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Semester: 1 Hari: ISNIN

Minggu: 2 (09.01.2012 13.01.2012) Tarikh: 09.01.2012

Moral Tahun 3 0900-1000 1 jam

Bidang 1: NILAI BERKAITAN DENGAN PERKEMBANGAN DIRI Nilai : 1.2 Kebersihan Fizikal dan Mental Tajuk: Kebersihan fizikal asas kesihatan diri Isi Kandungan: Kebersihan amalan yang sihat Kebersihan dalam kehidupan seharian Kebersihan diri Kebersihan persekitaran Hasil Pembelajaran: Pada akhir pengajaran, murid dapat: i. Mengamal dan mengutamakan kebersihan dalam kehidupan Aktiviti: 1. Guru bercerita tentang kepentingan menjaga kebersihan berdasarkan gambar bersiri 2. Murid menyenaraikan kepentingan menjaga kebersihan diri dan persekitaran. ABM: Buku Teks Moral Tahun 6 Refleksi:

Semester: 1 Hari: SELASA

Minggu: 2 (09.01.2012 13.01.2012) Tarikh: 10.01.2012

Sains Tahun 5 0730-0830 1 jam

Theme: INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS Learning Area: 1. Microorganism Learning Objectives: 1.1 Understanding that microorganism is a living thing. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. State that microorganism grows. ii. State that microorganism moves. iii. Conclude that microorganisms are living things and most of them cannot be seen with naked eyes. Activities: 1. Pupils carry out activity and observe the effect when a test tube filled with 2 teaspoon of dried yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar and half test tube of water. The mouth of the test tube is attached to a balloon. 2. Pupils view video on the movement of microorganisms in water. 3. Pupils discuss and state that microorganisms are living things and most of them cannot be seen with naked eyes. SPS & TS : Making hypotheses, Defining operationally. SA & NV: Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Reflection:

Sains Tahun 3 1030-1100 30 minit

Theme: LEARNING ABOUT LIVING THINGS Learning Area: 1. Animals Learning Objectives: Pupils should learn: 1.1 to observe and recognise external features of animals. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. make a list of the external features of an animal. ii. make record the external features of an animal Activities: 1. Pupils discuss and construct a table based on the list of external features. 2. Teacher discuss with pupils the features that they want to record in the table. SPS & TS : Observing, Classifying, Relating SA & NV: Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment, Realising that science is a means to understand nature. Reflection:

Musik Tahun 4 1230-1300 30 minit

Tajuk/Bidang : Nyanyian Objektif : Mengetahui dan memahami teknik nyanyian Kemahiran : 1. Membuat Latihan : Postur Pernafasan Sebutan lirik 2. Menyanyi lagu yang digemari Aktiviti: 1. Murid menyanyikan lagu Pengakap Muda 2. Murid menyanyi sambil membuat gerakan tubuh. 3. Murid menyanyi dengan pernafasan satu persatu dan sebutan lirik yang betul Refleksi:

Semester: 1 Hari: RABU

Minggu: 2 (09.01.2012 13.01.2012) Tarikh: 11.01.2012 Theme: LEARNING ABOUT LIVING THINGS Learning Area: 1. Animals Learning Objectives: Pupils should learn: 1.1 to observe and recognise external features of animals. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. make a list of the external features of an animal. ii. make record the external features of an animal Activities: 1. Pupils discuss and construct a table based on the list of external features. 2. Teacher discuss with pupils the features that they want to record in the table. SPS & TS : Observing, Classifying, Relating SA & NV: Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment, Realising that science is a means to understand nature. Reflection: Theme: LEARNING ABOUT LIVING THINGS Learning Area: 1. Animals Learning Objectives: Pupils should learn: 1.2 to observe and recognise external features of animals. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: iv. identify at least 3 external features of an animal. Activities: 1. Pupils observe various animals and list the external features of each animal e.g. tail, fur, feathers, scales, beak, claw s and number of legs. SPS & TS : Observing, Classifying, Relating SA & NV: Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment, Realising that science is a means to understand nature. Reflection: Bidang 1: NILAI BERKAITAN DENGAN PERKEMBANGAN DIRI Nilai : 1.1 Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan Tajuk: Beribadat tuntutan semua agama Isi Kandungan: Kewajipan mensyukuri nikmat Tuhan Amalan ibadat mengikut kepercayaan pelbagai agama Hormati cara pelbagai penganut agama beribadat Hasil Pembelajaran: Pada akhir pengajaran, murid dapat: ii. Menghormati cara pelbagai penganut agama beribadat. Aktiviti: 3. Guru Bercerita tentang amalan ibadat mengikut agama yang dianuti 4. Murid bercerita cara amalan beribadat ikut agama mereka. ABM: Buku Teks Moral Tahun 6 Refleksi:

Sains Tahun 3 0830-0930 1 jam

Musik Tahun 5 0930-10 00 30 minit

Moral Tahun 3 1030-1130 1 jam

Sains Tahun 5 0900-1000 1 jam

Theme: INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS Learning Area: 1. Microorganism Learning Objectives: 1.1 Understanding that microorganism is a living thing. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. State types of microorganisms. Activities: 1. Pupils view video showing various types of microorganism, e.g. bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa. 2. Pupils make a qualitative comparison between the size of microorganism and that of human and conclude that microorganism is very tiny. SPS & TS : Making hypotheses, Defining operationally. SA & NV: Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Reflection:

Semester: 1 Hari: Khamis Tunjang Objektif

Minggu: 1 (04.01.2012 06.01.2012) Tarikh: 05.01.2012 : Pendidikan Sukan : Pada akhir proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid dapat: 1. Mengenalpasti tempat yang sesuai dan selamat untuk beraktiviti. 2. Mematuhi arahan serta peraturan untuk keselamatan diri. 3. Menyenaraikan sekurang-kurangnya 5 langkah keselamatan di tempat permainan. Kemahiran : 1. Keselamatan semasa beraktiviti di tempat permainan. Aktiviti: 1. Murid berbincang tentang cara menjaga tempat perjaga keselamatan ditempat permainan. 2. Murid menyernaraikan langkah-langkah keselamatan Refleksi: Theme: LEARNING ABOUT LIVING THINGS Learning Area: 1. Animals Learning Objectives: Pupils should learn: 1.3 to observe and recognise external features of animals. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: iii. identify at least 3 external features of an animal. Activities: 3. Pupils observe various animals and list the external features of each animal e.g. tail, fur, feathers, scales, beak, claw s and number of legs. SPS & TS : Observing, Classifying, Relating SA & NV: Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment, Realising that science is a means to understand nature. Reflection: Bidang 1: NILAI BERKAITAN DENGAN PERKEMBANGAN DIRI Nilai : 1.1 Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan Tajuk: Beribadat tuntutan semua agama Isi Kandungan: Kewajipan mensyukuri nikmat Tuhan Amalan ibadat mengikut kepercayaan pelbagai agama Hormati cara pelbagai penganut agama beribadat Hasil Pembelajaran: Pada akhir pengajaran, murid dapat: i. Menghormati cara pelbagai penganut agama beribadat. Aktiviti: 1. Guru Bercerita tentang amalan ibadat mengikut agama yang dianuti

Pendidikan Jasmani Tahun 3 0730-0830 1 jam

Sains Tahun 3 0900-1000 1 jam

Moral Tahun 3 1030-1130 1 jam

2. Murid bercerita cara amalan beribadat ikut agama mereka. ABM: Buku Teks Moral Tahun 6 Refleksi: Theme: INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS Learning Area: 1. Microorganism Learning Objectives: 1.1 Understanding that microorganism is a living thing. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. State types of microorganisms. Activities: 1. Pupils view video showing various types of microorganism, e.g. bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa. 2. Pupils make a qualitative comparison between the size of microorganism and that of human and conclude that microorganism is very tiny. SPS & TS : Making hypotheses, Defining operationally. SA & NV: Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Reflection:

Sains Tahun 5 0900-1000 1 jam

Semester: 1 Hari: Jumaat

Minggu: 1 (04.01.2012 06.01.2012) Tarikh: 06.01.2012

Sains Tahun 5 0830-0930 1 jam

Theme: INVESTIGATING LIVING THINGS Learning Area: 1. Microorganism Learning Objectives: 1.1 Understanding that microorganism is a living thing. Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. State that yeast is an example of microorganism. ii. State that microorganism breathes. Activities: 1. Pupils discuss that yeast is a fungi, an example of microorganism. 2. Pupils discuss on other examples of microorganisms. 3. Pupils observe the effect of yeast on dough and infer that microorganism breathes and causes the dough to rise. SPS & TS : Making hypotheses, Defining operationally. SA & NV: Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Reflection: Bidang 1: NILAI BERKAITAN DENGAN PERKEMBANGAN DIRI Nilai : 1.1 Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan Tajuk: Beribadat tuntutan semua agama Isi Kandungan: Kewajipan mensyukuri nikmat Tuhan Amalan ibadat mengikut kepercayaan pelbagai agama Hormati cara pelbagai penganut agama beribadat Hasil Pembelajaran: Pada akhir pengajaran, murid dapat: i. Menghormati cara pelbagai penganut agama beribadat. Aktiviti: 1. Murid menunjuk cara bersembahyang dan berdoa mengikut agama masing-masing. ABM: Buku Teks Moral Tahun 6 Refleksi:

Moral Tahun 3 1100-1200 1 jam

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