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Rebellion requires diversity of economic powers, diversity of media and means of transport
by which the Cuban Government became sole owner of all those resources through
expropriation, abuse and control. Tyranny in Cuba has also used the planned terror to keep the
population intimidated. And external support to the dissidence has not been effective.

The ruling Clique, after the collapse of the Socialist field, in order to keep everything in power,
has allowed the opening of business back to capitalism, which has resulted in diversification of
rich people. Then, fearing losing control of the fate of those resources, they made the low of
"illicit enrichment", not to control crime, if not, to expropriate all of the new rich who do not
cooperate with the State security when cooperation was request.

Tyranny became owner of all means of communication. Private printing companies were
expropriated. Any independent publication does a serious crime against the security of the State.
Now, with the development of technology and the little that has been introduced in Cuba, this is
how some information of reality is coming out overseas, but almost nothing in the interior of the

All transport companies were expropriated by the tyranny. All private cars of people who left the
country were expropriated. Numerous arbitrary expropriations of private vehicles were made. All
particular cars has been at risk of being expropriated by taking food, banned materials of a long
list and not in writing; by abuse of local commander and much higher risk transporting
disaffected to the regime. The Government has rigidly controlled the scarce car sales to
individuals and among they.

The Venezuelan Government for more than 12 years has treated with a little more moderation to
have the same control as in Cuba. The moderation was due to fear of international pressure,
which might not tolerate the crimes that were committed in Cuba. So in Venezuela there are still
some diversity economic-powers, some free media and most of the transport in private hands.
But the best thing is that the government hasnt been able to control the modern communication
technology as in Cuba.

On the other hand, with its populism and "Socialism of the 21st century", chavism pretended to
be more democratic than the previous tyrannical Socialism, they allowed the opponents to
participate in elections of the Parliament, Governments and municipalities; although they tried
that opponents withdrew themselves from politics with rough and threatening attacks, so that
way achieve absolutism more fast. Now those politicians are adding their voices to Venezuelan
dissident voices; something unimaginable in Cuba.

Finally, generations of Venezuelans have not been evolved under repression and submission as
the Cubans, and the firsts have a moral, may be not the best, but have one, which tends to change
dramatically under the tyrannical cruelty. In addition to all that, its known that permanent
underfeeding decreases the spirit of struggle of the people for spiritual values and focuses only
on the search for food, something that has happened in Cuba for about 50 years and in Venezuela
the shortages only increased in recent months.

Perhaps these few lines contribute to be treated Cubans with more delicacy by to those that do
not explain their selves insidiously of why Cubans are not thrown into the streets.
22 April 2014

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