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Ufone (official name: PTML) is a PTCL company, PTML (Ufone) - a wholly-owned subsidiary has
improved its financial performance commenced its operations on
29th January 2001 as a GSM 900 service provider. Since the outset, it has expanded its coverage and
customer base at a rapid pace and established itself as one of the leading cellular service providers in
Dur i ng t he l as t year Uf one s uc c es s f ul l y
c ompl et ed t he l aunc hi ng of s i t es under Phas e V i n ex i s t i ng as wel l as new
c i t i es and t owns by i nves t i ng mor e t han US$ 525 mi l l i on. Thi s has increased the
asset base of Ufone from rupees 20 billion to 27 billion. To further enhance the subscriber
base and strategically position the company in the growing telecom market, Ufone has finalized a
network expansion for Phase VI contract amounting to about US$ 170 Million. Ufone currently, has
network coverage in more than 4,745 locations throughout the country.
Ufone's operational performance has been very encouragi ng despite stiff competition in
Pakistan telecom market which has led to reduction of prices to bare minimum level. Ufone managed to
improve its revenue and after tax profit by 87% and 54% respectively, as compared to the last
year through aggressive policies and exercising strict control over expenses.
Ufone is a Cell ular Service Provider founded in 2001 It is also a subsidiary firm of PTCL As
of 2008, Ufone employs more than 1,730 people. It manufactures its the GSM company providing
services to all four continents urban and rural areas., As of 2008, Ufone is the second
largest telecommunication company in Pakistan. In recent years the company has
endured significant improvement in services to almost 4,745 locations throughout the country.
The major competitors of Ufone are domestic companies like
P a k i s t a n M o b i l e C o m m u n i c a t i o n s L i m i t e d , b e t t e r k n o w n a
s M o b i l i n k G S M , i s a telecommunication service provider in Pakistan. According to PTA
statistics, Mobilink has 30.88million customers by January 2008. Mobilink's Head office is
located in Kulsum Plaza, Blue Area, Islamabad
( OSE: TEL , NASDAQ: TEL N) i s t he i nc umbent t el ec ommuni c at i ons c ompany i n No
rway, with headquarters located at Fornebu, cl ose to Oslo. Today, Telenor is mostly
ani nt er nat i onal wi r el es s c ar r i er wi t h oper at i ons i n Sc andi navi a, Eas t er n Eur op
e and As i a. I n addition, it has extensive broadband and TV distribution operations in four Nordic

Warid Telecom International
Is an Abu Dhabi based mobile telecommunication firm providing telephony services in Bangladesh,
Pakistan and Uganda.
Zong is the first International brand of China Mobile being launched in Pakistan. It is meant to empower
and liberate the people of Pakistan in every nook and corner of the country
The purpose of this project is to enhance the ability of understanding the important factors, matrix, and
strategy of business. And also to encourage to know more about the telecommunication sector in
Pakistan. Ufone is one of my favorite cellular company. I have being usi ng Ufone si nce2004.
Over the past few years Ufone developed dynamically. Ufone is the purpose of my project and my
communication medium in life.

Human Resource Management
Marketing Department
Commercial Department Sales
Department Finance
Department Payroll
Department Information Technology
Department Engineering
Department Administration
Auditing Department Customer Care
Economic Conditions
Social Conditions
Culture Demographics
Consumer Attitude

1. Second Large Market Share
A l t h o u g h U f o n e s m a r k e t s h a r e h a s d r o p p e d d u e t o c u r r e n t e c o n
o m i c a n d p o l i t i c a l circumstancesit but is still very much competitive at 20 percent.
2. Worldwide Cheap call Experience
As explai ned above even with Ufones recent decline they stil l have the market share and
the experience to bounce back. They have been a nationwide company for nearly ten years now and
have established themselves as the national leader for most of them.
3. Variety of Value Added Service
Provide varieties of value added services as compared to other cellular networks
4. Representing PTCL name
As it is the subsidiary of PTCL.

5. Coverage on GT Road 60%
Now covering Pakistan busi ness hi ghway upto73%
1. Behind on Excessive Demand
T h i s i s U f o n e ' s b i g g e s t w e a k n e s s i s n o t attempting to meet the
2. Poor Organizational Structure
Centralized structure failed to provide proper guidance over instruction and policies
3. Stagnant Profitability
As compared to financial assets, Ufone is not close to expected profitability
4. Overly Dependent on PTCL.
Subsidiary of PTCL, it is dependent on PTCL
1. Can target Corporate
It is obvious that GM was behind its competition with regards to the research and development
of hybrid vehicles. However hybrid technology is still
Very much new giving GM the opportunity to once again become the automotive industry's leader in
innovation and technology.
2. Continuing to Expand Globally.
Ufone have the ability to expand globally. But due to current economic condition all its operation are on
3. Publicity and Marketing
With the right marketing strategy they can acquire much more.
4. Develop New Value Added Service
Thi s i s an oppor t uni t y t hat wi l l never be s at i s f i e d, meani ng t hat Uf one s houl d
al way s be attempting to keep improvising new valued added services, and as we know,
what is in today will be out tomorrow.


1. Govt. Interference
Govt. Interference wil l always be treated as a threat in terms of taxes.
2. PTCL cellular license
Ufone is nothing just a cellular license to PTCL. PTCL should provide more financial support to enhance
profitability of its subsidiary company.
3. Pension Payouts.
Part of this threat is their own doing and the other is simply unavoidable. Ufone is
responsible for providing generous pension benefits to its employees, which at the time seemed like a
great idea, however they are now experiencing problems as more and more people begin to collect.
4. Increased Health Care Costs
Ufone, like many large companies with quality employee health care benefits, is experiencing a large
financial hit that only gets worse as time continues as compare to other cellular firms.

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