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One Page Summary

Judicial/GAL Misconduct

Your name here in bold
Your Docket Number here

My GAL was Toby Hollander.I was court ordered to pay him $36,000 of
approximately $50-70,000

My Judge was Jeffrey Moskowitz.

My Court Psychologist was Spurwink institute, and Steve Young,I was
court ordered to pay MaineCare funds.

I filed a complaint against my:

Pease attach a copy of any official complaint you filed and the official response
you received from the State of Maine.

Please provide a 500 word summary of your case:
GAL Toby Hollander was involved with my family for 5 years during
which he saw my minor son 7 times. The GAL never saw my son with
either parent. The GAL, rather than reading over 9 inches of past and
current evaluations of my autistic son, or treatment notes or ongoing
therapies, instead made a Motion and obtained a Court Order to have
evaluations begun. (at taxpayer expense). The GAL refused to attend
both a criminal PFA hearing and a DHHS Administrative Hearing, each
of which affected the welfare of my son. During each, my son's father
was found quilty.

At the failure of Reunification Terapy between my son and his father,
the GAL made a Motion to the Cort (which was Ordered) that my minor
disabled son attend therapy with an unlicensed adult male in the male's
car in empty parking lots on Sundays, with the GAL acting as a distant
supervisory clinical therapist.

Without the benefit of Due Process, Judge Moskowitz terminated an
existing PFA. NoNotice was given to the victims. Judge Moskowitz also
threatened me that if I did not give up my (and my children's) place in
the ACP program, I wold face thirty days in jail - which could only be
suspended by forcing my child to be abused in the "therapy' that he
Court Ordered.

Judge Moskowitz allowed one party to not appear at Hearings and then
made a phone call to the party instead of following Due Process outlined
in the Motions.

The Judge made rulings that fly directly in the face of Federal law,
including IDEA.

Both the GAL and the Judge, on several occassions in Court practiced
medicine without a license: denying my daughter's disability (that she
was being treated for at New England Rehabilitation), denying my son's
lyme disaese (that he was being treated for at Maine Medical Center)
and denying both of my children's longstanding Autism diagnosis.

One party submitted fraudulent Federal Tax returns to the Court in
several occassions as evidence. To my knowledge. Judge Moskowitz has
not reported this Federal crime to either the AG's office or the IRS or
state of Maine Bureau of taxation.

In addition, for years the GAL sent my son inappropriate emails = which
included suggesting that he would become like Hitler or Ted Bundy if
raised without his father. Both the GAL and especially Judge Moskowitz
demonstrated rage attacks in the courtroom. Judge Moskowitz was
observed pounding the desk with his fist, temples throbbing while
stating "I will throw the book at you".

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