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Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.

1 - Page: 1 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

X3.1 -./01& 1F -.2S3'.-.)/ for Ci(il4 5#ilding 6 Str#ct#ral Steel 7or8!
&e!cription and &efinition of Po!ition! in t9e 5ill! of :#antitie! X+.1 and X+.% ;partl$<
L,S/ 1F C1)/.)/:
00. General 2
01. Earthworks.................................................................................................................................4
02. Piling 9
03. Concrete 15
04. Reinforcement..........................................................................................................................18
05. ormwork20
0!. "oles# $oints# etc.......................................................................................................................24
0% Pre&cast concrete elements........................................................................................................2%
08. 'teel str(ct(res.........................................................................................................................28
09. )all cla**ing............................................................................................................................35
10. Roof cla**ing...........................................................................................................................3!
11. +asonr, 3%
12. Partitions 39
13. loor finish...............................................................................................................................40
14. )all finish ......................................................................................................................41
15. Ceiling finish.............................................................................................................................43
1!. Roof finish ....................................................................................................................44
1%. -oors# win*ows# an* /entilation gri*s........................................................................4!
18. G(tters 48
19. 'anitar, installations.................................................................................................................49
20. Electrical installations...............................................................................................................51
21. +iscellaneo(s...........................................................................................................................54
38. -emolition................................................................................................................................55
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: % of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

00. General
311ro4imate 5(antities ha/e 6een calc(late* for the Ci/il )orks an* liste* in a 7ill of
9t sho(l* 6e em1hasise* that the 5(antities liste* in the 7ill of 8(antities are 1reliminar,
an* will as s(ch 6e a11ro4imate onl,. :he e4act 5(antities can 6e esta6lishe* onl, when
the final an* *etaile* *rawings are com1lete*.
:he :en*er shall# howe/er# 6e 6ase* on the 5(antities in*icate* in the 7ills which are
1rior to the f(ll working *rawings.
7efore e4ec(tion of the ci/il works# *etaile* *rawings will 6e ela6orate* acti/it, 6,
acti/it, an* onl, then will final net 5(antities 6e gi/en# meas(re* from the *etaile*
*rawings with no allowance for waste# 6reakage# o/erla1s# etc.
:he Contractor will ha/e to incl(*e the cost of all necessar, works an* o6ligations
;shown or mentione* in the 1resent ten*er *oc(ments or necessar, accor*ing to
common 1ractice< either in the (nit rates gi/en# or in the l(m1 s(ms gi/en in the 7ill of
8(antities. :he Contractor ma, in his ten*er intro*(ce (nit rates or l(m1 s(ms for
works an* o6ligations for which he 1refers se1arate 1a,ment.
:he (nit rates in the 7ills of 8(antities shall incl(*e the costs of all *eli/eries an* works
1ertaining to the 1osition# s(ch as# 6(t not limite* to# 6asic materials# accessories#
1refa6rication# scaffol*ing# shoring# formwork# trans1ort# waste# 1re1aration# all
interme*iate meas(res# an* final treatments necessar, to *eli/er a com1lete 1ro*(ct.
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e costs of all tests s1ecifie* in stan*ar*s# co*es of
1ractice# contract *oc(ments an* normal accor*ing to local 1ractice.
9t sho(l* 6e stresse* that the (nit rates 5(ote* are /ali* for all similar work in other
*e1artments# e/en if the work in 5(estion in the 1resent ten*er *oc(ments is estimate*
at nil.
:he following a66re/iations are (se* for (nit in the 7ill of 8(antities=
m3 meaning a /ol(me meas(re* in c(6ic meters.
m2 meaning an area meas(re* in s5(are meters.
m meaning a linear length meas(re* in meters.
ts meaning a weight meas(re* in metric tons ;e5(al to 1000 kgs<
nos meaning a (nit meas(re* in n(m6ers.
l(m1 s(m meaning a com1lete 1ackage meas(re* a one (nit to 6e 1ai* 6, the
5(ote* l(m1 s(m for the total work.
or items meas(re* in linear metres# meas(rement shall 6e ma*e along the centre line of
the str(ct(res0works.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 3 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

)here se/eral o1erations0cost are s1ecifie* for works meas(re* in m
# meas(rement
will 6e ma*e for the final 1ro*(ct onl,.
Corr(gation# etc.# will not 6e consi*ere* for meas(rement of areas.
9n general '(6str(ct(re refers to str(ct(res 6elow final gro(n* le/el an* '(1erstr(ct(re
refers to str(ct(res a6o/e final gro(n* le/el. "owe/er# walls# sla6s# 6eams# soffits etc.
a6o/e final gro(n* le/el an* 6eing nat(ral 1art of a '(6str(ct(re ;e.g. sla6s o/er
6asement# ho11er str(ct(re# etc.< shall 6e incl(*e* in '(6str(ct(re# also if the floor is
locate* a6o/e gro(n* le/el ;e.g. floor a6o/e 6asement in electrical s(6stations<. 'ee
also f(rther *etailing for each *e1artment in >!.1 ;7(il*ing -escri1tion<. 'ame
*efinition shall 6e a11lie* for 1lanning an* time sche*(le 1(r1oses.
Positions left (n&1rice* shall 6e *eeme* incl(*e* in (nit rates for other 1ositions.
9t sho(l* 6e stresse* that no other s,stem of meas(rement that the one *escri6e* in this
1ream6le will 6e acce1te*.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: + of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

01. .art9=or8!
3ll earthworks# incl(*ing im1orte* 6ack fill# are meas(re* as net /ol(me onl,#
conse5(entl, a**itional e4ca/ations# 6ack fill# etc. ca(se* 6, s1ace re5(ire* for
formwork# working s1ace# nat(ral gro(n* slo1e etc. are not incl(*e* in the res1ecti/e
7ill of 8(antities.
:he rates gi/en for earthworks shall co/er the sai* a**itional e4ca/ation# 6ack fill# etc.#
as well as an, shoring# str(tting# etc.# re5(ire* for the sta6ilit, of the e4ca/ate* 1it an*
near6, str(ct(res.
E4ca/ation# 6ack fill an* trans1ort /ol(mes are all meas(re* net 6efore e4ca/ation an*
no allowance will 6e ma*e for increase in 6(lk of e4ca/ate*# fille* an* trans1orte*
:he rates shall also incl(*e the cost for the gr(66ing of roots# remo/al of large stone
:he rates shall allow for 1(m1ing an* kee1ing e4ca/ations free of water# this 6eing *(e
to rainfall or *(e to high gro(n* water ta6le.
:he rates ;e4ca/ation an* 6ackfill< shall f(rther allow for interme*iate storage#
1rotection of storage if nee*e*# loa*ing an* trans1ort from sai* storage an* all
necessar, (nloa*ing an* han*ling.
:he 6ase le/el for meas(rement of the earthwork 5(antities is the act(al gro(n* le/el#
as a11ro/e* 6, the Engineer 6efore the start of the e4ca/ation for the 6(il*ing in
5(estion. 8(antities for *ifference 6etween the act(al gro(n* le/el an* original gro(n*
le/el are meas(re* as 1art of E4ternal )orks (n*er 1ositions in section 31 'ite
:he e4ca/ation is meas(re* as net /ol(me 6etween the (n*ersi*e of the str(ct(re
;which incl(*es 6lin*ing la,er# mass concrete an*0or san* fill0gra/el la,ers# if s1ecifie*<
an* act(al gro(n* le/el# an* 6etween the /ertical 1lanes# which confine the str(ct(re.
:he 6ack fill is meas(re* as the net /ol(me of e4ca/ation less the /ol(me of concrete#
hollow s1ace# 6lin*ing la,er# mass concrete# roa*s an* san* fill0gra/el 6elow act(al
gro(n* le/el.
:rans1ort is meas(re* as the *ifference 6etween the 5(antities calc(late* for e4ca/ation
an* 6ack fill. :rans1ort cost of e4ca/ate* material which can 6e *(m1e* within the site
area shall 6e incl(*e* in the (nit rate for e4ca/ation. ?nl, e4ca/ate* material which
shall 6e remo/e* from the site shall 6e meas(re* an* incl(*e* (n*er 1os. 01.210 or
01.220 res1ecti/el,.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 5 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

9f the Contractors sho(l* e4ca/ate in e4cess# witho(t an, instr(ctions from the
Engineer# no e4tra 1a,ment will 6e effecte* for this work. :he e4cessi/e amo(nt of
e4ca/ate* soil 6elow the str(ct(re shall 6e re1lace* 6, mass concrete# gra*e -# or
san*0gra/el fill as *eci*e* 6, the Engineer# at the Contractors@ own e41ense.
Earthworks# incl(*ing 6ack fill an* san* fill# for 1i1es for water# gas# com1resse* air#
ca6les etc. will 6e 1ai* for accor*ing to the rele/ant 1ositions in section 33 E4ternal
1i1e s,stems# 34 Power *istri6(tion s,stems# 35 'ewage an* *rainage s,stems an* 3!
Rain an* storm water s,stems. :he *imensions of the trenches are to 6e a11ro/e* 6,
the Engineer.
)hen e4ca/ate* material can 6e (se* as 6ackfill0 large ram1s it will s(6stit(te 1artl, or
all of im1orte* 6ackfill at 7ack fill rate ;1os. 01.110< an* 7ackfill# large ram1s# +aterial
form 1ro$ect area rate ;1os. 01.125< res1ecti/el,. Ao trans1ort shall 6e a**e* for
a**itional han*ling. (rther# e4cess 5(antities in one *e1artment shall 6e 6alance*
against fewer 5(antities in other *e1artments. :his also a11lies as a glo6al a11roach of
the entire 1lant irres1ecti/e of the n(m6er of Contractors an* their res1ecti/e sco1e of
01.010: .>ca(ation in !oil
:he 5(antit, (n*er this 1osition incl(*es all e4ca/ation not incl(*e* (n*er 1os. 01.050
an* 01.0!0.
E4ca/ation of stones smaller than 1 m
is incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition.
:he e4ca/ate* 5(antit, is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the (n*ist(r6e* soil
1rior to e4ca/ation.
:he e4ca/ation is meas(re* in m
01.050: .>ca(ation in roc8
Rock e4ca/ation is *efine* as e4ca/ation which cannot 6e e4ec(te* 6, means of a
normal e4ca/ation 1lant or ri11ing# 6(t where 1ne(matic tools# im1act hammers#
6lasting or other s1ecialise* metho* is nee*e*.
E4ca/ation of stones e5(al to or larger than 1 m
is incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition.
:he e4ca/ate* 5(antit, is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the (n*ist(r6e* rock
1rior to e4ca/ation.
:he e4ca/ation is meas(re* in m
01.060: .>ca(ation4 ripping
E4ca/ation 6, ri11ing is *efine* as e4ca/ation in soil which cannot 6e e4ec(te* 6,
means of a normal e4ca/ation 1lant of a reasona6le si.e for the act(al work# witho(t
1rior ri11ing.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 6 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:he e4ca/ate* 5(antit, is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the (n*ist(r6e* soil
1rior to e4ca/ation.
:he e4ca/ation is meas(re* in m
01.110: 5ac8 fill4 =it9 e>ca(ated material
7ack fill material selecte* from e4ca/ate* materials 1os. 01.010 an* from 10.050 an*
01.0!0 if s(ita6le. 9f the e4ca/ate* material nee*s to 6e screene* or otherwise treate*
6efore it can 6e (se* as 6ackfill then this shall 6e incl(*e* in the (nit rate an* no
a**itional trans1ort to an* from a treatment location shall 6e a**e*.
Rate shall incl(*e s(11l,# trans1ort# interme*iate storage# com1action etc.
:he 6ack fill is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the com1acte* soil.
7ack fill is meas(re* in m
01.1%0: 5ac8fill4 imported fill
'electe* 6ack fill material 6ro(ght from so(rces o(tsi*e the site.
Rate shall incl(*e s(11l,# trans1ort# interme*iate storage# com1action etc.
:he 6ack fill is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the com1acte* soil.
7ack fill is meas(re* in m
01.1%5: 5ac8fill4 large ramp!4 -aterial from project area
7ack fill for ram1s etc. containing large 5(antities ;like ram1s to cr(sher ho11ers#
access into silos etc.< with material selecte* from e4ca/ate* materials 1os. 01.010 an*
from 10.050 an* 01.0!0 if s(ita6le.
Rate shall incl(*e trans1ort# interme*iate storage# com1action etc.
:he 6ack fill is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the com1acte* soil.
7ack fill is meas(re* in m
01.1%6: 5ac8fill4 large ramp!4 ,mported material from o#t!ide project
7ack fill for ram1s etc. containing large 5(antities ;like ram1s to cr(sher ho11ers#
access into silos etc.< with im1orte* material.
Rate shall incl(*e trans1ort# interme*iate storage# com1action etc.
:he 6ack fill is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the com1acte* soil.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: * of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

7ack fill is meas(re* in m
01.130: Sand fill
3n a11ro4imatel, 300 mm thick# clean# coarse san* la,er# mostl, (se* (n*er concrete
9f the s(6soil contains soft areas# which in the o1inion of the Engineer sho(l* 6e
re1lace* 6, san* fill similar to the a6o/e# the Contractor shall recei/e 1a,ment for this
work accor*ing to 1os. 01.010# 01.210# an* 01.130.
:he san* fill is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the com1acte* san* la,er.
'an* fill is meas(re* in m
01.1+0: Stone fill 30?50 mm
'tone fill 30050 mm *eli/ere* an* 1lace* in clean con*ition in oil *rain 1its (n*er
'tone fill is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the com1acte* fill.
:o 6e meas(re* in m
01.150: Gra(el fill
)ell gra*(ate* clean gra/el 0050 mm.
9f the s(6soil contains soft areas# which in the o1inion of the Engineer sho(l* 6e
re1lace* 6, gra/el fill similar to the a6o/e# the Contractor shall recei/e 1a,ment for this
work accor*ing to 1os. 01.010# 01.210# an* 01.150.
:he gra/el fill is meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(me of the com1acte* gra/el la,er.
Gra/el fill is meas(re* in m
01.%10: /ran!port and d#mping
:he a/erage trans1ort *istance from the site 6o(n*ar, to the *(m1 is 5 km.
Rate shall incl(*e for (nloa*ing an* gra*ing of the soil in the *(m1.
:he trans1orte* 5(antit, is meas(re* as the *ifference in /ol(me 6etween the
theoretical e4ca/ate* an* 6ackfille* 5(antities witho(t a**ition for the material 6eing in
loser form.
:rans1ort is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: @ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

01.%%0: /ran!port and d#mping4 contaminated !oil
:he a/erage trans1ort *istance from the site 6o(n*ar, to the *(m1 is 5 km.
Rate shall incl(*e for (nloa*ing an* gra*ing of the soil in the *(m1.
:he trans1orte* 5(antit, is meas(re* as the *ifference in /ol(me 6etween the
theoretical e4ca/ate* an* 6ackfille* 5(antities witho(t a**ition for the material 6eing in
loser form.
:rans1ort is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: A of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

0%. Piling
General for all 1ile t,1es=
(rther the (nit 1rices shall incl(*e costs of loa*ing# trans1ort an* storing0 *(m1ing of
s1oil an* e4cess materials.
0%.010: -oBiliCation
+o6ili.ation is to 6e consi*ere* to incl(*e the contractor@s re5(irement for e5(i1ment#
tools# offices# worksho1s etc. for all the s1ecifie* 1ile t,1es.
:he mo6ili.ation is meas(re* as a B(m1 '(m.
0%.0%0: &emoBiliCation
-emo6ili.ation is consi*ere* to incl(*e the remo/al of all e5(i1ment# tools# offices#
worksho1s etc. for all the s1ecifie* 1ile t,1es.
:he *emo6ili.ation is meas(re* as a B(m1 '(m.
0%.030: Setting o#t of pile po!ition!
'etting o(t of 1ile 1ositions incl(*es the s(r/e, work relate* to marking the 1osition of
the n(m6er of 1iles gi/en in the 7o8# checking for (1lift after *ri/ing an* confirm final
:he setting o(t is meas(re* as a B(m1 '(m.
General for *ri/en 1iles=
:he 1ile length will 6e meas(re* 6, length# taken from formation le/el of the gro(n* or
other 1re&agree* le/el at the 1ile 1osition to the 6ottom 1ile 1oint when *ri/en.
:he (nit 1rices for the 1iles shall incl(*e all costs of s1licing 1iles etc. if re5(ire* to
o6tain the s1ecifie* total length.
Cnless otherwise state* reinforcement# formwork ;where re5(ire*<# coating ;where
re5(ire*< an* cast&in 1arts ;if an,< shall 6e (n*erstoo* to 6e incl(*e*.
0%.100: S#ppl$ of concrete pile!4 /$pe 14 Lengt9 L1
:he t,1e of 1ile an* its e41ecte* length# B1# is *efine* (n*er this 1osition n(m6er in the
7ill of 8(antities.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 10 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

'(11l, of 1re&cast concrete 1iles# incl(*ing connection 1arts ;if re5(ire*<# trans1ort to
site an* storage on site ;if re5(ire*< in the length informe* in the 7o8.
:he 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.101: S#ppl$ of concrete pile!4 /$pe 14 Lengt9 L%
:he t,1e of 1ile an* its e41ecte* length# B2# is *efine* (n*er this 1osition n(m6er in the
7ill of 8(antities.
'(11l, of 1re&cast concrete 1iles# incl(*ing connection 1arts ;if re5(ire*<# trans1ort to
site an* storage on site ;if re5(ire*< in the length informe* in the 7o8.
:he 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.110: &ri(ing of (ertical concrete pile!4 /$pe 1
:rans1ort from site storage# locate at the 1osition# monitoring *(ring *ri/ing an* *ri/e
to sto11age criteria (1 to the length informe* in the 7o8 1osition 02.100 an* 02.101.
:he (se of a *oll, (1 to 2 meters *ri/ing *e1th 6elow formation le/el shall 6e allowe*
for in the rate.
:he 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.115: &ri(ing of inclined concrete pile!4 /$pe 1
:rans1ort from site storage# locate at the 1osition# monitor *(ring *ri/ing an* *ri/e
with a rake of (1 to ma4im(m 1=4 to sto11age criteria (1 to the length informe* in the
7o8 1osition 02.100 an* 02.101.
:he (se of a *oll, (1 to 2 meters *ri/ing *e1th 6elow formation le/el shall 6e allowe*
for in the rate.
:he 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.130: 1(erdri(e of concrete pile!4 /$pe 1
:he *ri/ing rate informe* (n*er the 1osition 02.110 an* 02.115 D-ri/ing of
/ertical0incline* concrete 1ilesE will 6e a*$(ste* 6, an e4tra&o/er to the act(al *ri/en
length calc(late* from formation le/el to the 6ottom 1ile 1oint.
:he o/er*ri/e is meas(re* as the length o/er an* a6o/e the 1ile length informe* in the
:he o/er*ri/e is meas(re* in length ;m<.
0%.1+0: 3nderdri(e of concrete pile!4 /$pe 1
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Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:he *ri/ing rate informe* (n*er the 1osition 02.110 an* 02.115 D-ri/ing of
/ertical0incline* concrete 1ilesE will 6e a*$(ste* 6, a re*(ction to the act(al *ri/en
length calc(late* from formation le/el to the 6ottom 1ile 1oint.
:he (n*er*ri/e is meas(re* as the length less the then the 1ile length informe* in the
:he o/er*ri/e is meas(re* in length ;m<.
0%.150: C#tting of concrete pile!4 /$pe 1
:his shall incl(*e the c(tting of the 1ile at the correct le/el to match the lower si*e of
the s(11orte* concrete fo(n*ation06eam# c(tting the re6ars free in the s1ecifie* la1
length an* remo/al of the waste from site.
:he c(tting of 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.160: .>ten!ion of concrete pile!4 /$pe 1
+ake all the re5(ire* work relate* to e4ten* the s1ecifie* 1ile lengths 6, an a**itional
minim(m ! meters# if the e41ecte* total final length will 6e more than what can 6e
achie/e* 6, (sing the *oll,.
:he contractor ma, either (se either s1ecial 1re&cast concrete 1art ;if a/aila6le< or
e4ten* 6, tra*itional in&sit( concrete.
:he e4tensions are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.1*0: Pile !9oe for concrete pile!4 /$pe 1
'(11l, of 1ile shoe# if re5(ire*# for the concrete 1ile# incl(*ing connection 1arts ;if
re5(ire*<# trans1ort to site an* storage on site ;if re5(ire*< in the length informe* in the
:he e4tensions are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.%00: S#ppl$ of concrete pile!4 /$pe %4 Lengt9 L1
:he t,1e of 1ile an* its e41ecte* length# B1# is *efine* (n*er this 1osition n(m6er in the
7ill of 8(antities.
'(11l, of 1re&cast concrete 1iles# incl(*ing connection 1arts ;if re5(ire*<# trans1ort to
site an* storage on site ;if re5(ire*< in the length informe* in the 7o8.
:he 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.%01: S#ppl$ of concrete pile!4 /$pe %4 Lengt9 L%
:he t,1e of 1ile an* its e41ecte* length# B2# is *efine* (n*er this 1osition n(m6er in the
7ill of 8(antities.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 1% of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

'(11l, of 1re&cast concrete 1iles# incl(*ing connection 1arts ;if re5(ire*<# trans1ort to
site an* storage on site ;if re5(ire*< in the length informe* in the 7o8.
:he 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.%10: &ri(ing of (ertical concrete pile!4 /$pe %
:rans1ort from site storage# locate at the 1osition# monitoring *(ring *ri/ing an* *ri/e
to sto11age criteria (1 to the length informe* in the 7o8 1osition 02.100 an* 02.101.
:he (se of a *oll, (1 to 2 meters *ri/ing *e1th 6elow formation le/el shall 6e allowe*
for in the rate.
:he 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.%15: &ri(ing of inclined concrete pile!4 /$pe %
:rans1ort from site storage# locate at the 1osition# monitor *(ring *ri/ing an* *ri/e
with a rake of (1 to ma4im(m 1=4 to sto11age criteria (1 to the length informe* in the
7o8 1osition 02.100 an* 02.101.
:he (se of a *oll, (1 to 2 meters *ri/ing *e1th 6elow formation le/el shall 6e allowe*
for in the rate.
:he 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.%30: 1(erdri(e of concrete pile!4 /$pe %
:he *ri/ing rate informe* (n*er the 1osition 02.110 an* 02.115 D-ri/ing of
/ertical0incline* concrete 1ilesE will 6e a*$(ste* 6, an e4tra&o/er to the act(al *ri/en
length calc(late* from formation le/el to the 6ottom 1ile 1oint.
:he o/er*ri/e is meas(re* as the length o/er an* a6o/e the 1ile length informe* in the
:he o/er*ri/e is meas(re* as length ;m<.
0%.%+0: 3nderdri(e of concrete pile!4 /$pe %
:he *ri/ing rate informe* (n*er the 1osition 02.110 an* 02.115 D-ri/ing of
/ertical0incline* concrete 1ilesE will 6e a*$(ste* 6, a re*(ction to the act(al *ri/en
length calc(late* from formation le/el to the 6ottom 1ile 1oint.
:he (n*er*ri/e is meas(re* as the length less the then the 1ile length informe* in the
:he (n*er*ri/e is meas(re* as length ;m<.
0%.%50: C#tting of concrete pile!4 /$pe %
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 13 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:his shall incl(*e the c(tting of the 1ile at the correct le/el to match the lower si*e of
the s(11orte* concrete fo(n*ation06eam# c(tting the re6ars free in the s1ecifie* la1
length an* remo/al of the waste from site.
:he c(tting of 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.%60: .>ten!ion of concrete pile!4 /$pe %
+ake all the re5(ire* work relate* to e4ten* the s1ecifie* 1ile lengths 6, an a**itional
minim(m ! meters# if the e41ecte* total final length will 6e more than what can 6e
achie/e* 6, (sing the *oll,.
:he contractor ma, either (se either s1ecial 1re&cast concrete 1art ;if a/aila6le< or
e4ten* 6, tra*itional in&sit( concrete.
:he e4tensions are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.%*0: Pile !9oe for concrete pile!4 /$pe %
'(11l, of 1ile shoe# if re5(ire*# for the concrete 1ile# incl(*ing connection 1arts ;if
re5(ire*<# trans1ort to site an* storage on site ;if re5(ire*< in the length informe* in the
:he e4tensions are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
General for 6ore* 1iles=
:he 1ile length will 6e meas(re* as the length from the 1oint of the 6ore* 1ile to the
lower si*e of the concrete fo(n*ations06eams.
:he (nit rates for the 1iles shall incl(*e costs of 6oring an* casing as well as s(11l, of
concrete an* reinforcement.
3ll 1iles shall 6e /ertical 1iles.
0%.500: .>ec#tion of 5ored concrete pile4 /$pe 24 Lengt9 L1
:he t,1e of 1ile an* its e41ecte* length# B1# is *efine* (n*er this 1osition n(m6er in the
7ill of 8(antities.
:he 1iles are meas(re* in nos.
0%.530: 2dditional lengt9 of Bored pile!4 /$pe 2
:he 6ore* length informe* (n*er the 1osition 02.500 DE4ec(tion of 6ore* concrete
1ilesE will 6e a*$(ste* 6, an e4tra&o/er to the act(al e4ec(te* length calc(late* from
formation le/el to the 6ottom 1ile 1oint.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 1+ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:he a**itional length is meas(re* as the length o/er an* a6o/e the 1ile length informe*
in the 7o8.
:he a**itional length is meas(re* as length ;m<.
0%.5+0: 'ed#ced lengt9 of Bored pile!4 /$pe 2
:he 6ore* length informe* (n*er the 1osition 02.500 DE4ec(tion of 6ore* concrete
1ilesE will 6e a*$(ste* 6, the re*(ce* length to the act(al e4ec(te* length calc(late*
from formation le/el to the 6ottom 1ile 1oint.
:he re*(ce* length is meas(re* as the length less the then the 1ile length informe* in
the 7o8.
:he re*(ce* length is meas(re* as length ;m<.
General for 1ile testing=
'(11l, of all the re5(ire* co(nterweights an*0or esta6lishment of other hol*ing *own
s,stem to test the 1ile to the informe* allowa6le loa* with the safet, factor re5(ire*
accor*ing to local 6(il*ing co*e or informe* in the s1ecifications.
3ll monitoring an* remo/al of the test set (1 after com1letion shall 6e incl(*e*.
0%.A10: Load te!t of pile! t$pe 1
:he loa* test shall com1l, with the test 1roce*(re for the act(al 1ile t,1e.
:he loa* tests of 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.A%0: Load te!t of pile! t$pe %
:he loa* test shall com1l, with the test 1roce*(re for the act(al 1ile t,1e.
:he loa* tests of 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
0%.A50: Load te!t of pile! t$pe 2
:he loa* test shall com1l, with the test 1roce*(re for the act(al 1ile t,1e.
:he loa* tests of 1iles are meas(re* in n(m6er ;nos<.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 15 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

03. Concrete
:he concrete /ol(mes are all meas(re* as the theoretical /ol(mes.
:he concrete gra*es are *efine* in either the Ci/il technical s1ecifications or in the
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e the costs for the (se of all necessar, a**iti/es as well as all
finishing o1erations nee*e* a1art form those mentione* in 1ositions (n*er section 13
loor finish# 14 )all finish an* 15 Ceiling finish.
or holes an* recesses in sla6s# 6eams an* walls e5(al to or less than 0.25 m
# no
*e*(ction in the concrete 5(antities will 6e ma*e. or holes an* recesses 6igger than
0.25 m
# the /ol(me of the holes an* recesses will not 6e incl(*e* in the concrete
9n the following s(6str(ct(res refer to str(ct(res 6elow gro(n* (1 to an* incl(*ing
gro(n* floor# if an,# an* s(1erstr(ct(res refer to all str(ct(res a6o/e gro(n* floor le/el
;for an, height of str(ct(re<. or *efinition of '(6& an* '(1er&str(ct(re see (n*er 00
or concrete 1re&cast elements refer to section 0% Pre&cast concrete elements.
03.010: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Grade 24 9ig9 !trengt94 po!t-ten!ioned !ilo =all!
:he concrete gra*e 3 will 6e (se* in 1ost&tensione* silo walls.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
03.0%0: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Grade 54 ordinar$ !trengt94 !ilo =all!
:he concrete gra*e 7 will 6e (se* in or*inar, reinforce* silo walls.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
03.030: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Grade C4 ordinar$ !trengt9
:he concrete gra*e C will 6e (se* in or*inar, reinforce* concrete str(ct(res.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
03.0+0: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Grade C74 ordinar$ !trengt9 =atertig9t
:he concrete gra*e C) will 6e (se* in s(6terranean str(ct(res# which sho(l* 6e
watertight# s(ch as 6asements an* 1its.
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Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:he concrete is meas(re* in m
03.060: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Grade &4 ma!!
:he concrete gra*e - will 6e (se* in non&reinforce* fo(n*ations an* other non&
reinforce* str(ct(res.
9f the s(6soil contains soft areas# which in the o1inion of the Engineer m(st 6e re1lace*
6, mass concrete# the Contractor will recei/e 1a,ment for this work accor*ing to 1os.
01.010# 01.210 an* 03.0!0.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
03.0*0: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Grade .4 Blinding la$er4 50 mm
:he concrete gra*e E will 6e (se* as a minim(m. 50 mm 6lin*ing la,er 6elow all
reinforce* concrete fo(n*ations an* other reinforce* str(ct(res resting *irectl, on
:he 6lin*ing la,er is meas(re* in m
03.110: S#lp9ate re!i!tant cement
3**itional cost onl, for (sing s(l1hate resistant cement instea* of or*inar, Portlan*
Cnit rate shall 6e 6ase* on cement content as s1ecifie* for the a11ro/e* mi4es.
:he s(l1hate resistant cement is meas(re* in tons.
03.%10: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Grade 24 9ig9 !trengt94 po!t-ten!ioned !ilo =all!
:he concrete gra*e 3 will 6e (se* in 1ost&tensione* silo walls.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
03.%%0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Grade 54 ordinar$ !trengt94 !ilo =all!
:he concrete gra*e 7 will 6e (se* in or*inar, reinforce* silo walls.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
03.%30: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Grade C4 ordinar$ !trengt9
:he concrete gra*e C will 6e (se* in or*inar, reinforce* concrete str(ct(res.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 1* of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

03.%+0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Grade C74 ordinar$ !trengt9 =atertig9t
:he concrete gra*e C) will 6e (se* in s1ecial str(ct(res# which sho(l* 6e watertight#
s(ch as concrete tanks etc.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
03.%60: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Grade &4 ma!!
:he concrete gra*e - will 6e (se* in non&reinforce* mass fill concrete in silos an* other
non&reinforce* str(ct(res.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
03.%*0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Grade .4 Blinding la$er4 50 mm
:he concrete gra*e E will 6e (se* as a minim(m. 50 mm 6lin*ing la,er 6elow all
reinforce* concrete fo(n*ations an* other reinforce* str(ct(res resting *irectl, on
:he 6lin*ing la,er is meas(re* in m
03.%@0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Grade F4 mortar
:he gra*e will 6e (se* gro(ting (1 6olt holes an* machiner, after erection# where less
than 0.5 m
concrete is nee*e*.
:he gro(t is meas(re* in m
03.%A0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Grade G4 non !9rin8age mortar
:he mortar will 6e (se* gro(ting (1 6olt holes an* 6elow machiner, after erection#
where gra*e G is s1ecifie* 6, the Engineer.
:he gro(t is meas(re* in m
03.300: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Grade 04 !econd po#r
Concrete meas(re* (n*er this 1osition shall 6e (se* for gro(ting (1 the machiner, after
erection in 1laces# where more than 0.5m
of concrete is nee*e* an* the thickness of the
gro(te* 1art is more than 100 mm.
:he concrete mi4 is similar to gra*e C concrete.
:he concrete is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 1@ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

0+. 'einforcement
:he reinforcement 5(antities gi/en in the 7ill of 8(antities are meas(re* as the
theoretical weights in metric tons of c(t# 6ent# fi4e* an* wire* steel# as in*icate* in the
7ar 7en*ing Bists. DRolling marginE will not 6e consi*ere*.
'(11orts# incl(*ing s(11orts of to1 reinforcement in thick sla6s# stools# fi4ing 6ars#
t,ing wire# s1acers# etc.# will not 6e incl(*e* in the 7ar 7en*ing Bists.
'(ita6le 1ro/isions to co/er s(ch accessories an* c(tting waste sho(l* 6e ma*e an*
incl(*e* in the (nit rates for the *ifferent t,1es of reinforcement.
+inor c(tting of reinforcement after fi4ing ;*iameter less than 14 mm<# 1rotr(*ing
holes an* recesses# etc.# shall 6e co/ere* 6, the (nit rates.
Reinforcement in $oints for concrete elements will 6e 1ai* (n*er 1os. 04.010 an* 04.020
an* 1os. 04.210 an* 04.220 res1ecti/el,.
9n the following s(6str(ct(res refer to str(ct(res 6elow gro(n* (1 to an* incl(*ing
gro(n* floor# if an,# an* s(1erstr(ct(res refer to all str(ct(res a6o/e gro(n* ;for an,
height of str(ct(re<. or *efinition of '(6& an* '(1er&str(ct(re see (n*er 00 General.
0+.010: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 -ild !teel
:his 1osition contains 1lain ro(n* 6ars of mil* steel.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0+.0%0: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 0ig9 ten!ile !teel
:his 1osition contains *eforme* 6ars# t,1e 2 of high tensile steel.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0+.030: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Steel =ire faBric
:his 1osition contains 1refa6ricate*# wel*e* nets of reinforcement# mil* an*0or high&
tensile# steel.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0+.110: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Po!t-ten!ioning !teel caBle!
:his 1osition co/ers high&tensile steel ca6les for 1ost&tensioning of silo walls.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 1A of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:he 5(antit, meas(re* as the theoretical 5(antit, shall as s(ch not incl(*e 1ossi6le
o/er&length of the ca6les for e4ec(tion of the tensioning 1roce*(re. 3nchor 6locks an*
other accessories nee*e* shall not 6e meas(re*.
Ca6le *(cts# in$ection of gro(t# etc. will not 6e incl(*e* in the 5(antities# 6(t the cost
shall 6e incl(*e* in the (nit rate.
(rther this 1osition co/ers anchor 6locks# cones# gro(ting&in of anchor 6locks# incl.
formwork# etc.# an* all other work in connection with the 1ost&tensioning.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0+.%10: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 -ild !teel
:his 1osition contains 1lain ro(n* 6ars of mil* steel.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0+.%%0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 0ig9 ten!ile !teel
:his 1osition contains *eforme* 6ars of high tensile steel.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0+.%30: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Steel =ire faBric
:his 1osition contains 1refa6ricate*# wel*e* nets of reinforcement# mil* an*0or high&
tensile# steel.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0+.310: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Po!t-ten!ioning !teel caBle!
:his 1osition co/ers high&tensile steel ca6les for 1ost&tensioning of silo walls.
:he 5(antit, meas(re* as the theoretical 5(antit, shall as s(ch not incl(*e 1ossi6le
o/er&length of the ca6les for e4ec(tion of the tensioning 1roce*(re. 3nchor 6locks an*
other accessories nee*e* shall not 6e meas(re*.
Ca6le *(cts# in$ection of gro(t# etc. will not 6e incl(*e* in the 5(antities# 6(t the cost
shall 6e incl(*e* in the (nit rate.
(rther this 1osition co/ers anchor 6locks# cones# gro(ting&in of anchor 6locks# incl.
formwork# etc.# an* all other work in connection with the 1ost&tensioning.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %0 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

05. Form=or8
:he formwork is meas(re* as net contact area with the concrete.
ormwork for constr(ction& an* e41ansion $oints shown on the *rawings will 6e
meas(re*# whereas constr(ction $oints intro*(ce* 6, the contractor will not 6e
)here concrete is cast against other str(ct(res# san*# 1ol,st,rene# 6lin*ing la,er# soil
;see howe/er 6elow<# etc.# no meas(rement will 6e ma*e.
ormwork for concrete 1os. 03.0%0 is not meas(ra6le.
)here casting of walls or si*e of fo(n*ations against soil has 6een allowe* for or
s1ecifie* 6, the Engineer# the Contractor will recei/e 1a,ment for the formwork onl, as
meas(re* on the *rawings. Ao 1a,ment will 6e gi/en for e4cess e4ca/ation# trans1ort#
concrete or for meas(res s1ecifie* for se1arating concrete an* soil.
or holes an* recesses in sla6s# 6eams an* walls e5(al to or less than 0.25 m
# no
*e*(ction in the form area will 6e ma*e. or holes an* recesses larger than 0.25 m
# the
act(al contact area will 6e meas(re*.
9n the following s(6str(ct(res refer to str(ct(res 6elow gro(n* (1 to an* incl(*ing
gro(n* floor# if an,# an* s(1erstr(ct(res refer to all str(ct(res a6o/e gro(n* ;for an,
height of str(ct(re<. or *efinition of '(6& an* '(1er&str(ct(re see (n*er 00 General.
05.010: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Fo#ndation! and gro#nd Beam!
:he area of the si*es of fo(n*ations# gro(n* 6eams an* mass concrete fo(n*ations will
6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition.
3lso the si*es of the walls in ca6le trenches an* 1its insi*e 6(il*ings with an internal
height less than or e5(al to !00 mm will 6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition.
(rther# the si*es of machine fo(n*ations an* col(mn s(11orts for steel str(ct(res
resting on gro(n* will 6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition# where less than 200 mm of the
fo(n*ation or col(mn is e41ose* a6o/e final gro(n* le/el. :he rate shall then incl(*e
the costs of formwork in connection with the gro(ting of sai* fo(n*ations.
ormwork for fo(n*ation 1a*s for machine fo(n*ations will also 6e incl(*e* (n*er this
ormwork for c(r/e* fo(n*ations an* recesses will also 6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %1 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

05.030: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Col#mn!
:he area of the si*es of col(mns will 6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition# with the
e4ce1tions liste* (n*er 05.010.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.0+0: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 SlaB! and Beam !offit!
:he area of the e41ose* 6ottom areas of sla6s 6etween 6eams an*0or concrete walls# as
well as e41ose* si*es of sla6s# will 6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition# incl(*ing si*es of
rectang(lar 0 circ(lar o1enings in sla6s an* e41ose* 6eam soffits.
'la6s incline* less than 20
to the hori.ontal 1lane will 6e meas(re* (n*er this 1osition.
C11er formwork in sla6s incline* less than 20
will not 6e meas(re*.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.050: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 5eam !ide!
:he area of /ertical si*es of 6eams ;other than gro(n* 6eams< will 6e incl(*e* (n*er
this 1osition.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.060: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 7all!
ormwork for each s(rface is meas(re* se1aratel,.
ormwork incline* less than 5
to the /ertical 1lane will 6e meas(re* (n*er this
ormwork for c(r/e* walls an* recesses will 6e meas(re* (n*er this 1osition.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.0*0: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Sloping memBer!
'(rfaces incline* 6etween 20
an* 85
ormwork for each s(rface is meas(re* se1aratel,. "owe/er# (11er formwork will 6e
1ai* for onl, when (se*.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.110: S#B!tr#ct#re!4 Slip form
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %% of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:his 1osition co/ers all necessar, work in connection with the sli1 form# incl(*ing the
s(11l, an* installation of all necessar, sli1 form e5(i1ment s(ch as# 6(t not limite* to#
h,*ra(lic $acks# ,okes# hoses# 1(m1s# frames for s(s1en*e* scaffol*ing# clim6ing ro*s#
connecting 1arts# insert forms# 6rackets# etc.
(rther this 1osition shall co/er the *esign of the sli1 form# o1eration an* s(1er/ision of
the sli1 form o1eration# incl(*ing s(1er/ision of the man(fact(re of the form an*
erection an* *ismantling of the form an* the e5(i1ment.
'li1 form will 6e meas(re* as the contact area 6etween the form an* the sli* area.
-e*(ction will 6e ma*e for holes an* recesses 6igger than 0.25 m
. :he si*es of the
holes an* recesses will 6e meas(re* (n*er 1osition 05.0!0.
:he sli1 form is meas(re* in m
05.%%0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 -ac9ine fo#ndation!
ormwork for the machine fo(n*ations at gro(n* le/el an* ele/ate* floors will 6e
incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition# with the e4ce1tions liste* (n*er 1osition 05.010.
:he rate shall incl(*e the costs of the formwork in connection with the gro(ting of
machine 6ases.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.%30: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Col#mn!
:he area of the si*es of col(mns will 6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition# with the
e4ce1tions liste* (n*er 05.010.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.%+0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 SlaB! and Beam !offit!
:he area of the e41ose* 6ottom areas of sla6s 6etween 6eams an*0or concrete walls# as
well as e41ose* si*es of sla6s# will 6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition# incl(*ing si*es of
rectang(lar 0 circ(lar o1enings in sla6s an* e41ose* 6eam soffits.
'la6s incline* less than 20
to the hori.ontal 1lane will 6e meas(re* (n*er this 1osition.
C11er formwork in sla6s incline* less than 20
will not 6e meas(re*.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.%50: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 5eam !ide!
:he area of /ertical si*es of 6eams will 6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %3 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

05.%60: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 7all!
ormwork for each s(rface is meas(re* se1aratel,.
ormwork incline* less than 5
to the /ertical 1lane will 6e meas(re* (n*er this
ormwork for c(r/e* walls an* recesses will 6e meas(re* (n*er this 1osition e4cl(*ing
sli1 forme* str(ct(res which are meas(re* (n*er 05.310.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.%*0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Sloping memBer!
'(rfaces incline* 6etween 20
an* 85
ormwork for each s(rface is meas(re* se1aratel,. "owe/er# (11er formwork will 6e
1ai* for onl, when (se*.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
05.310: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 Slip form
:his 1osition co/ers all necessar, work in connection with the sli1 form# incl(*ing the
s(11l, an* installation of all necessar, sli1 form e5(i1ment s(ch as# 6(t not limite* to#
h,*ra(lic $acks# ,okes# hoses# 1(m1s# frames for s(s1en*e* scaffol*ing# clim6ing ro*s#
connecting 1arts# insert forms# 6rackets# etc.
(rther this 1osition shall co/er the *esign of the sli1 form# o1eration an* s(1er/ision of
the sli1 form o1eration# incl(*ing s(1er/ision of the man(fact(re of the form an*
erection an* *ismantling of the form an* the e5(i1ment.
'li1 form will 6e meas(re* as the contact area 6etween the form an* the sli* area.
-e*(ction will 6e ma*e for holes an* recesses 6igger than 0.25 m
. :he si*es of the
holes an* recesses will 6e meas(re* (n*er 1osition 05.0!0.
:he sli1 form is meas(re* in m
05.3%0: S#per!tr#ct#re!4 ,ntegrated corr#gated !teel !9eet form
:his 1osition co/ers lost formwork ;metal *ecking< (se* for silo roofs# concrete sla6s
s(11orte* on steel str(ct(re an* similar str(ct(res consisting of corr(gate*# steel
'(11orting 1ermanent steel 6eams will 6e meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.010008.510.
:he formwork is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %+ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

06. 0ole!4 joint!4 etc.
"oles an* recesses with o1enings not e4cee*ing 0.25 m
will 6e meas(re* as holes. :he
rate for the holes is in*e1en*ent of the sha1e an* s(rface a11earance of the hole# 6(t
will *e1en* on the length onl,.
)ater sto1s in constr(ction an* e41ansion $oints shown on the *etaile* *rawings will 6e
)ater sto1s in constr(ction $oints intro*(ce* 6, the Contractor shall 6e co/ere* 6, the
(nit rates.
"oles forme* 6, means of cast&in items or other im6e**e* 1arts will not 6e meas(re*.
06.010: 0ole!4 dept9 0 to %50 mm
"oles to 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
06.0%0: 0ole!4 dept9 %51 to 500 mm
"oles to 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
06.030: 0ole!4 dept9 501 to 1000 mm
"oles to 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
06.0+0: 0ole!4 dept9 1001 to %000 mm
"oles to 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
06.050: 0ole!4 dept9 %001 to 3000 mm
"oles to 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
06.110: Ca!t-in item!
:his 1osition co/er the cost for s(11l,# fa6rication an* installation of minor steel items#
incl(si/e of 6olts# which ha/e to 6e cast into concrete. :he (nit rate shall incl(*e the
costs in/ol/e* in 1ainting of the e41ose* s(rface after remo/al of formwork an* after
fi4ing of connecting steel 1arts.
Boose checker 1late# grating or hol*ing *own 6olts will 6e meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.
Cast&in items will 6e meas(re* in tons.
06.%10: 7ater !top!4 normal t$pe 150 to %50 mm
:o 6e meas(re* in m.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %5 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

06.%%0: 7ater !top4 e>pan!ion t$pe 150 to %50 mm
:o 6e meas(re* in m.
06.%30: 7ater !top4 olcla$ !trip ;30 > +0< mm
:o 6e meas(re* in m.
06.310: /op filled pol$!t$rene joint!
10 mm thick 1ol,st,rene to 6e (se* in $oints 6etween gro(n* floor sla6s an* walls#
gra*e 6eams# etc. :he $oints are to 6e to1 fille* with mastic.
:o 6e meas(re* in m
06.3%0: /op filled a!p9alt coated floor !laB joint!
Constr(ction $oints in gro(n* floor sla6 with 20 mm groo/e at to1 of floor# to1 fille*
with mastic.
:o 6e meas(re* in m
06.330: .>pan!ion joint
E41ansion $oint# 20 mm 1ol,st,rene# to1 fille* with mastic.
:o 6e meas(re* in m
06.350: Gl#e anc9or!
Gl(e anchors incl. n(t an* washer# t,1e "9B:9 "9: or similar# with *imensions 10# 12#
1!# 20 an* 24 mm for installation of minor e5(i1ment an* minor steel elements.
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
06.355: .>pan!ion Bolt!
E41ansion 6olts incl. n(t an* washer# t,1e "9B:9 "3' or similar# with *imensions 10#
12# 1!# 20 an* 24 mm for installation of minor e5(i1ment an* minor steel elements.
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
06.360: Gl#ed reinforcement
'tarter reinforcement 6ars# *imensions 8# 10#12#1!#18# 20# 22# 25# 28 F 35 gl(e* into
*rille* holes with "9B:9 "9: or similar.
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
06.+10: iBration in!#lation material4 r#BBer
:o 6e meas(re* in m
06.+%0: iBration in!#lation material4 pol$!t$rene
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %6 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:o 6e meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %* of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

0* Pre-ca!t concrete element!
:he (nit rates for the 1re&cast elements shall incl(*e the fa6rication cost of the elements
s(ch as concrete# formwork# reinforcement ;5(antit, as state* (n*er each 1osition
6elow# cast&in items ;if an,<# casting an* finishing.
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e storing# trans1ort to 1oint of installation an*
erection of the elements.
0*.010: Concrete !leeper!4 L > 7 > 0 D aaa > BBB > ccc mm
Concrete gra*e C will 6e (se*.
Reinforcement of a11ro4imatel, 0.120 ton0m
an* cast&in items ;6olts an* 6ase 1late< of
0.050 ton0m
shall 6e incl(*e*.
:he concrete slee1ers are meas(re* in n(m6er.
0*.0%0: Concrete !leeper!4 L > 7 > 0 D aaa > BBB > ccc mm
Concrete gra*e C will 6e (se*.
Reinforcement of a11ro4imatel, 0.120 ton0m
an* cast&in items ;6olts an* 6ase 1late< of
0.050 ton0m
shall 6e incl(*e*.
:he concrete slee1ers are meas(re* in n(m6er.
0*.100: Concrete !ilo cone element!
Concrete gra*e 7 will 6e (se*.
Reinforcement of a11ro4imatel, 0.130 ton0m
an* cast&in items ;e*ges an* lifting
1oints< of 0.050 ton0m
shall 6e incl(*e*.
:he concrete slee1ers are meas(re* in n(m6er.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %@ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

0@. Steel !tr#ct#re!
:he steel 5(antities will 6e meas(re* as the theoretical 5(antities of man(fact(re* an*
erecte* steel mem6ers (sing stan*ar* ta6les informing of weight for sections an* 1lates.
-e*(ction will 6e ma*e for slante* an* co1e* en*s as well as for holes c(t in che5(er
1lates an* grating. Ao *e*(ction will 6e ma*e for 6olt holes.
3nchor 7olts ;other than those 6eing 1lace* as cast&in items<# 6olts# n(ts# washers an*
wel*s will not 6e meas(re* se1aratel,# 6(t the costs shall 6e incl(*e* in the (nit rates.
iller# stiffener an* $oint 1lates as well as kicker 1lates ;not fi4e* to railing< will 6e
meas(re* together with the mem6ers to which the, are fi4e*.
:he (nit rates for e41ansion 6olts an* gl(e anchors shall 6e meas(re* (n*er 0!.350 an*
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e the costs of sho1 an* erection *rawings as well as
1ainting of steel# e4ce1t when gal/anise*.
:he (nit rates are s1lit into two s(6&rates as follows=
'(11l,# which com1rises
'(11l, of all materials# i.e. steel sections# 1lates# wel*ing ro*s# anchor 6olts#
6olts# washers# 1aint etc.
)orksho1 *rawings# 1ainting an* erection *rawings.
Painting in worksho1.
Packing an* trans1ort to 'ite.
Erection# which com1rises
"an*ling an* storage on site.
:o(ch (1 1ainting on site an* s1ecifie* finishes.
:he act(al steel 5(alit, to 6e (se* will 6e informe* in the rele/ant s1ecifications# 6(t it
is t,1icall, '235 GR# '2%5 GR or '355 G2 accor*ing to EA 10025 ;e5(i/alent to 33!#
343 or 350 accor*ing to 3':+< e4ce1t for light ga(ge sections which are Gra*e 350
;9'? 4998< or similar.
0@.010: S#ppl$4 5#ilding !tr#ct#re! E 0ig9 grade !teel
:his 1osition co/ers all s(11orting steel str(ct(res an* s(1erstr(ct(res# incl(*ing
6racing# anchor 6olts ;other than those 6eing 1lace* as cast&in items<# crane gir*ers#
1(lle, 6eams# etc.# with the e4ce1tions liste* (n*er the 1ositions 6elow.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: %A of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

(rther this 1osition incl(*es steel str(ct(res for transfer stations for con/e,or 6ri*ges.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0@.011: S#ppl$4 5#ilding !tr#ct#re! E )ormal grade !teel
:his 1osition co/ers all s(11orting steel str(ct(res an* s(1erstr(ct(res# incl(*ing
6racing# anchor 6olts ;other than those 6eing 1lace* as cast&in items<# crane gir*ers#
1(lle, 6eams# etc.# with the e4ce1tions liste* (n*er the 1ositions 6elow.
(rther this 1osition incl(*es steel str(ct(res for transfer stations for con/e,or 6ri*ges.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0@.0%0: S#ppl$4 Storage !tr#ct#re!
:his 1osition co/ers all s(11orting steel str(ct(res an* s(1erstr(ct(res# incl(*ing
6racing@s# anchor 6olts ;other than those 6eing 1lace* as cast&in items<# crane gir*ers#
1(lle, 6eams# etc.# with the e4ce1tions liste* (n*er the 1ositions 6elow# in storage
6(il*ings where e4tensi/e re1etition work is re5(ire*.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0@.030: S#ppl$4 Con(e$or Bridge!
:his 1osition co/ers all con/e,or steel 6ri*ges# incl(*ing s(11orting steel trestles#
6earings# anchor 6olts ;other than those 6eing 1lace* as cast&in items< an* all necessar,
6racing etc. "an* railing is meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.090. Che5(er 1lates will 6e
meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.110 or 08.120. Grating will 6e meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.150.
:he walkwa,s on ste1 con/e,or 6ri*ges ma, 6e e4ec(te* as che5(er 1late or grating
trea*s. :he trea*s will 6e meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.110# 08.120 or 08.150.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0@.050: S#ppl$4 P#rlin! and girt!4 lig9t =eig9t !ection!
:his 1osition incl(*es all light weight gal/ani.e* C# C or H section 1(rlins an* girts
s(11orting roof an* wall cla**ing on concrete str(ct(res as well as steel str(ct(res.
P(rlins an* girts are meas(re* in tons.
0@.060: S#ppl$4 P#rlin! and girt!4 rolled !ection!
:his 1osition incl(*es all "# 9 or C or angle section 1(rlins an* girts s(11orting roof
an* wall cla**ing on concrete str(ct(res as well as steel str(ct(res.
P(rlins an* girts are meas(re* in tons.
0@.0*0: S#ppl$4 -inor !tr#ct#re!
:his 1osition incl(*es=
1. Ba**ers
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 30 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

2. '1iral stairs
3. Boose 6rackets# s(ch as 6rackets s(11orting crane gir*ers# 1(rlins an* girts# to
6e 6olte* to or fiel* wel*e* on steel str(ct(res# concrete str(ct(res or cast&in
7rackets wel*e* on steel str(ct(res in worksho1 are incl(*e* (n*er the same
1osition as the steel str(ct(res on which the, are wel*e*.
4. '(s1ension 6olts# ties an* hangers for s(11ort of 1(rlins an* girts.
5. +inor free&stan*ing machine an* 1i1e s(11orts an* minor ser/ice 1latforms#
each not e4cee*ing 3 m
an*0or 10 m
9f sai* str(ct(res are an integrate* 1art of the main 6earing steel str(ct(res# the, shall 6e
incl(*e* (n*er the same 1osition as the main 6earing steel str(ct(res.
Che5(er 1lates s1ecifie* as sho1 wel*e* on the str(ct(re are incl(*e* (n*er this
1osition# whereas loose che5(er 1lates to 6e wel*e* on site are meas(re* (n*er 1os.
08.110# 08.120 or 08.130.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0@.0@0: S#ppl$4 Steel !tair!
:his 1osition incl(*es all steel stair flights# which consist of stringers.
:he steel han* railing is meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.090.
:he trea*s are meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.1!0.
'tairs are meas(re* in tons.
0@.0A0: S#ppl$4 0and railing
:his 1osition co/ers all steel han* railing# incl. kicker 1lates fi4e* to stanchions# in
connection with stairs# lan*ings# 1latforms# o1enings an* (n1rotecte* floor e*ges.
"an* railing is meas(re* in tons.
0@.110: S#ppl$4 C9eF#er plate!4 6 mm
:his 1osition incl(*es all ! mm thick che5(er 1lates (se* as floor# roofs# gangwa,s#
1latforms# lan*ings an* for co/er of o1enings in concrete sla6s.
3nti&sli*e arrangement on con/e,or 6ri*ge gangwa,s 6, means of wel*e* steel 6ars to
6e incl(*e* in the (nit rate.
Che5(er 1lates are meas(re* in tons.
0@.1%0: S#ppl$4 C9eF#er plate!4 @ mm
:his 1osition incl(*es all 8 mm thick che5(er 1lates (se* as floor# roofs# gangwa,s#
1latforms# lan*ings an* for co/er of o1enings in concrete sla6s.
3nti&sli*e arrangement on con/e,or 6ri*ge gangwa,s 6, means of wel*e* steel 6ars to
6e incl(*e* in the (nit rate.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 31 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

Che5(er 1lates are meas(re* in tons.
0@.130: S#ppl$4 C9eF#er plate!4 10 mm
:his 1osition incl(*es all 10 mm thick che5(er 1lates (se* as floor# roofs an* for co/er
of o1enings in concrete sla6s.
Che5(er 1lates are meas(re* in tons.
0@.150: S#ppl$4 Gal(aniCed grating
:his 1osition co/ers gal/ani.e* grating to 6e (se* as floors# stair lan*ings# gangwa,s
an* 1latforms.
3ccessories for fi4ing of the grating will not 6e meas(re*# 6(t the costs shall 6e
incl(*e* in the (nit rates.
:he grating is meas(re* in m
0@.160: S#ppl$4 Gal(aniCed grating tread!
:his 1osition co/ers gal/ani.e* grating trea*s to 6e (se* for stairs.
3ccessories for fi4ing of the grating trea*s will not 6e meas(re*# 6(t the costs shall 6e
incl(*e* in the (nit rates.
:he grating trea*s is meas(re* in m
0@.%50: S#ppl$4 /eflon Bearing!
:his 1osition co/ers teflon 1lates gl(e* on steel str(ct(res.
:he teflon 6earings are meas(re* in m
0@.510-511: .rection4 5#ilding !tr#ct#re!
:his 1osition co/ers all s(11orting steel str(ct(res an* s(1erstr(ct(res# incl(*ing
6racing# anchor 6olts ;other than those 6eing 1lace* as cast&in items<# crane gir*ers#
1(lle, 6eams# etc.# with the e4ce1tions liste* (n*er the 1ositions 6elow.
(rther this 1osition incl(*es steel str(ct(res for transfer stations for con/e,or 6ri*ges.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0@.5%0: .rection4 Storage !tr#ct#re!
:his 1osition co/ers all s(11orting steel str(ct(res an* s(1erstr(ct(res# incl(*ing
6racings# anchor 6olts ;other than those 6eing 1lace* as cast&in items<# crane gir*ers#
1(lle, 6eams# etc.# with the e4ce1tions liste* (n*er the 1ositions 6elow# in storage
6(il*ings where e4tensi/e re1etition work is re5(ire*.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0@.530: .rection4 Con(e$or Bridge!
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 3% of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:his 1osition co/ers all o1en ;non&cla*< con/e,or steel 6ri*ges# incl(*ing s(11orting
steel trestles# 6earings# anchor 6olts an* all necessar, 6racing etc. "an* railing is
meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.590. Che5(er 1lates will 6e meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.!10 or
08.!20. Grating will 6e meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.!50. P(rlins an* girts will 6e meas(re*
(n*er 1os. 08.550 or 08.5!0 for close* 6ri*ges.
:he walkwa,s on ste1 con/e,or 6ri*ges ma, 6e e4ec(te* as che5(er 1late or grating
trea*s. :he trea*s will 6e meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.!10# 08.!20 or 08.!50.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0@.550: .rection4 P#rlin! and girt!4 lig9t =eig9t !ection!
:his 1osition incl(*es all light weight gal/ani.e* C# C or H section 1(rlins an* girts
s(11orting roof an* wall cla**ing on concrete str(ct(res as well as steel str(ct(res.
P(rlins an* girts are meas(re* in tons.
0@.560: .rection4 P#rlin! and girt!4 rolled !ection!
:his 1osition incl(*es all "# 9 or C or angle section 1(rlins an* girts s(11orting roof
an* wall cla**ing on concrete str(ct(res as well as steel str(ct(res.
P(rlins an* girts are meas(re* in tons.
0@.5*0: .rection4 -inor !tr#ct#re!
:his 1osition incl(*es=
1. Ba**ers
2. '1iral stairs
3. Boose 6rackets# s(ch as 6rackets s(11orting crane gir*ers# 1(rlins an* girts# to
6e 6olte* to or fiel* wel*e* on steel str(ct(res# concrete str(ct(res or cast&in
7rackets wel*e* on steel str(ct(res in the worksho1 are incl(*e* (n*er the
same 1osition as the steel str(ct(res on which the, are wel*e*.
4. '(s1ension 6olts# ties an* hangers for s(11ort of 1(rlins an* girts.
5. +inor freestan*ing machine an* 1i1e s(11orts an* minor ser/ice 1latforms#
each not e4cee*ing 3 m
an*0or 10 m
9f sai* str(ct(res are an integrate* 1art of the main 6earing steel str(ct(res# the, shall 6e
incl(*e* (n*er the same 1osition as the main 6earing steel str(ct(res.
Che5(er 1lates s1ecifie* as sho1 wel*e* on the str(ct(re are incl(*e* (n*er this
1osition# whereas loose che5(er 1lates to 6e wel*e* on site are meas(re* (n*er 1os.
08.!10# 08.!20 or 08.!30.
:he steel is meas(re* in tons.
0@.5@0: .rection4 Steel !tair!
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 33 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:his 1osition incl(*es all steel stair flights# which consist of stringers.
:he steel han* railing is meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.590.
:he trea*s is meas(re* (n*er 1os. 08.!!0.
'tairs are meas(re* in tons.
0@.5A0: .rection4 0and railing
:his 1osition co/ers all steel han* railing# incl. kicker 1lates fi4e* to stanchions# in
connection with stairs# lan*ings# 1latforms# o1enings an* (n1rotecte* floor e*ges.
"an* railing is meas(re* in tons.
0@.610: .rection4 C9eF#er plate!4 6 mm
:his 1osition incl(*es all ! mm thick che5(er 1lates (se* as floor# roofs# gangwa,s#
1latforms# lan*ings an* for co/er of o1enings in concrete sla6s.
3nti&sli*e arrangement on con/e,or 6ri*ge gangwa,s 6, means of wel*e* steel 6ars to
6e incl(*e* in the (nit rate.
Che5(er 1lates are meas(re* in tons.
0@.6%0: .rection4 C9eF#er plate!4 @ mm
:his 1osition incl(*es all 8 mm thick che5(er 1lates (se* as floor# roofs# gangwa,s#
1latforms# lan*ings an* for co/er of o1enings in concrete sla6s.
3nti&sli*e arrangement on con/e,or 6ri*ge gangwa,s 6, means of wel*e* steel 6ars to
6e incl(*e* in the (nit rate.
Che5(er 1lates are meas(re* in tons.
0@.630: .rection4 C9eF#er plate!4 10 mm
:his 1osition incl(*es all 10 mm thick che5(er 1lates (se* as floor# roofs an* for co/er
of o1enings in concrete sla6s.
Che5(er 1lates are meas(re* in tons.
0@.650: .rection4 Gal(aniCed grating
:his 1osition co/ers gal/ani.e* grating to 6e (se* as floors# stair lan*ings# gangwa,s
an* 1latforms.
3ccessories for fi4ing of the grating will not 6e meas(re*# 6(t the costs shall 6e
incl(*e* in the (nit rates.
:he grating is meas(re* in m
0@.660: .rection4 Gal(aniCed grating tread!
:his 1osition co/ers gal/ani.e* grating trea*s to 6e (se* for stairs.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 3+ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

3ccessories for fi4ing of the grating trea*s will not 6e meas(re*# 6(t the costs shall 6e
incl(*e* in the (nit rates.
:he grating trea*s is meas(re* in m
0@.*50: .rection4 /eflon Bearing!
:his 1osition co/ers teflon 1lates gl(e* on steel str(ct(res.
:he teflon 6earings are meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 35 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

0A. 7all cladding
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e s(11l, of cla**ing sheets# coating of sheets ;as s1ecifie*<
c(tting of sheets# fasteners# filler 1ieces# flashing# corner 1ieces an* other s1ecial ele&
ments as well as sealing.
:he (nit rate shall f(rther incl(*e for the c(tting of holes for *(cts# 1i1es# etc.# incl(si/e
of necessar, framing an* flashing.
:he cla**ing will 6e meas(re* as area of final erecte* cla**ing# e4cl(si/e of o/erla1s.
0A.0+0: S#ppl$4 Corr#gated coated !teel !9eet!
:his 1osition com1rises wall cla**ing of corr(gate* coate* steel sheets.
:he cla**ing to 6e meas(re* in m
0A.050: S#ppl$4 Corr#gated tran!l#cent !9eet!
:his 1osition com1rises wall cla**ing of corr(gate* transl(cent sheets.
:he cla**ing to 6e meas(re* in m
0A.5+0: .rection4 Corr#gated coated !teel !9eet!
:his 1osition com1rises wall cla**ing of corr(gate* coate* steel sheets.
:he cla**ing to 6e meas(re* in m
0A.550: .rection4 Corr#gated tran!l#cent !9eet!
:his 1osition com1rises wall cla**ing of corr(gate* transl(cent sheets.
:he cla**ing to 6e meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 36 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

10. 'oof cladding
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e s(11l, of cla**ing sheets# coating of sheets ;as s1ecifie*<
c(tting of sheets# fasteners# filler 1ieces# flashing# corner 1ieces# ri*ges an* other s1ecial
elements as well as sealing.
:he (nit rate shall f(rther incl(*e for the c(tting of holes for *(cts# 1i1es# etc.# incl(si/e
of necessar, framing an* flashing.
:he cla**ing will 6e meas(re* as area of final erecte* cla**ing# e4cl(si/e of o/erla1s.
10.0+0: S#ppl$4 Corr#gated coated !teel !9eet!
:his 1osition com1rises roof cla**ing of corr(gate* coate* steel sheets.
:he cla**ing to 6e meas(re* in m
10.050: S#ppl$4 Corr#gated tran!l#cent !9eet!
:his 1osition com1rises roof cla**ing of corr(gate* transl(cent sheets.
:he cla**ing to 6e meas(re* in m
10.5+0: .rection4 Corr#gated coated !teel !9eet!
:his 1osition com1rises roof cla**ing of corr(gate* coate* steel sheets.
:he cla**ing to 6e meas(re* in m
10.550: .rection4 Corr#gated tran!l#cent !9eet!
:his 1osition com1rises roof cla**ing of corr(gate* transl(cent sheets.
:he cla**ing to 6e meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 3* of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

11. -a!onr$
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e the costs for s(11l, an* installation of 6locks# 6ricks#
mortar# wall ties an* other 6lock work accessories# if an* when s(ch are re5(ire*.
:he (nit rates shall also incl(*e the costs of *am1&1roof co(rse# ca(lking an* win*ows
(rther# the (nit rates shall incl(*e the costs of filling an* 1ointing of $oints# make
o1enings for *oors# win*ows# /entilation gri*s# etc.# as well as all other recesses# holes
an* channels for installations.
Bintels# 6eams an* col(mns will 6e 1ai* accor*ing to (nit rates for sections 03# 04 an*
-e*(ction will 6e ma*e for all holes e5(al to or 6igger than 0.25 m
# as well as for
lintels an* other stiffeners.
)all finish will 6e 1ai* accor*ing to (nit rates (n*er section 14.
)here walls are to 6e ma*e with hi**en col(mns# 6eams an* lintels the concrete (se*
will 6e 1ai* accor*ing to (nit rates (n*er section 03 an* reinforcement accor*ing to
(nit rates (n*er section 04.
E4ternal walls shall 6e water 1roof.
11.010: Concrete Bloc8 =all!4 %00 mm
7lock wall 6(ilt (1 6, hollow 6lock which are fille* insi*e with concrete afterwar*s or
6(ilt *irectl, in soli* 6lock.
:he wall is meas(re* in m
11.0%0: Concrete Bloc8 =all!4 150 mm
7lock wall 6(ilt (1 6, hollow 6lock which are fille* insi*e with concrete afterwar*s or
6(ilt *irectl, in soli* 6lock.
:he wall is meas(re* in m
11.030: Concrete Bloc8 =all!4 100 mm
7lock wall 6(ilt (1 6, hollow 6lock which are fille* insi*e with concrete afterwar*s or
6(ilt *irectl, in soli* 6lock.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 3@ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:he wall is meas(re* in m
11.100: 0ollo= concrete Bloc8 =all!4 %50 mm
:he wall is meas(re* in m
11.110: 0ollo= concrete Bloc8 =all!4 %00 mm
:he wall is meas(re* in m
11.1%0: 0ollo= concrete Bloc8 =all!4 150 mm
:he wall is meas(re* in m
11.130: 0ollo= concrete Bloc8 =all!4 100 mm
:he wall is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 3A of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

1%. Partition!
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of all e*ging# $oints# co/er stri1s# mastic# etc.# 6etween
1artition elements an* 6etween the 1artitions an* s(rro(n*ing str(ct(res.
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of ins(lation# 1ainting# /arnishing# etc. of the
(rther# the (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of all accessories# mo(nting# ironmonger,# etc.
:he (nit rates shall also 6e /ali* for gla.e* 1arts of 1artitions.
-oors# hinge* win*ows# an* /entilation gri*s will 6e meas(re* (n*er section 1%.
-e*(ctions in the 1artition area shall 6e ma*e for o1enings e4cee*ing 0.25 m
1%.010: 7all! of gla!! !9eet!
:he wall is meas(re* in m
1%.0%0: Slatted =all! of =ood
:he wall is meas(re* in m
1%.030: Steel Bar =all
:he wall is meas(re* in m
1%.0*0: 7ire me!9 partition!
:he 1artition is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: +0 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

13. Floor fini!9
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of $oints# $oint stri1s# threshol*s# e*ging# etc.
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e the costs of 1erforming holes# ins1ection co/ers#
o(tlets# slo1es# groo/es# etc.
'kirting is meas(ra6le.
-e*(ction in the meas(rement will 6e ma*e for o1enings 6igger than or e5(al to 0.25
13.010: Floor !creed
loor scree* is meas(re* in m
13.0%0: Self le(elling floor !creed
'elf le/elling floor scree* is meas(re* in m
13.030: Ceramic tile floor
:ile floor is meas(re* in m
13.0A0: 7ooden !8irting Board!
'kirting 6oar*s are meas(re* in m.
13.110: .po>$ painting of floor! ;pol$#ret9ane paint<
E1o4, 1ainting of floors is meas(re* in m
13.1%0: Steel tro=elling
'teel trowelling of concrete floor is meas(re* in m
13.130: .le(ated fal!e floor!
:he carr,ing ca1acit, an* clearance (n*er the ele/ate* false floors ;com1(ter floors<
shall 6e as s1ecifie*.
Ele/ate* false floors are meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: +1 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

1+. 7all fini!9
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of $oints# $oint stri1s# e*ging# accessories# frames# etc.
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e the costs of 1erforming holes# lea*&in 6(shes#
groo/es# etc.
:he (nit rate for 1ainting shall incl(*e filler an* 1rime coat.
9ns(lation m(st 6e non&com6(sti6le t,1e.
-e*(ction in the meas(rement will 6e ma*e for o1enings 6igger than or e5(al to 0.25
1+.010: 'endering4 e>ternal face!
Plastering is meas(re* in m
1+.0%0: Pla!tering4 internal face!
Plastering is meas(re* in m
1+.060: Painting of e>ternal?internal =all face! ;incl. Beam!4 !offit!4 col#mn! etc.<
Painting is meas(re* in m
1+.0*0: 7all tile!
)all tiles are meas(re* in m
1+.0@0: 7ater proofing of !#Bterranean =all! and !laB! ;e>ternal face!<
)ater 1roofing is meas(re* in m
1+.0@%: 7ater proofing of internal face! of =ater tan8! ? pit! ? !#mp!
)ater 1roofing is meas(re* in m
1+.0@5: Coating of !#Bterranean =all! and !laB!
:he coating shall 6e of a t,1e which 1rotects the s(6terranean str(ct(res against
aggressi/e soil ;e.g. 6it(men<.
Coating is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: +% of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

1+.0A0: 2nti friction impro(ing epo>$ coating
:he coating is a11lie* to re*(ce the risk of materials sticking to the s(rface# t,1icall, in
concrete silos.
'li*e im1ro/ing is meas(re* in m
1+.100: ,n!tallation panel! on =all!
9nstallation 1anels on wall are meas(re* in m.
1+.%10: ,n!#lation4 50mm t9ic8ne!!
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e the s(11l, an* installation of the ins(lation material incl(*ing
all fasteners# s(rface finish# etc.
9ns(lation on wall is meas(re* in m
1+.%%0: ,n!#lation4 100mm t9ic8ne!!
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e the s(11l, an* installation of the ins(lation material incl(*ing
all fasteners# s(rface finish# etc.
9ns(lation on wall is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: +3 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

15. Ceiling fini!9
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of $oints# $oint stri1s# e*ging# accessories# hangers#
frames# etc.
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e the costs of 1erforming holes# lea*&in 6(shes#
groo/es# etc.
:he (nit rate for 1ainting shall incl(*e filler an* 1rime coat.
9ns(lation m(st 6e non&com6(sti6le t,1e.
-e*(ction in the meas(rement will 6e ma*e for o1enings 6igger than or e5(al to 0.25
15.0%0: Pla!tering
Plastering is meas(re* in m
15.060: Painting of ceiling face!
Painting is meas(re* in m
15.0@0: Fal!e ceiling =it9 aco#!tic Board!
alse ceiling ;s(s1en*e*< is meas(re* in m
15.%10: ,n!#lation4 50mm t9ic8ne!!
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e the s(11l, an* installation of the ins(lation material incl(*ing
all fasteners# s(rface finish# etc.
9ns(lation on ceiling is meas(re* in m
15.%%0: ,n!#lation4 100mm t9ic8ne!!
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e the s(11l, an* installation of the ins(lation material incl(*ing
all fasteners# s(rface finish# etc.
9ns(lation on ceiling is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: ++ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

16. 'oof fini!9
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of $oints# $oint stri1s# e*ging# flashing# 6attens# etc.
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e the costs of 1erforming (1 stan*s# holes# o(tlets#
lea*&in 6(shes# slo1es# groo/es# etc.
-e*(ction in the meas(rement will 6e ma*e for o1enings 6igger than or e5(al to 0.25
16.010: 'oof !creed
Roof scree* is meas(re* in m
16.030: /=o la$er! of a!p9alt felt
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e the s(11l, an* la,ing of a n,lon reinforce* CI resistant
as1halt felt incl(*ing 1rimer for the roof# if re5(ire*# an* water 1roofing of all e*ges
aro(n* all 1rotr(*ing o6$ects.
Roof gra/el is meas(re* (n*er 1os 1!.0!0# if re5(ire*.
3s1halt felt is meas(re* in m
16.0+0: 7ater proofing of concrete roof!
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e the s(11l, an* a11lication of a li5(i* water 1roofing s,stem
incl(*ing 1rimer for the roof# if re5(ire*# an* water 1roofing of all e*ges aro(n* all
1rotr(*ing o6$ects.
Roof gra/el is meas(re* (n*er 1os 1!.0!0# if re5(ire*.
)ater 1roofing is meas(re* in m
16.060: 'oof gra(el
Roof gra/el is meas(re* in m
16.0*0: 'oof flagging
Roof flagging is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: +5 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

16.%10: ,n!#lation4 50mm t9ic8ne!!
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e the s(11l, an* installation of the ins(lation material incl(*ing
all fasteners# etc.
:he ins(lation materiel shall 6e resistant to loa* im1act# an* s(ita6le for a11l,ing
s(rface 1rotection s(ch as as1halt felt# roof gra/el or roof flagging on to1 if re5(ire*.
'(rface 1rotection is meas(re* se1aratel, (n*er rele/ant 1ositions.
9ns(lation on roof is meas(re* in m
16.%%0: ,n!#lation4 100mm t9ic8ne!!
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e the s(11l, an* installation of the ins(lation material incl(*ing
all fasteners etc.
:he ins(lation materiel shall 6e resistant to loa* im1act# an* s(ita6le for a11l,ing
s(rface 1rotection s(ch as as1halt felt# roof gra/el or roof flagging on to1 if re5(ire*.
'(rface 1rotection is meas(re* se1aratel, (n*er rele/ant 1ositions.
9ns(lation on roof is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: +6 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

1*. &oor!4 =indo=!4 glaCing and (entilation grid!
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of frames# fittings# locks# ironmonger,# trestles# *oor
sto1s# *oor closers# accessories# ca(lking etc.
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e the costs of 1ainting# /arnishing etc.
:he (nit rates shall also incl(*e the (se of none stan*ar* si.e *oor an* win*ow# an*
with the (se of ransom 1anels at o/ersi.e *oors.
-oors# win*ows an* lo(/ers are meas(re* as the area of the gross wall o1ening.
)in*ow glass is meas(re* se1aratel, (n*er 1os. 1%.310 to 1%.330.
Glass is meas(re* as /isi6le area of final mo(nte* glass.
)in*ows to 6e hinge*# fi4e* frame or sli*ing t,1e.
Gla.e* lo(/ers to 6e fi4e* frame t,1e.
1*.0%0: Large !liding !teel door!
-oors are meas(re* in m
1*.030: Steel door!
-oors are meas(re* in m
1*.0+0: 2l#mini#m door!
-oors are meas(re* in m
1*.050: 7ooden door!
-oors are meas(re* in m
1*.0A0: Steel door!4 fire rated to 60 min#te!
-oors are meas(re* in m
1*.110: Steel =indo=!
)in*ows are meas(re* in m
1*.%%0: Steel lo#(er!
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: +* of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

Bo(/ers are meas(re* in m
1*.%35: Steel lo#(er!4 =it9 !and trap!
Bo(/ers are meas(re* in m
1*.%+0: 2l#mini#m lo#(er!
Bo(/ers are meas(re* in m
1*.310: GlaCing4 !ingle is meas(re* in m
1*.3%0: 2l#mini#m =indo=!
)in*ows are meas(re* in m
1*.330: 7ooden &oor!
-oors are meas(re* in m
1*.500: Safet$ grill ;B#rglar Bar!<
'afet, grill is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: +@ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

1@. G#tter!
:he (nit rate shall incl(*e costs of 6en*s# ties# fittings# fi4ings# accessories etc.
:he (nit rate shall f(rther incl(*e costs of connecting# incl. connecting to 1its.
1@.010: 'oof g#tter!4 gal(ani!ed !teel
Roof g(tters are meas(re* in m
1@.0%0: 'oof g#tter!4 al#mini#m
Roof g(tters are meas(re* in m
1@.030: 'oof g#tter!4 PC t$pe
Roof g(tters are meas(re* in m
1@.0+0: &o=n pipe!4 gal(ani!ed !teel
-own 1i1es are meas(re* in m.
1@.050: &o=n pipe!4 al#mini#m
-own 1i1es are meas(re* in m.
1@.060: &o=n pipe!4 PC t$pe
-own 1i1es are meas(re* in m.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: +A of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

1A. Sanitar$ in!tallation!
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of fittings# fi4ings# connections# etc.
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e costs of all accessories# s(ch as coat hooks# ta1s#
toilet 1a1er hol*ers# ashtra,s# mirrors# soa1 tra,s# towel hol*ers.
3lso all necessar, *istri6(tion 1i1e work# incl. /al/es# from e4ternal sto1 /al/e to the
(nits liste* shall 6e incl(*e*# as well as all necessar, sewerage work from the (nits
liste* to e4ternal 1its.
:he (nits rates shall 6e /ali* for 6oth conceale* an* on wall installations# where
1A.010: 7ater clo!et4 .#ropean t$pe
)ater closets are meas(re* in n(m6er.
1A.0%0: 7ater clo!et4 /#r8i!9 t$pe
)ater closets are meas(re* in n(m6er.
1A.030: 3rinal!4 t$pe 1
Crinals are meas(re* in n(m6er.
1A.0@0: Steel !in8!
'teel sinks are meas(re* in n(m6er.
1A.0A0: Sin8!
'inks are meas(re* in n(m6er.
1A.130: S9o=er #nit!
'hower (nits are meas(re* in n(m6er.
1A.1+0: Floor o#tlet!
loor o(tlets are meas(re* in n(m6er.
1A.150: 7ater tap!
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 50 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

)ater ta1s are meas(re* in n(m6er.
1A.%%0: Fire-9o!e4 =all-mo#nted
:his 1osition co/er fire&hose mo(nte* on wall in c(16oar* with glass *oor.
ire&hoses are meas(re* in n(m6er.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 51 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

%0. .lectrical in!tallation!
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of con*(its# ca6les# fittings# mo(ntings# accessories#
6(l6s# fl(orescent t(6es# connections to other installations# etc.
:he (nit rates shall f(rther incl(*e all necessar, 6(il*ing works s(ch as groo/es# holes#
recesses# etc.# incl(*ing re1air work.
:he (nits rates shall 6e /ali* for 6oth conceale* an* on wall installations# where
%0.010: 110 !=itc9
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.0%0: %%0 !=itc9
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.030: 3@0 !=itc9
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.0+0: 110 !oc8et o#tlet
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.050: %%0 !oc8et o#tlet
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.060: 3@0 !oc8et o#tlet
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.0*0: 110 ceiling?=all ro!e
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.0@0: %%0 ceiling?=all ro!e
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.0A0: Lig9t fitting4 !ingle fl#ore!cent
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 5% of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.100: Lig9t fitting4 do#Ble fl#ore!cent
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.110: Lig9t fitting4 ordinar$ B#lB l#minar$
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er.
%0.1%0: Lig9t fitting4 rece!!ed B#lB l#minar$
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er
%0.130: 7ater 9eater
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er
%0.1+0: Coo8er #nit
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er
%0.1*0: 2ir-conditioning #nit
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er
%0.1@0: -ec9anical (entilation #nit
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er
%0.%%0: /elep9one !$!tem
:o 6e meas(re* as a l(m1 s(m.
%0.%+0: -ain?!#B-di!triB#tion Board!
:o 6e meas(re* as a l(m1 s(m.
%0.%50: -ain !=itc9
:o 6e meas(re* as a l(m1 s(m.
%0.%60: Comp#ter !$!tem
:o 6e meas(re* as a l(m1 s(m.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 53 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 5+ of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

%1. -i!cellaneo#!
:he (nit rates shall incl(*e costs of fittings# mo(ntings# accessories# 1ainting#
/arnishing# final treatments an* connections to water# gas# electricit,# sewerage# etc.
%1.010: F#rnit#re4 =or8!9op! ;c#pBoard!<
:o 6e meas(re* as a l(m1 s(m.
%1.0%0: F#rnit#re4 office ;de!84 !lat c#rtain!4 8itc9en caBinet<
:o 6e meas(re* as a l(m1 s(m.
%1.%10: Fire e>ting#i!9er4 C1% t$pe
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er
%1.%%0: Fire e>ting#i!9er4 =ater t$pe
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er
%1.%30: Fire e>ting#i!9er4 po=der t$pe
:o 6e meas(re* in n(m6er
%1.310: 7ater tan8
:o 6e meas(re* as a l(m1 s(m.
%1.3%0: P#mp for =ater tan8
:o 6e meas(re* as a l(m1 s(m.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 55 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

3@. &emolition
:he (nit 1rices for *emolition shall incl(*e costs for sec(ring# 6reaking0taking a1art an*
lifting to gro(n* le/el of all *e6ris an*0or mem6ers.
:he (nit 1rices for *emolition shall f(rther incl(*e costs of tem1orar, s(11orts#
1rotection of 1arts which ma, remain# 1rotection against *(st an* noise# etc.
Remo/al an* trans1ort to *(m1 of all materials shall 6e incl(*e*.
3@.010: &emolition of reinforced concrete road!
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of 100&300 mm reinforce* concrete roa*s or similar
-emolition of roa*s is meas(re* in m
3@.0%0: &emolition of non-reinforced concrete road!
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of 100&300 mm reinforce* concrete roa*s or similar
-emolition of roa*s is meas(re* in m
3@.030: &emolition of reinforced concrete !tr#ct#re! - !#B!tr#ct#re
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of reinforce* concrete str(ct(res 6elow gro(n* le/el#
6(t incl(*ing gro(n* floor sla6s# s(ch as t(nnels# 1its# 6asements# fo(n*ations# walls#
6eams# col(mns an* gro(n* floor.
-emolition of str(ct(res is meas(re* in m
3@.0+0: &emolition of reinforced concrete !tr#ct#re! - !#per!tr#ct#re
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of reinforce* concrete str(ct(res a6o/e gro(n* floor
sla6s# s(ch as col(mns# walls# 6eams# floor sla6s an* roofs.
-emolition of str(ct(res is meas(re* in m
3@.050: &emolition of non-reinforced concrete !tr#ct#re!
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of non&reinforce* concrete str(ct(res s(ch as mass
concrete fo(n*ations# mass concrete fill# etc.
-emolition of str(ct(res is meas(re* in m
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X3.1 - Page: 56 of 56
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ %01%
&' Congo 'e(.: 0 - &ate: 0% "an %01%
Project )o: 11-*30*+ C,,L

3@.110: &emolition of concrete Bloc8 =all!
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of concrete 6lock walls (1 to 250 mm thick# incl(*ing
1laster# ren*er an*0or an, other s(rface treatment.
Remo/al of 6lock wall sections with 6(ilt&in reinforcement col(mns an*0or 6eams shall
also 6e incl(*e* (n*er this 1osition.
-emolition of walls is meas(re* in m
3@.1%0: &emolition of Bric8 =all!
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of 6rick walls (1 to 250 mm thick# incl(*ing 1laster#
ren*er an*0or an, other s(rface treatment.
-emolition of walls is meas(re* in m
3@.%10: &emolition of !tr#ct#ral !teel E main !teel !tr#ct#re!
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of main str(ct(ral steel str(ct(res *efine* in gro(1 08.
'teel 'tr(ct(res (n*er the 1ositions 08.510# 08.511# 08.520 an* 08.530.
Remo/al of 1(rlins ;steel 1ositions 08.550 an* 08.5!0< is incl(*e* (n*er 38.310 an*
-emolition of str(ct(res is meas(re* in tons.
3@.%%0: &emolition of !tr#ct#ral !teel E !econdar$ !teel !tr#ct#re!
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of steel str(ct(res other than those *efine* (n*er gro(1
08. 'teel 'tr(ct(res in 1ositions 08.510# 08.511# 08.020 an* 08.030.
-emolition of str(ct(res is meas(re* in tons.
3@.310: &emolition of =all cladding
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of wall cla**ing of as6estos cement or steel sheets
incl(*ing girts.
-emolition of cla**ing is meas(re* in m
3@.3%0: &emolition of roof cladding
:his 1osition co/ers *emolition of roof cla**ing of as6estos cement or steel sheets
incl(*ing 1(rlins.
-emolition of cla**ing is meas(re* in m

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