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Campus Involvement

Katja Liebing College 1 - 2014

Events attended

Poem-in-your-pocket Day Documentary The New LA Borders of Diversity - Reyna Grande visit Human Trafficking talk Visit of the Japanese-American museum Transfer workshop Career Week (Job Fair) The End of Wonder in the Age of Whatever - Michael Wesch Talk Poster presentation - Math department Presentation of Counter-story from other English 1A class

Human Trafficking Talk

On August 2nd, 1995 63 Thai Garment workers were freed after being kept as work slaves for years, working over 80 hours a week for less than $2/hour. They were kept in a building fenced with barbed wire. Their passports were taken from them and they were told their families would be harmed if theyd try to escape or would not cooperate. I never thought this could happen in a western country like the US. Im glad I went to the talk as it is important to be aware of issues like this. Similar cases were discovered and human trafficking is still happening in the US.

Poem-in-your-pocket Day
I found out about this event when I saw students setting up the balloons that later spelled out poetry. It was put on to celebrate the Poem-in-your-pocket Day. On Poem in Your Pocket Day, people throughout the United States select a poem, carry it with them, and share it with others throughout the day. Students got up and read out a poem that they either wrote themselves or that they simply like. There boards put up around the arena where students could write a poem and on one students just added one single word to then create one big poem.

It was a great event to just take a break and enjoy some beautiful writing. It also reminded me that I once used to write poems.

Documentary The New LA

The New Los Angeles looks beyond the Hollywood dreamscape to a dynamic new city, one grappling with the same issues that are becoming commonplace throughout the nation: immigration, globalization, de-industrialization, economic inequality, and a shrinking middle class. The film profiles the efforts of immigrants and the working poor, in coalition with community organizations, labor unions, and elected officials, to transform the environment in which they live and to make the city of Los Angeles accountable to its residents. Response: It was interest to hear more about the history of LA, the riots and especially the empowerment of Latinos. I did not know much about major Tom Bradley, the first African-American mayor in LA, before nor about Antonio Villaraigosa, the first Latino Mayor in LA in more than 130 years.

Borders of Diversity - Reyna Grande visit

I am glad I went to the talk with Reyna Grande during the Borders of Diversity conference at PCC. Just being able to put a face to the story and hear a few more details made the book The Distance Between Us come a lot more to life than it already is. Quotes from the talk: Weave the Latino youth into the fabric of our society. I feel the same we. We need to incorporate not only the Latino immigrants and their children, but all other immigrants as well. She said it is time to redefine the word American. She means that the typical American has changed, at least in many parts of the USA. If you love someone, you dont always get it. It is just important that you are there. That is exactly how I feel about friendship. Be there for your friends, without judgement.

Japanese-American Museum
A very memorable visit that brought Southland even more to life. The museum tells the story of Japanese-Americans from the first migrants and landowners to the internment during WWII up until the final recognition by the US of its wrongdoings. The part that got to me the most were the letters from people in the concentration camps and the questionnaires that they filled out later about their time in the camps. Those brought all images and stories to life.

Transfer Workshop
The transfer workshop was offered by the International Students department. I went to see if I could already do something now in case I later want to transfer to another institution. It was interesting, but did not cover credit transfers, which was what I wanted to know more about. I think there is a different workshop from the Transfer Center itself that will offer that information.

Career Week - Job Fair

Another event I thought might be worth attending already now even though I can not work yet. It was interesting to see what companies were exhibiting, but i dont think I would consider working for any of them later. It was still good to talk to different potential employers.

Michael Wesch Talk

New media and technology present us with an overwhelming bounty of tools for connection, creativity, collaboration, and knowledge creation - a true "Age of Whatever" where anything seems possible. But any enthusiasm about these remarkable possibilities is immediately tempered by that other "Age of Whatever" an age in which people feel increasingly disconnected, disempowered, tuned out, and alienated. What is needed more than ever is to inspire students to wonder, to nurture their appetite for curiosity, exploration, and contemplation. Life is about soul making.making us a better soul. Everyone around us has gone through some hard times and is a hero for getting through them. If your life would be a book, what would be the chapter headings? Internet can be a knowledge machine or the biggest distraction. Learning happens best when we are involved and being playful.

Poster Presentation Math Dep

The event was held in the quad and they had a few tents with posters displayed, similar to our presentation. The subject was just very different. I thought it would be boring, but it was actually quite interesting. There was even a poster about math in photography, which I of course liked. The students thought out of the box and showed us that math is all around us. We just dont think about it.

Counter-Story Presentation
The initial reason why I attended the presentation of Professor Gomez other English 1A class was the offered extra credit. However, I am so glad I went. It came at a perfect time, just when my group started to get into writing our own counter-story and it was more inspiring and motivating than I thought it would be. The different groups of the class presented their different counterstories. They all got dressed up and were noticeably nervous. I did not think there was a need for it as they did a wonderful job at presenting their work. I can only recommend to others to attend an event like this on campus as it can be very beneficial for one's own writing or future presentation.

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