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this post was submitted on 27 Apr 2014
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People with no job or school
to go to, what do you do all
day? (self.AskReddit)
submitted 5 hours ago by TheDonFather
top 200 commentsshow 500
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[]03223 1121 points 3 hours ago
Hike, woodworking, cabin building, ... and whatever sounds like fun that
day. (retired)
[]Snowley [score hidden] an hour ago
You sound like my grandfather. I really, really hope I become half the man
he is. He's in better shape than I am, and he's 60 years older. Built his and
his wife's cabin himself in a beautiful lake-side wooded property that he had
the foresight to purchase way back when he was starting out for a pittance,
and now he lives there in this beautiful small town.
It's gone from a quaint little thing to double it's size with a beautiful elevated
deck and an un-attached two-doored garage. All but the garage built by him
with his knee replacements and arthritis barely slowing him down. The man
is an inspiration haha. This was a long winded response, jesus.
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[]ThaBoshtrich 262 points an hour ago
Are you...Ron Swanson?
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[]green_eyedmonster 2452 points 4 hours ago
Mostly search for jobs, procrastinate searching for jobs by fucking about
online, daydream about the next night of drinking, rinse and repeat. I do
house work, stuff in the garden and the like to stave off boredom but mostly
the above and sleep.
It kinda sucks. Want a job. Need a job. Anyone want to employ an out of
work microbiologist?
[]Savageredditer121 933 points 3 hours ago
When I was a freshman in highschool I had a microbiologist for a tutor in
science and math maybe you could do that on the side
[]Laz3rViking 637 points 3 hours ago*
Not a bad idea! The community college near me pays close to $10/hr for
tutors who are not students. It's not huge pay, but I'm sure anywhere
nearby will need science tutors and it's not very difficult work.
Edit: I live in Massachusetts, where minimum wage is $8/hr and the US
minimum I believe is $7.35/hr. So, yes I agree it is an abysmal pay rate for
someone with a degree, but it is an easy job if you know your stuff and it is
easy to land that job. Also, I tutored there as a undergrad sophomore, which
is definitely a good gig in that situation.
[]Fishnskate 574 points 2 hours ago
$10/hr for tutoring? If you do your own thing you can charge up to $50/hr
like most tutors.
[]Meayow 360 points 2 hours ago
In the Bay Area, families that want Ivy League educated tutors spend in the
$120-200 range.
[]Pseudolntellectual 433 points 2 hours ago
Just be ready to deal with the parents
[]SRSLY_GUYS_SRSLY 776 points an hour ago
For $200 an hour the parents could not do anything to piss me off; they
could actually piss on me and I'd wipe it off with cash.
[]dongsy-normus 518 points an hour ago
Even at $200/hr, a piss takes what, 30 seconds TOPS. Enjoy your $1.70.
[]AMA_About_My_Health 462 points an hour ago
Now that's applied mathematics.
[]catsrule362 104 points an hour ago
Clearly this guy is worth $200/hr.
continue this thread
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[]AmbickyBurger 16 points an hour ago
Yes but you make them pay for every started hour!
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[]marmal4de 111 points 2 hours ago
I tutor privately for $40/h you should try that. The toughest part is building
up a client base.
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[]ContraWizard 201 points 2 hours ago
WTF ten dollars an hour for a tutor, you seriously need to move. A tutor in
Toronto with a bachelors usually starts at 40, masters you can top 90-100.
This is one of the crappier places in the city that a lot of people work while
they do the glorious unpaid internships that bog down Canadian education
(Note this place only charges 40 an hour, I think the tutors took home 34.50
when I was there.)
edit: hurr durr forgot the link
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[]Foolrussian 213 points 2 hours ago
Should look into jobs in the beer industry. My brewery employs a multitude
of microbiologists.
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[]tuffys 124 points 2 hours ago
PM me if you want a job in DFW
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[]hottruck 80 points 3 hours ago*
Have you tried Kelly? You've probably heard that before but they do labwork
staffing around the country.
Edit: The other thing I did was to make my resume public on
monster/indeed. I started getting calls at least once a week for local jobs
from recruiters. Mostly temp/contract, but better than nothing.
[]Aaurora 113 points 2 hours ago
As a once-unemployed molecular biologist, I took a job with Kelly Scientific.
I didn't realize they were a temp agency, I was just desperate for work and
jumped on a matching job description. That said, they put me in a lab for 6
months, at the end of which, my PI was more than happy to sign me on
through the University. It's a solid route when you truly need to work.
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[]Dorfattack 17 points 2 hours ago
That saddens me, as I am a graduate student in Microbiology. :( What
degree level do you have?
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[]CatHairInYourEye 21 points 3 hours ago
Where do you live?
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[]laddergoat89 1801 points 3 hours ago*x2
My partner is terminally ill with not long left so I'm temporarily signed off
work (2 months so far, more to come).
Aside from the obvious caring for her.
Reddit, video games, Reddit, TV, movies. Reddit.
Go for walks, go to the shops for supplies whenever asked to by her or her
family (an excuse to get out of the house).
Occasionally I look for flats, since my living situation is going to change.
I'm going to start going for runs next week.
[]RollingCuntWagon 485 points 2 hours ago
I don't know what shape your partner is in, but have you tried doing puzzles
or something together? Before my grandma passed we liked to do puzzles
together because she didn't have to worry about talking so much and could
take breaks whenever she wanted.
[]laddergoat89 296 points an hour ago
Good idea. She likes doing stuff around the house that isn't too energetic,
like sorting out her stuff.
[]Jolly_WhiteGiant 29 points an hour ago
I know when taking care of my wife with cancer I tried to go to the gym
everyday if possible for an hour. It gets you out and keeps you mentally
healthy. Also playing cards with her is something we did a lot.
[]rachface636 18 points an hour ago
I am so sorry. I wish you a a happy life and I hope the two of you have
every beautiful moment you can together.
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[]Vasconium 551 points 3 hours ago
Sorry about that.
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[]lickmybrains 210 points 2 hours ago
I'm so sorry to hear that man :\
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[]snoogins1 127 points 2 hours ago
Can I hug you? If you are in Australia I am going to hug you.
[]laddergoat89 91 points an hour ago
I may or may not be literally on the other side of the planet.
[]larjew 16 points an hour ago
You can get a virtual hug at, if you need
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[]cinman17 173 points 2 hours ago
Runing will be great mentally and physically especially in rough times.
[]laddergoat89 87 points an hour ago
I've heard. Also I'm going to run the London marathon next year for
leukaemia charity so I have to start somewhere.
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[]Nothingcreativeatm 95 points 2 hours ago
Once you can run for an hour straight, you've just found the cheapest and
most effective therapy session possible. (This is not to say actual therapy
wouldn't also be beneficial.
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[]IamAbetterYou 58 points 2 hours ago
That's very kind of you.
[]The_Peanut_Plow 10 points 2 hours ago
Been there twice man, it's hard as fuck but hang in there. One of my SO's
made it thankfully, but not before a year long extreme chemo schedule. She
had a rare form of lymphoma, and they used really agressive treatment
cycles. I had to wait on her hand and foot nearly the whole time. People
don't really see everything a caregiver has to go through, it get's rough. My
heart goes out to you friend, stay strong, and good luck.
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[]whiffy 1332 points 5 hours ago
Volunteer at local animal rescue... taking care of dogs waiting for adoption.
It is the most satisfying way to spend my time I know. It keeps me active. It
allows me to socialize with people who share my values. It fills a need for
the rescue, the dogs, and for me. Win/win/win.
[]SchrodingersHat 81 points 4 hours ago
How much time do you spend at the shelter?
[]kittysbeingadildo 353 points 4 hours ago
11 minutes including the shit break he takes too
[]RetardedDanishViking 37 points 2 hours ago
How long does it even take to break a shit?
[]DatDutchDude 50 points an hour ago
Around 11 minutes
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[]NoviceApproach 130 points 3 hours ago
So far, you are the only one that actually does anything.
[]Goodmorningvoldemort 63 points 2 hours ago
It's actually hard to do other things without a job because you don't have
money especially on gas
[]catsofweed 73 points an hour ago
That and the crippling depression.
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[]HoochieKoo 295 points 4 hours ago
| Win/win/win
[]chu248 89 points 2 hours ago
Use a > to get the line
> Win/win/win
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[]angrypotato1 147 points 4 hours ago
Volunteering is also a great resum builder
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[]SirJefferE 2906 points 4 hours ago
Post titled not safe for work.
This has to be some kind of meta-pun.
[]angrypotato1 840 points 3 hours ago
[]poopellar 294 points 3 hours ago
Meh , i think the original Most Wanted was better.
[]rumilb 77 points 2 hours ago
I was more of a Midnight Club fan myself.
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[]awhiskeyshot 432 points 3 hours ago
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[]Laz3rViking 208 points 3 hours ago
I don't think it is supposed to be meta. I think OP just expects a lot of
redditors to talk about porn and masturbation, etc.
[]tristn9 589 points 3 hours ago
Or he doesn't want people at work posting.
[]Jonny_Tide 293 points 2 hours ago
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[]ozbeargrowler 1201 points 2 hours agox2
I have HIV dementia. Was a nurse but can no longer work. Can't cook
anymore, I forget and burn things. Can't read books anymore, too hard to
follow a story line and keep it straight, used to love Horror books and every
year read the major awards nominees (booker, Pulitzer etc). I goto the local
men's shelter which is a 5 minute walk from my apartment everyday and
shower and have a hot lunch for free...I could shower at home but I have
anxiety about slipping in the shower, I once cared for a patient when I was a
nurse who stroked in the shower and wasn't found for 3 days...he had
horrible burns. I like to listen to music on my iPod and I watch a little TV....If
I am having a clear headed day I binge on TV on DVD....Hannibal and
American Horror Story are my most recent finds (I borrow them from my
local library and I rip them to mkv files so I can watch them when I feel
well). I have nurses drop by 2 times a week to check up on me. I go food
shopping for sandwich makings and cereal every Wednesday. I don't have
anyone to talk to except a neighbor who drops by to ask me for stuff when
he runs out like bread etc, so I do get lonely and I really would love a pet
but my nurses don't think its a good idea because I have to goto hospital at
least once every 2 months. I read reddit every night before going to bed. I
keep my apartment clean and I water my pot plants and I always iron my
clothes (my iron has a safety off in case I get distracted and forget it) and
that's my life.
[]cinemachick 203 points an hour ago
Hey, if you ever want someone to talk with, PM me. If you don't want to
share any of your stories, then I'll share mine. I have quite a few. :)
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[]MeepShow 214 points 2 hours ago
Is there any way you can maybe explain to a local animal shelter your
situation? They might be able to find you an organization or someone to help
you out with getting a pet, where they will keep in regular contact and take
the animal while you are in the hospital.
Having a pet would definitely be a good thing. Someone out there has to be
able to help you with that. Where do you live?
[]ThrowawayJ85 151 points an hour ago
Another option is pet therapy, in which people bring animals to you to
interact with. It kills two birds with one stone (bad pun?): animal
socialization and people socialization!
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[]SoggyToeErgo 27 points an hour ago
Or maybe a dog-walking service? Perhaps you could walk with someone
when they take a dog out. It's a good way to get to spend time with an
animal without needing to care for it 24/7. Thanks for sharing your story - it
was very moving.
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[]PKizzo 68 points an hour ago
Not a bad idea but the guy wont shower in his own home without fear of
passing and not being found. He says he doesnt cook because he forgets
things. I doubt he wants to take on the responsibility of caring for another
living thing.
[]Clicint 9 points an hour ago
He mentioned that he wanted one. Plus, he may be able to get a service dog
because of how severe his case is. And service dogs are usually trained
specifically for their owner's condition, which means that the dog would
probably know how to gently remind him to feed it. It really sounds like it
would be good for him.
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[]norrisiv 27 points an hour ago
Hey! If you ever want a digital pen-pal to help combat the loneliness feel
free to PM me.
[]SeaBeet 62 points an hour ago
Thank you for sharing your story.
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[]barcode79 369 points 2 hours ago
The question should include, "and how do you financially support yourself?"
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[]I_Am_Hank_Hill_AMA 2930 points 3 hours ago*
Well basically I've got it down to a cycle.
-Wake up
-Get on Reddit
-Check the first couple of pages of the subreddits I subscribe to
-Close Reddit tab
-Open Reddit tab
-Realize how stupid I am
-Switch over to Xbox One
-Watch an episode of something on Netflix *sometimes I end up laying in
bed all day being a lazy fuck watching season after season of Dexter, House,
Psych or Jericho.
-Get bored
-Reddit on phone, realize I've already seen all this shit
-Hop on Steam
-Get bored of DayZ
-Get bored of Kerbal Space Program
-Get frustrated at Super Motherload
-Contemplate starting a game on Civ V
-Tell myself I don't have the time
-Take a 20 minute bikeride
-Come back exhausted and remembering how out of shape I've gotten
-Madden 25
-Play one game, probably rage quit because THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT
-More Reddit
-Try to fall asleep but end up being awake until 5am
-Restart the cycle

EDIT: To the people replying with comments such as "You sound like you're
living the dream" etc.. Please, stop. If you think this type of life is a dream
you've obviously never been stuck in a loop like this.
EDIT 2: No, I am not you.
EDIT 3: No, I don't masturbate often. Why? Because I wake up nearly every
day with a headache and that just makes it worse. It also doesn't help that
after I finish I have a strong sense of self-loathing.
EDIT 4: Brb bike ride y'all.
EDIT 5: You know, I was dead set on hitting 30 minutes today, but
apparently my handlebars decided to break.
EDIT 6: Shoutout to /u/MrMoss81 and some other Redditor whom I don't
know for the gold!
[]davidhero 1300 points 3 hours ago
How do you financially support yourself?
[]68205 2070 points 3 hours ago
[]leaf-house 941 points 3 hours ago
and propane accessories.
[]garrettux 429 points 2 hours ago
[]Nyphur 375 points 2 hours ago
dang it bobby
[]QuestionMarkus 234 points 2 hours ago
That boy ain't right
[]firetotheforest 83 points 2 hours ago
I'm a little worried about being a slut.
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[]1nf4m0uz 180 points 2 hours ago
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[]Uljira 408 points 3 hours ago
Unemployment benefit, most likely.
In Ireland, for example, you could easily live the rest of your life on the dole.
It won't be all that comfortable, or with any real quality, but it's easily done.
[]Epistaxis 263 points 2 hours ago*
I'm guessing from Madden 25 that /u/I_Am_Hank_Hill_AMA lives in the USA,
though, which is not known for its welfare state.
EDIT: since this quickie reply is generating so much discussion already, I
wanted to draw attention to the most informative followup so far,
from /u/elchicodelgado, who posted this article showing that unemployment
benefits end after 26 weeks in most of the USA.
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[]stopmotionporn 173 points 2 hours ago
Nevermind that, how did he afford an xbox one with no job?
[]C3544G 144 points 2 hours ago
Maybe he bought it before he got laid off?
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[]svmk1987 206 points 2 hours ago
I gotta say: 20 minutes of bike riding is a nice touch.
[]I_Am_Hank_Hill_AMA 130 points 2 hours ago
Honestly I can be somewhat happy with myself because at least it's more
than doing nothing like I would usually do.
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[]Aziz_92 527 points 2 hours ago
-Close Reddit tab -Open Reddit tab -Realize how stupid I am
That's me.
[]jb2386 147 points 2 hours ago
Mines goes like this:
-Close Reddit tab
-Open Reddit tab
-Realize how stupid I am
-Shrug it off
-Try to find something new on reddit (usually is if I dig deep into specific
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[]Chisoxguy7 256 points 3 hours ago
This is.... surprisingly accurate.
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[]Vardrastor 142 points 3 hours ago
Oh christ...thats my whole fucking life...
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[]Kaboose666 157 points 3 hours ago
i've managed to cut out my futile attempts at getting back into gaming by
watching rooster teeth and Achievment hunter Lets plays on youtube.
It's just like playing the game but 1/2 as fun and 10 times as easy.
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[]fairypants 330 points 5 hours ago
I look after my kids, cook, clean, read, study (doing an Open University
degree from home), watch tv, read, gardening, or just sit in the garden with
a beer on a sunny afternoon and read a good book.
[]alexgmcm 510 points 2 hours ago
doing an Open University degree
That implies you are in the UK.
sunny afternoon
That does not. :P
[]bluedragonee 110 points 2 hours ago
I'm guessing he's Australian
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[]ajjohnsvik 43 points 3 hours ago
That's my dream :'(
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[]LumosTheNox 214 points 2 hours ago
I just started watching Archer.
So I got that going for me.
[]CloggedToilet 26 points an hour ago
Which is nice.
[]clusterfuck45 10 points an hour ago
Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
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[]fistfullofcake 270 points 2 hours ago
I take care of my 18month old daughter and 3 year old autistic son. I had an
interview last month for a really good job fingers crossed i get a call on the
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[]KommandantKeen 1882 points 5 hours ago
15 minutes and counting; no one has mentioned job-hunting.
Y'all must be rich.
[]angrypotato1 511 points 4 hours ago
Or resum building
[]ProbeIke 176 points 3 hours ago
Except for the volunteering not much of these look like resume building.
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[]jofus_joefucker 15 points 2 hours ago
More like answering those 5000 questions each application asks of you. The
ones that are like 10 questions but repeated with a different phrase over and
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[]mkoilo 112 points 2 hours ago
Dream about having money. I cant work because my body is royally fucked
up but doctors wont agree on whats causing it so because I'm diagnosed and
have been for 6 years. Being undiagnosed means I cant get disability, being
juuuust under 22 means I cant get unemployment and being in the middle
of nowhere means I cant get a job (I asked every employer in town, I'm too
much of a liability to take on)
So I basically hobble around doing every hobby under the sun in the
cheapest ways I can (cheap meaning free) and think about how great it
would be if I had enough money to buy clothes and the proper equipment
for my hobbies. I also study online and my Dad brings me with him to work
If I feel trapped then I go up the street as far as I can make it and see how
long it takes for someone to take me back home (small town, people are
nice) then I get to socialize for a few minutes.
Its a lonely existence for the most part and my sense of time is really
messed up but I have my family to keep me sane.
[]Wry_Grin 19 points 2 hours ago
You "hobble" around?
Not poking into your private biz, but please tell me your symptoms.
My ex-wife had an issue that caused her severe pain when walking more
than short distances. She appeared fine and healthy otherwise, but walking
100m would leave her a physical wreck for days.
After years of doctors, se was finally diagnosed, underwent surgery and now
enjoys long walks on the beach without me.
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[]Chakizes 640 points 4 hours ago
Video Games, getting high, dissociating, and suicidal ideation, which are all
just me avoiding the fact that I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
[]Uljira 2195 points 3 hours ago
You don't need to do something with your life. Just do something with your
[]Mintperson 262 points 2 hours ago
This is my new motto
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[]JBHUTT09 163 points 2 hours ago
No more zero days. One of the best reddit comments I've seen.
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[]Chakizes 87 points 3 hours ago
Pretty much, but a pure lack of motivation and no sense of self-worth
combined with a sick sort of pleasure in making myself miserable make it
difficult. I do sometimes go and play with my friend's 2 1/2 year old twins,
so not all depressing.
[]itareu 51 points 2 hours ago
It's not a 'sick sort of pleasure'. Our bodies get addicted to the chemistry
within us during a depressive episode that topples us down in a vicious circle
to the point getting up becomes an endeavor. It's normal to feel like you
"want" to feel depressed, as if your body seeks more and it's easy to fall
back into when wanting to climb out.
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[]bakaken 60 points 2 hours ago
Go out for a jog, even just around the block. Exercise helps a lot.
[]lavender_13 18 points 2 hours ago
I've also found cleaning/ repairing something to help.
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[]Broken_Limb 1539 points 4 hours ago
I spend my days alone. I wake up at the crack of dawn and begin making
coffee for me, myself and I. I then sit down and read the newspaper
because frankly, it makes me feel like I have a connection to the outside
world. Later on in the day, and this is where it gets sort of weird, I like to
masturbate. Not any sort though, no, not your normal wanking. I like to
undress myself and walk around my tiny apartment and find suitable pieces
of furniture that would feel good on my penis. I'm not ashamed to say that I
fuck my furniture. That's what I do.
TL;DR Fuck your couch
[]Uhh_uhhh 445 points 3 hours ago
What kind of coffee?
[]Broken_Limb 355 points 3 hours ago
Prepare your anus for this one-- Maxwell House Dark Roast
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[]Poem_for_your_sprog 1491 points 3 hours ago*
As I wake each winter morning,
Watching day-break slowly dawning,
Head in hand, fatigued and yawning,
Left to curse my luck -
There I sit and, coffee-drinking,
Ponder my existence, thinking
'What have I achieved?' with sinking
Sense of life unstuck.
Though I'd hoped and oft intended
Something more, my dreams have ended.
Still - at least I've lots of splendid
Furniture to fuck.
[]christgoldman 26 points 2 hours ago
Very Poe-ish in the rhythm on this one. I read it in Vincent Price's voice and
was not disappointed.
[]madmatt112 147 points 2 hours ago
I always enjoy seeing you pop up in threads, but this was my uncontested
favourite of your poems. Thank you for starting my Sunday off with some
organic, freerange, homegrown humour.
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[]closerthanassumed 55 points 3 hours ago
TL:DR; Coffee - Newspaper - Fuck furniture.
[]angrypotato1 209 points 4 hours ago
Goddamit not-vargas
[]Broken_Limb 51 points 3 hours ago
Take 'er down a notch spud.
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[]ZCAvian 80 points 3 hours ago
Debated posting this on a throwaway since I'm honestly pretty ashamed of
it, but fuck it.
I used to be productive, but I ended up having to drop everything and move
back home with my parents, then over the next year had to deal with a
bunch of family stuff that's made it hard to even think about going back to
work or school. So my daily routine's pretty much been reduced to this.
Wake up, usually around midnight
Games/porn/reddit/netflix/etc all night
Sleep, usually around 6pm
Sprinkle crippling bouts of self-loathing throughout
I know how cliche it sounds, but it doesn't help I'm fairly sure I'm
depressed, as well. Honestly kind of worried it might be bipolar since it runs
in my family.
It's really kind of shitty to be honest. It was fun for a while, but I'm
absolutely ready to work again, but I don't see it happening in the
immediate future. Also, absolutely horrified at the idea of job hunting again -
when I went looking for my last job, two years ago, it was pretty
nightmarish - I literally only got my job because the manager of the place
felt bad for me. Supposedly things are a little better now, but it's not
something I'm looking forward to.
Edit, because I didn't think of it before I hit "send" - I'm really, really tired
of having to beg and sponge off my Dad for stuff again, too. You forget how
nice it is to have a regular income, until you don't have it anymore. -_-
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[]MrsTokHaar 471 points 5 hours ago
Neopets, RuneScape, Netflix, Reddit, (occasionally play xbox),
[]knotayethrowaway 517 points 5 hours ago
Neopets?! That's still a thing?!
[]Aquario_Wolf 171 points 4 hours ago
Yes, Yes it is.
[]winddrake1801 177 points 3 hours ago
Gotta check everyday for that Coltzan's shrine man.
[]Luminitha 133 points 2 hours ago
Soup kitchen! Giant omelette! Free jelly! Faerie crossword! Tombola! Wheel
of Excitement!
[]Bebinn 67 points 2 hours ago
You people are gonna make me go back to that silly site now.
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[]tenpin477 101 points 3 hours ago
Damn you people, now I have to go visit the lab ray and play some meerca
chase. Fuck
[]Sleeper256 103 points 3 hours ago
I played Meerca Chase before I ever knew of Snake.
And fuck that smiling elephant that never had the medicine you needed.
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[]Raxyl 11 points 2 hours ago
Sometimes I'll just check for the first time in months and find that one of my
stocks has risen to well over the 60s.
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[]NeonLime 438 points 3 hours ago
Cant tell if 2014 or 2005
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[]kittysbeingadildo 69 points 3 hours ago
I just combined parts of words in my head and read Netscape and thought
"who the fuck still has Netscape?"
[]Slenderauss 21 points 3 hours ago
Maybe jobs and school weren't invented in 1995.
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[]invade_china 1296 points 5 hours ago
[]angrypotato1 463 points 4 hours ago
Getting paid in karma counts as a job
[]hiiimadam 170 points 3 hours ago
Just like reality, some people get more from one comment than I get in 2
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[]Aethien 112 points 4 hours ago
If only there was a way to cash in on all those sweet, sweet internet points.
[]Velorium_Camper 322 points 4 hours ago*
If you're looking to cash in those internet points you should try New York's
hottest club. Eek It was founded by Irish-Native American hobo Matthew
Meh-Khan-Knee-Hey. It's got EVERYTHING. Girls dancing in the rib cages of
whales, cat wallpaper, fedoras, 100 duck-sized horses, 1 horse-sided duck,
wordbanks, safes, Nicholas Cage posters, Tang, and Surge. Make sure you
remember the password to get in the club. What's the password you
Edit: words.
[]Hitzkolpf 113 points 3 hours ago
Thanks, Stefon.
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[]donttellmymomwhatido 23 points 3 hours ago
There is. Reddit has a bot that will convert your karma into bitcoin but it
only works once. You get very little but it definitely is a real thing.
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[]anonymous123421 41 points 4 hours ago
fuck you're close to 300k comment karma
[]Sparkles_Tangerine 102 points 4 hours ago
And I was excited by my massive 50 sweet karma points.
[]pooroldedgar 49 points 3 hours ago*
No matter what goal you're going for, it just slips farther and farther away.
Like the American dream at the end of The Great Gatsby.
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[]DigiDude 292 points 3 hours ago
Nobody ever pays me in Karma :-(
[]increasingrain 130 points 3 hours ago
Here free karma
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[]MrSignalPlus 17 points 3 hours ago
Put it on my centerlink forms ... they claimed that my 30 hours a day on
Reddit didnt count as work, I laughed and walked away
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[]bifftannenismydad 174 points 5 hours ago
I'm about to be in this position as I await permanent residency in Canada.
My plan is housework and exercise. I'm excited about it now, not so sure I'll
be excited about it in a few months.
[]RalphiesBoogers 111 points 5 hours ago
Something tells me you'll have a lot more comment karma in a few months.
[]Aethien 47 points 4 hours ago
It's work where you get the karma flowing. At home you can look at porn or
play games instead of reddit, at work it's either reddit or work.
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[]thedoh 9 points 3 hours ago
Are you applying for PR outside of Canada? If you're inside Canada why can't
you work while waiting?
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[]lumpiestprincess 23 points 2 hours ago
I write. Getting laid off turned into self publishing erotica and while I can't
live on the money, it is enough that when I start my new job next month I
can work 30 hours a week and be comfortable. 30 hours will give me enough
time to keep writing and publishing.
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[]Asddsa76 360 points 3 hours ago
Beware of survivorship bias, hard-working people looking for jobs or
homeless people may be hugely underrepresented on a site like reddit.
[]EMCoupling 161 points 2 hours ago
To be fair, anytime a thread on AskReddit comes up, there's an inherent bias
towards people who choose to respond.
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[]IHaveNowhereElseToGo 328 points 3 hours ago*
I'm almost 23 and I've been on leave from college for 2 years. Here's a
I mostly stay home, sleep, eat, reddit, jerk off, take care of minor
responsibilities like paying bills or maintenance, and workout. I don't go out
and only have human contact like once a month when I will see my uncle for
dinner or something.
I don't work, i don't volunteer, or do anything to try and get ahead. Im sure
your wondering how I can afford to do this. Long answer short, my dad died
6 years ago and left me with a life insurance and personal investments that I
continued making money off of.
I'm very depressed, but that isn't anything new. Been like this for 10 years
and have stopped seeking treatment after several years of trying only to
come out with a scorn for the mental health industry scam and $150,000
poorer. I'll probably eventually try treatment again because I have no other
options, but after already trying with countless doctors, trying every type of
antidepressant, and going to a long term residential inpatient facility, I think
I can say with near certainty that they can't help me. I also developed
POTS(Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and hypersomina. So
because of that, sleeping takes up 50-60% of my day. If I accumulate
enough of a sleep debt, I'll sleep 24+ hours a night. I don't do drugs and
can't drink due to the POTS. I'm exhausted most of the time and can really
only accomplish one thing a day, which is usually working out, if that.
Yeah, so that's basically it. I have a couple friends, but I talk to them once
every few months. I'm an aromantic asexual, so not interested in sex or
dating. My lifestyle does not make me happy, but it is relatively stress free
which makes it bearable.
I'm not very worried about money. I don't spend much, maybe a couple
hundred dollars a month plus rent. I have enough to keep up this pathetic
lifestyle for several more years, but I hope to die before then.
Edit: Wow, this really blew up quick. Was actually freaked when I saw my
inbox, expecting a lot of hate, but was very nicely surprised to see a lot of
understanding. Anyways, a lot of you had questions, I'll try and respond to
all of them, not like I don't have the time.
[]Rowanoke 148 points 2 hours ago
Same here you should adopt an animal I've been so much happier since. I
don't care really about talking to other people I'm still depressed but I feel
like I have a reason for being here now. Maybe a rescue so you both can
relate to each other ;)
[]purplesquirrels 22 points an hour ago
If I hadn't adopted my cat, I probably wouldn't be here. I love that little
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[]alexgmcm 339 points 2 hours ago
I'm an aromatic asexual
Well, at least you smell nice...
[]Dakaggo 15 points 2 hours ago
Not going to lie it didn't even occur to me that he might have meant
something else.
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[]MedsMiscMeander 139 points 3 hours ago
Hate myself, mostly.
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[]ClearlyAThrowaway83 151 points 3 hours ago
I'm currently not working because of depression. I was looking for a job
through the Job Centre (live in the UK) and so was receiving Job Seekers
Allowance. I recently dropped that because, as pathetic as it sounds, I was
really struggling to meet the criteria required - which was to be regularly
applying for jobs and completing 2 job seeking activities a day: that can be
anything from checking a local paper to updating your CV or applying for
Anyway, that's the background as to why I'm not working, as for what I do
all day. Well, if I'm having a good day then I'll wake up around 10ish,
browse reddit, maybe play some games, I might read a book. Basically I'll
do anything to try and distract myself from the fact that I have nothing to
do. If I'm having a bad day then the chances are I didn't get to sleep until
5AM, so I won't be out of bed until mid afternoon. After lying in bed for a
couple of hours thinking about everything terrible about myself maybe I'll
bring myself to get up. Once I'm up I'll regret it because I realise I have
nothing to do, so instead I normally binge watch some TV. This can last for
hours - I watched HIMYM for 9 hours yesterday.
TL;DR don't be unemployed and have depression - you'll end up with
nothing to distract your mind, bored shitless, wishing you had a
job... and you'll lack the motivation to go out and get a job.
[]ZCAvian 105 points 2 hours ago
For anyone who hasn't been in this situation before - this is exactly what
happens. You sit there, doing nothing, hating yourself, but not honestly
believing anything will ever change or that you have the ability to change
anything. And you know that's probably not true, but it's how you feel
anyway, and you feel even worse because of it.
I don't have any answers - I'm in a similar place myself, but I wanted to
comment just to...commiserate, I guess? I dunno, it kind of helps me a bit
to know there's people out there having similar problems to me.
[]ClearlyAThrowaway83 12 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. The truth is nobody can say anything to change this for me, I know
it's something that I have to work at myself to change. The worst part for
me is that I sit around knowing that I could make something of my life, but
feeling that I'll never manage it.
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[]blissdancefly 76 points 5 hours ago
Cook, clean, read, netflix, go on walks, apply to jobs (anyone hiring?),
facebook, reddit, look for fun and new things to do in the area.
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[]PM_me_ur_bag_of_weed 122 points 5 hours ago
I used to teach English in Thailand and I am looking (but not that hard) in
Cambodia for the past 3 weeks for employment. Because laws are pretty lax
here I go out to the main strip and drink and play pool with bar hostesses
(read prostitutes) and smoke weed. Then I come home and reddit or netflix.
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[]PriPhy 34 points 2 hours ago
I visited this thread to get some suggestions - was disappointed.
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[]Patangua 71 points 4 hours ago
I spend most of the time outside with my dog. I used to sit at home all day
but found happiness in spending time with my dog.
[]CloacaMagic 62 points 3 hours ago
I'm in the exact same boat :')
Not with your dog though, that would be weird.
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[]brainbuzz 192 points 5 hours ago
Creative shit mostly. I like to write lyrics or record some rap with friends,
direct mini films and stuff like that. Sometimes I cook and I've been trying
to learn programming lately
[]starstufft 99 points 4 hours ago
time well spent,best way to bide your time is by doing creative projects imo
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[]sergeantloser 14 points 4 hours ago
How do you finance for it?
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[]NotMathMan821 561 points 4 hours ago
Laugh at people who have to go to work or school.
[]Aethien 507 points 4 hours ago
And then cry in a corner because you're so lonely?
[]angrypotato1 596 points 3 hours ago
Homeless people don't have corners
[]CannedWolfMeat 154 points 3 hours ago
Street corners?
[]angrypotato1 134 points 3 hours ago
In a corner not on a corner
[]increasingrain 58 points 3 hours ago
At the corner
[]MeGustaUsername 65 points 3 hours ago
Of happy and healthy?
[]ScaryCumFace 50 points 2 hours ago
Of sadness and depression.
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[]Not_a_Doctor_But 80 points 4 hours ago
Jokes on you, I like my job.
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[]noodleworm 40 points 3 hours ago
I don't even fricking know. Im doing some graphic work with a startup right
now for free. with hopes that becomes a job. before. It was a mix of job
hunting, cleaning and whatever my latest project was, things for my
portfolio. So trying to make things in 3D software, websites. Stuff like that.
Then going into the city to do all the SOs errands and shopping.
Im never fully bored, i'm actually crazy busy and wondering where the time
goes, but I hate it, Im pretty jealous of the SO going out to work, I kind of
crave that schedule, and I'm pretty sick of cleaning and cooking.
I think the most annoying thing is that most people with work can't
comprehend how I'm busy.
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[]sambro36 24 points 2 hours ago
Take drugs. Masturbate. Cry. Sleep. Repeat.
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[]clewdawg 12 points 2 hours ago
if you don't fill your day with something you fall into a deep hole of
depression as I did when I was out of work and now im out of work again I
go to the gym walk my dog and try my hardest to find a job
[]vengefully_yours 102 points 3 hours ago
Reddit. Gym time. Sex up one of my female friends. Take my dogs for a
walk. Work on car projects. Cook or bake something. Catch up on Game of
Thrones, Walking Dead, and a few others.
In summer I spend most of my time outside or in my shop building muscle
cars, like GTOs, Mustangs, and Trans Ams. I go on road trips around the
country, and see if I can find someone willing to engage in an illicit race on a
deserted stretch of highway.
I'm retired, and have been for nearly ten years.
[]BurntMaToast 15 points 3 hours ago
How old are you?
[]vengefully_yours 22 points 3 hours ago
[]ktr83 20 points 2 hours ago
How did you manage to retire at 34?
[]Xiuhtec 20 points 2 hours ago
This may not be what vengefully_yours did in particular, but getting a job
right out of college and saving just over half of your takehome would do
it. It's much easier to live extremely frugally than "hit the income lottery".
No kids/family makes living very cheaply not that hard for some people.
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[]NotInAMillionYears 10 points 2 hours ago
no job
[]SuprD3vil 20 points 2 hours ago
I ensure my 2 year old does not succeed in killing herself and try to teach
her some stuff too.
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[]Midnitemare 102 points 2 hours ago
I'm a stay at home mom, so in the eyes of the government in jobless.
My day is generally: -Wake up at the ass crack of dawn when the little
princess decides it's time to get up.
-Change her bum.
-Get her breakfast ready.
-Debate whether or not I should eat and clean instead while she's eating.
-Bath time after.
-Get her ready for the day.
-Keep cleaning, playing with her, entertain her, etc.
-Feed her lunch.
-Put her down for a nap and do the heavy cleaning and put her toys away.
-Get her up from her nap, change her bum, continue cleaning, entertaining,
-Prepare dinner for when the hubby will be home from work while playing
and entertaining.
-Clean more.
-Serve dinner, put coffee on, prepare lunch for hubby the next day.
-Finally sit down to eat with the family.
-Clean up dinner, little lady, clean and entertain more.
-Reddit during poop or pee breaks with her right next to me. (She says hi)
-Go for an evening walk with her to the park.
-Play at the park.
-Say 'Get that out of your mouth!' for the 50th time today.
-Go home, get her ready for bed (pjs, wipe down, diaper, brush teeth, etc)
-Let her play a little bit longer.
-Put her to bed.
-Finally shower and fold laundry. Folding laundry is impossible with an
awake toddler.
-Get coffee for hubby for the morning.
-Get on my computer or watch TV for an hour or two.
-Go to bed, repeat at ass crack of dawn.
I'm sure I'm missing some things, such as more diaper changes, finding her
naked in her crib in the morning and playing with her poop, playing on the
deck with her, etc. But that's the basis of a 'jobless' stay at home mom. Best
job ever. Worth every second of poop and messes and cleaning toys for the
50th time in one day for that adorable little smile, hugs and wet sloppy
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[]finfyr 37 points 4 hours ago
Well... I'm searching for a job.
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[]PieterPlopplop 35 points 2 hours ago
If I may interject with some unwanted and unasked for advice: Why not
learn to program? Sounds like most of the folks in this thread are already in
front of their computers most of the day, anyway. I'm speaking from
experience, here. I lost my job in 2007, and found myself with a skill that
was no longer in demand, so I had to learn a trade / skill without any money
for education. Turns out programming is a skill that doesn't require a degree
to get hired and make good money - you just need to prove you have the
Here's what I did:
1) Started googling how to build wordpress sites.
2) Tried, failed, tried, etc. building dumb sites for myself on a local server I
created for myself.
3) Had some friends who needed a website, so I built for them and put a link
to the website I had built for myself on it.
4) Started getting other people asking me to build them a website, started
5) Began to contribute to open source community coding projects on
6) People started to know me, and asking me to contribute to their projects,
continued learning new technologies.
7) After 3 years in, I was making about 40k as a freelancer.
8) Companies began to ask me to work for them.
9) 7 years later, I'm making about 90k, full benefits, work from home.
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[]TITTY-PICS-INBOX-NAO 8 points 3 hours ago
I try to occupy myself with anything that seems interesting.
I don't have a job or school because I'm schizophrenic.
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[]Haesiraheal 8 points 2 hours ago
Watch friends for the 5th time (taking other good TV show
suggestions, I'll watch almost anything)
Tell my parents I'm job hunting
Avoid job hunting
Tell myself I need to find a job which I'm interested in
Don't be interested in anything
Try not to get to addicted to video games again
Video games
Sleep & repeat
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[]Cardbox 8 points 2 hours ago
Smoke weed and play dark souls 2.
[]Quixarious 30 points 3 hours ago
I'm taking a year out of university due to mental health problems that got a
bit too much for me to handle. I don't have a job per se, but I do volunteer
at an animal shelter once a week. Other than that I try to keep myself busy
by reading or making jewellery so I don't think too much that I am a failure
for having to drop out for a year.
[]sarinox 26 points 3 hours ago
I'm taking off a semester or two for about the same reasons (depression and
anxiety primarily). I feel like a failure every single day, but on the other
hand, I can finally focus on beating the shit out of my depression and
[]Quixarious 12 points 3 hours ago
I'm off for a year for the same reasons - major depressive disorder and
GAD. I try to look at the bright side most of the time - that i'm doing what's
best for me and fighting how shitty I feel but it's hard not to feel like a
[]luckilycarolyn 14 points 3 hours ago
A good friend of mine at our university had to do this this
semester....whenever I see her and she gets down on herself I always try to
remind her that she's doing the best thing for herself she possibly can, even
if it means postponing graduation and dealing with some judgey-judgertons!
Hope you guys are doing well, and keep fighting the good fight!
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[]hashmon 28 points 3 hours ago
I read and write and meditate. Sometimes I go on long bike rides.
Occassionally I socialize. It's lovely.
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[]jaycrypted 132 points 5 hours ago
[]dirtyjew123 384 points 3 hours ago
No trainer red I don't want to battle
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[]TheDonFather[S] 90 points 5 hours ago
You don't say.
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