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Case study: Picture #6
By examining the picture it can be concluded that the building is two separate structure that touch
each other walls. Because of each of building have different height, shape and stiffness, when earthquake
occur the two building move and behave differently. This can make the building move in opposite direction
from each other and began to crash and pounding.
Type 1: a!or structural damages
"amage in structural evidenced by large crack in the structural element
Type #: $ailure and failing of building appearance creating ha%ard
The damage creating ha%ard for people to stay. Building need to be examined to ensure safety.
Type &: $unctional damages
'oss of building function due important facilities damaged.
Type (: inor architectural damages
inor crack in wall and other non)structural part of building.
*+,T-./+0* *1231**,312 +44321*1T 33 5age #
Permanent joint between bui!in"
By this method, we can make the two building !oint and act as one building. By this method
6e can avoid the pounding of these two building. But this method have disadvantages, by 7oining
these two building will cause the other building will follow the dominant building this will makes the
other building suffer more stress and damages.
Coi#ion $%ear wa#
*+,T-./+0* *1231**,312 +44321*1T 33 5age &
This solution is shown in $igure 1, indicating a plan view of two buildings on both sides of
the property line. 3t requires at least two 8collision9 shear walls to be used with their axes
perpendicular to and extending up to the property line :%ero seismic separation;, with the remaining
structure :beams, columns, infills; built &)( cm away from the property line. The same can be
applied to the ad!acent building. The solution works protecting both buildings, even if one of them
does not have 8collision 9 walls and is already built up to the property line. This is because any
potential pounding will take place at the protruding 8collision 9 shear walls and thus the most
dangerous type of pounding that can cause shearing of columns of either building by hori%ontal
elements :beams or slabs; of the ad!acent building is avoided.
4.+. +nagnostopoulos and <.*. 0aramaneas, <=''343=1 4-*+, 6+''4 T= 3T32+T*
4*343< 5=/1"312 =$ +"7+<*1T B/3'"3124, #>>?.
0.0asai, @.!eng, 5.<.5atel, and, 7.+.unshi,4*343< 5=/1"312 *$$*<T, 1AA#.
*+,T-./+0* *1231**,312 +44321*1T 33 5age (

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