Sie sind auf Seite 1von 6


"# %&'(
)*+ ,- +./ ".01,234 566*7890+89: ;*6+8183<8=6890>? @/>3=/<+8A/3 ,9 ;/9+06 B/06+.
89 +./ #0? !>/0 091 #/?,91
ASB Mental Health 2014 1

C0?4 "*910?D
;0><. %E
F87/ G.0+ G.,HG./>/HI,9+0<+
''4&& !; Pick up van & cai fiom
}immy & uaby, insiue
Paiking Stiuctuie S
(4E& @; Neet at Ciotheis
Nemoiial Ball small
}immy: (41S) Su9-S79S
viiginia: (Su1) 892-641S
CioNem small lounge
(4JJ @; Take Naigueiite
Shopping Expiess -
eat uinnei & buy
vauenPS6 stop
0PTI0NAL - uinnei will
not be coveieu
K4%J @; Beau back to campus
on Naigueiite SE

L4&& @; uioup ieflection,
couise evals, wiite &
sign thank-you caius,
optional movie
CioNem small lounge

)>:098M0+8,9 59-,>70+8,9 N;,910?O
Ann Baviuson is a ietiieu speech & language pathologist anu
foimei caiegivei. Bei husbanu hau Alzheimei's uisease foi ovei 12
yeais; she caieu foi him 6 yeais at home anu 6 moie in a caie
centei. She is the authoi of !"#$%&'%()*+ ! -./% 01.(2 3 45% 6%7( &5 82
9:*;75<)* =.:(5%2 (1997) anu ! >:(&.:* ?&5< .@ A&<.B 3 -./&5C 7 875
B&1$ !</75D%< !"#$%&'%()* (2uu6).
NANI is a nonpiofit, giassioots, self-help, suppoit, anu
auvocacy oiganization of consumeis, families, anu fiienus of people
with seveie mental illnesses. Theii mission is to help people with
mental illness, families, anu the community by pioviuing suppoit,
euucation, anu auvocacy foi those suffeiing fiom mental illness; to
piomote ieseaich, to ieuuce stigma anu guilt; anu to impiove
seivices by woiking with health piofessionals anu families.

C0?4 ;,910?D
;0><. %(
"+09-,>1D "09 P,3/
F87/ G.0+ G.,HG./>/HI,9+0<+
Q4E& !; Neet at CioNem
small lounge with
ALL luggage
Bieakfast pioviueu
CioNem small lounge
'&4&& !;R''4&&
Piesentation by
Ann Baviuson
CioNem small lounge
''4E& !;R'%4E&
Lunch - baggeu CioNem small lounge
'%4(J @;R'4'J
Su-min uiive to San
}ose hotel

'4E& @; Biop off luggage at
vagabonu Inn San }ose
Aiipoit Botel
1488 Noith 1
San }ose, CA 9S112
'4(J @;R'4JJ
1u-min uiive to
NANI office

%4&& @; Aiiive at NANI
NANI Santa Claia County
11Su South Bascom
Avenue, Suite 24
San }ose, CA 9S128
%4E& @;R(4&&
In 0ui 0wn voice
NANI office
(4&& @;RJ4&&
Piesentation by
Kathy Foiwaiu
NANI office
J4E& @;RK4&&
Binnei Restauiant in uowntown
San }ose
K4E& @; uioup ieflection Botel
!"# %&'(
)*+ ,- +./ ".01,234 566*7890+89: ;*6+8183<8=6890>? @/>3=/<+8A/3 ,9 ;/9+06 B/06+.
89 +./ #0? !>/0 091 #/?,91
ASB Mental Health 2014 2

C0?4 F*/310?D
;0><. %J
"09 P,3/D G,,16091
F87/ G.0+ G.,HG./>/HI,9+0<+
K4E& !; Wake up, fiee
bieakfast, S*389/33
<03*06, pack up
L4&& !; Check out fiom

L4'J !;RL4%J
1u-min uiive to

L4E& !;RQ4&&
Aiiive at Nental
Bealth Tieatment
Couit & ieau couit
Teiiaine Couithouse
11S Teiiaine Stieet
San }ose, CA, 9S11u
Q4&& !;R''4E&
Noining couit
Teiiaine Couithouse
''4E& !;R'%4&&
Q&A with }uuge
Nanley anu othei
mental health
Teiiaine Couithouse
'%4&& @;R'4E&
Lunch Restauiant in uowntown
San }ose
'4(& @;R'4J&
1u-min uiive to
KiuScope Clinic

%4&& @;R(4&&
Neet with Bi. Aaion
Nayfack ('uu) &
othei health caie
KiuScope Clinic
828 South Bascom Avenue,
Suite 1uu
San }ose, CA, 9S128
(4&&R(4'& @; 1u-min uiive to

C0?4 F*/310?D
;0><. %J
"09 P,3/D G,,16091
(4'J @; Pick up luggage at
vagabonu Inn San }ose
Aiipoit Botel
1488 Noith 1
San }ose, CA 9S112
(4E&RT4E& @; 2-hi uiive to

T4E& @;RL4&&
Binnei at Neg
Faye's ('7S) house
2791 uaiiett Place
Wooulanu, CA 9S776
L4&& @; uioup ieflection Neg's house

)>:098M0+8,9 59-,>70+8,9 NF*/310?O
The Ciiminal }ustice Seivices Piogiam is uesigneu to auuiess
the mental health neeus of inuiviuuals with concuiient mental health
& substance abuse uisoiueis, who aie involveu in the ciiminal justice
system. The iefeiial baseu piogiam offeis fiee counseling at Teiiaine
Couithouse to clients of Bepaitment 64, the Biug anu Nental Bealth
Tieatment Couit. The piogiam is a collaboiation between the
Supeiioi Couit anu Nental Bealth Stuuent Intein Piogiam. Clients aie
iefeiieu to the piogiam thiough }uuge Nanley anu his staff.
KiuScope at the Santa Claia valley Neuical Centei (SCvNC) is
committeu to the iuentification anu eaily uiagnosis of chiluien with
uevelopmental vaiiations anu uelays. KiuScope is a compiehensive
assessment centei, seiving chiluien suspecteu of having complex
uevelopmental uelays, seiious behavioi pioblems, oi othei
unueteimineu conceins that aie inteifeiing with the chilu's ability to
uevelop anu leain successfully. KiuScope is pait of the Santa Claia
valley Bealth anu Bospital Systems Nental Bealth anu the
Bepaitment of Peuiatiics, anu seives families with Neui-Cal, Bealthy
Kius, oi Bealthy Families.

!"# %&'(
)*+ ,- +./ ".01,234 566*7890+89: ;*6+8183<8=6890>? @/>3=/<+8A/3 ,9 ;/9+06 B/06+.
89 +./ #0? !>/0 091 #/?,91
ASB Mental Health 2014 3

C0?4 G/19/310?D
;0><. %T
F87/ G.0+ G.,HG./>/HI,9+0<+
K4E& !; Wake up, pack up,
S*389/33 <03*06
Neg's house
L4&& !;RL4E& !; Su-min uiive to

L4E& !; Biop off luggage at
Naitha Alvaiez's
('u8) apaitment
22SS Noith St., Apt 1u8
Saciamento, CA 9S816
L4EJ !;RL4JJ !; 2u-min walk to the
State Capitol
1Su1 1u
Saciamento, CA 9S814
Q4E& !;R'&4'J !; uail uioneit Room S17
'&4E& !;R'&4(J
Sen. }im Beall &
Biana Tiaub
Room 2u68
''4&& !;R'%4&&
Agnes Lee Room 219
'%4&& @;R'%4'J
Walk to NBAC
confeience ioom
0ffice is at 11 anu K
Stieet, which is 2 blocks
fiom the Capitol
'%4'J @;R'4'J @; Rusty Selix - biing
baggeu lunch!
Nental Bealth
Association in Califoinia
1127 11
St., Suite 92S
Saciamento, CA 9S814
'4E& @;R%4E& @; Senate Committee
on Bealth
Room 42uS
E4&& @;RE4(J @; Kiyomi Buichill Capitol basement
(4&& @;RJ4&& @; Baiby Keinan Room 211
J4&& @;RT4E& @; Fiee timegioup
Capitol Paik

C0?4 G/19/310?D
;0><. %T
T4(J @;RL4E& @; Binnei with
Naitha Alvaiez &
Stanfoiu alumni
Caf Beinaiuo
1uuu K Stieet
Saciamento, CA 9S814
L4E& @;RL4J& @; 2u-min walk to
Naitha's apt.

Q4&& @; uioup ieflection Naitha's apaitment
)>:098M0+8,9 59-,>70+8,9 NG/19/310?O
uail uioneit (Fiench anu English, Stanfoiu '86) is the Special
Assistant to Speakei }ohn A. Piez at the Califoinia State Assembly.
Sen. }im Beall is the chaii of the Senate Nental Bealth Caucus
anu the Select Committee on Nental Bealth. Aftei thiee uecaues of
public seivice - as a San }ose City Councilman, Santa Claia County
Supeivisoi, anu Assembly membei - he is known thioughout
Califoinia foi his legislation to help fostei caie chiluien, low-income
families, anu people with uisabilities, anu leu the uiive to cieate the
Chiluien's Bealth Initiative to ensuie that eveiy chilu in Santa Claia
County can be coveieu by health insuiance.
Biana Tiaub is policy analyst foi Sen. Beall anu piincipal
consultant foi the Senate Select Committee on Nental Bealth.
Agnes Lee (BS Economics, Beikeley; NPP, Baivaiu) is
piincipal consultant on health & human seivices issues foi the Senate
0ffice of Reseaich (S0R). Befoie joining the S0R, Ns. Lee woikeu foi
the Califoinia Buuget Pioject. She has seiveu as the Beputy Secietaiy
foi the Califoinia Bealth anu Buman Seivices Agency, woikeu foi the
Assembly Buuget Committee in human seivices, employment, anu
mental health, anu woikeu with the Califoinia Legislative Analyst's
0ffice on human seivices issues.
!"# %&'(
)*+ ,- +./ ".01,234 566*7890+89: ;*6+8183<8=6890>? @/>3=/<+8A/3 ,9 ;/9+06 B/06+.
89 +./ #0? !>/0 091 #/?,91
ASB Mental Health 2014 4

Rusty Selix is the Executive Biiectoi foi Public Policy,
Auvocacy, anu Piogiam Bevelopment foi the Nental Bealth
Association in Califoinia (NBAC). Rusty is a lobbyist, auvocate, anu
expeit in mental health anu state policy. Be woiks with the NBAC
Boaiu to set the policy uiiection of the oiganization, anu helps
uevelop piogiamming to ensuie that people of all ages, sexual
oiientations, genueis, ethnicities, etc. who iequiie mental health
seivicessuppoit aie able to live full anu piouuctive lives, ieceive
mental health anu othei seivices that they neeu, anu aie not uenieu
any othei benefits, seivices, iights, oi oppoitunities baseu on theii
neeu foi mental health seivices.
Kiyomi Buichill (Political Science anu CSRE, Stanfoiu 'u6)
moveu to Saciamento to paiticipate in the Senate Fellowship. She
woikeu foi Senatoi Steinbeig foi S yeais, anu now woiks foi the
Califoinia Bealth anu Buman Seivices Agency (S-4 blocks offsite).
She has been theii Secietaiy foi the past 2 yeais.
Baiby Keinan is a policy consultant who woiks with Sen.
Baiiell Steinbeig on mental health & ciiminal justice.

)>:098M0+8,9 59-,>70+8,9 NF.*>310?O
The City & County of San Fiancisco's }ail Bealth Seivices (}BS)
pioviues a compiehensive, integiateu system of meuical, psychiatiic,
& substance abuse caie to inmatespatients in the SF County }ail
system. In 2u11-2u12, }BS staff inuiviuually tiiageu ovei 24,uuu anu
meuically scieeneu ovei 16,uuu inmates. They uelivei quality caie to
a uiveise population that often fails to utilize existing health seivices,
paiticulaily pieventive anu eaily inteivention caie. }BS's uischaige-
planning piogiam uevelops links between patients anu existing
community-baseu health & human seivices, enabling patients to
engage in the appiopiiate systems aftei ielease fiom jail to impiove
health anu well-being foi them, theii families, anu the community.

C0?4 F.*>310?D
;0><. %K
"09 U>09<83<,
F87/ G.0+ G.,HG./>/HI,9+0<+
K4&& !; Wake up, bieakfast,
pack up
Naitha's apaitment
K4E& !;RQ4E& !; 2-hi uiive to San

Q4E& !; Biop off luggage at
Phil Li's ('99)
42 Wawona Stieet
San Fiancisco, CA 94127
Q4(& !;RQ4JJ !; 1S-min uiive to SF
}ail Bealth Seivices

'&4&& !;R'4&&
Piesentation by
}oan Caiins & Bi.
}oe uoluenson
}ail Bealth Seivices
6Su S
Stieet, Suite Su9
San Fiancisco, CA 941u7
'4&& @;R'4'& @; 1u-min uiive to
uene Lowiy's ('u8)

'4'J @;R%4E& @; Lunch conveisation
with uene
169S 18
San Fiancisco, CA 941u7
(in common space of his
builuing in Potieio)
%4E& @;RJ4E& @; Fiee time in San
J4E& @;RT4E& @; Nove luggage to
uownstaiis the
"uaiuen Suite" &
piepaie uinnei at
Phil's house
42 Wawona Stieet
San Fiancisco, CA 94127
T4E& @;RL4&& @; Binnei
conveisation with
Phil's house
L4&& @; uioup ieflection The uaiuen Suite

!"# %&'(
)*+ ,- +./ ".01,234 566*7890+89: ;*6+8183<8=6890>? @/>3=/<+8A/3 ,9 ;/9+06 B/06+.
89 +./ #0? !>/0 091 #/?,91
ASB Mental Health 2014 5

C0?4 U>810?D
;0><. %L
"09 U>09<83<,
F87/ G.0+ G.,HG./>/HI,9+0<+
L4(J !; Wake up, bieakfast The uaiuen Suite
Q4'J !;RQ4EJ
2u-min uiive to SF
Senioi Centei
Aquatic Paik

Q4(J !; Aiiive at SF Senioi
Centei Aquatic Paik
89u Beach Stieet
San Fiancisco, CA 941u9
(in the Naiitime Nuseum,
at the base of Polk Stieet)
'&4&& !;R'&4'J
Talk with Angie
Piatt befoie she
leaus Bementia
Caiegiveis Suppoit
SF Senioi Centei
'&4E& !;R'%4&&
Nental Bealth venn
Biagiam Activity
with seniois
SF Senioi Centei
'%4&& @;R'4&&
Lunch - baggeu SF Senioi Centei
'4&& @;RJ4&& @; Fiee time in San
Aquatic PaikFisheiman's
J4E& @;RK4&& @; Binnei Restauiant in uowntown
K4E& @; uioup ieflection The uaiuen Suite

)>:098M0+8,9 59-,>70+8,9 NU>810?O

Angie Piatt is Biiectoi of Community Engagement Piogiams
foi Noithein Califoinia Piesbyteiian Bomes anu Seivices (NCPBS)
anu has iecently staiteu a confiuential peei suppoit gioup foi
uementia caiegiveis. Angie was Biiectoi of the Alzheimei's
Association in Noithein Nevaua anu has specializeu tiaining in
uementia caiegivei euucation anu suppoit.

San Fiancisco Senioi Centei (SFSC) was founueu in 1947 anu
is the oluest nonpiofit senioi centei in the nation. SFSC is a multi-
seivice, multi-site agency that assists fiail, low income, anu ethnically
uiveise seniois anu theii families anu caiegiveis. Theie aie two sites:
Aquatic Paik, locateu on the Bay by uhiiaiuelli Squaie, anu
Bowntown, establisheu in 1966 in The Tenueiloin. Eveiy yeai, ovei
S,uuu paiticipants come thiough the SFSC's uoois. The paiticipants
iange fiom well- oi able-bouieu to veiy fiail oi uisableu, fiom the
newly ietiieu to octogenaiians anu centenaiians. SFSC offeis a
vaiiety of seivices, fiom uaily, low-cost, nutiitious lunches anu
compiehensive social seivices anu case management to healthy living
piogiams anu continuing euucation. All activities aie uesigneu to
encouiage socialization, inuepenuent, anu active living while
pieventing isolation.
!"# %&'(
)*+ ,- +./ ".01,234 566*7890+89: ;*6+8183<8=6890>? @/>3=/<+8A/3 ,9 ;/9+06 B/06+.
89 +./ #0? !>/0 091 #/?,91
ASB Mental Health 2014 6

C0?4 "0+*>10?D
;0><. %Q
"09 U>09<83<,D "+09-,>1
F87/ G.0+ G.,HG./>/HI,9+0<+
K4E& !; Wake up, S*389/33
<03*06, pack up &
move luggage to
Phil's gaiage
Phil's house
L4&& !;RL4%&
2u-min uiive to

L4E& !;RQ4&&
0C Bastings College of
the Law - Snougiass
Ball, Louis B. Nayei
Lounge (LBN)
198 NcAllistei Stieet
San Fiancisco, CA 941u2
Q4&& !;RQ4'J
Welcome iemaiks to
Chiluien's Bealth,
Nental Bealth, anu
the Law Confeience
Piofessoi Lois Weithoin,
}B, PhB
Q4'J !;R'&4(J
Panel S: Neeting
Chiluien's Nental
Bealth Neeus
Acioss Systems
Panelists: Patiick
uaiunei, }B; Nathaniel
Isiael, PhB; Steven
Auelsheim, NB; Alison
Cuellai, PhB
'&4(J !;R''4&&
''4&& !;R'%4E&
Panel 6:
Neuications anu
Science, Law &
Panelists: Robeit
Benuien, B0; William
uiimm, }B; Kathleen
Noonan, }B; Ronalu T.
Biown, PhB
Noueiatoi: Boiit Reiss,

C0?4 "0+*>10?D
;0><. %Q
"09 U>09<83<,D "+09-,>1
'4&& @;R%4E&
Lunch with Bi. Steve
Restauiant in San
E4&& @; Pick up luggage at
42 Wawona Stieet
San Fiancisco, CA 94127
E4'& @;R(4&&
Su-min uiive to

(4&& @;RJ4&&
Retuin luggage to
Stanfoiu campus
J4&& @;RK4E&
Final gioup uinnei &
Restauiant in uowntown
Palo Alto
K4E& @; Retuin van & cai to
Paiking Stiuctuie S

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