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Marta Harnecker
1. In order for po!t!c" "ct!on to #e effect!$e% so t&"t protests% res!st"nce "nd str'((es "re
re") "#e to c&"n(e t&!n(s% to con$ert !ns'rrect!ons !nto re$o't!ons% " po!t!c" !nstr'*ent
c"p"#e of o$erco*!n( t&e d!spers!on "nd fr"(*ent"t!on of t&e expo!ted "nd t&e oppressed
!s re+'!red. An !nstr'*ent t&"t c"n cre"te sp"ces to #r!n( to(et&er t&ose ,&o% !n sp!te of t&e!r
d!fferences% &"$e " co**on ene*)- t&"t !s "#e to stren(t&en ex!st!n( str'((es "nd pro*ote
ot&ers #) or!ent"t!n( t&e!r "ct!ons "ccord!n( to " t&oro'(& "n")s!s of t&e po!t!c" s!t'"t!on-
t&"t c"n "ct "s "n !nstr'*ent for 'n!t!n( t&e *"n) express!ons of res!st"nce "nd str'((e.
.. I*po$er!s&ed 'r#"n "nd r'r" *"sses% "c/!n( " ,e def!ned p"n% &"$e r!sen 'p% se!0ed
&!(&,")s% to,ns "nd ne!(&#o'r&oods% r"ns"c/ed stores "nd stor*ed p"r!"*ents% #'t desp!te
"c&!e$!n( t&e *o#!!0"t!on of &'ndreds of t&o's"nds of peope% ne!t&er t&e s!0e nor t&e!r
co*#"t!$eness &"$e #een eno'(& to de$eop fro* pop'"r !ns'rrect!on !nto re$o't!on. T&e)
&"$e o$ert&ro,n pres!dents% #'t t&e) &"$en1t #een "#e to con+'er po,er "nd !n!t!"te "
process of deep soc!" tr"nsfor*"t!ons.
2. On t&e ot&er &"nd% t&e &!stor) of tr!'*p&"nt re$o't!ons ce"r) de*onstr"tes ,&"t c"n #e
"c&!e$ed ,&en t&ere !s " po!t!c" !nstr'*ent c"p"#e of r"!s!n( "n "tern"t!$e n"t!on"
pro(r"* t&"t 'n!f!es t&e str'((es of d!$erse soc!" "ctors #e&!nd " co**on (o"- t&"t &eps
to co&ere t&e* "nd e"#or"te " p"t& for,"rd for t&ese "ctors #"sed on "n "n")s!s of t&e
ex!stent #""nce of forces. On) !n t&!s *"nner c"n "ct!ons #e c"rr!ed o't "t t&e r!(&t p"ce
"nd r!(&t t!*e% ",")s see/!n( o't t&e ,e"/est !n/ !n t&e ene*)1s c&"!n.
3. T&!s po!t!c" !nstr'*ent !s !/e " ste"* en(!ne t&"t co*presses " p!ston "t t&e dec!s!$e
*o*ent "nd 4 ,!t&o't ,"st!n( "n) ener() 4 con$erts !t !nto " po,erf' force.
5. .... t&ere "re " n'*#er of "ppre&ens!ons to,"rd s'c& !de"s. T&ere "re *"n) ,&o "re not e$en
,!!n( to d!sc'ss t&e*. S'c& pos!t!ons "re "dopted #ec"'se t&e) "ssoc!"te t&!s !de" ,!t& t&e
"nt!6de*ocr"t!c% "'t&or!t"r!"n% #'re"'cr"t!c "nd *"n!p'"t!n( po!t!c" pr"ct!ces t&"t &"$e
c&"r"cter!0ed *"n) eft p"rt!es.
7. .... !t !s f'nd"*ent" t&"t ,e o$erco*e t&!s s'#8ect!$e #"rr!er "nd 'nderst"nd t&"t ,&en ,e
refer to " po!t!c" !nstr'*ent% ,e "re not t&!n/!n( of 8'st "n) po!t!c" !nstr'*ent% ,e "re
de"!n( ,!t& po!t!c" !nstr'*ent "d8'sted to t&e ne, t!*es% "n !nstr'*ent t&"t ,e *'st #'!d
9. .... !n order to cre"te or re*ode t&!s ne, po!t!c" !nstr'*ent% t&e eft &"s to c&"n(e !ts
po!t!c" c't're "nd !ts $!s!on of po!t!cs. T&!s c"nnot #e red'ced to !nst!t't!on" po!t!c"
d!sp'tes for contro o$er p"r!"*ent or oc" (o$ern*ents- to "ppro$!n( ",s or ,!nn!n(
eect!ons. In t&!s concept!on of po!t!cs% t&e pop'"r sectors "nd t&e!r str'((es "re
co*pete) !(nored.
:. For t&e eft% po!t!cs *'st #e t&e "rt of *"/!n( poss!#e t&e !*poss!#e. And ,e "re not
t"/!n( "#o't " $o'nt"r!st dec"r"t!on. ;e "re t"/!n( "#o't 'nderst"nd!n( po!t!cs "s t&e "rt
of constr'ct!n( " soc!" "nd po!t!c" force c"p"#e of c&"n(!n( t&e #""nce of forces !n
f"$o'r of t&e pop'"r *o$e*ent% so "s to *"/e poss!#e !n t&e f't're t&"t ,&!c& tod")
"ppe"rs !*poss!#e.
<. ;e &"$e to t&!n/ of po!t!cs "s t&e "rt of constr'ct!n( forces. ;e &"$e to o$erco*e t&e od
"nd deep)6rooted *!st"/e of tr)!n( to #'!d " po!t!c" force ,!t&o't #'!d!n( " soc!" force.
1=. .... t&ere !s st! " ot of re$o't!on"r) p&"se*on(er!n( "*on( o'r *!!t"nts- too *'c&
r"d!c"!s* !n t&e!r st"te*ents. .... t&e on) ,") to r"d!c"!0e " (!$en s!t'"t!on !s t&ro'(& t&e
constr'ct!on of forces.
11. .... constr'ct!on of forces c"nnot occ'r spont"neo's)% on) pop'"r 'pr!s!n(s &"ppen
1.. .... I en$!s"(e t&!s po!t!c" !nstr'*ent "s "n or("n!0"t!on c"p"#e of r"!s!n( " n"t!on" pro8ect
t&"t c"n 'n!f) "nd "ct "s " co*p"ss for " t&ose sectors .... As " sp"ce t&"t d!rects !tsef
to,"rd t&e rest of soc!et)% t&"t respects t&e "'tono*) of t&e soc!" *o$e*ents !nste"d of
*"n!p'"t!n( t&e*% "nd ,&ose *!!t"nts "nd e"ders "re tr'e pop'"r ped"(o('es% c"p"#e of
st!*'"t!n( t&e /no,ed(e t&"t ex!sts ,!t&!n t&e peope 4 der!$ed fro* t&e!r c't'r"
tr"d!t!ons% "s ,e "s "c+'!red !n t&e!r d"!) str'((es for s'r$!$" 4 t&ro'(& t&e f's!on of t&!s
/no,ed(e ,!t& t&e *ost "6enco*p"ss!n( /no,ed(e t&"t t&e po!t!c" or("n!0"t!on c"n
offer. An !nstr'*ent t&"t or!ents "nd 'n!tes 4 "t t&e ser$!ce of t&e soc!" *o$e*ents.
12. Pop'"r *o$e*ents "nd% *ore (ener")% t&e d!fferent soc!" prot"(on!sts ,&o tod") "re
en("(ed !n t&e str'((e .... re8ect% ,!t& (ood re"son% "tt!t'des t&"t "!* to !*pose &e(e*on)
or contro o$er *o$e*ents. T&e) don1t "ccept t&e ste"*roer po!c) t&"t so*e po!t!c" "nd
soc!" or("n!0"t!ons tended to 'se t&"t% t"/!n( "d$"nt"(e of t&e!r pos!t!on of stren(t& "nd
*onopo!0!n( po!t!c" pos!t!ons% "tte*pt to *"n!p'"te t&e *o$e*ent. T&e) don1t "ccept
t&e "'t&or!t"r!"n !*pos!t!on of " e"ders&!p fro* "#o$e- t&e) don1t "ccept "tte*pts *"de to
e"d *o$e*ents #) s!*p) (!$!n( orders% no *"tter &o, correct t&e) "re.
13. S'c& "tt!t'des% !nste"d of #r!n(!n( forces to(et&er% &"$e t&e oppos!te effect. On t&e one
&"nd% !t cre"tes d!scontent .... t&e) fee *"n!p'"ted "nd o#!("ted to "ccept dec!s!ons !n
,&!c& t&e)1$e &"d no p"rt!c!p"t!on- "nd on t&e ot&er &"nd% !t red'ces t&e n'*#er of potent!"
"!es% .... represent!n( t&e re" !nterests of " sectors of t&e pop'"t!on "nd often pro$o/es
*!str'st "nd scept!c!s* "*on( t&e*.
15. ?'t to f!(&t "("!nst pos!t!ons t&"t see/ to !*pose &e(e*on) does not *e"n reno'nc!n( t&e
f!(&t to ,!n &e(e*on)% ,&!c& !s not&!n( ese #'t "tte*pt!n( to ,!n o$er% to pers'"de ot&ers
of t&e correctness of o'r cr!ter!" "nd t&e $"!d!t) of o'r propos"s.
17. More !*port"nt t&"n cre"t!n( " po,erf' p"rt) ,!t& " "r(e n'*#er of *!!t"nts !s to r"!se "
po!t!c" pro8ect t&"t refects t&e pop'"t!on1s *ost deep) fet "sp!r"t!ons% "nd t&'s ,!n t&e!r
*!nds "nd &e"rts. ;&"t !s !*port"nt !s t&"t !ts po!t!cs s'cceed !n proc'r!n( t&e s'pport of
t&e *"sses "nd consens's !n t&e *"8or!t) of soc!et).
19. So*e p"rt!es #o"st "#o't t&e "r(e n'*#ers of *!!t"nts t&e) &"$e% #'t% !n f"ct% t&e) on)
e"d t&e!r *e*#ers. T&e /e) !s not ,&et&er t&e p"rt) !s "r(e or s*"- ,&"t *"tters !s t&"t
t&e peope fee t&e) !dent!f) ,!t& !ts propos"s.
1:. Inste"d of !*pos!n( "nd *"n!p'"t!n(% ,&"t !s necess"r) !s con$!nc!n( "nd 'n!t!n( " t&ose
,&o fee "ttr"cted to t&e pro8ect to #e !*pe*ented. And )o' c"n on) 'n!te peope !f t&e
ot&ers "re respected% !f )o' "re ,!!n( to s&"re respons!#!!t!es ,!t& ot&er forces.
1<. ;e #e!e$e t&"t " (ood ,") to *e"s're &e(e*on) o#t"!ned #) "n or("n!0"t!on !s to ex"*!ne
t&e n'*#er of n"t'r" e"ders "nd person"!t!es t&"t &"$e t"/en 'p !ts !de"s "nd% !n (ener"%
t&e n'*#er of peope ,&o !dent!f) ,!t& t&e*.
.=. T&e e$e of &e(e*on) o#t"!ned #) " po!t!c" or("n!0"t!on c"nnot #e *e"s'red #) t&e
n'*#er of po!t!c" pos!t!ons t&"t &"$e #een ,on. ;&"t !s f'nd"*ent" !s t&"t t&ose ,&o
occ'p) e"d!n( pos!t!ons !n d!$erse *o$e*ents "nd or("n!0"t!ons t"/e 'p "s t&e!r o,n "nd
!*pe*ent t&e propos"s e"#or"ted #) t&e or("n!0"t!on% desp!te not #eon(!n( to !t.
.1. Moreo$er% t&e concept of &e(e*on) !s " d)n"*!c one% s!nce &e(e*on) !s not est"#!s&ed
once "nd for ". To *"!nt"!n !t re+'!res " process of per*"nent) re,!nn!n( !t. L!fe foo,s
!ts co'rse% ne, pro#e*s "r!se% "nd ,!t& t&e* ne, c&"en(es.
... .... to #e "#e to constr'ct " soc!" force !t !s necess"r) for po!t!c" or("n!0"t!ons to
de*onstr"te " (re"t respect for (r"ssroots *o$e*ents- to contr!#'te to t&e!r "'tono*o's
de$eop*ent% e"$!n( #e&!nd " "tte*pts "t *"n!p'"t!on. T&e) *'st t"/e "s t&e!r st"rt!n(
po!nt t&"t t&e) "ren1t t&e on) ones ,!t& !de"s "nd propos"s "nd% on t&e contr"r)% (r"ssroots
*o$e*ents &"$e *'c& to offer 's% #ec"'se t&ro'(& t&e!r d"!) str'((es t&e) &"$e "so
e"rned t&!n(s% d!sco$ered ne, p"t&s% fo'nd so't!ons "nd !n$ented *et&ods ,&!c& c"n #e of
(re"t $"'e.
.2. Po!t!c" or("n!0"t!ons &"$e to (et r!d of t&e !de" t&"t t&e) "re t&e on) ones c"p"#e of
(ener"t!n( cre"t!$e% ne,% re$o't!on"r) "nd tr"nsfor*"t!$e !de"s. And t&"t t&erefore% t&e!r
roe !s not on) to ec&o t&e de*"nds of t&e soc!" *o$e*ents% #'t to "so #e ,!!n( to
("t&er !de"s "nd concepts fro* t&ese *o$e*ents to enr!c& !ts o,n concept'" "rsen".
.3. Po!t!c" "nd soc!" e"ders s&o'd e"$e #e&!nd t&e *et&od of pre6est"#!s&ed sc&e*"s. ;e
&"$e to str'((e to e!*!n"te " $ert!c"!s* t&"t st!fes t&e !n!t!"t!$e of t&e peope. T&e roe
of " e"der *'st #e one of contr!#'t!n( ,!t& !de"s "nd exper!ences !n order to &ep (ro, "nd
stren(t&en t&e *o$e*ent% "nd not d!sp"ce t&e *"sses.
.5. T&e!r roe !s to p's& t&e *"ss *o$e*ent for,"rd% or per&"ps *ore t&"n p's&% f"c!!t"te t&e
cond!t!ons necess"r) so t&"t t&e *o$e*ent c"n 'ne"s& !ts c"p"c!t) to confront t&ose t&"t
expo!t "nd oppress t&e*. ?'t &ep!n( to p's& for,"rd !s on) poss!#e !f ,e f!(&t s&o'der
to s&o'der !n oc"% re(!on"% n"t!on" "nd !ntern"t!on" str'((es.
.7. T&e re"t!ons&!p of po!t!c" or("n!0"t!ons ,!t& (r"ssroots *o$e*ents s&o'd t&erefore #e "
t,o ,") c!rc'!tA fro* t&e po!t!c" or("n!0"t!on to t&e soc!" *o$e*ent "nd fro* t&e soc!"
*o$e*ent to t&e po!t!c" or("n!0"t!on.
.9. ;&ere$er poss!#e% ,e *'st !n$o$e t&e (r"ssroots !n t&e process of dec!s!on *"/!n(% t&"t !s
to s")% ,e &"$e to open 'p ne, sp"ces for peope1s p"rt!c!p"t!on% #'t peope1s p"rt!c!p"t!on
!s not so*et&!n( t&"t c"n #e decreed fro* "#o$e. On) #) t"/!n( "s o'r st"rt!n( po!nt t&e
tr'e *ot!$"t!ons of t&e peope% on) !f one &eps t&e* to d!sco$er t&e necess!t) of c"rr)!n(
o't cert"!n t"s/ for t&e*se$es% "nd on) #) ,!nn!n( o$er t&e!r &e"rts "nd *!nds% ,! t&e)
#e ,!!n( to f') co**!t t&e*se$es to t&e "ct!ons proposed.
.:. T&!s !s t&e on) ,") to ens're t&"t efforts *"de to &ep or!ent t&e *o$e*ent "re not fet "s
orders co*!n( fro* o'ts!de t&e *o$e*ent "nd to &ep cre"te "n or("n!0"t!on" process
c"p"#e of !n$o$!n(% !f not "% t&en "t e"st "n !*port"nt p"rt of t&e peope !nto t&e str'((e
"nd% !tte #) !tte% ,!n o$er t&e *ore #"c/,"rd "nd pess!*!st!c sectors. ;&en t&ese "tter
sectors 'nderst"nd t&"t% "s C&e B'e$"r" s"!d% t&e "!*s ,e "re f!(&t!n( for "re not on)
necess"r) #'t poss!#e% t&e) too ,! c&oose to 8o!n t&e str'((e.
.<. For " on( t!*e% eft6,!n( p"rt!es oper"ted "on( "'t&or!t"r!"n !nes. T&e 's'" pr"ct!ce ,"s
t&"t of #'re"'cr"t!c centr"!s*% !nf'enced #) t&e exper!ences of So$!et soc!"!s*. A
dec!s!ons re("rd!n( cr!ter!on% t"s/s% !n!t!"t!$es% "nd t&e co'rse of po!t!c" "ct!on to t"/e ,ere
restr!cted to t&e p"rt) e!te% ,!t&o't t&e p"rt!c!p"t!on or de#"te of t&e *e*#ers&!p% ,&o ,ere
!*!ted to foo,!n( orders t&"t t&e) ne$er (ot to d!sc'ss "nd !n *"n) c"ses d!d not
2=. ?'t !n c&"en(!n( #'re"'cr"t!c centr"!0"t!on% !t !s !*port"nt to "$o!d f"!n( !nto t&e
excesses of 'tr"6de*ocr"c)% ,&!c& res'ts !n *ore t!*e #e!n( 'sed for d!sc'ss!on t&"n
"ct!on% s!nce e$er)t&!n(% e$en t&e *ost *!nor po!nts% "re t&e s'#8ect of r!(oro's de#"tes t&"t
fre+'ent) !*pede "n) concrete "ct!on.
21. T&ere !s " ot of t"/ "#o't or("n!0!n( (ro'ps "t " e$es of soc!et)% "nd t&"t t&ese (ro'ps
*'st "pp) " str!ct !ntern" de*ocr"c)% !de"s t&"t ,e o#$!o's) s&"re. ;&"t ,e don1t "(ree
,!t& !s t&e !de" t&"t no effort needs to #e p't !n t&e d!rect!on of (!$!n( t&e* " co**on
or("n!c !n/. In defend!n( de*ocr"c)% fex!#!!t) "nd t&e des!re to f!(&t on *"n) d!fferent
fronts% ,&"t !s re8ected "re efforts to deter*!ne str"te(!c pr!or!t!es "nd "tte*pt to 'n!f)
2.. For so*e% t&e one "nd on) "ccept"#e *et&od !s consens's. T&e) "r('e t&"t #) 't!!s!n(
consens's t&e) "re "!*!n( not to !*pose dec!s!ons #'t !nste"d !nterpret t&e ,! of ". ?'t
t&e consens's *et&od% ,&!c& see/s t&e "(ree*ent of " "nd "ppe"rs to #e " *ore
de*ocr"t!c *et&od% c"n !n pr"ct!ce #e so*et&!n( profo'nd) "nt!6de*ocr"t!c% #ec"'se !t
(r"nts t&e po,er of $eto to " *!nor!t)% to s'c& "n extre*e t&"t " s!n(e person c"n #oc/ t&e
!*pe*ent"t!on of "n "(ree*ent t&"t *") #e s'pported #) "n o$er,&e*!n( *"8or!t).
22. I #e!e$e t&"t t&ere c"nnot #e po!t!c" eff!c"c) ,!t&o't " 'n!f!ed e"ders&!p t&"t deter*!nes
t&e co'rse of "ct!on to foo, "t d!fferent *o*ents !n t&e str'((e "nd to "c&!e$e t&!s (o" !t
!s $!t" t&"t " #ro"d r"n(!n( d!sc'ss!on occ'rs% ,&ere e$er)one c"n r"!se t&e!r op!n!ons "nd
,&ere% !n t&e end% pos!t!ons "re "dopted "nd e$er)one respects t&e*.
23. ... (,e) do not see &o, one c"n conce!$e of s'ccessf' po!t!c" "ct!on !f 'n!f!ed "ct!on !s not
"c&!e$ed% "nd for t&"t re"son (,e) do not t&!n/ t&"t "not&er *et&od ex!sts ot&er t&"n
de*ocr"t!c centr"!s*% !f consens's &"s not #een re"c&ed.
25. T&!s co*#!n"t!on of s!n(e centr"!0ed e"ders&!p "nd de*ocr"t!c de#"te "t d!fferent e$es
of t&e or("n!0"t!on !s c"ed de*ocr"t!c centr"!s*. It !s " d!"ect!c co*#!n"t!on.
27. A correct co*#!n"t!on of centr"!s* "nd de*ocr"c) *ot!$"tes t&e e"ders "nd% "#o$e "% t&e
*e*#ers. On) cre"t!$e "ct!on "t e$er) e$e of t&e po!t!c" or soc!" or("n!0"t!on ,!
ens're t&e tr!'*p& of o'r str'((e. An !ns'ff!c!ent de*ocr"t!c !fe !*pedes t&e 'ne"s&!n( of
t&e cre"t!$e !n!t!"t!$e of " t&e *!!t"nts% ,!t& !ts s'#se+'ent ne("t!$e !*p"ct on t&e!r
p"rt!c!p"t!on. In pr"ct!ce% t&!s *ot!$"t!on *"n!fests !tsef !n t&e sense of respons!#!!t)%
ded!c"t!on to ,or/% co'r"(e "nd "pt!t'de for pro#e* so$!n(% "s ,e "s !n t&e c"p"c!t) to
express op!n!ons% to cr!t!c!se defects "nd exerc!se contro o$er t&e &!(&er 'p #od!es !n t&e
29. On) " correct co*#!n"t!on of centr"!s* "nd de*ocr"c) c"n ens're t&"t "(ree*ents "re
eff!c!ent% #ec"'se &"$!n( en("(ed !n t&e d!sc'ss!on "nd t&e dec!s!on *"/!n( process% one
fees *ore co**!tted to c"rr) o't t&e dec!s!ons.
2:. ;&en "pp)!n( de*ocr"t!c centr"!s* ,e *'st "$o!d "tte*pts to 'se n"rro, *"8or!t!es to
tr) "nd cr's& t&e *!nor!t). T&e *ore *"t're soc!" "nd po!t!c" *o$e*ents #e!e$e t&"t !t !s
po!ntess !*pos!n( " dec!s!on "dopted #) " n"rro, *"8or!t). T&e) #e!e$e t&"t !f t&e "r(e
*"8or!t) of *!!t"nts "re not con$!nced of t&e co'rse of "ct!on to t"/e% !t !s #etter to &od off
'nt! t&e *!!t"nts "re ,on o$er po!t!c") "nd #eco*e con$!nced t&e*se$es t&"t s'c&
"ct!on !s correct.
2<. M!nor!t!es s&o'd not #e cr's&ed or *"r(!n"!0ed- t&e) s&o'd #e respected. Nor s&o'd t&e
*!nor!t) #e re+'!red to co*pete) s'#ord!n"te !tsef to t&e *"8or!t). T&e *!nor!t) *'st
c"rr) o't t&e t"s/s proposed #) t&e *"8or!t) "t e"c& concrete po!t!c" 8'nct!on% #'t t&e)
s&o'd not &"$e to reno'nce t&e!r po!t!c"% t&eoret!c" "nd !deoo(!c" con$!ct!ons. On t&e
contr"r)% !t !s t&e *!nor!t)1s d't) to cont!n'e f!(&t!n( to defend t&e!r !de"s 'nt! t&e ot&ers
"re con$!nced or t&e) t&e*se$es #eco*e con$!nced of t&e ot&er1s !de"s.
3=. ;&) s&o'd t&e *!nor!t) cont!n'e defend!n( !ts pos!t!ons "nd not s'#*!t to t&e pos!t!on of
t&e *"8or!t)E ?ec"'se t&e *!nor!t) *") #e r!(&t- t&e!r "n")s!s of re"!t) *!(&t #e *ore
"cc'r"te !f t&e) &"$e #een c"p"#e of d!sco$er!n( t&e tr'e *ot!$"t!ons of spec!f!c soc!"
forces. T&"t !s ,&) t&ose ,&o &od *!nor!t) pos!t!ons "t " deter*!ned *o*ent s&o'd not
on) &"$e t&e r!(&t% #'t t&e d't)% to &od t&e!r pos!t!ons "nd f!(&t to con$!nce t&e *"x!*'*
"*o'nt of ot&er *!!t"nts of t&e!r pos!t!ons t&ro'(& !ntern" de#"te.
31. Ho, *"n) sp!ts co'd &"$e #een "$o!ded !f t&e *!nor!t) $!e, &"d #een respectedE Inste"d%
on *"n) occ"s!ons% t&e ent!re ,e!(&t of t&e #'re"'cr"t!c "pp"r"t's &"s #een 'sed to cr's&
t&e*% e"$!n( t&e* ,!t& no c&o!ce #'t to sp!t.
3.. T&e top!c of *"8or!t!es "nd *!nor!t!es "so &"s to do ,!t& t&e d!s8'nct!on or non
correspondence #et,een represent"t!$es "nd t&e represented. T&!s p&eno*enon *") occ'r
for d!fferent re"sons% !nc'd!n(A t&e or("n!c !nc"p"c!t) of t&ose ,&o represent t&e re"
*"8or!t) to "c&!e$e #etter represent"t!on !n t&e *"ss or("n!0"t!ons- t&e #'re"'cr"t!c
*"noe'$res of " for*" *"8or!t) to /eep !tsef !n pos!t!ons of po,er- t&e r"p!d c&"n(e !n
po!t!c" consc!o'sness of t&ose ,&o eected t&ese represent"t!$es d'e to de$eop*ents !n
t&e re$o't!on"r) process !tsef. T&ose ,&o on) d")s #efore tr') represented t&e *"8or!t)
*") tod") s!*p) represent " for*" *"8or!t) #ec"'se t&e re$o't!on"r) s!t'"t!on &"s
de*onstr"ted to t&e *"sses t&"t t&e pos!t!on of t&e *!nor!t) ,"s correct.
32. For " on( t!*e !t ,"s #e!e$ed t&"t !f " cert"!n tendenc) or sector of t&e p"rt) ,on t&e
!ntern" eect!ons #) " *"8or!t)% " e"ders&!p pos!t!ons ,o'd #e f!ed #) c"dres fro* t&"t
tendenc). In " cert"!n sense% t&e pre$"!!n( !de" ,"s t&"t t&e *ore &o*o(eno's t&e
e"ders&!p% t&e e"s!er !t ,o'd #e to e"d t&e or("n!0"t!on. Tod") d!fferent cr!ter!" tend to
pre$"!A " e"ders&!p t&"t #etter refects t&e !ntern" #""nce of forces see*s to ,or/ #etter%
"s !t &eps to (et " p"rt) *e*#ers% "nd not on) t&ose of t&e *"8or!t) c'rrent% fee!n( *ore
!n$o$ed !n t&e !*pe*ent"t!on of t"s/s proposed #) t&e e"ders&!p.
33. Moreo$er% " re" de*ocr"t!0"t!on of t&e po!t!c" or("n!0"t!on de*"nds *ore effect!$e
p"rt!c!p"t!on #) p"rt) *e*#ers !n t&e eect!on of t&e!r e"dersA t&e) s&o'd #e eected
"ccord!n( to t&e!r !deoo(!c" "nd po!t!c" pos!t!ons r"t&er t&"n person"!t). T&"t !s ,&) !t1s
!*port"nt t&"t t&e d!fferent pos!t!ons "re ,e /no,n "*on( t&e p"rt) *e*#ers&!p $!"
!ntern" p'#!c"t!ons. It1s "so $er) !*port"nt to ens're " *ore de*ocr"t!c for*'"t!on of
c"nd!d"tes "nd to s"fe('"rd t&e secret $ote.
35. (Soc!") *o$e*ents d!ffer !n *"n) ,")s fro* t&e c"ss!c" "#o'r *o$e*ent. T&e!r
p"tfor*s &"$e " stron( t&e*"t!c "ccent "nd t&e) re"c& "cross c"sses "nd (ener"t!ons. T&e!r
for*s of or("n!0!n( "re ess &!er"rc&!c" "nd re) *ore on net,or/s t&"n t&ose of t&e p"st%
,&!e t&e!r concrete for*s of "ct!ons $"r) +'!te " ot.
37. .... po,erf' soc!" *o$e*ents &"$e "r!sen% ,&!c& &"$e tr"nsfor*ed t&e*se$es !nto *"8or
po!t!c" "ctors% #eco*!n( !*port"nt oppos!t!on forces t&"t occ'p) t&e front!nes of t&e
f!(&t ....
39. Ho,e$er% .... " of ,&!c& &"$e prod'ced " &!(&) f"$o'r"#e s!t'"t!on for t&e cre"t!on of "
$er) #ro"d .... soc!" #oc ,!t& enor*o's soc!" force 4 t&e *"8or!t) of t&ese (ro,!n(
express!ons of res!st"nce "nd str'((e "re st! f"r fro* tr') represent!n( " re" t&re"t to t&e
3:. ..... one of t&e re"sons t&"t &eps exp"!n t&!s s!t'"t!on !s t&"t p"r"e to t&ese o#8ect!$e
cond!t!ons ,&!c& "re f"$o'r"#e for t&e constr'ct!on of " #ro"d "tern"t!$e soc!" #oc ....
t&ere "re $er) co*p!c"ted s'#8ect!$e cond!t!ons ,&!c& &"$e to do ,!t& " profo'nd pro#e*A
t&e d!spers!on of t&e eft.
3<. .... for "n effect!$e str'((e% !t !s of str"te(!c !*port"nce to "rt!c'"te t&e d!fferent eft
sectors% 'nderst"nd!n( t&e eft to *e"n " t&ose forces t&"t st"nd 'p "("!nst t&e c"p!t"!st
s)ste* "nd !ts prof!t6dr!$en o(!c% "nd ,&o f!(&t for "n "tern"t!$e soc!et) #"sed on
&'*"n!s* "nd so!d"r!t) ....
5=. T&erefore% t&e eft c"nnot s!*p) #e red'ced to t&ose t&"t #eon( to eft p"rt!es or po!t!c"
or("n!0"t!ons- !t "so !nc'des soc!" "ctors "nd *o$e*ents. >er) often t&ese "re *ore
d)n"*!c "nd co*#"t!$e t&"n t&e for*er% #'t do not #eon( to or re8ect #eon(!n( to "n)
po!t!c" p"rt) or or("n!0"t!on. A*on( t&e for*er "re t&ose ,&o prefer to "cc'*'"te forces
#) 's!n( !nst!t't!ons to "!d tr"nsfor*"t!on% ,&!e ot&ers opt for re$o't!on"r) .... ,"rf"re-
"*on( t&e "tter% so*e "tte*pt to cre"te "'tono*o's soc!" *o$e*ents "nd d!fferent t)pes
of net,or/s.
51. To s!*p!f) .... t&e f!rst (ro'p "s t&e po!t!c" eft "nd t&e second (ro'p "s t&e soc!" eft%
e$en t&o'(& .... t&!s concept'" sep"r"t!on !s not ",")s so !n pr"ct!ce. In f"ct% t&e *ore
de$eoped soc!" *o$e*ents tend to "c+'!re soc!o6po!t!c" d!*ens!ons.
5.. .... on) #) 'n!t!n( t&e *!!t"nt efforts of t&e *ost d!$erse express!ons of t&e eft ,! ,e #e
"#e to f') c"rr) o't t&e t"s/ of #'!d!n( t&e #ro"d .... soc!" #oc t&"t ,e need. T&e
str"te(!c t"s/ t&erefore !s to "rt!c'"te t&e p"rt) "nd soc!" eft so t&"t% fro* t&!s st"rt!n(
po!nt% ,e c"n 'n!te !nto " s!n(e cooss" co'*n% t&e (ro,!n( "nd d!$erse soc!" oppos!t!on.
52. ;&!e t&e r!(&t ,!n( &"s de*onstr"ted (re"t po!t!c" !n!t!"t!$e% t&e eft tends to #e on t&e
defens!$e. ;&!e t&e for*er 'ses !ts contro of t&e !nst!t't!ons of t&e st"te "nd t&e *"ss
*ed!"% "s ,e "s !ts econo*!c !nf'ence% to !*pose !ts ne, *ode% s'#ser$!ent to f!n"nc!"
c"p!t" "nd *onopo!es% t&"t &"s prec!p!t"ted pr!$"t!0"t!ons% "#o'r dere('"t!on "nd " t&e
ot&er "spects of t&e neo!#er" econo*!c pro(r"*% to !ncre"se soc!" fr"(*ent"t!on "nd
fo*ent "nt!6p"rt)!s*% t&e p"rt) eft% on t&e ot&er &"nd% &"s "*ost exc's!$e) !*!ted !ts
po!t!c" ,or/ to t&e 'se of c'rrent !nst!t't!on"!t)% s'#ord!n"t!n( !tsef to t&e r'es of t&e
("*e !*posed #) t&e ene*)% "nd &"rd) e$er t"/!n( t&e* #) s'rpr!se. T&e e$e of "#s'rd!t)
!s s'c& t&"t t&e c"end"r of str'((e of t&e eft !s set #) t&e r!(&t.
53. Ho, often &"$e ,e &e"rd t&e eft co*p"!n "#o't t&e "d$erse cond!t!ons !t &"d to f"ce
d'r!n( eect!on c"*p"!(ns% "fter d!sco$er!n( t&"t !ts eector" res'ts ,ere not ,&"t !t ,"s
expect!n(E Det t&e $er) s"*e eft sedo* deno'nces t&e r'es of t&e ("*e !*posed on !t ....
On t&e contr"r)% ,&"t tends to occ'r !s t&"t !n see/!n( $otes 4 !nste"d of c"rr)!n( o't "n
ed'c"t!on"% ped"(o(!c" c"*p"!(n t&"t ser$es to !ncre"se t&e or("n!0"t!on "nd ","reness of
t&e peope 4 t&e eft 'ses t&e s"*e tec&n!+'es to se !ts c"nd!d"tes t&"t t&e r'!n( c"sses 'se
55. A*on( t&e eft% t&ere cont!n'es to #e " d!ff!c't) to ,or/ to(et&er ,&!e respect!n(
d!fferences. In t&e p"st% t&e tendenc) of po!t!c" or("n!0"t!ons% espec!") p"rt!es t&"t sef6
dec"re "s Gp"rt!es of t&e ,or/!n( c"ss%1 ,"s ",")s to,"rd &o*o(en!0!n( t&e soc!" #"se
,!t&!n ,&!c& t&e) c"rr!ed o't po!t!c" ,or/. If t&!s "tt!t'de ,"s once 8'st!f!ed d'e to t&e
p"st !dent!t) "nd &o*o(ene!t) of t&e ,or/!n( c"ss% tod") !t !s "n"c&ron!st!c ,&en
confronted ,!t& " ,or/!n( c"ss t&"t !s +'!te d!fferent!"ted% "nd ,!t& t&e e*er(ence of "
d!$ers!t) of ne, soc!" "ctors. Tod")% ,e !ncre"s!n() &"$e to de" ,!t& " 'n!t) #"sed on
d!$ers!t)% on respect for et&n!c "nd c't'r" d!fferences% for (ender "nd for t&e sense of
#eon(!n( of spec!f!c coect!$es.
57. ;&en " o'r speec&es "nd *ess"(es "re c't fro* t&e s"*e cot& "nd "re tr"ns*!tted !n t&e
s"*e *"nner "nd ,!t& t&e s"*e ,ords% prono'nced !n t&e s"*e tone "nd t&ro'(& t&e s"*e
*e("p&one% "nd ,&en t&e )e"rs (o #) "nd t&e posters "nd so("ns don1t c&"n(e% o'r ,ords
ose t&e!r $"'e. T&e) c"n no on(er ,!n t&e !*"(!n"t!on of "n)one.
59. ;e &"$e to ex"*!ne ,&et&er t&e eft &"s #een "#e to open 'p "$en'es for "ct!$!s* "nd &ep
n'rt're t&"t (ro,!n( pro(ress!$e sent!*ent !n soc!et)% #ec"'se not " peope &"$e t&e s"*e
"ct!$!st $oc"t!on nor do t&e) " fee !nc!ned to #e "ct!$e on " per*"nent e$e. T&!s
f'ct'"tes " ot depend!n( on t&e po!t!c" c!*"te "t t&e t!*e. To !(nore t&!s% "nd de*"nd "
'n!for* e$e of "ct!$!s*% !s sef6!*!t!n( "nd ,e"/ens t&e po!t!c" or("n!0"t!on.
5:. ..... necess!t) of #'!d!n( 'n!t) "*on( " eft forces (soc!" "nd p"rt) eft) "nd "ctors !n
order to #e "#e to (ro'p " #ro"d .... #oc c"n(not) #e "c&!e$ed !n " $o'nt"r!st *"nner%
cre"t!n( coord!n"t!n( #od!es fro* "#o$e t&"t end 'p "s s!*pe s'*s of "cron)*s.
5<. .... t&!s 'n!t) c"n e*er(e t&ro'(& concrete str'((es for co**on o#8ect!$es. And t&"t !s ,&)
.... ,e c"n &ep cre"te #etter cond!t!ons for t&!s 'n!t) !f ,e p't !nto pr"ct!ce " ne, str"te() of
"nt!6c"p!t"!st str'((e.
7=. ;e "re t"/!n( "#o't " str"te() t&"t t"/es !nto cons!der"t!on t&e !*port"nt soc!"% po!t!c"%
econo*!c "nd c't'r" tr"nsfor*"t!ons t&"t &"$e occ'rred "cross t&e ,ord !n t&e "st per!od.
A str"te() t&"t 'nderst"nds t&e ne, for*s of c"p!t"!st do*!n"t!on (o f"r #e)ond t&e
econo*!c "nd st"te sp&ere "nd &"$e !nf!tr"ted !nto " t&e noo/s "nd cr"nn!es of soc!et)%
f'nd"*ent") t&ro'(& t&e *"ss *ed!" ,&!c& &"s !nd!scr!*!n"te) !n$"ded t&e &o*es of "
soc!" sectors% "nd !n do!n( so c&"n(ed t&e cond!t!ons of str'((e.
71. Tod")% *ore t&"n e$er% ,e &"$e to confront not on) t&e do*!n"nt c"sses1 "pp"r"t'ses of
po!t!c" coerc!on #'t "so t&e *ec&"n!s*s "nd !nst!t't!ons present !n c!$! soc!et) t&"t
(ener"te " pop'"r "ccept"nce of t&e c"p!t"!st soc!" order. T&ese tend to "c&!e$e "
s!(n!f!c"nt &e(e*on) o$er !*port"nt pop'"r sectors% " c't'r" e"ders&!p o$er soc!et)
7.. O'r c&"en(e t&erefore !s to e"#or"te " re$o't!on"r) str"te() ,!t&!n t&e cond!t!ons of "
#o'r(eo!s de*ocr"c) t&"t en8o)s " e$e of "ccept"nce #) "n !*port"nt p"rt of t&e pop'"r
sectors ,&!c& "o,s !t to *"!nt"!n !tsef ,!t&o't &"$!n( to rec'r to repress!on- ,&"t1s *ore%
,e &"$e to t"/e "s o'r st"rt!n( po!nt t&e reco(n!t!on t&"t "r(e p"rts of pop'"r sectors "ccept
"s (ood co!n t&e c"p!t"!st e"ders&!p of t&e process.
72. For t&!s re"son% s!*pe prop"("nd" "#o't "n "tern"t!$e soc!et) !s not eno'(&. T&e (re"ter
co*pex!t) t&"t do*!n"t!on &"s "ss'*ed% t&e presence of !*port"nt extr"6st"te f"ctors t&"t
prod'ce "nd reprod'ce t&e c'rrent pop'"r fr"(*ent"t!on "nd t&"t "tte*pt to dee(!t!*!0e
t&e t&o'(&t "nd pro8ect of t&e eft !n t&e e)es of t&e p'#!c .... ,e *'st pro*ote str'((es
t&"t "re not red'ced to s!*pe econo*!c de*"nds 4 "t&o'(& t&e) *'st necess"r!) #e
!nc'ded 4 #'t t&"t "d$"nce !n t&e de$eop*ent of " *ore (o#"% soc!" pro8ect t&"t
enco'r"(es "'t&ent!c e$es of po,er fro* t&e (r"ssroots.
73. ;&"t ,e "re de"!n( ,!t& !s t&e constr'ct!on of exper!ences !n pop'"r de*ocr"c) t&"t "re
t"n(!#) s'per!or to #o'r(eo!s de*ocr"c). For ex"*pe% t&e e"#or"t!on of " pro8ect for "
&'*"n!st "nd so!d"r!t)6#"sed c!t) !n " oc" (o$ern*ent% pro*ot!n( d!$erse sp"ces for
p"rt!c!p"t!on t&"t "o, oc" res!dents to tr"nsfor* t&e*se$es !nto "ct!$e *e*#ers of t&e!r
co**'n!t). Or t&e constr'ct!on of " poe of r'r" sette*ents ,&ere pe"s"nts c"n est"#!s&
d!$erse for*s of co"#or"t!on "*on( t&e*se$es% not on) !n "(r!c't'r" prod'ct!on% #'t
"so !n !nd'str!"!0"t!on "nd co**erc!"!0"t!on of t&e!r prod'cts% !n t&e ed'c"t!on of t&e!r
c&!dren "nd t&e for*"t!on of t&e!r c"dre "ccord!n( to " *ode t&"t fores&"do,s t&e ne,
soc!et). Or t&e #'!d!n( of " st'dent feder"t!on t&"t defends t&e de*ocr"t!c p"rt!c!p"t!on of
st'dents !n t&e r'nn!n( of " 'n!$ers!t) co**!tted to soc!et). Or t&e constr'ct!on of " tr"de
'n!on confeder"t!on t&"t p'ts "n end to #'re"'cr"t!c e"ders&!p sep"r"ted fro* t&e
(r"ssroots% t&"t defends " soc!"6po!t!c" 'n!on!s*% t&"t o$erco*es s!*pe econo*!s*% "nd
t&"t proposes "s !ts o#8ect!$e "n "ct!$e !nsert!on !n t&e str'((e for soc!" tr"nsfor*"t!on.
75. A str"te() of t&!s t)pe c"n enor*o's) f"c!!t"te t&e co&er!n( of " t&e sectors of t&e eft%
#ot& t&ose t&"t "re *e*#ers of p"rt!es "s ,e "s soc!" *o$e*ent "ct!$!sts% #ec"'se !t
!n$o$es " d!fferent t)pe of c" to "ct!on. In order to #e "ct!$e% one does not necess"r!)
&"$e to #eco*e " *e*#er of " p"rt)% " *"ss or("n!0"t!on% " *o$e*ent- one c"n #e "ct!$e
s!*p) #) p"rt!c!p"t!n( !n p'tt!n( !nto pr"ct!ce t&e pro8ect of "n "tern"t!$e *ode.
77. ?'t !t !s "so 'r(ent t&"t ,e o$erco*e (r"ssroot!s*% oc"!s*% "po!t!c!s* .... t&"t !*!t t&e
str'((e of t&e pop'"r sectors ....
79. .... t&e need to cre"te " "r(e soc!" #oc .... c"n 'n!te " t&ose "ffected #) t&e s)ste*. To
"c&!e$e t&!s% !t !s f'nd"*ent" t&"t ,e cre"te sp"ces t&"t "o, for t&e con$er(ence of
spec!f!c .... str'((es ,&ere% s"fe('"rd!n( t&e spec!f!c c&"r"cter!st!cs of e"c& po!t!c" or
soc!" "ctor% co**on t"s/s c"n #e t"/en 'p t&"t "!d !n stren(t&en!n( t&e str'((e.
7:. .... pop'"r cons't"t!ons or "sse*#!es "re $er) !nterest!n( sp"ces. T&ese c"n "o, 's to
*o#!!0e #e&!nd " s!n(e concrete t"s/ .... ,&o ,"nt to contr!#'te to " #etter ,ord% ,&o $er)
often don1t /no, &o, to do !t% "nd ,&o "re not ,!!n( to #e "ct!$e !n t&e tr"d!t!on" ,")%
#ec"'se *"n) of t&e* re8ect po!t!cs "nd po!t!c!"ns.
7<. T&e poss!#!!t) of t'rn!n( t&e pop'"r cons't"t!on !nto " s)*#o!c "ct of re8ect!on of t&e
(o$ern*ent1s po!c!es (*") "o,) t&e c"*p"!(n to (ro,% ("!n stren(t& "nd *ot!$"te peope.

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