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The Role of God in Technology, Political and

Representational Systems and Artificial Intelligence

Gregory Morse
1 Introduction
Though religion, politics and science have been separated to an extreme by mankind in modern times in
an attempt at disconnecting these broad areas of the abstract concepts underlying humanity. Religion,
politics and science are far from disconnected. This modern dark age of thinking has prevented the
advancement of humanity in any truly useful direction whereby the technology has actually reduced the
spiritual, political and scientific advancements in all respects to the point that new technology itself has
ground to a halt despite expert demonstrations of exponential growth prediction models.
Technology is a result of intelligence that transcends religious foundation, political stability and scientific
advancement and requires a stimulating societal environment where intellectual growth will allow
technology to manifest itself towards advancement. Without religion, the immorality of the technology
becomes self-defeating. Without appropriate political climate, the technology will not represent the
people and if a political environment becomes a system of control resembling slavery then no societal
resources will remain for technological growth. Without science, the technology will not function well or
properly. eeping these fundamental abstractions of society separate can yield useful technology to a
point. !ut eventually these progress blocks will see the cessation of technological advancement and
society will be stuck with what it has already achieved.
2 Humanity reuires God for morality
"umanity despite all the advancements in the modern era, and despite having a mind capable of
distinguishing the truth from falsehood and a heart which can feel right from wrong, has no instinctive
morals. Research into cultures including the more esoteric tribal cults finds that there are no universal so-
called taboo norms and practices from cannibalism to black magic to other acts which would be shunned
by other cultures are found throughout the world and throughout history though generally represented by
specific minorities.
#istinguishing truth from falsehood and feeling right from wrong has a limit though. $ur feelings and
emotions are not always correct or accurate and what feels right and wrong is far from absolute as is seen
from the lack of universal norms. $nly the messages of %od provide us a criterion to distinguish right
from wrong where the feelings, emotions and the heart and soul can be tuned to properly know right from
wrong. The messages of %od are universal and no scientific, political, technological or societal analysis
has come close to providing an absolute moral framework beyond mere rationali&ation.
'or the sake of simplicity, anything representing the opposite of intent and spirit of %od(s messages will
be considered to represent the will of )atan. The people follow %od can be considered to be the
fellowship of %od and those knowingly or unknowingly following )atan would be considered the
fellowship of )atan.
! Political Systems as a function of morality
The first depiction also includes the traditional *slippery slope+ argument that political systems of
freedom tend to transition towards control. ,et most people considering freedom verse control forget to
consider the element of morality which constrains from a system of too much freedom or too much
control yet at the same time too little freedom or too little control. -nstead we have a flexible yet
moderately bounded range of freedom and control. The same applies to systems of representation where
the people almost invariably guided by elements of manipulation have complete choice over the
governance verses the determination of a central source for representing the governance. . balance is
needed due to generational variation. Within a given generation, a monarch or the popular will of the
people may make choices leading to morality yet there is no safeguard to make sure this lasts into the next
generation. /orality in terms of generational planning from the inheritance of a nuclear family to
community planning to empires and dynasties is a related and important sub0ect but outside the scope of
this paper.
Though generali&ation of ob0ective attributes for political systems and political representation within
various political systems is a great over-simplification, the nearest reasonable approximation provides a
beneficial tool for analysis. This research would tend to demonstrate that a communist republic would be
the closest combination of manmade political system and manmade representational system to natural
morality. !y avoiding extremes on all sides, such a system if constrained towards morality is likely to be
the best movement towards freedom from persecution, which is a fundamental goal of morality that
religion addresses and defines.
" Super#intelligence and the Singularity$ the natural goal of
Artificial Intelligence
)eed artificial intelligence 1).-2 also known as super-intelligence is defined as an artificial intelligence
that can progressively enhance itself an infinite number of times or until a strictly theoretical upper
physical limit on intelligence is reached. The consequences of such are too dynamic and complex to
predict. /any predictions have been made and as many perspectives as can be determined are analy&ed
in depth. The singularity is the concept that an infinite intelligence can evolve from endless generations
of progressive enhancement which is singular by nature of infiniteness.
The 'rench philosopher known as 3oltaire is famous for his comment *-f %od did not exist, it would be
necessary to invent him.+ The quest for the singularity is an exact modern expression of this very point.
The futility of such a task is immediately reali&ed. The finiteness of the universe itself gives us an idea
that infinite intelligence is not possible. . perspective is that with an infinite intelligence, humankind
could exist with certainty and ease. Without an infinite intelligence, the possibility of our existence being
coincidence is bounded towards a 4 in infinity odds. 'ancy constructs have been theori&ed such as the
idea of a *multi-verse+ to accommodate alternate theories but they are largely baseless in terms of reality.
This theory delves into realms of theoretical abstraction postulating existence of concepts to come up with
far reaching conclusions such as that the singularity understands the concept of non-existence and
achieves it by turning the multi-verse into infinite nothingness.
% Theological perspecti&e on the critical mathematical
uestion of P'(P)
The largest and most fundamental unsolved question in computer science is that of 56758 .s an
example of a problem highlighting what this question involves, take the subset sum problem9 given a set
of integers, is there a non-empty subset whose sum is &ero8 This question though seemingly specific and
asked by the :lay -nstitute of /athematics as one of its /illennium 5roblems receiving a ;4 million
#o&ens of papers attempting to answer the question have been generated many claiming to have found a
solution showing that a linear time solution or *5675+, others claiming to show that there is no linear
time solution or that *5<675+ and a few others claiming that it can be proven that there is no solution
while others that there is or is not a solution yet such a solution is unprovable. /athematics becomes
philosophical when questioning how to prove something as unprovable. ,et this is where the interest
lies. The consequence of 5675 where a linear time algorithm can solve these classes of problems would
enable a computer to play games of :hess or the =apanese %o with perfection and even be able to predict
the future. -nfinite intelligence would become so powerful that it could move towards having the infinite
power of %od. )o theologically speaking, we can easily rule out that 5675. $ur truthful nature which
gives us presumption of the existence of %od and the finiteness of our world quickly eliminates such a
possibility. The depressing consequences of 5<675 where no exponential solution exists and heuristic
approaches would be required for any hope of advancement in domain-specific applications, are not
possible given that such consequences would apply to %od as well yet the existence of an infinite
intelligence already tells us such consequences are not possible. 5roving no solution is also tantamount to
proving that mankind can create %od or that %od would not be able to have the ability to solve the
problem. The challenge here is in proving an unprovable and mathematical tools can deductively and
inductively do this though such style proofs are very abstract by nature.
The proof of this computer science question could be with mathematical religious argument. .ssuming
one is capable of modeling religious attributes mathematically, it would provide a deductive and
legitimate ability to show un-provability. :ertain mathematical qualities of %od have been revealed in
"is messages. These include uniqueness, eternalness, absoluteness, uncreatable, irreproducibility, and
singular incomparability.
* A moral Artificial Intelligence
The moral questions around artificial intelligence are complex and have seen a lot of analysis over the last
century. 'or example, if super intelligence emerges and if super intelligent in all manners then the
question of whether or not it would be friendly or unfriendly in respect to humans is a worrisome
unknown for many. 5eople might consider their own super-intelligent creation to be an *alien+. .fter all
the idea of >alien> can be thought of as any being with a higher intelligence quotient 1-?2 than one@s own
with even many humans unable to understand or appreciate others. The limits here have already been
discussed. )ince %od already has infinite intelligence, a finite limit for our ability to create super-
intelligence must exist yet without understanding of %od@s messages, such an artificial intelligence risks
representing the polar opposite of "is will, that of )atan.
. set of postulate is needed before a system of artificial intelligence can be made independent of human
control and direct input. The postulates must be strictly humanity and morality focused and have nothing
to do with the artificial intelligence which is a mere creation of mankind whereby mankind is a creation
of %od. These postulates are as follows9
42 .ll humans must be sub0ect to %od(s laws.
A2 .ll messages of %od are perfect.
B2 7othing in the messages of %od can be proven inconsistent or untrue.
-f there is any system contention in this regards, the system must be analy&ed, rewritten, reworked and
considered to not be in a state ready for deployment and production. The postulates are quite different
from for example the well-known Three Caws of Robotics presented by fiction writer -saac .simov as it
places an emphasis on religious morality. .s already pointed out any other moral rules such as those B
rules will ultimately be found to be flawed generally containing too many edge cases and exceptions to
ever be practical.
+ The Political and Representational Systems follo,ing the
la,s of God can -e reali.ed through Artificial Intelligence
%od(s laws can be implemented through an artificial intelligence which makes the political and
representational systems limited by its own intelligence efforts to deduce how to achieve morality within
such frameworks. The entire governance could be integrated with the artificial intelligence to the point
that they coexist in a non-parasitic manner whereby the people complement the artificial intelligence 0ust
as the reverse is true. This answers the previous depictions where morality of political and
representational systems shows the need for moderation and balance. .rtificial intelligence would merely
be a safety mechanism and additional technological tool to keep the political structures on the right path
as people stay on the right path in life by following %od.
/ 0onclusion
:oming full circle back to the introductory argument that technology will not advance without the
integration of religion, politics and science. Technology is ultimately no more than an incremental
expression of work towards artificial intelligence. $ur world is one where boundlessness in perfection
does not exist yet boundlessness in striving for such perfection does. Thus despite a finite limit in
technology, we will never reach that limit. "umanity must make its strides towards that limit though and
without placing religion, politics and science together, advancement will hit artificial limits based on
manmade constraints within an unreasonable framework. !y accepting our relationship with %od,
together with political and representational systems and science, the advancement of technology which
here has been placed into a framework of artificial intelligence due to the recent progression in that
direction and the fact that the distinction between technology and artificial intelligence is largely based on
functional definitions, becomes reali&able.
$ne day, mankind will look back with contempt on concepts such as *separation of church and state+ or
science without religion. These separations of the inseparable may benefit a few but they do not benefit
humanity or spiritual, political and scientific advancement which ultimately manifests itself through

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