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November 6th 2008

Transition Element

Student would do practical to observation characteristic of transition elements,

like the color of the elements. Transition elements generally can make a complex

The practical has several aims as follows:

• The aims of the 1st trial is student can observation about characteristic of
transition elements in the compound
• The aims of the 2nd trial is student can make complex compound and
student can do classification what kind of complex compound that they have

Principle of the practice:

• Transition elements in a compound have color characteristic. This elements have
2 oxidation number or more, because the energy of electron in 3d orbital is
almost similar, this is mean to get stability, the elements should to free an
electron in the different sum to make an ion.
• The positif metal ion (kation) and a sum of coordination pattern (ligan) make
complex compound, generally is kation from transition elements.

• Cu(OH)2.CuSO4↓ + 8 NH3 → 2[Cu(NH3) 4]2++SO42-
• Co(OH)NO3 +6 NH3→ [Co(NH3) 6]2+ + NO3- + OH
• Ni(OH)2↓ + 6NH3 → [Ni(NH3) 6]2+ + 2 OH-
• Zn(OH)2 ↓ + 4 NH3 ⇔ [Zn(NH3) 4]2+ + 2 OH-
• Cr(OH)3 ↓ + 6 NH3 → [Cr(NH3) 6]3+ + 3 OH-
Tools and materials:
o test tube
o dropping pipette
o solution of cobalt , nickel, zink and chromium
o chemistry compound materials like potassium dichromate, potassium
chromate, potassium permanganate, mangan dioxide, sulfuric ferrat, dinitroso cobalt,
dichloro nickel.

1. color identification
o identify the color of transition elements
o find the oxidation number
o write the result

2. make a complex compound

o put Cu2+ solution into a test tube, add an ammonia solution until formed a sediment
o add an ammonia till over
o observation what will happen next


compound Oxidation color


K2Cr2O7 +6 Orange
K2CrO4 +6 Yellow
KmnO4 +7 Light black
MnO2 +4 Black
FeCl3 +3
FeSO4 +2 Yellow gold
Co(NO3)2 +2
NiCl2 +2 green
Treatment Observation
Ni2+ + NH4OH, +>>> Light blue, light blue solution
(Transparent light green)
Cu2+ + NH4OH, +>>> Dark blue, dark blue solution
(transparent light blue)
Co2+ + NH4OH, +>>> Blue greenish, no color solution
(transparent light red)
Zn2+ + NH4OH, +>>> White sediment, no color solution
(no color)
Cr3+ + NH4OH, +>>> Green grayish , gray solution
(bluish black)

Transition elements or metal elements position between an elements of earth
alkaline. Transition elements stay in block d orbital on the periodic system.
Characteristic from the elements is have more than a kind oxidation number
(except Sc and Zn).
Electron energy in 3d orbital are almost similar. This is mean to get stability, the
elements make an ion with free an electron in the different sum. Because of that, this
elements have two or more oxidation number in compound.
The other character from transition elements in generally is stay in d or f orbital
which is not full yet. So the atomic, free elements and the compound can have not in pair
electron. This is support the paramagnetic characteristic of transition.
A lot of transition compound have a specific color. Transition elements can shape
a complex compound. Every ion of transition metal make a complex which is have
specific color.
Ion with a different oxidation grade have a different color. Coordination
compound create from positif metal ion, called central atomic. And amount of
coordination pattern called ligan. Positif ion as lewis acid and ligan as lewis base.
Generally, kation which is can make coordination compound is ion of transition elements.
Ligan is a must to have minimum a pair of free electron in the orbital bond. Comparison
of ligan and central atomic is the important factor to decide how much the capacity to get
a maximum ligan.

in general, transition elements have a variant oxidation number.
i. Compound character is paramagnetic
ii. Transition elements can make complex compound
iii. Complex compound have specific color

Ahmad,hiskia.2001.kimia unsur dan radiokimia.Bandung:PT.Citra aditya bakti.
Keenan,charles.w.1992.kimia untuk universitas edisi keenam jilid

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