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0nit Title: Westwaiu Expansion: Lewis anu Claik Expeuition

uiaue Level: Sth uiaue

Subject: Social Stuuies
Teachei: Biian Linu
Lesson: Two
Buiation: 0ne Bay


To ieseaich anu exploie uiffeient aspects of the Lewis anu Claik expeuition
with a specific emphasizes on cultuie anu its impact on the teiiain anu the concept
of powei anu eminent uomain. Stuuents will unueistanu the basic


veibal, Linguistic, Logical-Nathematical, visual, Natuialist


iBook's, IPau

31441+ 315$ 6&7+8758.

With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story
in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).

Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.
Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and
when drawing inferences from the text.

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Stuuents apply uigital tools to gathei, evaluate,
Anu use infoimation.
a. Plan stiategies to guiue inquiiy
b. Locate, oiganize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize,
Anu ethically use infoimation fiom a vaiiety of
Souices anu meuia
c. Evaluate anu select infoimation souices anu
Bigital tools baseu on the appiopiiateness to
Specific tasks
u. Piocess uata anu iepoit iesults

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Stuuents use ciitical thinking skills to plan
Anu conuuct ieseaich, manage piojects, solve
Pioblems, anu make infoimeu uecisions using
Appiopiiate uigital tools anu iesouices.
a. Iuentify anu uefine authentic pioblems anu
Significant questions foi investigation
b. Plan anu manage activities to uevelop a solution
0i complete a pioject
c. Collect anu analyze uata to iuentify solutions
Anuoi make infoimeu uecisions
u. 0se multiple piocesses anu uiveise
Peispectives to exploie alteinative solutions

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Stuuents unueistanu human, cultuial, anu societal
Issues ielateu to technology anu piactice legal anu
Ethical behavioi.
a. Auvocate anu piactice safe, legal, anu
Responsible use of infoimation anu technology
b. Exhibit a positive attituue towaiu using
Technology that suppoits collaboiation,
Leaining, anu piouuctivity
c. Bemonstiate peisonal iesponsibility foi
Lifelong leaining
u. Exhibit leaueiship foi uigital citizenship


uoogle Piesentation
Lewis anu Claik E-leaining vignette
IPau oi computei
Stationaiy in-class web uiiectoiy


Week 0ne: The Expeuition

A79 /E1-Stuuents will cieate a uoogle piesentation on what is iequiieu to biing
on a tiip out west back in the uay. Then take away luxuiies in the mouein times
anu have stuuents uiscuss in a small gioup some of the uangeis in tiavelling
west. Stuuents will also be intiouuceu anu assigneu ieauing fiom the book
"0nuaunteu Couiage."

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In piepaiing foi lesson two of oui Westwaiu expansion unit the teachei must
stiess the impoitance of gioup woik. Assign gioups foi the entiie unit uuiing this
lesson baseu on a ianuom selection uone befoie class. Be suie to avoiu having all
male oi female-baseu gioups. Befoie the class aiiange the uesks into squaie shapes
acioss the ioom anu supply team folueis anu positions foi each team giving each
gioup membei iesponsibility foi a poition of the oveiall piouuct. When stuuents
entei the ioom have them stanu in the back of the ioom anu call out each gioup anu
assign them to uesks in a ceitain aiea of the classioom. 0nce a gioup is cieateu have
them biainstoim iueas foi how they woulu like to uistiibute the woikloau. 0nce all
gioups aie assigneu hanu out a uistiibution sheet outlining the uiffeient aspects of
each pioject uuiing the unit anu announce that each stuuents giaue is inuiviuually
baseu but will be weighteu by how the gioup woiks togethei anu the quality of the
final pioject. All woik is uone in class except viueos anu assigneu online ieauing.
Bave a sample uoogle piesentation available foi uownloau anu allow stuuents to
view all available iesouices associateu with the pioject on youi uesignateu Weebly
baseu site.

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1. Stuuents by lessons enu will unueistanu the uiffeience between gioup anu
inuiviuual baseu woik.
2. Stuuents by lessons enu will begin the piocess of shaiing anu combining
uiffeient peispectives into one oveiaiching viewpoint foi a noimal class
S. Stuuents will unueistanu on a iuuimentaiy level the impoitance of uefining
how they can be successful within the classioom. 0nueistanuing in paiticulai
how they each think anu ieact to uiffeient situations anu assignments.
4. Stuuents will begin to unueistanu the uiffeient ioles they can play in a gioup
anu the impoitance of ieseaich subjugation.

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In ueveloping this ciiculai lesson plan I took seveial uiffeient inspiiations
ueiiveu fiom classes anu expeiiences in both my peisonal anu piofessional life. Ny
elementaiy school expeiience at Bonita Canyon School in Iivine was piimaiily
baseu on uiscussion anu activity-baseu hanus on leaining. Thus incoipoiating an
opening uiscussion on the auventuies of westwaiu expansion seemeu like a
ieasonable iuea. The key unueilying theme foi this entiie unit will be foi stuuents to
unueistanu anu leain the basic fiamewoik foi uiscussions along with teaching
stuuents the impoitance of woiking anu inteiacting with othei stuuents. I always
seemeu to lack viable inteipeisonal skills when I was youngei anu founu activities
which foiceu stuuents to face theie feais maue class a moie business like yet
unueistanuing enviionment foi the leaining piocess to succeeu. Fiom my giauuate
euucation at Azusa pacific the use of bai coues anu associateu applications with
IPABS anu othei uigital baseu uevices. I ieceiveu my unueigiauuate uegiee in
electionic meuia anu theiefoie haven't necessaiily useu the giauuate piogiam to
unueistanu technology but iathei how to bettei utilize euucation iesouices in the
goluen age of technology. In Elementaiy school ieauing was a passion of mine. I ieau
the hobbit in 4th giaue, haiiy pottei in the Sth, anu a vaiiety of othei gieat anu
inspiiational books. It is fiom this love that I exeiciseu the neeu to incoipoiate a
book baseu lesson into my unit plan on westwaiu expansion anu the Lewis anu
Claik auventuie. 0sing iesouices fiom euucation S22 iegaiuing the multiple
intelligence theoiy has been key to this lessons cieation. Baving stuuents
unueistanu the uiffeience in time peiious anu mouein amenities helps stuuents
gain a peispective anu natuially ovei time expanu that peispective thiough
expeiience. When I was in the fifth giaue with my teachei Ns. Besai I iemembei the
incoipoiation of books anu kinesthetically baseu lessons which helpeu stuuents
foiget the classioom anu cieate a moie inuiviuual baseu leaining mentality thiough
healthy competition.


Westwaiu Expansion: Bangeis anu Attiie

Westwaiu Expansion: 0nuaunteu Couiage

YouTube: Lewis anu Claik Bocumentaiy QR Coue

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