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Course Code: EC 304
Course T!"e: Au!o#$!% %o&!ro" s's!e#s
Ye$r $&d Se#es!er: III Ye$r I Se#es!er
Co&!$%! Hours (er )ee*: 4
Course Coord&$!or: JA+ER OSMAN
Course Coord&$!or P,o&e: -.0//0/.00
Course Coord&$!or E#$": 1$2er'e#e&34#$"5%o#
Course Coord&$!or Lo%$!o&: Roo# No5...3C
Course Coord&$!or A6$"$2"!': Mondays: 1:00P.M, to 3:40 P.M.,
Wednesdays: 1.30 to 3.50 P.M.
Pre7re8us!e Courses $&d Assu#ed K&o)"ed4e $&d C$($2"!es:
To successfully complete this course, students should have the aility to otain transfer function
of a system usin! "aplace and #$ transforms studied in %i!nals &nalysis and Transform
Techni'ues () *53 , as +ell as have a asic ,no+led!e of theorems applied to the systems. The
%tudent should have the capaility to apply the concepts )alculus, ordinary differential
e'uations, "aplace transforms, elementary comple- variales, elementary linear al!era, and
elementary dynamics.
Course Des%r(!o&
The su.ect of &utomatic )ontrol %ystems is one semester course for /// 0.( (lectronics and
)ommunication (n!ineerin! students. The aim of this su.ect is to provide the students +ith the
ac,!round needed to model and desi!n automatic control systems for electrical, mechanical,
and electromechanical systems usin! the classical concepts of root locus, 0ode plots, and
1y'uist dia!rams, and to assess the staility and performance of such systems. &n introduction
to the state space techni'ues is also provided.
Course Ou!%o#es
2n successful completion of this course, students +ill e ale to:
Define a control system and Obtain mathematical model of electrical and mechanical
systems using various methods.
Analyze and design a control system to satisfy predetermined time domain and
frequency domain specifications .
Investigate closed loop stability of Linear Time invariant system using Time domain and
frequency domain approach
Describe a digital control system and analyze the system stability
Specify and analyze a LTI system using State Space Analysis
Overview of Learning Activities
"ectures and class discussions
Prolem %olvin!
&ssi!nment +or,
O6er6e) o9 Le$r&&4 Resour%es
1. Prescried Te-t 0oo,s, 3eference 0oo,s
1. 1a!rath, , and 4opal., 5Control System Engineering,6 1e+ &!e Pulishers, 57e,
*. 2!ata, 9., 5Modern Control Engineering,6 57e, P:/, *010.
3. 0en.amin ). 9uo, 5Automatic Control Systems,6 ;7e, P:/, *010.
4. 3ichard ). <orf = 3oert :. 0ishop, 5Modern Control Systems,6 117e, Pearson, *00>.
. !opal " #Digital Control Engineering"$ %&e" 'e( Age )ublishers" *++,.
*. ?reely accessile internet sites:
3. &dditional material provided in the class 7 handouts
O6er6e) o9 Assess#e&!
i. class tests
ii. &ssi!nments
iii. Tutorials
iv. @uiA

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