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... through Bertha Dudde

Only beings of light are permitted to teah ....
!he spiritual "orld onstantly endea#ours to bring help to those
people "ho desire help from the beings of light .... For all beings
of light at in aordane "ith $y "ill% and if & "ant to help
people then it "ill often ta'e plae through $y angels% through
all spirits of light% "hose happiness onsists of implementing $y
But all these beings do not at in opposition to $y "ill% beause
due to their spiritual maturity they ompletely entered into $y
"ill already% beause they "ant nothing other than to omply
"ith $y "ill% in other "ords( $y "ill is their "ill too% sine they
possess an abundane of lo#e and "isdom and reognise that $y
"ill only intends that "hih is right for $y li#ing reations and
therefore they unonditionally submit themsel#es to $y "ill.
)nd thus it is understandable that they "ill indeed impart the full
truth if they are permitted by $e to bring spiritual enlightenment
to people ..... if they ha#e the tas' to instrut people mentally% to
prolaim the Gospel to them in the form of $y Word% "hih & also
on#ey to you through these beings of light ..... but the Word
"hih originates from Me "ill al"ays be the same% beause they
reei#e $y illumination of lo#e and then pass it on again.
For their bliss onsists of their uninterrupted onnetion "ith $e%
of the flo" of $y Word "hih is heard by them diretly and "hih
they pass on again aording to $y "ill.
!hus beings of light an ne#er disseminate untrue spiritual
'no"ledge% and only beings of light are permitted to teah you
humans if you ha#e as'ed $e $yself for the truth% if you
demonstrate your desire for truth to $e through your appeal for
it. &n that ase you an only be taught the truth% for & "ill protet
you from the intrusion of immature spirits "ho "ant to impart
"rong teahings to you beause they at on behalf of $y
ad#ersary .... but "hih "ill ne#er gain entry to people "ho
desire truth .....
)nd therefore you an safely aept the Words offered to you by
beings of light as My Word% for they are merely the mediators of
the pure truth from $e% "hih they themselves reei#e in form
of a diret address ..... For $y Word sounds in the 'ingdom of
the blessed spirits in order to ma'e them inredibly happy ....
But then they "ill also "or' "ith it beause the lo#e of these
beings onstantly endea#ours to bring light into the dar'ness%
and $y Word is the light "hih penetrates the dar'ness ....
)nd if you humans "ant to reei#e the pure truth from $e you
need only ma'e heartfelt ontat "ith $e and appeal for it ....
*ou an rest assured that & "ill grant this "ish to you% and then
you an also aept that e#erything gi#en to you is gi#en by Me
Myself% e#en if it is on#eyed to you through beings of light%
for $y strength of lo#e% $y Word% shines into them and through
them do"n to you humans again% sine these beings are for you
"ith greater than great lo#e and "ill also pre#ent misguided
thin'ing from influening your thoughts. !hey push all immature
spirits a"ay from you on $y instrutions% so that the pure +Word
of God+ is not distorted% so that you humans may reei#e it in all
purity and as aurate as it originated from $e.
,e#ertheless% the fat that $y ad#ersary is also at "or' and
ma'es an effort to so" e#il seeds e#ery"here annot by
denied .... *et this "ill al"ays be determined by people
themsel#es% i.e. by their "ill% "ho allo" themsel#es to be
aessed by these fores% "ho thus do not entirely hand
themsel#es o#er to $e and only stri#e for the pure truth ..... "ho
use their o"n "ill and allo" themsel#es to be ta'en possession of
by still unenlightened beings ....
!his is "hy a person should pratise rigorous self-ritiism as to
"hat e.tent he has entered into the right relationship "ith
$e ..... )nd he should only e#er hand himself o#er to the good
fores% to the beings of light and the implementers of $y "ill% he
should appeal to $e for protetion from being besieged by
e#erything unspiritual .... he should only e#er want to be
addressed by $e $yself% Who is the primary soure of truth and
Who therefore "ill only e#er besto" truth upon those "ho desire
it ....
/o"e#er% & 'no" and see through his heart and all his
thoughts .... )nd thus & also 'no" the substane of his innermost
nature .... and aordingly he "ill reei#e% aordingly he "ill be
surrounded by fores of light or of dar'ness. *et the eternal light
of lo#e "ill al"ays shine into a reepti#e heart "hih utterly
opens itself to $e so that & an fill it "ith light and strength ....
0ublished by friends of ne" re#elations of God 1&nformation%
do"nload of all translated re#elations% theme-boo'lets at(
1 http(22en.bertha-dudde.org2

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