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... through Bertha Dudde

Did God cause the apostasy ? ....
One day you humans will understand that !ysel" will ne#er
e$ert and ne#er ha#e e$erted !y in"luen%e o#er the spiritual
&eing whi%h e$ternalised as "ree and independent .... For as
soon as %reated it as a sel"'aware &eing it was also endowed
with "ree will( and this "ree will was not in the slightest tied to !y
will( to !y illumination o" lo#e or any other in"luen%e on !y
part .... )he will was entirely "ree and a&le to de%ide either way.
But the "a%t that the &eing possessed "ree will was also the
guarantee that one day it would &e a&le to %hange the state o" a
*li#ing %reation+ into the state o" a *%hild+( whi%h would ha#e &een
unthin,a&le without "ree will. But !y o&-e%ti#e at the %reation o"
the &eings was true *children of God .... thus &eings o"
supreme per"e%tion whi%h( howe#er( had to attain this per"e%tion
)he .uestion will always arise in you humans as to whether the
thought o" apostasy was implanted &y Me in these &eings( as to
whether they( in a manner o" spea,ing( had to "all away( &e%ause
had set !ysel" this goal .... *true %hildren+ .... when %reated
the &eings. n that %ase you %an also dispute the &eings+ "ree will(
&ut this was the %ause o"( as well as the possi&ility "or( the
/owe#er( "oresaw "rom the #ery &eginning how !y li#ing
%reations would use their "ree will and( there"ore( was also a&le
to re%ognise the -usti"ied goal in this apostasy. 0et neither the
apostasy nor the goal was in any way determined &y !e ....
)he apostasy was the result o" free will and there"ore did not
ha#e to happen .... )he goal is the result o" "ree will again .... t
will &e a%hie#ed one day &ut the time it ta,es is determined &y
the &eing ....
1nd so it must &e said that %ertainly ,now e#erything( that one
thing always su&stantiates the other and that no apostasy %ould
ha#e happened had denied the &eing "ree will .... &ut that the
goal had in mind at the %reation o" all &eings and whi%h only
signi"ied supreme &liss e#en i" it were pre%eded &y times o"
immeasura&le agonies( would then ha#e &e%ome in#alid ....
2e#ertheless( the #oluntary apostasy o" the &eings was a
transgression against !e and !y lo#e( "or the &eing %ould ha#e
adapted its will to !ine( it did not ha#e to turn away "rom !e and
lea#e the law o" eternal order .... 1nd %ountless &eings pro#ided
the e#iden%e "or this &y remaining with !e and ne#ertheless
&eing in%on%ei#a&ly happy .... )hese &eings will also &e permitted
to attain the %hildship to God i" they want to ta,e the path
through the a&yss "or the purpose o" their "allen &rothers+
redemption ....
But the apostasy was not My doing( My will3 yet "or the sa,e o"
the highest goal allowed it to happen and only e#er emphasise
again that these &eings possessed a&solute realisation( that they
were illuminated &y &rightest light and that( through their
wrongly in%lined dire%tion o" will( they misused their "reedom o"
will( whi%h su&se.uently led to their wret%hed state.
did not pre#ent this apostasy or !ysel" would not ha#e
respe%ted their "reedom o" will( &ut this %hara%terised the &eing
as a di#ine one( &e%ause something per"e%t without "ree will was
1nd on%e you ha#e rea%hed the goal o" ha#ing &e%ome a true
%hild o" God( then !y plan o" dei"i%ation will &e %ompletely
understanda&le to you( and you will also regard the spirits+
apostasy with di""erent eyes( e#en though it gra#ely transgressed
against !y lo#e.
1nd sin%e the law o" eternal order is un%hangea&le( this
dei"i%ation %ould only e#er pro%eed law"ully3 it %ould not &e
attained in any other way &e%ause all di#ine %hara%teristi%s(
whi%h pla%ed into the &eing at its %reation( must &e aspired to
#oluntarily whi%h( due to the apostasy "rom !e( &e%ame a
ne%essity &ut was also %onsidera&ly more di""i%ult than #oluntarily
remaining in the state o" per"e%tion ....
)he "a%t that the &eings had "allen away and thus sinned against
!e led to an e$tremely long state o" torment .... whi%h %ould
ne#er ha#e happened had !ysel" %aused this apostasy in some
"orm or other .... )hese &eings+ per"e%tion %annot &e dou&ted and
yet they "ell .... whi%h %an only e#er &e e$plained &y their
"reedom o" will( whi%h was also a gi"t o" gra%e that will ne#er &e
ta,en away "rom them ....
1nd the "allen spiritual &eings+ pro%ess o" return also pro#ided
the non'"allen &eings with the opportunity o" attaining the
%hildship to God( &e%ause they may also ta,e the path through
the *a&yss+ "or a redempti#e mission .... that the *apostasy "rom
!e+ is there"ore not the sole prere.uisite in order to attain the
%hildship to God( &ut that truly ha#e other ways as well o"
shaping !y created &eings into !y children ....
/en%e the apostasy was not ne%essary &ut possible on a%%ount
o" "reedom o" will. 1nd "oresaw it "rom the #ery &eginning and
was there"ore a&le to &ase !y plan o" 4al#ation on it( whi%h
made !e as well as !y %reated &eings e$tremely happy and
whi%h will %ertainly a%hie#e one day.
1nd you( too( will one day &e in the state o" highest per"e%tion
and realise and understand the immeasura&le lo#e ha#e "or all
!y li#ing %reations and that this lo#e %an only e#er &ring "orth
goodness and( there"ore( will also help those who died o" their
own "ault attain eternal li"e again ....
5u&lished &y "riends o" new re#elations o" God 6n"ormation(
download o" all translated re#elations( theme'&oo,lets at7
6 http788en.&ertha'dudde.org8

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