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Level 1 Course
Safety in the Gym

Workshop Title: Gym Safety

A risk assessment is an important step in protecting your workers and your business, as well
as complying with the law.
It helps you focus on the risks that really matter in your workplace the ones with the
potential to cause real harm. In many instances, straightforward measures can readily control
risks. For most, that means simple, cheap and effective measures to ensure your workforce is
The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people as far
as reasonably practicable. This is not the only way to do a risk assessment, there are other
methods that work well, particularly for more complex risks and circumstances. However, we
believe this method is suitable for the I.A.WLA. Level 2 Coaches if they are entering
employment or setting up their own Gyms.

What is risk assessment?
A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to
people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do
more to prevent harm. Workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by a
failure to take reasonable control measures.
You are legally required to assess the risks in your workplace so that you put in place a plan
to control the risks.

How to assess the risks in your workplace

Step 1
Identify the hazards
Step 2
Decide who might be harmed and how
Step 3
Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
Step 4
Record your findings and implement them
Step 5
Review your assessment and update if necessary

Guidelines for Procedures

Code of Conduct
Bullying and Harassment
Disciplinary procedures
Information and Training
Equipment Maintenance / Inspection
Attendance records
Accident reporting

Guidelines for Policies

Gym Rules
Accident procedures
Accident Report Form
Dangerous Occurrence Report
Cleaning Procedures
Preventative Maintenance Procedures
Fire prevention policy
Fire and emergency procedures
Recording procedures

Safety Checklist for Exercise Facility and Equipment

Inspected and cleaned
Wooden flooring free of splinters, holes, protruding nails and loose screws
Flooring resistant to slipping, no moisture
Rubber flooring free of cuts, slits, and large gaps between pieces
Area swept and cleaned on a regular basis

Wall surfaces cleaned
Walls in high-activity areas free of protruding appliances
Mirrors no cracked or distorted

All fixtures and attachments fixed securely
Adequate height for all exercise activities

Exercise Equipment

Stretching and Body weight Exercise area
Mat area free of weight benches and equipment
Mats and bench upholstery free of cracks and tears
Area swept and disinfected daily
Equipment properly stored after use
Nonslip material on top and base of plyopmetric boxes
Ceiling height sufficient for overhead exercises

Resistance Training Machine Area
Easy access to each station
Area free of looses bolts, screws, cables
Proper selectorized pins used
Accessories in good condition
Parts and surfaces properly lubricated and cleaned
Protective padding free of cracks and tears
Surfaces that contact skin cleaned and disinfected daily
No protruding screws, bolts, parts that need tightening or removal
Belts, Chains , Cables aligned with machine parts
No worn parts - frayed cable, worn bolts, cracked joints etc

Resistance Free Weight Area
Easy access to each bench area
Olympic bars properly spaced 1meter minimum
All equipment returned after use to avoid obstruction of pathway
Safety equipment, collars, safety bars used and returned
Protective padding free of cracks and tears
Surfaces that contact skin cleaned and disinfected daily
Securing bolts and parts tightly fastened
Olympic bars turn properly and are properly lubricated and tightened
Benches, weight racks and the like secured to the floor or wall
Non functional or broken equipment removed or taken out of service
Ceiling height sufficient for overhead exercises

Olympic lifting Area
Olympic bars properly spaced between ends
Platforms are not damaged
All equipment returned after use to avoid obstruction of pathway
Equipment stored properly
Olympic bars rotate properly and are properly lubricated and tightened
Bent Olympic bars replaced: knurling clear of debris
Collars functioning
Olympic discs are in good condition
Olympic bumper plates available
Benches, boxes kept at a distance from lifting area
No gaps, cuts. Slits, splinters in platform

Aerobic Exercise Area
Easy access to each station
Bolts and screws tight
Functioning parts easily adjustable
Parts and surfaces properly lubricated and cleaned
Foot and body straps secure and not ripped
Measurement devices for tension, time, rpms properly functioning
Surfaces that contacts skin cleaned and disinfected daily

Frequency of Cleaning and Maintenance Tasks
Inspect all flooring for damage and wear
Clean - sweep, vacuum, or mop and disinfect all flooring
Clean and disinfect upholstery
Clean and disinfect drinking fountain
Inspect fixed equipment connection with floor
Clean and disinfect equipment surfaces that contact skin
Clean mirrors, inspect for damage
Inspect all equipment for damage, wear, protruding belts, cables, bolts
insecure or non-functioning equipment, pins, bars collars etc
Clean and lubricate moving parts
Inspect padding for cracks and tears
Remove trash and rubbish
Ensure all equipment is returned and stored properly

All Gyms must comply with Part 10 of the Safety Health Welfare at Work
(General Applications) Regulations 1993 Notification of Accidents and
Dangerous Occurrences.
The Gym must recognise its obligations to report certain workplace accidents
to the Health & safety Authority. All employees will be obliged to co-operate
with the Gym owner where appropriate, in the recording and reporting of
accidents and dangerous occurrences

When a serious accident occurs the procedures below must be followed
1. Call for immediate assistance and emergency services
2. Observe accident location and status of injured person/s
3. If there is risk of further injury and the area cannot be made safe, seek
appropriate advice and move injured person to safety. If there is signs of
back or neck injuries keep injured persons spinal column as straight and
supported as possible to prevent damage to spinal cord
4. See the First Aid, etc is administered as required by a competent person
5. If an ambulance is called, make sure the exact address is given and that
the ambulance can access as near as possible to the injured person
6. Establish location of hospital and appoint a suitable person to travel with
the injured person
7. Inform the Safety Officer who will notify family of injured person and if
required arrange for transport to hospital
8. Gather all information immediately about the accident and what led up
to it.
9. Obtain witness statements; write them down as they are given.
10. Take sketches/photographs of area where accident happened
11. If H.S.A are required to inspect site and location of accident, do not
remove anything unless further risks have to be avoided
12. Every accident must be recorded in the accident report book



Name: ____________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Club: ________________________________________
Venue: _________________________
Date of Incident: _____________________________
Time of Incident: _____________________________
Date & Time of
Reporting: ___________________________________
REPORTED TO: ______________________________ WITNESSES: _________________________
Player sent: Hospital / Doctor Called / First Aid / Home
HOW DID THE ACCIDENT OCCUR ? (use separate sheets of paper and include sketches / photographs
if necessary:

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