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Time is a unique and precious resource that we need in order to do our

work, accomplish our goals, spend time with our loved ones, and enjoy
everything that life has to offer. Time management is a set of principles,
practices, skills, tools, and systems working together to help you get more
value out of your time with the aim of improving the quality of our life.
People who use these techniques routinely are the highest achievers in all
walks of life, from business to sport to studies. If you use these skills well,
then you will be able to function effectively, even under intense pressure.
The exercise initiated by the management and further accomplished by the
staff and students have brought forward the aforesaid analysis which will
prove to be a milestone in identifying the gray areas in each students with
respect to many parameters such as wakeup time, playtime, studytime
and many more. This analysis would help the mentor as well as the parents
to bring out the best potential of each child with respect to overall
development in every sphere which may be his academics or personality.
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wake up time
y Percent
"alid before
%& &'.' &'.' &'.'
$(a.m. )% *%.( *%.( (%.(
+fter ( +, %( &-.) &-.) %''.'
Total $' %''.' %''.'
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Inference. Based on the given data above chart shows that little more than half
of the class i.e. 51.67% wakes up between 6-7a.m, which is satisfactor. !hile
"#.$% students wake up after 7a.m. which is alarming and needs to be
/leep time
y Percent
"alid %'%% P, %( &-.) &-.) &-.)
+fter %%
0) (%.( (%.( %''.'
Total $' %''.' %''.'
Page | 3
Inference. %he ma&imum students go to bed in after 11 p.m. and still wake up
between 6-7 a.m. which is 'uite commendable. !hereas "#.$% students sleep
between 1(-11 p.m.
y Percent
"alid sound &' )).) )).) )).)
good )$ $'.' $'.' 1).)
broken 0 $.( $.( %''.'
Total $' %''.' %''.'
Page | 4
Inference. )rom the above chart it is inferred that ma*orit of the students have a
good or a sound sleep, which is a good sign. +t shows that the are stress free
both mentall and phsicall.
time to commute
y Percent
"alid 2%hr. )% *%.( *%.( *%.(
%&hr &( 0*.' 0*.' 1$.(
&)hr & ).) ).) %''.'
Total $' %''.' %''.'
Page | 5
Inference. 51.67% takes less than 1hr. to reach college whereas ,5% takes in
between 1-"hr to reach to the college. -nl $.$$% students live ver far awa
and thereb take more than $hrs to reach to the college and hence it is advisable
for those students to search for alternative arrangement of sta.
Time of play
y Percent
"alid 2%hr. &' )).) )).) )).)
%&hr &( 0*.' 0*.' (-.)
&)hr % %.( %.( -'.'
111 %& &'.' &'.' %''.'
Total $' %''.' %''.'
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Inference. %he above chart depicts that ,5% students pla for 1-"hrs dail
whereas onl 1.67% pla for "-$hrs ever da which is 'uite satisfactor. %he
students plaing less than 1 hr dail are $$.$$% whereas do not pla student.s
percentage is "( and this need to be addressed because games can act as
stress busters and it is essential for the students as the pass through various
tpes of phsical and mental stress regularl.
time of study
y Percent
"alid 2%hr 0 $.( $.( $.(
%&hr &( 0*.' 0*.' *%.(
&)hr &% )*.' )*.' -$.(
3)hr - %).) %).) %''.'
Total $' %''.' %''.'
Page | 7
Inference. %he above chart shows that onl 1$.$$% of student stud for more
than $hrs, and ma&imum has average stud hours less than $ hrs. !e can
inferred that ma*orit of students are not serious about their stud. %he mentor
should counsel the students and make them reali/e that the need to spend
more time for sub*ects.
/tudy outside syallab
y Percent
"alid 2% hr )( $%.( $%.( $%.(
%& hr &% )*.' )*.' 1$.(
&) hr & ).) ).) %''.'
Total $' %''.' %''.'
Page | 8
Inference. 0bove chart shows that more than half of the class devote less than 1
hr in reading material outside the sllabus which shows that their domain are
limited. 1ince the are computer professional the should know what is
happening in their field. %his factor needs to be addressed.
y Percent
"alid 2%hr &% )*.' )*.' )*.'
%&hr )' *'.' *'.' -*.'
,ore Than &
1 %*.' %*.' %''.'
Total $' %''.' %''.'
Page | 9
Inference. )rom the above chart we can infer that 5(% of the students watch
television for 1- " hour, which is not satisfactor. 2hart also shows that 15%
students watch television for than " hrs which is alarming.
y Percent
"alid 2%hr &) )-.) )-.) )-.)
%&hr. &1 0-.) 0-.) -$.(
&)hr - %).) %).) %''.'
Total $' %''.' %''.'
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Inference. 1ociali/ing include time spent on mobile, internet. 1ociali/ing has
both the positive and negative aspect. 3a*orit of student give less than " hrs in
this activit which is satisfactor. 4est needs counseling.
The analysis shows that most of the student9s wake up time is $(a.m. and
sleep time is after %%p.m. They should sleep early and wakeup a little early
so that they can utili4e morning hours for their studies. The time they take
to reach college is not more than &hrs for the maximum and this concludes
that most of the students live nearby and hence have no problems in
commuting. Playing indoor:outdoor games is must for everyone. The study
shows that the most of the students play for %& hrs daily which is
Page | 11
satisfactory, but many play for less than %hr. These students should
increase their playtime and the ones who don9t play should participate in
the activities. The daily study time of a student should be more than )hrs.
The students found in this category are only %);. The students who study
for less than )hrs should be warned and motivated to study more. ,ost of
the students devote less than % hr in reading the book outside the
syllabus./o they should be encouraged to devote more time in that. The
half of the students watches television for %&hrs and few for more than &
hrs. <hereas the ideal time should be not more than % hr for a student.
Those who spend more than % hour should be discouraged to watch T".
/pending %&hr for sociali4ing i.e. Internet, ,obile etc. is acceptable and
around 0-; students fall in this category. =est needs counseling and joint
efforts of parents and teachers.
In the end, time management comes down to choices. >ood choices lead
to better results, while poor choices lead to wasted time and energy. Time
management skills can be learned and mastered by anyone. +ll it takes is
practice and dedication.
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