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Week 11Handout

a) Straight lines are objective relations. Curved lines are subjective
processes/practices. Arrows indicate that the recollective practices institute the
objective reresentational relations.
b) !bjective idealism just concerns the sense"deendence between objective
relations o# determinate negation$material incompatibility% on the one hand% and
subjective processes of resolving incompatible commitments. &his is just a matter
o# what haens within the inner s'uare and circle.
c) &he ne(t 'uestion is about the whole constellation )intended to be a term neutral
between *causal) objective relations and *normative) subjective
ractices+rocesses. &he 'uestion is, How does it stand between the objective and
subjective asects o# this constellation- How should the. be understood
d) &here are two ossible #orms o# answer,
i) !bjective relations *reresented b. straight lines)/
ii) Subjective rocesses+ractices reresented b. curved lines)/
e) Conceptual idealism sa.s that the wa. to understand the whole constellation is
that subjective processes institute objective relations *o# re#erence) between the
subjective and the objective.
#) &he wa. this haens is b. recollection% the second% re#lective% reconstructive%
recollective% hase o# #orgiveness that goes with the #irst% e(eriential hase that
needs to be con#essed.
!bj. relations
Subj. rocesses
&he Concet
0ecirocal Sense 1eendence
)2334, Consciousness must have related itsel# to the object in accordance with the totalit. o# the
latter5s determinations and have thus grased it #orm the standoint o# each o# them. This totality
of its determinations establishes the object as an implicitly spiritual being% and it does trul.
become a siritual being #or consciousness when each o# its individual determinations is grased
as a determination o# the Sel#% or through the siritual relationshi to them that was just
)2364, &hus the object is in art immediate being% or% in general% a &hingcorresonding
)entsricht4 to immediate consciousness/ in art% an othering o# itsel#% its relationshi or being-
for-another% and being-for-itself% i.e. determinatenesscorresonding to ercetion/ and in art
essence% or in the #orm o# a universalcorresonding to the 7nderstanding. 8t is% as a totalit.% a
s.llogism )der Schlu94 or the movement )Bewegung4 o# the universal through determination to
individualit. ):in;elheit4% as also the reverse )umgkehrte4 movement #rom individualit. through
suerseded individualit.% or through determination% to the universal. 8t is% there#ore% in
accordance with these three determinations that consciousness must know the object as itsel#.
)26<4 =when it declares that what it does it does out o# a conviction o# dut.% this utterance is the
validating o# its action )das Gelten seines Handelns4. Action is the #irst implicit )ansichseiende4
sundering )&rennen4 o# the siml. unit. o# the >otion and the return out o# this dividedness. &he
#irst movement changes around into the second% since this element o# recognition osts itsel# as
simple knowledge o# dut.% in antithesis to the distinction and dichotomy )Unterschied und
Entweiung4 that lie in action as such and so constitute a stubborn )eiserne4 actualit. con#ronting
action. But in forgiveness we saw how this obstinac. surrenders and renounces itsel#.
)26?4 &his reconciliation of consciousness with self-consciousness
)26@4 its sel#"consciousness gains the #orm o# universalit. and what remains to it is its true
>otion% or the >otion that has attained its reali;ation/ it is the Notion in its truth% vi;. in unity
with its externalization
)26A4 8t is onl. through action that Sirit is in such a wa. that it is reall. there% that is% when it
raises its e(istence into &hought and thereb. into an absolute antithesis% and returns out o# this
antithesis% in and through the antithesis itsel#.
)2624, BThe Notion reuires the content to be the !elf"s own act#
)2634 the Notion% has become the element o# e(istence% or has become the form of objectivity
for consciousness. Sirit manifesting or appearing in consciousness in this element% or what is
the same thing% produced in it b. consciousness% is Science.
)2664 The content isthe ver. movement just soken o#/ #or the content is !pirit that
traverses its own self and does so for itself as Sirit b. the #act that it has the 5shae5 o# the
>otion in its objectivit..
)3CD4 >othing is !nown that is not in e"perience=Eor e"perience is just this% that the content$
which is Spirit$is in itself substance% and there#ore an object of consciousness. But this
substance which is Sirit is the process in which Sirit becomes what it is in itself/ and it is onl.
as this process o# re#lecting itsel# into itsel# that it is in itsel# trul. Sirit. 8t is in itsel# the
movement which is cognitionthe transforming of that in-itself into that which is for itself%
o# !ubstance into !ubject% o# the object of consciousness into an object o# self-consciousness%
i.e. into an object that is just as much suerseded% or into the Notion.
)3C<4 &his 585$585 is the movement which re#lects itsel# into itsel#/ #or since this identit.% being
absolute negativity% is absolute di##erence% the sel#"identit. o# the 585 stands over against this ure
di##erence% which% as ure and at the same time objective to the sel#"knowing Sel#% has to be
e(ressed as Time.
)3C?4 Sirit% however% has shown itsel# to us to be neither merel. the withdrawal o# sel#"
consciousness into its ure inwardness% nor the mere submergence o# sel#"consciousness into
substance=but Sirit is this movement o# the Sel# which emties itsel# o# itsel# and sinks itsel#
into its substance% and also% as Subject% has gone out o# that substance into itsel#% ma%ing the
substance into an object and a content at the same time as it cancels this difference between
objectivity and content.
)3C?4 &he 585 )does not have4 to cling to itsel# in the #orm o# sel#"consciousness as against the
form of substantiality and objectivity% as i# it were a#raid o# the e(ternali;ation o# itsel#, the
power of !pirit lies rather in remaining the selfsame !pirit in its externalization and% as that
which is both in itsel# and #or itsel#% in making its being"#or"sel# no less merel. a moment than its
)3C@4 8n this knowing% then% Sirit has concluded the movement in which it has shaed itsel#% in
so #ar as this shaing was burdened with the difference of consciousness )i.e. o# the latter #rom
its object4% a di##erence now overcome. &he content% in accordance with the freedom o# its being%
is the self-alienating !elf% or the immediate unit. o# sel#"knowledge. The pure movement of
this alienation& considered in connection with the content& constitutes the necessity of the
content# The distinct content& as determinate& is in relation& is not "in itself"' it is its own
restless process of superseding itself& or negativity' therefore& negativity or diversity& li%e
free being& is also the !elf' and in this self-li%e form in which existence is immediately
thought& the content is the Notion# Sirit% there#ore% having won the >otion% disla.s its
e(istence and movement in this ether o# its li#e and is Science. 8n this% the moments o# its
movement no longer e(hibit themselves as seci#ic shaes o# consciousness% butsince
consciousness5s di##erence has returned into the Sel#as seci#ic >otions and as their organic
sel#"grounded movement.
)3C@4 the form of the Notionunites the objective form of Truth and of the %nowing !elf in
an immediate unity. =)&4he pure Notion and its onward movement& depends solely on its
pure determinateness
)3CA4 (T)he Notion& which is posited in them in its simple mediation as thin%ing% breaks
asunder the moments o# this mediation and e(hibits itsel# in accordance with the inner antithesis.
)3C24 &he sel#"knowing Sirit knows not onl. itsel# but also the negative o# itsel#% or its limit, to
%now one"s limit is to %now how to sacrifice oneself. &his sacrifice is the e(ternali;ation in
which Sirit disla.s the rocess o# its becoming !pirit in the form of free contingent
happening% intuiting its ure Sel# as &ime outside o# it% and e'uall. its Being as Sace. &his last
becoming o# Sirit% >ature% is its living immediate Becoming/ Nature& the externalized !pirit% is
in its e(istence nothing but this eternal e(ternali;ation o# its continuing e(istence and the
movement which reinstates the !ubject.
)3C34 But the other side o# its Becoming% *istory& is a conscious& self-mediating process$
!pirit emptied out into Time# +ts fulfilment consists in perfectly %nowing what it is& in
%nowing its substance& this %nowing is its withdrawal into itself in which it abandons its
outer existence and gives its existential shape over to recollection#
the new e(istence% a new world and a new shae o# Sirit=
(R)ecollection& the inwardizing& of that experience& has preserved it and is the inner being&
and in fact the higher form of the substance#
The goal& ,bsolute -nowing& or !pirit that %nows itself as !pirit& has for its path the
recollection of the !pirits as the. are in themselves and as the. accomlish the organi;ation o#
their realm. Their preservation& regarded from the side of their free existence appearing in
the form of contingency& is *istory/ but regarded #rom the side o# their )hilosohicall.4
comrehended organi;ation% it is the Science o# Fnowing in the shere o# aearance, the two
together% comprehended *istory% #orm alike the inwardi;ing and the Calvar. o# absolute Sirit%
the actualit.% truth% and certaint. o# his throne% without which he would be li#eless and alone.

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