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Learn How To Increase Your

Sperm Volume And Achieve

Stronger Orgasms, Better Fertility
and Longer-Lasting Erections

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Table of Contents

BY INCREASING YOUR SPERM VOLUME .................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 3
LEGENDS BEHIND SEMEN...................................................................................... 4
WHAT IS SEMEN MADE OF? ................................................................................... 5
THE SPERM CELL: AN OVERVIEW......................................................................... 6
YOUR SEMEN AND YOU........................................................................................ 7
DOES WEIGHT AFFECT SPERM QUALITY? ........................................................... 11
HORMONES, THE ENVIRONMENT AND YOUR SEX DRIVE........................................ 13
SPERM VOLUME AND ERECTION HARDNESS ......................................................... 16
MALE INFERTILITY............................................................................................. 17
THREATS TO MALE FERTILITY............................................................................ 19
WORRIED ABOUT FERTILITY? TRY ZINC. ............................................................. 21
DO WOMEN LIKE A LOT OF CUM?......................................................................... 22
WHAT ARE DRLIZEN AND SOLIDILIN?.......................................................... 23
HOW TO GET A BOOST IN YOUR BEDROOM (THE HERBAL WAY) ............................. 24
DIET AND SEMEN PRODUCTION ........................................................................... 25
BENEFITS OF SPERM INCREASE ........................................................................... 26
RECOMMENDED SOLUTION................................................................................. 28
Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 30

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For most adult men life turns into routine around the age of 30. As days and weeks
slip by everything blends in the same wake up, go to work, go to a bar, come
home that looks good for a year or two. Later on, the routine becomes harder and
harder to handle, especially since the benefits dont seem to amount to much
anymore. Work is at least somewhat boring and unchallenging. The bar scene is
also boring and one can hardly remember the last fun date. Drinking with the
friends turns into a bitter routine, despite the fact that all those involved are keen to
disguise this fact from themselves and from each other.

Sex is also no longer as exciting as before, and, worst of all, a change of partners
wont help this time because the problem lies with you. Long hours spent at work
sitting in the same chair, lack of physical activity and a chaotic daily diet are taking
their toll on your sex life. You penis is no longer as quick to respond to the call to
arms and the orgasm is not as good anymore. The natural response in such cases is
to wonder if this is just a passing phase or something worse. Fortunately, most men
going through this situation are in for nothing more than a temporary discomfort
that should go away with a combination of relaxation to relieve stress and of
working out to stimulate testosterone production.

But there is something else you can do to make this problem go away. Something
that many men have tried before you and which helped them enjoy sex a lot more.
Wouldnt you feel good to know that your erection and orgasms last longer and
that you can ejaculate more semen than ever before?

You may say that ejaculating more sperm is not that important, but think about it
for a minute. The intensity and duration of your orgasm depends on how much
sperm you ejaculate, which means that the more sperm travels upward from the
testicles, the longer will your orgasm be.

So, what can an increase in sperm volume do for you? It can put a satisfied smile
on your face. It can help you become a better lover who pleases his lady every time
and makes her come back for more. It can help you get more pleasure out of your
sex life. And, lastly, it promotes the psychological well being that comes with a
happy and fulfilling relationship.

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Legends behind semen

While Christianity had traditionally frowned upon public references to sex and
upon any attempts to treasure what it still sees as a fundamentally dirty and
degrading act, other religions and peoples had different ideas. The best known of
the exotic systems of beliefs are Tantra and various pagan denominations. Among
the lesser-known systems are the beliefs of certain tribes from Papua New Guinea
and Africa.

The basic idea behind such beliefs is that semen is a fluid with magic properties
that can be used to augment the natural powers of other people. Some pagan circles
say that semen contains the power of the male, which can be transferred to female
priestesses through sex. Certain rituals include the copulation between a priestess
and two or more males in order to harvest their semen and increase her powers.

Tantra is an esoteric tradition rooted in the religions of India, a body of beliefs and
practices that differ somewhat from sect to sect, although all the sects tend to
adhere to the overarching belief that the material universe is the concrete
manifestation of divine energy. Some Tantra rituals include sex, but the repu tation
of religion of sex Tantra has in Europe or America is absurd.

Semen as a magic fluid was also a key component in many occult theories and
practices in Europe and America. Occult figures like Aleister Crowley and Samael
Aun Weor spoke about the power of sex and its significance in a magic context.
Likewise, semen was thought to be a source of power and one of the fashions that
set the occult world of fire last century was that men should never ejaculate in
order to activate and increase their power.

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What is semen made of?

Semen is the fluid containing spermatozoa, which is secreted by the sexual glands
of males. It is discharged by the body through the process known as ejaculation
and used to fertilize the female ova.

The human semen is composed mainly of seminal plasma, which is the fluid
secreted by the accessory male reproductive organs (the seminal vesicles and the
prostate gland). The bulbourethral organs glands also contribute with a small
amount of viscous mucus, which gives semen its texture and cohesion.

The purpose of the seminal plasma is to protect and feed the spermatozoa during
their journey to the ova through the female reproductive tract. The normal
environment of the vagina is too acidic for sperm cells, aside from the presence of
local cells which are part of the immune system and which view sperm cells as
foreign entities. This is why the sperm contains a series of basic amines designed
to counter the vagina acidity and to protect the DNA inside the sperm cell from
acidic destruction.

Finally, the mucus and texturizing proteins serve to increase the mobility of sperm
cells in the vagina and cervix by creating a less viscous channel for the sperm cells
to swim through, and preventing their diffusion out of the semen.

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The Sperm Cell: An Overview

You may pretty much have an idea where babies come from. (No, they're not from
the stork!) To put it bluntly, you need a sperm cell and egg cell to make a baby.
During sexual intercourse, a man's sperm, which is produced by the testes
(testicles), is released into a woman's cervix, which "swims" to the fallopian tube.
From the millions of sperm cells, one penetrates the egg in a process called
fertilization. From there, a single life begins.

But where does the sperm come from? There are millions of sperm produced by
your testes (testicles) everyday. Sperm cells undergo the natural cell division
which inevitably leads to its maturation. Half of the sperm carries a Y chromosome
(inherited from your dad) and an X chromosome (inherited from your mom). If a
X-carrying sperm fertilizes the woman's egg, the result is a baby girl. If on the
other hand, it's the Y-carrying sperm which fertilized the egg, then it's a baby boy.

During ejaculation, sperm is pumped into the man's vas deferens where fructose,
seminal fluids, and other chemicals are secreted. Your sperm plus other seminal
fluids (semen) hurries past the bladder through the urethra and out of your penis.

In order for the sperm to enter the woman's cervix, you need to experience
erection, orgasm, and ejaculation. An erection takes place when your penis is
stimulated or when you have an erotic thought. There is a sudden rush of blood to
the erectile tissue chambers in the penis. This, in turn, engorges the peni s making it
hardened, enlarged and elevated.

With continued stimulation, orgasm and ejaculation ensues. Orgasm, known as the
sexual climax, is a pleasurable emotional or psychological response that
accompanies ejaculation. There are two stages of orgasm: the first one, called the
ejaculatory inevitability, takes place two to four seconds before ejaculation. During
these crucial seconds, you may be aware that you are about to "come," and you
could not do anything to control it. Your seminal vesicles and your prostrate gland
begin to throb. The second stage of orgasm takes place when you involuntarily
ejaculate semen in convulsive surges. On average, one teaspoon (2-15 milliliters)
of semen is ejaculated containing of 40 to 150 million sperm! The "first squir t"
typically contains the largest amount of sperm.

Afterwards, you go through a recovery period where you cannot experience
another orgasm. This may last several minutes and sometimes for hours.
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Your Semen and You

Semen, or cum, is actually made up of ninety percent (90%) seminal fluids
including fructose (sugar) and proteins; sperm accounts for only about one percent
(1%) of its total volume and the rest is made up of trace minerals and nutrients.

Many guys are concerned with what their semen tastes like. This may rise from the
fact that they want to score blow jobs. First of all, you can stress to your partner
that semen will not make a person fat. It contains only about 12 to 15 calories per
ejaculation; the same amount found in gelatin or egg white.

Some people say that semen tastes bitter, salty, or even acrid. So for loads of
exciting fun in the bedroom, you can make your partner swallow your cum if you
make your cum taste better.

Since semen is excreted by the body, its taste and smell would most likely be
affected by what you eat and drink.

What is the best diet for better-tasting cum?

For one, you should start living a clean and healthy lifestyle. Say no to alcohol,
drugs and nicotine. Avoid junk foods and instead have lots of fruits and green s in
your diet. Plus, drink a lot of liquids (water).

Drinking fruit juices from pineapple, citrus, and cranberry is also known to make
your cum taste sweeter. Throw in melon, mango, apple, or grape, and other fruits
that are high in sugar. Likewise, vegetables like parsley and celery are

There are also some foods that you should steer clear of. Fish and red meat
produce a bitter, fishy taste because of their alkaline content. Chemically-
processed alcohol can also make your semen taste bitter. Instead, try naturally
fermented drinks for a change. Garlic and onion are likely to produce strong odors
since they are high in sulfur; so lay off on these.

A better-tasting semen is good; but having extra loads of better -tasting semen is
better. The volume of your load depends upon a number of concerns, including
age, heredity, and general health. We practically cant change our age and genetics,
but we could instead make dietary adjustments. There are various supplements that
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you can take like zinc oxide, Horny Goat Weed, L-Arginine, L-Lysine which are
supposed to boost quantity of your load.

By simply increasing your fluid intake, you can increase the amount of your
ejaculation. When your body is well hydrated, your body systems are able to work
more efficiently and have less trouble getting water from the bloodstream.

The most important to remember, though, is to keep yourself healthy and fit.
Regular exercise encourages good blood circulation, which in turn, aids
ejaculation. Also, refrain from wearing tight clothing especially in the crotch area
since it can decrease sperm count.

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Reasons for the Increase or Decrease of
Sperm Production

Although women stop producing egg cells upon menopause, they are born with a ll
the eggs she will ever need. Men on the other hand, produce sperm cells upon
puberty. Consequently, their daily activities may affect the sperm production

When the sperm fails to be produced properly or not at all, conception becomes
almost impossible for his partner. There are various causes for the increases and
decrease in sperm production. The factors that may affect the sperm quality could
actually be summarized in six main points namely: sperm mobility, concentration,
morphology, speed, count and last but not the least, sub-fertility. Drawbacks in any
of these areas can vastly affect the chances of conception.

Sperm mobility refers to the sperm's ability to move in a rather dynamic and active
fashion. When it comes to healthy sperm, more than 50% of them may be
considered as active if over 25% of them moving vehemently in one direction. Its
significance can be understood by the fact that it enables the sperm to travel
through the cervical canal, into the uterus and the fallopian tubes and finally, to
break through the egg.

Next is concentration that refers to the measure of the number of sperm cells in a
milliliter of semen. The average or normal concentration measures around 22
million sperm cells per milliliter of semen.

The third point is morphology. A healthy sperm cell bears a resemblance to a
tadpole in shape. The oval head of the sperm holds the genetic material, while the
center provides energy and the tail thrusts the sperm forward. In addition, experts
believe that oddly shaped sperm are not capable of fertilizing an egg.

Speed is another factor that affects sperm quality. Based on the study made by the
World Health Organization in a healthy male, beyond 25% of sperm will exhibit
progressive mobility. These are the sperm with the best chance of successfully
infiltrating and fertilizing an egg.

Sperm count is also a vital factor in sperm production. Count refers to the number
of sperms in the fluid that is ejaculated. There are over 50 million sperms in a
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normal ejaculate, and a total count below 40 million may indicate decreased

The sixth and last factor is sub-fertility. The term refers to the couples that are
unable to reach conception even after a years period of unprotected intercourse.
However, this is different from infertility. The typical causes of male sub-fertility
include sperm production problems, blockage in the sperms delivery system,
injuries to the testicles, low or high hormone production, anatomical problems,
varicocele, past illnesses, side effects of medications, and sperm quality.

Increasing the volume of ejaculation has become a common obsession among men.
During the past few years, the medical community had been committed to
developing a safe and effective alternative treatment than the run of t he mill advice
that has been handed down from one generation to the next. Recent studies show
that increasing sperm volume could actually be accomplished in two ways. First is
by taking herbal supplements that contain amino acids and zinc. Amino acids, if
taken regularly, are generally believed to increase ejaculate fluid. On the other
hand, zinc seems to improve both the amount of sperm produced as well as the
sperm's ability to move spontaneously and independently. Together with amino
acids, this will increase sperm volume significantly.

The second way is doing PC exercises. Although Kegel exercises can help you last
longer, they can also aid in increasing sperm volume. Several exercises can help to
keep your penis in great shape and shoot like a champion.

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Does Weight Affect Sperm Quality?

With the spread of obesity throughout the industrialized world and a series of
warnings about this growing problem from the rest of the world, many questions
have been raised about how would obesity influence millions of lives. One such
question is the title of this article. No studies have been performed yet to determine
whether obesity has a direct impact on the quality of sperm, but science has already
identified several indirect links between obesity and a decrease in the quality of sex
and sperm.

What we know for a fact is that overweight and obese people tend to cut down on
effort whenever they can. This has a big influence on sex since regular effort is
crucial to the secretion of testosterone by the body. Testosterone does not regulate
the quality of sperm, but it does influence the sex drive and the growth of
spermatogenic tissue in the testes. It is this tissue that performs the very production
of sperm. A decrease in the normal level of testosterone, which is bound to happen
to every couch potato person who tends to avoid effort, leads to a drop in the
libido. The individual is no longer as interested in sex as before, nor does he get as
much pleasure from it as he used to.

Combined with the frequent exposure to substances that mimic the effects of the
estrogen hormone, the low level of testosterone may lead to shrinking penis and

Moreover, people who are overweight or obese may have unbalanced diets that
tend to leave out foods rich in zinc. Zinc is one of the most important minerals that
enters the human body through food. It is found in oysters, beans, nuts and seeds.
A deficiency of zinc, resulting from the inadequate intake or absorption of zinc, is
marked by hair loss, skin lesions and wasting of body tissues. Zinc is very
important for the production of sperm and for maintaining the quality and motility
of sperm. Without enough zinc, the quality of sperm will suffer.

Therefore we recommend to all overweight persons to try the powerful
ProShape rx. This product is based on powerful natural substances, such as the
amazing Hoodia Gordonii, that promote the burning of stored fat and prevent the
body from storing energy as new fat. Hoodia Gordonii is used in dietary
supplements and weight loss pills to curb the feeling of hunger and help users find
the motivation they need to get through with restrictive diets.

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Low testosterone levels or testosterone

Testosterone is chief among the androgens family of hormones and by far the best
known of the entire family. The androgens are responsible with the development of
masculine characteristics in all vertebrates by binding to androgen receptors . They
are in charge of the activity of male sex organs and the emergence and
development of secondary sex characteristics, such as the deep voice, the body and
facial hair, the broad shoulders and chest, the heavier bone structure, the greater
muscle mass and the coarse skin. Testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes
and secondarily by the adrenal glands.

The functions of this hormone are so closely linked to the well -being of men, that a
dip in the level of testosterone produced by the body is enough to bring about
massive changes in an individual. The effect of testosterone deficiency can be
readily observed in older males because the levels of hormone in the body decline
gradually with age. While low testosterone levels is a temporary phenomenon that
can be reversed by using a wide range of drugs containing the hormone,
testosterone deficiency means either a drop in the levels of secreted testosterone or
a glitch in the absorption system. Both of these are bad news for males.

Since testosterone is responsible for those physical and psychological traits that
make males what they are, a deficiency in production or absorption can trigger a
significant change in these traits. Men going through andropause are usually prone
to gaining weight, depression and anxiety, bladder and erectile dysfunctions,
fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms. This is why we recommend frequent
checks of testosterone levels for males above the age of 35. If you are experiencing
a temporary dip in testosterone levels, you may want to augment your daily intake
of zinc, a key substance used by the male reproduction system. Zinc also stimulates
the production of testosterone without endangering the rest of the body.

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Hormones, the environment and your sex

One of the most worrying trends of our modern society is the decreasing threshold
age for andropause. Andropause is the male equivalent of the female menopause
that usually affects men between the ages of 40 and 55. However, this is not how it
was supposed to be. A mere hundred years ago andropause did not start until the
early 50s, but the industrialized society that we live in has turned andropause into a
man triggered condition. The sharp drop in the amounts of testosterone produced
by the body, which is the mark of andropause, is no longer a natural process, but
can be brought about in the early 40s by the constant presence of a wide range of
chemicals. These chemicals act as synthetic estrogen in the male body and induce
certain changes at the physical and psychological levels.

The symptoms that accompany andropause include urination and prostate
problems, mood swings and depression, impotence, low sex drive and low sperm
count, weight gain, low blood sugar or diabetes, dry skin, bone loss, fatigue,
anxiety, low absorption of Zinc, increased chance of heart attacks and water
retention. The presence of xenoestrogens, which means estrogen that is not
produced within the body, is disrupting the natural hormonal balance and leads to
the early onset of andropause. These foreign hormones are the result of our
constant exposure to various products of the modern society. A brief list of
xenoestrogen sources would include:

Plastic wrappings
Plastic drinking bottles
Meat from animals raised on hormone-rich food

Doctor Allan Lieberman, from the Center for Occupational & Environmental
Medicine, stated a couple of years ago that the accumulation of xenoestrogens in
the body starts in infancy and is compounded by modern life. The combined use
of pesticides in growing the food and soft plastics in transporting and packaging
the food raises our exposure to endocrine disrupters, says doctor Lieberman.
There are several things anybody can do to limit the severity of hormonal
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imbalance and its symptoms. These steps are: diet changes, lifestyle changes,
exercise and a positive attitude on life. Changing the diet doesnt necessarily
equal dieting, although you may want to lose some weight and stay in shape.
Smoking, drinking or drugs consumption are likely to worsen the andropause
symptoms and should be avoided.

One of the effects of exposure to xenoestrogen is the impairing of zinc absorption
by the body. Zinc is vital to the healthy functioning of the prostate, testicles,
immune system, wound healing and is part of some 300 enzymes. If you feel you
are no longer eager for sex as you once were, or if the doctor told you that your
sperm count is lower than normal, you should get rid of unhealthy lifestyle choices,
start exercising and increase your daily intake of Zinc. This will contribute to bring
back the need for sex and all the pleasure that comes with sexual satisfaction.

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What environmental factors can affect

Impotence is one of the biggest problems faced by men and this holds true for men
from all ages and races. It is tied deeply with our self-esteem and psychological
well being, which makes it a key part of the overall good functioning of the human
male. Most men are forced to face a challenge of their fitness as males at least once
in their lives and it is very hard for the biggest part of those suffering from erectile
dysfunctions to admit their problems and seek help. Studies show that an estimated
150 million men worldwide suffer from impotence and that less than 10 percent of
them seek treatment.

The three major causes of impotence are physical, psychological and lifestyle.
Although the physical and psychological factors are responsible for most cases of
impotence, few people know that this dysfunction can be caused or worsened by
certain lifestyle choices. There are cases when making certain positive changes in
lifestyles helped men overcome impotence.

The biggest lifestyle-related causes of impotence are smoking, excessive
consumption of alcohol, drug abuse (especially cocaine, heroine, marijuana and
steroids), extreme obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. This is why a decrease in the
consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs could go a long way toward
improving your sexual performances. Also, regular exercising and diets are another
great way of improving the sex life of overweight men and also boosting
confidence by stimulating the production of testosterone.

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Sperm volume and erection hardness

It is proven that the intensity of the male orgasm is directly tied to the hardness of
his penis during ejaculation and the amount of semen ejaculated.

Increasing the volume of your semen is done mainly through the intake of nutrients
and herbal supplements such as Zinc, Solidilin, Reishi Mushrooms, Drilizen,
Cordyceps, L-Arginine (taken with L-Lysine, to prevent occasional skin
problems), L-Lysine, Veromax (combines the above amino acids, as well as L-
Alanine, ginseng, saw palmetto berry, and biloba leaf).

The above, combined with PC exercise, serve to improve both the hormonal and
vascular systems in order to increase the quantity of sperm produced by the body
and the flow of blood to the pubic area. It stimulates the natural production of
testosterone, which results in an increase of both the quantity and quality of sperm.
Finally, it helps regulate the blood flow whose healthy functioning is so important
for longer and harder erections.

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Male Infertility

There are some couples who just cant get pregnant after many attempts within the
span of one year. When the problem is identified to be with the man, it is referred
to as male infertility. According to statistics, male infertility accounts for a third of
reported infertility cases.

A man is diagnosed to have male infertility when there is a problem with his
ejaculation or his sperm count. Ejaculation is when semen is released through the
penis during orgasm. When the man cant properly release semen to get the woman
pregnant, he can be suffering from: erectile dysfunctions, premature ejaculation,
retrograde ejaculation (wherein the semen is pushed back into the bladder), or
complications from surgery or radiation therapy.

A low sperm count (or no sperm at all) may be caused by severe mumps infection,
hormonal disorder, hereditary factors, or infections. It can also be triggered by
wearing tight or restrictive underwear, excessive use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal
drugs, and exposure to radiation or poisonous chemicals.

A mans sperm may also be abnormal, which is said to be malformed and has a
short life span. Thus, the sperm couldnt swim correctly. This is brought on by
abnormal development or inflammation of the testicles and swollen veins in the
scrotum. This condition heats the inside of the scrotum and may critically affect
the sperm production.

If you have concerns regarding male infertility, you should see a doctor
immediately, especially if you tried getting pregnant for already a year. A physical
examination may pinpoint the exact or underlying problems that may be causing
the infertility and treat them early on. The examination would take into account
your medical history, a culture of fluid from the penis, a blood test (to check for
hormone problems or infections), and a semen analysis (to check the number and
quality of sperm). More testing may be necessary, depending on the results.

You may be wondering if male infertility may be treated. Of course, it can be. In
fact, more than 50 percent of male infertility cases can be remedied. Treatment by
conventional methods may help the couple get pregnant through normal sexual
intercourse. There are medications, antibiotics, and hormones that a man can take
to help in sperm production, get rid of infection, or aid in hormonal imbal ance.
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Also, you can try wearing loose clothing like boxers or avoiding hot tubs, saunas,
and long hot showers.

Other treatments are also available, though these may be invasive or too expensive.
This includes in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, and use of sperm donor.
In vitro fertilization involves the fertilization of the couples sperm and egg in a
laboratory and placing the fertilized egg inside the females uterus. Artificial
insemination, on the other hand, involves the collection of sperm and manually
placing it inside the fallopian tubes or the female uterus to facilitate conception. A
donor sperm can instead be acquired if there is no sperm production at all or there
are other functional problems with the mans sperm.

Generally, male infertility caused by an illness or genetic problems cannot be
prevented. Although, there are different ways and means that you can do to reduce
the chances of having infertility problems. One way is to avoid drugs, alcohol, and
other poisonous substances. Live a healthy lifestyle and practice good hygiene.

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Threats to Male Fertility

Both a man and the woman need to be healthy in order to produce a child. When a
couple cannot conceive a child in a span of one year, they might be having
infertility problems. According to research, infertility affects 10% (or about 6.1
million) Americans in the reproductive age. Contrary to myth, infertility is not
always a "woman's problem." A third of the cases (about 35% are actually due to
male infertility factors.

Infertility in men may be caused by many factors such as low sperm count (or
nothing at all), ejaculation problems, or "abnormal" sperm, which is said to be
malformed and have a short life span.

Generally, your fertility is based upon your general health. If you live a healthy
lifestyle, there is a high probability that your sperm will also be healthy. There are
quite a number of threats that may affect male fertility. Nicotine, alcohol and drugs
(e.g., marijuana and cocaine) are on the top of the list. According to studies,
smoking drastically decreases the sperm count and overall health of sperm cells.

Poor diet (malnutrition) can also contribute to male infertility, including deficiency
in vitamin C and zinc in your diet. Some di seases (e.g., tuberculosis, fevers,
anemia, and mumps in adulthood) and infections are also suspect. These are
infections of the reproductive system such as epididymitis, orchitis, and prostatitis.
Some sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia or gonorrhea also damages
the spermatic ducts. You also risk transmitting your disease to your partner causing
her to be infertile.

Some medications are also believed to be causes of male infertility. This include
cancer-treating agents (e.g., chemotheraphy), anti-fungal medication
(ketoconazole), antidiarrheal drug (sulfasalazine), Azulfidine (a drug used to treat
ulcerative colitis), and some groups of antibiotics (nitrofurans and macrolides).
Likewise, the use of anabolic steroids is also known to cause testi cular shrinkage
and infertility.

Other threats to male fertility also include testosterone deficiency, trauma or injury
to the testes, structural abnormality or blockage in the vas deferens, and varicocele,
a varicose vein in the testicle that produces too much heat harming and killing

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Some are also connected to your lifestyle, like excessive stress, overly intense
exercise (may lower your sperm count by producing higher levels of adrenal
steroid hormones, which lower the amount of testosterone in the body), tight
underwear or jogging pants, hot tubs, saunas, or anything that raises the
temperature of your scrotum, including overheated vehicles and hot work
environments, and exposure to environmental hazards such as pesticides, lead,
paint, mercury, benzene, boron, radiation (x-ray), radioactive substances, and
heavy metals.

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Worried about fertility? Try Zinc.

A recently completed study has brought yet another proof of the link between Zinc
and the production of sperm by the testicles. A group of men were given daily
supplements of Folic Acid and Zinc Sulphate in order to assess their effect on
spermatogenesis. The researchers found that the two substances had significantly
increased the sperm concentration in subfertile men. Although the mechanisms
involved in the concentration of sperm are still unclear and require further
studying, it is quite clear that Zinc and the Folic Acid can help men who are less
fertile to conceive children.

Men interested in achieving the same effects should consider a supplementation
period of 26 weeks, which is the period over which the study has been conducted.
The daily doses of 5 milligrams Folic Acid and 66 milligrams of Zinc Sulphate are
also safe, since none of the men involved in the study has reported any side effects.
This means that you can safely supplement your own daily intake of vitamins and
minerals, although you should discuss the matter with a doctor before putting
yourself at any kind of risk. You should also run a sperm test before starting on this
treatment and another at the end of the supplementation period in order to record
any change in the concentration of sperm.

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Do women like a lot of cum?

Yet another one of the questions that men l ike to ask themselves, whether they are
successful in their love life or not. These are the little details that still make sex a
wonder even for experienced players. So, do women like a lot of cum?

The answer is a big "YES". Like it or not, the standards for beauty and sex appeal
are encoded deep in our genes and we have little choice about certain things
whether we like or dislike them. Most women like self -assured and opinionated
men and this holds true regardless of all the "inner feelings" hype from th e '70s.
Just like the big penis, a hairy chest or a deep voice, women see the large load of
cum as part of the top male inventory.

It does not really matter if women see a bigger load as messy or gross on the
rational level of their brain. They still like it deep inside because it pushes buttons
in the most basic part of their minds. Just like men still fall for a big pair of breasts
despite all the fashion trends that swept over this world.

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What are Drlizen and Solidilin?

The basic function of Drilizen is to increase the release of nitric oxide, which
promotes the dilation of blood vessels. Faster flowing blood means bigger
erections that last longer. The nitric oxide also relaxes the smooth muscle that
allows the blood to flow into the penis and fill the two sponge-like tissues called
Corpora Cavernosa. Drilizen also contains an active ingredient called protodioscin,
which helps increase the secretion of a hormone that regulates the production of
testosterone by the body.

Solidilin is a compound made of substances that act upon the psychological part of
sex. While Drilizen, Zinc, Taj and Momordica take care of the physical side,
Solidilin, Reishi Mushrooms and Musli make sure that the motivation grows and
pleasure follows. One of the substances that make up Solidilin was found to
dramatically improve sexual motivation and quality.

The study was conducted by the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences belonging to
the University of Sciences, Malaysia. Solidilin also contains L-Dopa, the substance
used by the body to synthesize dopamine. For those who do not know this,
dopamine is a neurotransmitter heavily involved with the sense of pleasure humans
feel after engaging in naturally rewarding activities, like having sex, eating food or
taking recreational drugs.

Drilizen and Solidilin play a very important role in helping increase the frequency
and quality of sex. Acting on both the physical and psychological fronts, these
substances, combined with other ingredients, can deliver a safe and effective way
of increasing sexual pleasure.

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How to get a boost in your bedroom (the
herbal way)

Many people are interested in getting a boost for their bedroom sessions. Let's look
a couple of natural ways of improving your bedroom performance using herbal

One of the best-known herbal products that can help in such cases is Ginseng. This
plant is a cornerstone of the Chinese traditional medicine and also saw extensive
use in the by Native Americans over many centuries, although this fact is less
known. Ginseng is a highly prized adaptogen, which is the name given to products
that manage to increase the bodys resistance to stress without draining its energy.
The plant is also used as a vasodilator and stimulant and the roots known as Red
Ginseng are used to stimulate the sexual functions.

Another good stimulant is the extract from Kola nuts. The substance is used mainly
as brain food and in order to replenish depleted energy reserves. However, it can
also keep you going through the night. You could couple this with B complex,
which is known to increase energy and protein metabolism, hormone function,
circulation, healthy nerves, and stamina.

Damiana is a plant that has been used in the United States as aphrodisiac and
booster of sexual activity since the 19th century. Damiana is an excellent remedy
for strengthening the nervous and hormonal system. It has a history of use during
depression and anxiety, particularly when influenced by sex-related factors.

A word of caution: stay away from herbal products containing yohimbe or ephedra.
These two substances are known to be strong stimulants, but they also interfere
with the cardiovascular system. Low doses of yohimbe or ephedra are unlikely to
hurt you if you are young and healthy, but it is much safer to refrain from using
these substances altogether.

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Diet and semen production

One of the things most people overlook in their daily routines is that food is more
than just something to tickle your taste buds and fill your stomach. Food is also
your daily source for a whole series of substances that are required for the proper
functioning of your body.

The most important addition to your diet is zinc. This metal plays a crucial role in
the human body by helping the action of antioxindants and thus slowing down the
aging process. It also serves to stabilize the DNA in sperm cells, thus ensuring a
strong and healthy delivery of genetic material. Not many people know that a
deficiency of zinc in the daily diet can lower fertility in males since the body tends
to generate less sperm and sperm cells are no longer strong enough to make the full

The best source of zinc in your diet are oysters. However, oysters feed at the
bottom of the seas, which are more and more polluted with heavy metals and
chemicals. Other good sources of zinc are animal proteins, such as pork, beef and
poultry. Meat is actually the best way of getting your daily dose of zinc, since the
body absorbs it far easier from this source. Moreover, other substances found in
cereals and whole grain breads are known to decrease the absorption of zinc.

Other good sources of zinc are beans, nuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
You should try to accommodate these foods in your diet as often as possible.
However, you should be aware that too much zinc is not good for your body, since
it tends to decrease the absorption of other crucial metals, such as iron and copper.

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Benefits of Sperm Increase

Increasing the volume of your ejaculate will directly affect the following aspects of
your sexuality:

Increase the strength of your orgasms

When you take such herbal supplements as amino acids or other natural
sexual aids, your body can produce more ejaculate fluid, which increases the
strength of your orgasms. Also, strengthening your PC muscle can greatly
increase the force with which the ejaculate leaves your penis, making
orgasms very intense.

Having a larger amount of ejaculate pass through the penis during an orgasm
can prolong coitus (orgasm experience). The pumping sensation of an
orgasm, of the semen and ejaculate fluids being pushed out through the
ejaculatory ducts.

Improve your sperm count, and overall virility

In order to fertilize an egg a large amount of sperm is required, many
hundreds of millions. While the average man can produce this many sperm
multiples times per day, there are external factors that can adversely affect
the sperm count. Things such as smoking, drug use, poor diet, lack of
exercise, and even wearing tight clothing in the groin area can all decrease
the sperm count.

Increasing the volume of your sperm increases your fertility by increasing
the number of sperm that are produced during each ejaculation. If you are
trying to have children, the number of sperm you ejaculate is quite
important, as is their condition. The PC exercise and amino acids such as L-
Arginine and L-Lysine also help the health of your sperm, which increases
your fertility and the chances of pregnancy (should you be seeking it).

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Help your partner enjoy sex more

When you ejaculate, your penis pumps semen and ejaculate, which many
men and women find pleasurable. When you increase the amount of your
ejaculate the pleasurable pumping feeling lasts longer, and also incr eases
your pleasure. During intercourse extended pumping and orgasm pleasure
improves the experience for both partners.

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Recommended Solution

A good number of men wish they had more sperm to ejaculate. Every men wants
longer orgasms and longer-lasting erections. This widespread feeling of
inadequacy, of not being satisfied with the fact that one of the most important
things in your life has been decided upon without ones consent is the main drive
behind the male enhancement movement. More and more options have become
available in recent years as the demand for changes in the shapes and functions of
our bodies has grown.

VolumePills is one of the answers to this demand. If you are looking for a boost in
the production of sperm and a way to prolong your own orgasms, then VolumePills
is the thing for you. Independent review websites have listed VolumePills as the
best semen enhancement product and praised its positive effects on stamina, libido,
erections and confidence. Indeed, what can be more important to a mans
confidence than knowing that he can be an amazingly good lover time and again.
The powerful combination of minerals and herbal substances contained in
VolumePills is the fastest and most effective way to get more pleasure out of your
sexual life than ever before.

Blood flow and sexual desire, these are the two avenues of attack for VolumePills.
Many men fail to understand that they cannot have great sex unless their
cardiovascular system is able to pump enough blood to the penis. The physical
response to sexual stimulation is dependant upon the bodys ability to initiate and
maintain the erection. This is why it is crucial to promote the flow of blood to the
penis. On the psychological side, desire is the key to pleasure. The more you desire
somebody, the bigger the pleasure when the dream becomes reality. Heightened
desire is the second effect of VolumePills.

The VolumePills formula includes extracts from vasodilator plants Taj and
Safflower. These herbal ingredients open up the blood vessels and help the blood
flow faster and thicker through the body. Erections are bigger tha n before because
the body can bring more blood to the penis and last longer because the blood is
trapped within the penis tissues. Another powerful ingredient is Arjuna, a plant
used to regulate blood pressure and heart rate, practically setting a pace the body
can follow easily and safely. The list of ingredients also includes Drilizen, which
promotes coronary vasodilation for longer erections.

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Sexual motivation and desire are regulated by hormones. To this end VolumePills
employs the powerful Solidilin, Zinc and Cordyceps to boost the production of
testosterone and increase the need for more sex and the desire to take advantage of
any situation. Higher levels of testosterone have a huge impact on both the sexual
and social life of individuals who are suddenly more confident in their power to
deal with any situation. Studies have shown that the level of testosterone is much
higher than normal in men who occupy positions of power.

All things considered, VolumePills is an excellent investment for any man who
wants to satisfy his partner and also himself as never before. While there are other
products that may help you please your partner, VolumePills is interested in
boosting your own pleasure as well. With increased stamina and libido, sex will be
better than ever for you.

For more information on VolumePills, click here.

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The bottom line is that you can get all the help you need to increase sperm volume
and improve your sexual health. If you combine a healthy lifestyle with minerals
and herbal ingredients that promote blood flow, increase the production of
testosterone, raise the energy level and maximize sperm production, you have a
winning combination!!

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