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A balanced field takeoff is a condition where the accelerate-stop distance required

(ASDR) is equal to the takeoff distance required (TODR) for the aircraft weight, engine
thrust, aircraft configuration and runwa condition!"#$ %or a gi&en aircraft weight, engine
thrust, aircraft configuration, and runwa condition, the shortest runwa length that
co'plies with safet regulations is the balanced field length!"($ ")$
The re*ected takeoff initial actions speed +#,, or critical engine-failure recognition speed
(+cef),"-$ is the fastest speed at which the pilot 'ust take the first actions to re*ect the
takeoff! At speeds below +# the aircraft 'a be brought to a halt before the end of the
runwa! At +# the pilot 'ust continue the takeoff e&en if an e'ergenc is recogni.ed!
To achie&e a balanced field takeoff, engine power is selected to pro&ide enough
acceleration so that at the lowest possible speed to continue the takeoff the re'aining
necessar takeoff distance with one engine not working is equal to the re'aining /
necessar accelerate-stop distance!
The balanced field length is the shortest field length at which a balanced field takeoff can
be perfor'ed!"0$
%actors affecting the balanced field length include1
2 the 'ass of the aircraft 3 higher 'ass results in slower acceleration and higher
takeoff speed
2 engine thrust 3 affected b te'perature and air pressure, but reduced thrust can
also be deliberatel selected b the pilot
2 densit altitude , 3 reduced air pressure or increased te'perature increases
'ini'u' take off speed
2 aircraft configuration such as wing flap, position
2 runwa slope and runwa wind co'ponent
2 runwa conditions 3 a rough or soft field slows acceleration, a wet or ic field
reduces braking
Regulator background"edit,$
A&iation regulations, especiall %AR (0, and 4S-(0, (for large passenger aircraft)
require the takeoff distance, and the accelerate-stop distance, to be less than or equal to
the a&ailable runwa length, both with and without an engine failure assu'ed! The speed
below which takeoff 'ust be aborted upon engine failure is called +#,! On longer
runwas a pilot can no'inate a +# within a range, but where the runwa length is no
longer than the balanced field length onl one &alue for +# will e5ist!
6anding and Takeoff 7erfor'ance 8onitoring Sste's "9$ ":$ ";$ "<$ are de&ices ai'ed at
pro&iding to the pilot infor'ation on the &alidit of the perfor'ance co'putation, and
a&erting runwa o&erruns that occur in situations not adequatel addressed b the takeoff
+-speeds concept!
=sing the balanced field takeoff concept, +# is the 'a5i'u' speed in the takeoff at
which the pilot 'ust take the first action (e!g! reduce thrust, appl brakes, deplo speed
brakes) to stop the airplane within the accelerate-stop distance and the 'ini'u' speed at
which the takeoff can be continued and achie&e the required height abo&e the takeoff
surface within the takeoff distance!

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