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WHAT QUESTIONS Task 1: Read the questions and the possible responses. Choose the
correct answer
1. What do you see on his desk?
(A) There are papers and books on it.
(B) is desk is in the corner.
(C) !t"s on his desk.
#. What street do they li$e on?
(A) They li$e on %ew &ork A$enue.
(B) That"s where we li$e.
(C) This is a busy street.
'. What did the printer do with our order?
(A) We ordered (ore en$elopes.
(B) The print has an odor.
(C) e (isplaced it.
). What does this brie*case cost?
(A) e spoke brie*ly.
(B) !t"s on sale *or +1,-.
(C) ! lost (y brie*case.
,. What are you doin. a*ter work?
(A) !"( .oin. ho(e.
(B) ! like (y work $ery (uch.
(C) We are late *or work.
/. What did you buy at the store?
(A) !t"s not a bi. store.
(B) !t"s by (y house.
(C) ! .ot so(e batteries.
0. What do you want *or lunch?
(A) 1ust a sandwich.
(B) 2et"s eat at 1#3'-.
(C) !t doesn"t cost (uch.
4. What did your boss tell you?
(A) ! don"t want to sell it.
(B) 5he asked (e to help with the pro6ect.
(C) 7on"t tell (e about it.
8. What will we discuss at the (eetin.?
(A) The (eetin. is at 1-3--.
(B) We"ll talk about ne9t year"s
(C) 2et"s .o by bus.
1-. What is in that ba.?
(A) !t"s a new book !
(B) !"ll take it back.
(C) This ba. is too hea$y.
Task 2: :atch the questions with the correct answer3
1. ;;What is this (achine used *or?
#. ;;What is your pro*ession?
'. ;;What did your doctor tell you?
). ;;What"s *or lunch?
,. ;;What is the best way to .et there?
/. ;;What did they do last 5aturday?
0. ;;What"s on T<
4. ;;What"s on that shel*?
8. ;;What do you like to read?
1-. ;;What do you want a pen *or?
a. Tuna *ish sandwiches.
b. !"( an accountant.
c. The train is the cheapest and (ost
d. To record (y telephone calls.
e. To e9ercise (ore and eat less.
*. There"s an interestin. pro.ra( about science.
.. ! want to write down a phone nu(ber.
h. They went to the (o$ies.
1. =aper and en$elopes.
1. ! en6oy no$els.
WHY QUESTIONS Task 1: Read the questions and the possible responses. Choose the correct
1. Why were you late?
(A) ! o$erslept this (ornin..
(B) &ou ate $ery late last
(C) !"ll be there at o"clock.
#. Why can"t she co(e with us?
(A) 5he has too (uch work to do.
(B) We can"t .o with her.
(C) 5he ca(e by bus.
'. Why do *irst>year students study econo(ics?
(A) They need the lar.e? econo(y>si@e packa.e.
(B) !t"s a colle.e require(ent.
(C) &es? ! the train at the station.
). Why is the door closed?
(A) The wind blew it open.
(B) Because ! want so(e peace and quiet.
(C) er closet is *ull o* clothes.
,. Why was the (eetin. postponed?
(A) &es? we (et today.
(B) =lease post a notice about yesterday"s (eetin..
(C) The lawyers had not *inished writin. their reports.
/. Why did you stay late at the o**ice?
(A) ! had a lot o* work to do.
(B) =lease wait in (y o**ice.
(C) !"ll spend the day at the o**ice.
0. Why is 5a( lookin. *or a new 6ob?
(A) e knew about that 6ob.
(B) e booked a * *or 1apan.
(C) e wants to (ake (ore (oney.
4. Why hasn"t that packa.e arri$ed yet?
(A) They"ll arri$e by 6et.
(B) They 6ust (ailed it yesterday.
(C) ! ha$en"t learned how to dri$e yet.
8. Why isn"t :r. 2ee here today?
(A) e doesn"t hear well.
(B) e"s at a con*erence in %ew &ork.
(C) e usually sits here.
1-. Why does it *eel cold in here?
(A) &es? it"s really old.
(B) !t"s not $ery near.
(C) 5o(eone le*t the window open
Task 2: :atch the questions with the correct answer3
1. ;;;;;Why are you wearin. a suit?
#. ;;;;;Why isn"t the water hot?
'. ;;;;;Why has the (eetin. been delayed?
). ;;;;;Why did she (o$e to 1apan?
,. ;;;;;Why is the window open?
/. ;;;;; Why aren"t there any en$elopes?
0. ;;;;; Why do you look so tired?
4. ;;;;;Why did Aeor.e lea$e a*ter lunch?
8. ;;;;;Why don"t you take a $acation this (onth?
1-. ;;;;;Why did he send you those *lowers?
a. %o one was a$ailable to (eet until this a*ternoon.
b. The air conditioner is broken.
c. !t"s (y birthday today.
d. e had an appoint(ent this a*ternoon.
e. There"s no hot water heater.
*. ! *or.ot to order the o**ice supplies.
.. 5he wanted to study 1apanese.
h. !"( too busy at work this (onth.
i. ! always wear one to work.
6. ! didn"t sleep well last

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