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I apetus

by Shadow - April 2005

The ancient civilizations that once occupied western Iran to the eastern
Mediterranean coast, as well as Egypt and the Saudi peninsula left astonishing depictions
and an extensive written archaeological record of their visitation by 'sky gods,' or the
ANNUNAKI (those who from heaven to earth came).

Many books and articles have been written on this subject, and I will only attempt to
give an overview of the general information about them here, as it may relate to this
article. According to ancient records and artifacts, beings visited Earth from a planet
called NIBIRU. Their world, the visitors claimed, is dragged along with a smaller brown
dwarf star that orbits our sun- an enormous orbit that takes almost 4,000 years to

These ancient records describe this dwarf star, dragging along its planets, as
periodically passing near enough to our solar system for them to send ships to earth,
where they would engage in accumulation of gold and other metals through mining
operations using bituminous (oil/petroleum based) products as fuel to refine ores. This
would occur over a period of several hundred years. The visitors would send these
materials into low earth orbit, eventually returning with them to their ship, which would
remain in orbit between Mars and Jupiter.

These visitors claimed they had been coming to Earth for the last 450,000 years, and
that in the distant past they had developed a 'worker class' through genetic engineering
involving themselves and early hominids that were in fact the first humans.

Over time, these beings claimed, their periodic visitations (every 3600-3800 years) led to
the formation of human high civilization, including the development of government,
agriculture, written language, and various sciences. Concepts relating to religions and
deities, along with depictions of winged objects in the ancient sky that are found in the
region's archaeological record, are apparently attempts to emulate or record and illustrate
these visitations.

Many of these visitors remained behind after their
companions left, and were credited by these cultures
with teaching men to quarry and build with massive
blocks and segments of stone as well as helping
humans to design and construct the ancient cities,
temples, and agricultural systems.

According to Sumerian records, the Annunaki claimed that as their planet approached our
system they would arrive from their world on ships, each containing fifty occupants,
materials and supplies. These ships would then enter our solar system, assuming an orbit
passing between Jupiter and Mars. They would remain there for several hundred years, as
teams sent to Earth gathered gold and other metals from southern Africa and the region
between the Tigris/Euphrates rivers, sending them back to the orbiting ship. Others
gathered minerals and ores from the asteroid belt, which they called RAKKIS (the
hammered bracelet). As they completed operations, their ship would leave its orbit and
approach Saturn. Using Saturn's enormous gravitational pull to assist their acceleration
they would then 'slingshot', returning to their own system which would be completing the
nearest part of its 4,000 year orbit and heading back out into deep space.

On January 9,1880,a report to British Royal Astronomical Society by R.H.M.
Bosanquet and A.H. Sayce described a clay tablet circa 3300 BC, discovered in the ruins
of the Royal Library in Nineveh.

This circular tablet, divided evenly into
eight equal segments, was described as a
'planisphere' or map of the heavens.
Several segments shapes are associated
with higher mathematics, and one section
has a clear diagram of the constellation of
Orion. In a very striking segment that is
almost completely intact, there are two
triangular shapes, with a row of dark
circular shapes stretching between them.
Under this row, written in cuneiform is the
phrase "the deity EN.LIL goes by these

In this same segment, a large triangular shape with parallel lines is visible. This was a
commonly used pictograph in the Near Eastern region, used to indicate a ruler's domain,
or point of origin when a ruler undertook a journey. This is connected with an angular line
to another smaller triangle, with the names of two celestial bodies written above it. These
cuneiform terms translate as DIL.GAN (first marker) and APIN (where the course is set).
According to the scholar Strassmeier, Apin represents Mars, so DIL.GAN (first marker)
would be massive, easily seen Jupiter. These seem to indicate an orbital position of their
ship in our solar system between Jupiter and Mars.

Stretching between these two triangles
there is a row of dots, indicating planets.
The Annunaki considered the earth's moon
to also be a planet in its own right, so a
count of the planets outwards from the sun
would put their line of travel as passing
Saturn on their way into or out of our solar

In the lower triangle in this segment there is also written in
cuneiform the term SHUUT.IL.EN.LIL, or 'the way of Enlil' . This was another very
common term used in the region, this one indicating the sky or heavens. the sky. In the
lower part of this section, we also see a group of four dark spots, carefully arranged in a
pattern with one leading centered spot. The positions of these aligned dark spots directly
correspond with the locations of the ruins of the ancient cities of Larsa, Bad-Tibira, and
Lagash in southern Iraq. Nippur, or their landing site on Earth, is indicated by the dark
spot in the lower corner of the triangle, and is also located in this exact spot in relation to
the other three ancient cities in the Tigris/Euphrates river valley.
This section of the planisphere describes the navigational route of these beings through
our solar system past indicated planets to an orbit from which smaller craft (SHEM) were
flown to a landing site on Earth. It is very similar to the imagery engraved on a plaque
attached to the NASA Pioneer 10 probe that left earth for deep space in February 1971.
This probe also contains a planet map, with the path of the departing Pioneer 10 probe as
it heads out of our system.

Saturn's enormous gravitational and electromagnetic fields were regarded with great
fear and awe by the Annunaki - they called it TAR.GALLU, or 'the great destroyer'.
Apparently this was because of an incident in their distant past when a ship with fifty
occupants was lost on a mission to the inner solar system. Possibly through trajectory or
flight path miscalculations, the story describes a craft becoming trapped in a large orbit
around Saturn, hopelessly dooming its occupants from any timely rescue. A Sumerian

cuneiform text, published in 1912, describes this incredible disaster as an Annunaki
named MARDUK rushes to his father, EA, with terrible news.

"It has created itself like a weapon...
It (the ship) has charged forward into oblivion!
The Annunaki who number fifty it has seized!
It has seized SHU.SAR(planet chaser ) in its grip of death!"

The 2004/2005 Cassini/Huygens probe's flyby of Saturn revealed unprecedented photos
of many bodies in the region, including close-ups of Saturn's moon Titan and its gaseous
atmosphere. Only briefly mentioned in the media and in the official NASA releases,
however, was the fact that a correction in the flight path of the probe had sent it within
photographic range of Iapetus, a body that orbits Saturn in a very large and unusually
inclined orbit- far wider than any other object circling Saturn. Scientists believe this
extremely remote orbiting object was most likely 'trapped' or pulled into orbit instead of
originating as part of Saturn's moon and ring system.

NASA was baffled as readings from sophisticated equipment aboard the Cassini/Huygens
probe indicated that the object was very likely hollow. As the first photos of Iapetus began
to appear, NASA and the scientific world were shocked to see that this was clearly an
artificial object, manufactured and with clear indications of intelligent design. The object
showed advanced yet very ancient construction and technology, on a massive scale. It
became clear that this object was an enormous, very ancient abandoned space craft, very
similar in design to the spacecraft Death Star from the George Lucas science fiction film
Star Wars.
This revelation was quickly suppressed, and official NASA releases only indicated that
there were strange features visible on the object's surface.

Iapetus, shaped like a peanut, has a perfectly straight 60,000 foot high bank of surface
material that bisects its center, running the entire visible length of the object. Obviously
an artificial construct, this is apparently to protect a seam along this part of the ship. The
ridge also has an internal structure of three beams or tubes that run parallel and are
inside the embankment.

This object also has what appear to be two equally sized and spaced exhaust ports on one
extremity. These are surrounded by darkened areas, possibly from heat or exhaust

In this photo from the probe, the two exhaust ports, equal in size and shape, are seen on
the rear of the craft. Note the darkened regions on the surface, which emanate from
these ports. These areas are consistent with exhaust burns and residue from a propulsion

Iapetus also has a very large number of craters that appear to be symmetrical, mostly
hexagons. These seem to show an underlying tetrahedral framework, with ports at
various places, with overlying layers of rocky strata. The largest and most prevalent
surface feature, other than the ridge straddling its center, is a large hexagonal portal or
bay, with clearly angular and symmetrical sides.

Along the edges of this same area, edge collapse and degradation have exposed massive
structures and engineered seams and angled remnants, protruding from eroded and
exposed edges.

From ancient mines in southern Africa, villagers have found small finely manufactured
spheroids of unknown origin and made from milled metals hundreds of thousands of years
ago. This is the same area where the Sumerian accounts claim the Annunaki were
engaged in mining operations for metals. These metallic objects are precise models of the
ship that is now trapped around Saturn. There have been two distinct types of this object
discovered, one of which models the three covered ridges found straddling the central
region of Iapetus.

Unfortunately there has been little mention of this unprecedented discovery in the
mainstream or alternative media, and the scientific community is strangely silent on the
subject. Clear evidence of artificial design and manufacture of an extraterrestrial object in
our solar system, along with correlating physical and archaeological evidence of its
existence should be viewed as one of the most significant scientific finds in the history of
mankind. This discovery, however, has been largely ignored.

In 1959, NASA issued a document called the Brookings Report, which warned the US
Government that any scientific evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence "could be
destabilizing to terrestrial governmental institutions...if not the future of civilization." Such
a policy may possibly explain the deafening silence from NASA, the world scientific
authorities, and governments regarding this monumental scientific discovery.


NOTE: The author wishes to acknowledge the outstanding work done by Richard Hoagland in his
series about Iapetus, Moon with a View, which can be found on his website,

by Shadow

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

"It is possibly the oldest, easily the most
profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only
one international in scope. It is the only one in
which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the
losses in lives.
"A racket is best described, I believe, as something
that is not what it seems to the majority of the
people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is
about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very
few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few
people make huge fortunes." War Is A Racket, Major
General Smedley Butler

Ther e i s a gr oup at wor k i n t he wor l d t hat i s appar ent l y i nvol ved i n
t he r ecycl i ng of ent i r e ci vi l i zat i ons and t hei r i nf r ast r uct ur es. Thi s gr oup
consi st s of a secr et l y connect ed cabal of i ndust r i al i st s, pol i t i ci ans, and
war pr of i t eer s. Thr ough var i ous mechani sms, ent i r e ci vi l i zat i ons- -
bui l di ngs, peopl e, t echnol ogy- - ar e dest r oyed, ost ensi bl y t o ' r epl ace' or
' updat e' t hem. I cal l t hi s gr oup t he Ar chi t ect s of Dest r uct i on.

I n t hi s essay I wi l l at t empt t o expl ai n some of t he mot i ves and
pur poses of t hi s gr oup, but t hey wi l l not be di r ect l y i dent i f i ed. I n f act
t her e i s no si ngl e name f or t hi s gr oup, as i t i s composed of many
i nt er act i ng or gani zat i ons, and has oper at i ons at many l evel s. To cl ai many
si ngl e gr oup or cabal i s r esponsi bl e gr eat l y si mpl i f i es t he si t uat i on- - i t
i s mor e accur at el y descr i bed as many or gani zat i ons wi t h si mi l ar val ues and
i nt er est s wor ki ng i n consensus.

Thi s gr oup bases i t s exi st ence on i t s abi l i t y t o cr eat e and pr of i t
f r omwar . Thr ough car ef ul mani pul at i on of pol i t i cal pr ocesses and cont r ol of
t echnol ogi cal devel opment , t hi s gr oup st ages or f oment s st at es of war
bet ween nat i ons, hi di ng t hei r t r ue pur pose- - usual l y i nf r ast r uct ur e
r epl acement or popul at i on cont r ol - - f r omt he wor l d by decl ar i ng an i mmi nent
t hr eat t hat l eaves no r ecour se but war .

I n ever y maj or war i n r ecent hi st or y,
t housands of hospi t al s, school s, f act or i es, l i br ar i es,
publ i c bui l di ngs, and communi cat i ons f aci l i t i es and
t r anspor t at i on syst ems have been needl essl y dest r oyed.
Usual l y t hese f aci l i t i es wer e compl et el y i r r el evant t o
t he decl ar ed pur pose of t he gi ven conf l i ct . Thi s
massi ve devast at i on i s so consi st ent l y pr eval ent i t
becomes cl ear t hat t hi s must be t he t r ue hi dden
pur pose of al most ever y war - - t he compl et e and
t hor ough dest r uct i on of agi ng i nf r ast r uct ur e, whi ch
occur s on bot h si des of t he conf l i ct , wi t h t he
i nt ent i on of r epl aci ng t hem.

Dur i ng t he Revol ut i onar y War i n t he Uni t ed St at es, t housands of
smal l vi l l ages and ci t i es wer e compl et el y dest r oyed r egar dl ess of mi l i t ar y
obj ect i ves, al ong wi t h t he dest r uct i on of enor mous amount s of l i vest ock and
cr ops.

The Amer i can Ci vi l War , whi ch cl ai med al most 700, 000 Amer i can l i ves,
l ed t o t he dest r uct i on of al most ever y maj or ci t y i n t he Sout h, al ong wi t h
r ai l r oads, f act or i es, and publ i c bui l di ngs. Thi s al so l ed t o t he mass
r el ocat i on of a wor kf or ce ( sl aves) made obsol et e by i nvent i ons l i ke t he
cot t on gi n and st eel pl ow t o t he newl y i ndust r i al i zed nor t h, t o pr ovi de
needed l abor .

soldiers and tanks gather in the Kuwaiti desert prior to Iraq invasion

Dur i ng Wor l d War I I , over 56 mi l l i on peopl e wer e ki l l ed, and t ens of
t housands of agi ng bui l di ngs and agr ar i an vi l l ages wer e dest r oyed, f r om
Russi a t o Gr eat Br i t ai n. Ent i r e cul t ur es and communi t i es wer e compl et el y
er ased al ong wi t h t he r oads, br i dges and t r ansi t syst ems t hat connect ed
t hem. As The Ger man ar my i nvaded Russi a, t he i nhabi t ant s exer ci sed a
' scor ched ear t h' pol i cy- - t he met hodi cal dest r uct i on of al l l i vest ock,
bui l di ngs, cr ops, and mat er i al s or suppl i es t hat woul d be of hel p t o t he
i nvadi ng ar my. Si mi l ar act i ons had al so been t aken by many Eur opean nat i ons,
causi ng t he l oss of many t ypes of pl ant and ani mal f ood speci es, bot h
domest i c and wi l d.

I n an ef f or t t o f i ght a ' war on dr ugs, ' t he f ar ml and of most cent r al
and sout h Amer i can nat i ons wer e spr ayed wi t h t oxi c def ol i ant s, t o dest r oy
t he sour ce of i l l i ci t dr ug t r af f i cki ng. Wi t h t he pol l ut i on of gr oundwat er
and poi soni ng of f ar ml and, can t hi s possi bl y be a f or mof popul at i on
cont r ol ?

Sherman's Path of Destruction
Destruction of Richmond
World War II bombing
Bombed German city

When t he use of DDT was banned i n sub- Sahar an Af r i ca mor e 30 mi l l i on
peopl e di ed as a r esul t of t he bur geoni ng mosqui t o popul at i on t hat t hr i ved
t her e. Whi l e t hi s occur r ed, t he wor l d appl auded ef f or t s t o pr ot ect
endanger ed bi r ds of pr ey, wi t h cl ai ms of DDT bei ng t he cause of weak
eggshel l s and def or mi t i es gi ven wi de cover age.

Six years after the United States banned DDT, there were 800 million cases
of malaria and 8.2 million deaths per year. Di xy Lee Ray, Tr ashi ng The
Pl anet , p. 69.

Af t er t he second wor l d war , new t owns and ci t i es r epl aced t hose t hat
wer e dest r oyed, and most Eur opean and East er n Bl oc nat i ons t oday enj oy a
ver y hi gh st andar d of l i vi ng compar ed t o pr ewar condi t i ons, and many l i ve i n
moder n, wel l devel oped ci t i es t hat have r epl aced pr ewar vi l l ages and smal l
agr ar i an t owns.

Whi l e t her e ar e sever al ver y speci f i c ar eas t hat t hi s cl ose kni t ( and
i nt er gener at i onal ) gr oup usual l y oper at e i n, coor di nat i on bet ween var i ous
subgr oups may expl oi t an oppor t uni t y f or pr of i t .

The act i vi t i es of t hi s gr oup ar e much mor e i nvol ved t han j ust
sel l i ng weapons t o bot h si des of a conf l i ct , or goadi ng over popul at ed
nat i ons t o f i ght each ot her , however . Whi l e t hese ar e t wo of t hei r pr i mar y
act i vi t i es, t hei r mai n f ocus seems t o be on pr of i t i ng f r omever y aspect of
one of t hei r ' st aged conf l i ct s. ' A war i s seen as a busi ness vent ur e, f r om
st ar t t o f i ni sh, and cont r act or s and suppl i er s ar e usual l y pr epar ed l ong
bef or e any conf l i ct woul d necessi t at e t hei r i nvol vement . Fr omar ms sal es t o
r econst r uct i on cont r act s, numer ous oppor t uni t i es f or pr of i t ar e expl oi t ed.

Amazon rainforest after 'slash and burn ' agriculture
Price tag: $50-$100 million per fighter

Of t en r esour ces or t echnol ogy ar e t he pr i mar y obj ect i ve but pr of i t s ar e made
f r omever y possi bl e sour ce.

The Vi et namWar , f or exampl e, i nvol ved
500, 000 Amer i can and 300, 000 Chi nese t r oops,
and was ost ensi bl y t o hal t t he spr ead of
communi smi n sout heast Asi a- but coi nci ded
r oughl y wi t h t he devel opment of sat el l i t e and
t el ecommuni cat i ons t echnol ogi es. Tungst en, a
mi ner al wi del y and cheapl y avai l abl e i n
Vi et nam, i s vi t al t o t hi s i ndust r y, and t hi s
was a pr edomi nant ar ea of t echnol ogi cal
r esear ch and devel opment f or bot h t he Chi nese
and Amer i cans at t hat t i me.

I n t he cur r ent I r aqi and Af ghani st an conf l i ct s, si mi l ar
pat t er ns ar e obser ved. Ther e i s whol esal e sensel ess dest r uct i on
of ci t i es and ci vi l i an popul at i ons. Ther e i s bl at ant war
pr of i t eer i ng, and car ef ul mani pul at i on of medi a and publ i c
opi ni on t o hi de i t . Af ghani st an and I r aq ar e bot h r i ch i n
r esour ces, whi ch ar e l i kel y t he mai n obj ect i ve of t hose t hat
ar e st agi ng t hese conf l i ct s. Ther e has al so been a del i ber at e
at t empt t o gr eat l y r educe t he popul at i on of Iraq-- mi l l i ons di ed
i n t he l ast war bet ween I r an and I r aq and Oper at i on Deser t
St or m, and i t has been r epor t ed t hat over 1 mi l l i on I r aqi s have
di ed i n t he l ast decade f r omt he ef f ect s of economi c sanct i ons. Over 100, 000
ci vi l i ans have been r epor t ed ki l l ed so f ar i n t he cur r ent I r aq conf l i ct . The
di sper sal of r adi oact i ve mat er i al f r omdepl et ed ur ani umr ounds and ar mor i n
r ecent year s by t hi s gr oup wi l l cause a massi ve r educt i on i n popul at i on i n
t he exposed ar eas, and wi l l necessi t at e t he compl et e r emoval of most of t he
i nf r ast r uct ur e ( bui l di ngs, r oads, housi ng) i n t hese ar eas.

stacked missiles in the hangar
bay of the USS Kitty Hawk in
northern Gulf waters
I t i s my concl usi on t hat t he moder ni zat i on of t he Uni t ed St at es of Amer i ca
may be t he cur r ent obj ect i ve of t hi s gr oup, al ong wi t h most of Nor t h and
Sout h Amer i ca. The t r anspor t at i on syst ems and ener gy gr i ds on bot h of t hese
cont i nent s, par t i cul ar l y t hose i n Nor t h Amer i ca, ar e obsol et e, aged or badl y
i n need of r epai r , and t he popul at i ons of t hese nat i ons ar e vi ewed by t he
Ar chi t ect s of Dest r uct i on as under educat ed and poor l y t r ai ned i n compar i son
t o most moder n cul t ur es. Wi t h t hi s i n mi nd, compani es and gr oups associ at ed
wi t h t he Ar chi t ect s of Dest r uct i on ar e cur r ent l y i nvol ved i n l oot i ng
busi nesses, and expl oi t i ng and mani pul at i ng l aws i n t hese nat i ons. I have
al so not i ced t he del i ber at e use of cheap or poor mat er i al s, r esul t i ng i n
l ower qual i t y r oads, bui l di ngs, and communi cat i ons and ener gy net wor ks on
t hese cont i nent s. Thi s i s al so evi dent i n t he const r uct i on of poor l y made
housi ng and publ i c bui l di ngs. Uni ver si t i es and school s i n Nor t h and Sout h
Amer i can count r i es can al so be obser ved l ower i ng t hei r academi c st andar ds
and t eachi ng xenophobi c and cl osed mi nded i deol ogi es.

Wi l dl y f l uct uat i ng cur r ency val ues coupl ed wi t h massi ve debt have
t he Uni t ed St at es, as wel l as most Cent r al and Sout h Amer i can count r i es, i n
ver y poor economi c condi t i on, and most ski l l ed j obs and manuf act ur i ng have
al r eady been out sour ced f r omt he Uni t ed St at es and ot her nat i ons i n t he
r egi on. Consi der i ng t he t ypi cal met hods and behavi or of t he Ar chi t ect s of
Dest r uct i on, I bel i eve t her e ar e many si gns t hat i ndi cat e t her e may be
pr of ound change i n Nor t h and Sout h Amer i ca dur i ng t hi s cent ur y.
Bombing of Baghdad

Scalar War in

by Shadow & Pax
J anuary 5, 2005

"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set
off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of
ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other
nations... It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts." ---
Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference

On December 17, 2004, President Bush issued an executive
order, giving the United States universal control over the world's
oceans, for security or development purposes.(1) Nine days after
this order was issued, a cataclysmic event occurred in the region
of Aceh, Indonesia.

Is it a coincidence that the epicenter of the earthquake which
triggered the deadly tsunami in the Indian Ocean was centered
on Aceh, a small area on the northern tip of Indonesia? Aceh is
extremely rich in many resources, including exotic flora and
fauna, huge mineral deposits and extensive mining operations,
and one of the worlds largest deposits of liquid natural gas. This
area has had civil war for some time, as local groups struggle
over access to the resources such as natural gas, and over the
fate of the local primitive populations the development has
displaced.(2) ExxonMobil has had operations there for many
years, and has been recently charged with hiring local groups of
mercenaries to exterminate native populations in the region,
clearing the way for resource development. Among allegations of
torture, rape, and the maintenance of private prisons, this lawsuit
was settled in November 2004.(3)

Is it possible that this disaster is from a scalar/HAARP type
strike, as many believe was the case in the destruction of Bam,
Iran, exactly a year earlier to the day? While studies and
research on this exotic class of weaponry has been deliberately
kept quiet, it has by no means stopped. Based on the
technology and theories of Nikola Tesla, it is widely known and
acknowledged that the USA, the Soviet Union and possibly the
Germans long ago developed this type of technology, which
involves carefully calibrated and aligned waves of
electromagnetic energy that form high energy fields or charges
at a remote location.

Apparently these waves are triggered
with a series of interferometers, and are able to travel through
the entire Earth, or even out of our atmosphere into space, and
make it possible to remotely cause earthquakes, or activate
volcanoes. This energy focused into the Earth, for example
along a fault line or tectonic plate overlap, would cause
enormous heat and pressure to develop, causing earthquakes
and tectonic plate shifts. This would cause massive earthquakes
and tidal wave/tsunami events. Using this technology, it is also
possible to entirely control weather systems-layers of the upper
atmosphere can be 'fine-tuned' in temperature to cause a variety
of weather patterns to form-including typhoons,hurricanes,and
electrical storms.

The countries that have this technology have been quietly testing its applications for
some time.(4) Often these tests are done far out at sea, and are described as 'joint
military exercises' or such. From reports and witnesses, the technology has been used
to create enormous electromagnetic, bubble-shaped shields, stretching many
hundreds of miles (large enough to cover a major city) and also to superheat areas of
the atmosphere, causing the instant development of massive storm fronts.(5) Is it
possible this technology was involved in the recent disaster?

As early reports of the event began to spread, it became clear
that the smaller nations in the path of the rising water had no
knowledge of what was about to happen. Only Australia and the
US naval base on Diego Garcia seem to have been warned,
even though hours passed between the seismic event and the
landfall of the tsunami in highly populated areas. While a
tsunami would have been an unusual situation, reports of a high
magnitude earthquake would have been taken very seriously.
However, none of the nations in the group of nations that share
earthquake monitoring data were informed. Diego Garcia, near
the epicenter, reported only a 6 foot tidal swell, and the threat
was downplayed in Australian media.

Most of the nations of the world have worked quickly to send
people in the area- including the United States. However, in an
incredibly short period of time a large task force was assembled
and sent on its way, almost as if it had been prepositioned. This
task force, which can only be described as an army of
occupation, will arrive very soon, led by Lt. General Blackman,
the same general that led the charge into Baghdad. Our
'humanitarian mission' includes battleships, an aircraft carrier,
destroyers, and a 15,000 man US Marine Strike Force with
enough food for a month, according to an official Navy website.
(6) Armed helicopters and battle groups have already arrived
and assumed control in Aceh, ostensibly to provide 'aid'.
Presumably they will stay on and help with the recovery in the
region, which will likely include development of the oil and gas

Without firing a shot, the United States military appears to have
positioned an enormous military force deep into the heart of
Muslim territory, ostensibly for humanitarian aid, but more likely
to provide security for long term development in the region.


The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction:"Owning the Weather" for
Military Use
ExxonMobil, Aceh and the Tsunami
Resources and Rebellion in Indonesia
Nightmare in Indonesia: The Roots of the Bush-Cheney's Oil Government
Bush Stockholdings
Oily Diplomacy: How State Department is protecting Exxon in Indonesia
RIGHTS: US Oil Giant Sued Over Human Rights Abuses in Indonesia
Aceh and Mobile Oil
Rescuing Aceh Oil or Preparing for the Next Event
Company Disputes Timor Oil Rights
Seventh Fleet to Provide Naval Support to Aceh Province
Seize Aceh Oil Militarily As Rescue
Lawsuit Against Newmont Withdrawn 12/28/04
Cyberspace Orbit: The Great Quake
US-India Struggle for Control in Disaster Zone

Iraqi Mandaean

an exclusive by Shadow

Why are we fighting a war, or insurgency, in Iraq? There
have been countless plausible answers offered, but none really
carry the ring of truth. None really seem to offer justification for
the loss of countless thousands of lives. What could be so vital to
the United States, or the world, that it would justify such
wholesale slaughter and destruction?

Known to few outside the 'secret society' community, Iraq is
in fact the most hotly contested and highly coveted real estate on
earth, because it is the site of evidence of the true origin of
Christianity and J udaism, and possibly many other religions as

In southern Iraq, an orthodox purity cult sect called the
Mandaeans live much as they have for the last 2,000 years. They
are apparently an offshoot of a group that followed an earlier
Christian teaching in the tradition of J ohn the Baptist, or possibly
the Essenes - one of many groups of the era that broke away
from mainstream religion for various reasons, usually because of
a belief that the mainstream religious establishment had 'sold
out,' or became too worldly or preoccupied with wealth and
power. It has been determined by researchers that the
Mandaeans of southern Iraq are in fact the Nasoreans, who were
driven from J udah circa 37AD (1). Along with many other fugitive
'churches,' they fled groups of hired mercenaries intent on
suppressing the growing Christianity movement. In THE HIRAM
KEY, authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas speculate
that the Mandaeans may have even fled Saul (Paul) of biblical
new testament fame.

Strangely enough, the Mandaeans view Christ as a rebel heretic who betrayed
secret Nasorian traditions, but accept J ohn the Baptist as a holy man - they practice
washing and bathing rituals similar to modern Christian baptism ceremonies.

There are several compelling connections between the practices
of the Mandaeans and the worldwide secret society community,
particularly the traditions of Freemasonry, a secret society that
traces it's origins to the order of the Knights Templar. While the
Templars were originally commissioned and backed by the
Roman Catholic church, they quickly became more influential and
powerful than their sponsors. Records indicate that during the
1200s, 80% of kings and monarchy owed money to the Templar
Order. They were rumored to be able to gain a Papal audience
on demand, and many believed that they must have 'had
something' on the church that enabled them to extort the power
they wielded. During the inquisitions and investigation that
followed the purge of the Templars by Philip IV in 1307, it was
revealed that the Templars which were involved in secret
religious practices were apparently an offshoot of the esoteric
teachings of the 4,000 year old Babylonian Mystery Schools, and
that they employed rituals and symbolism that indicated this.
Similar symbolism and rituals are also found in modern

In a freemasonic initiation ritual, the candidate is dressed in
a white garment identical to those worn by Mandaeans. The
candidate also exhibits the rolled up sleeve, peculiar to the
priestly class of Mandaeans . Note also the knotted cord around
the waist, of identical material, size, and usage by both. Templars
were required to wear similar garb under their battle dressage.

Freemasonry candidate
in initiation ritual

The name 'Mandaean' comes from a root meaning 'secret knowledge,' and they
employ a ritual grip of hands for a 'deal' or 'righteousness' - a very freemasonic
concept. It is not at all surprising to also observe that the Mandaeans call their priests
Nasorians! (3)

When the Knights Templar fled the European purge in 1307, a
large group fled to Scotland and Robert the Bruce's protection. It
is not known, however, what happened to the Templar treasure
fleet that slipped away in the night from La Rochelle in Brittany,
or the treasure and documents from Herod's Temple that were
known to be hidden inside the massive twin pillars at the Templar
lodge. Many believe they were entrusted to the care of an
assistant by the condemned J acques DeMolay, captured leader
of the Templars, with instructions to take the Order into hiding.

A Templar
Many authors and researchers speculate that they fled to the
coast of Central or North America, long before Columbus. The
Sinclair family of Scotland claim their ancestors landed in North
America in the early 1300s, making it very possible they were
involved in an expedition with the Templars, many of which were
known to be in Scotland at that time.(4)

Mandaean heritage linking them to the Nasoreans also
gives them a connection to the Qumranians, a group that are
known to have buried scrolls and documents under the temple of
Herod - where the fledgling Templars, only nine members strong,
conducted excavations for nine years in the early 1100's.The
Templars finally departed abruptly - and very quickly became the
most powerful political, religious, and financial force in the
civilized world. What did they find that enabled them to wield
such power?

The teachings of the Mandaeans describe an idyllic land to
the west, found by following a star they called Merica. Could
information about the existence of Merica possibly have been
among the treasure and secret documents discovered in
J erusalem? Did the Templars travel to Merica, a century later, to
avoid capture? It is at least more than coincidental that our land
is called America, just like this distant idyllic land to the west
known to the Mandaeans.(5)

While it is not known if the Templars ever arrived or
established a secret colony in North America, history is full of
veiled attempts to find their elusive treasure. Hernando Cortes,
among many others, was overtly after a fabled ancient golden
city in North America, and was told by the Aztec leader that white
men from the ocean were 'expected' to return for their treasure.
Coastal New England tribes in Maine tell of an ancient golden city
far up the Penobscot, left there many centuries ago.

What could be the secret that they have - the Mandaeans
and the Templars? Other than treasure, what could be so
compelling that Iraq as a society and culture must be slated for
complete destruction, through genocide, full theater war against
civilians, and DU contamination? What could be so dangerous to
the 'powers that be' that they would want Iraq so utterly

Iraq, widely known as the cradle of civilization, has
undergone an archaeological renaissance in the last century.
Pristine ancient cities of exquisite workmanship (hidden from the
world by 14 years of war and no-fly-zones) have been recently
uncovered, along with artifacts and relics that apparently exhibit
ancient advanced technology which appears to be from
extraterrestrial sources.

The ancient city of Ur
seems strangely out
of place and
time.Note the use of
architecture and
techniques.Were the builders helped by an
alien intelligence?

The artifacts far predate Christianity and J udaism. Enormous
libraries describing an ancient religious culture that had
interaction with beings they described as 'sky gods' have also
been found, and the information in these records is so volatile it
has justified, as President Bush has called it , 'another Crusade."
The credibility of established scientific and religious thought, it is
believed, must be protected at all costs.

Compare this Knights
Templar stronghold
(left) to Babylon's
Ishtar Gate (right).
Note the similarities
in walls and towers -
yet this architecture
is separated by more
than 3,000 years.

This ancient religion seems to have been the precursor of our
relatively modern J udaism and Christianity, but describes a deity
more technological than mythical, more literal than symbolic. For
the Mandaeans, Sumerians, and Eblans of the region, their
relationship with a 'god ' seemed to involve their developing a
working knowledge of science, math, medicine, agriculture,
astronomy, written and oral language, and
government/administration. Incredible as it sounds, the ancient
religions of the southern Iraq region describe an interaction
between the local population and a being from space.

In this planisphere, or map of the heavens, from Nineveh, Iraq, dated 3300
BC, a being called En.LIL is described as visiting and departing our solar

This 'religion' and 'worship' seems to have initially been a teacher /student type of
relationship. The awe and reverence exhibited by the ancient cultures appear to have
been more because of the technology and teachings of their visitors than any physical
characteristic, and it was calmly accepted that these periodic 'visitors' and their craft
were from the 'sky'.

Babylon, or Babel, is Chaldean for 'Gateway of the Gods.' This is
because the Chaldeans taught that Babylon was built over the
original location of the 'coming and going' of the gods, or a
landing/launch site. This would be a massive tower of stone with
a wide platform and load bearing base, similar to the structure
found at Baalbek, Lebanon. Various craft piloted by the
"DIN.GIR", or 'righteous ones of the fiery rockets' would arrive
and depart from this site in Iraq's ancient past.(6)

The biblical story of the tower of Babel is borrowed from an
older Sumerian story of a group of men that attempted to
reconstruct a launch tower similar to the one left long ago by their
'gods' in the past. In the Sumerian account the men, instead of
trying to reach the sky or god, are preoccupied with flight - that
is ,to glide or launch aircraft from the tower, and travel over great
distances. The men intend to imitate the behavior of their gods -
to duplicate their technology, which the story makes apparent
involved flight. Archaeologists speculate that ancient
extraterrestrial technology recovered from this site may
include navigation or communications equipment or even
crashed or stored aircraft.

This Sumerian cylinder seal (2400 BC)
accurately depicts a model of our solar
system in the sky near a figure wearing a
horned headdress indicating the figure is
a diety. The depiction is very accurate,
including size, shape and order of
planets. Note also the rocket between the
antenna/control towers, in the far central

Presently, Iraq is in a state of siege and war, and all
archaeological sites and materials have been seized or occupied
by foreign troops. Most shrines and libraries that have records of
this heritage have been destroyed already. There is an enormous
worldwide black market for Iraqi antiquities, driven by secret
societies with collectors of these prized trophies as members.

The world famous 'Baghdad battery,' a 5,000 year old electrical device, has vanished in
the looting and chaos, and there were many reports that the looting of the Iraqi National
Museum was led by Americans who systematically removed virtually every item from
the museum and several mosques and palaces, bypassing reproductions and

The black market, along with a consensus among the secret society community
that the controversial religious information should be suppressed, has led to the
present situation in Iraq today. In their view, the credibility of accepted versions of world
religions, particularly J udaism and Christianity, must be maintained at all costs - the
connections between banking, governments, religions, culture and civilization are
pervasive, and release of the truth is believed to have the potential to cause mass
chaos, and collapse of their power structure and influence.


It is my conclusion that there has been concerted effort by
established and organized governments and religions worldwide
to suppress both documents and physical evidence that portray
Iraq's (and possibly the world's) very unique development of
religion. They are also intent on the destruction of the
archaeological evidence of the same - including ancient artifacts,
relics, or recorded information. It is also my conclusion that it has
been decided by these same groups that everyone who has been
involved with or exposed to this should be silenced. This is being
done with exposure to depleted uranium, mass destruction of the
The Baghdad Battery
infrastructure and population of Iraq, and integration of their
culture and social demographic into 'western' style ideologies.
Because the secret societies fear the revelations from
discoveries in Iraq would upset the entire civilized world, and
alienate and undermine as much as 80% of world religions, there
has been an unspoken consensus among a great number of
nations that the current attempts to suppress the information are
appropriate at this time. Unless the destruction and genocide in
Iraq are halted immediately, the greatest archaeological and
scientific (and possibly religious) discoveries mankind may ever
make will be lost forever.


1. The Hiram Key, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas
2. The Biggest Secret, David Icke
3. The Hiram Key, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas
4. The Occult Conspiracy, Michael Howard
5. The Hiram Key, Christopher knight and Robert Lomas
6. The 10th Planet, Zechariah Sitchin

Dov Zakheim and the
9/11 Conspiracy

by 'Shadow' and 'Pax'

I n a document cal l ed "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces
and Resources for a New Century" publ i shed by The Amer i can Ent er pr i se' s
" Pr oj ect f or a New Amer i can Cent ur y" ( 1) , Syst emPl anni ng Cor por at i on ( SPC)
I nt er nat i onal execut i ve, Dov Zakhei m, cal l ed f or " some cat ast r ophi c and
cat al yzi ng event - l i ke a new Pear l Har bor " bei ng necessar y t o f ost er t he
f r ame of mi nd needed f or t he Amer i can publ i c t o suppor t a war i n t he Mi ddl e
East t hat woul d pol i t i cal l y and cul t ur al l y r eshape t he r egi on. A r espect ed
and est abl i shed voi ce i n t he i nt el l i gence communi t y, hi s vi ews wer e eager l y
accept ed, and Dov went f r omhi s posi t i on at Syst ems Pl anni ng Cor por at i on t o
become t he Compt r ol l er of t he Pent agon i n May 2001. ( 2) Per haps not so
coi nci dent al l y, i t was an SPC subsi di ar y, TRI DATA CORPORATI ON, t hat
over saw t he i nvest i gat i on af t er t he t er r or i st at t ack on t he Wor l d Tr ade
Cent er i n 1993.

SPC, accor di ng t o t hei r of f i ci al websi t e, speci al i zes i n many ar eas of
def ense t echnol ogy pr oduct i on and manuf act ur e, i ncl udi ng a syst emdevel oped
by t hei r Radar Physi cs Gr oup cal l ed t he Fl i ght Ter mi nat i on Syst em, or FTS. ( 3)
Thi s i s a syst emused t o dest r oy t ar get dr ones ( cr af t t hat woul d be f i r ed on
by t est ai r cr af t or weaponr y) i n t he event of mal f unct i on or " mi sses" . Thi s
hi ghl y sophi st i cat ed war - game t echnol ogy al l ows t he cont r ol of sever al
' dr ones' f r oma r emot e l ocat i on, on var yi ng f r equenci es, and has a r ange of
sever al hundr ed mi l es. Thi s t echnol ogy can be used on many di f f er ent t ypes
of ai r cr af t , i ncl udi ng l ar ge passenger j et s.

Accor di ng t o t he SPC websi t e ( 4) , a r ecent cust omer at t hat t i me was
Egl i n AFB, l ocat ed i n Fl or i da. Egl i n i s ver y near anot her Ai r For ce base i n
Fl or i da- MacDi l l AFB, wher e Dov Zakhei mcont r act ed t o send at l east 32 Boei ng
767 ai r cr af t , as par t of t he Boei ng / Pent agon t anker l ease agr eement . ( 5)

As t he event s of Sept ember 11, 2001 occur r ed, l i t t l e was ment i oned about
t hese st r ange connect i ons, and t he possi bl e mot i ves and pr oxi mi t y of Dov
Zakhei mand hi s gr oup. Si nce t her e was l i t t l e physi cal evi dence r emai ni ng
af t er t he event s, i nvest i gat or s wer e l ef t onl y wi t h phot ogr aphi c and
anecdot al evi dence.

Thi s i s a phot ogr aph of t he Fl i ght Ter mi nat i on Syst em
modul e, f r omt hei r si t e. ( 5) . Not e i t has a

cyl i ndr i cal shape, and i s consi st ent wi t h t he si ze
and shape of t he obj ect obser ved under t he f usel age
of f l i ght 175.

The Boei ng l ease deal i nvol ved t he r epl acement of t he agi ng KC- 135 t anker
f l eet wi t h t hese smal l er , mor e ef f i ci ent Boei ng 767s t hat wer e t o be
l eased by Dov Zakhei m' s gr oup. The pl anes wer e t o be r ef i t t ed wi t h
r ef uel i ng equi pment , i ncl udi ng l i nes and nozzl e assembl i es.

I n t hi s enl ar gement of f l i ght 175, we can cl ear l y see a cyl i ndr i cal obj ect
under t he f usel age, and a st r uct ur e t hat appear s t o be at t ached t o t he r i ght
under si de of t he r ear f usel age sect i on.

When seen i n compar i son, i t i s obvi ous t hat t he pl ane appr oachi ng t he Tr ade
Cent er has bot h of t hese st r uct ur es- t he FTS modul e and t he mi dai r r ef uel i ng
equi pment , as conf i gur ed on t he modi f i ed Boei ng 767 t anker s. Of par t i cul ar
i nt er est i s t he l ong t ube- l i ke anomal ous st r uct ur e under t he r ear f usel age
ar ea of f l i ght 175- t hi s st r uct ur e r uns al ong t he r i ght r ear bot t omof t he
pl ane, as i t al so does on t he Boei ng 767 r ef uel i ng t anker pi ct ur ed.

Af t er consi der i ng t hi s i nf or mat i on, I amconvi nced t hat f l i ght 175, as
pi ct ur ed on t he news medi a and of f i ci al r epor t s, was i n f act a r ef i t t ed
Boei ng 767 t anker , wi t h a Fl i ght Ter mi nat i on Syst emat t ached. Use of t hi s
syst emwoul d al so expl ai n t he exper t handl i ng of
ai r cr af t obser ved i n bot h New Yor k and Washi ngt on
i nvest i gat i ons, whi ch has been of f i ci al l y cr edi t ed t o
i nexper i enced f l i ght school st udent s.

Si nce t he r ef i t t ed 767s wer e abl e t o car r y bot h passenger s and a f uel l oad,
as shown i n t hi s phot o, i t i s l i kel y t hat t he pl ane desi gnat ed Fl i ght 175 was
i n f act a r ef i t t ed 767 t anker , di sgui sed as a convent i onal ci vi l i an passenger
pl ane.

As shown i n t hi s phot o of a 767 bei ng ser vi ced, t he FTS uni t , when i n
posi t i on, woul d be smal l and unobt r usi ve enough t o be f ai r l y i nnocuous ( at
l east t o casual obser ver s, such as passenger s) . The smal l est ci r cl e i ndi cat es
t he si ze and posi t i on of t he anomal y depi ct ed i n t he phot os of Fl i ght 175.
The l ar ger ci r cl e, whi ch i s t he si ze of t he engi ne housi ng, shows t he si ze of
t he anomal y i n r el at i on t o t he engi ne. Not e t he si ze and posi t i on of t he open
hat ches on t he engi ne housi ng, whi ch woul d t end t o di scr edi t t he wi del y hel d
t heor y t hat t he anomal y i s an open hat ch or car go door .

As t he above di agr amshows, al l f l i ght s i nvol ved i n t he
event s t r avel ed ver y near many mi l i t ar y i nst al l at i ons,
and appear t o have t r avel ed i n a manner suggest i ng
gui dance and possi bl e t r ansf er of t he cont r ol of t he
pl anes among t he bases.

Si nce t he evi dence f r omt he Wor l d Tr ade Cent er si t e was qui ckl y r emoved,
t her e i s l i t t l e concr et e evi dence of t he i nvol vement of Dov Zakhei m, who has
si nce l ef t hi s posi t i on at t he Pent agon. However , t he pr oxi mi t y of Egl i n AFB
t o MacDi l l AFB i n Fl or i da and Dov Zakhei m' s wor k vi a SPC cont r act s and t he
Pent agon l easi ng agr eement on bot h of t hese i nst al l at i ons, combi ned wi t h
SPC' s access t o Wor l d Tr ade Cent er st r uct ur al and secur i t y i nf or mat i on f r om
t hei r Tr i dat a i nvest i gat i on i n 1993, i s hi ghl y suspi ci ous. Consi der i ng hi s
access t o Boei ng 767 t anker s, r emot e cont r ol f l i ght syst ems, and
hi s publ i shed vi ews i n t he PNAC document , i t seems ver y l i kel y he i s i n f act
a key f i gur e i n t he al l eged t er r or i st at t acks i n New Yor k Ci t y on Sept ember
11, 2001.
Send comment s t o: Shadow@conspi r acynewsnet . com

ht t p: / / www. newamer i cancent ur y. or g/ Rebui l di ngAmer i casDef enses. pdf
2. ht t p: / / www. whi t ehouse. gov/ news/ r el eases/ 20010212- 2. ht ml
3. ht t p: / / www. syspl an. com/ Radar
4. ht t p: / / www. syspl an. comRadar / Downl oads/ FTS. pdf
5. ht t p: / / www. af a. or g/ magazi ne/ aug2003/ 0803wor l d. asp#anchor 5

In response to some of our readers who have questioned our
premise that it was Rabbi Dov Zakheim who 'called for' the Pearl
Harbor type of incident, we here at Conspiracy News Net
acknowledge that the PNAC document was written by the likes of
William Kristol and Donald Kagan, and therefore as the real
brains behind the agenda they are the ones calling for it in a
literal sense. However, we do stand by our assertion that the
Rabbi called for it as well, insofar that he signed his name onto
this document. If he signed it he agrees with it and therefore he
is calling for it.

Some of you have argued that we are singling out Rabbi Zakheim
because he is Jewish, implying that we are pushing some sort of
twisted anti-semetic agenda while noting that he is not the only
one who signed the PNAC document and therefore wondering
why our article is about him and not the others. We do not mean
to imply that the Rabbi acted alone, our article simply points out
that Rabbi Zakheim had access to things like structural integrity,
blueprints and any number of important facets of information
about the WTC through his work with TRIDATA CORPORATION in
the investgation of the bombing of the WTC in 1993. That he had
access to REMOTE CONTROL Technology through his work at
System Planning Corporation (SPC). That he had access to
BOEING AIRCRAFT through a lease deal HE BROKERED while
working at the Pentagon. And finally that he was part of a group
of politically radical Straussian Neo-Conservatives, who, through
their association with PNAC, called for restructuring of the Middle
East, noting that a Pearl Harbor type of event MAY BE NEEDED to
foster the frame of mind required for the American public to
accept such a radical foreign policy agenda. In light of all this
information we here at Conspiracy News Net stand by our
statement that Mr. Zakheim not only called for the slamming of
For additional articles by Shadow
go to Shadow's Archives
the WTC Towers on 9-11, but he activily took part in their
demolition by providing the logistics necessary for such an attack
to occur.


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