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Intro. To Lit. and Comp.

-Zickes/Sindelar Name:_____________________________
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
Study uide !uestions
". #hen and $here is the play set%
&. 'ccordin( to the openin( speech o) the Chorus* $hat $ill happen to +omeo and ,uliet% -o$ $ill
this a))ect their )amilies%
Act I, Scene 1
". -o$ does the )i(ht be(in%
&. #hat do .en/olio and Tybalt seem to be like%
0. .y the time the 1rince arri/es* $ho is in/ol/ed in the )i(ht%
2. #ith $hat punishment does the 1rince threaten anyone in the 3onta(ue or Capulet parties $ho
breaks the peace a(ain%
4. +omeo is causin( his )ather concern. #hat is he doin( that $orries his )ather%
5. #hat does .en/olio disco/er is botherin( +omeo% #hat ad/ice does .en/olio (i/e +omeo%
Act I, Scene 2
". #hat does Capulet think o) the 1rince6s directi/es a)ter the third )i(ht%
&. #hy has 1aris come to Capulet%
0. #hat is Capulet6s ans$er to 1aris% #hat does he tell 1aris to do mean$hile* and $hy%
2. #hat do you think Capulet means $hen he says* 7The earth hath s$allo$ed all my hopes but she7
8line "29%
4. -o$ does +omeo )ind out about Capulet6s )east%
5. #hat kinds o) comparisons does the ser/ant make to indicate his problem $ith the task he has%
:. #hat does .en/olio say +omeo $ill reali;e at the )east%
Act I, Scene 3
". -o$ does the nurse )eel about ,uliet% -o$ can you tell%
&. #hat historical e/ent does the nurse use as a landmark to help remember ,uliet6s a(e%
0. #hat does ,uliet say about her thou(hts o) marria(e% #hat do you think she means%
2. -o$ old is Lady Capulet%
4. #hat merits does 1aris ha/e* accordin( to Lady Capulet%
5. ,uliet ans$ers her mother by sayin(* 7I6ll look to like* i) lookin( likin( mo/e.7 #hat does she mean%
:. #hat does ,uliet say $ill determine ho$ /i(orously she tries%
Act I, Scene 4
". #hat premonition has +omeo had% <escribe.
&. -o$ do you kno$ 3ercutio is a true )riend to +omeo%
0. #hy is +omeo not e=cited to (o to the Capulet party%
Act I, Scene 5
". #hat kind o) person is Lord Capulet% Is he (rouchy* con/i/ial* temperamental%
&. -o$ does Tybalt contrast $ith Capulet%
0. #hat does Tybalt promise to do a)ter Capulet puts him do$n at the )east%
2. #hat mo/es does +omeo put on ,uliet $hile on the dance )loor%
4. #hat does ,uliet say $hen she )inds out +omeo is a 3onta(ue%
Act II , Prologue
". #hy may +omeo not ha/e access >to breathe such /o$s as lo/ers use to s$ear?%
&. #hat does it mean that ,uliet@s means are much less%
0. #here do +omeo and ,uliet (et the po$er and means to meet%
Act II, Scene 1
". #here and $hen does scene " take place%
&. #hom does 3ercutio praise in an attempt to attract +omeo@s attention%
0. #hat do you as a reader kno$ in this scene that 3ercutio and .en/olio do not kno$% 8dramatic
2. #hen +omeo does not appear* $hat does .en/olio conclude%
Act II, Scene 2
". To $hat does +omeo compare ,uliet% -o$ bri(ht does he say her eyes are%
&. #hat does +omeo $ish he $as%
0. #hat does ,uliet say +omeo should do about his name%
2. #hy is ,uliet surprised at +omeo6s presence%
4. #hat does +omeo say is more dan(erous than ,uliet6s kinsmen%
5. -o$ does +omeo say he disco/ered $here ,uliet $as%
:. #hy is ,uliet so open $ith +omeo%
B. #hy doesn6t ,uliet $ant +omeo to s$ear by the moon%
C. #hy isn6t ,uliet happy about the promises o) lo/e Dust made%
"E. #hy does ,uliet $ish she hadn6t yet /o$ed her lo/e to +omeo%
"". #hy is +omeo a)raid that his meetin( $ith ,uliet is a dream%
"&. #hat choice does ,uliet set be)ore +omeo%
"0. F=plain the e=tended metaphor in lines ":5-"B0.
Act II, Scene 3
". #hat is the )riar collectin(%
&. In your o$n $ords* rephrase the )ollo$in( lines:
Gor nau(ht so /ile that on the earth doth li/e*
.ut to the earth some special (ood doth (i/eH
Nor au(ht so (ood but* strained )rom that )air use*
+e/olts )rom true birth* stumblin( on abuse.
0. #hat e=ample does he (i/e )or this principle% #here* besides in plants* does this principle li/e*
accordin( to Griar Laurence%
2. #hat three reasons does Griar Laurence think could ha/e caused +omeo to come so early%
4. -o$ does Griar Laurence react $hen +omeo says he has )or(otten +osaline% #hy do you think he
reacts this $ay%
5. #hat metaphor does +omeo )irst use to e=plain to )riar Laurence $hat has happened to him%
:. #here does )riar Laurence say youn( men6s lo/e resides% #hat leads him to reach this
B. #hat does +omeo say )riar Laurence scolds him )or% -o$ does Griar Laurence correct this
C. #hat is the di))erence bet$een +osaline and ,uliet accordin( to +omeo% 'ccordin( to Griar
"E. #hat persuades Griar Laurence* despite his condemnation o) +omeo6s $a/erin(* to assist +omeo%
"". #hat kind o) poetry is used in Scene 0%
Act II, Scene 4
". #hat are .en/olio and 3ercutio doin( as this scene opens%
&. To $hat do they attribute +omeo6s stran(e beha/ior%
0. #hat ne$ occurrence in the 3onta(ue/Capulet )eud do 3ercutio and .en/olio kno$ about that
+omeo has not yet learned o)%
2. -o$ does +omeo respond to 3ercutio6s Dokes and (ibes in lines 24-5"%
4. #hat conclusions does 3ercutio come to about +omeo )rom the chan(es in +omeo6s mood%
5. #hose messa(e does the Nurse deli/er to +omeo% #hat does she say%
:. #hat scheme has +omeo de/ised%
B. #hat pro/erb does the Nurse Iuote% #hat is her point%
C. #hat is +omeo6s ser/ant (oin( to (i/e the Nurse%
Act II, Scene 5
". In $hat len(th o) time did the Nurse promise to return% -o$ lon( has she been a$ay% In $hat $ay*
accordin( to ,uliet* could the Nurse be a better messen(er%
&. The Nurse puts o)) ans$erin( ,uliet6s Iuestions about the marria(e plans $ith )our e=cuses. #hat
are they%
0. #hy do you think the Nurse makes so many e=cuses%
2. #hat praise does the Nurse (i/e +omeo% #hat one complaint does she make%
4. 't the end o) the scene* $here is the Nurse (oin(% #here is ,uliet (oin(%
Act II, Scene 6
". 're Griar Laurence6s )irst t$o lines a statement or a prayer% -o$ do you kno$%
&. #hat does +omeo say about death in lines :-B%
0. In your o$n $ords* tell $hat $arnin( Griar Laurence (i/es in lines C-"".
2. #hat does +omeo ask ,uliet to do upon her arri/al% -o$ does ,uliet respond%
Act III, Scene 1
". #hat three reasons does .en/olio (i/e )or retirin(%
&. #hat does 3ercutio say about .en/olio6s character% Grom $hat you ha/e obser/ed* is this true%
0. #hat do 3ercutio6s ans$ers to Tybalt sho$ about 3ercutio6s character%
2. #hy doesn6t +omeo rise to Tybalt6s bait%
4. #hat reason does 3ercutio (i/e )or inter)erin( in +omeo and Tybalt6s Iuarrel%
5. -o$ does +omeo try to stop the )i(ht%
:. #hat is the result o) +omeo6s inter)erence%
B. #hy does +omeo rebuke himsel) in lines C&-CB%
C. #hat does +omeo predict )or the )uture a)ter learnin( o) 3ercutio6s death% -o$ does this prophecy
immediately come true%
"E. #hat reason does .en/olio (i/e to con/ince +omeo to run a$ay%
"". Is .en/olio6s account o) the )i(htin( entirely accurate% F=plain.
"&. -o$ do you kno$ that it6s true that +omeo 7but ne$ly entertained re/en(e7%
"0. #hat is Lady Capulet6s immediate reaction to .en/olio6s testimony% 'ccordin( to Lady Capulet*
$hat really happened% #hat can you conclude about Lady Capulet )rom her statements%
"2. F=plain the meanin( o) the line: 7-is )ault concludes but $hat the la$ should end*/ The li)e o)
Tybalt77 8lines "5B-"5C9.
"4. -o$ does the 1rince6s punishment di))er )rom the punishment he threatened in 'ct I* Scene "% The
1rince states the principle behind his action in line "BE. #hat does it mean% <o you think the
1rince belie/ed .en/olio%
Act III, Scene 2
". #hat is ,uliet impatient )or%
&. In 'ct II* +omeo compared ,uliet to stars. -o$ does ,uliet no$ use this comparison%
0. #hat misunderstandin( occurs bet$een ,uliet and the Nurse%
2. -o$ does the Nurse e=press her reaction to Tybalt6s death% #hat do you think o) her statements%
4. #hat does ,uliet conclude about +omeo $hen she )irst learns that he killed Tybalt% #hat $ords o)
Griar Laurence does her speech recall% #hat in)ormation about the incident does ,uliet not kno$%
5. #hat broad conclusions does the Nurse dra$ )rom the incident%
:. #hat $ish does the Nurse utter%
B. -o$ lon( ha/e ,uliet and +omeo been married%
C. #hat sudden reali;ation does ,uliet ha/e about ho$ the situation could ha/e been )ar $orse%
"E. #hat e/ent does ,uliet say $ould be pre)erable to +omeo6s e=ile% #hy does she $ish )or such a
"". #here are ,uliet6s parents%
"&. #hat does the Nurse promise to do%
Act III, Scene 3
". +omeo and Griar Laurence )eel di))erently about the 1rince6s punishment o) +omeo. -o$ does
each )eel.
&. #hy* accordin( to +omeo* is e/ery cat* do(* mouse* and )ly luckier than he is%
0. #hy $on6t +omeo listen to Griar Laurence%
2. Gor $hat )i/e thin(s does Griar Laurence scold +omeo%
4. #hat three (i)ts does Griar Laurence accuse +omeo o) misusin(% #hat earlier speech o) Griar
Laurence6s does this recall%
5. Gor $hat reasons does Griar Laurence say +omeo should be happy%
:. #hat is Griar Laurence6s plan )or +omeo%
B. -o$ does Griar Laurence plan to (et messa(es to +omeo%
Act III, Scene 4
". #hat plans do ,uliet6s parents make )or her%
&. #hat contrasts does this scene contain in the themes presented%
0. #hat does Griar Laurence mean $hen he says that +omeo is 7$edded to calamity7%
2. #hat is the antonym )or commends it is used in the play%
Act III, Scene 5
". -o$ are the lark and the ni(htin(ale used in this scene%
&. #hat )our thin(s does ,uliet call +omeo as he lea/es%
0. #hat )orebodin( does ,uliet ha/e%
2. -o$ does Lady Capulet interpret ,uliet6s statements about +omeo% #hat do readers reali;e the
statements really are%
4. #hy* accordin( to Lady Capulet* has Capulet arran(ed the marria(e so suddenly%
5. #hat reason does ,uliet (i/e )or puttin( o)) the marria(e% #hat sentence $ith a double meanin(
does ,uliet use to describe her intentions%
:. <escribe ho$ Capulet reacts to ,uliet6s re)usal to (et married.
B. #hat choice does Capulet (i/e ,uliet%
C. #hat does ,uliet be( o) her mother%
"E. #hat ad/ice does the Nurse (i/e ,uliet% #hat is her reasonin(%
Act IV, Scene 1
". #hom does ,uliet meet at Griar Laurence6s cell% #hat is he doin( there%
&. #hat is the meanin( o) Griar Laurence6s aside in line "5%
0. #hat do lines 44-4C mean%
2. In $hich lines does ,uliet utter $ords that can be taken as an accusation o) Griar Laurence )or his
)ailure to help more%
4. List the steps in Griar Laurence6s plan.
Act IV, Scene 2
". #hat promise does ,uliet make to her )ather%
&. In your o$n $ords* e=plain Capulet6s reaction to her chan(ed beha/ior.
Act IV, Scene 3
". #hat reIuest does ,uliet make o) her mother and the Nurse% #hat e=cuse does she (i/e%
&. #hy does ,uliet take a da((er to bed $ith her%
0. ,uliet has some doubt about usin( the mi=ture in the /ial. #hat is her )ear about Griar Laurence%
2. ,uliet also )ears that she mi(ht $aken be)ore +omeo arri/es. #hat three possibilities does she
Act IV, Scene 4
". #hat are Capulet* Lady Capulet. the Nurse* and the ser/ants doin( as this scene opens%
&. #hat mood are they in%
Act IV, Scene 5
". #hy doesn6t the Nurse disco/er that ,uliet is 7dead7 until line "2%
&. Capulet uses )i(urati/e lan(ua(e to describe his dead dau(hter in lines &:-&C. #hat kind o) )i(ure
o) speech does he use and $hat does it mean% #hat does Capulet personi)y in lines 0B-2E%
0. In lines 54-:2. Griar Laurence chides ,uliet6s )amily )or somethin(. #hat is it and $hat reason does
he (i/e%
2. #hat is ironic about lines :4-:5%
4. The Capulets $ere ready to ha/e a $eddin( )east. -o$ $ill the preparation )or the )east be
chan(ed by ,uliet6s7 death7%
5. #hat do the $ords re and )a mean in line ""&%
:. #hy does 1eter threaten the musicians%
Act V, Scene 1
". #hat did +omeo dream%
&. #hat does +omeo e=pect )rom Jerona%
0. #hat ne$s did he recei/e%
2. #hat does +omeo mean in line 02%
4. #hat is the penalty )or sellin( poisons in 3antua% #hy does +omeo think he can buy poison
5. Gor $hat kind o) poison does +omeo ask the apothecary%
:. #hat does +omeo mean in line B0 $hen he says to the apothecary* 7I sell thee poison* thou has
sold me none7%
Act V, Scene 2
". #ho comes to Griar Laurence at the be(innin( o) this scene%
&. #hat ne$s does he brin(* and conseIuently $hat mission did Griar ,ohn )ail%
0. #hat must Griar Laurence do no$ as a result o) this ne$s%
Act V, Scene 3
". #hat is the settin( o) this scene%
&. #hat order does he (i/e to the 1a(e%
0. Gor $hat purpose does 1aris come to the Capulet tomb% #hat does he decide to do ni(htly%
2. #ho else comes to the Capulet tomb%
4. #hat does +omeo (i/e to .althasar to deli/er%
5. #hat story does +omeo tell .althasar is the reason )or his trip to the tomb%
:. #hat last reIuest does +omeo (rant 1aris%
B. #hen +omeo says* 7-ere6s to my lo/eA7 $hat does he drink%
C. #here does Griar Laurence $ant to take ,uliet%
"E. ,uliet kisses the lips o) her dead +omeo and then does $hat%
"". #ho e=plains to the 1rince and the berea/ed )amilies $hat has happened%
"&. #hat do Capulet and 3onta(ue /o$ to build%

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