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Adam 1 Corinthians 15:45

So also it is written, "The first MAN, Adam, BECAME A LIIN! S"#L " The
last Adam $e%ame a life&'i(in' s)irit*
Ad(o%ate 1 +ohn ,:1
M- little %hildren, I am writin' these thin's to -o. so that -o. ma- not sin And
if an-one sins, we ha(e an Ad(o%ate with the /ather, +es.s Christ the ri'hteo.s0
Almi'ht- 1e(elation 1:2
"I am the Al)ha and the "me'a," sa-s the Lord !od, "who is and who was and
who is to %ome, the Almi'ht-*"
Al)ha and "me'a 1e(elation 1:2, 11, ,,:13
"I am the Al)ha and the "me'a," sa-s the Lord !od, "who is and who was and
who is to %ome, the Almi'ht-*"
1e(elation ,,:
"I am the
Al)ha and the "me'a,
the first and the last,
$e'innin' and the end*"
Amen 1e(elation 3:14
"To the an'el of the %h.r%h in Laodi%ea write: The Amen, the faithf.l and tr.e
6itness, the Be'innin' of the %reation of !od, sa-s this
An%ient of 7a-s 7aniel 8:,,
.ntil the An%ient of 7a-s %ame and 9.d'ment was )assed in fa(or of the saints
of the :i'hest "ne, and the time arri(ed when the saints too; )ossession of the
An'el !enesis 42:1<
The an'el who has redeemed me from all e(il, Bless the lads0 And ma- m-
name li(e on in them, And the names of m- fathers A$raham and Isaa%0 And ma-
the- 'row into a in the midst of the earth*"
=e%hariah 1:1,Then the an'el of the L"17 said, "" L"17 of hosts, how lon'
will >o. ha(e no %om)assion for +er.salem and the %ities of +.dah, with whi%h
>o. ha(e $een indi'nant these se(ent- -ears?"
An'el of :is @resen%e Isaiah <3:A
In all their affli%tion :e was affli%ted, And the an'el of :is )resen%e sa(ed
them0 In :is lo(e and in :is mer%- :e redeemed them, And :e lifted them and
%arried them all the da-s of old*
Anointed a$o(e Th- fellows @salm 45:8
>o. ha(e lo(ed ri'hteo.sness and hated wi%;edness0 Therefore !od, >o.r !od,
has anointed >o. 6ith the oil of 9o- a$o(e >o.r fellows*
Anointed with the :ol- S)irit A%ts 1B:32
">o. ;now of +es.s of NaCareth, how !od anointed :im with the :ol- S)irit
and with )ower, and how :e went a$o.t doin' 'ood and healin' all who were
o))ressed $- the de(il, for !od was with :im*
A)ostle of o.r %onfession :e$rews 3:1
Therefore, hol- $rethren, )arta;ers of a hea(enl- %allin', %onsider +es.s, the
A)ostle and :i'h @riest of o.r %onfession0
A))le Tree Son' of Solomon ,:3
"Li;e an a))le tree amon' the trees of the forest, So is m- $elo(ed amon' the
-o.n' men In his shade I too; 'reat deli'ht and sat down, And his was
sweet to m- taste*
Arm of the Lord Isaiah 51:A, 1B
Awa;e, awa;e, ).t on stren'th, " arm of the L"170 Awa;e as in the da-s of
old, the 'enerations of lon' a'o
6as it not >o. who %.t 1aha$ in )ie%es, 6ho
)ier%ed the dra'on?
6as it not >o. who dried .) the sea, The waters of the 'reat
dee)0 6ho made the de)ths of the sea a )athwa- /or the redeemed to %ross o(er?
A.thor and @erfe%ter of /aith :e$rews 1,:,
fiDin' o.r e-es on +es.s, the a.thor and )erfe%ter of faith, who for the 9o- set
$efore :im the %ross, des)isin' the shame, and has sat down at the ri'ht
hand of the throne of !od*
A.thor of Sal(ation :e$rews ,:1B
/or it was fittin' for :im, for whom are all thin's, and thro.'h whom are all
thin's, in $rin'in' man- sons to 'lor-, to )erfe%t the a.thor of their sal(ation
thro.'h s.fferin's*
Ba$- L.;e ,:1,, 1<
"This will $e a si'n for -o.: -o. will find a $a$- wra))ed in %loths and l-in' in
a man'er*"
So the- %ame in a h.rr- and fo.nd their wa- to Mar- and +ose)h, and
the $a$- as :e la- in the man'er*
Bea.tif.l Crown Isaiah ,2:5
In that da- the L"17 of hosts will $e%ome a $ea.tif.l %rown And a 'lorio.s
diadem to the remnant of :is )eo)le0
Be'innin' and the End 1e(elation ,,:13
"I am the Al)ha and the "me'a, the first and the last, the $e'innin' and the
Be'innin' of the Creation of !od 1e(elation 3:14
"To the an'el of the %h.r%h in Laodi%ea write: The Amen, the faithf.l and tr.e
6itness, the Be'innin' of the %reation of !od, sa-s this
Be'otten from the /ather +ohn 1:14
Belo(ed Son' of Solomon 5:1<, E)hesians 1:<
Belo(ed Son Matthew 3:18, Mar; 1:,,, , @eter 1:18
Blessed and onl- So(erei'n 1 Timoth- <:15
Bran%h =e%hariah 3:2
Bran%h of 7a(id +eremiah 33:15
Bran%h of the Lord Isaiah 4:,
The @rin%e 7aniel A:,5

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