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Monomial: monomio
Binomial: binomio
Polynomial: polinomio
Term: trmino
Coefficient: coeficiente
Degree: grado
Power: potencia
Dividend: dividendo
Divisor: divisor
Quotient: cocient
Remainder: resto
Algebraic expressions
lgebraic e!pressions can be many forms" for e!ample:
$ #
$ %
$ # & $ #
$ $ $

+ +
x x
y x
x x x x
term consists of products of numbers and letters" so y x x
$ $
% " # are terms'
T(e number multiplying t(e letters is t(e coefficient of t(e term'
: #
x an
x term wit( coefficient #
: $x
an ! term wit( coefficient )$
)&: a constant term )&
T(e degree of a monomial is t(e sum of t(e e!ponents of t(e variables' *uc( as: "
t(e degree would be +' ,or !y-." t(e degree would be /' Remember w(en you (ave an
variable wit(out an e!ponent" it is understood to be one & ' $.!.y.-. would (ave a degree
of +'
,unction notation
Many relations(ips are studied in mat(ematics" for e!ample x x y =
0!ample &: ,ind f1!2 3 x x
# for given values of !
! 3 4 f142 3 44 4 4 #
= x
= x
# 2
= + =

5iven t(at " $ 2 1
x x x f = find: f1+26 f1)426
2 & 1 26 # 1 6 2 1 + a f k f n f
5iven t(at g1!23 " &
+ x find g1726 g1/26

6 g1)$26 g1&26 g1)&26 g1a26 g1#82
polynomial in ! (as t(e form:
7 &
'''''''' a x a x a x a x a x a
+ + + + + +

w(ere all t(e coefficients" n n o
a a a a a
" & $ &
''''''" " " "
are constants an n is a positive
T(e degree 1or order2 of a polynomial is t(e (ig(est power of !
9ote: :f
n in t(e polynomial above" t(e polynomial is of degree n
polynomial of degree & is called linear6 a polynomial of degree $ is called quadratic"
a polynomial of degree # is called cubic" apolynomial of degree 4 is called quartic'
,or e!ample" & $ # 4
$ ;
+ + x x x is a polynomial in ! of degree ;' T(e polynomial (as
four terms' :t is e!pressed in descending powers of ! 1 (ig(est power of ! first2' :n
ascending powers of !" it would be written as
; $
4 # $ & x x x + + ' T(e
x term is
#x 6
t(e coefficient of t(e
x term is #'
Adding and substracting algebraic expresssions
<nly li8e terms 1t(ose wit( identical letters and powers2 can be added or substracted'
y x y x y x
$ $ $
4 ; # =
x x ; #
cannot be e!pressed as a single term" and
b ab b b a b b a b ab b b a ; $ = ; / $ $ #
$ $ $ $ $ $
+ + = + + +
Multiplication of algebraic expressions
>(en e!pressions in two brac8ets are multiplied" eac( term in t(e first brac8et must
multiply eac( term in t(e second brac8et'
0!ample: ( ) ( ) # / &$ # 4 + &$ # 4 & #
$ $
+ = + = + x x x x x x x
0!ercices: :f
$ # 2 1 x x x f + = and g1!2 3
# $
/ ; x x + " find eac( of t(e following:
a2 )$!f1!2 b2 f1!2?g1!2 c2 f1!2)g1!2 d2 f1!2g1!2
Important products:
( )
( )
( ) ( ) squares of Difference b a b a b a
b ab a b a
b ab a b a
$ $
$ $ $
$ $ $
= +
+ =
+ + = +
Division of polynomials
If you@re dividing a polynomial by somet(ing more complicated t(an Aust a simple
monomial" t(en you@ll need to use a met(od called Blong 1polynomial2 divisionB" and it
wor8s Aust li8e t(e long 1numerical2 division you did bac8 in elementary sc(ool" e!cept
t(at now you@re dividing wit( variables'
0!ample: Divide #!
)%! ? ; #!
)%! ?; #!
C! ? &
n important case in t(e division of polynomials is w(en t(e divisor is a binomial of t(e
type ! ) a" w(ere BaB is a whole number; for example (x - 1), (x + 2), etc.
s well as using t(e met(od outlined in t(e previous section" we can also use w(at is
8nown as Ruffini@s rule'
Ruffini's rule is basically used !en t!e polynomial being divided !as "ust one
letter #variable$ !ic! is x and t!e divisor is #x%a$&
T(e coefficients of t(e dividend and t(e value BaB are used to obtain t(e coefficients in
t(e answer and t(e remainder value 1bear in mind t(at t(e remainder will always be a
"All the coefficients of the dividend should be ordered from the highest to
lowest degree and any 'missing' degrees should be represented by a 0."
You may now recognise how to fin the answer an remainer. !he proceure is as
- !he first coefficient of the i#ien is written below.
- !he coefficient written below is multiplie by $a$ an the result is written
unerneath the secon coefficient (if the i#isor is of the type (x-a) the sign of a
will be positi#e an if it is of the type (x+a) it will be negati#e).
- !he secon coefficient is ae to the pre#ious result.
- !he process is repeate until you ha#e wor%e through all the coefficients.
The numbers in the lower row are the coefficients found in the answer
(one degree lower than the dividend) except for the last number which is
the remainder.


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