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Antebellum Part 1

By St e p h e n Mi c h a e l Sc h r o e d e r
Copyright 2003, Stephen Michael Schroeder
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
written permission from the author, unless it is to be used for destroying the works of the
devil and/or setting the captives free, in which case you may do as the Lord leads you.
Note from the Author:
The title of this book, Antebellum has a dual meaning. Antebellum is a Latin legal term
meaning the time before the war. This book documents these times before the war
and goes one step further in revealing the cause for the rebellion and the justification of
the Protestant rebellion, a revolution that would challenge the authority of Washingtons
Masonic Roman Empire.
The other meaning of the word Antebellum is Anti-Baal-Om. For the name of the God
of Freemasonry is Yah-Baal-OM. It is a desecration of the name of the God of Israel,
YAH by combining it with the name of the pagan god Baal, and the Egyptians god
named OM.
This final battle is a war being waged on a higher level, against principalities and powers
in high places. This Protestant resistance to the pagan occupation of this North Country
can be summed up with one wordAnti-Baal-Om, for we choose to keep our Gods
name separate from the name of Washingtons god.
The purpose of this book is to educate the public on the governments religious agenda
and how it is directly contrary to the law of the Creator. You will learn the truth that
Freemasonry is indeed a religion, a religion that has been secretly and unlawfully
promoted by this Masonic Government since its founding, without challenge or
That all changed in Indiana when a local Protestant challenged the State on its unlawful
religious agenda of promoting Polytheism over Monotheism, desecrating and profaning
that which is sacred as well as the States illegal preference to Rome and its persecution
to the Protestants in Indiana.
The cover of this book is a picture of an illegal Masonic Monument at the Indiana State
Capitol. The base of this statue calls on citizens to devote their best endeavors to
promote the honor and interest of the Craft, Freemasonry. The statue is of Washington
dressed up as The Most Worshipful Master of American Freemasons. (Notice the golden
eagle above his head) How did they get away with this? The normal citizen has no idea
about Freemasonry so naturally they would not consider a Masonic Monument a religious
monument. (See official reply from I.C.L.U.) As long as the public is kept in the dark
about the truth of Freemasonry the longer they can continue to violate Constitutional law.
Washington had to move fast to change the Constitutional laws that they were in
violation thereof. The experiment took place in Indianapolis, Indiana. I was there, not
just to record this fantastic story. I was there to bring the story into being, to make it
happen. Come let us go join the debate currently in progress. You decide for yourself.
This is my story. These are the facts.
666 78
George Washington was a Master Mason of a secret society called Freemasonry.
Washington was called the Most Worshipful Master. This nation's capitol was built upon
Masonic knowledge with the Capitols cornerstone laid in compliance with Masonic ritual
by the Most Worshipful Master, the Great Father George Washington.
The foundation of this nation is built upon Freemasonry, as this book will confirm
however there must first be clarification on what Freemasonry actually is. It may not
seem important that the founding father was a Mason, or that the American Revolution
was a Masonic military operation. It may not seem important that the majority of
American Presidents were Masons accomplishing Masonic agendas. It may not seem
significant that the moon was claimed with two flags, one American, and the other a
Masonic flag.
Only upon realizing and understanding just what Freemasonry really is do all these
things become significant. For once you know what Freemasonry truly is; you will begin
to see the magnitude of the crime against the Creator as well as the justification for the
rebellion, and the cause of the fall of this Masonic Roman Empire.
Freemasonry is a fraternal organization whose majority of members is totally unaware
of what they do. For the most part Masons are good people with good intentions;
however they have no idea of the evil they are partakers of. This introduction will briefly
reveal the discrepancies between the Bible and Freemasonry concerning Washington and
his titles.
This book will reveal that Freemasonry is intentionally deceiving the public as to its
true intent, as well as the reason why. It will show how Freemasonry is the catalyst for
the great and final deception of mankind. This chapter will show how Freemasons built
this house on a faulty foundation, a foundation that was contrary to the will of the Creator
since the beginning.
Freemasonry claims on one hand, "Freemasonry is indeed a religion." (See page 619
of the Masonic Encyclopedia), yet one of the strongest formal official statements comes
from the United Grand Lodge of England (founded on June 6, 1717), which says, "It
cannot be too strongly asserted that Masonry is neither a religion nor a substitute for
Max L. Carpenter, Grand Master of Masons in Indiana 1992-1993 claimed in a
Masonic publication called 'The Craft and the Church' that "The Craft has come under
attack by a few radical factions of religious denominations who are woefully ignorant of
or have willfully distorted the fundamentals of the fraternity. The enemies of the
fraternity must see us as a threat to their religious domination and are trying to eliminate
us from the American scene. These opponents of Freemasonry base their arguments on
erroneous information and lies."
The simple fact is that the erroneous information and lies are coming from the secret
society of Freemasonry. The fraternity of Freemasonry is constantly proclaiming that it
is their opponents who are misrepresenting Freemasonry when it is the fraternity of
Freemasonry that is doing the misrepresenting of Freemasonry. On one hand
Freemasonry claims that it is not a religion, yet it is their very own Masonic
Encyclopedia that claims that Freemasonry is indeed a religion.
Consider the following address made by Illustrious Brother John Caven entitled,
'Masonry a Religion' at the Thirty ninth annual Convocation and Reunion of the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite, N.M.J. in the Valley of Indianapolis, March 23, 1904.
"Masonry in its origin was a religion, a religion of nature, a universal religion, then the
only universal religion in the world; and Masonry is to-day, a religion, a universal
religion, and to-day, the only universal religion in the world; one of the world's great
moral and intellectual forces; one of the potent influences molding and directing the
world's greatest progress and highest civilization, and that will continue to mold and
direct that progress, that civilization, until time shall end." (New World Order)
He continues, "Freemasonry is a religion that gave to us that grand evangelism of human
rights, the Declaration of Independence; for John Hancock, the President of that
Congress, and fifty-two of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of American
Independence were Masons. A religion that gave to us that gospel of political
inspiration, the Constitution of the United States; for Washington, the President, and
many of the leading members of the convention that ordained that Constitution were
The high officers of the navy and Washington and all his great generals, every one, and
many of the subordinate officers that fought and won the battles of the Revolution, and
made us a Nation were Masons. Their great councils of war were held in a military
Masonic lodge. Freemasonry is a religion that gave us the flag of our country."
"Every Masonic Temple is a house of prayer. Its northeast foundation cornerstone laid
to forever greet the first beams of morning, is laid with a prayer. Its cap stone is placed
in the sky with a prayer. Its halls are consecrated with prayer. Its lodges are dedicated
with prayer. Its officers are installed with prayer. Its meetings are opened and closed
with prayer. Its dead are buried with prayer. From every Masonic Temple a continual
incense of prayer goes up, and on every important undertaking, the Mason invokes the
blessing of Deity." (The god of Nature.)
Freemasonry speaks with a forked tongue indeed. This should be ample evidence to
prove the claim that it is the secret society of freemasonry, not its opponents who are
doing the misrepresentation of Freemasonry. Freemasonry proclaims to the public that it
is not a religion, however when these Masons get behind closed doors they openly
profess their secret society is indeed a religion.
So why is Freemasonry in denial? Why are they blaming Christians for
misrepresenting them when it is Freemasonry who is guilty of misrepresenting
themselves? If Freemasonry is indeed a religion then why are they going to such great
lengths in denying this fact? Could it be that such a declaration would reveal their guilt
in violating their own Constitutional laws, namely the 1st Amendment of the
Constitution, which claims, 'no preferences shall be given to any religious establishment'?
If, Freemasonry is indeed a religion (and it is,) then this government has been
breaking its own Constitutional laws since its beginning. This book will reveal that this
Masonic government has conspired to build a global empire, which gives illegal
preferences to Rome and Freemasonry as well as persecution to its Protestant citizens.
Not only has this government violated both Federal and State Constitutional laws, but
their religious agenda is contrary to the laws of the God of the Bible. This book will
reveal that this government called Washington is that final kingdom of man spoken of in
the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation.
This book not only presents to you the reader facts that can and should be confirmed,
but also documents the beginning of a revolution against this Masonic Roman Empire by
Protestant Separatist in Indiana. The battle is not won with weapons of war, but by the
living Word of God, to which this empire has no defense against.
This book is written as the final warning this empire will receive before its
destruction, for will not God judge this nation as he has judged the previous nations who
are guilty of the same violations as this government?
We are instructed to obey the laws of the land, yet we are also instructed to resist and
be separate from the final kingdom of anti-Christ and not assist in any way a government
which serves the voice of the serpent. If you choose to obey Washingtons voice you will
disobey the Word of God, for the serpents voice is consistently contrary to the voice of
the Creator.
This little book will make you aware of what is really going on down here on planet
earth; it will make you ask questions you never had thought about before. Be
forewarned, you will not like the answers you find, for you will realize that the end is at
hand. You will realize that your love of country has blinded you to the truth. You will
realize that youve been deceived by your own government which specializes in the art of
deception, strong delusion. You have been indoctrinated by years of education based on
It is common knowledge, or at least should be by now, that the founding Father of
this Great Nation, George Washington, was indeed a Master Mason of a Secret Society
known as Freemasonry. George Washington was called 'the Most Worshipful Master',
"First in War, First in Peace, First in the hearts of his countrymen." Didn't the last book
of the Bible, (Revelations 1:8) declare that Alpha ('the First') was a title for Christ?
I was taught as a child in school, that George Washington could not tell a lie. As a
preachers kid I knew that the Holy Bible (Ps 116:11) claimed, "All men are liars."
Why, are children taught that Washington could not tell a lie? Are children being taught
that Washington was not a man or just merely mortal, but something else, like an eternal
god? Why is George Washington "depicted as a God" on the dome of this Nations
Why, was Washington called the Great Father and the Most Worshipful Master?
The Bible says in St. Matthew 23:9, "call no man your father upon the earth: for one is
your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for only one is your
Master, even Christ."
Interesting note: The popular and critical Bible Encyclopedia, p. 1077 "Baal (Heb.
bah'al, Master)
Keeping this in mind Washington's title proper is "Most Worshipful Baal." You should
also keep in mind the scriptures instruction found in Matthew 6:24, "No man can worship
two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the
one, and despise the other." Do you serve the Most Worshipful Master Washington or
the other Master, our Father who art in heaven.
In the Bible (Luke 18:18) 'a certain ruler' addressed Jesus Christ as 'Good Master',
and Christ asked, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."
There is none good down here on earth only God in heaven, who should be addressed
and honored as such, since glory and honor belong to God alone, and not to man or any
thing created. There is a reason why Washington was given titles reserved only for a
deity, for that is Washingtons main claim to fame.
The majority of Protestants in this country believe it is their patriotic duty to support
this government of Washington and to pledge allegiance to its flag. This same majority
believes that America was a nation built upon the Judeo / Christian foundation. They will
quote Biblical doctrine that you should 'render unto Caesar that which is Caesar', and
'obey the laws of the land'.
This is good and sound doctrine, however 'for everything there is a season', and
according to the final book of the Bible, the book of the Revelation warns us to become
separate from such, and to come out from among them, and be ye separate. Be not
partakers of their evil deeds and assist them not in any way, not even as much as bidding
them Godspeed (2nd John 10) lest we will become partakers of their evil deeds and suffer
their same fate, the wrath of an angry God.
This very clear warning is echoed through out the book of Revelation, (the book that
Thomas Jefferson was quoted as claiming that, "it was written by a raving
lunatic"). We should obey the laws of the land until they run contrary to the laws of
God. Should this government make laws that demand that we disobey the Word of God
then we have no choice but to stand, to resist, to throw off the yoke and not serve, nor
obey that which is contrary to the Word of God. That which is contrary to God must
never exercise authority over us; we must not recognize its authority, for it has no
authority over us, for Washingtons authority came from the dragon, and the dragon
never has nor ever will have authority over the Sons of God.
The intention of this book is to publish the facts about this Nations foundation, about
its declaration of Independence from Gods authority and its pledge of allegiance to the
Dragons authority. This book will reveal the deception of this final kingdom of man, of
how it received its power and great authority as well as how it fell into ruin as the other
previous great empires which were founded on the same forbidden knowledge that they
had obtained from the serpent.
This little book, The Fall of Washingtons Masonic Roman Empire, will leave you
questioning your very own foundations of what you have been taught, of what you
believe. You will question why you had not been informed until now about the
revelations within this book. It will force you to pick a side, for there is no-between once
you have been exposed to the truth. You will be the judge for yourself, of yourself.
This book will reveal ancient mysteries, like the cosmic egg, the philosophers stone,
as well as the forbidden knowledge that was revealed to man thru communication with
the serpent in paradise. Forbidden knowledge of the: good (light) and evil (dark),
knowledge of Magic Squares, Magic Circles, Doorways, and Stairways to other realms,
knowledge that was given to man in exchange for mans obedience to the serpents
command to disobey God.
Man had obtained the knowledge how to build superstructures (temples built by
sacred geometry) which like the tower of Babel could reach into the heavenly realm and
give man access from the physical realm into the celestial realm
Which brings us; to the beginning of the story, the original temptation of man,
communicated by the serpent, in the midst of Paradise. That man could become equal to
God, immortal, having the knowledge of Good and Evil. The only thing that man had to
do is disobey the voice of the Creator and obey the serpent's voice, and then the serpent
would reveal forbidden secrets to the mortals to make them immortal and equal to God.
But why did the serpent need man to listen and obey his voice? Why was the serpent
willing to exchange forbidden knowledge for mankinds obedience? Was it simply an
ego trip for the serpent, to be served by these foolish mortal slaves? No, the serpent had
much higher aspirations, aspirations that required labor of physical hands. The serpent
needed a way of exalting his earthly throne, a way into heaven to make war with the God
of Israel.
The serpent needed man to build him kingdoms that would open a doorway from the
lower realm into our physical realm; the serpent needed man to build physical kingdoms
in replication of the celestial kingdoms, a stairway into the heavens, so that the serpent
could take the battle to God on his home turf. The serpents ambition was to make war in
heaven, to desecrate the holy place, to gain access into the throne room and take the
kingdom by force.
Thus the ancient secret, the ancient truth, 'as above, so below', 'on earth as it is in
heaven', 'that which leads below also leads above' would become a physical reality. The
book of Revelation reveals how the serpent made his way into the physical reality of
Gods paradise, to challenge Gods authority, to become lord and Master over the creation
called man, to use this creation as slaves to build the serpent a kingdom, a kingdom like
Babylon which reaches into the heavens, so the serpent could ascend into the upper realm
to make war against God and his saints.
This book, The Fall of the Masonic Roman Empire, will present facts to you the
reader to research for yourself the validity of such profound claims. This book will
challenge what you currently know and believe. You and you alone will be the judge as
to whether these facts are merely strange coincidences or evidence of something far more
dark and disturbing.
Is it coincidental or is it a conspiracy? You be the judge. But be forewarned, as a
judge you will be forced to make a choice. Even if you choose not to decide you still
have made your choice.'
You will become enlightened to the difference between good and evil, for this book
reveals the forbidden knowledge of good and evil that the first man, Adam, traded his
immortality for, thus causing the fall of man.
It reveals the ultimate deception of the final kingdom of man called Washington, (who
was, and is not, yet is) A.K.A. - Babylon. It will make you see things in a different light.
You will see things as they really are. I have no doubt that after reading this book you
too will come to the conclusion (judgment) that there is absolutely no way all these things
could be coincidental.
This book will be ample evidence to convince you that there indeed is a major
conspiracy by a secret society. A secret society that controls this government, and whose
goal is to be Lord over all the other kingdoms on this planet, a secret society with a
religious agenda, which replicates the Old World Order's (A.K.A. - Rome) religious
The final book of the Bible, the book of Revelation reveals that the final kingdom of
man will be a revived Roman Empire, which is also called Babylon in the book of
Revelation. This book will reveal that this kingdom of Washington was built upon a
faulty foundation, a foundation of sorcery and high magic. You will see why this
kingdom is destined to fall just like the other ancient kingdoms founded on the same
black magic.
This revived Roman Empire will; 1.) Promote the religious establishment of
Polytheism (the belief in many gods and goddesses) over Monotheism (the belief in the
one God). 2.) Will publicly and officially proclaim that the founder of this empire was a
deity (a god). 3.) Give illegal and official preference to the religious establishments
which are in harmony with the governments religious agenda, while at the same time
persecute any religious establishments that speak out against the government from the
This book reveals that this government of Washington is indeed the revived Roman
Empire foretold in the book of Revelation. This book will prove the claim of a Masonic /
Roman conspiracy that blatantly and consistently violated Constitutional laws since its
beginnings. This government of Washington declared its independence to Gods laws and
has rejected Gods authority, and currently is serving the dragon called that great serpent,
the devil.
Indiana became the first state in American History to: 1.) Forcefully seize a Protestant
Church (Indianapolis Baptist Temple) and destroy it for violating 'tax laws'. [It is
common knowledge that the government targeted this place of worship for the Pastor's
anti-government sermons] 2.) Selectively enforcing laws against Protestants while
officially violating Federal and State Constitutional laws by funneling tax dollars to
'preferred religious establishments' (namely Roman Catholics and Freemasons). 3.)
Alter, desecrate, and profane the sacred Word of God, displaying it at the Indiana State
Capitol, proclaiming that this Word of God was "just another piece of state property",
"purely secular" and "equal to the writings of other great men."
The resistance to this Masonic Roman Empire has begun here in Indiana. The State
has taken its first political / religious prisoner who was thrown in jail for lawfully
protesting the states violation of Constitutional laws and the states desecration of the
sacred Word of God, by placing a graven image of their pagan god of nature directly on
the Ten Commandments.
Indiana is second only to Washington in the amount of illegal and abominable temples
(disguised as 'war memorials') to pagan gods. The same architect that designed
Washington for a very specific reason also designed Indianas foundation.
This book, Antebellum, the fall Washingtons Masonic Roman Empire is of great
value to both religious and secular readers alike due to the fact that it is a study of our
American history and government in the light of ancient religious prophecies found in the
Bible. It is a record of the time period before the great 2
Civil War, the spiritual battle
also known as Armageddon.
The picture on the previous page is taken from a Masonic edition of a King James
Bible. The picture includes the flag, the Capitol, the 'all-seeing' eye (the sun),
Washington in his 'Most Worshipful Master' outfit and the phrase, "The Brotherhood of
Man, The Fatherhood of God. All these images have profound and significant meaning
and will be discussed in detail in later chapters.
What we will review in this chapter is the message presented in this illustration, for it
reveals the final deception of man. This belief is the mortar used to build the final
kingdom of man known as Washington.
This official proclamation of Washington, that 'there is one Father of all mankind
who are all brothers' sounds good but is it? This belief in the Fatherhood of God and
brotherhood of man is the foundation of Masonic belief, thus it is also the belief of our
current system of government, a religious agenda of our current government, which
claims to be neutral in religious matters.
Interesting note: The popular and critical Bible Encyclopedia, volume 1, page 1481,
states; "The Fatherhood of God was an omnipresent thought to the Romans as they
prayed to their god of war Mars."
Freemasons consider the greatest sin to be religious bigotry, or to simplify any
religion that claims it has a monopoly on truth. According to Masonic dogma, Christ
cannot be the only way to the Father, since there are many 'paths' to God.
Freemasonry has no need for a 'savior' for it is their view that the nature of man is not
corrupt. Freemasonry as a whole discards Christ's claims of being the only way to
salvation simply because they reject the genesis story concerning the fall of man.
This Masonic rejection of Christ as the only begotten Son of God, the only way to
salvation places Masonry in the category of 'anti-Christ'. Read 1 John 2:22, "Who is a
liar but he that denies the only begotten son...he is anti-Christ."
Once you realize what an anti-Christ is and the reality of anti-Christs among us,
controlling our government, then you will have a better understanding about the error and
deception of their claim that we are all brothers serving the same God.
The Bible asks in 2 Corinthians 6:14, "What hath light to do with darkness? What
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what concord hath Christ with
Baal? Or between he that believes in Christ with an infidel? Wherefore come out from
among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and I will receive you and be a Father
unto you, and you will be my sons and daughters."
This scripture not only warns us to be separate and come out from those who deny the
truth, (anti-Christs) but also reveals God is not the Father of all, nor are all sons and
daughters brothers and sisters of one Father. Thus the Masonic claim of the 'Fatherhood
of God and the Brotherhood of man' begins to unravel in the light of the truth proclaimed
in the Bible.
Freemasonry is a Polytheistic cult, which practices sorcery, high magic, and founded
on occult rituals originating in Babylon. Freemasonry rejected the cornerstone called
Christ for they have no need for a savior. This would be an appropriate time to mention
that all Masons are not guilty of involvement of practicing Occult Masonry.
For the most part Freemasons are citizens with good intentions trying to do good
deeds. However once the truth is revealed a choice must be made to either support or
become separate from such. The Masons know this to be the truth and is why they keep
most of their members in the dark about the hidden agenda of Freemasonry, of its
defiance and rebellion against the Living God of Israel.
Consider page 227 of the book 'Facts for Freemasons' which claims that Occult
Masonry is Masonic philosophies, or degrees, which are more profound than the
membership at large comprehends. Also, Occult Sciences are sciences which are hidden,
or would not be appreciated or understood by the 'less educated'.
These Occult Sciences practiced by Washingtons preferred religious establishment,
Freemasonry, will be reviewed later in the book. The important matter at hand is to
review the foundation of this empire to see if it was built upon a rock-solid foundation or
built upon the sand, soon to collapse.
The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man sounds good but it is not. This
Masonic creed sounds righteous but it is evil. It is deception in its most advanced form.
Just like Washingtons Faith Based Initiative, it sounds like a noble cause, but in reality it
is a violation of Federal and State Constitutional laws as well as a violation of Gods 1st
Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods."
It is amazing to see the support Washington has from the Christian community for this
Faith Based Initiative, a program which allows for the 1st time in American history, tax
dollars to be distributed to 'religious organizations' to use for social programs.
The reason for such support from the Christian community is because they will be
recipients of tax dollars, thinking of all the good they can do with this money, especially
since dollars in the collection plate have been diminishing.
The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. Christians love for
money have obviously blinded them to the fact that they are supporting that, which is
contrary to Gods law, Polytheism. Polytheism is the belief in many gods/goddesses.
Monotheism is the belief in one God.
When government officially acknowledges all religions as being equal, it is in effect
acknowledging all religions gods and/or goddesses as being equal. By funding these
other religions and their gods the government is in fact having other gods, a direct
violation of Gods 1st Commandment. Not only is this a violation of Gods law, but also
an official preference to Polytheism over Monotheism.
Washington does not see how giving tax dollars to Islam, (a hostile religion which
calls Christianity "a monstrous thing" and "an unforgivable sin punishable by death") is
contrary to Constitutional law since the 1st Amendment says that Congress shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion.
The 1st Amendment only prevents government from giving preference to one
religious establishment over another; it says nothing about government supporting all
religions equally.
President George W. Bush obviously sees nothing wrong with funding all religions
equally, or promoting all religions since he has bought into the great lie...The Fatherhood
of God and the Brotherhood of man, Washington. If you believe that all religions are
part of God, just as there are many paths to God then you will find nothing wrong with
funding all religions as if they were all equal, all good.
Are we to believe that our Constitution promotes Polytheism while at the same time
preventing government from ever acknowledging the truth of the Bible that there is only
one way to the Father? So it seems. If that is what the 1st Amendment of the
Constitution stands for, then our Constitutional law is in direct conflict with the 1st
Commandment of Gods law, and we are presented with a choice to make.
What Christian in his right mind would be willing to give part of his hard earned
money to a hostile religion like Islam which instructs it followers to execute those who
proclaim that God begat a son? Common sense alone should be enough to prevent
Christians from assisting those who seek to destroy their spiritual family and make war
against the Word of God.
The Bibles foundation is John 3: 16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only
begotten Son...."Islams foundation is the Korans 19:88 "They say God has begotten a
son! Indeed they put forth a thing monstrous... Just by reviewing the two foundations of
these two religions we see that the God of the Bible did begat a son, while the god of
Islam did not begat a son.
Keeping this in mind, if Washington is correct in its claim that there is only one Father
of us all, then which is it? Which God is our Father, the god that begets not, or the God
that begat? Both cannot be the same. Either, the Bible is the truth and Islam's Koran a
lie, or the Koran is the truth, and the Bible a lie.
Its just that simple. This question alone is enough evidence to prove Washingtons claim
of the Fatherhood of God is erroneous.
What does the Bible have to say about Washington's claim of God being the Father of
all mankind? Read John 8:44 starting with 41, "We have one Father, even God." 42
"Jesus said unto them, if God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth
and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do you not
understand my speech? Even, because you cannot hear my word." 44. "You are of your
father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him, he is a liar, and
the father of lies.
To those who claim that 'We have one Father, even God', remember this truth. There are
two fathers here on earth, one from above and one from below. And, what about the
brotherhood of man? Christ said in this same 8th chapter of John, 23, You are from
beneath; I am from above: you are of this world; I am not of this world." revealing that
there are indeed two types of beings on this planet, the sons of Light, and the sons of
Just as there are two different fathers, there are two different types of sons, sons of the
bondwoman and sons of the freewoman. Some are born of spirit (the will of God) and
others are born of flesh (the will of man). Either you believe the Bible, or you believe
Washington. It is just that simple. As you have read in the first chapter and now again,
the Bible, or the will of God is consistently contrary to the will of Washington, for
Washington had rejected the Bible from Genesis to the book of the Revelation.
Washingtons father was the devil, the murderer from the beginning. This nation was
not built upon a Judean Christian foundation as many would like to believe. To the
contrary this nation was built upon the same foundation that Babylon, Egypt, and Rome
were built, a foundation of sorcery and black magic. But lets start at the beginning to
ensure we completely understand the deception of Washington.
According to Biblical account 'the devil was a murderer since the beginning'. The
Bibles book of Genesis records the first homicide of the human race. Cain, son of Adam
and Eve, committed the first murder. The victim of this first homicide was Abel his
The devil is credited for this first murder since it was the devil instructing Cain on the
proper procedure for bringing forth the destroyer. This procedure could be found in the
Egyptian book of the dead, the procedure for resurrecting the god of earth, a war god.
It begins with an offering of vegetation in order to summon up the spirit of the god of
earth. The next step is a human or blood sacrifice to the god of earth to give 'life' to the
god, or in other words make the god real, a living thing, in the physical realm. The final
step is to build the god a dwelling place, a superstructure that would enable access from
the underworld into the physical realm and even into the celestial realm or visa versa.
So how is it that an ancient Egyptian ritual for resurrecting the dead was accomplished by
Cain, who according to the Bible came onto the scene long before the Egyptians? Did
the Egyptians discover a way to travel time, or at least their communications to travel
thru time? Interestingly enough, John 8:58 quotes Jesus saying, "Before Abraham was, I
The first book of the Bible, Genesis, records the life and times of Abraham, so how
was it that, Jesus could have 'been' before Abraham? It is easy to comprehend once you
realize the truth about time...that the present (I am) reality exists; the past does not exist
in the physical realm no more than the future can or does.
The physical and the spiritual exist is the past, present, and future, just as there are
three realms (the underworld, earth, and the celestial.) The present reality (I am) is a
physical reality, while on the other hand the past as well as the future is not a reality in
the physical realm called earth. The physical realm is real, is now, while the other realms
(past and future) do exist however they do so in the 'unreal' realm, not a physical reality.
When you ask a religious person who came first the spiritual or the physical, they
naturally say the spiritual recalling the Genesis story that speaks of the spirit of the
Creator moving upon the face of the deep darkness without form and the Creator making
the earth, man, as well as the rest of the physical realm. The confusion comes from not
knowing the truth about time, for the Bible says, "That which is physical comes first and
afterwards that which is spiritual.
In the following chapters you will learn how our kingdom of Washington was built
upon the same foundation of Babylon just as Egypt and Rome were. But in reality, did
Washington get this forbidden knowledge from Babylon, or could it be the other way
around...Before Babylon was we are? And if so, then how is this possible for knowledge
to travel thru time?
Sound traveling the speed of light. Einstein believed time travel was possible if
something could travel the speed of light. Sound traveling the speed of light could travel
thru time, thus the power of the written word, for it is sound (words) traveling with the
speed of light into your eyes which enlightens or educates you of things past present and
The Word is a physical reality, it can be just as real in the past as well as the future,
and it transcends time and space. Recall this truth recorded in 1 John, "In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, the same was as in
the beginning (the Garden of Eden).
In the beginning the voice of God, the Creator in heaven, (or the celestial realm) could
be heard in the physical reality of the Garden of Eden by the physical ears of the first
man, Adam. And so too the voice of the devil, the destroyer (bound in the underworld)
could be heard in the physical reality of the Garden of Eden, a voice heard by the
There is indeed only one true and living God (even the demons know this and tremble)
however, since the beginning there have been two voices for man to choose between to
serve. For man was created with a free will, created with a gift or ability to choose. Man
could not have been created with this gift if there had been only one choice.
Since man had indeed been endowed by the Creator to choose, there had to be, and
was, a choice to be made. Would man heed the voice from above, or heed the voice from
below? Would Adam obey the voice of the Creator or obey the voice of the Destroyer
(AKA the devil)?
In the middle of the garden of Paradise there was a tree, a tree of knowledge of good
(light) and evil (darkness). A different voice could be heard coming from this tree, a
voice that was consistently contrary to the voice of the Creator. The Creator had warned
the first man, Adam, not to partake of this tree for if he did he would no longer be
immortal enjoying paradise, but would live in bondage being forced to live by the sweat
of his brow, a mortal slave who would die.
The voice that came from this tree of forbidden knowledge was known as the voice of
the serpent, also known as the Destroyer (AKA the devil). Such was the beginning in a
physical paradise where two voices could be heard. A voice from above, (celestial realm),
and a voice from below (the underworld.) The voice of the Creator is consistent as is the
voice of the Destroyer. The voice of the Destroyer is consistently contrary to the voice of
the Creator.
Take for example in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, the voice of the Creator had
warned man not to partake of the tree of forbidden knowledge lest he die. The voice of
the Destroyer tempted man commanding him to partake of the forbidden knowledge,
claiming that he would not die.
The Destroyer claimed that the reason why God did not want man to partake of this
knowledge was because it (the knowledge) would open his eyes, enlighten him, and make
him equal to the Creator.
In the final book of the Bible, the book of the Revelation, the Destroyer commands
man to make an image, contrary to the Creators 2
Commandment, make not the graven
image. From the beginning to the end the voice of the Creator is consistent, as is the
voice of the Destroyer, whose voice is consistently contrary to the voice of the Creator
also known as God.
Never underestimate the cunningness of the serpent. The serpent did not speak to
Adam. The serpent presented his temptation to Adam thru that which he loved, Eve, the
woman. For that is how the serpent works. The serpent enters into that which we love
and speaks thru that which we hold dear so we will not recognize the voice for what it
truly is.
Adam listened to the voice of his partner Eve. Adam loved Eve and therefore was
obligated by respect to listen to what she had to say. It is hard, sometimes impossible; to
recognize a voice when it is coming out of something we love. That is why the Bible
instructs us not to judge by the outer appearance, for the devil can transform himself into
an angel of light. We must not judge by sight, but by sound. We must not judge by what
we see, but rather by what we hear.
Remember, the voice of the Creator is consistent, as is the voice of the Destroyer. The
voice of the Destroyer has been, will always be, contrary to the voice of the Creator. Its
just that simple. Regardless if it is a Priest, a President or anybody we respect, honor, or
love, the words they speak will be either the voice of the Creator, or the voice of the
Destroyer. If we judge by outer appearances we will be deceived.
You must listen to what is being said to determine if it is of God or of the devil. If the
words are from God they will be in harmony with his Word, the Bible. If the words are
contrary to Gods Word then you can be certain it is the voice of the Destroyer,
regardless of the outer appearance from whence they come.
That is how the fall of man took place in the beginning and how mankind will fall in the
end. For, Adam did not recognize the origin of the voice, which was contrary to the
Creators voice. All Adam could see was Eve, which he loved, that which was given to
him by the Creator.
Adam had obeyed the serpents voice. When you obey the serpents voice you
automatically disobey the Creators voice. When God confronted Adam about
disobeying his first and only Commandment, Adam quickly pointed to the woman God
had given him as the cause. Eve then pointed to the serpent as the cause. Adam still
blinded by love did not comprehend that it was not Eves voice that had led him astray,
but the serpents voice.
Thus mankind lost paradise, lost his immortality by obeying the serpents voice,
which consistently compels man to disobey the Creators voice. The serpent had
accomplished his goal of getting Gods creation to disobey the Creator voice and obey his
What was the reason for the serpents efforts to get man to obey his voice? Was it to
boost his own ego, to make him feel superior to God? Yes. Was it to destroy that which
God created and loved? Yes. But there was another reason why the serpent needed man
to obey him.
The serpent needed physical hands to build a structure in the physical realm, a ladder,
and a doorway from the physical realm into the celestial realm that would enable the
serpent to gain access into the heavenly realm to make war with the Creator on his own
turf, to ascend to the very throne of God, to make war in heaven.
Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain heard and obeyed the same voice
his mother Eve had heard and obeyed, while Abel heard and obeyed the same voice his
father Adam and obeyed. Cain and Abel were brothers who both desired to worship the
same Father. Both Cain and Abel made an offering unto the Lord for their sins.
God accepted Abels offering of a lamb, but rejected Cains offering of vegetation.
Why? Because Abels offering of a lamb was consistent to the Word of God. For the
sins of the (future) world would be forgiven only by the blood of the innocent lamb.
The offering of vegetation was what the god of earth demanded. In fact a vegetation
offering was the first step (according to the Egyptians Book of the Dead) to resurrect, or
conjure up into the physical realm, the god of earth, also known as the war god.
Interestingly enough, the second step according to the Book of the Dead was a human
sacrifice. The blood being spilled upon the earth would give life to the god, or make the
god from the lower realm a physical reality in the physical realm.
This god of earth, this war god conjured up by the vegetation offering had accepted
Cains offering. This god worshipped by the Babylonians, Egyptians and Romans had
gained access into the physical reality outside of the garden of paradise.
According to Babylonian religion, the spilled blood upon the earth was the ingredient
for creating sons of earth whose purpose for being created was to build structures,
dwelling places in the physical realm for those who had only existed in the lower realm
or underworld.
Cains vegetation offering was accepted by the god of earth. The sacrifice of Abel
was now inevitable. Cain then committed the first homicide in the recorded history of
mankind. The god of earth, this god of war was now alive and well in the physical realm.
Evil had become a physical reality; on this planet, not just a voice.
It is the same today. While there are those attempting to deceive mankind by claiming
the half-truth, that there is only one God, the fact remains that there has always been two
voices, one truly good, and the other truly evil.
Those who hear and obey the voice of the Destroyer are called the sons of flesh
(darkness), while those who hear and obey the voice of the Creator are called the sons of
promise (light). The sons of Light cannot dwell in peace on this planet with the sons of
darkness, for it is written. Thus the war in heaven is now down here on earth.
The battle of Armageddon is the final battle. The battle has already taken place a long
time ago between the Priests of Baal and the Messengers of Yahweh. These Baal
worshippers simply went underground and became a secret organization that would claim
a land where they could exercise the freedom of their religion (Baal/ Ashtoreth worship).
The American Revolution was thus a holy war or jihad against the Protestant British
government that had been established on this soil. These Baal worshippers now had a
new name, Freemason. Thus the conspiracy of the pagan Polytheists to overthrow a
Protestant government became a completely different story of colonies fighting for
The Freemasons received their knowledge from Roman colleges. The Freemasons
would rebuild their Roman Empire as long as Rome would acknowledge Washington as
its Most Worshipful Master.
And so it was since the pagan overthrow of the Protestant government in America that
there has been a shadow government that has no regard for the laws of the people or, the
laws of God.
This explains why this pagan government has since its beginning illegally funneled tax
dollars back to Rome, and how Masonic politicians got away with spending millions of
tax dollars on illegal temples for their pagan Babylonian/Egyptian gods (disguised as War
Protestants are considered the enemy of Washington (as they should be) which
explains why Protestants are targeted by Washington with its selective law enforcement,
seizing Protestant houses of worship while simultaneously illegally funneling tax dollars
to Roman Catholic organizations. They should expect a Protestant resistance.
These priests of Baal are beginning to come out of the shadows. The challenge has
been made. These sons of darkness in Washington needed something to buffer this
Masonic Roman conspiracysomething to solve this Protestant problem. Washington
flung open wide the gates, allowing the greatest enemy of Protestants, these enemies of
Christianity easy access into Christian territory to fulfill their religious obligation of
jihad. Washington demanded Protestants pay to promote this hostile religion contrary
to Biblical instruction not to assist in any way this anti-Christ.
Revelation 14:7, [an angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting
gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and
tongue, and people, proclaims with a loud voice,] "Fear God, and give glory to him; for
the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and
the sea, and the fountains of waters."
Revelation 14:8, "And there followed another angel, saying, "Babylon is fallen, is
fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of
her fornication."
Babylon was, and is not, yet is. For Babylon, which existed long ago, lays in ruin, and
is no longer, yet still exists, as you will soon discover. To understand this ancient
prophecy concerning Babylon we must first understand the most famous stories of
Babylon called the tower of Babel.
The Babylonian tower of Babel was a multi-storied structure, one layer built upon the
other like a step-pyramid reaching into the heavens. It is important to note that the tower
of Babel was not just a story about one building, just as Babylon is not just one kingdom.
The tower of Babel represents a kingdom built upon the foundation of the previous
kingdom, which were all built upon the same foundation of Babylon. For example
Babylon was built upon the forbidden knowledge of 'sacred geometry', and thus
destroyed as the Creator had warned. The kingdom of Egypt was also built upon this
Babylonian foundation, like the 2nd layer of the tower of Babel.
And so the other kingdoms in like order were built layer upon layer, story upon story,
building the structure of man known as 'Babylon'. From Egypt this forbidden knowledge
went forth to the Orient, to Arabia, and into the Greco/Roman territories, like one story
built upon the previous story, which is why Revelation foretells of the fall of Babylon
even though Babylon has already crumbled into ruin.
Even though all these kingdoms of man had different languages and customs they all
had one thing in common, and that was the foundation for all their knowledge, the
catalyst of their 'enlightenment', the foundation of Babylon, which was the cause of
Babylons fall, as well as the fall of all these other kingdoms of man, which have fallen
or are soon to fall.
As this book will reveal, America was built upon this same foundation of Babylon.
The fall of the Roman Empire was required in order that a 'revived Roman empire' would
arise as foretold in the ancient prophecies of Revelation.
It was from Rome, or to be more specific, the Roman colleges of artificers that this
knowledge was passed along to European Freemasons who in 1717 imported this
knowledge of the ancients and took possession of this North Country to establish the
revived Roman Empire.
The foundation of this Nation is the same foundation as these other kingdoms, the
same foundation of Babylon. It is this foundation that is the reason why no kingdom
built upon it can stand, for the foundation is a direct violation of Gods 2nd
Commandment, "Thou shalt not make the graven image."
Let us now go back to the beginning, back to the original Babylon, to discover just
exactly what this foundation is. Then you will understand why the simple building of a
structure, a tower, was threat enough to gain the Creators attention and to cause God to
intervene and put an end to mans ambitions to build such a structure.
The Babylonian god was a horned serpent known as Marduk, the dragon, also known
as 'the fifty' or 'Enlil'. It is this dragon, this same serpent that tempted man in the
beginning with the forbidden knowledge in exchange for disobeying the voice of the
Creator. It is the same serpent, which Michael does battle with in the end, in the book of
The forbidden knowledge was knowledge that would enlighten man, or in other words
give man the ability of 3 dimensional thought. It was the knowledge of how to create
something from nothing (a 13 step process). It was knowledge that could give man the
ability to gain access into the celestial realm from the physical realm.
This forbidden knowledge could give man the ability to be immortal, to escape the
underworld (death) and gain access into the physical realm, to die yet be resurrected
everyday just as the sun.
Adam and Eve had obeyed the voice of the serpent that tempted them into complying
with his voice by promising that the knowledge he would give them would open their
eyes and 'enlighten' them, making them equal to gods.
Their son Cain, following the serpents instructions (as detailed in the book of the dead
on the process of resurrecting this god of earth), had opened the doorway from the
underworld into the physical realm with the vegetation offering and the blood sacrifice of
his brother Abel, giving the earth blood (life) thus making this voice of the dragon, the
God of earth, a physical reality.
The serpent now had paved the way for the others like him who had also been expelled
from heaven, the celestial realm (read Revelation 12) to also gain access into the physical
realm, into the physical reality, to have physical relations with God's creation, to have
sons and daughters of earth, to bear children who would become slaves for the dragon to
command, slaves who would build the serpents superstructures that would reach into the
heavens and give the serpent access once again into the celestial realm to make war.
(Revelation 13:2) And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great
authority. The dragon had given the king of Babylon the forbidden knowledge.
Knowledge is power, and power is authority, and both of these came with the 'seat' that
the dragon had given the king of Babylon.
For, it was in this 'seat' or throne wherein the secret of the forbidden knowledge was
contained. It was this 'seat' of knowledge, which supported the king, which separated the
king from the earth, which elevated him above his subjects, giving him the power.
See illustration of Babylonian king sitting on his throne, a 'special seat', a seat given to
the king by the Dragon. You will notice that his seat (throne) is made up of what looks
like a tic, tac, toe board, or a 3 X 3 square, also known by the name of a 'magic square'.
This 'magic square' seat is what supports the king / god of Babylon. It is also that
which supports the kingdom, the foundation that supported the 'superstructure', the
building also known as the temple of the god, the tower of Babel, (a Hebrew word
derived from babili, or "gate of god," the ancient Akkadian designation for Babylon.)
This 'magic square' was / is also known as a 'talisman' (from the Hebrew tselem and
the Chaldaic tsalma, an image or idol. The 2nd Commandment forbids such graven
images. The serpent in Revelation 13:14 commanded man, "that they should make an
image to the beast."
Revelation 13:18, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the
number of the beast: for it is the number of a man (or the number of his name) and his
number is 666. As you will read in chapter 6 of this book, there is a certain talisman
called the 'sun square' it is twice as bad as the 3 X 3 square, for its total equals 666, the
number of a mans name, of every mans name...'son'. But this matter will be discussed in
detail in that chapter.
Once again you see that the voice of the Creator commanded man 'not to make the
graven image', while the voice of the dragon is consistently contrary to the voice of the
Creator and thus commanded man 'that they should make the graven image' or 'talisman'.
The king of Babylon complied with the dragons command recorded in the book of
Revelation, and made the graven image, the talisman known as the 'magic square'. A
talisman is an object that possesses magical or supernatural power of their own and
transmits them to the owner, usually signifying a pact with the devil.
Talismans are found among all cultures in all periods of history. They were common
in ancient Egypt and Babylonia, where they were used to try and alter the forces of
nature, including the nature of man. Alchemists claimed that their use of the 3 X 3
magic square was to transmute base metals like lead into precious metals like gold, but in
reality the talismans were used in their attempts to change men into gods.
A magic square is a series of numbers arranged in an equal number of cells
constituting a square figure, the enumeration of all of whose columns, vertically,
horizontally, and diagonally, will give the same sum. Such squares were claimed to have
healing powers.
The 3 X 3 magic square was sacred to Talmudists because 15 (the sum of any given
row) are the numerical value of the letters of the word 'Yah', which is one of the forms of
the Tetragammaton. In the Arabic alphabet, the sum of the 9 digits in the square was
equal to 45, which is the numerical value of the letters in the word ZaHaL, Saturn.
The 7 different magic squares, 3X3, 4X4, 5X5, 6X6, 7X7, 8X8, and 9X9, were each
ascribed a planet, which ruled over the squares and thus were called the "tables of the
planets." Not only was each planet assigned a magic square, but also a day, a metal, and
a musical note.
Although it has been said that "Creation of these magic squares were a laborious
process, far beyond the skill or patience of ordinary mortals," (Time/Life Books, "The
Enchanted World-The Secret Arts" p. 36) it is really quite simple, once you know the
secret formula.
The secret is the placing of the numbers (or letters) into the cubes of the square. And
that secret in one word is, Northeast. The Northeast is considered sacred because they
claim it is the place where light and darkness are joined or reconciled, where these two
opposites are joined and are as one.
Those involved in the building of these sacred superstructures of gematria always lay
the cornerstone of the structure in the Northeast corner to signify this unity of opposites.
But the Northeast is also significant for the purpose of laying the foundation, for creating
the magic square.
It is simple to understand if you imagine the magic square as a tube with the top and
bottom rows joined, or in other words a horizontal tube. It is also a tube the other way
with the left and right hand columns joined as well, or a vertical tube. You must do this
in order to place the numbers in the boxes in compliance with the Northeast formula.
What you are doing is taking a one-dimensional plane, the flat piece of paper and you
are using your imagination to make it a 3-dimensional cube, by seeing it as both a vertical
or horizontal tube. Thus the magic square's 'magic' is activated by the imagination of the
mind, by creating a physical reality (the magic square) by thinking or imagining a three
dimensional form that does not currently exist in the physical realm.
In essence the magic square's ability to do that which is not considered possible in the
physical realm is due to the fact that it is a physical reality born from the imagination of
man's mind, or the spiritual realm, using a form that does not exist in the physical realm
as the foundation, the catalyst to make something that exists in the physical realm.
Thus, the reason why; the magic square contains 'magical characteristics' due to the
fact that it was made a physical reality by use of that which does not exist, the
imagination. Which is the foundation of all creation, it is the secret formula of creation,
that forbidden knowledge which the serpent had given to his obedient servants to build
his empire.
The secret path from the dark to the light, from the underworld into the celestial realm
runs in this same Northeast path. Thus is the foundation of Babylon, the knowledge of
good and evil, light and darkness, the knowledge of creation which the serpent had when
he was cast out of heaven, the knowledge he gave to man in exchange for his obedience.
The secret of the great pyramids of Giza is not just their orientation with the
constellations or replication of the 3 stars of Orions belt. The secret was the little known
fact that its 13 acre foundation was the magic number square of Mercury, the 8 X 8 magic
square, like all the other ancient sacred buildings that incorporated gematria, its geometry
is based on a magical number square also called the magic square.
The tower of Babel was constructed to represent a miniature universe, with seven
levels corresponding to each of the seven planets known to the ancient world. Its
builders climbed seven flights of stairs to the east and descended by seven more to the
west, echoing, or replicating the daily passage of the sun, the path of their god the
The serpent was the sons of earth Divine Providence, the one who had given man the
knowledge that would advance man, to complete his evolution to becoming gods. The
serpent was not considered evil as the Bible declares, to the contrary, it was the serpent
that truly cared for man and gave him the knowledge necessary for such advancement.
Mankind gladly accepted the forbidden knowledge believing that this reptile had the
mammals best interests in mind. They failed to see that the serpent only shared this
information with man so that man would build the structure necessary for the serpents
advancement back into the heavenly realm to make war with God on His own turf.
A one dimensional piece of paper becomes three dimensional in your mind as you must vision a
vertical tube and a horizontal tube in order to place the numbers in their proper sequence of North
East. Numbers could be replaced with letters thus a talisman that had the ability to speak.
The secret of Creation itself is based on this same forbidden knowledge of taking that
which does not exist except in the imagination of mans mind (the spiritual realm) and
making a physical reality from it. The magic square was the foundation representing the
earth, while the building built on top of the square was built in replication of the celestial,
either a constellation or some other luminary such as the path of the sun.
The square represents the masculine (earth) while the circle represents the feminine
(celestial). When both are 'reconciled' on the physical plane it is at once both the
doorway (stairway) leading above as well as the doorway leading below.
For man to be an equal to God, he had to be able to 'create' which mean to make
something from nothing, to bring into existence that which does not exist. The magic
square is the foundation of creation for it is bringing into existence that which does not
exist, a blueprint designed from the imagination of man, given to him by the dragon.
The dragon had given man the sacred number 13, the secret formula of creation.
Consider these facts detailed in the book, 'Thirteen-A journey into the number," by
Jonathan Cott.
"Sacred geometry is not just lines on a page; rather, it is the sacred motions of Spirit in
the Void. Genetically speaking, 13 is a very significant number in regard to how the
universe is put together. The universe keeps repeating itself, just as octaves on a
keyboard keep repeating. So basically what you have is twelve major universes in each
octave, with twelve overtones in between. And, as on a piano, there are five black keys,
seven white, and the thirteenth is the return. We're living in the third universe-more
specifically, in the third dimension-but each one of those other universes is a separate
universe as vast as this one. As you go up, the wavelength gets shorter. And in our third
dimension we're so veiled that we don't have conscious recall of how to tune into any of
these other universes."
The whole idea of the sacred geometry here is the special movement that you and I
and all of us made in order to get out of the great Void. Between each one of these
dimensional levels, there's a void ness; so you have to know how to move in a very
specific way in order to end up here, in our case in a third dimensional level on planet
The more you look at the sacred geometry, the more it shows you, step by step, that
there is a common thread that runs through everything. Think of the first three verses
from the opening of Genesis:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without
form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was
light.' What is described here is Spirit in the great Void, in the middle of nothingness.
And now Spirit in nothingness is going to move in a very specific way in order to create
this reality.
Figure 1 is showing you geometrically how Spirit is moving. Since you're in total
nothingness, you can't move unless you have some parameters. If there is you, and
nothing else, how would you know if you moved? So what we're doing here is creating a
possibility of movement. And the way we're taught to do that is quite simple. Imagine
you're in a pitch-black room, and though you can't see anything, you're going to project a
certain amount of distance ahead of you. And although you know nothing is there, you
can do this in four directions-frontward, backward, up and down. That's what Figure 1
is representing, the to and fro, and up and down motion.
This first step of creating, to imagine movement to, and fro, up and down is the simple
forbidden knowledge that the dragon (the devil) had when he was cast out of heaven. It
is this to and fro, up and down, movement that the dragon had given the king of
Babylon, which was used to build the tower of Babel or the 'gate of God'. (See figure A.)
Consider Biblical evidence of this fact in the book of Job, chapter 2, 'Again there was
a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan (that
serpent, the dragon known as the Devil) also came among them to present himself before
the Lord. And the Lord said to Satan, "Whence have you come?" Satan answered the
Lord, "From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it."
According to the Bible, Satan had indeed gained access from the earth into heaven,
from the physical realm into the spiritual realm with this foundation of creation of
moving to and from, up and down. Satan had made a 'gate of God' and had the ability of
gaining access into heaven. Satan would someday lead his followers thru this same gate
to make war in heaven to try to take the throne of God.
Now back to the rest of the creation process of the 'sacred 13'. "So, from the
projection, the next idea is to make a square around you (Figure 2), and from there to
form a pyramid above (Figure 3). Then bring the lines down to form a pyramid below so
that you get an octahedron (Figure 4). (Even though this is only a mental image, it makes
movement possible, because now you have a frame of reference.) The next idea is to get
from the octahedron to a sphere (Figure 5). And you can do that just by rotating your
axis in all the different possible directions.
"In sacred geometry, a straight line is considered male and a curved line female. So
by rotating the octahedron on its axis, Spirit went from being male to being female, i.e., a
sphere. The Bible reports that, the male was completed first and the female second. This
is a movement from straight lines to curved lines. The reason Spirit went from straight
lines to curved lines is that the geometric progression necessary for creation is much
easier from the female curved lines. Here, Spirit finds itself inside the sphere. (Figure 6).
Genesis says, 'The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters,' but where to? In
the entire universe there was only one new place and that was to the surface. So the
Spirit moved to the surface.
"Every motion from then on indicates exactly where to make the following motion
until the entire universe is created. Spirit knows what it has to do, which is to create
more spheres. What you first have is a vesica piscis, or two interlocked spheres, which is
the metaphysical structure behind light: 'And God said, Let there be light; and there was
So this is the first day of Genesis (Figure 7). Then, by making another sphere, you get
the next image, which makes the second day of Genesis (Figure 8). And the rest is
automatic (Figures 9-12).
"After the sixth day, you've got the minimum amount of information necessary to give you the
entire pattern of the flower of life, which consists of nineteen circles contained within a larger
circle. It's the image by means of which everything is created (Figure 13). And if you take one
half the radius of the center circle, draw a new circle using the one-half radius, and then run the
circles down the three axes, you will get the fruit of life (Figure 14). Do this one more time and
you end up with thirteen circles connected to thirteen circles, or the fruit of life connected to the
fruit of life. You can keep doing this operation forever; like the logarithmic spiral, this is a
primary geometrical pattern of the universe (Figure 15).
"The fruit of life with its thirteen circles is a very special, very sacred figure. Thirteen
systems of information come out of the fruit of life, and these systems describe in detail
every single aspect of our reality, everything that we can think of, see, taste, or smell,
right down to the actual atomic structure. The whole process I've been describing here is
the map of the movement of Spirit out of nothingness into the creation of the entire
reality. It allows us to begin to see logically the unified thread that moves through
everything-you, me, and everyone, without exception."
The number13 is the most sacred number in 'sacred geometry'. The 'G' in the middle
of the symbol of Freemasonry stands for this 'sacred geometry' which proves that it is not
coincidence that the original flag had 13 stars (symbols of Ishtar) in the shape of their god
the sun (a circle with a dot in the center.)
The number13 did not represent the 13 colonies, nor did it represent the 13 signers of
the Declaration of Independence, nor the 13 stripes on the flag (Neter -Egyptian god).
Consider the Great Seal, which the number 13 is used 13 times. There are 13 letters in
Latin above the 13 steps on the pyramid below, 13 letters in E Pluribus Unum, the 13
stars above the eagle, 13 clouds around the stars, 13 bars on the shield below, 13 feathers
in the eagles tail. Consider the 13 leaves on the olive branch, with the 13 fruits, as well
as the 13 arrows in its other hand.
The dragon had this knowledge of the importance of 13 in 'sacred geometry', as did
Babylon. This government of Washington was founded on this same forbidden
knowledge passed along by the Dragon, the Devil. This was the reason for the fall of
Babylon. This is the reason for the fall of Washington's Masonic Roman Empire.
Man was a created being. Mankind was never intended to have the forbidden
knowledge on how to create. The serpent was willing to trade this knowledge in return
for obedience to his voice and to make the image, to make the gate of God, the
stairway that would enable the dragon to once again have access into the celestial realm,
there to make war in heaven.
Washington like the king of Babylon had obeyed the voice of the Dragon and laid out
the foundations of this kingdom in compliance with the dragons mandate and
instruction. In the book entitled, Washington, the Pride and Glory of America, by
Isabella Brega, declares that the Nations Capitol is the sanctuary of American history,
carved from nothing and nowhere to represent us all, as our true Capitol.
To carve something from nothing and nowhere is to create. Had Washington
become equal to God? The book on page 24 reads, The actual instructions for localizing
and determining the square of land on which the city was to rise came from Washington
himself- a signal of the desire to build from nothing a city which was to be the symbol
of a nation born equal to all others but at the same time, unlike any of them.
This same book declares, The Treasury Building, situated on the right of the White
House and erected like most of the big federal administrative buildings during the 19
century, is an opulent Grecian temple, all columns, marbles, and capitals, dedicated to
the dollar god.
The Nations Capitol is no exception, for it to is dedicated to this dollar god called
Washington. The ceiling of the Nations Capitol has a painting entitled, the Apotheosis of
Washington. Washington depicted as a god is the official explanation of the painting
which depicts Washington seated on a throne, as he who mounts the clouds, and sitting
on the rainbow, surrounded by the lesser gods of the Roman Pantheon.
Only God can build something from nothing, for to build something from nothing is to
create. For man to attempt to create something from nothing was considered a vain
attempt by man to compete with God as creator, or even to usurp and displace God as
creator. By using these magic squares, man had become enlightened and began to see
certain absolute laws; laws that attested to an underlying order, an underlying design, an
underlying coherence.
Even though Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all had laws forbidding graven images
or the depiction of natural forms including that of man himself, these religions saw
nothing wrong with acknowledging unseen laws of the Universe, for they were in fact
acknowledging the Creator by holding such invisible truths like Geometry and
Astronomy as being self-evident laws which govern all of creation.
These laws of shape, number and angle not only revealed the manifestation of God,
and acknowledged his supreme authority over man, but this sacred geometry also enabled
man to build superstructures that would contain the very essence, the very being of God.
Man could now build structures that would basically be a house for their God, all
without violating Gods law, for their buildings were not graven images of any seen
Babylon recognized Astrology and Geometry as Universal laws which man had no
choice but obey. They considered both to be part of God, even though God had shown
over and over that such buildings and use of the stars was forbidden. In the next chapter
you will learn why Washington is a nation equal to Babylon, Egypt and Rome, however
unlike any of them, for Washington was designed to replicate a constellation unlike any
other, the constellation of Virgo.
The Nations Capitol contains an image of Washington as a god in the basement, it also
has an image of Washington portrayed as a god in the ceiling. In between is the
doorway, the path of the sun, moon, planets, and the living beings (zodiac). This Capitol
is where the solstices reconcile, where the equinox is centered. A doorway for the
planets to travel in between the god of the celestial (ceiling) and the god of the
underworld (basement)
These planets and the constellation of Virgo are brought down to the earth by building
a kingdom in replication of a constellation. The Pharaoh did it and so did Washington.
The empire was a physical and celestial kingdom, as above, so below. The planets have
access into the physical realm by a doorway built on sacred geometry. The planets travel
between these two realms following the road Washington built for them.
The road is called the National Road. Washington claimed that the road was to
connect the Nations Capitol with the Northwest Territories. Washington is connected in
more ways than one. The same person who laid out Washington also laid out the
foundation for Indianapolis.
The sun and other planets travel west from Washingtons Capitol towards its setting
in Indiana. Just as Washington was built as a doorway from the celestial down to the
earth realm, Indiana was built as a doorway leading from the physical realm down into
the underworld.
Indianapolis was designed as the philosophers stone mapped out in compliance with
Babylons tablet of destiny. Three magic squares were stacked one upon another, first
with a 6X6 magic square of the sun = 666, then in the Northeast quadrant of this 6X6
square they secured a 2X2 square (AKA the devil square), and donated this land to the
State of Indiana.
Washington then had a one-mile square centered on top of the 2X2 square. This one
square mile was laid out as a magic square of mars, the Roman god of war. In the center
of this one mile magic square was a holy hill the original occupants knew as the sacred
union of the suns zenith and the moons meridian.
It was on this holy hill (square #13) at the crossroads, in the midst of Paradise, where
they would build the tree of knowledge, the doorway from the physical realm to the
underworlds and visa versa. At this holy hill they would enclose this crossroad of Ishtar
with, a Magic Circle. This information will be discussed in greater detail later on in
the book. It is important for now to remember that Indianapolis like Washington is
destined for destruction for they are built on a faulty foundation, a violation of Gods
Gods 2
Commandment warned us not to make the talisman, yet the kingdom of
Washington built its empire upon these graven images. It is a fact; Washington obeyed
the voice of the serpent and complied with the serpents instructions in Revelation 13, to
make the graven image.
The serpent was willing to share the forbidden knowledge of creation with man, to
enlighten man of the 13 steps of sacred geometry; the secret of creation in return for mans
obedience to the serpents voice and building the serpent his access into the heavens.
Washington will fall, for it was built on the same faulty foundation as the tower of
Babel. Not only is the foundation faulty, but also the house is built to give honor and
glory to a god called Washington. The house was built by sorcery and black magic. The
house was built by priests of Baal, once known as Phoenicians, now are called
Washington claims there is a wall separating church from state, yet Washington
promotes polytheism, and built a Universal Pagan empire, all in violation of the laws of
man and of God.
Before you pledge your allegiance to the flag (or anything else for that matter) you
should be aware of 'that for which it stands'. Sometimes, almost always, love can blind
you to the truth. Patriotism, a love for country, not only can blind you to the truth, but it
can make you deaf and dumb (mute/silent) as well.
Consider the first book of the Holy Bible, the Genesis, the beginning of man. Adam
knew and obeyed the voice of the Creator while in the Garden of Eden. However, due to
Adams love for Eve he was blinded to the fact that the he was being deceived by Eve's
voice speaking the serpent's words.
We must keep this in mind if we are going to prevent falling. For the serpent always
has, always will enter into that which we love to convince us to obey the wrong voice.
Our love is what blinds us. Take for example the love of the American Flag. At the time
of this writing a Federal Appeals Court has ruled that the pledge of allegiance is
unconstitutional due to the phrase, "Under God", which was added to the original pledge
in 1954, a time when 'godless Communism' was the threat of the day.
The result was expected. Everybody began pledging allegiance to the flag in defiance
to this outrageous Court ruling. The Christians in America were outraged and rallied in
defense of the flag, as well as the government's use of the title, God. Christians as well as
the rest of America defended the use of acknowledging God by pointing out the fact that
our currency has the motto, "In God we trust".
The timing of this Court ruling is not coincidental. At the same time of this ruling, the
Supreme Court ruled that school vouchers were Constitutional. Was this controversy
about the pledge of allegiance to draw attention away from the bigger controversy of tax
dollars being given to religious organizations for religious instruction, a first in our
nations history?
How can Christians support paying for educating Muslim children to hate Christians?
Why should a Christian pay to educate a child according to Islamic law which states
Christianity is a monstrous thing, or that Christians should be executed for committing
the unforgivable sin against Islam (declaring that God begat a son)?
The Bible says that we must not assist such anti-Christ's as Islam in any way, not even
as much as bidding them god-speed. Now Washington is demanding we give part of our
hard earned income to educate those whose goal it is to terminate us. Once again we are
presented with two different voices to choose between.
Washington is becoming desperate to get the citizens to rally around the flag and the
pledging of allegiance to it. Especially now that the Protestants are being educated on
what the flag really stands for as well as the abomination of pledging allegiance to it, as
you well soon learn.
When Christ was questioned about the validity of paying taxes Christ responded by
telling them to look at their currency. Whose image was on it? They answered Caesars.
Christ then instructed them to render unto Caesar that which is Caesars' and render unto
God that which is Gods'.
Does honor or praise belong to God or to Caesar? It belongs to God and God alone,
the scriptures are quite clear about this. What does our trust in God have to do with the
image of Caesar or Washington? Is it as our government has proclaimed at our nations
Capitol, that Washington is a god? Why would we associate trust in god with that which
has been identified as being the root of all-evil?
Look at a quarter. It has an image of Washington on it, and declares "In God We
Trust." How could we associate our trust in God with a graven image of Caesar? Rome
wasn't even that bold to do such a thing, or there would be many who would rightly
refuse to use or accept such currency. Our love blinds us.
Look on the back of a dollar bill. It says "In God We Trust." This declaration of
trusting in god is placed between two graven images of pagan deities worshipped by
Babylon, Egypt, and Rome. How can we truly trust in God when we are trusting and
pledging allegiance to a government whose Great Seal of Authority acknowledges two
pagan deities, known in Babylon as Enlil and Ishtar, in Egypt, Min and Isis, in Rome,
Mars and Victoria, and in the Old Testament as Baal and Ashtoreth?
It is indeed time to become separate and to come out of her! Let's get down to the
basics. Lets review what the flag really stands for, what the flag represents. Lets learn
about the origin of this flag that we love so much. A flag so respected that churches give
it a place of great honor within the sanctuary. For once you learn the truth about this flag,
you will have another choice to make.
Churches have been challenged to prove their claim of wanting to obey God.
Churches will have to prove they are sincere in preparing themselves as a bride without
spot or wrinkle. They must comply with Gods final warning to become separate from
this Babylon.
The flags removal from the sanctuary will be the sign of the churches compliance to
the will of God, then and only then will the 2nd Exodus begin. The following are facts
about the flag and what it really stands for. Research the information for yourself.
Let's begin with House Document No. 92-376, entitled "Our Flag", "THE STORY
OF THE STARS AND STRIPES." The text reads, "The story of the origin of our
National flag parallels the story of the origin of our country." "The star is a symbol
of the heavens and the divine goal to which man has aspired from time immemorial; the
stripe is symbolic of the rays of light emanating from the sun and moon. Both themes
have long been represented on the standards of nations from the banners of the astral
worshippers of ancient Egypt and Babylon."
And there you have it in black and white. A House Document claiming that the origin
of the flag is the same story as the origin of our country, borrowed from astral
worshippers of Babylon and ancient Egypt. Well then, lets go to Babylon and Egypt and
find out what their flags stood for, and do some comparing.
The Egyptians used hieroglyphs to illustrate words. The hieroglyph shows the
Egyptian flag called a 'Neter', also known as the 'living ones'. This hieroglyph of a flag
was also known simply as 'a god'. The Egyptians considered this 'flag', this 'neter', a
'living thing', and a 'god'. Likewise, the United States Flag Code, adopted by Congress
reads, "The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing."
The 5-pointed star that is currently on the American flag was also an Egyptian symbol
for their sky-goddess known as Venus. The Babylonians called Venus Ishtar. The 5-
pointed star that you learned how to draw in school (see illustration B.) is not just an easy
way to draw a star, but is a direct result if one plots the movement of the planet Venus as
seen from the earth in the Zodiac.
While the Egyptians used this 5-pointed star to represent their sky-goddess, the
Babylonians used the 8-pointed star to represent Venus, also known as Ishtar, since it
took exactly eight years for her to return to the same sign of the zodiac and the same
place in that sign.
The 5-pointed star that is made by the planet Venus, which takes 8 years to complete,
reveals one of the reasons why the number 13 was considered to be her sacred number.
(Read chapter 13 for more detailed information concerning the adoption and use of the
number 13 by Washington.
The gods of Babylon included the dynamic duo of Enlil and Ishtar (also known as
Baal and Venus). The hieroglyph for Baal was a dot within a circle, the symbol of the
sun. The hieroglyph for Venus in Babylon was the 8-pointed star. Babylon, Egypt, and
Rome all worshipped this god/goddess combination, and so did America.
Review the illustration of the earliest version of the 'Stars and Stripes', called the
Easton Flag. You will notice that both astral god and goddess have been incorporated
into the flag. Thirteen 8-pointed stars are positioned to make the symbol of Baal, a dot
within the circle, the sun symbol. The rays of the masculine sun (red) and feminine moon
(white) are also depicted in the upper left hand corner.
One may claim it coincidental that 13 stars were used for this flag, claiming that they
represent the 13 colonies, but the image of Baal made up of these 8-pointed stars is no
accident but intentionally borrowed from the astral worshippers of Babylon and Egypt as
the House Document confirms.
The original flag contained 13 stars suppose ably representing the 13 original colonies.
It must have just been coincidental. The current American flag contains 50 stars, which
also is supposed to represent the 50 states. What a strange coincidence that the
Babylonian god (Baal) had fifty names, his fiftieth name was Enlil, which is Babylonian
for 50!
Does the flags 50 images of the sky-goddess represent 50 states or is it consistently with
the original flag a combination of the god and goddess? You be the judge.
However, if this flag does represent the pagan god / goddess of the astral worshipping
Babylonians and Egyptians, think of the abomination to have such a banner on the
podiums in our sanctuaries, or outside the church where the flag is flown in the dominant
position above the flag of Christianity.
It is no wonder why the flag is given more protection, than an unborn fetus.
Politicians have declared the flag a sacred living thing and pass legislation to prevent its
desecration while caring nothing about the unborn, a truly sacred living thing, from being
utterly destroyed.
Now that you know the truth about the flag, and why it is sacred, a choice must be
made. Will you pledge allegiance to this sacred living thing that represents ancient
Babylonia and Egyptian pagan deities? This flag and the respect and honor given it is a
direct violation of God's 1st Commandment, "thou shalt have no other gods."
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's.
Our allegiance and any pledge of allegiance belong to God alone. Glory, honor, respect,
and our affection belong to God, and not an inanimate object which man claims he has
given life to. The church must now make the decision. Should this living image of a
pagan deity have a place of honor in the house of God? Heaven forbid. It is time that we
clean house.
The controversy about the pledge being unconstitutional comes at the same time
Washington is trying to pass laws forcing citizens to pay for religious education (school
vouchers), as well government funding of religious organizations for 'social services',
both historical firsts, both a direct violation of Federal and State Constitutional laws, both
a violation of the Creators Commandments.
The controversy about removing 'under God' from the pledge is only a smoke screen,
a diversion in attempt to rally citizens around the pledging of allegiance to the flag as
well as accepting these violations of Constitutional law by Washington, or to simplify,
using tax dollars to promote Polytheism. How else could Washington convince the
Christian majority to accept such a violation of Gods 1st Commandment?
Once again we see how patriotism or the love of God and Country blinds people to the
reality of the crimes being committed by Washington, crimes against both God and
Country. During this controversy of the pledge, the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of
school vouchers and will no doubt rule in favor of Washington's Faith Based Initiative,
just as it will no doubt keep 'under God' in the pledge when it is all said and done.
It is time that we wake up and realize just exactly what is going on. School vouchers,
the Faith Based Initiatives, and the pledge of allegiance all look good and acceptable, but
you need to do what this chapter has tried to get people to do. Judge these things with
righteous judgment.
Is it the voice of the Creator, or is it the voice of the Creator. Is it Gods will that we
work to support these 'other' religions gods and goddesses? Is it in compliance with
God's law to promote Polytheism, (a direct violation of God's 1st Commandment?)
Is it Gods will to pay to educate children to fight hard and kill Christians, or that the
belief in the only begotten Son of God is a 'monstrous thing'? (Koran 19:88)
The flag is not the only thing this government has borrowed from Babylon, as you will
learn in the next chapter. Washington was built on the same foundation of Babylon, with
the same intention. America will fall just as Babylon's tower of Babel; Washington will
fall just as the kingdom of Babylon fell, for the structure is the same as Babylon's.
America's foundation is the same foundation that Babylon built upon, the magic square.
America's house is built like the tower of Babel, built by 'sacred geometry.'
Indiana is dying because it couldn't grow. Indiana could not keep up with the other
States because of stupid illegal laws that prevented the cities growth in honor of their
pagan Roman goddesses of War downtown.
Believe it or not Indiana passed a law that made it illegal for any structures to be built
taller than their graven image of their Roman pagan goddesses of war (Victoria) aka the
Indiana Soldiers and Sailors monument. Thus the core of the state, the capitol of the state
could not grow south of the circle, all because of a graven image of the pagans now
occupying the State of Indiana.
This pagan occupation of this North Country is being resisted, right where the pagan
occupation began, in the midst of Paradise, in the garden called Indy. The pagans in
power are only heeding that voice which is contrary to the voice of the Creator aka the
Word of God.
The pagans in power do things which destroy the state and the country because 'they
must heed the voice' of their master, they must make the graven images in accordance
with the dragons instructions found in Revelation 13.
Washington imported the Pagan occupation to Indiana. Indiana is second only to
Washington in its amount of 'memorials', like the temple of the Babylonian war goddess
Ishtar AKA Venus [Virgo], (AKA; the Indiana War memorial).
Evidence: go into the upper chamber of this 'war memorial', and look above the altar,
there you'll see the neter (god) AKA flag. Above this neter is the Babylonian goddess of
war Ishtar called "the star of destiny" by the state of Indiana, who also claims "this star
leads and guides the destiny, the future welfare of the Nation."
The Babylonian war goddess is in her typical superior position above the Neter, above
the alter. The only thing above her is the ceiling portraying a star-lit heavenly staircase
upwards. The State calls this temple of Ishtar a 'war memorial' as not to break any
Constitutional laws by using billions of tax dollars to build their pagan temples to their
pagan deities.
In this chapter we have learned that the celestial symbol of Baal (Enlil-50) was a dot
within a circle, and Ishtars symbol, was the 8-pointed star. This 'dynamic duo' also had
an earthly image as well, that of a man and woman. Whenever there was an image of
Baal, you would find his 'consort' Ishtar beside him. They were almost always depicted
together since they were the male / female 'god'.
It is important to remember that the God of the Old Testament is the same God of the
New Testament, as the Bible bears witness that God is the same yesterday, today, and
forever. Keeping that in mind, the adversary of the Old Testament is the same adversary
of the New Testament, and that adversary was known in Canaan as Baal Ashtoreth.
The Old Testament documents this pagan religion as the biggest threat and stumbling
block to his people Israel. God commanded his leaders to make war against this religion,
to destroy these images known as Asherahs and topple their altars.
God warned against any kind of peace or compromise with this cult, as it would result
in our adoption of their pagan gods and goddesses as well as their abominable practices
such as homosexuality, prostitution, and child sacrifices.
An Asherah was a graven image of the goddess Ishtar or Ashtoreth depicted as a tree,
due to the fact that she was also referred to a tree or vegetation goddess, as was her
consort the vegetation god. An Asherah was a tree, which whose limbs were cut off to
represent two upraised arms. This tree would have breasts, carved into them to represent
this female goddess.
You can see an exact replication of one of these Asherah by going downtown
Indianapolis to University Park. (See photo). This Asherah was donated by the
Indianapolis Star and News, which explains why they have refused to inform the public
on the real story about Indianas longest running mystery (the attacks on her consort Pan
[aka Baal, Min, Devil] on the other side of the fountain.]
Whenever there was an image of Baal placed, the image of his consort would be
placed to the right or due east of him, if not directly above him. In other words the
goddess image was either North of Baal or East of these images of Baal (Northeast being
of importance as will be explained in another chapter), as the numerous images of this
dynamic duo downtown will attest to.
This dynamic duo called Baal Ashtoreth is the god in which Washington puts its
trust. From the flag to the currency, the evidence is right before you. The fact is that
there never was a separation of church and state, that was just a front to conceal the fact
that the State itself was a religion, a cult, disguised as a government, much like their
pagan temples disguised as war memorials
These prophets of Baal, called Masonic Politicians, declared their independence from
Gods authority, and declared war against Protestant Britain, overthrowing Protestant
authority in this North Country in order to establish their Polytheistic pagan government,
a revived Roman Empire, with Washington as its god, Washington as their Most
Worshipful Baal.
America is indeed the only superpower in the world. So why is it that all the modern
day prophets do not see any role for America to play in these end times? Television
prophets point to Russia, Iraq, or the Vatican as the final kingdom of man foretold of in
the book of Revelation, called the anti-Christ or the Beast. Are these prophets biased in
their prophecies, or are they in denial? These same electronic prophets preach that
supporting all religions (Washingtons Faith Based Imitative) is a good thing, and that
these graven images of Baal Ashtoreth can do no harm to anyone.
The Indianapolis Star donated this Asherah currently in University Park downtown.
Governments promotion of Polytheism, or the official acknowledgement of these other
gods and goddesses is a direct violation of Gods 1
Commandment, as well as a
violation of both Federal and State Constitutional laws.
We are clearly instructed to be separate from such and not to give assistance in any
way to these anti-Christs agenda, yet many Christians will heed their Most Worshipful
Masters voice and donate their hard earned money to maintain these other religions and
to promote these other gods.
America does indeed have a role to play in these end times, for it is Babylon, the final
kingdom of man. Babylon was the foundation Washington built upon, just as Egypt and
Rome had done.
Or could it be that Washington came before Babylon, before Babylon was Washington
is. Could Babylon have gotten its knowledge of sacred geometry from Washington,
from one of its monuments that survived the coming destruction?
Could it be possible that one of Washingtons orbiting satellites have re-entered earths
atmosphere in the future, or even have re-entered to the earth by traveling back in time?
Both could be possibilities, but one thing is for certain. Washington is the Babylon
spoken of in the final book of the Bible. Which came first is not as important as realizing
that both Washington and Babylon is one and the same.
Woe to the watchman who says all is well when all is not well. All is not well. The
book of Revelation says, Babylon has fallen, is falling. Indeed the original Babylon has
fallen. Indeed this Babylon is falling.
NOTE: If you place the Masonic symbol of the Compass and Square on top of
Washingtons Great Seal of Authority you will see that the five points of these two
symbols fall on certain letters on this Great Seal. The word that it spells reveals who this
Great Seal of Authority belongs toMASONs.
The forbidden knowledge traveled from Babylon into Egypt. From Egypt this forbidden
knowledge AKA 'sacred geometry' went forth like 3 unclean spirits (frogs) to the Greco-
Roman Empire, Arabia, The Orient. Only one of these three would receive a fatal wound
to its head and survive or more precisely, be revived, and that revived empire is the
Roman Empire rebuilt by a European confederation.
First we will discuss the Orient and Arabia, and finally we will reveal where the
Roman Empire was rebuilt. The Orient claimed to have discovered the magic square
4000 years ago, just like Rome claims to be the origin of a two headed 'god of the
doorway' called Janus (However evidence like this Babylonian impression which shows
this two headed god had in fact originated in Babylon.)
You can also see this 'god of the doorway' in the Indiana House of Representatives at
the Indiana State Capitol, along with the 'three daughters of Allah' AKA 'the 3 fates', the
three colossus statues known as 'Liberty' [NY], {sun goddess}, 'Freedom' [DC], {moon
goddess} and 'Victoria' [IN], {earth goddess}
It is claimed that the first magic square was discovered 4000 years ago in China by a
man name Wu of Hsia. Wu was involved in a project that would prevent the flooding of
the farm land by the Hwang Ho River. While working on this project, Wu had found a
tortoise with peculiar markings on it, black and white markings that created a perfect
magic square.
This tortoise shell was believed the reason why Wu was successful in his endeavor of
preventing the flooding of the Hwang Ho River, since they believed that God lived in the
shells of tortoises. Wu was made emperor, as this magic square discovered on the shell
of a tortoise gave birth to the Chinese I Ching, the nine-star ki system of astrology and
numerology, as well as their system of geomancy, also known as 'sacred geometry.'
Looking once again at the Babylonian inscription you will notice in the right hand of
Ishtar, she is holding vegetation to the god of Earth called Enlil by the Babylonians, and
Min by the Egyptians. This is what is typically portrayed in her right hand. In the
Egyptian depictions of this goddess her left hand holds a serpent (a reptile), but in the
Babylonian impression the goddess is holding a tortoise in her left hand, (a reptile).
In this Babylonian plate the king (on the right) is stepping up onto another plane
where this Queen of heaven dwells. The king is seeking the assistance of the god of earth
(on the left), which is and was since the beginning, a god of war. The goddess (at center)
offers the god of earth an offering of vegetation that gives her the ability to conjure up the
dreaded Babylonian god of destruction by the means of the reptile summoning up this
war god from the center of the magic square. The center square believed to house this
god of war.
Although China claims to have discovered the reptile / magic square connection this
Babylonian impression shows how a tortoise was used to activate the magic square, and
was indeed of Babylonian origin. Regardless of the origin this magic square 'enlightened'
China to create many new and wonderful things, one of which was the war gods favorite
invention, gunpowder, which changed all the rules of warfare.
The magic square was also responsible for the advancement and enlightenment of
Arabia in astrology, mathematics, and 'sacred geometry'. The most sacred structure in
Arabia is a black magic square or cube called the Kaaba, or house of god. This
structure is believed to have the power to remove the sins of those who circle this square,
7 times in a counter clockwise rotation and touch the sacred 'black cornerstone' set in the
eastern corner.
Arabia soon gave birth to a religion called Islam which claimed to be opposed to the
making of graven images yet had no problem with embracing the magic square, a
talisman AKA a graven image. The founder of Islam was a prophet named Mohammed
who claimed he was the final messenger of Allah, (according to Time Life Book, The
Arab World, page 26, "Allah, the name the Moslems applied to the One God, was
originally the name of the supreme pagan god.")
Mohammed was convinced that the greatest sin was to ascribe 'partners to God',
ordering the death penalty upon anyone who declared that God had begotten a Son.
According to Islamic law a Christian (one who professes a belief in the only begotten son
of God) is guilty of Islams unforgivable sin and sentenced to death by crucifixion,
stoning, or beheading.
Note: The Bible's 1 John 2:22 Identifies 'anti-Christ' as 'he who denies the only
begotten son of God,' therefore according to Biblical truth, this prophet Mohammed is a
'False Prophet' referred to in the book of Revelation. The message of this prophet of
Islam, that god did not beget a son is the same message of the serpent AKA Devil, who
when tempting Christ began with the challenge, "if you are indeed the son of God then
turn these rocks into bread."
We are warned repeatedly not to assist such anti-Christ in any way, yet Washington
thinks to change the laws of the land so that Christians must now pay taxes to educate
Moslem children in Islamic law, laws that call for the execution of the Saints, and calls
Christianity a 'monstrous thing' [ Koran 19:88 ] {voucher program}
This Islamic infusion into this country is the greatest threat to Christianity as well as
our American way of life. President Clinton was warned about this Islamic threat in
1996. (See Clintons' response) President Clinton threw the gates wide open when he
claimed at the United Nations that Americans honor and respect Islam. We have only
begun to pay the price for our disobedience to the Word of God's instructions.
Both the Orient and Arabia have continued, as they will until the end. Both built upon
the foundation of this 'sacred geometry', enlightened in knowledge and powerful in
warfare, yet pale in comparison to that of the 'revived Roman Empire.'
The book of Revelation foretells of a final kingdom of man, a superpower, which
would be a 'revived Roman Empire' and referred to as 'Babylon'. Television evangelist
and prophets claim that Russia is the kingdom spoken of in Revelation, while others say
it is the Vatican or Iraq (the original Babylon) that will become this superpower.
The other kingdoms from Babylon, Egypt and Rome had their gods who accomplished
miraculous deeds as found in their ruins, however no Priest, no Pharaoh, no god had
accomplished the things Washington had accomplished, horseless chariots, giving man
the ability to fly, and even to take possession of the moon! It is no wonder why the
government has declared Washington a god. When compared to these ancient gods
deeds, they pale in comparison.
This would explain the statue of Washington in the basement of the Nations Capitol
building. See illustration of Washington as Zeus, 'the Father of all gods'. In the
basement Washington is depicted as a god, just as he is above in the ceiling of the
Capitol. As above, so below...Washington has been declared 'a god.'
The Kings of Babylon were considered gods. The Pharaohs of Egypt were considered
gods. The Caesars of Rome were considered gods. So why; are you so surprised the
Founding Father of the greatest kingdom in earths history is also declared to be a god?
Which is why; those like Abraham Lincoln declared, "Washington is the most powerful
name on earth!"
Those who designed Washington were like their ancient predecessors 'enlightened' by
this magic square, by this 'sacred geometry'. Ben Franklin, one of the founders who was
called a genius and inventive had knowledge of the magic square and proclaimed that he
had invented the most magical of all magical squares, a 16 X 16 magic square. Ben
Franklin was a wizard, a sorcerer.
The cold hard fact is that Washington is that 'revived Roman Empire spoken of in the
final book of the Bible, Revelation. It is a Masonic Roman Empire, the final kingdom of
man, a revived Roman empire built by European Masons. Romans would once again rule
the world while the Masons could freely use tax dollars to build their many temples to
house their pagan Babylonian goddess of war, Ishtar.
Lets begin with the Washington monument, a Masonic monument built on sacred
geometry, a phallic god of the Egyptians, a tree of knowledge, forbidden knowledge. In
1851, the Vatican and other nations donated a block of marble to help build the
Washington Monument, a religious monument {i.e. a representation of a god} a violation
of Constitutional law.
The Vatican donated a block of marble take from the pagan Temple of Concord in
Rome, the temple of Zeus. [Another block that was donated came from another sacred
temple at Carthage, (now called Libya) the capitol of Baal Ashtoreth worship complete
with sacred prostitutes, homosexual high priests, and cannibalism of the children they
sacrificed. The graven image of the god worshiped at Carthage (See photo) is the same
god engraved on the Great Seal.
It is the block donated by the Vatican that caused the most controversy since the block
of marble was engraved with the words, "Rome to America", a donation to help the
masons build their 'international monument' a graven image of their god, a house for their
There were at this time Protestants who were aware of this ambition of Rome to revive
its global empire on this soil and broke into the storage shed next to the monument and
carried off the stone, broke it into pieces and threw the pieces off the side of a ship, a
little payback for the Masonic Romans who vandalized a Protestant ship of tea in Boston.
But Masonic influence and deception was greater than the Protestant resistance in that
day. Now that we know about the stones that were used to make this image, lets look at
the foundation on which it stands, the land itself.
This land where our Nations Capitol currently sits had a special name before being
called the District of Columbia, its name..."Rome" believe it or not. There is a deed
dated June 5, 1663 located in the Maryland State Archives, at Annapolis which confirms
the fact that a Francis Pope had purchased land which would be called Rome with its
western boundary a river called the Tiber, the famous Roman river.
It is claimed that this Francis Pope had a vision for this land on which our Capitol sits.
It is said that Francis Pope had a dream that someday a glorious Capitol would be built
upon this land, a Capitol mightier than Rome, which is why he purchased the land and
properly named it Rome complete with the Tiber River.
The fact is that this Francis Pope as well as his Vatican financier wanted this land
because of its sacred location, whose center marks the spring and winter equinoxes,
whose center is where the solstices are reconciled, a place situated in the center between
the northern and southern extremes of the suns setting. It is this sacred spot where they
desired to build the temple to the greatest of all gods, to the Father of all gods,
Francis Pope was neither a prophet nor a visionary, simply a Vatican employee who
was to purchase a 'special piece of property' sacred in its relation to the sun, their god.
The European masons would build Rome its new empire with its Capitol in its sacred
position in compliance with forbidden knowledge and sacred geometry.
These are the facts of the Capitol of this kingdom; situated on land called Rome. The
kingdom is the 'revived Roman Empire' built by Freemasons from Europe who had
received their secret knowledge they had received from the Roman College of Artificers.
A revived Roman Empire built upon land called the 'lost paradise' that Rome claimed a
man named Christopher Columbus had discovered (contrary to historical facts).
Washington, like Rome, Egypt and Babylon was built oriented to the Sun -
specifically the sunset, the doorway the sun goes down into the underworld to be reborn
the next day over the Capitol. (We will discuss this sunset doorway located in Indiana in
the next chapter.)
Not only was the Capitol oriented to the Sun, centered in a sacred relation with the
solstices and equinoxs settings, the Capitol used three of its most important or sacred
structures to replicate a heavenly constellation. The 3 Egyptians pyramids of Giza were
placed to replicate the 3 stars of Orion's belt, and so to the 3 superstructures of the
Capitol, the Washington monument, the White House, and the Capitol building were built
to replicate the 3 stars of the constellation Virgo.
In this way the kingdom would be at once both earthly (physical) and heavenly or
celestial (spiritual), like a union between heaven and earth, a marriage of Virgo and the
Sun. The problem is that if you build a kingdom, which unites the heaven, and earth and
your foundation that you build and align it upon; is a magic square, and then you will
have access from the underworld into the physical realm and at the same time the
celestial realm; this was the same cause of the fall of Babylon.
The magic square was a doorway used for conjuring up entities in the lower realm to
do the bidding of the Master who called them forth in the physical realm. This is the
knowledge of going 'up and down' in the earth. Going 'to and fro' will be discussed in the
next chapter.
There should be no doubt as to which Nation is the foretold 'revived Roman Empire'
built by Freemasonry. Built in a spot sacred to the Sun, built in replication of Virgo,
which represents fertility and life under the dominant influence of the moon, in other
words a 'sacred union' of the sun and moon of light and dark of the male and female, god
and goddess, or more commonly called Baal Ashtoreth.
Let us take a tour of this modern day Babylon. Lets go into the Statuary Hall of the
Capitol and look at a Roman time machine called the 'Car of History' a horseless chariot,
wherein a goddess holding a tablet rides across the sky (supposedly recording history). Is
it a goddess recording history or a goddess-manifesting destiny?
This Tablet of Destiny' which decreed the fates of man and gods originated in Babylon
and belonged to the Babylonian god Enlil also known as Marduk. The 'Tablet of Destiny'
was an astrological chart that resulted from Babylonian 'sacred geometry'. It was used to
chart the course of mankind since it was believed that the stars decree to man his destiny.
See formula for creating a Tablet of Destiny.
The ancient Babylonians believed that it is this 'Tablet of Destiny' that enabled their God
Enlil and his consort Ishtar (also called the 'creatress of Destiny') to create the heavens
and the earth and the constellations and stations of heavenly bodies, and finally create
man. Today the Babylonian Tablet of Destiny is simply called a horoscope.
Once again you have two voices, both claiming to be the Creator, the voice of the
Babylonian god Enlil, the dragon, or the Hebrew God. The Babylonian god, the dragon
claimed to be the Creator. While the Hebrew God claimed to be the Creator. The god of
Babylon, Enlil claimed to have created everything by having possession of the Tablets of
Destiny. The God of the Hebrews claimed to have created everything thru His Word.
Two voices, one belongs to the Creator, the other voice belongs to the Destroyer, that
dragon of old, the serpent known as the 'Devil'. One voice commands man not to be
partaker of the forbidden knowledge ('sacred geometry').
The other voice commands man to be partakers of the 'tree of knowledge', (an
'obelisk') so that man could become 'enlightened' and become equal to God. Satan
tempted man with the forbidden knowledge of how to create, how to create a doorway
into all 3 dimensions, and to be resurrected every day as the eternal sun.
The voice of the 'god of Babylon' instructed man in the final kingdom, or revived
Roman Empire that they should make the graven image, (the 'doorway'), contrary to
God's 2nd Commandment, "Thou shalt not make the graven image." (talisman/AKA,
'magic square').
The Babylonian Dragon god Enlil (the god of 'the fifty') claimed he had created the
heavens and earth, as well as man by the authority of the 'Creatress of Destiny', who had
given these 'Tablets of Destiny' to him. It was only thru these 'tablets of Destiny' (AKA
horoscopes) that the god of Babylon, (AKA the Dragon) was capable to create.
The God of the Hebrews claimed to have created the heavens and earth, as well as
mankind. The God of the Hebrews claimed that he had created all things thru his only
begotten Word (aka The 'Holy Bible'). So which story was it? Was the earth created by
the Babylonian god Marduk with his 'tablets of Destiny'? (Astrology), or was the earth
created by the Hebrew God with his 'Only begotten Word'? (our Lord).
This only begotten Word instructs us that Man had fallen by obeying the voice of the
serpent, as well as disobeying His voice, His Word. The Bible tells us that this Hebrew
God loved us so much that he sent his only begotten Word to man, to redeem man and
reunite him with his Creator.
This Word of God was sent to earth on two tablets of stone written by the very finger
of God, it was the law and authority of God, (just as the Babylonian gods 'tablets of
Destiny' (AKA Astrology, the 'Universal law')
The Bible says, and the "Word became flesh and dwelt among man." In other words
the spiritual voice of God became the physical reality of the Physical Word of God. Just
as Babylon believed the 'tablets of Destiny' would be made a physical reality on earth,
since the earth was also bound by the authority or influence of the stars, especially the
Star of Destiny.
The spiritual Word of God had been given to man named Moses on top a mountain, just
as the Babylonians and Egyptians built counterfeit mountains so they too could receive
the word of their God, (astrological / spiritual communications) on man-made mountains
of fired bricks, so that they might build their 'god of the heavens' a dwelling place down
here on earth. [That was just what the dragon wanted for these were his 'stairways to
The only begotten Word of God had indeed become flesh and walked this earth as a
man, (AKA the Son of God, Yeshua). Likewise and in typical 'counterfeit' fashion the
god of Babylon would become flesh and dwell in the vessel of the obedient king who had
built him a city after his (the dragons) design laid out in his 'tablets of Destiny'.
The Dragon would counterfeit this story by making his tablets of Destiny become
physical reality when this word would become flesh and dwell among man and build a
kingdom that would rule over the whole earth, his name was the 'Son of Perdition' AKA
Washington the beast.
By this proclamation of being 'God, the Creator', we can understand why there was
war in heaven, as well as why the Bible calls this enemy of God, Babylon. The Statue of
Liberty, the sun goddess also holds this Babylonian 'tablet of Destiny' in her left hand.
What is inscribed upon this tablet of Destiny held by this sun goddess? "July 4, 1776".
See actual 'Tablet of Destiny' for July 4, 1776, America's Independence.
Since the Babylonian goddess Ishtar was the Creatress of Destiny, her star was called
the 'Star of Destiny', an 8-pointed star. The State of Indiana has officially declared that
this 'Star of Destiny' (Ishtar) "leads and guides the future welfare of our Nation." The
State of Indiana also illegally bulldozed two Protestant churches in order to build a
superstructure, a temple to this Babylonian 'Queen of Heaven' claiming it was a 'war
These Tablets of Destiny were called the Supreme Rule since it was 'Celestial law',
laws which determine the destiny of all that is created. This supreme law mandated by
the zodiac or living beings would be obeyed by man, who had no choice in the matter
for it was destiny. Those below would be ruled by the living beings above, for man was a
servant to this celestial rule called Destiny, or fate. (see the 3 fates)
This 'car of history' is the vehicle that this Babylonian goddess travels through time, a
horseless chariot much like Ishtar traveling thru time and space by the vessel known as
our sun. It is thru these rays of celestial light she is able to travel thru time and space and
enlighten man of his destiny. How fitting for such a statue to be placed at the doorway
leading into the Capitol.
Her vessel 'a time-traveling chariot' is spiritually transported thru the doorways of the
past, present, and future, just as this 'chariot of time' transports this goddess Ishtar not
only thru the vast Universe, but also here on earth, her chariot riding upon roads, invisible
paths of the sun and moon, which are bound by the tablets of destiny to follow. (i.e. 'to
It is of importance to point out that this car of history has a mans face on it, the face
of Washington, who is manifesting and transporting the star and tablets of destiny.
This goddesses travels thru the light of the sun, moon, and stars down to enlighten man
with knowledge, to dispense her destiny upon man. She is not recording history, she is
manifesting destiny, the laws given to man by the living ones, the zodiac.
Since Washington and Ishtar are traveling thru time together in their 'sacred union', it
is easy to see how Babylon got its information of this sacred geometry. Did it begin with
Babylon and end with Washington or did it begin with Washington and end with
Or could it be that Ishtar is capable of her 'time travels' only thru the aid of Washington,
built as a doorway into these other timeless realms?
This Roman 'time machine' is drawn across the skies by a spiritual force, and that
force is Washington, the city, built in compliance with the Queen of Heaven Universal
law known as the 'Destiny Tablet'. In effect; making a city that makes the destiny of this
goddess a destiny of recording our history. When the constellation Virgo was brought
down and set up on the physical realm it included this ancient entity called Virgo, the
'living being'. It also resulted in bringing another 'living being' down here below but that
will be discussed in the final chapter.
In closing this chapter let me remind you of the reason for these 'global conspiracies'
of erecting Masonic Monuments like Washington, these superstructures with their sacred
northeastern cornerstone, dedicated with wine, grain, and oil to this ancient Babylonian
serpent god.
The reason for these monuments is so that when the cataclysmic events take place that
has been seen on these 'tablets of Destiny' as recorded by the ancient Mayans, there will
still be standing these monuments which have in their Northeast corners the voice of the
Dragon, information for the future inhabitants to learn and become enlightened so the
Dragons rule will be eternal as the City of Rome.
If the Mystery of God is indeed the possibility of it all ending where it began, if it
begins where 'it is finished', then it is possible that there is a 'tree of knowledge', an
obelisk, built upon 'sacred geometry' built upon the instruction of the Babylonian dragon
god that survived the great flood to educate any remnant of man to whom the glory for
such a miraculous empire was built, the serpent of old, the god of Babylon.
The Bible says that in the midst of Paradise there was a 'tree' containing forbidden
knowledge of good (light) and evil (darkness), a location in the center of this garden of
paradise where the voice of the serpent could be heard, and understood, a voice that
would enlighten man and insure his continuation.
According to Christopher Columbus's writings, he had indeed confirmed that the lost
Paradise lay just west of Rome, across a vast body of water. Since then America has
been referred to in State Poems like 'Indiana' and schoolbooks as the 'lost Paradise'.
This tree of knowledge would be located in the center of this paradise in the heart of the
Nation should the seas rise, and coastlines fade away, the 'tree' would eternally stand in
the center of this paradise we now call America.
Maybe it was just coincidental that the Masons secured another special piece of land
for their second most important city, land that like Washington would be built upon land
laid out in compliance with the Tablets of Destiny.
A circle city, built upon the sacred crossroads of Ishtar, where they would build the
other half of Washington, where they would build the worlds largest 'Tree' celebrating the
birth of their 'unconquered sun god', an obelisk, AKA as the pole of knowledge, the
dwelling place of their 'Star of Destiny' and her consort the Dragon, a 'sacred union'
between the Solar and Lunar, a sacred Union between Heaven and Earth, a place where
the serpents voice could be heard, could be learned (understood and obeyed).
Michael says to the dragon of Babylon "Enough!" (also known as 'rebuke') God is
returning to throw down these 'destroying mountains' built to shake the foundations of
that which God created. Satan is the destroyer, so it wouldnt be hard to imagine a way
of building structures that would disrupt the 'order' of the earths spin in order to destroy
this Creation of the God of the Hebrews.
It was believed that this 'time chariot' that transported their 'Star of Destiny', the
'Queen of Heaven' could travel thru time, but it would have to totally reverse its polarity,
which is why the Tablets of Destiny were in the possession of the Babylonian god Enlil
and now 4,000 years later the Tablets of Destiny are back in the arms of a celestial
woman, his consort, Ishtar (AKA the 'three fates', the three daughters of Allah,' Virgo,
Liberty and Freedom.)
For, the chariot that traveled thru time could do so only by reversing its polarity
completely upside down, to change from a man into a woman, as one god, the god of
Babylon. For it does indeed begin where it ends, and just as the Babylonian god had
received the 'tablets of Destiny' from his consort 'the Creatress of Destiny' AKA Ishtar
who gave him this Universal law to give to man, to rule over man, to force them into
making bricks and building these superstructures capable of reaching into the celestial 300' high.
And so in the end, in this final kingdom of man, (destined for destruction as foretold
by the Tablets of Destiny') the tablets once again are back in Lady's possession having
come full circle. Ishtar the Creatress of the tablets gives them to the Babylonian king /
god, giving him the power and knowledge of the Universe.
He built towers on sacred geometry and passed that information to Egypt, to Rome,
and from "Rome to America", these 'stones that can speak' and command Washington to
make the image, to make the celestial a physical reality, to take that which is spirit in
another realm, and make it a physical reality having been created from nothing, like
Washington, all in compliance to Ishtar tablets of Destiny, the living word of the god of
This Babylonian 'Star of Destiny' is responsible for the birth of this Babylonian law and
for giving it to her god of war to enforce it upon their creation. To force this creation to
build structures that would still speak and instruct the remnant of mankind long after the
foretold destruction of the empire, so the empire of the Babylonian serpent god would
continue eternally, to be resurrected each day as the son, following the roads laid out
especially to ease his travel, places to rest along the way.
Once the cycle was near completion the 'time chariot' would reverse its polarity and
the tablets would return to her possession, the god would then become a goddess, the
consort of the Babylonian God, and would travel from eternity into time on her 'chariot of
time' this time to record the history of the empires destruction.
Waiting to once again rise from the ashes, to be discovered by human kind, the 'sacred
geometry' is secured for future inhabitants.
This Babylonian goddess is content at the accomplishments of their kingdom, and the
obedience of her high Priests (AKA 'Most Worshipful Masters') for now they can rest
confident that the tablets of Destiny are safely secured in their abode, for the forbidden
knowledge, this 'sacred geometry' is built 'into' these Astrological monuments.
Such buildings were designed to affect the perfect order of things the Creator had
established. This Babylonian god of war had one thing on his mind...'magnificent
desolation, these gematria superstructures would cause the destruction of the planet,
increasing its spin and rotational pull towards the sun. The lake of fire would then also
be a reality.
These speaking stones would remain silent in the ruins of the fallen empire until the
time would come when they would be discovered, and once again the stones would speak
once again; these timeless words would enlighten man, and once again man would build
these dwelling places for the Babylonian dynamic duo known as Baal Ashtoreth, the
Babylonian god Enlil Ishtar.
This 'Star of Destiny' riding in her winged chariot into the future to once again pass on
this 'dark magic' these 'Tablets of Destiny' (Horoscopes) to the next kingdom, which is to
be built upon the 'forbidden knowledge' of the past or previous kingdom, which gives
birth to another empire of man, to another rebirth of Rome to another kingdom of the
The Star of Destiny (Venus) gave mankind Universal law known as the Tablets of
Destiny (Astrology). Washington would Manifest Destiny. Indiana built a temple to
this Babylonian Star of Destiny (Ishtar) and called it a War Memorial, a multi-million
dollar temple to the pagans goddess of War at taxpayers expense.

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