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Trading Secrets Exposed - Trading Truths for Re-claiming your Trading Career

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2004 Strategic Trading Systems - All Rights Reserved.

Trading Secrets Exposed
What the Trading Professionals
and System Sellers
don't want you to know.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means
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this course. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability of the information within, the liability, negligence or
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Trading Secrets Exposed - Trading Truths for Re-claiming your Trading Career
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Trading Secrets Exposed
Why I`m writing this ebook Page 3
Value Page 4
Secret #1: The Truth about Brokers, System Sellers,
and the Top 5 Traders Page 6
Secret #2: The main reason why most people fail Page 8
Secret #3: What you really need to be successful trading Page 11
Secret #4: The concept of ~Letting Go Page 13
Secret #5: What day-trading is and what it is not Page 14
Secret #6: People Selling Trading Systems Page 15
Secret #7: References. Don't believe in all of them Page 17
Secret #8: Win and Loss Statements. Don`t believe them if. Page 18
Secret #9: Be cautious of people selling psychological help
and/or trading coaches Page 20
Secret #10: Your own Experiences will show you the way Page 21
Secret #11: Don`t bet on Luck. Bet on yourself Page 22
Secret #12: The one that you don`t want to hear Page 23
Secret #13: What winning traders really think about Page 24
Summary Page 25
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Trading Secrets Exposed - What the Trading Professionals, Brokers,
and System Sellers don't want you to know.
Why I`m writing this ebook:
I think it is utterly insane that some people with a trading system to sell will charge $3,000 to
$5,000 for it. Even in the internet ebook world most want from $59 to $129. System sellers
want you to believe that their system will solve all of your problems, and all you need to do is
sit back, relax, and let the money roll in.
They want you to buy their system, which usually has no proven track record except for the
one that they made up, and want you to blindly believe them when they tell you that you will
get rich just by following their trading rules.
If you do happen to buy their system, and after a few months of loses call the seller to ask
why, a few unscrupulous system sellers will inform you that you are failing because you have
not learned the advanced methods in their ~Level II course which they will gladly sell you.
I know of one seller who had three ~levels to sell at $5,000 each! Then he wanted $300 a
month to be a mentor and a $100 a month for his daily faxes. Most of these system sellers do
not even offer a money back guarantee. They know that it takes more than just a trading
system to be successful.
The psychological aspect of trading is the biggest part of getting in and staying in the game.
Trading is a mental game. You need to find out what works for you based on your unique
temperament, and not try to fit your temperament to someone else`s trading system.
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I`m writing this ebook because I fell for their false promises once and lost a ton of money. I do
not want that to happen to anyone else. I hope that as interested consumers become more
informed about the trading systems business that these people are drove out of business.
I`m not saying that out of sour grapes, but because I believe that what they do to new traders
is unethical. They are exploiting the American dream and should be stopped. Hopefully you
will learn enough to not buy into their scams.
We have been conditioned to believe that the more something cost the more value it has. That
may or may not be true for some items. In the trading world it is not true. You can make a
ton of money just using two moving averages. However, people do not have the capital or
mental fortitude to handle the huge drawdowns that occur before money is made.
We are led to believe that a $50 system is worthless and the $1,000 system is the one we need
to be successful. After all, it must be good if we have to pay that much. If that were true then
why have 95 of traders barely broken even or have gone broke?
With this course I`m trying to show former traders that it does not cost much to get a good
course. It does not cost much to open a day-trading account these days. And it does not cost
much to maintain the account. I will show you how to consistently make money in the market
and make a long term living doing it.
Do not let the low cost of this ebook make you think that its information is useless. I want to
prove to you that with hard work, discipline, and persistence you can be a successful trader.
And I`ll back it up with a money back guarantee.
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My motivation for creating this course is to inform people that the reason that they were not
successful trading in the past was because of the misinformation given to them by people
selling trading systems.
The people selling the systems just wanted their money, not for them to succeed (new traders).
I want you to buy this course to become an informed consumer and help put these less than
honest scammers out of business.
I will give you rich, valuable information at a good price. I don`t want anyone to think that I
am manipulating him or her with empty promises. I honestly hope that my course will help
you. But you will have to do some work to develop yourself and your system. That is the only
way that it can be done.
If you don`t believe me, buy the other courses that promise that all you have to do is follow
their system and not think for yourself. 1ust do yourself a favor and keep enough money to
buy my course after you realize it does take more than just blindly following someone else`s
rules. Buy my course and do the work required to be a successful trader.
Michael 1ordan got a reality lesson in college when he didn`t make the cut on the North
Carolina Basketball team. He used that rejection to motivate him to become the greatest
basketball player of our time. But it didn`t come easy. He worked hard. After he joined the
pros, it took seven more years before his team won the NBA title.
So don`t give up. And don`t let any failures stop you. One of Michaels famous quotes is ~It
doesn`t bother me to fail. Everyone fails. But what bothers me is not trying. Failure just
means that you haven`t succeeded yet. Keep trying.
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Secret #1: The Truth about Brokers, System Sellers, & the Top 5 Traders:
Terrance Odean, assistant professor at the University of California, obtained data from
60,000 accounts derived from a discount broker and used the data to study the trading
behaviors of online investors. He discovered that most traders under-performed the stock
market all of the time.
95 of all traders made little money if at all. The top 5 made from 2 and up. I believe
that the reason most have failed or given up trading is because they were not given the right
tools to succeed.
It may surprise you to know that this was not an accident. It was set up that way by the
brokers, the system sellers, the 5 winning traders, and the market makers to make them
rich, not you. You, the other 95, was misinformed. Let me explain. Online and traditional
brokers as well as people selling trading systems have painted a rosy picture through their
They want you to believe that trading is easy. All you have to do is buy their system and
unlimited money will flow into your trading accounts. Remember the old saying ~There is a
sucker born every minute They were hoping that you were one of those suckers.
These 5 top traders, the system sellers, brokers, and the market makers have set up the
markets so that you will fail. That is how they make their money. They will present trading to
you through their advertisements as a way to acquire unlimited riches easily.
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They want you to buy into the fantasy that trading is easy and you will be able to quit your
day job and make more money than you ever have. They will then take your money and make
themselves rich. They know that if their trading methods worked for everyone who bought
their course that eventually they would be out of business.
It takes more than just buying and using their system to be a successful trader. They take
advantage of new aspiring traders lack of knowledge and natural curiosity. The whole market
of selling systems and information has been set up to be more like a pyramid scheme in which
wealth is transferred from the masses and given to them, the brokers, system sellers, stock
manipulators, and a small trading elite at the top.
In order for them to survive, these people must continually recruit new sales and accounts to
replace the people who have lost all of their money (the other 95). We need to smarten up
and not be taken by these unscrupulous people. Have you ever felt taken by a car dealer? It`s
the same mentality.
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Secret #2: The main reason why most people fail at Trading:
The reason most people fail at trading is mainly because of the belief systems that we have
been raised with. Through our upbringing we have been conditioned by a set of rules of what
is right and wrong and what actions are to be rewarded or punished.
This external structure limits our behavior in social situations, at work, at home, or just about
any situation in life. We have been told to behave a certain way most of our lives and we have
grown to believe that it is normal.
At a non-trading job you have rules and regulations to follow. You must arrive at your job at
a certain time and work a certain amount of hours. As a reward you will receive a regular
paycheck and possibly good reviews, raises, bonuses, and promotions. If you break those rules
the business will fire you.
When a person gathers enough courage to start working for themselves as a trader, he has a
whole new set of rules and regulations to follow. This is especially true if you work for
yourself in a home office. There is no one to tell you what to do, when to do it, and there is no-
one watching over you. You can sleep late if you want to, or not work at all if you want.
Working for yourself requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline, and setting your own
guidelines for work behavior. Most people have not learned how to do this for themselves.
We were brought up in environments that were conducive to team playing.
It is important to set up work rules and guidelines for yourself and stick to them if you are to
succeed at self-employment. To add to this problem you have chosen a career which has no
set rules and regulations to follow.
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The trading environment is an unlimited environment with thousands of ways to trade it.
You must determine for yourself how you want to trade in this environment and create rules
and regulations that you must adhere to. You will experience a learning curve as you find
your own way. In a sense, trading is one of the last careers that allow such freedom.
The markets do not care if you make money or lose money. It does not know that you exist
and will allow you to do anything you want to while you are trading. It has no control over
It does not tell you what is the right or wrong way to trade and can even reward you (by
profits) if you did not follow your trading rules or punish you (by losses) even if you did
everything right. The only limitation to how long you can trade like this is the amount of
money that you have.
The only human equivalent of how the market is setup and what it takes to survive would be
similar to how a child is raised. For example, a small plane is traveling over the rain forest in
a thunderstorm. Its only passengers are one family, a father, mother, and a ten-year-old boy.
Suddenly, the plane is hit by lightning and crashes in the jungle. The only survivor is the
young child. He is left on his own to survive. There is no one to show him what to do. He finds
a survival guide in the planes rubble but it is incomplete. It tells him how to find shelter and
berries to eat but not what to do or how to react emotionally in dangerous situations.
The manual does not tell him how to take care of a bleeding arm. To survive, the boy would
need a complete set of survival instructions and someone to show him how to survive. Overall,
what are this ten-year-old boys chances of surviving to adulthood? Not good.
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Basically that is what it is like when someone starts trading. They have incomplete
instructions and little guidance. Survival to trading adulthood is rare. That is why it is almost
impossible to buy a trading system from someone, have three days of training, and expect to
automatically be successful trading.
What if your parents gave you three days training and then sent you out into the world to be
an adult? In trading, as in life, you need time to grow. To be an adult in trading takes time,
nurturing, and guidance. You need to take baby steps before you walk, or run. You need to be
able to make mistakes, learn from them, and to try again. You need to grow up in a healthy
Last but not least you have to have a set of rules of what is right and wrong and know what
actions will be rewarded and punished. You need to create an internal structure of limits
(Rules to follow) on your behavior so you know how to "act" appropriately over and over
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Secret #3: What you really need to be successful at trading:
The system that you create for trading needs to be grounded in reality and have three base
support "legs" to stand on. A tree needs roots to survive. A pyramid is constructed on a
three-sided base, which is wider than its top.
You need a strong, solid base to start your trading career on also. The first of these legs is a
sound, proven trading methodology with it`s own set of rules from which we can build upon.
The second leg is good money and risk management appropriate for the time frame you are
trading, the index that you are trading, and the volatility that index creates.
It comes with it`s own set of rules. These two legs are the objective part of the triad. The last
but equally important "leg" is the psychological side of trading. It is the subjective part of
your trading system. This part doesn`t have ~rules to follow, but guidelines to help you
address any issues that may be hindering your trading success.
The objective parts of the triad, the trading methodology and the money/risk management
part, should be the easiest part of the trading process to follow. The harder part is working
with, or having to confront, our emotional fears, greediness, and ego. You have a set of rules
to follow that tells you when, where, how, and why you should enter a trade, how to manage
the trade once you are in it, how much to risk on the trade, and when to exit. It's pretty much
cut and dried.
If you can follow those rules to the letter, make a profit trading, and are able to sleep at night,
you won't even need to use the psychological part of your trading triad. How well you follow
those objective rules determines how much of the psychological part you will need to use.
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Basically you need discipline to follow the trading rules, patience to wait for the right setup to
begin trading, detachment to be able to not get emotionally involved in every trade, focus to
be able to notice the details of the trading process, and confidence to do what is hardest to do
at times.
You need to consistently take each and every trade that your system tells you to take, even if
you have had five previous losses in a row.
Having some small business experience is a plus. You need to be grounded enough in reality to
realize that trading is just a job and not an extension of your self-esteem and self-worth. It's
knowing that constructing fantasy's in which the market will make you rich beyond your
wildest dreams will ultimately be your downfall.
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Secret # 4: The concept of ~Letting Go:
In every endeavor we encounter in life we are taught to think first, then react. In trading, you
are better off reacting first and then thinking later. That is, if you have a well developed
trading plan.
Thinking too much, analyzing too much, and trying to make sense of what's going on in the
trading arena can be a very dangerous thing to do. It is best not to try and make sense out of
trading, as counter-intuitive as that may be.
On a larger scale, and very generally, the markets are fueled by emotions (fear, greed, ego)
and sometimes those emotions are very illogical, especially when a crisis happens. If you are
prepared, and know what to do if you are right or wrong when in a trade, when it is time to
react, do it without hesitation.
If you need practice, pick an activity that requires you to react fast, such as playing catch or a
video game. If you are in a trade and do not know what you should do at a crisis moment,
think in terms of risk control. Ask, "What are my choices? Which choice will help me to avoid
a large loss?
Bottom line is, the markets will frustrate you from time to time. Accept it and don`t try to
change it. The markets are going to do whatever they are going to do and you cannot control
that. You have to learn not to get frustrated with yourself.
Trading should be viewed is a long-term career. You can't be drained and stressed at every
trade. You will burnout in no time. Learn to control your reactions to the events in front of
you. Success at trading is no easier to achieve that success in any other field. Do not believe
anyone who tells you differently.
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Secret #5: What day trading is and what it is not:
First and foremost day-trading is a job, a business. It is not gambling, nor is it a get rich
quick scheme that you carelessly give all of your dreams, wishes, and hopes to. It`s not any of
Day-trading has gotten a bad name in the last few years, because so many people started
doing it for the wrong reasons, and ended up losing a lot of money, or, in a few cases, lost it
and hurt themselves and others.
Trading is a skill, and it takes time to develop it. For instance, people go to school eight to ten
years to get the training they need to become a doctor. As soon as they get their doctorate
they do not immediately start performing brain surgery. They begin as an intern and practice
for many more years to develop skills that can be used to help others.
After five to ten years they might then determine if they want to specialize in a specific field of
medicine. Their skills are learned by doing repetitive procedures that are performed
thousands of times. The skills are etched into their neuro-pathways by this repetition.
The practice of medicine becomes automatic, intuitive, and holistic. That is what you need to
do with trading. It takes time and practice. It makes you wonder why people think they can
buy a system for $3,000(and are hyped into thinking that the more they pay for one, the better
it must be) and maybe take a training class for three days to a week, and then think that`s all
they need to make a career out of trading.
It takes skill, discipline, detachment, business skills, and practice. Like Matt Damon`s
character in the movie Rounders` said, ~Luck has nothing to do with it.
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Secret #6: People Selling Trading Systems:
The best thing that could have happened to my trading career took place a few years ago.
After eight years of trying to learn as much as I could about all different types of trading, and
taking nine different courses from professionals who charged from $3,000 to $15,000 dollars, I
was still frustrated.
I still could not trade their system. Why? A few reasons. Looking back I realized that when I
was learning these courses, the ~professionals either didn`t trade their own system at all
when they were training me, or tried to trade their system and couldn`t do it like their ~rules
said that they could.
They acted in a very emotional, unprofessional manner when taking a trade or very indecisive
when exiting a trade. Only a point or two was made when they traded after they claimed that
their system would make much more. Everything they told to us new traders not to do while
trading they were doing. Here were the so-called professionals; the masters of their trading
system, acting like amateurs.
I realized that when these professionals developed their system much of the trading process
they did was subconscious to them. When they developed their trading system, they could not
or did not incorporate all that they did into their trading system. Some still had ~secrets that
they omitted intentionally.
For instance, I was at one training seminar and a trade was setting up. I said, ~Aren`t you
supposed to take this setup? They said that price was at the high of the day and we should
wait. That`s fine, but that rule was not built into the course I bought.
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Later in the day I saw another setup, and the person reluctantly took the trade. IF YOU
Another person selling his course took a loss and blamed it on me! He said, ~see what you did
by asking so many questions! You distracted me!!!! My two favorite experiences were
where a trader who made up every excuse why he shouldn`t take trades that day. When he
finally took one, and it was a loss, he lost his temper! He then took another trade, which
immediately went against him.
Instead of taking a loss, he held on till he was over $10,000 in the hole, before doubling up and
luckily broke even. That move definitely was not in his course.
This guy could initiate a trade well, immediately pulling the trigger, and entering a trade
when the system said so. But when it was time to exit, he was so indecisive, he would pick up
the phone to call his broker, then set the phone back down on the receiver ten to 15 times
before he finally exited!
I had another realization about these guys. The reason these people were selling systems for so
much was that that`s how they were making a living, selling the systems, not trading their
One last comment about systems. If the person selling the systems personality temperament is
different than yours, their trading style and system will be different and hard for you to
follow. If you buy it thinking you can emulate him, you`re doomed. How can you know which
system is right for you?
After you start understanding your personality type better you can make a list of questions to
ask a prospective system seller to see if his personality and system are similar to your
temperament. You will learn more later.
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Secret #7: References. Don't believe in all of them:
Back when I was new to trading I was taking many courses from so called professionals who
charged from $3,000 to $15,000. At the end of their three to five day course they would ask me
to be a reference for them.
Sure I said. Anything to help and be part of this great trading community. A short time later
I was getting two to five calls a day from people inquiring about the system I bought.
Sometimes they would keep me on the phone for about hour at a time. After a few months
of trying to trade using the system that I had bought and making no money from it, I realized
what was really going on here.
The person who sold the system to me was using me to get more sales! I`m being used as free
advertising for them, selling systems for a guy that just charged me $5,000 for his course with
no discount to me, and making him rich! What a scam!
To top that off, one system seller asked me to write a letter of recommendation for him, which
I did. Later he called me and told me to change some of the wording in the letter. He wanted
to re-write the letter in his own words in the letter instead of mine. No way I said, and stopped
the relationship with him.
So don`t believe the references just because they are there. Anyone can be writing them. Even
if you call a reference that was given to you, how do you really know that the person that you
are calling is really a legitimate reference? It could be the system seller`s brother-in law for
all you know.
Sure, that called fraud in the legal world. But who is going to prove it or pursue it? I`ve even
heard of some people getting kickbacks if they can sell a system for them. So don`t just
blindly believe what is being told to you. Do your homework. If they do not offer a money
back guarantee, walk away. Something funny is going on.
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Secret #8: Win and Loss Statements. Don`t believe them if:
The next step you need to take is to determine if the system seller is actually trading their
system and making money or not. They can claim that their system is successful, but how do
you really know? I know of only two ways for you to find out.
You can ask the system seller for something that most will not give you, a notarized copy of
their monthly statement of trades and their profits and losses from their broker. If they just
want to write the profits and losses down on a piece of paper, walk away. They are hiding
something. Consider doing this only if you are paying a high price for a trading system. If it
is only a couple of hundred dollars, then anything that you learn that can benefit your trading
is worth it.
They can advertise so called wins and losses with no legal repercussions. If they refuse to give
that to you then they are not making money trading the system they are trying to sell you.
That`s the truth.
The other way is to ask for a live demonstration of them trading their system. It can be done
online or in person. They don`t have to show you anything about the system. 1ust let you
observe. Some may want a non-refundable deposit. That`s fine. But no more than $100.
If they refuse you have to wonder what they have to hide. As much as you may want to buy
their system because the marketing for the system has you salivating at the offer, keep a level
head and don`t.
I`ve been burned too many times for not doing that. Very early in my trading career, when I
was still working full time for a large corporation, I read in a highly reputable paper about a
trading ~formula that could make you rich. It was a ~black box system where they would
fax you the buy and sell signals daily.
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All you had to do is call your broker, give them the signals, and get rich. The ad also showed
the wins and losses it had taken, and the dates. WOW, I thought, this is a real winning
system. After all, here are the wins and losses in the paper, and the paper is highly respected.
Right. Three weeks later, after giving my broker the signals, I had lost $10,000. I stopped the
trading, licked my wounds, and vowed that if I was going to lose money trading, I would do it
without anyone`s help! A month later, I was reading the same paper and came across the ad
selling the ~formula.
It had listed the trading days for the month that I had traded. It omitted the losing trades that
they had given out for those days. It also added wins for trades that they never gave out. Yes,
they can do that and get away with it.
Remember, get complete copies of their monthly statements from their broker or forget about
it. Try to get at least six months worth of statements. Anyone can have one good month. If
you are going to spend a large amount of money on a system, get proof that it is a winning
system. Interview the seller and make sure as much as you can that his system is legit, his
references are real and his personality temperament is similar to yours.
Don't believe the promises that if you take their course you will be successfully immediately.
Trading takes skill on many levels. If someone offered to train you to be an Indy racecar
driver in three days for $3,000 would you do it? Do you really think you could learn that skill
so fast? You would probably laugh.
What if someone told you that they could make you a successful brain surgeon with three days
training and $3,000 would you do it? Trading is a skill just like any other profession. It takes
time, knowledge, a solid system, good money/risk management, and sound psychological skills
to be successful.
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Secret #9: Be cautious of people selling psychological help and or trading
What if you decide that your trading is affected by some psychological blocks you have. What
do you do next? Where do you start? Do you seek out the so-called Trading gurus who want
to help you?
Be Careful. I haven`t found a good one yet. Or should I say, one that helped me. They are
selling their services too. They will not make consistent income unless they can get you back
for more ~sessions.
There are ways to get the help that you need. Seek someone who has qualifications. For
instruction and guidance a good trading mentor in invaluable. Check them out. Read
references and feedback about them.
If you think you are dealing with major psychological issues you need to speak to a qualified
certified professional and not just a trading coach. Any problems related to trading are the
same ones that you have away from trading.
Many of the problems are caused by trying to go against your own nature. When you find a
trading system that just ~fits right half of the battle is already won. If you don`t already, you
need to know yourself better. I will cover that in the other course. It`s a start. Where you go
from there is up to you.
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Secret #10: Your own Experiences will show you the way:
I am speaking from experience. I tried many different counselors and trading coaches. I did
not get the help that I needed. I learned that through my own experiences and feedback.
Some of the non-professional ~trading coaches don`t know the right questions to ask to get to
the bottom of a problem.
Giving you pep talk or saying, ~1ust don`t think and pull the trigger is a copout. We know
that stuff. If we could we would. Some coaches just give canned solutions and do not really
listen to you. Others want to give you test to try and figure out your problems without having
to even talk at all to you.
A qualified professional would know that sometimes you don`t know what the real problem is.
Sometimes we keep that from ourselves, out of pain or just not knowing. Only giving solutions
is like putting just a band-aid on a third degree burn. It`s a temporary fix but not a cure. The
minimum requirements for a ~qualified professional` should be a masters degree in a
psychological based field, and they practice full time for a living.
It is necessary is for you to think for yourself and question what you are being told. There are
people in every walk of life that will try to take advantage of you if you let them. It`s up to
you to not let that happen. You may ask Well, if I can`t depend on these people to help me
then how do I get started`? The answer is not cut and dried. You need to spend time to learn
as much as you can, and determine whom you can trust.
Then you need to take the information that you have learned and try it out in the real world.
You will know if what you have learned was useful or not. From the feedback you get you can
use what is helpful to you and discard what is not. You can make adjustments to what you
have learned and try again. You may also realize that you need to learn more. It`s an
ongoing process.
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Secret #11: Don`t bet on Luck. Bet on yourself:
The bad news is that 95 of individuals who trade lose money doing so. The majority of
traders make one or more critical mistakes in their trading, which cause their losses to exceed
their winnings. The good news is that the mistakes that cause most losing traders to fail can
be identified and changed.
We will show you how to pinpoint, become aware of, and develop a working blueprint to
overcome these mistakes and take steps to avoid them. Successful traders are not lucky.
They made mistakes, they paid for their mistakes, they learned from their mistakes. They
learned what was required in order to succeed, and they did those things no matter how
difficult they were. If you want it bad enough, you can too.
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Secret #12: The one that you don`t want to hear:
Like being a skilled racecar driver or surgeon, successful trading requires a great deal of
work. That work must be tempered with the understanding that you can`t work too hard, or
to the point that you get obsessed with it. That will be detrimental.
If not detrimental in your trading, then your life. There is work to be done, which involves
planning, and then following that plan. The "work" involves making and following through
on difficult decisions. You must be prepared to do the homework.
You need to devote as much time, effort, and energy as needed to developing all aspects of the
Trading Triad. You must also keep in mind too that doing all of this work doesn't guarantee
your success. If this knowledge serves its purpose, you will understand the reality of trading.
You will have a step-by-step map to guide you through the obstacles that will come your way.
Running from the obstacles will just delay the learning process. In facing them, they should
melt away.
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Secret #13: What winning traders really think about:
- Trading is a business that requires structure in a structure-less environment. If I follow
the rules and guidelines every time, I can put the odds on my side and make money
- There are always opportunities in the market. I can be patient and wait for the setups that
my trading plan adheres to.
- Each trade is completely independent from the previous trade and any trade in the future.
- When trading I completely focus on the task at hand and following the rules diligently. I
will not over-think, reevaluate of adjust my trading during market hours. Only after the
market has closed.
- I am trading with an amount of money that allows me to stay in my "comfort zone" and
trade not thinking about any wins or losses. I know that trading is not about money,
but having a proven trading system that I can follow with discipline under any market
- If I win a trade it will not reflect upon who I am. If I lose a trade it will not reflect upon
who I am. I am only concerned about whether I followed the rules and steps of my
trading system or not. If I did follow the rules, win or lose I should congratulate myself.
If I did not follow the rules, I will determine why it happened and I will make a
personal commitment to not let that particular error happen again.
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- I was okay with my life before I started trading. I will be okay with my life after I trade.
Trading is like a relationship. I don`t enter into this relationship with the desperate
belief that trading will fulfill me and fill a hole in my soul. I`m am okay with or without
it. I do it to complement my already fulfilling life.
- Trading is not the winning ticket to the lottery. It is an honest job with rules just like
any other job. I respect those rules and attempt to make an honest living for myself for
as long as I choose to.
We have given you a lot to think about. You are on your way to becoming a successful, long
term player in the markets. You will not be as gullible as you perhaps were before. You will
be armed with information that you can use to find the best system and help that you can use
to support you along the way.
Hopefully you are no longer the starry eyed person who thinks that they have the winning
lottery ticket in their hands. This is a start of a new career for you. A new business, new
plans, and a new learning curve. There will be obstacles, but they shouldn`t deter you. If you
truly love trading you will be excited to get started.
Read Trading Simplified next. By simplified we don`t mean an easy two-step process. It is a
practical way to view the market and the opportunities that it gives by observing what the
market tells you it wants to do. The rules and methods will seem overwhelming to you at first.
Eventually it will start to make sense and you will see how all of the steps work as a whole.
It`s like learning a new language. At first you had no clue what you were hearing. Later you
started to understand a few phases and understood better. Eventually the language is like
second nature to you. Trading is much the same way. Be patient with yourself and let the
learning begin.
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