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Bio 5150-001 Advanced Microbiology Semester: Fall 2010 Class Location: O endine Science B!ilding Lect!re sc"ed!

le: #m 22$% &:$0-%:20 'M (!esday )r* Maril! +* Santos +mail: maril!*santos,!nc-*ed! Science B!ilding #m 221/ (ele-"one: /10 521 0&20 "o!rs: 11:$0-12:$0 M(#1 $:00- &:00 (# Co!rse )escri-tion Biology 515 Advanced Microbiology* A s!rvey o. modern develo-ments em-"asi2ing t"e a--lication o. t"e 3no4ledge o. .!ndamental microbiology to address -roblems 4"ic" e ist in today5s environment* (o-ics 4ill be disc!ssed !sing case st!dies and -roblem-based learning and 4ill incl!de com-arative genomics1 emerging in.ectio!s diseases1 antibiotic resistance1 bioterrorism1 microbial biotec"nology and arc"aeal1 viral and -rion biology* ("e co!rse "as no .ormal -rere6!isite b!t t"e st!dent is e -ected to "ave some .o!ndation 3no4ledge on basic microbiology* 7oals and Ob8ectives ("e com-re"ensive goal o. t"e co!rse is to teac" c!rrent iss!es in microbiology by !tili2ing a researc" based learning environment 4"ere st!dents are actively engaged in mastering co!rse content and in develo-ing essential s3ills by 4or3ing inde-endently or in sel.-managed teams on g!ided in6!iry activities* A.ter ta3ing t"is co!rse1 t"e st!dent is e -ected to: 1* be able to scienti.ically analy2e1 synt"esi2e and criti6!e -!blis"ed re-orts and collo6!ia on c!rrent iss!es o. critical im-ortance in microbiology Assessment: demonstrate -ro.iciency in 4ritten tests designed to eval!ate critical t"in3ing s3ills 2* be able to disc!ss t"e nat!re and im-ortance o. bot" classical and molec!lar microbiological tec"ni6!es1 and to a--ly t"ese tec"ni6!es in investigating t"e microbial 4orld Assessment: demonstrate ability to !se microbiological in.ormation and integrate microbiological conce-ts in a9 designing an original researc" -roblem1 .orm!lating a "y-ot"esis1 testing and e -erimentation1 collecting and analy2ing data1 dra4ing

concl!sions and 4riting t"e o!tcome o. t"e researc" in t"e .ormat o. a scienti.ic -a-er or b9 .orm!lating a t"esis on a c!rrent microbiological to-ic1 cond!cting a t"oro!g" revie4 o. literat!re and 4riting a researc" -a-er on said to-ic* $* be able to engage in sel.-g!ided in6!iry activities1 individ!ally or in gro!-s1 to !nderstand and re.lect on a c!rrent iss!e1 to solve case st!dies1 to analy2e and synt"esi2e e -erimental data1 and to derive conce-t ma-s and establis" relations"i-s Assessment: demonstrate active -artici-ation in team activities and s!bmission o. re-orts re.lective o. a better !nderstanding and mastery o. content ac"ieved t"r! inde-endent learning and co- learning .rom eac" ot"er* 7rading 'olicy 00: 25: 15: ;ritten tests Activity #e-orts and )isc!ssion Board 'artici-ation #esearc" -a-er

<o! are enco!raged to -ost in t"e disc!ssion board st!dy 6!estions = at least di..ic!lty level 2 - com-re"ension 9 .or eac" to-ic t"at 4e ta3e !- in class* <o! are enco!raged to s"are ans4ers to t"ese 6!estions by adding t"reads to t"e .or!m* > 4ill not -rovide t"e ans4ers to t"e -osted 6!estions b!t > 4ill redirect a disc!ssion t"at "as gone 4rong or o!t o. conte t* <o!r -osted 6!estions 4ill be as3ed in t"e 4ritten tests* ("e more 6!estions yo! -ost and disc!ss1 t"e more c"ances o. yo! getting a good test score* <o! are enco!raged to -artici-ate e6!ally in t"e gro!- activities* +ac" one o. yo! 4ill be able to ass!me t"e role o. manager1 recorder?re-orter and strategy analyst d!ring gro!activities* (o ens!re gro!- as 4ell as individ!al acco!ntability1 $ -ercent o. t"e grade .or t"is com-onent 4ill come .rom -eer eval!ation* >ndivid!al activity re-orts 4ill be s!bmitted via t"e digital dro- bo * 7ro!- activity re-orts 4ill be s!bmitted in MS ;ord .ormat at t"e end o. t"e -eriod* <o! are enco!raged to start yo!r researc" -a-er as early in t"e semester as yo! -ossibly can* <o!r c"oice o. to-ic may re.lect yo!r -ersonal interests1 s!--ort yo!r career goals or n!rt!re yo!r in"erent int!ition and c!riosity* Any e -erimental -roced!re m!st be .easible !nder o!r e isting laboratory conditions* '!blications revie4ed may come .rom library1 ne4s media and online reso!rces* Be creative and reso!rce.!l* Be "ard 4or3ing* Be -ractical* @ave eno!g" time to modi.y a non-4or3ing e -erimentA @ave eno!g" time to gat"er literat!re1 4rite1 revise1 revise some more1 and t!rn in a sc"olarly -a-er o. -!blication 6!ality* Minim!m -age limit is 151 single s-aced1 CS+ = Co!ncil .or Science +ditors 9 .ormat*

<o!r .inal letter grade 4ill be assigned as .ollo4s: A B /$-100 A- B /0-/2 BC B D%-D/ B B D$-D0 B-B D0-D2 CC B %%-%/ C B %$-%0 C- B %0-%2 ) B belo4 %0 F E belo4 00 Attendance 'olicy Students are expected to attend the class regularly and on time. Any information or activity missed during an absence will be the students sole responsibility. Please make arrangements with me if you can not take the test on the scheduled date. + Mail1 La-to- and Cell '"one 'olicy <o! are re6!ired to !se yo!r FGC' email acco!nt .or any sc"ool corres-ondence* <o! are enco!raged to send emails t"ro!g" t"e comm!nication lin3 o. t"e Blac3board Co!rse Site* <o! are enco!raged to "ave a la-to- es-ecially d!ring gro!- activities* +mail 4ill be my -rimary means o. comm!nication .or matters concerning t"is co!rse* ;"en sending emails1 yo! s"o!ld -rovide yo!r .!ll name and brie. reason .or emailing in t"e s!b8ect bo * For e am-le1 8o"n smit" E test 1* >. yo! do not .ollo4 t"is -rocess1 > 4ill only see somet"ing li3e Hae0001I in t"e sender5s in.ormation* (o -rotect my mailbo .rom vir!ses1 > 4ill not o-en emails 4it"o!t t"e sender5s .!ll name* Cell -"ones m!st be silenced 4"ile class is in session* (e t messaging 4ill not be tolerated* <o! can receive emergency calls silently and o!tside t"e classroom* S!ggested #eso!rces Since t"is co!rse 4ill revolve aro!nd advances in microbiology1 t"ere is no s-eci.ic boo3 ado-ted .or t"is co!rse* ("e covered to-ics and t"eir reso!rces 4ill constantly c"ange de-ending on 4"at is c!rrent in t"e disci-line* > 4ill eit"er be a9 distrib!ting -"otoco-ies or b9 -osting a -d. version in t"e Blac3board site o. assigned reading materials1 -!blications1 collo6!ial re-orts and literat!res .rom scienti.ic 8o!rnals or ot"er reso!rces* <o! can !se any o. t"e s!ggested !ndergrad!ate microbiology te tboo3 to re.res" yo!r 3no4ledge on .!ndamental microbiology terminologies1 tec"ni6!es and conce-ts* A great !se .or t"ese te tboo3s is to .acilitate !nderstanding o. t"e reading assignments in sit!ations 4"en yo! enco!nter a basic conce-t = e*g* generation time1 dic"otomo!s 3ey1 tree o. li.e1 o-erons etc 9 or a terminology =e*g* O antigen1 ca-s!le1 lysogeny1 bio.ilm

etc 9 or a tec"ni6!e = e*g* #FL'1 'C#1 microarray1 7ram staining etc 9 t"at yo! may be !n.amiliar 4it"1 or t"at yo! may 4ant to read on more e "a!stively* ("e s!ggested "andboo3s on 4riting scienti.ic re-orts and -er.orming microbial tec"ni6!es 4ill certainly come "andy .or yo!r researc" -ro8ect* > recommend t"at yo! bring a te tboo3 in class .or -er!sal d!ring t"e gro!- disc!ssions* > can also s"are some basic te tboo3s .rom my -ersonal library* )ay1 #obert A and Barbara 7astel* 2000* @o4 to ;rite and '!blis" a Scienti.ic 'a-er* 0 ed* 7reen4ood 'ress* ;est-ort C( >SBG 0-$1$-$$02%-1 Lammert1 Jo"n M* 200%* (ec"ni6!es in Microbiology* A St!dent @andboo3* 'earson +d!cation >nc * >SBG 0 1$ 22&011 & 'ommerville Je..rey C* 2010* Alcamo5s F!ndamentals o. Microbiology* /t" edition* Jones and Bartlett '!blis"ers1 S!db!ry MA = a4arded best te tboo3 .or a basic microbiology class 9 (ortora1 7* F!n3e and C* Case* 2010* Microbiology: an >ntrod!ction* 10t" edition* 'earson '!blis"ing* = c!rrent te tboo3 .or Bio $15 Microbiology9 ;ee3s1 Ben8amin and > +d4ard Alcamo* 200D* Microbes and Society* 2nd ed* Jones and Bartlett '!blis"ers1 MA >SBG 1$ /%D 0 %0$% &0&/ 0 ;"eelis1 Mar3* 200D* 'rinci-les o. Modern Microbiology* Jones and Bartlett '!blis"ers* MA* >SBG 1$ /%D 0 %0$% 10%5 0 St!dent Cond!ct and @onor Code St!dents "ave t"e res-onsibility to 3no4 and observe t"e FGC' Academic @onor Code* ("is code .orbids c"eating1 -lagiarism1 ab!se o. academic materials1 .abrication1 or .alsi.ication o. in.ormation1 and com-licity in academic dis"onesty* Fse o. any electronic media ot"er t"an a calc!lator d!ring an e amination is not allo4ed* St!dents 4"o violate t"e code can be dismissed .rom t"e Fniversity* ("e normal -enalty .or a .irst o..ense is an F in t"e co!rse* St!dents are e -ected to re-ort cases o. academic dis"onesty to t"e instr!ctor* Since t"ere 4ill be signi.icant 4riting activities in t"is co!rse1 it is em-"asi2ed t"at co-ying1 -ara-"rasing or slig"tly revising a sentence 4it"o!t ac3no4ledging t"e so!rce is considered -lagiarism*

A)A Statement Any st!dent 4it" a doc!mented disability needing academic ad8!stments is re6!ested to s-ea3 directly to )isability S!--ort Services and t"e instr!ctor1 as early in t"e semester =-re.erably 4it"in t"e .irst 4ee39 as -ossible* All disc!ssions 4ill remain con.idential* ("is -!blication is available in alternative .ormat* 'lease contact Mary @elen ;al3er1 )isability S!--ort Services1 )F Lo4ry B!ilding1 /10-521-00/5* )isclaimer > reserve t"e rig"t to ma3e c"anges to t"e syllab!s as t"e need arises* ("e c"anges 4ill be comm!nicated to t"e st!dents as soon as -ossible*

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