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Amanda Rowland 2/17/14 Social Skills/Social Communication Assignment Student Strengths Student D is able to communicate his wants and

needs to both peers and teachers. able to ad!ocate "or himsel". a coherent con!ersation. e does not let others bull# or push him around. e is

e is able to ha!e e has a

e can take turns in a con!ersation and answer $uestions.

sense o" humor and likes to tell %okes and laugh at "unn# things. emotions. accordingl#.

e is able to read some

e can tell i" someone is upset or happ#& and his mood and tone o" !oice change is social and communication skills are at a le!el where& with some instruction& he

will be able to "unction well in an en!ironment with his peers and be able to maintain di""erent peer "riendships. 'nstructional (eeds Student D struggles with knowing the appropriate time and place to sa# certain things. 'n class when talking about race he ma# sa#& )' hate black people.* +his is not an appropriate time or place to sa# this. e needs a strateg# to help him learn what is appropriate to sa# aloud and e also struggles with initiating appropriate interactions with e also struggles

when it is appropriate to sa# it. peers.

e usuall# onl# interacts with peers when he is upset about something.

with con"lict resolution. '" something is upsetting him he doesn,t let it go and will get progressi!el# more upset until a teacher steps in to sol!e the problem. accepting conse$uences. e also has di""icult#

e will get "rustrated and sa# inappropriate things to teachers. So

con"lict resolution and how to change the wa# #ou speak based on who #ou are talking to -code switching. ma# be use"ul areas o" instruction.

/ongitudinal 0utcomes At the end o" 212 #ears o" instruction there are man# things that ' would like this student to be able to do in terms o" social and communication skills. ' would like him to be able to sa# what he is thinking onl# in the appropriate time and place while sa#ing onl# things that are true& help"ul& inspiring& necessar#& and kind. +his is the "irst thing ' will teach him to do b# using the +1 1'1(13 strateg# to teach him. ' will do this "irst because currentl# he can cause a disruption to the class when he makes comments& and some o" his comments lead to con"licts as well as other students not ha!ing the desire to be "riends with him. +hus& this is the "irst thing ' would like to tackle. 0nce he is able to think through what he is going to sa# be"ore he sa#s it& building "riendships will become the priorit# goal we want to teach. ' would like him to be able to initiate a con!ersation with a peer and resol!e con"lict appropriatel#. ' would "irst teach him how to initiate con!ersations and talk about some o" the appropriate things to talk about. +hen& con"licts arise all the time in our dail# li!es so it is important he learns how to resol!e con"licts when the# arise. e should also be able to accept conse$uences "or his actions. +his is something he does e gets "rustrated and #ells things that he can get

not #et know how to do in an appropriate wa#.

in big trouble "or sa#ing. +eaching him to accept conse$uences in an appropriate wa# is important. +his skill is needed to keep him "rom getting a deans re"erral as well as in the real world during a %ob it is an important skill that will keep #ou "rom getting "ired. 4inall#& once he has mastered this he will need to learn how to code switch based on who he is talking to. 4or e5ample& he should learn that talking to a teacher is di""erent than a "riend. 'nter!ention 6lan Skill7 ' would like him to be able to sa# what he is thinking onl# in the appropriate time and place while sa#ing onl# things that are true& help"ul& inspiring& necessar#& and kind.

0b%ecti!e7 8hen sa#ing something aloud in his 9th hour 4reshman :nglish Class& student D will onl# sa# things that can be described as true& help"ul& inspiring& necessar#& or kind on ;<= o" all o" his !erbal utterances "or 2 consecuti!e weeks. 6lan7 1. 'ntroduce the +1 1'1(13 strateg# to the student and ha!e him write it on a notecard as "ollows7 + > > ' ( 3 > > > 's it true? 's it help"ul? 's it inspiring? 's it necessar#? 's it kind?

2. @o o!er what each letter in + '(3 means and ha!e the student write it in their own words. +ape the paper into the back o" their binder so the# can re"erence it in class. 2. @i!e the student e5amples and non1e5amples and then gi!e them the opportunit# to to classi"# things as e5amples and non1e5amples and create their own e5amples and non1e5amples. 4. @i!e the student scenarios and talk about what would be appropriate to sa# in each o" the scenarios. <. Aodel "or the student what role pla# looks like. B. Role pla# di""erent scenarios with the student. 7. 'n class& gi!e the student "eedback on how the# are doing. 9. 8hen the student makes a mistake role pla# the scenario "rom class so the student learns how the# can better handle the situation later. Data Collection7

' will use the "ollowing chat to collect data during his 9th hour class. ' will carr# a clipboard with me around the classroom and mark tallies as he sa#s things. ' will write the date. +he ne5t column is "or the number o" comments he sa#s aloud that are true& help"ul& inspiring& necessar#& or kind. +he ne5t column is "or the number o" comments he makes that are not true& help"ul& inspiring& necessar#& or kind. +he "inal column is the percent o" comments that "ollow the + '(3 strateg#.


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