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9tJF~eoft3avmmmf rmd Pubficflairs
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Received 20 January 2009 and received 21 January 2009


The Lming-Soul

Oath of 20 January 2009 offer for mntrmt /Returned & R e d d b d
* Oath of21 darmary 2009 off= for csntract IReturnd & R*
* Notice to the Clerk of Records
Judicial Notice b e 1 of 2)
* Judicial Notice @age 2 of21

! :
Ohms md US chief

mixed S~te3.''

R&m "And will to toe best &my abiiity."

President Obama; "And will to the best of my abili

P r e s i h t O W a : "Pmewe,pratect and defend the cm

States. "

Robertr;: "So help me e d . "

Pm'sidet O b a :'Sb help me Go&"
Roberts, O b d ' l
hm! yitijd
~ P W

:PmidWal Qath FOX News

Bmck Bbma 3tirmE:ed $qhllj wwr

brief,awkward m m w d in an o t h e w b

ing fine,tT* whi& BEpreS&if repab

mingm la@ TechniGalty,

mmifigpmidenf begins at
n m on Jm. 20
CJ Roberts.
-Are you p&ai#l
BHO : "I am.' sJ
BHO : --.-

to t h e b -
BHO: "#at 1 will &xGicuPe..
CJ Roberts: "faithfully...the OfF1~3of President of We Uniied Sd.-
BHO : 'fhe W e of President of the United States faitbfullfl
CJRobeW "andl wltotlie besfofmyability...
BHO: 'en= !wi! ta a&hest of my stiility..
CJ Roberts: *...preserve protectand defend fheCai~stitutioA
8HO: " .
". .preseTve protect arro'defend the Cmstifufr"0n of the t ..
CJ Roberts: "So he:^ ybti God"
BHO : *So help me Gad",
U.S: Cadtutioion ArWe 2 Section 1 Clause 8. .. 'I do solernnlv
- - 8
swear tor aHim
7 - -

the Offlce of President of the ljnitea States, and I will to the k t of my

the ~o~wfttution
of the united ~ t a ~ s . " w;JP-d~
Ttit minnteyon d v e any recod, document, paper, proceeding, map, book or o d ~ mthing depOsitea with
you, you are commhhg aim= against justice d m Revised S W t s of the United Stam First Section
43 Congms, Sections 5403,5407 aad 5408 totaling up to $9,000 in h w and up to 12 years in prison pm
a&hvityaufailtoremrd T i t l e l 8 U S C ~ m 2 0 7 1atsocaui-kqimpriisonmentand
dkplification of&- If p u t county attorney toid you not to file any documents like mine, yon are
still rsspomible, as I da no acmpt
h m the hwydng d am dl e rd-party-intebvenem. Any attorney, district attorney, or q m e
parties and do not have a licu~seto make a legal detmmhation in
this matter as they do not represent M e and Yau, the oomty c l e do not have the authority to r e p m t
Me. Should You fail to uphold Your swom o& and +rm your duties I will h v e no choice but to
rcwrd aaA€iiaaVit ofC r i m i d Complaint agahtst Your amd Liend a mpy to Your bonding company.

Title I X X 4 ~ , - C W . 4 . CIUMES AGAINST JUSTICE

5-03. Every person who willfully destroys Mattempts to deshoy, or, with intent to steal or d m y ,
takes and carries away any mmd, paper, or promding of a c o w of justice, filed or deposited with any
c l d or oEcer of so& court, or any papa, or document, or record fled or depasikd in any public ofice,
or wid^ any judicial or public officer, &dl, withunt rehmce to the vaIue of the record,paper, d o m e d ,
or procGediag srr taken, pay a h e ofnot more than two thousand dollars, or s* imprisonment, at hard
l a b , aot mwe thaa tree ywm, or both: [S* Q 8 54083411,54 t 4.1J Titie =.- C - . - CH.4.
CRIMES AGAINST msnm h,pablic-ds.)

SC5407. Iftwo or more peasons in my State or Taritory conspire for the purpose ofimpeding
hindering.o b c h g or defeating,ia any m ,thed m come ofjustice in any State or Territory, with
intent d q to my citizenthe equd protection of the laws, or to in* him or his property fur lawhlly
wforcin& or att~tllptingto enforce, the right of any person, or class of person, to the equal protection of
thelaws, ewhofsochpersonshall beprmishedby a f i n e o f n o t l ~ t b a n ~ e h m d r e d n o r m o r e ~ f i v e
thomaad dollam, or by imprkoammt, witb or w i t h u t harrl I&ra wt less than six month nor more tban
six years, or by both sueh h e and imprisonmeai. S w 5 9 1977-1991,20042010,5506-5510.1 Tide LXX
- -
CIUMES. CK.4. CRIMES AGAINST JUSTICE (Conspiracy to defeat enfammart ofthe laws.)

SEC5408. Evwy officer, having the custody of my m r d , document, paper, or proceding specified in
e m fifty-fim hundrcd and three,who f m d d d y takes away, or withdraws, or destroys any soah
rwmd, docmmt, paper, or p m c d k g filed in his OEM or depsitsd with him or in his cmtody, shall
pay a fine of not more fhan two thougand dollars, or d e r imigrisoammtat bard labor not more than three
yms,or bo€band W moreaver, Wcit his office and be foreva d k w a r d disqualified froan holding
arry ofice u a d a the Govmment of the United States. @esbyiug record by oEca in charge.)

S d o n 2071. Concealment, ternoval, or mutilation geblmlly

(a) Whoever wiifulIy and unlawfUfly c m c d s , removes, mutilates, obliterab, or d a m p , w

attmnpts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and canim away my record, proceeding, map,
book, paper, documen5 or other thing, flbd or dtposited with any clak or o f i c a ofany mnd of
the United W,or in any public office, or with any jdicia! orpublic o 5 c a ofh e United
States, shall be ha under ihs title w imprisoned not more tban kyears, or both

(b) W
h-, M g the wstody ofmy such reed., proceeding, map, book, doarmeat, paper, or
other thing, wiIlllly and d a w f d y conads, removes, mutilates, obliterates, fddies, or destroys
the same, Bhall be fined unda this title or imprimned mot more than tbrae years, Mhth; d s h d
forfeit his office andbe disqualified ftwn ho?di~~gany office mdu the United States. As used in
this subsection, the t m u~ffi~e" does not include the oftice held by my pason as a reaired officer
ofthe Armed F o m of the United States.
[While the misrcpresentetiw of a matend fact, pgst or present may eonslim basis
for an inf- of 1-1 Viad." any act omission or- &ih holves
a breach oflewl duty, mor cmf~dencc justly r e p o d and is injurious m another.
or hy which an undue advantage is taken of another, may become the hundation far
i n f of~fraud, aud wtren them is a duty to t t matetiid
k o o ~ l m e r rofa
fact may b equally rts wrongful as t positive misctpnsenhtbn.Tex.Civ. App. 1943
Ruebeck t*, Hrt~tt.171 SW2d 895, Wwmed I v6 S1Ud 7382 I42 T m 167i I50 A. L.R

(Party having supmior knowWge who takes ahan- of mother's ignoramx of the
law to deceiivs him by studied canceatment or mismpremtatiwr can be held reqm-
h k 726
sible fbr that conduct. rex. 1987. FinaSup&. Im v. rfbileneNati~~nul
SW2d S3A
[We(judge5j have na mom right ta decline ttu3 exercise ofjraisdiction which is given,
(thb will include the county court of recodjradgg Victw CariIlo) than lo usurp tha~
which is n d given. The one or the other would be -I to the C.nnstitution."
Chhm v. 6 Kkut 264. (1821); U.S v. WiIJ, 499 US.2M.I
'W)heaa governmwa becomes a patw in my imdhp company, i r diva^^ h l f ,
s(l far tls tmcenc~the mwactim of dmt cornparry. of its sovereign c b t c r , and
t a b that ofa private c m . .-It &ends to a level with t b a with whom it associate
i ~ i fand
, rakes the c w which b b g s to its asxxiahts and to the business
which is to be transacted.* &rnk tfUhiledSIata v. PI MI^ ' Bank rlfUmr~iu
22 US.904(lrP24I.J

["The United States as drawee of cdmmemial p p r stands in no dierent light tfian

any o h r drawee." "The IJpited S t a t u does business on busirmtss terms.It is not
exem@ fKHn the gem1 rules governing the ii@mand duties of drawees by the
largmts of its deaIinp and its having& employ agents to do what ifdone by a
principal in p m m would kave no mom for dmMWCI@& Mt C h v. United
318 iLS. 36311943),]
1°C- enforcing mem saaates do mot act judicially, but rninkwialiy, having na
judieial lmulunky, and unlike Corpts of LAW, do not obtainjlPisdition by m i c e of
pmmnor even by A m s t and Compelled Appemme." BanueII v. Qrir, 9 HOW&
336, 34x1

VWant uf jurisdiction may not be cured by ms

m t ofthe ~ ' e s . I" ~ i d . t r l r l i i t > n
Asstxiation E CL R.323 US 310.3 13.1
[ Judicial Notice ]

1. ["A judgment rendered in violation of due process is void" World Wde VoIKrwagot
W d e r r , 444 US.286,29 I ; National Bmtk v. WiZey, 195 US 257; Penmyer v. Ne_t
95 US 7143

[ ",.. the .mpkmmtsofdue process must b met Wore the court can properly assert in
persomnt j ~ c t i o n "WeZIsFargo v. W e b Fargo,556 F2d 406,416.1

[. Notification of legal respnsibiity is we essential of due process of law."

C o d & v. Geaeral Combwdion Co., 269 US 385,3911

[. w A ~ w h i c h e i t h e r f o r b i & o r r e q ~ ~ d o ' m g o f m ~ i n ~ s o v a g u e t h a t
men ofcommon intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to its
application, violates the tmntial of due process of law." C o d I y v. General
Comimction Co.. 269 U.S. 3 8539I]

[. nWheneverit appears that the court lacks subject matterjuzisdiction, the ant is
obliged to dismiss the actiua" Elly v. Coastal Cop., 503 U.S. 131,136-37; U S. v.
Texar, 252 F. Supp 234,2541

[. " O n o e ~ c t i o in s challenged, the court cannotproceed when it clearly s p p e a ~ s

that the court lacks jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, but, rather
should d i e the &m'' Melo v, US,505 F.2d 10261

is no d i d o n to ignore lack o f ~ c t i c m "

Joyce v. US,474 F 26 2151

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