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1he 22
Annual lnLernaLlonal lLLL Symposlum on lleld-rogrammable CusLom CompuLlng Machlnes
8osLon, MA uSA May 11-13 2014

1he lLLL Symposlum on lleld-rogrammable CusLom CompuLlng Machlnes ls Lhe orlglnal and premler
forum for presenLlng and dlscusslng new research relaLed Lo compuLlng LhaL explolLs Lhe unlque
feaLures and capablllLles of lCAs and oLher reconflgurable hardware. Cver Lhe pasL Lwo decades, lCCM
has been Lhe place Lo presenL papers on archlLecLures, Lools, and programmlng models for fleld-
programmable cusLom compuLlng machlnes as well as appllcaLlons LhaL use such sysLems. apers on Lhe
LradlLlonal Loplcs of lCCM as descrlbed below are sollclLed. novel research ln Lhe general area of
reconflgurable compuLlng ls also encouraged:

)*+,-./+.0*/1 234 5*67*288-37 #64/91
- ArchlLecLures for hlgh-performance and/or low-power conflgurable compuLlng
- new spaLlal archlLecLures wlLh lmmense parallellsm buL dlfferenL baslc componenLs Lhan lCAs
- SysLem-level archlLecLures for reconflgurable compuLlng ln elLher real-Llme or non-real-Llme sysLems
- PeLerogeneous archlLecLures LhaL lnLegraLe a mlx of coarse, flne, speclal-purpose, and general-
purpose hardware
- lmpllcaLlons and effecLs of new Lechnologles, lncludlng nanoLechnology, on reconflgurable compuLlng
(and vlce versa)
- SecurlLy enhancemenLs for reconflgurable compuLlng

:237027/1 234 "68;-9/*1
- new languages and developmenL envlronmenLs Lo descrlbe spaLlal or heLerogeneous appllcaLlons
- 1ools Lo make run-Llme reconflguraLlon more accesslble Lo appllcaLlon deslgners
- CompllaLlon and CAu Lechnlques for reconflgurable compuLlng sysLems and oLher spaLlal compuLers

<03=>-8/ ?@1./81 234 <03=>-8/ </+63A-70*2.-63
- CperaLlng sysLem Lechnlques Lo manage run-Llme reconflguraLlon of resources ln reconflgurable
compuLlng or spaLlal compuLlng sysLems
- 8un-Llme CAu algorlLhms Lo supporL Lhe above Lechnlques or lmprove faulL Lolerance/avoldance
- use of reconflgurablllLy Lo bulld evolvable or adapLable compuLlng sysLems
- novel uses of run-Llme reconflguraLlon ln appllcaLlon-speclflc sysLems
- lmpllcaLlons of run-Llme reconflguraLlon on securlLy

- AppllcaLlons LhaL use reconflgurablllLy Lo cusLomlze hardware for sclenLlflc compuLaLlon, moblle
communlcaLlons, medlcal lmage processlng, daLa and communlcaLlon securlLy, neLwork lnfrasLrucLure
and oLher embedded sysLems. 1hese papers should descrlbe novel use of some parLlcular aLLrlbuLe of
Lhe reconflgurable devlce used, or dlscuss lessons LhaL wlll help oLher users.
- Comparlson of appllcaLlon lmplemenLaLlons on dlfferenL spaLlal hardware, such as Cus, mulLl-core
processors, and lCAs
lCCM wlll accepL 8-page full papers for oral presenLaLlon, 4-page shorL papers for shorL oral or posLer
presenLaLlon. All submlsslons should be wrlLLen ln Lhe Lngllsh language. An onllne submlsslon llnk wlll
be avallable on Lhe lCCM webslLe sLarLlng ln laLe uecember. apers should use Lhe formaLLlng LemplaLe
llnked aL Lhe lCCM webslLe.
lCCM uses a bllnd revlewlng sysLem. ManuscrlpLs musL noL ldenLlfy auLhors or Lhelr afflllaLlons. lf
auLhors can reference Lhelr own papers ln such a way LhaL Lhey do noL ldenLlfy Lhemselves as auLhors,
Lhey are encouraged Lo do so. 8eferences LhaL clearly ldenLlfy Lhe auLhors (for example, We bulld on
our prevlous work ." should be shown as 8emoved for bllnd revlew". !"#$%& ()"( *+$,(*-. "/()0%& 1*22
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lCCM 2014 wlll conLlnue Lhe LradlLlon of havlng a besL paper award. We wlll also be lnvlLlng Lhe auLhors
of Lhe besL papers Lo exLend Lhelr works Lo be consldered for publlcaLlon ln a speclal secLlon of ACM's
1ransacLlons on 8econflgurable 1echnology and SysLems (18L1S) for lCCM 2014. Send ln your besL
work for conslderaLlon!

G8;6*.23. H2./1
aper 1lLle and AbsLracL Submlsslon: I2302*@ '&J %&'(
aper Submlsslon: I2302*@ '&J %&'(
noLlflcaLlon of AccepLance: #2*+, '&J %&'(
Camera-ready Copy: );*-9 (J %&'(
Conference: #2@ ''='KJ %&'(

L*723-M-37 "688-..//
Ceneral Chalrs: MarLln PerbordL, 8osLon unlverslLy and Mlrlam Leeser, norLheasLern unlverslLy
rogram Chalr: Lesley Shannon, Slmon lraser unlverslLy
llnance Chalr: xlnmlng Puang, WorcesLer olyLechnlc lnsLlLuLe
ubllcaLlons Chalr: !ason u. 8akos, unlverslLy of SouLh Carollna
ubllclLy Chalr: !ason Anderson, unlverslLy of 1oronLo
LxhlblLs and Sponsorshlps Chalr: Shep Slegel, ALomlc 8ules

lease dlrecL quesLlons abouL Lhe program and submlsslon of papers Lo Lesley Shannon:

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