery, 4aterials and finish or toleran(es of (on(rete. ,0-3* REMO)A+ OF FORMWORK The s(he4e for re4oval of for4wor, 9i.e. de+shuttering and de+(entering: shall be planned in advan(e and furnished to the !ngineer for s(rutiny and approval. o for4wor, or any part thereof shall be re4oved without prior approval of the !ngineer. The for4wor, shall be so re4oved as not to (ause any da4age to (on(rete. Centering shall be gradually and unifor4ly lowered in su(h a 4anner as to per4it the (on(rete to ta,e stresses due to its own weight unifor4ly and gradually to avoid any sho(, . or vibration. "here not spe(ifi(ally approved, the ti4e of re4oval of for4wor, 9when ordinary Portland Ce4ent is used without any ad4i@tures at an a4bient te4peratures e@(eeding '& degrees Celsius: shall be as under / "alls, piers, abut4ents, (olu4ns '% to B- hours as 4ay be de(ided by the !ngineer

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and verti(al fa(es of stru(tural 4e4bers 6offits of 6labs 9with props left under: Props 9left under slabs: 6offit of Girders 9with props left under: Props 9left under girders:

3 days 'B days 2 days %' days

"here there are re+entrant*angles in the (on(rete se(tions, the for4wor, should be re4oved at these se(tions as soon as possible after the (on(rete has set, in order to avoid (ra(,ing due to shrin,age of (on(rete. ,0-4* RE7(SE OF FORMWORK

"hen for4wor, is dis4antled, its individual (o4ponents shall be e@a4ined for da4age and da4aged pie(es shall be re4oved for re(tifi(ation. 6u(h e@a4ination shall always be (arried out before being used again. Eefore re+use all (o4ponents shall be (leaned of deposits of soil, (on(rete or other unwanted 4aterials. Threaded parts shall be oiled after (leaning. 0ll bent steel props shall be straightened before re+use. The 4a@i4u4 deviation fro4 straightness is '*)&& of the length. The 4a@i4u4 per4issible a@ial loads in used props shall be suitably redu(ed depending upon their (ondition. The (ondition of the ti4ber (o4ponents, plywood and steel shuttering plates shall be e@a4ined (losely for distortion and defe(ts before re+use. ,0,-* SPECIA+ISED FORMWORK

6pe(ialised for4wor, 4ay be re>uired in the (ase of slipfor4 wor,, underwater (on(reting, seg4ental (onstru(tion et(. 6u(h spe(ialised for4+wor, shall be designed and detailed by (o4petent agen(ies and a set of (o4plete wor,ing drawings and installation instru(tions shall be supplied to the !ngineer. The site personnel shall be trained in the ere(tion and dis4antling as well as operation of su(h spe(ialised for4wor,. In (ase proprietary e>uip4ent is used, the supplier shall supply drawings, details, installation instru(tions, et(., in the for4 of 4anuals along with the for4wor,. "here spe(ialised for4wor, is used, (lose (o+ordination with the design of per4anent stru(ture is ne(essary. .or slipfor4 the rate of slipping the for4wor, shall be designed for ea(h individual (ase ta,ing into a((ount various para4eters in(luding the grade of (on(rete, (on(rete strength, (on(rete te4perature, a4bient te4perature, (on(rete ad4i@tures, et(. In the (ase of seg4ental (onstru(tion, the (on(rete 4i@ shall be nor4ally designed for developing high early strength so that the for4wor, is released as early as possible. In order to verify the ti4e and se>uen(e of stri,ing*re4oval of spe(ialised for4wor,, routine field tests for the (onsisten(y of (on(rete and strength develop4ent are 4andatory and shall be (arried out before adoption. .or spe(ialised for4wor,, the for4 lining 4aterial 4ay be either plywood or steel

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sheet of appropriate thi(,ness. Plywood is preferred where superior >uality of surfa(e is desired, whereas steel sheeting is nor4ally used where large nu4ber of repetitions are involved. ,0,,* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. ,0,5* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT Anless stated otherwise the rate for (on(rete in Plain Con(rete or Reinfor(ed Con(rete or Prestressed Con(rete shall be dee4ed to in(lude all for4wor, re>uired in a((ordan(e with this se(tion and shall not be 4easured separately. "here it is spe(ifi(ally stipulated in the Contra(t that the for4wor, shall be paid for separately, 4easure4ent of for4wor, shall be ta,en in s>uare 4etres of the surfa(e area of (on(rete whi(h is in (onta(t with for4wor,. ,0,.* RATE The unit rate of the Plain Con(rete or Reinfor(ed Con(rete or Prestressed Con(rete as defined in respe(tive se(tions shall be dee4ed to (over the (osts of all for4wor,, in(luding (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools and plant re>uired for design, (onstru(tion and re4oval of for4wor, and supervision as des(ribed in this se(tion in(luding properly supporting the 4e4bers until the (on(rete is (ured, set and hardened as re>uired. "here the (ontra(t unit rate for for4wor, is spe(ifi(ally provided as a separate ite4, it shall in(lude the (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools and plant re>uired for design, (onstru(tion and re4oval of for4wor, and supervision as des(ribed in this 6e(tion in(luding properly supporting the 4e4bers until the (on(rete is (ured, set and hardened as re>uired.

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Stee: Rein or;e<ent ((ntensione") ,1--

Stee: Rein or;e<ent ((ntensione")

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,1-,* DESCRIPTION This wor, shall (onsist of furnishing and pla(ing (oated or un(oated 4ild steel or high strength defor4ed reinfor(e4ent bars 9untensioned: of the shape and di4ensions shown on the drawings and (onfor4ing to these 6pe(ifi(ations or as approved by the !ngineer. ,1-5* GENERA+ 6teel for reinfor(e4ent shall 4eet with the re>uire4ents of 6e(tion '&&&. Reinfor(e4ents 4ay be either 4ild steel*4ediu4 tensile steel or high strength defor4ed bars. They 4ay be un(oated or (oated with epo@y or with+approved prote(tive (oatings. ,1-.* PROTECTION OF REINFORCEMENT An(oated reinfor(ing steel shall be prote(ted fro4 rusting or (hloride (onta4ination. Reinfor(e4ents shall be free fro4 rust, 4ortar, loose 4ill s(ale, grease, oil or paints. This 4ay be ensured either by using reinfor(e4ent fresh fro4 the fa(tory or thoroughly (leaning all reinfor(e4ent to re4ove rust using any suitable 4ethod su(h as sand blasting, 4e(hani(al wire brushing, et(.. as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Reinfor(e4ents shall be stored on blo(,s, ra(,s or platfor4s and above the ground in a (lean and dry (ondition and shall be suitably 4ar,ed to fa(ilitate inspe(tion and identifi(ation. Portions of un(oated reinfor(ing steel and dowels pro?e(ting fro4 (on(rete, shall be prote(ted within one wee, after initial pla(ing of (on(rete with a brush (oat of neat (e4ent 4i@ed with water to a (onsisten(y of thi(, paint This (oating shall be re4oved by lightly tapping with a ha44er or other tool not 4ore than one wee, before pla(ing of the ad?a(ent pour of (on(rete. Coated reinfor(ing steel shall be prote(ted against da4age to the (oating. If the (oating on the bars is da4aged during transportation or handling and (annot be repaired, the sa4e shall be re?e(ted. ,1-/* BENDING OF REINFORCEMENT Ear bending s(hedule shall be furnished by the Contra(tor and got approved by the !ngineer before start of wor,. Reinfor(ing steel shall (onfor4 to the di4ensions and shapes given in the approved Ear Eending 6(hedules. Ears shall be bent (old to the spe(ified shape and di4ensions or as dire(ted by the !ngineer using a proper bar bender, operated by hand or power to obtain the (orre(t radii of bends and shape. Ears shall not be bent or straightened in a 4anner that will da4age the parent 4aterial or the (oating. Ears bent during transport or handling shall be straightened before being used on wor, and shall not be heated to fa(ilitate straightening.

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,1-0* a:




The reinfor(e4ent (age should generally be fabri(ated in the yard at ground level and then shifted and pla(ed in position. The reinfor(e4ent shall be pla(ed stri(tly in a((ordan(e with the drawings and` shall be asse4bled in position only when the stru(ture is otherwise ready for pla(ing of (on(rete. Prolonged ti4e gap between asse4bling of reinfor(e4ents and (asting of (on(rete, whi(h 4ay re4it in rust for4ation on the surfa(e, shall not be per4itted. Reinfor(e4ent ban shall be pla(ed a((urately in position as shown on the drawings. The bars, (rossing one another shall be tied together at everyK interse(tion with binding wire 9annealed:, (onfor4ing to '5/%-& to 4a,e the s,eleton of the reinfor(e4ent rigid su(h that the reinfor(e4ent does not get displa(ed during pla(ing of (on(rete, or any other operation. The dia4eter of binding wire shall not be less than ' 44. Ears shall be ,egK, in position usually by the following 4ethods/ . i: In (ase of bea4 and stab (onstru(tion, industrially produ(ed poly4er (over blo(,s of thi(,ness e>ual to the spe(ified (over shall be pla(ed between the ban and for4wor, sub?e(t to satisfa(tory eviden(e that the poly4er (o4position is not har4ful to (on(rete and reinfor(e4ent. Cover blo(,s 4ade of (on(rete 4ay be per4itted by the !ngineer, provided they have the sa4e strength and spe(ifi(ation as those of the 4e4ber. In (ase of dowels for (olu4ns and walls, the verti(al reinfor(e4ent shall be ,ept in position by 4eans of ti4ber te4plates with slots (ut in the4 a((urately, or with (over blo(,s tied toK the reinfor(e4ent. Ti4ber te4plates shall be re4oved after the (on(reting hasI progressed upto a level ?ust below their lo(ation. $ayers of reinfor(e4ents shall be separated by spa(er ban at appro@i4ately one 4etre intervals. The 4ini4u4 dia4eter of spa(er ban shall be '% nun or e>ual to 4a@i4u4 siLe of 4ain reinfor(e4ent or 4a@i4u4 siLe of (oarse aggregate, whi(hever is greater. HoriLontal reinfor(e4ent shall not be allowed to sag. between supports. e(essary stays, blo(,s, 4etal (hain, spa(ers, 4etal hangers, supporting wires et(, or other subsidiary reinfor(e4ent shall be provided '& fi@ the reinfor(e4ents fir4ly in its (orre(t position. Ase of pebbles bro,en stone, 4etal pipe, bri(,, 4ortar or wooden blo(,s et(., as devi(es for positioning reinfor(e4ent shall not be per4itted.



iv: v:



Ean (oated with epo@y or any other approved prote(tive (oating shall be pla(ed on supports that do not da4age die (oaling. 6upports shall be installed in 4anner su(h that planet of wea,ness an not (reated in hardened (on(rete. The (oated reinfor(ing Reel shall be held in pla(e by 7= of plasti( or plasti( (oaled binding wires espe(ially 4anufa(tured for the purpose. Referen(e shall be 4ade to 6e(tion '&&& for other re>uire4ents. Pla(ing and fi@ing of reinfor(e4ent shall be i4peded and approved by the !ngineer before (on(rete is deposited.

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,1-1* BAR SP+ICES ,1-1*,* +!##in& 0ll reinfor(e4ent shall be furnished in full lengths as indi(ated on the drawing. o spli(ing of bars, e@(ept where shown on the drawing, will be per4itted without approval of the !ngineer. The lengths of the spli(e shall be as indi(ated on drawing or as approved by the !ngineer. "here pra(ti(able, overlapping bars shall not tou(h ea(h other, and shall be ,ept apart by %5 44 or I f ti4es the 4a@i4u4 siLe of (ourse aggregate, whi(hever is greater. If this is not feasible, overlapping bars shall be bound with annealed steel binding wire, not less than ' 44 dia4eter and twisted tight in su(h a 4anner as to 4aintain 4ini4u4 (lear (over to the reinfor(e4ent fro4 the (on(rete surfa(e. $apped spli(es shall be staggered or lo(ated at points, along the span where stresses are low. ,1-1*5* We:"in& ,1-1*5*,* 6pli(ing by welding of reinfor(e4ent will be per4itted only if detailed on the drawing or approved by the !ngineer. "eld shall develop an ulti4ate strength e>ual to or greater than that of the bars (onne(ted. ,1-1*5*5* "hile welding 4ay be per4itted for 4ild steel reinfor(ing bars (onfor4ing to I6/B3%, welding of defor4ed bars (onfor4ing to '6/'2-) shall in general be prohibited. "elding 4ay be per4itted in (ase of bars of other than 6 %B& grade in(luding spe(ial welding grade of 6 B'6 grade bars (onfor4ing to I6/ '2-), for whi(h ne(essary (he4i(al analysis has been se(ured and the (arbon e>uivalent 9C!: (al(ulated fro4 the (he4i(al (o4position using the for4ula /
%n !r + %g + 7 4i + !u + + ) 5 '5

!8 = ! +

is &.B or less ,1-1*5*.* The 4ethod of welding shall (onfor4 to I6/%25' and '5/1B'2 and to any supple4ental spe(ifi(ations to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. "elding 4ay be (arried out by 4etal ar( welding pro(ess. 7@y+a(etelene welding shall not be per4issible. 0ny other pro(ess 4ay be used sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer and ne(essary additional re>uire4ents to ensure satisfa(tory ?oint perfor4an(e. Pre(autions on over heating, (hoi(e of ele(trode, sele(tion of (orre(t (urrent in ar( welding et(., should be stri(tly observed. 0ll bars shall be butt welded e@(ept for s4aller dia4eter bars 9dia4eter of less than %& 44: whi(h 4ay be lap welded. 6ingle+C or #ouble+C bun ?oints 4ay generally be used. .or verti(al bars single bevel or double bevel ?oints 4ay be used. "elded ?oints shall be lo(ated well away fro4 bends and not less than twi(e the bar dia4eter away fro4 a bend.

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Generally, shop welding in (ontrolled (onditions is to be preferred, where feasible. 6ite welding where ne(essary shall, however, be per4itted when the fa(ilities, e>uip4ent, pro(ess, (onsu4ables, operators, welding pro(edure are ade>uate to produ(e and 4aintain unifor4 >uality at par with that attainable in shop welding to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 8oint welding pro(edures whi(h are to be e4ployed shall invariably be established by a pro(edure spe(ifi(ation. 0ll welders and welding operators to be e4ployed shall have to be >ualified by tests pres(ribed in I6/%25'. Inspe(tion of welds shall (onfor4 to I6/-%% and destru(tive or non+destru(tive testing 4ay be underta,en when dee4ed ne(essary. 8oints with weld defe(ts dete(ted by visual inspe(tion or di4ensional (he(, inspe(tion shall not be a((epted. 6uitable 4eans shall be provided for holding the bars se(urely in position during welding. It 4ust be ensured that no voids are left in welding. "hen welding is done in % or 3 stages, previous surfa(e shall be (leaned properly. Ears shall be (leaned of all loose s(ale, rust, grease, paint and other foreign 4atter before (arrying out welding. 7ily (o4petent and e@perien(ed welders shall be e4ployed on the wor, with the approval of the !ngineer. o welding shall be done on (oated bars. M.6. ele(trodes used for welding shall (onfor4 to I6/-'B. ,1-1*5*/* "elded ?oints shall preferably be lo(ated at points where steel will not be sub?e(t to 4ore than 25 per (ent of the 4a@i4u4 per4issible stresses and welds so staggered that at any one se(tion, not 4ore than %& per (ent of the bars are welded. ,1-1*5*0* "elded pie(es of reinfor(e4ent shall be Jtested. 6pe(i4ens shall be ta,en fro4 the site and the nu4ber and fre>uen(y of tests shall be as dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,1-1*.* Me;h!ni;!: Cou#:in& o B!rs Ears 4ay be ?oined with approved patented 4e(hani(al devi(es as indi(ated on the drawing or as approved by the !ngineer e.g. by spe(ial grade steel sleeves swagged on to bars in end to end (onta(t or by s(rewed (ouplers. In (ase su(h devi(es are per4itted by the !ngineer, they shall develop at least '%5 per (ent of the (hara(teristi( strength of the reinfor(e4ent bar. ,1-2* TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE The 4aterial shall be tested in a((ordan(e with relevant I6 spe(ifi(ations and ne(essary test (ertifi(ates shall be furnished. 0dditional tests, if re>uired, will be got (arried out. by the Contra(tor at his own (ost. The fabri(ation, furnishing and pla(ing of reinfor(e4ent shall be in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations and shall be (he(,ed and a((epted, by the !ngineer. ,1-3* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT

Reinfor(e4ent shall be 4easured in length in(luding hoo,s, if any, separately for

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different dia4eters as a(tually used in wor,, e@(luding overlaps. .ro4 the length so 4easured, the weight of reinfor(e4ent shall be (al(ulated in tonnes on the basis of '5/'23%. "astage, overlaps, (ouplings/ welded ?oints, spa(er bars, (hairs, stays, hangers and annealed steel wire or other 4ethods for binding and pla(ing shall not be 4easured and (ost of these ite4s shall be dee4ed to be in(luded in. the rates for reinfor(e4ent ,1-4* RATE

The (ontra(t unit rate for (oated*un(oated reinfor(e4ent shall (over the (ost of 4aterial, fabri(ating, transportingI storing, bending, pla(ing, binding and fi@ing in position as shown on the drawings as per these spe(ifi(ations and as dire(ted by the !ngineer, in(luding all labour, e>uip4ent, supplies, in(identals, sa4pling, testing and supervision. The unit rate for (oated reinfor(e4ent shall be dee4ed to also in(lude (ost of all 4aterial, labour, tools and plant, royalty, transportation and e@pertise re>uired to (arry out the wor,. The rate shall also (over sa4pling, testing and supervision re>uired for the wor,.

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Stru;tur!: Con;rete

,2-Stru;tur!: Con;rete

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,2-,* DESCRIPTION The wor, shall (onsist of furnishing and pla(ing stru(tural (on(rete and in(idental (onstru(tion in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations and in (onfor4ity with the lines, grades and di4ensions, as shown +on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,2-5* MATERIA+S 0ll 4aterials shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '&&& of these 6pe(ifi(ations. '2&3. GR0#!6 7. C7 CR!T! ,2-.*,* The grades of (on(rete shall be designated by the (hara(teristi( strength as given in Table '2&&+', where the (hara(teristi( strength is defined as the strength of (on(rete below whi(h not 4ore than " per (ent of the test results are e@pe(ted to fall. Grade #esignation M '5 M %& M %5 M 3& M 35 M B& M B5 M 5& M 55 TAB+E ,2--7,* 6pe(ified (hara(teristi( Co4pressive strength of '5& 44 (ubes at %- days, In MPa '5 %& %5 3& 35 B& B5 5& 55

,2-.*5* The lowest grades of (on(rete in bridges and (orresponding 4ini4u4 (e4ent (ontents and water+(e4ent ratios shall be 4aintained as indi(ated in Tables '2&&+ % and '2&&+3. TAB+E ,2--75 FOR BRIDGES WIT% PRESTRESSED CONCRETE OR T%OSE WIT% INDI)ID(A+ SPAN +ENGT%S MORE T%AN .- M OR T%OSE T%AT ARE B(I+T WIT% INNO)ATI)E DESIGNFCONSTR(CTION


6tru(tural Me4ber

M4. (e4ent (ontent for all e@posure (onditions 9,g*(u.4.: 3)& B&& B&&

a: b: (:

PCC 4e4bers RCC 4e4bers P6C 4e4bers

Ma@. water (e4ent ratio !@posure Conditions or4al 6evere &.B5 &.B5 &.B5 &.B& &.B& &.B&



Conditions of !@posure

Page 3-1 of )'-

a: PCC 4e4bers b: RCC 4e4bers (: P6C 4e4bers

or4al M %5 M 35 M 35

6evere M 3& M B& M B&


6tru(tural Me4ber

a: PCC 4e4bers b: RCC 4e4bers

Min. (e4ent (ontent 9=g* (u.4.: !@posure Conditions or4al 6evere %5& 3'& 3'& B&&

Ma@. water (e4ent ratio !@posure Conditions or4al 6evere &.5& &.B5 &.B5 &.B&


Me4ber or4al M '5 M %&

Conditions of !@posure 6evere M %& M %5

a: PCC 4e4bers b: RCC 4e4bers

otes 0ppli(able to Tables '2&&+% and '2&&+3 9i: The 4ini4u4 (e4ent (ontent ii bated on %& 44 aggregate 9no4inal 4a@. siLe:. .or B& 44 and larger siLe aggregates, it 4ay be redu(ed suitably but the redu(tion shall not be 4ore than '& per (ent 9ii: .or underwater (on(reting, the (e4ent (ontent shall be in(reased by '& per (ent 9iii: 6evere (onditions of e@posure shall 4ean alternate wetting and drying due to sea spray, alternate wetting and drying (o4bined with freeLing and buried in soil having (orrosive effe(t 9iv: Moderate (onditions of e@posure shall 4ean other that those 4entioned in 9iii: above. The (e4ent (ontent shall be as low as possible but not less than the >uantities spe(ified above. In no (ase shall it e@(eed 5B& ,g*(u.4. of (on(rete. ,2-.*.* Con(rete used in any (o4ponent or stru(ture shall be spe(ified by designation along with pres(ribed 4ethod of design of 4i@ . i.e. ;#esign Mi@< .or ; o4inal Mi@<. .or all ite4s of (on(rete, only ;#esign Mi@< shall be used, e@(ept where ; o4inal Mi@< (on(rete is per4itted as per drawing or by the !ngineer.< o4inal Mi@< 4ay be per4itted only for 4inor bridges and (ulverts or other in(idental (onstru(tion where strength re>uire4ents are upto M %& only. ; o4inal Mi@< 4ay also be per4itted for non+stru(tural (on(rete or for s(reed below open foundations.

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,2-.*/* If the Contra(tor so ele(ts, the !ngineer 4ay per4it the use of higher grade (on(rete than that spe(ified on the drawing, in whi(h event the higher grade (on(rete shall 4eet the spe(ifi(ations appli(able thereto without additional (o4pensation. ,2-/* PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE Prior to the start of (onstru(tion, the Contra(tor shall design the 4i@ in (ase of ;#esign Mi@ Con(rete< or propose no4inal 4i@ in (ase of ; o4inal Mi@ Con(rete<, and sub4it to the !ngineer for approval, the proportions of 4aterials, in(luding ad4i@tures to be used. "ater+redu(ing ad4i@tures 9in(luding plasti(isers or super+plasti(isers: 4ay be used at the Contra(torKs option, sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. 7ther types of ad4i@tures shall be prohibited, unless spe(ifi(ally per4itted by the !ngineer. ,2-/*,* ReEuire<ents o Consisten;y The 4i@ shall have the (onsisten(y whi(h will allow proper pla(e4ent and (onsolidation in the re>uired position. !very atte4pt shall be 4ade to obtain unifor4 (onsisten(y. The opti4u4 (onsisten(y for various types of stru(tures shall be as indi(ated in Table '2&&+B. or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The slu4p of (on(rete shall be (he(,ed as per I6/5'). TAB+E ,2--7/* TFP! ' 9a: 6tru(tures with e@posed in(lined surfa(e re>uiring low slu4p (on(rete to allow proper (o4pa(tion 9b: plain (e4ent (on(rete %. RCC stru(tures with widely spa(ed reinfor(e4entsM e.g. solid (olu4ns, piers, abut4ents, footings, well ite4ing 3. RCC stru(tures with fair degree of (ongestion of reinfor(e4entM e.g. pier and abut4ent (aps, bo@ (ulverts well (urb, well (ap, walls with thi(,ness greater than 3&& 44 B. RCC and P6C stru(tures with highly (ongested reinfor(e4ents e.g. de(, slab girder/, bo@ girders, walls with thi(,ness less than 3&& 44 5. Anderwater (on(reting through tre4ie %&& e.g. botto4 plug, (ast+in+situ piling. ,2-/*5* ReEuire<ents or Desi&ne" MiBes ,2-/*5*,* T!r&et <e!n stren&th The target 4ean strength of spe(i4en shall e@(eed the spe(ified (hara(teristi( (o4pressive strength by at least the ;(urrent 4argin<. 9i.: The (urrent 4argin for a (on(rete 4i@ shall be deter4ined by the Contra(tor 6$AMP 944: %5 %5 B& + 5& 5& + 25 25 + '%5 '&& + %&&

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and shall be ta,en as '.)B li4es the standard deviation of sa4ple test results ta,en fro4 at least B& separate bat(hes of (on(rete of no4inally si4ilar proportions produ(ed at site by the sa4e plant under si4ilar supervision, over a period e@(eeding 5 days, but not e@(eeding ) 4onths. "here there is insuffi(ient data to satisfy the above, the (urrent 4argin for the initial design 4i@ shall be ta,en as given in Table '2&&+5 / TAB+E ,2--70* Con(rete Grade M '5 M %& M %5 M 3& M 35 M B& M B5 M 5& M 55 Current Margin 9MPa: '& '& '' '% '% '% '3 '3 'B Target Mean 6trength gMPa: %5 3& 3) B% B2 5% 5)3 )1

The initial (urrent 4argin given in the Table '2&&+5 shall be used till suffi(ient data is available to deter4ine the (urrent 4argin as per sub+(lause 9i: above ,2-/*5*5* Tri!: <iBes The Contra(tor shall give noti(e to enable the !ngineer to be present at the 4a,ing of trial 4i@es and preli4inary testing of the (ubes. The Contra(tor shall prepare trial 4i@es, using sa4ples of approved 4aterials typi(al of those he proposes to use in the wor,s, for all grades to the !ngineerKs satisfa(tion prior to (o44en(e4ent of (on(reting. The initial trial 4i@es shall generally be (arried out in an established laboratory approved by the !ngineer. In e@(eptional (ases, the !ngineer 4ay per4it the initial trial 4i@es to be prepared at the site laboratory of the Contra(tor, if a full fledged (on(rete laboratory has been established well before the start of (onstru(tion, to his entire satisfa(tion. In all (asesI (o4plete testing of 4aterials for4ing the (onstituents of proposed #esign Mi@ shall have been (arried out prior to 4a,ing trial 4i@es. 6a4pling and testing pro(edures shall be in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations. "hen the site laboratory is utilised for preparing initial 4i@ design, the (on(reting plant and 4eans of transport e4ployed to 4a,e the trial 4i@es shall be si4ilar to that proposed to be used in the wor,s. Test (ubes shall be ta,en fro4 trial 4i@es as follows. .or ea(h 4i@, set of si@ (ubes shall be 4ade fro4 ea(h of three (onse(utive bat(hes. Three (ubes fro4 ea(h set of si@ shall be tested at an age of %- days and three at an earlier age approved by the !ngineer. The (ubes shall be 4ade, (ured, stored, transported and tested in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations. The average strength of the nine (ubes at %- days shall e@(eed the spe(ified (hara(teristi( strength by the (urrent 4argin 4inus 3.5 MPa.

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,2-/*5.* Contro: o stren&th o "esi&n <iBes a: 0d?ust4ent to Mi@ Proportions 0d?ust4ents to 4i@ proportions arrived at in the trial 4i@es shall be 4ade sub?e(t to the !ngineerKs approval, in order to 4ini4ise the variability of strength and to 4aintain the target 4ean strength. 6u(h ad?ust4ents shall not be ta,en to i4ply any (hange in the (urrent 4argin. Change of Current Margin "hen re>uired by the !ngineer, the Contra(tor shall re(al(ulate the (urrent 4argin in a((ordan(e with Clause '2&B.%.'. The re(al(ulated value shall be adopted as dire(ted by the !ngineer, and it shall be(o4e the (urrent 4argin for (on(rete produ(ed subse>uently. 0dditional Trial Mi@es #uring produ(tion, the Contra(tor shall (arry (ut trial 4i@es and tests, if re>uired by the !ngineer, before substantial (hanges are 4ade in the 4aterial or in the proportions of the 4aterials to be used, e@(ept when ad?ust4ents to the 4i@ proportions are (arried out in a((ordan(e with sub+ (lause 9a: above. ,2-/*.* ReEuire<ents o No<in!: MiB Con;rete Re>uire4ents for no4inal 4i@ (on(rete unless otherwise spe(ified, shall be as detailed in Table '2&&+). TAB+E ,2--71* PROPORTIONS FOR NOMINA+ MI8 CONCRETE Con(rete Grade Total Duantity of dry aggregate by Proportion of fine to Coarse 4ass per 5& ,g of (e4ent to be ta,en aggregate 9by 4ass: as the su4 of individual 4asses of fine and (oarse aggregates 9,g: 35& Generally '/%, sub?e(t to upper li4it '/'.5 and lower li4it of '/%.5 +++++do+++++++





%5& ,2-/*/* A""ition!: ReEuire<ents

Con(rete shall 4eet with any other re>uire4ents as spe(ified on the drawing or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0dditional re>uire4ents shall also (onsist of the following overall li4its of deleterious substan(es in (on(rete / a: The total (hloride (ontent of all (onstituents of (on(rete as a per(entage of 4ass of (e4ent in 4i@ shall be li4ited to values given below/ Prestressed Con(rete / &.' per (ent

Page 313 of )'-


Reinfor(ed (on(rete e@posed to (hlorides in servi(e / &.% per (ent 9e.g. stru(tures lo(ated near tea (oast: 7ther reinfor(ed (on(rete (onstru(tion / &.3 per (ent The total sulphuri( anhydride 967%: (ontent of all the (onstituents of (on(rete as a per(entage of 4ass (e4ent in the 4i@ shall be li4ited to B per (ent.

,2/-*0* Suit!?i:ity o Pro#ose" MiB Pro#ortions The Contra(tor shall sub4it the following infor4ation for the !ngineerKs approval a: ature and sour(e of ea(h 4aterial b: Duantities of ea(h 4aterial per (ubi( 4etre of fully (o4pa(ted (on(rete (: !ither of the following / i: appropriate e@isting data as eviden(e of satisfa(tory previous perfor4an(e for the target 4ean strength, (urrent 4argin, (onsisten(y and water*(e4ent ratio and any other additional re>uire4ents: as spe(ified ii: full details of tests on trial 4i@es. d: 6tate4ent giving the proposed 4i@ proportions for no4inal 4i@ (on(rete. 0ny (hange in the sour(e of 4aterial or in the 4i@ proportions shall be sub?e(t to the !ngineerKs prior approval. ,2-0* ADMI8T(RES Ase of ad4i@tures su(h as super plasti(isers for (on(rete 4ay be 4ade with the approval of the !ngineer. 0s the sele(tion of an appropriate (on(rete ad4i@ture is an integral pan of the 4i@ design, the 4anufa(turers shall re(o44end the use of any one of his produ(ts only after obtaining (o4plete ,nowledge of all the a(tual (onstituents of (on(rete as well as 4ethodologies of 4anufa(ture, transportation and (o4pa(tion of (on(rete proposed to be used in the pro?e(t ,2-1* SIJE OF COARSE AGGREGATE The siLe 94a@i4u4 no4inal: of (oarse aggregates for (on(rete to used in various (o4ponents shall be given as Table '2&&+2. TAB+E ,2--72* Co4ponents 9i.: RCC well (urb 9ii.: RCC*PCC well steining 9iii.: "ell (ap or Pile Cap
Page 31B of )'-

Ma@i4u4 o4inal 0ggregate 9nun: %& B& B&




6olid type piers and abut4ents 9iv.: RCC wor, in girders slibs, wearing (oat, ,erb, approa(h slab, hollow piers and abut4ents, pier*abut4ent (aps, piles 9v.: P6C wor, 9vi.: 0ny other ite4 0s spe(ified by !ngineer %&


Ma@i4u4 no4inal siLe of aggregates shall also be restri(ted to the s4aller of the following values / a: '& 44 less than the 4ini4u4 lateral (lear distan(e between 4ain reinfor(e4ents b: '& 44 less than the 4ini4u4 (lear (over to the reinfor(e4ents The proportions of the various individual siLe of aggregates shall be so ad?usted that the grading produ(es densest 4i@ and the grading (urve (orresponds to the 4a@i4u4 no4inal siLe adopted for the (on(rete 4i@. ,2-2* E>(IPMENT Anless spe(ified otherwise, e>uip4ent for produ(tion, transportation and (o4pa(tion of (on(rete shall be as under / a: .or Produ(tion of Con(rete / i: .or overall bridge length of less than %&& 4etres + bat(h type (on(rete 4i@er diesel or ele(tri( operated, with a 4ini4u4 siLe of %&& litres, auto4ati( water 4easuring syste4 and integral weigher 9hydrauli(*pneu4ati( type: ii: .or overall bridge length of %&& 4ares or 4ore + (on(rete bat(hing and 4i@ing plant fully auto4ati( with 4ini4u4 (apa(ity of '5 (u.4. per hour.

0ll 4easuring devi(es of the e>uip4ent shall be 4aintained in a (lean and servi(eable (ondition. Its a((ura(y shall be (he(,ed over the range in use, when set up at ea(h site and thereafter periodi(ally as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The a((ura(y of the 4easuring devi(es shall fall within the following li4its/ Measure4ent of Ce4ent Measure4ent of "ater Measure4ent of 0ggregate Measure4ent of 0d4i@ture N 3 per (ent of the >uantity of (e4ent in ea(h bat(h N 3 per (ent of the >uantity of water in ea(h bat(h N 3 per (ent of the >uantity of aggregate in ea(h bat(h N 5 per (ent of the >uantity of ad4i@ture in ea(h bat(h

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b: .or Con(rete Transportation i: Con(rete du4pers ii: Powered hoists iii: Chutes iv: Eu(,ets handled by (ranes v: Transit tru(, 4i@er vi: Con(rete pu4p vii: Con(rete distributor boo4s viii: Eelt+(onveyor i@: Cranes with s,ips @: Tre4ies (: .or Co4pa(tion of Con(rete / i: Internal vibrators ii: .or4 vibrators iii: 6(reed vibrators

depending upon a(tual re>uire4ent 4ini4u4 % tonnes (apa(ity 4ini4u4 7.6 tonne (apa(ity

siLe %5 44 to 2& 44 4ini4u4 5&& watts full width of (arriageway 9upto two lanes:

,2-3* MI8ING CONCRETE Con(rete shall be 4i@ed either in a (on(rete 4i@er or in a bat(hing and 4i@ing plant, as per these spe(ifi(ations. Hand 4i@ing shall not be per4itted. The 4i@er or the plant shall be at an approved lo(ation (onsidering the properties of the 4i@es and the transportation arrange4ents available with the Contra(tor. The 4i@er or the plant shall be approved by the !ngineer. Mi@ing shall be (ontinued till 4aterials are unifor4ly distributed and a unifor4 (olour of the entire 4ass is obtained, and ea(h individual parti(le of the (oarse aggregate shows (o4plete (oating of 4ortar (ontaining its proportionate a4ount of (e4ent. In no (ase shall 4i@ing be done for less than % 4inutes. Mi@ers whi(h have been out of use for 4ore than 3& 4inutes shall be thoroughly (leaned before putting in a new bat(h. Anless otherwise agreed to by the !ngineer, the first bat(h of (on(rete fro4 the 4i@er shall (ontain only two thirds of the nor4al >uantity of (oarse aggregate. Mi@ing plant shall be thoroughly (leaned before (hanging fro4 one type of (e4ent to another. ,2-4* TRANSPORTINGA P+ACING AND COMPACTION OF CONCRETE The 4ethod of transporting and pla(ing (on(rete shall be approved by the !ngineer. Con(rete shall be transported and pla(ed as near is pra(ti(able to its final position, so that no (onta4ination, segregation or loss of its (onstituent 4aterials ta,es pla(e. Con(rete shall not be freely 9bopped into pla(e fro4 a height e@(eeding '.5 4etres. "hen (on(rete is (onveyed by (hute, the plant shall be of su(h siLe and design as to ensure pra(ti(ally (ontinuous flow. 6lope of the (hute shall be so ad?usted that the (on(rete flows without the use of e@(essive >uantity of water and without any segregation of its ingredients. The delivery end of the (hute shall be as (lose as possible to the point of deposit. The (hute shall be thoroughly flushed with water before and after ea(h wor,ing period and the water used for this purpose shall be dis(harged outside the

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for4wor,. 0ll for4wor, and reinfor(e4ent (ontained in it shall be (leaned and 4ade free fro4 standing water, dust, snow or i(e i44ediately before pla(ing of (on(rete. o (on(rete shall be pla(ed in any part of the stru(ture until the approval of the !ngineer has been obtained. If (on(reting is not started within %B hours of the approval being given, it shall have to be obtained again fro4 the !ngineer. Con(reting then shall pro(eed (ontinuously over the area between the (onstru(tion ?oints. .resh (on(rete shall not be pla(ed against (on(rete whi(h has been In position for 4ore than 3& 4inutes unless a proper (onstru(tion ?oint is for4ed. !@(ept where otherwise agreed to by the !ngineer, (on(rete shall be deposited in horiLontal layers to a (o4pa(ted depth of not 4ore than B5& 44 when internal vibrators are used and not e@(eeding 3&& 44 in all other (ases. Con(rete when deposited shall have a te4perature of not less than 5 degrees Celsius, and not 4ore than B& degrees Celsius. It shall be (o4pa(ted in its final position within 3& 4inutes of its dis(harge fro4 the 4i@er, unless (arried in properly designed agitators, operating (ontinuously, when this ti4e shall be within ' hour of the addition of (e4ent to the 4i@ and within 3& 4inutes of its dis(harge fro4 the agitator. It 4ay be ne(essary to add retarding ad4i@tures to (on(rete if trials show that the periods indi(ated above are una((eptable. In all su(h 4atters, the !ngineerKs de(ision shall be final. Con(rete shall be thoroughly (o4pa(ted by vibration or other 4eans during pla(ing and wor,ed around the reinfor(e4ent, tendons or du(t for4ers, e4bedded fi@tures and into (orners of the for4wor, to produ(e a dense ho4ogeneous void+free 4ass having the re>uired surfa(e finish. "hen vibrators are used, vibration shall be done (ontinuously during the pla(ing of ea(h bat(h of (on(rete until the e@pulsion of air has pra(ti(ally (eased and in a 4anner that does not pro4ote segregation. 7ver vibration shall be avoided to 4ini4ise the ris, of for4ing a wea, surfa(e layer. "hen e@ternal vibrators are used, the design of for4wor, and disposition of vibrator shall be su(h as to ensure effi(ient (o4pa(tion and to avoid surfa(e ble4ishes. Cibrations shall not be applied through reinfor(e4ent and where vibrators of i44ersion type are used, (onta(t with reinfor(e4ent and all inserts li,e du(ts et(, shall be avoided. The internal vibrators shall be inserted in an orderly 4anner and the distan(e between insertions should be about one and a half ti4es the radius of the area visibly affe(ted by vibration. 0dditional vibrators in servi(eable (ondition shall be ,ept at site so that they (an be used in the event of brea,downs. Me(hani(al vibrators used shall (o4ply with I6/%5&%, I6/%5&), '6/%5'B and I6/B)5). ,2,-* CONSTR(CTION 9OINTS Constru(tion ?oints shall be avoided as far as possible and in no (ase the lo(ations of su(h ?oints shall be (hanged or in(reased fro4 those shown on the drawings, e@(ept with e@press approval of the !ngineer. The ?oints shall be provided in a dire(tion

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perpendi(ular to the 4e4ber a@is. $o(ation, preparation of surfa(e and (on(reting of (onstru(tion ?oints shall (onfor4 to the additional spe(ifi(ations given in Appendix 1/##11. ,2,,* CONCRETING (NDER WATER "hen it is ne(essary to deposit (on(rete under water, the 4ethods, e>uip4ent, 4aterials and proportions of 4i@ to be used shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer before any wor, is started. Con(rete shall (ontain '& per (ent 4ore (e4ent than that re>uired for the sa4e, 4i@ pla(ed in the dry. Con(rete shall not be pla(ed in water having a te4perature below 5 degrees Celsius. The te4perature of the (on(rete, when deposited, shall not be less than ') degrees Celsius, nor 4ore than B& degrees Celsius. Coffer da4s or for4s shall be suffi(iently tight to ensure still water (onditions, if pra(ti(able, and in any (ase to redu(e the flow of water to less than 3 4etres per 4inute through the spa(e into whi(h (on(rete is to be deposited. Coffer da4s or for4s in still water shall be suffi(iently tight to prevent loss of 4ortar through the ?oints in the walls. Pu4ping shall not be done while (on(rete is being pla(ed, or until %B hours thereafter. To 4ini4ise the for4ation of laitan(e, great (are shall be e@er(ised not to disturb the (on(rete as far as possible while it is being deposited. 0ll under water (on(reting shall be (arried out by tre4i( 4ethod only, using tre4ie of appropriate dia4eter. The nu4ber and spa(ing of the tre4ies should be wor,ed out to ensure proper (on(reting. The tre4ie (on(reting when started should (ontinue without interruption for the full height of the 4e4ber being (on(reted. The (on(rete produ(tion and pla(e4ent e>uip4ent should be suffi(ient to enable the underwater (on(rete to be (o4pleted uninterrupted within die stipulated ti4e. e(essary stand+by e>uip4ent should be available for e4ergen(y situation. The top se(tion of the tre4ie shall have a hopper large enough to hold one full bat(h of the 4i@ or the entire (ontents of the transporting bu(,et as the (ase 4ay be. The tre4ie pipe shall not be less than %&& 44 in dia4eter and shall be large enough to allow a free flow of (on(rete and strong enough to withstand the e@ternal pressure of the water in whi(h it is suspended, even if a partial va(uu4 develops inside the pipe. Preferably, flanged steel pipe of ade>uate strength for the ?ob shall be used. 0 separate lifting devi(e shall be provided for ea(h tre4ie pipe with its hopper at the upper end. Anless the lower end of the pipe is e>uipped with an approved auto4ati( (he(, valve, the upper end of the pipe shall be plugged with a wadding of gunny sa(,ing or other approved 4aterial before delivering the (on(rete to the tre4ie pipe through the hopper,+ so that when the (on(rete is for(ed down fro4 the hopper to the pipe, it will for(e the plug 9and along with it any water in the pipe: down the pipe and out of the botto4 end, thus establishing a (ontinuous strea4 of (on(rete. It will be ne(essary to raise slowly the tre4ie in order to allow a unifor4 flow of (on(rete, but it snail not be e4ptied so that water is not allowed to enter above the (on(rete in the pipe. 0t all ti4es after pla(ing of (on(rete is started and until all the re>uired >uantity has been pla(ed, the lower end of the tre4ie pipe shall be ,ept below the surfa(e of the plasti( (on(rete. This will (ause the (on(rete to build up fro4 below instead of flowing out over the surfa(e and thus avoid for4ation of layers of

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laitan(e. If the (harge in the tre4ie is lost while depositing, the tre4ie shall be raised above the (on(rete surfa(e and unless sealed by a (he(, valve, it shall be replugged at the top end, as at the beginning, before refilling for depositing further (on(rete. ,2,5* AD)ERSE WEAT%ER CONDITIONS ,2,5*,* Co:" We!ther Con;retin& "here (on(rete is to be deposited at or near freeLing te4perature, pre(autions shall be ta,en to ensure that at the ti4e of pla(ing, it has a te4perature of not less than 5 degrees Celsius and that the te4perature of the (on(rete shall be 4aintained above B degrees Celsius until it has thoroughly hardened. "hen ne(essary, (on(rete ingredients shall be heated before 4i@ing but (e4ent shall not be heated artifi(ially other than by the heat trans4itted to it fro4 other ingredients of the (on(rete. 6to(,+piled aggregate 4ay be heated by the use of dry heat or stea4. 0ggregates shall not be heated dire(tly by gas or on sheet 4etal over fire. In genera:, the te4perature of aggregates or water shall not e@(eed )5 degrees Celsius. 6alt or other (he4i(als shall not be used for the prevention of freeLing. o froLen 4aterial or 4aterials (ontaining i(e shall be used. 0ll (on(rete da4aged by frost shall be re4oved. It is re(o44ended that (on(rete e@posed to freeLing weather shall have entrained air and the water (onsent of the 4i@ shall not e@(eed 3& litres per 5& ,g of (e4ent. ,2,5*5* %ot We!ther Con"itions "hen depositing (on(rete in very hot weather, pre(autions shall be ta,en so that the te4perature of wet (on(rete does not e@(eed B& degrees Celsius while pla(ing. This shall be a(hieved by sta(,ing aggregate under the shade and ,eeping the4 4oist, using (old water, redu(ing the ti4e between 4i@ing and pla(ing to the 4ini4u4, (ooling for4 wor, by sprin,ling water, starting (uring before (on(rete dries out and restri(ting (on(reting as far as possible to early 4ornings and late evenings. "hen i(e is used to (ool 4i@ing water, it will be (onsidered a part of the water in design 4i@. Ander no (ir(u4stan(es shall the 4i@ing operation be (onsidered (o4plete until all i(e in the 4i@ing dru4 has 4elted. The Contra(tor will be re>uired to state his 4ethodology for the !ngineerKs approval when te4peratures of (on(rete are li,ely to e@(eed B& degrees Celsius during the wor,. ,2,.* PROTECTION AND C(RING Con(reting operations shall not (o44en(e until ade>uate arrange4ents for (on(rete (uring have been 4ade by the Contra(tor. Curing and prote(tion of (on(rete shall start i44ediately after (o4pa(tion of the (on(rete to prote(t it fro4 / a: b: (: d: Pre4ature drying out parti(ularly by solar radiation and wind High internal ther4al gradients $ea(hing out by rain and flowing water Rapid (ooling during the first few days after pla(ing

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e: $ow te4perature or frost f: Cibration and i4pa(t whi(h 4ay disrupt the (on(rete and interfere with its bond to the reinfor(e4ent "here 4e4bers are of (onsiderable siLe and length, with high (e4ent (ontent, a((elerated (uring 4ethods 4ay be applied, as approved by the !ngineer. ,2,.*,* W!ter Curin& "ater for (uring shall be as spe(ified in 6e(tion '&&&. 6ea water shall not be used for (uring. 6ea water shall not (o4e into (onta(t with (on(rete 4e4bers unless it has attained ade>uate strength. !@posed surfa(es of (on(rete shall be ,ept (ontinuously in a da4p or wet (ondition by ponding or by (overing with a layer of sa(,s, (anvas, Hessian or si4ilar 4aterials and shall be ,ept (onstantly wet for a period of not less than 'B days fro4 the date of pla(ing of (on(rete. ,2,.*5* Ste!< Curin& "here stea4 (uring is adopted, it shall be ensured that it. is done in a suitable en(losure to (ontain the live stea4 in order to 4ini4ise 4oisture and beat losses. The initial appli(ation of the stea4 shall be after about four hours of pla(e4ent of (on(rete to allow the initial set of the (on(rete to ta,e pla(e. "here retarders are used, the waiting period before appli(ation of the stea4 shall be in(reased to about si@ hours. The stea4 shall be at '&& per (ent relative hu4idity to prevent loss of 4oisture and to provide e@(ess 4oisture for proper hydration of the (e4ent. The appli(ation of stea4 shall not be dire(tly on the (on(rete and the a4bient air te4perature shall in(rease at a rate not e@(eeding 5 degrees Celsius per hour until a 4a@i4u4 te4perature of )& degrees Celsius to 2& degrees Celsius is rea(hed. The 4a@i4u4 te4perature shall be 4aintained until the (on(rete has rea(hed the desired strength. "hen stea4 (uring is dis(ontinued, the a4bient air te4perature shall not drop at a rate e@(eeding 5 degrees Celsius per hour until a te4perature of about '& degrees Celsius above the te4perature of the air to whi(h the (on(rete will be e@posed, has been rea(hed. The (on(rete shall not be e@posed to te4peratures below freeLing for at least si@ days after (uring. ,2,.*.* Curin& Co<#oun"s Curing (o4pounds shall only be per4itted in spe(ial (ir(u4stan(es and will re>uire spe(ifi( approval of the !ngineer. Curing (o4pounds shall not be used on any surfa(e whi(h re>uires further finishing to be applied. 0ll (onstru(tion ?oints shall be 4oist, (ured and no (uring (o4pound will be per4itted in lo(ations where (on(rete surfa(es are re>uired to be bonded together.

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Curing (o4pounds shall be (ontinuously agitated during use. 0ll (on(rete (ured by this 4ethod shall re(eive two appli(ations of the (uring (o4pound. The first (oat shall be applied i44ediately after a((eptan(e of (on(rete finish. If the surfa(e is dry, the (on(rete shall be saturated with water and (uring (o4pound applied as soon as the surfa(e fil4 of water disappears. The se(ond appli(ation shall be 4ade after the first appli(ation has set. Pla(e4ent in 4ore than two (oats 4ay be re>uired to prevent strea,ing. ,2,/* FINIS%ING I44ediately after the re4oval of for4s, e@posed bars or bolts, if any, shall be (ut inside the (on(rete 4e4ber to a depth of at least 5& 44 below the surfa(e of the (on(rete and the resulting holes filled with (e4ent 4ortar. 0ll fins (aused by for4 ?oints, all (avities produ(ed by the re4oval of for4 ties and all other holes and depressions, honey(o4b spots, bro,en edges or (orners, and other defe(ts, shall be thoroughly (leaned, saturated with water, and (arefully pointed and rendered true with 4ortar of (e4ent and fine aggregate 4i@ed in the proportions used in the grade of (on(rete that is being finished and of as dry a (onsisten(y as is possible to use. Considerable pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure thorough filling in all voids. 6urfa(es whi(h have been pointed shall be ,ept 4oist for a period of twenty four hours. 6pe(ial pre+pa(,aged proprietary 4ortars shall be used where appropriate or where spe(ified in the drawing. 0ll (onstru(tion and e@pansion ?oints in the (o4pleted wor, shall be left (arefully tooled and free fro4 any 4ortar and (on(rete. !@pansion ?oint filler shall be left e@posed for its full length with (lean and true edges. I44ediately on re4oval of for4s, the (on(rete wor, shall be e@a4ined by the !ngineer before any defe(ts are 4ade good. a: b: The wor, that has sagged or (ontains honey(o4bing to an e@tent detri4ental to stru(tural safety or ar(hite(tural appearan(e shall be re?e(ted 6urfa(e defe(t of a 4inor nature 4ay be a((epted. 7n a((eptan(e of su(h wor, by the !ngineer, the sa4e shall be re(tified as dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,2,0* TO+ERANCES Toleran(es for di4ensions*shape of various (o4ponents shall be as indi(ated in these spe(ifi(ations or shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. ,2,1* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE ,2,1*,* Con(rete shall (onfor4 to the surfa(e finish and toleran(e ad pres(ribed in these spe(ifi(ations for respe(tive (o4ponents. ,2,1*5* Rando4 sa4pling and lot by lot of a((eptan(e inspe(tion shall be 4ade for the %- days (ube strength of (on(rete.

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,2,1*5*,* Con(rete under a((eptan(e shall be notionally divided into lots for the purpose of sa4pling, before (o44en(e4ent of wor,. The deli4itation of lots shall be deter4ined by the following / 9i.: 9ii.: 9iii.: 9iv.: o individual lot shall be 4ore than 3& (u.4. in volu4e 0t least one (ube for4ing an ite4 of the sa4ple representing the lot shall be ta,en fro4 (on(rete of the sa4e grade and 4i@ proportions (ast on any day. #ifferent grades of 4i@es of (on(rete shall be divided into separate lots Con(rete of a lot shall be used in the sa4e identifiable (o4ponent of the bridge

,2,1*5*5* S!<#:in& !n" testin& '. %. 3. Con(rete for 4a,ing 3 test (ubes shall be ta,en fro4 a bat(h of (on(rete at point of delivery into (onstru(tion, a((ording to pro(edure laid down in I6/ ''11. 0 rando4 sa4pling pro(edure to ensure that ea(h of the (on(rete bat(hes for4ing the lot under a((eptan(e inspe(tion has e>ual (han(e of being (hosen for ta,ing (ubes shall be adopted. I67 44 (ubes shall be 4ade, (ured and tested at the age of %- days for (o4pressive strength in a((ordan(e with I6M5'). The %-+day lest strength result for ea(h (ube shall for4 an ite4 of the sa4ple.

,2,1*5*.* Test s#e;i<en !n" s!<#:e stren&th = Three test spe(i4ens shall be 4ade fro4 ea(h sa4ple for testing at %- days. 0dditional (ubes 4ay be re>uired for various purposes su(h as to deter4ine the strength of (on(rete at 2 days or for any other purpose. The test strength of the sa4ple shall be the average of the strength of 3 (ubes. The individual variation should not be 4ore than N '5 per (ent of the average. ,2,1*5*/* FreEuen;y = The 4ini4u4 fre>uen(y of sa4pling of (on(rete of ea(h grade shall be in a((ordan(e with Table '2&&+TAB+E ,2--73 Duantity of Con(rete In wor,, 43 '+5 ) + '5 ') + 3& 3'+5& 5' and above o. of sa4ples ' % 3 B B plus one additional sa4ple for ea(h additional 5& 4' or part thereof

0t least one sa4ple shall be ta,en fro4 ea(h shift of wor,. ,2,1*5*0* A;;e#t!n;e ;riteri! Co<#ressive Stren&th

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"hen both the following (onditions are 4et, the (on(rete (o4plies with the spe(ified (o4pressive strength / a: The 4ean strength deter4ined fro4 any group of four (onse(utive sa4ples should e@(eed the spe(ified (hara(teristi( (o4pressive strength. b: 6trength of any sa4ple is not less than the spe(ified (hara(teristi( (o4pressive strength 4inus 3 MPa. The >uantity of (on(rete represented by the test results in(lude the bat(hes fro4 whi(h the first and last sa4ples were ta,en, together with ail intervening bat(hes. Ch:ori"e !n" Su:#h!te Content The total (hloride and sulphuri( anhydride 967 3: (ontent of all the (onstituents of (on(rete as a per(entage of 4ass of (e4ent in the 4i@ shall not e@(eed the values given in this se(tion of the spe(ifi(ations. ,2,1*.* Density o Fresh Con;rete "here 4ini4u4 density of fresh (on(rete is spe(ified, the 4ean of any four (onse(utive sa4ples shall not be less than the spe(ified value and any individual sa4ple result shall not be less than 12.5 per (ent of the spe(ified value. ,2,1*/* Density o %!r"ene" Con;rete "here 4ini4u4 density of hardened (on(rete is spe(ified, the 4ean of any four (onse(utive sa4ples shall not be less than the spe(ified value and any individual sa4ple result shall not be less than 12.5 per (ent of the spe(ified value. ,2,1*0* Per<e!?i:ity Test The (on(rete should pass the following test if it is properly (o4pa(ted and is not (onsidered per4eable. a: Prepare a (ylindri(al test spe(i4en '5& 44 din and ')& 44 high b: 0fter %- days of (uring, the test spe(i4en is fitted in a 4a(hine su(h that the spe(i4en (an be pla(ed in water under pressure upto 2 bars. 0 typi(al 4a(hine is shown in Appendix 1/##lll. (: 0t first a pressure of one bar is applied for B- hours, followed by 3 bars for %B hours and 2 bars for ne@t %B hours. d: 0fter the passage of the above period, the spe(i4en is ta,en out and split in the 4iddle by (o4pression applied on two round bars on opposite sides above and below. e: The water penetration in the bro,en (ore is to be 4easured with a s(ale and the depth of penetration assessed in 44 94a@. per4issible li4it %5 44:. ,2,1*1* If the (on(rete is not able to 4eet any of the standards of a((eptan(e as pres(ribed, the effe(t of su(h defi(ien(y on the stru(ture shall be investigated by the Contra(tor as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The !ngineer 4ay a((ept the (on(rete as sub+ standard wor,. 0ny additional wor, re>uired by the !ngineer for su(h a((eptan(e shall

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be (arried (uM by the Contra(tor at his (ost. In (ase the (on(rete is not found to be a((eptable after investigation, the Contra(tor shall re4ove the re?e(ted (on(rete forthwith. ,2,2* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT 6tru(tural (on(rete shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres. In reinfor(ed or prestressed (on(rete, the volu4e o((upied by reinfor(e4ent or prestressing (ables and sheathing shah not be dedu(ted. The slab shall be 4easured as running (ontinuously through and the bea4 as the portion below the slab. ,2,3* RATE The (ontra(t unit rate for stru(tural (on(rete shall (over (osts of all 4aterials, labour, tools, plant and e>uip4ent re>uired for 4i@ing, transporting and pla(ing in position, vibrating and (o4pa(ting, finishing and (uring as per this 6e(tion or as dire(ted by the !ngineer, in(luding all in(idental e@penses, sa4pling and testing, >uality assuran(e and supervision. Anless 4entioned separately as an ite4 in the Contra(t, the (ontra(t unit rate for (on(rete shall also in(lude the (ost of providing, fi@ing and re4oving for4wor, re>uired for (on(rete wor, as per 6e(tion '5&&. "here (on(rete is found to be a((eptable as sub+standard wor,, the Contra(tor shall pay a dis(ount over the (ontra(t unit rate, as de(ided by the !ngineer. .or defi(ien(y in (o4pressive strength of (on(rete when a((epted by the !ngineer, the redu(tion in rate 4ay be applied as under /
Per (ent redu(tion = #esign 6trength + 7bserved 6trength x'&& #esign 6trength

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,3-,* DESCRIPTION 6tru(tural (on(rete (ontaining prestressed steel reinfor(e4ent to introdu(e pre (o4pression is ter4ed as prestressed (on(rete. The wor, shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e with the drawing and spe(ifi(ations or as approved by the !ngineer. Con(rete and untensioned steel for the (onstru(tion of prestressed 4e4bers shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of se(tions '2&& ')&& for 6tru(tural Con(rete and 6teel Reinfor(e4ent respe(tively so far as the re>uire4ents of these 6e(tions apply and are not spe(ifi(ally 4odified by re>uire4ents set forth herein. ,3-5* MATERIA+S '-&%.'. 0ll 4aterials shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '&&&. ,3-5*5* She!thin& '-&%.%.'. The sheathing du(ts shall be of the spiral (orrugated type. Anless otherwise spe(ified, the 4aterial shall be Cold Rolled Cold 0nnealed 9CRC0: Mild 6teel (onfor4ing to I6/5'3 intended for 4e(hani(al treat4ent and surfa(e refining but not for >uen(h hardening or te4pering. The 4aterial shall nor4ally be bright finished. However, where spe(ified, as in (ase of use in aggressive environ4ent, galvanised or lead+(oated 4ild steel strips shall be used. The thi(,ness of sheathing shall be as shown on the drawing, but shall not be less than &.3 44, &.B 44 and &.5 44 for sheathing du(ts having internal dia4eter of 5& 44, 25 44 and 1& 44 respe(tively. .or bigger dia4eter of du(ts, thi(,ness of sheathing shall be based on re(o44endations of prestressing syste4 supplier or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The sheathing shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ent as per tests spe(ified in Appendix 1.##5*. .or 4a?or pro?e(ts, the sheathing du(ts should preferably be 4anufa(tured at the pro?e(t site utilising appropriate 4a(hines. "ith su(h an arrange4ent, long lengths of sheathing du(ts 4ay be used with (onse>uent redu(tion in the nu4ber of ?oints and (ouplers. "here sheathing du(t ?oints are unavoidable, su(h ?oints shall be 4ade slurry tight by theK use of (orrugated threaded sleeve (ouplers whi(h 4ay be tightly s(rewed onto the outer side of the sheathing du(ts. The length of the (oupler should not be less than '5& 44 but should be in(reased upto %&& 44 wherever pra(ti(able. The ?oints between the ends of the (oupler and the du(t shall be sealed with adhesive sealing tape to prevent penetration of (e4ent slurry daring (on(reting. The (ouplers of ad?a(ent du(ts should be staggered wherever pra(ti(able. 0s far as possible, (ouplers should not be lo(ated in (urved Lones. The (orrugated sleeve (ouplers are being (onveniently 4anufa(tured using the sheath 4a,ing

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4a(hine with the ne@t higher siLe of die set. ,3-5*5*5* The internal area of the sheathing du(t shall be in a((ordan(e with the re(o44endations of the syste4 4anufa(turer and shall be about three ti4es the area of the tendons. In (ase of )T'3, '%T'3 and '1T'3 siLes of tendons (o4prising '%*'3 44 dia strands, the inner dia4eter of the sheathing shall not be less than 5& 44, 25 44 and 1& 44 respe(tively or those shown in the drawing, whi(h ever is greater. "here prestressing tendons are re>uired to be threaded after (on(reting the dia4eter of sheathing shall be about 5 nun larger than that re>uired as above. ,3-5*5*.* In severe environ4ent, (ables shall be threaded after (on(reting. In su(h (ases a te4porary tendon shall be inserted. in the sheathing or the sheathing shall be stiffened by other suitable 4ethod during (on(reting. ,3-5.* An;hor!&es ,3-5.*,* 0n(horages shall be pro(ured fro4 authorised 4anufa(turers only. 0n(horages shall (onfor4 to E6/BBB2. Test (ertifi(ates fro4 a laboratory fully e>uipped to (arry out the tests shall be furnished to the !ngineer. 6u(h test (ertifi(ates shall not be 4ore than '% 4onths old at the ti4e of 4a,ing the proposal for adoption of a parti(ular syste4 for the pro?e(t. o da4aged an(horages shall be used. 6teel parts shall be prote(ted fro4 (orrosion at all ti4es. Threaded parts shall be prote(ted by greased wrappings and tapped holes shall be prote(ted by suitable plugs until used. The an(horage (o4ponents shall be ,ept free fro4 4ortar and loose rust and any other deleterious (oating. ,3-5.*5* 6wages of prestressing strand and button+heads of prestressing wire, where provided shall develop a strength of at least 15 per (ent of the spe(ified brea,ing toad of the strand or wire as the (ase 4ay be. "here swaging*button+heading is envisaged, the Contra(tor shall furnish details of his 4ethodology and obtain approval of the !ngineer, prior to his ta,ing up the wor,. ,3-5*.*.* Antensioned 6teel reinfor(e4ents, around an(horages shall (onfor4 to the details of prestressing syste4 and as shown on the drawing. ,3-.* TESTING OF PRESTRESSING STEE+ AND ANC%ORAGES 0ll 4aterials spe(ified for testing shall be furnished free of (ost and shall be delivered in ti4e for tests to be 4ade well in advan(e of anti(ipated ti4e of use. 0ll wire, strand or bars to be shipped to the site shall be assigned a lot nu4ber and tagged for identifi(ation purposes. 0n(horage asse4blies to be shipped shall be li,e+ wise identified. 0ll sa4ples sub4itted shall be representative of the lot to be furnished and in the (ase of wire or strand, shall be ta,en fro4 the sa4e 4aster roll. The Contra(tor shall furnish sa4ples of at least 5.& 4 length sele(ted fro4 ea(h lot for testing. . 0lso, two an(horage asse4blies, (o4plete with distribution plates of ea(h siLe or types to be used,

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shall be furnished along with short, lengths of strands as re>uired. ,3-/ ,3-/*,* C:e!nin& Tendons shall be free fro4 loose rust, oil, grease, tar, paint, 4ud or any other deleterious substan(e. Cleaning of the steel 4ay be (arried out by i44ersion in suitable solvent solutions, wire brushing or passing through a pressure bo@ (ontaining (arborundu4 powder. However, the tendons shall not be brought to a polished (ondition. ,3-/*5* Str!i&htenin& High tensile steel wire and strand shall be supplied in (oils of suffi(iently large dia4eter su(h that tendons shall retain their physi(al properties and shall be straight as it unwinds fro4 the (oil. Tendons of any type that are da4aged, ,in,ed or bent shall not be used. The pa(,ing of prestressing wire*strand shall +be re4oved only ?ust prior to 4a,ing of (able for pla(e4ent 6uitable stands shall be provided to fa(ilitate un(oiling of wires*strands without da4age to steel. Care shall be ta,en to avoid the possibility of steel (o4ing into (onta(t with the ground. ,3-/*.* Positionin& ,3-/*.*,* Post+Tensioning Prestressing tendons shall be a((urately lo(ated and 4aintained in position, both verti(ally and horiLontally, as per drawings. Tendons shall be so arranged that they have a s4ooth profile without sudden bends or ,in,s. The lo(ationing of prestressed (ables shall be su(h as to fa(ilitate easy pla(e4ent and vibration of (on(rete in between the tendons. High (apa(ity tendon shall be used to redu(e the nu4ber of (ables thereby eli4inating the ne(essity of grouping. The sele(ted profiles of the tendons shall be su(h that their an(horages are not lo(ated in the top de(, surfa(e. "here two or 4ore rows of (ables have to be used, the (ables shall be verti(ally in line to enable easy flow of (on(rete. The (lear verti(al and horiLontal distan(es between any two (ables shall in no (ase be less than '&&44 anywhere along the length of the superstru(ture. "here pre(ast seg4ents are used, the (lear distan(e shall be at least '5& 44. 6heathing shall be pla(ed in (orre(t position and profile by providing suitable, ladders and spa(ers. 6u(h ladders 4ay be provided at intervals of appro@i4ately '.& 4. 6heathing shall be tied rigidly with su(h ladders*spa(er bars so that they do not get disturbed during (on(reting. The 4ethod of supporting and fi@ing shall be su(h that profile of (ables is not disturbed during vibrations, by pressure of wet (on(rete, by wor,4en or by (onstru(tion WORKMANS%IP

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traffi(. 6heathing in whi(h the per4anent tendon will not be in pla(e during (on(reting shall have a te4porary tendon inserted or shall be stiffened by so4e other 4ethod to the approval of the !ngineer. The te4porary tendon shall be pulled out before threading the per4anent tendon into pla(e by a spe(ial threading 4a(hine or other (ontrivan(e. "here possible tendons shall not be pla(ed until i44ediately prior to stressing. Tendons shall be handled with (are to avoid da4age or (onta4ination, to either the tendon or the sheathing. 0ny tendons da4aged or (onta4inated shall be (leaned or repla(ed. ,3-/*.*5* Pre+Tensioning. Prestressing steel shall be a((urately lo(ated and 4aintained in position, both verti(ally and horiLontally, as per drawings. ,3-/*.*.* !a(h an(horage devi(e shall be set s>uare to the line of a(tion of the (orresponding prestressing tendon and shall be positioned se(urely to prevent 4ove4ent during (on(reting. The an(horage devi(es shall be (leaned to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer prior to the pla(ing of (on(rete. 0fter (on(reting, any 4ortar or (on(rete whi(h adheres to bearing or wedging surfa(es, shall be re4oved i44ediately. ,3-/*/* Cuttin&

Cutting and tri44ing of wires or strands shall be done by suitable 4e(hani(al or fla4e (utters. "hen a fla4e (utter is used, (are shall be ta,en to ensure that the fla4e does not (o4e in (onta(t with other stressed steel, The lo(ation of fla4e (utting of wire or strand shall be ,ept beyond 25 44 of where the tendon will be gripped by. the an(horage or ?a(,s. In post+tensioning the ends of prestressing steel pro?e(ting beyond the an(horages, shall be (ut after the grout has set. ,3-/*0* Prote;tion o Prestressin& Stee:

Prestressing steel shall be (ontinuously prote(ted against (orrosion, until grouted. The (orrosion prote(tor shall have no deleterious effe(t on the steel or (on(rete or on the bond strength of steel to (on(rete. Grouting shall (onfor4 to these spe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. In the (ase of e@ternal prestressing, steel shall be en(ased in suitable polyethelene pipes before grouting. ,3-/*1* She!thin&

The ?oints of all sheathings shall be water+tight. 6pe(ial attention shall be paid to the ?un(tion at the an(horage end, where the sheathing 4ust tightly fit on the protruding tru4pet end of an(horage and thereafter sealed preferably with heat shrin, tape, to 4a,e it waterproof.

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The heat+shrin, tape is supplied in the for4 of bandage rolls whi(h (an be used for all dia4eters of sheathing du(ts. The bandage is (oated on the underside with a heat sensitive adhesive so that after heating the bandage 4aterial shrin,s on the sheathing du(t and ensures for4ation of a lea9-proof ?oint. The heating is effe(ted by 4eans of a soft gas fla4e. 0 sheath 4a,ing 4a(hine should be positioned at the site of wor, for large pro?e(ts so that sheathing (an be prepared as and when it is re>uired for (onstru(tion. The sheathing and all ?oints shall be water tight. 0ny te4porary opening in the sheathing shall be satisfa(torily plugged and all ?oints between sheathing and any other part of the prestressing syste4 shall be effe(tively sealed to prevent entry of 4ortar, dust, water or other deleterious 4atter. 6heathing shall be neatly fitted at ?oints without internal pro?e(tion or redu(tion of dia4eter. !nlarged portions of the sheathing at (ouplings or an(horages shall be of suffi(ient length to provide for the e@tension of the tendons. ,3-/*2* Grout )ents Grout vents of at least %& 44 dia4eter shall be provided at both, ends of the sheathing and at all valleys and (rests along its length. 0dditional vents with plugs shall also be provided along the length of sheathing su(h that the spa(ing of (onse(utive vents do not e@(eed %& 4. !a(h of the grout vents shall be provided with a plug or si4ilar devi(e (apable of withstanding a pressure of '.& MPa without the loss of water, air pressure or grout. ,3-/*3 An;hor!&es 0ll bearing surfa(es of the an(horages shall be (leaned prior to (on(reting and tensioning. 0n(hor (ones, blo(,s and plates shall be se(urely positioned and 4aintained during (on(reting su(h that the (entre line of the du(t passes a@ially through the an(horage asse4bly. The an(horages shall be re(essed fro4 the (on(rete surfa(e by a 4ini4u4 (over of '&& 44. 0fter the prestressing operations are (o4pleted and prestressing wires*strands are (ut, the surfa(e shall be painted with two (oats of epo@y of suitable for4ulation having a dry fil4 thi(,ness of -& 4i(rons per (oat and entire re(ess shall be filled with (on(rete or non+shrin,*pre+pa(,aged 4ortar or epo@y (on(rete. ,3-/*4* Stru;tur!: Con;rete 6tru(tural (on(rete shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '2&&. The for4wor, shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '5&&.

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,3-0* S(PER)ISION 0ll prestressing and grouting operations shall be underta,en by trained personnel only. 0 representative of supplier of the prestressing syste4 shall be present during all tensioning and grouting operations and shall ensure, 4onitor and (ertify their (orre(tness. ,3-1* TENSIONING E>(IPMENT 0ll tensioning e>uip4ent shall be pro(ured fro4 authorised 4anufa(turers only and be approved by the !ngineer prior to use. "here hydrauli( ?a(,s are used, they shall be power+driven unless otherwise approved by the !ngineer. The tensioning e>uip4ent shall satisfy the following re>uire4ents / 9i: The 4eans of atta(h4ents of the prestressing steel to the ?a(, or any other tensioning apparatus shall be safe and se(ure. 9ii: "here two or 4ore wires*strands (onstitute a tendon, a single 4ultipull stressing ?a(, shall he used whi(h is (apable of tensioning si4ultaneously all the wires* strands of the tendon. 6uitable fa(ilities for handling and atta(hing the rnultipull ?a(, to the tendons shall be provided. 9iii: The tensioning e>uip4ent shall be su(h that it (an apply (ontrolled total for(e gradually on the (on(rete without indu(ing dangerous se(ondary stresses in steel, an(horage or (on(reteM and 9iv: Means shall be provided for dire(t 4easure4ent of the for(e by use of dyna4o4eters or pressure gauges Tilted in the hydrauli( syste4 itself to deter4ine the pressure in the ?a(,s. .a(ilities shall also be provided for the linear 4easure4ent of the e@tension of prestressing steel to the nearest 44 and of any slip of the gripping devi(es at transfer. 0ll dyna4o 4eters and pressure gauges in(luding a 4aster gauge shall be (alibrated by an approved laboratory i44ediately prior to use and then at intervals not e@(eeding 3 4onths and the true for(e deter4ined fro4 the (alibration (urve. Pressure gauges shall be (on(entri( s(ale type gauges a((urate to within two per (ent of their full (apa(ity. The 4ini4u4 no4inal siLe of gauge shall be '&& 44. The gauge shall be so sele(ted that when the tendon is stressed to 25 per (ent of its brea,ing load, the gauge is reading between 5& per (ent and -& per (ent of its full (apa(ity. 6uitable safety devi(es shall be fitted to against sudden release of pressure. Provision shall be 4ade for the atta(h4ent of the 4aster gauge to be used as a (he(, whenever re>uested for by the !ngineer. ,3-2* POST7TENSIONING

Tensioning for(e shall be applied in gradual and steady steps and (arried out in su(h a 4anner that the applied tensions and elongations (an be 4easured at all ti4es. The se>uen(e of stressing, applied tensions and elongations shall be in a((ordan(e with the approved drawing or as . dire(ted by the !ngineer. It shall be ensured that in no (ase, the load is applied to the (on(rete before it attains the strength spe(ified on the drawing or as stipulated by the prestressing syste4

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supplier, whi(hever is 4ore. 0fter prestressing steel has been an(hored, the for(e e@erted by the tensioning e>uip4ent shall be de(reased gradually and steadily so as to avoid sho(, to the prestressing steel or an(horage. The tensioning for(e applied to any tendon shall be deter4ined by dire(t reading of the pressure gauges or dyna4o+4eters and by (o4parison of the 4easured elongation with the (al(ulated elongation. The (al(ulated elongation shall be invariably ad?usted with respe(t to the 4odulus of elasti(ity of steel for the parti(ular lot as given by the 4anufa(turer. The differen(e between (al(ulated and observed tension and elongation during prestressing operations shall be regulated as follows/ a: If the (al(ulated elongation it rea(hed before the spe(ified gauge pressure is obtained, (ontinue tensioning till attaining the spe(ified gauge pressure, provided the elongation does not e@(eed '.&5 li4es the (al(ulated elongation. If '.&5 ti4es the (al(ulated elongation is rea(hed before the spe(ified gauge pressure is attained, stop stressing and infor4 the !ngineer. b: If the (al(ulated elongation has not been rea(hed at the spe(ified gauge pressure, (ontinue tensioning by intervals of 5 ,g*s>. (.4. until the (al(ulated elongation is rea(hed provided the gauge pressure does not e@(eed l.&5 ti4es the spe(ified gauge pressure. (: If die elongation at ' .&5 ti4es the spe(ified gauge pressure a less than &.15 ti4es the (al(ulated elongation, the following .4easures 4ust be ta,en. in su((ession, to deter4ine the (ause of this la(, of dis(repan(y / i: Che(, the (orre(t fun(tioning of the ?a(,, pu4p and leads. ii: #etension the (able. 6lide it in its du(t to (he(, that h is not blo(,ed by 4ortar whi(h has entered through holes in the sheath. Retension the (able if free. iii: Re Jestablish the 4odulus of elasti(ity of steel for the parti(ular lot fro4 an a proved laboratory. If the re>uired elongation is still not obtained, further finishing operations su(h as (utting or sealing, should not be underta,en without the approval of the !ngineer. d: "hen stressing fro4 one end only, the slip at the end re4ote fro4 the ?a(, shall be a((urately 4easured and an appropriate allowan(e 4ade in the 4easured e@tension at the ?a(,ing end. 0 (o4plete re(ord of prestressing operations along with elongation and ?a(, pressure data shall be 4aintained in the for4at given in Appendix 1.##5**. The nu4ber of stages of prestressing and grouting shall be redu(ed to a 4ini4u4, preferably % in the (ase of si4ply supported girders. ,3-3* GRO(TING OF PRESTRESSED TENDONS Grouting shall (onfor4 to Appendix 1.##5***. 0 re(ord of grouting operations shall be 4aintained in the for4at given in Appendix 1.##5 *7.

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,3-4*,* Gener!: The planning and (onstru(tion aspe(ts of the tensioning bed, tensioning ben(h, abut4ents at lo(ation of an(horage, stea4 (uring syste4, for4wor, of the (on(rete ele4ents and arrange4ents for de4oulding, lifting, sta(,ing and transportation of the pre+tensioned (on(rete ele4ents are all spe(ialised ite4s and shall be entrusted to engineers spe(ifi(ally e@perien(ed in this type of wor,. ,3-4*5* Stressin& Be" or Pre7tensionin& The abut4ents and bed for pre+tensioning of tendons shall be designed to withstand the total tensioning for(e. 0 noti(e shall be displayed ad?a(ent to the stressing bed showing the 4a@i4u4 tensioning for(e per4itted. "here (on(rete ele4ents are (ast and prestressed individually, the stressing ben(h or 4oulds shall be rigid enough to sustain the rea(tion of the prestressing for(e without distortion. In the long line 4ethod of prestressing, suffi(ient lo(ator plates should be distributed throughout the length of the bed to ensure that the wires are 4aintained in their proper position during (on(retingM The 4oulds shall be free to slide in the dire(tion of their length and thus per4it the transfer of the prestressing for(e to all the (on(rete ele4ents along the whole line. 6uffi(ient spa(e shall be left in between the ends of (on(rete ele4ents to per4it a((ess for (utting the strands*wires after transfer. Hold+downs or defle(tors shall be used for holding or defle(ting the tendons in re>uired position fir4ly. #efle(tors whi(h are in (onta(t with the tendon shall have a dia4eter not less than the tendon or '5 44, whi(hever is greater. The tensioning for(e re>uired to be applied as stated on the drawings shall be the for(e re4aining in the strands*wires after all strands*wiresK have been an(hored to the abut4ents of the stressing bed and after the an(horage slip has already ta,en pla(e. The tensioning for(e shall be deter4ined by dire(t reading of the pressure gauges or dyna4o+ 4eters and by the 4easured elongation after slip. The Contra(tor shall sub4it 4ethod of tensioning the tendons in(luding the arrange4ent and layout of prestressing beds and all tendon defle(tion points to the !ngineer for approval before 4anufa(ture (o44en(es. The Contra(tor shall (arry out trial stressing operations to establish the fri(tional resistan(e offered by the hold+downs and the slip during an(horing. "here sheathing of pre tensioned tendons is re>uired to prevent bond over a spe(ified length, it shall (onsist of plasti( tubing or other 4aterial approved by the

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!ngineer and shall be of a >uality, dia4eter and thi(,ness su(h that bond shall be effe(tively prevented. The tubing shall be fastened to the tendon in su(h a 4anner that (e4ent 4ortar (annot enter. The !ngineer 4ay order that the pull+in of the tendon be 4easured during the transfer of prestress. The Contra(tor shall also sub4it (al(ulations showing that the hold+downs have been designed and (onstru(ted to withstand (on(entrated loads resulting fro4 the appli(ation of the tensioning for(e. ,3-4*.* Tensionin& Pro;e"ure The tensioning of the wires and strands shall be done not too 4u(h in advan(e of (on(reting. The tensioning for(e shall be applied gradually and unifor4ly. In order to re4ove sla(, and to lift tendons off the bed floor, an initial for(e approved by the !ngineer shall be applied to the tendons. 0llowan(e shall be 4ade for this for(e in (al(ulating the re>uired elongation. Tendons shall be 4ar,ed for 4easure4ent of elongation after the initial for(e has been applied. "hen re>uired by the !ngineer, tendons shall be 4ar,ed at both the ?a(,ing end and dead end of the stressing bed and at (ouplers if used so that slip and draw+in 4ay be 4easured. "here defle(ted strands have been spe(ified, the !ngineer 4ay dire(t the elongation or strain gauge 4easure4ents be ta,en at various positions along the tendon to deter4ine the for(e in the tendon at those positions. ,3-4*/* Tr!ns er o Prestress "hile the pro(ess of tensioning (an be a((o4plished by 4eans of hydrauli( ?a(,s, so4e positive 4e(hani(al 4eans shall be provided to 4aintain the tension during the entire period between the tensioning of the wires*strands and transfer of the prestressing for(e to the (on(rete ele4ent. Transfer of prestress shall not pro(eed until the !ngineer has approved the proposed 4ethod. Tendons and defle(tion devi(es shall be released in su(h a pre+ deter4ined order that una((eptable tensile stresses are not indu(ed in the (on(rete. Prior to transfer of the for(e to the units, all tendons shall be tested for tightness and any loose tendon shall be reported to the !ngineer who will de(ide whether the units affe(ted shall be re?e(ted. The !ngineer 4ay re>uire that tendons be 4ar,ed at ea(h end of any unit to allow 4easure4ent of the pull+in of the (on(rete. Tendons shall be released gradually and preferably si4ultaneously. Ander no (ir(u4stan(es shall tendons be (ut while under tension.

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7n (o4pletion of the transfer of prestress, the pro?e(ting lengths of tendon shall be (ut off flush with the end surfa(e of the unit, unless otherwise shown, by a 4ethod approved by the !ngineer. In no (ase shall the transfer of prestressing for(e to the (on(rete ele4ents ta,e pla(e before (on(rete attains the strength spe(ified in the drawings. To deter4ine the spe(ified strength, additional (ube testing shall be underta,en at the Contra(torKs (ost. In (ase stea4 (uring is e4ployed, the (ubes shall be pla(ed in the sa4e environ4ent as the (on(rete ele4ents to obtain an a((urate assess4ent of (on(rete strength at the ti4e of transfer. The se>uen(e of transfer of prestressing for(e shall be done stri(tly as indi(ated in the drawings and ensuring that e((entri(ities of the prestressing for(e in the verti(al and horiLontal dire(tions of the (on(rete ele4ent is a 4ini4u4 during the entire se>uen(e. The 4a@i4u4 slip of any tendon during transfer shall not e@(eed 3 44 at any end of the (on(rete ele4ent. In (ase this slip is e@(eeded, the (on(rete ele4ent in >uestion shall be re?e(ted. ,3-4*0* Prote;tion o En"s The e@posed ends of the tendons and the (on(rete surfa(es of the ends of the units shall be wire brushed (lean of all rust, loose 4ortar, grease and din. The e@posed ends of the tendons and (on(rete surfa(e within 5& 44K of tendons shall be then abraded to provide a (lean sound surfa(e. 0n epo@y tar paint suitably for4ulated to give a dry fil4 thi(,ness of -& 4i(rons per (oat shall then be i44ediately applied over the ends of the tendons unless otherwise dire(ted. 0 se(ond (oat of paint shall be applied prior to the drying out of the first (oat. ,3,-* SAFET6 PRECA(TIONS D(RING TENSIONING Care shall be ta,en during tensioning to ensure the safety of all persons in the vi(inity. 8a(,s shall be se(ured in su(h a 4anner that they will be held in position, should they lose their grip on the tendons. o person shall be allowed to stand behind the ?a(,s or (lose to the line of the tendons while tensioning is in progress. The operations of the ?a(,s and the 4easure4ent of the elongation and asso(iated operations shall be (arried out in su(h a 4anner and fro4 su(h a position that the safety of all (on(erned is ensured. 0 safety barrier shall be provided at both ends to prevent any tendon, whi(h 4ight be(o4e loose fro4 re(oiling un(he(,ed. #uring a(tual tensioning operation, warning sign shall be displayed at both ends

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of the tendon. 0fter prestressing, (on(rete shall neither be drilled nor any portion (ut nor (hipped+away nor disturbed, without e@press approval of the !ngineer. o welding shall be per4itted on or near tendons nor shall any heat be applied to tendons. 0ny tendon whi(h has been affe(ted by welding, weld spatter or heat shall be re?e(ted. ,3,,* TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE OF (NITS Pre(ast girders shall be transported in an upright position. Points of support and the dire(tion of rea(tions with respe(t to the girder shall appro@i4ately be the sa4e during transportation, and storage as when the girder is pla(ed in final position. "hen 4e4bers are to be sta(,ed, they shall be fir4ly supported at su(h bearing positions as will ensure that the stresses indu(ed in the4 are always less than the per4issible design stresses. .urther, in(lined side supports shall be provided at the ends and along the length of a pre(ast girder to prevent lateral 4ove4ents or instability. Care shall be ta,en during storage, hoisting and handling of the pre(ast units to prevent their (ra(,ing or being da4aged. Anits da4aged by i4proper storing or handling shall be repla(ed by the Contra(tor at his e@pense ,3,5* TO+ERANCES

Per4issible toleran(es for positional deviation of Prestressing tendons shall be li4ited to the following a: b: (: Cariation fro4 the spe(ified horiLontal profile Cariation fro4 the spe(ified verti(al profile Cariation fro4 the spe(ified position in 4e4ber / 5 44 / 5 44 / 5 44

,3,.* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. ,3,/* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT Prestressed Con(rete shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres. The volu4e o((upied by 4ild steel reinfor(e4ent*HF6# bars, high tensile steel, sheathing and an(horages shall not be dedu(ted. High tensile 9prestressing: steel shall be paid for separately and its length shall be 4easured as a(tually in(orporated in the finished wor,.

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.ro4 the length so 4easured its weight +shall be (al(ulated in tonnes on theoreti(al basis and paid for. 0n(horage devi(es, additional length of (ables for atta(hing ?a(,, du(ts or sheathing, grout, non+prestressed steel reinfor(e4ent fi@ed to the an(horage devi(es, 4a,ing of re(esses and filling the sa4e, prote(tion by painting with epo@y and furnishing sa4ples for testing shall all be dee4ed to be in(luded in the ite4 of high tensile steel and shall not be 4easured separately. ,3,0* RATE

The (ontra(t unit rate for (ast+in+pla(e prestressed (on(rete shall (over the (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools and plant re>uired for 4i@ing, pla(ing in position, vibrating and (o4pa(ting, finishing as per dire(tions of the !ngineer, (uring and other in(idental e@penses for produ(ing (on(rete of spe(ified strength to (o4plete the stru(ture or its (o4ponents as shown on the drawings and a((ording to spe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t unit rate shall also in(lude the (ost of 4a,ing, fi@ing and re4oving of all (entring and for4s re>uired for the wor, unless otherwise spe(ified in the Contra(t. .or pre(ast prestressed (on(rete 4e4bers, the rate in addition to above shall also in(lude the (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools and plant re>uired to transport and pla(e these 4e4bers in their final position as shown on the drawings and as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The (ontra(t unit rate for high tensile steel shall (over the (ost of 4aterial, labour, tools and plant re>uired for 4anufa(turing, pla(ing, tensioning, an(horing and grouting the high tensile steel in the prestressed (on(rete as shown on. the drawings and as per spe(ifi(ations herein above or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The (ost of an(horage devi(es, additional length of (ables for atta(hing ?a(,, du(ts or sheathing, grout, non+prestressed steel reinfor(e4ent fi@ed to the an(horage devi(es, 4a,ing of re(esses and filling the sa4e, prote(tion by painting with epo@y and furnishing sa4ples for testing shall all be in(luded in the unit rate. Rate shall also in(lude pay4ents if any to be 4ade to the supplier of the prestressing syste4 who has to 4onitor, ensure and (ertify the (orre(tness of all operations.

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Stru;tur!: Stee:

,4-Stru;tur!: Stee:

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,4-,* DESCRIPTION This wor, shall in(lude furnishing, fabri(ating, transporting, ere(ting and painting stru(tural steel, rivet steel, (ast steel, steel forgings, (ast iron and other in(idental 4etal (onstru(tion of the ,ind, siLe and >uantity in (onfor4ity with the drawings and these spe(ifi(ations or as desired by the !ngineer. ,4-5* GENERA+ General re>uire4ents relating to the supply of 4aterial shall (onfor4 to the spe(ifi(ations of I6/ '3-2, for the purpose of whi(h the supplier shall be the Contra(tor and the pur(haser shall be the !ngineer. .inished rolled 4aterial shall be free fro4 (ra(,s, flaws, in?urious sea4s, laps, blisters, ragged and i4perfe(t edges and other defe(ts. It shall have a s4ooth and unifor4 finish, and shall be straightened in the 4ill before ship4ent. They shall also be free fro4 loose 4ill s(ale, rust, pits or other defe(ts affe(ting its strength and durability. The a((eptan(e of any 4aterial on inspe(tion at the 4ill i.e. rolling 4ills, foundry or fabri(ating plant where 4aterial for the wor, is 4anufa(tured, shall not be a bar to its subse>uent re?e(tion, if found defe(tive Anless spe(ified otherwise, high tensile steel rivet (onfor4ing to I6/ ''B1 shall be used for 4e4bers of high tensile steel (onfor4ing to I6/1)' and shall not be used for 4ild steel 4e4bers. Anless spe(ified otherwise, bolted (onne(tion of stru(tural ?oints using high tensile fri(tion grip bolts shall (o4ply with re>uire4ents of I6/B&&&. Cast iron shall not be used in any portion of the bridge stru(ture, e@(ept where it is sub?e(t to dire(t (o4pression. ,4-.* MATERIA+S ,4-.*,* 0ll 4aterials shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '&&&. 6pe(ial re>uire4ents are given below / Mild steel for bolts and nuts shall (onfor4 to I6/%%) but have a 4ini4u4 tensile strength of BB ,g*s>. 44. and 4ini4u4 per(entage elongation of 'B. High tensile steel for bolts and nuts shall (onfor4 to I6/1)' but with a 4ini4u4 tensile strength of 5,g*s>. 44. High strength fri(tion grip bolts shall be per4itted for use only on satisfa(tory eviden(e of perfor4an(e to the re>uire4ents 9not (overed by these spe(ifi(ations: spe(ified by the !ngineer or in(luded in the spe(ial provisions. .or (ast steel, the yield stress shall be deter4ined and shall not be less than 5& per (ent of the 4ini4u4 tensile strength. Plain washers shall be of steel. Tapered or+ other spe(ially shaped washers shall be of steel, or 4alleable (ast iron.

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Parallel barrel drifts shall have a tensile strength not less than 55 ,g*s>.44. with elongation of not less than %& per (ent 4easured on a gauge length of B +o 96o Y (ross se(tional area:. ,4-.*5* Materials for (astings and forgings, fasteners and welding (onsu4ables shall be as under / ,4-.*5*,* Castings and .orgings / 6teel (astings and forgings shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents of the following Indian 6tandards, as appropriate / I6/ '&3& I6/ '-25 I6/%&&B '6/%)BB I6/B3)2 Carbon 6teel Castings for General !ngineering purposes Carbon 6teel Eillets, bloo4s, slabs, bars for forgings Carbon 6teel .orgings for General !ngineering purposes High Tensile 6teel Casings 0lloy & tool steel forgings for general industrial use

,4-.*5*5* F!steners = Eolts, nuts, washers and rivets shall (o4ply with the following or relevant I6 6tandards as appropriate / '5/'1%1 I6/%'55 I6/ '3)3 I6/ '3)B I6/ '3)2 I6/3)B& I6/3252 I6/))%3 I6/))31 I6/5)%B I6/2&&% I6/53)1 I6/532& I6/532% Hot forged steel rivets for hot (losing 9'%+3)44 dia: Cold forged steel rivets for hot (losing 9)+')44 dia: He@agon head bolts, s(rew and nuts produ(t grade C He@agon head bolts, s(rew & nuts produ(t grade 0 & E Te(hni(al supply (onditions for threaded steel fastener 9Parts ' to '-: He@agon fit bolts High tensile fri(tion grip bolts High strength stru(tural nuts He@agon bolls for steel stru(ture .oundation bolts Prevailing tor>ue type steel he@agon lo(, nuts Plain washers and lo(, washers + general re>uire4ents Plain washers with outside dia Y .3 G inside dia Taper washers for (hannels 9I6MC:

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I6/532B I6/))'& I6/))B1 nuts

Taper "ashers for I bea4s 9I6ME: Heavy washers for steel stru(tures Hardened and te4pered washers for high strength stru(tural bolts and

,4-.*57.* We:"in& ;onsu<!?:es "elding (onsu4ables shall (o4ply with the following Indian 6tandards as appropriate / I6/-'B Covered !le(trodes for Metal 0r( "elding of stru(tural 9Part ': steel for welding other than sheets I6/-'B .or welding sheets 9Part %:

I6/ '%2- .iller rods and wires for gas welding I6/ '315 $ow and 4ediu4 alloy 6teel (overed ele(trodes for 4anual Metal 0r( "elding I6/3)'3 0((eptan(e Tests for wire flu@ (o4binations for sub4erged ar( welding of stru(tural steel I6+2%-& Eare wire ele(trodes for gas shielded ar( welding of stru(tural steel I6/)B'1 "elding rods and bare ele(trodes for gas shielded ar( welding of stru(tural steel I6/)5)& Molybdenu4 and (hro4iu4+4olybdenu4 low alloy steel welding rods and bare ele(trodes for gas shielded ar( welding ,4-.*.* In aggressive environ4ent, (orrosion resistant steel (an be used. These are low+alloyed steels (ontaining a total of ' per (ent + % per (ent alloys, in parti(ular, (opper, (hro4iu4, ni(,el and phosphorous. ,4-.*/* P!ints 0ll 4aterials for paints and ena4els shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents spe(ified on the drawings or other spe(ial provisions laid down by the !ngineer. The type of paints whi(h (an be used shall be as follows / a: b: 7rdinary i.e. paints based on drying oils, al,yd resin, 4odified al,yd resin, phenoli( varnish epo@y Che4i(al Resistant + one pa(, type 9ready for use: and two pa(, type 94i@ed before use:.

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(: d: e: f: g: h:

Cinyl Chlorinated rubber Eitu4inous !po@y Polyurethane Hin( ri(h

Anless otherwise spe(ified, paints shall (onfor4 to the relevant I6 spe(ifi(ations. The paints whi(h have been tested for the following >ualities as per spe(ifi(ations given in the relevant I6 (odes only shall be used / "eight test 9weight for '& litre of paint, thoroughly 4i@ed: #rying ti4e Consisten(y #ry thi(,ness and rate of (onsu4ption. ,4-/* ,4-/*,* Gener!: 0ll wor, shall be in a((ordan(e with the drawings and as per these spe(ifi(ations with (are being ta,en that all parts of an asse4bly fit a((urately together. 0ll 4e4bers shall (arry 4ar, nu4ber and ite4 nu4ber and, if re>uired, serial nu4ber. Anless spe(ifi(ally re>uired under the (ontra(t, (orresponding parts need not be inter(hangeable, but the parts shall be 4at(h 4ar,ed as re>uired under Clause '1&B.2. Te4plates, ?igs and other applian(es used for ensuring the a((ura(y of the wor, shall be of 4ild steelM where spe(ially re>uired, these shall be bushed with hard steel. 0ll 4easure4ents shall be 4ade by 4eans of steel tape or other devi(e properly (alibrated. "here bridge 4aterials have been used as te4plates for drilling, these shall be inspe(ted and passed by the !ngineer before they are used in the finished stru(ture. 0ll stru(tural steel 4e4bers and parts shall have straight edges and blunt surfa(es. If ne(essary, they shall be straightened or flattened by pressure unless they are re>uired to be of (urvilinear for4s. They shall also be free fro4 twist. Pressure applied for straightening or flattening shall be su(h as would not in?ure the 4aterials. Ha44ering shall not be per4itted. 0d?a(ent surfa(es or edges shall be in (lose (onta(t or at unifor4 distan(e throughout. The Contra(tor shall sub4it his progra44e of wor, to the !ngineer for his approval at least '5 days before the (o44en(e4ent of fabri(ation. This progra44e shall in(lude the proposed syste4 of identifi(ation and ere(tion 4ar,s together with (o4plete details of fabri(ation and welding pro(edures. FABRICATION

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The Contra(tor shall prepare shop drawings for fabri(ating any 4e4ber and obtain approval of the !ngineer before the start of wor,. Co4plete infor4ation regarding the lo(ation, type, siLe and e@tent of all welds shall be (learly shown on the shop drawings. These drawings shall distinguish between shop and field welds. ,4-/*5* Pre#!r!tion o E"&es !n" En"s 0ll stru(tural steel+parts, where re>uired, shall be sheared, (ropped, sawn or fla4e (ut and ground a((urately to the re>uired di4ension and shape. !nd*edge planning and (utting shall be done by any one of the following pres(ribed 4ethods or left as rolled / a: b: (: 6hearing, (ropping, sawing, 4a(hining, 4a(hine fla4e (ulling. Hand fla4e outline with subse>uent grinding to a s4ooth edge. 6heared edges of plate not 4ore than ') 44 thi(, with subse>uent grinding to s4ooth profile, whi(h are for se(ondary use su(h as stiffeners and gussets.

If ends of stiffeners are re>uired to be fitted, they shall be ground, so that the 4a@i4u4 gap over )& per(ent of the (onta(t area does not e@(eed &.%5 44. "here fla4e (utting or shearing is used, at least one of the following re>uire4ents shall be satisfied. a: b: (: d: e: f: The (ut edge is not sub?e(ted to applied stress. The edge is in(orporated in weld. The hardness of (ut edge does not e@(eed 35& HC3&. The 4aterial is re4oved fro4 edge to the e@tent of % 44 or 4ini4u4 ne(essary, so that the hardness is less than 35& HC 3&. !dge is suitably heat treated by approved 4ethod to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer and shown that (ra(,s had not developed by dye penetrant or 4agneti( pani(le test. Thi(,ness of plate it less than B& 44 for 4a(hine fla4e dating for 4aterials (onfor4ing to 1",/23 and I6/%&)%. The re>uire4ent of hardness below 35& HC 3& of fla4e (ut edges should be spe(ified by the !ngineer.

"herever spe(ified by the !ngineer, the fla4e (ut edges shall be ground or 4a(hined over and above the re>uire4ent 9a: to 9f:. "here 4a(hining for edge preparation in butt ?oint is spe(ified, the ends shall be 4a(hined after the 4e4bers have been fabri(ated. 7utside edges of plate and se(tion, whi(h are prone to (orrosion shall be s4oothed by grinding or filing. In the (ase of high tensile steel at least ) 44 of the 4aterial fro4 the fla4e (ut edge shall be re4oved by 4a(hining. $ongitudinal edges of all plates and (over plates in plate girders and built+up 4e4bers shall be 4a(hined e@(ept in the following (ases /

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a: b: (: d: e:

Rolled edges of single universal plates or flats 4ay not be 4a(hined. Coven to single flange plates 4ay be left un4a(hined. Ma(hine fla4e (ulling instead of 4a(hining is a((eptable for edges of single plates in (o4pression and for edges of single plates, %5 44 or less thi(,, in tension. !dges of single shaped plates over %5 44 thi(, not (apable of being 4a(hined by ordinary 4ethod 4ay be 4a(hine fla4e (ut and the end surfa(e ground. !dges of universal plates or flats of the sa4e no4inal width used in liers 4ay be left un4a(hined, if so authorised by the !ngineer.

0ll edges of spli(e and gusset plates '% 44 thi(, and over shall be 4a(hined and those less than '% 44 thi(, 4ay be sheared and ground. The ends of plates and se(tions for4ing the 4ain (o4ponents of plate girders or of built+up 4e4bers shall be 4a(hined, 4a(hine fla4e (ut, sawn or hand fla4e (ut and ground. "here ends of stiffeners are re>uired to be fitted, they shall be 4a(hined, 4a(hine fla4e (ut, sawn, sheared and ground, or hand fla4e (ut and ground. The ends of la(ing bar shall be rounded unless otherwise re>uired. 7ther edges and ends of 4ild steel parts 4ay be sheared and any burrs at edges shall be re4oved. ,4-/*.* Pre#!r!tion o %o:es ,4-/*.*,* Dri::in& !n" #un;hin& = Holes for rivets, bla(, bolts, high strength bolts and (ountersun, bolts*rivets 9e@(luding (lose toleran(e and turn fitted bolts: shall be either pun(hed or drilled. The dia4eter of holes shall be '.5 44 larger for bolts*rivets less than %5 44 dia and %.& 44 for 4ore than or e>ual to %5 44. 0ll holes shall be drilled e@(ept for se(ondary 4e4bers su(h as, floor plate, hand rails et(. Me4bers whi(h do not (arry the 4ain load (an be pun(hed sub?e(t to the thi(,ness of 4e4ber not e@(eeding '% 44 for 4aterial (onfor4ing to I6/%%). Holes through 4ore than one thi(,ness of 4aterial or when any of the 4ain 4aterial thi(,ness e@(eeds %& 44 for steel (onfor4ing to I6/%&)% or ') 44 for steel (onfor4ing to I6/1)', I6/-5&&, shall either be sub+drilled or sub+pun(hed to a dia4eter of 3 44 less than the re>uired siLe and then rea4ed to the re>uired siLe. The rea4ing of 4aterial 4ore 4an one thi(,ness shall be done after asse4bly. "here several plates or se(tions for4 a (o4pound 4e4ber, they shall, where pra(ti(able, be fir4ly (onne(ted together by (la4ps or ta(,ing bolts, and the holes be drilled through the group in one operation. 0lternatively, and in the (ase of repetition wor,, the plates and se(tions 4ay be drilled separately fro4 ?igs and te4plates. 8igs and te4plates shall be (he(,ed at least on(e after every %5 operations. 0ll burrs shall be re4oved.

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In the (ase of repetition of spans, the ere(tion of every span shall not be insisted upon, e@(ept where (lose toleran(e or turned bolts are used, provided that 4ethods are adopted to ensure stri(t inter(hange ability. In su(h (ases, one span in ten or any nu4ber less than ten of ea(h type shall be ere(ted fro4 pie(es sele(ted at rando4 by the !ngineer and should there be any failure of the pie(es to fit, all si4ilar spans shall be ere(ted (o4plete. In the event of spans being proved (o4pletely inter(hangeable, all (orresponding parts shall (arry the sa4e 4ar, so that sorting of the 4aterials at site is fa(ilitated. ,4-/*.*5* B:o;@ "ri::in& = "here the nu4ber of plates to be riveted e@(eeds three or the total thi(,ness is 1& 44 or 4ore, the rivet holes, unless they have been drilled through steel bushed ?igs, shall be drilled out in pla(e 3 44 all round after asse4bling. In su(h (ases, the wor, shall be thoroughly bolted together. ,4-/.*.* SiCe o ho:es / The siLes of holes in 4illi4eters are given in Table '1&&+ ' below/ TAB+E ,4--7, = DIAMETER OF %O+ES FOR RI)ETS o4inal dia of Rivets 944: '% 'B ') '%& %% %B %2 3& 33 #ia of Holes 944: '3.5 '5.5 '2.5 '1.5 %'.5 %3.5 %5.5 %1.& 3%.& 35.&

,4-/*.*/* C:ose to:er!n;e ?oits !n" ?!rre: ?o:ts = Holes for (lose toleran(e and turn fitted bolts. The dia4eter of the holes shall be e>ual to the no4inal dia4eter of the bolt shan, 4inus &.'5 44 to &.& 44. The 4e4bers to be (onne(ted with (lose toleran(e or turn fitted bolts shall be fir4ly held together by servi(e bolts or (la4ped and drilled through all thi(,nesses in one operation and subse>uently rea4ed to re>uired siLe within spe(ified li4it of a((ura(y as spe(ified in '-/1'1 toleran(e grade H-. The holes not drilled through all thi(,nesses at one operation shall be drilled to s4aller siLe and rea4ed after asse4bly. ,4-/*.*0* %o:es or hi&h stren&th ri;tion &ri# ?o:ts = 0ll holes shall be drilled after re4oval of burrs. "here the nu4ber of plies in the grip does not e@(eed three, the dia4eters of holes shall be '.) 44 larger than those of bolts and for 4ore than three plies in grip, the dia4eters of hole in outer plies shall be as above and dia of holes in inner plies shall not be less than '.) 44 and not 4ore than 3.% 44 larger than those in bolts, unless otherwise spe(ified by the !ngineer.
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,4-/*.*1* Re<ov!: o ?urrs = The wor, shall be ta,en apart after drilling and all burrs left by drilling and the sharp edges of all rivet holes (o4pletely re4oved. ,4-/*/* Rivet !n" Rivetin& The dia4eter of rivets shown on the drawings shall be the siLe before heating. !a(h rivet shall be of suffi(ient length to for4 a head of the standard di4ensions as given in I6 handboo, on 6teel 6e(tions, Part I. It shall be free fro4 burrs on the underside of the head. "hen (ountersun, heads are re>uired, the heads shall in(luded angle of the head shall be as follows / a: b: .or plates over 'B nun thi(,ness .or plates upto and in(luding 'B 44 thi(,ness fill (ountersun,. The

1& degrees '%& degrees

The toleran(e on the dia4eter of rivets shall be in a((ordan(e with I6/ ''B-+ and I6/ ''B1 for 4ild steel rivets and high tensile steel rivets respe(tively and unless otherwise spe(ified, the toleran(e shall be 4inus toleran(e. Rivets shall be driven when hot so as to fill the hole as (o4pletely as possible and shall be of suffi(ient length to h for4 a head of standard di4ension. "hen (ounter+sun, head is re>uired, the head shall fill the (ounter+sun, hole. Pro?e(tion after (ounter+sin,ing shall be ground off wherever ne(essary. Rivets shall be heated unifor4ly to a ;light (herry red< (olour between )5& degrees Celsius to 2&& degrees Celsius for hydrauli( riveting and ;orange (olour< for pneu4ati( riveting of 4ild steel rivets and shall be red hot fro4 head to the point when inserted and shall be upset in its entire length so as to fill the hole as (o4pletely as possible when hot Rivets, after being heated and before being inserted in the hole shall be 4ade free fro4 s(ale by stri,ing the hot rivet on a hard surfa(e. "herever possible, the rivets shall be 4a(hine driven, preferably by dire(t a(ting riveters. The driving pressure shall be 4aintained on the rivets for a short ti4e after the upsetting is (o4pleted. High tensile steel rivets shall be heated upto ''&& degrees Celsius. 0ny rivet whose point is heated 4ore than pres(ribed, shall not be driven. "here flush surfa(e is re>uired, any pro?e(ting 4etal shall be (hipped or ground off. Eefore riveting is (o44en(ed, all wor, shall be properly bolte up so that the various se(tions and plates are in (lose (onta(t throughout #rifts shall only be used for drawing the wor, into position and shall not be used to su(h an e@tent as to distort the holes. #rifts of a larger siLe than the no4inal dia4eter of the hole shall not be used. The riveting shall be done by hydrauli( or pneu4ati( 4a(hine unless otherwise spe(ified by the !ngineer. #riven rivets, when stru(, sharply on the head by a >uarter pound rivet testing ha44er, shall be free fro' 4ove4ent and vibrations. 0sse4bled riveted ?oint surfa(es,

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in(luding those ad?a(ent to the rivet heads, shall be free fro4 s(ale, dirt, loose s(ale, burrs, other foreign 4aterials and defe(ts that would prevent solid seating of parts. 0ll loose or burnt rivets and rivets with (ra(,ed or badly for4ed defe(tive heads or with heads whi(h are unduly e((entri( with the shan,s, shall be re4oved and repla(ed. In re4oving rivets, the head shall be sheared off and the rivet pun(hed out so as not to in?ure the ad?a(ent 4etal and, if ne(essary, they shall be drilled out. Re(upping or re(aul,ing shall not be per4itted. The parts not (o4pletely riveted in the shop shall be se(ured by bolts to prevent da4age during transport and handling. ,4-/*0* Bo:tsA Nuts !n" W!shers ,4-/*0*,* B:!;@ ?o:ts (?:!;@ !:: over)= Ela(, bolts are forged bolts in whi(h the shan,s, heads and nuts do not re(eive any further treat4ent e@(ept (utting of s(rew threads. They shall be true to shape and siLe and shall have the standard di4ensions as shown on the drawings. ,4-/*0*5* C:ose to:er!n;e ?o:ts = Close toleran(e bolts shall be fa(ed under the head and turned on the shan,. ,4-/*0*.* Turne" ?!rre: ?o:ts = The dia4eter of the s(rewed portion of turned barrel bolts shall be '.5 44 s4aller than the dia4eter of the barrel unless otherwise spe(ified by the !ngineer. The dia4eter of the bolts as given on the drawing shall be the no4inal dia4eter of the barrel. The length of the barrel shall be su(h that it bears fully on all the parts (onne(ted. The threaded portion of ea(h bolt shall pro?e(t through the nut by at least one thread. .a(es of heads and nuts bearing on steel wor, shall be 4a(hined. ,4-/*0*/* %i&h stren&th ri;tion ?o:ts !n" ?o:te" ;onne;tions= The general re>uire4ent shall be as per relevant I6 spe(ifi(ations 4entioned in (lause 5.3 of 9.asteners: of IRC%B. Anless otherwise spe(ified by the !ngineer, bolted (onne(tions of stru(tural ?oints using high tensile fri(tion grip bolts shall (o4ply with re>uire4ents 4entioned in I6/B&&&. ,4-/*0*0* W!shers = In all (ases where the full bearing area of the bolt is to be developed, the bolt shall be provided with a steel washer under the nut of suffi(ient thi(,ness to avoid any threaded portion of the bolt being within the thi(,ness of the parts bolted together and to prevent the nut when s(rewed up, fro4 bearing on the bolt .or (lose toleran(e or turned barrel bolts, steel washers whose fa(es give a true bearing shall be provided under the nut. The washer shall have a hole dia4eter not less than '.5 44 larger than the barrel and a thi(,ness of not less than ) 44 so that the nut when s(rewed up, will not bear on the shoulder of the bolt. Taper washers with (orre(t angle of taper shall be provided under all heads and nuts bearing on beveled surfa(es. 6pring washers 4ay be used under nuts to prevent sla(,ening of the nuts when e@(essive vibrations o((ur.

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"here the heads or nuts bear on ti4ber, s>uare washers having a length of ea(h side not less than three ti4es the dia4eter of bolts or round washers having a dia4eter of 3C% ti4es the dia4eter of bolts and with a thi(,ness not less than .one >uarter of dia4eter shall be provided. ,4-/*0*1* Stu"s = 7rdinary studs 4ay be used for holding parts together, the holes in one of the parts being tapped to ta,e the thread of the stud. Counter+sun, studs 4ay be used for 4a,ing (onne(tions where the surfa(es are re>uired to be (lear of all obstru(tion, su(h as protruding heads of bolts or rivets, studs 4ay also be welded on the steel wor, in the positions re>uired. ,4-/*0*2* Servi;e ?o:ts = 6ervi(e bolts shall have the sa4e (learan(e as bla(, bolts and where it is re>uired that there should be no 4ove4ent prior to final riveting, suffi(ient drifts or (lose toleran(e bolts shall be used to lo(ate the wor,. ,4-/*0*3* Ti&htenin& ?o:ts = Eolted (onne(tion ?oints with bla(, bolts and high strength bolts shall be inspe(ted for (o4plian(e of (odal re>uire4ents. The !ngineer shall observe the installation and tightening of bolts to ensure that (orre(t tightening pro(edure is used and shall deter4ine that all bolts are tightened. Regardless of tightening 4ethod used, tightening of bolts in a ?oint should (o44en(e at the 4ost rigidly fi@ed or stiffest point and progress towards the free edges, both in initial snugging and in final tightening. The tightness of bolts in (onne(tion shall be (he(,ed by inspe(tion wren(h, whi(h (an be tor>ue wren(h, power wren(h or (alibrated wren(h. Tightness of '& per (ent bolts, but not less than two bolls, sele(ted at rando4 in ea(h (onne(tion shall be (he(,ed by applying inspe(tion tor>ue. If no nut or bolt head is turned by this appli(ation, (onne(tion (an be a((epted as properly tightened, but if any nut or head has turned all bolts shall be (he(,ed and, if ne(essary, re+tightened. ,4-/*0*4* Dri ts = The barrel shall be drawn or 4a(hined to the re>uired dia4eter for a length of not less than one dia4eter over the (o4bined thi(,ness of the 4etal through whi(h the drifts have to pass. The dia4eter of the parallel barrel shall be e>ual to the no4inal dia4eter of the hole sub?e(t to a toleran(e of \& 44 and +&.'%3 44. Eoth ends of the drift for a length e>ual to ' and half ti4es the dia4eter of the parallel portion of the bar shall be turned down with a taper to a dia4eter at the end e>ual to one+half that of parallel portion. ,4-/*1* Pins !n" Pin %o:es ,4-/*1*,* Pins = The pins shall be parallel throughout and shall have a s4ooth surfa(e free fro4 flaws. They shall be of suffi(ient length to ensure that all parts (onne(ted thereby shall have a full bearing on the4. "here the ends are threaded, they shall be turned to a s4aller dia4eter at the ends for the thread and shall be provided with a pilot nut, where ne(essary, to prote(t the thread when being drawn to pla(e. Pins 4ore than '25 44 in length or dia4eter shall be forged and annealed.

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,4-/*1*5* Pin ho:es = Pin holes shall be bored true to gauge, s4ooth, straight at right angles to the a@is of the 4e4ber and parallel with ea(h other, unless otherwise re>uired. The toleran(e in the length of tension 4e4bers fro4 outside to outside of pin holes and of (o4pression 4e4bers fro4 inside to inside of pin holes shall be one 4illi4eter. In built+up 4e4bers, the boring shall be done after the 4e4bers have been riveted or welded. The spe(ified dia4eter of the pin hole shall be its 4ini4u4 dia4eter. The resulting (learan(e between the pin and the hole shall not be less than &.5 44 and not 4ore than l.& 44. ,4-/*2* Sho# Ere;tion !n" M!t;h M!r@in&

Eefore being dispat(hed, the steel wor, shall be te4porarily ere(ted in the fabri(ation shop for inspe(tion by the !ngineer either wholly or in su(h portion as the !ngineer 4ay re>uire so that he 4ay be satisfied both in respe(t of the align4ent and fit of all (onne(tions. .or this purpose, suffi(ient nu4ber of parallel drifts and servi(e bolts tightly s(rewed up shall be e4ployed. 0ll parts shall fit a((urately and be in a((ordan(e with drawings and spe(ifi(ations. The steel wor, shall be te4porarily asse4bled at pla(e of fabri(ation. 0sse4bly shall be of full truss or girder, unless progressive truss or girder asse4bly, full (hord asse4bly, progressive (hord asse4bly or spe(ial (o4plete stru(ture asse4bly is spe(ified by the !ngineer. The field (onne(tions of 4ain 4e4bers of trusses, ar(hes, (ontinuous bea4s, spans, bends, plate girders and rigid fra4e asse4bled, aligned, a((ura(y of holes and (a4ber shall be (he(,ed by !ngineer and then only rea4ing of sub+siLe holes to spe(ified siLe shall be ta,en up. 0fter the wor, has been passed by the !ngineer and before it is dis4antled, ea(h part shall be (arefully 4ar,ed for re+ere(tion with distinguishing 4ar,s and sta4ped with durable 4ar,ings. #rawings showing these 4ar,ings (orre(tly shall be supplied to the !ngineer. Anloading, handling and storage of steel wor, as per these spe(ifi(ations shall be the responsibility of the Contra(tor. The (ost of repairs or of re?e(ted 4aterial, its re4oval and the (ost of transporting repla(e4ent 4aterial to the site shall be borne by the Contra(tor. "here (lose toleran(e or turned barrel bolts are used for those (ases where inter(hangeability is not insisted upon, ea(h span shall be ere(ted and 4e4bers of ea(h span 4ar,ed distin(tly. ,4-/*3* We:"in& ,4-/*3*,* 0ll welding shall be done with the prior approval of the !ngineer and the wor,4anship shall (onfor4 to the spe(ifi(ations of I6/-%3 or other relevant Indian. 6tandards as appropriate.

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"hen 4aterial thi(,ness is %& nun or 4ore, spe(ial pre(autions li,e preheating shall be ta,en as laid down in I6/-%3. 6urfa(es and edges< to be welded shall be s4ooth, unifor4 and free fro4 fins, tears, (ra(,s and other dis(ontinuities. 6urfa(e shall also be free fro4 loose or thi(, s(ale, slag rust, 4oisture, oil and other foreign 4aterials. 6urfa(es within 5& 44 of any weld lo(ation shall be free fro4 any paint or other 4aterial that 4ay prevent proper welding or (ause ob?e(tionable fu4es during welding. The general welding pro(edures in(luding parti(ulars of the preparation of fusion fa(es for 4etal ar( welding shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e with I6/1515. The welding pro(edures for shop and site welds in(luding edge preparation of fusion fa(es shall be sub4itted in writing in a((ordan(e . with Clause %% of I6/1515 for the approval of the !ngineer before (o44en(ing fabri(ation and shall also be as per details shown on the drawings. 0ny deviation fro4 above has to be approved by !ngineer. Preparation of edges shall, wherever pra(ti(able, be done by 4a(hine 4ethods. Ma(hine fla4e (ut edges shall be substantially as s4ooth and regular as those produ(ed by edge planning and shall be left free of slag. Manual fla4e (utting shall be per4itted by the !ngineer only where 4a(hine (utting .is not pra(ti(able. !le(trodes to be used for 4etal ar( welding shall (o4ply with relevant I6 spe(ifi(ations 4entioned in IRC/%B. Pro(edure test shall be (arried out as per I6/-)'3 to find out suitable wire+flu@ (o4bination for welded ?oint. 0sse4bly of parts for welding shall be in a((ordan(e with provisions of I6/1515. The welded te4porary atta(h4ent should be avoided as far as possible, otherwise the 4ethod of 4a,ing any te4porary atta(h4ent shall be approved by the !ngineer. 0ny s(ars fro4 te4porary atta(h4ent shall be re4oved by (utting, (hipping and surfa(e shall be finished s4ooth by grinding to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. "elding shall not be done when the air te4perature is less than '& degrees Celsius. "elding shall not be done when the surfa(es are 4oist, during periods of strong winds or in snowy weather unless the wor, and the welding operators ar( ade>uately prote(ted. ,4-/*3*5* .or welding of any parti(ular type of ?oint, welders shall >ualify lo the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer in a((ordan(e with appropriate welders >ualifi(ation test as pres(ribed in any of the Indian 6tandards I6/-'2, I6/'1)), I6/'313, I6/23&2 9part I:, '6/23'& 9Part I: and I6/23'- 9part I: as relevant. ,4-/*3*.* In asse4bling and ?oining parts of a stru(ture or of built+up 4e4bers, the pro(edure and se>uen(e of welding shall be su(h as to avoid distortion and 4ini4ise shrin,age stress. 0ll re>uire4ents regarding pre+heating of parent 4aterial and interpass te4perature shall be in a((ordan(e with provision of I6/1515. ,4-/*3*/* Peening !ngineer / of weld shall be (arried out wherever spe(ified by the

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a: b:

If spe(ified, peening 4ay be e4ployed lo be effe(tive on ea(h weld layer e@(ept first. The peening should be (arried out after weld has (ooled by light blows fro4 a power ha44er using a round note tool.K Care shall be ta,en to prevent s(aling or fla,ing of weld and base 4etal fro4 over peening.

,4-/*3*0* "here the !ngineer has spe(ified the butt welds are to be ground flush, the loss of parent 4etal shall not be greater than that allowed for 4inor surfa(e defe(ts. The ends of butt ?oints shall be welded so as to provide full throat thi(,ness. This 4ay be done by use of e@tension pie(es, (ross runs or other 4eans approved by the !ngineer. !@tension pie(es shall be re4oved after the ?oint has (ooled and the ends of the weld shall be finished s4ooth and flush with the fa(es of the abutting parts. The ?oints and welds listed below are prohibited type, whi(h do not perfor4 well under (y(li( loading. a: b: (: d: e: f: Eutt ?oints not fully welded throughout their (ross+se(tion Groove welds 4ade fro4 one side only without any ba(,ing grip Inter4ittent groove welds Inter4ittent fillet welds Eevel+grooves and ?+grooves in butt ?oints for other than horiLon la I position. Rug and slot welds

,4-/*3*1* The run+on and run+off plate e@tension shall be used providing full throat thi(,ness at the end of butt welded ?oints. These plates shall (o4ply with the following re>uire4ents. 9i: 7ne pair of ;run+on< and one pair of ;run+off plates prepared fro4 sa4e thi(,ness and profile as the parent 4etal shall be atta(hed to start and finish of all butt weldM preferably by (la4ps. 9ii: "hen ;run+on< and ;run+off' plates shall be re4oved by fla4e (utting, it should be (ut at 4ore than 3 44 fro4 parent 4etal and re4aining 4etal shall be re4oved by grinding or by anMK other 4ethod approved by the !ngineer. ,4-/*3*2* We:"in& o stu" she!r ;onne;tors = The stud shear (onne(tors shall be welded in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs instru(tions in(luding preheating. The stud and the surfa(e to whi(h studs are welded shall be free fro4 s(ale, 4oisture, rust and other foreign 4aterial. The stud base shall not be painted, galvanised or (ad4iu4 plated prior to welding. "elding shall not be (arried out when te4perature is below '& degrees Celsius or surfa(e is wet or during periods of strong winds unless the wor, and the welder is ade>uately prote(ted. The welds shall be visually free fro4 (ra(,s and shall be (apable of developing at least the no4inal ulti4ate strength of studs. The pro(edural trial for welding the stud shall be (arried out when spe(ified by

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the !ngineer. ,4-/*4* To:er!n;es Toleran(es in di4ensions of (o4ponents of fabri(ated stru(tural steel wor, shall be spe(ified on the drawings and shall be sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer before fabri(ation. Anless spe(ified, all parts of an asse4bly shall fit together a((urately within toleran(es spe(ified in Table '1&&+%. 0 4a(hined bearing surfa(e, where spe(ified by the !ngineer, shall be 4a(hined within a deviation of &.%5 44 for surfa(es that (an be ins(ribed within a s>uare of side &.5 4. A* TAB+E ,4--75 FABRICATION TO+ERANCES INDI)ID(A+ COMPONENTS N' 44 \ & 44 + % 44 N% 44 N3.5 44

,) +en&th a: Me4ber with both ends finished for (onta(t bearing b: Individual (o4ponents of 4e4bers with end plate (onne(tion (: 7ther Me4bers i: Apto and in(luding '% M ii: 7ver '% M

%: "idth a: "idth of built+up girders N3 44 b: #eviation in the width of 4e4bers \& 44 re>uired to be inserted in other +3 44 4e4bers 3: #epth #eviation in the depths of solid web and open web girders B: 6traightness a: #eviation fro4 (olu4ns i: In elevation ii: In plan straightness \3 44 +% 44 $*3&&& sub?e(t to a 4a@i4u4 of I6 nun of where $ is length of 4e4ber \ 5 44 + & 44 $*'&&& sub?e(t to a 4a@i4u4 of '& 44

5: #eviation of (entre line of web fro4 3 44 (entre line of flanges in built+up 4e4bers at (onta(t surfa(es ): #eviation fro4 flatness of plate of &.&&5 d to a 4a@i4u4 of % 44 where d is webs of built+up 4e4berI in a length depth of the 4e4ber e>ual to the depth of the 4e4ber

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2: Tilt of flange of plate girders &.&&5 b to a 4ini4u4 of % 44 where b a: 0t spli(es and stiffeners, at is width of the 4e4ber &.&'5 b to a supports, at the top flanges of plate girders and at bearings b: at other pla(es 4a@i4u4 of B 44 where b is width of the 4e4ber -: #eviation fro4 s>uareness of flange to $*'&&&. where $ is no4inal length of the web of (olu4ns and bo@ girder diagonal 1: #eviation fro4 s>uareness of fi@ed #*5&&, where # is the distan(e fro4 the base plate 9not 4a(hined: to a@is of (olu4n a@is to the point under (olu4n. This di4ension shall be (onsideration on the base plate 4easured parallel to the longitudinal a@is of the (olu4n at points where the outer surfa(e_ of the (olu4n se(tions 4a,e (onta(t with the base plate '&: #eviation fro4 s>uareness of 4a(hined #*'&&&. where # is as defined in 1 above ends to a@es of (olu4ns '': #eviation fro4 s>uareness of 4a(hined #*'&&&, where # is as defined in 1 above ends to a@es of bea4s or girder '%: !nds of 4e4bers abutting at ?oints '*)&& of depth of 4e4ber sub?e(t to a through (leats or end plates, 4a@i4u4 of '.5 44 per4issible deviation fro4 s>uareness of ends ,4-0* ERECTION ,4-0*,* Gener!: The provisions of this ite4 shall apply to ere(tion of steel bridge superstru(tures or 4ain 4e4bers of bridge superstru(tures, (o4posed of steel, whi(h span between supports. If the sub+stru(ture and the superstru(ture are built under separate (ontra(ts, the depart4ent will provide the substru(ture, (onstru(ted to (orre(t lines, di4ensions and elevations properly finished and will establish the lines and the elevation re>uired for setting steel. The Contra(tor shall ere(t the stru(tural steel, re4ove the te4porary (onstru(tion, and do all the wor, re>uired to (o4plete the (onstru(tion in(luded in the (ontra(t in a((ordan(e with the drawings and the spe(ifi(ations and to the entire satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. '1&5%. 7rganisation and !>uip4ent The Contra(tor shall sub4it ere(tion plans prepared by the fabri(ator, showing a 4ethod and pro(edure of ere(tion, (o4patible with the details of fabri(ation.

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0 detailed s(he4e 4ust be prepared showing stage+wise a(tivities, with (o4plete drawings and wor,ing phase+wise instru(tions. This should be based on detailed stage+ wise (al(ulation and ta,e into a((ount spe(ifi(ations and (apa(ity of ere(tion e>uip4ent 4a(hinery, tools, ta(,les to be used and te4porary wor,ing loads as per Codal provisions. The s(he4e should be based on site (onditions e.g. hydrology, rainfall, flood ti4ings and intensity, soil and sub+soil (onditions in the river bed and ban,s, 4a@i4u4 water depth, te4perature and (li4ati( (onditions and available wor,ing spa(e, et(. The s(he4e should indi(ate pre(isely the type of te4porary fasteners to be used as also the 4ini4u4 per(entage of per4anent fasteners to be fitted during the stage ere(tion. The wor,ing drawings should give (learly the te4porary ?igs, fi@tures, (la4ps, spa(er supports, et(. Anless otherwise provided in the (ontra(t, the (ontra(tor shall supply and (reel all ne(essary falsewor, and staging and shall supply all labour, tools, ere(tion plant and other 4aterials ne(essary to (arry out the wor, (o4plete in all respe(ts. The Contra(tor shall supply all rivets, bolts, nuts, washers, et(. re>uired to (o4plete ere(tion at site with an allowan(e for wastage, et(., of '% i of per(ent of the net nu4ber of field rivets, bolts, washers re>uired, or a 4ini4u4 of five nu4ber of ea(h ite4. 6ervi(e bolts and nuts, ordinary platters, washers and drifts for use in the ere(tion of wor, shall be supplied at )& per (ent 9B5 per (ent bolts and '5 per (ent drifts: of the nu4ber of field rivets per span in ea(h siLe 9this in(ludes wastage:. 0 redu(tion in the >uantities of servi(e bolts, et(., 4ay however, be spe(ified by the !ngineer if 4ore than one span of ea(h type is ordered. Prior to a(tual (o44en(e4ent of ere(tion all e>uip4ent, 4a(hinery, tools, ta(,les, ropes, et(. need to be tested to ensure their effi(ient wor,ing. .re>uent visual inspe(tion is essential in vulnerable areas to dete(t displa(e4ents, distress, drainages, et(. #efle(tion and vibratory tests shall be (ondu(ted in respe(t of supporting stru(tures, laun(hing truss as also the stru(ture under ere(tion and unusual observations reviewedM looseness of fittings are to be noted. .or welded stru(tures, weldersK >ualifi(ations and s,ill are to be (he(,ed as per standard nor4s, on+destru(tive tests of ?oints as per designerKs dire(tives are to be (arried out. Pre(ision non+destru(tive testing instru4ents available in the 4ar,et should be used for noting various i4portant para4eters of the stru(tures fre>uently and syste4ati( re(ord is to be ,ept. 6afety re>uire4ents should (onfor4 to I6/2%&5, I6/2%23 and I6/2%)1 as appli(able and should be a (onsideration of safety, e(ono4y and rapidity. !re(tion wor, should start with (o4plete resour(es 4obilised as per latest approved drawings and after a thorough survey of foundations and other related stru(tural wor,. In (ase of wor, of 4agnitude, 4a@i4u4 4e(hanisation is to be

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adopted. The stru(ture should be divided into ere(table 4odules as per the s(he4e. This should be pre+asse4bled in a suitable yard*platfor4 and its 4at(hing with 4e4bers of the ad?a(ent 4odule (he(,ed by trial asse4bly before ere(tion. The stru(ture shall be set out to the re>uired lines and levels. The sto(,s and 4asses are to be (arefully preserved. The steelwor, should be ere(ted, ad?usted and (o4pleted in the re>uired. position to the spe(ified line and levels with suffi(ient drifts and bolts. Pa(,ing 4aterials are to be available to 4aintain this (ondition. 7rganised ;Duality 6urveillan(e< (he(,s need to be e@er(ised fre>uently. Eefore starting wor,, the Contra(tor shall obtain ne(essary approval of the !ngineer as to the 4ethod adopted for ere(tion, the nu4ber and (hara(ter of tools and plants. The approval of the !ngineer shall not relieve the Contra(tor of his responsibility for the safety of his 4ethod or e>uip4ent or fro4 (arrying out the wor, fully in a((ordan(e with the drawings and spe(ifi(ations. #uring the progress of wor,, the Contra(tor shall have a (o4petent !ngineer or fore4an in (harge of the wor,, who shall be ade>uately e@perien(ed in steel ere(tion and a((eptable to the !ngineer. ,4-0*.* %!n":in& !n" Storin& o M!teri!:s 6uitable area for storage of stru(tures and (o4ponents shall be lo(ated near the site of wor,. The a((ess road should be free fro4 water logging during the wor,ing period and the storage area should be on levelled and fir4 ground. The store should be provided with ade>uate handling e>uip4ents e.g road 4obile (rane, gantries, derri(,s, (hain pulley blo(,s, win(h of (apa(ity as re>uired. 6ta(,ing area should be planned and have ra(,s, stands sleeper, a((ess tra(,s, et(., and properly lighted. 6torage should be planned to suit ere(tion wor, se>uen(e and avoid da4age or distortion. !@(essively rusted, bent or da4aged steel shall be re?e(ted. Methods of storage and handling steel, whether fabri(ated or not shall be sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer.. .abri(ated 4aterials are to be stored with ere(tion 4ar,s visible, su(h as not to (o4e into (onta(t with earth surfa(e or water and should be a((essible to handling e>uip4ent. 64all fitting hand tools are to be ,ept in (ontainers in (overed stores. 0ll 4aterials, (onsu4ables, in(luding raw steel or fabri(ated 4aterial shall be stored spe(ifi(ation+wise and siLe+wise above the ground upon platfor4d, s,ids or other supports. It shall be ,ept free fro4 dirt and other foreign 4atter and shall be prote(ted as far as possible fro4 (orrosion and distortion. The ele(trodes shall be stored spe(ifi(ation+ wise and snail be ,ept in dry war4 (ondition in properly designed ra(,s. The bolts, nuts, washers and other fasteners shall be stored on ra(,s above the ground with prote(tive oil

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(oating in gunny bags. The paint shall be stored+ under (over in air+tight (ontainers. I6/2%13 and I6/21)1 dealing with handling of 4aterials and e>uip4ents for safe wor,ing should be followed. 6afety nuts and bolts as dire(ted are to be used while wor,ing. The Contra(tor shall be held responsible for loss or da4age to any 4aterial paid for by the #epart4ent while in his (are or for any da4age to su(h 4aterial resulting fro4 his wor,. ,4-0*/* For<'or@

The for4 wor, shall be properly designed, substantially built and 4aintained for all anti(ipated loads. The Contra(tor, if re>uired, shall sub4it plans for approval to the !ngineer. 0pproval of the plans, however, shall not relieve the Contra(tor of his responsibility. ,4-0*0* Str!i&htenin& Bent M!teri!:

The straightening of plates, angles and other shapes shall be done by 4ethods not li,ely to produ(e fra(ture or any in?ury. The 4etal shall not be heated unless per4itted by the !ngineer for spe(ial (ases, when the heating shall not be to a te4perature higher than that produ(ing a dar, ;(herry red< (olour, followed by as slow (ooling as possible. .ollowing the straightening of a bend or bu(,le the surfa(e shall be (arefully investigated for eviden(e of fra(ture. 6harp ,in,s and bends 4ay be the (ause for re?e(tion of 4aterial. ,4-0*1* Asse<?:in& Stee:

The parts shall be a((urately asse4bled as shown on the drawings and 4at(h 4ar,s shall be followed. The 4aterial shall be (arefully handled so that no parts will be bent, bro,en or otherwise da4aged. Ha44ering whi(h will in?ure or distort the 4e4bers shall not be done. Eearing surfa(e or surfa(es to be in per4anent (onta(t shall be (leaned, before the 4e4bers are asse4bled. The truss spans shall be ere(ted on blo(,ing, so pla(ed as to give the proper (a4ber. The blo(,ing shall be left in pla(e until the tendon (hord spli(es are fully riveted and all other truss (onne(tions pinned and bolted. Rivets in spli(es of butt ?oints of (o4pression 4e4bers and rivets in railings shall not be driven until the span has been swung. 0ll ?oint surfa(e for bolted (onne(tions in(luding bolts, nuts, washers shall be free fro4 s(ale, dirt, burrs, other foreign 4aterials and defe(ts that would prevent solid seating of parts. The slope of surfa(e of bolted parts in (onta(t with bolt head and nut shall not e@(eed ' in %&, plane nor4al to bolt a@is, otherwise suitable tapered washer shall be used. 0ll fasteners shall have a washer under nut or bolt head whi(hever is turned in tightening. 0ny (onne(tion to be riveted or bolted shall be se(ured in (lose (onta(t with servi(e bolts or with a suffi(ient nu4ber of per4anent bolts before the rivets are driven

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or before the (onne(tions are finally bolted. 8oints shall nor4ally be 4ade by filling not less than 5& per (ent of holes with servi(e bolts and barrel drifts in the ratio B/'. The servi(e bolts are to be fully tightened up as soon as the ?oint is asse4bled. Conne(tions to be 4ade by (lose toleran(e or barrel bolts shall be (o4pleted as soon as pra(ti(able after asse4bly. 0ny (onne(tion to be site welded shall be se(urely held in position by approved 4ethods to ensure a((urate align4ent, (a4ber and elevation before welding is (o44en(ed. The field riveting, welding, bolted and pin (onne(tion shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause '1&B as appropriate. The (orre(tion of 4inor 4isfits involving har4less a4ounts of rea4ing, (utting and (hipping will be (onsidered a legiti4ate pan of ere(tion. However, any error in the shop fabri(ation or defor4ation resulting fro4 handling and transportation whi(h prevents proper asse4bling and fitting up of parts by 4oderate use of drifts 7f by a 4oderate a4ount of rea4ing and slight (hipping or (utting shall be reported i44ediately to the !ngineer and his approval of the 4ethod of (orre(tion obtained. The (orre(tion shall be 4ade in the presen(e of+the !ngineer. ,4-0*2* Fie:" Ins#e;tion

,4-0*2*,* Gener!: 0ll 4aterials, e>uip4ent and wor, of ere(tion shall be sub?e(t to the inspe(tion of the !ngineer who shall be provided with all fa(ilities in(luding labour and tools re>uired at all reasonable ti4es. 0ny wor, found defe(tive is liable to be re?e(ted. ,4-0*2*5* o prote(tive treat4ent shall be applied to the wor, until the appropriate inspe(tion and testing has been (arried out The stage inspe(tion shall be (arried out for all operations so as to ensure the (orre(tness of fabri(ation and good >uality. Girder di4ensions and (a4ber shall not be finally (he(,ed until all welding and heating operations are (o4pleted and the 4e4ber has (ooled to a unifor4 te4perature. ,4-0*2*.* Testing of 4aterial / 6tru(tural steel shall be tested for 4e(hani(al and (he4i(al properties as per various I6 (odes as 4ay be appli(able and shall (onfor4 to re>uire4ents spe(ified in I6/%%), I6/%&)%, I6/''5-2, '6/'122, '6/-5&& and I6/1)', et(. Rivets, bolts, nuts, washers, welding (onsu4ables, steel forging, (asting and stainless steel shall be tested for 4e(hani(al and (he4i(al properties in the appropriate I6 Code. Rolling and (utting toleran(e shall be as per I6/ '-5%. The thi(,ness toleran(e (he(, 4easure4ents for the plate and rolled se(tions shall be ta,en at not less than '5 44 fro4 edge. $a4inations in plates shall be (arried out by ultra+soni( testing of any other

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spe(ified 4ethods. 6teel wor, shall be inspe(ted for surfa(e defe(ts and e@posed edge la4inations during fabri(ation and blast (leaning. 6ignifi(ant edge la4inations found shall be reported to the !ngineer for his de(ision. Chipping, grinding, 4a(hining or ultrasoni( testing shall be used to deter4ine depth of i4perfe(tion. ,4-0*2*/* Bo:te" ;onne;tions = Eolts and bolted (onne(tion ?oints with high strength fri(tion grip bolls shall be inspe(ted and tested a((ording to I6/B&&&. Rivets and riveted (onne(tion shall be inspe(ted and tested for (o4plian(e of (odal re>uire4ents. The fir4ness of ?oint shall be (he(,ed by &.% 44 filler gauge, whi(h shall not go inside under the rivet head by 4ore than 3 44. There shall not be any gap between 4e4bers to be riveted. #riven rivets shall be (he(,ed with rivet testing ha44er. "hen stru(, sharply on head with rivet testing ha44er, rivet shall be free fro4 4ove4ent and vibration. 0ll loose rivets and rivets with (ra(,s, badly for4ed or defi(ient heads or with heads whi(h are e((entri( with shan,s, shall be (ut out and repla(ed. The align4ent of plates at all bolted spli(e ?oints and welded butt ?oints shall be (he(,ed for (o4plian(e with (odal re>uire4ents. Testing of fla4e (ut and sheared edges is to be done, where the hardness (riteria given in the (ode are adopted. Hardness testing shall be (arried out on si@ spe(i4ens. ,4-0*2*0* We:"in& !n" 'e:"in& ;onsu<!?:es = "elding pro(edure, welded (onne(tion and testing shall be in (o4plian(e with (odal re>uire4ents. 0ll fa(ilities ne(essary for stage inspe(tion during welding and on (o4pletion shall be provided to the !ngineer or their inspe(ting 0uthority by 4anufa(turer. 0de>uate 4eans of identifi(ation either by identifi(ation 4ar, or other re(ord shall be provided to enable ea(h weld to be tra(ed to the welder9s: by who4 it was (arried out. 0ll 4etal ar( welding shall be in (o4plian(e with I6/1615 provisions. The 4ethod of inspe(tion shall be in a((ordan(e with I6/-%% and e@tent of inspe(tion and testing shall be in a((ordan(e with the relevant standards or in the absen(e of su(h a standard, as agreed with the !ngineer. Pro(edure tests The #estru(tive and on+#estru(tive test of weld shall be (arried out a((ording

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to I6/23&2 9Part I:. on+#estru(tive Testing of "elds 7ne or 4ore of the following inspe(tion or testing of weld / i: Cisual Inspe(tion / 0ll. welds shall be visually inspe(ted, whi(h should (over all defe(ts of weld su(h as siLe, porosity, (ra(, in the weld or in the H0H 9Heat 0ffe(ted Hone: et(. 6uitable 4agnifying glass 4ay be used for visual inspe(tion. 0 weld shall be a((eptable by visual inspe(tion if it shows that / a: The weld has no (ra(,s. b: Through fusion e@ists between weld and base 4etal and between ad?a(ent layer of weld 4etal. (: "eld profiles are in a((ordan(e with re>uisite (lauses of I6/1515 or as agreed with the !ngineer. d: The weld shall be of full (ross se(tion, e@(ept for the ends of inter4ittent fillet welds outsite their effe(tive length. e: "hen weld is transverse to the pri4ary stress, under(ut shall not be 4ore than &.%5 44 deep in the part that is under(ut and shall not be 4ore than &.- nun deep when the weld is parallel to the pri4ary stress in the part that is under(ut. f: The fillet weld in any single (ontinuous "eld shall be per4itted to under run the no4inal fillet weld siLe spe(ified by '.) 44 without (orre(tion provided 4at unfertile portion of the weld does not e@(eed '& per (ent of the length of the weld. 7n the web+to+flange welds on girders, no under+run is per4itted at the ends for a length e>ual to twi(e the width of the flange. g: The piping porosity in fillet welds shall not e@(eed one in ea(h '&& 44 of weld length and the 4a@i4u4 dia4eter shall not e@(eed %.B 44, e@(ept for fillet welds (onne(ting stiffeners to web where the turn of dia4eters of piping porosity shall not e@(eed 1.5 44 in any %5 44 length of weld and shall not e@(eed '1 44 in any 3&& 44 length of weld. h: The full penetration groove weld in butt ?oints transverse to the dire(tion of (o4puted tensile stress shall have no piping porosity. .or all other groove welds, the piping porosity shall not e@(eed one in '&& 44 of length and the 4a@i4u4 dia4eter shall not e@(eed %.B 44. ii: Magneti( Pani(le and Radio+graphi( Inspe(tion/ "elds that are sub?e(t to radio+ graphi( or 4agneti( parti(le testing in addition to visual inspe(tion shall have no (ra(,. Magneti( parti(le test shall be (arried out for dete(tion of (ra(, and other dis(ontinuity in the weld a((ording to I6/533B. Radiographi( test shall be (arried out for dete(tion of internal flaws in the weld su(h as (ra(,, piping porosity in(lusion, la(, of fusion, in(o4plete penetration, et(. This test 4at be (arried out as per I6/''-% and '5/B-53. 0((eptan(e Criteria/ The weld shall be una((eptable if radiographi( or 4agneti( pani(le testing shows any of the type of dis(ontinuities indi(ated in the (ode. iii: Altrasoni( Inspe(tion / The Altrasoni( testing in addition to visual inspe(tion shall be

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(arried out for dete(tion of internal flaws in the weld su(h as (ra(,s, piping porosity in(lusion, la(, of fusion, in(o4plete penetration, et(. 0((eptan(e (riteria shall be as per I6/B%)& or any other relevant I6 6pe(ifi(ation and as agreed to by the !ngineer. iv: $i>uid Penetration Inspe(tion / The li>uid penetrant test shall be (arried out for dete(tion of surfa(e defe(t in the weld, as per '5/3)5-, in addition to visual inspe(tion. The non+destru(tive testing of following welds be (arried out using one of the 4ethod or 4ethods des(ribed at 9ii:,9iii: and 9iv: above, as 4ay be agreed to by the !ngineer. a: 0ll transverse butt welds in tension flange b: '& per (ent of the length of longitudinal and transverse butt welds in tension flanges. (: 5 per (ent of the length of longitudinal and transverse but welds in (o4pression flanges. d: 0ll transverse butt welds in webs ad?a(ent to tension flanges as spe(ified by the !ngineer. The parti(ular length of welds in webs to be tested shall be agreed with the !ngineer, in (ase of 9b: or 9(:. "here spe(ified by the !ngineer, bearing stiffeners or bearing diaphrag4s ad?a(ent to welds, flange plates ad?a(ent to web*flange welds, plates at (ru(ifor4 welds, plates in bo@ girder (onstru(tion ad?a(ent to (orner welds or other details shall be ultrasoni(ally tested after fabri(ation. 0ny la4ination, la4ellar tearing or other defe(t found shall be re(orded and reported to !ngineer for his de(ision. Testing of "elding for Cast 6teel / The testing of weld for (ast steel shall be (arried out as 4ay be agreed to by the !ngineer. 6tud 6hear Conne(tors / 6tud shear (onne(tors shall be sub?e(ted to the following tests / i: The fi@ing of studs after being welded in position shall be tested by 9in,ing the side of the head of the stud with a % ,g ha44er to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. ii: The sele(ted stud head stro,ed with ) ,g ha44er shall be (apable of lateral displa(e4ent of appro@i4ately &.%5 the height of the stud fro4 its original position. The stud weld shall not show any sign of (ra(, or la(, of fusion. The studs whose welds have failed the tests given in 9a: and 9b: shall be repla(ed. ,4-0*2*1* Ins#e;tion reEuire<ent = The fabri(ated 4e4ber*(o4ponent 4ade out of rolled and built+up se(tion shall be (he(,ed for (o4plian(e of the toleran(es given in Table '1&&+%. Inspe(tion of 4e4ber*(o4ponents for (o4plian(e with toleran(es, and the (he(, for deviations shall be 4ade over the full length. #uring (he(,ing, the inspe(tion re>uire4ent shall be pla(ed in su(h a 4anner that lo(al surfa(e irregularities do not influen(e the results.

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.or plate, out+of+plane deviation shall be (he(,ed at right angle to the surfa(e over the full area of plate. The relative (ross+girder or (ross fra4e deviation shall be (he(,ed over the 4iddle third of length of the (ross girder or fra4e between ea(h pair of webs and for (antilever at the end of 4e4ber. The web of rolled bea4 or (hannel se(tion shall be (he(,ed for (ut+of+plane deviation in longitudinal dire(tion e>ual to the depth of the se(tion. #uring inspe(tion, the (o4ponent * 4e4ber shall not have any load or e@ternal restraint. Ins#e;tion St!&es = The inspe(tion to be (arried out for (o4plian(e of toleran(es shall in(lude but not be li4ited to the following stages/ a: .or (o4pleted parts, (o4ponent*4e4bers on (o4pletion of fabri(ation and before any subse>uent operation su(h as surfa(e preparation, painting, transportation, ere(tion. b: .or webs of plate and bo@ girder, longitudinal (o4pression flange stiffeners in bo@ girders and orthotropi( de(,s and all web stiffeners at site ?oints, on (o4pletion of site ?oint (: .or (ross girders and fra4es, (antilevers in orthotropi( de(,s and other pans in whi(h deviations have apparently in(reased on (o4pletion of site asse4bly. "here, on (he(,ing 4e4ber*(o4ponent for the deviations in respe(t of out+of+ plane or out+of+straightness at right angles to the plate surfa(e, and any other instan(es, e@(eed toleran(e, the 4a@i4u4 deviation shall be 4easured and re(orded. The re(orded 4easure4ents shall be sub4itted to the !ngineer who will deter4ine whether the (o4ponent*4e4ber 4ay be a((epted without re(tifi(ation, with re(tifi(ation or re?e(ted. ,4-1* PAINTING

,4-1*,* Gener!: Anless otherwise spe(ified, all 4etal wor, shall be given approved shop (oats as well as field (oats of painting. The ite4 of wor, shall in(lude preparation of 4etal surfa(es, appli(ation of prote(tive (overing and drying of the paint (oatings and supply of all tools, s(affolding, labour and 4aterials ne(essary. Coatings shall be applied only to dry surfa(es and the (oated surfa(es shall not be e@posed to rain or frost before they are dry. The (oatings shall be applied to all surfa(es e@(luding shear (onne(tors and inner surfa(es of fully sealed hollow se(tions. Care shall be ta,en during (oating of ad?a(ent surfa(es to build up pri4er on the shear (onne(tors. ,4-1*,*,* Ty#es o #!ints 9i: 7rdinary Paints These in(lude paints based on drying oils, al,yd resin, 4odified al,yd resin, phenoli( varnish epo@y, et(.

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0l,yd resin paints for the prote(tion of steel stru(tures are based partly on natural oils and partly on syntheti( resins. These paints shall be used for steel stru(tures in at4ospheres whi(h are not too aggressive. 7il based paints (an be used for steel stru(tures in (ases where the surfa(e preparation (annot be ideal. 7rdinary painting (an generally be sub+divided into two groups / a: Pri4ary Coats This shall be applied i44ediately after the surfa(e preparation and should have the properties of adhesion, (orrosion inhibition and i4perviousness to water and air. b: .inishing Coats These are applied over the pri4ary (oat and should have the properties of durability, abrasion resistan(e, aestheti( appearan(e and s4ooth finish. 9ii: Che4i(al Resistant Paints

The 4ore highly (orrosion resistant paints (an be divided into two 4ain groups / a: 7ne pi(, paints 9ready/ for use: b: Two pa(, paints 94i@ed before use: The two pa(, paints shall be 4i@ed together i44ediately before use sin(e they are wor,able thereafter only for a restri(ted period of ti4e and dry up as a result of a rea(tion between their (o4ponents and yield hard tough fil4s with resistan(e to abrasion. 9iii: Cinyl Paints These are based on polyvinyl resins su(h as polyvinyl+(hloride 9PCC: and polyvinyl+a(etate, et(. Certain types of vinyl resin paints yield thi(,, relatively soft and rubber li,e (oatings with good (he4i(al resistan(e. They (an be repainted without diffi(ulty. 9iv: Chlorinated Rubber Paints These paints also have good (he4i(al resistan(e. The 4ain fields of appli(ations shall be in aggressive environ4ents. In general, (hlorinated rubber paints do not have a high gloss. 9v: Eitu4inous Paints 0s a paint vehi(le, bitu4inous is inferior, but be(ause of the low pri(e, this should be applied in greater thi(,ness 9upto several 4illi4eters: and 4ay be suitable for so4e situations. 0 signifi(ant advantage of bitu4en paints is their i4per4eability to ingress of water. However, bitu4inous paints do not withstand effe(tively detri4ental effe(ts of oil. 9vi: !po@y Paints These resin paints have good adheren(e to a well prepared substrata. They are 4e(hani(ally strong and resistant to (he4i(als. 0 disadvantage of epo@y resin paints is

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that it (an rapidly be(o4e dull when e@posed to strong sunlight. These disadvantages do not, however, greatly influen(e their prote(tive power. 9vii: Polyurethane Paints The (he4i(al and 4e(hani(al behaviour of polyurethane paint rese4bles those of epo@y paint very 4u(h. However, polyurethane paint retains its gloss for a longer period. Ee(ause of the high pri(e of polyurethane paint, a (o4bination of the two viL., polyurethane and epo@y paints 4ay so4eti4es be used. 9viii: Hin( Ri(h Paints Instead of introdu(ing an inhibitive pig4ent into paint, 4etalli( Lin( (an+be used and su(h paints (an provide (athodi( prote(tion to steel. ,4-1*,*5* 6urfa(es whi(h are ina((essible for (leaning and painting after fabri(ation shall be painted as spe(ified before being asse4bled for riveting. 0ll rivets, bolts, nuts, washers et(., are to be thoroughly (leaned and dipped into boiling linseed oil (onfor4ing to I6/22. 0ll 4a(hined surfa(es are to be well (oated with a 4i@ture of white lead (onfor4ing to '6/3B and Mutton Tallow (onfor4ing to I6/--2. .or site paintings, the whole of the steel wor, shall be given the se(ond (over (oat after final passing and after tou(hing up the pri4er and (over (oats, if da4aged in transit. ,4-1*,.* Choi;e o #!intin& syste< The (hoi(e of suitable painting syste4 is dependent on fa(tors su(h as/ 0vailable appli(ation 4ethods viL. brush, roller or spray #urability in a spe(ifi( environ4ent 0vailability of s,illed 4anpower Cost * benefit et(.

It is therefore ne(essary to (onsult various 4anufa(turers of paint and as(ertain the above aspe(ts while de(iding on the appropriate (hoi(e of painting syste4. ,4-1*,*/* >u!:ity o #!int = The paints whi(h have been tested for the following >ualities as per the spe(ifi(ations given in the relevant I6 (odes should only be used / "eight Test 9weight per '& litre of paint thoroughly 4i@ed: #rying ti4e .le@ibility and 0dhesion Consisten(y #ry thi(,ness and rate of (onsu4ption ,4-1*,*0* Anless otherwise spe(ified, all painting and prote(tive (oating wor, shall be done in a((ordan(e with I6/ 'B22 9Part ':.

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,4-1*5* Sur !;e Pre#!r!tion 6teel surfa(e to be painted either at the fabri(ating shop or at the site of wor, shall be prepared in a thorough 4anner with a view to ensuring (o4plete re4oval of 4ill s(ale by one of the following pro(esses as agreed to between the fabri(ator and the !ngineer / a: b: (: #ry or wet grit * 6and blasting Pi(,ling whi(h should be restri(ted to single plates, bars and se(tions .la4e (leaning

Pri4ary (oat shall be applied as soon as pra(ti(able after (leaning and in (ase of fla4e (leaning, pri4ary (oal shall be applied while the 4etal is still war4. 0ll slag fro4 welds shall be re4oved before painting. 6urfa(es shall be 4aintained dry and free fro4 dirt and oil. "or, out of doors in frosty or hu4id weather shall be avoided. ,4-1*.* Co!tin&s Pri4e (oat to be used shall (onfor4 to the spe(ifi(ation of pri4ers approved by the !ngineer. Metal (oatings shall be regarded as pri4ing (oatings. Pri4er shall be applied to the blast (leaned surfa(e before any deterioration of the surfa(e is visible. In any (ase, the surfa(e shall re(eive one (oat of pri4er within B hours of abrasive blast (leaning. 0ll (oats shall be (o4patible with ea(h other. "hen 4etal (oatings are used, the under(oat shall be (o4patible with the 4etal (on(erned. The under(oat arid finishing (oat shall preferably be fro4 the sa4e 4anufa(turer. 6u((essive (oals of paints shall be of different shades or (olours and ea(h shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before the ne@t is applied/ Parti(ular (are shall be ta,en with the pri4ing and painting of edges, (orners, welds and rivets. Typi(al guidelines for epo@y based paints and the (onventional painting syste4 for bridge girders as given below 4ay be (o4plied with / a: !po@y Eased Painting i: 6urfa(e preparation / Re4ove oil*grease by use of petroleu4 hydro(arbon solution 9I6/'2B5: and Grit blasting to near white 4etal surfa(e ii: Paint syste4/ % (oats of epo@y Lin( phosphate pri4er Y )& 4i(ron M Total 5 (oats + %&& 4i(ron b: Conventional Painting 6yste4 for areas where (orrosion is not severe Pri<in& Co!t = 7ne heavy (oat or ready 4i@ed paint, red lead pri4er (onfor4ing to I6/'&% or 7ne (oat of ready 4i@ed Lin( (hro4e pri4er (onfor4ing to I6/ '&B followed by one (oat of ready 4i@ed red o@ide Lin( (hro4e pri4er (onfor4ing to I6/%&2B.

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or Two (oats of Lin( (hro4ates red o@ide pri4er (onfor4ing to I6/%&2B Finishin& Co!ts = Two (over (oats of red o@ide paint (onfor4ing to I6/ '%3 or any other approved paint shall be applied over the pri4er (oat 7ne (oat shall be applied before the fabri(ated steel wor, leaves the shop. 0fter the steel wor, is ere(ted at site, the se(ond (oat shall be given after tou(hing up the pri4er and the (over (oats if da4aged in transit. ;) Convention!: P!intin& Syste< or !re!s 'here ;orrosion is severe Pri<in& Co!t = Two (oats of ready 4i@ed red lead pri4er (onfor4ing to I6/ '&% or 7ne (oat of ready 4i@ed Lin( (hro4e pri4er (onfor4ing to I6/ '&B followed by one (oat of Lin( (hro4ate (onfor4ing o@ide pri4er to I6/%&2B. Finishin& Co!ts = Two (oats of alu4inu4 paint (onfor4ing to I6/%331 shall be applied over the pri4er (oat. 7ne (oat shall be applied before the fabri(ated steel wor, leaves the shop. 0fter the steel wor, is ere(ted at site, the se(ond (oat shall be given after tou(hing up the pri4er and the (over (oats if da4aged in transit. ,4-1*/* P!intin& in the Sho# 0ll fabri(ated steel shall be painted in the shops after inspe(tion and a((eptan(e with at least one pri4ing (oat, unless the e@posed surfa(es are subse>uently to be (leaned at site or are 4etal (oated. o pri4er shall be applied to galvanised surfa(es. 6hop (onta(t surfa(es, if spe(ifi(ally re>uired to be painted, shall be brought together while the paint is still wet. .ield (onta(t surfa(es and surfa(es to be in (onta(t with (e4ent shall be painted with pri4er only. o paint shall be applied within 5&44 of designed lo(ation of field welds. Paint shall be (o4pletely dried before loading and transporting to site. 6urfa(e not in (onta(t but ina((essible after shop asse4bly shall re(eive the fully spe(ified prote(tive treat4ent before asse4bly. "here surfa(es are to be welded, the steel shall not be painted or 4etal (oated within a suitable distan(e fro4 any edges to be welded if the spe(ified paint or 4etal (oating would be har4ful to welders or is e@pe(ted to i4pair the >uality of site welds. !@posed 4a(hined surfa(es shall be ade>uately prote(ted.

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,4-1*0* P!intin& !t Site 6urfa(es whi(h will be ina((essible after site asse4bly shall re(eive the full spe(ified prote(tive treat4ent before asse4bly. 6urfa(es whi(h will be in (onta(t after site asse4bly shall re(eive a (oat of paint 9in addition to any shop pri4ing: and shall be brought together while the paint is still wet. #a4aged or deteriorated paint surfa(eMM shall be first 4ade good with the sa4e type of (oat as the shop (oat. "here steel has re(eived a 4etal (oating in the shop, this (oating shall be (o4pleted on site so as to be (ontinuous over any welds, bolts and site rivets. 6pe(ified prote(tive treat4ent shall be (o4pleted after ere(tion. ,4-1*1* Metho"s o A##:i;!tion The 4ethods of appli(ation of all paint (oatings shall be in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs written re(o44endation and shall be as approved by the !ngineer. 6pray painting 4ay be per4itted provided it will not (ause in(onvenien(e to the publi( and is appropriate to the type of stru(ture being (oated. 0reas hard to gain a((ess to for painting and areas shaded for spray appli(ation shall be (oated first by brushing. 7il based red lead pri4ers 4ust be applied by brush only, ta,ing (are to wor, into all (orners and (revi(es. The pri4er, inter4ediate and finishing (oats shall all be applied so as to provide s4ooth (oatings of unifor4 thi(,ness. "rin,led or blistered (oatings or (oatings with pinholes, sags, lu4ps or other ble4ishes shall not be a((epted. "here the !ngineer so dire(ts, the (oating shall be re4oved by abrasive blast (leaning and repla(ed at the Contra(torKs e@pense. ,4-1*2* Gui"e:ine o S#e;i i;!tions or Prote;tive Co!tin& Syste< in Di erent Environ<ents 6in(e the seriousness of the proble4 of (orrosion depends upon at4ospheri( (onditions and these vary enor4ously, there is no single prote(tive syste4 or 4ethod of appli(ation that is suitable for every situation. However, as a guide, broad re(o44endations are given in Table '1&&+3 for various types of (oatings in various environ4ental (onditions whi(h should be (o4plied with. 0ppro@i4ate life to first 4aintenan(e is also indi(ated and (an be used as a guide. TAB+E ,4--7. = RECOMMENDATIONS FOR T6PES OF PROTECTI)E COATINGS 6yste4 !nviron4ent

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"ire brush to re4ove all loose nisi and s(aleM % (oats drying oil type pri4er, ' under (oat al,yd type paintM ' finishing (oal al,yd type. Total dry fil4 thi(,ness Y '5& j4

6uitable for 4ild (onditions where appearan(e is of so4e i4portan(e and where regular 4aintenan(e is intended. This syste4 4ay deteriorate to a 4ar,ed e@tent if it is e@posed to 4oderate aggressive at4ospheri( (onditions for lengthy period 6i4ilar to 9i: but where appearan(e is not very i4portant provides longer life in 4ild (ondition. "ill provide upto 5 years life to first 4aintenan(e in polluted inland environ4ent Co4pared to 9i:, this would provide a longer life in 4ild (onditions and (ould be used in less 4ild situation e.g. inland polluted, where 4aintenan(e (ould easily be (arried out at regular intervals 6uitable for general stru(tural steel wor, e@posed to ordinary polluted inland environ4ents where appearan(e is not of pri4ary i4portan(e. 6uitable for stru(tures in reasonably aggressive (onditions e.g. near the (oast. "ill provide long+ter4 prote(tion than 9iv: in non+(oastal situations. 0lso suitable for aggressive interior situations su(h as industrial areas.


"ire brush to re4ove all loose rust and s(aleM % (oats drying oil type pri4er, % under (oals 4i(a(eous iron o@ide 9MG7: pig4ented phenoli( 4odified drying oil. Total dry fil4 thi(,ness Y '2& j4

9iii: Elast (lean the surfa(eM % (oats of >ui(, drying pri4er, under(oat al,yd type paintM ' finishing (oat al,yd type. Total dry fil4 thi(,ness / '3& + '5& j4 9iv: Elast (lean the surfa(eM % (oats of drying type oil pri4erM ' under(oat 4i(a(eous iron o@ide pig4ented drying oil type paint. Total dry fil4 thi(,ness / ')5 + '1& j4 9v: Elast (lean the surfa(eM % (oats of 4etalli( lead pig4ented (hlorinated rubber pri4er. ' under(oat of high build (hlorinated rubberM ' finishing (oat of (hlorinated rubber. Total dry fil4 thi(,ness / %&& j4

9vi: Elast (lean the surfa(eM 35& V B5& 6uitable for sea water splash Lones or for j4 thi(,ness, (oal tar epo@y. (onditions of o((urren(e of fre>uent salt sprays. 9vii: Pi(,leM hot dip galvaniLed 9Hin(:. 6uitable for steel wor, in reasonably 4ild Total thi(,ness / -5 j4 (onditions $ife of '5+%& years before first 4aintenan(e (ould be e@pe(ted in 4any situations 9viii: Grit blast, hot dip galvanised. Provides a longer life than 9vii: be(ause of 9Hin(:. Total thi(,ness Y 'B& j4 thi(,er Lin( (oating 9i@: Grit blastM ' (oat of sprayed Lin(* !@pe(ted to provide long ter4 prote(tion alu4inu4 followed by suitable appro@ '5+%& years in aggressive sealer Total thi(,ness Y '5& j4 at4osphere

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,4-2* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials +shall be tested in a((ordan(e with relevant I6 spe(ifi(ations and ne(essary test (ertifi(ates shall be furnished. 0dditional tests, if re>uired, shall be got (arried out by the Contra(tor at his own (ost. The fabri(ation, furnishing, (reeping, painting of stru(tural steel wor, shall be in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations and shall be (he(,ed and a((epted by the !ngineer. ,4-3* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT

The 4easure4ents of this ite4 shall be in tonnes based on the net weight of 4etal in the fabri(ated stru(ture (o4puted on the basis of no4inal weight of 4aterials. The weight of rolled and (ast steel and (ast iron shall be deter4ined fro4 the di4ensions shown on the drawings on the following basis / Roiled or (ast steel / 2.-B @ '&+3 ,g*(u. (4. Cast Iron / 2.%' @ '&+3 ,g*(u. (4.

"eight of stru(tural se(tions shall be no4inal weight "eight of (astings shall be (o4puted fro4 the di4ensions shown on the drawings with an addition of 5 per (ent for fillets and over+runs. "eight of weld fillets and the weight of prote(tive (oatings shall . not be in(luded. "eight of rivet heads shall be (o4puted by ta,ing the weight of '&& snap heads as given in Table '1&&+B. "hen spe(ially agreed upon, allowan(e for snap heads 4ay be ta,en as a flat per(entage of the total weight. This per(entage 4ay be ta,en as 3 per (ent or 4odified by 4utual agree4ent. TAB+E ,4--7/ = WEIG%T OF RI)ET %EADS #ia of Rivet as 4anufa(tured 44 '% 'B ') '%& %% %B %2 3& 33
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"eight of '&& snap heads ,g '.3 %.' 3.B B.B5 ).' -.' '&.5 '5.& %&.5 %2.%

The Contra(tor shall supply detailed (al(ulation sheets for the weight of the 4etal in the fabri(ated stru(ture. o additions shall be 4ade for the weight of prote(tive (oating or weld fillets. "here (o4puted weight for4s the basis for pay4ent, the weight shall be (al(ulated for e@a(t (ut siLes of 4e4bers used in the stru(ture, dedu(tions being 4ade for all (uts, e@(ept for rivet holes. 0dditions shall be 4ade for the rivet heads as 4entioned above. "hen spe(ially agreed upon, the basis for pay4ent 4ay be the bridge weight (o4plete, a((ording to spe(ifi(ations in(luded in spe(ial provisions of the Contra(t ,4-4* RATE The (ontra(t unit rate for the (o4pleted stru(tural steel wor, shall in(lude the (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools, plant and e>uip4ent re>uired for fabri(ation, (onne(tions, oiling, painting, te4porary ere(tion, inspe(tion, tests and (o4plete final ere(tion as shown on the drawings and as spe(ified in these 6pe(ifi(ations.

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5--,* DESCRIPTION This wor, shall (onsist of furnishing and fi@ing bearings in position in a((ordan(e with the details shown on the drawings, to the re>uire4ents of these spe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 5--5* GENERA+ i: Eearing plates, bars, ro(,ers, asse4blies and other e@pansion or fi@ed devi(es shall be (onstru(ted in a((ordan(e with the details shown on the drawings. ii: The bearings 4ay either be supplied dire(tly to the !ngineer by the 4anufa(turer to be installed by the Contra(tor or the Contra(tor is to supply and install the bearings as part of the (ontra(t. In the for4er (ase, the 4anufa(turer shall be asso(iated with the installation of the bearings to the full satisfa(tion of the !ngineer, whereas in the latter (ase, the Contra(tor shall be solely responsible for the satisfa(tory supply and installation of the bearing. In the detailed des(ription of the spe(ifi(ation, a general referen(e shall be 4ade to the Contra(tor or 4anufa(turer and the interpretation shall be as per ter4s of (ontra(t iii: The Contra(tor shall e@er(ise the ut4ost (are in setting and fi@ing all bearings in their (orre(t positions and ensuring that unifor4ity is obtained on all bearing surfa(es. iv: Eearings shall be handled with (are and stored under (over. v: "hen bearing asse4blies or plates are shown on the drawings to be pla(ed 9not e4bedded: dire(tly on (on(rete, the (on(rete bearing area shall be (onstru(ted slightly above grade 9not e@(eeding '% 44: and shall be finished by grinding. vi: It shall be ensured that the bearings are set truly level and in e@a(t position as indi(ated on the drawings so as to have full and even bearing on the seals. Thin 4ortar pads 9not e@(eeding '% 44: 4ay even be 4ade to 4eet with this re>uire4ent. vii: It shall be ensured that the botto4s of girders to be re(eived on the bearings are plane at the lo(ations of these bearings and (are shall be ta,en that the bearings are not displa(ed while pla(ing the girders. viii: M.6. bearings sliding on M.6. Plates shall not be per4itted. .or sliding plate bearings stainless, steel surfa(e sliding on stainless steel plate with 4ild steel 4atri@ shall be used. The other option shall be to provide PT.! surfa(e sliding on stainless steel. i@: 6o4e types of bearings whi(h have been su((essfully used in various bridges in India have been (overed by these 6pe(ifi(ations. .or innovative types of stru(tures or in spe(ial (ases, spe(ial types of bearings to suit the re>uire4ents 4ay have to be provided for whi(h spe(ial spe(ifi(ations 4ay be laid down by the !ngineer. 5--.* STEE+ BEARINGS 5--.*,* M!teri!:s The 4aterial for steel bearings shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of 6e(tion '&&&. 6o4e additional re>uire4ents for 4aterials for steel bearings are indi(ated below / a: b: Railway a@les 9R '1: are also a((eptable as forged steel for rollers. .or the purpose of (he(,ing the soundness of (ast steel (o4ponents, (astings shall be ultrasoni(ally e@a4ined following pro(edures as per '6/2))) with

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a((eptan(e standard as per '5/15)5. The (astings 4ay also be (he(,ed by any other a((epted 4ethod of non+destru(tive testing as spe(ified, in I6/ '&3&. Duality level of (astings shall be level 3 as per '-/15)5. The grease for beatings shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of I6/5&3 9Grade B:. 5--.*5* Constru;tion O#er!tions a: 0ll wor, shall (onfor4 stri(tly to the drawings and shall be in a((ordan(e with the provisions of this se(tion. Care shall be ta,en to ensure that all parts of an asse4bly fit a((urately together. The wor,4anship shall satisfy all relevant provisions laid down in 6e(tion '1&&. b: =nu(,le pins, rolling surfa(es of the rollers and bearing surfa(e of the bearing plates shall be 4a(hined and all bolt holes shall be drilled. The whole bearings shall be fitted and finished as re>uired for good >uality 4a(hined wor, to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. However, in (ase of bearings whi(h are to be grouted or bedded on .a suitable yielding 4aterial on any surfa(e whi(h is to be in per4anent (onta(t with the grout or the yielding 4aterial 4ay be left un4a(hined. (: In prestressed (on(rete (onstru(tion where laun(hing of girders is e4ployed, in order to avoid slipping or ?u4ping of rollers due to vibration or ?olts. ade>uate 4easures 4ay be ta,en to ensure that the roller asse4bly is not disturbed. It is nor4al pra(ti(e to provide ro(,er bearings on the laun(hing end and pla(e the bea4 on the ro(,er end slightly in advan(e of pla(ing on the roller. d: #uring (on(reting of girders, the bearings shall be held in position se(urely by providing te4porary (onne(tion between the top and botto4 plates in (ase of fi@ed bearings and between top plate, base plate and saddle plate in (ase of roller+(u4+ro(,er bearing or by any other suitable arrange4ent whi(h prevents the relative displa(e4ent of the (o4ponents. e: In prestressed pre(ast girders, where re(esses are left on the underside of girders to re(eive the an(hor bolts, grout holes e@tending to the bea4 sides or to the de(, level shall be provided. The (e4ent sand grout shall have a 4i@ of '/'. 5--.*.* Wor@<!nshi# a: b: (: .abri(ation shall be (arried out by an organisation e@perien(ed and >ualified to underta,e pre(ision engineering of this type and be approved by the !ngineer. "or,4anship shall be of good >uality, neatly finished and of good appearan(e. Castings shall be true to the for4s and di4ensions shown on the drawings and shall be free fro4 pouring faults, sponginess. (ra(,s, blow holes and other defe(ts on position, affe(ting their appearan(e or strength. "arped or distorted (astings will not be a((epted. !@posed surfa(es shall be s4ooth and dense. 0ll (astings shall be (leaned by sand or shot blasting to re4ove sand or s(ale and to present a (lean unifor4 surfa(e. 0ll irregularities, fins or risers shall be ground off flush with the ad?a(ent

d: e:

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f: g:

surfa(e. Castings with visible (ra(,s, blow holes or si4ilar ble4ishes shall be re?e(ted if the i4perfe(tions are lo(ated in bearing surfa(es or (annot be re4edied to the approval of the !ngineer. I4perfe(tions whi(h are not lo(ated in bearing surfa(es shall be (leaned out, filled with weld 4etal of the appropriate (o4position and ground flush. 0ll surfa(es of 4a?or (o4ponents li,e top plates, saddle plates, base plates, rollers of the bearings shall be 4a(hined all over for (orre(t align4ent, inter(hangeability, proper fining, et(.

5--.*/* To:er!n;es Toleran(es for its individual (o4ponents or of the asse4bled bearings shall be as shown on the drawings or sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. Anless otherwise spe(ified, the following toleran(es shall be 4aintained / Di!<eter o Ro::ersA Knu;@:e Pins !n" Bores Toleran(es I6/1'1. Toleran(es on dia4eter of all (on(ave surfa(es shall (onfor4 to #- of I6/1'1. . %ei&ht o Be!rin&s Toleran(es on height of any (o4ponent (asting shall not e@(eed \&.544. o 4inus toleran(e shall be allowed. The edges of ail ribs shall be parallel throughout their length. B!se P:!te Toleran(e on length and width of the base plate shall not e@(eed \'.& 44, toleran(e on the thi(,ness of the plate shall not e@(eed \&.5 44. o 4inus toleran(e shall be allowed. 0ll ro(,ing, rolling and sliding surfa(es shall have a 4a(hine s4ooth finish to %& 4i(ron 4a@i4u4 4ean deviation as per I6/3&23. C!stin&s o 4inus toleran(e shall be allowed in the thi(,ness of any part of the (astings. The edges of all ribs shall be parallel throughout their length. 5--.*0* Inst!::!tion o Stee: Be!rin&s 5--.*0*,* Gener!: a: Eearings shall be pla(ed in the positions as shown on the drawings with all bearing surfa(es in full (onta(t and to the toleran(es as spe(ified. b: Roller and ro(,er bearings shall be pla(ed so that their a@les of rotations ar( horiLontal and nor4al to the dire(tion of 4ove4ent of the 4e4bers they support. Apper and lower bearing plates shall be set horiLontal in both on dia4eter of rollers and all (onve@ surfa(es (onfor4 to =2 of

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dire(tions. (: #uring installation the bearings shall be pre+set with respe(t to the bearing a@is to a((ount for the 4ove4ent due to the following / i: Te4perature variation between the average te4perature prevailing at the ti4e of installation and the 4ean design te4perature. ii: 6hrin,age, (reep and elasti( shortening. d: .or bridges in gradient, the bearing plates shall be plane. 5--.*0*5* P:!;in& 9i: 7n supporting stru(tures, po(,ets shall be provided to re(eive an(hor boltsM one side of the po(,et shall pro?e(t beyond the bearing plate The po(,et shall be filled with 4ortar of 4i@ '/' and the (on(rete bearing area also shall be finished level by a thin and stiff 4ortar pad of 4i@ '/' 9the thi(,ness not e@(eeding '% 44: ?ust before pla(ing of bearing asse4blies or botto4 plate on the (on(rete s(at. 9ii: In (ase of pre(ast girder/ a re(ess of ) 44 shall be provided on then underside with a level finish for housing the bearing plate 0 thin and stiff 4ortar pad of 4i@ '/' with thi(,ness not e@(eeding 3 44 shall be provided over the top plate before lowering the pre(ast bea4 in position in order IP ensure full and even pressure on the plate surfa(e. 9iii: It shall be ensured that while pla(ing the girderd, die bearings are in their e@a(t positions as indi(ated on the approved drawing and not displa(ed therefro4. 9iv: 0ll (on(rete surfa(es to be in (onta(t with the 4ortar shall be thoroughly (leaned and ,ept saturated with water for a period not less than %B hours before pla(ing 4ortar and operations are to be (arried out when the surfa(e te4peratures of the e@posed bearings are the 4ini4u4 pra(ti(al. 9v: o 4ortar that is 4ore than 3& 4inutes old after (o4pletion of 4i@ing, shall be used. 9vi: 0fter pla(ing and finishing the 4ortar, the bearing shall be (he(,ed for position and shi4s or other te4porary supports re4oved and the 4ortar 4ade good. If the bearing has 4oved, it or the plate shall be lifted, the 4ortar re4oved and the whole pro(edure repeated. 9vii: !@posed la(es of the 4ortar shall be (ured under da4p Hessian for 2 days. 9viii: Pla(ing of the bearing and 4ortar shall only be (arried out in the presen(e of the !ngineer. 5--.*0*.* Che;@in&A ;:e!nin& !n" :u?ri;!tion = Eefore ere(tion, ea(h bearing shall be un(rated, disasse4bled and (he(,ed. 0ny da4aged parts shall be 4ade good for approval. 0ll bearings with sliding surfa(es shall be (leaned and an approved lubri(ant i44ediately before ere(tion. 5--.*0*/* Testin& lightly lubri(ated with pla(ed in a horiLontal

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i: The 4aterials to be used in the bearings shall (onfor4 to the spe(ifi(ations laid down in (lause %&&3.'. ii: If re>uired, a suitable nu4ber of (o4plete bearings as spe(ified by an a((epting authority shall be tested to '.%5 ti4es the design load. Re(overy should be '&& per (ent Conta(t surfa(es shall be e@a4ined by illu4ination sour(e for any defe(ts, (ra(,s, et(. 6eg4ental rollers shall be tested for design 4ove4ents. iii: .or large lots 9(onsisting of '% sets or 4ore:, be sub4itted as detailed below/ 9a: Anless otherwise agreed upon by the !ngineer and the 4anufa(turer, the latter shall furnish a (o4plete report on the pro(ess of >uality (ontrol. The !ngineer 4ay appoint an authorised inspe(tion agen(y for inspe(tion purpose on his behalf. 6u(h an inspe(tion agen(y shall also sub4it reports to the !ngineer regarding various tests perfor4ed on the bearing or (ertify the a((eptan(e of the bearings. 9b: Test (ertifi(ates of all raw 4aterials shall be sub4itted. If 4anufa(turerKs test (ertifi(ates ar( not available for the raw 4aterials, the bearings 4anufa(turer shall perfor4 the ne(essary (onfir4atory tests as per relevant (edes of pra(ti(e and shall furnish the test results. 9(: 0 detailed >uality (ontrol syste4 in(luding stage by stage inspe(tion, starting fro4 raw 4aterials upto the finished bearing shall be sub4itted by the bearing 4anufa(turer. 9d: The !ngineer snail reserve the right to witness su(h inspe(tion at 4anu+ fa(turerKs wor,s with or without prior per4ission of the 4anufa(turer. .or this, the bearing 4anufa(turer shall have in+plant testing fa(ilities as far as possible and pra(ti(able. 9e: The bearing 4anufa(turer shall 4aintain a list of (onsu4ption of raw 4aterial for a period of at least previous one year. 9f: Test (ertifi(ates of bearings 4anufa(tured during pre(eding one year shall be 4ade available at the 4anufa(turerKs wor,s. 9g: In (ase the lot siLe of si4ilar bearings e@(eeds '% sets as per the dire(tion of the !ngineer, one e@tra set of bearings for ea(h %B sets of bearings or pan thereof, shall be 4anufa(tured and the (ost of su(h e@tra bearings shall be borne by the user. 9h: The !ngineer shall sele(t the e@tra bearing9s: at rando4 and shall perfor4 various tests in(luding destru(tive testing on it at his dis(retion, either al the 4anufa(turerKs wor,s or at any other approved lest laboratory, notwithstanding the test reports sub4itted. 9i: In (ase there is a 4a?or dis(repan(y regarding 4aterial, the engineer shall de(lare the whole lot of bearings as una((eptable. 9?: In (ase 4inor defe(ts in fabri(ation, li,e+ welding or 4a(hining, it found in the test bearing before destru(tive testing and if the ten bearing it found to be a((eptable after destru(tive testing, the 4inor defe(ts in the test bearings shall not be a bar to the a((eptan(e of the entire lot 9,: The opinion of the !ngineer in (ases 9i: and 9?: above shall be binding on the 4anufa(turer. 5--/* SPECIA+ BEARINGS 5--/*,* S#heri;!: Be!rin&

This bearing only ta,es (are of verti(al load and horiLontal for(e due to sliding

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fri(tion. The bearing will per4it unia@ial translatory 4ove4ent along longitudinal a@is of the bridge and rotation along all a@es. The bearing shall (onsist of the following parts / Eotto4 Plate 0 botto4 plate with (on(ave surfa(e is integrally (ast on (ir(ular* s>uare plate. The botto4 plate is (onne(ted to the sub+stru(ture by 4eans of tight fined an(hor bolts, whi(h ar( e4bedded in (on(rete. The 4aterial of botto4 plate shall be (ast steel. Pure unfilled >uality di4pled PT.! oQ spe(ified thi(,ness shall be provided on lop of (on(ave surfa(e of botto4 plate in order to allow s4ooth rotation. S!"":e P:!te 0 saddle plate with s>uare*(ir(ular*re(tangular lop and (onve@ surfa(e at botto4 shall be pla(ed in the (on(ave surfa(e of botto4 plate. The radius of (urvature of the (onve@ botto4 of the saddle plate shall be slightly less than that of the (on(ave top surfa(e of the botto4 plate to ensure suffi(ient (onta(t over a s4all a rea. Rotation along all a@es shall be per4itted along the (onta(t surfa(e of the saddle plate and the botto4 plate. Pure unfilled >uality di4pled PT.! sheet shall be re(essed to spe(ified depth of re(ess over the top of saddle plate. 6uitable elasto4eri( seal shall be provided on the saddle plate to prevent ingress of dirt and 4oisture. The 4aterial of saddle plate shall be (ast steel. To# P:!te The top plate shall have stainless steel plate welded to its botto4 whi(h shall slide over PT.!. The asse4bly shall be (onne(ted to the superstru(ture by tight fitted an(hor bolts. Translatory 4ove4ents along longitudinal a@is of bridge shall be a((o44odated at the .I.!* 6tainless steel sliding surfa(e. The 4aterial of top plate shall be (ast steel. Gui"e P:!te Guide Plates shall be welded to saddle plate so as to per4it only longitudinal 4ove4ent. The 4aterial of guide plates should be (ast steel. 5--/*5* Pin Be!rin& Pin bearing shall ensure fi@ity by arresting translatory 4ove4ent. The pin bearing shall not ta,e any verti(al load. It will ta,e (are of the longitudinal horiLontal for(e of the entire superstru(ture unit as well as transverse horiLontal for(e developed at the fi@ed end. 0 pin bearing shall (onsist of a short height stru(tural built+up (olu4n e4bedded in pier (ap and the protruding length inside soffit of de(, shall have ro(,er plates on all four sides, whi(h per4it rotation. Pin bearing shall resist horiLontal for(e fro4 any dire(tion and will per4it rotation but will not bear any verti(al load. The 4aterial of pin bearing in(luding ro(,er plates shall be high tensile steel (onfor4ing to I6/1)'.

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5--/*.* In general the sliding spheri(al and pin bearing shall (onfor4 to E6/5B&&, Parts 1.' and 1.% and all relevant (lauses of this spe(ifi(ation. Eearings shall be guaranteed for design loads and 4ove4ents. The ter4 bearing shall in(lude the entire asse4bly (overing all the a((essories re>uired for operation, ere(tion and dis4antling for repla(e4ent 0ll bearings shall be of repla(eable type. These bearings should be based on their design to the spe(ifi(ations 4entioned*international spe(ifi(ations. The 4anufa(turer should get their design approved fro4 appropriate authority and the 4anufa(turer should be asso(iated with installation of bearings. 5--/*7/* M!teri!:s 0ll 4aterials, parti(ularly the following, shall be original, unused or non+re+ (y(led (onfor4ing to relevant spe(ifi(ations / Cast 6teelM Mild 6teel, 6tainless 6teel shall (onfor4 to Clause %&&3.'. Copoly4er Poly Tetra .luora !thylene 9PT.!: unfilled >uality shall have re>uired properties as per E6/6B&& and thi(,ness shall be as spe(ified. 0n(hor Eolts shall be as per relevant I6 spe(ifi(ations. 5--/*0* Se!tin& o Pin Be!rin& i: Ea(,ing plate with studs welded on the fa(e opposite to the seating of 4anufa(ture shall be delivered by the 4anufa(turer. ii: This ba(,ing plate shall be a((urately positioned on the reinfor(e4ent grid of the pedestal and levelled. iii: 6tuds shall be ta(, welded * tied to the reinfor(e4ent to ,eep the ba(,ing plate in proper lo(ation during (asting. iv: #epth of e4bed4ent of the ha(,ing plate in the (on(rete shall be as per relevant drawing. v: The round base of the pot 9botto4: of the pin bearing asse4bly shall be (onne(ted to the ba(,ing plates by an(hor s(rews after (on(reting of pier (ap*pedestal. vi: In order to ensure su((essful transfer of large horiLontal for(es to be resisted by the Pin bearing, great (are shall be ta,en in detailing the reinfor(e4ent in the sub+stru(ture and the super+stru(ture ad?a(ent to the studs in the ba(,ing plate. 5--/*1* A;;e#t!n;e Test on S#heri;!: Be!rin&s '. %. 3. B. 0ll bearings shall be (he(,ed for overall di4ensions 0ll bearings shall be load tested to '.%5 li4es design verti(al load 0 pair of bearings sele(ted at rando4 shall undergo testing in order to deter4ine (oeffi(ient of fri(tion whi(h shall be less than &.&5. Two bearings sele(ted at rando4 shall be tested for per4issible rotation.

54-/*2* A;;e#t!n;e Test on Pin Be!rin&s '. %. only:

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0ll bearings shall be (he(,ed for overall di4ensions. 0ll bearings shall be load tested 9if re>uired, for design horiLontal load



The ter4 ;bearing< in this (ase refers to an elasto4eri( bearing (onsisting of one or 4ore internal layers of elasto4er bonded to internal steel la4inates by the pro(ess of vul(anisation. The bearing shall (ater for translation and*or rotation of the superstru(ture by elasti( defor4ation. 5--0*,* R!' M!teri!: Chloroprene 9CR: only shall be used in the 4anufa(ture of bearing. Grades of raw elasto4er of proven use in elasto4eri( bearings, with low (rystalliLation rates and ade>uate shelf life 9e.g. eoprene "RT, Eayprene ''&, 6,yprene E+5 and #en,a 6+B&C: shall be used. o re(lai4ed rubber or vul(aniLed wastes or natural rubber shall be used. The raw elasto4er (ontent of the (o4pound shall not be lower than )& per (ent by its weight The ash (ontent shall not e@(eed 5 per (ent, 9as per tests (ondu(ted in a((ordan(e with 06TM #+%12, sub+se(tion '&:. !P#M and other si4ilar (andidate elasto4ers for bridge bearing use shall not be per4itted. Pro#erties The elasto4er shall (o4for4 to the properties spe(ified in Table %&&&.' TAB+E 5---7,* PROPERTIES OF E+ASTOMER Property Anit Test Method, I6 spe(ifi(ation referen(e Physi(al Properties Hardness IRH# '6/3B&& J 9Part II: Mini4u4 Tensile MPa '6/3B&& 6trength 9Pan I: Mini4u4 !longation Per (ent '6/3B&& at brea, 9Part I: Ma@i4u4 Co4pression 6et Per (ent I6 3B&& 9Pan G: duration te4perature 9h: 9deg C: CR \& to '&& N ' %B.% 0((elerated 0geing I6/3B&& 9Part IC:
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Calue of the (hara(teristi( spe(ified )& \ 5 '2 B&&

'. '.'. '.%. '.3. 2.



3.' 3.' 3.3.

CR Ma@ (hange in Hardness Ma@ (hange in Tensile 6trength Ma@ (hange 4 !longation

duration 9h: 2& IRH# Per (ent Per (ent

te4perature 9deg C: '&&N' \ '5 +'5 +B&

6hear 4odulus of the elasto4er bearing shall neither be less than &.-& MPa nor greater than '.%& MPa. The adhesion strength of elasto4er to steel plates deter4ined a((ording to '6/3B&& 9Pan GIC: 4ethod 0 shall not be less than 2 , *4. .or elasto4eri( bearings 9CR: used in adverse (li4ati( (onditions the following oLone resistan(e test shall be satisfied / The oLone resistan(e of elasto4er shall be proved satisfa(tory when assessed by test a((ording to I6/3B&& 9Part GG:. The strain, te4perature, duration and oLone (on(entration of the test shall be %& per (ent, B& \ ' degree Celsius, 1) h and 5& pph4 by volu4e respe(tively. o (ra(,ing dete(ted by visual observation at the end of the test shall be (onsidered satisfa(tory. o spe(ifi( tests for assess4ent of low te4perature resistan(eK 4ay be dee4ed ne(essary. 7T! / .or use of elasto4er in e@tre4e (old (li4ates, the !ngineer 4ay spe(ify spe(ial grade of low te4perature resistant elasto4er in (onfor4ity with operating a4bient te4perature (onditions. The spe(ifi(ations of su(h spe(ial grade elasto4er in(luding the tests for low te4perature resistan(e shall be 4utually agreed to by the !ngineer and the produ(er supplier and are outside the purview of these spe(ifi(ations. $a4inates of 4ild steel (onfor4ing to I6/%%) shall only be per4itted to be used. Ase of any other 4aterial li,e fibre glass or si4ilar fabri( as la4inates shall not be per4itted. The 4anufa(turers of elasto4eri( bearings shall satisfy the !ngineer that they have in+house fa(ilities for testing the elasto4er for (arrying out the following tests in a((ordan(e with the. relevant provisions of 06TM #+%12. a: Identifi(ation of poly4ers / to (onfir4 the usage of Chloroprene 90ppendi@ G+%: b: 0sh (ontent test / to deter4ine the per(entage 9sub+se(tion 3B: (: 6pe(ifi( gravity test / 9sub+se(tion '5: d: Poly4er (ontent test / 9sub+se(tion '&: The !ngineer shall invariably get the test 9a: perfor4ed within his presen(e or in the presen(e of his authorised representative to satisfy the re>uire4ent In (ase of any disputes regarding interpretation of results the !ngineer 4ay (arry out test as per 06TM 6+3B5%+2- 9Chro4atography test: at the 4anufa(turerKs (ost in a re(ognised test house.

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The elasto4er spe(i4en to (ondu(t the test shall be obtained fro4 the bearings sele(ted at rando4 for destru(tive test, Re4aining part of the test bearing shall be preserved by the !ngineer for any test to be done in future, if re>uired. 5--0*5* F!?ri;!tion Eearing with steel la4inates shall be (ast as a single unit in a 4ould and vul(anised under heat and pressure. Casting of ele4ents in separate units and subse>uent bonding shall not be per4itted, nor shall (utting fro4 large siLe (ast be per4itted. Eearings of si4ilar siLe to be used in parti(ular bridge pro?e(t shall be produ(ed by identi(al pro(ess and in one lot as far as pra(ti(able. Phased produ(tion 4ay only be resorted to when the total nu4ber of bearings is large enough. The 4oulds used shall have standard surfa(e finish ade>uate to produ(e bearings free fro4 Jany surfa(e ble4ishes. 6teel plates for la4inates shall be sand blasted, (lean of all 4ill s(ales and shall be free for4 all (onta4inants prior to bonding by vul(anisation. Rusted plates with pitting shall not be used. 0ll edges of plates shall be rounded. 6pa(ers used in 4ould to ensure (over and lo(ation of la4inates shall be of 4a@i4u4 siLe and nu4ber pra(ti(able. 0ny hole at surfa(e or in edge (over shall be filled in subse>uently. Care shall be ta,en to ensure unifor4 vul(anising (onditions and ho4ogeneity of elasto4er through the surfa(e and body of bearings. The bearings shall be fabri(ated with the toleran(es spe(ified in Table %&&&+ TAB+E 5---75 TO+ERANCES IT!M6 '. %. 3. a: 7verall plan di4ensions Total bearing thi(,ness Parallelis4 7f top surfa(e of bearing with respe(t to the botto4 surfa(e as datu4 b: 7f one side surfa(e with respe(t to the other as datu4 Ba. Thi(,ness of individual internal layer of elasto4er b: Thi(,ness of individual outer layer 5a. Plan di4ensions of la4inates b: Thi(,ness of la4inate/ (: Parallelis4 of la4inate with respe(t T7$!R0 C!6+ +&, \ ) 44 +&, \ 5 44 ' in %&& ' in '&& 0 %& per (ent 94a@. of % 44: +&, \ ' 44 +344, \& N'& per (ent

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'& bearing base as datu4

' in '&&

The vul(anising e>uip4ent*press shall be su(h that between the plattens of press the pressure and te4perature are unifor4 and (apable of being 4aintained at (onstant values as re>uired for effe(ting a unifor4 vul(anistion of the bearing. The 4oulding dies utilised for 4anufa(turing the bearings shall be so set inside the platten of the press so that the pressure developed during vul(anisation of the produ(t is evenly distributed and the thi(,ness 4aintained at all pla(es are within a((eptable toleran(e li4its ta,ing into (onsideration the shrin,age allowan(e of vul(aniLate. The raw (o4pound whi(h has been introdu(ed inside the 4etal dies for vul(anisation shall be a((urately weighed ea(h ti4e and it 4ust be ensured that suffi(ient >uantity has been put inside the die for proper flow of 4aterial at every pla(e so that a ho4ogeneous and (o4pa(t bearing is produ(ed without any sign of sponginess or defi(ien(y of 4aterial at any pla(e. Eefore any vul(aniLate of any bat(h of produ(tion is used for produ(ing vul(anised bearings, test pie(es in the for4 of standard slab and buttons shall be prepared in a((ordan(e with pres(ribed standards and salient properties tested and re(orded regularly against ea(h bat(h of produ(tion to 4onitor the >uality of the produ(ts. 5--0*.* A;;e#t!n;e S#e;i i;!tion The 4anufa(turer shall have all the test fa(ilities re>uired for the pro(ess and a((eptan(e (ontrol tests installed at his plant '& the (o4plete satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. The test fa(ilities and their operation shall be open to inspe(tion by the !ngineer on de4and. 0ll a((eptan(e and pro(ess (ontrol tests shall be (ondu(ted at the 4anufa(turerKs plant. Cost of all 4aterials, e>uip4ent and labour shall be borne by the 4anufa(turer unless otherwise spe(ified or spe(ially agreed to between the 4anufa(turer and !ngineer. 0((eptan(e testing shall be (o44en(ed with the prior sub4ittal of testing progra44e by the 4anufa(turer to the !ngineer and after obtaining his approval. 0ny a((eptan(e testing delayed beyond '-& days of produ(tion shall re>uire spe(ial approval of the !ngineer and 4odified a((eptan(e spe(ifi(ation, if dee4ed ne(essary by hi4. 0ll a((eptan(e testing shall be (ondu(ted by the Inspe(tor with aid of the personnel having ade>uate e@pertise and e@perien(e in rubber testing provided by the 4anufa(turer, wor,ing Inspe(tor and to his (o4plete satisfa(tion. under the supervision of the

$ot by lot inspe(tion and a((eptan(e shall be 4ade. 5--0*.*,* A;;e#t!n;e :ot = 0 lot under a((eptan(e shall (o4prise all bearings,

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in(luding the pair of e@tra test bearings where appli(able of e>ual or near e>ual siLe produ(ed under identi(al (onditions of 4anufa(ture to be supplied for a parti(ular pro?e(t. The siLe and (o4position of a((eptan(e lot shall be got approved by the !ngineer. .or the purpose of grading levels of a((eptan(e, testing lots shall be (lassified as follows / i: 0 lot siLe of %B or larger nu4ber of bearings shall be defined as a large lot ii: 0 lot siLe of less than %B bearings shall be defined as a s4all lot "hen the nu4ber of bearings of e>ual or near e>ual siLe for a single bridge pro?e(t is large and phased produ(tion and a((eptan(e is per4itted, the nu4ber of bearings supplied in any single phase of supply shall (o4prise a lot under a((eptan(e. "hen su(h phased supply is 4ade, ea(h su(h lot shall be (onsidered as a large lot for the purpose of a((eptan(e testing. 5--0*.*5* +eve:s o !;;e#t!n;e ins#e;tion = The level of a((eptan(e testing shall generally be graded into the following two levels depending on lot siLe / $evel ' a((eptan(e testing $evel % a((eptan(e testing 0((eptan(e testing $evel ' is a higher level inspe(tion and shall be appli(able to large lots only, unless otherwise spe(ified. This shall involve 4anufa(ture of two e@tra bearings for ea(h lot to be used as test bearing and eventuallyK (onsu4ed in destru(tive testing. 0((eptan(e testing $evel % shall be appli(able to s4all lots only, 9i.e. less than %B lots: for whi(h one e@tra bearing shall be 4anufa(tured. 7ut of the lot one bearing shall be sele(ted at rando4 for (arrying out 4aterial tests. This bearing shall be e@(luded fro4 the lot a((epted. 0((eptan(e inspe(tion level ' 4ay be spe(ified at the sole dis(retion of the engineer ta,ing into a((ount the spe(ial i4portan(e of bridge pro?e(t for s4all lots also under the purview of spe(ial a((eptan(e inspe(tion. The (ost of e@tra bearings, in su(h (ases shall be borne by the user, while the (ost of all other 4aterials, e>uip4ent and testing shall be borne by the 4anufa(turer. 5--0*.*.* Testin& = 0((eptan(e testing shall (o4prise general inspe(tion, test on spe(ially 4oulded test pie(es and test on (o4plete bearings or se(tions for 4easure4ent of various >uality (hara(teristi(s detailed below / 5--0*.*.*,* A;;e#t!n;e testin& :eve: , Gener!: Ins#e;tion i: 0ll bearings of the lot shall be visually inspe(ted for any defe(ts in surfa(e finish, shape or any other dis(ernible superfi(ial defe(ts. ii: 0ll bearings of the lot shall be (he(,ed for toleran(es spe(ified in Table %&&&+ iii: 0ll bearings of the lot shall be sub?e(ted to a@ial load to (orrespond to a4 9i.e. average (o4pressive stress: Y '5 MPa applied in steps and held (onstant while visual e@a4ination is 4ade to (he(, for dis(ernible defe(ts

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li,e / 9a: Misalign4ent of reinfor(ing plates 9b: Poor bond at la4inate*steel Interfa(e 9(: Cariation in thi(,ness of elasto4er layers 9d: 0ny surfa(e defe(ts 9e: $ow stiffness #efle(tion under loads between 4Y5 MPa and 4+'5 MPa shall be 4easured and re(orded for all bearings with suffi(ient a((ura(y 9N 5 per (ent:, Cariation in stiffness of any individual bearing fro4 the 4ean of the 4easured values for all su(h bearings of the lot shall not be larger than %& per (ent 9of the 4ean value:. Tests on s#e;i!::y <ou:"e" test #ie;es i: Test pie(es shall be 4oulded by the 4anufa(turer with identi(al (o4pound and under identi(al vul(anising (onditions as used in the 4anufa(ture of the bearings of the a((eptan(e, lot. The pro(ess shall be open to inspe(tion by the !ngineer ii: Test pie(es offered for inspe(tion shall be identified by suitable 4ar,ings and duly (ertified by the 4anufa(turer. iii: The >uality (hara(teristi(s to be tested are listed below. The spe(ifi(ation referen(es in parenthesis shall define the (orresponding spe(ifi(ation for lest pie(e, test 4ethod and (riterion for a((eptan(e. Co4position 9see ote ' below: Hardness 9Table %&&&+' ,'.': Tensile strength 9Table %&&&+' , '.%: !longation at Erea, 9Table %&&&+' , '.3: Co4pression 6et 9Table %&&&+' , %: 0((elerated 0geing 9Table %&&&+' , 3: 0dhesion 6trength 9Clause %&&5.': 7Lone Resistan(e 9see ote % below: ote '. .or a((eptan(e testing the properties enu4erated in Clause %&&5.' and spe(ifi( gravity of elasto4er of test pie(es fro4 test bearing shall be (o4pared with those for (orresponding spe(ially 4oulded test pie(es furnished by the 4anufa(turer. The following variations shall be dee4ed 4a@i4u4 a((eptable / 6pe(ifi( Gravity N &.% 0sh+Content N &.5 per (ent Hardness 9Table %&&&+' ,'.': Tensile strength 9Table %&&&+' , '.%: !longation at Erea, 9Table %&&&+' , '.3: Co4pression 6et 9Table %&&&+' . %: 0((elerated 0geing 9Table %&&&+' , 3: 0dhesion 6trength 9Clause %&&5.':

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ote %. 7Lone resistan(e test (an be waived by the !ngineer for bearings of CR when satisfa(tory results of oLone resistan(e tests on si4ilar grade of elasto4er 4ay be available fro4 pro(ess (ontrol re(ords or develop4ent test data furnished by the 4anufa(turer. "here su(h pro(ess (ontrol data are not available or the fre>uen(y of testing not dee4ed ade>uate, oLone resistan(e test shall be 4andatory for a((eptan(e of bearings of CR. However, su(h tests 4ay not be insisted for bearings not lo(ated under adverse (onditions of e@posure and where the test on a((elerated ageing (ould be (onsidered as ade>uate. Pro(ess and a((eptan(e (ontrol tests for oLone resistan(e by an independent testing agen(y shall be a((eptable. Tests on Co4plete Eearings or 6e(tions i: Two bearings shall be sele(ted at rando4 fro4 the lot as test bearings. These bearings shall be e@(luded fro4 the lot a((epted. ii: The following tests shall be (ondu(ted on test bearings / Test for deter4ination of shear 4odulus Test for deter4ination of elasti( 4odulus Test for deter4ination of shear 4odulus 9short ter4 loading: Test for deter4ination of adhesion strength Test for deter4ination of ulti4ate (o4pressive strength The test spe(ifi(ations and a((eptan(e (riteria shall (onfor4 to those given in 0ppendi@ % of IRC/-3 9Part II:. 5--0*.*.*5* A;;e#t!n;e testin& :eve: 5 Gener!: Ins#e;tion* This shall (onfor4 to the provision in Clause %&&5.3.3.' in all respe(ts. Test on s#e;i!::y <ou:"e" test #ie;es* This shall (onfor4 to the provisions in Clause %&&5.3.3.' in all respe(ts. Test on ;o<#:ete ?e!rin&s* Test for deter4ination of shear 4odulus shall be (ondu(ted using two bearings of the lot sele(ted at rando4 and (onfor4ing to relevant provisions of Clause %&&5.3.3.'. These bearings shall however be part of the lot a((epted. The re4aining tests stipulated in aforesaid (lause shall be (arried out on all bearings sele(ted at rando4 whi(h shall be e@(luded fro4 the lot a((epted. 5--0*.*/* S#e;i!: !;;e#t!n;e ins#e;tion = 6pe(ial a((eptan(e inspe(tion 4ay (o4prise the following / i: 0((eptan(e testing by an independent e@ternal agen(y with

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separate or supple4ental test fa(ilities provided by it. ii: 0((eptan(e testing on test pie(es prepared fro4 the surfa(e or body of the test bearings instead of spe(ially 4oulded lest pie(es. iii: 0((eptan(e tests not (overed by these spe(ifi(ations but a((ording to the spe(ifi(ations laid down by the !ngineer. 6pe(ial a((eptan(e inspe(tion 4ay be spe(ified under the following (onditions / a: 6pe(ial (ontra(t agree4ent b: Ansatisfa(tory eviden(e of pro(ess or a((eptan(e (ontrol 5--0*.*0* Ins#e;tion ;erti i;!te = 0 lot under inspe(tion shall be a((epted by the Inspe(tor and so (ertified, when no defe(t is found with respe(t to any of the >uality (hara(teristi(s tested on sa4ples drawn fro4 the lot a((ording to spe(ifi(ations laid down in Clause %&&5.3.3 (overing general inspe(tion tests on spe(ially 4oulded test pie(es and on (o4plete bearings. In (ase of any bearing with defe(t, the lot shall be re?e(ted by the Inspe(tor and so (ertified. In (ase any bearing is found to be defe(tive with respe(t to any >uality (hara(teristi(, dis(erned by general inspe(tion tests spe(ified in Clauses %&&5.3.3.' and %&&5.3.3.%, tests on spe(ially 4oulded test pie(es and (o4plete bearings as appli(able a((ording to Clauses %&&5.3.3.' and %&&5.3.3.% shall nevertheless be (o4pleted. If the said lot, re?e(ted by general inspe(tion, satisfies the a((eptan(e (riteria in respe(t of these other tests, the lot and individual bearings found defe(tive shall be (learly identified in the inspe(tion (ertifi(ate. The 4anufa(turer shall obtain .fro4 the inspe(tor, authorised by the !ngineer, i44ediately on (o4pletion of his inspe(tion, an inspe(tion (ertifi(ate whi(h shall in(lude the details of a lot or lots a((epted*re?e(ted by hi4 and re(ords of all test 4easure4ents. 5--0*.*1* >u!:ity ;ontro: ;erti i;!te = The 4anufa(turer shall (ertify for ea(h lot of bearing under a((eptan(e/ That an ade>uate syste4 of (ontinuous >uality (ontrol was operated in his plant. Thai the. entire pro(ess re4ained in (ontrol during die produ(tion of the lot of bearings under a((eptan(e as verified fro4 the >uality (ontrol re(ords*(harts whi(h shall be open to inspe(tion of !ngineer* Inspe(tor on de4and. 0 (ertified (opy of results of pro(ess in (ontrol testing done on sa4ples of elasto4er used in the produ(tion of the lot shall be appended and shall in(lude at least the following infor4ation / Co4position of (o4pound + raw elasto4er and ash (ontent, the grade of raw elasto4er used 9in(luding na4e, sour(e, age on shelf:, test results of hardness, tensile strength, elongation at brea,, (o4pression set, a((elerated ageing, et(. 0 higher level (ertifi(ation of the pro(ess >uality (ontrol shall be (alled for at the sole dis(retion of the !ngineer in spe(ial (ases e.g. where ade>uate inspe(tion of bearings

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si4ilar to those (o4prising the lot under inspe(tion produ(ed in the sa4e plant is not available with the !ngineer or in (ase of any eviden(e of pro(ess or a((eptan(e (ontrol +being dee4ed unsatisfa(tory. The higher level (ertifi(ation shall (o4prise sub4ittal of a (o4plete >uality (ontrol report as given in 0ppendi@ 3 of IRC/-3 9Part II: supple4enting the >uality (ontrol (ertifi(ate. 5--0*.*2 A;;e#t!n;e = The 4anufa(turer shall furnish the following to !ngineer for the a((eptan(e ?udg4ent / '. %. Duality (ontrol (ertifi(ate as laid down in Clause %&&5.3.). Inspe(tion (ertifi(ate as laid down in Clause %&&5.3.5.

The 4anufa(turer shall furnish any supple4entary infor4ation on the syste4 of >uality (ontrol and*or pro(ess and a((eptan(e (ontrol testing as 4ay be dee4ed ne(essary by the !ngineer. In (ase of any eviden(e of pro(ess or a((eptan(e (ontrol testing being dee4ed unsatisfa(tory by hi4. !ngineer at his sole dis(retion 4ay (all for a spe(ial a((eptan(e of the lot a((ording to spe(ifi(ations laid down by hi4, without any pre?udi(e to his right to re?e(t the lot. The entire (ost of su(h supple4entary inspe(tion shall be borne by the 4anufa(turer. The !ngineer shall be the sole authority for a((eptan(e of a lot on s(rutiny of the (ertifi(ates along with any supple4entary eviden(e and (o4plete satisfa(tion therewith. In (ase of re?e(tion of a lot, the !ngineer shall reserve the right to (all for spe(ial a((eptan(e inspe(tion for the su((eeding lots offered for inspe(tion, a((ording to the spe(ifi(ations laid down by hi4. The entire (ost of su(h tightened inspe(tion shall be borne by the 4anufa(turer. 5--0*/* Certi i;!tion !n" M!r@in& Eearings shall be transported to bridge site after final a((eptan(e by !ngineer and shall be a((o4panied by an authenti(ated (opy of the (ertifi(ate to that effe(t. 0n infor4ation (ard giving the following details for the bearings, duly (ertified by the 4anufa(turer shall also be appended / a4e of 4anufa(turer #ate of 4anufa(ture !lasto4er grade used Eearing di4ensions Produ(tion bat(h no. 0((eptan(e lot no. #ate of testing 6pe(ifi( bridge lo(ation, if any !@planation of 4ar,ings used on the bearing 0ll bearings shall have suitable inde@ 4ar,ings identifying the infor4ation. The

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4ar,ings shall be 4ade in indelible in, or fle@ible paint and if pra(ti(able should be visible after installation. The top of the bearing and dire(tion of installation shall be indi(ated. 5--0*0* Stor!&e !n" %!n":in& !a(h elasto4eri( bearing shall be (learly labeled or 4ar,ed. The bearing shall be wrapped in a (over. They shall be pa(,ed in ti4ber (rates with suitable arrange4ent to prevent 4ove4ent and to prote(t (o4ers and edges. Care shall be ta,en to avoid 4e(hani(al da4age, (onta4ination with oil, grease and dirt, undue e@posure to sunlight and weather to the bearings during transport and handling prior to and during installation. 5--0*1* Inst!::!tion Installation of 4ultiple bearings one behind the other on a single line of support shall be of identi(al di4ensions. Eearings 4ust be pla(ed between true horiLontal surfa(es 94a@i4u4 toleran(e &.% per (ent perpendi(ular to the load: and at true plan position of their (ontrol lines 4ar,ed on re(eiving surfa(es 94a@i4u4 toleran(e N 3 44:. Con(rete surfa(es shall be free fro4 lo(al irregularities 94a@i4u4 toleran(e N ' 44 in height:. #esign shall be (he(,ed for the a(tual in(lination in seating if larger ina((ura(ies than those spe(ified are per4itted. .or (ast+in+pla(e (on(rete (onstru(tion of superstru(ture, where bearings are installed prior to its (on(reting, the for4s around the bearings shall be soft enough for easy re4oval. .or4s shall also fit the bearings snugly and prevent any lea,age of 4ortar grout. 0ny 4ortar (onta4inating the bearings during (on(reting shall be (o4pletely re4oved before setting. .or pre(ast (on(rete or steel superstru(ture ele4ents, fi@ing of bearing to the4 4ay be done by appli(ation of epo@y resin adhesive to interfa(e, after spe(ified surfa(e preparation. The spe(ifi(ations for adhesive 4aterial, wor,4anship and (ontrol shall be approved by the !ngineer. Care shall be ta,en to guard against faulty appli(ation and (onse>uent behaviour of the adhesive layer as a lubri(ant. The bonding by the adhesive shall be dee4ed effe(tive only as a. devi(e for installation and shall not be dee4ed to se(ure bearings against displa(e4ent for the purpose of design. 0s a 4easure of a4ple safety against a((idental displa(e4ent, the bearings shall be pla(ed in a re(ess as shown in .ig. 1 of IRC/-3 9Pan II:. 5--0*2* Se!tin& o E:!sto<eri; Be!rin&s on ! Non7%oriCont!: P:!ne Installation of elasto4eri( bearings on a follows/ on+HoriLontal Plane shall be as

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9i: 9ii:

9iii: A*

!lasto4eri( bearings shall be delivered with M6 ba(,ing plate fastened to the bearing fro4 the 4anufa(turer. Te4plate of ) 44 M.6. plate and of siLe sa4e as bearing holding base plate with 4at(hing holes for the an(hor s(rews shall be used. 0n(hors shall be fitted to the te4plates with the an(hor s(rews but with M6 washers in pla(e of elasto4er washers. The above te4plate asse4bly shall be fitted in the for4wor, at its proper lo(ation and in a verti(al plane. 0fter (asting of the pedestal and re4oval of the for4wor,, the te4plate is to be re4oved. Inst!::!tion 'ith !;e #:!te !n" 'ithout te<#:!te in7situ ;!stin&

9i: The sub+asse4bly of elasto4eri( bearing with the M6 ba(,ing plate snail be fitted to the e4bedded an(hors with an(hor s(rews and elasto4eri( washers repla(ing the steel washer. 9ii: 0 (learan(e is re>uired between the stainless steel fa(e of the elasto4eri( bearing and that of the verti(al fa(e of the fa(e plate with stainless steel top installed on the pro?e(tion below the soffit. This shall be a(hieved by inserting re4ovable steel sheeting of thi(,ness as per the drawing, during preparation of the for4 wor, before (asting of the superstru(ture. 9iii: The fa(e plate with stainless steel top and pa(, plate shall be asse4bled with the an(hors with elasto4eri( washers and an(hor s(rews. The asse4bly shall be fitted in the for4wor, at its proper lo(ation and in a verti(al plane. The re4ovable steel shi4s shall be re4oved at an appropriate ti4e after the (asting of the super+stru(ture. B* Inst!::!tion 'ith !;e #:!te !n" 'ith te<#:!te in7situ ;!stin& i: Te4plate of ) 44 M6 plate and of siLe sa4e as fa(e plate with stainless steel lop and 4at(hing holes for the an(hor s(rews shall be used. 0n(hors shall be fitted to the te4plates with the an(hor s(rews but with M6 washers in pla(e of elasto4er washers. 6eparate s(rews 4ay be used in (ase of in(onvenien(e of in the length of original an(hor s(rews. The above te4plate asse4bly shall be fitted in the for4wor, for the super+stru(ture at its proper lo(ation and in a verti(al plane. ii: 0fter re4oval of the superstru(ture for4wor,, the te4plate shall be re4oved. iii: The fa(e plate with the re>uired thi(,ness of pa(, plate shall be loosely fined to the an(hors e4bedded in the pro?e(tion below the superstru(ture, with elasto4er washers and an(hor s(rews. iv: The sub+asse4bly of elasto4eri( bearing with the M6 ba(,ing plate shall be fitted to the e4bedded an(hors in the pedestal with an(hor s(rews and elasto4eri( washers repla(ing the steel washer this ti4e. v: The re>uired (learan(e between the stainless steel fa(e of the elasto4eri( bearing and that of the verti(al fa(e plate installed on the pro?e(tion below the soffit shall be (he(,ed. 0fter ad?ust4ent of the re>uired wor,ing (learan(e the s4all gap between the verti(al fa(e of the pro?e(tion below the soffit and the ba(, of the fa(e plate 9with pa(, plates, if any: shall be grouted with epo@y grout. 5--1* POT BEARINGS

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5--1*,* Gener!: 5--1*,*,* Pot type bearings shall (onsist of a 4etal piston supported by a dis( or unreinfor(ed elasto4er (onfined within a 4etal (ylinder to ta,e (are of rotation. HoriLontal 4ove4ent, if re>uired, shall with a syste4 of sealing rings be provided by sliding surfa(es of PT.! pads sliding against stainless steel 4ating surfa(es. The pot bearings shall (onsist of (ast steel asse4blies or fabri(ated stru(tural steel asse4blies. 5--1*,*5* Provisions of IRC+-3 9Part I: shall be appli(able for all 4etalli( ele4ents. Provisions of IRC/-3 9Part II: shall be appli(able for all elasto4er ele4ents. "hen any ite4s are not (overed by IRC/-3 9Parts I and II:, the sa4e shall be as per guidelines given hereunder and E6/5B&& 96e(tions 1.' and 1.%:, e@(ept that no natural rubber shall be per4itted. If there is any (onfli(t between E6 on the one hand and IRC on the other, the provisions of !RC will be guiding. 5--1*,.* Co4bination bearings using any ?udi(ious (o4bination and sliding ele4ent shall be per4itted. 0s for e@a4ple / a4e Pot !lasto4er Pot PT.! 6pheri(al =nu(,le PT.! !lasto4er PT.! !lasto4er 66II Rotation #e4ent Pot !lasto4er Pot 6pheri(al =nu(,le !lasto4er !lasto4er 6liding !le4ent one oneI PT.!+66II PT.!+66II PT.!+66II 66+66II Generally for Certi(al $oad HoriLontal Euffer Certi(al $oad and HoriLontal $oad Certi(al $oad and HoriLontal $oad Transverse Guide Transverse Guide

K E:!sto<er sh!:: #er<it <ove<ent ?y she!r KK St!in:ess Stee: .or spe(ial and innovative bridges, new (o4binations beyond what is shown 4ay be re>uired. The sa4e 4ay be used after approval by the !ngineer. 5--1*5* F!?ri;!tion i: The surfa(e 4ating with the PT.! in the sliding pair shall be (orrosion resistant stainless steel. or4ally, the stainless steel shall for4 the upper (o4ponent. The stainless steel shall overlap the PT.! after full 4ove4ent on all sides. If stainless steel sheet is used, it should be bonded by (ontinuous welding along the edges. 0dhesive or any other bonding (an be approved by the !ngineer. The surfa(e shall be prepared by thorough (leaning to re4ove grease, dust or any other foreign substan(e. ii: PT.! 4odular sheets of the sliding pair shall be lo(ated by (onfine4ent assisted by bonding. Confined PT.! shall be re(essed into the 4etal ba(,ing plate. The shoulders of the re(ess shall be sharp and s>uare to restri(t the flow of PT.!.

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iii: The thi(,ness of the PT.! shall not be less than B.5 44 with pro?e(tion above the re(ess not e@(eeding %.& 44. "hen the piston is sub?e(ted to tilting, the seal 4ust slide along the wall and alter its shape a((ording to the angle of tilt. 0t the sa4e ti4e, it 4ust be suffi(iently rigid to bridge the gap between the piston and the wall of the pot. However, the per(entage of plan area of the lubri(ation (avities to the gross area shall not e@(eed %5 per (ent. The depth of the (avity shall not e@(eed %.& 44. iv: The dia4eter to thi(,ness ratio of the (onfined elasto4er shall not e@(eed '5. The surfa(e of the (onfined elasto4er shall be s4ooth. v: 0 seal shall be provided to prevent e@trusion of the (onfined elasto4er between the piston and the pot wall. The seal should slay fun(tional under the loads and relations a(ting on it. 0dditional seal shall be provided to prevent entry of dust into the pot 6ealing rings for .pot bearings shall be fabri(ated fro4 stainless steel. "hen the piston is sub?e(ted to tilting, the seaQ 4ust slide along the wall and alter its shape a((ording '& the angle of till. 0t the sa4e ti4e, it 4ustK be suffi(iently rigid to bridge the gap between the piston and the wall of the pot vi: The hardness of the piston and pot wall at their (onta(t region shall be 4ini4u4 35& EH to redu(e wear. The surfa(e finish of the pot base in (onta(t with the (onfined elasto4er shall be very s4ooth. vii: 0ll bearings shall be installed with an(hor and an(hor s(rews or so4e si4ilar devi(e su(h that while repla(ing, the bearings (an be re4oved with 4ini4u4 lifting of the superstru(ture. viii: The e@ternal surfa(es of the asse4blies shall be (o4pletely (leaned by sand blasting. 0fter sand blasting, dust shall be re4oved fro4 the surfa(e using (lean and dry (o4pressed air or a (lean brush after whi(h suitable (oating shall be applied. i@: Pot bearings in(luding all parts as shown on the drawings shall be fully shop asse4bled at the 4anufa(turerK/ wor,s to ensure proper fitting of ail pans. 5--1*.* M!teri!:s a: 6teel i: 6tru(tural steel shall (onfor4 to '6/%%) and I6/%&)%, as appli(able. ii: Cast steel shall (onfor4 to Gr %-&+5%&" of I6/ '&3&. &.3 to &.5 per (ent (opper 4ay be added to in(rease the (orrosion resistan(e properties. iii: 6tainless steel shall (onfor4 to 0I6I/3&B or G7BCrl- il7 of '5/)1'' for ordinary appli(ations. .or appli(ations with adverse*(orrosive environ4ent, the stainless steel shall (onfor4 to 0I6I/3')$ or 7%Crl2 il%Mo% of I6/)1''. b: PT.! PT.! 9poly tetra fluoro ethylene: shall be of unfilled pure virgin >uality. It shall be free sintered. The 4e(hani(al properties of unfilled PT.! shall (o4ply with Grade 0 of E6/32-B. (: !lasto4er

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The (onfined elasto4er inside pot will have the following properties i: Hardness IRH# I6/3B&& 9Part II: 5& \ 5 ii: Min tensile MPa strength I6/3B&& 9Part I: '5.5 iii: Min elongation at brea,,: shall be as per Table %&&&+' Ma@ (o4pression set and : ;Properties of !lasto4er< 0((elerated ageing : .or other details, refer to Clause %&&5.'. %&&).B. "or,4anship 5--1*/*,* We:"in& 0ll welding shall (onfor4 to '5/1515 with ele(trodes of suitable grade as per I6/-'B. Preheating and post weld stress relieving shall be done as per I6/1515. 5--1*/*5* Cast steel asse4blies / Cast steel for pot bearing asse4blies shall (onfor4 to re>uire4ents of relevant I6. Castings shall be true to the for4s and di4ensions shown on the drawings, and shall be free fro4 pouring faults, sponginess, (ra(,s, blow holes and other defe(ts affe(ting their appearan(e or their strength. "arped or distorted (astings shall not be a((epted. !@posed surfa(es shall be s4ooth and dense. 0ll irregularities, fins or risers shall be ground off flush with the ad?a(ent surfa(e. Castings with visible (ra(,s, blow holes, or si4ilar ble4ishes shall be re?e(ted if the i4perfe(tions are lo(ated on bearing surfa(es or (annot be re4edied to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. I4perfe(tions whi(h are not lo(ated on bearing surfa(es shall be (leaned out, filled with weld 4etal of the appropriate (o4position and ground flush with ad?a(ent surfa(es. 5--1*/*.* Stru;tur!: stee: !sse<?:ies = #efe(ts arising fro4 the fabri(ation of the steel shall be inspe(ted by the !ngineer, who will de(ide whether the 4aterials 4ay be repaired by .the Contra(tor or will be re?e(ted. The (ost of repairs or repla(e4ent shall be borne by the Contra(tor. 0ll steel whether fabri(ated or not, shall be stored above the ground on platfor4s, s,ids, or other supports, and ade>uately prote(ted against (orrosion. !@(essively rusted, bent or da4aged steel shall be re?e(ted. 0ll plates shall be flat and rolled bars and shapes straight before 4ar,ing out or being wor,ed . 6traightening shall be done by 4ethods whi(h shall not da4age the 4aterial. 6harp ,in,s and bends shall be the (ause for re?e(tion. 6teel 4ay be fla4e (ut to shape and length so that a regular surfa(e, free fro4 e@(essive gouges and striations is obtained. .la4e (utting by hand shall be done only with the approval of the !ngineer. !@posed (orners shall be 4a(hined or ground.

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5--1*/*/* To:er!n;es i: Plan di4ensions ii: 7verall height iii: Height of elasto4er iv: Height of any steel (o4ponent a: Ma(hined b: An4a(hined v: 6tainless steel sliding surfa(e a: .latness b: 6urfa(e .inish 5--1*/*0* P!intin& 0ll non wor,ing surfa(es shall be (oated with two (oats of epo@y pri4er and one or 4ore (oat ea(h of epo@y inter4ediate and finish, total thi(,ness R &.' 67 p4 or any other painting s(he4e as approved by the !ngineer. 6ili(on grease shall be applied at the PT.E*66 interfa(e after testing. 0n(hor sleeves shall be (e4ent (oated at the 4anufa(turerKs wor,s. 5--1*0* Test 5--1*0*,* R!' <!teri!:s = e(essary test (ertifi(ates for all raw 4aterials as in Clause %&&).3 above shall be furnished by 4anufa(turers. Referen(e 4ay also be 4ade to Clause %&&5.' for tests on elasto4ers. 5--1*0*5* Test on ;!stin& = Tests spe(ified in I6/ '&3& shall be perfor4ed. Castings shall be ultrasoni(ally tested and (ertifi(ates sub4itted. Duality level of (astings shall be level 3 as per I6/15)5. 5--1*0*.* Test on 'e:"in& = 0ll welding shall be tested by #ye Penetration 4ethod. Eut welding shall be tested by Altrasoni( 4ethod. 6oundness of welding shall be (ertified by the 4anufa(turer. 5--1*0*/* A;;e#t!n;e test on ?e!rin& i: 0ll bearings shall be (he(,ed for overall di4ensions. ii: 0ll bearings shall be load tested to '.' ti4es 4a@i4u4 design (apa(ity in(luding seis4i( for(e. Eearing tested at higher loads (annot be used. iii: 0 pair of bearings sele(ted at rando4 will undergo testing in order to deter4ine the (oeffi(ient of fri(tion ;j<. The (oeffi(ient of fri(tion shall be R Y &.&5 at the design load. iv: Two bearings sele(ted at rando4 shall be tested for per4issible rotation. 5--1*1* Inst!::!tion o POT7;u<7PTFE Be!rin&s 5--1*1*,* Gener!: .& '& N5 44 +& to N3 44 N 5 per (ent +& to \' 44 Class % of I6/B-12 &.&&&B$, where $ Y length in dire(tion of 4easure4ent Ra RY &.%5 p4 as per I6/3&23

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i: Care shall be ta,en during installation of the bearings to per4it their (orre(t fun(tioning in a((ordan(e with the design s(he4e. ii: To prevent (onta4ination, dis4antling of the bearings at site shall not be done. iii: The load shall be transferred onto the bearings only when the bedding 4aterial has developed suffi(ient strength. The props for the for4wor, shall only be re4oved after lapse of appropriate ti4e. In spe(ial (ases, this (an be ensured by suitable devi(es li,e ?a(,s, et(. iv: Te4porary (la4ps and shi4s 9introdu(ed to 4aintain wor,ing (learan(e: shall be re4oved at an appropriate ti4e, before the bearing is re>uired to per4it 4ove4ent v: Per4itted installation toleran(e of the bearing fro4+ plane of sliding shall be 4aintained. vi: Ce4ent based non+shrin, grout with air releasing additive end epo@y based grout, whi(hever is spe(ified shall be first tried at the she. .or the proprietary grout 4i@es, appropriate instru(tions fro4 the 4anufa(turer shall be followed spe(ially with regard to the following / 9a: Preparation +[ (on(rete (leaning, roughening, pre+soa,ing, et(. 9b: .or4s+[sturdiness, lea, proofing, shape, header funnel vents, et(. 9(: Eearing Ease +[ (leaning, et(. 9d: Pla(e4ent +[ 4i@ing, (onsisten(y, ti4e period, finishing, et(. 9e: Prote(tion +[ (uring, a4bient te4perature, et(. 5--1*1*5* In7situ ;!stin& o su#erstru;ture i: .or4wor, around the bearing shall be (arefully sealed to prevent lea,age. ii: 6liding plates shall be full: supported and (are ta,en to prevent tilting, dis+ pla(e4ent or distortion of the bearings under the weight of wet (on(rete. iii: Eearings shall be prote(ted during (on(reting operation. 0ny 4ortar (onta4inating the bearing shall be (o4pletely re4oved before it sets. 5--1*1*.* Se!tin& o ?e!rin& A* (sin& Te<#:!te i: Te4plate with re>uired rigidity and 4at(hing holes (orresponding to the base of the bearing shall be used. ii: 0ll the an(hors shall be fitted to the lower fa(e of the te4plate using the an(hor s(rews but with steel washer repla(ing the elasto4er washers. 6eparate s(rews 4ay be used in (ase of in(onvenien(e in the length of the original an(hor s(rews iii: The te4plate asse4bly shall lO lo(ated with regard to level and align4ent. It shall be ensured that the top of the an(hors lie. in a horiLontal plane at the re>uired elevation. The an(hors shall be tied*welded to reinfor(e4ents to avoid displa(e4ent during (on(reting. iv: Con(reting of the pedestal*pier (ap shall be done/ to a level leaving a gap of %5+5& 44 below the te4plate. v: The te4plate and steel washers shall be re4oved prior to pla(e4ent of the bearing asse4bly with te4porary (la4ps. The bearing asse4bly shall be fitted to the an(hors with the help of an(hor s(rews and elasto4er

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washers. $evel at the bearing shall be (he(,ed. vi: The gap below the bearing asse4bly shall be grouted with (e4ent based grout. Referen(e 4ay be 4ade to Clause %&&).).' 9vi:. B* Without Te<#:!te 'ith G!# i: Po(,ets (o44ensurate with the siLes of the an(hors shall be ,ept in pedestals during (on(reting of the sa4e. The pedestal shall be (ast appro@i4ately %5 44 short of the re>uired finished level. ii: 0n(hors shall be fitted to the bearing botto4 with elasto4er washers and an(hor s(rews. The bearing asse4bly shall be seated in the lo(ation on steel (hairs*pa(,s. The an(hors fitted below the bearing shall go into po(,ets in the bed blo(,. $evel and align4ent of the bearing shall be (he(,ed. It shall be ensured that the bearing sits in a horiLontal plane. iii: The gap below the bearing asse4bly in(luding an(hor po(,ets shall be grouted with (e4ent based grout. Referen(e 4ay be 4ade to Clause %&&).).' C* Without Te<#:!te 'ithout G!# !longated po(,ets (o44ensurate with the siLes of the an(hors shall be ,ept in pedestals during (on(reting of the sa4e. The geo4etry and lo(ation of the an(hor po(,ets 9with tapered funnel e@tension, if re>uired: shall be su(h that after pla(e4ent of the bearing the po(,ets (an be su((essfully grouted. The pedestal shall be (ast 5 44 + '5 44 short of the re>uired finished level. The re>uired level shall be a(hieved by (hipping before pla(e4ent of the bearing. Careful (ontrol shall be e@er(ised to (ast at the e@a(t finished level or '44 +3 44 down fro4 the re>uired finished level. D* Se!tin& o ?e!rin&s sh!:: ?e !s #er <!nu !;turerDs instru;tions* 5--2* INSPECTION AND TESTING "here any patents are used, the 4anufa(turerKs (ertifi(ate with test proofs shall be sub4itted along with the design and got approved by the !ngineer before their use in wor,. 5--3* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these spe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. 5--4* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT Eearings shall be 4easured in nu4bers, a((ording to their (apa(ities and parti(ular spe(ifi(ations given on the drawings. The >uantity of elasto4eri( bearings shall be 4easured in (ubi( (enti4eters of

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finished di4ensions. 5-,-* RATE The (ontra(t unit rate of ea(h type of bearing shall in(lude the (ost of supplying and fi@ing the bearings in position (o4plete as spe(ified on the drawings or as de(ided by the !ngineer. The rate shall also in(lude die (ost of sa4ples and their testing when desired by the !ngineer. In (ase of steel bearings the rate shall in(lude the (ost of all nuts, bolts, the (ost of all tests pres(ribed in the spe(ifi(ations and shown on the drawings. "here the #epart4ent supplies the bearings, the rate for fi@ing the4 shall in(lude the (ost of an(hor bolts, their fi@ing, transport of bearings fro4 the pla(e of supply to the site, handling and pla(ing the4 in position as per dire(tion of the !ngineer.

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O#en Foun"!tions

5,-O#en Foun"!tions

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5,-,* DESCRIPTION The wor, shall (over furnishing and providing plain or reinfor(ed (on(rete foundation pla(ed in open e@(avation, in a((ordan(e with the drawings and these spe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 5,-5* MATERIA+S Materials shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '&&& of these 6pe(ifi(ations. %'&3. G! !R0$ 0 4ethod state4ent for (onstru(tion indi(ating the following shall be sub4itted by the Contra(tor for approval of the !ngineer, well in advan(e of the (o44en(e4ent of 7pen foundation / i: 6our(es of Material ii: #esign, ele(tion and re4oval of for4wor, iii: Produ(tion, transportation, laying, and (uring of (on(rete iv: Personnel e4ployed for e@e(ution and supervision v: Tests and sa4pling pro(edures vi: !>uip4ent details vii: 0ny other point e(essary arrange4ents for e@e(ution under water wherever ne(essary, shall be+ in(luded in 4ethod state4ent. #i4ensions, lines and levels shall be set out and (he(,ed with respe(t to per4anent referen(e lines and per4anent ben(h 4ar,. 5,-/* WORKMANS%IP

5,-/*,* Pre#!r!tion o Foun"!tions !@(avation for laying the foundation shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 3&& of these spe(ifi(ations. The last 3&& 44 of e@(avation shall be done ?ust before laying of lean (on(rete below foundation. In the event of e@(avation having been 4ade deeper than that shown on the drawing or as ordered by the !ngineer, the e@tra depth shall be 4ade up w,h MI6 (on(rete in (ase of foundation resting on soil and foundation grade (on(rete for foundations in ro(,, at the (ost of the Contra(tor and shall be (onsidered as in(idental wor,. 6pe(ial (are shall be ta,en not to disturb the bearing surfa(e. 7pen foundations shall be (onstru(ted in dry (onditions and the Contra(tor shall provide for ade>uate dewatering arrange4ents to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 5,-/*5* Settin& Out The plan di4ensions of the foundation shall be set out at the botto4 of foundation tren(h and (he(,ed with respe(t to original referen(e line and a@is. It shall be ensured that at no point the bearing surfa(e is higher than the founding level shown on the drawing or as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

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"here the bearing surfa(e is earth, a layer of Ml5 (on(rete shall be provided below foundation (on(rete. The thi(,ness of lean (on(rete layer shall be '&& 44 4ini4u4 unless otherwise spe(ified. o for4wor, is ne(essary for the lean (on(rete layer. .or foundation (on(rete wor,, side for4wor, shall be used. .or4wor, for top of the foundation (on(rete shall also be provided, if its top has slopes steeper than ' 9verti(al: to 3 9horiLontal:. "hen (on(rete is laid in slope without top for4wor,, the slu4p of the (on(rete shall be (arefully 4aintained to ensure that (o4pa(tion is possible without slippage down the slope of freshly pla(ed (on(rete. In (ertain (ases it 4ay be ne(essary to build the top for4wor, progressively as the (on(reting pro(eeds up the slope. Reinfor(e4ent shall be laid as shown on the drawing. Eefore laying of lean (on(rete layer, the earth surfa(e shall be (leaned of all loose 4aterial and wetted. Care shall be ta,en to avoid 4uddy surfa(e. If any portion of the surfa(e has been spoiled by over+wetting, the sa4e shall be re4oved. Con(rete M'5 shall be laid to the thi(,ness as re>uired. o (onstru(tion ?oint shall be provided in the lean (on(rete. Eefore laying foundation (on(rete, the lean (on(rete or hard ro(, surfa(e shall be (leaned of all loose 4aterial and lightly 4oistened. .oundation (on(rete of re>uired di4ensions and shape shall be laid (ontinuously upto the lo(ation of (onstru(tion ?oint shown on the drawing or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. .or4wor, and (on(rete shall (onfor4 to 6e(tions '5&& and '2&& respe(tively of these spe(ifi(ations. .urnishing and providing steel reinfor(e4ent shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion ')&&. The (on(rete surfa(e shall be finished s4ooth with a trowel. The lo(ation of (onstru(tion ?oint and its treat4ent shall be done as per re>uire4ents of 6e(tion '2&&. .or4wor, shall be re4oved not earlier %B hours after pla(ing of (on(rete. "here for4wor, has been provided for top surfa(e, the sa4e shall be re4oved, as soon as (on(rete hardened. Curing of (on(rete shall be (arried out by wetting for4wor, before re4oval. 0fter its re4oval, (uring shall be done by laying not less than '& (4 of loose 4oistened sand, free fro4 (lod or gravel and shall be ,ept (ontinuously 4oist for a period of 2 days. #ewatering, where ne(essary for laying of (on(rete, shall be (arried out adopting any one of the following pro(edures or any other 4ethod approved by the !ngineer/ 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 0 pit or tren(h deeper than the foundation level as ne(essary 4ay be dug beyond the foundation pit during (onstru(tion so that the water level is ,ept below the foundation level. "ater table is depressed by well point syste4 or other 4ethods. Ase of steel*(on(rete (aissons or sheet piling for (reating an en(losure for the foundations, whi(h (an subse>uently be dewatered.

Eefore ba(,filling is (o44en(ed, loose sand laid on foundation shall be re4oved

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and dispersed as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 0ll spa(es e@(avated and not o((upied by the foundation or other per4anent wor,s shall be refilled with earth upto surfa(e, of surrounding ground in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 3&&. In (ase of e@(avation in ro(,, the annular spa(e around foundation shall be filled with M'5 (on(rete upto the top of ro(,. The prote(tive wor,s, where provided shall be (o4pleted before the floods so that the foundation does not get under4ined. 5,-0* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. o point of the surfa(e of the lean (on(rete in the (ase of foundation on soil or the surfa(e of hard ro(, in the (ase of foundation of hard ro(,, shall be higher than the founding level shown on the drawing or as ordered by the !ngineer. $evels of the surfa(e shall be ta,en at intervals of not 4ore than 3 4etres (entre to (entre, sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of nine levels on the surfa(e. 5,-1* TO+ERANCES 9i: Cariation in di4ensions 9ii: Mispla(e4ent fro4 spe(ified position in plan 9iii: 6urfa(e irregularities 4easured with 3 4 straight edge 9iv: Cariation of levels at the top / / / / N%5+44 + '& 44 '5 44 5 44 N%5 44

5,-2* MEAS(REMENT FOR PA6MENT !@(avation hi foundation shall be 4easured in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion 3&& based on the >uantity ordered or as shown on the drawing. $ean (on(rete shall be .4easured in (ubi( 4etres in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion '2&&, based on the >uantity ordered or as shown on the drawing. Con(rete in foundation shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion '2&&, based on the >uantity ordered or as .shown on the drawing. Reinfor(e4ent steel shall be 4easured in tonnes in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion ')&&,

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based on the >uantity ordered or as shown on the drawing. 5,-3* RATE

The (ontra(t unit rates for e@(avation in foundation, lean (on(rete and (on(rete in foundation and reinfor(e4ent steel shall in(lude all wor,s as given in respe(tive se(tions of these spe(ifi(ations and (over all in(idental ite4s for furnishing and providing open foundation as 4entioned in this 6e(tion.

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55-,* DESCRIPTION The wor, shall (over furnishing and providing of 4asonry or reinfor(ed (on(rete sub+stru(ture in a((ordan(e with the drawings and as per these spe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 55-5* MATERIA+S Materials shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '&&& of there 6pe(ifi(ations. 55-.* GENERA+

0 4ethod state4ent for (onstru(tion indi(ating the following shall be sub4itted by the Contra(tor for approval of the !ngineer, well in advan(e of the (o44en(e4ent of sub+stru(ture / 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: 9vii: 6our(es of Materials #esign, ere(tion and re4oval of for4wor, Produ(tion, transportation, laying and (uring of (on(rete Personnel e4ployed for e@e(ution and supervision Tests and sa4pling pro(edures !>uip4ent details 0ny other point

0rrange4ents for e@e(ution under water wherever ne(essary, shall be in(luded in 4ethod state4ent. #i4ensions, lines and levels shall be set .out and (he(,ed with respe(t to per4anent referen(e lines and per4anent ben(h 4ar,. 55-/* PEERS AND AB(TMENTS Masonry, for4wor,, (on(rete and reinfor(e4ent for piers and abut4ents shall (onfor4 to relevant se(tions of these spe(ifi(ations. In (ase of (on(rete piers, the nu4ber of horiLontal (onstru(tion ?oints shall be ,ept 4ini4u4. Constru(tion ?oints shall be avoided in splash Lones unless spe(ifi(ally per4itted by the !ngineer and provided they are treated in a((ordan(e with spe(ial provisions. o verti(al (onstru(tion ?oint shall be provided. The wor, shall (onfor4 stri(tly to the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. In (ase of tall piers and abut4ents, use of slip for4 shall be preferred. The design, ere(tion and raising of slip for4 shall be sub?e(t to spe(ial spe(ifi(ations whi(h will be furnished by the Contra(tor. The (on(rete shall also be sub?e(t to additional spe(ifi(ations as ne(essary. 0ll spe(ifi(ations and arrange4ents shall be sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. The surfa(e of foundation*well cap5pile (ap shall be s(rapped with wire brush and all loose 4aterials re4oved. In (ase reinfor(ing bars pro?e(ting fro4 foundations are (oated with (e4ent slurry, the sa4e shall ;be re4oved by tapping, ha44ering or wire brushing. Care shall be ta,en to re4ove all loose 4aterials around reinfor(e4ents. 8ust before (o44en(ing 4asonry or (on(rete wor,, the surfa(e shall be thoroughly wetted.

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In (ase of solid 9non+spill through type: abut4ents, weep holes as shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer, shall be provided in (onfor4ity with 6e(tion %2&). The surfa(e finish shall be s4ooth, e@(ept the earth fa(e of abut4ents whi(h shall be rough finished. In (ase of abut4ents li,ely to e@perien(e (onsiderable 4ove4ent on a((ount of ba(,fill of approa(hes and settle4ent of foundations, the (onstru(tion of the abut4ent shall be followed by filling up of e4ban,4ent in layers to the full height to allow for the anti(ipated 4ove4ent during (onstru(tion period before (asting of superstru(ture. 55-0* PIER CAP AND AB(TMENT CAP .or4wor,, reinfor(e4ent and (on(rete shall (onfor4 to relevant se(tions of these spe(ifi(ations. The lo(ations and levels of pier (ap*abut4ent (ap*pedestals and bolts for fi@ing bearings shall be (he(,ed (arefully to ensure align4ent in a((ordan(e with the drawings of the bridge. The surfa(e of (ap shall be finished s4ooth and shall have a slope for draining of water as shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. .or short span slab bridges with (ontinuous support on pier (aps, the surfa(e shall be (ast horiLontal. The top surfa(e of the pedestal on whi(h bearings are to be pla(ed shall also be (ast horiLontal. The surfa(e on whi(h elasto4eri( bearings are to be pla(ed shall be wood float finished to a level plane whi(h shall not vary 4ore than '.5 44 fro4 straight edge pla(ed in any dire(tion a(ross the area. The surfa(e on whi(h other bearings 9steel bearings, pot bearings: are to be pla(ed shall be (ast about %5 44 below the botto4 level of bearings and as indi(ated on the drawings. 55-1* DIRTF BA++AST WA++A RET(RN WA++ AND WING WA++ Masonry, (on(rete and reinfor(e4ent shall (onfor4 to relevant se(tions of these spe(ifi(ations. In (ase of (antilever return walls, no (onstru(tion ?oint shall generally be per4itted "herever feasible, the (on(reting in (antilever return walls shall be (arried out in (ontinuation of the ballast wall. .or gravity type 4asonry and (on(rete return and wing wall, the surfa(e of foundation shall be prepared in the sa4e 4anner as pres(ribed for (onstru(tion of abut4ent o horiLontal (onstru(tion ?oint shall be provided. If shown on drawing or dire(ted by the !ngineer, verti(al (onstru(tion ?oint 4ay be provided. Certi(al e@pansion gap of %& 44 shall be provided in return wall*wing wall at every '& 4etre intervals or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. "eep holes shall be provided as pres(ribed for abut4ents or as shown on the drawings.

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.or4wor,, reinfor(e4ent and (on(rete in dirt*ballast wall shall (onfor4 to relevant se(tions of these spe(ifi(ations. The finish of the surfa(e on the earth side shall be rough while the front fa(e shall be s4ooth finished. 0r(hite(tural (oping for wing wall*return wall in bri(, 4asonry shall (onfor4 to se(tion '3&&. 55-2* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations, and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these spe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. 55-3* TO+ERANCES IN CONCRETE E+EMENTS a: Cariation in (ross+se(tional di4ensions b: Mispla(e4ent fro4 spe(ified position in plan (: Cariation of levels at the top d: Cariations of redu(ed levels of bearing areas e: Cariations fro4 plu4b over full height f: 6urfa(e irregularities 4easured with 34 straight edge 0ll surfa(es e@(ept bearing areas Eearing areas / / 5 44 3 44 / \'& 44, +5 44 / / / / '& 44 N'& 44 N 5 44 N'& 44

55-4* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT Masonry in sub+stru(ture shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion '3&& or 'B&&, based on the >uantities ordered or as shown on the drawing. Con(rete in sub+stru(ture shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion '2&&, based on the >uantity ordered or as shown on the drawing. o dedu(tion shall be 4ade for weep holes. 6teel in (on(rete of sub+stru(tures shall be 4easured in tonnes, in a((ordan(e with

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6e(tion ')&&, based on the >uantity ordered or as shown on the drawing. "eep holes shall be 4easured as per 6e(tion %2&&, based on the >uantity ordered or as shown on the drawings. 55,-* RATE The (ontra(t unit rates for 4asonry, (on(rete, reinfor(e4ent and weep holes shall in(lude all wor,s as given in respe(tive se(tions of these spe(ifi(ations and (over all in(idental ite4s for furnishing and providing substru(ture as 4entioned in this 6e(tion.

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Con;rete Su#erstru;ture

5.-Con;rete Su#erstru;ture

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5.-,* DESCRIPTION The wor, shall (over furnishing and providing of (on(rete superstru(ture in a((ordan(e with the drawings as per these spe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted b: the !ngineer. 5.-5* MATERIA+S Materials shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '&&& of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 5.-.* GENERA+ 5.-.*,* 0 4ethod state4ent for (onstru(tion, indi(ating the following, shall be sub4itted by the Contra(tor for approval of the !ngineer, well in advan(e of the (o44en(e4ent of the (onstru(tion of superstru(ture / 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: 9vii: 9viii: 6our(es of Materials #esign, ere(tion and re4oval of for4wor, Produ(tion, transportation, laying and (uring of (on(rete Prestressing syste4, if appli(able Personnel e4ployed for e@e(ution and supervision Tests and sa4pling pro(edure !>uip4ent details 0ny other point

5.-.*5* #i4ensions, lines and levels shall be set out and (he(,ed with respe(t to per4anent referen(e lines and per4anent ben(h 4ar, so that the final produ(t is in a((ordan(e with the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 5.-.*.* The wor, shall (onfor4 to the following se(tions besides stipulations in this se(tion with regard to spe(ifi( type of (onstru(tion/ 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: .or4wor, 6teel Reinfor(e4ent 6tru(tural Con(rete Prestressing

0dditionally, so4e of the (o44on types of superstru(ture (onstru(tion shall have features as dis(ussed in this 6e(tion. 5.-/* REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTR(CTION 5.-/*,* So:i" S:!?s "here ad?a(ent span of slab has already been (ast, the e@pansion ?oint and filler board shall be pla(ed abutting the already (ast span whi(h shall for4 the shutter on that side of the new span to be (ast The whole of the slab shall be (ast with reinfor(e4ent e4bedded for the road ,erb and railings. o other (onstru(tion ?oint shall be allowed e@(ept with the e@press per4ission of the !ngineer. "here wearing (oat is re>uireQ to be provided, after the de(, slab has been (ast,

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the surfa(e of the slab shall be finished rough, but true to lines and levels as shown on the drawings, before the (on(rete has hardened. The areas of (onstru(tion ?oints shall be treated in the pres(ribed 4anner. The top of the slab shall be (overed with (lean 4oist sand as soon as the top surfa(e has hardened. Curing shall be (arried out as per 6e(tion '2&&. "here the slab is resting on bearings, the sa4e shall be pla(ed in position in a((ordan(e with the drawings, before (asting of de(, slab. 5.-/*5* RCC T7Be!< !n" S:!? Provision of (onstru(tion ?oint shall (onfor4 to the drawings or as per dire(tions of the !ngineer. o (onstru(tion ?oint shall be provided between the botto4 bulb and the web. If not indi(ated on the drawing, (onstru(tion ?oint 4ay be provided at the ?un(tion of the web and the fillet between the web and the de(, slab with the per4ission of the !ngineer. The portions of de(, slab near e@pansion ?oints shall be (ast along with reinfor(e4ents and e4bed4ents for e@pansion ?oints. .or this purpose, the portion of de(, slab near e@pansion ?oints 4ay be (ast in a subse>uent stage, if per4itted by the !ngineer. The surfa(e finish of the de(, slab shall be finished rough but true to lines and levels as shown on the drawings before the (on(rete has hardened. Care shall be ta,en for setting of bearings as indi(ated on the drawings. 5.-0* PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CONSTR(CTION 5.-0*,* PSC Gir"er !n" Co<#osite RCC S:!? P6C Girder 4ay be pre(ast or (ast+in+situ as 4entioned on the drawing or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Girders 4ay be post+tensioned or pre+tensioned . "here pre(ast (onstru(tion is re>uired to be adopted, sele(tion of (asting yard and details of 4ethodology and of e>uip4ent for shifting and laun(hing of girders shall be in(luded in the 4ethod state4ent. In (ase of (ast+in+situ (onstru(tion, the se>uen(e of (onstru(tion in(luding side shifting of girders, if appli(able, and pla(ing on bearings shall be in a((ordan(e with the drawings. The P6C girder (onstituting the top flange, web and the botto4 flange shall be (on(reted in a single operation without any (onstru(tion ?oint. The portions of de(, slab near e@pansion ?oints shall be (ast along with reinfor(e4ents and e4bed4ents for e@pansion ?oints. .or this purpose, the portion of de(, slab near e@pansion ?oints 4ay be (ast in a subse>uent stage, if per4itted by the !ngineer. The surfa(e finish of the de(, slab shall be finished rough but true to lines and

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levels as shown on the drawings before the (on(rete has hardened. Care shall be ta,en for setting of bearings as indi(ated on the drawings. 5.-0*5* BoB Gir"er

Eo@ girders 4ay be si4ply supported or (ontinuous. 6i4ply supported bo@ girders shall have 4ini4u4 (onstru(tion ?oints as approved by the !ngineer. In the (ase of (ontinuous bo@ girders the se>uen(e of (onstru(tion and lo(ation of (onstru(tion ?oints shall stri(tly follow the drawings. The bo@ se(tion shall be (onstru(ted with a 4a@i4u4 of one (onstru(tion ?oint lo(ated in the web below the fillet between the de(, slab and web. If per4itted by the !ngineer, one additional (onstru(tion ?oint 4ay be per4itted and this (onstru(tion ?oint shall be lo(ated in the web above the fillet between the soffit slab and web. The portions of de(, slab near e@pansion ?oints shall be (ast along with reinfor(e4ents and e4bed4ents for e@pansion ?oints. .or this purpose, the portion of de(, slab near e@pansion ?oints 4ay be (ast in a subse>uent stage, if per4itted by the !ngineer. The surfa(e finish of the de(, slab shall be finished rough but true to lines and levels as shown on the drawings before the (on(rete has hardened. Care shall be ta,en for setting of bearings as indi(ated on the drawings. 5.-0*.* C!nti:ever Constru;tion Continuity of untensioned reinfor(e4ent fro4 one seg4ent to the ne@t 4ust be ensured by providing full lap length as ne(essary. The design of the superstru(ture shall ta,e into a((ount the following aspe(ts whi(h for4 an integral pan of the (onstru(tion operations / a: b: (: 6tability against over+turning for ea(h stati(al (ondition through whi(h the asse4bly passes, shall be (he(,ed. 6tresses at ea(h pre(eding seg4ent ?oint with the addition of every seg4ent or (hange of stati(al (onditions shall be (he(,ed. The load of e>uip4ent as well as (onstru(tion live load shall be ta,en into a((ount Pre(a4bering of the superstru(ture during (onstru(tion shall be done in su(h a 4anner that the finally (onstru(ted stru(ture under per4anent load attains the final profile intended in the drawings. 5.-1* TO+ERANCES 5.-1*,* Pre;!st Con;rete Su#erstru;ture Cariation in (ross+se(tional di4ensions / a: upto and in(luding %4 over %4 b: Cariation in length overall and length between bearings / / / N 5 44 N 5 44 shall not e@(eed N'& 44 or N&.'

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per (ent of the span length, whi(h+ ever is lesser (: Per4issible surfa(e irregularities when 4easured with a 3 4 straight edge or te4plate / 544

5.-1*5* C!st7in7Situ Su#erstru;ture a: b: (: d: Cariations in, thi(,ness of top and botto4 slab for bo@ girders, top and botto4 flange for T+girders or slabs Cariations in web thi(,ness Cariations in overall depth or width Cariation in length overall and length between bearings / / / / / +544 to N'&44 +544 to N'&44 N544 shall not e@(eed N'&44 to N&.' per (ent of the span length, whi(h+ ever is lesser 544


Per4issible surfa(e irregularities when 4easured with a 3 4 straight edge or te4plate

5.-2* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these spe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. 5.-3* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT Con(rete in superstru(ture shall be 4easured in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion '2&&, based on the >uantity ordered or as shown on the drawings. 6teel reinfor(e4ent 9untensioned: in superstru(ture shall be 4easured in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion ')&&, based on the >uantity ordered or as shown on the drawings. High tensile steel 9prestressing: in superstru(ture shall be 4easured in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion '-&&, based on the >uantity ordered or as shown on the drawings. 5.-4* RATE The (ontra(t unit rates for (on(rete, steel reinfor(e4ent 9untensioned: and high tensile steel 9prestressing: shall in(lude all wor,s as given in respe(tive se(tions of these spe(ifi(ations and (over all in(idental ite4s for furnishing and providing superstru(ture as 4entioned in this se(tion.

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Sur !;e !n" Su?7sur !;e Geote;hni;!: EB#:or!tion

5/-Sur !;e !n" Su?7sur !;e Geote;hni;!: EB#:or!tion

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5/-,* GENERA+ 5/-,*,* The ob?e(tive of sub+surfa(e e@ploration is to deter4ine the suitability or otherwise of the soil or ro(, surrounding the foundation and soil para4eters and ro(, (hara(teristi(s for the design of foundation by in+situ testing or testing of sa4ples*(ores ta,en out of e@ploration. The sub+surfa(e e@ploration shall be planned in su(h a way that different types of soil upto the desired depth and their profile for the full proposed length of the bridge (an be re(orded and other infor4ation su(h as 4e(hani(al and physi(al properties li,e grain+siLe distribution, sensitivity, any e@isten(e of deleterious 4aterial in soil or ground water, et(., are deter4ined along with soil para4eters and ro(, (hara(teristi(s. The sub+surfa(e e@ploration shall also throw light on porosity of ro(, and subsiden(e due to 4ining, ground water level, artesian (ondition, if any, li,ely sin,ing and driving effort, li,ely (onstru(tional diffi(ulties, et(. 5/-,*5* Fie:" Investi&!tion 0 .ield investigation of sub+surfa(e has usually three phases / i: Re(onnaissan(e ii: Preli4inary !@plorationM iii: #etailed !@plorations 5/-,*5*,* Re(onnaissan(e in(ludes a review of available topographi( and geologi(al infor4ation, aerial photographs and data fro4 previous investigations and site e@a4ination. 5/-,*5*5* Preli4inary investigation shall in(lude the study of e@isting geologi(al infor4ation, previous site reports, geologi(al 4aps, air photos, et(. and surfa(e geologi(al e@a4ination. .or large and i4portant stru(tures the infor4ation 4ay be supple4ented by geophysi(al 4ethods. In so4e (ases where no previous sub+strata data are available, e@ploratory geophysi(al investigation 4ay need to be supple4ented by resorting to a few bore+holes. These will help to narrow down the nu4ber of sites under (onsideration and also to lo(ale the 4ost desirable lo(ation for detailed sub+surfa(e investigation li,e bore or drill holes, sounding probes, et(. 5/-,*5*.* The s(ope of detailed investigation for bridges 4ay be de(ided based on data obtained after preli4inary investigation. Eased on data obtained after preli4inary investigations, the bridge site, type of stru(ture with span arrange4ent and the lo(ation and type of foundations, shall be tentatively de(ided. Thereafter, the s(ope of detailed investigation in(luding the e@tent of e@ploration, nu4ber of bore+holes, type of soundings, type of tests, nu4ber of tests, et(., shall be de(ided, so that ade>uate data (onsidered to be ne(essary for the detailed design and e@e(ution, are obtained. 5/-,*5*/ The 'i"th o eB#:or!tion = 7ne purpose of detailed e@ploration for high e4ban,4ents is to as(ertain the average shear strength of ea(h strata. The other purpose is to as(ertain the (o4pressibility of the (layey strata. It is, therefore, ne(essary that detailed and well illustrated des(ription of the (hara(teristi(s of stratifi(ation should be prepared. 0fter the general shape and trend of the boundaries of the various soil deposits have been deter4ined and rough assess4ent of their strength has been 4ade by sub+surfa(e sounding, with or without sa4pling in e@ploratory boring, the lo(ation of bore+hole9s: for undisturbed sa4pling shall be de(ided. 0t least one representative

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undisturbed sa4ple should be (olle(ted fro4 ea(h strata. "hen the ho4ogeneous strata is very thi(,, one representative sa4ple shall be (olle(ted for ea(h 3 4 thi(,ness of the strata. 5/-,*.* 6oil investigation for foundations shall (ontain a progra44e for boring and retrieval of sa4ples. The field wor, shall (onsist of e@(avation, drilling of bore+holes for the purposes of (olle(tion of undisturbed and disturbed sa4ples, standard penetration tests, in+situ vane tests, stati( and dyna4i( (one penetration tests, other field tests, as spe(ified by the !ngineer and preparation of bore+logs. Colle(tion and preservation for testing of+ disturbed and undisturbed sa4ples fro4 boreholes, borrow pits, et(., as spe(ified by the !ngineer shall for4 a part of the above. 0ll in+situ tests shall be supple4ented b2 laboratory investigations. Relevant Indian 6tandards su(h as I6/ 'B1-, I6/ '---, '5/'-1%, '5/%'3', I6/%'3%, I6/%2%&, I6/BB3B and '5/B1)- and 0ppendi@ I of IRC/2-, et(., shall be followed for guidan(e. 5/-,*/* The soundings by dyna4i( 4ethod shall be (arried out in bore+holes using a standard sa4pler as spe(ified in I6/%'3'. 5/-5* 5/-5*,* Foun"!tions 5/-5*,*,* Preli4inary e@ploration shall be (arried out to deter4ine the soil profile showing the boundaries between the different soil types and between loose and dense parts in the sa4e type of deposits. .or guidan(e referen(e 4ay be 4ade to IRC/25. .or this purpose, as a first step, a suitable type of sub+surfa(e sounding 9e.g. stati( or dyna4i( (one penetration test: shall be (arried out. 0s 4any soundings as ne(essary should be 4ade, until the penetration data is (o4plete enough to leave no doubt (on(erning the general shape and the trend of boundaries of the various soil deposits. !@ploratory drill holes should then be 4ade at one or two lo(ations where average (ondition prevails and near those few points where the penetration diagra4s indi(ate 4a@i4u4 deviations fro4 the average. 5/-5*,*5* The e@ploration shall (over the entire length of the bridge and also e@tend at either side for a distan(e about twi(e the depth below bed of the last 4ain foundations. If there is any ne(essity for designing investigation for approa(hes parti(ularly on soft soil or with high e4ban,4ent or there is a possibility of (onsidering alternatives between viadu(t or earthen e4ban,4ent, the e@tended length and lo(ation of the borings beyond the proposed lo(ation of abut4ent should be deter4ined and e@e(uted. 5/-5*,*.* The depth of e@ploration should be at least 'i ti4es the 4ini4u4 width of foundation below the proposed foundation level. "here su(h investigation end in any unsuitable or >uestionable foundation 4aterial the e@ploration shall be e@tended to a suffi(ient depth into fir4 and stable soils or ro(, but not less than four ti4es the 4ini4u4 depth of foundation below the earlier (onte4plated foundation level. In (ase of good sound ro(, the stipulation of 4ini4u4 depth 4ay be de(reased based on diffi(ulty to (ondu(t (ore drilling and the 4ini4u4 depth 4ay be restri(ted to 3 4etres. PRE+IMINAR6 IN)ESTIGATION

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5/-5*5* Gui"e?un" !n" E<?!n@<ent The depth of e@ploration should in(lude all strata li,ely to affe(t stability of the e4ban,4ent, guide bund and*or (ause undesirable settle4ent. In general, the re>uire4ent of settle4ent governs the depth of e@ploration for high e4ban,4ents in parti(ular. However, borings (an be ter4inated at shallower depths when fir4 strata or bed ro(, is en(ountered. 7rdinarily, the boring shall be ta,en to a depth of at least '.5 ti4es the height of e4ban,4ent and guidebund. However, where highly (o4pressible strata ar( en(ountered, the boring 4ay have to be ta,en deeper. In order to ensure that fir4 strata is suffi(iently thi(,, the boring should e@tend 3 4etre into the fir4 strata. 5/-.* DETAI+ED E8P+ORATION 5/-.*,* The e@ploration shall (over the entire length of the bridge and also e@tend at either end for a distan(e of about twi(e the depth below bed of the last 4ain foundation to assess the effe(t of the approa(h e4ban,4ent on the end foundations. Generally the sub+surfa(e investigations 9preli4inary and detailed: for bridges shall e@tend to a depth below the anti(ipated foundation level e>ual to about one and a half ti4es the width of the foundation. However, where su(h investigations end in any unsuitable or >uestionable foundation 4aterial, the e@ploration shall be e@tended to a suffi(ient depth into fir4 and stable soils or to ro(,. 5/-.*5* The type and e@tent of e@ploration shall be divided into the following groups as per re>uire4ent of foundation design and li,ely 4ethod of data (olle(tion/ 9i: 9ii: 9iii: .oundation re>uiring shallow depth of e@ploration .oundation re>uiring large depth of e@ploration .ills behind abut4ents and prote(tion wor,s 5/-.*.* +o;!tion Borin& "here the data 4ade available by detailed e@ploration indi(ates appre(iable variation or where variations in a parti(ular foundation are li,ely to appre(iably affe(t the (onstru(tion 9spe(ially in (ase of bridge foundations resting on ro(,:, it will be ne(essary to resort to additional bores*soundings to establish (o4plete profile of the underlying strata. The additional borings *soundings shall be de(ided depending upon the e@tent of variation at a parti(ular foundation lo(ation and should (over the entire area of the parti(ular foundation. 5/-.*/* Constru;tion St!&e EB#:or!tion "henever a (hange in the sub+soil strata*ro(, profile is en(ountered during (onstru(tion, e@plorations shall be resorted to establish the (orre(t data for further de(isions. 5/-.*0* $ogging of bore+holes by radio+a(tive 4ethods shall be done for detailed investigations as spe(ified in the (ontra(t or in spe(ial provisions. 5/-.*1* .or bridge wor,s, the investigations shall be (o4prehensive enough

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to enable the designer to esti4ate or deter4ine the following / 9i: the engineering properties of the soil*ro(,, 9ii: the lo(ation and e@tent of soft layers and gas po(,ets, if any, under the hard founding strata, 9iii: the geologi(al, (ondition li,e type of ro(,, faults, fissures or subsiden(e due to 4ining, porosity et(., 9iv: the ground water level, 9v: artesian (onditions, if any, 9vi: >uality of water in (onta(t with the foundation, 9vii: The depth and e@tent of s(our. 9viii: suitable depth of foundation, 9i@: the bearing (apa(ity of the foundation, 9@: probable settle4ent and probable differential settle4ent of the foundations, 9@i: li,ely sin,ing or driving effort, and 9@ii: li,ely (onstru(tion diffi(ulties. 5/-/* E8P+ORATION FOR BRIDGE FO(NDATIONS RESTING ON ROCK 5/-/*,* Investigation and interpretation of data for ro(, a spe(ialised wor,. To arrive at the (hara(teristi( strength of ro(, 4ass, relian(e shall be pla(ed 4ore on in+situ tests in (o4parison to laboratory tests. 0n engineering geologist shall also be asso(iates in the e@ploration progra44e. 5/-/*5* Identifi(ation and (lassifi(ation of ro(, types for engineering purposes 4ay in general be li4ited to broad, basi( geologi(al (lasses in a((ordan(e with a((epted pra(ti(e. 6trength of parent ro(, alone is of li4ited value be(ause overall (hara(teristi(s depend (onsiderably on (hara(ter, spa(ing and distribution of dis(ontinuities of the ro(, 4ass, su(h as the ?oints, bedding planes, faults and weathered sea4s. 0n i4portant fa(tor affe(ting the behaviour is the weathered Lone at top. 5/-/*.* B!si; In or<!tion ReEuire" ro< EB#:or!tions 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 9vi: 9vii: #epth of ro(, strata and its variation over the site, "hether isolated boulder or 4assive ro(, for4ation, !@tent and (hara(ter of weathered Lone, 6tru(ture of ro(, + in(luding bedding planes, faults, fissures, solution (avities et(., Properties of ro(, 4aterial+strength, geologi(al for4ation, et(., !rodibility of ro(, to the e@tent possible, Colour of water.

5/-/*/* EB#:or!tion Pro&r!<<e If preli4inary investigations have revealed presen(e of ro(, 9within levels where the foundation is to rest, it is essential to ta,e up ailed investigation to (olle(t ne(essary infor4ation 4entioned in %B&B.3. The e@ploratory bore+hole shall be drilled into the ro(, a depth of about 3 4etres to distinguish a boulder fro4 a (ontinuous (, for4ation. 5/-/*0* The e@tent of e@ploration shall be ade>uate enough to give a

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(o4plete pi(ture of the ro(, profile both in depth and a(ross (hannel width to assess the (onstru(tional diffi(ulties in rea(hing the foundation levels. 5/-/*1* The depth of boring in ro(, depends pri4arily on lo(al geology, (redibility of the ro(,, e@tent of stru(tural loads to be transferred to foundation et(. or4ally, it shall pass through the upper weathered or otherwise wea, Lone, well into the sound ro(,. Mini4u4 of boring in sound ro(, shall be 3 4etres. 5/-/*2* Det!i:e" Investi&!tion or Ro;@ 5/-/*2*,* This (overs sounding, boring and drilling. 0n ade>uate investigation progra44e shall be planned to (over the whole area for general (hara(teristi(s and in parti(ular the foundation lo(ation, to obtain definite infor4ation regarding ro(,+depth and its variation over foundation area. The detailed progra44e of e@ploration will depend on the type and depth of over+burden, the siLe and i4portan(e of the stru(ture, et(. To de(ide this, geophysi(al 4ethods adopted at the preli4inary investigation stage will be helpful, this data being supple4ented by sounding, bore+ holes and drill holes. 5/-/*2*5* #rilling through ro(, is a very spe(ialised wor, and every shall be ta,en to noti(e and re(ord any s4all (hange during drilling. The li4e re>uired to drill through a (ertain depth, a4ount of (ore re(overy, physi(al (ondition, length of pie(es of (ore, ?oints, (olour of water residue, weathering and eviden(e of disturban(e and effe(ts shall be (arefully noti(ed and entered in the drilling log .or guidan(e, I6/53'3 4ay be referred to. The data shall be presented in a((ordan(e with I6/BB)B. 5/-/*2*.* The (ores shall be stored properly in a((ordan(e with I6/B&2-. 5/-/*2*/* The ro(, (ores obtained shall be sub?e(ted to following laboratory tests / 9i: Cisual identifi(ation for te@ture. stru(ture, (o4position, (olour and grain siLe, 9ii: $aboratory tests shall be done for spe(ifi( gravity, porosity and 4oisture (ontent. 5/-/*2*0* In+situ tests shall be 4ade in a((ordan(e with I6/2%1%M I6/23'2M and I6/22B). In addition, laboratory tests (an also be 4ade on sa4ples. 5/-/*2*1* Ase of in+situ tests for 4easuring strength and (hara(teristi(s shall be 4ade. Ase of bore+hole photography will be evaluate the presen(e of faults, fissures or (avities, et(. 5/-/*3* S#e;i!: C!ses 5/-/*3*,* Investi&!tion or ;on&:o<er!te = 0 drill hole shall be 4ade sa4e as for ro(,. The sa4ples (olle(ted shall be sub?e(ted to suitable tests depending upon the 4aterial, spe(ial (are shall be ta,en to as(ertain erodibility of the 4atri@. "here possible, spe(ially for shallow foundation, Plate $oad Test shall be (ondu(ted. 5/-/*3*5* Investi&!tion or :!terites = The investigation shall be generally defor4ation desirable to

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si4ilar to that re>uired for (ohesive soils, use of penetration tests shall be preferred, if suitable (orrelation (harts are available. This 4ay be stati( or dyna4i( penetration tests or vane shear tests. In the (ase of hard laterite, re(ourse 4ay have to be 4ade to (ore drilling as for soft ro(,s. .or laterites at shallow depths, use of Plate $oad Test 4ay be advantageous. 5/-/*4* C!ution 5/-/*4*,* The interpretation of laboratory results on ro(, sa4ples depends upon the relationship of the spe(i4ens tested to the overall ro(, (hara(teristi(s, enu4erated in 0ppendi@ .' of IRC/2-. .or this purpose, (are shall be e@er(ised in the (hoi(e of spe(i4en siLe and its orientation in relation to the ?oint pattern. 5/-/*4*5* In so4e (ases, the foundation behaviour will be do4inated by a possible 4ode of failure involving 4ove4ent along so4e ?oint surfa(e, fissures or wea, layer within a generally strong ro(, syste4 and also by possible weathering. In+situ shear tests 4ay be (ondu(ted wherever feasible, as su(h tests are li,ely to give 4ere representative data than the shear tests (ondu(ted on (ore sa4ples. 5/-/*,-* Present!tion o D!t! The data shall be given in diagra44ati( for4 in 3 sheets giving the following details / 6heet ' / Plan showing the position of bore+holes (learly 4ar,ed so as to fi@ the position at a future date. 6heet % / This shall (ontain the bore+log (hart and test results of the sa4ples separately for ea(h bore+hole*pit et(. 6heet 3 / This shall (ontain pi(torial representation of the bore+log data to get an overall pi(ture of the soil profile at the (ross+se(tion of the river. 7T! / .or guidan(e, refer to IRC/2-. 5/-0* BORING

Eoring shall be done by any of the following 4ethods depending on the soil type and types of sa4ples re>uired for the investigation/ i: ii: iii: iv: v: 0uger Eoring 6hell and 0uger Eoring Per(ussion Eoring "ash Eoring Rotary Eoring

.or preli4inary and detailed sub+surfa(e investigation only rotary drills shall be used. The (asing shall also be invariably provided with dia4eters not less than '5& 44 upto the level of ro(,, if any. However, use of per(ussion or wash boring e>uip4ent shall be per4itted only to penetrate through bouldery or gravelly strata for progressing the boring but not for the (olle(tion of sa4ples. "hile (ondu(ting detailed borings, the

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resistan(e to the speed of drilling i.e. rate of penetration, (ore loss, et(., as already spe(ified in 0ppendi@ 3 of IRC/2- shall be (arefully re(orded to evaluate the different types of strata and to distinguish spe(ially sand fro4 sandstone, (lay fro4 shale, et(. 5/-1* RECORDS OF BORINGS AND TRIA+ PITS

5/-1*,* The field re(ords for the preli4inary and detailed e@ploration shall (ontain the date when the boring was 4ade, the lo(ation of the boring with referen(e to a per4anent syste4 of (o+ordinates and the elevation of the ground surfa(e with respe(t to a per4anent ben(h 4ar,. They shall in(lude elevation at whi(h the water table and the upper boundary of ea(h of the su((essive soil strata were en(ountered, the investigatorKs (lassifi(ation of the layer on the basis of general infor4ation obtained fro4 field e@a4ination 9refer to 0ppendi@ %.' of IRC/25: and the value of the resistan(e obtained by 4eans of 6tandard Penetration Test The type of tools used for borings shall be re(orded. If the tools were (hanged, the depth at whi(h the (hange was 4ade and the reason thereof shall also be noted. In(o4plete and abandoned borings shall be des(ribed with no less (are than su((essfully (o4pleted drill holes. The notes shall (ontain everything of signifi(an(e observed on the ?ob su(h as the elevation at whi(h wash water was lost fro4 the hole. 5/-1*5* .or all borings and trial pits, ne(essary infor4ation as detailed below shall be given. 0 site plan showing the disposition of the bore holes shall also be atta(hed/ a: b: (: d: e: f: g: h: i: ?: ,: l: 4: n: o: p: 0gen(y $o(ation with referen(e 4ap Pit*Eore+hole nu4ber Redu(ed level 9R+$.: of ground surfa(e or other referen(e point #ates of starting and (o4pletion a4e of supervisor 6(ales of plans and se(tions #i4ensions, 4ethods of advan(ing e@ploration su(h as by hand tools, blasting, boring, et(. General des(ription of strata 4et with and R$s at whi(h they ar( 4et Position and altitude of (onta(ts, faults, strong ?oint, sli(,en sides, et(. Inflow of water, 4ethods of (ontrolling the water, re>uired (apa(ity of pu4ps for dewatering The level at whi(h the sub+soil water is 4et with #ip and stri,e of bedding and of (leavage. Cisual des(ription of strata Results of field tests e.g. 6PT, in+situ vane shear test et(. 0ny other infor4ation and re4ar,s.

5/-1.* Apon re4oval of sa4pling tube, the length of the sa4ple in the tube and the length between the top of the tube and the top of the sa4ple in the tube shall be 4easured and re(orded. 5/-2* MET%ODS OF SAMP+ING There are two types of sa4ples viL.

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9a: #isturbed sa4ple 9b: Andisturbed sa4ple. The usual 4ethods for sa4pling (onfor4ing to I6/'-1% and I6/%'3% are given below / ature of Ground Type of 6a4ple 6oil #isturbed Andisturbed Ro(, #isturbed Andisturbed Method of 6a4pling Hand 6a4ples 0uger 6a4ples 6hell 6a4ples Hand 6a4ples Tube 6a4ples "ash 6a4ples fro4 per(ussion or rotary drilling Cores

5/-3* PROCED(RE FOR TAKING SAMP+ES 5/-3*,* .or proper identifi(ation of sub+surfa(e 4aterial, sa4ple should be re(overed (ontaining all the (onstituents of the 4aterials in their proper proportion. In (layey deposits su(h sa4ples (ould be (olle(ted by split spoon sa4plers. In the (ase of sandy deposits, sa4pling spoons shall be fitted with suitable devi(es for retaining sa4ples. 0ll data re>uired for soil identifi(ation 90ppendi@ %.' of IRC/25: should be (olle(ted fro4 the sa4ples so e@tra(ted when undisturbed sa4ples, whi(h are 4ore desirable for (olle(tion of so4e of the data, are not available. Penetration test should be (arried out with the standard split+spoon sa4pler or penetro4eters if the soil is (oarse grained. "hen it is ,nown in advan(e that the soil profile is fairly regular, preli4inary and detailed investigation 4ay be (o4bined. Tube sa4plers (an be used in pla(e of split spoon sa4plers for (olle(ting sa4ples in (layey strata. 5/-3*5* Distur?e" Soi: S!<#:es 5/-3*5*,* #isturbed sa4ples of soil shall be obtained in the (ourse of e@(avation and boring. .or pro(uring sa4ples fro4 below the ground water level, where possible, spe(ial type of sa4pler shall be used. "here 6tandard Penetration Test is (ondu(ted, representative sa4ples shall be obtained fro4 the split spoon. "hile (olle(ting disturbed sa4ples fro4 borrow areas it shall be ensured that the sa4ples (olle(ted represent all types of borrow 4aterials to be used in the (onstru(tion of e4ban,4ent and sub+grade. 5/-3*5*5* Table %B&&+'. The siLe of sa4ple generally re>uired shall be as given in

TAB+E 5/--7, SIJEA OF SOI+ SAMP+E RE>(IRED 6. 7. PARP76! 7. 60MP$! 67I$ TFP! "!IGHT 7. 60MP$! R!DAIR!# =g

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%. 3.

6oil identifi(ation, natural 4oisture (ontent tests, 4e(hani(al analysis and inde@ properties, (he4i(al tests Co4pression tests Co4prehensive e@a4ination of (onstru(tion 4aterial and borrow area soil in(luding soil stabilisation

Cohesive soils 6ands and Gravels

' 3

Cohesive soils and sand '%.5 Cohesive soils and %5 + 5& sands Gravelly soil 5& + '&&

5/-35*.* "hile ta,ing out disturbed soil sa4ples, 6tandard Penetration Test 4ay also be (ondu(ted to find out the bearing (apa(ity of the sub+soils at spe(ified, levels. 5/-3.* (n"istur?e" Soi: S!<#:es 5/-3.*,* The lo(ation of the bore+hole shall be drawing or given by the !ngineer. as indi(ated on the

The depth of the bore+hole shall be as indi(ated on the drawing or shall be governed by the (riteria given therein or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 5/-3.*5* 6a4ples shall be obtained in su(h a 4anner that their 4oisture (ontent and stru(ture do not get altered. This 4ay be ensured by (areful prote(tion and pa(,ing and by use of (orre(tly designed sa4pler. 5/-3.*.* 6tandard Penetration Test 4ay have to be (ondu(ted in ea(h (ase to obtain additional data as dire(ted by the !ngineer. In soft (lay, in+situ vane shear test as per I6/BB3B 4ay have to be (ondu(ted. "here all the three operations have to be (arried out in one layer, the se>uen(e shall be undisturbed soil sa4pling followed by in+situ vane shear test, followed by 6tandard Penetration Test. 5/-3.*/* .or (o4pression test sa4ples, a (ore of B& 44 dia4eter and about '5& to %&& 44 length 4ay be suffi(ient, but for other laboratory tests, a (ore of '&& 44 dia4eter and 3&& 44 length shall be ta,en as far as possible, unless otherwise spe(ified by the !ngineer. 5/-3*.*0* The upper few 4illi4etres of both types of sa4ple shall be re?e(ted as the soil at the botto4 of the bore hole usually gets disturbed by the boring tools. 5/-3*/* Ro;@ S!<#:es 5/-3*/*,* Distur?e" s!<#:es = The sludge fro4 per(ussion borings or fro4 rotary borings whi(h have failed to yield a (ore, shall be (olle(ted for a disturbed sa4ple, it 4ay be re(overed fro4 (ir(ulating water by settle4ent in a trough. 5/-3*/*5* (n"istur?e" s!<#:es = Elo(, sa4ples ta,en fro4 the ro(, for4ation shall be dressed to a siLe of about 1& @ 25 @ 5& 44. .or (ore sa4ples + (ores of ro(, shall be ta,en by 4eans of rotary drills .itted with a (oring bit with (ore retainer, if warranted.

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5/-3*/*.* In (ase of ro(, at shallow depths whi(h (an be (onveniently rea(hed, test pits or tren(hes are the 4ost dependable and valuable 4ethods sin(e they per4it a dire(t e@a4ination of the surfa(e, the weathered Lone and presen(e of any dis(ontinuities. It is also possible to ta,e representative sa4ples for tests. .or guidan(e, I6/BB53 4ay be referred to. 5/-4* PROTECTIONA %AND+ING AND +ABE++ING OF SAMP+ES 5/-4*,* Care shall be ta,en in handling and labelling of sa4ples so that they are re(eived in a fit state for e@a4ination and testing and (an be (orre(tly identified as (o4ing fro4 a spe(ified trial pit or boring. 5/-4*5* The disturbed 4aterial in the upper end of the lube shall be (o4pletely re4oved before applying wa@ for sealing. The length and type of sa4ple so re4oved should be re(orded. 5/-4*.* The soil at the lower end of the tube shall be rea4ed to a distan(e of about %& 44. 0fter (leaning, both ends shall be sealed with wa@ applied in a way that will prevent wa@ fro4 entering the sa4ple. "a@ used for sealing should not be heated to 4ore than a few degrees above its 4elting te4perature. The e4pty spa(e in the sa4plers, if any, should be filled with 4oist soil, saw dust, et(., and the ends (overed with tight fitting (aps. 5/-4*/* $abels giving the following infor4ation should be affi@ed to the tubes / a: Tube nu4ber b: lob designation (: 6a4ple lo(ation d: Eoring nu4ber e: 6a4ple nu4ber f: #epth g: Penetration h: Gross re(overy ratio The tube and boring nu4bers should be 4ar,ed in dupli(ate. #upli(ate 4ar,ings of the boring nu4ber and sa4ple nu4ber on a sheet whi(h will not be affe(ted by 4oisture should be en(losed inside the tube. 5/,-* TESTS FOR E8P+ORATION OF S%A++OW FO(NDATIONS OF BRIDGES 5/,-*,* Test pits or tren(hes are the 4ost dependable and valuable 4ethods of e@ploration sin(e they per4it dire(t visual e@a4ination and 4ore reliably the type of soil and their stratifi(ation. This will also allow in+situ tests li,e plate bearing tests, shear tests and uni+a@ial ?a(,ing tests, et(. 5/,-*5* Tests shall be (ondu(ted on undisturbed sa4ples, whi(h 4ay be obtained fro4 open pits. The use of Plate $oad Test 9as per '5/'---: is (onsidered desirable to as(ertain die safe bearing pressure and settle4ent (hara(teristi(s. 0 few e@ploratory bore holes or soundings shall be 4ade to safeguard against presen(e of wea, strata underlying the foundation. This shall e@tend to a depth of about " % ti4es the

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proposed width of foundation. The laboratory results shall (orrelate with in+situ tests li,e Plate .$oad Tests and Penetration Test results. 5/,,* TESTS FOR E8P+ORATION FOR DEEP FO(NDATIONS OF BRIDGES 5/,,*,* The tests to be (ondu(ted at various lo(ations for properties of soil, et(., are different for (ohesive and (ohensionless soils. These are enu4erated below and shall be (arried out, wherever pra(ti(able, a((ording to soil type. 5/,,*,*,* Cohesion :ess soi: a: b: Classifi(ation tests, density, et(. .ield tests. Plate $oad test as per I6/ '---. #yna4i( Penetration test as per I6/%'3' and Ase of #yna4i( Cone penetration test as per '5/B1)- 9Part ' or Part %: 4ay be (ondu(ted where (onsidered appropriate $aboratory tests / 6hearing strength test + tria@ial or bo@ shear test + in (ase of the possibility of rise of water table, the tests shall be done or. saturated sa4ples.


5/,,*,5* Cohesive soi:s a: b: Classifi(ation tests, density, et(. .ield tens / Plate $oad Test. An(onfined Co4pression Test as per I6/%2%& 9Part '&:. Cane 6hear Test as per I6/BB3B. 6tati( Cone Penetration Test 9I6/B1)- Part 3: $aboratory tests / 6hearing strength lest + tria@ial tests 9'6/%'%& Part 1:. Consolidation Test 9I6/%2%& Part '5:


ote / "here dewatering is e@pe(ted, sa4ples 4ay be tested for per4eability 9I6/%2%& Part '2:. 5/,,*5* The sub+surfa(e e@ploration for bridge wor,s (an be divided into 3 Lones/ a: b: (: between bed level and upto anti(ipated 4a@i4u4 s(our depth 9below H...$.: fro4 the 4a@i4u4 s(our depth to the foundation level. fro4 foundation level to about ' and half ti4es the width of the foundation below it.

5/,,*.* The sub+soil water shall be tested for (he4i(al properties to as(ertain the haLard of deterioration to foundations. "here dewatering is e@pe(ted to be re>uired, per4eability (hara(teristi(s shall be deter4ined.

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5/,,*/* .or the different Lones (ategorised in para %B''.% the data re>uired, su(h as soil (lassifi(ation, pani(le siLe distribution, shearing strength (hara(teristi(s, 4ethod of sa4pling disturbed and undisturbed sa4ples, testing, in(luding parti(le siLe distribution, shear strength, un+(onfined (o4pression test, shall be (o4plied with. 5/,5* TESTING OF MATERIA+ FOR G(IDE B(ND AND %IG% EMBANKMENT AND ITS FO(NDATIONS 5/,5*,* The soil properties for the e4ban,4ent foundation shall be as spe(ified in parti(ular spe(ifi(ations and shall be got verified prior to (onstru(tion operation. In (ase the a(tual soil properties do not 4at(h the parti(ular spe(ifi(ation, then e4ban,4ent design shall be revised. 5/,5*5* .ield investigation for the e4ban,4ent 4aterial should be (arried out to (olle(t general infor4ation as indi(ated in IRC/25. .or details refer to Clause 3&5. .ield investigations for sub+ soil strata shall J(onsist of ta,ing 4ini4u4 two bore holes for ea(h approa(h to a bridge along (entre line of the align4ent at a distan(e of 5& 4 and '%& 4 behind the abut4ent positions on both sides. The depth of bore holes below the ground level 4ay ordinarily be %.5 ti4es the 4a@i4u4 height of the e4ban,4ent sub?e(t to 4ini4u4 depth of %& 4. Thin walled sa4pling tubes of '&& 44 internal dia4eter and B5& 44 4ini4u4 length (onfor4ing to I6/%'3% shall be used for (olle(ting undisturbed sa4ples fro4 bore+holes at an interval of %.5 to 3.5 4. 6tandard penetration test should be (ondu(ted i44ediately after undisturbed sa4ple is (olle(ted. 5/,5*.* In addition to the relevant identifi(ation tests, 4entioned in IRC/25, it shall be ne(essary to (ondu(t so4e of the following tests on the undisturbed sa4ples (olle(ted fro4 the sub+strata. The (hoi(e of test is pri4arily deter4ined by the type of soil, type of stability analysis 9vide Table %B&&+%:, availability of apparatus and (ost of investigation. TAB+E 5/--75 S%EAR STRENGT% TESTS FOR STABI+IT6 ANA+6SIS 6. 6tage in $ife 6trength 6hear Test Type of o. of !4ban,4ent Para4eters 0nalysis ' a: #uring An(onsolidat(d undrained Total stress (onstru(tion or tria@ial shear test on analysis ( i44ediate post+ uu, uu undisturbed sa4ples and on (onstru(tion (o4pa(ted e4ban,4ent 4aterial ' b: T do T An(onfined (o4pression test in T do T 6u laboratory or vane shear test ' (: #uring (onstru(tion or i44ediate post+ (onstru(tion C J Consolidated undrained test !ffe(tive with pore+pressure stress 4easure4ent on as analysis (o4pa(ted soil sa4ples of e4ban,4ent 4aterials and on undisturbed sa4ples

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$ong ter4 stability


T do T

T do T

5/,5*/* +!?or!tory Investi&!tions o E<?!n@<ent M!teri!: 5/,5*/*,* The following tests should be (ondu(ted on representative sa4ples of e4ban,4ent 4aterial 6. 7. T!6T T!6T M!TH7# i: Gradation Test 96ieve 0nalysis: I6/%2%& 9Part B: ii: 0tterberg $i4it Test I6/%2%& 9Part 5: iii: 6tandard Pro(tor Test I6/%2%& 9Part 2: iv: atural Moisture Content I6/%2%& 9Part %: 5/,5*/*5 In addition to the above, there is need for shear strength tests on (o4pa(ted sa4ples of the fill 4aterial. .or this purpose, the relative (o4pa(tion should be 15 per (ent of the 6tandard Pro(tor 4a@i4u4 dry density and 4oisture (ontent, sa4e as that li,ely to prevail in the e4ban,4ent during the period (overed by the stability analysis or to be used in the field during (onstru(tion. Andrained test shall be run on (ohesive soils and shear strength para4eters should be as(ertained for the ranges of nor4al pressures whi(h are li,ely to be e@perien(ed in the field. In (ases where effe(tive stress analysis is re>uired to be done, pore+pressure 4easure4ents should also be 4ade during the undrained tests and effe(tive strength and pore+pressure para4eters should be found out. .or fill 4aterial of (ohesionless soils, a dire(t shear bo@ test 9I6/%2%&+Part '3: 4ay be (ondu(ted to as(ertain shear strength of soil. 5/,5*/*.* The results of re(onnaissan(e, field and laboratory investigations for e4ban,4ents shall be (onsolidated into a well+,nit report. The re(ord of findings and re(o44endations, if any, 4ay be presented in the for4 of written test, graphs, figures and tables, as appropriate for different types of data and findings. Infor4ation and data to be (ontained in the report should in(lude general lo(ation 4ap, pertinent geologi(al infor4ation on re(onnaissan(e observations, sub+soil profile 9.ig. %.' of IRC/25:, boring logs and su44ary of sub+soil properties 9.ig. %.% of IRC/25:, graphs, and tables related to laboratory investigations, results of borrow area investigations 9.ig. %.3 of IRC/25: and re(o44endations, if any. The undisturbed sa4ples shall be (olle(ted fro4 ea(h layer of sub+soil unless the stratu4 is su(h that undisturbed sa4ples (annot be (olle(ted using ordinary sa4pler. "here indi(ated by the !ngineer, undisturbed sa4ples shall be (olle(ted using piston sa4pler or (ore+(utter or su(h spe(ial devi(es. In thi(, layers undisturbed sa4ples shall be (olle(ted at 3 4 interval. 5/,.* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT In (ase of bridge and road stru(tures, the wor, of boring and trial pits shall be (onsidered as in(idental to the foundation wor,s and nothing e@tra shall be paid unless otherwise spe(ified in the (ontra(t In (ases where it is spe(ified to be paid separately, li,e

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(ontra(t for soil investigation, the wor, shall be 4easured in running 4etres for boring, in (ubi( 4eters for trial pits, in nu4ber of sa4ples for (olle(tion of disturbed and undisturbed sa4ples and in nu4ber of tests for ea(h type of test. 5/,/* RATE The (ontra(t unit rate shall in(lude the (ost of all labour, 4aterials, tools and plant and e>uip4ent re>uired for doing the boring or 4a,ing pits as per these spe(ifi(ations, ta,ing out and pa(,ing the sa4ples, sending and getting the4 tested in approved laboratories and 4a,ing available the test report as spe(ified or dire(ted by the !ngineer in(lusive of all in(idental (osts to (o4plete the wor, as per the spe(ifi(ations.

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River Tr!inin& Wor@ !n" Prote;tion Wor@

50-River Tr!inin& Wor@ !n" Prote;tion Wor@

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River training and prote(tion wor, shall in(lude (onstru(tion of guide bunds, guide walls, ban, prote(tion, flooring and approa(h e4ban,4ent prote(tion as re>uired for ensuring safety of the bridge stru(ture and its approa(hes against da4age by flood*flowing water. Constru(tion of various (o4ponents shall (onfor4 to IRD-1 and these spe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 50-5* G(IDE B(ND 50-5*,* This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(tion of e4ban,4ent of guide bund and provision of pit(hing*rivet4ent on slopes, apron, toe prote(tion, (urtain walls et(. as indi(ated on the drawing in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations or as approved by the !ngineer. The provisions given hereunder are appli(able only to guide bunds for bridges a(ross alluvial rivers. Guide bunds for bridges a(ross sub4ontane rivers shall (all for supple4ental spe(ifi(ations. 50-5*5* The align4ent and layout of guide bund shall be as indi(ated on the drawing or as approved by the !ngineer. The (onstru(tion of e4ban,4ent for guide bund shall (onfor4 to provisions of 6e(tion 3&& of these 6pe(ifi(ations. Pit(hing, filter underneath pit(hing and turfing, apron, toe prote(tion, (urtain walls, et(., shall be as per these spe(ifi(ations. 50-5*.* Guide bunds shall generally be 4ade of lo(ally available 4aterials fro4 the river bed preferably (ohesionless 4aterials. Trial pits shall be ta,en in borrow holes to e@a4ine suitability of soil for (onstru(tion and also to de(ide the types of earth 4oving 4a(hinery to be arranged. The borrow pits should be suffi(iently away fro4 the lo(ation of the laun(hing apron. o borrow pits should be dug on the river side of the guide bunds. Constru(tion of guide bund shall be ta,en in hand along with the (onstru(tion of the bridge. !very effort shall be 4ade to (o4plete the wor, of the guide bund in one wor,ing season. "here there is any doubt about (o4pletion of the whole guide bund within one wor,ing season, suitable 4easures shall be planned and e@e(uted for prote(tion of (o4pleted wor,. In su(h (ases the (onstru(tion of guide bund shall be started fro4 abut4ent towards upstrea4. 50-5*/* Constru(tion of apron and pit(hing of the guide bunds shall generally (onfor4 to (lause %5&3 and %5&B of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 6uffi(ient length of pit along the guide bund shall be ready within one to two 4onths of (o44en(e4ent of wor, so that the pla(ing of stones in the apron and in the slope pit(hing (an be (o44en(ed. 0s a guideline, earthwor, should be (o4pleted within -& per (ent of wor,ing season and about 2& per (ent wor,ing season shall be available for laying apron and pit(hing. o portion of the guide bund should be left below H.$ before the onset of 4onsoon. Eotto4 of apron pit shall be as low as per4itted by sub+soil water*lowest water level. 6uffi(ient labour and appropriate earth 4oving 4a(hinery and trained staff shall be deployed in (onstru(tion.

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50-5*0* The Contra(tor shall furnish his planning for approval of die !ngineer regarding transport of stones fro4 the >uarries to the site of wor, ta,ing into a((ount the >uantities of stone re>uired to be transported every day, +train*tru(,, et(., deployed, available ferry or boats and labour available for loading and unloading and for laying within the ti4e fra4e for (onstru(tion of guide bund. 0de>uate reserve of stones ? should be 4aintained for 4a?or wor,s as de(ided by the !ngineer. gReserve stones shall be sta(,ed far away fro4 the 4ain (hannel of Jthe river. 50-5*1* "here the align4ent of guide bund or the approa(h 8 e4ban,4ent (rosses a bran(h (hannel of the river, the bran(h (hannel 4ay be either diverted to the 4ain (hannel of the river with the help of spurs, et(. or (losed by a properly designed (losing dy,e or (losure bund before ta,ing up (onstru(tion of guide bund. 50-.* 50-.*,* Gener!: This wor, shall (onsist of laying boulders dire(tly or in wire rates on the bed of rivers for prote(tion against s(our. "here the re>uired siLe of boulders are not available e(ono4i(ally, (on(rete blo(,s of e>uivalent weight shall be used. The grade of (on(rete shall be M '5 no4inal 4i@. 9This holds good for pit(hing on slopes and flooring also:. Ce4ent (on(rete blo(,s shall be preferred here pra(ti(able. The stones used in apron shall be sound, hard, durable and fairly regular in shape. 6tone sub?e(t to 4ar,ed deterioration by water shall not be used. Duarry stones are preferable to round boulders as the latter roll off easily. 0ngular stones fit into ea(h other better and have good interlo(,ing (hara(teristi(s. "here the re>uired siLe stones are not e(ono4i(ally available, (e4ent (on(rete blo(,s in MI6 grade (onfor4ing to 6e(tion '2&& or stones in wire (rates in (o4bination 4ay be used in pla(e of isolated stones of e>uivalent weight Ce4ent (on(rete blo(,s will be preferred, wherever pra(ti(able. 50-.*5* +!yin& Bou:"er A#ron APRON

The siLe of stone should (onfor4 to (lause 5.3.2.% of IRC/-1. The siLe of stone shall be as large as possible. In no (ase any frag4ent shall weigh less than B& ,g. The spe(ifi( gravity of stones shall be as high as possible and it shall not be less than %.)5. To ensure regular and orderly disposition of the full intended >uantity of stone in the apron, te4plate (ross walls in dry 4asonry shall be built about a 4etre thi(, and to the full height of the spe(ified thi(,ness of the apron at intervals of 3& 4etres all along the length and width of the apron. "ithin these walls, the stone then shall be hand pa(,ed.

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The surfa(e on whi(h the apron is to be laid shall be levelled and prepared for the length and width as shown on the drawings. In (ase the surfa(e on whi(h apron is to be laid is below the low water level, the ground level 4ay be raised upto low water level by du4ping earth and the apron laid thereon. The >uantity of stone re>uired in the apron shall be re+wor,ed out by ta,ing the toe of pit(hing at higher level. 50-.*.* +!yin& Wire Cr!tes !n" M!ttresses in the A#ron

"ire (rates shall be 4ade fro4 hot dipped galvaniLed 4ild steel wire of dia4eter not less than B 44 in annealed (ondition having tensile strength of 3&&+B5& MPa (onfor4ing to I6/%-&. The galvaniLing (oating shall be heavy (oating for soft (ondition (onfor4ing to '5/B-%). The 4esh of the (rate shall not be 4ore than '5& 44. "ire (rates for shallow or a((essible situations shall be 3 4etre @ '.5 4etre @ '.%5 4etre in siLe. "here these have to be deposited and there is a (han(e of overturning, the (rate shall be divided into '.5 4etre (o4part4ents by (ross netting. .or deep or ina((essible situations, wire (rates (an be 4ade s4aller sub?e(t to the approval of the !ngineer. "ire (rates built in+situ, shall not be larger than 2.5 4etres @ 3. 4etres @ &.) 4etre, nor s4aller than % 4etres @ ' 4etre @ &.3 4etre. 6ides of large (rates shall be se(urely stayed at intervals of not 4ore than '.5& 4etres to prevent bulging. The netting shall be 4ade by fi@ing a row of spi,es on a bea4 at a spa(ing e>ual to the 4esh. The bea4 4ust be a little longer than the width of netting re>uired. The wire is to be (ut to lengths about three ti4es the length of the net re>uired. !a(h pie(e shall be bent at the 4iddle around one of the spi,es and the weaving (o44en(ed fro4 one (orner. 0 double twist shall be given at ea(h interse(tion. This twisting shall be (arefully done by 4eans of a strong iron bar, five and half turns being given to the bar at ea(h spli(e. The botto4 and two ends of the (rate or 4attress shall be 4ade at one ti4e. The other two sides shall be 4ade separately and shall be se(ured to the botto4 and the ends by twisting ad?a(ent wires together. The top shall be 4ade separately and shall be fi@ed in the sa4e 4anner as the sides after the (rates or 4attress have been filled. "herever possible, (rates shall be pla(ed in position before filling with boulders. The (rates shall be filled by (arefully hand+pa(,ing the boulders as lightly as possible and not by 4erely throwing in stones or boulders. .or laying of wire (rates in aprons of bridges, two situations arise/ 9i: "here the (rates are to be laid in deep water and have to be du4ped and then ?oined together. 9ii: "here depth of water is low or dry bed ii available. In su(h (ases, the (rates (an

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be laid at site. 50-/* PITC%ING F RE)ETMENT ON S+OPES 50-/*,* Des;ri#tion This wor, shall (onsist of (overing the slopes of guide bunds, training wor,s and road e4ban,4ents with stone, boulders, (e4ent (on(rete blo(,s or stones in wire (rates over a layer of granular 4aterial (alled filter. "hile river side slopes are given this prote(tion against river a(tion, the rear slopes, not sub?e(ted to dire(t atta(, of the river, 4ay be prote(ted against ordinary wave splashing by &.3+&.) 4etre thi(, (over of (layey or silty earth and turfed. 50-/*5* Pit;hin&FFi:ter <e"i! 50-/*5*,* Pit;hin& = The pit(hing shall be provided as indi(ated in the drawings. The thi(,ness and the shape of stone pit(hing shall be shown on the drawing. The stone shall be sound, hard, durable and fairly regular in shape. Duarry stone should be used. Round boulders shall not be allowed. The stones sub?e(t to 4ar,ed deterioration by water or weather shall not be a((epted. The siLe and weight of stone shall (onfor4 to (lause 5.3.5.' of IRC/-1. o stone, weighing less than B& ,g shall, however, be used. The siLes of spalls shall be a 4ini4u4 of %5 44 and shall be suitable to fill the voids in the pit(hing. "here the re>uired siLe stones are not e(ono4i(ally available, (e4ent (on(rete blo(,s in M'5 grade (onfor4ing to 6e(tion '2&& or stones in wire (rates 4ay be used in pla(e of isolated stones of e>uivalent weight. Ce4ent (on(rete blo(,s will be preferred wherever pra(ti(able. Ase of geosyntheti(s has been dealt with in 6e(tion 2&&. 50-/*5*5* Fi:ter <e"i! = The 4aterial for the filter shall (onsist of sand, gravel, stone or (oarse sand. To prevent es(ape of the e4ban,4ent 4aterial through the voids of the stone pit(hing * (e4ent (on(rete blo(,s as well as to allow free 4ove4ent of water without (reating any uplift head on the pit(hing, one or 4ore layers of graded 4aterials, (o44only ,nown as a filter 4ediu4, shall be provided underneath the pit(hing. The gradation of the filter 4aterial shall satisfy the following re>uire4ents / Provision of a suitably designed filter is ne(essary under the slope pit(hing, to prevent the es(ape of underlying e4ban,4ent 4aterial through the voids of stone pit(hing*(e4ent (on(rete blo(,s when sub?e(ted to the atta(, of flowing water and wave a(tion, et(. In order to a(hieve this re>uire4ent, the filter 4ay be provided in one or 4ore layers satisfying the following (riteria /
# '5 9.ilter: <5 # -5 9Ease: B< # '5 9.ilter: < %& # '5 9Ease:

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# 5& 9.ilter: < %5 # 5& 9Ease:

otes/ 9i: .iller design 4ay not be re>uired if e4ban,4ent (onsists of CH or Ch soils with li>uid li4it greater than 3&, resistant to surfa(e erosion. In this (ase, if a layer of 4aterial is used as bedding for pit(hing, it shall be well graded and its # -5 siLe shall be Ot least twi(e the 4a@i4u4 void siLe in pit(hing. In the foregoing, # '5 4eans the siLe of that sieve whi(h allows '5 per (ent by weight of the filter 4aterial to pass through it and si4ilar is the 4eaning of # 5& and # -5. If 4ore than one filter layer is re>uired, the sa4e re>uire4ent as above shall be followed for ea(h layer. The finer filter shall be (onsidered as base 4aterial for sele(tion of (oarser filter. The filler shall be (o4pa(ted to a fir4 (ondition. The thi(,ness of filler is generally of the order of %&& 44 to 3&& 44. "here filler is provided in two layers, thi(,ness of ea(h layer shall be '5& 44.

9ii: 9iii: 9iv:

50-/*.* Constru;tion O#er!tions %5&B.B. Eefore laying the pit(hing, the sides of ban,s shall be tri44ed to the re>uired slope and profiles put up by 4eans of line and pegs at intervals of 3 4etres to ensure regular straight wor, and a unifor4 slope throughout. #epressions shall be filled and thoroughly (o4pa(ted. The filler granular 4aterial shall be laid over the prepared base and suitably (o4pa(ted to the thi(,ness spe(ified on the drawings. The lowest (ourse of pit(hing shall be started fro4 the toe wall and built up in (ourses upwards. The toe wall shall be in dry rubble 4asonry 9un(oursed: (onfor4ing to Clause 'B&5.3, in (ase of dry rubble pit(hing and shall be in no4inal 4i@ (e4ent (on(rete 9M '5: (onfor4ing to Clause '2&B.3 in (ase of (e4ent (on(rete blo(, pit(hing. The stone pit(hing shall (o44en(e in a tren(h below the toe of the slope. 6tone shall be pla(ed by derri(, or by hand to the re>uired length, thi(,ness and depth (onfor4ing to the drawings. 6tones shall be set nor4al to the slope, and pla(ed so that the largest di4ension is perpendi(ular to the fa(e of the slope, unless su(h di4ension is greater than the spe(ified thi(,ness of pit(hing. The largest stones shall be pla(ed in the botto4 (ourses and for use as headers for subse>uen(e (ourses. In hand pla(ed pit(hing, the stone of flat stratified nature should be pla(ed with the prin(ipal bedding plane nor4al to the slope. The pattern of laying shall be su(h that the ?oints are bro,en and voids are 4ini4u4 by pa(,ing with spalls, wherever ne(essary, and the top surfa(e is as s4ooth as possible. "hen full depth of pit(hing (an be for4ed with a single stone, the stones shall be
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laid brea,ing ?oints and all intersti(es between ad?a(ent stones shall be filled in with spalls of the proper siLe and wedged in with ha44ers to ensure tight pa(,ing. "hen two or 4ore layers of stones 4ust be laid to obtain the design thi(,ness of pit(hing, dry 4asonry shall be used and stones shall be well bonded. To ensure regular and orderly disposition of the full intended >uantity of stone as shown, te4plate (ross walls in dry 4asonry shall be built about a 4etre wide and to the full height of the spe(ified thi(,ness at suitable intervals and all along the length and width of the pit(hing. "ithin these walls the stones shall be hand pa(,ed as spe(ified. 50-/*/* Toe Prote;tion In (onfor4ity with (lause 5.3.2. of IRC/-1, a toe wall shall be provided at the ?un(tion of slope pit(hing and laun(hing apron of a guide bund so as to prote(t the slope pit(hing fro4 falling even when the apron is not laid at low water level. The toe wall shall be in dry rubble 4asonry gun(oursed: (onfor4ing to Clause 'B&5.3 in (ase of dry rubble pit(hing or pit(hing* revet4ent with stones in wire (rates and in no4inal 4i@ (e4ent (on(rete 9M '5: (onfor4ing to Clause '2&B.3 in (ase (e4ent (on(rete blo(,s have been used in pit(hing. .or prote(tion of toes of ban, slopes ter4inating (ither in short aprons at bed levels or an(hored in flooring * ro(,y bed, the provisions of (lause -.%.% of IRC/-1 4ay be (o4plied with. The relevant spe(ifi(ations of the prote(tive wor,s for individual (o4ponents will be followed. 50-0* R(BB+E STONEFCEMENT CONCRETE B+OCK F+OORING O)ER CEMENT CONCRETE BEDDING 50-0*,* This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(ting rubble stone * (.(. blo(, flooring laid over a (e4ent (on(rete 9M '5: bedding. The floor prote(tion will (o4prise rigid flooring stated above with (urtain walls and fle@ible apron. 50-0*5* Constru;tion O#er!tions

!@(avations for laying the bedding and floor prote(tion wor,s shall be (arried out as per spe(ifi(ations under proper supervision. Eefore laying the foundation and prote(tion walls, the e@(avated tren(hes shall be thoroughly inspe(ted by the !ngineer+in+ Charge to ensure that / a: b: (: There are no loose po(,ets and unfilled depressions left in the tren(h. The soil at the founding level is properly (o4pa(ted to true lines and level so as to have an even bedding. 0ll (on(rete and other ele4ents ar( laid in dry bed.

Ce4ent (on(rete no4inal 4i@ 9grade M '5: of 3&& 44 thi(,ness shall then be laid in a((ordan(e with provisions given in 6e(tion '2&& e@(ept that the surfa(e of the (on(rete shall not be given a s4ooth finish. The paving wor, shall be e4bedded in green (on(rete. .looring shall (onsist of '5& 44 thi(, flat stone*(e4ent (on(rete blo(,s 9 o4inal 4i@ Grade M '5 (onfor4ing to 6e(tion '2&&:. It shall be bedded on a layer of (e4ent 4ortar 9'/3: prepared to Clause '3&B. 6palls shall be used to fill in the voids. The

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?oints shall then be filled with (e4ent 4ortar and finished neat. The stone shall brea, ?oints and the ?oints shall not e@(eed %& 44 in thi(,ness. 6pa(ing of ?oints 4ay be %& 4 or so. The top of flooring shall be ,ept to 3&& 44 below the $owest bed level. 50-1* DR6 R(BB+E F+OORING This wor, shall (onsist of (onstru(ting dry rubble flooring at (ross drainage wor,s for relatively less i4portant wor,s. The base for the flooring shall be prepared to the spe(ified levels and slopes and (o4pa(ted suitably with hand ra44ers or other .4eans to have an even bedding. The thi(,ness of flooring shall be 4ade with one stone only. The stones shall then be laid (losely on the prepared base in one or 4ore layers as spe(ified and the bond used shall be as spe(ified by the !ngineer. 50-2* C(RTAIN WA++ AND F+E8IB+E APRON

50-2*,* Curt!in W!:: The rigid flooring shall be en(losed by (urtain walls 9tied to the wing walls: with a 4ini4u4 depth below floor level of % 4 on upstrea4 side and %.5 4 on downstrea4 side. The (urtain wall will be in (e4ent (on(rete M '5*stone 4asonry in (e4ent 4ortar '/3. The rigid flooring shall be (ontinued over the top width of (urtain wall. 50-2*5* F:eBi?:e A#ron .le@ible apron ' 4 thi(, (o4prising loose stone boulders 9weighing not less than B& ,g: shall be provided beyond (urtain walls for a 4ini4u4 distan(e of 3 4 on upstrea4 side and ) 4 .on downstrea4 side. The wor, of floor prote(tion shall be si4ultaneously (o4pleted along with the wor, on bridge foundations. 50-3* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. 50-4* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT The prote(tion wor,s shall be 4easured as set forth below. If dire(ted by the !ngineer for 4easure4ent, the 4aterials 4ay have to be sta(,ed at site before laying and nothing e@tra will be paid to the Contra(tor for this sta(,ing. The earth wor, in (onstru(tion of e4ban,4ent for guide bund shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres unless otherwise spe(ified. The boulders*(e4ent (on(rete blo(,s and wire (rates in apron shall be 4easured

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in (ubi( 4etres. The filter and stone pit(hing shall be 4easured separately in (ubi( 4etres unless otherwise spe(ified. Rubble stone*(e4ent (on(rete blo(,s, flooring and (e4ent (on(rete bedding shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres for ea(h (lass of 4aterial. Preparation of base for laying the flooring shall be dee4ed in(idental to the wor,. .or laying apron, e@(avation upto an average depth of '5& 44 shall be dee4ed to be in(luded in the 4ain ite4 and shall not be 4easured separately unless otherwise spe(ified. !@(avation 4ore than '5& 44 shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres as given in Clause 3&B. 50,-* RATE The (ontra(t unit rate for the (onstru(tion of e4ban,4ent for guide bund shall (over the (ost of all 4aterials in(luding transportation, laying, (o4pa(ting, all labour, tools, e>uip4ent, sa4pling and testing, supervision and all in(identals ne(essary for (o4pleting the wor, a((ording to these spe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t unit rate for one (ubi( 4etre of finished wor, of aM+ /on shall in(lude the (ost of all 4aterial, labour, tools and plant for (o4pleting the wor, a((ording to above spe(ifi(ations. !@(avation upto an average depth of '5& 44 shall also be dee4ed to be in(luded in the rate as dressing of the bed. !@(avation beyond this depth shall be paid for separately unless otherwise spe(ified. The (ontra(t unit rate for one (ubi( 4etre of filter or stone*(e4ent (on(rete blo(, pit(hing on slopes shall in(lude the (ost of preparing the bases, putting to the profiles, laying and (o4pa(ting the filter and stone pit(hing of dry rubble*(e4ent (on(rete blo(, rivet4ent for e4ban,4ent slopes to the spe(ified thi(,ness, lines, (urves, slopes and levels and all labour and 4aterials as well as tools and plant re>uired for the wor,. The (ontra(t unit rate for rubble stone*(e4ent (on(rete blo(, flooring shall in(lude the (ost of all 4aterial, labour and tools and plant for (o4pleting the wor, as per these spe(ifi(ations.

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EB#!nsion 9oints

51-EB#!nsion 9oints

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51-,* DESCRIPTION This wor, shall (onsist of fabri(ation and pla(ing of e@pansion ?oints as indi(ated on the drawing and (onfor4ing to these spe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 51-5* GENERA+ a: The e@pansion ?oints shall be designed and duly got approved by the !ngineer. It shall (ater for e@pe(ted 4ove4ent and rotation of the stru(ture at the ?oints and provide s4ooth riding surfa(e. It shall also be easy for inspe(tion, 4aintenan(e and repla(e4ent. !@pansion ?oints shall be robust, durable, water+tight and repla(eable. 6ite fabri(ated e@pansion ?oints shall be prohibited. !@pansion ?oints shall be obtained by the !ngineer either dire(tly or through the Contra(tor fro4 approved 4anufa(turers and be of proven type. .or bridges with prestressed (on(rete superstru(ture,. with individual span length 4ore than %& 4 or built with innovative design*(onstru(tion elasto4eri( e@pansion ?oints of slab seal or strip seal type shall be provided. .or slab type of bridges of spans less than '& 4etres (ontinuous surfa(ing 4ay be provided a(ross the e@pansion gaps, supported on a %& 44 thi(, plate pla(ed and fi@ed at the level of the de(, slab. .or bridges other than those 4entioned in 9(: above with spans above '& 4etres, an alternative spe(ifi(ation of sliding steel plate ?oint or filled ?oints with (opper plates 4ay also be adopted if approved by the !ngineer, apart fro4 elasto4eri( e@pansion ?oint of slab seal or strip seal type. Cehi(ular traffi( shall not be allowed over e@pansion ?oints after its (onstru(tion for su(h period as 4ay be deter4ined by the !ngineer. Proprietary type de(, ?oints offered by the Contra(tor in lieu of the type spe(ified shall (o4ply in all respe(ts with the 4anufa(turerKs spe(ifi(ations and 4eet the re>uired range of 4ove4ents and rotations and be fit for the purpose of ensuring satisfa(tory long ter4 perfor4an(e in the bridge.


(: d: e:

f: g:

"here alternative type proprietary de(, ?oints are proposed by the Contra(tor, the following infor4ation shall be provided. 9i: 9ii: 9iii: a4e and lo(ation of the proposed 4anufa(turer. #i4ensions and general details of the ?oint in(luding 4aterial spe(ifi(ations, holding down bolt or an(horage details and installation pro(edures. !viden(e of satisfa(tory perfor4an(e under si4ilar environ4ental (onditions of si4ilar ?oints being produ(ed by the 4anufa(turer.

0ny a((eptan(e of alternative types will be at the sole dis(retion of the !ngineer. 6u(h de(, ?oints shall be installed in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endations and to the general re>uire4ents of this 6pe(ifi(ation. o e@pansion ?oint shall be provided only for the width of the, (arriageway. It shall follow the profile in(luding the ,erb and the footway and fa(ia, if provided. The type of e@pansion ?oint for the latter 4ay be 4ade different fro4 that used for the (arriageway e@pansion ?oint

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51-.* RE>(IREMENTS 51-.*,* The re>uire4ent (riterion will be separately appli(able for the e@pansion ?oint proper and the transition Lone of atta(h4ent to the de(,. 51-.*5* There are two types of perfor4an(e re>uire4ents for the e@pansion ?oint proper viL. fro4 the ne(essity of the bridge and fro4 the road users e.g. 4an, ani4al and vehi(le. 51-.*.* Per or<!n;e ReEuire<ent 'ith Res#e;t to Bri"&es The e@pansion ?oint shall / a: "ithstand the i4posed load in(luding the i4pa(t load fro4 live load and other sour(es. b: 0llow e@pansion and (ontra(tion 4ove4ent due to te4perature, (reep, shrin,age, prestressing and stru(tural defor4ations. (: Per4it relative rotation in elevation and plan due to the (auses as noted above, d: Ee waterproof. Eridge de(, e@pansion ?oint seals play a (riti(al role in preventing the degradation of the stru(tural (o4ponents of the bridge syste4. "ithout effe(tive ?oint seals, water passes through the bridge de(, and wor,s har4fully to (orrode steel (o4ponents find (ause deterioration of the (on(rete. Ra4 water gathers various (orroding additives fro4 the at4osphere and also fro4 the (arriageway. e: !nsure sealing. In (ase bridge de(, ?oints are not sealed, apart fro4 loss of waterproofing, grit and other for4s of road debris 4ay enter the ?oint #ebris, when i4pa(ted with the ?oint (an seriously restri(t the 4ove4ent instead of fa(ilitating the sa4e. In the (ase of proprietary ?oints being a((epted for adoption, the sealing shall be as spe(ified by the4, f: !nsure long life by being resistant to (orrosion, g: Ee easy to install, h: Ee easy to 4aintain. Repla(eability of e@pansion ?oint shall be one of the basi( (riteria for sele(tion of type of e@pansion .?oint, i: Ee resistant to the 4aterials li,ely to (olle(t*spill over the de(, in its nor4al servi(e. 51-.*/* Per or<!n;e ReEuire<ent 'ith Res#e;t to (ser The e@pansion ?oint shall / a: b: (: d: e: f: g: Provide s4ooth (ontinuity at the top of the de(, for riding (o4fort, Ee of s,id resistant surfa(e, Ee non+da4aging to the rubber tyre, Ma,e 4ini4u4 noise during vehi(ular (rossing, !nsure that ani4al paws and hooves should not get entangled where bridges are used by ani4al drawn traffi(, Per4it passing of bullo(, (art steel tyre for bridges where bullo(, (arts ply. $oo, good aestheti(ally.

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51-.*0* Per or<!n;e ReEuire<ent or Tr!nsition Jone It is the Lone of (onne(tion of ?oint asse4bly and the ad?oining de(,. The e@pansion ?oint shall / a: b: Per4it transfer of generated for(es without distress, i.e., without getting uprooted. The purpose will not be served if the bonding is with the wearing (oat only. 0n(horage 4ust be provided with the de(, stru(tural ele4ent, !nsure that surfa(e in the transition Lone stays undisturbed during long ter4 servi(e. 51-/* STEE+ P+ATE S+IDING E8PANSION 9OINTS a: In this type of buried ?oint, the wearing (oat shall be 4ade (ontinuous over the ?oint. The other alternative shall be to ,eep a gap in the wearing (oat whi(h is filled up with a seal and filler, to be provided in e@tre4ely hot areas. Materials for steel plates shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '1&&. The e@posed 4etalli( (o4ponents shall be galvanised or (oated with approved anti+(orrosive paint The thi(,ness shall be %& 44 or so for obtaining satisfa(tory perfor4an(e. Plates shall be pla(ed to the line, grade and e@pansion gap shown on the drawings with any ad?ust4ent re>uired for te4perature, parti(ular (are being ta,en with the top of the plates. Plates shall be fir4ly held in pla(e during (on(reting by 4ethods approved by the !ngineer. 0ny te4porary bolts or other fi@ings whi(h prevent relative 4ove4ent of the ad?a(ent parts of the ?oint shall be re4oved as soon as the (on(rete has set suffi(iently to hold the e@pansion plates in their (orre(t positions. In any (ase., te4porary bolts or other fittings shall be re4oved within ) hours of pla(ing (on(rete unless otherwise dire(ted by the !ngineer. Care shall be ta,en to prevent da4age to e@pansion ?oint plates or its (oating. If any da4age o((urs, the plates and (oatings shall be restored by the Contra(tor to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. Plates shall be free of oil, fast, loose paint or other si4ilar 4aterial before (oating.



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51-0* FI++ER 9OINTS a: The (o4ponents of this type of ?oint shall be at least % 44 thi(, (orrugated (opper plate pla(ed slightly below the wearing (oat, %& 44 thi(, (o4pressible fibre board to prote(t the edges, %& 44 thi(, pre+4oulded ?oint filter filling the gap upto the top level of the wearing (oat,

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g: h: i: ?:

sealed with a ?oint sealing (o4pound. The 4aterial used for filling e@pansion ?oint shall be bitu4en i4pregnated felt, elasto4er or any other suitable 4aterial, as spe(ified on the drawings. I4pregnated, felt shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of I6/ '-3-, and shall be got approved fro4 the !ngineer. The ?oint filler shall (onsist of Arge pie(es and asse4bly of s4all pie(es to 4a,e up the re>uired siLe shall be avoided. !@pansion ?oint 4aterials shall be handled with (are and stored under (over by the Contra(tor to prevent da4age. 0ny da4age o((urring after delivery shall be 4ade good to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer and at the e@pense of the Contra(tor. 8oint gaps shall be (onstru(ted as shown on the drawings. 6urfa(es ?oint grooves shall be thoroughly (leaned with a wire brush to re4ove all loose 4aterials and dirt and debris, then washed or ?etted out. Pre+4oulded e@pansion ?oint filler shall not be pla(ed in position until i44ediately prior to the pla(ing of the abutting 4aterial. If the two ad?a(ent surfa(es of the ?oint are to be pla(ed at different ti4es, this type of ?oint filler shall not be pla(ed until the se(ond fa(e is about to be pla(ed. 6ealants shall be installed in a((ordan(e with the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endations and all appropriate re>uire4ents for ?oint fa(e pri4ing. 6ealants snail be finished appro@i4ately 3 44 below the upper surfa(es of the ?oint 8oint 4aterials spilt or splashed onto finished surfa(es of the bridge during ?oint filling operations shall be re4oved and the surfa(es 4ade good to the !ngineerKs approval. o ?oint shall be sealed until inspe(ted by the !ngineer and approval is given to pro(eed with the wor,.

51-1* E+ASTOMER,C S+AB SEA+ E8PANSION 9OINT 51-1*,* M!teri!:s a: b: 6teel inserts shall (onfor4 to I6/%%). Ase of any other 4aterials li,e fibre+ glass or si4ilar 4aterial shall not be per4itted. !lasto4er for elasto4eri( slab unit 9!6A: shall (onfor4 to (lause 1' 6.I of IRC/-3 9Pan II:, (o4pounded to give hardness 'RH# )& 0") sub?e(t to the following additional stipulations / i: Chloroprene 9CR: only shall be used in the 4anufa(ture of elasto4eri( e@pansion ?oints. o re(lai4ed*natural rubber or vul(aniLed wastes shall be used. ii: The (hloroprene 4aterial used in the 4anufa(ture of elasto4eri( 9e@pansion ?oints: shall be eoprene "RT, Eayprene ''&. 6,yprene E5 or #en,a 6+B&C. iii: Chloroprene (ontent of the (o4pound shall not be lower than )& per (ent by weight The ash (ontent shall not e@(eed 5 pr (ent 9as per tests

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(: d: e: f:

(ondu(ted in a((ordan(e with 06TM #+%12 for 9i: and 9ii: above. iv: !P.#M and other si4ilar (andidate elasto4ers for e@pansion ?oints shall not be per4itted. !lasto4eri( plugs. 6pa(er Jbars, 4ar,ed with (entre to (entre distan(e of fi@ing holes. .i@ing bolls and nuts 4ade of stainless steel. 0n(hor bars (o4prising hoo,ed an(hor stiffeners welded with lower steel inserts and sinusoidal an(hor bars welded with horiLontal leg of the edge steel inserts. The elaborate an(horing arrange4ents of steel inserts shall be per4anently welded* tied with the steel reinfor(e4ent

51-1*5* F!?ri;!tion a: b: (: d: 6teel inserts shall be grit blasted and provided with epo@y paint !dges of reinfor(ing steel se(tions shall be rounded. !@pansion ?oints shall be fully 4oulded to the re>uired siLe in one single vul(anising operation in(luding the en(asing layers as integral and ho4ogeneous part Toleran(es of fabri(ation shall be as follows / i: Plan di4ension +[ N 5 44 ii: Total height +[ N 3 44

51-1*.* Su##:y !n" %!n":in& i: The Contra(tor shall supply all steel+reinfor(ed elasto4eri( e@pansion ?oints in(luding bolts, nuts, sealant, plugs and all other a((essories for the effe(tive installation of the ?oints in(luding angled ?ointing se(tions for ,erbs. ii: !@pansion ?oint 4aterial shell be handled with (are and stored under (over by the Contra(tor to prevent da4age. 0ny da4age o((urring after delivery shall be 4ade good at the e@pense of the Contra(tor to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 51-1*/* Inst!::!tion 51-1*/*,* !@pansion ?oints shall be installed as per approved drawing. 6teel inserts, spa(er bars, (on(reting of po(,ets, fi@ing of elasto4er slab unit and presetting, et(., shall be done as per the following/ a: 6teel Inserts i: #e(, (asting shall be done leaving po(,ets or re(ess for steel inserts and an(hors of the e@pansion ?oint as per drawing. ii: 6teel inserts shall be lowered at the appropriate lo(ation inside the po(,et. iii: The top of the insert shall be flush with the finished level of wearing (ourse 4aintaining the (a4ber. iv: 6pa(er bars, duly set appropriately to the 4onth of installation, shall be fitted under proper supervision. v: 0n(hor rods shall be tied*welded with the (utting de(, 4ain reinfor(e4ent, 4aintaining level and align4ent. vi: "elding between an(hor rods and de(, reinfor(e4ent is preferable. If

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welding is not possible, strong steel tie wires shall be used .for fastening, under proper supervision. b: 6pa(er Ear i: 6pa(er bars shall be used to ensure proper positioning of bolts and also levelling of the steel inserts during fi@ing of the sa4e with the de(, reinfor(e4ent and (asting se(ond stage (on(reting in the po(,et thereafter. ii: The %nd stage (on(reting operation shall preferably be started within %B hours of fi@ing the steel inserts. In su(h (ases, spa(er bars should be re4oved ?ust after (on(reting is finished. If there is a substantial ti4e lag between fi@ing of inserts and (on(reting, then any one of the following 4ethods shall be adopted, depending on the support (ondition / a: .or si4ply supported bridge resting on si4ple elasto4eri( bearings, 9with no dowel pins:, insert shall be pla(ed in position with spa(er bars at every alternate ?oints. 6u(h ?oints shall be (alled restrained ?oints hereafter. In other words, inserts shall not be fi@ed si4ultaneously at two ends of one span. If the above (ondition is satisfied, inserts with spa(er bars shall be ,ept in position for a substantially longer period at su(h restrained ?oints. 6pa(er bars shall be re4oved after (on(reting of su(h restrained ?oints and inserts pla(ed in position with spa(er bars at the other unrestrained ?oints thereafter. b: .or bridges resting on other than elasto4eri( bearings 9in(luding bearings with dowel pinM al one end:, after pla(ing and aligning the inserts and se(uring the sa4e, the spa(er bars stall be re4oved Con(reting shall be done with great (are so that inserts are not dislo(ated or distorted. iii: "hile re4oving the spa(er bar after (on(reting, one 4ust ta,e (are to see that the (on(rete is not da4aged daring withdrawal of spa(er bar. If the spa(er bar happens to be snugly filled, it shall not be pulled by any 4eansM it shall be gas (ut in two pie(es and then re4oved. Con(reting of Po(,et i: Con(reting of po(,et shall be done with great (are using proper 4i@ (onfor4ing to grade si4ilar to that of the de(, (asting besides ensuring effi(ient bonding between de(, and steel insert. 0lso proper (are shall be given for ensuring effi(ient bonding with the already (ast (on(rete. ii: eedle vibrators shall be used. Care shall be ta,en so that the position of steel insert is not disturbed during vibration. iii: 6pa(er bar shall be re4oved within an appropriate ti4e before the ?oint is re>uired to per4it 4ove4ent. .i@ing of !lasto4eri( 6lab Anit 9!6A: i: 6pe(ial ?ig shall be used to preset the !6A during installation ii: !6A 94ourned an the ?ig. if preset: shall be lowered to position. iii: The line and level on the !6A should be ad?usted. iv: !6A shall be re4oved and (oated with spe(ial adhesive v: !6A shall be pla(ed in position again, ensuring waterproof ?oining at re>uired fa(es.



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vi: !6A shall be tightened with stainless steel nuts and lo(, washers in position. Tightened nuts shall be lo(,ed with lo(, washers. vii: 6pe(ial sealant shall be poured inside the plug holes. viii: The elasto4eri( plugs shall be pressed in .position after applying adhesive on the appropriate surfa(e. i@: !6A shall be fitted in position after (o4pletion of wearing (ourse. "hile (o4pleting this pan of the wearing (ourse, ade>uate (are shall be ta,en to ensure a waterproof, ?oining with the already e@isting wearing (ourse. e: Pre+6etting i: The 4ain purpose of presetting of the steel inserts at the ti4e of its installation is to ensure as (losely as possible the (ondition that in the long run at the 4ean average annual te4perature, the !6A re4ains at its no4inal state. ii: Ma?or fa(tors responsible for (hanging the longitudinal length of the bridge superstru(ture are indi(ated below / a: Te4perature variation fro4 annual 4ean. b: Changes due to shrin,age of (on(rete. (: Changes due to elasti( shortening and (reep of the prestressed bridge superstru(ture. d: #efor4ation of superstru(ture and substru(ture, if any. Resultant (hanges in e@pansion gap due to first fa(tor (an o((ur in both dire(tions fro4 any pre+sele(ted 4ean position whereas (hanges due to (reep and shrin,age are unidire(tional su(h that die e@pansion gap (ontinuously in(reases with passage of li4e. The steel insert unit of e@pansion ?oint (an be fi@ed in any 4onth of the year. 0s stated earlier, the e@pansion gap between bridge superstru(ture 4ay vary fro4 ti4e to ti4eM hen(e the initial fi@ing distan(e between fi@ing points will obviously depend on the 4onth of installation of steel insert. The (*( distan(e between stainless steel fi@ing of bolts as indi(ated in the drawing (an be ta,en as only no4inal. The sa4e shall be 4odified by presetting depending on / 9i: 9ii: The differen(e between the 4ean te4perature of the 4onth of fi@ing of steel insert and the annual average te4perature. The elapsed period between the (asting and*or prestressing and fi@ing of steel insert for (al(ulating the re4nant (reep and shrin,age.

51-1*/*5 S#e;i!: reEuire<ents or inst!::!tion i: Prior to (onstru(tion of bridge de(, area ad?a(ent to the ?oint, the supplier shall provide detailed wor,ing drawings ;6howing the lo(ation of all bolts, re(esses and holes ne(essary for the installation of the ?oint. Reinfor(ing bars in superstru(ture shall be a4ended as re>uired to ensure that there will be no interferen(e in the installation of the ?oint. ii: 0ll bearing surfa(es and re(esses whi(h are in (onta(t with the ?oint asse4bly shall be (he(,ed with a straight edge to ensure flatness of profile. iii: o holes shall be drilled for fi@ing bolts within 2 days of (on(reting. Holes for

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the bolts shall be drilled to the siLe and depth shown on the drawings. iv: 6e(tions of the ?ointing 4a,ing the (o4pleted ?oint shall follow a straight line. v: The fi@ing boltI shall not be pla(ed in a position until at least B wee,s after stressing is (o4pleted in post+tensioned bo@ or bea4 and slab stru(tures. Prior to pla(ing se(tions of ?ointing, (onta(t surfa(es shall be (leaned to re4ove all grease, tar, paint, oil, 4ud or any other foreign 4aterial that 4ay affe(t adhesion of the sealant. vi: 6ealant shall only be applied to dry (onta(t surfa(es. 6uffi(ient sealant shall be applied '& the (onta(t surfa(es to (ause e@trusion of sealant when the ?ointing is fi@ed in position. vii: .inal sealing of the finished e@pansion ?oint shall be (o4pleted i44ediately after (o4pletion of installation. 0ll e@posed ends, ?oints between units and other areas of possible lea,age shall be filled with sealant. 0ll voids between the sides of the ?ointing and (on(rete or plates shall be filled with sealant. viii: Eolt (avities shall be (leaned and plugged with neoprene (avity plugs. Prior to pla(ing the plugs suffi(ient sealant shall be pla(ed in the (avities to (ause e@trusion of the sealant by the plugs. i@: 0ll e@(ess sealant shall be re4oved fro4 the ?ointing and ad?a(ent areas. 51-1*0* A;;e#t!n;e Test 51-1*0*,* 0s per (lause 1'-.2 of IRC+-3 9Part II:, ne(essary >uality (ontrol (ertifi(ation by the 4anufa(turer in regard to properties of !lasto4er and steel will be furnished. .or severe environ4ent, oLone resistan(e test as per (lause 1'5.%.3 of IRC/-3 9Part II:, shall be (arried out for elasto4er. The properties ofK the elasto4er shall (onfor4 to Table ' of (lause 1'5.% of IRC/-3 9Part II:. The a((eptan(e testing for elasto4er 4aterial shall (onfor4 to (lause 1'-.B.'.% of IRC/-3 9Part II: with additional (riteria as stated in Clause %&&5. 51-1*0*5* The fabri(ated e@pansion ?oint shall be sub?e(ted to the following a((eptan(e tests / i: Routine test. !a(h e@pansion ?oint shall be tested for at least '&& (y(les for a test 4ove4ent whi(h shall be '& per (ent 4ore than the design e@pansion* (ontra(tion 4ove4ent. ii: In addition to routine test, one out of every %& e@pansion ?oints shall be sub?e(ted to the test 4ove4ent for B&&& (y(les. The lot shall be re?e(ted if the elasto4er 4aterial shows signs of fatigue or per4anent set or distress in the test The test pie(e shall not be used in Jdie bridge. iii: The type test for abrasion resistan(e shall be (arried out for one ?oint out of every %& nos. as per '5/3B&& 9Part 3: and the standard deviation shall be within N %& per (ent N*B* The 4anufa(turer shall preferably have in+house testing fa(ility. 7therwise, the testing shall be got done by hi4 at his e@pense at any testing establish4ent sele(ted

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by the !ngineer. 0 4anufa(turer who (annot (arry out the a((eptan(e test shall not be entitled to supply elasto4eri( slab seal ?oint 51-2* STRIP SEA+ E8PANSION 9OINT 51-2*,* Co<#onents

6trip seal e@pansion ?oint shall (o4prise the following ite4s / i: !dge bea4s + This spe(ial (law leg profiled 4e4ber shall be of e@truded rolled steel se(tion (o4bining good weldability with not(h toughness. ii: 6trip seal + This shall be of (hloroprene with high tear strength, insensitive to oil, gasoline, and oLone. It shall have high resistan(e to aging. This (o4ponent, provided to ensure water tightness, shall have bulbous shape of the pan of the seal whi(h is inserted into the groove, provided in the edge bea4. The seal should be vul(anised in single operation for 4ini4u4 full length of ?oint. iii: Rigid 0n(horage + This shall be welded to the edge bea4 at staggered distan(e. iv: 0n(hor loops + This shall be 4ade of weldable steel (onne(ting the rigid an(horage with, de(, reinfor(e4ent 51-2*5* M!teri!: a: !dge bea4s of this spe(ial se(tion are at present being dire(tly i4ported in India. The steel shall (onfor4 to steel grade Rst 32+% of Ger4an 6tandard or e>uivalent. b: Chloroprene of strip seal shall (onfor4 to (lause 1'5.' of RC/-3 9Pan II:. The properties of (hloroprene shall (onfor4 to Table %)&&+' (: 0n(horage steel shall (onfor4 to I6/%&)' d: 0n(hor loop shall (onfor4 to '3/%&)%. TAB+E 51--7,* STRIP SEA+ E+EMENT SPECIFICATION 6(aling ele4ent is 4ade of (hloroprene and 4ust be a e@truded se(tion. The wor,ing 4ove4ent range of the sealing ele4ent shall be at least -& nun with a 4a@i4u4 of '&& 44 at right angles to the ?oint and NB& 44 parallel to the ?oint PR7P!RTF Hardness Tensile 6trength !longation at fra(ture Tear Propagation 6trength $ongitudinal Transverse 6ho(, !lasti(ity 6P!CI.I!# C0$A! )3N5 6hore 0 Min '' MPa Min 35& per (ent M4 '& *44 Min '& *44 Min %5 per (ent

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0brasion Residual Co4pressive 6train 9%% h*2& deg C*3& per (ent strain: 0geing in hot air 9'B days*2& deg C: Change in hardness Change in tensile strength Change in elongation at fra(ture 0geing in oLone 9%B h*5&pph4*%5 deg C*%& per (ent strain: 6welling behaviour in 7il 9'') h*%5 per (ent D 06TM 7il no. Colu4e Change Change in hardness 06TM 7il no.3 Colu4e Change Change in hardness Cold Hardening Point

Min %%& 443 Ma@ %- per (ent Ma@ \5 6hore 0 Ma@ +%& per (ent Ma@ +%& per (ent o (ra(,s

Ma@ 5 per (ent Ma@ '& 6hore 0 Ma@ %5 per (ent Ma@ %& 6hore 0 Min +35 deg C

51-2.* F!?ri;!tion (Pre7inst!::!tion) a: Rolled steel profiles for edge bea4s shall be long enough to (ater for a %+ lane (arriageway. These shall be (ut to siLe of a(tual re>uire4ents by 4eant of a 4etre bo@ saw. 0lign4ent of the (ut+to+siLe steel profiles shall then be 4ade in a((ordan(e with the a(tual bridge (ross+se(tion on wor, tablet. .or this purpose, the (ontour of bridge (ross+se(tion shall be s,et(hed onto these tables. 0fter the steel profiles are aligned, they will be (hu(,ed to the tables by 4eans of s(rew (la4ps and ta(,ed by ar( welding. 0n(hor plates shall be (ut to the re>uired siLe by gat (utting. These shall be welded to the edge bea4s. 0n(hor loops shall be bent to the re>uired shape and welded to an(hor plates. The finally asse4bled ?oints shall then be (la4ped and transported to the wor, site.

b: (: d:

51-2*/* %!n":in& !n" Stor!&e a: b: (: .or transportation and storage, au@iliary bra(,ets shall be provided to hold the ?oint asse4bly together. The 4anufa(turer shall supply either dire(tly to the !ngineer . or to the Eridge Contra(tor all the 4aterials of strip seal ?oints in(luding sealants and all other a((essories for the effe(tive installation of the ?ointing. !@pansion ?oint 4aterial shall be handled with (are. It shall be stored under (over on suitable lu4ber padding by the Contra(tor to prevent da4age. 0ny da4age o((urring after delivery shall be 4ade good at the Eridge

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Contra(torKs e@pense to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 51-2*0* Inst!::!tion 51-2*0*,* The width of the gap to (ater for 4ove4ent due to ther4al effe(t, prestress, shrin,age and (reep, superstru(ture defor4ations 9if any: and sub+stru(ture defor4ations 9if any: shall be deter4ined and inti4ated to the 4anufa(turer. #epending upon the te4perature at whi(h the ?oint is li,ely to be installed, the gap di4ension shall be preset. 51-2*0*5* Ta,ing the width of gap for 4ove4ent of the ?oint into a((ount, the di4ensions of the re(ess in the de(,ing shall be established in a((ordan(e with the drawings or design data of the 4anufa(turer. The surfa(es of the re(ess shall be thoroughly (leaned and all din and debris re4oved. The e@posed reinfor(e4ent shall be suitably ad?usted to per4it unobstru(ted lowering of the ?oint into the re(ess. 51-2*0*.* The re(ess shall be shuttered in su(h a way that di4ensions in the ?oint drawing are 4aintained. The for4wor, shall be tight. 51-2*0*/* I44ediately prior to pla(ing the ?oint, the presetting shall be inspe(ted. 6hould the a(tual te4perature of the stru(ture be different fro4 the te4perature provided for presetting, (orre(tion of the presetting shall be done. 0fter ad?ust4ent, the bra(,ets shall be tightened again. 51-2*0*0* The ?oint shall be lowered in a pre+deter4ined position. .ollowing pla(e4ent, of the ?oint in the prepared re(ess, the ?oint shall be levelled and finally aligned and the an(hor loops on one side of the ?oint welded to the e@posed reinfor(e4ent bars of the stru(ture. Apon (o4pletion, the sa4e pro(edure shall be followed for the other side of the ?oint. "ith the e@pansion ?oint finally held at both sides, the au@iliary bra(,ets shall be released, allowing the ?oint to ta,e up the 4ove4ent of the stru(ture. 51-2*0*1* High >uality (on(rete shall then be filled into the re(ess. The pa(,ing (on(rete 4ust feature low shrin,age and have the sa4e strength as that of the superstru(ture, but in any (ase not less than M 35 grade. Good (o4pa(tion and (areful (uring of (on(rete is parti(ularly i4portant. 0fter die (on(rete has (ured, the 4ovable installation bra(,ets still in pla(e shall be re4oved. 51-2*0*2* Rolled up neoprene strip seal shall be (ut into the re>uired length and inserted between the edge bea4s by using a (row bar pushing the bulb of the seal into the steel grooves of the edge bea4s. 0 landing to a bead shall be for4ed in the thi(,ened end of the edges of the seaQ whi(h would for(e the thi(,ened end against the steel bea4 due to wedge effe(t when the strip seal is buttoned in pla(e. 51-2*0*3* 0s soon as the (on(rete in the re(ess has be(o4e initially set, a sturdy ra4p shall be pla(ed over the ?oint to prote(t the e@posed steel bea4s and neoprene seals fro4 site traffi(. !@pansion ?oint shall not be e@posed to traffi( loading before the (arriageway surfa(ing is pla(ed. 51-2*0*4* The (arriageway surfa(ing shall be finished flush with the top of the

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steel se(tions. The a(tual ?un(tion of the surfa(ing*wearing (oat with the steel edge se(tion shall be for4ed by a wedge shaped ?oint with a sealing (o4pound. The horiLontal leg of the edge bea4 shall be (leaned beforehand. It is parti(ularly i4portant to ensure thorough and (areful (o4pa(tion of the surfa(ing in order to prevent any pre4ature depression for4ing in it. A;;e#t!n;e Test 9i: 0ll steel ele4ents shell be finished with (onfor4 (orrosion prote(tion syste4. 9ii: .or neoprene seat, the a((eptan(e test shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4entQ stipulated in Table %)&&+'. It shall also be stret(h tested. If a 4anufa(turer is to supply this type of ?oint, they will have to produ(e a test (ertifi(ate a((ordingly (ondu(ted in a re(ognised laboratory, in India or abroad. 9iii: In view of the i4portan(e of the built up edge bea4I, spe(ial investigation of fatigue strength of this se(tion with an(horages to withstand %@'&I load (hange (y(les without showing signs of da4age, will be re>uired. The supplier shall have to produ(e a test (ertifi(ate in this regard, (ondu(ted in a re(ognised laboratory, in India or abroad. 9iv: The 4anufa(turer shall produ(e test (ertifi(ates indi(ating that an(horage syste4 had been tested in a re(ognised laboratory to deter4ine opti4u4 (onfiguration of an(horage asse4bly under dyna4i( bating. 9v: The 4anufa(turer shall satisfy the !ngineer that water tightness test for the type of ?oint has been (arried out in a re(ognised laboratory to (he(, the water tightness trader a water pressure of B bars. 9vi: 0s strip seal type of ?oint if spe(ialised in nature generally of the proprietary type, the 4anufa(turer shall be re>uired to produ(e eviden(e of satisfa(tory perfor4an(e of this type of ?oint. 51-3* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these spe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these spe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. 51-4* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT The e@pansion ?oint shall be 4easured in running 4etres. .or filled ?oints, the rate per running 4etre shall in(lude the (ost of sealant for the depth provided in this drawing. 51,-* RATE The (ontra(t unit rate shall in(lude the (ost of all 4aterial, labour, e>uip4ent and other in(idental (harges for fi@ing the ?oints (o4plete in all respe(ts as per these spe(ifi(ations in the (ase of Eridge Contra(tor supplying the e@pansion ?oint. If the 4anufa(turer supplies the e@pansion ?oint dire(tly to the !ngineer, the (ost of installation, handling and fi@ing shall be borne by the Eridge Contra(tor.

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We!rin& Co!t !n" A##urten!n;es

52-We!rin& Co!t !n" A##urten!n;es

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52-,* DESCRIPTION This wor, shall in(lude wearing (oat and bridge appurtenan(es su(h as railing, approa(h slab, drainage spouts, weep notes in (onfor4ity with details shown on the drawing and these spe(ifi(ations or as approved by the !ngineer. 52-, WEARING COAT 52-5*,* Bitu<inous We!rin& Co!t 6pe(ifi(ations for bitu4inous (on(rete*bitu4en 4asti( in wearing (oat shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion 5&& e@(ept for the spe(ial re>uire4ents as stated hereinafter. 52-5*,*,* Prin(iples of bitu4inous wearing (oat shall (o4prise the following / 9i: 0 layer of 4asti( asphalt, ) 44 thi(, after applying a pri4e (oat over the top of the de(, before the wearing (oat is laid. The pri4e (oat and the layer of 4asti( asphalt shall be laid as per Clauses 5&3 and 5'6 respe(tively. 9ii: 5& 44 thi(, asphalti( (on(rete wearing (oat in two layers of %5 44 ea(h as per Clause 5'% in (ase of high rainfall intensity areas, the thi(,ness of 4asti( asphalt layer 4ay be in(reased to '% 44. 52-5*,*5* .or high traffi( density, an alternative spe(ifi(ation for wearing (ourse (o4prising B& 44 bitu4inous (on(rete overlaid with %5 44 thi(, bitu4en 4asti( layer (an be adopted. The wor, shall be done in (onfor4ity with 6e(tion 5&&. 52-5*5* Ce<ent Con;rete We!rin& Co!t Ce4ent (on(rete wearing (oat 4ay be provided in (ase of isolated bridge (onstru(tion or bridges lo(ated in re4ote areas. It .shall not be laid 4onolithi( with the de(,. The thi(,ness of wearing (oat shall be 25 44. The 4ini4u4 grade of (on(rete shall be M 3& with water (e4ent ratio as &.B. Curing of wearing (oat earlier than what is generally re>uired 4ay be resorted to, so as to avoid for4ation of shrin,age (ra(,s in hot weather. 0ll (arriageway and footpath surfa(es shall have non+s,id (hara(teristi(s. The (ross slope in the de(, shall be ,ept as %.5 per (ent for de(,s, level in longitudinal profile. 52-5*.* .or per4itted. providing (ross (a4ber no variation in thi(,ness of (oat shall be 52-.* RAI+INGS

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52-.*,* Gener!: a: b: Eridge railing in(ludes the portion of the stru(ture ere(ted on and above the ,erb for the prote(tion of pedestrians and traffi( Railings shall not be (onstru(ted until the (entering falsewor, for die span has been released and die span is self+supporting. .or (on(rete with steel reinfor(e4ent, spe(ifi(ations of the ite4s of (ontrolled (on(rete and reinfor(e4ent 4entioned under relevant se(tions of this spe(ifi(ations shall be appli(able. The type of railing shall be (arefully ere(ted true to line and grade. Posts shall be verti(al with a toleran(e not to e@(eed ) 44 in 3 4etres. The po(,ets left for posts shall be filled up with non+shrin,able 4ortar. The type of railing to be (onstru(ted shall be u shown on the drawings. Care shall be e@er(ised in asse4bling e@pansion ?oints in the railings to ensure that they fun(tion property. The bridge railings shall be a4enable to >ui(, repairs. Railing 4aterials, parti(ularly 4etal railings, shall be handled and stored with (are, so that the 4aterial tad pans ar( ,ept (lean and free fro4 da4age. Railing 4aterials shall be stored above the ground on platfor4s, s,ids, or other supports and ,ept free fro4 grease, din and other (onta4inants.

(: d: e: f: g:

0ny 4aterial whi(h is lost, stolen or da4aged after delivery shall be repla(ed or repaired by the Contra(tor. Methods of repair shall not da4age the 4aterial or prote(tive (oating. 52-.*5* Met!: R!i:in&s Materials, fabri(ation, transportation, ere(tion and painting for bridge railings snail (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of se(tion '1&&. 0ll (o4plete steel rail ele4ents, pipe ter4inal se(tions, posts, bolts, nuts, hardware and other steel fittings shall be galvanised or painted with an approved paint. If galvanised, all ele4ents of the railing shall be free fro4 abrasions, rough or sharp edges, and shall not be ,in,ed, twisted or bent If straightening is ne(essary, it shall be done by 4ethods approved by the !ngineer. #a4aged galvanised surfa(es, edges of holes and ends of steel railing (ut after galvanising shall be (leaned and re+galvanised. The railing shall be (arefully ad?usted prior to fi@ing in pla(e to ensure proper 4at(hing at abutting ?oints and (orre(t align4ent and (a4ber throughout their length/ Moles for field (onne(tions shall be drilled with the railing in pla(e in the stru(ture at proper grade and align4ent. Anless otherwise spe(ified on the drawings, 4etal railing shall be given one shop (oat of paint and three (oats of paint after ere(tion if se(tions are not galvanised. Railings shall not follow any irregularity in the align4ent of the de(,. "hen

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shown on the drawings, the rail ele4ents shall be (urved before ere(tion. 52-..* C!st7in7Situ Con;rete R!i:in&s The portion of the railing or parapet whi(h is to be (ast in pla(e shall be (onstru(ted in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents for 6tru(tural Con(rete in 6e(tion '2&&. The reinfor(e4ent shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion ')&&. .or4s shall either be of single width boards or shall be lined with suitable 4aterial duly approved by the !ngineer. .or4 ?oints in plane surfa(es will not be per4itted. 0ll 4ouldings, panel wor, and bevel strips shall be (onstru(ted a((ording to the details shown on the drawings. 0ll (orners in the finished wor, shall be true, sharp and (lean+(ut and shall be free fro4 (ra(,s, spalls or other defe(ts. Casting of posts shall be done in single pour. 52-.*/* Pre;!st Con;rete R!i:in&s Pre(ast 4e4bers for railings shall be of reinfor(ed (e4ent (on(rete and shall (onfor4 to the spe(ifi(ations given in 6e(tions ')&& and '2&&. The 4a@i4u4 siLe of the aggregate shall be li4ited to '% 44 and the (on(rete grade shall be M 3&. The pre(ast 4e4bers shall be re4oved fro4 the 4oulds as soon as pra(ti(able and shall be ,ept da4p for a period of at least '& days. #uring this period they shall be prote(ted fro4 sun and wind. 0ny pre(ast 4e4ber that be(o4es (hipped, 4arred or (ra(,ed before or during the pro(ess of pla(ing shall be re?e(ted. 6pe(ial (are shall be ta,en to wat(h the surfa(e of the (ast+in+situ portion of the de(,. 52-/* APPROAC% S+AB Reinfor(ed (on(rete approa(h slab (overing the entire width of the roadway shall be provided as per details given or. the drawings or as approved by the !ngineer. Mini4u4 length of approa(h slab shall be ." 4 and 4ini4u4 thi(,ness 3&& 44. The (e4ent (on(rete and reinfor(e4ent shall (onfor4 to 6e(tions '2&& and ')&& respe(tively. The base for the approa(h slab shall be as shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 52-0* DRAINAGE SPO(TS 52-0*,* This wor, shall (onsist of furnishing and fi@ing in position of drainage spouts and drainage pipes for bridge de(,s. #rainage along longitudinal dire(tion shall be ensured by suffi(ient nu4ber of drainage fi@tures e4bedded in the de(, slab. The spouts shall be of not less than '&& 44 in dia4eter and shall be of (orrosive resistant 4aterial su(h as galvanised steel with suitable (lean+out fi@tures. The spa(ing of drainage spouts shall not e@(eed '& 4. The dis(harge fro4 drainage spout shall be ,ept away fro4 the de(, stru(ture. In (ase of viadu(ts in urban areas, the drainage spouts should be (onne(ted with suitably lo(ated pipelines to dis(harge the surfa(e run+off to drains provided at ground level.

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52-0*5* F!?ri;!tion The drainage asse4bly shall be fabri(ated to the di4ensions shown on the drawingsM all 4aterials shall be (orrosion resistantM steel (o4ponents shall be of 4ild steel (onfor4ing to '5/%%). The drainage asse4bly shall be sea4 welded for water tightness and then hot+dip galvanised. 52-0*.* P:!;e<ent The galvanised asse4bly shall be given two (oats of bitu4inous painting before pla(e4ent. The whole asse4bly shall be pla(ed in true position, lines and levels as shown in the drawing with ne(essary (ut+out in the shuttering for de(, slab and held in pla(e fir4ly. "here the reinfor(e4ents of the de(, are re>uired to be (ut, e>uivalent reinfor(e4ents shall be pla(ed at the (orners of the asse4bly. 52-0*/* Finishin& 0fter setting of the de(, slab (on(rete, the shrin,age (ra(,s around the asse4bly shall be totally sealed with polysulphide sealant or bitu4inous sealant as per I6/ '-3B and the e@(ess sealant tri44ed to re(eive the wearing (oat 0fter the wearing (oat is (o4pleted, si4ilar sealant shall be finished to (over at least 67 44 on the wearing (oat surfa(e all round the drainage asse4bly. 52-1* WEEP %O+E "eep holes shall be provided in solid plain (on(rete*reinfor(ed (on(rete, bri(,*stone 4asonry, abut4ent, wing wall and return walls as shown .on the drawing or dire(ted by the !ngineer to drive 4oisture fro4 the ba(, filling. "eep holes shall be provided with '&& 44 dia 0C pipe for stru(tures in plain*reinfor(ed (on(rete or bri(, 4asonry. In (ase of stone 4asonry, weep holes shall be -& 44 wide, '5& 44 high or (ir(ular with '5&44 dia4eter. "eep holes shall e@tend through the full width of (on(rete*4asonry with slope of about ' verti(al/%& horiLontal towards the draining fa(e. The spa(ing of weep holes shall generally be '4 in either dire(tion or as shown in the drawing with the lowest at about '5& 44 above the low water level or ground level whi(hever is higher or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 52-2* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e 52-3* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT The 4easure4ent for pay4ent for wearing (oat, railings and approa(h slab shall be 4ade as given below / 9i: Ce4ent (on(rete wearing (oat shall he 4easured in (ubi( 4etres. 0sphalti( (on(rete wearing (oat shall be 4easured in s>uare 4etres. 9ii: Railings shall be 4easured in running 4etres.

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9iii: 0pproa(h slab and its base shall be 4easured separately in (ubi( 4etres. 9iv: #rainage spouts shall be 4easured in nu4bers. 9v: "eep holes in (on(rete*bri(, 4asonry stru(ture shall be 4easured in nu4bers. .or stru(tures in stone 4asonry, weep holes shall be dee4ed to be in(luded in the ite4 of stone 4asonry wor, and shall not be 4easured separately. 52-4* RATE The (ontra(t unit rate for wearing (oat shall in(lude the (ost of all labour, 4aterial, tools and plant and other (ost ne(essary far (o4pletion of the wor, as per these 6pe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t unit rate of railings shall in(lude the (ost of all labour 4aterial, tools and plant re>uired for (o4pleting the wor, as, per these 6pe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t unit rate for approa(h slab shall in(lude the (ost of all labour, 4aterial, tools and plant re>uired for (o4pleting the wor, as per these 6pe(ifi(ations. The rate for base shall in(lude (ost of all labour, 4aterial, tools and plant re>uired, in(luding preparation of surfa(e and (onsolidation (o4plete .in all respe(ts. The (ontra(t unit rate for ea(h drainage spout shall in(lude the (ost of all labour, 4aterial, tools and plant re>uired forK (o4pleting the wor, as per these 6pe(ifi(ations. It shall also in(lude the (ost of providing flow drain pipes with all fi@tures upto the point of ground drains wherever shown on the drawings. The (ontra(t unit rate for weep hole shall in(lude the (ost of all labour, 4aterial, tools and plant re>uired for (o4pleting the wor, as per these 6pe(ifi(ations.

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Re#!ir o Stru;tures

53-Re#!ir o Stru;tures

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53-,* DESCRIPTION Repair of stru(tures shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e with the repair +plans and these spe(ifi(ations or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. "here Wrepair wor, is not (overed by these spe(ifi(ations, spe(ial spe(ifi(ation 4ay be fra4ed. I4ple4entation of repair s(he4es shall also (onfor4 to provisions 7f IRC/6P/B&. 53-5* 53-5*,* Environ<ent!: As#e;t Care shall be ta,en to ensure suitable 4itigation 4easures against noise and dust, pollution and da4ages to the environs whether te4porary or per4anent and shall be ta,en as in(idental to wor,. 53-5*5* Ph!sin& The se>uen(e of wor, shall be in a((ordan(e with the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 53-5*.* Tr! i; M!n!&e<ent Traffi( 4anage4ent, signage, signalling arrange4ent, barri(ading, and lighting arrange4ent shall be in a((ordan(e with 6e(tion '&& and with these spe(ifi(ations and shall be (onsidered as in(identals to wor,. 53-5*/* S! ety Pre;!utions 0de>uate pre(autions shall be ta,en for safety of personnel, road users and e@isting servi(es, whi(h, during e@e(ution, shall be (onsidered as in(identals to wor,. Persons wor,ing should wear safety hel4ets and rubber gloves. 53-5*0* Dis<!nt:in& !n" Re<ov!: o M!teri!: #is4antling of any bridge (o4ponent and re4oval of 4aterials shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion %&& and this se(tion and as shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. 53-.* SEA+ING OF CRACKS B6 IN9ECTION OF EPO86 RESIN 53-.*,* Gener!: The wor, of epo@y adhesive utilising the 6tru(tural Con(rete Eonding Pro(ess shall (onfor4 to these spe(ifi(ations. 53-.*5* The Contra(tor shall furnish detailed 4ethodology of (onstru(tion in(luding sour(es of supply of 4aterial, tools, e>uip4ent and applian(es to be used on wor,, details of personnel and supervision. 53-.*.* Personne: GENERA+

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The Contra(torKs personnel shall be >ualified and e@perien(ed in epo@y in?e(tion pro(ess. 53-.*/* M!teri!: The 4aterial for in?e(tion shall be suitable two+(o4ponent low vis(osity epo@y resin, having the re>uired (hara(teristi(s of bonding with (on(rete and resistan(e to 4oisture penetration. !po@y 4ortar or polysulphide resin 4ay be used for sealing the surfa(e. The 4aterial for epo@y in?e(tion shall (onfor4 to the following / 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: The .4i@ing ratio of resin and hardener shall generally be between ' to ' and % to ' by volu4e sub?e(t to 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endation. either the 4i@ed epo@y adhesives nor their individual (o4ponents shall (ontain solvents and thinners. The (o4ponents shall be free of lu4ps or foreign 4aterial. The vis(osity of the individual (o4ponents shall not (hange 4ore than 06" per (ent when ,ept in (losed (ontainers al %5 degrees Celsius after two .wee,s. Consisten(y re>uire4ent $ow Cis(osity Cersion (ps 9'&&+'1&: '5

6tandard Cersion (ps Cis(osity of Mi@ed 0dhesive at %5 degrees 9%&&+3&&: Celsius v: Pot $ife of 4i@ed adhesive at %5 ' hour N degrees Celsius 4inutesI vi: 6et ti4e of 4i@ed adhesive at %5 degrees Celsius 3 + ) hours

I In the (ase of two (o4ponent in?e(tion syste4 where resin and hardener get 4i@ed at point of in?e(tion pot life at %5 degrees Celsius shall be not greater than '5 4in N'& 4inutes. 53-.*0* EEui#<ent or InIe;tion The e>uip4ent shall be portable, positive displa(e4ent type pu4ps with interlo(, to provide positive ratio (ontrol of e@a(t proportions of the two (o4ponents at noLLle. The pu4ps shall be generally ele(tri(ally powered and shall provide in+line 4etering and 4i@ing. The toleran(e on 4i@ ratio shall be 5 per (ent by volu4e. The in?e(tion e>uip4ent shall have auto4ati( pressure (ontrol (apable of dis(harging 4i@ed adhesive at any pre+set pressure within the pres(ribed li4its and shall be additionally e>uipped with a 4anual pressure (ontrol. The in?e(tion e>uip4ent shall be e>uipped with sensors on both the (o4ponents 0 and E reservoirs that will auto4ati(ally stop the 4a(hine when only one (o4ponent is being pu4ped to the 4i@ing head. If (onsidered appropriate, suitable (o4pressed air operated epo@y in?e(tion gun

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(an be used with prior approval of the !ngineer for 4anual in?e(tion of 4i@ when resin and hardener had been 4i@ed in a separate unit 53-.*1* Pre#!r!tion 6urfa(es ad?a(ent to (ra(,s or other areas of appli(ation shall be (leaned of dirt, dust, grease, oil efflores(en(e or other foreign 4atter by brushing*water ?etting*sand blasting. 0(ids and (orrosives shall not be per4itted for (leaning. !ntry ports shall be provided along the (ra(, at intervals of not 4ore than the thi(,ness of (on(rete at the lo(ation. 6urfa(e seal 4aterial shall be applied to the fa(e of the (ra(, between the entry ports. .or through (ra(,s, surfa(e seal shall be applied to both fa(es. Eefore pro(eeding with the in?e(tion, the surfa(e seal 4aterial 4ust gain ade>uate strength with respe(t to (on(rete strength of the 4e4ber* in?e(tion pressure. 53-.*2* E#oBy InIe;tion In?e(tion of epo@y adhesive shall begin at lowest entry port and (ontinue until there is an appearan(e of epo@y adhesive at the ne@t entry port ad?a(ent to the entry port being pu4ped. "hen epo@y adhesive travel is indi(ated by appearan(e at the ne@t ad?a(ent port, in?e(tion shall be dis(ontinued on the entry port being pu4ped and entry port shall be sealed. Thereafter, epo@y in?e(tion shall be transferred to ne@t ad?a(ent port where epo@y adhesive has appeared. !po@y adhesive in?e(tion shall be perfor4ed (ontinuously until (ra(,s are (o4pletely filled. If port to port travel of epo@y adhesive is not indi(ated, the wor, shall i44ediately be stopped. In (ase the volu4e of the in?e(ted 4aterial e@(eeds % litres for a parti(ular entry port, the wor, shall be stopped and the spe(ifi(ations 4ay be reviewed. 53-.*3* Pre;!utions or A##:i;!tion a: Anless otherwise spe(ified, (o4ponents 0 and E, i.e., resin and hardener, shall be at a te4perature between '& degrees Celsius and 35 degrees Celsius at the li4e of 4i@ing. b: Te4perature of stru(tural 4e4ber during epo@y in?e(tion shall be between '& degrees Celsius and 35 degrees Celsius unless otherwise spe(ified. (: I44ediately prior to use, ea(h (o4ponent shall be thoroughly 4i@ed with a (lean paddle. The paddle shall be of a type that does not indu(e air into the 4aterial. 6eparate (lean paddle 4ust be used for ea(h (o4ponent d: 0ny heating of the adhesive (o4ponents shall be done by appli(ation of indire(t heat in (ase the wor, is to be done in (old (li4ate. e: 8ust before use, the two (o4ponents shall be thoroughly 4i@ed in the

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ratios spe(ified by the 4anufa(turer. The length of 4i@ing ti4e shall be in stri(t a((ordan(e with 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endations. "hen 4i@ed, all adhesives with different (oloured (o4ponents shall have a unifor4 (olour without strea,s. f: The use of solvents and thinners will not be per4itted e@(ept for (leaning of e>uip4ent 53-.*4* Testin& 53-.*4*,* M!teri!: Testin& = Prior to approval of the 4aterial, the following tests shall be (arried out at site or in an authorised laboratory for ea(h bat(h of resin and hardener and ea(h (o4bination thereof at the (ost of the Contra(tor. 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: Cis(osity lest for resin and hardener and the 4i@ + three spe(i4ens ea(h, Pot life test + three spe(i4ens ea(h, Eond lest + three spe(i4ens ea(h. 6hear test + si@ spe(i4ens ea(h, 3 after %B hours and the other three after 2% hours of (uring

6ubse>uent tests shall be (arried out as dire(ted by the !ngineer. a: Pot $ife Tests i: 5&& g4 of resin for4ulation shall be prepared by thoroughly 4i@ing the resin and hardener*a((elerator*(atalyst (o4ponent in proposed proportion in a ' ,g (apa(ity he4isphere: por(elain bowl by 4eans of a spatula or any other agitating devi(e and note down the ti4e and the a4bient te4perature. ii: "ith a (lean dry %5 44 siLe painterKs brush, the resin for4ulation shall be applied on a (lean dry surfa(e su(h as (e4ent (on(rete over '5+%& (4 length, starting i44ediately after 4i@ing the for4ulation and repeating operation every five 4inutes. "hen it be(o4es ?ust diffi(ult to spread the resin properly with the brush, the ti4e is noted. The ti4e elapsed sin(e (o4pletion of 4i@ing of resin for4ulation is ta,en as its pot life. iii: 7ne pot life test shall be perfor4ed on (o44en(e4ent of wor, and the sa4e shall be repeated every four hours. iv: In (ase the 4aterial fails to satisfy the pot life test it shall not be used for in?e(tion. "here the resin and hardener get 4i@ed at point of in?e(tion, the pot life is not i4portant and no tests 4ay be re>uired. b: Eond Test 0 standard I67 44 dia4eter and 3&& 44 long (on(rete (ylinder shall be (ast in % pie(es by providing a separating 4edia at an a@is of B5 degrees Celsius '& the longer a@is of the (ylinder 9refer to .ig. %-&&*':. Three sets of su(h split (ylinders shall be prepared in advan(e. Two pie(es of ea(h set shall be ?oined with epo@y 4ortar at four points to give a (lear gap

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of about &.% 44, whi(h will be in?e(ted with epo@y resin at site. 0fter epo@y has been (ured, load test is (arried out on the (ylinder whi(h shall not be less than -& per (ent of the (ube strength of the (on(rete 4i@ and the failure shall not ta,e pla(e at the ?oint in?e(ted with epo@y resin. (: 6hear Tests Two steel plates, 4ini4u4 344 thi(,, shall be bonded with epo@y at site using the sa4e resin 4i@ as used*proposed lo be used for in?e(tion. The asse4bly shall be ,ept in 4e(hani(al (la4p till epo@y is (ured. 0 total of si@ spe(i4ens shall be prepared for ea(h bat(h of 4aterials. Three test spe(i4ens shall then be sub?e(ted to a shear for(e along the a@is after %B hours and the 4ini4u4 shear strength before failure shall not be less than ' MPa. 9refer .ig. %-&&*%:. The re4aining test spe(i4ens shall be si4ilarly tested after 2% hours of (uring. The shear strength before failure shall not be less than %.5 MPa. 53-.*4*5* Core test = If dire(ted by the !ngineer, (ore tests shall be (ondu(ted for the a((eptan(e of the wor,. The sele(tion of the lo(ation of (ores shall be 4ade under the dire(tion of the !ngineer in su(h a way that da4age in (riti(al*stressed areas of the stru(ture is avoided. The pro(edure for the lest shall be as under. The Contra(tor shall obtain 5 (4 dia4eter initial (ore sa4ples in the first 5& linear 4etres. Thereafter, fre>uen(y of (ore sa4pling shall be as spe(ified or as agreed by the !ngineer, The depth of the (ore shall generally be less than %& (4. Tests and 0((eptan(e Criteria shall be as follows / a: Penetration*Cisual !@a4ination + a 4ini4u4 of 1& per (ent of the (ra(, shall be full of epo@y adhesive. b: Eond 6trength / Con(rete failure before adhesive failure or B& MPa with no failure of either (on(rete or adhesive If the (ores ta,en in first 5& 4 length pass tests as spe(ified above, epo@y adhesive in?e(tion wor, at area represented by (ores will be a((epted. If (ores fail either by la(, of penetration or bond strength, wor, shall not pro(eed further until the areas represented by the (ores are re+in?e(ted and retested for a((eptan(e. Fi::in& o Fie:" Contro: Testin& Core %o:es This pro(edure (onsists of using two+(o4ponent bonding agent applied to surfa(es of (ored holes followed by appli(ation of on+6hrin, (e4ent grout 4i@ pla(ed by hand trowel, thoroughly rodded and ta4ped in pla(e, and finished to 4at(h finish and te@ture of e@isting (on(rete to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. Materials and pro(edures for filling testing (ore holes shall be sub4itted to and approved by the !ngineer before pro(eeding with (ore testing wor,.

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53-.*4*.* Test or inIe;tion eEui#<ent = 0t all ti4es during the (ourse of the wor, the Contra(tor shall ,eep (o4plete and a((urate re(ords and 4a,e available to the !ngineer of the pressure and ratio tests spe(ified above so that the effi(a(y and a((ura(y of the in?e(tion e>uip4ent is verified In addition, the !ngineer at any ti4e without prior inti4ation of the Contra(tor 4ay re>uest the Contra(tor to (ondu(t the tests spe(ified below, in the presen(e of the !ngineer. a: Pressure Test The 4i@ing head of the in?e(tion e>uip4ent shall be dis(onne(ted and the two adhesive (o4ponent delivery lines shall be atta(hed to the pressure (he(, devi(e, whi(h shall (onsist of two independent valved noLLles (apable of sensing the pressure. The (he(, devi(e shall be (losed and e>uip4ent operated until the gauge pressure in ea(h line reads 5 MPa. The pu4ps shall be stopped and the gauge pressure shall not drop below B MPa within % 4inutes. The pressure test shall be run for ea(h in?e(tion unit at the beginning arid after brea, of every shift b: Ratio Test The 4i@ing head of the in?e(tion e>uip4ent shall be dis(onne(ted and the two adhesive (o4ponents shall be pu4ped si4ultaneously through the ratio (he(, devi(e, whi(h shall (onsist of two independent valved noLLles. There shall be a pressure gauge (apable of (ontrolling ba(, pressure by opening or (losing valved noLLles (apable of sensing the ba(, pressure behind ea(h valve. The dis(harge pressure shall be ad?usted to read 5 bar for both adhesive (o4ponents whi(h shall be si4ultaneously dis(harged into separate (alibrated (ontainers during the sa4e li4e period and the a4ounts dis(harged into the (alibrated (ontainers si4ultaneously during the sa4e period shall be (o4pared to deter4ine that the volu4e*dis(harge (onfor4s to the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44ended ratio for appli(able 4aterial. 53-/* EPO86 MORTAR FOR REP+ACEMENT OF SPA++ED CONCRETE 53-/*,* M!teri!: 53-/*,*,* For<u:!tion The epo@y resins for use in the 4ortar shall be obtained fro4 a reputed 4anufa(turer and the 4ortar shall be prepared in (onfor4ity with the 4anufa(turerKs re(o44endations. They shall generally (onfor4 to the following/ Pot $ife / 1& 4inutes at %5 degrees Celsius

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/ / Eond 6trength / Tensile 6trength /

)& 4inutes at 3& degrees Celsius B5 4inutes at 35 degrees Celsius '% MPa ') MPa

The Contra(tor shall (arry out tests on the sa4ples 4ade out or re>uire4ents indi(ated above. The sand (ontent in the 4ortar shall be in a((ordan(e with the desired (onsisten(y. 53-/*5* Pro#ortionin& !n" MiBin& The resin and hardener shall be 4i@ed before adding the dry filler. The 4i@ed ready to use 4ortar should not (ontain lu4ps of unwetted filler and should be unifor4 in (olour. .or a total weight of ' ,g or less, hand 4i@ing will be suffi(ient. .or >uantities in e@(ess of ' ,g, the (o4ponent shall be 4i@ed for 3 4inutes with a slow speed + B&&+)&& rp4 + ele(tri( drill with a 8iffy 4i@er. The stirrer shall be 4oved up and down and along the sides until an even strea, free (olour is obtained. "hipping in an e@(essive a4ount of air shall be avoided. If no power is available, a fiat putty ,nife 4ay be used to roa(h into the (o4ers of the (an and hand 4i@ing done for at least 5 4inutes. 53-/*.* Sur !;e Pre#!r!tion 6urfa(e upon whi(h epo@y is to be pla(ed shall be free of rust. 0ll e4ptied, used bu(,ets, rags and (ontainers shall be re4oved. fro4 site. These shall be stored in waste disposal bags and suitably disposed. 53-0* ETO86 BONDING OF NEW CONCRETE TO O+D CONCRETE 53-0*,* !po@y resin used for bonding shall be obtained fro4 a reputed 4anufa(turer. The pot life of su(h bonding epo@y shall not be less than )&+1& 4inutes at nor4al te4perature. 53-0*5* The entire surfa(e of the e@isting (on(rete 4e4ber should be thoroughly (leaned by wire brush and then with (o4pressed air to re4ove dust and loose parti(les fro4 the surfa(e. 0ny (ra(, or spalling of (on(rete shall be sealed by epo@y in?e(tion*epo@y 4ortar*grouting as de(ided by the !ngineer. 0 (oating of suitable epo@y resin at the rate of &.- ,g*s>.4. 94ini4u4: should then be applied on the surfa(e of the e@isting (on(rete 4e4bers.. .resh (on(rete shall then be pla(ed within the pot life of the resin syste4. 53-0*.* Testin& 53-0 .*, !po@y used for bonding wor, shall satisfy the (riteria 4entioned in Clause %-&3.1. 53-0*.*5* Two (on(rete (ubes '5& 44 siLe (ast as per approved design 4i@ shall be pla(ed, as shown in .ig. %-&&*3 at a distan(e of I67 44 fro4 ea(h other. !po@y resin

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syste4 suggested for bonding new to old (on(rete shall be applied on the opposite fa(es of the (ubes. .resh (e4ent (on(rete (ube of grade as per approved design 4i@ shall be (ast with water (e4ent ratio of &.B or less in the 4anner shown in .ig. %-&&*3. The asse4bly shall be (ured in water for %- days and steel spa(er re4oved thereafter. The (ube asse4bly shall .be sub?e(ted to (o4pression load after %- days of (uring, thereby sub?e(ting the bond to shearing load. .ailure 4ust not o((ur at this ?oint 53-1* CEMENT GRO(TING 53-1*,* M!teri!: Grouting shall nor4ally be perfor4ed with a 4i@ture of neat Portland Ce4ent and water. 7ther additives and ad4i@tures 4ay be added to i4prove the i4per4eability, strength, et(. on the approval of the !ngineer. The siLe of the parti(les and the (onsisten(y of the grout 4ust be suited to the passageways it 4ust follow. eat grout will not flow freely into holes s4aller than about three ti4es the largest (e4ent parti(le. !@(ept in large (avities where thi(, 4ortar (an be pla(ed, the sand should all pass the %-+ 4esh sieve and have a large portion passing the 5&+ and the '&&+ 4esh sieves. The proportions of 7rdinary Portland Ce4ent to sand will depend upon the siLe of the spa(es to be filled and will vary fro4 a neat grout to about '/' 4i@. The a4ount of water to be added depends upon the (onsisten(y re>uired. Grouts with as little as ') litres of water per bag of (e4ent (ould be handled and it should seldo4 be ne(essary to use 4ore than 35 to B& litres of water per bag of (e4ent. "here ne(essary and approved by the !ngineer, ad4i@tures to Portland Ce4ent grout 4i@tures 4ay be added for delaying the setting ti4e, in(reasing flow ability, 4ini4ising segregation and shrin,age.

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53-1*5* Pre#!r!tion The surfa(e shall be (leaned with wire brush and (o4pressed air. I6 44 dia and I67 to %&& 44 deep holes along the length of the (ra(,s at a spa(ing of 5&& 44 4ay be drilled by wet drilling using rotary per(ussion drills and nipples, inserted in these holes. 53-1*.* Pro#ortionin&A MiBin&A !n" EEui#<ent or Groutin& The (e4ent grout shall be 4e(hani(ally 4i@ed using a syste4 of power+driven paddles of high speed (entrifugal pu4p. The grout pu4p to be used shall per4it (lose (ontrol of pressures to allow a fle@ible rate of in?e(tion with 4ini4u4 (logging of valves and ports. The 4ost satisfa(tory e>uip4ent for in?e(ting grout is a pu4p of the double+ a(ting fle@ible re(ipro(ating type giving a steady flow. The grout pu4p shall be. so pla(ed as to redu(e the waste in (leaning lines. It is preferable to add 5& per (ent or 4ore of the 4i@ing water into the 4i@er before adding the dry ingredients and then the re4aining water. 0 (ontinuous supply of grout is preferable to an inter4ittent one. Consisten(y of the grout 4ay be deter4ined by trials starting with thin grout i.e. about B& litres of water per bag of (e4ent and progressively de(reasing the water (ontent to about I6 litres per bag of (e4ent. "here the 4i@er and pu4p are (o4bined in one unit, the dry 4aterial shall be s(reened before 4i@ing. If the 4i@er and pu4p are in separate units, the grout shall pass through a s(reen before it enters the pu4p. 53-1*/ A##:i;!tion Highest pra(ti(al pressure within the li4its '&&+B&& ,Pa should be used in order to for(e the surplus water fro4 the grout. 0s the pressure 4ay be distributed hydrauli(ally over (onsiderable areas, vigilan(e 4ust be e@er(ised to prevent da4age or the needless waste of grout Grouting is to be done by atta(hing a pa(,er 9(onsisting of e@pansible tube of rubber: to the end of the grout supply pu4p through the holes and nipples. Pressure shall be steady to ensure a (ontinuous flow of grout. Grouting shall not be (ontinued till the hole (onsu4es 4i@ at the rate of not less than 3& litres in %& 4inutes or until refusal at the grouting pressure of B&& ,Pa at any hole until refusal. 6hould the grout es(ape fro4 an ad?a(ent nipple, it should be plugged or (apped. 0ny sea4, (ra(, or ?oint through whi(h grout es(apes shall be (aul,ed with epo@y 4ortar as soon as thi(, grout appears. 53-1*0* C:e!nin& o EEui#<ent 0fter (o4pletion of ea(h grouting operation or te4porary shutdown, it is advisable to for(e (lear water through the pu4p until the dis(harge line shows no (olour, after whi(h the pu4p (overs shall be re4oved and the valve (ha4bers thoroughly (leaned. 53-1*1* Testin& Per(olation test done at the. end of grouting operation shall give a value of less

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than % lugions. 7T! / .or spe(ialised treat4ent li,e poly4er 4odified (e4entitious grout in?e(tion, 4anufa(turerKs literature and spe(ifi(ation shall be followed. 53-2* G(NITINGFS%OTCRETE 53-2*,* The gunite is a 4i@ture of (e4ent, sand and water. It (o4prises '&& parts by weight of (e4ent, 3&& parts by weight >uartL sand, 35+5& parts by weight water and % parts by weight approved >ui(, setting (o4pound. In general, dry 4i@ shot(rete shall be used. 53-2*5* 7rdinary Portland (e4ent (onfor4ing to I6/%)1 shall be used in guniting. 53-2*.* 6and for guniting shall (o4ply with the re>uire4ents stipulated in I6/3-3. In general, sand should neither be too (oarse to in(rease the rebound nor too fine to in(rease the slu4p. 6and should preferably have a 4oisture (ontent between 3 to ) per (ent. The grading of sand shall lie within the li4its given below I6 6ieve #esignation B.25 44 %.3) nu4 '.'- 44 )&& 4i(rons 3&& 4i(rons '5& 4i(rons per (ent Passing the sieve 15 + '&& )5 + 1& B5 +25 3& + 5& '& + %% %+-

53-2*/* .or thi(, se(tions it 4ay be advantageous to in(orporate (oarse aggregate in the 4i@ provided ade>uate guniting e>uip4ent is available. Coarse aggregate, when used, shall (onfor4 to grading given in Table I of I6/1&'%. The per(entage of (oarse aggregate 4ay nor4ally be ,ept as %& to B& per (ent of the total aggregate and the 4i@ shall be suitably designed. 53-2*0* "ater*(e4ent ratio for guniting shall fall within the range &.35 to &.5& by 4ass, wet enough to redu(e the rebound. #rying shrin,age 4ay be between &.&) per (ent to &.'& per (ent The >ui(, setting (o4pound shall be added at the noLLle with water ?ust before guniting. 53-2*1* Wor@<!nshi# The (e4ent and sand shall be bat(hed and 4i@ed and (onveyed through a hose pipe with the help of (o4pressed air. 0 separate line shall bring the water under pressure. The (e4ent, sand and water 4i@ shall be passed through and inti4ately 4i@ed in a spe(ial J4anifold and then pro?e(ted at high velo(ity to the surfa(e being repaired. The density of gunite shall not be less than %&&& ,g*(u+4. The strength of gunite shall not be less than %5 MPa. .or effe(tive guniting, the noLLle shall be ,ept )& to '5& (4 away fro4 the surfa(e, preferably nor4al to that surfa(e. "hile en(losing reinfor(e4ent bars

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during repairs the noLLle shall be held (loser at a slight angle and the 4i@ shall be wetter than the nor4al. 53-2*2* Test panels si4ulating a(tual field (onditions shall be fabri(ated for (ondu(ting pre(onstru(tion testing. The pro(edure for testing the (ubes or (ylinders ta,en fro4 the panels stipulated in (lause ) of '-/1&'% shall be followed. 53-2*3* It should be ensured fro4 tests that a strength of about %5 MPa at %days is available for the 4ortar*(on(rete 4i@. 53-2*4* The defe(tive (on(rete shall be (ut out to the full depth till sound (on(rete surfa(e is rea(hed. Ander no (ir(u4stan(es should the thi(,ness of (on(rete to be re4oved be less than (lear (over to the 4ain reinfor(e4ent. o s>uare shoulders shall be left at the peri4eter of the (ut+off portion and all edges shall be tapered. Thereafter, all loose and foreign 4aterials should be re4oved and the surfa(e be sandblasted to 4a,e it rough to re(eive shot(rete after applying a (oat of bonding epo@y as per re(o44endation of the 4anufa(turer ] '.& ,g per '.5 s>.4. of surfa(e area. 53-2*,-* The e@posed reinfor(e4ent shall be thoroughly (leaned free of rust, s(ales et(. by wire brushing. "herever the reinfor(e4ents have been (orroded, the sa4e shall be re4oved and repla(ed by additional reinfor(e4ent. Eefore appli(ation of gunite, a (oat of neat (e4ent slurry should be applied on the surfa(e of the reinfor(e4ent. 53-2*,,* 6uffi(ient (learan(e shall be provided around the reinfor(e4ent to per4it en(ase4ent with sound gunite. Care shall be ta,en to avoid sand po(,ets behind the reinfor(e4ent. 53-2*,5* 0 thi(,ness of %5 to B& 44 of gunite (an nor4ally be deposited in one operation. If, for so4e reason, the total thi(,ness is to be built up in su((essive operations, the previous layer should be allowed to set bat not be(o4e hard before the appli(ation of the subse>uent layer. It would always be ne(essary to apply guniting .or. a da4p (on(rete surfa(e. 53-2*,.* "here re>uired, welded wire fabri(s 5(4 @ 5 (4 @ o. '& gauge shall be provided in the first layer of guniting. The fabri( shall be tied properly. In (ase the da4age to the (on(rete 4e4ber is too deep, the spe(ifi(ations for guniting as well as re>uire4ent of pla(e4ent of wire 4esh has to be de(ided as per field (onditions. 53-2*,/* The stipulations given in I6/1&'% regarding appli(ation of gunite should be followed so as to ,eep the rebound to the 4ini4u4. The >uality of guniting and wor,4anship shall be su(h that the per(entage of rebound 4entioned in I6/1&'% (an be adhered to. In no (ir(u4stan(es shall the rebound 4aterial be re+used in the wor,. 53-2*,0* It would be desirable that green gunite is 4oistened for at least 2 days. Guniting wor, shall not be done during windy or rainy (onditions. 53-3* REP+ACEMENTFRECTIFICATION OF BEARINGS 53-3*,* The repla(e4ent*re(tifi(ation of bearings shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e .with approved repair plan or as approved by the !ngineer.

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53-3*5* $ifting of superstru(ture spans 4ay be (arried out by ?a(,ing up fro4 below or by lifting the span fro4 top. "here ?a(,s are e4ployed, their lo(ation*nu4ber and siLe shall be sele(ted in su(h a 4anner S that there are no undue stresses (reated in the stru(ture. 8a(,s 4ay be pla(ed on piers*pier (aps or spe(ially ere(ted trestles in a((ordan(e with the approved 4ethodology for lifting of superstru(+ ture. 0ll ?a(,s shall be operated fro4 one (ontrol panel by a single (ontrol lever. The syste4 will have provision for 4anual over ride to (ontrol the loads of any parti(ular ?a(,. The ?a(,s should be so syn(hronised that differential lift between individual ?a(,s shall not e@(eed ' 44 53-3*.* e(essary repair*repla(e4ent of bearings shall be (arried out as indi(ated in the repair plan or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Care shall be ta,en to plan the e@e(ution of repair in the shortest possible period. 53-3*/* Pre(autions during $ifting of Girders for Re(tifi(ation of Eearings "al,ie tal,ies syste4 or si4ilar audio arrange4ents should be available for (o44uni(ating instru(tions regarding lifting, stopping, starting et(. The operator shall have a (lear view of the ?a(,s and the lifting of ea(h girder (ontrolled by reading the dial gauges. 53-4* DISMANT+ING OF CONCRETE WEARING COAT 53-4*,* Co<<en;e<ent o Dis<!nt:in& 9i: Eefore (o44en(ing dis4antling, the nature and (ondition of (on(rete, the (ondition and position of reinfor(e4ent should be as(ertained. The Contra(tor shall fa4iliarise hi4self with the stru(tural design and ensure that the overall stability of the bridge is not affe(ted. The e@isting e@pansion ?oint asse4blies shall be re4oved (arefully along the entire width of the (arriageway. The de(, slab for a width of B&& 44 on either side should be re4oved for pla(ing of reinfor(e4ent, an(hor rods, an(hor bolts and other fi@ing asse4blies for the new e@pansion ?oints and pouring of fresh (on(rete. The gap between the girders over the piers should be (leared of all debris. 0 te4porary platfor4 in the gap at the end of girders shall be ere(ted to (olle(t the 4aterials falling down during (on(reting and fi@ing of e@pansion ?oints The servi(e lines, if any, shall be dis(onne(ted* diverted before the dis4antling wor, starts.



53-4*5* #is4antling of (on(rete wearing (oat shall be (arried out using ?a(, ha44ers or suitable 4anual 4ethods as .approved by the !ngineer. Care should be ta,en to avoid any da4age to the e@isting stru(ture in(luding reinfor(e4ent or prestressing an(horages for (ables, if any, lo(ated in the de(, slab. 53-4*.* Pre;!utions Durin& Dis<!nt:in& Wor@ .or general guidelines, referen(e 4ay be 4ade to 6e(tion '&&. #is4antling wor, shall not be (arried out at night, or during stor4 or heavy rain.

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0 warning devi(e shall be installed in the area to be used to warn the wor,ers in (ase of 4ishap*e4ergen(y. 6afety hel4ets (onfor4ing to I6/%1%5 shall be used by the wor,4en engaged in dis4antling wor,. The sheds and tool bo@es should be lo(ated away fro4 the wor, site. Goggles preferably 4ade up of (elluloids and gas 4as,s shall be worn at the ti4e of dis4antling, espe(ially where tools li,e ?a(, ha44ers are deployed to prote(t eyes fro4 in?uries fro4 flying pie(es, din, dust et(. $eather or rubber gloves shall be worn by the wor,ers during the de4olition of RCC wor,. 6(reens 4ade up of GI sheets shall be pla(ed wherever ne(essary to prevent the flying pie(es fro4 in?uring the wor,ers. "ater should be sprayed to redu(e the dust while re4oving (on(rete wearing (ourse with ?a(, ha44er. o wor, shall be ta,en up under the span when dis4antling wor, is in progress. 53,-* E8TERNA+ PRESTRESSEMG 53,-*,* Carious (o4ponents (onstituting are as follows / the syste4 of e@ternal prestressing

H.T. 6trands*"ires, H#P! 6heathing, #eviator Elo(,s, 0n(hor Plates, 0n(horages and grouting 4aterial. 53,-*5* M!teri!: H.T. 6trands * "ires / H.T. 6trands wires shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '&&&. H#P! 6heathing / H#P! 6heathing shall (onfor4 to I6/B1-B suitable for a wor,ing pressure of ) bars. Its density shall be 155 ,g*(u4, shore hardness #)3, yield stress %B MPa and ulti4ate tensile strength 35 MPa. #eviator Elo(,s / 0s ne(essitated by the profile of the e@ternal (able, suitable strand* wire deviator blo(, fabri(ated fro4 M.6.6e(tions shall be provided. The deviator blo(, shall be given a (oat of suitable paint 9preferably epo@y based: after sand blasting. An;hor!&es = #epending upon the prestressing for(e, suitable an(horages and evedges shall be used (onfor4ing to relevant (odes and se(tion '-&&. 53,-*.* Wor@<!nshi# a. 6tressing of (ables shall be (arried out u per instru(tions given in the drawing, and (onfor4ing to 6e(tion '-&&.

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(. d. e.

Care should be ta,en to avoid any da4age to the e@isting stru(ture by way of stress (on(entration or any other reason daring fi@ing of the deviator blo(,s and after stressing of (able. The deviator blo(,s shall be so fi@ed as not to allow any 4ove4ent due to prestressing for(es. Radius of (urvature of the surfa(e of the deviator blo(, interfa(ing with the (able shall be 4ini4u4 one 4etre. The an(horages shall be sealed with suitable epo@y 4ortar syste4 after the stressing of (ables. 0 4ini4u4 (over of 5&44 shall be provided for the an(hor plates and an(horages. 6uitable grouting inlet points and vent points shall be provided by way of H#P! ;T< vent (onne(tions to the sheathing. Grouting of (ables shall be (arried out as per provisions 4ade in 6e(tion '-&&. stru(ture is

53,-*/* It shall be ensued that no pan of the e@isting da4aged*distressed due to the e@ternal prestressing.

The behaviour of the girder shall be 4onitored by 4easure4ent of defle(tion so that only re>uired a4ount of e@ternal prestressing is i4parted to the girder. Care shall be ta,en to avoid e@(ess prestressing and i4pair4ent to the girders. 53,,* TESTS AND STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE The 4aterials shall be tested in a((ordan(e with these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet the pres(ribed (riteria. The wor, shall (onfor4 to these 6pe(ifi(ations and shall 4eet die pres(ribed standards of a((eptan(e. 53,5* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT a: Measure4ent for sealing of (ra(,s and in?e(tion shall be 4ade by weight of epo@y (onsu4ed in ,g for epo@y grouting. .or provision of nipples re>uired for grouting, the pay4ent shall be for nu4ber of nipples inserted. b: Measure4ent for sealing of (ra(,s and in?e(tion shall be 4ade by weight of (e4ent (onsu4ed in ,g for (e4ent grouting. (: Measure4ent for appli(ation of epo@y 4ortar for spe(ified thi(,ness shall be per s>uare 4etre of surfa(e area of appli(ation. d: Measure4ent for bonding of old and new (on(rete by epo@y 4ortar shall be 4easured in s>uare 4etre surfa(e area of interfa(e. e: Measure4ent for guniting * shot(reting, shall be per s>uare 4etre of surfa(e area of appli(ation. f: Pay4ent for repla(e4ent*re(tifi(ation of bearings shall be for ea(h nu4ber of bearing asse4bly repla(ed*re(tified. g: #is4antling of wearing (oat shall be 4easured in s>uare 4etre of area of wearing (ourse dis4antled. h: Provision of e@ternal prestressing shall be 4easured in tonnes of H.T. steel strand*wire 4easured fro4 an(horage to an(horage before stressing. 53,.* RATE

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The (ontra(t unit rate for sealing of (ra(,s and in?e(tion of (e4ent grout shall in(lude (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools and plant, pla(ing in position, testing, (uring and other in(idental e@penses for the satisfa(tory (o4pletion of the wor, as per these spe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t unit rate for appli(ation of epo@y 4ortar for spe(ified thi(,ness shall in(lude (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools and plant, pla(ing in position, testing and other in(idental e@penses in(luding surfa(e preparation for the satisfa(tory (o4pletion of the wor, as per these spe(ifi(ations and as shown on the drawings. The (ontra(t unit rate for guniting*shot(reting shall in(lude (ost of all 4aterials, labour tools and plant, pla(ing in position, testing, (uring,+ surfa(e preparation and other in(idental e@penses in(luding the provision of nipples for the satisfa(tory (o4pletion of the wor, as per these spe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t unit rate for repla(e4ent*re(tifi(ation of bearings snail in(lude, (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools and plant, pla(ing in position, site welding*riveting*bolt (onne(tions, operation of ?a(,s and other in(idental e@penses for the satisfa(tory (o4pletion of the wor, as per these spe(ifi(ations and as shown on the drawings. The (ontra(t unit rate for dis4antling of wearing (oat shall in(lude (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools and plant, traffi( 4anage4ent, signages, safety pre(autions and other in(idental e@penses in(luding re4oval of e@isting e@pansion ?oints for the satisfa(tory (o4pletion of the wor, as per these spe(ifi(ations. The (ontra(t unit rate for e@ternal prestressing shall in(lude (ost of all 4aterials, labour, tools and plant, te4porary wor,s, testing, (uring and other in(idental e@penses in(luding the (areful 4onitoring of the defle(tion of girders being e@ternally prestressed for the satisfa(tory (o4pletion of the wor, as per these spe(ifi(ations and as shown on the drawings.

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Pi#e Cu:verts

54-Pi#e Cu:verts

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54-,* SCOPE This wor, shall (onsist of furnishing and installing reinfor(ed (e4ent (on(rete pipes, of the type, dia4eter and length re>uired at the lo(ations shown on the drawings or as ordered by the !ngineer and in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. 54-5* MATERIA+S 0ll 4aterials used in the (onstru(tion of pipe (ulverts shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of 6e(tion '&&&. !a(h (onsign4ent of (e4ent (on(rete pipes shall be inspe(ted, tested, if ne(essary, and approved by the !ngineer either at the pla(e of 4anufa(ture or at the site before their in(orporation in the wor,s. 54-.* E8CA)ATION FOR PIPE The foundation bed for pipe (ulverts shall be e@(avated true to the lines and grades shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The pipes shall be pla(ed in shallow e@(avation of the natural ground or in open Een(hes (ut in e@isting e4ban,4ents, ta,en down to levels as shown on the drawings. In (ase of high e4ban,4ents where the height of fill is 4ore than three ti4es the e@ternal dia4eter of the pipe, the e4ban,4ent shall first be built to an elevation above the top of the pipe e>ual to the e@ternal dia4eter of the pipe, and to width on ea(h side of the pipe of not less than five ti4es the dia4eter of pipe, after whi(h a tren(h shall be e@(avated and the pipe shall be laid. "here tren(hing is involved, its width on either side of the pipe shall be a 4ini4u4 of '5& 44 or one+fourth of the dia4eter of the pipe whi(hever is 4ore and shall not be 4ore than one+third the dia4eter of the pipe. The sides of the tren(h shall be as nearly verti(al as possible. The pipe shall be pla(ed where the ground for the foundation is reasonably fir4. Installation of pipes under e@isting bridges or (ulverts shall be avoided as far as possible. "hen during e@(avation the 4aterial en(ountered is soft, spongy or other unstable soil, and unless other spe(ial (onstru(tion 4ethods are (alled for on the drawings or in spe(ial provisions, su(h unsuitable 4aterial shall be re4oved to su(h depth, width and length as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The e@(avation shall then be ba(,filled with approved granular 4aterial whi(h shall be properly shaped and thoroughly (o4pa(ted upto the spe(ified level. "here bed+ro(, or boulder strata are en(ountered, e@(avation shall be ta,en down to at least %&& 44 below the botto4 level of the pipe with prior per4ission of the !ngineer and all ro(,*boulders in this area be re4oved and the spa(e filled with approved earth, free fro4 stone or frag4ented 4aterial, shaped to the re>uire4ents and thoroughly (o4pa(ted to provide ade>uate support for the pipe. Tren(hes shall be ,ept free fro4 water until the pipes are installed and the ?oints have hardened.

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54-/* BEDDING FOR PIPE The bedding surfa(e shall provide a fir4 foundation of unifor4 density throughout the length of the (ulvert, shall (onfor4 to the spe(ified levels and grade, and shall be of one of the following two types as spe(ified on the drawings/ 9i: .irst Class bedding/ Ander first (lass bedding, the pipe shall be evenly bedded on a (ontinuous layer of well (o4pa(ted approved granular 4aterial, shaped (on(entri(ally to fit the lower pan of the pipe e@terior for at least ten per (ent of its overall height or as otherwise shown on the drawings. The bedding 4aterial shall be well graded sand or another granular 4aterial passing 5.) 44 sieve suitably (o4pa(ted*ra44ed. The (o4pa(ted thi(,ness of the bedding layer shall be as shown on the drawings and in no (ase shall it be less than 25 44. 9ii: Con(rete (radle bedding/ "hen indi(ated on the drawings or dire(ted b2 the !ngineer, the. pipe shall be bedded in a (radle (onstru(ted of (on(rete having a 4i@ not leaner than M '5 (onfor4ing to 6e(tion '2&&. The shape and di4ensions of the (radle shall be as indi(ated on the drawings. The pipes shall be laid on the (on(rete bedding before the (on(rete has set. 54-0* +A6ING OF PIPE o pipe shall be laid in position until the foundation has been approved by the !ngineer. "here two or 4ore pipes are to be laid ad?a(ent to ea(h other, they shall be separated by a distan(e e>ual to at least half the dia4eter of the pipe sub?e(t to a 4ini4u4 of B5& 44. The arrange4ent for lifting, loading and unloading (on(rete pipes fro4 fa(tory*yard and at site shall be su(h that the pipes do not suffer any undue stru(tural strain, any da4age due to fall or i4pa(t. The arrange4ent 4ay be got approved by the !ngineer. 6i4ilarly, the arrange4ent for lowering the pipe in the bed shall be got approved by the !ngineer. It 4ay be with tripod+pulley arrange4ent or si4ply by 4anual labour in a 4anner that the pipe is pla(ed in the proper position without da4age. The laying of pipes on the prepared foundation shall start fro4 the outlet and pro(eed towards the inlet and be (o4pleted to the spe(ified lines and grades. In (ase of use of pipes with bell+4outh, the belled end shall fa(e upstrea4. The pipes shall be fitted and 4at(hed so that when laid in wor,, they for4 a (ulvert with a s4ooth unifor4 invert. 0ny pipe found defe(tive or da4aged during laying shall be re4oved at the (ost of the Contra(tor. 54-1* 9OINTING The pipes shall be ?ointed either by (ollar ?oint or by flush ?oint In the for4er (ase, the (ollars shall be of RCC '5& to %&& 44 wide and having the sa4e strength as the pipes to be ?ointed. Caul,ing spa(e shall be between '3 and %& 44 a((ording to the dia4eter of the pipe. Caul,ing 4aterial shall be slightly wet 4i@ of (e4ent and sand in

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the ratio of '/% ra44ed with (aul,ing irons. Eefore (aul,ing, the (ollar shall be so pla(ed that its (entre (oin(ides with the ?oint and an even annular spa(e is left between the (ollar and the pipe. .lush ?oint 4ay be internal flush ?oint or e@ternal flush ?oint In either (ase, the ends of the pipes shall be spe(ially shaped to for4 a self (entering ?oint with a ?ointing spa(e '3 44 wide. The ?ointing spa(e+shall be filled with (e4ent 4ortar, ' (e4ent to % sand, 4i@ed suffi(iently dry to re4ain in position when for(ed with a trowel or ra44er. Care shall be ta,en to fill all voids and e@(ess 4ortar shall be re4oved. .or ?ointing pipe lines under light hydrauli( pressure, the re(ess at the end of the pipe shall be filled with .?ute braiding dipped in hot bitu4en or .other suitable approved (o4pound. Pipes shall be so ?ointed that the bitu4en ring of one pipe shall set into the re(ess of the ne@t pipe. The ring shall be thoroughly (o4pressed by ?a(,ing or by any other suitable 4ethod. 0ll ?oints shall be 4ade with (are so that their interior surfa(e is s4ooth and (onsistent with the interior surfa(e of the pipes. 0fter finishing, the ?oint shall be ,ept (overed and da4p for at least four days. 54-2* BACKFI++ING Tren(hes shall be ba(,filled i44ediately after the pipes have been laid and the ?ointing 4aterial has hardened. The ba(,fill soil shall be (lean, free fro4 boulders, large roots, e@(essive a4ounts of sods or other vegetable 4atter, and lu4ps and shall be approved by the !ngineer. Ea(,filling upto 3&& 44 above the top of the pipe shall be (arefully done and the soil thoroughly ra44ed, ta4ped or vibrated in layers not e@(eeding '5& 44, parti(ular (are being ta,en to thoroughly (onsolidate the 4aterials under the haun(hes of the pipe. 0pproved pneu4ati( or light 4e(hani(al ta4ping e>uip4ent (an be used. .illing of the tren(h shall be (arried out si4ultaneously on both sides of the pipe in su(h a 4anner that une>ual pressures do not o((ur. In (ase of high e4ban,4ent, after filling the tren(h upto the top of the pipe in the above said 4anner, a loose fill of a depth e>ual to e@ternal dia4eter of the pipe shall be pla(ed over the pipe before further layers are added and (o4pa(ted. 54-3* %EADWA++S AND OT%ER ANCI++AR6 WORKS Headwalls, wing walls, aprons and other an(illary wor,s shall be (onstru(ted in a((ordan(e with the details shown on the drawings or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Masonry for the walls shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion '3&&,'B&& or '2&& as appli(able. 0prons shall (onfor4 to 6e(tion %5&&. 54-4* OPENING TO TRAFFIC o traffi( shall be per4itted to (ross the pipe line unless height of filling above the top of the pipe line is at least )&& 44.

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54,-* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT R.C.C. pipe (ulverts shall be 4easured along their (entre between the inlet and outlet ends in linear 4etres. 6ele(ted granular 4aterial and (e4ent (on(rete for pipe bedding shall be 4easured as laid in (ubi( 4etres. 0n(illary wor,s li,e headwalls, et(., shall be 4easured as provided for under the respe(tive 6e(tions. 54,,* RATE The Contra(t unit rate for the pipes shall in(lude the (ost of pipes in(luding loading, unloading, hauling, handling, storing, laying in position and ?ointing (o4plete and all in(idental (osts to (o4plete the wor, as per these 6pe(ifi(ations. 0n(illary wor,s su(h as e@(avation in(luding ba(,filling, (on(rete and 4asonry shall be paid for separately, as provided under the respe(tive Clauses.

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M!inten!n;e o Ro!"

.--M!inten!n;e o Ro!"

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.--,* GENERA+ The 6pe(ifi(ations shall apply to all ite4s of road 4aintenan(e wor,s as re>uired to be (arried out under the Contra(t or as dire(ted by the !ngineer. The wor,s shall be (arried out in (onfor4 by with the relevant 6pe(ifi(ations to the re>uired level, grade and lines using approved 4aterials. The wor,s shall be (arried out using light duty 4a(hinery or 4anual 4eans provided the >uality of the end produ(t does not suffer. In e@e(ution of 4aintenan(e wor,s, a referen(e is 4ade to the IRC publi(ations/ ;Manual for Maintenan(e of Roads< and ;Code of Pra(ti(e for Maintenan(e for Eitu4inous 6urfa(es of Highways, IRC -%+'1-%< for guidan(e and (o4plian(e wherever appli(able. "herever the 6pe(ifi(ation is not (lear, good engineering pra(ti(e shall be adopted in the (onstru(tion to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer. 3&&%. R!6T7R0TI7 7. R0" CAT6 .--5*,* S;o#e The wor, shall (onsist of earthwor, for restoration of rain (uts in the e4ban,4ent and shoulders, using suitable 4aterial, and (o4pa(ting the sa4e. .--5*5* M!teri!:s The 4aterial used for restoration of rain (uts shall (onsist of soil (onfor4ing to Clause 3D6.%. .--5*.* Constru;tion O#er!tion The area affe(ted by rain (uts shall be (leared of all loose soil and ben(hed. The width of the ben(hes shall be at least 3&& 44 and they shall e@tend (ontinuously for a suffi(ient length. The height of the ben(hes shall be in the range of '5&+3&& 44. .resh 4aterial shall be deposited in layers not e@(eeding %5& 44 loose thi(,ness and (o4pa(ted so as to 4at(h with the ben(hing at a 4oisture (ontent (lose to the opti4u4. Co4pa(tion shall be (arried out using suitable e>uip4ent su(h as plate (o4pa(tors and ra44ers or by suitable i4ple4ents handled 4anually. The finished wor, shall (onfor4 to align4ent, levels and slopes as indi(ated in the drawing. .--5*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent The earthwor, for restoration of rain (uts shall be 4easured in (ubi( 4etres. .--5*0* R!te The Contra(t rate for the ite4 of earthwor, for restoration of rain (uts shall be pay4ent in full for (arrying out the re>uired operation in(luding full (o4pensation for/ 9i: 6upply of 4aterial in(luding all leads and lifts and the (ost of arrange4ent of landM 9ii: 6etting outM 9iii: Re4oval of loose 4aterial fro4 the rain (utsM 9iv: Een(hing of old earthwor,M and 9v: Co4pa(ting after adding re>uired >uantity of water.

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.--.* MAINTENANCE OF EART%EN S%O(+DER .--.*,* S;o#e The wor, of 4aintenan(e of earthen shoulder shall in(lude 4a,ing up the irregularities*loss of 4aterial on shoulder to the design level by adding fresh approved soil and (o4pa(ting it with appropriate e>uip4ents or to strip e@(ess soil fro4 the shoulder surfa(e as per the re>uire4ent of this 6pe(ifi(ation. .--. /. M!teri!: The 4aterial to be added to the shoulder, if re>uired, shall be a sele(t soil (onfor4ing to Clause 3&5. .--.*.* Constru;tion Pro;e"ure This wor, shall involve/ 9i: Ma,ing up of the earthen shoulder by adding e@tra soil and (o4pa(ting the sa4eM and, or 9ii: 6tripping a layer of soil to a(hieve the re>uired grade and level. "herever e@tra earth is re>uired to be added, the earthen shoulder shall be stripped and loosened to re(eive fresh soil. The defi(ien(y of thi(,ness shall be 4ade up in layers of loose thi(,ness not e@(eeding %5& 44. "ater shall be added, if re>uired, to attain the opti4u4 a4ount and the layer (o4pa(ted by -& to '&& , s4ooth wheel roller, vibratory roller, hand roller, plate vibrator or hand ra44er to obtain at least 1B per (ent of the 4a@i4u4 dry density in a((ordan(e with I6 / %2%& 9Part -:. The finished surfa(e shall have the spe(ified (ross slope and line in a((ordan(e with the drawing. The side slopes shall be tri44ed to the re>uired slope with the help of grader or 4anual 4ethods using hand tools. "herever the earth is re>uired to be e@(avated fro4 the shoulder, this shall be done either using e>uip4ent li,e grader or by 4anual 4eans using hand tools. The resulting surfa(e shall be unifor4 and have a field density of at least 1B per (ent of 4a@i4u4 density obtained in a((ordan(e with I6/%2%& 9Part -:. If the surfa(e is not unifor4ly (o4pa(ted, it shall be e@(avated to a depth of '5& 44 and the soil 4i@ed with water if re>uired and (o4pa(ted at a 4oisture (ontent (lose to the opti4u4 to a(hieve 1B per (ent of 4a@i4u4 density as stated above. .--.*/* Me!sure<ents or P!y<ent Maintenan(e of earthen shoulder shall be 4easured in s>. 4etres. .--.*0* R!te The Contra(t unit rate for 4aintenan(e of earthen shoulder shall be pay4ent in full (o4pensation for/ 9i: furnishing earth re>uired for 4a,ing up of shoulders in(luding all leads and lifts, (ost of land and (o4pa(tionM

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9ii: e@(avation of earth as re>uired and disposal of the earth at the lo(ation approvedM and 9iii: all tools, e>uip4ents and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, in a((ordan(e with the above 6pe(ifi(ation. .--/* BIT(MINO(S WORK IN CONNECTION WIT% MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS .--/*,* Gener!: The s(ope and type of 4aintenan(e wor, to be (arried out shall be in a((ordan(e with the provisions of the Contra(t or as instru(ted by the !ngineer. In all instan(es it will have been ne(essary to identify the (auses of defe(ts in order to per4it effe(tive repair. "here investigation wor, into the (auses of defe(ts is in(luded in the Contra(t it shall be (arried out in a((ordan(e with the appropriate provisions of this 6pe(ifi(ation. Maintenan(e treat4ents re>uired under the Contra(t or instru(ted by the !ngineer 4ay in(lude pothole and pat(h repair, (ra(,+sealing, fog spray, dusting, slurry sealing, surfa(e dressing, overlays and spe(ialist repairs. "hen the pave4ent to be 4aintained is intended to (arry volu4es of traffi( in e@(ess of '.5 4illion e.s.a. the (onstru(ted 4aterials 9parti(ularly pat(hing and overlay 4aterials: used in 4aintenan(e operations shall be of a standard not less than those spe(ified for the original (onstru(tion. Traffi( (ontrol during 4aintenan(e operations shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of the Contra(t do(u4ents. .--/*5* Fi::in& Pot7ho:es !n" P!t;h Re#!irs

.--/*5*,* S;o#e / This wor, shall in(lude repair of pot+holes and of all types of bitu4inous pave4ent. The wor, shall in(lude the re4oval of all failed 4aterial, in the pave4ent (ourses and, if ne(essary, below the pave4ent, until the root (ause of the failure is re4ovedM the tri44ing of the (o4pleted e@(avation o provide fir4 verti(al fa(esM the repla(e4ent of 4aterial of at least as high a standard as that whi(h was originally spe(ified for the pave4ent layerM the painting of ta(, (oat on to the sides and bases of e@(avations prior to pla(ing of any bitu4inous 4aterials and the (o4pa(tion, tri44ing and finishing of the surfa(es of all pat(hes to for4 a s4ooth (ontinuous surfa(e, level with the surrounding road. .--/*5*5* M!teri!:s = 0ll 4aterials used for the pot+hole and pat(h repair of bitu4inous surfa(e and underlying layers shall be in a((ordan(e with this+ 6pe(ifi(ation and shall be of the sa4e type as spe(ified for the original (onstru(tion. 0 4i@ superior to the one on the e@isting surfa(e 4ay also be used for repair wor,. 0n e4ulsified bitu4en*4odified bitu4en 4i@ (o4patible with the e@isting layer shall also be (onsidered appropriate.

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The bitu4inous 4i@ture used for su(h pat(h repairs shall be in a((ordan(e with the appropriate Clause of these 6pe(ifi(ations. Materials to be used for pat(hing shall always be of the sa4e type and standard of (onstru(tion as, or better than, the 4aterial being pat(hed at the sa4e 'evel of (onstru(tion. Materials used for pat(hing shall never be of lesser bearing (apa(ity nor of a greater porosity than the ad?a(ent previous (onstru(tion. on+bitu4inous 4aterial 4ust not be used for pat(hing bitu4inous 4aterials. "here 4odified binder is to be used, Clause 5% ' of these 6pe(ifi(ations shall apply. The grading of aggregates and bitu4en (ontent of the 4i@ used for su(h pat(h repair shall be in a((ordan(e with Clause 5&' . .--/*5*.* Pre#!r!tion o the !re! or #ot7ho:e !n" #!t;h re#!ir = !a(h pot+hole and pat(h repair area shall be inspe(ted and all loose 4aterial re4oved. The area shall be (ut*tri44ed either with ?a(, ha44ers or with hand tools suitable for the purpose, su(h that the defe(tive 4aterial responsible for the failure is all re4oved and su(h that the e@(avation is of a regular shape. The edges of the e@(avation shall be (ut verti(ally. The area shall be thoroughly (leaned with (o4pressed air or any appropriate 4ethod approved by the !ngineer to re4ove all dust and loose parti(les. $ayers below the level of the bitu4inous (onstru(tion shall be repla(ed using 4aterial of the e>uivalent spe(ifi(ation to the original (onstru(tion, whi(h shall parti(ularly in(lude the spe(ified standards of (o4pa(tion. The area for bitu4inous (onstru(tion shall be ta(,ed or pri4ed with (utba(, or e4ulsion depending upon whether the lower area is bitu4inous or granular in nature. The sides, however, are to be painted with hot ta(, (oat 4aterial. The pri4e (oat and ta(, (oat shall (onfor4 to Clauses 5&% and 5&3 of these 6pe(ifi(ations, respe(tively. .--/*5*/* B!;@ i::in& o#er!tion = The 4i@ture to be used in bitu4inous pat(hing shall be either a hot 4i@ or a (old 4i@ in a((ordan(e with the appropriate Clauses of these 6pe(ifi(ations. Mi@ing shall be done in a plant of suitable (apa(ity. The bitu4inous 4i@ture shall be pla(ed in layers of thi(,ness not 4ore than '&& 44 9loose: and shall be (o4pa(ted in layers with roller*plate (o4pa(tor*hand roller*ra44er to the (o4pa(tion standards defined in the appropriate Clauses of these 6pe(ifi(ations. "hile pla(ing the final layer, the 4i@ shall be spread slightly proud of the surfa(e so that after roiling, the surfa(e shall be flush with the ad?oining surfa(e. If the area is large, the spreading and levelling shall be done using hand shovels and wooden straight edges. #uring the pro(ess of (o4pa(tion, the surfa(e levels shall be (he(,ed using a 34 straight edge. .--/*5*0* Me!sure<ent ur #!y<ent= .illing of pot+holes and pat(h repair shall be 4easured in s>.4. .--/*5*1* R!te = The (ontra(t unit rate for filling of pot+holes and pat(h repair shall be pay4ent in full for/ 9i: 9ii: furnishing all 4aterials re>uiredM all wor,s involved in(luding e@(avation, tri44ing, ba(, filling with any non+ bitu4inous layers re>uired, la(,ing, pri4ing with (utba(, or e4ulsion, and

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ba(, filling with bitu4inous 4aterialsM all labour, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, in a((ordan(e with the 6pe(ifi(ations. .--/*.* Cr!;@ Se!:in&

.--/*.*,* S;o#e= Cra(, sealing shall (onsist of one or 4ore of the following operations as instru(ted under the Contra(t/ 9i: 9ii: 9iii: .og seal filling (ra(,s with a binder, or a (o4bination of (rusher dust and a binder by treating the (ra(, sealing as a pat(h repair. .--/*.*5* Fo& se!:

.--/*.*5*,* S;o#e = .og seal for use in 4aintenan(e wor, shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 5'- of these 6pe(ifi(ations, and shall (onsist of an appli(ation of e4ulsified bitu4en, without any aggregate (over for sealing fine hair+(ra(,s or for re?uvenating o@idised bitu4inous surfa(es. 0reas having (ra(,s with less than 344 width shall be (onsidered for this treat4ent, unless otherwise instru(ted by the !ngineer. .--/.*5*5* M!teri!:= Eitu4inous e4ulsion for .og 6eal shall be of a slow setting type. "here 4odified binder is to be used, Clause 6%' of these 6pe(ifi(ations shall apply. .--/.*5.* A##:i;!tion = The area to be treated with fog seal shall be thoroughly (leaned using (o4pressed air, s(rubbers, et(. The (ra(,s shall be (leaned with a (o4pressed air ?et to re4ove all dirt, dust, et(. The fog seal shall be applied at the rate of &.5+'.& litre*s>.4. of e4ulsion, or as otherwise instru(ted by the !ngineer, using e>uip4ent, su(h as, a pressure tan,, fle@ible hose and spraying bar or lan(e. Traffi( shall be allowed on to the surfa(e only after the seal has set to a non+ta(,y and fir4 (ondition so that it is not pi(,ed up by the traffi(. .--/.*5*/* Me!sure<ent or #!y<ent= The fog seal wor, shall be 4easured in s>. 4etres, (al(ulated fro4 the di4ensions of wor, instru(ted in the Contra(t or by the !ngineer. .--/.*5*0* R!te = The (ontra(t unit rate for appli(ation of fog seal shall be pay4ent in full for/ 9i: supplying of fog seal 4aterial and all the operations for applying itM and 9ii: all the labour, tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, in a((ordan(e with this 6pe(ifi(ation. .--/*.*.* Cr!;@ i::in&

.--/*..*,* S;o#e= Cra(, filling shall be (arried out using a binder of a suitable vis(osity, nor4ally a slow+(uring bitu4en e4ulsion, as instru(ted by the !ngineer. .or wider (ra(,s, in e@(ess of an average of 3 44 in width the appli(ation of e4ulsion 4ay be pre(eded by an appli(ation of (rusher dust, or other fine 4aterial a((eptable to the !ngineer.

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.--/*.*.*5* M!teri!:s= Eitu4en for use in (ra(, sealing shall be of a slow (uring type as instru(ted by the !ngineer. #ust for (ra(, sealing, when used, shall be (rusher dust or so4e other suitable fine 4aterial approved by die !ngineer, passing the B.25 44 sieve but with a 4a@i4u4 of '& per (ent passing the &.&25 44 sieve. .--/*.*. .* Constru;tion= If dust is to be used it shall be pla(ed in the (ra(,s before the appli(ation of binder and the (ra(,s filled to a level appro@i4ately 5 44 below road surfa(e level. The surfa(e of the road shall be swept (lear of dust prior to the appli(ation of binder. Einder shall be poured into the (ra(,s, ta,ing (are to 4ini4ise spillage. If spillage onto the road surfa(e does o((ur, dust shall be applied to the e@(ess bitu4en until it is blotted up. .--/*.*.*/* Me!sure<ent= Cra(, sealing shall be paid by the linear 4etre of (ra(, as instru(ted by the !ngineer. .--/*.*.*0* P!y<ent= The (ontra(t rate for (ra(, sealing shall be pay4ent in full for/ 9i: supplying all ne(essary 4aterials and for the wor, of applying the4M 9ii: all labour, tools, e>uip4ent and all in(identals ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, a((ording to these 6pe(ifi(ations. .--/*.*/* Cr!;@ #revention ;ourses= Clause 5%% spe(M lies (ra(, prevention (ourses. These 4ay be in(luded in substantial 4aintenan(e treat4ents. .--/*/* Dustin& .--/*/*,* S;o#e= #usting shall (onsist of the appli(ation of (rusher dust or other fine graded 4aterial approved by the !ngineer to areas of road where bleeding of e@(ess bitu4en is o((urring. .--/*/*5* M!teri!:= #ust shall (onsist of (rusher dust or other graded fine 4aterial a((eptable to the !ngineer, and shall generally be finer than 3.& 44 with not 4ore than '& per (ent passing the &.&25 44 sieve. .--/*/*.* #ust shall be spread by 4anual appli(ation, to the areas of road defined by the !ngineer. #ust shall generally be applied during the hottest part of the day and, when so instru(ted by the !ngineer, surplus dust displa(ed by passing traffi( shall be 4anually swept ba(, onto the area where further bleeding of e@(ess bitu4en is apparent. #ust shall be applied at a no4inal rate of %.5 ,g per s>uare 4etre. .--/*/*/* Me!sure<ent= #usting shall be paid for by the s>uare 4etre of road surfa(e instru(ted to be dusted by the !ngineer. .--/*/*0* P!y<ent= The Contra(t unit rate for dusting shall be in pay4ent in full for/ 9i: supplying all ne(essary 4aterials and for the wor, of applying the4M 9ii: all labour, tools, e>uip4ent and all in(identals ne(essary to (o4plete the wor, a((ording to the 6pe(ifi(ations.

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S:urry Se!:

6lurry seal for use in 4aintenan(e wor, shall (onfor4 to the re>uire4ents of Clause 5'). Manual 4ethods of spreading and levelling 4ay be used, sub?e(t to the prior agree4ent of the !ngineer. .--/*1* Sur !;e Dressin& or M!inten!n;e Wor@

6urfa(e dressing for 4aintenan(e appli(ations shall be (arried out in (onfor4ity with the re>uire4ents of Clause 5'&, e@(ept that the use. of s4all and portable e>uip4ent shall be per4itted provided that it (an be de4onstrated, to the satisfa(tion of the !ngineer, that it (an produ(e wor, (onsistently in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ents of these 6pe(ifi(ations. .--/*2* S#e;i!:ist Re#!irs

.--/*2*,* 6pe(ialist repairs in(lude repairs of lo(aliLed areas of da4age to 4aterials for whi(h repairs using nor4al hot+4i@ or (old+4i@ pat(hing 4aterials are inappropriate. 6u(h spe(ialist repairs will in(lude repairs to 4asti( asphalt and stone 4asti( asphalt. .--/*2*5* In su(h (ases, pot+hole and pat(h repairs shall be earned out in a((ordan(e with the provisions of Clause 3&&B.% above, e@(ept that the (onstru(tion to the 4asti( asphalt, stone 4asti( asphalt or other spe(ialist 4aterial layer shall, sub?e(t to the instru(tions of the !ngineer, be (arried out in a((ordan(e with the provisions of the appropriate Clause of these 6pe(ifi(ations. .--0* MAINTENANCE OF CEMENT CONCRETE ROAD .--0*,* Re#!ir o 9oint Grooves 'ith E#oBy Mort!r or E#oBy Con;rete .--0*,*, S;o#e = The wor, shall (onsist of repair of spalled ?oint grooves of (ontra(tion ?oints, longitudinal ?oints and e@pansion ?oints in a (on(rete pave4ent using epo@y 4ortar or epo@y (on(rete. .--0*,*5* M!teri!:s = The type*grade of epo@y (o4patible with the (oeffi(ient of ther4al e@pansion of (on(rete shall be used with either pro(essed fine aggregate or fine stone (hips to produ(e a dry 4i@ for repairing spoiled or da4aged edges. .--0*,*.* Re#!irin& Pro;e"ure= 6poiled or bro,en edges shall be shaped neatly with a verti(al (ut with (hisels into the shape of re(tangle. 64all pneu4ati( (hisels also 4ay be used, provided the (utting depth (an be (ontrolled. The depth of the (ut shall be the 4ini4u4 to effe(t repair. 0fter shaping the spalled area, it shall be (leaned and pri4ed. The epo@y 4ortar*(on(rete is then applied using hand tools li,e trowels, straight edges, brushes et(. The repaired edge shall be in line with the ?oint groove and shall be flush with the (on(rete slabs. #uring the repair wor,, any da4age noti(ed to the ?oint sealant shall be 4ade good by ra,ing out the affe(ted portion and resealing. .--0*,*/* Tr! i;= 0lthough the epo@y 4i@es set in %+3 hours ti4e, it is desirable to divert the traffi( for '% hours or as per the re(o44endation of the 4anufa(turers.

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.--0*,*0* Measure4ents for pay4ent/ Repair of ?oint grooves shall be 4easured in linear 4etres. .--0*,*1* R!te= The Contra(t unit rate for repair of ?oint grooves with epo@y 4ortar or epo@y (on(rete shall be in full (o4pensation for/ 9i: supply and appli(ation of epo@y pri4er, epo@y 4ortar or epo@y (on(reteM 9ii: all tools, e>uip4ent and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, in a((ordan(e with the above 6pe(ifi(ation. .--0*5* Repair Involving Re4oval of 7ld 8oint 6ealant and 6ealing + .resh 6ealant in Ce4ent Con(rete Pave4ents with

.--0*5*,* S;o#e= The repair of sealant of (ontra(tion, longitudinal or e@pansion ?oints shall in(lude re4oval of the e@isting sealant and resealing the ?oint with fresh sealant 4aterial. .--0*5*5* M!teri!:= 6ealant 4aterial to be repla(ed shall be either hot poured rubberised bitu4en or polysulphide type of sealant as per Clause )&%.%.-. 0s per the re(o44endation of the 4anufa(turer, appropriate type of pri4er also shall be applied. .--0*5*.* Re#!irin& #ro;e"ure= The e@isting sealant shall be ra,ed out with the help of a 4etal ra,er su(h that 4ost of the sealant is re4oved. 6ubse>uently, the sealant stu(, to the sides of the grooves shall be re4oved thoroughly either by using saw (utting 4a(hine so that grooves 4ay be widened by one 44 or by sand blasting. In no (ase the old sealant shall be present during reseating operation. If ?oint grooves are found inade>uate in depth, they shall be deepened as dire(ted by the !ngineer. Eefore (o44en(ing the sealing operation, (o4pressed air shall be used to (lean the ?oint grooves to (lean the ?oint groove. 0 heat resistant, paper ba(,ed (o4pressible debonding strip or tape should be inserted in a((ordan(e with the re>uire4ent of Clause )&%.''.%. 6ealant 4ay be poured either using hand held poorer or using 4e(hanised sealing 4a(hines. 6ealants should not be heated dire(tly but in double ?a(,eted 4a(hine. 0ll pre(autions and arrange4ents shall be ta,en not to spill the sealant on the (on(rete pave4ent The sealant 4ay be poured to a depth of 5 N % 44 fro4 .the pave4ent surfa(e. .--0*5*/* Me!sure<ents or #!y<ent= Repair of ?oint sealant shall be 4easured in linear 4etres. .--0*5*0* R!te= Contra(t unit rate for repair, of ?oint sealant shall be in full (o4pensation for 9i: 9ii: re4oval of old sealant, regrooving or sand blasting the sealing groove and pla(ing of debonding strip or tape. all tools, e>uip4ents and in(identals to (o4plete the wor, in a((ordan(e with the above 6pe(ifi(ation.

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Rein or;e" E!rth

.,-Rein or;e" E!rth

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.,-,* SCOPE The wor, (overs the (onstru(tion of reinfor(ed earth stru(tures, together with the (onstru(tion of earthwor, in layers, asse4bly and ere(tion of reinfor(ing ele4ents and pla(e4ent of fa(ing panels and all asso(iated (o4ponents. .,-5* REINFORCING E+EMENT .,-5*,* The reinfor(ing ele4ent shall be of Geote@tile, alu4iniu4 alloy strip, (opper strip, (arbon steel strip, 4ats of 4etal or syntheti( grids, or any other proprietary 4aterial whi(h 4ay be approved by the !ngineer and indi(ated on the drawings. .,-5*5* GeoteBti:e The 4aterial shall (onfor4 to Clause 2&'.%.). .,-5*.* 0lu4iniu4 alloy strip shall (o4ply with E6/'B2& >uality 5B5B in the H %B (ondition. .,-5*/* Copper strip shall (o4ply with E6/%-2& >uality C '&' or C '&% in the '*% H (ondition and shall have &.% per (ent proof stress of not less than '-& *44%. .,-5*0* Carbon steel strip whi(h shall be galvaniLed shall (o4ply with E6/'BB1 9Part ':, either >uality =HR 3B*%& P or >uality 5&*35 P, ea(h having a sili(on (ontent of not less than &.%5 per (ent and not 4ore than &.B& per (ent. The fabri(ated ele4ent shall be galvaniLed in a((ordan(e with E6/2%1, and the average Lin( (oating weight for any individual test area shall not be less than '&&& g4*s>.4. .,-5*1* 6tainless steel strip shall (o4ply with E6/ 'BB1 9Part %: >uality 3') 6 3' or 3*) 6 33 e@(ept that the 4aterial shall be (old rolled to provide a &.% per (ent proof stress of not less than B&& *s>. 44 and the tensile strength shall not be less than 5B& *s>. 4. .,-5*2* 0ll 4etalli( (o4ponents buried in soil shall be of ele(trolyti(ally (o4patible 4aterials. .,-5*3* Geo&ri"s The supply of geogrids shall (arry a (ertifi(ation of EI6 or I67 1&&% for all wor,s. "hile the reinfor(ing ele4ent for wall or slope portion shall be with 4ono oriented Geogrid, the reinfor(e4ent for the foundation of a reinfor(ed earth wall or slope shall be with bi+dire(tionally oriented Geogrid. .or 4ono oriented Geogrid, the (hara(teristi( design tensile strength at a strain not e@(eeding '& per (ent in '&& years shall be at least B& , *4 when 4easured as per GR'/GG3. The strength for bi+ dire(tionally oriented Geogrid in the longitudinal dire(tion shall be at least B& , *4 at a 4a@i4u4 elongation of '5 per (ent. The Geogrid shall be inert to all naturally o((urring (he4i(als, 4inerals and salts found in soil. .,-.* EART% FI++

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The fill 4aterial for reinfor(ed earth stru(tures shall have an angle of interfa(e fri(tion between the (o4pa(ted fill and the reinfor(ing ele4ent of not less than %5PC, 4easured in a((ordan(e with I6 / '33%) 9Part ':. The soil should be predo4inantly (oarse grainedM not 4ore than '& per (ent of the parti(les shall pass 25 4i(ron sieve. The soil should have properties su(h that die salts in the soil should not rea(t (he4i(ally or ele(tri(ally with die reinfor(ing ele4ents in an adverse 4anner. .,-/* FACIA MATERIA+ .,-/*,* The fa(ing shall (o4prise of one of following / 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: Reinfor(ed (on(rete 9Cast 4 situ or pre(ast: slabs Plain (e4ent (on(rete for4 fill hollow blo(, 9Pre(ast: Masonry (onstru(tion, Rubble fa(ia 7ther proprietary and patented proven syste4

The fa(ing shall be suffi(iently fle@ible to withstand any defor4ation of the fill. .,-/*5* .a(ia unit ?oint filler should be durable resistant to the effe(t of air pollution and water*saline water. .,-/*.* Eedding 4aterial shall (onsist of either (e4ent 4ortar or a durable gas,et seating su(h as resin bonded (or, strip. .,-/*/* Conne(tion between the fa(ia and the reinfor(ing ele4ent ' be by using polyethylene strips*rods, fibre glass dowels or any other 4aterial shown in the drawing. 0ny other 4aterial used shall be tested to provide '&& per (ent ?oint strength as of parent ele4ent in (ontinuity. 7verlapping in prin(ipal reinfor(e4ent or in the ?oint shall ensure load transfer through ?oints, perpendi(ular to the dire(tion of laying. .,-0* CONSTR(CTION DETAI+S .,-0*,* The plan area of the reinfor(ed earth stru(ture shall be, e@(avated to provide a no4inally level base whi(h 4ay be stepped at the ba(, as re>uired to re(eive the horiLontal reinfor(ing ele4ent grid. The depth of the foundation below the finished ground level at the foot of the slope or wall shall not be less than '&&& 44. 0dditional strip footing, trough guide 4ade of (on(rete or an(hor ,ey pad shall be provided at founding level to re(eive the fa(ia or the botto4 4ost reinfor(e4ent (onne(tion. This shall have ade>uate soil (over against erosion and s(our in parti(ular (ases. .,-0*5* Orient!tion The reinfor(ing ele4ents shall be pla(ed at right angles to the fa(e of the wall, with greater (ross+se(tional di4ension in die horiLontal plane. The pla(e4ent of the

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ele4ents in(luding their verti(al*horiLontal spa(ing and length shall be as in the drawing. .,-0.* F!;in& B!tter It 4ay be ne(essary to set fa(ing unit at an additional batter than as provided in the drawing as there is a tenden(y for initially positioned units of fa(ia to lean outward as the fill 4aterial is pla(ed and (o4pa(ted. Care and (aution shall be ta,en to re(tify this pheno4enon. .,-0*/* Dr!in!&e #rainage shall be provided as per drawing given in detail. The retained fill shall have a suitably designed drainage bay to allow free draining of the reinfor(ed fill. .,-0*0* +!yin& !n" Co<#!;tin& The reinfor(ing ele4ents shall be laid free fro4 all ,in,s, da4age and displa(e4ent during deposition, spreading, levelling and (o4pa(tion of the fill. The progra44e of filling shall be su(h that no (onstru(tion plant runs dire(tly on the reinfor(e4ent. 0ll (onstru(tion plant having a 4ass e@(eeding '&&& ,g shall be ,ept at least '.5 4 away fro4 the fa(t of slope or wall. In this area 9upto '.54 fro4 the fa(e of slope or wall:, following (o4pa(tion plant shall be used / 9i: Cibratory roller having a weight per 4etre width of roll not e@(eeding '3&& ,g with total weight not e@(eeding '&,&&& ,g. 9ii: Cibratory plate (o4pa(tor of 4a@i4u4 weight '&&&,g. 9iii: Cibro ta4per having a weight not e@(eeding 25 ,g. Co4pa(tion by any other 4ethod li,e using doLer or ba(, blade (o4pa(tion by doLer or e@(avator bu(,et shall be per4itted with due approval fro4 the !ngineer after as(ertaining the level of (o4pa(tion so a(hieved. #uring (onstru(tion of reinfor(ed fill, the retained 4aterial beyond the reinfor(e4ent at the rear or the stru(ture shall be 4aintained at the sa4e level as reinfor(ed fill. The (o4pa(ted layer shall not be 4ore than %&& 44, to a(hieve (o4pa(tion of 15 per (ent of 4a@i4u4 laboratory density where 4easured per I6 / %2%& 9Part -:. Te4porary for4wor, shall be used to support the (onstru(tion as per spe(ified details given in the drawing. The for4s, s(affolding and props shall be suffi(ient in nu4bers to allow ta,ing up of se(toral (onstru(tion s(hedule spe(ified in the design. .,-1* MEAS(REMENTS FOR PA6MENT Measure4ent for reinfor(ing ele4ents shall be in linear 4etre for an(hor strips or in s>.4. for geogrid * geote@tile et(. The 4easure4ent for fa(ia shall be in s>. 4etres. The 4easure4ent far foundation

Page 5)1 of )'-

for fa(ia and (apping bea4 shall be in linear 4etres. Measure4ent for (o4pa(ted earthfill shall be in (ubi( 4etres for (o4pa(ted soil. .,-2* RATES Rate shall in(lude (ost of labour, plant hire, 4aterial storage and handling e@penses, for (o4pleting the wor,s. Rate for providing reinfor(ing ele4ents shall in(lude 4aterial (ost, all transportation (osts and storage of the sa4e as per spe(ial provisions. The rate shall also in(lude (ost of laying of the reinfor(ing ele4ents in(luding all overlaps, ?ointing or stit(hing, heat bonding or e@tension. Rate for fa(ia fi@ing shall in(lude (ost of ?oints, all ne(essary te4porary for4wor,, s(affolding and all lifts and leads, if any, as shown n the drawing, unless otherwise spe(ified to the treated separately along with foundation or slope*wall ,erb at the top of slope or wall. Rate for bed blo(, and (apping bea4 shall in(lude all ite4s of e@(avation, (on(rete, reinfor(ing steel, for4wor,, labour and e>uip4ent. Rate for soil fill shall in(lude (o4pa(tion as desired in re>uisite layers through 4e(hani(al 4eans, (ost of hire or labour for plant operations, dressing and levelling slopes, in(luding spe(ial 4easures for edge reinfor(e4ents as shown in the drawing.

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'ppendi* ! +IST OF IRC P(B+ICATIONS REFERRED TO IN T%E SPECIFICATIONS Nu<?er Desi&n!tion IRC / %+'1)IRC / 5+'11Tit:e Route Mar,er 6igns for ational Highways 9.irst Revision: 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations & Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges. 6e(tion I + General .eatures of #esign 96eventh Revision: 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations & Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges, 6e(tion II + $oads and 6tresses 9.ourth Revision: Type #esigns for Highway =ilo4etre 6tones 96e(ond Revision: Re(o44ended Pra(ti(e for Eorrowpits for Road !4ban,4ents Constru(ted by Manual 7peration Re(o44ended Pra(ti(e for % (4 Thi(, Eitu4en and Tar Carpets 96e(ond Revision: 6pe(ifi(ation for Pri4ing of Ease Course with Eitu4inous Pri4ers 9.irst Revision: Tentative 6pe(ifi(ation for 6ingle Coat Eitu4inous 6urfa(e #ressing #esign Criteria for Prestressed Con(rete Road Eridges 9Post+ Tensioned Con(rete: 9Third Revision: 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ation and Code of Pra(ti(e for "ater Eound Ma(ada4 96e(ond Revision: Re(o44ended Pra(ti(e for Eitu4inous Penetration Ma(ada4 9.ull Grout: 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations and Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges, 6e(tion III + Ce4ent Con(rete 9Plain and Reinfor(ed: 9Third Revision: 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations and Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges, 6e(tion CI + Co4posite Constru(tion for Road Eridges 9.irst Revision: Tentative 6pe(ifi(ation for Two Coat Eitu4inous 6urfa(e #ressing 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations and Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges. 6e(tion C + 6teel Road Eridges 96e(ond Revision:

IRC / )+%&&& IRC / -+'1-& IRC / '&+'1)' IRC / 'B+'122 IRC/ ')+'1-1 IRC / '2+'1)5 IRC/ '-+%&&& IRC / '1+'122 IRC / %&+'1)) IRC / %' +%&&&

IRC / %%+'1-)

IRC / %3+'1)) IRC / %B+%&&'

Page 52% of )'-

IRC / %5+'1)2 IRC / %)+'1)2 IRC / %2+'1)2 IRC / %1+'1-IRC / 3&+'1)IRC / 35+'112 IRC / 3)+'12& IRC / 32+%&&' IRC / B&+'12& IRC / B5+'12%

Type #esigns for Eoundary 6tones Type #esigns for %&&+Metre 6tones Tentative 6pe(ifi(ations for Eitu4inous Ma(ada4 9Ease & Einder Course: 6pe(ifi(ation for Eitu4inous Con(rete 90sphalti( Con(rete: for Road Pave4ent 9.irst Revision: 6tandard $etters and Highway 6igns u4erals of #ifferent Heights for Ase on

Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Mar,ings 9with Paints: 9.irst Revision: Re(o44ended Pra(ti(e for !4ban,4ents for Road "or,s the Constru(tion of !arth

Guidelines for the #esign of .le@ible Pave4ents 96e(ond Revision: 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations and Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges, 6e(tion IC + 9Eri(,, 6tone and Elo(, Masonry: 9.irst Revision: Re(o44endations for !sti4ating the Resistan(e of 6oil below the Ma@i4u4 6(our $evel in the #esign of "ell .oundations of Eridges Tentative 6pe(ifi(ation for Euilt+up 6pray Grout Tentative 6pe(ifi(ation for Eitu4inous 6urfa(e #ressing Asing Pre(oated 0ggregates Re(o44ended Pra(ti(e for the PulveriLation of Ela(, Cotton 6oils for $i4e 6tabilisation Re(o44ended #esign Criteria for the Ase of Ce4ent Modified 6oil in Road Constru(tion Guidelines for the Ase of 6oil $i4e Mi@es in Road Constru(tion 9.irst Revision: Re(o44ended Pra(ti(e for Treat4ent of !4ban,4ent 6lopes for !rosion Control Tentative Guidelines for the Ase of $ow Grade 0ggregates and 6oil 0ggregate Mi@tures in Road Pave4ent Constru(tion Code of Pra(ti(e for Road 6igns 9.irst Revision:

IRC / B2+'12% IRC / B-+'12% IRC / B1+'123 IRC / 5&+'123 IRC / 5'+'11% IRC / 5)+'12B IRC . )3+'12) IRC / )2+%&&'

Page 523 of )'-

IRC / 2%+'12IRC / 25+'121 IRC / 2-+%&&&

Re(o44ended Pra(ti(e for Ase and Ap,eep of !>uip4ent, Tools and 0pplian(es for Eitu4inous Pave4ent Constru(tion Guidelines for the #esign of High !4ban,4ents 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations and Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges, 6e(tion CII + .oundation & 6ubstru(ture 96e(ond Revision: Re(o44ended Pra(ti(e for Road #elineators Code of Pra(ti(e for Maintenan(e of Eitu4inous 6urfa(e of Highways 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations and Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges, 6e(tion IG + Eearings, Part I/ Metalli( Eearings 9.irst Revision: 6tandard 6pe(ifi(ations and Code of Pra(ti(e for Road Eridges, 9Part+ll: 6e(tion IG + Eearings, Part II/ !lasto4eri( Eearings Guidelines for the #esign & !re(tion of .alse "or, for Roade Eridges Guidelines for #esign & Constru(tion of River Training and Control "or,s for Road Eridges 9.irst Revision: Guidelines of 6ele(tion, Eitu4inous Hot Mi@ Plant 7peration and Maintenan(e of

IRC / 21+'1-' IRC / -%+'1-%

IRC / -3+'111

IRC / 63+'1-2

IRC / -2+'1-B IRC / -1+'112 IRC / 1&+'1-5 IRC / 13+'1-5 IRC / 1B+'1-) IRC/ 6P/''+'1-IRC/6P/3'+'11%

Guidelines on #esign and Installation of Road Traffi( 6ignals 6pe(ifi(ations for #ense Eitu4inous Ma(ada4 Handboo, of Duality Control for Constru(tion of Roads and Runways 96e(ond Revision: ew Traffi( 6igns Ministry of 6hipping & Transport 9Roads "ing: Handboo, on Road Constru(tion Ma(hinery 9'1-5:

IRC / HRE / 6pe(ial Report '', IRC Highway Resear(h Eoard, 6tate of 0rt/ Granular and Eound Eases and 6ub+Eases '11%

Page 52B of )'-

'ppendi* / +IST OF INDIAN AND FOREIGN STANDARDS REFERRED TO IN T%E SPECIFICATIONS Nu<?er Desi&n!tion I6/5+'11B I6/23+'11% I6/ ')B+'1-' I6/%'&+'113 I6/%'5+'115 I6/%'2+'1-I6/%)1+'1-1 I6/%2-+'12I6/%-&+'12I6/33B+l1-% I6/3-3+'12& Tit:e 90: I #I0 6T0 #0R#6 Colour for ready 4i@ed paints and ena4els 9fourth revision: Paving Eitu4en+6pe(ifi(ation 9se(ond revision: Ready 4i@ed paints, brushing, for road 4ar,ing, to Indian 6tandard Colour o. 35) Golden yellow, white and bla(, Grey iron (astings 9fourth revision: Road tar spe(ifi(ation 9third revision: Cutba(, Eitu4en+6pe(ifi(ation 9se(ond revision: 33 grade ordinary portland (e4ent 9fourth revision: GalvaniLed steel barbed wire for fen(ing 9third revision: Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes 9third revision: Glossary of ter4s relating to bitu4en und tar 9se(ond revision:

Coarse and fine aggregates fro4 natural sour(es for (on(rete 9se(ond revision: I6/B3%+'1-% Mild steel and 4ediu4 tensile steel bars and hard+drawn steel wire for (on(rete reinfor(e4ent 9Part I: Mild steel and 4ediu4 tensile steel bars 9third revision: 9Part II: Hard+drawn steel wire 9third revision: I6/BB3+'125 I6/B5B+'11B I6/B55+'1-1 I6/B5)+%&&& I6/B5-+'1-I6/B)&+'1-5 I6/5&-+'1-2 Methods of sa4pling and test for rubber hoses 9se(ond revision: Cutba(, Eitu4en fro4 "a@y Crude+6pe(ifi(ation 9se(ond revision: Portland stag (e4ent 9fourth revision: Code of pra(ti(e for plain and reinfor(ed (on(rete 9fourth revision: Pre(ast Con(rete pipes 9with and without reinfor(e4ent: 9third revision: Test sieves 6pe(ifi(ation grease graphited 9fourth revision:

Page 525 of )'-

I6.5')+'151 I6/2&%+'1-I6/23)+'1-) I6/-'B+'11' I6/'&3&+'11I6/ '&22+' 11% I6/''%B+'12B I6/''%1+'12% I6/''B-+'1-% I6/''B1+'1-% I6/''15+'12I6/''11+'151 I6/'%&' to '%%&+'12I6/'%&3+'12I6/'%&5+'12I6/'%&)+'129Part ' to 3: I6/'%&-+'12I6/'%&1+'12I6/'%'%+'12I6/'%')+'12I6/'%'2+'12-

Methods of test for strength of (on(rete Industrial bitu4en 9se(ond revision: "rought alu4iniu4 and alu4iniu4 alloys, plates for general engineering purposes 9third revision: Covered ele(trodes for 4anual 4etal ar( welding of (arbon and (arbon 4anganese steel 9fifth revision: Carbon steel (astings for general engineering purposes 9fifth revision: Co44on burnt (lay building bri(,s 9fifth revision: Method of test for water absorption apparent spe(ifi( gravity and porosity or natural building stones 9first revision: #ressing of natural building stones 9first revision: Hot rolled rivet bars 9upto B& 44 dia: for stru(tural purposes 9third revision: High tensile rivet bars for stru(tural purposes 9third revision: Eitu4en 4asti( for flowing 9se(ond revision: Method of sa4pling and analysis of (on(rete Indian standard 4ethods for testing tar and bitu4inous 4aterials #eter4ination of penetration 9first revision: #eter4ination of softening point 9first revision: #eter4ination of vis(osity 9first revision: #eter4ination of du(tility 9first revision: #eter4ination of flash point and fire point 9first revision: #eter4ination of loss of heating 9first revision: #eter4ination of solubility in (arbon disulphid( or (arbon tetra(htarate or tri(horo(thylene 9first revision: #eter4ination of 4ineral 4atter 9ash: 9first revision:

I6/ '%31+'11& Mild steel tubes 9fifth revision: 9Part ':

Page 52) of )'-

I6/'%31+'11% 9Part %: I6/'3)B+'11% 9Part I to C: I6/3)2+'112 9Part I to GG: I6/'3-2+'113 I6/'31-+'1-% I6/'BBI6/'B22 9Part ':+'12' 9Part %:+'12' I6/'B-1+'11' 9Part ': 9Part %: I6. 'B1-+'12& I6/ '5'B+'11& I6 '23%+'1-1 I6/ '2-5

Mild steel tubular and other wrought steel pipe fittings 9third revision:

He@agon head bolts, s(rews and nuts of produ(t grades 0 and E. +Part I / He@agon head bolts 9siLe range Ml.) to M)B: 9third revision: Te(hni(al supply (onditions for threaded steel fastners General re>uire4ents for the supply of 4etallurgi(al 4aterials 9se(ond revision: Pa(,ing paper, waterproof, bitu4en+la4inated 9se(ond revision: Method of tests for petroleu4 and its produ(ts Code of pra(ti(e for painting of ferrous 4etals in buildings Pretreat4ent 9first revision: Painting 9first revision: Portland+poLLolana (e4ent .lyash based 9third revision: Cal(ined (lay based 9third revision Classifi(ation and identifi(ation of soils for general engineering purposes 9first revision: Methods of sa4pling and test for >ui(, li4e and hydrated li4e 9first revision: #i4ensions for round and s>uare steel bars for stru(tural and general engineering purposes 9se(ond revision: Plain hard+drawn steel wire for prestressed (on(rete

9Part ':+'1-3 Cold+draws stress relieved wire 9se(ond revision: I6/'2-)+'1-5 I6/ '-39Part ':+'1-3 I6/'---+'1-% I6/%&&B+'11' High strength defor4ed steel bars and wires for (on(rete reinfor(e4ent 9third revision: Prefor4ed filler for e@pansion ?oint in (on(rete pave4ent and stru(tures 9non e@truding and resilient type: Eitu4en i4pregnated fibre 9first revision: Method of load tests on soils 9se(ond revision: Carbon steel forging for general engineering purposes 9third revision:

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I6/%&)%+'111 I6/%'')+'1-& I6/%'3'+'1-' I6/%%5&+'1-' I6/%3-)+'1)3 9Part ': 9Part %: 9Part 3: 9Part B: 9Part 5: 9Part ): 9Part 2: 9Part -: I6+%2%& 9Part %:+'123 9Part 3:+'1-& 6e(tion ' 6e(tion II 9Part B:+'1-5 9Part 5:+'1-5 9Part 2:+'1-& 9Part -:+'1-3 9Part '&:+'11' 9Part '3:+'1-) 9Part 'B:+'1-3

6teel to general stru(tural purpose 9fifth revision: 6and for 4asonry 4ortals 9first revision: Methods for standard penetration test for soils 9first revision: Code of pra(ti(e for preparation and use of 4asonry 4ortars 9first revision: Methods of test for aggregates for (on(rete Parti(le siLe and shape !sti4ation of deleterious 4aterials and organi( i4purities 6pe(ifi( gravity, density, voids, absorption and bul,ing Me(hani(al properties 6oundness Measuring 4ortar 4a,ing properties of fine aggregates 0l,ali + 0ggregate rea(tivity Petrographi( e@a4ination Methods of test for soils #eter4ination of water (ontent 9se(ond revision: #eter4ination of spe(ifi( gravity 9first revision: .ine grained soils Mediu4 and (oarse grained soils Grain siLe analysis 9se(ond revision: #eter4ination of li>uid and plasti( li4its 9se(ond revision: #eter4ination of 4oisture (ontent*dry density relation using light (o4pa(tion 9se(ond revision: #eter4ination of water (ontent+dry density relation using heavy (o4pa(tion 9se(ond revision: #eter4ination of un(onfined (o4pressive strength 9se(ond revision: #ire(t shear test 9se(ond revision: #eter4ination of density inde@ 9relative density: of (ohesionless soils 9first revision:

Page 52- of )'-

9Part '):+'1-2 9Part %2:+'122 9Part %-:+'12B 9Part %1:+'125 9Part 32:+'12) 9Part B&:+'122 I6/3''2+'1)5 I6/3B))+'1-I6/32)B+'11% I6/B'3-+'122 '6/B33% 9Part ':+'1)2 9Part 3:+l1)2 9Part B:+l1)9Part 5:+l12& 9Part 2:+l123 9Part -:+'1)1 I6/BB3B+'12I6/'-%)+'121 I6/53'2+'1-2 I6/5B35+'1-2 I6/5)B&+'12&

$aboratory deter4ination of CER 9se(ond revision: #eter4ination of total soluble sulphates 9first revision: #eter4ination of dry density of soils in+pla(e by the sand repla(e4ent 4ethod 9first revision: #eter4ination of dry density of soils in+pla(e by (ore (utter 4ethod 9first revision: #eter4ination of sand e>uivalent values of soils and fine aggregates #eter4ination of free swell inde@ of soils 6pe(ifi(ation for bitu4en e4ulsion for roads 9anioni( type: Masonry (e4ent 9se(ond revision: Code of safety for e@(avation wor, 9first revision: 6afety (ode for wor,ing in (o4pressed air 9first revision: Method of test for stabiliLed soils Method of sa4pling and preparation of stabiliLed soils for testing Test for deter4ination of 4oisture (ontent+dry density relation for stabiliLed soil 4i@tures "etting and drying and, freeLing and thawing tests for (o4pa(ted soil+(e4ent 4i@tures #eter4ination of un(onfined (o4pressive strength of stabiliLed soil #eter4ination of (e4ent (ontent of (e4ent stabiliLed soils #eter4ination of li4e (ontent of li4e stabiliLed soils Code of pra(ti(e for in+situ vane shear test for soils 9first revision: Hot dipped galvanised (oating on round steel wires 9first revision: 6pe(ifi(ation for bitu4en 4asti( for bridge de(,ing and roads 9first revision: General re>uire4ents for (old asphalt 4a(ada4 4i@ing plants 9first revision: Method for deter4ining the aggregate i4pa(t value of soft (oarse aggregate

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I6/)&&)+'1-3 I6/)%B'+'12' I6/)1&1+'11& I6/)1%5+'123 I6/2532+'12B I6/2)%3/'113 I6/-&B'+'11& I6/-''%+'1-1 I6/-5&&+'11' I6/---2+'115 I6/1'&3+'111 I6/13-'+'121 I6/13-%+'121 I6/'&%)%+'1-% I6/'%%)1+'1-2 I6/'%33&+'1-I6/'33%' 9Part ':+'11% I6/'33%5+'11% I6/'33%) 9Part I:+'11% I6/6P %3+'1-%

An(oated stress relieved strands for prestressed (on(rete 9first revision: Methods of test for deter4ination of stripping value of road aggregates 6upersulphated (e4ent Methods of test for deter4ination of water soluble (hlorides in (on(rete ad4i@tures Road traffi( signals 6pe(ifi(ation for lithiu4 base grease for industrial purposes 9se(ond revision: Rapid hardening portland (e4ent 9se(ond revision: B3 grade ordinary portland (e4ent 9first revision: 6tru(tural steel + 4i(roalloyed 94ediu4 and high strength >ualities: 9first revision: Eitu4en e4ulsion for roads 9(ationi( type:+spe(ifi(ation 9first revision: 0d4i@tures for (on(rete 9first revision: Methods of testing tar and bitu4inous 4aterials/ deter4ination of fraass brea,ing point of bitu4en Methods of testing tar and bitu4inous 4aterials/ deter4ination of effe(t of heat and air by thin fil4 oven tests Guidelines for (on(rete 4i@ design 6pe(ifi(ation for 53 grade ordinary portland (e4ent 6pe(ifi(ation for sulphate resisting portland (e4ent Glossary of ter4s for geosynth(ti(s, part '/ ter4s used in 4aterials and properties #eter4ination of tensile properties of e@truded poly4er geogrids using the wide strip+test 4ethod !valuation of interfa(e fri(tion between geosyntheti(s and soil+4ethod of test, part ' / 4odified dire(t shear te(hni>ue Handboo, on (on(rete 4i@es 9based on Indian standards:

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(B) FOREIGN STANDARDS 06TM / #+3) 06TM / #+315 06TM / #+B'% 06TM / #+B%1 06TM / #+523 06TM / #+)%B 06TM / #+))B 06TM / #+212 06TM / #122+1' 06TM / #121+-1 06TM / #+'&25 06TM / #+l 'B1 06TM / #+l551 06TM / #%&%)+2% 9Reapproved '113: 06TM / #%&%2+2) 9Reapproved '11%: 06TM / #%&B'+15 06TM / #%'2%+15 06TM / #+%%B& 06TM / #%312+1B 06TM / #3%&3+1B Ther4oplasti( 4aterial Co4pression test of vul(aniLed rubber Tension testing of vul(aniLed rubber 0dhesion of vul(aniLed rubber to 4etal 0((elerated aging of vul(aniLed rubber by the oven 4ethod Tear resistan(e of vul(aniLed rubber Test 4ethod for neutralisation nu4ber for potentio4etri( titration FoungKs 4odulus in fle@ure of elasto4er at nor4al and subnor4al te4perature 6tandard spe(ifi(ation for e4ulsified asphalt 6tandard pra(ti(e for sa4pling bitu4inous paving 4i@tures !ffe(t of water on (ohesion of (o4pa(ted bitu4inous 4i@tures 0((elerated oLone (ra(,ing of vul(aniLed rubber Test for resistan(e to plasti( flow of bitu4inous 4i@tures using Marshall apparatus 6tandard spe(ifi(ation for (utba(, asphalt 9slow+(uring type: 6tandard spe(ifi(ation for (utba(, asphalt 94ediu4+(uring type: 6tandard test 4ethod for theoreti(al 4a@i4u4 spe(ifi( gravity and density of bitu4inous paving 4i@tures 6tandard test 4ethods for >uantitative e@tra(tion of bitu4en fro4 bitu4inous paving 4i@tures Indentation hardness of rubber and plasti( by 4eans of a #uro4eter 6tandard spe(ifi(ation of (anoni( e4ulsified asphalt 6tandard test 4ethod for per (ent air voids in (o4pa(ted dense and open bitu4inous paving 4i@tures

Page 5-' of )'-

06TM / #+3)%5 06TM / #31'&+1& 9Reapproved '115: 06TM / #+B533 06TM / #512)+1) 06TM / !+'' 06TM / !+-'& 006HT7/#M %-3

Test 4ethod for effe(t of water on bitu4en (oated aggregate using boiling water 6tandard pra(ti(e for design, testing and (onstru(tion of slurry seal Test 4ethod for trapeLoid tearing strength of geote@tiles 6tandard spe(ifi(ation for type I poly4er 4odified asphalt (e4ent for use in pave4ent (onstru(tion 6pe(ifi(ation for wire (loth sieves for testing purposes Test 4ethod for (oeffi(ient of retro+refle(tion or retro+refle(tion sheeting Coarse aggregate for highway and airport (onstru(tion

006HT7/#M %1B+2& .ine aggregate for bitu4inous paving 4i@tures 006HT7/#M %--+-% Geote@tiles used for subsurfa(e drainage purposes 006HT7/#M '2+22 006HT7/#R 5+-& 006HT7/#M -'+25 006HT7/#M -%+25 006HT7/#M 'B&+-& Materials for e4ban,4ents and sub grades 006HTC/#M 52+-& Materials for aggregate and soil+aggregate sub+base, base and 006HT7/#M 'B2+)5 surfa(e (ourses 9'1-&: 006HT7/#M %')+)- $i4e for stabiliLation 006HT7/#M %B1+21 "hite and yellow refle(tive ther4oplasti( stripping 4aterials 9solid for4: 006HT7/#M %)-+22 "eathero4eter 006HT7/#M %-%+-& 8oint sealants, hot poured, elasto4eri( type, 9or 06TM / # 3B&): for Portland (e4ent (on(rete pave4ents 006HT7/ M-% !>uivalent to 06TM/#%&%2+2) or 06TM/#%&%)+2% Mineral filler for bitu4inous paving 4i@tures 6ele(tion and use of e4ulsified asphalts Cut+ba(, asphalt 9rapid+(uring type: Cut+ba(, asphalt 94ediu4+(uring type: !4ulsified asphalt

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006HT7/ MIB& 006HT7/ M%&006HT7/ T'-%+-B 006HT7/ T%-3+-1 E6/B'&+'1)1 E6/B3B + Part %/'1-B +Part %/'1-B E6 / 51+ Part '&B/'1-2 + Part '&2/'11& E6 / 2%1+'12' E6 / -'%+'125 + Part % + Part 3 + Part ''' + Part ''B+'1-1 E6 / '&B2+'15% E6 / ''5B+'12& E6 / '322+'125 E6 / 'BB2+'123 E6 / 'BB1+'15) + Part '+'12%

!>uivalent to 06TM/#122+1' !>uivalent to 06TM/#%312+1B Coaling and stripping of bitu4en aggregate 4i@tures Resistan(e of (o4pa(ted bitu4inous 4i@ture to 4oisture indu(ed da4age Test sieves Eitu4en road e4ulsions 9anioni( and (ationi(: 6pe(ifi(ation for bitu4en road e4ulsion Code of pra(ti(e for use of bitu4en road e4ulsions 6a4pling and e@a4ination of bitu4inous 4i@tures for roads and other paved areas Methods of test for the deter4ination of the density and (o4pa(tion Method of test for the deter4ination of the (o4position of design wearing (ourse rolled asphalt Hot dip galvaniLed (oating on iron and steel arti(les Testing aggregates Methods for deter4ination of physi(al properties Methods for deter4ination of 4e(hani(al properties Method for deter4ination of ten per (ent fines value 9T.C: Method for deter4ination of the polished+stone value 0ir+(ooled blast furna(e slag (oarse aggregate for (on(rete Cul(aniLed natural rubber (o4pounds Methods of test for soils for (ivil engineering purposes Masti( asphalt 9li4estone fine aggregates: for roads and footways 6teel plate, sheet and strip Carbon steel plate, sheet and strip

Page 5-3 of )'-

+ Part %+'1)2 E6 / 'B2&+'12% H6 / %&&& +

6tainless and heat resisting plate, sheet and strip "rought alu4iniu4 and alu4iniu4 alloys for general engineering purposes + plate, sheet and strip Methods of test for petroleu4 and its produ(ts

Part 312/'115 Re(overy of bitu4en binders+di(hloro4ethane e@tra(tion rotary fil4 evaporator 4ethod Prefor4ed ?oint Tiller Rolled (opper and (opper alloys / sheet, strip and foil Hot+applied ther4oplasti( road 4ar,ing 4aterials 6pe(ifi(ation for (onstituent 4aterials and 4i@tures 6pe(ifi(ation for road perfor4an(e 6pe(ifi(ation for appli(ation of 4aterial to road surfa(e

E6 / %)3& E6 / %-2& E6 / 3%)% Part+' Part+% Part+3

E6 / 5%'% Part % '125 Cold poured ?oint sealants for (on(rete pave4ents E6 / )&BB E6 / )&-E6 / )1&) Part ' Part % Part 3 Part B Part 2 E6 / 25B% CRRi & I7C. ew #elhi E6 / ##%3%+'11) 6pe(ifi(ation for pave4ent 4ar,ing paints 6pe(ifi(ation for solid glass beads for use with road 4ar,ing (o4pounds and for other industrial uses Methods of test for geote@tiles #eter4ination of the tensile properties using a wide width strip #eter4ination of the apparent pore siLe distribution by dry sieving #eter4ination of water flow nor4al to the plane of the geote@tile under a (onstant head #eter4ination of the pun(ture resistan(e 9CER pun(ture test: #eter4ination of in+plane water flow Method of test (uring (o4pound for (on(rete Eitu4inous road (onstru(tion hand boo, Method for deter4ination of the 4a@i4u4 binder (ontent of bitu4inous 4i@tures without e@(essive binder drainage

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0sphalt Institute

The asphalt handboo,, 4anual series o.B 9M6+B: '1-1 edition Manual series o.% 9M6+%: + 4i@ design 4ethods for asphalt (on(rete and other hot+4i@ types Manual series o.'B 9M6+'B:+ asphalt (old 4i@ 4anual


Geogrid rib tensile strength Geogrid ?un(tion strength Tensile (reep testing of georgids

9GRI denotes standards for test prepared by Geosyntheti( Resear(h. Institute al #re@el Aniversity. Philadelphia. A60:

Page 5-5 of )'-

'ppendi* 0 (C:!use /-5*.*5 !n" /-. .*5) MET%OD OF SIE)ING FOR WET SOI+S TO DETERMINE T%E DEGREE OF P(+)ERISATION '. %. 0 sa4ple of pulverised soil appro@i4ately ' ,g in weight should be ta,en and weighed 9"':. It should be spread on the sieve and sha,en gently, (are being ta,en to brea, the lu4ps of soils as little as possible. "eight of soil retained on the sieve should be re(orded 9"%:. $u4ps of finer soils in the retained 4aterial should be bro,en until all the individual parti(ulars finer than the aperture siLe of the sieve are separated. The soil should again be pla(ed on the sieve and sha,en until sieving is (o4plete. The retained 4aterial should be weighed 9"3:. "eight of soil by per (ent passing the sieve (an than be (al(ulated fro4 the e@pression/
9"' + "% : @ '&& 9"' + "3 :

3. B.

Page 5-) of )'-

'ppendi* 1 G(IDE+INES ON SE+ECTION OF T%E GRADE OF BIT(MEN 96our(e / Eitu4inous Road Constru(tion Handboo,, Indian 7il Corporation and Central Road Resear(h Institute: 0: .or bitu4inous pre4i@ (arpel, (hoi(e is governed by (li4ati( (onditions and intensity of traffi(. i: Grade 3&*B& for areas where differen(e between 4a@i4u4 and 4ini4u4 at4ospheri( te4peratures is less than %5I C and traffi( intensity is greater than '5&& (o44er(ial vehi(les per day. .or traffi( intensity less than '5&& (o44er(ial vehi(les per day. Grade 67*)& is preferred. ii: "here the differen(e between 4a@i4u4 and 4ini4u4 at4ospheri( te4perature is 4ore than %5o C and traffi( intensity is greater than '5&& (o44er(ial vehi(les per day. Grade 5&*)& 4ay be used. .or traffi( intensity of less than '5&& (o44er(ial vehi(les per day, Grade -&*'&& 4ay be used. .or roads with very heavy traffi( greater than B5&& (o44er(ial vehi(les per day, su(h as 4etropolitan (ity roads. Grade 3&*B& is preferred. iii: Grade -&*'&& 4ay be used in high altitude and snow+bound regions, irrespe(tive of traffi( intensity (onsideration. E: .or bitu4inous 4a(ada4 and penetration 4a(ada4 as also built+up spray grout. Grade 3&*B& 9for hot (li4ates: and )&*2& or 3&*'&& for ether (li4ates are suggested. .or a dense+graded bitu4inous (on(rete, a 4ore vis(ous grade li,e )&*2& (an withstand stresses of heavier wheel loads better than a less vis(ous grade at -&*'&&. 6i4ilarly paving bitu4en grade )&*2& is 4ore advantageous for roads with large nu4ber of repetitious of wheel loads li,e e@pressways, urban roads, fa(tory toads et( High stability re>uire4ent (annot be 4et effe(tively by less vis(ous bitu4en. 0 4ore vis(ous grade of bitu4en is advantageous in redu(ing stripping of bitu4en fil4 fro4 aggregates in the presen(e of water. "ith rounded river shingles, a 4ore vis(ous grade of bitu4en (o4pensates lo so4e e@tern for poor 4e(hani(al interlo(,. 0 (o4parison of penetration grades and vis(osity grades 90C+%.5 to 0C+B&: of asphalt (e4ent and 0R grades 9based on Rolling Thin .il4 7ven Test residue: is shown below.


#: !:

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'ppendi* ANTI7STRIPPING AGENTS (SED FOR BIT(MINO(S MATERIA+S AND MI8ES ,* S;o#e ,*,* 0nti+stripping agents are used for bitu4inous 4aterials and 4i@es to ensure adhesion between aggregates 9hydrophili( in nature: and bitu4en, even under sub4ergen(e in water. Prior approval of the !ngineer shall be ta,en in respe(t of both >ualitative arid >uantitative use of a parti(ular produ(t. 5* M!teri!:s 5*,* The anti+stripping agents shall be fatly a(id a4ines hydro(arbon (hain. having a long

5*5* Physi;!: !n" Che<i;!: ReEuire<ents = The anti+stripping agents shall (onfor4 to the physi(al and (he4i(al re>uire4ents as detailed in Table 05+'. 5*.* Stor!&e !n" %!n":in& = 0nti+stripping agents shall be properly stored in (losed (ontainers 4ade of steel or alu4iniu4. Containers 4ade of Lin(, (opper, polythene PCC and 4ost types of rubber are not suitable for use. 0s 4ost of the anti+ stripping agents (ause irritation when in (onta(t with hu4an s,in and are also irritating to the eyes, prote(tive gloves for hands and goggles for the eyes shall be used while handling the4, spe(ially in (ase of li>uid anti+stripping agents. .* (se in S#r!ye" Wor@ .*,* A""itive Dos!&e= The dosage shall be deter4ined depending on the nature 9stripping value: of the aggregate and the siLe of aggregate. "hile the re(o44ended 4ini4u4 do/M of anti+stripping agent for sprayed wor, is given in Table 05+%, the a(tual dosage shall be deter4ined in the laboratory as dire(ted by the !ngineer. .*5* MiBin& Pro;e"ure Durin& Constru;tion= The anti+stripping agent supplied in li>uid, solid or (on(entrate for4 shall be thoroughly 4i@ed with li>uid bitu4inous 4aterial or with straight run bitu4en. "hen used with straight run bitu4en, the (orre(t dose of anti stripping agent shall be 4i@ed in a hot bitu4en tan, boiler. The two (onstituents shall be agitated till the anti+stripping agent is thoroughly 4i@ed. The dose of anti+stripping agent shall suitably be in(reased if the binder is to re4ain in bitu4en boiler for a longer period. /* (se in Pre<iB Wor@ /*,* A""itive Dos!&e= The dosage shall be deter4ined depending on the nature 9stripping value: of the aggregate and the per (ent voids in the 4i@. "hile the re(o44ended 4ini4u4 doses for different types of bitu4inous pre4i@ 4aterials in ter4s of voids (ontent ar( given in Table 06+3, the a(tual dosage shall be deter4ined in the laboratory as dire(ted by the !ngineer.

Page 5-1 of )'-

TAB+E A07,* SPECIFICATION FOR ANTISTRIPPING COMPO(ND S*NO* Test Metho" +i<it '. %. 3. B. 5. ). 2. 0ppearan(e 7dour 6pe(ifi( gravity %2oC Pour point C Ma@i4u4 .lash point 9C7C: Mini4u4 "ater Content per (ent Col. Ma@i4u4 6olubility in diesel oil 9H#7 or $#7: in the ratio of %/1- at 5&oC Total base value 4g =7H*g 4ini4u4 itrogen (ontent per (ent "t. 4ini4u4 6tripping value with bitu4en (ontaining ' per (ent "t anti stripping (o4pound at B&& C %B hours Ander water (oating test Ther4al stability at ')3&C 5hours Eoiling water test per (ent 4ini4u4 (oating Retained Marshall 6tability per (ent 4ini4u4 Cisual 64elling I6 / '%&%+'12I6 / 'BBI6 / 'BBI6 / 'BB0s given at the end of 0ppendi@ 06TM#))B !le4ental 0nalyser I6 /)%B' 0s given at the end of 0ppendi@ $i>uid*6olid 0greeable &.-)&+'.&3 B% '5& '.& Co4plete

-. 1. '&.

%&& 2.& o stripping

''. '%. '3. 'B.

+do+ +do+ 06TM # 3)%5 0s given at the. end of appendi@

Co4plete Coaling 6hould not lose its effi(a(y 15 25

TAB+E A075* TENTATI)E RECOMMENDED MINIM(M DOSE OF ANTISTRIPPING AGENT FOR SPRA6ED WORK 0ggregate stripping value #ose of anti stripping agent in per(ent by weight of bitu4en 6urfa(e dressing with pre(oated aggregate &.5 &.) &.25 Penetration Ma(ada4* Euilt up spray grout &.) &.2 '.& 6urfa(e #ressing with un(oated aggregate &.2 &.'.& $i>uid (oat seal

&+%5 %5+5& 5&+'&&

&.'.& '.&

Page 51& of )'-

/*5* MiBin& Pro;e"ure Durin& Constru;tion = The re>uired dose of the anti+ stripping agent shall be poured into the hot bitu4en tan, and allowed '5 to 3& 4inutes of (ir(ulation or stirred to ensure a ho4ogeneous 4i@. It is ne(essary to use a stable anti stripping agent or in(rease the dose a((ording to e@pe(ted degradation. 0lternatively, the (orre(t dose shall be in?e(ted into the bitu4en line by 4eans of a pu4p. The agent is fed into the bitu4en first before it is sprayed on the aggregate in the 4i@M thus, no separate 4i@ing ti4e for 4i@ing die agent with bitu4en is re>uired. In rolled asphalt and bitu4en 4asti( surfa(ing wor,s, pre(oated (hippings are pressed into the hard surfa(e while the 4i@ is still tot to 4a,e the newly hid surfa(e s,id resistant. These (hippings shall be pre(oated with bitu4en treated with anti striping (o4pound. TAB+E A07.* TENTATI)E RECOMMENDED MINIM(M DOSE OF ANTISTRIPPING COMPO(ND IN BIT(MEN PREMI8 WORKS 6tripping value of aggregate &+%5 %5+5& 5&+'&& #ose of anti stripping agent in per (ent by weight of bitu4en Coids (ontent 3+5 per (ent &.3 &.B &.) Coids (ontent 5+ '& per (ent &.B &.5 &.Coids (ontent '&+'5 per (ent &.5 &.) '.&

TESTING PROCED(RE FOR SO+(BI+IT6 OF ANTISTRIPPING AGENT IN DIESE+ OI+ Pro;e"ure= 1-4l of diesel oil 9H#7 or $#7: and % 4l of antistripping agent shall be ta,en in a 4easuring (ylinder with stopper. The (ylinder along with its (ontents shall be ,ept in water bath, 4aintained at 5&& \ '&C for half an hour. It shall then be ta,en out fro4 water bath and sha,en vigorously for '& 4inutes. The stopper shall be re4oved and the (ylinder ,ept in water bath for half an hour and e@a4ined for separation or settle4ent. Re#ortin& o resu:ts= 0n antistripping agent is reported to be (o4pletely soluble in diesel oil if no separation or settle4ent is observed for half an hour. TESTING STRIPPING )A+(E OF AGGREGATES (SING BIT(MEN WIT% )AR6ING PERCENTAGES OF ANTISTRIPPING AGENT* Pro;e"ure= Coarse aggregate passing '1 44 sieve and retained on '3.% 44 sieve shall be washed and dried in an oven for %B hours at ''& &C. 6u(h dried %&& g4s of (oarse aggregates shall be heated at 'B1P C and then 4i@ed with -&*'&& penetration grade bitu4en 5 per (ent by weight of (oarse aggregate heated upto ')3P C. The 4i@ture shall be 4i@ed thoroughly for unifor4 (oating of aggregates by bitu4en. The 4i@ shall then be transferred to a 5&& 4l bea,er and allowed to (ool to roo4 te4perature. #istilled water shall be added in the bea,er, whi(h shall be pla(ed in a water bath 4aintained at B&& \ l&C for %B hours. The per(entage degree of stripping shall be assessed Cisually. The lest shall also be (ondu(ted with water (ontaining ' per (ent 6odiu4 Chloride, as a
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pre(autionary 4easure to eli4inate water (onta4ination. The test is repealed using bitu4en (ontaining upto one per (ent of antistripping agent in stages of &.%5 per (ent. TESTING EFFICAC6 OF ANTISTRIPPING AGENT TO COAT AGGREGATES WIT% BIT(MEN IN PRESENCE OF WATER Pro;e"ure= The antistripping agent shall be added in per (ent (ontents of &.&, &.%5, &.5&., &.25, '.&& and '.%5 to (utba(, bitu4en MC3 9Bpans of bitu4en -&*'&& and ' part of ,erosene oil:. The blends shall be used for testing their ability to (oat the road aggregates under water. 9a: '&&g4 of (lean and dry stone dust (onfor4ing to following gradation shall be ta,en/

6ieve 6iLe per (ent passing %.3) 44 '&& '.'-44 -& )&& 4i(. 25 3&& 4i(. B5 The bottle shall be filled to 3*B of its volu4e with distilled water at B&P C. The bitu4en+antistripping agent blend shall be added in the bottle at the rate of 2.5 per (ent by weight of stone dust. The stopper shall be repla(ed and the bottle shall be vigorously sha,en for two 4inutes. The water shall be then drained off and the stone dust shall be transferred to a pie(e of paper and e@a4ined visually for satisfying (o4plete (oaling. The 4ini4u4 per (ent (ontent of anti stripping agent at whi(h the stone dust sa4ple is thoroughly (oated shall be re(orded. The test shall be repeated at )&PC in water as well as ' per (ent solution of 6odiu4 Chloride in water for both the testing te4peratures. 9b: The under water (oating test shall further be (ondu(ted with (oarse aggregate, passing '1 44 sieve and retained on '3.% 44 sieve. In this (ase the per (ent (ontent of the (ut ba(,+antistripping agent blend shall be ,epi at 5 per (ent by weight of (oarse aggregate. In order to ta,e (are of (onta4ination in water, the ten shall also be (arried out in the ' per (ent 6odiu4 Chloride in water.

The 4ini4u4 per (ent (ontent of antistripping agent at whi(h stone dust*(oarse aggregate is thoroughly (oated as per 9a: and 9b: shall be ta,en as the dose of antistripping agent TESTING FOR T%ERMA+ STABI+IT6 OF ANTISTRIPPING AGENT Pro;e"ure= Elends of antistripping agent and bitu4en of -&*'&& grade shall be prepared with &.&&, &.%5, &.5&, &.25 and '.&& per (ent (ontents of antistripping agent and ,ept in oven at ')3PCfor five hours. 0fter the heat e@posure, the blend sa4ples are flu@ed with ,erosene oil to obtain the (onsisten(y of MC 3 and tested for under water (oaling test. Reporting of test results/ 0n antistripping agent shall be dee4ed to be heat resistant if the dose re>uire4ent before and after heat e@posure re4ains un(hanged.

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>(ANTITATI)E E)A+(ATION OF RETAINED MARS%A++ STABI+IT6 )A+(ES AFTER IMMERSION IN WATER Pro(edure/ .or >uantitative evaluation, the tests shall be (arried out as stipulated in 06TM #'&25 9!ffe(t of "ater on Cohesion of Co4pa(ted Eitu4inous Mi@tures:. The gradation of aggregates shall be su(h as to give suffi(ient voids iiR the (o4pa(ted bitu4inous 4i@ to bring out the effe(ts of stripping. The gradation of aggregates shall be as under/ 6ieve 6iLe per (ent Passing '1.&& 44 '&& '3.%&44 25+'&& 1.5& 44 )&+-& B.25 44 35+55 %.3) 44 %&+35 )&& 4i( '&+%% 3&& 4i( )+') '5& 4i( B+'% 25 4i( %+The Marshall test spe(i4ens shall be prepared using 5 per (ent bitu4en of -&*'&& grade by weight of aggregates blended with varying per(entages of antistripping agents fro4 & to ' per Cent in steps of &.%5 per (ent. The test sa4ples shall give a void (ontent of about ) per (ent. 0t least - standard Marshall spe(i4ens for ea(h of the varying antistripping agent per(entages shall be prepared. !a(h set of - lest spe(i4ens shall be sorted out in two groups of B ea(h so that the average spe(ifi( gravity of the spe(i4en in group i shall be essentially the sa4e as in group II. Group+I shall be tested for Marshall 6tability in the usual pro(edure 06TM #'551. Group+II spe(i4ens shall be i44ersed in water for %B hours at )&PC \ '& C. and then shall be tested i44ediately for Marshall stability as per 06TM # '551. C!:;u:!tion= The nu4eri(al inde@ of resistan(e of bitu4inous 4i@tures to the detri4ental effe(t of water shall be e@pressed as the inde@ of retained stability /
0verage Marshall 6tability of Group + II @ '&& per (ent 0verage Marshall 6tability of Group + I

ReEuire<ent or !;;e#t!n;e= 0 4ini4u4 of 25 per (ent of retained Marshall strength shall be re>uired for a((eptan(e.

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'ppendi* !""" ! DRAFT DOC(MENT ON IS = 4-227,424 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR CORROSION PROTECTION OF STEE+ REINFORCEMENT IN RB AND RCC CONSTR(CTION (RE)ISED) FOREWORD This Indian 6tandard has been revised ta,ing into (onsideration the e@perien(e gained over the years, develop4ents those have ta,en pla(e subse>uently and also (onsidering the need for evolving suitable a((eptan(e tests for >uality (ontrol. In this regard, the ele(tro(he4i(al tests developed at the Central !le(tro(he4i(al Resear(h Institute, =arai,udi, and also the tests spe(ified in 06TM0225*0225 M+1& for powder epo@y (oating have been (onsidered. This revised standard supersedes earlier standard na4ely '6/1&22+'121. "hile revising this standard, it was de(ided to (over the various test pro(edures re>uired to ensure the >uality of individual produ(t as well as the finished produ(ts. It was also de(ided that this standard should in(lude very stringent test pro(edures parti(ularly for finished produ(ts so that these pro(edures (an be used to evaluate not only the (orrosion resistan(e of a parti(ular finished produ(t (overed by this standard but also any other finished produ(t su(h as galvanising, powder epo@y et(. ,* SCOPE ,*,* This standard 9revised: spe(ifi(s the re(o44ended pra(ti(e for surfa(e preparation, surfa(e pretreat4ent and anti+(orrosive treat4ent based on inhibited and sealed (e4ent slurry as an in+sit 8 pro(ess for (orrosion prote(tion of 4ild steel reinfor(e4ent * H F6 # bars in (onventional reinfor(ed (on(rete stru(tures and (onventional reinfor(ed bri(,wor,, (onstru(tions. This pra(ti(e is also appli(able for non+prestressing steels 94ild steel reinfor(e4ent*HF6# bars: used in prestressed Con(rete stru(ture. ,*5* This standard applies only for in+situ (orrosion prote(tion of 4ild steel reinfor(e4ent* HF6# bars after all bending and shaping operations ar( (o4pleted. However, this does not pre(lude the possibility of using this pra(ti(e as a fa(tory pro(ess. 5* ANTICORROSI)E TREATMENT PROCESS SE>(ENCES The anti(orrosive treat4ent should ne(essarily in(lude the following se>uential steps/ 9a: Sur !;e #re#!r!tion ("e7rustin&)

6in(e presen(e of oil, grease, din, heavy s(ale and rust will adversely affe(t the perfor4an(e of any anti(orrosive treat4ent, it is essential to adopt suitable surfa(e preparation te(hni>ue. 6urfa(e preparation (an be either by a(id pi(,ling or by sand blasting. 9b: Sur !;e #retre!t<ent

6urfa(e preparation should be i44ediately followed by a surfa(e treat4ent step

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to ensure te4porary prote(tion during the ti4e lag between the de+rusting and finish (oaling. This pretreat4ent should not adversely affe(t either the adhesion of the finish (oat or (orrosion perfor4an(e. 9(: Inhi?ite" Ce<ent S:urry ;o!tin&

0 4ini4u4 of % (oats should be applied to ensure full (overage. 9d: Se!:in& tre!t<ent

6ealing treat4ent should 4a,e the (oating harder and less per4eable 0 typi(al flow diagra4 is shown in .ig. '&&&*'. .* PROCED(RE FOR S(RFACE PREPARATION .*,* S!n" B:!stin& 6and blasting of the steel surfa(e to 60! % '*% standards (an be done .*5* De7rustin& ?y Pi;@:in& The pi(,ling weld should be preferably based on hydro(hlori( a(id and should in(lude an effi(ient inhibitor to prevent base 4etal atta(,. 0 typi(al de+rusting solution should have the following (hara(teristi(s/ a: inhibitor effi(ien(y should not be less than 12 per (ent. b: weight loss of a polished standard 4ild steel reinfor(e4ent * HF6# bars spe(i4en when dipped in the solution for '& 4inutes should not be 4ore than % g per s>. 4etre. (: 6pe(ifi( gravity when tested using a standard spe(ifi( gravity bottle should be around '.'%. /* PROCED(RE FOR S(RFACE PRE7TREATMENT #e+rusted surfa(e should be i44ediately (onverted by using phosphating treat4ent. It should be ensured by a suitable rinsing pro(ess that no residual a(id is re4aining on the surfa(e at the ti4e of phosphating. 0 typi(al phosphating (o4position of brushable (onsisten(y should have the following (hara(teristi(s / a: b: (: d: e: f: Coating weight when tested ai per test pro(edure 0 given her(under should be around B.5 g4s*s>.4 #ensity of the produ(t should be in the range of '.%% to '.B ,g*litre. Presen(e of fungi(ide shall be tested by dissolving the ?elly in deioniLed water, the resulting solution shall be yellow in (olour. Presen(e of phosphating (he4i(al in ?elly shall be ensured with a44onia 4olybdate test pH of the (o4position when tested in a standard spe(ifi( gravity bottle should be around %.5 N &.' ail s(rat(h test should (learly leave a 4ar, on the spe(i4en. This

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indi(ates the e@isten(e of the (oating. 0* PROCED(RE FOR IN%IBITED CEMENT SC(RR6 COATING 0*,* 0 typi(al inhibitor ad4i@ture used should have the following (hara(teristi(s/+ 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: It should in li>uid for4 ready for 4i@ing with the ordinary portland (e4ent. 6pe(ifi( gravity when tested using a standard spe(ifi( gravity bottle should be '.&B N &.&% pH when tested using a pH 4eter should be '%.25 N &.%5 Tolerable li4it for (hloride in inhibitor + ad4i@ture when tested using anodi( polarisation te(hni>ue 9as per test pro(edure E: should be 3&& 0 2" pp4

0*5* Or"in!ry Port:!n" Ce<ent This should (onfor4 to I6/%)1 and should be sieved to pass through 25 4i(rons I6 sieve.

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0*.* Ce4ent and inhibitor ad4i@ture should be 4i@ed in spe(ified proportion to have suitable (onsisten(y. Coating should be applied preferably by brushing. However, under spe(ifi( (ir(u4stan(es spraying or dipping is also allowable. 0*/* 6uffi(ient ti4e lag should be allowed in between su((essive (oatings o ensure final setting of the under(oat. 0 4ini4u4 of ) to '% hours 4ay be ne(essary. 0*0* 0 4ini4u4 of two (oals with suffi(ient li4e lag in between should be applied. 1* SEA+ING TREATMENT The sealing treat4ent should be perfor4ed over the (oaled surfa(e i44ediately after final selling of the top (oat. 6ealing treat4ent (an be applied by brushing, spraying or dipping. 1*,* 0 typi(al sealing solution should have the following (hara(teristi(s/+ 9a: 9b: 9(: 6pe(ifi( gravity when tested using aK standard spe(ifi( gravity bottle should be '.&1 N&.&% pH when 4easured using a pH 4eter should be+'%.%5 N &.%5 Tolerable li4it for (hloride in sealing solution using anodi( polarisation te(hni>ue should be B5& N%5 pp4 9as per test pro(edure E:.

2* SPECIFICATIONS FOR FINIS%ED END PROD(CT 2*,* .inished (oaling when visually e@a4ined should be fairly unifor4 in thi(,ness and should be devoid of any defe(ts su(h as (ra(,s, pinholes, peeling, bulging et(. o surfa(e area should be left un(oaled. o rust spot should be visible to the na,ed eye. 2*5* Thi;@ness o the Co!tin& The 4ini4u4 thi(,ness of the (oating shall be %&& 4i(rons. Preferable range is %&& to B&& 4i(rons. 2*.* Bon" Stren&th o the Co!:e" Re?!r The bond strength of the (oated rebar and (on(rete shall not be less than that spe(ified in I6/B5) as per (lause o. &, %, 5. II and BB.'.% and tested as per I6/%22& 9Part ':. 2*/* Hardness of the (oaling when 4easured using a pen(il hardness tester shall be around 5 H to 2 H. 2*0* Tolerable li4it for (hloride in &.&B or4al a7H 4ediu4 using anodi( polarisation te(hni>ue 9as per test pro(edure E: shall be around B5&& to 5&&& pp4. 2*1* o fil4 failure as eviden(ed by evolution of hydrogen gas at the (athode or

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appearan(e of (orrosion produ(ts at the anode shall ta,e pla(e during one hour of testing 9as per test pro(edure C:. 3* GENERA+ REMARKS= It is advisable that severely rusted and heavily pined reinfor(e4ents are not a((epted for treat4ent. TEST PROCED(RE A #eter4ination of phosphate (oaling weight 2.5 (4 @ %.5 (4 or 2.5 (4 @ 5 (4 4ild steel polished and degreased spe(i4ens are to be used for this lest. .irst the blan, loss of unphosphated spe(i4en is lo be found out. .or this, the initial weight 9"': is a((urately weighed. The spe(i4en is ,ept i44ersed in the Clar,Ks solution or patented inhibited de+rusting solution for ' 4inute. The spe(i4en is re4oved, rinsed in distilled water and dried using hot air blower. The spe(i4en is i44ediately weighed 9"% The differen(e between "' and "% is ter4ed as blan, loss. 0nother spe(i4en 9polished and degreased: is brushed with phosphating ?elly and ,ept for B5 4inutes. Then the spe(i4en is washed free of ?elly, rinsed in (lean water and dried using hot air blower. The phosphated spe(i4en 9"3: is a((urately weighed. 0fter weighing, the spe(i4en is ,ept i44ersed in Clar,Ks solution or patented inhibited de+ rusting solution for one 4inute. Then the spe(i4en is re4oved,.rinsed in distilled water and dried using hot air blower. The spe(i4en is i44ediately weighed 9" B:. Coating weight Y "3 + "B + blan, loss. TEST PROCED(RE B 0nodi( Polarisation Te(hni>ue Mild steel reinfor(e4ent * HF6# Ear test spe(i4ens of siLe '& 44 in dia and '&& 44 in length with ste4s of siLe 6 44 in dia and 5& 44 in length is polished, degreased and sealed at botto4 edge and at the ste4 with suitable sealers li,e wa@, la(>uer. Then test spe(i4en is ,ept i44ersed in test solution and potential is 4onitored using high i4pedan(e 4ulti4eter against suitable referen(e ele(trode su(h as saturated (alo4el ele(trode* (opper+(opper sulphate ele(trode. 0fter getting stabilised potential using appropriate (urrent regulator 9&+'&& 40:, the test spe(i4en is anodi(ally polarised at a (onstant (urrent density of %1& j0 (4 using a platinu4* stainless steel* T6I0* polished 4ild steel reinfor(e4ent*HF6# Ear as (athode. Potential with ti4e is followed for 5 4inutes after (urrent is applied. The 4a@i4u4 (hloride (on(entration upto whi(h the potential re4ains (onstant for 5 4inutes is ta,en as a 4easure of tolerable li4it TEST PROCED(RE C Resistan(e to 0pplied .Coltage Test Two 4ild steel reinfor(e4ent * HF6# bars of siLe not less than '& 44 in dia and -&& 44 in length shall be given anti+(orrosive treat4ent as per spe(ified pro(edure. The end of the rebars shall be soldered with insulated (opper ele(tri(al (onne(ting wire 9'B gauge: to serve as ele(tri(al (onta(t point Coated rebars at the two end/ shall be sealed

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with an insulating 4aterial to a length of %5 44 at ea(h end. Test area shall be the area between the edge of the botto4 sealed end and i44ersion line whi(h shall not be less than %5& 44 in this (ase. The (oated rebars shall be suspended verti(ally in a non+(ondu(tive plasti( (ontainer of siLe not less than '5& 44 @ '5& 44 s>uare and -5& 44 high. The rebars shall be so suspended as to have a (learan(e of %5 44 at botto4, B5 44 at the sides and B& 44 in between the rods. The (ontainer shall then be filled to a height of -&& 44 with an a>ueous solution of 2 per (ent aCl. 0 potential of % C in between the (oaled rods shall be i4pressed for a period of )& 4inutes using a high resistan(e volt 4eter for dire(t (urrent having an internal resistan(e of not less than '& 4ega 7h4s and having a range upto 5C 94ini4u4:. 6torage batteries 4ay be used for i4pressing the voltage. #uring this )& 4inutes of testing, there shall not be any (oating failure as eviden(ed by evolution of hydrogen gas at the (athode or by appearan(e of (orrosion produ(ts of iron at the anode.

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,*,* The infor4ation whi(h the 4anufa(turer is re>uired to supply shall be in su(h detail as to obviate unsafe use of the e>uip4ent due to the intention of the 4anufa(turer not having been 4ade (lear or due to wrong assu4ptions on the pan of the user. ,*5* The user shall refer unusual proble4 or proble4s of ere(tion*asse4bly not in ,eeping with the intended use of the e>uip4ent, to the 4anufa(turer of the e>uip4ent. 5* INFORMATION RE>(IRED 5*,* The infor4ation/ a: b: (: d: e: f: 4anufa(turers of proprietary syste4s shall supply the following


#es(ription of basi( fun(tions of e>uip4ent $ist of ite4s of e>uip4ent available, giving range of siLes, spans and su(h li,e, with the 4anufa(turerKs identifi(ation nu4bers or other referen(es. The basis on whi(h the safe wor,ing loads have been deter4ined and whether the fa(tor of safety given applies to (ollapse or yield. "hether the supplierKs data is based on (al(ulations or tests. This shall be (learly stated as there 4ay be wide variations between results obtained by either 4ethod. Instru(tions for use arid 4aintenan(e, in(luding any points whi(h re>uired spe(ial attention during ere(tion, espe(ially where safely is (on(erned #etailed di4ensional infor4ation, as follows / i. 7verall di4ensions and depth and widths of 4e4bers, ii. $ine drawings in(luding perspe(tives and photographs showing nor4al uses, iii. 6elf weight. iv. .ull di4ensions of (onne(tions and any spe(ial positioning arrange4ents. v. 6iLes of 4e4bers, in(luding tube dia4eters and thi(,nesses of 4aterials, vi. 0ny per4anent (a4ber built into the e>uip4ent vii. 6iLes of holes and di4ensions giving their positions, #ata relating to strength of e>uip4ent as follows / i. 0verage failure loads a/, deter4ined by tests. ii. Re(o44ended 4a@i4u4 wor,ing loads for various (onditions of use. iii. "or,ing resistan(e 4o4ents derived fro4 tests,

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iv. v. vi. vii.

viii. i@.

"or,ing shear (apa(ities derived fro4 tests. Re(o44ended fa(tors of safety used in assessing re(o44ended loads and defle(tion based on test results. #efle(tions under load together with re(o44ended pre+(a4ber and li4iting defle(tions. If wor,ing loads depend on (al(ulations, wor,ing stresses should be staled. If defle(tions depend on theoreti(al 4o4ents of inertia or e>uivalent 4o4ents of inertia rather than tests, this should be noted. Infor4ation on the design of sway bra(ing against wind and other horiLontal loadings. 0llowable loading relating to 4a@i4u4 e@tension of bases and*or heads.

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'ppendi* !3""2! SPECIFICATION FOR CONSTR(CTION 9OINTS +o;!tion The lo(ation of (onstru(tion ?oints shall be as shown on the drawing or as approved by the !ngineer. If additional*new ?oints are approved by the !ngineer, the following (onsiderations for their lo(ation shall be ta,en into a((ount / 9i: 9ii: 9iii: 9iv: 9v: 8oints shall be provided in non+aggressive Lones or in non+splash Lones. If not feasible, the ?oints shall be sealed. 8oints should be positioned where they are readily a((essible for preparation and (on(reting, su(h as lo(ation where the (ross se(tion is relatively s4all, and where reinfor(e4ent is not (ongested. In bea4s and slabs, ?oints should not be near the supports. Constru(tion ?oints between slabs and ribs in (o4posite bea4s should be avoided. .or bo@ girders, it is preferable to (ast the soffit and the webs without any ?oint. $o(ation of ?oints shall 4ini4ise the effe(ts of the dis(ontinuity on the durability, stru(tural integrity and the appearan(e of the stru(ture.

Pre#!r!tion o Sur !;e o the 9oint $aitan(e shall be re4oved before fresh (on(rete is (ast. The surfa(e shall be roughened. Care shall be ta,en that they should not dislodge the (oarse aggregates. Con(rete 4ay be brushed with a stiff brush soon after (asting while the (on(rete is still fresh. If the (on(rete has partially hardened, it shall be treated by wire brushing or with a stiff water ?et followed by drying with air ?et i44ediately. .ully hardened (on(rete shall be treated with 4e(hani(al hand tools or grit blasting, ta,ing (are not to split or (ra(, aggregate parti(les. Eefore further (on(rete is (ast, the surfa(e should be thoroughly (leaned to re4ove debris and a((u4ulated rubbish, one effe(tive 4ethod being by air ?et. "here there is li,ely to be a delay before pla(ing the ne@t (on(rete lift, protruding reinfor(e4ent shall be prote(ted. Eefore the ne@t lift is pla(ed, rust, loose 4ortar or other (onta4ination shall be re4oved fro4 the reinfor(e4ents. In aggressive environ4ent, the (on(rete shall be (ut ba(, to e@pose the reinfor(e4ents for a length of about 5& 44 to ensure that (onta4inated (on(rete is re4oved. The ?oint surfa(e shall not be (onta4inated with release agents, dust or (uring 4e4brane. Con;retin& o 9oints The old surfa(e shall be thoroughly (leaned and soa,ed with water. 6tanding water shall be re4oved shortly before the new (on(rete is pla(ed and the new (on(rete

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shall be thoroughly (o4pa(ted. Con(reting shall be (arried out (ontinuously upto the (onstru(tion ?oints. 6urfa(e retarders 4ay be used to i4prove the >uality of (onstru(tion ?oints. .or a verti(al (onstru(tion ?oint, a stopping board shall be fi@ed previously at the predeter4ined position and shall be properly stayed to prevent its displa(e4ent or bulging when (on(rete is (o4pa(ted against it. Con(reting shall be (ontinued right upto the board.

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'ppendi* !4""2! TESTS ON S%EAT%ING D(CTS 0ll tests spe(ified below shall be (arried out on the sa4e sa4ple in the order given below. 0t least 3 sa4ples for one lot of supply 9not e@(eeding 2&&& 4etre length: shall be tested. The tests are appli(able for sheathing transported to site in straight lengths where the prestressing (able is threaded inside the sheathing prior to (on(reting. These tests are not appli(able for sheathing nor for (oiled (able and transported to site as an asse4bled unit, nor for sheathing du(ts pla(ed in position without threading of prestressing (able prior to (on(reting. (A) WORKABI+IT6 TEST 0 test sa4ple ''&& 44 long is soldered to a fi@ed base plate with a soft solder 9.ig. '-&&*'+':. The sa4ple is then bent to a radius of '-&& 44 alternately on either side to (o4plete 3 (y(les. Thereafter, the sealing ?oints will be visually inspe(ted to verify that no failure* opening has ta,en pla(e. (B) TRANS)ERSE +OAD RATING TEST The test ensures that stiffness of the sheathing is suffi(ient to prevent per4anent distortion during site handling. The sa4ple is pla(ed on a horiLontal support 5&& 44 long so that the sa4ple is supported at all points of outward (orrugations. 0 load as spe(ified in Table ' is applied gradually at the (entre of the supported portion through a (onta(t surfa(e '% 44 long. It shall be ensured that 4e load is applied appro@i4ately at the (entre of two (orrugations. .ig. '-&&*'+%. The load as spe(ified is applied in in(re4ents. TAB+E , #ia 944: $oad 9 : %5+35 %5& 35+B5 B&& B5+55 5&& 55+)5 )&& )5+25 2&& 25+-5 -&& -5+1& '&&&

The sa4ple is (onsidered a((eptable if the per4anent defor4ation is less than 5 per (ent of the dia4eter of the sheathing. (C) TENSION +OAD TEST 0 test spe(i4en is sub?e(ted to a tensile load. The hollow (ore is filled with a wooden (ir(ular pie(e having a dia4eter of 15 per (ent of the inner dia of the sa4ple to

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ensure (ir(ular profile during test loading. .ig. '-&&*I+3. 0 (oupler is s(rewed on and the sa4ple loaded in in(re4ents, till rea(hing the load spe(ified in Table %. If no defor4ation of the ?oints nor slippage of (ouplers is noti(ed, the test shall be (onsidered satisfa(tory. TAB+E 5 #ia 944: $oad 9 : %5+35 3&& 35+B5 5&& B5+55 -&& 55+)5 ''&& )5+25 'B&& 25+-5 ')&& -5+1& '-&&

(D) WATER +OSS TEST The sa4ple is sealed at one end. The sa4ple is filled with water and after sealing, the end is (onne(ted to a syste4 (apable of applying a pressure of &.&5 MPa, .ig. '-&CC '+B, and ,ept (onstant for 5 4inutes using a hand pu4p with pressure gauge or stand pipe syste4 (an be used. The sa4ple is a((eptable if the water loss does not e@(eed '.5S of the volu4e.

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!4""! III

SPECIFICATIOM FOR GRO(TING OF POST7TENSIONED CAB+ES IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ,* GENERA+ ,*,* The re(o44endations (over the (e4ent grouting of post+tensioned tendons of prestressed (on(rete 4e4bers of bridges. This also (overs so4e of the essential prote(tive 4easures to be adopted for 4ini4ising (orrosion in P6C bridges. ,*5* The purpose of grouting is to provide per4anent prote(tion to the post+ tensioned steel against (orrosion and to develop bond between the prestressing steel and the surrounding stru(tural (on(rete. The grout ensures en(ase4ent of steel in an al,aline environ4ent for (orrosion prote(tion and by filling the du(t spa(e, it prevents water (olle(tion and freeLing. 5* MATERIA+S 5*,* W!ter 7nly (lean potable water free fro4 i4purities (onfor4ing to se(tion '&&& shall be per4itted. o sea or (ree, water is to be+ used at all. 5*5* Ce<ent 7rdinary Portland (e4ent should be used for preparation of the grouT. It should be as fresh as possible and free of any lu4ps. PoLLolana (e4ent shall not be used. 5.* S!n" It is not re(o44ended to use sand for grouting of prestressing tendons. In (ase the internal dia4eter of the du(ts e@(eeds '5& 44, use of sand 4ay be (onsidered. 6and, used, shall (onfor4 to I6/3-3 and shall pass through I6 6ieve o. '5&. The weight of sand in the grout shall not be 4ore than '& per (ent of the weight of (e4ent, unless proper wor,ability (an be ensured by addition of suitable plasti(iLers. 5*/* A"<iBtures 0((eptable ad4i@tures (onfor4ing to I6/1'&% 4ay be used if tests have shown that their use i4proves the properties of grout, i.e. in(reasing fluidity, redu(ing bleeding, entraining air or e@panding the grout. 0d4i@tures 4ust not (ontain (hlorides, nitrates, sulphides, sulphites or any otherr produ(ts whi(h are li,ely to da4age the steel or grout. "hen an e@panding agent is used, the total unrestrained e@pansion should not e@(eed '& per (ent. 0lu4inu4 powder as an e@panding agent is not re(o44ended for grouting be(ause its long ter4 effe(ts are not free fro4 doubt. 5*0* She!thin&

5*0*,* .or spe(ifi(ations of sheathing, se(tion '-&& 4ay be referred

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5*0*5* Grout openings or vents i: 0ll du(ts should have grout openings at both ends. .or this purpose spe(ial openings should be provided where su(h openings are not available at end an(horages. .or draped 9(urved: (ables vents shall be provided at all (rown and valley points. It is a good pra(ti(e to provide additional air vents at suitable intervals not e@(eeding %& 4. 0ll grout openings or vents should in(lude provisions for preventing grout lea,age. ii: 6tandard details of fi@ing (ouplers, inlets, outlets and air vents to the duel* an(horage shall be followed as re(o44ended by the supplier of the prestressing syste4. 5*0*.* #u(ts should be se(urely fastened at (lose intervals. 0ll unintended holes or openings in the du(t 4ust be repaired prior to (on(rete pla(ing. The ?oints of the (ouplers and the sheathing should be 4ade water proof by use of adhesive tape or si4ilar suitable syste4 (apable of giving lea, proof ?oints. Grout openings and vents 4ust be se(urely an(hored to the du(t and to either the for4s or to reinfor(ing steel to prevent displa(e4ent during (on(reting operations due to weight, buoyan(y and vibrations. 5*0*/* #u(ts re>uire very (areful handling as, being of thin 4etal, they are sus(eptible to lea,age due to (orrosion in transit &' storage, by tearing*ripping in handling parti(ularly when pla(ed ad?oining to reinfor(ing steel, by pulling apart at ?oints while inserting tendons prior to (on(reting, or by a((idental pun(turing while drilling for for4 ties*inserts. #u(ts are also liable to da4age by rough use of internal vibrator and spar,s fro4 welding being done (lose by. .* E>(IPMENT .*,* Grout MiBer !n" A&it!tor It is essential that the grout is 4aintained in a ho4ogeneous state and of unifor4 (onsisten(y so that there is no separation of (e4ent. Ase of grout 4i@ers to obtain a (olloidal grout is essential. The 4i@er should have an additional storage devi(e with an agitator to ,eep the grout 4oving (ontinuously before it is pu4ped in the du(t. Positive re(ipro(ating type grout pu4ps should be used. .*5* Grout Pu<# The pu4p should be a positive displa(e4ent type and should be (apable of e?e(ting the grout in a (ontinuous operation and not by way of pulses. The grout pu4p 4ust be fitted with a pressure gauge to enable pressure of in?e(tion to be (ontrolled. The 4ini4u4 pressure at whi(h grout should be pu4ped shall be &.3 MPa and the grout pu4p 4ust have a relief arrange4ent for bypass of the grout in (ase of build up of pressure beyond ' MPa. The (apa(ity of the grout pu4p should be su(h as to a(hieve forward speed of grout of around 5 to '& 4etres per 4inute. The slower rates are referable as they redu(e the possibility of o((urren(e of voids. If the (apa(ity of the pu4p is large, it is usual to grout two or 4ore (ables si4ultaneously through a (o44on 4anifold.

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Ase of hand pu4ps for grouting, is not re(o44ended. Ase of (o4pressed air operated e>uip4ent for in?e(tion is prohibited, as it is li,ely that there will be so4e air trapped in grout. .*.* W!ter Pu<# Eefore (o44en(e4ent of grouting, a stand by dire(t feed high pressure water pu4p should be available at site for an e4ergen(y. In (ase of any proble4 in grouting the du(ts, su(h pu4p shall i44ediately be (onne(ted to the du(t and all grout flushed by use of high pressure water flushing. It is, therefore, ne(essary to have ade>uate storage of (lean potable water for operation of the water pu4p for su(h e4ergen(ies. .*/* Grout S;reen The grouting e>uip4ent should (ontain a s(reen having a 4esh siLe of '&) 4i(ron siLe of '5& 4i(rons if sand is used:. Prior to introdu(tion into the grout pu4p, the grout should be passed through su(h s(reen. This s(reen should be easily a((essible for inspe(tion and (leaning. .*0* Conne;tions !n" Air )ents 6tandard details of fi@ing inlets, outlets and air vents to the sheathing and* or an(horage should be followed as re(o44ended by spe(ialist supplier of the syste4 of prestressing. In general, all (onne(tions are to be of the ;Dui(, (ouple< type and at (hange of dia4eters suitable redu(ers are to be provided. /* PROPERTIES OF T%E GRO(T /*,* "ater*(e4ent ratio should be as low as possible, (onsistent with wor,ability. This ratio should not nor4ally e@(eed &.B5. /*5* Eefore grouting, the properties of the grout 4i@ should be tested in a laboratory depending on the fa(ilities available. Tests should be (ondu(ted for ea(h ?ob periodi(ally. The re(o44ended test is des(ribed below. /*.* Co4pressive 6trength The (o4pressive strength of '&& 44 (ubes of the grout shall not be less than '2 MPa at 2 days. Cubes shall be (ured in a 4oist at4osphere for the first %B hours and subse>uently in water. These tests shall be (ondu(ted in advan(e to as(ertain the suitability of the grout 4i@. 0* MI8ING OF GRO(T 0*,* Proportions of 4aterials should be based on field trials 4ade on the grout before (o44en(e4ent of grouting, but sub?e(t to the li4its spe(ified above. The 4aterials should be 4easured by weight. 0*5* "ater should be added to the 4i@er, first, followed by Portland (e4ent and sand, if used. 0d4i@ture if any, 4ay be added as re(o44ended by the 4anufa(turer.

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0*.* Mi@ing ti4e depends upon the type of the 4i@er, but will nor4ally be between % and 3 4inutes. However, 4i@ing should be for su(h a duration as to obtain unifor4 and thoroughly blended grout, without e@(essive te4perature in(rease or loss of e@pansive properties of the ad4i@tures. The grout should be (ontinuously agitated until it is in?e(ted. 0*/* 7n(e 4i@ed, no water shall be added to the grout to in(rease its fluidity. 0*0* Hand 4i@ing is not per4itted. 1* GRO(TING OPERATIONS 1*,* Gener!: a: Grouting shall be (arried out as early as possible but not later than % wee,s of stressing a tendon "henever this stipulation (annot be (o4plied with for unavoidable reasons, ade>uate te4porary prote(tion of the steel against (orrosion by 4ethods or produ(ts whi(h will not i4pair the ulti4ate adheren(e of the in?e(ted grout should be ensured till grouting. The s(aling of the an(horage ends after (on(reting is (onsidered to be a good pra(ti(e to prevent ingress of water. .or stru(tures in aggressive environ4ent, sealing of the an(horage ends is 4andatory.

Notes = i: ii: 0ppli(ation of so4e patented water soluble oils for (oating of steel*CPI powder in?e(tion* sending in of hot, dry, oil+free (o4pressed air through the vents at fre>uent intervals have shown so4e good results. 6o4e of the 4ethods re(o44ended for sealing of an(horages are lo seal the openings with bitu4en i4pregnated gunny bag or water proof paper or by building a bri(, pedestal plastered on all fa(es en(losing the e@posed wires outside the an(horages. 0ny tra(es of oil if applied to steel for preventing (orrosion should be re4oved before grouting operation. #u(ts shall be flushed with water for (leaning as well as for welling the surfa(es of the du(t walls. "ater used for flushing should be of sa4e >uality as used for grouting. It 4ay, however, (ontain about ' per (ent of sla,ed li4e or >ui(, li4e. 0ll water should be drained thorough the lowest vent pipe or by blowing (o4pressed air through the du(t The water in the du(t should be blown out with oil free (o4pressed air. Elowing out water fro4 du(t for (ables longer than 67 4 draped up at both ends by (o4pressed air is not effe(tive, outlet* vent provided at or near the lowest point shall be used to drain out water fro4 du(t The (onne(tion between the noLLle of the in?e(tion pipe and du(t should be su(h that air (annot be su(,ed in. 0ll outlet points in(luding vent openings should be ,ept open prior to (o44en(e4ent of. in?e(tion grout

iii: iv:


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Eefore grouting, all air in the pu4p and hose should be e@pelled. The su(tion (ir(uit of the pu4p should be air+light 1*5* InIe;tion o Grout a. b. (. d. e. 0fter 4i@ing the grout should be ,epi in (ontinuous 4ove4ent In?e(tion of grout 4ust be (ontinuous and should not be interrupted. .or verti(al (able or (ables in(lined 4ore than )& degrees to the horiLontal, in?e(tion should be effe(ted fro4 the lowest an(horage or vent of the du(t The 4ethod of in?e(tion should ensure (o4plete filling (f the duels. To verify this, it is advisable to (o4pare the volu4e of the spa(e to be filled by the in?e(ted grout with the >uantity of grout a(tually in?e(ted. Grouting should be (o44en(ed initially with a low pressure of in?e(tion of upto &.3 MPa in(reasing it until the grout (o4es out at the other end. The grout should be allowed to flow freely fro4 the other end until the (onsisten(y of the grout at this end is the sa4e as that of the grout at the in?e(tion end. "hen the grout flows at the other end, it should be (losed off and building up of pressure (o44en(ed. .ull in?e(tion pressure at about 7.6 MPa shall be 4aintained for at least one 4inute before (losing the in?e(tion pipe. It is re(o44ended pra(ti(e to provide a stand pipe at the highest point of the tendon profile to hold all water displa(ed by sedi4entation or bleeding. If there is a built up of pressure 4u(h in e@(ess of ' MPa without flow of grout (o4ing al the other end, the grouting operation should be dis(ontinued and the entire du(t flushed with high pressure water. 0lso, the bypass syste4 indi(ated in para 3.% above is essential for further safety. In the (ase of (ables draped downwards e.g. in (antilever (onstru(tion si4ultaneous in?e(tion fro4 both ends 4ay be adopted .ig. '3&&*'''+'. Grout not used within 3& 4inutes of 4i@ing should be re?e(ted. #is(onne(tion is fa(ilitated if a short length of fle@ible lube (onne(ts the du(t and in?e(tion pipe. This (an be s>ueeLed and (ut off after the grout has hardened.

f. g. h.

2* PRECA(TIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EFFECTI)E GRO(TING a: In (old and frosty weather, in?e(tion should be postponed, unless spe(ial pre(autions are ta,en. If frost is li,ely to o((ur within B- hours after in?e(tion, heat 4ust be applied to the 4e4ber and 4aintained for at least B- hours after in?e(tion so that the te4perature of the grout does not fall below 5 degrees Celsius. Prior to (o44en(e4ent of grouting, (are 4ust be ta,en to ensure that the du(t is (o4pletely free of frost*i(e by flushing with war4 water, but not with stea4. b: The te4perature of the grout shall not e@(eed 2" degrees Celsius. .or in(reasing the wor,ability of grout, its te4perature 4ay be lowered by use of (hilled water or by putting i(e outside the grout storage (ontainer. (: "hen the (ables are threaded after (on(reting, the du(t 4ust be te4porarily stiffened during (on(reting by inserting bun(h of strands, wires or reinfor(e4ent or a rigid PCC pipe or any other suitable 4ethod. d: #uring (on(reting, (are shall be ta,en to ensure that the sheathing is not da4aged. eedle vibrators shall be used with e@tre4e (are by well

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e@perien(ed staff only, to ensure against su(h da4age. e: It is a good pra(ti(e to 4ove the (ables in both dire(tions during the (on(reting operations. This (an easily be done by light ha44ering the ends of the wires* strands during (on(reting. It is also advisable that 3 to B hours after (on(reting the (able should be 4oved both ways through a distan(e of about %& (4s. "ith su(h 4ove4ent, any lea,age of 4ortar whi(h has ta,en pla(e in spite of all pre(autions loses bond with die (ables, thus redu(ing the (han(e of blo(,ages. This operation (an also be done by fi@ing prestressing ?a(,s, at one end pulling the entire (able and then repeating the operation by fi@ing the ?a(, at the other end. f: The (ables to be grouted should be separated by as 4u(h distan(e as possible. g: In (ase of stage prestressing, (ables tensioned in the first stage should not re4ain ungrouted till all (ables are stressed. It is good pra(ti(e, while grouting .any du(t in stage prestressing, to ,eep all the re4aining du(ts filled up with water (ontaining ' per (ent li4e or by running water through su(h du(ts till the grout has set. 0fter grouting the parti(ular (able, the water in the other (ables should be drained and re4oved with (o4pressed air to prevent (orrosion. h: Care should be ta,en to avoid lea,s fro4 one du(t to another at ?oints of pre(ast 4e4bers in parti(ular. i: !nd fa(es where an(horages are lo(ated are vulnerable points of entry of water. They have '& be ne(essarily prote(ted with an effe(tive barrier. Re(esses should be pa(,ed with 4ortar (on(rete and should preferably be painted with water proof paint. ?: 0fter grouting is (o4pleted, the pro?e(ting portion of the vents should be (ut off and the fa(e prote(ted to prevent (orrosion.

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