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1- The periodontium comprise which of the following tissues:

a.Gingiva and the PDL.
b. Gingival, PDL, and alveolar bone.
c.Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, and cementum.
d. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, cementum, and enamel
1. Treatment of gingival trauma from fault! oral h!giene is mainl!:
a. To advice the patient to change their fault! habits immediatel!
b. "eassure the patient that it will disappear b! it self.
c. To bu! a new brush.
2. #hich of the following statement is true regarding dental calculus:
a. $t is composed entirel! of inorganic material. %&'()* +,-* .* /01234
b. $t is dens in nature and has a rough surface.
c. $t is minerali5ed dental pla6ue.
d. 7ll of the above.
e. 8 9 : onl!.
f. ;one of the above.
3. <verhanging restoration margins should be removed because:
a. $t provides ideal location for pla6ue accumulation. %=>-0?, @2,AB? C?DE* FDG*
b. $t tears the gingival fibers leading to attachment loss.
c. Htimulate inflammator! reaction directl!.
d. $ts removal permits more effective pla6ue control. %=>-0? AE2I JD)K LMN .* .G1O DPB?,QR
e. 7 9 d.
4. Sain use of dental floss
a. "emove calculus.
b. "emove over hang.
c. "emove bacterial pla6ue.
d. "emove food debris.
the goal of flossing !our teeth is to scrub dental pla6ue
it can be done in primar! and permanent
5. #hat is the benefit of rinsing the mouth with water:
7T Pla6ue removal
8T calculus removal
:T washing the food debris.
6. #hat is the benefit of rinsing the mouth with water
a. Pla6ue removal
b. Prevent the formation of pla6ue
c. Dilute the concentration of bacteria
7. The water reins devices for periodontal therap! has a main goal which is
a-remove pla6ue
b-prevent pla6ue attachment
c-dilute bacterial toUin
d-remove dental pocVet
8. :alculus induce further periodontal lesion due to:
aT Directl! stimulates inflammation
bTmore pla6ue adhere to it.
cT irritate the gingiva
9. Wloss used to:
a. "emove interproUimal pla6ue.
b. "emove overhangs
c. Htimulate gingival
d. X.
10. Pla6ue consists of:
a. 8acteria
b. $norganic material
c. Wood
%=>-0?, Y?3BO CZDZI [G\4 @&],A^?, .*
11. To prevent perio problem S<HT effective method is:
a. :ommunit! program.
b. "emoval of pla6ue.
c. Patient education.
12. :aries consist of:
a. 8acteria.
b. Wluid.
c. _pithelial cells.
13. `se of miswaV and toothbrush:
a. Toothbrush after meals and miswaV at pra!er time and when out of home.

b. SiswaV and toothbrush must be used together.

c. `se the miswaV onl! when the! can not afford to bu! the toothbrush and
d. ;ot use the miswaV and use the toothbrush instead.
14. 7cute periodontal abscess:
a. Wistula present.
b. Hwelling enlargement in tooth site.
c. ;one of the above.
15. Tooth brushing and dental floss help in communit! prevention of periodontal disease:
a. True.
b. Walse.
16. Hubgingival scaling and root planning is done b! :
a. Grace! :urette. Y>A^O bI c&0dO e,+I
b. foe. %KA^*
c. :hisel. [&*QR
17. Dental pla6ue composed mainl! of:
a. 8acteria.
b. $norganic materials.
c. Wood.
18. :hronic suppurative periodontitis: .*g1?, C=&d?, %&hi?, J-j kih?, lDPB?,
a. PT complains from moderate pain.
b. Wistula with drain.
c. Pulp pol!p in open coronal carious lesion.
19. :urrentl! the onl! effective preventive measure for periodontal disesse mapart from
limited use of antiseptic solutionsT is:
a. "egular and rough removal of dental pla6ue.
b. Halt flouridation
c. Dental health education.
20. Periodontal ligament fibers in the middle third of the root is:
a. <bli6ue. [nD*
b. fori5ontal.
c. Transeptal. goD=?, AMp
21. #hich of the following statement is true for the reported relationship of periodontal
disease and diabetes mellitus:
a. The reported incidence of periodontal disease in the diabetes is less than that for
b. Pts with histor! of diabetes of less than 1q !ears have more periodontal disease
destruction than those with histor! of longer than 1q !ears.
c. The prevalence of periodontal disease increase with the advancing age of the diabetic.

The prevalence of periodontal disease increase with the better metabolic coronal of
the diabetic state
22. :hlorheUidine is used as mouth wash in the concentration of:
b. 1-ar %&hst, u,bvR CK
c. w-1qr
d. aqr
23. :ementum in cervical ayx have:
a. 7cellular intrinsic fiber.
b. 7cellular eUtrinsic fiber.
c. :ellular miUed fibers.
d. $ntermediate cementum
24. Hupra calculus all true _z:_PT:
a. fard and rough
b. _as! to detach
c. fas component of saliva
25. $mportant factor in long term success of perio treatment:
a. HVill of the operator
b. Perio maintenance
c. X
26. #hich causes gingival enlargement:
a. X
b. :!closporines
c. X
d. X
27. :ementum is formed from
a. :ementoblasts
b. Wibroblasts
c. :ementicles
d. ..
28. Teeth have conveUit! in buccal and lingual
a. `pper premolars.
b. ..
29. Sain disadvantage of chlorheUidine:
a. Htaining.
b. 8urning sensation.
c. 7ltered taste.
chloroheUidine has several disadvantages. <ne of the most important disadvantages is
that if a patient rinses his mouth with chloroheUidine compositions regularl!, his teeth
and tongue obtain a brownish colour. This is off course a ma{or disadvantage.
7nother disadvantage of chloroheUidine is that it has no significant anti-bacterial
effect on gram positive bacteria at relativel! low concentrations. This means that
gram positive bacteria will not be effected b! the rinse composition and ma! thus still
cause periodontitis or produce the volatile sulphur compounds that cause the
probe used to detect furcation:
1-nabers probe. CdKt,b }+-1)?, .>()M?D4
30. The best method for tooth brush is 8ass method because:
a. $t enter to interproUimal area
b. :an be used b! patient with gingival recession and it rotainar! advice to all t!pes of
1. The both sentences are correct.
a. The first sentence is correct and the second is wrong.
31. 8ass brushing has the advantage of the bristles enters in the cervical area , and it is
recommended for all patients:
aTboth statements are true.
bTboth statements are false
cTfirst is true ,second is wrong
dTfirst is wrong , second is true
8ass method advantages:
- $t concentrates the cleaning action on the cervical and interproUimal portions of the
- The 8ass techni6ue is efficient and can be recommended for an! patient with or
without periodontal involvement.
32. Patient comes to !ou with edematous gingiva, inflamed, loss of gingival contour and
recession, what~s the best tooth brushing techni6ue
7. Sodified bass
b. Sodified stillman.
c. :harter
d. Hcrub
The brushing techni6ue which is recommended after periodontal surger! is :harte.r
The brushing techni6ue which is recommended for areas with progression gingival
recession is modified stilman.
%^i't, v [&0dB? D,v4 &?b eDA?, vD)I ',-^4 L?, &MO I(M* 0p -dO %?()1?, FD10&BZ %d>A
.%)o,AB1?, %E0?,b %MPB01?,
D*I Sodified bass .C'Di0?, .* DP\>AO %?-Pi? %&0i?, ,-d?, }Q,-O &=4 eDA?, Nb [>()O Ch)BK
D*I :harter %>b,g4 eDA?, Nb CPK 1xw ()4 DPnD\4 D1i0? %E0?,b FDhZ? }An,+ Y&? (&i1O * %ov+
.%>-E0?, %j,A^?,
33. The best method to protect teeth that underwent bicuspidi5ation procedure from
7. Wull crown.
b. Hplint with composite
c. <rthodontic splint
34. sharpening the curette and sicVle, the cutting edge should be at angle:
a- wq-q
b- q-q.
c- q-q
d- q-q
35. The aim of treatment maintenance is:
7T Prevent secondar! infection..
8T :hecV tissue response.
36. The aim of maintenin therp! is
a- Prevent recurrent dieases
8- :hecV tissue response.
37. To remove a broVen periodontal instrument from the gingival sulcus:
aT Hchwart5 Periotriever.
38. 7n 1 !ears old Pt present complaining of pain, bad breath and bleeding gingival.
This began over the weaVened while stud!ing for the final eUam. The Pt ma! have
which of the following conditions:
a. 7cute necroti5ing ulcerative gingivitis
b. "apidl! progressive periodontitis
c. Des6uamative gingivitis. CZ-O
d. 7cute periodontal c!st.
Thus, the former term, acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis m7;`GT is summed
up in necrotising gingivitis m;Gm
;G is a relativel! rare disease and is generall! described as eUisting in !oung adults
between the ages of 1 and xq !ears.
$t tends to emerge more fre6uentl! when the patient is under conditions of both
ph!sical and ps!chological stress.
The disease is characteri5ed b! pain, bleeding and papillar! necrosis with tendenc! to
7brupt onset. $f the patient has had prior outbreaVs, hey she is capable of reporting
prodromal s!mptoms for instance, a burning sensation in the gums.
Poor general health status and low-grade fever falitosis. it varies in terms of both
intensit! and degree.
39. Gingival condition occur in !oung adult has good oral h!giene was weaVened
.des6umative gingivitis
T!ldesle!~s oral medicine
The influence of poor oral h!giene in the initiation of 7;`G has been often stressed,
but there is no doubt that there are some patients whose standard of h!giene must be
considered b! normal criteria to be good.
40. Differences between 7;`G and 7fGH is:
a. 7;`G occur in dental papilla while 7fGH diffuse er!thematous inflamed gingival.
b. 7;`G occur during !oung adult and 7fGH in children.
c. 7ll of the above.

41. Htudent, came to clinic with severe pain, interdental papilla is inflamed, student
has eUams, heav! smoVer, poor nutrition.
7. Gingivitis
b. 7;`G
c. Periodontitis
42. proU! brush with which t!pe of furcation:
Wurcation Grade 1-1
Wurcation Grade a-a
Wurcation Grade x-x.
Wurcation Grade |-|
43. :ontraindication of gingivectom!
a-periodontal abscess
44. sharping of hand instrument mounted air driven better than unmounted due to
7T fine grift.
8T sterili5ation
:T abilit! to curve instrument
The mounted-stone techni6ue. The second techni6ue for sharpening dental
instruments is the mounted-stone techni6ue. This techni6ue is especiall! useful in
sharpening instruments with curved or irregularl! shaped nibs. _6uipment consists of
mandrel-mounted stones, a straight handpiece, lubricant, two-inch b! two-inch gauge,
and again, the instrument to be sharpened. Sounted stones are made of two materials,
7rVansas stones and rub! stones msometimes called sandstonesT. "ub! stones are
primaril! composed of aluminum oUide. The rub! stone is comparativel! coarse, has a
rapid cutting abilit!, and is used for sharpening instruments that are dull. Sounted
stones are c!lindrical in shape and appear in several si5es. They have a fine grit and
are used with the straight handpiece. The stones permit rapid sharpening, but without
eUtreme care, will remove too much metal and ma! overheat the instrument.
<verheating the instrument will destro! the temper, thereb! causing the instrument to
no longer hold a sharp edge.
45. `nmounted sharpening instruments are better than mounted because:
a. has finer grains
b. don~t alter the bevel of the instrument
c. easier to sterili5e
d. less particles of the instruments are removed. cut less of the plade.
`nmounted stones are customarl! preferred as the! are Vinder on nstrument b!
removing less metal in the sharpening process
>\B?, uDh]I [2B?, .* ,b+t, j %&134 &? .G?b v-2* @&d)B?, %&0KI -N-*

46. _lectro surger! rate:

a. 1.w .w million c!cle per seconds.
b. .w 1q million c!cle per seconds.
c. 1q aw million c!cle per seconds.
d. xq million c!cle per seconds.
47. Sain reason for surgical pocVet therap!:
a. _Upose the roots for scaling and root planning
b. "emove supragingival calculus
c. X
48. 8iological width
a. 1 mm
b. amm
c. xmm
d. |mm
49. 8iological depth:
a. :restal bone to gingival sulcus
50. Periodontal attachment contain:
_pithilum, sulcus, connective tissue.

51. Periodontall! involved root surface must be root planed to:
a. "emove the attached pla6ue and calculus.
b. "emove the necrotic cementum.
c. :hange the root surface to become biocompatible
d. 7ll of the above.
e. 7 9 b onl!.
52. 8est measurement of periodontitis b!:
a. PocVet depth.

b. 8leeding.
c. 7ttachment level.
Probing to elicit bleeding mwhich is the single most useful indicator of disease
activit!T, measuring pocVet depth attachment levels, and detecting subgingival
53. The tissue response to oral h!giene instruction is detected b!:
a- Probe pocVet depth.
b- Less bleeding.
8oth the S8$ and Pl$ can be eUpressed as bleeding or pla6ue-free scores in this wa!
obtaining ahigh score is a good thing, which ma! be both easier for the patient to
understand and a more positive motivational approach.
54. 7fter scaling and root planning healing occur b!:
a. Long {unctional epithelium.
b. ;ew attachment.
c. ;ew bone and connective tissue formation.
d. ;ew attached periodontal ligament fibers.
55. During eUamination x| show gingival recession buccall!, the least correct reason is:
a. Wrenum attachment.
b. Pt is right hand brushee.
c. <cclusal force.
d. $nade6uate gingival.
%E0?,b FDhZt, eDAKb FDi0?, QDGOv, A&]3B4 %'vDd* }-E0?, vDi='? (&2I A& MZ C %&sDM, -NA?,
.%&KDG?, A& %dB01?,
56. Periodontal pocVet differ most significantl! from gingival pocVet with respect to:
a. Depth.
b. Tendenc! to bleed on gentle probing.
c. The location of the bone of the pocVet.
d. 7ll of the above.
:hronic gingivitis is, as the name suggests, inflammation of the gingival tissues. $t is
not associated with alveolar bone resorption or apical migration of the {unctional
epithelium. PocVets a mm can occur in chronic gingivitis due to an increase in
gingival si5e because of oedema or h!perplasia mfalse pocVetsT.
57. 7ll of these are right wa!s to handle the instrument _z:_PT XXX.
7- Sodified pen handle
b- $nverted pen -G)1?, @0d?,
c- Pen handle. @0d?, %Gi*
d- Palm and thumb %j ,A ?, b DP4 , % M s
There are four grasps used with the hand instruments: Sodified pen. $nverted pen.
Palm and thumb. Sodified palm and thumb.
58. Hharpening the curette and sicVle, the cutting edge should be at angle:
7- wq-q
8- q-q.

:- q-q
D- q-q
59. #hat is the dominant t!pe of fibers found in :ementum:
7T longitudinal
8T :ircular
:T Hharpe!~s fiber..
60. Wibers which completel! embedded in cementation and pass from cementation of
one tooth to the cementation of ad{acent tooth is: .>vbD^B* .&hZ [O CB?, D&?t,
1. Hharpe!~s fiber. C4vD D&?I
a. Transceptal fibers. goD=?, AMp
x. Longitudinal fibers. %&'-?,
61. The best method for brushing
aT vertical
bT hori5ontal
cT bass sulcular method
dT all of the above
62. Dental pla6ue is formed after
a- hours
b- 1a hours
c- a| hours
d- | hours
63. colour of normal gingiva in interpla! between:
a. -eratin- vascularit! melanin- epithelial thicVness
64. 7mputation means
aT surgical removal of the apical portion of the root
bT removal of one or more roots
cT the root and the crown are cut lengthwise
dT none
65. femisection means
aT surgical removal of the apical portion of the root
bT removal of one or more roots
cT the root and the crown are cut lengthwise
dT none
66. Wor treatment of pericoronitis
a- eUtraction of the tooth
b- analgesic sterilit! antibiotic
c- cleaning with concentrated phenol
d- none
67. 7ttrition ma! be caused b!
a- friction due to pipe
b- friction during sleep
c- gastric acid
d- none
68. #hat is the name of the instument used to diagnose halitosis
a. falometer
69. Difference between Grace! and universal curette:
a. Hection of grace! is hemicircular and in universal triangular.
b. Grace! has one cutting edge while universal has two.
c. Grace! `sed for cutting in specific area while universal is in an! area.
d. `niversal q not offset, grace! q offset.
e. 7 and d
f. 7, b and c.
g. 8, c and d.

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