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Health Promotion Reflection

Catharine Beecher, Prezi Presentation

John Schaefer

Spring 2014


1. This work sample was a Prezi presentation about Catharine Beecher, who was one of the
many individuals who have helped develop the profession of physical education and
health promotion to the status that it now occupies. Catharine Beecher was one the first to
recognized public schools' responsibility to teach physical development of children. In
addition, she promoted the development of teacher training programs. She also
recommended daily physical exercise; in addition, she developed a calisthenics program
performed to music.
2. I had set a goal to expand my computer software skills and this assignment gave me my
first opportunity to start to accomplish that goal. This work sample was given to my
Introduction to Physical Education class.

Health Promotion Standard Alignment

Aligned Primary Standard: Standard 6 of Communication. The health promoter uses knowledge
of effective verbal, collaboration and supportive interaction.

1. The Prezi presentation software allowed me to communicate material on Catherine
Beecher to the class with ease and with a flow and motion format not currently seen in
other presentation software. These characteristics hold the attention of the class because
of the movement of the presented material therefore making the material seem more

2. This opportunity to present to the class allowed me to communicate while listening and
watching for the classs verbal and nonverbal communications, such as, eye contact,
talking, sleeping, and etc. and watching for their focus on the presented visual material.
The class responded correctly to questions asked about Catharine Beecher at the end of
the presentation.

3. The Prezi software was used as supportive technology allowing interaction with the class
with a different type of presentation style not normally seen in the classroom today.

Health and Physical Educations Knowledge, Skill, Disposition Statement Alignment

Aligned KSD: KS3.a. Communicates clearly and accurately:

1. This was my introduction to Prezi presentation software, which has advantages of flow
and movement over a PowerPoint presentation. Power Point consists of slides and a fixed
presentation of material, much like a printed page projected onto the wall. Prezis flow
and movement assists in holding the clients attention and enabled me to communicate
the researched information more effectively.

2. The preparation of this Prezi presentation was instrumental in prompting me to be clear
and concise in my talk and in the material presented. The effective use of the software
focused my attention on being effective in choosing the material to be and effective in the
actual presentation of the material.

3. This Work Sample allowed me to learn new software and to add the use of another
presentation software I will be able to communicate material to groups.

4. Secondary Standards:


What I learned about teaching/training from this experience.

1. I learn the Prezi software which I like because of the flexibility of the software and the
ability to add movement to a presentation.

2. I learned that when presenting material, it is always best to work with the equipment you
will use at the presentation because different computers, keyboards, and any other
available resources will behave differently than what you very likely expect. For
example: I did not realize that the large white board in the classroom was connected to
the computer. The classroom keyboard did not have the same touch and feel for zooming
photographs that the keyboard when I had prepared the material.


1. I am learning that I do not mind being in front of group of people instructing. I enjoy it if
I am prepared and I have enthusiasm about the material presented. I will do well with
health promotion clients because I am attempting to live the material that I am
communicating; I enjoy working and interacting with people.

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