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Complete AutoCAD Commands

Command Description Options

ABOUT Displays a dialogue box with AutoCAD version &
serial numbers
can be transparent
AP!TU! Controls the si"e o# the Ob$ect %nap &O%'AP&(
target box )) should set to 7
can be transparent
Draws an arc* The de#ault method o# drawing arcs is
selecting three points +so)called &, point arc&(- which
are the two endpoints o# the arc and some other
point along its locus* Other methods o# drawing an
arc can be speci#ied by three letters- such as %A-
which means &%tart Point- nd Point- and .ncluded
A .ncluded angle
C Center point o# arc
D Direction angle o# a line tangent to the arc
ndpoint o# arc
/ /ength o# chord passing thru both endpoints
o# the arc
! !adius
% %tart point o# arc
0!T1 uses the end o# the last line or arc as the start
point #or the arc
A!A Computes the area o# any shape by selecting points
at the corners o# the shape- or by selecting a circle
or polyline a#ter typing or pic2ing the && option
A sets &Add& mode
% sets &%ubtract& mode
computes area o# selected circle or polyline
A!!A3 4a2es multiple copies o# selected ob$ects in a
rectangular +parallel with the snap rotation( or
circular pattern
! rectangular array type
P &polar& array type in circular pattern- you
must indicate number o# items and angle to #ill-
and whether the ob$ects get rotated with the
C &circular& array type in a circular pattern- you
must indicate angle between items- angle to
#ill- and whether ob$ects get rotated with the
ATTD5 Creates an attribute de#inition entity #or textual
in#ormation to be associated with a bloc2 de#inition
. Controls attribute visibility
C Controls Constant6variable mode
7 Controls veri#y mode
P Controls preset mode
ATTD.%P Controls the visibility o# attribute entities on a global
can be transparent
O' 4a2es all attributes visible
O55 4a2es all attributes invisible
' 7isibility o# attributes set
ATTD.T Permits editing o# attributes
ATT8T xtracts attribute data #rom drawings C CD5 comma delimited #ormat extract
D D85 #ormat extract
% %D5 #ormat extract
xtracts attributes #rom selected entities
AUD.T .nvo2es drawing integrity audit 3 5ixes errors encountered
' !eports- but does not #ix errors encountered
BA% %peci#ies origin o# current drawing #or subse9uent
insertion into another drawing )) is normally set to
point :-:-:
can be transparent
B;ATC; 5ills an automatically de#ined boundary with a hatch
pattern through the use o# dialogue boxes* Also
allows previewing and replacing ad$ustments
without starting over each time*

B/.P4OD Controls display o# mar2er blips #or point selection can be transparent
O' nables temporary mar2er blips
O55 Disables temporary mar2er
B/OC< 5orms a single compound entity #rom a group o#
entities within the current drawing
= /ists names o# already)de#ined bloc2s in the
current drawing
BPO/3 Creates a closed polyline o# a boundary by pic2ing
an open area within a area enclosed by lines- arcs
or circles*

B!A< rases part o# a line- arc or circle- or splits it into two
lines or arcs
5 allows respeci#ication o# #irst point
C;A45! Creates a cham#er +a angled line connection( at the
intersection o# two lines
D %ets cham#er distances
P Cham#ers an entire polyline
C;A'> A multi#unctioning command which can be used to
alter the #ollowing?
@* location o# individual endpoints o# lines
A* radius o# a circle
,* properties? layer- elevation- thic2ness-
color and linetype o# lines- polylines- arcs
and circles
B* style- #ont- si"e- location- rotation- and
wording o# text entities
P Changes properties o# ob$ects
C Color
/A /ayer
/T /inetype
T Thic2ness
C;P!OP 4odi#ies properties o# selected ob$ects? layer-
thic2ness- color and linetype )) but not elevation
C Color
/A /ayer
/T /inetype
T Thic2ness
Draws a circle o# any si"e* The de#ault method is to
pic2 a center point and pic2 a point on the radius or
type the radius dimension- but other methods can
be selected*
AP %peci#ies circle by pic2ing A points on the
,P %peci#ies circle by pic2ing , points through
which the circle will pass
D Allows entering the diameter dimension
instead o# radius dimension
TT! %peci#ies circle by pic2ing two
lines- arcs or circles #or the circle to
be tangent to- and entering the
dimension o# the radius
0!T1 nters radius o# circle +the
or CO/OU!
%ets the current color #or subse9uently drawn
ob$ects +ob$ects drawn a#ter the command is
invo2ed(* The de#ault current color is a so)called
&logical& color called &B3/A3!& which means that
the color o# the ob$ect drawn will be the color which
the current layer has been set to*
can be transparent
0number1 sets current
color to color number
0name1 sets current color
to color name entered
B3B/OC< sets #loating
entity color
B3/A3! sets current
color to whatever color is
assigned to the current
CO4P./ Compiles shape and #ont #iles 4ore than li2ely- you
will never use this command- unless you are
creating your own letter design or are creating
&shapes& to be used as commonly used symbols in
the drawing* These are not typically used in
architectural drawings

CO'5.> Displays options to allow you to recon#igure the
video display- digiti"er- plotter- and operating
3ou should not have to use this command- since the
con#iguration o# your system has already been done
and you will have no need to change it*

Draws a copy o# selected ob$ects using two
methods )) &base point& method- or &displacement&
4 Allows multiple copies to be made
o# an ob$ect
DB/.%T /ists database in#ormation #or every entity in the

DDATTD5 Displays a dialogue box that allows creation o# an
attribute de#inition #or textual in#ormation to be
associated with a bloc2 de#inition
. Controls attribute visibility
C Controls Constant6variable mode
7 Controls veri#y mode
P Controls preset mode
DDATT Allows attribute editing via a dialogue box
DDATT8T Displays a dialogue box that extracts data #rom a
C CD5 comma delimited #ormat
D D85 #ormat extract
% %D5 #ormat extract
xtracts attributes #rom selected
DDC;P!OP Displays a dialogue box that modi#ies the color-
layer- linetype- and thic2ness o# selected ob$ects
C Color
/A /ayer
/T /inetype
T Thic2ness
DDD.T Allows text and attribute de#inition editing Undo Undoes edit to
return to the previous
DD4OD% %ets current entity properties +layer- linetype-
elevation- thic2ness- and text style( via a dialogue
can be transparent
DD>!.P% Allows you to enable grips and set their colors and
si"e via a dialogue box
can be transparent
DD.4 Controls dimensioning variables through a series o#
dialogue boxes
can be transparent
DD.'%!T Allows you to insert a previously made bloc2 or #ile
into the current drawing- select 8) and 3) scale
#actors- rotation angle- pre)explode the bloc2- and
select the insertion point- through a dialogue box

DD/4OD% %ets layer properties and allows you to set the
current layer- create a new layer- #ree"e and thaw
layers- #ree"e and thaw layers in the current
viewport- assign or reassign colors and linetypes to
layers- through a dialogue box
can be transparent
DDO%'AP Allows you to set running O%'AP% and set the si"e
o# the target box aperture through a dialogue box*
can be transparent
DD!4OD% Allows you to set drawing aids variables through a
dialogue box
can be transparent
DD!'A4 Allows you to rename layers- text styles- linetypes-
bloc2s- views- User Coordinate %ystems- viewport
con#igurations- and dimension styles

DD%/CT Allows you to set entity selection modes- si"e o# the
pic2box- and entity sort method through a dialogue
can be transparent
DDUC% Allows you to save the current User Coordinate
%ystem and give it a name #or #uture retrieval- or to
select a UC% that is already saved

DDU'.T% Allows you to set the unit type +Architectural or
Decimal(- angle display #ormat +degrees)minutes)
seconds- or decimal degrees(- and precision o# the
can be transparent
D/A3 This command is used with %C!.PT #iles* .t will
delay the execution o# the next command #or the
time in milliseconds speci#ied a#ter the D/A3
can be transparent
D.4 Ta2es you out o# the drawing editor and into the
semi)automatic dimensioning program built into
AutoCAD* Cill display a Dim: prompt on the
command prompt line* To get bac2 to the drawing
editor and the Command: prompt- type the 0sc1

D.4@ %ame as above- but only allows one dimensioning
command to be used- and then ta2es you
automatically bac2 to the drawing editor and the

Command? prompt*
Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws a linear dimension with the
dimension line parallel to the selected
dimension origin points. This lets you align
a dimension with an angled line that is not
either exactly horizontal or vertical.

Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws an arc and calculates the angle
between two non-parallel lines, and draws
the text and arrowheads. Arrowheads are
the standard AutoCAD filled triangles,
regardless of your defined Arrow loc!.

Dimensioning sub-command:
Continues a linear dimension from the
baseline "the so-called #first extension
line#$ of the previous or selected
dimension. This is not fre%uently used in
architectural dimensions. The spacing
between each dimension line is controlled
by the AutoCAD variable D&'D(&
"#Dimension (ine &ncrement#$, which you
should set at ) normally, but if you use the
baseline command, you should reset to

Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws a pair of crossed lines at the center
of a circle or arc on the current layer

Dimensioning sub-command:
Continues a linear dimension from the
second extension line of the previous or
selected dimension. &t is used to create a so-
called #string# of dimensions. This is used
%uite a bit in architectural drawings.

Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws a dimension through the center of a
circle or arc, calculating the diameter, with
one of the arrow heads located at the point
on the circle or arc which is pic!ed.

Dimensioning sub-command:
-xits the dimensioning program and
returns from the Dim. prompt to the
normal Command. prompt

Dimensioning sub-command:
/estores the text of an associative
dimension to its default "home$ location if
you have moved it.

Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws a horizontal linear dimension line

Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws an a line or series of lines with an
arrow head "commonly called a #leader#$
to point to an ob0ect to notate it. This

command will also prompt you for the note
at the end of the leader line, but it will
allow only one line of text. The most useful
method of using this command is to simply
draw leaders between the ob0ect to be
notated and text that you create with the
DT-1T command.
Dimensioning sub-command:
2ermits changing text of an associative
dimension without exploding it. 3owever,
once the text has been changed, the
dimension will no longer be associative.

Dimensioning sub-command:
Ad0usts the obli%uing angle of a linear
associative dimensions4 extension lines.
5seful in dimensioning isometric drawings.

Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws the 1 and 6 coordinates within a
box with a leader line attached to the point,
for a selected point. Automatically
calculates the coordinates.

Dimensioning sub-command:
7verrides the dimension variable settings
on a selected dimension.

Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws the radius dimension of an arc or
circle from the center to the point on its
locus where the arc or circle was selected.

Dimensioning sub-command:
/edraws the viewport, 0ust li!e the regular
/-D/A8 command.

Dimensioning sub-command:
'a!es a dimension style current

Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws a linear dimension with the distance
measured origin points, but with the actual
dimension line set at a different angle.

Dimensioning sub-command:
9aves the currently set dimension variables
under a dimension style name for future
retrieval through the /-9T7/-

Dimensioning sub-command:
(ists all dimension variables with their
current status.

Dimensioning sub-command:
9witches to a new Text 9tyle for all future

Dimensioning sub-command:
Allows moving text in associative
dimensions without having to explode the

Dimensioning sub-command:
Allows rotation of the text of several
associative dimensions at once.

Dimensioning sub-command:
5ndoes any changes made by the most
recent dimensioning command.

Dimensioning sub-command:
Changes selected associative dimensions to
use the current dimension variables, the
current text style, and the current units

Dimensioning sub-command:
(ists the settings of dimension variables
associated with a particular dimension

Dimensioning sub-command:
Draws a vertical linear dimension line

D.%T 5inds distance between two points can be transparent
D.7.D Places points along a line- polyline- arc- or circle-
dividing it into the speci#ied number o# e9ual parts
B Uses a speci#ied Bloc2 to divide
the ob$ect instead o# a point
or DOU>;'UT
Draws #illed rings with speci#ied inside and outside

D!A>4OD Allows control o# dynamic dragging #eature #or copy
and move commands
can be transparent
O' 4a2es dragging o# ob$ect visible
O55 Disables visual dragging
A Auto mode )) enables dragging
when possible
DT8T Draws text &Dynamically& so that as you enter text
letters or numbers- they are visible on the screen
F Prompts #or Fusti#ication options
% Allows you to select text styles
that are already created
A Aligns text between two points-
with style)speci#ied width #actor-
AutoCAD ad$usts height to 2eep
letter proportion as designated in the
C Centers text hori"ontally
5 5its text between two points- with
a speci#ied height- AutoCAD ad$usts
width o# letters to #it
4 Centers text hori"ontally and
! !ight)$usti#ies text
B/ Bottom)le#t $usti#ication
BC Bottom)center $usti#ication
B! Bottom)right $usti#ication
4/ 4iddle)le#t $usti#ication
4C 4iddle)center $usti#ication
4! 4iddle)right $usti#ication
T/ Top)le#t $usti#ication
TC Top)center $usti#ication
T! Top right $usti#ication
D7.C Allows perspective viewing o# drawing CA %ets CAmera angle relative to
the Target
T %ub)option- toggles
between angle in the 8)3
plane- and angle #rom the
8)3 plane
C/ %ets 5ront and Bac2 C/ipping
D %ets Camera to Target distance
and turns on Perspective viewing
; !emoves hidden lines on the
selection set
O55 Turns Perspective viewing o##
PA PAns drawing across the screen
PO Allows speci#ication o# Camera
and Target points
TA !otates the TArget point about
the Camera
T %ub)option- toggles
between angle in the 8)3
plane- and angle #rom the
8)3 plane
TC Twists the view around the line
o# sight
U Undoes a D7.C sub)command
8 xits the D7.C command
D %ets lens length
D8B.' .nserts specially coded binary #iles into the drawing
D85.' /oads a drawing interchange #ile +D85 #ile( to be
able to read a drawing #ile created by another CAD

D85OUT Crites a drawing interchange #ile +D85 #ile( to be
able to use an AutoCAD drawing in another CAD
B Crites binary D85 #ile
Outputs selected entities only
+:)@G( 5loating point
D>%U!5 Constructs a ,d Polygon mesh approximating a
Coons sur#ace patch interpolated between B
ad$oining edges

/7 %ets levation +distance above the ground plane(
and Thic2ness +extruded distance #rom the bottom
o# an ob$ect to the top( #or subse9uently drawn

//.P% Draws ellipses C Allows speci#ication o# Center
point o# ellipse rather than #irst axis
! Allows speci#ication o# eccentricity
rotation rather than length o# second
. Draws .sometric circle in current
'D %aves the drawing and exits AutoCAD bac2 to DO%
or C.'DOC%


rases selected entities #rom the drawing

8P/OD %eparates a bloc2- dimension or hatch pattern into
its constituent entities or ma2es a polyline into a
series o# straight lines* .n the case o# a bloc2 that is
exploded- i# it was originally drawn on the : layer- it
returns to that layer- regardless o# the layer it was
inserted on- and it loses its re#erential connection to
the original bloc2* .n the case o# a dimension or
hatch pattern that has been exploded- their parts go
bac2 to the : layer- and are assigned the logical
color +B3B/OC<( regardless o# the layer they were
drawn on* .n the case o# an exploded polyline- it
loses any width it may have had*

8T'D /engthens a line- arc- or polyline to meet a speci#ied
&boundary edge&
U Undoes e##ect o# last xtend
5./% Allows DO% dis2 and #ile utility tas2s to be done
through a dialogue box
can be transparent
5.// Controls whether solids- traces- wide polylines- and
donuts will be #illed with in2* 'ote that #ill is only
visible when viewing these entities in plan
+perpendicular to line o# sight(
can be transparent
O' entities visually #illed with solid
O55 entities not visually #illed but
are shown in outline only
5.//T Constructs an arc o# speci#ied radius between two
lines- arcs- circles- or will create arcs o# the
speci#ied radius at the vertices o# a polyline* !adius
o# the arc to be constructed may be set to :- which
will ma2e a sharp corner
P 5illets an entire Polyline at the
! Allows setting o# the #illet radius*
De#ault value is :* !adius remains
set until changed again
5./4!O// >enerates a #ile #or rendering by Auto%hade- a
separate program

>!AP;%C! A &toggle*& 5lips the display on single)screen
systems +most o# them( #rom text)screen to
graphics)screen- and vice)versa*
can be transparent
>!.D Displays a rectangular grid o# white dots on the
screen at a speci#ied 8) and 3) spacing
can be transparent
O' Turns grid display on
O55 Turns grid display o##
% /oc2s grid spacing to %'AP
A %ets grid aspect +di##erent 8) and
3) spacings
0number1 %ets
grid spacing #or
both 8) and 3)
0number 81
%ets grid
spacing to
multiple &8& o#
snap spacing
;A'D/% Assigns a uni9ue- permanent number to each entity
o# the drawing
O' nables ;andles
D%T!O3 Discards all
entity ;andles
;ATC; Allows drawing o# cross)hatching and pattern #illing 0pattern)name1 uses hatch pattern
name #rom library #ile to #ill
designated area with a pseudo)bloc2
hatch entity )) can be reduced to
individual lines and points by
8P/ODing it*
0Hpattern)name1 uses hatch pattern
name #rom library #ile to #ill
designated area with individual lines
and points- not a bloc2
U &User)de#ined& hatch pattern
drawn o# parallel lines with a
speci#ied distance between- at a
speci#ied angle- and either single)
hatching or double +cross()hatching
= /ists names o# available hatch
0pattern)name1 or U can be
#ollowed by a comma and the
#ollowing sub)commands?
. .gnores any boundaries
inside the outermost
' 'ormal style o#
selecting boundaries with
alternating hatched and
unhatched nested areas
O ;atches outermost
boundary area only
Displays a list o# all valid commands and data entry
options- or obtains help #or a speci#ic command or
can be transparent
i# invo2ed while another command is in process- it will
assume that you want help on that command
;.D !egenerates a ,d visual image o# the drawing with
hidden lines removed

.D Displays the 8-3- and D coordinates o# a point
can be transparent
.>%.' /oads an .>% interchange #ile
.>%OUT Crites an .>% interchange #ile
.'%!T .nserts a previously created bloc2 or drawing #ile
into the current drawing
0#ilename1 .nserts a
#ilename #rom the de#ault
directory into the current
drawing- assuming that
there is no bloc2 by that
name in the current
Creates a bloc2 in the
current drawing with the
same name as the #ile
0Hname1 .nserts a bloc2
in its constituent entities
rather than as a bloc2 ))
also called a &%tar Bloc2&
or Pre)exploded bloc2
C !eply to 8 scale prompt )) allows
scale to be speci#ied by two points
+Corner speci#ication o# scale(
83D !eply to 8 scale prompt ))
allows speci#ication o# 8- 3- and D
J Displays a #ile dialogue box
= /ists names o# de#ined bloc2s
within the current drawing
.%OP/A' %elects the plane o# an isometric grid to be the
current plane #or an orthogonal drawing
can be transparent
/ /e#t plane
! !ight plane
T Top plane
0!T1 Toggle to next
plane in series- /e#t-
!ight- and Top
Creates named drawing layers- assigns color and
linetype properties to those layers- allows layers to
be #ro"en and thawed- loc2ed and unloc2ed- and
allows current layer to be set
can be transparent
C Assigns color to named layer
5 5ree"es named layers +comma
separates a list o# layers to be
#ro"en- H can be used as a wildcard(
)) current layer cannot be #ro"en
/ Assigns linetype to named layer
/O /oc2s named layer
4 4a2es a layer )) creates a new
layer and ma2es it the current layer
' Creates new layers with named
names +comma separates a list o#
layers to be created- H can be used
as a wildcard(
O' Turns named layers on i# they
were turned o## +comma separates a
list o# layers to be turned on- H can
be used as a wildcard(
O55 Turns named layers o## i# they
were turned on +comma separates a
list o# layers to be turned o##- H can
be used as a wildcard(
% %ets named layer as the current
T Thaws named layers which are
#ro"en +comma separates a list o#
layers to be #ro"en- H can be used as
a wildcard(
U Unloc2s named layer
= >ives in#ormation about named
layers- H can be used as a wildcard
/.4.T% Changes the imaginary boundaries o# the drawing-
and controls whether drawing can be made outside
o# the boundaries* .# /imit)chec2ing is O'- drawing
cannot be done outside o# limits*
can be transparent
0A points1 %ets lower)le#t
and upper )right drawing
O' nables limit)chec2ing
O55 Disables limit)chec2ing
Draws straight lines 0!T1 .n reply to From
Point? prompt- line begins
at end o# previous line or
C .n reply to To point: prompt-
closes the polygon bac2 to #irst
&5rom Point&
U .n reply to To point: prompt-
undoes last line segment
/.'T3P A linetype is a series o# lines and spaces )) dots and
dashes ))
%ets the current linetype to be used #or all
subse9uent entities to be drawn- allows creation o#
new linetype de#initions- and allows loading o#
previously created linetypes #rom DO% #iles
can be transparent
= /ists a linetype library - or named
linetypes which are loaded
C Creates a linetype de#inition
/ /oads a previously creatred
linetype de#inition
% %et current linetype )) note that
the current linetype should always
be set to the logical linetype
/.%T /ists all in#ormation about selected ob$ect- such as
what type o# entity it is +/ine- Arc- Circle- Bloc2-
etc*(- what layer it is on- what color it is- the location
o# its endpoints- what its D)axis +elevation(- what its
thic2ness is- etc*

/OAD /oads a #ile o# user)de#ined shapes to be used with = /ists the names o# loaded %hape
the %hape command #iles
/T%CA/ %ets scale #actor to be applied to all linetypes within
the drawing
can be transparent
4A%U! Places points +or- optionally- Bloc2s( at intervals
along a selected line- polyline- arc or circle* The
interval distance is given by the user* .# points are
used as the mar2er to be placed along the entity-
they are not visible unless the Point type is set to
type , with the PD4OD command*
B speci#ies that a de#ined Bloc2 is to
be used as a mar2er instead o# a
4'U /oads a 4enu #ile into the menu areas +%creen-
pull)down- tablet- and button(

4.'%!T .nserts multiple copies o# a Bloc2 in a rectangular
pattern +word stands #or &4ultiple .nsert*& The entire
array created then becomes a Bloc2*
#name /oads #name and
#orms a rectangular array
o# the resulting Bloc2
#nameI# Creates Bloc2
#name #rom #ile # and
#orms a rectangular array
= /ists names o# de#ined Bloc2s
within the drawing
C +as a reply to 8 scale prompt(
speci#ies scale via two selected
points +&Corner& speci#ication o#
83D +as a reply to 8 scale prompt(
readies 4insert #or 8- 3- and D
) displays a #ile dialogue box
4.!!O! !e#lects designated entities about a user)speci#ied

4oves designated entities to another location
4%/.D 4a2es a slide #rom the current display* %lide shows
the drawing only- and not the UC%.CO'- the
Toolbar- the Aerial 7iew or menus*

4%PAC %witches to 4odel %pace
4U/T.P/ Causes the next command to repeat until cancelled
47.C Creates and controls 7iewports O' Turns selected
7iewports on and causes
the 4odel to be
regenerated in the
selected 7iewports*
O55 Turns selected
7iewports o## and causes
4odel to be not displayed
in the selected 7iewports*
;ideplot Causes hidden
lines to be removed in
selected 7iewports during
Paper %pace plotting*
5it Creates a single
7iewport to #it the current
Paper %pace view
A Creates A 7iewports in
speci#ied area or #it to the
current Paper %pace view*
, Creates , 7iewports in
speci#ied area or #it to the
current Paper %pace view*
B Creates B 7iewports in
speci#ied area or #it to the
current Paper %pace view*
!estore Translates
viewport con#igurations
saved with the 7PO!T%
command into individual
7iewport entities in Paper
0#irst Point1 Creates a
new 7iewport within the
area speci#ied by A points*
%ub)options to the &A& Option?
;ori"ontal Creates a
hori"ontal division
between the A new
7ertical Creates a vertical
division between the A
new 7iewports*
%ub)options to the &,& Option?
Above %peci#ies
placement o# larger
7iewport above the other
Below %peci#ies
placement o# larger
7iewport below the other
;ori"ontal %plits area into
thirds hori"ontally
/e#t %peci#ies placement
o# larger 7iewport to the
le#t o# the other A
!ight %peci#ies placement o# the
larger 7iewport to the right o# the
other A
7ertical %plits area into thirds
'C Creates a new drawing* Chen selected #rom a
menu or typed in at the Command? prompt- this
command brings up a dialogue box which allows
setting a name #or the new drawing by typing the
name in the box- selection o# a &prototype& drawing

or typing a name o# the new drawing and then an I
sign and then the name o# a drawing to be used as
a prototype*
O55%T Creates a new line- polyline arc or circle parallel to
the entity and at a speci#ied distance #rom it*
0number1 speci#ies o##set
T &Through& allows
speci#ication o# a point
through which the o##set
line- polyline- arc or circle
is to pass
OOP% restores erased entities- or entities made into a

OP' Opens an existing drawing
O!T;O Constrains drawing so that only lines aligned with
the grid can be drawn )) usually means only
hori"ontal or vertical lines- however- i# the crosshairs
are rotated through the &%nap& &!otate& command
se9uence- the lines drawn are constrained to being
parallel with the crosshair rotation* Constraint can
be overridden by snapping to a point or by entering
exact coordinates #or endpoints*
can be transparent
O%'AP nables points to be precisely located on re#erence
points o# existing ob$ects* This is the so)called
&!unning 4ode& o# O%'AP- which sets selection
method to run continuously until set to 'O' +none(
or until overridden by selecting another &.nterrupt
4ode& O%'AP method #rom the cursor menu*
Combinations o# O%'AP methods can be used by
selecting a series o# options separated by commas*
5or instance- i# you want ot always pic2 either
endpoints or intersection points when locating
endpoints o# lines- you would issue the command as
can be transparent
C' C'ter o# arc or
'D closest 'Dpoint o#
arc or line
.'% .'%ertion point o#
Text or Bloc2
.'T .'Tersection o# line-
arc- or circle
4.D 4.Dpoint o# line- arc-
rectangle side- or polygon
'A 'Arest point
selected by aperture on
line- polyline- arc- or circle
'OD 'ODe +another
name #or a Point(
'O' 'O'e )) used when
a &!unning O%'AP& is on
to temporarily turn o##
O%'AP selection
P! P!pendicular point
to line- arc or circle ))
when used with an arc or
circle it will draw a line to
the sur#ace o# the arc or
circle heading toward the
center point
EUA EUAdrant point o#
arc or circle +top- bottom-
right or le#t side(
EU. EU.c2 mode )) this is
a modi#ier to one o# the
other O%'AP options )) it
will #ind the #irst point that
meets the re9uirements-
not necessarily the closest
point to the aperture*
TA' TA'gent point to arc
or circle
PA' 4oves the display window without changing the
magni#ication #actor
can be transparent
PD.T Allows editing o# polylines which are already drawn C Closes an open polyline
D Decurves- or returns a %pline
curve to its control #rame or series o#
connected straight lines
dit vertices
5 5its curve to a polyline )) ma2es a
series o# straight lines into a curve
which will pass through the vertices
F Foins a line or arc or another
polyline to an open polyline
/ Toggles linetype generation to be
either a continuous pattern o#
dashes passing through the vertices-
or a pattern which starts and ends at
each vertex
O Opens a closed polyline
% Uses the polyline vertices as a
#rame #or a %pline Curve )) type o#
%pline Curve is set by the 7ariable
U Undoes one editing operation
C %ets a uni#orm width #or the
PD.T +Continued( 7ertex diting Options?
B %ets #irst vertex #or Brea2
> &>o& )) per#orms a Brea2 or
%traighten operation
. .nserts a new vertex a#ter current
4 4oves current vertex
' 4a2es the 'ext vertex current
P 4a2es the Previous vertex current
! !egenerates the Polyline
% %ets #irst vertex #or %traighten
T %ets tangent direction #or current
C %ets new width #or the #ollowing
8 xits vertex editing- or cancels
Brea2 and %traighten
PD.T 4esh Allows editing o# 4eshes which are already drawn D De)smooth )) restores original
dits mesh vertices
4 Opens +or closes( the mesh in the
4 direction
' Opens +or closes( the mesh in the
' direction
% 5its a smooth sur#ace as de#ined
by the 7ariable %U!5T3P
U Undoes one editing operation
8 xits Pedit command
7ertex diting Options?
D 4a2es previous vertex Down in 4
direction current
/ 4a2es previous vertex to /e#t in '
direction current
4 4oves the mar2ed vertex
' 4a2es the 'ext vertex current
P 4a2es the Previous vertex current
! 4a2es next vertex to !ight in '
direction current
! !edisplays the polygon mesh
U 4a2es the next vertex Up in 4
direction current
8 xits vertex editing
P5AC Creates a ,D mesh o# arbitrary complexity and
sur#ace characteristics

P/A' Puts the display in &Plan& view- with 7point set to
:-:-@- relative to either the current UC%- a speci#ied
UC%- or the Corld Coordinate %ystem
C stablishes the Plan view o# the
Current UC%
U stablishes the Plan view o# a
speci#ied UC%
C stablishes the Plan view o# the
Corld Coordinate %ystem
P/.' Draws a AD polyline- which are connected line or
arc segments with user)determined width and taper
; sets the hal#)width o# the polyline
U Undoes previous segment
C sets the width o# polyline
0!T1 xits the Pline
The #ollowing options are available only as long as you
are drawing in /ine mode?
A %witches to the Arc mode to allow
integration o# arcs into the polyline
C Closes the polyline with straight
/ %egment length +continues
previous segment(
The #ollowing options are available only as long as you
are in the Arc mode?
A .ncluded angle
C Center Point
C/ Closes with arc segment
D %tarting direction
/ Chord length- or switches to line
! !adius
% %econd point o# ,)point arc
P/OT Plots a drawing to a plotting device- a printer- or to a
&Plot 5ile*&

PO.'T Draws single points* Appearance o# the points is set
by the 7ariable PD4OD

PO/3>O' Draws regular polygons with a speci#ied number o#
sides* Polygons are Polyline entities*
%peci#ies si"e and rotation o#
polygon by pic2ing endpoints o# one
C Circumscribes polygon around a
. .nscribes polygon within a circle
P%D!A> Controls the appearance o# an imported Postscript
image that is being &dragged& +that is- positioned
and scaled( into place by the P%.' command
: Only the imageKs bounding box is
displayed as you drag it into place
@ The complete rendered Post%cript
image is displayed as you drag it
into place
P%5.// 5ills AD Polyline outlines with Post%cript #ill patterns
de#ined in the ACAD*P%5 #ile
* ntering a period results in no #ill
= /ists the #ill patterns de#ined in
ACAD*P%5 #ile
P%.' .mports ncapsulated Post%cript +P%( #iles
P%OUT xports the current view o# your drawing to an
ncapsulated Post%cript +P%( #ile

P%PAC %witches to Paper %pace )) this will wor2 only i# the
7ariable T./4OD is set to :*

PU!> !emoves unused Bloc2s- Text %tyles- /ayers-
/inetypes- and Dimension %tyles #rom current
A Purges All unused named ob$ects
B Purges unused Bloc2s
D Purges unused Dimstyles
/A Purges unused /Ayers
/T Purges unused /inetypes
%; Purges unused %hape #iles
%T Purges unused Text %tyles
E%A7 %aves the current drawing &Euic2ly& without
re9uesting a #ilename +as long as #ile has already
been given a name(

ET8T Controls display o# text )) command stands #or
O' /ines o# text displayed
as rectangles
O55 /ines o# text displayed as text
EU.T xits AutoCAD )) i# the current drawing has not
been %aveds in its current state- a dialogue box will
appear as2ing i# you want to %ave the drawing-
Discard the changes- or Cancel the xit command

!CO7! Attempts to recover damaged or corrupted drawings
!D5.' !estores a built)in command which may have been
deleted by the command U'D5.'

!DO !everses a previous command i# it was U or U'DO
!D!AC !e#reshed or cleans up the current 7iewport can be transparent
!D!ACA// !edraws all viewports can be transparent
!>' !egenerates the current 7iewport by recalculating
the vector locations o# all endpoints

!>'A// !egenerates all 7iewports
!>'AUTO Controls automatic regeneration per#ormed by other
can be transparent
O' Allows automatic regens
O55 Prevents automatic regens
!.'.T Allows the .6O ports- the digiti"er- the display- the
plotter- and the ACAD*P>P #ile to be reinitiali"ed*
This command allows selection o# what you want to
reinitiali"e through a dialogue box* .t is most use#ul
when you ma2e changes &on the #ly& to the
ACAD*P>P #ile and want to immediately ma2e use
o# those changes without having to exit AutoCAD
and get bac2 into it*

!'A4 Changes the names associated with Text %tyles-
/ayers- /inetypes- Bloc2s- 7iews- User Coordinate
%ystems- 7iewport Con#igurations- and Dimension
B !enames Bloc2s
D !enames Dimension %tyles
/A !enames /ayers
/T !enames /inetypes
% !enames Text %tyles
U !enames UC%
7. !enames 7iews
7P !enames 7iewports
!%U4 !esumes an interrupted command script can be transparent
!7%U!5 Creates a ,D polygon mesh approximating a
sur#ace o# revolution- by rotating a curve around a
selected axis

!OTAT !otates existing ob$ects parallel to the current UC%
!%C!.PT !estarts a command script #rom the beginning
%A7 !e9uests a #ilename and saves the drawing
%A7A% %ame as %A7- but also renames the current
drawing and 2eeps the new name current

%CA/ Alters the si"e o# existing ob$ects ! !esi"es with respect to a
re#erence si"e
%C!.PT !uns a command script* A script is a an A%C.. #ile
which contains various commands that when
executed operates $ust as i# you typed in those
commands- one by one- by hand
can be transparent
%/CT >roups ob$ects into selection sets #or use in
subse9uent commands

%T7A! Allows you to display or change the setting o#
system variables* This command is no longer
necessary to change the value o# system variables*
3ou now can type in the name o# the variable to
change it*
can be transparent
= /ists speci#ied +or all( system
variables and their settings
%; %hort #or &%;ell*& Allows access to internal operating
system +DO%( commands* Once %; is invo2ed-
#ollowed by two 0!T1s- the DO% Prompt will be
displayed- so you can enter any DO% command* To
get bac2 to AutoCAD- simply type 8.T at the DO%

%;AD %hades ,D model in current 4odel %pace 7iewport
%;AP Draws prede#ined %hapes = /ists available %hape names
%;// Allows access to internal operating system +DO%(
commands* Once %; is invo2ed- #ollowed by two
0!T1s- the DO% Prompt will be displayed- so you
can enter any DO% command* To get bac2 to
AutoCAD- simply type 8.T at the DO% prompt*

%<TC; Permits #reehand s2etching simulation C Connect? restarts %<TC; at
rases +bac2s up over( temporary
P !aises6lowers s2etching pen
E Discards temporary lines- remains
in %<TC;
! !ecords temporary lines- remains
in %<TC;
8 !ecords temporary lines- exits
* Draws line to current point
%'AP %peci#ied a round)o## interval #or point entry so that
entities can be placed at precise locations
can be transparent
0number1 sets snap
alignment resolution
O' aligns designated
O55 does not align designatged
A sets aspect ratio
+di##ering 8 and 3 spacing(
! !otates the snap grid
and crosshairs- and turns
on %'AP a#ter- i# not
already turned on
% %elects either %tandard
+rectangular( or .sometric
%nap grid
%O/.D Draws #illed polygons* 5ill can be turned O' or O55
with the 5.// command

%TATU% Displays drawing statistics and modes on the Text
can be transparent
%T!TC; Allows moving a portion o# a drawing while retaining
their connections to other parts o# the drawing* 3ou
cannot stretch Bloc2s- ;atch patterns- or Text
entities- however*

%T3/ Creates named Text styles- with user)selected
combinations o# #ont- height- mirroring- obliging- and
hori"ontal scaling*
can be transparent
= /ists speci#ied +or all( currently
de#ined text styles
TAB/T Aligns the digiti"ing tablet with coordinates o# a
paper drawing to accurately copy it with AutoCAD
O' Turns Tablet 4ode O' +but it
has to be CA/ibrated #irst(
O55 Turns Tablet 4ode O55
CA/ Calibrates Tablet #or use )) sets
the distance to be used to copy the
drawing to an accurate scale
C5> Con#igures tablet menus and
pointing area
TAB%U!5 Creates a polygon mesh approximating a general
tabulated sur#ace de#ined by a path and a direction

T8T Draws text characters o# any si"e with selected
F Prompts #or $usti#ication options
% /ists or selects text style
A Aligns text between two points-
with style)speci#ied width #actor-
AutoCAD computes approximate
height proportional to length o# text
C Centers text hori"ontally about a
de#ined point
5 5its text between two points- with
speci#ied height- AutoCAD computes
approximate width #actor to #ill the
distance between the two points
4 Centers text hori"ontally and
vertically about a de#ined point
! !ight)$usti#ies text
B/ Bottom /e#t $usti#ication
BC Bottom Center $usti#ication
B! Bottom !ight $usti#ication
4/ 4iddle /e#t $usti#ication
4C 4iddle Center $usti#ication
4! 4iddle !ight $usti#ication
T/ Top /e#t $usti#ication
TC Top Center $usti#ication
T! Top !ight $usti#ication
T8T%C! A &toggle*& 5lips the display on single)screen
systems +most o# them( #rom text)screen to
graphics)screen- and vice)versa*
can be transparent
T.4 Displays drawing creation and update times- and
permits control o# an elapsed timer*
can be transparent
D Displays current times
O' %tarts user elapsed timer
O55 %tops user elapsed timer
! !esets user elapsed timer
T!AC Draws solid #illed lines o# speci#ied width* ;as
mostly been superseded by the P/.' command*

T!%TAT Displays in#ormation on the drawingLs current spatial
index- such as the number and depth o# nodes in
the drawing database*

T!.4 rases a portion o# selected entities that cross a
speci#ied &cutting edge&
U Undoes last trim operation
U !everses the e##ect o# the previous command
UC% De#ines or modi#ies the current User Coordinate
D +&Delete&( Deletes one or more
saved coordinate systems
+&ntity&( %ets a UC% with the
same extrusion direction as that o#
the selected entity
O +&Origin&( %hi#ts the origin o# the
current coordinate system
P +&Previous&( !estores the
Previous UC%
! +&!estore&( !estores a previously
saved UC%
% +&%ave&( %aves the current UC%
7 +&7iew&( stablishes a new UC%
whose D)axis is parallel to the
current viewing direction
C +&Corld&( %ets the current UC% to
the Corld Coordinate %ystem
8 !otates the current UC% around
the 8)axis
3 !otates the current UC% around
the 3)axis
D !otates the current UC% around
the D)axis
DA De#ines a UC% using an origin
point and a point on the positive
portion o# the D)axis
, De#ines a UC% using an origin
point- a point on the positive portion
o# the 8)axis- and a point on the
positive 3)portion o# the 83 plane
= /ists speci#ied saved coordinate
UC%.CO' Controls visibility and placement o# the User
Coordinate %ystem .con- which graphically indicates
the origin and orientation o# the current UC%* The
options normally a##ect only the current viewport*
A Changes settings o# all active
' +&'oOrigin&( Displays the
UC%.CO' at the lower)le#t corner o#
the viewport +i*e*- not at the Origin(
O! +&O!igin&( Displays the
UC%.CO' at the origin o# the current
UC%- i# possible +i# the origin point is
not within the current viewport- the
location o# the UC%.CO' de#aults to
the lower)le#t corner o# the viewport(
O55 Turns the UC%.CO' o##
O' Turns the UC%.CO' on
U'D5.' Deletes the de#inition o# a built)in AutoCAD

U'DO !everses the e##ect o# multiple commands- and
provides control over the &Undo& #acility
0number1 Undoes the
0number1 o# most recent
commands in reverse
A +&Auto&( Controls treatment o#
menu items as U'DO &>roups&
B +&Bac2&( Undoes bac2 to previous
U'DO &4ar2&
C +&Control&( nables6disables the
U'DO #eature
+&nd&( Terminates an U'DO
>roup +a se9uence to be treated as
one command(
> +&>roup&( Begins an U'DO >roup
+a se9uence to be treated as one
4 +&4ar2&( Places &mar2er& in
U'DO #ile +#or use with &Bac2&(
Control %ub)Options
All nables the #ull U'DO
'one Disables U and
U'DO entirely- and
discards any previous
U'DO in#ormation saved
earlier in the editing
One /imits U and U'DO
to a single operation
U'.T% %elects coordinate and angle display #ormats and
can be transparent
7.C %aves the current graphic display and space as a
named view- or restores a saved view and space to
the display
can be transparent
D Deletes a named view
! !estores named view to screen
% %aves current display as named
C %aves speci#ied Cindow as
named view
= /ists speci#ied named views
Used in 4odel %pace only- and has been
superseded by Paper %pace 7ports- created with
the 47.C command* Divides the AutoCAD
graphics display into multiple viewports- each o#
which can contain a di##erent view o# the current
drawing +maximum o# B &tiled& viewports per
D Deletes a saved viewport
F Foins +merges( two viewports
! !estores a saved viewport
% %aves the current viewport
%. +&%.ngle&( Displays a %.ngle
viewport #illing the entire graphics
A Divides the current viewport into A
, Divides the current viewport into ,
B Divides the current viewport into B
= /ists the current and saved
viewport con#igurations
7.C!% Allows you to control the precision and speed o#
circle and arc drawing on the monitor by speci#ying
the number o# sides in a circle* Acts li2e an
AutoCAD variable* !ecommend that it be set to

7P/A3! %ets viewport visibility #or new and existing layers = /ists layers #ro"en in a selected
5 +&5ree"e&( 5ree"es speci#ied
layers in selected viewports
T +&Thaw&( Thaws speci#ied layers in
selected viewports
! +&!eset&( !esets speci#ied layers
to their de#ault visibility
' +&'ew#r"&( Creates new layers that
are #ro"en in all viewports
7 +&7pvisd#lt&( %ets the de#ault
viewport visibility #or existing layers
7PO.'T %elects the viewpoint #or a ,D visuali"ation ! %elects viewpoint via
two rotation angles
0!T1 %elects viewpoint
via a graphic compass
and axis tripod which
appears on the screen
0x-y-"1 %peci#ies x- y- and
" relative coordinates o#
7%/.D Displays a previously created slide #ile 0#ilename1
views slide with
name o#
preloads slide
which the next
7%/.D will
CB/OC< Crites selected entities or previously created Bloc2
to a drawing #ile
0#ilename1 writes
speci#ied entities to
I #ilename*DC> to be
created is same as the
entities included in a
previously de#ined Bloc2
by the same name
H writes entire drawing to
the #ilename*DC> and
purges all unre#erenced
bloc2s- layers- linetypes-
text and dimensioning
0!T1 writes selected
8B.'D 4a2es portions o# an 8re# a permanent part o# your
B +&Bloc2&( 4a2es a bloc2 in the 8re#
a permanent part o# your drawing
D +&Dimstyle&( 4a2es a dimstyle in
the 8re# a permanent part o# your
/ +&/ayer&( 4a2es a layer in the 8re#
a permanent part o# your drawing
/T +&/Type&( 4a2es a /type in the
8re# a permanent part o# your
% +&%tyle&( 4a2es a text style in the
8re# a permanent part o# your
8!5 Allows you to wor2 with other AutoCAD drawings
without adding them permanently to your drawing
and without altering their contents
A +&Attach&( &Attaches& a new 8re# to
the drawing or updates an 8re# that
is already attached
B +&Bind&( 4a2es an 8re# a
permanent part o# your drawing
D +&Detach&( !emoves an 8re# #rom
your drawing
P +&Path&( Allows you to view and
edit the #ilename path +directory and
sub)directory( that AutoCAD
searches when loading a particular
! +&!eload&( Updates one or more
8re#s at any time
= /ists 8re#s in your drawing and the
drawing associated with each one
DOO4 nlarges or reduces the display magni#ication o# the
drawing- without changing the actual si"e o# the
can be transparent
0number1 multiplier #rom
original magni#ication
0number 81 multiplier
#rom current magni#ication
0number 8P1multiplier o#
magni#ication relative to
paper space )) used #or
plotting to get right plot
scale in each viewport
A +&All&( #ills limits o# drawing to
C +&Center&( ma2es pic2ed point the
center o# the screen
D +&Dynamic&( ma2es an ad$ustible
rectangular lens appear on the
screen which is capable o# being
made smaller or larger and moved
to di##erent positions over the
drawing and once set by the user-
the drawing will 9uic2ly "oom to the
location and magni#ication set #or the
lens* This sub)command is no
longer use#ul because all computers
have very #ast "ooms naturally now*
+&xtents&( ma2es the #arthest
edges o# the actual visible drawing
#ill up the graphics screen
/ +&/ower)/e#t&( ma2es the point
pic2ed become shoved to the lower)
le#t corner o# the graphics screen
P +&Previous&( "ooms bac2 to
whatever the last "oom- previous to
the current "oom was )) AutoCAD
stores about @: o# these- so you can
wal2 bac2ward in "oom
magni#ication @: times
7 +&7irtual %creen&( ma2es the
largest area available to the
graphics card #ill the graphics screen
)) this varies with the 9uantity o#
graphics !A4 that your graphics
card has
C +&Cindow&( as2s you to pic2 the
lower le#t corner and the upper right
corner o# a "oom window and then
#its that window to the graphics
,D5AC Draws #lat planes in ,D space with either , corners
or B corners +, sided or B sided #lat planes(* These
are used to hide ob$ects behind them in space to
create the illusion o# a solid ob$ect* ,D5ACs can
also be shaded using the %;AD command- in
which case the entire plane ta2es on the color
assigned to its edges* 'ormally +without using the
;.D or %;AD commands- ,D5ACs are
transparent- which means that ob$ects behind them
in space are visible through them- and they appear
as &wire#rames*&
. +&.nvisible&( this is used by typing in
the letter &.& $ust be#ore pic2ing a
corner point #or the ,D5AC- and it
will ma2e the edge o# the ,D5AC
drawn #rom that point to the next one
&.nvisible& +that is- it will not be
shown as a line on the drawing(*
This is important when $oining
several ,D5ACs together to cover
a complex- multi)#aceted sur#ace-
where you do not want the &seams&
o# the ,D5ACs to show in the #inal
drawing* The visibility o# edges o#
,D5ACs can #urther be turned on
or o## by the AutoCAD variable
&%P/5!A4*& Chen %P/5!A4 is
set to @ +&on&(- both edges which
have been made &.nvisible& as well
as normal- visible edges are shown
on the drawing* Chen %P/5!A4
is set to : +&o##&(- .nvisible edges are
not shown* The purpose o#
sometimes wanting to see invisible
edges is that you may want to move-
stretch- or copy the ,D5AC and i#
its edges are invisible- you cannot
select them #opr modi#ication* 3ou
can only select a ,D5AC by
pic2ing on a visible edge*
,D4%; Draws a ,D polygon mesh by speci#ying its si"e- in
terms o# the number o# #aces in each direction
+called 4 and ' directions(- and the location in ,D
space o# each vertex +the corner o# a #ace( in the

,DPO/3 Creates a ,D polyline C Closes the polyline bac2 to the
#irst point
U Undoes +deletes( the last segment
0!T1 xits ,DPO/3

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