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_____ behaviours are believed under the control of the person.

Your Answer: Internal
If an individual responds the same way when faced with a similar situation
he/she is exhibiting ____.
Your Answer: consistency
Correct Answer: consensus

An individual's determination about whether behaviour was internally or
externally caused depends largely on three factors: distinctiveness, consensus,
and consistency. If an individual responds the same way when faced with a
similar situation he/she is exhibiting consensus.
_____ is the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and
overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the
behaviour of others.
Your Answer: Fundamental attribution error
_____ occurs when an individual attributes their success to internal factors and
failure to external factors.
Your Answer: Self-serving bias
_____ allows for "speed reading" others.
Your Answer: Selective perception
Numerous research studies have shown that good-looking people are more
likely to get hired, even when less qualified than other applicants. This is an
example of ____.
Your Answer: selective perception
Correct Answer: the halo effect

The halo effect occurs when one draws a general impression about an individual
on the basis of a single characteristic, such as appearance. Numerous research
studies have shown that good-looking people are more likely to get hired, even
when less qualified than other applicants.
Jane is concerned about her chances of getting selected for a new job after
hearing that her interview follows that of a highly qualified candidate. This is an
example of _____.
Your Answer: stereotyping
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1 of 6 30-04-2014 23:51
hearing that her interview follows that of a highly qualified candidate. This is an
example of _____.
Your Answer: stereotyping
Correct Answer: contrast effects

Contrast effects refers to evaluation of a person's characteristics that are
affected by comparisons with other people recently encountered who rank
higher or lower on the same characteristics.
When we judge someone on the basis of group membership, we are using the
short-cut process known as _____.
Your Answer: stereotyping
An interviewee's initial impression is cemented after _____ minutes.
Your Answer: one to two
Correct Answer: four to five

An interviewee's initial impression is cemented after four to five minutes. As a
result, information elicited early in the interview carries greater weight than
does information elicited later.
A _____ is a situation in which one person inaccurately perceives a second
person and the resulting expectations cause the second person to behave in
ways consistent with the original perception.
Your Answer: halo error
Correct Answer: self-fulfilling prophecy

A self-fulfilling prophecy, also known as the Pygmalion effect, is a situation in
which one person inaccurately perceives a second person and the resulting
expectations cause the second person to behave in ways consistent with the
original perception.
A(n) _____ is a choice from among two or more alternatives.
Your Answer: problem
Correct Answer: decision

A decision is a choice from among two or more alternatives. All employees are
involved in decision making.
What is the first step in the rational decision making process?
Your Answer: Identify the decision criteria
Correct Answer: Define the problem

The first step in the rational decision making process is defining the problem.
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The first step in the rational decision making process is defining the problem.
What is the last step in the rational decision making process?
Your Answer: Select the best alternative
_____ extracts the essential features from problems without capturing all their
Your Answer: Analysis
Correct Answer: Bounded rationality

Bounded rationality extracts the essential features from problems without
capturing all their complexity. While the model of rational decision-making
describes how decisions should be made, bounded rationality describes how
decisions are made.
_____ is decision-making out of distilled experience.
Your Answer: None of the above
Correct Answer: Intuition

Intuition is decision-making out of distilled experience. There is a growing
recognition that intuitive decision-making can be a legitimate alternative in
certain circumstances.
Which of the following professions is considered intuitive?
Your Answer: Computer programmers
Correct Answer: Chess masters

There is a growing recognition that intuitive decision making can be a legitimate
alternative in certain circumstances. Chess is a good example of a situation
particularly well-suited to intuitive decision-making.
_____ is a tendency to fixate on initial information and fail to adequately adjust
for subsequent information.
Your Answer: Anchoring bias
_____ refers to accepting at face value information that confirms our
preconceived notions.
Your Answer: Confirmation bias
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Your Answer: Confirmation bias
_____ refers to staying with a decision even when there is clear evidence that
it's wrong.
Your Answer: Hindsight bias
Correct Answer: Escalation of commitment

A common error in decision making is escalation of commitment, which refers to
staying with a decision even when there is clear evidence that it's wrong.
Which of the following illustrates the winner's curse?
Your Answer: We tend to falsely believe that we could have predicted the
outcome of an event.
Correct Answer: The person winning at auction has usually paid too much for
the item.

The winner's curse argues that the winning participants in a competitive auction
typically pay too much for the item, as the winner is often the bidder that has
overestimated the value of the item the most.
People with _____ appear to be especially susceptible to the self-serving bias.
Your Answer: high conscientiousness
Correct Answer: high self-esteem

People with high self-esteem appear to be especially susceptible to the
self-serving bias. Because high self-esteem people are strongly motivated by
their self-esteem, they tend to use the self-serving bias to preserve it.
_____ refers to reflecting at length over a past decision.
Your Answer: Cogitating
Correct Answer: Ruminating

Ruminating refers to reflecting at length over a past decision. In terms of
decision-making, it means overthinking about problems.
Which is the following is NOT identified as a theory about why women ruminate
Your Answer: Women tend to have weaker decision-making skills and spend
more time ruminating in order to making an effective decision.
Prior commitments are likely to be associated with the _____ organizational
Your Answer: formal regulations
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Your Answer: formal regulations
Correct Answer: historical precedent

Prior commitments are likely to be associated with the historical precedent
organizational constraint. For example, in governmental budgeting, the largest
determining factor of the size of any year's budget is the budget for the prior
Individuals from _____ are more likely to accept situations as they are rather
than trying to change them.
Your Answer: Japan
Correct Answer: Indonesia

Individuals from Indonesia are more likely to accept situations as they are
rather than trying to change them. Cultures differ in terms of time orientation,
the importance of rationality, their belief in the ability of people to solve
problems, and their preference for collective decision making.
Using the _____ criterion, decisions are made solely on the basis of their
outcomes or consequences.
Your Answer: cultural
Correct Answer: utilitarianism

Using the utilitarianism criterion, decisions are made solely on the basis of their
outcomes or consequences. The goal of utilitarianism is provide the greatest
food for the greatest number of people.
Individuals who report unethical or illegal practices to outside authorities are
called _____.
Your Answer: whistle-blowers
Union members tend to favour the _____ view.
Your Answer: cultural
Correct Answer: justice

Union members tend to favour the justice view. The justice focus relies on fairly
and impartially applying rules in an attempt to equitably distribute benefits and
_____ is the ability to produce novel and useful ideas.
Your Answer: Optimization
Correct Answer: Creativity

Creativity is the ability to produce novel and useful ideas. The three-component
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Correct Answer: Creativity

Creativity is the ability to produce novel and useful ideas. The three-component
model creativity consists of expertise, creative-thinking skills, and intrinsic task
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