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Assignment 4: Group project written and BBC presentation

- weighted 25% - due 6 April

Assignment 4 Description group project and group BBC oral presentation Please read the
articles in the e-references below. Teenage bo !whipped" star#ed and loc$ed in a dog $ennel b
his mother and stepfather! http%&&$&news&article-'()*+,*&Teenage-bo-
whipped-star#ed-loc$ed-dog-$ennel-mother-stepfather.html Two children found loc$ed in tin
wire dog $ennels at mobile home" http%&&$&news&article-'(-.*.+&Children-
loc$ed-wire-dog-$ennels-faeces-strewn-mobile-home-stop-escaping-sas-mother.html Police% '
/ebras$a bos $ept in wire dog $ennel" http%&&'-nebras$a-bos-$ept-
wire-dog-$ennel-'+'('-*+(.html Bo" +'" loc$ed in $ennel with dog
http%&&"+*.-*..html +. 0n light of the discussion on normal an
abnormal beha#iour in 1nit , what comments would ou ma$e about the beha#ior of the
2caregi#ers3 described in the articles4 5- mar$s" 4(( words6 '. 7hat role" if an" did stress pla
in the beha#iours described in the articles4 5- mar$s" 4(( words6 .. 8rom our $nowledge of
de#elopmental pscholog what predictions can ou ma$e about the effects of the e9periences
described on the #ictims identified in the articles4 5- mar$s" 4(( words6 4. 7hat" in our #iew"
are the pschologicall common features of the beha#iours described in these articles4 :ou are
re;uired to source and cite two rele#ant peer re#iewed published academic articles to discuss
our #iews. 5- mar$s" 4(( words6 -. <ral BBC presentation% - mar$s +- minutes presentation
time :our presentation will be judged and mar$ed b our course colleagues and ou will ha#e
the opportunit to e#aluate and to mar$ their presentation. This assignment is worth a ma9imum
of '- mar$s and ou must not write less than +*(( words. <ne member of the group must upload
a word file" on behalf of the group" to the drop bo9 for assignment 4 b *th April" '(+4. :ou
must email our Powerpoint file for the BBC presentation 5+- minutes presentation time6 with
our response to our e-tutor b *th April. :our score will contribute to our final course mar$.
8urther rubrics for this assignment will also be posted in the =earning >9change and distributed
b our e-tutor. :ou will ha#e the opportunit to contribute to the mar$ing process. Because this
is a group presentation" all members of the group will recei#e the same mar$. Please report an
occurrence of social loafing in our group to our e-tutor who will then inter#ene to resol#e the

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