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Scientific Bulletin Economic Sciences, Volume 13/ Issue 1


, Logica BNI
"acult# of Economics, Uni$e%sit# of &ite'ti, alina()agiu*u+it(%o
"acult# of Economics, Uni$e%sit# of &ite'ti, olga(,anica*u+it(%o
Abstract: The European Investment Bank contributes to EU objectives by providing
long-term funding for specific projects in compliance with the prudential banking
regulations. The EIB continuously adapts its activity to recent developments in EU
policies. ithin the EU! the EIB "roup#s ambition is to contribute effectively through a
selective choice of projects! to the European Union objectives and to mobili$e funds
from other sources for such projects. The paper aims to present EIB forms of financing
%omania&s economy as well as the role and the importance of EIB financing for
achieving performance and for developing areas such as innovation and skills! '(Es!
climate action and strategic infrastructure in %omania. )or doing that we analy$ed the
Bank&s activity in %omania in the *++,-*+-. period.
Key words- g%o.t)/ financing/ 0no.le1ge econom#/ 1e$elo+ment/ st%ateg#(
JEL Codes : O19, F!, H"1
T#$%e : 2 Les mala1ies c)%oni3ues, un en4eu +ou% les s#st5mes 1e sant6, un en4eu 1e soci6t67
8)e EIB is t)e long9te%m len1ing institution of t)e EU an1 is o.ne1 ,# EU :em,e% States( It
+%o$i1es long9te%m financing fo% soun1 in$estment, cont%i,uting to economic g%o.t), 4o,
c%eation, %egional con$e%gence an1 climate action in Eu%o+e an1 ,e#on1(
8o ma;imi<e g%o.t) an1 4o,s, t)e EIB )as fou% +%io%it# a%eas- inno$ation an1 s0ills, S:Es,
climate action an1 st%ategic inf%ast%uctu%e in t)e EU(
As t)e la%gest multilate%al 1e,to% an1 c%e1ito% =" $olume, it +%o$i1es financing an1 e;+e%tise fo%
sustaina,le in$estment +%o4ects t)at cont%i,ute to t)e +%omotion of EU +olic#( :o%e t)an >?@ of
t)e ,an0As acti$ities focus on Eu%o+e, ,ut also su++o%ts e;te%nal +olicies an1 1e$elo+ment
8)e Ban0 ensu%es t)at its fun1s a%e em+lo#e1 as %ationall# as +ossi,le( 8)is %e3ui%es t)at t)e
.o%0s, goo1s an1 se%$ices +%ocu%e1 un1e% its financing a%e of a++%o+%iate 3ualit#, an1 ac3ui%e1
at economic +%ices an1 in a timel# manne%( 8)is is gene%all# ,est ac)ie$e1 t)%oug) o+en
inte%national com+etition( It is consistent .it) t)e Ban0Bs statute an1 acco%1s .it) t)e inte%ests of
Cit) A 1ual natu%e of Eu%o+ean institution an1 ,an0, EIB fulfills a %ole of %outing sa$ings an1
in$estment in 0e# secto%s of t)e Eu%o+ean econom#( Cit) a AAA %ating on t)e inte%national
ca+ital ma%0ets an1 .it) a su,sc%i,e1 ca+ital of 1?? ,illion eu%os, EIB acts as a catal#st,
managing to mo,ili<e financial com+lementa%# %esou%ces to t)e 1esi%e1 secto%s, es+eciall#
t)%oug) local ,an0s an1 st%ategic in$esto%s(
Alina HAGIU, Logica BNI
Cit) mo%e t)an a 3ua%te% of t)e total loans in !?13 9 ie EUD 1E(F ,illion GEUD !1(> ,illion
inclu1ing t)e Eu%o+ean In$estment "un1H 9 EIB allo.e1 t)e access to finance fo% mic%o, small
an1 me1ium ente%+%ises, as .ell as fo% me1ium ca+itali<ation com+anies, .)ic) +%o$i1e a,out
II@ of 4o,s in Eu%o+e( EIB +%og%am %ega%1ing em+lo#ment among #oung +eo+le, JS0ills an1
Ko,s 9 in$esting in #out)J aims t)e s0ills s)o%tages an1 encou%age %ec%uitment of #oung +eo+le in
S:Es( In !?13, t)e EIB )as in$este1 o$e% > ,illion fo% t)is +%og%am, .ell a,o$e its ta%get of I
8)e %esea%c) .as accom+lis)e1 f%om a t%i+le +e%s+ecti$e, in .)ic) t)e conce+tual
met)o1ological a++%oac) is co%%elate1 to t)e em+i%ical stu1# an1 to a $a%iet# of %efe%ences to
+%actical actions aiming t)e acti$it# of t)e Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0 in Domania, ,ase1 on t)e
cu%%ent 0no.le1ge in t)e fiel1(
8)e %esults e;+%esse1 in t)is +a+e% .e%e t)e %esult of a 3ualitati$e anal#sis of t)e
c)a%acte%istics an1 t)e e$olution of t)e Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0 acti$it# in Domania, in t)e
conte;t in .)ic) EIB 1i%ects an im+o%tant +a%t of its fun1s to Domania(
EIB lent EUD 33F million in !?1!, inc%easing t)e $olume of loan commitments to
Domania to a,out L(3 ,illion in t)e +ast fi$e #ea%s(
In Domania, in t)e +e%io1 !??E9!?1!, t)e EIB g%ant financing of o$e% L(! ,illion, in a%eas
suc) as t%ans+o%t, in1ust%#, se%$ices an1 telecommunications, .ate% an1 u%,an inf%ast%uctu%e,
ene%g# an1 inte%me1ia%# len1ing, es+eciall# to S:Es, ,ut also tec)nical assistance fo% t)e
management an1 im+lementation of +%o4ects of Eu%o+ean fun1s( =ne of t)e most im+o%tant
ag%eements ,et.een ou% count%# an1 t)e EIB financing is ta%geting t)e const%uction an1
commissioning of t)e Buc)a%est :et%o Line F(
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
F*+, 1 Lo-.s *. Ro%-.*- *. '((9)'(1! /e0*od 1EUR %*22*o.3
'ource/ realised by the authors based on the information from
8)e Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0 %ole in financing DomaniaBs econom#
EIB loans in !?13 amounte1 to EUD F3L million, %e+%esenting an inc%ease of F>@
com+a%e1 to !?1! an1 lea1s to a total $olume of EIB len1ing in Domania a,out 3(M ,illion in t)e
last fi$e #ea%s G!??> 9!?13H( EIB c%e1it o+e%ations Domania a%e +%esent in all ma4o% secto%s of
t)e econom#, f%om t)e ,asic inf%ast%uctu%e in t%ans+o%t, communications, ene%g# an1
en$i%onment to su++o%t small an1 me1ium ente%+%ises t)%oug) local financial institutions an1
1e$elo+ing a 0no.le1ge9,ase1 econom#(
8%ans+o%t, telecomunications
Cate%, sanitation, soli1
.aste, u%,an 1e$elo+ment
In1ust%#, se%$ices, ag%icultu%e
Small an1 me1ium +%o4ects
F*+, ' EIB 2o-.s *. Ro%-.*- d*4*ded 56 se78o0s *. 8#e '((9)'(1! /e0*od 1EUR %*22*o.3
'ource/ realised by the authors based on the information from
Lo-.s 9o0 SMEs -.d %ed*:%)7-/*8-2*;-8*o. 7o%/-.*es
8o im+%o$e t)e access of small an1 me1ium ente%+%ises GS:EsH to long9te%m finance, EIB
closel# coo+e%ates .it) an e;tensi$e net.o%0 of financial institutions o+e%ating in Domania(
8)%oug) t)ese inte%me1ia%# ,an0s an1 leasing com+anies, t)e EIB is co9financing smalle%
+%o4ects, es+eciall# in in1ust%# an1 se%$ices, inclu1ing tou%ism, ene%g# an1 ene%g# sa$ing,
en$i%onmental +%otection an1 )ealt) secto% inf%ast%uctu%e, e1ucation, u%,an %e1e$elo+ment an1
)ousing social(
:ost loans fo% S:Es a%e g%ante1 t)%oug) c%e1it lines( In t)e +e%io1 !??>9!?13, t)ei%
situation is +%esente1 in t)e ta,le ,elo.-
T-52e .o, 1 C0ed*8 2*.es +0-.8ed 56 EIB *. Ro%-.*- *. 8#e /e0*od '((9)'(1!
N-%e S*+.-8:0e d-8e S*+.ed A%o:.8
DBI D= L=AN "=D S:ES ANN :INA&S 1>/1!/!?13 !F,???,???
E BANO D=:ANIA GL=BAL L=AN 1E/1!/!?13 3?,???,???
SG BG9D= L=AN "=D S:ES ANN :IN9A&S !L/?>/!?13 1??,???,???
ING BANO D=:ANIA GL=BAL L=AN 1>/?M/!?13 L?,???,???
E BANO D=:ANIA GL=BAL L=AN !I/?I/!?13 1F,???,???
UNIDENI8 BG9D= S:E ANN :INA& L=AN !1/1!/!?1! E?,???,???
BD S:ES P =8HED &DI=DI8IES II 1!/1!/!?1! F?,???,???
IS& L=AN "=D S:ESP=8HED &DI=DI8IESGD=H 1F/1?/!?1! F,???,???
IS& L=AN "=D S:ESP=8HED &DI=DI8IESGD=H 1F/1?/!?1! 1F,???,???
DBI D= L=AN "=D S:ES ANN :INA&S 1F/1?/!?1! 1F,???,???
DBI D= L=AN "=D S:ES ANN :INA&S 1F/1?/!?1! 3?,???,???
BD S:ES P =8HED &DI=DI8IES II !L/?F/!?1! F?,???,???
Alina HAGIU, Logica BNI
N-%e S*+.-8:0e d-8e S*+.ed A%o:.8
S=GELEASE D=9BG L=AN "=D S:ES P :INA& !!/1!/!?11 3?,???,???
&H L=AN "=D S:E ANN &DI=DI8Q &D=KE8S ?3/?F/!?11 3?,???,???
BD EIB L=AN "=D S:ES ?1/?L/!?11 MF,???,???
AL&HA BO D=9BG S:E L=ANS P &DI=DI8Q LE !>/1!/!??> F?,???,???
&B D=9BG S:E L=ANS P &DI=DI8Q &D=KE8S !3/1!/!??> F?,???,???
BD EIB L=AN "=D S:ES 1E/1!/!??> MF,???,???
BAN&=S8 L=AN "=D S:ES I 31/?E/!??> E?,???,???
D=:ANIAN LEASING L=AN "=D S:ES 3?/?I/!??> I?,???,???
B AD&A8IA L=AN "=D S:ES !>/?I/!??> 1?,???,???
D=:ANIAN LEASING L=AN "=D S:ES 1?/?3/!??> 1F,???,???
To8-2 A%o:.8 9!(,(((,(((
'ource/ reali$ed by the authors using data from
In !?13, t)e EIB )as +%o$i1e1 fou% loans totaling EUD !1? million to finance +%o4ects
+%omote1 ,# S:Es an1 me1ium ca+itali<ation com+anies in Domania, total EIB +a%tne%
financial institutions in Domania inc%easing to ele$en(
E.e0+6: 9:08#e0 s://o08 <*.d e.e0+6 -.d e.e0+6 e99*7*e.76
In !?13, t)e ,an0 g%ante1 a loan of EUD !?? million to finance t)e in$estment +%og%am of
Enel G%een &o.e% Domania( 8)e +%o4ect aime1 1esigning, const%uction an1 o+e%ation of t)%ee
.in1 fa%ms in Domania, .it) a total ca+acit# of !FE :C- Cil1 1 GM? :CH an1 Cil1 ! GM?
:CH, :ol1o$a Noua GLE:CH an1 o%%ugate1 GM?mCH( 8)e t)%ee .in1 fa%ms .e%e e3ui++e1
.it) 1!I tu%,ines, eac) .it) a ca+acit# of !(? to !(3 :C an1 t)e tu%,ine )u, )eig)t ,et.een >F
an1 1?1 m( In a11ition, eac) +%o4ect inclu1es ci$il const%uction of access %outes, as .ell as +osts
of t%ansfo%me%s an1 )ig) $oltage connections to t)e net.o%0(
T-52e .o, ' P0o=e78s 9*.-.7ed 56 EIB *. Ro%-.*- *. 8#e e.e0+6 -0e- *. 8#e /e0*od
N-%e S*+.-8:0e d-8e S*+.ed A%o:.8
ENEL GDEEN &=CED D=:ANIA !E/11/!?13 !??,???,???
&AD=SENI &=CED &LAN8 1I/1!/!?11 3!,IF?,???
"AN8ANELE CINN"AD: 1M/1!/!?1? !??,???,???
D=:ANIAN &=CED GDIN NE8C=DO ?F/?E/!?1? 3!,F??,???
D=:ANIAN &=CED GDIN NE8C=DO ?F/?E/!?1? 3!,F??,???
&E8D=: BDARI G8 &D=KE8 ?E/?F/!??> !??,???,???
To8-2 A%o:.8 >9?,>(,(((
'ource/ reali$ed by the authors using data from http/00www.eib.org0projects0loans0regions0european-
5aroseni 5ower 5lant
8)is is a cont%act .o%t) 3!(IF million eu%os an1 its su,9len1ing to S Elect%ocent%ale
&a%o'eni SA fo% en$i%onmental in$estment +%o4ects J)ange cu%%ent tec)nolog# to collect,
t%ans+o%t an1 sto%age of as) an1 slagJ an1 JInstallation of flue gas 1esul+)u%isationJ(
)antanele indfarm
8)e Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0 %ole in financing DomaniaBs econom#
Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0 GEIBH +%o$i1e1 a loan of !?? million eu%os at t)e en1 of !?1?
to fun1 t)e 1e$elo+ment of a .in1 fa%m locate1 in "SntSnele, No,%ogea %egion( EIB fun1s .e%e
use1 to co9finance t)e +lan, const%uction, commissioning an1 o+e%ational .o%0 %elate1 to t)e
.in1 fa%m as .ell as t)e t%ansfo%me%s an1 t)e connection to t)e g%i1(
%omanian 5ower "rid 6etwork
8%anselect%ica an1 t)e Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0 GEIBH signe1 in !?1?, a loan ag%eement
.o%t) IF million eu%os to com+lete t)e fun1ing of t)e in$estment +%og%am( 8)is ne. loan co9
finance1 E +%o4ects of 8%anselect%ica, fo% t)e mo1e%ni<ation an1 %e)a,ilitation of Bucu%esti Su1,
GT1Tlin, B%a<i Vest, Lacu Sa%at, :intia, B%aso$, etate, as .ell as fo% %e+lacing 11 t%ansfo%me%s
an1 autot%ansfo%me%s in 8%anselect%ica stations( 8)e loan, F?@ gua%antee1, is a %eal su++o%t fo%
continuing in$estment on me1ium te%m, in$estments t)at lea1 to %e1ucing maintenance costs an1
to inc%easing o+e%ational safet# of t)e t%ans+o%t net.o%0, fo% fulfilling t)e a1e3uac# c%ite%ia an1
+e%fo%mance stan1a%1s(
5etrom Bra$i 77"T 5roject
EIB loan secu%e1 long9te%m financing fo% g%eenfiel1 +o.e% +lant in B%a<i, of EI? :C,
+%o4ect t)at amounte1 to o$e% F?? million an1 t)at is co$e%ing >@ of t)e count%#As elect%icit#
+%o1uction, at t)e le$el of !?1!, t)e #ea% of total o+e%ating of t)e +lant(
Se04*7es: s://o08 9o0 e.e0+6 e99*7*e.76 -.d 8e7#.o2o+6 de4e2o/%e.8
T-52e .o, ! P0o=e78s 9*.-.7ed 56 EIB *. Ro%-.*- *. 8#e se04*7es 9*e2d *. 8#e /e0*od
N-%e S*+.-8:0e d-8e S*+.ed A%o:.8
BUHADES8 S! 8HED:AL DEHABILI8A8I=N ?I/1!/!?1! I?,???,???
BUHADES8 S1 8HED:AL DEHABILI8A8I=N 1?/?E/!?11 1!F,???,???
BUHADES8 SI 8HED:AL DEHABILI8A8I=N 1M/1!/!?1? M?,???,???
CADEH=USE L=GIS8IS D=:ANIA 1?/1!/!?1? MF,???,???
ENGINEEDING INN=VA8I=N 9 DS"" 1M/1!/!??> M,F??,???
ENGINEEDING INN=VA8I=N 9 DS"" 1M/1!/!??> M,F??,???
To8-2 A%o:.8 !?1,""@,9"?
'ource/ reali$ed by the authors using data from
Bucharest Thermal %ehabilitation/ Energetic efficency in Bucharest
EIB su++o%te1 %esi1ential %eno$ation of ,uil1ings in Buc)a%est, namel# in t)e secto%s 1, !,
L, an1 I of t)e Domanian ca+ital, lea1ing to a 1ec%ease in ene%g# consum+tion of ,uil1ings in
3uestion .it) u+ to F?@(
=$e%all ene%g# sa$ings amounts to a,out L? GC) +e% #ea%( EIB fun1s .ill )el+ to 1ec%ease
ene%g# consum+tion in Buc)a%est, on im+%o$ing stan1a%1 of li$ing t)%oug) a )ealt)ie%
en$i%onment, a mo%e +leasant cit# ,uil1ings as .ell as to DomaniaBs o,ligations on fig)ting
climate c)ange(
arehouse 8ogistics %omania
8)e +%o4ect conce%ns t)e Ca%e)ouses 1e &au. st%ategic in$estment +%og%amme fo% its
logistics net.o%0 e;tension in t)e Domanian ma%0et, .it) t)e const%uction of fou% in1ust%ial
Alina HAGIU, Logica BNI
estates fo% logistic .a%e)ouses to ,e e%ecte1 an1 o+e%ate1 in t.o sites close to Buc)a%est Go%,ii
:a%i an1 "un1uleaH, one site close to &loiesti GA%icestiiH, an1 one close to &itesti G=a%4aH( 8)e
+%o+ose1 +%o4ect cont%i,utes to t)e fu%t)e% 1i$e%sification of t)e econom# of Domania t)%oug)
t)e esta,lis)ment of a11itional logistics an1 .a%e)ouses mo1e%n su++l# c)ain, +ossi,l# lea1ing
to.a%1s an amelio%ate1 +%o1ucti$eness of its .)olesale an1 %etail t%a1e(
Engineering Innovation - %'))
8)e +%o4ect conce%ns Soft.a%e Desea%c), Ne$elo+ment an1 Inno$ation fo% $i%tual
simulation, +%otot#+ing an1 testing tec)nologies( 8)e +%o4ect .ill cont%i,ute to 1e$elo+ing t)e
fiel1 of $i%tual simulation, +%otot#+ing an1 testing tec)nologies( In a11ition, it .ill cont%i,ute to
t)e 1e$elo+ment of Eu%o+eBs info%mation inf%ast%uctu%e an1 su++o%t Eu%o+ean com+etiti$eness in
t)e I8 secto%, .it) ,eneficial im+acts on tec)nological 1e$elo+ments(
I..o4-8*4e I.d:s80*es: EIB s://o08 9o0 8#e de4e2o/%e.8 o9 +0ee. 4e#*72es
T-52e .o, @ P0o=e78s 9*.-.7ed 56 EIB *. Ro%-.*- *. 8#e *.d:s806 9*e2d *. 8#e /e0*od
N-%e S*+.-8:0e d-8e S*+.ed A%o:.8
DENAUL8 SUS8AINABLE HI 8EH "=D ALL !3/?F/!?13 1?,???,???
IE AU8=:=8IVE :UL8I8EHN=L=GQ &AD8S !M/?I/!?1! !,>L1,1MI
GES8A:& GD=U& DNI ANN =NVEDGENE 1M/11/!?11 L,11L,!EI
GES8A:& GD=U& DNI ANN =NVEDGENE !M/?I/!?11 L11,L!>
&DI= =IL EU8DA8I=N D=:ANIA 3?/1!/!??> L?,???,???
IE AU8=:=8IVE :UL8I8EHN=L=GQ &AD8S !3/1!/!??> 3,???,???
"=DN &LAN8 DAI=VA !1/1!/!??> L??,???,???
&IDELLI SLA8INA 8QDE "A8=DQ II 1M/1!/!??> F?,???,???
To8-2 A%o:.8 '(,!@1,1?>
'ource/ reali$ed by the authors using data from
%enault sustainable 9I Tech for all
In !?13, t)e EIB )as continue1 to su++o%t %esea%c), 1e$elo+ment an1 inno$ation GDNIH
acti$ities of Domania( Ban0 g%ante1 a loan to t)e Denault G%ou+ to finance t)e 1e$elo+ment of a
ne. gene%ation of en$i%onmentall# f%ien1l# $e)icles effecti$e an1 affo%1a,le, ,# launc)ing
inno$ati$e +latfo%ms fo% lig)t $e)icles, some $e)icles .it) t%ansmission f%om t)e ne. gene%ation
an1 a ne. u%,an small $e)icle .it) a %e$olutiona%# +latfo%m( Some of t)e loans 9 EUD 1?
million 9 .as allocate1 fo% DPN acti$ities in t)is fiel1 in Domania(
7IE :utomotive (ultitechnology 5arts
EIB .ill su++o%t IEBs %esea%c) an1 1e$elo+ment in$estment +%og%amme fo% automoti$e
+a%ts, t)e com+an#Bs co%e a%ea of acti$it#( 8)e +%o4ect )as t.o ,asic o,4ecti$es- GiH to o,tain
lig)te% an1 safe% com+onents an1 4oints, an1 GiiH to ensu%e t)at all +a%ts a%e full# %ec#cla,le( 8)e
main o,4ecti$e of t)ese loans )as ,een to su++o%t 1e$elo+ment .it) a focus on manufactu%ing
cleane% automo,iles(
"estamp "roup %;I and convergence
8)e +%o4ect finance1 ,# t)e EIB consists of t.o +a%ts- fi%stl#, DNI acti$ities fo% automoti$e
metal a++lications 1esigne1 to fu%t)e% im+%o$e t)e fuel efficienc# an1 safet# of $e)icles(
Secon1l#, in$estments in tec)nolog# im+lementation fo% en)ance1 +%o1ucti$it# an1 ene%g#
8)e Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0 %ole in financing DomaniaBs econom#
efficienc# locate1 in t)e +%omote%Bs +lants in con$e%gence %egions in Hunga%#, Slo$a0ia an1
8u%0e#, an1 t)e const%uction of ne. +lants in t)e <ec) De+u,lic an1 Domania( 8)e
im+lementation of t)e +%o4ect .ill ta0e +lace ,et.een !?11 an1 !?1L(
)ord 5lant 7raiova
8)e EIB loan .ill finance in$estments in t)e %aio$a "o%1 +lant fo% t)e facilities an1
tooling nee1e1 fo% t)e +%o1uction of a ne. B9segment $e)icle .it) a sta%t of +%o1uction in t)e
nea% futu%e an1 +%o1uction of t)e e;isting mo1el of t)e lig)t comme%cial $e)icle an1 a ne.
mo1el sc)e1ule1 to ,e launc)e1 late%( EIB fun1s .ill also )el+ to int%o1uce t)e +%o1uction of a
ne. small, a1$ance19tec)nolog# +et%ol engine .it) lo. fuel consum+tion(
5irelli 'latina tyre factory II
8)e loan .ill finance an inc%ease in t#%e +%o1uction fo% ca%s an1 lig)t comme%cial $e)icles
in &i%elliBs +%o1uction facilit# in Slatina, Domania( It .ill ,e use1 .it)in t)e conte;t of t)e EUD
!F? million in in$estments +%e$iousl# announce1 ,# t)e G%ou+ fo% its Domanian acti$ities fo% a
t)%ee9#ea% +e%io1 f%om !??> to !?11(
5rio <il E1traction %omania
8)e +%o4ect com+%ises t)e const%uction an1 o+e%ation of a see1 c%us)ing an1 oil e;t%action
+lant in Le)liu9Ga%a, ala%asi ount#, Domania( 8)e annual +%o1uction of t)e +lant .ill ,e !IF
0t $egeta,le oil an1 L?? 0t of +%otein e;+elle% ,ase1 on a,out E3? 0t of %a+esee1s, sunflo.e%
see1s an1 so#a ,eans( 8)e +lant .ill ,e locate1 on t)e site of t)e %ecentl# ,uilt ,io1iesel
+%o1uction +lant of t)e ,eneficia%# Gnot inclu1e1 in t)e +%o4ectH(
Dega%1ing t)e a%ea of telecommunications, in t)e anal#<e1 +e%io1 onl# Vo1afone G%ou+
)as %ecei$e1 a loan f%om t)e EIB(
8)e B%itis) telecoms g%ou+ Vo1afone, t)e secon1 +la#e% in t)e local ma%0et mo,ile, signe1
.it) EIB a loan total of L?? million in Necem,e% !?11(
=f t)e L?? million EUD, !F? million a%e ea%ma%0e1 fo% in$estment in 8u%0e#, an1 1F?
million fo% in$estments in Domania, in o%1e% to inc%ease s+ee1 an1 co$e%age fo% t)e LG 1ata
T0-.s/o08: s://o08*.+ 8#e .-8*o.-2 -.d *.8e0.-8*o.-2 80-.s/o08 .e8<o0A
In t)e anal#<e1 +e%io1, t)e EIB )as finance1 t)%ee +%o4ects in t%ans+o%t a%ea, as mentione1
in t)e ta,le ,elo. n%( F(
Bucharest (etro 8ine
ItBs a,out t)e fun1ing ag%eements ,et.een Domania an1 t)e Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0
GEIBH, .o%t) EI? million eu%os to finance t)e +%o4ect on :o1e%ni<ation of t)e Buc)a%est :et%o,
Line F N%umul 8a,e%ei 9 &antelimon(
(itsui 8ocomotive 8easing II
8)e +%o4ect consists in t)e ac3uisition of a%oun1 E? ne. locomoti$es fo% leasing to
Eu%o+ean %ail f%eig)t se%$ice o+e%ato%s GDail.a# Un1e%ta0ings fo% f%eig)t in EU te%minolog#H
an1 +ossi,l# to a limite1 e;tent fo% +assenge% t%ans+o%t( 8)e locomoti$es a%e 1estine1 to %e+lace
e;isting locomoti$es o% +%o$i1e a11itional ca+acit# fo% t)e e;+an1ing %ail f%eig)t ma%0et( 8)e
+%o4ect .ill su++o%t %ail f%eig)t com+etiti$eness on a .i1e% Eu%o+ean le$el an1 cont%i,ute to t)e
t%ansfe% of t%affic f%om %oa1 to %ail(
Alina HAGIU, Logica BNI
T-52e .o, P0o=e78s 9*.-.7ed 56 EIB *. Ro%-.*- *. 8#e 80-.s/o08 9*e2d *. 8#e /e0*od
N-%e S*+.-8:0e d-8e S*+.ed A%o:.8
BUHADES8 :E8D= LINE F SE8I=N II 1I/1!/!?11 LIF,???,???
:I8SUI L==:=8IVE LEASING II 31/?3/!?11 F,???,???
BUHADES8 :E8D= LINE F 1!/11/!??> 3>F,???,???
To8-2 A%o:.8
'ource/ reali$ed by the authors using data from
B-8e0, se<e0-+e
In t)is secto%, one +%o4ect .as fun1e1 in t)e +e%io1 un1e% %e$ie., namel#- 7luj0'alaj 7assa
ater 5roject. It is a loan of EUD !F million to u+g%a1e an1 e;+an1 .ate% an1 sanitation
inf%ast%uctu%e in lu4 an1 Sala4 1e+a%tments( 8)is is t)e fi%st 1i%ect loan +%o$i1e1 ,# t)e EIB fo%
a .ate% o+e%ato% in Domania, %es+ecti$el# Somes SA Cate% om+an#( EIB ,egan .o%0ing .it)
t)e +%e1ecesso% Somes Cate% om+an#, %es+ecti$el# Autonomous ount# Cate% anal lu4, in
!??!, .)en it fun1e1 1! million fo% 1e$elo+ment of local .ate% se%$ices as +a%t of a IS&A
EIB 7o)9*.-.7*.+ <*8# EU 9:.ds
8)e Ban0 g%ante1 a loan of EUD 11? million to finance +%io%it# +%o4ects in t)e Domanian
%u%al 1e$elo+ment +%og%am fo% !??M9!?13, es+eciall# fo% affo%estation, im+%o$ing t)e
management an1 +%otection of fo%ests an1 small9scale in$estment in %u%al inf%ast%uctu%e an1 in
T-52e .o, > P0o=e78s 9*.-.7ed 56 EIB *. Ro%-.*- *. 8#e -+0*7:28:0e 9*e2d *. 8#e /e0*od
N-%e S*+.-8:0e d-8e S*+.ed A%o:.8
!L/1!/!?13 11?,???,???
NAS=S 8I:BEDLANN "UNN II ?!/?1/!?13 3,I??,???
To8-2 A%o:.8 11!,>((,(((
'ource/ reali$ed by the authors using data from
As fo% Nasos 8im,e%lan1 "un1 II- Nasos a+ital is an In$estment "un1 ta%geting
sustaina,le fo%est%# an1 ,iomass in$estments mainl# in Eu%o+e( 8)e fun1 manage% +lans to
com+lete si; to ten in$estments( 8)e fun1 aims to ma0e a comme%cial %etu%n .)ilst cont%i,uting
to climate c)ange an1 ot)e% en$i%onmental o,4ecti$es(
EIB maintains its o,4ecti$e to in4ect momentum into t)e EU econom# ,# efficient an1
effecti$e su++o%ting of in$estment an1 %emains .ell +lace1 to cont%i,ute to sustaina,le economic
g%o.t) an1 em+lo#ment(
Along .it) t%a1itional len1ing, a%e e$i1ence1 t)e ne. len1ing initiati$es, focuse1 on S:Es
an1 em+lo#ment among #oung +eo+le( EIB 4oins fo%ces .it) t)e ommission, :em,e% States
8)e Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0 %ole in financing DomaniaBs econom#
an1 national 1e$elo+ment ,an0s to o+timi<e t)e c)ances of success .)ile ta0ing into account
%egional an1 local +%io%ities fo% g%o.t)(
EIB cont%i,utes to t)e long te%m $ision of Eu%o+e !?!? ,# com+lementation 1esign,
financial inst%uments Jfit fo%+u%+oseJ an1 1e$elo+ment of tailo%e1 consulting se%$ices( =utsi1e
t)e EU, t)e Ban0 .ill %emain fi%ml# committe1 to su++o%t EU +olic#( A +a%ticula% attention .ill
,e +ai1 to t)e im+lementation of t)e ne. E;te%nal Len1ing :an1ate an1 fu%t)e% st%engt)en of
t)e 1ialogue .it) t)e ommission on +olic#, st%ateg# an1 en)ance1 coo+e%ation(
Ce ,elie$e t)at it is necessa%# to +a# mo%e attention to in$estment in economic g%o.t) an1
4o, c%eation on t)e long te%m(
It is 1esi%a,le t)at t)e EIB to 1e$elo+, in close coo+e%ation .it) :em,e% States, %esults9
o%iente1 in$estment +lans, .)ic) to ,e a14uste1 +%o+e%l# to national, %egional an1 local g%o.t)
EIB s)oul1 also stimulate sustaina,le in$estment in 1e,t inst%uments .)ic) to 1i%ect
+%i$ate ca+ital to +%o4ects nee1e1 fo% t%ans+o%t, ene%g# an1 I8 inf%ast%uctu%e( 8)is .a#, t)e EIB
%esou%ces coul1 ,e com+lementa%# to %esou%ces fo% inf%ast%uctu%e 1e$elo+ment of t%ans9Eu%o+ean
t%ans+o%t, ene%g# an1 telecommunications, ma1e a$aila,le t)%oug) t)e onnecting Eu%o+e
EIB is also necessa%# to ma0e g%eate% effo%ts to su++o%t :em,e% StatesA ca+acit# to a,so%,
EU fun1ing, inclu1ing st%uctu%al fun1s, gi$en t)e e;t%emel# lo. a,so%+tion %ates t)at a%e
cu%%entl# in se$e%al :em,e% States((
11 B%e<eanu, &(, Viomon, I(, No$ac, E(, International financial institutions, Economic &u,lis)ing
House, Buc)a%est, !??F(
11 onstantin, &(, International organi$ations, Vol(I, ASE &u,lis)ing House, Buc)a%est, !??M(
Laa, B(, Dic)a%1s, S(, He,el A(, NBAngla1e (, E1 post evaluation of the use of )ramework.
8oans to finance EIB investments in the EU! *+++-*+--. 'ynthesis %eport! !?1!(
11 &oena%u, :(, Economic International <rgani$ations, Antet &u,lis)ing House, Buc)a%est, !???(
11 &o+escu, A(, Ninu, A(, Kinga, I(, European and Euroatlantic <rgani$ations, Economic
&u,lis)ing House, Buc)a%est, !??F(
11 Dusu, I(, International <rgani$ations and %elationships, Lumina Le; &u,lis)ing House,
Buc)a%est, !??!(
11 Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0, <perational 5lan *+-=-*+->, a$aila,le at
11 Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0, "uide to 5rocurement, a$aila,le at-
11 Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0,, (emorandum of Understanding between the European 7ommission
and the European Investment Bank in respect of cooperation and coordination in the regions
covered by the E1ternal (andate! =cto,e% !?13, a$aila,le at-
11 Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0, 'tatistical %eport !??>, !?1?, !?11, !?1!, !?13, a$aila,le at-
111 Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0, :ctivity %eport !??>, !?1?, !?11, !?1!, !?13, a$aila,le at-
Alina HAGIU, Logica BNI
111 Eu%o+ean In$estment Ban0, )inancial %eport !??>, !?1?, !?11, !?1!, !?13, a$aila,le at-
111 )tt+-//...(ei,(o%g/+%o4ects/loans/%egions/eu%o+ean9union/%o()tmX
111 )tt+-//...(ei,(o%g/+%o4ects/%egions/eu%o+ean9union/%omania/in1e;()tm
111 )tt+-//...(ei,(o%g/+%o4ects/loans/%egions/eu%o+eanunion/%o()tmXsta%tY!??>Pen1Y!?13Psecto% Y

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