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What is a paragraph ?

What is a paragraph? One way to answer this question is to talk about words and sentences.
You know what a word is____a word represents an idea. It is composed of one or more
letters. A word alone, however, is usually not enough to epress thoughts. !o communicate
ideas, writers use sentences. A sentence is a collection of words that epresses a complete
thought. A sentence usually consists of a sub"ect and a verb.
!he illustration below shows the relationship of the writing terms letter, word, sentence,
paragraph, and essay. #etters can be combined into a word. $ords can be combined into a
sentence. %entences can be combined into a paragraph. &ventually, paragraphs can be
combined into an essay. You will study paragraphs and essays in this book.

!he focus of this book
A paragraph is a group of related sentences that develops one main idea.
A paragraph is a basic unit of organi'ation in writing in which a group of related
sentences develops one main idea. A paragraph can be as short as one sentence or as long as
ten sentences. !he number of sentences is unimportant( however, the paragraph should be
long enough to develop the main idea clearly.
A paragraph may also be one part of a longer piece of writing such as a chapter of a
book or an essay. You will first learn how to write good paragraphs, and then you will learn
how to combine and epand paragraphs to build essays.
I. The Three Parts of a Paragraph
A paragraph has three ma"or structural parts) a topic sentence, supporting sentences
and a concluding sentence.
1. The topic Sentence
!he topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. It not only names the topic
of the paragraph, but it also limits the topic to one or two areas that can be discussed
completely in the space of a single paragraph. !he specific area is called the controlling idea.
+otice how the topic sentence of the model paragraph below states both the topic and the
controlling idea.
%. Supporting Sentences
%upporting sentences develop the topic sentence. !hat is, they eplain the topic
sentence by giving reasons, eamples, facts, statistics, and quotations.
&. The concluding sentence
!he concluding sentence signals of the end of the paragraph and leaves the reader with
important points to remember. ,enerally, the concluding sentence serves three purposes)
- It signals the end of the paragraph.
- It summari'es the main points of the paragraph.
- It gives a final comment on your topic and leaves the reader with the most
important ideas to think about.
!he following words in the paragraph are usually used to introduce the concluding sentence.
These are follo'ed () a co**a.
.inally, In conclusion, In summary, !herefore,
!hus, As a result, Indeed,
These are not follo'ed () a co**a.
$e see that////////.. It is clear that/////////
+odel paragraph

In the model paragraph given on page 0, it contains all the elements of a good
paragraph. 1ead it carefully two or three times, and try to analy'e its structure. You can see
clearly a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.
Topic !ontrolling Idea
#old, a precious metal, is pri'ed for t'o i*portant characteristics.
Supporting Sentences
-.irst of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion.
.or eample, a 2acedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was
minted twenty-three centuries ago.
-Another important characteristic of gold is its utility in industry and science.
!he most recent application of gold is in astronauts3 suits.
!oncluding Sentence
In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.
#old, a precious *etal, is pri-ed for t'o i*portant characteristics. .irst of all,
gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. !herefore, it is suitable for
"ewelry, coins, and ornamental purposes. ,old never needs to be polished and will
remain beautiful forever. .or eample, a 2acedonian remains as untarnished today as the
day it was minted twenty-three centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is
its usefulness to industry and science. .or many years, it has been used in hundreds of
industrial applications. !he most recent use of gold is in astronauts3 suits. Astronauts
wear gold-plated heat shields for protection outside the spaceship. In conclusion, gold is
treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.
In addition to the three structural parts of a paragraph, a good paragraph also has the
elements of unit) and coherence.

.. Unit)
4nity means that you discuss onl) one *ain idea in a paragraph. !he main idea is
stated in the topic sentence, and then each and every supporting sentence develops that idea.
If, for eample, you announce in your topic sentence that you are going to discuss two
important characteristics of gold, discuss only those. 5o not discuss anything else such as the
price of gold, history of gold, or gold mining.
/. !oherence
6oherence means that your paragraph is easy to read and understand because)
7. your supporting sentences are in some kind of logical order and
8. your ideas are connected by the use of appropriate transition signals.
.or eample, in the paragraph about gold, there are two supporting ideas) Gold is
beautiful, and gold is useful. &ach of these supporting ideas is discussed, one after the other,
and an eample is given for each one. !his is one kind of logical order. .urthermore, the
relationship between the ideas is clearly shown by using appropriate transition words and
phrases such as first of all, for eample, another important characteristic, and in conclusion.
In summary, a well-written paragraph contains five elements) a topic sentence,
supporting sentences, a concluding sentence, unity, and coherence.
II. The Writing Process: "n O0er0ie'
$riting, like many other skills, is not a single-step process. !hink of the game of
football, for instance. .ootball players do not simply put on uniforms and rush onto the turf.
Instead, they spend a great deal of time planning, developing offensive strategies, devising
and trying out new plays, revising eisting plays, and practicing. $riting involves similar
planning and preparation. It involves testing ideas and working out the best way to epress
them. $riter often eplore how their ideas might 9pla) out1 in several ways before settling
upon one plan of action.
*eople have many individual techniques for writing, but all writing involves five
basic steps)
1 #enerating ideas
% Organi-ing )our ideas
& Writing a first draft
. Re0ising
/ Proofreading
1. #enerating ideas
:efore you can write about a topic, you have to collect ideas to write about. !hree
helpful techniques to stimulate your ideas are ;7< free-writing, ;8< brainstorming, and ;=<
%. Organi-ing )our ideas
Once you have collected ideas about your topic, the net step is to decide how to
organi'e them. Ideas in paragraph or essay should be logically organi'ed. !o achieve a
logical organi'ation, you will need to test various ways to group and arrange your ideas.
&. Writing a 2irst raft
A first draft epresses your ideas in sentence and paragraph form. !hink of it as your
first attempt to get your ideas down on paper without worrying about spelling, punctuation,
capitali'ation, and grammar.
.. Re0ising
1evising is a process of rethinking your ideas. $hen you revise, you eamine what
you have written and make it better, clearer, more complete, and more interesting. 1evising
often involves changing, adding, deleting, and rearranging your ideas and words. You might
revise a paragraph or essay several times, going through several drafts, before you feel it has
reached its final form.

/. Proofreading
*roofreading is checking an error. !hink of it as a final polishing of your work. #ook
for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitali'ation. &rrors such as these can
distract your reader from your ideas.
I. Read the paragraph that follo's. Then ans'er the 3uestions.
It is not often that people are fired from their "obs because the quality of their work is
poor. Instead, more people lose their "obs for such things as failing to show up for work or
simply not doing their "ob. &mployers have little tolerance for workers who visit so much
their co-workers that they can not complete their work. 2anagers need to know that they can
count their workers to be on the "ob as scheduled. A good worker is someone who
understands the importance of keeping absences to a minimum and of accomplishing "ob
a. $hat is the paragraph
about> ..............................................................................................................................
b. $hat is the topic sentence of the paragraph>
c. #ist some supporting details.
II. Read the paragraph that follo's. Then ans'er the 3uestions.
You can actually be paid to report information that you may have about crimes that
have been committed. A national organi'ation will pay a reward to anyone who reports
information leading to the arrest and conviction of a person who has committed a felony. !he
identity of the informant is kept secret so that no harm will come to a person who has a
courage to report such information. .unds to support the crime stoppers program come from
ta dollars as well as private contributions. !his effort has contributed significantly to solving
criminal cases in many communities.
a. $hat is the paragraph
about> ..............................................................................................................................
b. $hat is the topic sentence of the paragraph>
c. #ist some supporting details.

III. The follo'ing paragraph consists of supporting details. Select the (est topic
sentence fro* the three choices listed (elo' the paragraph and 'rite it in the
space pro0ided. "s4 )ourself 'hich topic sentence is the (est de0eloped () the
details in the paragraph.
2any companies put coupon or rebate in or on their products packages. !hey hope
consumers will buy their products with these offers. Other companies put coupon or rebate
offers in newspaper or sent them through the mail. !o use a coupon, the value of a coupon is
subtracted from the cost of the item of the time of purchase. !o get a rebate, consumers mail
in their paid receipts and product labels for a particular product to the company and receive a
refund through the mail. %hoppers can save money by taking advantage of these
manufacturers3 incentives.
a. 6onsumers can make 9ends meet? by buying generic brand and advantage of coupon
b. 2any manufactures attempt to increase the cost of their products sales by offering
money saving coupon or rebates.
c. 2anufactures should simply increase the cost of their products rather than use coupon
offers as gimmicks to get shoppers to buy their products.
I5. $ere6s another group of supporting details. "gain select the (est topic
sentence for the* fro* the list (elo'. Write )our topic sentence in the space
&ercise has been proven to decrease stress and alleviate depression. It can lower
cholesterol levels in the blood and aid in weight loss. %ome studies indicate that eercise can
stop calcium lost from the bones and can, therefore, help prevent osteoporosis in again
women. $ith all these positive benefits, it is a wonder why more people don3t eercise daily.
a. *eople over the age of forty should check with their doctors before beginning an
eercise program
b. &ercise is big business in America.
c. &ercise is great preventive medicine.
5. "gain select the (est the topic sentence fro* the list (elo' to add to the
supporting gi0en in the paragraph. Write )our topic sentence in the space
!wo hundred year ago, few people could read or write. *eople could get a "ob and
make a living without having to be able to write their names. :ut over time, our lives and
"obs have become more comple and sophisticated. 2achinery has done away with the need
for human labor to perform many tasks. !he ability to think has become as important as the
ability to do manual labor. @obs that require the ability to read, write, compute, and think have
become the norm.
a. !here will always be a place in the "ob market for workers with little or no
b. :ecause of the etensive use of computers in modern business, workers must have
a good education.
c. 2ore than over before, knowing how to read and write well are important skills
that all adults need.
5I. Write a topic sentence for the paragraph that follo's.
It is widely believe that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health. In fact, tobacco use
in any form had been proven harmful. !housands of Americans die each year of lung cancer,
and thousands of other die from heart disease that is linked to smoking. In addition, smoking
is an epensive habit. Aeavy smokers spend as much as B=.CD per day on cigarettes. !hat
adds up to about B7DD per monthE !hink all of the things a person could buy with B7DD a
month. $hen then do people continue to smoke>
5II. Write a topic sentence for the paragraph that follo's.
!here are consumer groups to whom you can go for help. !hey will review your
finances and advise you on how to reduce your debt, or they will even tell you if your
financial situation is so complicated that you need to see an attorney. *eople whom you owe
will work with you as well. !hey will reduce the required monthly payments so that you can
afford to pay them. Although these groups can give you advice, you must learn to live within
your means.
5III. Write a paragraph on one of the follo'ing topics.
7. Advantages of #earning &nglish #anguage
8. !he importance of A.&.I. Fs library
=. Your best friend
0. A famous person you know, a leader, or someone important to you
C. Advantages of living in *hnom *enh
G. 5isadvantages of living in *hnom *enh
H. Advantages of living in countryside
I. 5isadvantages of living in countryside
J. An outstanding student
7D. 5rinking beer
77. "ogging
78. 6auses of air pollution
7=. 6auses of traffic accidents in *hnom *enh
70. !raffic congestion in *hnom *enh
7C. 6auses of water pollution
7G. Advantages of money
7H. 5isadvantages of money
7I. *ollution
7J. 1ecycling
8D. 5rug
87. !elevision
88. 6omputer
8=. 1eading
80. $ays of improving your listening
8C. $ays of improving time management
The 7nd of Unit 18

A good paragraph is a unified piece of writing. It usually contains between si9 or t'el0e
sentences. $e say that it is unified because it has one central idea. !he central idea is
epressed in the topic sentence. In &nglish paragraphs, the topic sentence may be at the
beginning, at the end, or in the middle of the paragraph. %ometimes, it is implied. !his means
that it is not stated at all. It is in the writer3s mind( but it is not written down. The topic
sentence al'a)s contains controlling idea. !his controlling idea is the signpost which
directs the rest of the paragraph. It helps the student write a good paragraph. 2oreover, it
helps the reader understand the paragraph easily. All the sentences should be about the
sub"ect mentioned in the topic sentence. !hey should follow the plan which controlling idea
stated, they would be liked in some way. !hen the paragraph will have unit). It will be a
unified piece of writing.
Aere is a topic sentence. !he controlling idea is in (oldface.
9In Kratie *rovince, there are *an) sights to interest tourists.1
!he writer has stated the plan) sLhe plans to describe some of the sights. !he readers can
epect to read about these sights.
Aere is another topic sentence)
:"ni*als can (e classified into t'o groups.1
As we saw, the controlling idea directs the plan of the paragraph. !he controlling idea may be
epressed in such phrases as)
T'o *ain t)pes se0eral 'a)s se0eral reasons three groups
Three *ain causes t'o ai*s three characteristic three 4inds
T'o classes these effects the follo'ing results three routes
Se0eral pro(le*s three ad0antages three disad0antages these effects
Se0eral re3uire*ents *an) duties separate responsi(ilities four sectors
!he controlling idea may also be epressed in such ad"ectives as)
Suita(le unsuita(le good (ad successful unsuccessful
;us) (eneficial har*ful fortunate unfortunate (eautiful
Ugl) health) unhealth) e*otional en<o)a(le interesting
Aere is a model paragraph. !he topic sentence with its controlling idea is in (oldface.
S*o4ing is har*ful for four reasons. .irstly, it is a very epensive habit. .requently, the price
of cigarettes rises. %econdly, it is bad for the respiratory system. %mokers get colds which last for
a long time. As well, they get bronchitis and pneumonia more easily than non-smoker. !hirdly,
everyone knows that there is a connection between lung-cancer and smoking. .inally, smoking
gives you bad breath. 2ost non-smokers hate the smell of tobacco and they do not want to sit near
someone who will puff smoke all over them. In my opinion, it is better not to start smoking.
Unit %: P"R"#R"P$ OR#"NI="TION
The topic sentence: %moking is harmful for four reasons.
!ontrolling idea: harmful for four reasons.
+a<or and +inor Supporting Sentences
In term of organi'ation, especially of epository paragraphs, there are two types of
supporting sentences) *a<or supporting sentences and *inor supporting sentences. !he
ma"or supporting sentences are the main details that tell us about the topic sentence. !he
minor supporting sentences tell us more about the ma"or supporting sentences.
#ook at the paragraph 9$ays to 6elebrate +ew Year3s &ve? below.
#ook at the paragraph 9Wa) to !ele(rate Ne' >ear6s 70e1 on page 7D. :elow, it
has been diagrammed to show the parts of a paragraph, including the ma"or and minor
supporting sentences.
1. Topic sentences ?TS@
*eople in the 4nited %tates celebrate +ew Year3s &ve in many ways.
%. Supporting Sentences
+a<or Supporting Sentence ?SS@
!he most common way may be going to a big party with lost of friends, music, and
+inor Supporting Sentence ?SS@
At the stroke of midnight, people at these parties grab their sweethearts and spend the
first seconds of the +ew Year kissing them.
+a<or Supporting Sentence ?SS@
Another way to spend +ew Year3s &ve is with significant other in your life.
+inor Supporting Sentence ?SS@
!he +ew Year is greeted with a champagne toast to the relationship.
+a<or Supporting Sentence ?SS@
%ometimes, families with children like to spend the evening together, letting the kids
stay up until midnight.
+a<or Supporting Sentence ?SS@
.inally, some people like to spend the evening by themselves.
+inor Supporting Sentence ?SS@
!hey use this time to evaluate the past year and to make resolution and plans for the
coming year.
Wa)s to !ele(rate Ne' >ear6s 70e
*eople in the 4nited %tates celebrate +ew Year3s &ve in many ways. !he most
common way may be going to a big party with lots of friends, music, and dancing. At the
stroke of midnight, people at these parties grab their sweetheart and spend the first
seconds of the +ew Year kissing them. Another way to spend +ew Year3s &ve is with the
significant other in your life. !he +ew Year is greeted with a champagne toast to the
relationship. %ometimes, families with children like to spend the evening together, letting
the 9kids? stay up until midnight. .inally, some people like to spend the evening by
themselves. !hey use this time to evaluate the past year and to make resolutions and
plans for the coming year. It is a time of reflection that can only happen when one is
alone. In short, +ew Year3s &ve is a special time that can be spent with friends, with
families or even alone.
+inor Supporting Sentence ?SS@
It is a time of reflection that can only happen when one is alone.
&. !oncluding Sentence ?!S@
In short, +ew Year3s &ve is a special time that can be spent with friends, with family,
or even alone.
It is important to note that all ma"or supporting sentences. In fact, sometimes you will
not have the same number of minor supporting sentences at all.
I. $ere are so*e note topic sentences. Underline the controlling idea in each one.
7. #iving in a city has three advantages.
8. I always run into problems when I try to study at home.
=. !here are only two ways of getting thin.
0. I usually work harder at weekends than I do during the week.
C. #ast weekend, I had a busy time.
G. I get from my house to the Olympic %tadium by three different routes.
H. I think it is a good idea for everyone to study a foreign language.
I. &veryone should have a chance to travel overseas for these reasons.
J. !he use of chemical pesticides can be harmful for animals and plants.
7D. &nglish language has four benefits.
77. %tudying $riting %kills is useful for three reasons.
78. You must have three main tasks in order to be a good kid.
7=. I have been a teacher of &nglish for three reasons.
70. I have two goals in studying &nglish.
7C. !here are two kinds of friends.
7G. 5riving on freeways require nerves of steel. ;very strong nerves<
7H. Owning an automobile is a necessity for me.
7I. #iving in an American college dormitory can be stressful eperience for newly
arrived international students.
7J. !he spread of AI5% can be showed by education in the public.
8D. A ma"or problem for international students is taking essay eaminations.
87. 1iver rafting is a challenging sport with important requirements.
88. #iving in *hnom *enh has four important advantages.
8=. 2otor racing seems to be a dangerous sport.
80. 2y eleventh birthday was the best of my childhood.
8C. !here are many ways that societies welcome children into adulthood.
II. $ere are so*e paragraphs. "(o0e each paragraph, there are three possi(le topic
sentences. !hoose one fro* the group to (egin each paragraph. +a4e sure it contains a
controlling idea.
$rite one of the topic sentences in the space provide below)
1 a. %ome teachers have very bad tempers.
b. !here are three different types of teachers.
c. It would be better to be taught by a moderate teacher.
. .irstly, there are
the 9screamers?. !here are usually teachers who have very bad tempers and shout
loudly in the class whenever they are angry. !his happens in almost every lesson
because they lose their tempers quickly. !he net group is the 9smilers?. !hey usually
smile no matter what happens in class. $hen students are la'y, they smile. $hen
students are noisy, they smile also. !hey never seem to be angry and do not try to
discipline their students. !he third group of teachers has a much more moderate style
than the other two. !hey respect the students and do not get angry or shout very often.
Aowever, they can be firm when necessary. %tudents usually study best when they are
taught by teachers from the last group.
% a. *icnics are the cheapest way to rela on holidays.
b. ,oing to picnic is more fun than going to a disco.
c. !here are several reasons why picnics are very popular
. .or one thing, it is very
pleasant to go to the countryside instead of staying in town. !he air is fresh and you have a
chance to en"oy nature. In addition, picnics are good opportunities to spend time relaing
with family and friends. 2oreover, it is good for us all to escape from work and to forget
the problem of the world. 2any busy people think it is the most relaing way to spend a
&. a. Assignments are a very important part of a student3s life.
b. %ome students en"oy doing an assignment for these reasons.
c. !hese are the steps to follow when you are doing an assignment.
. .irstly, look for
all the information you need. You should go to the library catalogue. !hen look at all the
books that might have something on the topic. Often librarian is able to make a suggestion.
After that, you must take notes from all the books, articles, and encyclopedias that you have
found. +et, draw up a plan for your assignment. .inally, write or type your assignment. :e
sure to add a bibliography of all the materials you have used before you hand it in.
.. a. A university professor has many duties.
b. A science instructor is a professor who conducts laboratory eperiments.
c. A university professor spends many hours doing a research pro"ect.
. In the
classroom, he or she lectures to the students and answers questions. If the professor is a
science instructor, he or she also conducts laboratory eperiments. 5uring office hours,
students are free to visit the professor to get help on difficult material or problem. In addition,
a professor may often work for many hours in a laboratory doing a research pro"ect. Another
professor might spend his or her time writing a scholarly paper for a professional "ournal.
%till another one might spend time writing a book. In conclusion, a professor is also a very
busy person. Aowever, he or she en"oys his or her work.
III. Re*e*(er, the topic sentence indicates the *ain idea of a paragraph, and it is the
*ost general state*ent in the paragraph.
Step1 5ecide which of the following sentence is the topic sentence of the paragraph.
Step% $rite TS on the line net to that sentence.
Step& 5ecide the order of the supporting sentences and number them SS1, SS%, SS&, and
so on.
Paragraph 1
a. 5riving a standard-shift vehicle is easy if you follow these steps.
b. After that, give the car some gas( and slowly release the clutch pedal until you start
c. +et, move the gearshift into first gear. On most cars, this is the straight-up position.
______d. .inally, be ready to shift into higher gears-second, third, and so on depending on
the make of car. A diagram of where to find each gear usually appears on the gearshift
knob. $ith practice, you will learn to start up smoothly and shift without the car
making grinding noises of the lurching.
e. .irst, push clutch pedal down. !he clutch is the pedal on the left. !hen start the car.
Paragraph %
a. !hey believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do everything they want,
and so they will be happy.
b. .or eample, some people believe that if they have much money or many things,
they will be happy.
c. On the other hand, some people believe that money is not the only happiness.
d. Aappiness means different things to different people.
e. I am happy if my wife and children live in harmony.
f. Although the different definition of happiness depends on each individual, my
9wealth? of happiness is in my family.
g. .or me, happiness is closely tied to my family.
h. $hen all members of my family share good and sad times, and when my children
communicate with each other and work together, I am happy.
i. !hese people value their religion, or their intelligent, or their health( these make
them happy.
a. It enable customer to do several banking transitions twenty-four hours day.
b. In addition, a customer can transfer funds between account or get a cash advance
on a credit card.
c. An automated teller machine ;A!2< is a convenient miniature back.
d. .or eample, a customer can use an A!2 to deposit money and withdraw a
limited amount of cash.
a. +et, add antifree'e to your windshield washer fluid( otherwise, the fluid will
free'e and possible break the container.
b. .irst, put on snow ties if you plan to drive on snowy, icy roads very often.
c. 5riving in winter, especially on snowy, icy roads can be less troublesome if you
take a few simple precautions.
d. .inally, it is also a good idea to carry tie chains, a can of spray to unfree'e door
locks and a windshield scraper in your car when driving in winter weather.
e. %econd, check the mount of antifree'e in your radiator and add more if necessary.
a. #ater, people began to write on pieces of leather, which were rolled into scrolls.
b. In the earliest times, people carved or painted messages on rocks.
c. in the middle ages, heavy paper called parchment was used for writing( books were
laboriously copied by hand.
d. $ith the invention of the printing press in the middle of the fifteenth century, the
modern printing industry was born.
e. %ome form of writing communication has been used throughout the centuries.
I5. !hoose the (est sentence for each of the follo'ing paragraphs. !ircle the one that
)our thin4 it is correct.
.irst of all, cats are cleaner. !hey stay very clean and they do not make the house dirty. 6ats
are also quieter than dogs. !hey usually do not make a lot of noises. 6ats are safer, too. 5ogs
sometimes bite people, but cats almost never do. .inally, cats are easier to take care of. You
do not to spend much time with a cat. In fact, many cats prefer to be alone.
a. %ome people prefer cats as pets.
b. 6ats do not make a lot of noise.
c. 6ats are nicer than dogs in some ways.
%olitary types can en"oy sunbathing or reading undisturbed. %ocial people usually find
someone to talk to take a walk with. 6urious individuals can collect seashells or study the
habits of seashore creatures such as sand crabs or seagulls. Athletes can swim, surf, "og or
play football or volleyball. &very type of person can find employment at the beach.
a. :eaches offer different pleasures to different kinds of people.
b. *eople can collect seashells to study habits of seashore creatures at the beaches.
c. :eaches are idea places for people who are interested in sport.
.or one thing, drinking is an epensive habit and I have to spend much money or beer.
Another reason is that drinking makes me weaker and easily tied. $hen drinking, I can not
run as in long distance as my friend does, and I am very ehausted. .inally, I used to have a
serious accident. Although I am ok now, but I had to stay in hospital for a couple of weeks
and I could not walk and ride my motor for many months. I think that everyone should kick
off his drinking habit.
a. I don3t drink beer because I used to have a serious accident.
b. I don3t drink beer because of three main reasons
c. I spend much money on drink.
5. iagra* the paragraph :5alentine6s a) O0erload1 (elo'. Indicate the *a<or supporting
sentences and *inor supporting sentences. Use the e9a*ple gi0en on page 11.
4sually three or four week before Malentine3s 5ay, you begin to see too reminders of
his only-for lovers holidays almost everywhere. .or eample, you see red hearts and cupids
in ever shot and restaurant. %hops want you to buy a gift for your Malentine3s 5ay, and the
restaurant hope that you will tread yourself and your Malentine to an epensive dinner. You
also seem to see more pictures of people in love and more people on the streets who are
obviously in love. !hey walk hand-in-hand and ga'e into each other3s eyes lovingly. Another
eample of Malentine3s 5ay reminders is seeing the commercials on !M, which tell you about
all the wonderful presents and cards that you can buy for that 9special someone? In short, we
are constantly reminded of Malentine3s 5ay for several weeks each year.
The 7nd of Unit %8
I. Introduction to the Topic Sentence
&very paragraph has a topic sentence, which clearly states the topic and the
controlling idea of the paragraph. It is a complete sentence. It is usually ;but not always< the
first sentence in the paragraph.
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It briefly indicates
what the paragraph is going to discuss. .or this reason, the topic sentence is a helpful guide to
both writer and reader. !he writer can see what information to include ;and what information
to eclude<. !he reader can see what the paragraph is going to be about and is, therefore,
better prepared to understand it.
!here are three important points to remember about a topic sentence.
7. A topic sentence is a complete sentence( that is, it contains a su(<ect, a 0er( and
;usually< a co*plete sentence. !he following are not complete sentences because they
are not complete thoughts.
A5riving on freeways.
-!he importance of gold.
-Aow to register for college classes.
8. A topic sentence contains both a topic and a controlling idea. It names the topic and
limits the topic to a specific area to be discussed in the space of a single paragraph. !he
following eamples show how a topic sentence states both the topic and the controlling
idea in a complete sentence.
-ri0ing on free'a)s re3uires s4ill and alertness.
A#old, a precious *etal, is pri-ed for t'o i*portant characteristics.
ARegistering for college classes can (e a frustrating e9perience for ne' students.
=. A topic sentence is the most general statement in the paragraph because it gives only
the main idea. It does not give any specific details.
!he following is an eample of a general statement that could serve as a topic sentence)
AThe "ra(ic origin of *an) 7nglish 'ords is not al'a)s o(0ious.
!he following sentence, on the other hand, is too specific)
AThe slang e9pression so long ?*eaning :good()e@ is pro(a(l) a corruption of
the "ra(ic Salaa*.
%entence such as the following may be too general)
A7nglish is difficult language to learn.
,enerally, an effective sentence must ;7< identify what the paragraph is about (the topic)
and ;8< make a point (an idea) about the topic.
II. Writing topic sentences
$hen you write a topic sentence, remember these two points.
7. A topic sentence should be neither too general nor too specific. If it is too general, the
reader can not tell eactly what the paragraph is going to discuss. If it is too specific, the
writer may not have anything left to write about in the rest of the paragraph.
!hink of the topic sentence as being like the name of a particular course a restaurant
menu. $hen you order food in a restaurant, you want to know more about particular course
that "ust 9meat? or 9soup? or 9salad.? You want to know generally what kind of salad it is.
Unit &: T$7 TOPI! S7NT7N!7
*otato salad> 2ied green salad> .ruit salad> Aowever, you do not necessarily want to know
all of its ingredients.
%imilarly, the reader of the paragraph wants to know generally what to epect in a
paragraph, but sLhe does not want to learn all of the specific details in the first sentence.
Too general : American food is terrible.
Too specific : American food is tasteless and greasy because Americans use too
many canned, fro'en, and prepackaged foods and because everything
is fried in oil or butter.
#ood : American food is tasteless and greasy.
8. 5o not include too many unrelated ideas in your topic sentence, if you do, your
paragraph will not be unified.
Too *an) ideas: %an .rancisco is famous for its temperate climate, its many tourist
attractions, and its cosmopolitan atmosphere.
!he three parts of this controlling idea are too unrelated for a single paragraph. !hey
would require three separate paragraphs.
#ood : %an .rancisco is famous for its cosmopolitan atmosphere.
III. Position of Topic Sentence
!he topic sentence may be the first or last sentence in a paragraph. !he topic sentence
may also be the first and last sentence of the paragraph___9sandwich-style.1 A sandwich-
style paragraph is especially helpful to your reader if the paragraph is very long. !he second
topic sentence in the sandwich-style paragraph also serves as a concluding.
%tudy the following three paragraphs. +otice the different positions for the topic
sentence in each paragraph. !he topic sentences are underlined.
I5. The T'o Parts of a Topic Sentence
$urricanes, which are also called cyclones, eert tremendous power. !hese violent
storms are often a hundred miles in diameter, and their winds can reach velocities of
seventy-five miles per hour or more. .urthermore, the strong winds and heavy rainfall that
accompany them can completely destroy a small town in a couple of hours. !he energy
that is released by a hurricane in one day eceeds the total energy consumed by humankind
throughout the world in one year.
+7I!", +IR"!,7S TO !O+7
:y the year 8DDJ, a vaccine against the common cold will have been developed. :y the
same year, the first human will have been successfully cloned. :y the year 8D70, parents
will be able to create designer children. ,enetic therapy will be to manipulate genes for
abilities, intelligence, and hair, eye, and skin color. :y 8D8D, most disease will be able to
be diagnosed and treated at home and by 8D=D, cancer and heart disease will have been
wiped out. !hese are "ust a few eamples of medical miracles that are epected in the net
few decades.
%ynonyms, words that have the same basic meaning, do not always have the same
emotional meaning. .or eample, the words stingy and frugal both mean 9careful with
money.? Aowever, to call a person stingy is an insult, while the word frugal has a much
more positive connotation. %imilarly, a person wants to be slender but not skinny, and
aggressive but not pushy. !herefore, you should be careful in choosing words because
many so-called synonyms are not really synonymous at all.
A topic sentence has two essential parts) the topic and the controlling idea. !he
topic is the sub"ect of your paragraph. It is what you are writing about. !he controlling idea
makes a specific comment about the topic, which indicates what the rest of the paragraph will
say about the topic. It limits or controls the topic to a specific aspect of the topic to be
discussed in the space of a single paragraph. #ook at these eamples)
7. +ew York is
Topic controlling idea
8. +ew York has
Topic controlling idea
=. +ew York is
Topic controlling idea
&ach of these topic sentences has the same topic, Ne' >or4, but a different
controlling idea. &ach one would introduce a distinct paragraph with different ideas and
information. !he possibilities for writing about +ew York are practically endless, so this one
topic could have many controlling idea. !herefore, you write many different paragraphs
about +ew York.
It is important to keep in mind that most academic writing is done to persuade the
reader that a point of view is reasonable. !herefore, another important part of writing topic
sentence is to write a sentence that has a clean point of view. !his usually means that the
topic sentence contains the opinion or attitude of the writer. A statement of fact is not
effective topic sentence because there is nothing more that can be said about it and, therefore,
nothing to write in your paragraph. #ook at these two sentences.
0. !wenty-five people attend the company3s Aalloween party.
C. !he company3s Aalloween party was a bore, as usual.
%entence ;0< is not effective topic sentence because it is a fact. It is difficult to write more
about facts because they are neither true nor false. Aowever, since sentence ;C< is an opinion,
there is a lot of writer could say to convince the reader that the party was a bore. !herefore, it
is an acceptable topic sentence.
Another common way to write a topic sentence is to divide a topic into different parts. #ook
at these sentences.
G. 1amada has
H. !here are three main kinds of holidays.
I. *lanning a good .ourth of @uly party requires five specific steps.
.or each of these topic sentences, the writer eplains the division of the topic into parts.
I. Identif)ing Topic and !ontrolling Ideas: Read each sentence and then underline the
topic and circle the controlling idea.
7. Alcohol is harmful to your health.
8. !he $estern world should have a holiday to recogni'e senior citi'ens.
a fun place to be on +ew York3s &ve
great entertainment
the world3s most famous city
three important days within the month of fasting
=. !he colors of the 4.%. flag have unique symbolic meanings.
0. A camping vacation sounds like a punishment to me.
C. $eeds can ruin a vegetable garden.
G. American education has five states.
H. $riting a good resume takes a lot of hard work.
I. @ack is Kate3s best friend.
J. You need four ingredients to make peanut butter.
7D. !here are many reasons to visit %an .rancisco.
77. $hile staying in Mietnam, I have noticed several interesting things.
78. Mietnamese teenagers are different from Khmer teenagers for several acts.
7=. Mietnamese police seem to be stricter than Khmer police.
70. !here are several reasons why provincial dwellers flock to *hnom *enh.
7C. #iving in *hnom *enh city has several harmful disadvantages.
II. In each of the follo'ing pairs of topic sentences, place a chec4 *ar4 in the (lan4
(efore the sentence that is *ore effecti0e ?neither too (road nor too narro'@.
7. a. *ower tools can be dangerous.
b. !o avoid in"ury, users of power saws should follow several safety
8. a. #earning keyboarding skills requires regular practice.
b. #earning a new skill requires regular practice.
=. a. 6hildren3s toys should be fun.
b. A toy should stimulate a child3s imagination.
0. a. 2any things make to learning &nglish difficult.
b. $hat makes &nglish particularly difficult.
C. a. &nrolling in a college is not an easy task.
b. 1egistration at %tate 6ollege is a painful process.
G. a. ,one with a $ind may be an old movie, but it is still a good movie.
b. !he acting in ,one with the $ind was superb.
H. a. !he wide variety of merchandise makes %ears convenient.
b. %ears is a convenient place to shop.
I. a. !he architecture in 6hicago reflects trends in modern design.
b. 6hicago is interesting city.
J. a. 5rinking coffee is bad.
b. 5rinking over four cups of coffee a day can be harmful to pregnant.
7D. a. 5runk driving is illegal.
b. One of the ma"or causes of road accidents is drunk driving.
III. Read the follo'ing 'ea4 topic sentences. Re'rite each one to *a4e it *ore specific.
>ou can narro' do'n the topic andB or the controlling idea. The first one is done for )ou.
&ample) !he Aonda 6ivic is an ecellent automobile.
The $onda !i0ic is econo*ical to *aintain.
7. 2y hometown is a wonderful place.

8. %he has many problems.

=. &ercise is good for you.

0. 5riving a car can be ha'ardous.

C. !here are many interesting things to do at the park.

G. *ollution is a serious environmental problem.

H. %tudying $riting %kill is difficult.

I. 1iver rafting is a challenging sport.

J. #iving in a city is better than living in the countryside.

7D. #earning a foreign language is good.

I5. Read each paragraph (elo'. +ar4 the (est topic sentence 'ith a :T1.
Paragraph 1
2y car smells like ehaust fumes. I3ve had two flat tires this year. %ometimes it won3t
even start in the morning.
a. 2y car smells, has flat tires, and won3t start.
b. %o it3s time to get a new car.
c. 2agnetic tape has been used with computers.
Paragraph %
!hirty year ago, magnetic tape was used only to record music and voices. #atter, it
was also used to record computer programs and data. !he biggest use today, however, is for
videotape recording.
a. !he uses of magnetic tape have great increased.
b. 2agnetic tape is good.
c. 2agnetic tape has been used with computers.
Paragraph &
A long time ago, the apple was a symbol of forbidden knowledge because of the story
of ,arden of &den in the :ible. #ater, it became a traditional gift for teachers. !hese days,
many people think of the computer with the same name when they hear the word :apple1.
a. Apples taste good, too.
b. !he apple has been a symbol of many things.
c. An apple represents forbidden knowledge because of the :ible, school
because it was a traditional gift, and a computer because it has the same name.
5. Stud) the follo'ing pairs of sentences and chec4 the one )ou thin4 'ould (e a good,
clear topic sentence of a paragraph. The first one is done for )ou.
79plain )our 0oice.
7 a. snow skiing on the highest mountainside requires great skill.
b. %now skiing is fun.
8 a. &ercise is healthful.
b. @ogging is healthful for several reasons.
= a. 6amping is a great outdoor activity.
b. 6amping requires a variety of special equipments.
0 a. !he legal age for drinking alcoholic drinks should be twenty-one for several
b. 5rinking is dangerous for your health.
C a. %moking is a bad habit.
b. It is difficult to quit smoking for three reasons.
G a. %mall cars are popular.
b. 5riving a M$ 1abbit saves money.
H a. %tudying in a foreign country is difficult.
b. %tudying in a foreign country is difficult for several reasons.
I a. Aong Kong is an eciting city.
b. Aong Kong is a shopper3s dream world.
J a. !he violence on the !M can effect children3s emotional well being.
b. $atching !M is a waste of time.
7D a. $hen studying, one should not have a girlfriend.
b. $hen studying, one should not have a girlfriend for several reasons.
5I. With a partner or a s*all group, 'rite a topic sentence on the follo'ing topic. "s4
the 'hA3uestion to li*it the topic and controlling idea.
&ample) !a*ping
!o set up ca*p requires a variety of specify equipment.
7. sport heroes ;who> which sport> why><

8. spectator sports

=. water sports

0. Olympic sports

C. watching sports on !M

G. foreign language

H. drunk driving

I.arranged marriage

J. friend

7D. the oldest and only child.

5II. Write )our o'n topic sentence for each of the follo'ing paragraphs.
1 . .or one
thing, I haven3t got a quiet room to study. !here are many people living in our house and it
is usually noisy. .or another thing, I have a lot of homework to do after class. And, finally,
we do not have electricity at our place, so it is difficult to study at night. &veryone needs
to have a peace and quiet and enough light when he is studying.
% . .irstly, it
increases your knowledge of other places. %econdly, it is interesting to talk to people from
a different culture. !hirdly, travel really makes you appreciate your own country.
!herefore, you can see why I believe that travel is good eperience for everybody.
& .2any people now
ride motorbikes and cars. !he traffic is quiet dangerous, so there are many accidents in the
city. Also the motor vehicles pollute the air, so the air in the city is not healthy as good,
fresh country air. 2oreover, living in thee city is epensive because the food prices are
much higher than in the countryside, and there are etra things like electricity to pay for.
*ersonally, I think it is much better to live in a rural area.
. . %ome children
were playing by the lake. Others were swimming in !onle :ati. A lot of families were
unpacking their picnic baskets in the little shelters near the water. At the same time, the
food sellers were getting a lot of business. &veryone at !onle :ati seemed happy and
relaed that day.
/ . !he first
advantage is that bicycles are quite cheap to buy. !hey cost much less than cars or
motorbikes. !he second reason is that you do not ness to buy noise, so they are much
better than our environment. #astly, riding bicycles is very good eercise and therefore
bicycle riders are generally fit and healthy people. %o, even though they may not be fast or
convenient as other forms of transport, I am very much in favour of bicycles.
C . One benefit is
that it helps you rela after you have been studying or working hard. %econdly, it can keep
you informed about local news and also what is happing in other parts of the country.
.inally, I think there are educational benefits as well. You van see many interesting
programs on !M that tell you about other people and about nature. You can learn about
places in the world too. !he people who have a 16 set have a lot of advantages.
D . .irst, &nglish can
help you find a well-paid "ob. $hen you know &nglish well, you can apply for a good "ob
and then you will be offered the "ob. %econd, if you know &nglish, you can travel widely
around the world and it is also easy to communicate with other people. !hird, you van
pursue you study to get master3s degree or doctoral degree in your own country or in many
foreign country. .inally, you van know information around the world. $hen you watch
!M like 6++ or ::6, you van learn got information from that radio( and when you read
book, you can also learn something interesting from the book. In summary, &nglish is very
useful. I think that everyone should learn &nglish.
E . .or one
thing, I can write correctly. I made many mistakes before I standard the course( but after
having been studying this course doe several months. I can reduce some mistakes. .or
another thing, I can improve my speaking skill. *reviously, I spoke badly and made many
mistakes( but now I can speak better than I did before. .or eample, I used to say, 9I go to
market yesterday.? !his is the wrong sentence. I should have said, 9I went to market
yesterday.? .inally, my listen comprehension seems to be better. In conclusion, I think that
we should learn this skill because it will be useful to us in the future.
F . !he first
positive point is that love can make one happy when he has problem or he bored.
%econdly, it can urge him to study harder. You can see that sometimes you do not want to
study, but you might change when your lover persuades you to work harder. Another thing
is that the affection can keep a person active. $hen you are tired or ehausted, you are
unwilling to study or work. Aowever, when you are motivated by your special one, you
will become energetic and powerful. %o, one can become a successful person because of
1G . At about
7D o3clock, I, with my niece, saw 6hoeng &k Killing .ield in a distance. $hen I came
closer, I saw a big monument with many hundreds of people3s skulls kept on the floors.
!hen, I went to a small cottage on the right side. On the wall of the cottage were photos of
skinny children tied to each other and of the mass graved with dead bodies piled on each
other. After that, I went to the back area of the killing field. $hile walking with my niece,
I saw a small wooden sign, which reads IJIC people were killed and buried here. #ater,
we went to get share under a big tree. $hen reaching the tree, I saw another terrible sign.
It reads that *ol *ot3s soldiers killed children by smashing their reads against this 6han
Kiri tree. .inally, I saw a small pile of bones under the tree, and it shocked me terribly. In
short, 6hoeng &k Killing field id ht first killing center, at which I have ever spent my time.
The 7nd of Unit &8
I. Introduction to Supporting sentences
!he supporting sentences, which are the net parts of the paragraph, are used to
support the topic sentence. !hey develop details to supporting the topic sentence, rephrase it
as a question, and then answer that question with your supporting sentences.
.or eample, in the model paragraph on page 7D, you read about smoking to topic
sentence is.
S*o4ing is har*ful for four reasons.
If you turn that statement into a question, it will say.
What are the har*ful four reasons for s*o4ing?
!he supporting sentences in the paragraph must answer this question by eplaining what
the four harmful reasons for smoking are. #ook back at the model paragraph on page7D and
complete list of harmful reasons.
7. .irstly, it is really very epensive habit.
You can see that the supporting sentences list the four harmful reasons smoking.
Another question you can ask about your topic sentence is this one)
$o' can I pro0ide this? Your supporting sentences should give one facts or eample that.
.or eample, suppose you wrote this topic sentence)
Traditional "*erican fa*il) relationships ha0e changed greatl) in the last thirt) )ear.
You could then ask yourself) Aow can I provide that this is true> You could prove or
support it by giving facts such as these)
7. out of marriages end in divorce ;in the 4nited %tates<.
8. out of children live in homes with only one parent.
=. percent of couples living together are not legally married.
%till another way to develop your topic sentence is to give eamples. %uppose you wrote this
topic sentence)
5alentine6s a) is a 0er) e9pensi0e holida).
You then ask yourself) $o' can I pro0e it? You could prove or support this sentence by
giving such as these)
7. *eople who are in love with each other echange epensive gifts.
8. !he gifts often cost a lot of money, sometimes as much as B7DD.
=. A romantic dinner at a nice restaurant may cost B7DD or more per person
#ook at the model paragraph below.
"N 7HP7NSI57 $O,I">
Malentine3s 5ay is a very epensive holiday. !ypically, people who are in love with each
other echange gifts. !he gifts often cost a lot of money, sometimes as much as B7DD. In
some cases, if you do not spend that much, your sweetheart might think you do not care.
%ome less epensive gifts that people often give are chocolate and flowers. One pound of
good chocolate may cost B7D to B7C, and when you add up all of the chocolate that is sold
on Malentine3s 5ay, the total is probably well over B7 million. .lowers cost more that
chocolate, so sales of flowers may amount to BC million. Also, it is often epected that
you and your sweetheart will go out to dinner on that evening. A romantic dinner at a nice
restaurant may cost B7DD or more per person. It seems to me that Malentine3s 5ay is one
of the most epensive days of the year.
In short, in order to develop your topic sentence, you must write supporting sentence
that prove, or support, your ideas. An easy way to do this is to rephrase your topic sentence as
a question or to ask yourself) $o' can I pro0e that? You should, moreover, know that the
sentences that you select to support the topic sentence of your paragraph depend on
The audience
The purpose of the paragraph
As you write a paragraph, you should ask yourself)
7. $hich technique would best support my topic sentence>
8. $hich technique would best convince my audience that my topic sentence is
I. e0eloping ideas
2any students writers agree that telling is easier than showing. 5eveloping details to
eplain and support an idea is often a time consuming task. .ortunately, there are several
strategies that student writers have found successful in generating details. #ook at the
paragraph below. &ach student writer has used a different planning and generating strategy to
write a successful paragraph.
Topic: ,enerally, there are many words that mean 9to eat? in !hai culture but one should
know how to use them correctly.
%A-$O4# -King3s family
14*-!1A+ -,eneral and polite
!o eat !A1+
6AA+! -2onk
KI+ -,eneral
:ody -!he world sa-woul is a particular one for the monarch3s family only.
-If you want to serve some meal to the monks, you are supposed to say
chant, a meal which is designated for the monks.
-In general, one will use rup-pra-tarn or rup-tarn or tarn for everyone.
!hese words mean to eat in terms of politeness.
-If you want to talk with anybody who is close to you and easy, you also
can use the word kin.
Aowever, there are a lot of words to mean 9to eat? which is dependent on each
section of the country.
TO 7"T
,enerally there are several words that mean 9to eat? in !hai culture, but one should know
how to use them correctly. !hailand is one of few countries in the world that has a
monarch system. !o show our respect to the king3s family, we should use some special
words when we want to discuss them. .or instance, the word %A-$O4# is a particular
one that means 9to eat? for royalty. In terms of :uddhism, we also have a lot of words for
the monks. !he word 6AA+! means 9to eat? for them. $e will only use it if we want to
invite the monk to have a meal. In addition, the !hai will say 14:-*1A-!A1+ or 14*-
!A1+ or !A1+ which are polite ways of saying 9to eat? we also use the word KI+ to ask
anyone who is close to us, such as our family, or friends, to eat. !here are a lot more local
words that mean 9to eat? that depend on the part of the country.

#eneral Strateg) %: ;R"NSTO+IN#
$e have several discriminate slang terms for a single woman who can3t get married until her late 8D3s in
@apanese. In @apan career woman are increasing, and the marriage age is going to be high( on the country,
many women still try to get married until 8C years old( otherwise, they are often hurt the discriminate words.
.irst, 9old 2iss? is the most widespread word. 92iss? is a title used before the name of an unmarried
woman, but in @apanese it means a young unmarried woman, hence, a single woman who is not young is
called 9old 2iss.? %econd, ;uneno4iri@ is also a discriminate word for unmarried woman. !he original
meaning is the unsold thing like a woman who can3t get married until her late 8D3s NbecauseO near the
6hristmas thousands of 6hristmas cakes are displayed in the stores, but they are never sold out and become
old and go staple.
S,"N# T7R+S 2OR " SIN#,7 WO+"N
$e have several discriminate slang terms in @apanese for a woman who doesn3t get married until
her late twenties. In @apan, the number of career women is increasing and the marriage age is getting older,
however, many women still try to get married before they are twenty-five year old. Otherwise, they are often
hurt by embarrassing labels. .irst, an older unmarried woman may be called an 9old miss? the most
widespread slang word. &very @apan person knows that noun. 92iss? is a title used before the name of the
unmarried woman in &nglish, but in @apan it means a young unmarried woman, so a slang woman who is not
young is called an 9old miss? another discriminatory word is urenokori. !he original meaning is 9an unsold
thing? and it means a woman who has been left on the shelf. .inally, the term 96hristmas cake? has the same
meaning. #ike the leftover 6hristmas cakes that grow old and stale after the 6hristmas season has passed, the
older single woman is labeled in this derogatory manner. In @apan, getting married is more important for a
woman than having a "ob and being independent, so many discriminatory words for an unmarried woman
#enerating Strateg) &: !,UST7RIN#
T$7 I7N7H !O+P"N>
!here are three reasons that the Kene !ennis 6ompany is so successful in
!aiwan. .irst, the company was started as a family enterprise. !he family on worked, so
they saved a lot of money in salaries. !hat money allowed them to epand the company
rapidly. %econd, the Kene company buys good raw materials, so the products-tennis
shoes, tennis balls, tennis racquets-are high quality. !hat makes their products marketable
all over the world because the company has a good reputation. !hey produce on time, and
they deliver their products quickly and efficiently and better in the future.
T$7 I7N7H !O+P"N>
!here are three reasons that the Kene !ennis 6ompany is so successful in
!aiwan. .irst, the company was started as a family enterprise. !he family on worked, so
they saved a lot of money in salaries. !hat money allowed them to epand the company
rapidly. %econd, the Kene company buys good raw materials, so the products-tennis
shoes, tennis balls, tennis racquets-are high quality. !hat makes their products marketable
all over the world because the company has a good reputation. !hey produce on time, and
they deliver their products quickly and efficiently and better in the future.
on time
.rom !aiwan
to world ,ood
#enerating Strateg) .: OUT,ININ#
AO$ I *1&*A1&5 !O 6O2& !O !A& 4.%.
In a refugee camp____wrote letters to countries
A. Immigration interview
7. difficult to complete history
-very young
-couldn3t remember
8. frightened
:. $aiting
6. Immigration called
7. found parents for me.
8. arranged my trip
5. $orrying
7. about my &nglish
8. about my new family
Arrived___nice family
AO$ I *1&*A1&5 !O 6O2& !O !A& 4.%.
In 7JID, I spent two years in a refugee camp in !hailand, and I decided to write
letters to all the countries in the world, asking them if they would accept me into their
country. .inally, the Immigration Office of the 4nited %ates interviewed me. !hat test was
very difficult for me because I had to complete a history about my parents, my family, and
my relatives and my family. After my interview, I waited for a response. I knew that the
Immigration Office would decide whether or not. I should come to the 4.%. I waited for
about four months( then they called my name, and they made a photograph for my
passport. I was so ecited about the trip, but during that time I was worried, too, because I
didn3t speak &nglish, and I wondered who my new parents would be. I didn3t prepare
anything for my trip because I didn3t know I was going to go to the 4.%. until the last
minute. !hey are very friendly and happy all the time.
.arid %oeu
#enerating Strateg) /: TR77IN#
#enerating Strateg) C: 2,OW !$"RT

in Indonesia
and the U.S.
Limited iterms
Special times for ads
Basic needs
Better lives
Medical care
Family planning
hour blocs
T!ice a day
Before ne!s
$very ind of product
%ds throughout programs
(e! films
In the middle of ne!s programs
)uring regular programs
)uring television films
!&#&MI%IO+ A5M&1!I%&2&+!% I+ I+5O+&%IA A+5 !A& 4.%
Although television advertisements in both Indonesia and the 4nited %tates have the same
goal ;to attract people to buy products<, there are difference between advertisements in the
two country. In Indonesia, the government has the authority to control the items advertised,
and they also control the time those advertisements are presented. ,enerally, the items
advertised are for basic needs of the people, such as food, clothing, and housing, or for
their well-being, such as material treatment, transportation, and family planning. !hese ads
are presented in half-hour periods. .or eample, food items are advertised at G.=D p.m., "ust
before the nation news, while advertisements for family planning are broadcast from I.=D
to J p.m., "ust before the international news. In contrast, 4.% advertisements are not
controlled by the government, and the advertisements are broadcast throughout the 80 hour
programming day. &very kind of product is advertised, from restaurants to automobiles
,and from vacation places to new films. !hese advertisements occur for about twenty
minutes of every hour, but they usually appear for two or three minutes every ten minutes.
In the middle of a new program, for eample, we can see a two-minute advertisement for
dishwashing detergent or 6oca-6ola( during a television film, we can see advertisement
for vitamins or children3s toys. In conclusion, the difference between advertisement in the
4nited %ates and Indonesia are probably due to the government control for advertisements
in Indonesia.

I.1 %tutadi
I. 2irst, read each topic sentence. Then add t'o *ore supporting points to each list.
7. !opic sentence) Poos are scientific centers with living laboratories.
Supporting sentences:
a. %cientists conduct important research in reproductive program in an attempt to
preserve some species.
b. Poologists can observe the animals mating and giving birth.
8. !opic sentence) %moking in restaurants should be prohibited for several reasons.
Supporting sentences
a. It pollutes the air.
b. It can affect dinner3s appetites.
=. !opic sentence) International students have difficulty taking notes in class for several reasons.
Supporting sentences:
a. !he teacher talks too fast.
b. !he students have poor listening skills.
SU;J7!T "uto*o(ile "ccidents ?casesBeffects@
"TU+O;I,7 "!!I7NTS
!he ma"ority of automobile accidents result from Alcohol. A person who has drunk
to much beer gets into strange state called drunkenness. !his state is marked either by an
unpleasant feeling of loss of balance, or by falling asleep. &ither of these problems is
dangerous for drivers. On the other hand, a drunk driver is too di''y to pay attention to
traffic signs, and his lack of control may him to run a %top sign, eceed the speed limit, or
swerve his car. As a result, he may either hit another car or a person. It is very likely that
he will crash his car, and often he will kill or in"ure himself and others. !herefore, the
government has established stricter laws against drunk drivers.
Komba &lukessu
#ack of attention
&ceed speed
#oss of control
:ody balance
0. !opic sentence) everyone should consider several criteria before choosing a sport.
Supporting sentences:
a. !hey need to decide whether they en"oy eercising alone or with others.
b. !hey need to decide whether they want to en"oy a sport for recreation or for fitness.
C. !opic sentence) As people have more time and money to spend on recreation, new
sports are developed.
Supporting sentences:
a. !raditional sport such as racing-on foot, houses, and skis, and in boats, cars, and
airplanes-are still popular.
b. !wenty-five years ago, no one had ever heard of windsurfing. +ow it is the rage at
beach resorts everywhere.


G. !opic sentence) Americans love their pet dogs.
Supporting sentences:
a. !hey do many things for them.
b. !hey treat their dogs like human being.
c. !hey like to talk to their dogs and treat them like children.
II. Read the paragraphs (elo'. Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph. !ircle
the 'ords or phrases of ph)sical description.
Paragraph 1
Once I went hiking with a group from my school to the mountains near 1iyadh. :efore we
started the hike, the sunlight was shining brightly. $hen we went into the woods, it was quite
dark like the sun was no longer in the sky. $e felt that we were walking in hallways because
the trees were so big and tall that they prevented sunlight from coming through. It was
absolutely quiet and silent like a sad and grim night. In the distance, we heard some birds
cackling and some were bubbling here and there. Although the weather was etremely hot,
the water of the brooks was almost too cold to touch. After hiking four miles, we became
eceeding tired. $e felt that we had accomplished a great "ourney.
Paragraph %

!he best place for me to forget all my worries is under a palm tree at dusk. $hen I am
worried about a problem or "ust want to be alone, I will go to the beach around si in the
afternoon and sit in the shade of a palm tree. !he sand is a little hard to sit on, but this does
not bother me. As the wind blows like a whistle, and the waves become softer as they reach
the shore, the air will have a slight smell of the sea. !he pelicans pass by in groups of seven
before they disappear behind the hori'on. Others float on the water, hoping to catch a fish
before leaving. As time passes, there is an immense silence, the sun begins to descend, and
the sky change from tones of dark blue to canary yellow and finally to deep orange. As the
sun slips below the hori'on, I leave behind my worries.
III. Read each of the follo'ing paragraphs. Underline the topic sentence in each of the
follo'ing paragraphs, and 'rite do'n the supporting sentences one the list pro0ided
Paragraph 1
!he reason I don3t think whiskey very often is because I had a bad eperience with it. &ight
months ago, I went drinking with my friend after a graduation ceremony at my university in
@apan. !he day was our last day as students. &veryone was aware that we wouldn3t be able to
meet each other after this day, so everybody was going to en"oy this night drinking liquor.
$hile reminiscing about my university times, I drank considerably whiskey. $hen I start to
go home with some friends, I became aware that I had drunk too much. I don3t remember
anything about getting home. One the following day, my friends said that I fell from the train
platform, so my friends tired to help me, but they couldn3t help because they were also drunk.
I asked why I was living now. !heir response was that the train came to the opposite side of
the platform. I swore not to drink too much after I heard this story.

Paragraph %
$hy don3t I like play> $hen I was only twelve years old, there was a play shown about the
Algerian revolution during .rench 6olonialism. !hat was a time in my country3s history
when the .rench stayed in Algerian for 7=D years. !he play was written about a true story and
was written by a .rench reporter who lived with the .rench army in Algeria. !he play was
about what the .rench did with the Algeria people until the liberation. In the middle of the
play, we saw two .rench soldiers coming out of a tavern. !hey went into the street, really
drunk. %uddenly, they met an Algerian woman who was pregnant. One of them said, 9I bet
she has a baby.? !he other said, 9+o, I swear it is a girl.? !hen after an argument, they bet
some francs and followed the woman. !hey caught her, and one of them took a dagger and
pushed it into her belly. Aow cruel it wasE I really could not stand the sight, and went out of
the theatre, swearing not to see any more plays in my life.

Paragraph &
Aappiness means different things to different people. .or eample, some people believe that
if they have much money or many things, they will be happy. !hey believe that if they are
wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, and so they will be happy. One the other
hand, some people believe that money is not the only happiness. !hese people value their
religion, or their intelligence, or family. I am happy if my wife and my children live in
harmony. $hen all members of my family share good and sad times, and when my children
communicate with each other and work together, I am happy. Although the definition of
happiness depends on each individual, my 9wealth? of happiness is in my family.

Paragraph .
2ountain climbing is a very dangerous sport with special requirements and strict climbing
rules. !he first requirement is to complete a course in a certified climbing school, where you
learn about mountains conditions and safe climbing. Another requirement is to wear special
clothing that is appropriate for the season( a helmet and climbing boots complete your outfit.
You must also carry special equipment) iron spikes to hammer into cracks for support and
safety and special climbing ropes. In addition to the special requirements, there are also strict
climbing rules for mountaineers. You can climber who slips from falling. You climb one
foothold and handhold at a time. You must give eact commands and responses to your
climbing partners, and when are tired, you need to find a ledge to rest on. 2ost mountain
climbers would agree that mountains. Above you, the sky and the moving clouds are a
spectacular sight. &n"oy the glorious landscape, for that is your reward for living made it to
the topic of the mountainE
1. Special re3uire*ents for *ountain cli*(ing
8. Strict rules for cli*(ing rea*s
Paragraph /
%kydiving, a wild sport, requires strict training and special equipment and a plan for "umping
out of the plane. !his sport is for people of all ages who are in top physical condition and
have strong nerves. If you qualify, contact a top professional skydiving school of instructions.
:efore you can sky dive, you must attend si hours of class lectures about safety and the use
of equipment. .irst, you learn how to recogni'e and react to an emergency quickly. !hen you
do physical drills that copy the correct body position in the air. After that, you learn how to
steer parachute. .inally, you learn how to land on the ground without getting in"ured. !he
special equipment for a skydiver includes wearing skydiving clothing) a "umpsuit, a safety
helmet, and ankle-high boots, and a main chute and a second back-up chute. After you
complete the course, you are ready to "ump out of the plane. You board a small plane with
several altitude of about four thousand feet. Once you are outside the plane, you follow the
"umpmaster3s instructions) after you let go of the metal pole on the wing, you fall with per
hour. $hen you pull the cord, the nylon parachute opens. As you float gently toward the
ground, you en"oy the quiet and beauty of your surroundings and hope you remember the
"umpmaster3s final instructions for a happy landingE
7. You must attend si hours of class lectures.
8. !he special equipment for skydiving includes the following.
=. Outside the plane, you follow the "umpmaster3s instructions.
The 7nd of Unit .8
I. Introduction to the !oncluding Sentence
After you have finished the last supporting sentence the main point of a paragraph,
you must end the paragraph with a concluding sentence. !his sentence tells the reader that the
paragraph is finished, and it completes the development of the sub"ect of the paragraph.
!he concluding sentence is like the topic sentence because both are general
statements. Aowever, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence, the general statement
that introduces the topic to be discussed in the paragraph. !he concluding sentence is also a
general statement, but it is last sentence and the ends paragraph.
!he concluding the sentence reminds the reader of the topic sentence. In fact, the
concluding sentence can be written like the topic sentence but in different words.
$hen you write a concluding sentence, you can use one of the following methods.
%tate the topic sentence in different words. 5o not "ust copy the topic sentence.
%ummari'e some ;or all< of the points in the paragraph.
A concluding sentence serves three purposes)
1. It signals the end of the paragraph.
2. It summarizes the main points of the paragraph.
3. It gives a final comment on the topic and leaves the reader with
the most important ideas to think about.
You may begin the concluding sentence with a phrase that tells the reader that the paragraph
is completed)
These are follo'ed () a co**a. These are not follo'ed () a co**a.
.inally, /
In conclusion, /
In summary, /
!herefore, /
!hus, /
As a result, /
.or these reasons, /
Indeed, /
In brief, /
In short, /
$e can see that/
It is clear that/
!hese eamples show that/
!here can be no doubt that/
!he evidence suggests that/

!he eamples that follow demonstrate two different types of concluding sentences. !he first
one paragraph the topic sentence( that is, concluding sentence repeats the main idea of the
topic sentence in different words. !he second eample summari'es the two main points of the
paragraph which were specially stated in the topic sentence. !he topic sentence and the
concluding sentence in the paragraphs below are underlined. 1ead each of the topic sentences
and concluding sentences carefully.
Unit /: T$7 !ON!,UIN# S7NT7N!7
+odel Paragraph 1
+odel Paragraph %
II. The !oncluding !o**ent
After the concluding sentence of a paragraph, you may add a concluding comment.
!his sentence is the writer3s final comment or thought about the sub"ect of the paragraph. !he
purpose of the final comment is to give the reader sometimes to think about and to remember
about the paragraph. In the following eample, the second last sentence that is italici'ed is the
concluding sentence and the last sentence that is underlined is the writer3s final comment
about river rafting.
I. $rite a concluding sentence for each of the following topic sentences.
%ynonyms , words that have the same basic meaning, do not always have the same
emotional meaning. .or eample, the words stingy and frugal both mean 9careful with
money?. Aowever, to call a person stingy is an insult, while the word frugal has a much
more positive connotation. %imilarly, a person wants to be a slender but not skinny, and
aggressive but not pushy. !herefore, you should be careful in choosing words because
many so-called synonyms are not really synonymous at all.
,old, a precious metal, is pri'ed for two important characteristics. .irst of all, gold has a lustrous
beauty that is resistant to corrosion. !herefore, it is suitable for "ewelry, coins, and ornamental
purposes. ,old never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. .or eample, a
2acedonian remains as untarnished today as the day it was minted twenty-three countries ago.
Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. .or many years,
it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. !he most recent use of gold is in astronaut3s
suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated heat shields for protection outside the spaceship. In concluding,
gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.
1iver rafting is a challenging sport with importance to requirements. .irst of all, planning your trip
carefully ensures your safety at all times. !herefore, the river rafting company you choose should
have a good safety record. You can select a river rafting trip from level 7 ;no eperience< to level G
;the most eperience<. At level 7, the river moves slowly and does not have many dangerous rocks
and boulders, so you can actually en"oy the scenery. At each level up the scale, there is an
increasing number of powerful waves and dangerous rocks. $hen the river is high from melting
snow, the current is fast, and the ride is rough. !herefore, it is only for the most eperienced river
runner. In addition, river rafting requires special equipments. You ride an inflatable rubber boat
with an epertly trained equipments guide and group of si to eight people. &veryone must wear a
life "acket and a helmet and be able to use a paddle at the more difficult levels. .inally, you must be
alter at all times. You must stay safety in the raft as it makes its way down the raging river. !he
guide will shout instructions, and the passenger must obey instantly and work as a team to avoid
disaster. !he chances of falling overboard are great. Because river conditions can be dangerous at
the higher levels of difficulty, the wild, eciting adventure is only for the courageous and
eperienced. !n short, if you are fearless and in good physical condition and can react "uickly,
river rafting is the ideal outdoor sport for you.
7. Malentine3s 5ay makes people feel bad if they are alone.

8. In my opinion, people should be at least eighteen years old before they are allowed to get a
driver3s license.

=. !he cafeteria is an epensive place to eat.

0. !he old bookcase was very cluttered.

C. &veryone is the car should fasten his or her safety belt.

G. 2y first little kitten has turned into a mischievous and beautiful feline.

H. 2y eleventh birthday was my best of my childhood.

I. &nglish is a difficult language for me to learn for three reasons.

J. It is difficult to quit smoking for these reasons.

7D. @ogging is healthful for several reasons.

77. %now skiing on the highest mountains requires great skills.

78. !he legal age for drinking alcohol drinks should be twenty-one for several reasons.

7=. &veryone set up their plan for their future.

70. 5oing football pool is not a good way to make money.

7C. #istening to music can sort out your stress.

II. Read the follo'ing topic sentences. !ircle the letter of the *ost appropriate
concluding sentence. Notice that *ost of the concluding sentence (eing 'ith transition
signals although it is not al'a)s necessar) that the) do.
7. 2y greatest problem in learning &nglish is oral communication.
a. Indeed, learning to read and write &nglish is difficult.
b. Indeed, because I do not speak &nglish enough, my listening and speaking skills
have not improved.
c. Indeed, everyone should practice speaking &nglish more.
8. %moking is unhealthy because it can cause heart and lung disease( moreover, it is
a. In brief, smoking cigarettes is a bad idea.
b. In brief, smoking is affects your health, and it is also a waste of money.
c. In brief, smoking if a bad habit.
=. In my opinion, college grads are necessary because they motivate students to do their
homework and to attend class regularly.
a. !herefore, college grads are important.
b. !herefore, students should be graded for their own good.
c. !herefore, college grads are important because they cause students to be more
serious and to try harder.
0. 2y ma"or goals are getting a part-time "ob and mastering the use of the &nglish language.
a. In short, my ma"or goals are getting a part-time "ob and master the use of the
&nglish language.
b. In short, if I do not reach my goals, I will be unhappy.
c. In short, finding a "ob and using &nglish well are important to me.
C. #ondon has ecellent bus and subway system.
a. It is clear that the publish transportation system in #ondon provides reliable service
at all times.
b. It is clear taking a bus in #ondon in convenient.
c. It is clear taking a publish transportation in a good was to get around in #ondon.
III. !hoose the (est ending for each paragraph. !hoose )our ans'er a, (, c, or d.
7. $hen 6hristopher 6olumbus sailed west from %pain in 70J8, he wanted to reach Asia.
Ae did not know there was another continent in between &urope and Asia. In fact, when
he died, he still believed that the land he had found was//
a. %pain. (. America. c. Another continent d. Asia.
8. !he yew tree grows very slowly and can live for hundreds of years. In southern
&ngland one year, a terrible storm blew many tall, old yew trees. %ome of these splendid
trees were more than =DD years old. +ew yew trees have been planted, but they will//
a. grow more quickly. (. never be as splendid as the old trees.
c. only live for a few years. d. be tall and splendid only after many years.
=. .og is a ma"or cause of accidents on highways in some areas. &very year many
thousands of people lose their lives because fog can dangerously reduce visibility. !he
driver cannot see very far ahead so they//.
a. do not have time to avoid accidents. (. go faster to avoid accidents.
c. have more time to read the signs d. do not have time to have accidents.
0. %cottish people like to think that golf is a %cottish sport. !he game did not come from
%cotland, however. It was first played in Aolland in the 70
century. Only later did it
a. popular with the 5utch (. popular in %cotland.
c. a real sport. d. an Olympic sport.
I5. Read the follo'ing conclusions. !ircle the letter of the *ost appropriate final
thought for each one. Notice the transition signals that introduce the 'riter6s final
7. In short, television provides many hours of good, free entertainment that the whole family
van en"oy.
a. Aowever, television can also take over our lives if we do not know when to turn it
off. !herefore, we must not watch television at the epense of other activities.
b. Aowever, violence on television can have a very negative effect on children
because they cannot separate make believe firm the real world.
c. in fact, I like to watch about four hours of television every night.
8. %mokers on the "ob make it uncomfortable for their co-workers( furthermore, they are less
productive on the "ob that nonsmokers.
a. !herefore, smoking is bad for everyone3s health.
b. !herefore, it smokers want to get along with their co-workers and improve their
work performance( they should stop smoking on the "ob.
c. !herefore, if smoking should outside the workplace only.
=. !hese eamples have shown that it is no longer unusual to see men working as nurses,
secretaries, and elementary school teachers.
a. Indeed, there is less seism in the working world as men have proven themselves to
be as capable as women.
b. %o, young boys should become airline pilots, bridge construction workers, and
symphony conductors.
c. !herefore, women should become airline pilots, bridge construction workers, and
symphony conductors.
The 7nd of Unit /8

Another important element of a good paragraph is Unit). &very good paragraph has
unit), which means that only one main idea is discussed. .or instance, if your paragraph is
about the disadvantages of smoking or the cost of smoking, discuss only those. 5o not
mention the advantages of smoking or cost of smoking. 2oreover, it is a good idea for
beginning academic writers to talk about to illustrate another disadvantage, start a new
paragraph. %ometimes it is possible to discuss two or even three or four aspects of the same
idea in one paragraph if they are closely related to each other. ;%ee paragraph about smoking
in unite 8 on page 77.< .or eample, you can describe about the disadvantages of smoking on
respiratory system and bad breath because they are closely related, but you should not refer to
bad breath and the prices of cigarettes because they are far different.
!he second part of the unity is that every supporting sentence must directly eplain or
prove the main idea that is stated in the topic sentence. 5o not include any information that
does not directly support the topic sentence. %ometimes students write supporting sentences
that are 9off the topic1. !hese are called irrele0ant sentences. .or eample, if you are
writing a paragraph about high cost of college tuition, you could mention inflation as a factor.
Aowever, if you write several sentences about inflation, you are getting off the topic, and
your paragraph will not have unity.
%tudy the three paragraphs that follow. All of them discuss the same topic. In your
opinion, which paragraph has unity and which two do not> $hich paragraph talks much more
than one topic> $hich paragraph has irrelevant sentences>

Paragraph 1
The Usefulness of 7nglish
%tudying &nglish is useful for three main reasons. .irstly, we find it easy to communicate
with the world because &nglish is spoken worldwide. %econdly, we have the priority to
pursue our high education abroad. As you can see most universities in the world,
especially those in America, require students to have good &nglish. In addition, it is easy
for us all to pursue our high education abroad as well if we know .rench clearly. .inally,
we can do the research easily if we know &nglish, for most books related to environment,
science, philosophy, education, and so on are written in &nglish. In conclusion, &nglish
can give us three main benefits) worldwide communication, high education opportunities,
and easy way to do research.
*han 1atana
; 6ambodia<
Unit C: UNIT>
Paragraph %
Paragraph &
#ook at the following paragraph. !he topic sentence has already been underlined. 1ead each
of the supporting sentences carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
" National Treasure
7. 5oes the paragraph A +ational !reasure have 4nity> $hy> $hy not>
The Usefulness of 7nglish
%tudying &nglish is useful for three main reasons. .irstly, we find it easy to communicate
with the world because &nglish is spoken worldwide. %econdly, we have the priority to
pursue our high education abroad. As you can see most universities in the world,
especially, in America, require student to have good &nglish. .inally, we can do the
research easily if we know &nglish, for most books related to environment, science,
philosophy, education and so on are written in &nglish. In conclusion, &nglish can give us
three main benefits( worldwide communication, high education opportunities, and easy
way to do research.
The Usefulness of 7nglish
%tudying &nglish is useful for three main reasons. .irstly, we find it easy to communicate
with the world because &nglish is spoken worldwide. %econdly, we have priority to pursue
our high education abroad. As you can see most universities in the world, especially, those
in America, require student to have good &nglish. In contrast, studying &nglish is also has
two main disadvantages. !he initial disadvantage is that you have to spend much money
studying &nglish. another disadvantage is that you have to spend much time. .or eample,
you may spend one, two or three hour every weekday for a long time to master the &nglish
language. .inally, we can do the research easily if we know &nglish, for most books
related to environment, science, philosophy, education and so on are written in &nglish. In
conclusion, &nglish can give us three main benefits( worldwide communication, high
education opportunities, and easy way to do research.

!he %mithsonian Institute, located in $ashington, 5.6., was established in 7I0G for two reasons.
!he first was to do fundamental research and then publish the findings of this research. !his
research is used by the historians and scientists all over the world. !he second reason was to
preserve the history and culture of 4nited %tates. !he %mithsonian Institute established a museum
to do this. !he original building still stands to day and it called the %mithsonian 2useum. %ince
that first museums are the +ational Air and %pace 2useum, the +ational ,allery of Art, and the
+ational 2useum of +ation Aistory. !he president of 4nited %tates also lives in $ashington, 5.6.
!hese two functions of the %mithsonian Institute continue to be very important to the America

8. If it doesn3t have 4nity, what is the sentence that marks this paragraph lack of unity> $rite
the sentence in the space below.

%ince this is a paragraph about the %mithsonian Institute, all the sentences should talk
about that. Aowever, the sentence about the president of the #nited $tates is not about the
$mithsonian !nstitute. !herefore, it does not belong in this paragraph and should be crossed
out. A sentence that does not belong in a paragraph is called an irrele0ant sentence.
I. 2inding irrele0ant sentences: 2ind the irrele0ant sentences and cross the* out so that
the paragraph 'ill (e unified.
Paragraph 1
T'o Si*ilar !anals
!he %ue' 6anal and the *anama 6anal have similar histories. !oday, many tourists
visit both canals. !he same .renchman, .erdinand de #esseps, controlled the initial building
of both canals. !he %ue' 6anal was begun in 7ICJ by the %ue' 6anal 6ompany. !his
company, which completed the pro"ects in7IGJ, was controlled by .rench. #ikewise, the
.rench bought a 6olombian canal building company in 7II7 in order to build the *anama
6anal. Americans finally, finished that canal. In the end, however, both canals finally came
under control of the countries in which they are located. &gypt gained control of the %ue'
6anal in 7JCH by fighting .rance and :ritain. *anama gained control over its canal peaceably
in 7JHH. !hese similar events took palace about twenty years apart and provided the world
with two important waterways.
Paragraph %
" Wo*an of Strength
!he strength of character that &leanor 1oosevelt possessed was obvious in her face.
One her head, which was always help high, her light hair was styled in a non-nonsense way
and did not cover her forehead or eyes. Aer eyebrows were thick and natural, and under these
were intense eyes, which revealed her intelligent mind. Aer nose was straight, and, as she
aged, her checks sagged in a bit and formed the common wrinkles that make a triangle out of
the nose and edges of the mouth. %he was serious woman, but, when she smiled, her smile
showed sincerity and genuine pleasure. %he was a great asset to her husband, .ranklin, who
was president of the 4nited %tates from 7J=8 to 7J0C. In short, it was clear from the first
impression that &leanor 1oosevelt was a strong woman.
Paragraph &
Ne' Sports
!he people have more time and money to spend on recreation, new sports are
developed. !raditional sports such as racing-on foot, horses, and skis, and in boats, cars, and
airplanes-are still popular. !wenty-five years ago, no one had ever heard of windsurfing.
+ow it is the rage at beach resorts everywhere. !hirty years ago, who would have thought
that intelligent men and women would "ump out of airplane for fun, as they do in the sport of
skydiving> !wenty years ago, not many people believe that humans would be able to glide
through the air like birds, as they do in the popular sport of hang gliding.
Paragraph .
+odern =oos
Poos are scientist centers with living laboratories. %cientists conduct important
research in reproductive programs in an attempt to preserve some species. Poologist can
observe the animals mating and giving birth. !he natural living condition of the various
species is duplicated. 2oreover, scientists can study the habits, disease, and behavior patterns
of the animals at different stages in their lives. !hat knowledge is used to keep them healthy
and contented. !he temperature in the enclosed habitats is controlled although the outside
temperatures vary. Obviously, such scientific studies in 'oos are very beneficial for all of the
Paragraph /
"uto*ated !usto*er Ser0ice
!oday people have fewer human contacts as they go about their personal business. !o
buy gas, you can pull up the alongside a gas pump, insert a credit card, and fill the tank
without the help of an attendant. !he charge is made automatically to your credit card. You
can pay for your purchase inside the station office. If you want to make a deposit or withdraw
some money from the bank, you can step up to an automated teller machine ;A!2< to
complete your business without talking to a public lot, you drive alongside a ticket dispenser
machine, from which an automated voice eplains what you should do. !he gate machine
then opens, and allows the car in. when you leave, you insert the ticket in a automate
customer service>

Paragraph C
The Spread of $I5B"IS 7pide*ic
!he AIMLAI5% epidemic is still growing eplosively in most parts of the world. In
central and &astern &urope, AIM is spreading rapidly in countries that had almost no cases a
few years ago. In 6hina, there were an estimated 7D,DDD AIM infected persons at the end of
7JJ=, and this total grew ten-fold, to 7DD,DDD, by the end of 7JJC. !here is evidence that in
the 4nited %tates, the 4nited Kingdom, Australia, and +ew Pealand, AIM, infection rates are
declining, at least among males. !his is the combination of prevention methods. In the
countries of sub-%aharan Africa, the AIMLAI5% epidemic rages on. In Kenya, 2alawi,
1wanda, !an'ania, 4ganda, Pambia, and Pimbabwe, percent of women visiting postnatal
clinics in urban areas are infected with AIM, and in some areas, the rate is 0D percent.
Although there is no cure for AIMLAI5%, new medicines are available that prolong the lives
of people with AIM.
Paragraph D
The con0enience and 7cono*) of s*all !ars
!he convenience and economy cars account for their popularity. !hey are easy to park
quickly and take smaller parking space. %mall cars are also a means of conserving energy
because they use less gas than big car. %mall cars are inconvenient and uncomfortable on
long trips, however, because of the limited passenger and trunk space. !hey are also more
economical to operate and maintain, and they cost less. :ecause of all these advantages, the
net car I buy is going to be an &cono-2idget.
Paragraph E
$a'aii6s ,eading Industr)
!ourism is the states of Aawaii3s leading industry. &very year, some million tourists visit the
island. 5uring the popular winter months, a planeload or shipload of tourists arrives every
fifteen minutes. +ew hotels, new resorts, new restaurants are being build every year to
accommodate the increasing numbers of visitors. %ugar cane and pineapples are also
important industries in Aawaii.
Paragraph F
The retire*ent of the si9t)Afi0e )ear old e*plo)ee
!he sity-five year old employee was depressed at the thought of retirement. Ais boss
told him that he has to retire because he was at retirement age, but he didn3t want to retire.
!herefore, he became depressed. In addition, he had load of work to complete in "ust a short
time. Ae thought that his days would be depressing from then on because he was retired. In
fact, he was so depress that his wife made him find another "ob with a company that didn3t
have retirement age. Ae wasn3t depressed after that.
Paragraph 1G
Naren on her 'edding da)
+aren looked picture-perfect on her wedding. Aer long, dark hair had been curled for
the occasion, and on the top of it rested a small veil. 4nder her naturally arched eyebrows,
her warm brown eyes reflected serenity. Aer eyes had only slightest bit of makeup on them,
as usual. Aer cheeks were rosy, and her lips were naturally red and full. %he stood straight ad
an arrow as she walked down the aisle on the arm of he father. %he wore a short, white,
elegant dress and help a bouquet of white gardenias for her yesterday. Aer stride was
confident, yet formal, and made in white sandals. In deed, +aren looked beautiful as she
walked toward her new husband and her new life.
II. 70aluating Paragraphs for Unit): This e9ercise is si*ilar to the pre0ious one, (ut it
is a little (it *ore difficult. !ontinue to loo4 for irrele0ant sentences, (ut note that there
*a) (e *ore than one in each paragraph or there *a) not (e an). !ross out all the
irrele0ant sentences that )ou find.
Paragraph 1
ifficult >ears
2y father grew up during a difficult time in 4.%. history called the 5epression. It
occurred after the cash of the stock market in 7JJ8, when my father was ten years old. 2any
people lost their business and their money, and my father3s family was no different. !he
restaurant they owned closed because no one could afford to eat out. !hey had very little
money, and my father often had little or nothing to eat during the day. %ome millionaires
killed themselves because they lost all their money. Ae had one pair of shoes, which he had
gotten from his father. Ae wore the shoes for many years and put cardboard or newspaper in
the soles when they got holds in them. 5uring this time of economic hardship, like many
people, my father and his parents lost their home, too. !hey had to live in a two-room
apartment with his aunt and uncle and their three kids. All in all, the 5epression years were
hard for most people, including my father.
Paragraph %
" ;eacon of 2reedo*
!he %tatue of #iberty must have been a welcoming sight for the many immigrants
who came to the 4nited %tates at the end of the nineteenth century. %he stands in the middle
of +ew York Aarbor and is over =DD feet tall. Aer right hand is raised as far as it can be and
is holding a torch that is made of gold, so it looks like a light at the end of a long "ourney.
One top of her head is a crown with several spikes around the edge of the crown. It almost
looks like a halo, and indeed, she was considered as an angle to many foreigners seeking a
new life. !he look on her face is strong and loving and, to some, may have the look of a
mother welcoming her children home. In her left hand, she holds a book, and at her feet are
broken chains, which symboli'ed the freedom that so many immigrants came to this country
looking for. &ven the message carved on the pedestal holding the stature is one that calls
people from all over the world to come to this land. !he %tatue of #iberty certainly must have
made a lasting impression on all the people who came to the 4nited %tates looking for a
better life.
The 7nd of Unit C
Unit D: !OR7R7N!7
After you have learnt unity in unit G, you will learn about coherence, which is another
necessary element of a good paragraph. !he #atin verb cohere means 9hold together.1 In
order to have coherence in writing, the sentence must hold together, that is, the government
from one sentence, to the net ;and in longer easy, from one paragraph to the net< must be
logical and smooth. !here must be no sudden "umps. &ach sentence should flow smoothly
into the net one.
!here are four ways to achieve coherence. !he first two ways involve repeating 4e)
nouns and using pronouns that refer to back key nouns. !he third way is to use transition
signals show how one idea is related to the net. !he fourth way is to achieve coherence
arrange your sentence in logical order. You will practice the four ways to achieve coherence
in this unit.
I. Repetition of Ie) Nouns
!he easiest way to achieve coherence is to repeat key nouns frequently in your paragraph.
#ook at the model paragraph about gold to see how it uses this technique to achieve
coherence. !he key noun in this paragraph is gold. 6ircle the world gold and all pronouns
that refer to it.
Paragraph about Gold with Coherence

You should have circle the noun gold seven times, the pronoun it twice, and the
pronoun it three times. ;!he world it in line G refers to coin, not gold, so you should not have
circled it.<
!here is no fied rule about how often to repeat key nouns or when substitute
pronouns. At the very least, you need to repeat a key noun instead using a pronoun when the
meaning is not clear.
!hroughout the paragraph on the net page, the world gold has been replaced by
pronouns, making the paragraph much less coherent.
Paragraph a(out #old 'ith !oherence
,old, a precious metal, is pri'ed for two important characteristic. .irst of all, gold
has a lustrous beauty there is resistant to corrosion. !herefore, it is suitable for "ewelry,
coins, and ornamental purpose. ,old never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful
forever. .or eample, a 2acedonian remains as untarnished today as the day it was
minted twenty-three countries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its
usefulness to industry and science. .or many years, it has been used in hundreds of
industrial applications. !he most recent use of gold is in astronauts3 suits. Astronauts wear
gold-plated heat shields for protection outside the spaceship. In conclusion, gold is
treasured not onl) for its (eaut) (ut also for its utilit).
II. Use if !onsistent Pronouns
$hen you use pronouns instead of key nouns, make sure that you use the same person and
number throughout your paragraph. 5on3t change from )ou or he to she ;change of person<,
or from he to the) ;change of number<.
In the following *aragraph, the pronouns are not consistent. 6orrect them to make this
paragraph more coherent.
!he following paragraph has already been corrected. !herefore, it is more coherent than the
one you have read on page 0H.
III. Transition Signals
#old, a precious *etal, is pri-ed for t'o i*portant characteristics. .irst of all, it has a
lustrous beauty there is resistant to corrosion. !herefore, it is suitable for "ewelry, coin,
and ornamental purposes. It never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever.
.or eample, a 2acedonian remains as untarnished today as the day it was-three centuries
ago. Another of its important characteristic is its usefulness to industry and science. .or
many years, it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. It most recent use is in
astronauts3 suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated heat shields for protection outside the
spaceship. In conclusion, it is treasured not onl) for its (eaut) (ut also for its utilit).
Ol)*pic "thletes
Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and mentally. .irst of all, if )ou hope to
compete in an Olympic sport, )ou must be physically strong, furthermore, aspiring
Olympic must train rigorously for many years. .or the most demanding sport, the) train
several hours a day, five or si days a week, for ten or more years. In addition to being
physically strong, he or she must also be mentally tough. !his means that )ou have to be
able to withstand the intense pressure of international competition with its attendant media
coverage. .inally, not everyone can win a medal, so the) must possess the inner strength
to live with defeat.
Ol)*pic "thletes
Olympic athletes must be strong both physically and mentally. .irst of all, if the) hope to
compete in an Olympic sport, the) must be physically strong. .urthermore, aspiring
Olympic must train rigorously for many years. .or the most demanding sports, the) train
several hours a day, five or si days a week, for ten or more years. in addition to being
physically strong, the) must also be mentally tough. !his means that they have to be
totally dedicated to their sport, often giving up a normal school, family, and social life.
:eing mentally strong also means that the) must be able to withstand the intense pressure
of international competition, so they must possess the inner strength to live with defeat.
!ransition signals are words such as first, second, net, then, also, finally, therefore,
conse"uently, thus, and however, or phrases such as in my opinion, as a result, in
conclusion, on the other hand, and we can see that.
!hink of transition signals at traffic sighs that tell your reader when to go forward,
turn, slow, and stop. In other words, they tell the reader when you are giving a similar idea
(similarly, moreover, furthermore, in addition), an opposite idea (on the other hand,
however, in contrast), an eample (for eample, for instance), a result (as a result), or a
conclusion (in conclusion, in my opinion, in brief).
4sing transition words as a guide makes it easier for your reader to follow your ideas.
!he transition signals give your paragraph coherence. !here is a table of transition signals for
general use on page CJ.<
6ompare paragraphs 7 and 8 that follow. :oth paragraphs give the same information,
yet one paragraph is easier to understand than the other because contains transition signals to
lead the reader from one idea to the net.
$hich paragraph contains transition signals and is more coherent> 6ircle all of the
transitional signals that you can identify.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph %
$ere is a ta(le of transition signals
Sentence !onnectors !lause !onnectors
!o introduce
an additional
in addition furthermore
and another
an additional
;Q noun<
A different among the world3s seas and oceans is that the salinity varies in different
climate 'ones. !he :altic %ea in +orthern &urope is only one fourth as saline as the 1ed
%ea in the 2iddle &ast. !here are reasons for this. In warm climates, water evaporates
rapidly. !he concentration of salt is greater. !he surrounding land is dry and does not
contribute much fresh water to dilute the salty sea water. In cold climate 'ones, water
evaporates slowly. !he runoff created by melting snow adds a considerable amount of
fresh water to dilute the saline seawater.
Another different among the world3s seas and oceans is that the salinity varies in different
climate 'ones. .or eample, !he :altic %ea in +orthern &urope is only one-fourth as
saline as the 1ed %ea in the 2iddle &ast. !here are two reasons for this. .irst of all, in
warm climate 'ones, water evaporates rapidly( therefore, the consequently, does not
contribute much fresh water to dilute the salty sea water. In cold climate 'ones, on the
melting snow adds a considerable amount of fresh water to dilute the saline sea water.
!o introduce
An opposite
Idea on the other hand
in contrast
even though
!o introduce a
choice or
Otherwise or if
!o introduce a
restaurant or
in fact
that is
!o introduce
an eample
for eample
for instance
an eample
of ;Qnoun<
such as
!o introduce a
conclusion or
in conclusion
in brief
in short
!o introduce a
accordingly as a
result as
I5. ,O#I!", OR7R
In addition to using transition signals and repeating key nouns and pronouns, a
fourth way to achieve coherence is to arrange your sentences in some kind of logical
order. Your choice of one kind of logical order over another will, of course, depend on
your topic and on your purpose. You may even combine two or more different logical
orders in the same paragraph. !he important to point remember is to arrange your idea
in some kind of order that is logical to a reader accustomed to the &nglish way of
%ome common kinds of the logical order in &nglish are chronological order,
logical di0ision of ideas, and co*parisonBcontrast. In this book, you will learn
recogni'e some of the logical orders( in Academic $riting %kills %, you will learn to
write them.
&ach kind of order has it own special words and phrase to show the relationship
among the ideas. .or eample, in a piece of writing using chronological order, you
would epect to find a lot of time epression)
2irst, second, ne9t, then, after, that, (efore the last se*ester, after 1FDF, since then, in
1FDF, 'hile 'or4ing in the office, etc.
In paragraph showing differences ;contrast<, you would find these epressions)
!he most noticeable difference, larger than, unlike, on the other hand, in contrast, different from
In a paragraph showing similarities ;comparison<, you find these epressions)
Si*ilarit), si*ilarl), as interesting as, <ust as, <ust li4e, co*pare 'ith, in co*parison
#ogical division of ideas is another common method of organi'ing ideas to give paragraph
coherence. Ideas are put into groups, and each group is discussed one after the other.
!ransition words such as first, second, third introduce each group.
I. In the follo'ing paragraph, the 4e) noun is ne0er repeated. Replaced the pronoun it
'ith the 4e) noun 7nglish 'here0er )ou thin4 doing so 'ould *a4e the paragraph
*ore coherent.
&nglish has almost become an international language. &cept for 6hinese, more
people speak it than any other language. %panish is the official language of more countries in
the world, but more countries have it as their official or unofficial second language on the
Internet. In international business, it is used more than any other language, and it is the
language of airline pilots and air traffic controllers all over the world. 2oreover, although
.rench used to be the unless you plan to spend your life alone on a dessert island in the
middle of pacific Ocean, it is a useful language to know.
II. In the follo'ing passage a(out dolphins, replace so*e of the pronouns 'ith
appropriate singular or plural nouns.
5olphins are interesting because they display almost human behavior at times. .or
eample, they display the human emotions of "oy and sadness. 5uring training, when they do
something correctly, they squeal ecitedly and race toward their trainer. $hen they make a
mistake, however, they drop noticeable and mope around their pool. .urthermore, they help
each other when they are in trouble. If one is sick, it sends out a message, and others in the
area swim to help it. !hey push it to the surface of the water so that is can breathe. !hey stay
with it for days or weeks-until it recovers or dies. !hey have also help trapped or lost whales
navigate their way safety out to the open sea. !hey are also intelligent and helpful, in fact,
that the 4.%. +avy is training them to become underwater bomb disposal eperts.
III. !ircle all of the transition signals in the follo'ing paragraphs and then punctuation
the transition signals if necessar).
#enetic 7ngineering
,enetic research has produced both eciting and frightening possibilities. %cientists
are now able to create new forms of life in the laboratory due to the development of gene
splicing. On the one hand the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly benefit
humankind. .or eample, it is very epensive to obtain insulin from natural sources but
through genetic research, scientists have now developed a way to manufacture it
inepensively in the laboratory. Another beneficial application of the gene splicing is in
agriculture. ,enetic engineers have created a new tomato that doesn3t spoil quickly.
6onsequently tomato farmers can now let the tomatoes ripen on the plant and develop full
flavor and color before they are picked-no more green, flavorless tomatoes in grocery storesE
In addition genetic engineers have created larger fish, frost-resistant strawberries, and more
productive cows.
On the other hand not everyone is positive about gene-splicing technology. %ome
people feel that it could have terrible consequence. A laboratory accident for eample might
cause an epidemic of an unknown disease that could wipe out humanity. .urthermore the
ability to clone human being is a possibility that frightens many people. In 7JJ=, a researcher
at ,eorge $ashington 4niversity 2edical 6enter cloned human embryos can be fro'en and
used at a later date, it could be possible for parents to have a child and then, years later, to use
a cloned, fro'en embryo to give birth to its identical twin.
I5. !hoosing Transition Signals: !ircle the transition signal that (est sho's the
relationship (et'een the sentences in each group fro* the choices gi0en in parentheses.
Note: All of the transition signals in this practice are sentence connectors. !his is give you
more practice in using and punctuating this type of transition signal correctly.
7. !he same article said that the causes of inflation were easy to find. ;AoweverLfor
eampleL!herefore<, the cure for inflation was not easy to prescribe.
8. &ra also suggested that rising wages were one of the primary causes of inflation(
;howeverLthereforeLfor eample<, the government should take action to control
=. In physics, the weight of an ob"ect is the gravitational force with which the &arth
attracts it. ;2oreoverLthereforeLfor eample<, a man weighs 7CD pounds, this
means that the earth pulls him down with a force of 7CD pounds.
0. !he farther away from the &arth a person is, the less the gravitation force of the
&arth. ;in conclusionLthereforeLhowever<, a man weighs less when he is CD,DDD
miles from the &arth than when he is only C,DDD miles away.
C. I read the book you suggested. I didn3t en"oy it, ;althoughLhowever<.
G. ;In spite of, although< we warmed him, Aarry still got lost.
H. ;AlthoughLhowever< I like it here, I won3t stay here long.
I. 6ars are fast and convenient. ;On the other handL$hereas<, they cause traffic
problems in cities.
J. I didn3t have much time, ;butLhowever< I managed to visit lost of places.
7D. Kate won the race, ;althoughLdespite< falling over.
77. ;AlthoughLin spite of< the delay, the train arrived on time.
78. I didn3t manage to "ump over the wall, ;althoughLyet< I tired twice.
7=. ;AlthoughLhowever< !ime felt tired, he stayed up to finish his homework.
70. I found &nglish hard at first. ;AoweverLstill<, I soon started en"oy it.
7C. I3m not sure I agree with you. ;AlthoughLhowever<, your ideas are worth
5. 2ill in each (lan4 'ith an appropriate transition signal fro* the list pro0ided in the
(o9. Use each onl) once. Use correct punctuation.
.or instance moreover furthermore in conclusion
Aowever but for eample such as
Internationali-ation of Japan
.or many years, @apanese consumers have been very slow in accepting foreign foods, mainly
because they are very selective and will only purchase high quality products. #ately
the consumer market has been changing. According to a recent article in !he $all
%treet @ournal, Io4usai4a which is defined as 9internationali'ation,? is influencing young
@apanese consumers, who are very eager to purchase and en"oy products from country around
the world. !he greatest access into the @apanese market has been by the food industry.
!raditional, the protein staple in @apan has been fish products, in the last
decade or so, the @apanese have been consuming more beef. In fact, annual per capita
consumption is ecepted to be about seven kilos in the net decade.
they have required a taste for imported beverage, both of the nonalcohol or
alcohol varieties, like beer drinks and 9light? wines imported from &ngland, ,ermany,
$eit'erland, the 4nited %tates, and Australia. young people, especially
woman who are aware of the important of health and fitness, are eating $estern-style
breakfast. they en"oy fruit, milk, and bran-type cereals imported from the 4nited
+ot only $estern countries but also Asian nations %outh Korea,
!aiwan, %ingapore, and !hailand have been benefiting from the changing diet of the @apanese
consumer. @apan is importing eels;fish< from the *hilippines.
@apanese trend toward internationali'ation should become even greater as we
approach the twenty-first century. It will certainly increase international trade, which will
definitely be advantageous to many countries in the world.
5I. 2ill in the (lan4s in the follo'ing paragraph 'ith the appropriate transition 'ords
fro* the (o9 (elo'. So*e transition 'ords are not used.
%hopping at %orya3s 6lothing %upermarket can be rewarding(////;7<//, you
have to know what you3re doing or you3ll miss the bargains//..;8<//.,take some time to
study their sales in the newspaper each week. !hey always have certain brands on sales(
//..;=<//., many items have been marked down up to HC per cent, so you can get great
bargains//..;0<//, I bought a shirt one day for BH.JC that retailed for B8C///;C<
//..,I bought a pair of designer "eans for BJ.JJ that retailed for B=D//..;G<
// at %orya3s can be rewarding(////;H<//.., suggest you give it a try.
Write your answers here!
7 8 = 0 C G H
The 7nd of Unit D8
a. first b. net c. in addition d. in fact e. finally
f. however g. second h. also i. as you can see
". one k. therefore l. despite m. although
n. for eample

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