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Harassment in
the Workplac
Introduction and objectives ____________________________________________________
!ack"round _________________________________________________________________ #
Stud$ desi"n and pro%ile o% sample ______________________________________________ &
'erceptions o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace __________________________________ )
*iscom%ort and denial _______________________________________________________ )
Sexual harassment as +normal, and +harmless, __________________________________ -
The ran"e o% experiences o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace ________________________ .
'atterns o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace ____________________________________ /
0erbal harassment _________________________________________________________
's$cholo"ical harassment ___________________________________________________ 1
Sexual "estures and exposure ________________________________________________ 2
3n(anted touch __________________________________________________________ 2
4ape and attempted rape ___________________________________________________ -
'o(er imbalances5 'erpetrators and victims ______________________________________ .
Seekin" redress _____________________________________________________________ #/
6actors underl$in" non7action _________________________________________________ #2
8ttitudes ________________________________________________________________ #2
'o(er d$namics and %ear o% job7related discrimination ____________________________ #2
9ack o% a(areness o% and con%idence in the complaints mechanism ___________________ #)
Summin" up and movin" ahead _________________________________________________ #.
4e%erences _________________________________________________________________ 1/
9ist o% Tables
Table 5 'ro%ile o% respondents ________________________________________________ 2
Table #5 Sel%7reported experiences o% sexual harassment
b$ t$pe o% harassment ________________________________________________ :
Table 15 Sel%7reported experiences o% sexual harassment
b$ perpetrator _____________________________________________________ /
Table &5 Women reportin" incidents o% sexual harassment b$ perpetrator
to immediate seniors or hospital authorities;
and subse<uent action taken ___________________________________________ #
In ::-; the Supreme Court o% India; %or the %irst time; reco"nised sexual harassment at the
(orkplace as a violation o% human ri"hts? The landmark 0ishaka jud"ement outlined a set o%
"uidelines @Auidelines on Sexual Harassment at the WorkplaceB %or the prevention and redress o%
complaints b$ (omen o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace? The "uidelines place the
responsibilit$ on emplo$ers to provide a sa%e (ork environment to their (omen emplo$ees and
include both preventive and remedial measures to make the (ork environment sa%e %or (omen
emplo$ees? The Supreme CourtCs de%inition o% sexual harassment includes +such un(elcome
sexuall$ determined behaviour @(hether directl$ or b$ implicationB as ph$sical contact and
advancesD a demand or re<uest %or sexual %avoursD sexuall$ coloured remarksD sho(in"
porno"raph$D an$ other un(elcome ph$sical; verbal or non verbal conduct o% sexual nature,
@see The Supreme Court Auidelines on Sexual Harassment at Workplace; 0ishaka and others vs?
state o% 4ajasthan and others; ::-B?
While a si"ni%icant number o% (omen are in the (ork%orce; little is kno(n about the extent to
(hich; subse<uent to the 0ishaka jud"ement; sexual harassment persists in the (orkplace;
the kinds o% actions that are taken (hen it occurs and (hether (orkin" (omen are even a(are o%
this jud"ement? The small amount o% available evidence su""ests that sexual harassment in the
(orkplace continues to be a common occurrence; t$picall$ perpetrated b$ a person in a position
o% authorit$D the majorit$ o% (omen do not take action or lod"e an o%%icial complaint %or %ear o%
bein" dismissed; losin" their reputation or %acin" hostilit$ or social sti"ma in the (orkplace
@see %or example; Eapoor; :::D NCW; n?d?D Saheli; ::.D Sakshi; :::D Sanhita; #//D
Foreover; (hile the 0ishakha jud"ment came into e%%ect almost a decade a"o; e%%orts to
implement the "uidelines have been limited? Fechanisms %or redress do not al(a$s %unction
impartiall$ and %e( (omen are e%%ectivel$ able to translate the "uidelines to make the (orkplace
sa%er and "ender e<uitable? Indeed; man$ public and private or"anisations have not even set up
complaints committees or amended the service rules; as mandated b$ the "uidelines
@Sanhita; #//)B?
The objective o% this paper is to explore the context o% sexual harassment o% (omen in the health
sector in Eolkata; West !en"al? Speci%icall$; it explores (omenCs perceptions o% the occurrence
o% sexual harassment in hospital settin"s; and probes (omenCs o(n experiences o% sexual
harassment and incidents o% sexual harassment in the hospital environment about (hich (omen
are a(are? The stud$ also investi"ates the nature o% action taken to seek redress; and the extent
to (hich (orkin" (omen are a(are o% the complaint mechanism outlined b$ the Supreme Court?
The Supreme Court Auidelines on Sexual Harassment at the Workplace; issued in ::-;
reco"nise that sexual harassment is not just a personal injur$ to the a%%ected (oman but violates
a (omanCs ri"ht to e<ualit$ in the (orkplace? The "uidelines mandate that appropriate (orkin"
conditions should be provided to ensure that (omen do not %ace a hostile environment in the
(orkplace and no (oman emplo$ee should have reasonable "rounds to believe that she is
disadvanta"ed or placed in a sexuall$ vulnerable position as a result o% her emplo$ment?
The "uidelines shi%t the onus %or ensurin" emplo$eesC sa%et$ and "ender e<ualit$ to the
emplo$er and institutions; (hether in the "overnment or the private sector; makin" them
responsible %or implementin" both preventive and remedial measures to make the (orkplace sa%e
%or (omen?
8mon" preventive measures; the "uidelines su""est that or"anisations make public in
appropriate (a$s an express prohibition o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace; amend conduct
service rules to include sexual harassment as an o%%ence; and raise a(areness o% appropriate
disciplinar$ measures that (ill be taken a"ainst the o%%ender?
8 ran"e o% remedial measures are indicated? The "uidelines make it mandator$ %or emplo$ers to
set up a complaints committee headed b$ a (oman; and %or at least hal% its members to be
(omen? To ensure impartialit$; the committee is to include a third7part$ representative %rom a
non7"overnmental or"anisation or an$ other person %amiliar (ith issues o% sexual harassment?
The emplo$ersC liabilit$ %or third7part$ harassment G that is; b$ a person (ho is not an
emplo$ee but (ho perpetrates harassment (ithin the (orkplace o% the emplo$ee G is also
reco"nised? 8ccordin" to the "uidelines; it is the dut$ o% the emplo$er or person in char"e to
prevent sexual harassment b$ a third part$ and to take preventive action and provide support
a"ainst such harassment?
Evidence about the extent to (hich the "uidelines have chan"ed behaviours is rare? Extrapolatin"
%rom the %e( cases on record; it (ould appear; ho(ever; that %e( (omen seek redress and %e(
have received s(i%t actionD responses have included non7action and even victimisation o% the
complainant (omen? 6or example; in one case; a (oman @ShehnaH SaniB (as dismissed %rom her
job in :.2 on "rounds o% (il%ul ne"li"ence a%ter she complained o% sexual harassment?
8lthou"h the case continued until a%ter the "uidelines had been issued; and althou"h she (as
reinstated a%ter a protracted le"al battle; her emplo$ers appealed to the !omba$ Hi"h Court; and
have been "ranted a sta$ @Sta%% reporter; Tribune; - *ecember; ::.D Namita *evida$al;
Times o% India; #: November ::.B? In a second case @'?E? 3shaB in (hich a complaint o% sexual
harassment b$ a collea"ue (as lod"ed; the "uidelines (ere not %ollo(ed in constitutin" the
complaints committee; so that its members included collea"ues o% the accusedD conse<uentl$;
no action (as taken a"ainst the accused @Sakhi 4esource Centre; Thiruvananthapuram; EeralaB?
In a third case; an emplo$ee o% a H$derabad7based compan$ complained about repeated sexual
harassment b$ her supervisorD althou"h the case (as investi"ated b$ a (oman representative
%rom the Head O%%ice o% the compan$ @based in the 3SB; and char"es (ere proved and a report
submitted; the complainant (as identi%ied as a trouble maker and made to resi"n %rom her job
(ithout an$ %inancial compensation? The perpetrator; (ho (as an in%luential person; continued
to (ork in the same or"anisation @Eumar; #//1B? 8 revie( o% the implementation o% the
"uidelines in "overnment and public sector undertakin"s in West !en"al reveals that complaints
committees are not constituted accordin" to the "uidelinesD in man$ cases men are appointed as
chairpersons; or (omen are appointed as chairpersons (ho are junior in the hierarch$?
Feetin"s are not held re"ularl$ as members believe that harassment is not a +burnin" issue,?
Complaints o% harassment are at times dismissed as a +trivial matter, and not o%%iciall$ recorded
@Sanhita; #//)B?
In short; despite the "uidelines; evidence dra(n %rom these %e( reported cases su""ests that
(omen seldom report sexual harassment; and that (here harassment is reported; <uick action is
not taken; complaints committees are inappropriatel$ constituted; and even (hen jud"ements
are made in %avour o% the (oman; action is rarel$ taken a"ainst the perpetrator? These cases
su""est that mechanisms %or redress ma$ not %unction impartiall$ and %e( (omen have
e%%ectivel$ been able to translate the "uidelines to make the (orkplace sa%er and "ender e<uitable?
In order to address these kinds o% concerns; the 'rotection a"ainst Sexual Harassment o% Women
!ill; #//2 has been dra%ted; (hich is pendin" le"islation (ith the Aovernment o% India?
It is clear ho(ever; that more "eneral and representative evidence o% the extent to (hich sexual
harassment persists in the (orkplace is lackin"; makin" it di%%icult to assess the extent to (hich;
%ollo(in" the 0ishaka jud"ement; sexual harassment in the (orkplace has been addressed?
In order to obtain a more "eneral pro%ile o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace; an explorator$
stud$ (as undertaken in one t$pe o% (orkplace; namel$ the health sector? 8s sexual harassment
is an extremel$ sensitive issue; the methodolo"$ adopted in this stud$ (as entirel$ <ualitative?
The stud$ (as conducted in %our hospitals; t(o "overnment and t(o private; in Eolkata?
Consent (as sou"ht %rom hospital authorities and department heads (ho then provided access
to sta%%D consent (as also obtained %rom sta%% members themselves %or intervie(s? Intervie(s
(ere conducted at the (orkplace? 4e%usal rates (ere lo(5 o% a total o% & (omen emplo$ees
approached; onl$ ) re%used to participate in the stud$?
8s a %irst step; three "roup intervie(s (ere held (ith %emale nurses in private hospitals to
understand de%initions and perceptions o% sexual harassment? 6indin"s %rom this phase in%ormed
the desi"n o% "uidelines used %or in7depth and ke$ in%ormant intervie(s? Aiven the sensitivit$ o%
the topic; si"ni%icant e%%orts (ere made to build rapport (ith the respondent and convince her o%
the con%identialit$ o% the intervie(? The intervie( deliberatel$ %ocused %irst on such less
sensitive issues as (orkin" conditions and access to unions or associations; and %ollo(ed this
(ith <uestions on perceptions and experiences o% sexual harassment? In explorin" sexual
harassment; (e %ocused on the respondentCs o(n experiences; irrespective o% (hether it
occurred at the current or %ormer place o% (ork? 4espondents (ere also asked about experiences
o% incidents occurrin" to other emplo$ees; about (hich the$ ma$ be a(are?
In addition; a total o% &/ ke$ in%ormant intervie(s (ere conducted (ith heads o% institutions in
the %our hospitals; and unions and association heads in order to better understand the redress
mechanism and the %re<uenc$ (ith (hich it had been used?
The 12 in7depth intervie(s (ith (omen emplo$ees (ere conducted over a period o%
months? 4espondents (ere emplo$ed in %our hospitalsGt(o "overnment hospitals
@1. and 1&; respectivel$B and t(o private hospitals @#: and 1&; respectivel$B? In order to obtain
the perspectives o% a ran"e o% personnel; doctors; nurses; health care attendants @un<uali%ied
nursesB; non7medical sta%% @includin" ste(ards; s(eepers; peons and (ard bo$sB and
administrative sta%% @includin" 'ublic 4elations O%%icersB (ere intervie(ed? 8 pro%ile o%
respondents is presented in Table ? 8s can be seen %rom the table; respondents (ere a"ed
bet(een #/ and 2:? Over &/ percent o% doctors; health care attendants and administrative sta%%
(ere a"ed #/J#:D in contrast nurses and non7medical sta%% tended to be some(hat older;
(ith %e(er than #/ percent %allin" into the #/J#: a"e "roup? O% the 12 respondents; about hal% had been
emplo$ed in the %acilit$ in (hich the surve$ (as
conducted %or %e(er than three $ears; and one <uarter had (orked in the %acilit$ %or 1J- and
more than - $ears respectivel$? Considerable variation (as observed in terms o% duration o%
service b$ t$pe o% respondent5 (hile most doctors had been emplo$ed in this %acilit$ %or %e(er
than three $ears @1. o% &2B; onl$ one o% the - health care attendants had done so? 8s duration o%
emplo$ment in the current %acilit$ varied (idel$; and as the stud$ %ocused on the experience o%
sexual harassment in "eneral and not that (hich occurred at the current place o% emplo$ment in
particular; intervie(s %ocused on experiences at an$ place o% emplo$ment?
!$ and lar"e; doctors and nurses in public hospitals are permanent emplo$ees o% the hospital?
In contrast; doctors in private hospitals tend to (ork as consultants? The nurses in private
hospitals; althou"h con%irmed a%ter three months o% emplo$ment; can be dismissed at an$ time;
and there%ore have less job securit$ than do those in public hospitals? 6inall$; health care
attendants are emplo$ed b$ patients on a temporar$ basis and have the least job securit$?
Table 5
'ro%ile o% respondents
No? (orkin" in 8"e o% respondent No? o% $ears o%
service in current
ins t i tut ion
' r i v a t e Ao v e r nme n t # / J # : 1 / J 1 : & / K 9ess 1 J - F ore
Hospital hospital than 1 than -
* o c t o r # L L # & L # / : ) 1. - G
Nurse # 2 L # 2 L . # # # &
Health care
a t t e n d a n t .L : L L L - - 1 / )
s t a % % 1L # / # G
s t a % % :L L - 1 G ) # #
Total ) 1 - # & 1 2 # & / ) . 1 1 1 2
'erceptions o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace
!$ and lar"e; the topic o% sexual harassment (as initiall$ met (ith discom%ort; denial and %ear o%
reprisals and some jud"mental attitudes about (omen provokin" the incident? 8t the same time;
%urther probin" su""ested that (omen perceived sexual harassment as normal behaviour;
an occupational haHard; and even harmless?
*iscom%ort and denial
Explorin" the topic o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace (as a challen"in" task? 6or the lar"e
majorit$ o% (omen; it (as the %irst time that the$ (ere %ormall$ discussin" the issue?
Their discom%ort in addressin" the topic (as evident %rom the %act that most respondents
re%erred to harassment as +that thin"?,
4espondents (ere initiall$ reluctant to discuss the issue o% sexual harassment and man$ denied
that incidents o% harassment occurred at their current (orkplace?
We are too bus$ (ith (ork; no one has the time to do these thin"s? @Nurse; &/; "overnment
I have nothin" to sa$ as I have never %aced these thin"s? @Nurse; a"e 1); private hospitalB
I do not have time to notice all these thin"s; I rush to (ork and rush home? @Nurse; a"e 1&;
"overnment hospitalB
8 %e( respondents su""ested that (hile sexual harassment (as rare; incidents (ere provoked b$
the (oman hersel%; %or example5
i% a (oman sa$s there is sexual harassment; then I (ill %ind out about her behaviour???
%irst? @*octor; a"e &#; "overnment hospitalB?
Some reported that others had experienced such incidents in small nursin" homes;
smaller hospitals or in the +districts,5
I have not seen nurses %acin" an$ such thin" MharassmentN? Fa$be because I have (orked
in bi" hospitals? F$ sister7in7la( is also a nurseD she (orks in a small hospital?
She tells me that the patient part$ MpatientCs %amil$N at times troubles themD she sa$s
she %eels scared? @Nurse; a"e 11; "overnment hospitalB
Oin a small nursin" home the non7medical sta%% are not spared? I (as (orkin" at a
nursin" home (here the exploitation (as ver$ hi"h? I% one does not consent to these
'erceptions o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace5 Experiences o%
Women in the Health Sector
proposals then it can result in the loss o% job? There have never been an$ complaints; but
some have come to me and said that the$ have received such proposals? @*octor; a"e &2;
"overnment hospitalB
Such thin"s cannot happen here Min EolkataN? I% there is an$ problem; (e can lock the
collapsible "ate; and call the senior sta%% Min char"e o% the (ardN? The police picket is
nearb$ and the$ (ill come immediatel$O? The superintendent can be in%ormed?
These advanta"es are not there outside Eolkata? @Nurse; a"e 1#; "overnment hospitalB
8 %e( respondents expressed %ears about discussin" sexual harassment? Those (ho (ere
emplo$ed on dail$ (a"es or on contract (ere particularl$ reluctant to en"a"e on this issue?
The$ su""ested that sexual harassment (as not a priorit$ @compared to obtainin" permanent
emplo$mentB and expressed initial hesitation to talk about harassment %or %ear o% losin" their
jobs? Others (ere a%raid o% repercussions? 6or example; a health care attendant (ho durin" the
intervie( loudl$ denied that incidents o% sexual harassment occur in the hospital; later explained
+those people Mthe perpetratorsN (ere roamin" aroundD i% I had said an$thin" the$ (ould have
abused me later,?
Sexual harassment as +normal, and +harmless,
In the course o% intervie(s; it became clear that sexual harassment in the health %acilit$ (as
perceived to be a normal and harmless practice; a natural part o% a (orkin" (omanCs li%e and
rarel$ an issue re<uirin" complaint or action? *octors and nurses; senior and junior sta%% alike
expressed these vie(s5
Women (ill stud$ and enter various pro%essions? 8nd then men (ill behave in this manner
Msmilin"N? We have accepted this is ho( thin"s (ill continue? @*octor; a"e 1/; "overnment
Onl$ a %e( do this Mun(anted touchin"N so it does not matter? @*octor; a"e #2; "overnment
Sa$in" bad thin"s (hen the$ see a (oman is natural? Aiven an opportunit$; no man (ill let
"o o% a chance to make jokes about (omen? It doesnCt matter i% the man is a doctor or a
non7medical sta%% member? @Nurse; a"e 12; "overnment hospitalB
We %ace such thin"s MharassmentN ever$(here; (hat is so di%%erent about %acin" it in
hospitalsP Thin"s like touchin" or holdin" hands in hospital is commonD a lot o% nurses
are sh$ and donCt discuss this (ith an$one? @Nurse; a"e 1#; private hospitalB
This is harmless %un that the$ haveO it (ill stop (ith time? @*octor; a"e 12; private hospitalB
The ran"e o% experiences o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace
8lthou"h man$ (omen did not initiall$ ackno(led"e the incidence o% sexual harassment in their
(orkplace or perceive it to be a ke$ concern; on %urther probin"; a ran"e o% experiences (ere
reported? Their accounts correspond (ell (ith the Supreme CourtCs de%initions noted earlier
@un(elcome sexuall$ determined behaviour such as ph$sical contact and advancesD a demand or
re<uest %or sexual %avoursD sexuall$ coloured remarksD sho(in" porno"raph$D an$ other
un(elcome ph$sical; verbal or non7verbal conduct o% sexual natureB? *ra(in" %rom (omenCs
o(n descriptions; (e have classi%ied experiences into %ive broad cate"ories5
Q verbal harassment5 namel$ comments that have sexual overtones; or personal remarks that
are humiliatin" and o% a sexual natureD
Q ps$cholo"ical harassment5 namel$ behaviours that cause the (oman mental anxiet$; such as;
%or example; insistence on accompan$in" the respondent; phone calls at odd hours; stalkin"R
%ollo(in" the respondent; starin" at her breasts and sendin" obscene smsRtext messa"esD
Q sexual "estures and exposure5 include incidents in (hich the perpetrator intentionall$ %alls
onto a (oman; exposes his penis to her; stands naked; masturbatesD in the case o% patients;
insists that nurses or other sta%% members massa"e or spon"e his bod$ or (ipe his private
parts even (hen he is able to do so himsel%D
Q un(anted touch5 namel$ un(anted touchin" o% breasts or other parts o% the bod$D
and un(anted embracesD
Q 4ape; attempted rape or %orced sex?
In this paper; (e adopt this classi%ication and describe belo( (omenCs narratives concernin"
each o% these %orms o% sexual harassment? 8lthou"h (e have obtained data on both personal
experiences and incidents occurrin" to others (ithin the health sector; (e have chosen in this
paper to %ocus onl$ on (omenCs o(n experiences o% sexual harassment; irrespective o% (hether
it occurred in the current %acilit$ or in their previous emplo$ment? Not a sin"le respondent
reported experiencin" rape or %orced sex and there%ore the discussion is based on (omen
reportin" the experiences o% others (ithin the health sector?
In keepin" (ith the Supreme Court de%inition o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace; (e make
no attempt to classi%$ experiences o% harassment b$ levels o% severit$ or label experiences as
major or minor? While there is no doubt that rape is the severest %orm o% harassment; it is clear
that the verbal; ps$cholo"ical and ph$sical mani%estations o% harassment described above %all
s<uarel$ (ithin the Supreme CourtCs assessment that an$ behaviour perceived b$ the (oman as
un(anted; o%%ensive and unacceptable conduct o% a sexual nature constitutes harassment?
Indeed the Supreme Court "uidelines de%inition makes no re%erence to severit$ o% conduct;
emphasisin" rather that i% it is perceived as insultin"; embarrassin"; un(anted or threatenin" b$
the (oman; it constitutes a violation o% the (omanCs ri"hts?
The ran"e o% experiences o% sexual harassment
in the (orkplace: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace5 Experiences o% Women in the Health Sector
8s indicated in Table #; o% the 12 (omen intervie(ed; -- reported that the$ had experienced
some %orm o% sexual harassment in their current or previous (orkplace? Fost o%ten reported
(ere experiences o% ps$cholo"ical harassment @&2B; %ollo(ed b$ verbal harassment @&B;
un(anted touch @#-B and sexual "estures and exhibitionism @)B? None o% the respondents
reported havin" been raped? Ho(ever; 2 reported cases o% others havin" been raped; or
experiencin" attempts to rape; in a health %acilit$?
Table #5
Sel%7reported experiences o% sexual harassment b$ t$pe o% harassment @NS--B
No? o% No? (ho T$pe o% harassment experienced
r e spondent s r epor t ed 0erbal ' s $ c h o 7 Sexual 3n(anted 4ape
personal lo"ical "estures to u c h
experiences and
o% bein" exposure
Total & 2 # & . : & / /
' r e s e n t 1 ) # 2
' a s t 2 1 # 2
Total 2 / 1 & ) : : /
' r e s e n t : . - )
' a s t 2 . # 1
Health care
at t endant
Total - ) 1 1 /
' r e s e n t # 1
' a s t G G G
Non7medi cal
Total 1 / 2 - # /
' r e s e n t 2 - #
' a s t G G G G
Total / ) 1 / / 1 /
' r e s e n t # )
' a s t & #
Total 12 -- & &2 ) #- /
'atterns o% sexual harassment in the (orkplace
8s mentioned earlier; narratives o% sexual harassment %ell into %our broad domains5 verbal
harassment; ps$cholo"ical harassment; sexual "estures and exposure; un(anted touch and
attempted rape or rape? 'erpetrators included; b$ and lar"e; doctors in both "overnment and
private hospitals; as (ell as patients and their %amilies; and senior non7medical or administrative
sta%%; althou"h collea"ues and +others, @includin" outsiders; unkno(n persons and people (ho
sta$ on the hospital campusB (ere also reported as perpetrators @see Table 1B?
Table 15
Sel%7reported experiences o% sexual harassment b$ perpetrator @NS--B
No? o% incidents perpetrated b$5
4espondents reportin" *octors 'atients and Non7medical 8dministrative Oth e r s L
personal experiences their %amilies sta%% sta%%
o% sexual harassment
* o c t o r # ) : ) 7 7
Nurse & ## 1 & 2
Health care attendant 2 7 7
Non7medical sta%% 7 # / 7 &
8dministrative sta%% 7 & & #
Total no? o% perpetrators & &# #& 2
8s Tables # and 1 su""est; multiple experiences o% sexual harassment (ere reported b$ a
si"ni%icant minorit$? While a total o% -- respondents reported at least one incident; #: reported
multiple incidents b$ more than one perpetrator or repeated experiences o% harassment b$ a
sin"le perpetrator? O% these #:; : (ere doctors @- (ere in the a"e "roup o% #2J12B and / (ere
nurses @) (ere in the a"e "roup o% #J1/B?
We have included patients and their %amilies amon" (orkplace7related perpetrators o% sexual
harassment in vie( o% the %re<uenc$ (ith (hich (omen; notabl$ junior doctors and nurses;
reported the experience o% and %ears o% sexual harassment at the hands o% this "roup? Indeed;
respondents reported several t$pes o% patient perpetrators5 those (ho remain in hospital lon"er
than necessar$; %or example; $oun" men recoverin" %rom accidents; those (hose hospital sta$s
are covered b$ their emplo$ers and in%luential patients admitted to 0I' suites?
0erbal harassment
8s can be seen %rom Table #; & out o% -- respondents reported the experience o% verbal
harassment; describin" a ran"e o% perpetrators; includin" doctors; patients and their %amilies;
and non7medical sta%%; as (ell as administrative sta%% and +outsiders,? The majorit$ o% those
reportin" verbal harassment (ere $oun" doctors and nurses? Fan$ incidents o% abuse b$
persons in authorit$ (ere reported?
6or example; doctors; particularl$ those in the a"e "roup #2J12; spoke about verbal harassment
b$ senior doctors or consultants and their collea"ues? Comments (ere described as humiliatin"
and in some cases resulted in (omen discontinuin" their course o% %urther stud$?
In the operation theatre such lan"ua"e is used re"ardin" the anatom$ that "irls o%ten do
not continue (ith the course? 8s $ou can see; there are %e( "irl sur"eons? @*octor; a"e 1/;
private hospitalB
Comments about dress are ver$ common? Once I (ore a kurta MshirtN? One o% m$
collea"ues said; +This print is like a pillo( cover?, Then another joined in sa$in";
+Onl$ i% I use it as a pillo(; (ill I kno( ho( so%t it is?, @*octor; a"e 1#; "overnment
hospital; past locationB
Once the operation theatre needle pierced m$ hand and I said +ah,? The senior doctor
said; +Iou are makin" a sound like $ou are havin" sex?, @*octor; a"e 1&; "overnment
hospital; past locationB
6or so man$ da$s $ou have been "ettin" up on $our husband; no( "et up on m$ bike
Mbic$cleN? @*octor to a collea"ue doctor; a"e 12; "overnment hospital; present locationB
In a %e( instances; $oun" doctors also reported sexual harassment %rom patientsC %amilies;
o%ten in connection (ith perceived ne"li"ence over treatment o% patients? Experiences ran"ed
%rom taunts to intimidation and threats5
One person came to me (ith a stab injur$? He and all those (ho (ere accompan$in" him
(ere drunk and ver$ unrul$? I had an ar"ument (ith them? Then the$ said; +4emember
$ou are a "irl and should behave like a "irl; the ni"ht is still $oun"; and (e (ill come back
(ith medicine and then see to $ou?, @*octor; a"e #:; "overnment hospital; present
The patient is brou"ht to usOand (e are supposed to check him at once? I% (e are late;
then the$ start abusin" us or threatenin" us; the$ even make sexual comments?
@*octor; a"e #2; "overnment hospital; present locatio
Nurses reported the experience o% verbal harassment %rom ever$ cate"or$ o% respondent; and
notabl$ those perceived to be in a position o% authorit$? Nurses noted that verbal harassment
%rom doctors tended to be indirect and subtle5
I (as posted in an area (here "irls marr$ ver$ earl$? Fan$ o% them come (ith post7coital
injur$ a%ter marria"e? It became a common joke amon"st the doctors to sa$; +Call us at
ni"ht onl$ i% there is a post7coital injur$?, @Nurse; a"e 1/; "overnment hospital; past
*octors are educated; so (hatever the$ do the$ (ill do subtl$? Their jokes (ill be subtle
but de%initel$ the$ (ill be directed to (omen?@Nurse; a"e &2; "overnment hospitalB
Nurses %re<uentl$ reported harassment; moreover; %rom patients and their %amilies?
Their comments re%lect the almost routine nature o% this abuse5
Some use bad (ords and talk about sexD the$ even sa$; +Iou come; (e (ill do it (ith $ou?,
@Nurse; a"e &#; private hospitalB
The patient part$ is al(a$s roamin" around in this (ard? The$ can sa$ an$thin" to us
(hen the$ "et an"r$? The$ use abusive lan"ua"e? I do not (ish to repeat it? 8nd an$(a$ (e
cannot do an$thin" about their bad behaviour? @Nurse; a"e &#; private hospitalB
6inall$; nurses are also harassed b$ others; %or example non7medical sta%%; althou"h; at the same
time; nurses ackno(led"ed the support the$ received %rom non7medical sta%%5
The$ Mnon7medical sta%%N donCt do an$thin" Mverball$ harassN (ith doctors; it is the sisters
MnursesN (ho "ive them orders? So the$ behave badl$ (ith them? The$ "et bene%its %rom
doctors; %ree checkups and %ree medicine? @*octor; a"e 1/; private hospitalB
The$ Mnon7medical sta%%N help us a lot?O?? 8t times (hen the patient part$ becomes
a""ressive the$ tell us; +*idi $ou "o; (e (ill to talk to them?, @Nurse; a"e 1#; "overnment
Outsiders residin" on the hospital premises also verball$ harassed nurses5
'eople MoutsidersN o%ten tease us? +Sex$;, +"ood %i"ure;, +lookin" "ood,? @Nurse; a"e 12;
"overnment hospital; present locationB1 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace5 Experiences o% Women in
the Health Sector
In contrast; non7medical and administrative sta%% rarel$ reported that the$ (ere harassed b$
doctors? Fuch o% the harassment the$ experienced (as perpetrated b$ other non7medical sta%%
(ith (hom the$ had more contact5
We donCt mix (ith them MdoctorsN; so (e kno( nothin" about them? @Non7medical sta%%; a"e
#.; "overnment hospitalB
8n elderl$ non7medical sta%% member has to "o to the toilet o%ten? The bo$s tell her;
+It is rainin" a lot toda$?, @Non7medical sta%%; a"e 11; "overnment hospitalB
One (ard bo$ told an attendant; +Iou have "ot such ripe "uavas?, @Non7medical sta%%R
senior attendant; a"e 1); "overnment hospitalB
's$cholo"ical harassment
Experiences o% ps$cholo"ical harassment (ere reported b$ all cate"ories o% respondentsD
as the <uotes belo( su""est; a"ain "enerall$ perpetrated b$ seniors but also b$ collea"ues?
6or example; doctors reported experiences o% ps$cholo"ical harassment perpetrated b$ a senior
consultant doctor or a male collea"ue5
I (as (orkin" as an intern (ith a senior dentist? F$ senior (as in his -/s? One da$ he
called me and asked (hether I (ould like to look at some "ood books? I asked him (hat
booksP He then sho(ed me porno"raphic books? I (as so embarrassedO?I simpl$
stopped "oin" to that place? @*octor; a"e #2; private hospital; past locationB
8s be%ore; nurses reported ps$cholo"ical harassment not onl$ b$ doctors but also b$ patients
and their %amilies and administrative sta%%? 8s %ar as doctors (ere concerned; experiences ran"ed
%rom bein" called to the doctorCs room alone at ni"ht; to sittin" (ith the doctor (ithout an$
(ork and bein" continuousl$ stared at? Nurses spoke about doctors creatin" situations that the$
%ind di%%icult to handle5
There (as a senior doctor? We all kne( his voice? He (ould call up and sa$ to the nurse
(ho picked up the phone; +8 private room is empt$; I am read$; come and join me?,
@Nurse; a"e #&; private hospital; past locationB
One doctor comes ever$ da$ to the (ard at late hours %or his rounds; I am supposed to
accompan$ him? When (e "o to a critical (ard; he invariabl$ asks me to remove the pants
o% a patient? Then he asks me to check the tension o% the thi"h muscles and the re%lexesD
these thin"s can be done in the mornin" but he makes me do it at ni"ht? Fore importantl$
he does not (atch the patient but looks at m$ %ace to see i% he can arouse me? @Nurse; a"e
11; private hospital; past locationB& Sexual Harassment in the Workplace5 Experiences o% Women in the
Health Sector
'atients and their %amilies (ere described; in contrast; as harassin" nurses b$ callin" them
unnecessaril$ and repeatedl$; and even makin" such inappropriate o%%ers as askin" them to
accompan$ them over drinks or to (atch porno"raphic %ilms5
Some patients ask us to pour them a drink or sit (ith them and keep them compan$?
The$ (atch porno"raphic %ilms on television at ni"htD the$ call us to their room and ask us
to sit and (atch (ith them? @Nurse; a"e 11; private hospital; past locationB
There are patients (ho "et admitted %or minor ailmentsD the$ entertain themselves b$
troublin" nurses but critical patients do not do these thin"s? @Nurse; a"e 1/; private
8dministrative sta%% members (ere reported as harassin" nurses b$ pressurin" them to accept
proposals in exchan"e %or (ork done; phonin" at inappropriate times on the pretext o% updatin"
their %iles or even simpl$ threatenin" them5
Our (ater %ilter Mdurin" trainin"N (as kept in a room at a distance %rom the (ard? I (ent
alone to drink (ater durin" m$ ni"ht shi%t? Three or %our o% the housekeepin" sta%% (ere
standin" around the (ater %ilter? The$ started askin" me personal <uestions and the (a$
the$ (ere lookin" at me made me ver$ uncom%ortable? I ran a(a$ %rom there? @Nurse;
a"e 1/; private hospital; past locationB
Non7medical sta%% and health care attendants report the experience o% such incidents perpetrated
b$ collea"ues or patients; %or example5
This s(eeper keeps tellin" me to leave m$ husband and "o (ith him? Whenever he %inds
me alone he comes and troubles me? @Non7medical sta%%; a"e 12; "overnment hospital;
present locationB
Mleerin"N is common? Even the hospital sta%% stares at me? I told them (hat is there to stare
at meO? the$ donCt kno( ho( to look at "irlsD the$ have never seen (omen (orkin"?
The$ need to be tau"ht? @8dministrative sta%%; a"e #2; private hospital; present locationB
The patient part$ o%ten asks <uestions; like; +Where is the li%tP, but all throu"hout the$
(ill look at our breasts instead o% at the e$es? @Health care attendant; a"e #-; private
hospital; present locationB
Sexual "estures and exposure
3nder sexual "estures and exposure; (e have clubbed a number o% narratives in (hich (omen
reported that men exposed themselves in %ront o% them or deliberatel$ made "estures o% a sexual
nature? These behaviours (ere mainl$ attributed to patients; and victims o% this behaviour (ere
lar"el$ nurses and in a %e( instances; health attendants5
The$ MpatientsN ask us to keep (ipin" their bottom even (hen it is clean? @Nurse; a"e 11;
private hospital; past locationB
Some patients create a lot o% %ussD the$ (alk around the (hole da$ and talk on the phone
but as soon as the$ see us; the$ cannot even li%t their head? In such a condition (e have to
"ive them a spon"e bath? @Nurse; a"e 1&; private hospital; present locationB
I% a patient is sick; (e have to "ive him the urinal? The$ should be able to mana"e the rest;
but (e have to hold it @penisB %or them till the$ %inish? @Nurse; a"e 12; private hospital;
present locationB
The$ Mnon7medical sta%%N stand naked in %ront o% the nursesC hostel at ni"ht; probabl$ lo(er
level sta%% or their sons? The$ "o a(a$ onl$ (hen (e shout? @Nurse; a"e 1; "overnment
hospital; present locationB
The men in this area Mthe area (ithin the hospital compoundN are perpetuall$ drunk; (hen
(e "o (ith the call book Ma re"ister used to call doctors %or dut$N the$ see us and take out
their penisD (e then (rap our saris ti"htl$ around us to cover our bodies; hold the book
close and (alk past <uickl$? The$ do not sa$ much to me an$more; as I am old no( but
the$ sa$ a lot o% thin"s to the $oun"er "irls? @Non7medical sta%%; a"e 1#; "overnment
hospital; present locationB
3n(anted touch
Experiences o% un(anted touch (ere reported lar"el$ b$ $oun"er doctors; nurses; hospital
attendants and non7medical sta%%? 8 lar"e number o% doctors and nurses reported that the
perpetrator (as a senior doctor or consultant? *octors report; %or example5
Some o% them Mmale doctorsN are ver$ troublesome? There is a particular doctor (ho is
ver$ senior? He never calls us b$ name? He al(a$s calls us %rom behind and puts his hand
on our bra strap? Fan$ times I have just shru""ed a(a$ at the touch? He (ill then look at
me like nothin" has happened? @*octor; a"e #:; "overnment hospital; present locationB Experiences o%
Women in the Health Sector
In the operation theatre there is a particular doctor (ho (ill al(a$s ask %or accessories
%rom the (omen doctors? He (ill stretch out his hand in such a (a$ that it (ill brush
a"ainst the (omanCs breast? 8t times (e have to bend over to attend to the patient? Then he
(ill put his hand on our bottom? @*octor; a"e 12; "overnment hospital; present locationB
Similar experiences are reported b$ nurses; as %ollo(s5
8%ter an open heart sur"er$ a patient is kept in the observation room adjacent to the
operation theatre? The sister has to sta$ there (ith the patient %or some time? The doctor is
not supposed to visit the patient unless he is called %or? One da$ (hen I (as in the
observation room adjustin" some e<uipment %ixed on a patient; a senior doctor came in
and embraced me %rom the back? I could not move m$ hand as then the patientCs li%e (ould
have been at stake? So I continued doin" (hat I had to till he released me? @Nurse; a"e 1);
"overnment hospital; past locationB
There is doctor (ho ever$ time he meets a sister MnurseN sa$s +Hello, to her and
embraces her in %ront o% the entire (ard? @Nurse; a"e #&; private hospital; present
When one o% m$ collea"ues reacted a"ainst a doctor (ho (as repeatedl$ touchin" us; the
doctor said; +8re $ou a TsatiC MpureNP Iou should leave the pro%ession; (ear a shroud and
sit at home?, 6rom that da$ on(ards he i"nored her completel$; %inall$ she shi%ted to
another hospital? @*octor; a"e #:; private hospital; present locationB
Nurses and even a %e( doctors reported experiencin" un(anted touch b$ patients and their
%amilies? Incidents included brushin" a"ainst the bod$; pinchin" the buttocks; pokin" the breasts
and tr$in" to hold their hand; %or example5
When I (as a junior it (as m$ dut$ to "o around and "reet all the patients? One da$ a
patient (hile "reetin" me suddenl$ cau"ht hold o% both m$ hands and brou"ht his %ace
close to mine? I (as so scared that I ran out? @Nurse; a"e &2; private hospital; past
Some patients have a tendenc$ to keep their hands on our thi"hs? 9ike (hen (e have to "o
reall$ close to the patientCs %ace? I pretend not to notice and "o ahead (ith m$ (ork?
8nd there is another problem that I %ace? I have heav$ breasts; so (hen scalin"
Ma patientCs teethN at times m$ breast touches the patientCs head? I have heard patients sa$;
+I (ill "o onl$ to that doctor %or scalin"?, @*octor; a"e 1:; private hospital;
present locationB- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace5 Experiences o% Women in the Health Sector
The$ MpatientsN touch; hold hands at ever$ opportunit$; (hen (e are checkin" blood
pressure; takin" temperature? @*octor; a"e 12; private hospital; present locationB
6ar more rarel$; incidents o% un(anted touch b$ non7medical sta%% (ere reported b$ nurses and
other non7medical sta%%5
Oin m$ hospital a #17$ear7old nurse (as embraced t(ice b$ the li%t operator (hen she
(as alone in the li%t? @Nurse; a"e 1/; private hospitalB
8 member o% the lo(er level sta%% touched m$ breast (hen he (as passin" b$ on a bic$cle?
@Nurse; #&; "overnment hospital; present locationB
4ape and attempted rape
Even more sensitive than sexual harassment is %orced sex? None o% the respondents in our stud$
reported havin" been raped or havin" experienced attempted rape in their current or earlier
(orkplace; althou"h some (omen reported that a(areness o% such incidents occurrin" to other
(omen in the health %acilit$ in (hich the$ currentl$ or previousl$ (orked? We describe these
narratives belo(?
6e( (omen reported that the$ (ere a(are o% an$ incidents o% rape occurrin" in their
institutions? In the 2 reported cases o% rape; 1 (ere nursesD o% (hom # (ere raped b$ members
o% the non7medical sta%%? !oth these incidents occurred in the respondentsC current (orkplace
and in both cases; the perpetrator (as not dismissed?
Incidents o% attempted rape (ere narrated some(hat more o%ten and (ere reported to have been
perpetrated a"ainst nurses as (ell as non7medical and administrative sta%%? 6or example5
There (as an incident in a small nursin" home? 8 doctor (ho %ound a nurse alone in the
room; tried to rape her? Soon a%ter she had an unnatural death? @Nurse; a"e &/;
"overnment hospitalB
In the male sur"ical (ard +didi, MnurseN (as doin" some (ork a%ter lockin" the door o%
the dut$ room? There (as load sheddin" and (e had to (ork (ith a lantern? The patient
part$ identi%ied themselves and didi opened the door? Someone pushed didi %rom the back?
!oth o% them %ell do(n and the lantern (ent out? One o% the men carried didi to(ards the
car parked outside? 8t that time a non7medical sta%% member (ho had "one to call a doctor
sa( them? He chased the men (ho ran a(a$? @Nurse; a"e #-; "overnment hospitalB
In these cases too no action (as taken?
'o(er imbalances5 'erpetrators and victim
8s the above discussion has underscored; po(er imbalances characterised man$ o% the incidents
o% sexual harassment reported in our stud$? Narratives have clearl$ su""ested; as expected;
that perpetrators (ere %re<uentl$ persons in authorit$ and victims (ere %re<uentl$ those in a
relativel$ subordinate position? 6or example; doctors and administrators in positions o%
authorit$ (ere described as harassin" other doctors; nurses and lo(er level sta%% members?
'atients and their %amilies (ere reported similarl$ to harass nurses and other non7medical lo(er
level sta%%; and (ere perceived to be in a position o% authorit$ since complaints %rom patients
(ere %eared because the$ could lead to dismissal?
8s evident %rom Table 1 and the narratives described above; the majorit$ o% cases o% sexual
harassment (ere perpetrated b$ doctors @& out o% #: incidents reportedB; (ho are %i"ures o%
authorit$ in the hospital hierarch$? 9ike(ise; most o% the perpetrators o% harassment reported
b$ %emale doctors (ere male doctors @#) out o% & perpetratorsB; usuall$ those holdin"
positions o% authorit$? Nurses @&B and other health care personnel; includin" attendants and
administrative sta%%; also reported harassment b$ doctors; thou"h to a si"ni%icantl$ lesser extent?
Nurses also reported harassment b$ patients or their %amilies @##B? Exceptions (ere reported5
some $oun"er doctors and non7medical sta%% members spoke about bein" harassed b$ their
collea"uesD and man$ nurses also shared incidents o% bein" harassed b$ non7medical sta%%
members (ho are junior to them?
8lthou"h all cate"ories o% respondents experienced incidents o% sexual harassment G indeed
some three o% %ive respondents; irrespective o% occupational status; reported the experience o%
some %orm o% sexual harassment G our narratives su""est that it is (omen in junior positions
@nurses and doctorsB and those (ho had limited job securit$ (ho (ere most likel$ to report
incidents o% sexual harassment? The most vulnerable o% all (omen emplo$ees in hospital settin"
(ere the nurses since the$ (ere perceived as subordinate to a ran"e o% people; %rom doctors to
non7medical sta%% to patients and their %amilies? The %ollo(in" narratives o% nurses and other
sta%% hi"hli"ht their vulnerabilit$?
Nurses are the onl$ "roup (ho are harassed b$ ever$oneD doctors; non7medical sta%%;
patient; patient part$ and outsiders? @*octor; a"e #:; private hospitalB
'rivate nurses are more vulnerable; the$ %ace more harassment as the$ are not permanent
emplo$ees o% the hospital; do not readil$ complain and remain in %ear o% losin" their job?
@*octor; a"e 1#; private hospitalB
I personall$ %eel that nurses are economicall$ and sexuall$ the most vulnerable "roup?
The$ %ace o%%ence %rom doctors as (ell as patient parties? There is an element o% %ear and
respect (hen interactin" (ith doctors? This is not the case (ith nurses? @Nurse; a"e 1-;
"overnment hospitalB
'o(er imbalances5 'erpetrators and victims: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace5 Experiences o%
Women in the Health Sector
The maximum amount o% harassment is b$ the patient part$? When I (as in paediatric
medicine I had a lot o% problems at ni"ht; especiall$ i% the "uard did not (ork properl$?
The patient parties (ould repeatedl$ come into the (ard?O? Fan$ junior nurses "et scared
(hen so man$ outsiders enter the (ard at ni"ht to"ether? @Nurse; a"e 1); "overnment
Clearl$; sexual harassment is an issue o% po(er d$namics and it is those (ho (ield least po(er
(ho are most vulnerable to all %orms o% harassment? !$ and lar"e; moreover; sexual harassment
@aside %rom attempted rape and rapeB (as taken as a routine occurrence in the health sector and
(as perceived as an occupational haHard more "enerall$ %or (omen in the labour %orce?
Seekin" redress
8lthou"h a lar"e number o% incidents o% sexual harassment (ere experienced @--R12B;
%e( (omen took an$ %ormal action @#-R--B? Indeed; (hen probed; (omen tended to report that
%or man$ reasons the$ did not complain to their supervisors or the mana"ement? Instead o%
complainin"; (omen reported that the$ developed other copin" mechanisms; ran"in" %rom
sharin" experiences o% harassment in%ormall$ (ith their collea"ues to chan"in" their dress habits;
%or example5
Complainin" is o% no use; one has to have oneCs o(n strate"$ %or survival? @Nurse; a"e #2;
"overnment hospitalB
We carr$ a dupatta Mscar%N even thou"h (e (ear a coat? @*octor; a"e #) on copin" (ith
starin" b$ a doctorB
I have to be ver$ polite as the$ MpatientsN are clients at the hospital? I just smile and sa$;
+Sir; I have some (ork no(; so please excuse me?, The next time I avoid "oin" to that
person? @8dministrative sta%%; a"e #:; private hospitalB
8s Table & sho(s; onl$ #- o% the -- (omen experiencin" harassment made a %ormal complaintD
/ reported the incident to a supervisor$ level sta%% member and - to hospital authorities or the
mana"ement? Even these reported cases did not; ho(ever; take advanta"e o% the Supreme Court
"uidelines on sexual harassment to seek redress?
We note that the po(er d$namics described earlier also in%luenced the reportin" o% incidents o%
harassment? Where doctors are perpetrators; experiences o% harassment are %ar less likel$ to be
reported J %e(er than one in ten experiences G than i% perpetrators are non7medical sta%% @about
one in %ourB; patients and their %amilies @about one in threeB or administrative sta%% @%our in %iveB?
'o(er d$namics also appear to pla$ a role in action taken in the %e( cases that are reported?
O% the #- cases reported to a supervisor or the mana"ement; in onl$ / cases (as action taken?
Notabl$; action (as not taken in a sin"le case in (hich a doctor (as implicated; but (as taken in
all cases in (hich a non7medical sta%% member (as implicated? In short; (hile in a %e( cases;
action (as taken that addressed the particular incident; this action did not make a chan"e to the
s$stem more "enerall$?
T8!E &
Women reportin" incidents o% sexual harassment b$ perpetrator to immediate seniors or
hospital authorities; and subse<uent action taken

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