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In January of 2011, the voices of the people of the Arab Republic of Egypt
were heard. Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak, then president of Egypt resigned
from his position at the head of the government, after months of citizens protesting for
governmental reform. A few months later, in August, President Mubarak was arrested
and stands trial for civilian deaths during the anti-government demonstrations. For now
Egypt is under martial law, until a new democratic government is put into place.
My job is to help write a new constitution and governmental frame work for the
Arab Republic of Egypt. Lets begin with the executive branch. The new government
will be a presidential democracy, with the president at the head of the executive branch
as both head of state and head of the government. The president shall be elected by
popular election without an electoral college. Presidents may only serve one six year
term in office, but may run for Upper or Lower House of the legislature after their
tenure as president. The reason for one six year term is because in the American
system, the last year maybe even two of their first term, they spend most of their
energy campaigning for a second term. The President may choose his Vice President,

and Cabinet, as well as make appointments to the Supreme Court. To run for president
you must meet multiple criteria. To be president you must be at least forty years of
age, have served in active duty and achieved an officer rank in the Egyptian military,
have served at least one term in the Upper House of the legislature or at least two terms
in the Lower House, as well as a college degree and be born within Egypts borders.
The reason for these qualifications is because the age of forty should show maturity, an
officer position in the military as well as time in the Legislature proves leadership
ability, as well as shows some knowledge of military strategy. The president shall also
be the Commander in Chief of the Egyptian military. The president may mobilize up to
twenty thousand Egyptian troops without legislative approval but does not have the
authority to declare war. If a state of emergency is declared, the president receives
extra power to run the government; however congress must declare the state of
The legislative branch shall be bicameral, consisting of an upper and lower
house. To qualify for the upper house one must be at least thirty-six years of age, and
have a college degree and a law degree as well as at least ten years of legal experience.

To qualify for the lower house one must be at least thirty-two years of age as well as a
college degree, law degree, and at least five years of legal experience. The congress
shall serve up to four four-year terms in either house. The nation will be divided into
evenly sized districts. The upper house will consist of two representatives from each
district; whereas the lower house will consist of representation based on the population
within each district. Different districts shall have elections for their respective
legislative representatives at different times to prevent the possibility of either house
changing all seats simultaneously. Bills can be introduced in either chamber and must
receive a favorable vote from two thirds of the house before it can be viewed by the
other chamber. If the bill receives favorable votes from two thirds of the second
chamber than it is sent to the president for approval, but if it does not pass in the second
chamber they may make revisions then present it to the other chamber where the
process begins again. If the president approves the bill then it becomes law, but if he
vetoes the bill or uses a line-item veto then the bill must return to congress and receive
another two thirds vote and then it will become law without presidential approval.
Congress shall have the authority to declare war, if three fourths of all representatives
approve such a declaration. Congress can also declare a state of emergency, in which

the president receives extra authority, this state of emergency however can only last up
to twelve months without congressional approval for another six months. After the
additional six months congress may approve another six months as long as many times
as they deem necessary as long as two thirds approve. The reason for this is to prevent
presidents from holding too much power for too long as has been the case in Egypt over
the past thirty years.
The Judicial branch of the government will consist of twelve justices; the one
with the most seniority will be the Chief Justice. Justices will be made by presidential
appointment, with a twelve year limit to their terms on the Supreme Court. The job of
the Supreme Court is to determine the meaning of the constitution and to hold all
citizens, including elected officials, within the bounds of the law. The Supreme Court
will also be responsible for handling the trials of politicians brought up for
impeachment. However congress must vote to approve an impeachment. The
Supreme Court acts as the highest court in the entire nation and will handle appeals
from lesser federal court decisions. When the Supreme Court reaches a decision there
can be no appeal or no overturning that decision. It is the responsibility of the Supreme

Court to review any law that is passed or any presidential policy and make sure that it is
consistent with the constitution.
The first amendments to the Egyptian constitution will protect the basic rights of
all Egyptian citizens. The first right that should be protected is the citizens right to free
speech, and expression. The next will the protection of the right to practice any
religion they choose. The next will be the freedom of the presses. Fourthly citizens
have the right to own registered firearms. The right to a trial by jury will be protected.
Citizens will not undergo excessive, cruel, or unusual punishment. Citizens will have
the right to a fair and speedy trial. Lastly private property may not be searched or
seized without the obtainment of a warrant.

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