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The Yardman

The yardman comes every two weeks. He drives a gray pickup truck. The truck
is a Ford. It is about 15 years old, but it runs well. It doesnt burn oil, and it gets
decent gas mileage. The yardmans name is !yron.
In the back o" his truck are a lawn mower, a lea" blower, a rake, and a shovel.
!yron uses the lea" blower to blow leaves and dirt "rom the back o" the building
out to the "ront o" the building. Then he rakes up the leaves into a bag. He
blows the dirt out into the street. He cuts the lawn with his lawn mower. He trims
the hedge. He uses the lea" blower to blow the dirt o"" each #elcome mat that
lies in "ront o" each apartment door.
Then he puts all the leaves, the grass trimmings, and the hedge clippings into a
wheelbarrow. He pushes the wheelbarrow to the back o" the building, where he
uses his big shovel to empty the wheelbarrow contents into the big dumpster. It
takes !yron about two hours to do this work.
#hen he is done, he goes hal" a block up the street to the house on the corner.
There he does the same work again.
1. How o"ten does the yardman come$
%. #hat type o" vehicle dies he drive$
&. #hat make is his pickup truck$
'. How old is it$
5. How does it run$
(. )oes his struck burn oil or gas$
*. #hat are there in the back o" his truck$
+. #hat does !yron use the lea" blower "or$
,. #hat does he do with the "all leaves$
1-. How does he cut the lawn$
11. #hat does he do to the edges$
1%. #here do the #elcome mats lie$
1&. #here does he put the leaves, the grass trimmings and the edge
1'. How does he empty the wheelbarrow contents$
15. #here does he empty the wheelbarrow contents into$
1(. How long does it take him to do this work$
1*. #ould you liked to have a .ob like !yron/s$ #hy or why not$
B)Crossword Puzzle
Fill in the squares with the correct word.
0very summer, huge "ires 111
throughout 2ali"ornias "orests.
The number o" miles a car can travel
per gallon is the gas 111.
3 homeowner will use a gas or
electric 111 to keep the grass "rom
growing too high.
)ogs like to roll around in the 111
and grass4 so do little boys.
I" you have a hedge in your yard,
you should 111 it regularly so it
will look nice.
%. 111 5 gardener or landscaper.
Home )epot sells lawn tools and
e6uipment at 111 prices.
7nce a week, the garbage truck
comes by to empty trash bins and
8olice usually check the 111 o" a
suspects pockets.
3 111 is the s6uare or rectangle o"
streets that border homes or stores.
3 tall, lea"y 111 around his yard
provides privacy and security "or a
3 beauti"ul 111 re6uires a good
sprinkler system and regular
3 111 helps you move loads o" dirt
"rom one place to another in your
3 111 propels leaves "rom one
side o" the street to the other.
3 hole in the ground is usually
dug with a 111.
3"ter you 111 autumn leaves into
a big pile, gather them into a
plastic bag.
C) Now look back at the story, read it again silently
two or three ties. !hen, translate the Portuguese
"ersion below back to #nglish.
7 .ardineiro vem a cada duas semanas. 0le condu9 uma camioneta de
cai:a aberta cin9enta. 3 camioneta ; de marca Ford. Tem cerca de 15
anos de idade, mas "unciona bem. 0la n<o "unciona a =leo, e "a9 uma
6uilometragem decente. 7 nome do .ardineiro ; !yron.
>a parte traseira da camioneta dele est<o um cortador de relva, um
soprador de "olhas, um ancinho e uma p?. 7 !yron usa o soprador de
"olhas para soprar as "olhas e o li:o das traseiras do edi"@cio para a
"rente do edi"@cio. )e seguida, ele varre a.untando as "olhas para dentro
de um saco. 0le sopra a terra su.a para a rua. 0le corta a relva com a
m?6uina de cortar relva. 0le podaAapara a sebe. 0le usa o soprador de
"olhas para soprar a su.idade de cada tapete de boasBvindas 6ue se
encontra na "rente da porta de cada apartamento
0m seguida, ele coloca todas as "olhas, as aparas da relva, e os cortes
da sebe em um carrinho de m<o. 0le empurra o carrinho de m<o para a
parte de tr?s do pr;dio, onde ele usa a sua p? grande para esva9iar o
conteCdo do carrinho de m<o para dentro do grande contentor de li:o. D
preciso. 7 !yron leva cerca de duas horas para "a9er este trabalho.
Euando ele termina, ele sobe meio 6uarteir<o at; F casa na es6uina. G?
ele "a9 novamente o mesmo trabalho.
1+. How o"ten does the yardman come$ B He comes every two weeks.
1,. #hat type o" vehicle dies he drive$ B He drives a pickup truck.
%-. #hat make is his pickup truck$ B It is a Ford.
%1. How old is it$ B It/s 15 years old.
%%. How does it run$ H It runs well.
%&. )oes his truck burn oil or gas$ B The te:t doesn/t say.
%'. #hat are there in the back o" his truck$ B a lawn mower, a lea"
blower, a rake, and a shovel
%5. #hat does !yron use the lea" blower "or$ B to blow leaves and dirt
"rom the back o" the building out to the "ront o" the building.
%(. #hat does he do with the "allen leaves$ B he rakes up the leaves
into a bag
%*. How does he cut the lawn$ B with a lawn mower
%+. #hat does he do to the edges$ B He trims them.
%,. #here do the #elcome mats lie$ B in "ront o" each apartment door
&-. #here does he put the leaves, the grass trimmings and the edge
clippings$ B into a wheelbarrow.
&1. How does he empty the wheelbarrow contents$ He uses a big shovel.
&%. #here does he empty the wheelbarrow contents into$ H into a
&&. How long does it take him to do this work$ B It takes him about two
&'. #ould you liked to have a .ob like !yron/s$ #hy or why not$ B
Itudents Jown answers.
Crossword Puzzle

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