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mailed in Joplin 3/7/2005

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CONTRIBUTORS: December thru February Churches/Groups: Mace

donia, Kokomo, IN; Osage Hills, Tulsa, OK; New Point, MO; Judson Rd. Kokomo, IN; Fairbom, OH; Faith, Burlington, IN; Leanna, KS;

Couples/Individuals: Louise

20051st Quarter HCM NEWSLETTER

Greetings from sunny, but cool, Oahu. 2005 is just getting underway. It seems that it will be a busy and, I pray, a profitable year for all in the
Lord's service.

The November tribute to our min

set was impressive (Amy painted the

was cold and snowy - Anita was thrilled to see it falling. David was not so thrilled mountains, stream, and cabin) and the On the way back we stopped in as he drove many miles through slushy song service was well done. Steve was Kansas City and visited vdth David's dad roads on the way back to Chicago, but we surprised and touched. and his family there for a couple of arrived "without incident. The wedding We are rejoicing as our people step was beautiful, and we were glad to meet nights. His dad has severe health prob lems, so we were delighted to see them, up to serve. One young nurse has her husband and in-laws. and they to see us. played the piano a couple of times, a My word/processor is old and having man led in prayer at the communion May this be a year of growth in the table for the first time. I'm stepping lots of problems, so I am at last con Kingdom. down from teaching in the mid-week senting to get a computer. Cyndy put one Yours in His service, Bible Club and others are showing together that she has been using for a year and that I bought from her. We interest in helping. brought it back with us. Now I will have
The State requires that large-ca
to learn to use it.

ister, Steve Sturm, went off well - the children and adults did their parts, the

Hahn, Norma Small, Martin Marchbanks, L. Keith Phelps, Joyce Bettina's wedding, planned for June, Vance, Dorothy Cottle, Ruth Dunn, was moved up to February 20. When Gerald Medlin, Audrey Alexander, Amy and David decided to go, I decided Rosemary Siefers, H J Durham, to go with them. We flew to Chicago, M.C. Berggren, Pauline Blazer, rented a car, picked up Cynthia in Mishi- Miller/Gardner, William Davee, L waka, and drove to Canton, Michigan. M Holt, Paul Johnson, Kenneth Anita flew to Detroit. So five of Bettina's Martin, Keith Clawson, Thelma family were there for her. The weather Imel, Jean Simpson, Ron Simpson.

pacity cesspools be converted to septic tanks by April 2005, and that includes Waialua Church's. The congregation voted to use our expansion fund to pay the cost and then try to repay the fund. The plan for the septic tank installation has been accepted by the government, and bids are being solicited. There are hundreds of people looking for work ers, so it may take time. My mission
has received several big donations
which can be used if needed.

2004 Ye:ar-End Financial Report Brought Forward

T o t a l Receipts


To BE Accounted For

Disbursements: Service VEHICLE

Amy and I were delighted to be tour guides for my niece and her hus band for just one day as they visited on an island tour. Nancy is the daughter of Julien Storms, who helped so much in the developing of the Palolo Valley Church property.

Office Salary

$1,755.12 $2,100.19 $1,926.82 $6,000.00


Balance, 12/31/04

$1 1,782.04 $3,195.09

mailed in Joplin 5/3 1/2005

You could receive this quarterly newsletter by e-mail if you chose to

do so. Yes, that would save postage

P 0 Box 2847 Waianae HI 96792-2847

e-mail: <>

charges. If you have e-mail service and if you would as soon receive the HCM quarterly news BY e-mail, please send your e-mail address to <> along with the request to be added to the HCM
Friends group, and to have your
name/address removed from the


HCM mailing list for surface mail.




CHURCHES/Groups: Helping Hands, Osage Hills,
Tuisa; Macedonia, Kokomo, IN,New Point, MO, Judson Rd., Kokomo, IN, Faith-Burlington, IN.


IN 37920-0111

Couples/INDIVIDUALS: E. Louise Hahn, Norma

S. Small, Audrey Alexander, Dorothy Cottle, Ruth
Dunn, H. J. Durham, Thelma Imel, L. M. Holt, E.

2005 2nd Quarter HCM NEWSLETTER

Greetings from dry Oahu. The hospital and died while I was in Califor mountain sides are brown, and the nia. I worshiped with the Macedonia brush fires have started. I'm writing on Church on Sunday and attended the Memorial Day, so we are remembering women's Bible Study. The next day those brave men and women who have friends took me to Indianapolis where I given and are giving their lives so we caught the plane to San Jose. can be free. I'm also right now remem Of course, my three children there bering those who give funds to support were working during the day, but we this work of the Lord in Hawaii. Thank were able to spend evenings together. I you. was happy to spend the days reading I planned to spend the second and resting. On Mother's Day eve the quarter preparing for and executing families there had a cookout at Lora's those plans for VBS. I did want to take a housethe first time I had been with week out to attend a college graduation them on Mother's Day for years. Mark's in California. But plans changed. My children were thrilled to enjoy the spa. cousin and childhood playmate and On Mother's Day after church, Leta, companion, Ray Storms, had another David, and I drove for about two hours stroke and died. He had been living to visit David's mother in Napa where with his son James and family in Ohio. she and her husband live with a When I learned that they planned to daughter's family.
All of the family members and sev eral friends had arranged to attend years, I decided to go, attend the Meghan's graduation from Humboldt funeral, stay on the mainland for three College in Arcata, CA. Most of them weeks, then attend the graduation. stayed in the same motel for two nights, It was a time of warm fellowship as but I stayed with beta's dear friends folks from Florida to Hawaii met in ones they knew from living in the area Kokomo to comfort and support Ray's and I had visited previously. My family wife, Judy, their son, James, daughter, met often to eat together, attended the Carol, and their grandchildren. Some of graduation on the college football field these folks I had never met. Carol on May 14, then attended a lovely party moved east about the time I came to at a nearby restaurant in the evening. Hawaii in 1962. The minister spoke Leta and David stayed until Tuesday to comforting words, old friends came, the pack and move Meghan's belongings congregation was sympathetic and pre back home. She will be working at a pared a delicious meal for the family. youth ranch beginning in August. I left I stayed in Kokomo for a week with on Sunday with Mark and stayed at his
a dear friend, and visited several of the
members who were ill. One was in the

Jean Simpson, L Keith Phelps, Miller/Gardner, Joyce Vance, Kenneth Martin, Pauline Blazer, Paul
Johnson, Melba Hobbs. Our VBS had been scheduled to

begin on June 13.When we learned that

school would end a day earlier than expected, and if we began on June 6 we
could have it before the Summer Fun

program began in the city parks, we changed the date. Of course, that makes us have less preparation time, but it should help us have more children. I think we are making it. A couple of our mother's are inviting their children's Kindergarten classes, so we hope we
have more students.





Jessup University came to Hawaii and

held a VBS for one church and came to

Waialua to do work one weekend. They

have his funeral in Kokomo, Indiana, where he had served as elder for many

painted doors and floors in the restroom, cut grass, trimmed shrubs, and planted a hedge around the play areas.
Our church is required to install a large capacity septic tank. The plans have been approved, the contract let,
and the work is due to begin in August.
We are thankful that it will not be done

during VBS. Two young men from our congrega tion have returned after a tour of duty in

Afghanistan. We are so thankful that they returned safely. One will be sta tioned in Gennany after August, the other is a helicopter pilot and will go to
Alabama as an instructor.

I pray that you are well and finding

joy in His service. I am.

home until Tuesday, the

flew home.

and then

mailed in Joplin 9/6/2005

P 0 Box 2847 Waianae HI 96792-2847

e-mail: <>
Henrietta Luttreli

You could receive this quarterly newsletter by e-mail if you chose to do so. Yes, that would save postage charges. If you have e-mail service and if you would as soon receive the HCM quarterly news BY email, please send your e-mail ad dress to <>

along with the request to be added

to the HCM Friends group, and to have your name/address removed from the HCM mailing list for sur
face mail. Thanks.



CHURCHES/Groups: Osage Hills, Tulsa, OK;

New Point, MO; Judson Road, Kokomo, IN;


Macedonia, Kokomo, IN; Faith, Burlington, IN.




Couples/INDIVIDUALS: L. Keith Phelps, Joyce Vance, Norma Small, Ruth Dunn, H, J. Durham, Dorothy Cottle, Thelma Imel,
Miller/Gardner, Louise Hahn, Kenneth Martin, Dick Collins, Gloria Mock, Audrey Alexander,

2005 3rd ayarter HCM NEWSLETTER

Greetings from dry Oahu! So dry that we have been having fre quent brush fires. One just up our valley filled our house with smoke, but the firemen kept it from coming down the mountain to endanger homes. The one across the valley caused many inconveniences but no loss of life or property damagejust acres of blackened soil and vegeta tion. My grandchildren went to school the first morning but were
sent home because of the smoke -

where she was cooking and said "I'm not going to hurt you" and he didn't, but he held her hostage for 4 hours. A
housemate and her toddler were also there. Anita talked the man into let

Jean Simpson, Rosemary Siefers,

Melba MHobbs, L MHolt.

rains. Supporters have sent several gifts to help with these projects.
Some of you may have known my
brother, Julien, who passed away two

ting the friend go, and police got the baby out through a window. Later, they got Anita out the same way and used tear gas to oust the man.
We did have VBS - a week earlier


ago. My younger brother,

Arthur, has recently passed away. He and his wife were visiting their sons in

Maryland when Art suffered a strokelike illness and did not regain con sciousness. They had discussed staying in the East, so Margaret plans to stay there. I'm glad because she doesn't have any close relatives near their California home. At my age, I can expect more and more family members and friends going to be wdth
the Lord. I'm so thankful we need not

than originally planned: June 6-10 and it was a huge success. Our young
mothers invited their children's class

people were experiencing asthma


Then the fire came down along our only access highway, which was closed, so staff could not get tliere
from tovm. The fire burned for sev

mates, and they invited their siblings, so every class was bigger than we expected. I had not ordered enough pupils' books, but the teachers man aged. We broke attendance and offering records. Our mission project
was I.D.E.S. We sent over $240 to

eral days before the hot spots were eliminated. One night, Leilani was unable to get home and stayed all night with friends from church. Another day, they opened the mili tary road through Kolekole Pass and she was able to get to work that way. Yesterday, we had the first rain in months, but not for very long. It is dry and hot again today.
Some missionaries have exciting events to report in the culture that surrounds them. Usually in Hawaii we can only report beautiful weather and "life as usual". Our family experi enced stress, however. Amy's daugh ter, Anita, is in California working and taking college classes. On July 25, a man burst into the kitchen

grieve as those without hope.

David has been working in my
room and it is almost finished. I have

help alleviate hunger. The children loved the video puppets.

We have finished the weekly small group meetings to help us "Listen to the Voice of the Shepherd." Now we are listening to him through record ings of Psalms and Proverbs for 15 minutes each day of September. We will be studying lessons from Prov erbs during the Sunday School hour,
and the sermons will be from the Psalms.

new, insulated walls painted pink; new windows; newly laid carpet; more electrical outlets; a ceiling fan;

and a new arrangement of my desk, computer, and copier. Soon I vdll be moving the rest of the furniture back
inand then should be able to find all

my papers, books, clothes, etc. that

have been moved out while the work was done.

The church septic tank project has been postponed from August to Sep
tember. We dread the mess, but will

I pray this finds you well and happy in the Lord's work. God bless!
Yours in Him,

be glad to get it over with-and hope the roof on the church and the par sonage can be done before the winter

mailed in Joplin 11/21/2005

You could receive this quarterly

newsletter by e-mail if you

chose to do so. Yes, that would


save postage charges. If you

have e-mail service and if you
would as soon receive the HCM


P 0 Box 2847 Waianae HI 96792-2847

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group, and to have your name/address removed from the HCM mailing list for surfece
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KNOXVILLETN 37920-0111

CONTRIBUTORS: sept. &October

CHURCHES/Groups: MacedoniaKokomo, IN; Faith-Burlington, lN;Osage Hills, Tulsa, OK;New Point, MO;Judson

2005 4tli Quarter HCIi NEWSLETTER

I wish you the traditional holiday greeting in Hawaiian - MELEKALIKI MAKA and HGULI MAKAHIKI

Dunn, Louise Hahn, Joyce Vance,Norma S Small, H. J. Durham, Miller/Gardner, Thelma Imel, Linda Mills, Wilma Grimstead, Jean Simpson, Dorothy Cottle,

the special music; his daughter, Rebecca, read the scripture. Refresh
ments were served on the lawn where

HOU! May you have a happy cele bration with family/friends/church as you remember the "best gift." Lord willing, I will celebrate in Cali fornia with my children there taking MOANI with me. I'm happy to report that the church septic system is installed and paid for. Bids are being sought to get the roofs of the church building and parsonage repaired.
I spent most of September receiv ing and recording over 90 registra
tions for our Women's Conference. It was held October 8 at the Sunset

folks enjoyed the food and fellowship.

The annual family update: Oldest daughter AMY lives next door. She spends much time volunteering at Nanakuli High School where her
three children at home attend. Her

Sharon Myers, L Keith Phelps, Kenneth

Martin, Paul Johnson, Audrey Alexan
der, L.M. Holt,

zation yet - she is a 7th grader and will accompany me to California. LETA is still teaching and ad ministrating at the Christian School in Milpitas, California. Her husband, DAVID LECXJITT, got his teaching certificate and is teaching 5th grade. Their daughter, MEGHAN, gradua ted from college, spent 3 months working at a youth facility and is now
home looldng for a job.

husband, DAVID KING, took two months off from his construction jobs to work on my house repairs. Now he

is building a house in Honolulu.

LEILANI is here working in retail now. CYNTHIA will be graduating from Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana this spring. BETTINA was married in May and I went with the

Beach Church. Our speaker was Elsa Lum, a local resident who grew up in Germany during Hitler's reign. She
was brain-washed to think she was a

family to Michigan for the wedding and visited family and friends in the
Midwest. ANITA (Annie to some) is

ANYA will graduate from Beloit College in the May.

MARK is still with Lockheed-

part of the "super-race" and to hate Jews. Her family was befriended by an American soldier during the occu pation. He married Elsa and brought
her back to Hawaii. She is so grateful
for American fi'eedom and that she is a Christian. She is concerned that

working and taking classes in Califor nia. Last quarter I reported that she was in a hostage situation, but was
not hurt. She seems fine now and is

Martin. His wife, NIKKI, is the stayat-home mom and computer person caring for NATALIE (in 6tb grade)
and ALEC. She loves to do crafts and

working and taking a couple of col

lege classes.
KAWIKA (David II) is a senior and a cross-country runner. He won

he is a budding artist.
LORA and GREG PRICE are the

America is trying to eliminate Chris tianity just as Hitler tried to do.

On November 6, Waialua Church

celebrated her 40th Anniversary with

an afternoon sei*vice with folks from

over 6 congregations present. Glen Powell, the designer of the building and her first minister, spoke. His son, Gary, the first pianist, rendered

the West Oahu competition, was second in the all-island meet among the public schools, and among the 175 best runners in the State, he was 15^^ and received a medal. ROBERT plays the saxophone in the marching band.
MOANI is a conscientious student,

computer consultants for the family/friends. Both work in that field. They also host the family for holiday

May 2005 be a blessed year for you and yours in the Lord's service.
Yours in Him,

but has not found her area of speciali-

remember that skinny saints can certainly be ugly also. Now IF the Christian faith is a system designed by God to make its adherents both healthy and wealthy, and slender as well, then surely, surely, it must provide ways to make them better looking too; or at least passable. Remember, ugliness is a serious problem for the poor souls who have a bad case of it - and especially for those who wish to be hired to preach. Seems to me like, getting rid of all these other physical woes from the life of true believers (with the kind help of all these spiri tual entrepreneurs), the Lord would go on and get rid of ugliness too. But alas, at the moment no company is offering the church an "All Saints Beauty Program" guaranteed to make
Christians fashionable as well as faithful. But

ce-bo4 "Hell is Real,"


ce-b05 "IF he repents, forgive him,"

ce-bo6 "It's life - or eternal death. WE

'.s sm

MUST CHOOSE," ce-b07 "How to BECOME a Christian,"

ce-bo8 "Here's how some became Chris

tians," ce-bo9 "Here's why one turned to Christ,"

ce-bio "Some turned from idols to the

FROM Oaylon Fmbrey The mail boxes of America are being

living God,"
ce-bii "Jesus Lives!," ce-bi2 "Here's how one foimd God," and

stuffed these days with a lot of junk! Solicita tions, most all of them unsolicited, pour in daily from companies with something to sell. I do not know how you feel, hut personally I
do not mind this. One can learn a lot from

ce-bi3 "Will eating chocolate save us?"

Jk nd I invite your attention to a 28-page

booklet on becoming a Christian. The
title is "Three Times Peter used the KEYS

junk mail. Besides, if it were not for these good compassionate companies, some days
no one would write me at all. As it is, when I

it's an idea whose time may soon come. I'll keep my eye on the junk mail for you. Gaylon.

of the Kingdom." It's Viewpoint study hshoi. And a 64-page booklet, "Were you BURIED with Christ?" It's Viewpoint study cb-qoi.

open the box each day I am always comforted to know that someone cares. But, what many of you may not realize is that Churches get junk mail too. Is nothing holy anymore, not even that "sacred" part of the postal depart

Other brief Bible studies like this one are also available from Mission Outreach:

cd-boi "How do we enter the Way?,"

cb-bo2 "Introduction to 'Were You

In its entirety, a study on PROPER BIBLE UNDERSTANDING can be read at Viewpoint's web site. As a 32-page booklet, it can be

mailed to you. $3. This pamphlet 5/$l.

BURIED With Christ?'," cb-b03 "Peter's KEYS Introduced," cd-boi "What Did Jesus Say About Himself?," cd-bo2 "False Teachers," cd-b03 "False Apostles," cd-b04 "Two False Teachings," cd-b05 "We Follow Jesus in TRUTH," ce-boi "We are begotten into new life by God's WORD,"
ce-b02 "We Sinners are invited to



Now some of you may not be privy to the "Church Box" down at the post office. I have been for a number of years and, believe me, what comes in is often interesting, a veritable commentary on the spiritual state of affairs in . r. our time. Consider the following: ... i .::Vp!)l5n

Now that you've considered what I'm saying the Bible teaches on this subject, of course you'll want to keep on reading THE BIBLE. Please don't forget that we learn simple truths fii-st, and no inspired later teaching will CONTRADICT simple truth. The Bible is God's written Word to bless and build us up - to prepare us for Heaven where we'll see all and know all. If it were wi'itten for school children to fully understand, wliere would the challenge be for scholars? The Word of God contains some things which challenge the minds of those who know God best. It also contains mostly simple truths which we all can easily see and
understand. The more wc do read the Bible, the more we WILL
understand of God's truth.

^ r


The postman may leave a

houses for God to dwell in, or an

^ nWKhWIllll a construction com{tOtftWlDU' NWW pany from specializing in building

offer from a lending institution desiring to finance (at a good rate) the next temple, or a pitch from an insurance company
Mission O u t r e a c h
2228 Porter Ave, P O Box 4502, Joplin MO 64803^502 Tel: 417/782-0814, Fax: 417/659-8571

God speaks to us all in both simple and challenging words. We need to not fret about harder parts in His Word. Instead, we realise that we will later know more through our study, and some day we all WILL fully understand.

SAVE OURSELVES by turning to JESUS," ce-b03 "Mysteries are UNVEILED.

Also available from Mission Outreach is a 324-page

edition of Proper Bible Understanding at $20. SEE Viewpoint

Brief Bible Studies on the internet at

Proper Bible Understanding

Leads to Christian UNITY

Nowwe can know,"

wanting to protect the building in case offire or

theft. One of the newest insurance solicitations

is for liability coverage on the minister in case he gets sued for giving some poor soul a piece of foolish wisdom. Actually liability insurance on the preacher is not a bad idea when you get right down to it. Some preachers are indeed a liability, and others are "liable" to say and do most anything. Of course, fund raising projects come in regularly. They often come from professional fund raisers who make a big business out of making money for the Lord. I am sure He is grateful since He is always in need. Then there is one company (at least) that sells a filtering system for the baptistry, to get rid of all visible impurities. Yet so far, to date, no one has come up with a way to cleanse baptismal waters of the sins left there by recently baptized sinners. Perhaps this is because sins "washed awa/' in the waters of baptism are not seen except with the eye of

wonder what kind of business this company thinks churches are engaged in. Then it dawned on me, again, what has hap pened to rehgion in recent years. With the passing of time, the world of churches has become noticeably less spiritual and noticeably more secular both in nature, and practice. The activities of modem churches distinctly reflect this change. Certainly no one can blame an enterprising hotel supply company for taking advantage of this circumstance. After all, if churches are in a business requiring a cash register, someone
needs to sell them one.

"exciting new diet program for believers." (Presumably, this is a diet that will not work on
fat sinners.)

Now at the present time most churches still use a few Bibles, and hymnals also; but one day these may give way entirely to ice shavers and nacho warmers. As I say, you can leam a lot fi:om junk mail.
But wait. Just as I was about to throw the last

piece of "junk mail" into my religious trash can, in comes yet another solicitation too good not to pass along. This may be the best one in a long

Now all you skeptics hold on. There is no question about whether a program of this sort is "according to the Scriptures," for the great prophet Isaiah (chapter 61:3) declared plainly that the coming Messiah would replace the "spirit of heaviness" with something better. And Jesus himself plainly said, "Come unto me, all you who labor, and are HEAVY..." Does this not clearly indicate that the Lord wants to take the load of fat off his disciples? Why else would the Bible encourage the practice of fast ing? Besides, we all know by this time, after listening to radio/tv evangelists over the years, that God does not want any child of His to experience sickness, nor does He want any of them to be poor. But now we learn, praise the Lord, that God also wants every Christian to be
slim and trim.

In New Testament times, of course, Chris

tians who were concerned with food were

The most interesting solicitation to come in lately, however, was one from a hotel smd res taurant supply company offering a complete line of products, including the following items: ice cream scoops, meat grinders, meat sheers, food mixers, food blenders, ice shavers (for snow cones), popcorn poppers, hot dog steam ers, nacho warmers, char broilers, griddles and deep fryers. Oh yes, and cash registers! Upon reading this advertisement, I thought sure the church had gotten on the wrong mailing list. I could see how a congregation of God's people might need bread for the Lord's Table. But popcorn? A collection plate would have made a little sense. But a cash register? Surely the church had received a local restau rant's mail by mistake. But no. It was no mis take. Evidently this literature was sent out to
all the churches in the land. It made me

ANSWERS," proclaims the ad. Answers? To what? Why the answers not only for "struggling Christians" who are lazy and/or depressed, but
for those who are also FAT.

Yes. dearly beloved. The time has now come when "believers can experience fireedom from the bondage of eating problems." No doubt there is more rejoicing in heaven over one pound lost, than over nine pounds in need of losing. Anyway, what is offered to the church by this advertisement is a new dynamic "3-D" pro gram of Discipline, Discipleship and DIET. Apparently over 12,000 Churches already have "found" tltis program to be an ideal way to reach out and offer a "spiritual dimension" to this rather large problem.

trying to find ways of feeding those who were hungry, rather than trying to keep hungry folks from eating. But times have changed, I guess. In any case, at least now true believers who are ten pounds beyond perfect can use a diet they can have full confidence in, knowing that it comes sponsored by the "divine" institution. Overweight members simply need to have faith in the Scriptures, which positively say, "they
looked on him and were LIGHTENED."

(Psalm 34:5)

Frankly, as interesting as it was, I found

this latest offer to be somewhat deficient.

providing more progressive churches an cd-bi61

Therefore, this aggressive companyis nowp

While I realize there are many heavyweight Christians around who need help, weight is surely not the worst problem of this type that some have to face every morning. What about those disciples who are downright UGLY? A few extra pounds may indeed be "ugly fat," but

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