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ISSN 2335-2019 (Print), ISSN 2335-2027 (Online)

Darnioji daugiakalbyst | Sustainable Multilingualism 3/2013




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1996. . a
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= kava (Isakovi 1993: 6); lahkomislen
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udovica ); 2) ( )
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za sve ljude koji ive u zemlji koja se jo prije naseljavanja Slavena na njeno tlo zove Bosna (u ije ime ukljuujem
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irkovi, Ekmei, Dedijer, 1973, 141).

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, ( , 1960,
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(. ),
okolotrbuni hlaodra, rukvica, svezice,
uljudba, razudba, rastvorba/ralamba,
24 , , , 3000 , .
, (Boi, irkovi, Ekmei, Dedijer, 1973, 142). ,
, kat, .
25 , : , , , ; ,
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greka grjeka, pogreno pogrjeno, .
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prosudba, bradba nastamba, pothodnik,

nathodnik, zrakomlat/vrtolet, .).27
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1838. . .
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( 1990, 123, 129).
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umjetnovavenstvo ,
(Guskova, 2003, 211).

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1994, 14), .
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(, 1987).


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, , ,
( )
(agbaba, adet, heim, selamet)
( (Halilovi, 1996; Halilovi,
1996a; Handbuch, 1999)).30

.31 (
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( );
2) ,
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). ,

(. (Greenberg, 1998,
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; 2)

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30 : promidbenik, razvojaenje,
vrhoskup, bezraje, uzvanik, proelnik, promidba, ozemlje, .
31 Lexical differences have been a primary criterion for the establishment of a separate Bosnian language (Greenberg, 1998, 717).


).32 ,
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. ,

(1463. .1878. .), , . 33 (
(. (Franoli, 1984, 64)
),34 .

(Hadijahi, 1974, 1531).

(Mogu, 1995, 27, 53),
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(Banac, 1996, 133)35

(Pirjevec, 1998, 108). ,
() 36
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32 () .
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70 (Boi, irkovi, Ekmei, Dedijer, 1973, 141).
34 (. ) ()
(Georgijevi, 1969, 300301; Boi, irkovi, Ekmei, Dedijer, 1973, 142). ,
) .
35 XX
, , (, 2000, 1167).
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(), ,
. ,
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(Vrana, 1962; Mogu, 1995).
1184. .

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(. 1468. .) (Mogu, 1995, 22, 24).
) (Mogu, 1995, 27,

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. ,
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. (
. . (,
1950; , 1968, CXLII; Kadi, 1976, 151)
XII XV . ().
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. ,38
(, ) (Dizdar, 1969, 11
16; Bogievi, 1975). -

( .
1404. . ).39
(, ),
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, 1493.
1496. (, 1993, 362)).
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41 . 1810. . : ,
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(, 1922, 124).
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. . , , (/
), . (afaik, 1865, 12)
( ) . , (, ,
, ) ()

species genus-, . ,
, 1070. 811. . 1057. . Serborum
gens quos etiam Chrobatos vocant. (Gens Chrobatorum, quos
nonnulli Serbos vocant) 1118. .
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(afaik, 1865, 3) , ,
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42 . (
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razlikuju uglavnom po imenu, veoma malo po supstanci, i praktino nimalo po
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Vladislav B. SOTIROVI
Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania;
Bosnian LANGUAGE and ITS inauguration: the fate of the former
Summary. This paper examines the fate of the Serbocroatian or Croatoserb language
after the disappearance of the former common state for all the South Slavs except
the Bulgarians in 1991 with the main emphasis on the phenomena of inauguration
and promotion of the Bosnian language one of the youngest Slavic and European
languages today. The aim of this study is to present the ways of development of
the successor languages of the former Serbocroat or Croatoserb language with a
crucial focus on its most delicate part the Bosnian. This language was officially
inaugurated in 1996 and up today is practically spoken only by the Muslim South
Slavs in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Sandak region which is today divided between
Serbia and Montenegro. However, the speakers of the Bosnian language are selfidentifying themselves as the Bosniaks, but not as the Bosnians in the ethnonational
sense. The specificity of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian ethnolinguistic situation in the
last two decades is marked by the fact that in this republic officially are spoken three
ethnic languages (Bosnian, Serb, Croat) although supporters of the Bosnian language
are trying to prove that the mother tongue for all inhabitants of Bosnia-Herzegovina
and Sandak (Raka) region is only Bosnian one. A specific position of the Bosnian
language among all Slavic languages is visible and in the fact that its name is different
from the name of the state (Bosnia-Herzegovina) in which is spoken as well as from
the name of a nation who speak it (Bosniaks). From linguistic point of view, the

Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin and Serbian languages after the dissolution of the
Socialist Yugoslavia still today consider one linguistic system, but from sociolinguistic
point we can speak about four internationally recognized separate and independent
languages. It is a matter of linguistic engineering to make in the future more factual
differences between these four up today only de jure separate languages in syntax,
vocabulary, orthography and grammar rules in order that they will become in reality
and de facto different languages. The fact is that today all three emerging languages
(Bosnian, Serb, Croat) on ruins of the ex-Serbocroat or Croatoserb language in BosniaHerzegovina are standardized on the basis of the ijekavian dialect that is a common
component which still connects them into a single linguistic system. However, it is
expected that in the future a technology of linguistic engineering is going to be
focused on the creation of ethnic differences within this common dialect. It will be
difficult, but not utterly unmanageable, work. In this short analysis of a sociolinguistic
aspect of disappearance of the former Yugoslavia, with emphasis on the phenomenon
of the inauguration of the Bosnian language, in order to realize our research goal we
used the comparative method and the method of analysis of the text as a form of
sociolinguistic penetration into the role and function of the language in the creation
of the national identity and the nation- state boundaries. In addition, we also used a
method of the mutual complement of the data from the sources and literature.
Keywords: Serbocroat language, Croatoserb language, Bosnian language, Yugoslavia,

Vladislav B. SOTIROVI
Mykolo Romerio universitetas, Lietuva;
Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinjamas serb-kroat arba kroat-serb kalbos likimas
1991 metais inykus ankstesnei, bendrai vis piet slav (iskyrus bulgarus) valstybei,
akcentuojant bosni kalbos vienos jauniausi iandienos slav ir Europos kalb
inauguracijos ir propagavimo reikinius. Tyrimo tikslas atskleisti kalb, ankstesns
serb-kroat arba kroat-serb, sekj evoliucij, ypating dmes skiriant opiausiam
klausimui bosni kalbai. 1996-ieji oficiali ios kalbos gyvavimo pradia. iandien ja
kalba tik piet slavai musulmonai Bosnijoje-Hercegovinoje ir Sandako regione, kuris
iuo metu padalytas Serbijai ir Juodkalnijai. Taiau kalbantieji bosni kalba etninetautine prasme vardija save bosniakais, o ne bosniais. Etnolingvistins BosnijosHercegovinos situacijos iskirtinum per pastaruosius du deimtmeius ymi faktas,
kad ioje respublikoje oficialiai kalbama trimis etninmis kalbomis (bosni, serb ir
kroat), nors bosni kalbos alininkai stengiasi rodyti, kad gimtoji vis BosnijosHercegovinos ir Sandako (Raka) regiono gyventoj kalba yra tik bosni. Bosni
kalbos iskirtinumas tarp kit slav kalb pasireikia ir tuo, kad kalbos pavadinimas
skiriasi nuo valstybs, kurioje kalbama ia kalba, pavadinimo (Bosnija-Hercegovina) ir
nuo tautos, kalbanios ia kalba, pavadinimo (bosniakai). Lingvistiniu poiriu kroat,
bosni, juodkalniei ir serb kalbos, iirus socialistinei Jugoslavijai, iandien vis dar
priskiriamos vienai lingvistinei sistemai, nors sociolingvistiniu aspektu bt galima
kalbti apie keturias atskiras ir savarankikas kalbas, kurios pripaintos visame
pasaulyje. Lingvistins ininerijos udavinys ateityje sukurti daugiau faktini i
keturi de jure atskir kalb skirtum (sintakss, odyno, ortografijos ir gramatikos
taisykli), kad jos tapt skirtingos de facto. iandien visos trys kalbos (bosni, serb
ir kroat), besiformuojanios ant serb-kroat arba kroat-serb kalbos liekan,
Bosnijoje-Hercegovinoje standartizuojamos remiantis ljekav dialektu, kuris yra
bendras elementas, jungiantis mintas kalbas vien lingvistin sistem. Taiau
manoma, kad ateityje lingvistins ininerijos technologija bus naudojama, kuriant
etninius io bendro dialekto skirtumus. Tai padaryti bt sunku, bet manoma.
ioje trumpoje ankstesns Jugoslavijos inykimo sociolingvistinio aspekto analizje,
akcentuojant bosni kalbos inauguracijos reikin, naudojamas lyginamasis metodas

ir teksto analiz kaip sociolingvistins skvarbos forma, siekiant sigilinti kalbos

vaidmen ir funkcij, kuriant tautin tapatyb ir tautos-valstybs ribas. Taip pat
pasitelktas abipusio altini ir literatros duomen panaudojimo metodas.
Pagrindins svokos: serb-kroat kalba, kroat-serb kalba, bosni kalba,
Jugoslavija, politin lingvistika.


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